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This documentation is a reference for SugarCube v2, a free (gratis and libre) story format for Twine/Twee.

Tip: This document is a single page, so you may use your browser's find-in-page functionality—+, +, —to search for specific terms. CTRLFCMDFF3

Note: If you believe that you've found a bug in SugarCube, or simply wish to make a suggestion, you may do so by creating a new issue at its source code repository.

Contributions to this documentation have been graciously made by:


Note: Except where noted, all markup has been available since . v2.0.0

 Naked Variable

In addition to using one of the print macros (<<print>>, <<=>>, <<->>) to print the values of TwineScript variables, SugarCube's naked variable markup allows printing them simply by including them within your normal passage text—i.e., variables in passage text are interpolated into a string representation of their values.

The following forms are supported by the naked variable markup:

Type Syntax Example
Simple variable
Property access,
dot notation
Index/property access,
square bracket notation

If you need to print anything more complex—e.g., using a calculation, , or a method call, —then you will still need to use one of the print macros.$variable[_i + 1]$variable.someMethod()

For example:

/* Explicitly printing the value of $name via the <<print>> macro */
Well hello there, <<print $name>>.

/* Implicitly printing the value of $name via the naked variable markup */ Well hello there, $name.

/* Assuming $name is set to "Mr. Freeman", both should yield the following */ Well hello there, Mr. Freeman.

Because variables within your passage text are transformed into their values automatically, if you actually want to output a variable as-is—i.e., without interpolation; e.g., for a tutorial, debug output, or whatever—then you'll need to escape it in some fashion. For example:

/* Using the nowiki markup: """…""" (triple double-quotes) */
The variable """$name""" is set to: $name

/* Using the nowiki markup: <nowiki>…</nowiki> */ The variable <nowiki>$name</nowiki> is set to: $name

/* Using the double dollar-sign markup (which escapes the $-sigil): $$ */ The variable $$name is set to: $name

/* Assuming $name is set to "Mr. Freeman", all of the above should yield the following */ The variable $name is set to: Mr. Freeman

Additionally, you could use the inline code markup to escape the variable, though it will also wrap the escaped variable within a element, so it's probably best used for examples and tutorials. For example:<code>

/* Using the inline code markup: {{{…}}} (triple curly braces) */
The variable {{{$name}}} is set to: $name

/* Assuming $name is set to "Mr. Freeman", it should yield the following */ The variable <code>$name</code> is set to: Mr. Freeman

SugarCube's link markup consists of a required component and optional and components.LinkTextSetter

The component may be either plain text or any valid TwineScript expression, which will be evaluated early—i.e., when the link is initially processed. Its value should be the title of a passage or any valid URL to a resource (local or remote).Link

The optional component may be either plain text or any valid TwineScript expression, which will be evaluated early—i.e., when the link is initially processed.Text

The optional component, which only works with passage links, must be a valid TwineScript expression, of the <<set>> macro variety, which will be evaluated late—i.e., when the link is clicked on. If you need to specify multiple expressions, then they should be separated by semi-colons ()—e.g., .Setter;$a to 5; $b to true

In addition to the standard pipe separator () used to separate the and components (as seen below), SugarCube also supports the arrow separators ( & ). Particular to the arrow separators, the arrows' direction determines the order of the components, with the arrow always pointing at the component—i.e., the right arrow works like the pipe separator, , while the left arrow is reversed, .|LinkText-><-LinkText->LinkLink<-Text

Warning (Twine 2): Due to how the Twine 2 automatic passage creation feature currently works, using any TwineScript expression for the component will cause a passage named after the expression to be created that will need to be deleted. To avoid this problem, it's suggested that you use the separate argument form of the <<link>> macro in Twine 2 when you need to use an expression. Link

For the following examples assume: is and is $go"Grocery"$show"Go buy milk"
Syntax Example
[[Go buy milk|Grocery]]
[[Grocery][$bought to "milk"]]
[[$go][$bought to "milk"]]
[[Go buy milk|Grocery][$bought to "milk"]]
[[$show|$go][$bought to "milk"]]


SugarCube's image markup consists of a required component and optional , , and components.ImageTitleLinkSetter

The component may be either plain text or any valid TwineScript expression, which will be evaluated early—i.e., when the link is initially processed. Its value may be any valid URL to an image resource (local or remote) or the title of an media (image) passage.Image

The optional component may be either plain text or any valid TwineScript expression, which will be evaluated early—i.e., when the link is initially processed. Its value will be used as the alt text of the image.Title

The optional component may be either plain text or any valid TwineScript expression, which will be evaluated early—i.e., when the link is initially processed. Its value may be the title of a passage or any valid URL to a resource (local or remote).Link

The optional component, which only works with passage links, must be a valid TwineScript expression, of the <<set>> macro variety, which will be evaluated late—i.e., when the link is clicked on. If you need to specify multiple expressions, then they should be separated by semi-colons ()—e.g., .Setter;$a to 5; $b to true

In addition to the standard pipe separator () used to separate the and components (as seen below), SugarCube also supports the arrow separators ( & ). Particular to the arrow separators, the arrows' direction determines the order of the components, with the arrow always pointing at the component—i.e., the right arrow works like the pipe separator, , while the left arrow is reversed, .|ImageTitle-><-ImageTitle->ImageImage<-Title

Warning (Twine 2): Due to how the Twine 2 automatic passage creation feature currently works, using any TwineScript expression for the component will cause a passage named after the expression to be created that will need to be deleted. To avoid this problem, it's suggested that you use the separate argument form of the <<link>> macro in Twine 2 when you need to use an expression. Link

For the following examples assume: is , is , and is $srchome.png$go"Home"$show"Go home"
Syntax Example
[img[home.png][Home][$done to true]]
[img[$src][$go][$done to true]]
[img[Go home|home.png]]
[img[Go home|home.png][Home]]
[img[Go home|home.png][Home][$done to true]]
[img[$show|$src][$go][$done to true]]

Within stylesheets

A restricted subset of the image markup, allowing only the component, may be used within stylesheets—primarily to allow the easy use of media (image) passages. For example:Image

/* Using the external image "forest.png" as the <body> background. */
body {
	background-image: [img[forest.png]];

/* Using the image passage "lagoon" as the <body> background. */
body {
	background-image: [img[lagoon]];

 HTML & SVG Attribute

Warning: None of these features work within the verbatim HTML markup.

 Special Attribute

SugarCube provides a few special HTML & SVG attributes, which you may add to tags to enable special behaviors. There are attributes for passage links, media passages, and setters.

Type Attribute Example
Passage, Link
<a data-passage="PassageName">Do the thing</a>
<area shape="rect" coords="25,25,75,75" data-passage="PassageName">
<button data-passage="PassageName">Do the thing</button>
Passage, Audio
<audio data-passage="AudioPassageName">
Passage, Image
<img data-passage="ImagePassageName">
<image data-passage="ImagePassageName" />
Passage, Source
<source data-passage="AudioOrVideoPassageName">
Passage, Video
<video data-passage="VideoPassageName">
<a data-passage="PassageName" data-setter="$thing to 'done'">Do the thing</a>
<area shape="rect" coords="25,25,75,75" data-passage="PassageName"
	data-setter="$thing to 'done'">
<button data-passage="PassageName" data-setter="$thing to 'done'">Do the thing</button>


 Attribute Directive

HTML & SVG attributes may be prefixed with directives, special text, which trigger special processing of such attributes.

Evaluation directive: , sc-eval:@

The evaluation directive causes the attribute's value to be evaluated as TwineScript. Post-evaluation, the directive will be removed from the attribute's name and the result of the evaluation will be used as the actual value of the attribute.

Warning: The evaluation directive is not allowed on the data-setter attribute—as its function is to evaluate its contents upon activation of its own element—and any such attempt will cause an error.

For the following examples assume: is _id"foo"
Syntax Example Rendered As
<span sc-eval:id="_id">…</span>
<span id="foo">…</span>
<span sc-eval:id="'pre-' + _id + '-suf'">…</span>
<span id="pre-foo-suf">…</span>
<span @id="_id">…</span>
<span id="foo">…</span>
<span @id="'pre-' + _id + '-suf'">…</span>
<span id="pre-foo-suf">…</span>


 Line Continuation

See Also: The various no-break features—<<nobr>> macro, nobr special tag, and Config.passages.nobr setting—all perform a similar, though slightly different, function.

Warning: Line continuations, or any markup that relies on line positioning, are incompatible with the no-break features because of how the latter function.

A backslash () that begins or ends a line is the line continuation markup. Upon processing the backslash, associated line break, and all whitespace between them are removed—thus, joining the nearby lines together. This is mostly useful for controlling whitespace when you want to wrap lines for readability, but not generate extra whitespace upon display, and the <<silently>> macro isn't an option because you need to generate output.\

For example, all of the following: (n.b., represents whitespace that will be removed, represents line breaks)·¬

The rain in Spain falls \¬
mainly on the plain.

The rain in Spain falls \····¬
mainly on the plain.

The rain in Spain falls¬
\ mainly on the plain.

The rain in Spain falls¬
····\ mainly on the plain.

Yield the single line in the final output:

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.


An exclamation point () that begins a line defines the heading markup. It consists of one to six exclamation points, each additional one beyond the first signifying a lesser heading.!

Type Syntax & Example Rendered As Displays As (roughly)
Level 1
!Level 1 Heading
<h1>Level 1 Heading</h1>

Level 1 Heading

Level 2
!!Level 2 Heading
<h2>Level 2 Heading</h2>

Level 2 Heading

Level 3
!!!Level 3 Heading
<h3>Level 3 Heading</h3>

Level 3 Heading

Level 4
!!!!Level 4 Heading
<h4>Level 4 Heading</h4>

Level 4 Heading

Level 5
!!!!!Level 5 Heading
<h5>Level 5 Heading</h5>
Level 5 Heading
Level 6
!!!!!!Level 6 Heading
<h6>Level 6 Heading</h6>
Level 6 Heading


Warning: Because the style markups use the same tokens to begin and end each markup, the same style cannot be nested within itself.

Type Syntax & Example Rendered As Displays As (roughly)


An asterisk () or number sign () that begins a line defines a member of the unordered or ordered list markup, respectively.*#

Type Syntax & Example Rendered As Displays As (roughly)
* A list item
* Another list item
<li>A list item</li>
<li>Another list item</li>
  • A list item
  • Another list item
# A list item
# Another list item
<li>A list item</li>
<li>Another list item</li>
  1. A list item
  2. Another list item


A right angle bracket () that begins a line defines the blockquote markup. It consists of one or more right angle brackets, each additional one beyond the first signifying a level of nested blockquote.>

Syntax & Example Rendered As Displays As (roughly)
>Line 1
>Line 2
>>Nested 1
>>Nested 2
<blockquote>Line 1<br>
Line 2<br>
<blockquote>Nested 1<br>
Nested 2<br>
Line 1
Line 2

Nested 1
Nested 2


Type Syntax & Example Rendered As Displays As (roughly)
More code
More code
More code

 Horizontal Rule

A set of four hyphen/minus characters () that begins a line defines the horizontal rule markup.-

Type Syntax & Example Rendered As Displays As (roughly)
Horizontal rule

 Verbatim Text

The verbatim text markup disables processing of all markup contained within—both SugarCube and HTML—passing its contents directly into the output as plain text.

Type Syntax & Example Rendered As Displays As (roughly)
Triple double quotes
"""No //format//"""
No //format//
No //format//
<nowiki> tag
<nowiki>No //format//</nowiki>
No //format//
No //format//

 Verbatim HTML

A set of opening and closing <html> tags—i.e., —defines the verbatim HTML markup. The verbatim HTML markup disables processing of all markup contained within—both SugarCube and HTML—passing its contents directly into the output as HTML markup for the browser. Thus, you should only use plain HTML markup within the verbatim markup—meaning using none of SugarCube's special HTML attributes or directives.<html></html>

Note: You should virtually never need to use the verbatim HTML markup.

 Custom Style

Warning: Because the custom style markup uses the same tokens to begin and end the markup, it cannot be nested within itself.

Type Syntax Example Rendered As
<span id="alfa" class="bravo">Text</span>
<span style="color:red">Text</span>
<div id="alfa" class="bravo">Text</div>
<div style="color:red">Text</div>
  1. The style-list should be a semi-colon () separated list consisting of one or more of the following: ; As of , the ID and class names components may be conjoined without need of extra semi-colons—e.g., may also be written as . v2.31.0#alfa;.bravo;.charlie;#alfa.bravo.charlie;


A text replacement markup. The template markup begins with a question mark () followed by the template name—e.g., —and are set up as functions-that-return-strings, strings, or arrays of either—from which a random member is selected whenever the template is processed. They are defined via the Template API.??yolo

For example, consider the following markup:

?He was always willing to lend ?his ear to anyone.

Assuming that resolves to and to , then that will produce the following output:?HeShe?hisher

She was always willing to lend her ear to anyone.



Note: Comments used within passage markup are not rendered into the page output.

Type Syntax & Example Supported Within…
C-style, Block
/* This is a comment. */
Passage markup, JavaScript, Stylesheets
TiddlyWiki, Block
/% This is a comment. %/
Passage markup
HTML, Block
<!-- This is a comment. -->
Passage markup


TwineScript in SugarCube is, essentially, JavaScript with an extra spoonful of sugar on top to make it a bit nicer for the uninitiated.


Note: Temporary variables were added in . v2.3.0

A variable is a bit of storage where you may stash a value for later use. In SugarCube, they come in two types: story variables and temporary variables. Story variables are a part of the story history and exist for the lifetime of a playthrough session. Temporary variables do not become part of the story history and only exist for the lifetime of the moment/turn that they're created in. You'll likely use story variables most often throughout your project—though, temporary variables are perfect candidates for things like loop variables, if you're using the <<for>> macro.

For example, you might use the story variable to store the main player character's name or the story variable to store how much money the player has on hand.$name$cash

Values may be of most primitive types and some object types, see Supported Types for more information.

Variable Names

The names of both story and temporary variables have a certain format that they must follow—which signifies that they are variables and not some other kind of data.

The very first, and mandatory, character is their sigil, which denotes whether they are a story or temporary variable. The sigil must be a dollar sign () for story variables or an underscore () for temporary variables.$_

The second, and also mandatory, character of the variable name may be one of the following: the letters A though Z (in upper or lower case), the dollar sign, and the underscore (i.e., )—after their initial use as the sigil, the dollar sign and underscore become regular variable characters.A-Za-z$_

Subsequent, optional, characters have the same set as the second with the addition of numerals (i.e., , so the full set is ). No other characters are allowed.0-9A-Za-z0-9$_

A few examples of valid names:

/* Story variables */

/* Temporary variables */ _i _something2 _some_loop_value _COUNT

Using Variables 使用变量

Note: This is not an exhaustive list. There are many ways to use and interact with variables.

To modify the values contained within variables, see the <<set>> macro and setter links.
要修改变量中包含的值,请参阅 <<set>> 宏和 setter 链接

To print the values contained within variables, see the naked variable markup and the <<print>>, <<=>>, and <<->> macros.
要打印变量中包含的值,请参阅裸变量标记<<print>><<=>><<->> 宏。

To control aspects of your project based on the values contained within variables, see the <<if>> and <<switch>> macros.
要根据变量中包含的值控制项目的各个方面,请参阅 <<if>><<switch>> 宏。

 Supported Types  支持的类型

The following types of values are natively supported by SugarCube and may be safely used within story and temporary variables. 



Any supported object type may itself contain any supported primitive or object type. 

Unsupported object types, either native or custom, can be made compatible by implementing and methods for them—see the Non-generic object types (classes) guide for more information..clone().toJSON()


Due to how SugarCube stores the state history a few constructs are not supported within story variables. 


Expressions are simply units of code that yield values when evaluated. For example:

// Yields: true

// Yields: 1 (assuming that it is the first turn) turns()

// Yields: 4 2 + 2

// Yields: "22" "2" + "2"

Basic expressions simply consist of identifiers and literals—e.g., , , and . Complex expressions consist of basic expressions joined together by operators—e.g., and .$a69"hello"=+

While every valid expression—even those you might not expect—yields a value, there are essentially two types of expressions: those with side effects and those without. A side effect simply means that the evaluation of the expression modifies some state. For example:

// Yields: 5; Side effect: assigns 5 to the story variable $a
$a = 5

// Yields: 25 (assuming $x is 15); No side effects $x + 10

In general, you can group expressions into categories based on what kind of value they yield and/or what side effects they cause. For example: (not an exhaustive list)

Using Expressions

You will, in all likelihood, use expressions most often within macros—e.g., <<set>>, <<print>>, <<if>>, <<for>>.


Operators join together operands, which are formed from either basic or complex expressions.

In both TwineScript and JavaScript there are binary and unary operators—n.b., Javascript also includes a ternary operator, the conditional operator. Binary operators require two operands, one before and one after the operator, while unary operators only require one operand, either before or after the operator.

Binary operator examples:

// operand1 OPERATOR operand2
2 + 2
$a = 5

Unary operator examples:

// operand OPERATOR

// OPERATOR operand
not $hasKey

Assignment operators

Assignment operators assign a value to their left-hand operand based on the value of their right-hand operand.

TwineScript assignment operators:

Operator Description Example
to Assigns the value on the right-hand side of the operator to the left-hand side.
$apples to 6

JavaScript assignment operators: (not an exhaustive list)

Operator Description Example
= Assigns the value on the right-hand side of the operator to the left-hand side.
$apples = 6
+= Adds the value on the right-hand side of the operator to the current value on the left-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side.
$apples += 1
-= Subtracts the value on the right-hand side of the operator from the current value on the left-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side.
$apples -= 1
*= Multiplies the current value on the left-hand side of the operator by the value on the right-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side.
$apples *= 2
/= Divides the current value on the left-hand side of the operator by the value on the right-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side.
$apples /= 2
%= Divides the current value on the left-hand side of the operator by the value on the right-hand side and assigns the remainder to the left-hand side.
$apples %= 10

Conditional operators

Comparison operators compare their operands and return a boolean value based on whether the comparison is true.

TwineScript conditional operators:

Operator Description Example
is Evaluates to if both sides are strictly equal.true
$bullets is 6
isnot Evaluates to if both sides are strictly not equal.true
$pie isnot "cherry"
eq Evaluates to if both sides are equivalent. Not recommended, use the operator.trueis
$bullets eq 6
neq Evaluates to if both sides are not equivalent. Not recommended, use the operator.trueisnot
$pie neq "cherry"
gt Evaluates to if the left side is greater than the right side.true
$cash gt 5
gte Evaluates to if the left side is greater than or equal to the right side.true
$foundStars gte $neededStars
lt Evaluates to if the left side is less than the right side.true
$shoeCount lt ($peopleCount * 2)
lte Evaluates to if the left side is less than or equal to the right side.true
$level lte 30
not Flips a evaluation to , and vice versa.truefalse
not $hungry
and Evaluates to if all subexpressions evaluate to .truetrue
$age gte 20 and $age lte 30
or Evaluates to if any subexpressions evaluate to .truetrue
$friend is "Sue" or $friend is "Dan"
def Evaluates to if the right side is defined. See the precedence warning below.true
def $mushrooms
ndef Evaluates to if the right side is not defined. See the precedence warning below.true
ndef $bottlecaps

Warning: The and operators have very low precedence, so it is strongly recommended that if you mix them with other operators, that you wrap them in parentheses—e.g., . defndef(def $style) and ($style is "girly")

JavaScript conditional operators: (not an exhaustive list)

Operator Description Example
=== Evaluates to if both sides are strictly equal.true
$bullets === 6
!== Evaluates to if both sides are strictly not equal.true
$pie !== "cherry"
== Evaluates to if both sides are equivalent. Not recommended, use the operator.true===
$bullets == 6
!= Evaluates to if both sides are not equivalent. Not recommended, use the operator.true!==
$pie != "cherry"
> Evaluates to if the left side is greater than the right side.true
$cash > 5
>= Evaluates to if the left side is greater than or equal to the right side.true
$foundStars >= $neededStars
< Evaluates to if the left side is less than the right side.true
$shoeCount < ($peopleCount * 2)
<= Evaluates to if the left side is less than or equal to the right side.true
$level <= 30
! Flips a evaluation to , and vice versa.truefalse
&& Evaluates to if all subexpressions evaluate to .truetrue
$age >= 20 && $age <= 30
|| Evaluates to if any subexpressions evaluate to .truetrue
$friend === "Sue" || $friend === "Dan"


 Macro Arguments

Macros fall into two broad categories based on the kind of arguments they accept: those that want an expression—e.g., and —and those that want discrete arguments separated by whitespace—e.g., and . The documentation for each macro will tell you what it expects.<<set>><<print>><<link>><<audio>>

Those that want an expression are fairly straightforward, as you simply supply an expression.

The discrete argument type of macros are also fairly straightforward, most of the time, as you simply supply the requisite arguments separated by whitespace, which may include variables—as SugarCube automatically yields their values to the macro. There are cases, however, where things get a bit more complicated, namely: instances where you need to pass the name of a variable as an argument, rather than its value, and those where you want to pass the result of an expression as argument.

Argument type macros: passing a variable's name as an argument

Passing the name of a variable as an argument is problematic because variable substitution occurs automatically in SugarCube macros. Meaning that when you pass a variable as an argument, its value is passed to the macro rather than its name.

Normally, this is exactly what you want to happen. Occasionally, however, macros will need the name of a variable rather than its value—e.g., data input macros like —so that they may modify the variable. To resolve these instances, you will need to quote the name of the variable—i.e., instead of passing as normal, you'd pass . These, rare, instances are noted in the macros' documentation and shown in their examples.<<textbox>>$pie"$pie"

Argument type macros: passing an expression as an argument

Passing the result of an expression as an argument is problematic for a couple of reasons: because the macro argument parser doesn't treat arguments as expressions by default and because it separates arguments with whitespace.

Normally, those aren't issues as you should not need to use the result of an expression as an argument terribly often. To resolve instances where you do, however, you'll want to use either a temporary variable or a backquote expression.

For example, the following will not work because the macro parser will think that you're passing five discrete arguments, rather than a single expression:

<<link "Wake " + $friend + ".">> … <</link>>

You could solve the problem by using a temporary variable to hold the result of the expression, then pass that to the macro. For example:

<<set _text to "Wake " + $friend + ".">>\
<<link _text>> … <</link>>

A better solution, however, would be to use a backquote1 () expression, which is really just a special form of quoting available in macro arguments that causes the contents of the backquotes to be evaluated and then yields the result as a singular argument. For example:`

<<link `"Wake " + $friend + "."`>> … <</link>>
  1. A backquote is also known as a grave and is often paired with the tilde () on keyboards.~

 Variables Macros

 <<capture variableList>> … <</capture>>

Captures story $variables and temporary _variables, creating localized versions of their values within the macro body.

Note: Use of this macro is only necessary when you need to localize a variable's value for use with an asynchronous macro—i.e., a macro whose contents are executed at some later time, rather than when it's invoked; e.g., interactive macros, <<repeat>>, <<timed>>. Generally, this means only when the variable's value will change between the time the asynchronous macro is invoked and when it's activated—e.g., a loop variable.




→ Using <<capture>> to localize a temporary loop variable for use within a <<linkappend>>
<<set _what to [
	"a crab rangoon",
	"a gaggle of geese",
	"an aardvark",
	"the world's smallest violin"
<<for _i to 0; _i lt _what.length; _i++>>
	<<capture _i>>
		I spy with my little <<linkappend "eye" t8n>>, _what[_i]<</linkappend>>.

→ Capturing several variables at once
<<capture $aStoryVar, $anotherStoryVar, _aTempVar>> … <</capture>>

 <<set expression>>

Sets story $variables and temporary _variables based on the given expression.




Using the TwineScript "to" operator
<<set $cheese to "a nice, sharp cheddar">>  → Assigns "a nice, sharp cheddar" to story variable $cheese
<<set $chestEmpty to true>>                 → Assigns boolean true to story variable $chestEmpty
<<set $sum to $a + $b>>                     → Assigns the summation of story variables $a and $b to $sum
<<set $gold to $gold + 5>>                  → Adds 5 to the value of story variable $gold
<<set _counter to _counter + 1>>            → Adds 1 to the value of temporary variable _counter
Using the standard JavaScript operators
<<set $cheese = "a nice, sharp cheddar">>   → Assigns "a nice, sharp cheddar" to story variable $cheese
<<set $chestEmpty = true>>                  → Assigns boolean true to story variable $chestEmpty
<<set $sum = $a + $b>>                      → Assigns the summation of story variables $a and $b to $sum
<<set $gold += 5>>                          → Adds 5 to the value of story variable $gold
<<set _counter += 1>>                       → Adds 1 to the value of temporary variable _counter

 <<unset variableList>>

Unsets story $variables, temporary _variables, and properties of objects stored within either.




Basic usage, unsetting story and temporary variables.

<<unset $rumors>>
<<unset _npc>>

<<unset $rumors, _npc, _choices, $job>>

Unsetting object properties.

<<unset _choices.b>>
<<unset $towns['port ulster'].rumors>>

<<unset _choices.b, $towns['port ulster'].rumors, $pc.notes, _park.rides['wheel of death']>>

 Scripting Macros

 <<run expression>>

Functionally identical to <<set>>. Intended to be mnemonically better for uses where the expression is arbitrary code, rather than variables to set—i.e., <<run>> to run code, <<set>> to set variables.

 <<script [language]>> … <</script>>

Silently executes its contents as either JavaScript or TwineScript code (default: JavaScript).

Note: The predefined variable , which is a reference to a local content buffer, is available for use within the macro's code contents. Once the code has been fully executed, the contents of the buffer, if any, will be output. output




Basic usage
	/* JavaScript code */
<<script TwineScript>>
	/* TwineScript code */
Accessing managed variables
		When accessing managed variables in JavaScript, it's often a good idea
		to cache references to whichever variable store you happen to be using.
	const svars = State.variables;
	const tvars = State.temporary;

	/* Access the `$items` story variable. */
	if (svars.items.includes('bloody knife')) {
		/* Has a bloody knife. */

	/* Access the `_hit` temporary variable. */
	tvars.hit += 1;
<<script TwineScript>>
	/* Access the `$items` story variable. */
	if ($items.includes('bloody knife')) {
		/* Has a bloody knife. */

	/* Access the `_hit` temporary variable. */
	_hit += 1;
Modifying the content buffer

There's no difference between JavaScript and TwineScript here.

	/* Parse some markup and append the result to the output buffer. */
	$(output).wiki("Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the //ponies// of ''friendship''.");

 Display Macros

 <<= expression>>

Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. This macro is an alias for <<print>>.

Tip: If you only need to print the value of a TwineScript variable, then you may simply include it in your normal passage text and it will be printed automatically via the naked variable markup.




→ Assuming $gold is 5
You found <<= $gold>> gold.             → Outputs: You found 5 gold.

→ Assuming $weight is 74.6466266
You weigh <<= $weight.toFixed(2)>> kg.  → Outputs: You weigh 74.65 kg.

 <<- expression>>

Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression. This macro is functionally identical to <<print>>, save that it also encodes HTML special characters in the output.

Tip: If you only need to print the value of a TwineScript variable, then you may simply include it in your normal passage text and it will be printed automatically via the naked variable markup.




→ Assuming $gold is 5
You found <<- $gold>> gold.             → Outputs: You found 5 gold.

→ Assuming $weight is 74.6466266
You weigh <<- $weight.toFixed(2)>> kg.  → Outputs: You weigh 74.65 kg.

 <<do [tag tags] [element tag]>> … <</do>>

Displays its contents. Listens for <<redo>> macro commands upon which it updates its contents.




Basic usage
<<set $money to 10>>

''Money:'' <<do>>$money<</do>>

<<link "Update money display">>
	<<set $money += 10>>
<<set $key to "">> /* no key */

	<<if $key>>
		You have the $key key.
		You do not have a key.

<<link "Update key display">>
	<<set $key to ["", "red", "blue", "skull"].random()>>
Filtering updates
''Foo:'' <<do tag "foo foobar">><<= ["fee", "fie", "foe", "fum"].random()>><</do>>
''Bar:'' <<do tag "bar foobar">><<= ["alfa", "bravo", "charlie", "delta"].random()>><</do>>

<<link "Update foo">>
	<<redo "foo">>
<<link "Update bar">>
	<<redo "bar">>
<<link "Update foo & bar (1)">>
	<<redo "foo bar">>
<<link "Update foo & bar (2)">>
	<<redo "foobar">>

 <<include passageName [elementName]>>
<<include linkMarkup [elementName]>>

Outputs the contents of the passage with the given name, optionally wrapping it within an HTML element. May be called either with the passage name or with a link markup.



Passage name form
Link markup form


<<include "Go West">>          → Include the passage "Go West"
<<include [[Go West]]>>        → Include the passage "Go West"
<<include "Go West" "div">>    → Include the passage "Go West", wrapping it within a <div>
<<include [[Go West]] "div">>  → Include the passage "Go West", wrapping it within a <div>

 <<nobr>> … <</nobr>>

Executes its contents and outputs the result, after removing leading/trailing newlines and replacing all remaining sequences of newlines with single spaces.

Note: The nobr special tag and Config.passages.nobr setting applies the same processing to an entire passage or all passages, respectively. The line continuation markup performs a similar function, though in a slightly different way.


Arguments: none


→ Given: $feeling eq "blue", outputs: I'd like a blueberry pie.
I'd like a <<nobr>>
<<if $feeling eq "blue">>
<</nobr>> pie.

 <<print expression>>

Outputs a string representation of the result of the given expression.

Tip: If you only need to print the value of a TwineScript variable, then you may simply include it in your normal passage text and it will be printed automatically via the naked variable markup.




→ Assuming $gold is 5
You found <<print $gold>> gold.             → Outputs: You found 5 gold.

→ Assuming $weight is 74.6466266
You weigh <<print $weight.toFixed(2)>> kg.  → Outputs: You weigh 74.65 kg.

 <<redo [tags]>>

Causes one or more <<do>> macros to update their contents.




See: <<do>> macro for examples.

 <<silent>> … <</silent>>

Causes any output generated within its body to be discarded, except for errors (which will be displayed). Generally, only really useful for formatting blocks of macros for ease of use/readability, while ensuring that no output is generated, from spacing or whatnot.


Arguments: none


→ Basic

	You'll never see any of this!


→ Hiding the guts of a countdown timer
<<set $seconds to 10>>\
Countdown: <span id="countdown">$seconds seconds remaining</span>!\
	<<repeat 1s>>
		<<set $seconds to $seconds - 1>>
		<<if $seconds gt 0>>
			<<replace "#countdown">>$seconds seconds remaining<</replace>>
			<<replace "#countdown">>Too Late<</replace>>
			/* do something useful here */

 <<type speed [start delay] [class classes] [element tag] [id ID] [keep|none] [skipkey key]>>


Outputs its contents a character—technically, a code point—at a time, mimicking a teletype/typewriter. Can type most content: links, markup, macros, etc.

Warning: Interactions with macros or other code that inject content only after some external action or period—e.g., , , etc.—may or may not behave as you'd expect. Testing is strongly advised. <<linkreplace>><<timed>>

See Also: Config.macros.typeSkipKey, Config.macros.typeVisitedPassages, <<type>> Events.




<<type 40ms>>
	Type characters from this content every 40 milliseconds.  Including [[links]] and ''other markup''!

<<type 40ms start 2s>>
	Type characters from this content every 40 milliseconds, starting after a 2 second delay.

<<type 40ms class "foo bar">>
	Type characters from this content every 40 milliseconds, adding classes to the typing container.

<<type 40ms element "span">>
	Type characters from this content every 40 milliseconds, using a <span> as the typing container.

<<type 40ms id "type01">>
	Type characters from this content every 40 milliseconds, assigning an ID to the typing container.

<<type 40ms keep>>
	Type characters from this content every 40 milliseconds, keeping the cursor after typing is complete.

<<type 40ms skipkey "Control">>
	Type characters from this content every 40 milliseconds, using the Control (CTRL) key as the skip key.

CSS styles:

The typed text has no default styling. If you want to change the font or color, then you'll need to change the styling of the class. For example:macro-type

.macro-type {
	color: limegreen;
	font-family: monospace, monospace;

There's also a class that is added to text that has finished typing, which may be used to style it differently from actively typing text.macro-type-done

The default cursor is the block element character Right Half Block (U+2590) and it has no default font or color styling. If you want to change the font, color, or character, then you'll need to change the styling of the pseudo-element of the class. For example::aftermacro-type-cursor

.macro-type-cursor:after {
	color: limegreen;
	content: "\269C\FE0F"; /* Fleur-de-lis emoji */
	font-family: monospace, monospace;

 <<silently>> … <</silently>>

Deprecated: This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the <<silent>> macro for its replacement.


 Control Macros

 <<if conditional>> … [<<elseif conditional>> …] [<<else>> …] <</if>>

Executes its contents if the given conditional expression evaluates to . If the condition evaluates to and an or exists, then other contents can be executed.truefalse<<elseif>><<else>>

Note: SugarCube does not trim whitespace from the contents of macros, so that authors don't have to resort to various kludges to get whitespace where they want it. This means, however, that extra care must be taken when writing them to ensure that unwanted whitespace is not created within the final output. <<if>>




<<if $daysUntilLoanDue is 0>><<include "Panic">><</if>>

<<if $cash lt 5>>
	I'm sorry, ma'am, but you don't have enough for the pie.
	<<set $cash -= 5, $hasMeatPie = true>>
	One meat pie, fresh out of the oven, coming up!

<<if $affection gte 75>>
	I love you!
<<elseif $affection gte 50>>
	I like you.
<<elseif $affection gte 25>>
	I'm okay with you.
	Get out of my face.

<<if $hullBreached>>
	<<if $wearingHardSuit>>
		<<include "That was close">>
	<<elseif $wearingSoftSuit>>
		<<include "Hole in suit">>
		<<include "You die">>

 <<for [conditional]>> … <</for>>
<<for [init] ; [conditional] ; [post]>> … <</for>>
<<for [[keyVariable ,] valueVariable] range collection>> … <</for>>

Repeatedly executes its contents. There are three forms: a conditional-only form, a 3-part conditional form, and a range form.

See Also: <<break>> and <<continue>>.



Conditional forms (both conditional-only and 3-part)

Executes its contents while the given conditional expression evaluates to . If no conditional expression is given, it is equivalent to specifying .truetrue

Note: The maximum number of loop iterations in the conditional forms is not unlimited by default, however, it is configurable. See Config.macros.maxLoopIterations for more information.

Examples: (only 3-part conditional form shown)
→ Example setup
<<set $dwarves to ["Doc", "Dopey", "Bashful", "Grumpy", "Sneezy", "Sleepy", "Happy"]>>

→ Loop
<<for _i to 0; _i lt $dwarves.length; _i++>>
<<print _i + 1>>. $dwarves[_i]

→ Result
1. Doc
2. Dopey
3. Bashful
4. Grumpy
5. Sneezy
6. Sleepy
7. Happy

Range form

Iterates through all enumerable entries of the given collection. For each iteration, it assigns the key/value pair of the associated entry in the collection to the iteration variables and then executes its contents. Valid collection types are: arrays, generic objects, integers, maps, sets, and strings.

Iteration Values:
Collection type Iteration: key, value
Arrays, Integers, & Sets Member: index, value
Generic objects Property: name, value
Maps Entry: key, value
Strings Code point: start index, value

Note: Strings are iterated by Unicode code point, however, due to historic reasons they are comprised of, and indexed by, individual UTF-16 code units. This means that some code points may span multiple code units—e.g., the character 💩 is one code point, but two code units.

Range over array
→ Example setup
<<set $dwarves to ["Doc", "Dopey", "Bashful", "Grumpy", "Sneezy", "Sleepy", "Happy"]>>

→ Loop
<<for _i, _name range $dwarves>>
<<print _i + 1>>. _name

→ Result
1. Doc
2. Dopey
3. Bashful
4. Grumpy
5. Sneezy
6. Sleepy
7. Happy
Range over integer
→ Loop
<<for _value range 7>>
<<print _value + 1>>.

→ Result


Used within <<for>> macros. Terminates the execution of the current .<<for>>


Arguments: none


Used within <<for>> macros. Terminates the execution of the current iteration of the current and begins execution of the next iteration.<<for>>

Note: May eat line-breaks in certain situations.


Arguments: none

 <<switch expression>>
[<<case valueList>> …]
[<<default>> …]


Evaluates the given expression and compares it to the value(s) within its children. The value(s) within each case are compared to the result of the expression given to the parent . Upon a successful match, the matching case will have its contents executed. If no cases match and an optional case exists, which must be the final case, then its contents will be executed. At most one case will execute.<<case>><<switch>><<default>>

Note: SugarCube does not trim whitespace from the contents of / macros, so that authors don't have to resort to various kludges to get whitespace where they want it. However, this means that extra care must be taken when writing them to ensure that unwanted whitespace is not created within the final output. <<case>><<default>>





→ Without a default case
<<switch $hairColor>>
<<case "red" "auburn">>
	You ginger.
<<case "black" "brown">>
	Dark haired, eh?
<<case "blonde">>
	You may have more fun.

→ With a default case (assume the passage is about a waterfall)
<<switch visited()>>
<<case 1>>
	You gaze in wonder at the magnificent waterfall for the first time, awestruck by its natural beauty.
<<case 2 3>>
	You once again gaze upon the magnificent waterfall.
<<case 4 5>>
	Yet again, you find yourself looking upon the waterfall.
	Oh, look.  It's that waterfall again.  Meh.

 Interactive Macros


Interactive macros are both asynchronous and require interaction from the player. Thus, there are some potential pitfalls to consider:

  1. If you plan on using interactive macros within a loop you will likely need to use the <<capture>> macro due to their asynchronous nature.
  2. Reloading the page or revisiting a passage may not restore the state of some interactive macros, so it is recommended that you only use them in instances where this will not be an issue or where you can work around it.

 <<button linkText [passageName]>> … <</button>>
<<button linkMarkup>> … <</button>>
<<button imageMarkup>> … <</button>>

Creates a button that silently executes its contents when clicked, optionally forwarding the player to another passage. May be called with either the link text and passage name as separate arguments, a link markup, or an image markup.

See: Interactive macro warning.

Note: This macro is functionally identical to <<link>>, save that it uses a button element () rather than an anchor element (). <button><a>



Separate argument form
Link markup form
Image markup form


→ Without forwarding: a very basic statistic setting example
Strength: <<set $pcStr to 10>><span id="stats-str"><<print $pcStr>></span> \
( <<button "[+]">><<set $pcStr++>><<replace "#stats-str">><<print $pcStr>><</replace>><</button>> \
| <<button "[-]">><<set $pcStr-->><<replace "#stats-str">><<print $pcStr>><</replace>><</button>> )

→ With forwarding: execute a script, then go to the specified passage
<<button "Onward, Reginald!" "On with the story">><<script>>/* (code) */<</script>><</button>>
<<button [[Onward, Reginald!|On with the story]]>><<script>>/* (code) */<</script>><</button>>
<<button [img[onward.jpg][On with the story]]>><<script>>/* (code) */<</script>><</button>>

 <<checkbox receiverName uncheckedValue checkedValue [autocheck|checked]>>

Creates a checkbox, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name.

See: Interactive macro warning.




Basic usage
What pies do you enjoy?
* <<checkbox "$pieBlueberry" false true autocheck>> Blueberry?
* <<checkbox "$pieCherry" false true autocheck>> Cherry?
* <<checkbox "$pieCoconutCream" false true autocheck>> Coconut cream?
What pies do you enjoy?
* <<checkbox "$pieBlueberry" false true checked>> Blueberry?
* <<checkbox "$pieCherry" false true>> Cherry?
* <<checkbox "$pieCoconutCream" false true checked>> Coconut cream?
With a element<label>

Tip: For accessibility reasons, it's recommended that you wrap each and its accompanying text within a element. Doing so allows interactions with the text to also trigger its . <<checkbox>><label><<checkbox>>

What pies do you enjoy?
* <label><<checkbox "$pieBlueberry" false true autocheck>> Blueberry?</label>
* <label><<checkbox "$pieCherry" false true autocheck>> Cherry?</label>
* <label><<checkbox "$pieCoconutCream" false true autocheck>> Coconut cream?</label>
What pies do you enjoy?
* <label><<checkbox "$pieBlueberry" false true checked>> Blueberry?</label>
* <label><<checkbox "$pieCherry" false true>> Cherry?</label>
* <label><<checkbox "$pieCoconutCream" false true checked>> Coconut cream?</label>

 <<cycle receiverName [once] [autoselect]>>
[<<option label [value [selected]]>> …]
[<<optionsfrom collection>> …]


Creates a cycling link, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. The cycling options are populated via and/or .<<option>><<optionsfrom>>

See: Interactive macro warning.





Using <<option>>
The answer to the //Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything// is?
<<cycle "$answer" autoselect>>
	<<option "Towel">>
	<<option "π" 3.14159>>
	<<option 42>>
	<<option 69>>
	<<option "∞" Infinity>>
Using with an array<<optionsfrom>>
→ Given: _pieOptions = ["blueberry", "cherry", "coconut cream"]
What's your favorite pie?
<<cycle "$pie" autoselect>>
	<<optionsfrom _pieOptions>>
Using with an generic object<<optionsfrom>>
→ Given: _pieOptions = { "Blueberry" : "blueberry", "Cherry" : "cherry", "Coconut cream" : "coconut cream" }
What's your favorite pie?
<<cycle "$pie" autoselect>>
	<<optionsfrom _pieOptions>>
Using the keywordonce
You see a large red, candy-like button.
<<cycle "$presses" once>>
	<<option "Should you press it?" 0>>
	<<option "Nothing happened.  Press it again?" 1>>
	<<option "Again?" 2>>
	<<option "That time it locked into place with a loud click and began to glow ominously." 3>>

Creates a link that silently executes its contents when clicked, optionally forwarding the player to another passage. May be called with either the link text and passage name as separate arguments, a link markup, or an image markup.

See: Interactive macro warning.

Note: If you simply need a passage link that modifies variables, both the link markup and image markup offer setter variants.



Separate argument form
Link markup form
Image markup form


→ Without forwarding: a very basic statistic setting example
Strength: <<set $pcStr to 10>><span id="stats-str"><<print $pcStr>></span> \
( <<link "[+]">><<set $pcStr++>><<replace "#stats-str">><<print $pcStr>><</replace>><</link>> \
| <<link "[-]">><<set $pcStr-->><<replace "#stats-str">><<print $pcStr>><</replace>><</link>> )

→ With forwarding: execute a script, then go to the specified passage
<<link "Onward, Reginald!" "On with the story">><<script>>/* (code) */<</script>><</link>>
<<link [[Onward, Reginald!|On with the story]]>><<script>>/* (code) */<</script>><</link>>
<<link [img[onward.jpg][On with the story]]>><<script>>/* (code) */<</script>><</link>>

 <<linkappend linkText [transition|t8n]>> … <</linkappend>>

Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. Essentially, a combination of <<link>> and <<append>>.

See: Interactive macro warning.




→ Without a transition
We—We should <<linkappend "take">> away their METAL BAWKSES<</linkappend>>!

→ With a transition
I spy with my little <<linkappend "eye" t8n>>, a crab rangoon<</linkappend>>.

 <<linkprepend linkText [transition|t8n]>> … <</linkprepend>>

Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and prepends its contents to its link text when clicked. Essentially, a combination of <<link>> and <<prepend>>.

See: Interactive macro warning.




→ Without a transition
You see a <<linkprepend "robot">>GIANT <</linkprepend>>.

→ With a transition
I <<linkprepend "like" t8n>>do not <</linkprepend>> lemons.

 <<linkreplace linkText [transition|t8n]>> … <</linkreplace>>

Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and replaces its link text with its contents when clicked. Essentially, a combination of <<link>> and <<replace>>.

See: Interactive macro warning.




→ Without a transition
I'll have a <<linkreplace "cupcake">>slice of key lime pie<</linkreplace>>, please.

→ With a transition
<<linkreplace "You'll //never// take me alive!" t8n>>On second thought, don't hurt me.<</linkreplace>>

 <<listbox receiverName [autoselect]>>
[<<option label [value [selected]]>> …]
[<<optionsfrom collection>> …]


Creates a listbox, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. The list options are populated via and/or .<<option>><<optionsfrom>>

See: Interactive macro warning.





Using <<option>>
The answer to the //Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything// is?
<<listbox "$lbanswer" autoselect>>
	<<option "Towel">>
	<<option "π" 3.14159>>
	<<option 42>>
	<<option 69>>
	<<option "∞" Infinity>>
Using with an array<<optionsfrom>>
→ Given: _pieOptions = ["blueberry", "cherry", "coconut cream"]
What's your favorite pie?
<<listbox "$pie" autoselect>>
	<<optionsfrom _pieOptions>>
Using with an generic object<<optionsfrom>>
→ Given: _pieOptions = { "Blueberry" : "blueberry", "Cherry" : "cherry", "Coconut cream" : "coconut cream" }
What's your favorite pie?
<<listbox "$pie" autoselect>>
	<<optionsfrom _pieOptions>>

 <<numberbox receiverName defaultValue [passage] [autofocus]>>

Creates a number input box, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name, optionally forwarding the player to another passage.

See: Interactive macro warning.




→ Creates a number box that modifies $wager
Wager how much on Buttstallion in the race? <<numberbox "$wager" 100>>

→ Creates an automatically focused number box that modifies $wager
Wager how much on Buttstallion in the race? <<numberbox "$wager" 100 autofocus>>

→ Creates a number box that modifies $wager and forwards to the "Result" passage
Wager how much on Buttstallion in the race? <<numberbox "$wager" 100 "Result">>

→ Creates an automatically focused number box that modifies $wager and forwards to the "Result" passage
Wager how much on Buttstallion in the race? <<numberbox "$wager" 100 "Result" autofocus>>

 <<radiobutton receiverName checkedValue [autocheck|checked]>>

Creates a radio button, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. Multiple macros may be set up to modify the same variable, which makes them part of a radio button group.<<radiobutton>>

See: Interactive macro warning.




Basic usage
What's your favorite pie?
* <<radiobutton "$pie" "blueberry" autocheck>> Blueberry?
* <<radiobutton "$pie" "cherry" autocheck>> Cherry?
* <<radiobutton "$pie" "coconut cream" autocheck>> Coconut cream?
What's your favorite pie?
* <<radiobutton "$pie" "blueberry" checked>> Blueberry?
* <<radiobutton "$pie" "cherry">> Cherry?
* <<radiobutton "$pie" "coconut cream">> Coconut cream?
With a element<label>

Tip: For accessibility reasons, it's recommended that you wrap each and its accompanying text within a element. Doing so allows interactions with the text to also trigger its . <<radiobutton>><label><<radiobutton>>

What's your favorite pie?
* <label><<radiobutton "$pie" "blueberry" autocheck>> Blueberry?</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$pie" "cherry" autocheck>> Cherry?</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$pie" "coconut cream" autocheck>> Coconut cream?</label>
What's your favorite pie?
* <label><<radiobutton "$pie" "blueberry" checked>> Blueberry?</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$pie" "cherry">> Cherry?</label>
* <label><<radiobutton "$pie" "coconut cream">> Coconut cream?</label>

 <<textarea receiverName defaultValue [autofocus]>>

Creates a multiline text input block, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name.

See: Interactive macro warning.




→ Creates a text block that modifies $pieEssay
Write a short essay about pies:
<<textarea "$pieEssay" "">>

→ Creates an automatically focused text block that modifies $pieEssay
Write a short essay about pies:
<<textarea "$pieEssay" "" autofocus>>

 <<textbox receiverName defaultValue [passage] [autofocus]>>

Creates a text input box, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name, optionally forwarding the player to another passage.

See: Interactive macro warning.




→ Creates a text box that modifies $pie
What's your favorite pie? <<textbox "$pie" "Blueberry">>

→ Creates an automatically focused text box that modifies $pie
What's your favorite pie? <<textbox "$pie" "Blueberry" autofocus>>

→ Creates a text box that modifies $pie and forwards to the "Cakes" passage
What's your favorite pie? <<textbox "$pie" "Blueberry" "Cakes">>

→ Creates an automatically focused text box that modifies $pie and forwards to the "Cakes" passage
What's your favorite pie? <<textbox "$pie" "Blueberry" "Cakes" autofocus>>

 <<back [linkText [passageName]]>>
<<back linkMarkup>>
<<back imageMarkup>>

Creates a link that undoes past moments within the story history. May be called with, optional, the link text and passage name as separate arguments, a link markup, or an image markup.

Note: If you want to return to a previously visited passage, rather than undo a moment within the history, see the <<return>> macro or the previous() function.



Separate argument form
Link markup form
Image markup form


Visual aid

Assume your story history consists of three moments:

A, B, [C]

N.b., the square brackets there denote the active moment.

Using once upon that history will change it to be thus:<<back>>

A, [B], C

I.e., the history was rolled back to the previous moment.

Basic usage
→ Creates a link that undoes the most recent moment, with default text
Separate argument form
→ Creates a link that undoes the most recent moment, with text "Home."
<<back "Home.">>

→ Creates a link that undoes past moments until the most recent "HQ" moment is reached, with text "Home."
<<back "Home." "HQ">>
Link markup form
→ Creates a link that undoes past moments until the most recent "HQ" moment is reached, with default text
<<back [[HQ]]>>

→ Creates a link that undoes past moments until the most recent "HQ" moment is reached, with text "Home."
<<back [[Home.|HQ]]>>
Image markup form
→ Creates a link that undoes the most recent moment, with image "home.png"
<<back [img[home.png]]>>

→ Creates a link that undoes past moments until the most recent "HQ" moment is reached, with image "home.png"
<<back [img[home.png][HQ]]>>

 <<return [linkText [passageName]]>>
<<return linkMarkup>>
<<return imageMarkup>>

Creates a link that navigates forward to a previously visited passage. May be called with, optional, the link text and passage name as separate arguments, a link markup, or an image markup.

Note: If you want to undo previous moments within the history, rather than return to a passage, see the <<back>> macro.



Separate argument form
Link markup form
Image markup form


Note: The versions that forward to a specific passage are largely unnecessary, as you could simply use a normal link, and exist solely for compatibility with the <<back>> macro.

Visual aid

Assume your story history consists of three moments:

A, B, [C]

N.b., the square brackets there denote the active moment.

Using once upon that history will change it to be thus:<<return>>

A, B, C, [B]

I.e., a new moment, to the same passage as the previous moment, was added to the history.

Basic usage
→ Creates a link that forwards to the previous passage, with default text
Separate argument form
→ Creates a link that forwards to the previous passage, with text "Home."
<<return "Home.">>

→ Creates a link that forwards to the "HQ" passage, with text "Home."
<<return "Home." "HQ">>
Link markup form
→ Creates a link that forwards to the "HQ" passage, with default text
<<return [[HQ]]>>

→ Creates a link that forwards to the "HQ" passage, with text "Home."
<<return [[Home.|HQ]]>>
Image markup form
→ Creates a link that forwards to the previous passage, with image "home.png"
<<return [img[home.png]]>>

→ Creates a link that forwards to the "HQ" passage, with image "home.png"
<<return [img[home.png][HQ]]>>

 <<actions passageList>>
<<actions linkMarkupList>>
<<actions imageMarkupList>>

Deprecated: This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used.


 <<choice passageName [linkText]>>
<<choice linkMarkup>>
<<choice imageMarkup>>

Deprecated: This macro has been deprecated and should no longer be used.


 DOM Macros

Warning: All DOM macros require the elements to be manipulated to be on the page. As a consequence, you cannot use them directly within a passage to modify elements within said passage, since the elements they are targeting are still rendering, thus not yet on the page. You must, generally, use them with an interactive macro—e.g., <<link>> macro—the <<done>> macro, or within the PassageDone special passage. Elements that are already part of the page, on the other hand, present no issues.

 <<addclass selector classNames>>

Adds classes to the selected element(s).

See: DOM macro warning.




<<addclass "body" "day rain">>  → Add the classes "day" and "rain" to the <body> element
<<addclass "#pie" "cherry">>    → Add the class "cherry" to the element with the ID "pie"
<<addclass ".joe" "angry">>     → Add the class "angry" to all elements containing the class "joe"

 <<append selector [transition|t8n]>> … <</append>>

Executes its contents and appends the output to the contents of the selected element(s).

See: DOM macro warning.




Without a transition
→ Example setup
I saw a <span id="dog">dog</span>.

→ Append to the contents of the target element
<<link "Doing">>
	<<append "#dog">> chasing a cat<</append>>

→ Result, after clicking
I saw a <span id="dog">dog chasing a cat</span>.
With a transition
→ Example setup
I saw a <span id="dog">dog</span>.

→ Append to the contents of the target element
<<link "Doing">>
	<<append "#dog" t8n>> chasing a cat<</append>>

→ Result, after clicking
I saw a <span id="dog">dog<span class="macro-append-insert"> chasing a cat</span></span>.

 <<copy selector>>

Outputs a copy of the contents of the selected element(s).

Warning: Most interactive elements—e.g., passage links, interactive macros, etc.—cannot be properly copied via . Attempting to do so will, usually, result in something that's non-functional. <<copy>>

See: DOM macro warning.




→ Example setup
I'd like a <span id="snack-source">slice of Key lime pie</span>, please.

I'll have a <span id="snack-dest">breadstick</span>, thanks.

→ Replace the contents of the source target element with a copy of the destination target element
<<link "Have the same">>
	<<replace "#snack-dest">><<copy "#snack-source">> too<</replace>>

→ Result, after the click
I'd like a <span id="snack-source">slice of Key lime pie</span>, please.

I'll have a <span id="snack-dest">slice of Key lime pie too</span>, thanks.

 <<prepend selector [transition|t8n]>> … <</prepend>>

Executes its contents and prepends the output to the contents of the selected element(s).

See: DOM macro warning.




Without a transition
→ Example setup
I saw a <span id="dog">dog</span>.

→ Prepend to the contents of the target element
<<link "Size">>
	<<prepend "#dog">>big <</prepend>>

→ Result, after clicking
I saw a <span id="dog">big dog</span>.
With a transition
→ Example setup
I saw a <span id="dog">dog</span>.

→ Prepend to the contents of the target element
<<link "Size">>
	<<prepend "#dog" t8n>>big <</prepend>>

→ Result, after clicking
I saw a <span id="dog"><span class="macro-prepend-insert">big </span>dog</span>.

 <<remove selector>>

Removes the selected element(s).

See: DOM macro warning.

Note: If you simply want to empty the selected element(s), not remove them outright, you should use an empty <<replace>> macro instead.




→ Given the following
I'd like a <span id="huge-cupcake">humongous </span>cupcake, please.

→ Remove the target element
<<link "Go small">>
	<<remove "#huge-cupcake">>

→ Result, after the click
I'd like a cupcake, please.

 <<removeclass selector [classNames]>>

Removes classes from the selected element(s).

See: DOM macro warning.




<<removeclass "body" "day rain">>  → Remove the classes "day" and "rain" from the <body> element
<<removeclass "#pie" "cherry">>    → Remove the class "cherry" from the element with the ID "pie"
<<removeclass ".joe" "angry">>     → Remove the class "angry" from all elements containing the class "joe"
<<removeclass "#begone">>          → Remove all classes from the element with the ID "begone"

 <<replace selector [transition|t8n]>> … <</replace>>

Executes its contents and replaces the contents of the selected element(s) with the output.

See: DOM macro warning.




Without a transition
→ Example setup
I saw a <span id="dog">dog</span>.

→ Replace the contents of the target element
<<link "Breed">>
	<<replace "#dog">>Catahoula Cur<</replace>>

→ Result, after clicking
I saw a <span id="dog">Catahoula Cur</span>.
With a transition
→ Example setup
I saw a <span id="dog">dog</span>.

→ Replace the contents of the target element
<<link "Breed">>
	<<replace "#dog" t8n>>Catahoula Cur<</replace>>

→ Result, after clicking
I saw a <span id="dog"><span class="macro-replace-insert">Catahoula Cur</span></span>.

 <<toggleclass selector classNames>>

Toggles classes on the selected element(s)—i.e., adding them if they don't exist, removing them if they do.

See: DOM macro warning.




<<toggleclass "body" "day rain">>  → Toggle the classes "day" and "rain" on the <body> element
<<toggleclass "#pie" "cherry">>    → Toggle the class "cherry" on the element with the ID "pie"
<<toggleclass ".joe" "angry">>     → Toggle the class "angry" on all elements containing the class "joe"

 Audio Macros

Warning: The audio subsystem that supports the audio macros comes with some built-in limitations and it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with them.

 <<audio trackIdList actionList>>

Controls the playback of audio tracks, which must be set up via <<cacheaudio>>.

See: Audio macro limitations.

Note: The macro cannot affect playlist tracks whose ownership has been transferred to their respective playlist. Meaning those set up via <<createplaylist>> with its action, as owned playlist tracks are solely under the control of their playlist. <<audio>>own

Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: ) controls whether tracks that have been faded to volume (silent) are automatically paused. true0



Group IDs:

Group IDs allow several tracks to be selected simultaneously without needing to specify each one individually. There are several predefined group IDs (, , , , , ) and custom IDs may be defined via <<createaudiogroup>>. The group modifier syntax () allows a group to have some of its tracks excluded from selection.:all:looped:muted:paused:playing:stopped:not()groupId:not(trackIdList)


Basic usage with group IDs
→ Start playback of paused tracks
<<audio ":paused" play>>

→ Pause playback of playing tracks
<<audio ":playing" pause>>

→ Stop playback of playing tracks
<<audio ":playing" stop>>

→ Stop playback of all tracks
<<audio ":all" stop>>

→ Stop playback of playing tracks except those in the ":ui" group
<<audio ":playing:not(:ui)" stop>>

→ Change the volume of all tracks except those in the ":ui" group
→ to 40%, without changing the current playback state
<<audio ":all:not(:ui)" volume 0.40>>
Basic usage with track IDs
→ Given the following (best done in the StoryInit special passage)
<<cacheaudio "bgm_space" "media/audio/space_quest.mp3" "media/audio/space_quest.ogg">>

→ Start playback
<<audio "bgm_space" play>>

→ Start playback at 50% volume
<<audio "bgm_space" volume 0.5 play>>

→ Start playback at 120 seconds in
<<audio "bgm_space" time 120 play>>

→ Start repeating playback
<<audio "bgm_space" loop play>>

→ Start playback and fade from 0% to 100% volume
<<audio "bgm_space" volume 0 fadein>>

→ Start playback and fade from 75% to 0% volume
<<audio "bgm_space" volume 0.75 fadeout>>

→ Start playback and fade from 25% to 75% volume
<<audio "bgm_space" volume 0.25 fadeto 0.75>>

→ Start playback and fade from 25% to 75% volume over 30 seconds
<<audio "bgm_space" volume 0.25 fadeoverto 30 0.75>>

→ Start playback and goto the "Peace Moon" passage upon ending normally
<<audio "bgm_space" play goto "Peace Moon">>

→ Pause playback
<<audio "bgm_space" pause>>

→ Stop playback
<<audio "bgm_space" stop>>

→ Mute playback, without changing the current playback state
<<audio "bgm_space" mute>>

→ Unmute playback, without changing the current playback state
<<audio "bgm_space" unmute>>

→ Change the volume to 40%, without changing the current playback state
<<audio "bgm_space" volume 0.40>>

→ Seek to 90 seconds in, without changing the current playback state
<<audio "bgm_space" time 90>>
Using the and actionsloadunload

Warning: Be very careful with these if your audio sources are on the network, as you are forcing players to begin downloading them. Not everyone has blazing fast internet with unlimited data—especially true for mobile users. Pease, do not take your players' bandwidth and data usage lightly.

→ If it's not currently loading, drop existing data buffers and load the track
<<audio "bgm_space" load>>

→ Unload the track, dropping existing data buffers
<<audio "bgm_space" unload>>

 <<cacheaudio trackId sourceList>>

Caches an audio track for use by the other audio macros.

Note: The StoryInit special passage is normally the best place to set up tracks.




→ Cache a track with the ID "boom" and one source via relative URL
<<cacheaudio "boom" "media/audio/explosion.mp3">>

→ Cache a track with the ID "boom" and one source via audio passage
<<cacheaudio "boom" "explosion">>

→ Cache a track with the ID "bgm_space" and two sources via relative URLs
<<cacheaudio "bgm_space" "media/audio/space_quest.mp3" "media/audio/space_quest.ogg">>

→ Cache a track with the ID "what" and one source via URL with a format specifier
<<cacheaudio "what" "mp3|http://an-audio-service.com/a-user/a-track-id">>

 <<createaudiogroup groupId>>
[<<track trackId>> …]

Collects tracks, which must be set up via <<cacheaudio>>, into a group via its children. Groups are useful for applying actions to multiple tracks simultaneously and/or excluding the included tracks from a larger set when applying actions.<<track>>

Note: The StoryInit special passage is normally the best place to set up groups.





→ Given the following (best done in the StoryInit special passage)
<<cacheaudio "ui_beep"  "media/audio/ui/beep.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ui_boop"  "media/audio/ui/boop.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "ui_swish" "media/audio/ui/swish.mp3">>

→ Set up a group ":ui" with the tracks: "ui_beep", "ui_boop", and "ui_swish"
<<createaudiogroup ":ui">>
	<<track "ui_beep">>
	<<track "ui_boop">>
	<<track "ui_swish">>

 <<createplaylist listId>>
[<<track trackId actionList>> …]

Collects tracks, which must be set up via <<cacheaudio>>, into a playlist via its children.<<track>>

Note: The StoryInit special passage is normally the best place to set up playlists.





→ Given the following setup (best done in the StoryInit special passage)
<<cacheaudio "swamped"       "media/audio/Swamped.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "heavens_a_lie" "media/audio/Heaven's_A_Lie.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "closer"        "media/audio/Closer.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "to_the_edge"   "media/audio/To_The_Edge.mp3">>

→ Create a playlist "bgm_lacuna" with the tracks: "swamped", "heavens_a_lie", "closer", and "to_the_edge"
<<createplaylist "bgm_lacuna">>
	<<track "swamped"       volume 1>>      → Add "swamped" at 100% volume
	<<track "heavens_a_lie" volume 0.5>>    → Add "heavens_a_lie" at 50% volume
	<<track "closer"        own>>           → Add an owned copy of "closer" at its current volume
	<<track "to_the_edge"   volume 1 own>>  → Add an owned copy of "to_the_edge" at 100% volume

 <<masteraudio actionList>>

Controls the master audio settings.

See: Audio macro limitations.




Basic usage
→ Stop playback of all registered tracks, no exceptions
<<masteraudio stop>>

→ Change the master volume to 40%
<<masteraudio volume 0.40>>

→ Mute the master volume
<<masteraudio mute>>

→ Unmute the master volume
<<masteraudio unmute>>

→ Enable automatic muting of the master volume when losing visibility
<<masteraudio muteonhide>>

→ Disable automatic muting of the master volume when losing visibility
<<masteraudio nomuteonhide>>
Using the and actionsloadunload

Warning: Be very careful with these if your audio sources are on the network, as you are forcing players to begin downloading them. Not everyone has blazing fast internet with unlimited data—especially true for mobile users. Pease, do not take your players' bandwidth and data usage lightly.

→ If they're not currently loading, drop existing data buffers and load all tracks
<<masteraudio load>>

→ Unload all tracks, dropping existing data buffers
<<masteraudio unload>>

 <<playlist listId actionList>>

Controls the playback of the playlist, which must be set up via <<createplaylist>>.

See: Audio macro limitations.

Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: ) controls whether tracks that have been faded to volume (silent) are automatically paused. true0



<<createplaylist>>-compatible form
<<setplaylist>>-compatible form

Examples: (only <<createplaylist>>-compatible form shown)

Basic usage
→ Given the following (best done in the StoryInit special passage)
<<cacheaudio "swamped"       "media/audio/Swamped.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "heavens_a_lie" "media/audio/Heaven's_A_Lie.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "closer"        "media/audio/Closer.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "to_the_edge"   "media/audio/To_The_Edge.mp3">>
<<createplaylist "bgm_lacuna">>
	<<track "swamped"       volume 1>>
	<<track "heavens_a_lie" volume 1>>
	<<track "closer"        volume 1>>
	<<track "to_the_edge"   volume 1>>

→ Start playback
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" play>>

→ Start playback at 50% volume
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" volume 0.5 play>>

→ Start non-repeating playback
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" unloop play>>

→ Start playback with a randomly shuffled playlist
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" shuffle play>>

→ Start playback and fade from 0% to 100% volume
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" volume 0 fadein>>

→ Start playback and fade from 75% to 0% volume
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" volume 0.75 fadeout>>

→ Start playback and fade from 25% to 75% volume
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" volume 0.25 fadeto 0.75>>

→ Start playback and fade from 25% to 75% volume over 30 seconds
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" volume 0.25 fadeoverto 30 0.75>>

→ Pause playback
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" pause>>

→ Stop playback
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" stop>>

→ Mute playback, without changing the current playback state
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" mute>>

→ Unmute playback, without changing the current playback state
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" unmute>>

→ Change the volume to 40%, without changing the current playback state
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" volume 0.40>>

→ Set the playlist to randomly shuffle, without changing the current playback state
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" shuffle>>
Using the and actionsloadunload

Warning: Be very careful with these if your audio sources are on the network, as you are forcing players to begin downloading them. Not everyone has blazing fast internet with unlimited data—especially true for mobile users. Pease, do not take your players' bandwidth and data usage lightly.

→ If they're not currently loading, drop existing data buffers and load all of the playlist's tracks
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" load>>

→ Unload all of the playlist's tracks, dropping existing data buffers
<<playlist "bgm_lacuna" unload>>

 <<removeaudiogroup groupId>>

Removes the audio group with the given ID.

Note: You may not remove the predefined group IDs (, , , , , ) or the group modifier. :all:looped:muted:paused:playing:stopped:not




→ Given a group set up via <<createaudiogroup ":ui">>…<</createplaylist>>
<<removeaudiogroup ":ui">>

 <<removeplaylist listId>>

Removes the playlist with the given ID.




→ Given a playlist set up via <<createplaylist "bgm_lacuna">>…<</createplaylist>>
<<removeplaylist "bgm_lacuna">>


Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio has either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. Requires tracks to be set up via <<cacheaudio>>.

Note: This macro should be invoked once following any invocations of and , if any definitions used the keyword, for which you want the loading screen displayed. <<cacheaudio>><<createplaylist>><<track>>copy


Arguments: none


Basic usage
<<cacheaudio "a" "a_track.…">>
<<cacheaudio "b" "b_track.…">>
<<cacheaudio "c" "c_track.…">>
<<cacheaudio "d" "d_track.…">>
Load only selected audio at startup
→ First, register the tracks that will be needed soon
<<cacheaudio "a" "a_track.…">>
<<cacheaudio "b" "b_track.…">>

→ Next, load all currently registered tracks (meaning: "a" and "b")

→ Finally, register any tracks that won't be needed until later
<<cacheaudio "c" "c_track.…">>
<<cacheaudio "d" "d_track.…">>

 Miscellaneous Macros

 <<done>> … <</done>>

Silently executes its contents when the incoming passage is done rendering and has been added to the page. Generally, only really useful for running code that needs to manipulate elements from the incoming passage, since you must wait until they've been added to the page.

Tip: If you need to run the same code on multiple passages, consider using the PassageDone special passage or, for a JavaScript/TwineScript solution, a :passagedisplay event instead. They serve the same basic purpose as the macro, but are run each time passage navigation occurs. <<done>>


Arguments: none



	<<replace "#spy">>I spy with my little eye, a crab rangoon.<</replace>>

 <<goto passageName>>
<<goto linkMarkup>>

Immediately forwards the player to the passage with the given name. May be called either with the passage name or with a link markup.

Note: In most cases, you will not need to use as there are often better and easier ways to forward the player. For example, a common use of <<link>> is to perform various actions before forwarding the player to another passage. In that case, unless you need to dynamically determine the destination passage within the body, is unnecessary as already includes the ability to forward the player. <<goto>><<link>><<goto>><<link>>

Warning: Using to automatically forward players from one passage to another with no input from them will both create junk moments within the story history and make it extremely difficult for players to navigate the history. It is strongly recommended that you look into other methods to achieve your goals instead—e.g., Config.navigation.override. <<goto>>

Warning: does not terminate passage rendering in the passage where it was encountered, so care must be taken to ensure that no unwanted state modifications occur after its call. <<goto>>



Passage name form
Link markup form


→ Passage name form
<<goto "Somewhere over yonder">>
<<goto $selectedPassage>>

→ Link markup form
<<goto [[Somewhere over yonder]]>>
<<goto [[$selectedPassage]]>>

 <<repeat delay [transition|t8n]>> … <</repeat>>

Repeatedly executes its contents after the given delay, inserting any output into the passage in its place. May be terminated by a <<stop>> macro.

Note: Passage navigation terminates all pending timed executions.




→ A countdown timer
<<set $seconds to 10>>\
Countdown: <span id="countdown">$seconds seconds remaining</span>!\
	<<repeat 1s>>
		<<set $seconds to $seconds - 1>>
		<<if $seconds gt 0>>
			<<replace "#countdown">>$seconds seconds remaining<</replace>>
			<<replace "#countdown">>Too Late<</replace>>
			/* do something useful here */


Used within <<repeat>> macros. Terminates the execution of the current .<<repeat>>


Arguments: none

 <<timed delay [transition|t8n]>> …
[<<next [delay]>> …]

Executes its contents after the given delay, inserting any output into the passage in its place. Additional timed executions may be chained via .<<next>>

Note: Passage navigation terminates all pending timed executions.





→ Insert some text after 5 seconds with a transition
I want to go to…<<timed 5s t8n>> WONDERLAND!<</timed>>

→ Replace some text after 10 seconds
I like green <span id="eggs">eggs</span> and ham!\
<<timed 10s>><<replace "#eggs">>pancakes<</replace>><</timed>>

→ A execute <<goto>> after 10 seconds
<<timed 10s>><<goto "To the Moon, Alice">><</timed>>

→ Insert some text in 2 second intervals three times (at: 2s, 4s, 6s)
<<timed 2s>>Hi! Ho!
<<next>>Hi! Ho!
<<next>>It's off to work we go!

→ Set a $variable after 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, and 1 second
<<set $choice to 0>>
<<timed 4s>>
	<<set $choice to 1>>
<<next 3s>>
	<<set $choice to 2>>
<<next 2s>>
	<<set $choice to 3>>
<<next 1s>>
	<<set $choice to 4>>

→ Replace some text with a variable interval
→ Given: _delay is "2s" the interval will be 2 seconds
I'll have <span id="drink">some water</span>, please.\
<<timed _delay>><<replace "#drink">>a glass of milk<</replace>>\
<<next>><<replace "#drink">>a can of soda<</replace>>\
<<next>><<replace "#drink">>a cup of coffee<</replace>>\
<<next>><<replace "#drink">>tea, southern style, sweet<</replace>>\
<<next>><<replace "#drink">>a scotch, neat<</replace>>\
<<next>><<replace "#drink">>a bottle of your finest absinthe<</replace>>\

 <<widget widgetName [container]>> … <</widget>>

Creates a new widget macro (henceforth, widget) with the given name. Widgets allow you to create macros by using the standard macros and markup that you use normally within your story. All widgets may access arguments passed to them via the special variable. Block widgets may access the contents they enclose via the special variable._args_contents

Warning: Widgets should always be defined within a -tagged passage—any widgets that are not may be lost on page reload—and you may use as few or as many such passages as you desire. Do not add a tag to any of the specially named passages and attempt to define your widgets there. widgetwidget

Warning: The array-like object stored in the variable should be treated as though it were immutable—i.e., unable to be modified—because in the future it will be made thus, so any attempt to modify it will cause an error. _args



Special variables, & :_args_contents

The special variable is used internally to store arguments passed to the widget—as zero-based indices; i.e., is the first parsed argument, is the second, etc—the full argument string in raw and parsed forms—accessed via the and properties—and the widgets' name via the property._args_args[0]_args[1]_args.raw_args.full_args.name

The special variable is used internally, by container widgets, to store the contents they enclose._contents

When a widget is called, any existing variable, and for container widgets , is stored for the duration of the call and restored after. This means that non-widget uses of these special variable are completely safe, though this does have the effect that uses external to widgets are inaccessible within them unless passed in as arguments._args_contents


When calling one container widget directly from within another container widget, the special variable of the outer widget must not be included within the body of the call of the inner widget. Doing so will cause uncontrolled recursion. E.g.,_contents

<<widget "inner" container>>
<<widget "outer" container>> <<inner>>_contents<</inner>> <</widget>>

Warning: Unless localized by use of the <<capture>> macro, any story or other temporary variables used within widgets are part of a story's normal variable store, so care must be taken not to accidentally either overwrite or pick up an existing value.


Note: No line-break control mechanisms are used in the following examples for readability. In practice, you'll probably want to use either line continuations or one of the no-break methods: Config.passages.nobr setting, nobr special tag, <<nobr>> macro.

Basic usage (non-container)
→ Creating a gender pronoun widget
<<widget "he">>
	<<if $pcSex eq "male">>
	<<elseif $pcSex eq "female">>

→ Using it
"Are you sure that <<he>> can be trusted?"
→ Creating a silly print widget
<<widget "pm">>
	<<if _args[0]>>
		<<print _args[0]>>
		Mum's the word!

→ Using it
<<pm>>        → Outputs: Mum's the word!
<<pm "Hi!">>  → Outputs: Hi!
Basic usage (container)
→ Creating a simple dialog box widget
<<widget "say" container>>
	<div class="say-box">
		<img class="say-image" @src="'images/' + _args[0].toLowerCase() + '.png'">
		<p class="say-text">_contents</p>

→ Using it
<<say "Chapel">>Tweego is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural.<</say>>



Returns a deep copy of the given value.

Only primitives, generic objects, , , , , and are supported by default. Unsupported object types, either native or custom, will need to implement a method to be properly supported by the function—when called on such an object, it will defer to the local method; see the Non-generic object types (classes) guide for more information.ArrayDateMapRegExpSet.clone()clone()

Warning: Referential relationships between objects are not maintained—i.e., after cloning multiple references to an object will refer to seperate yet equivalent objects, as each reference receives its own clone of the original.

Warning: Generic objects have only their own enumerable properties copied. Non-enumerable properties and property descriptors are not duplicated. In particular, this means that getters/setters are not properly duplicated. If you need getters/setters, then you'll need to use a non-generic object/class.




A deep copy () of the original value.any

Throws: none


// Without clone(); given the generic object: $foo = { id : 1 }
<<set $bar to $foo>>
<<set $bar.id to 5>>
$foo.id  → Returns: 5
$bar.id  → Returns: 5

// With clone(); given the generic object: $foo = { id : 1 }
<<set $bar to clone($foo)>>
<<set $bar.id to 5>>
$foo.id  → Returns: 1
$bar.id  → Returns: 5


Returns a random value from its given arguments.




A random value from its given arguments.

Throws: none


// Using singular values
either("Blueberry", "Cherry", "Pecan")  → Returns a random pie from the whole list

// Using arrays; given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Pecan"]
either($pies)  → Returns a random pie from the whole array

// Using singular values and arrays; given: $letters = ["A", "B"]
either($letters, "C", "D")  → Returns a random value from the whole list—i.e., "A", "B", "C", "D"

// Using multiple arrays; given: $letters = ["A", "B"] & $numerals = ["1", "2"]
either($letters, $numerals)  → Returns a random value from the whole list—i.e., "A", "B", "1", "2"


Removes the specified key, and its associated value, from the story metadata store.

See Also: memorize(), recall().



Returns: none


An or instance.ErrorTypeError


<<run forget('achievements')>>


Returns whether the passage with the given name occurred within the story history. If multiple passage names are given, returns the logical-AND aggregate of the set—i.e., if all were found, if any were not found.truefalse




Boolean if all were found, elsewise .truefalse


An instance.Error


<<if hasVisited("Bar")>>…has been to the Bar…<</if>>
<<if not hasVisited("Bar")>>…has never been to the Bar…<</if>>
<<if hasVisited("Bar", "Café")>>…has been to both the Bar and Café<</if>>
<<if not hasVisited("Bar", "Café")>>…has never been to either the Bar, Café, or both…<</if>>


Returns the number of turns that have passed since the last instance of the passage with the given name occurred within the story history or if it does not exist. If multiple passage names are given, returns the lowest count (which can be ).-1-1




The lowest count (), elsewise .integer-1


An instance.Error


<<if lastVisited("Bar") is -1>>…has never been to the Bar…<</if>>
<<if lastVisited("Bar") is 0>>…is currently in the Bar…<</if>>
<<if lastVisited("Bar") is 1>>…was in the Bar one turn ago…<</if>>
<<if lastVisited("Bar", "Café") is -1>>…has never been to the Bar, Café, or both…<</if>>
<<if lastVisited("Bar", "Café") is 2>>…has been to both the Bar and Café, most recently two turns ago…<</if>>


Load and integrate external JavaScript scripts.

Note: Loading is done asynchronously at run time, so if the script must be available within a tight time frame, then you should use the returned by the function to ensure that the script is loaded before it is needed. Promise

Note: Your project's JavaScript section (Twine 2: the Story JavaScript; Twine 1/Twee: a -tagged passage) is normally the best place to call . scriptimportScripts()



Note: URLs ending in are imported as modules. .mjs


A that simply resolves, or rejects with an error if the script could not be loaded.Promise


An instance.Error


Basic usage
// Import scripts a.js as normal, b.mjs as a module, and c.js as a
// module
		type : "module",
		src  : "https://somesite/a/path/c.js"

// Import all scripts concurrently

// Import all scripts sequentially

// Import scripts a.js, b.js, and the c.js/d.js group concurrently,
// while importing c.js and d.js sequentially relative to each other
Basic usage with the returned objectPromise
// Import a script while using the returned Promise to ensure that
// the script has been fully loaded before executing dependent code
	.then(function () {
		// Code that depends on the script goes here
	.catch(function (err) {
		// There was an error loading the script, log it to the console
Saving the returned object for later usePromise
// Import a script while saving the returned Promise so it may be used later
setup.aScriptImport = importScripts("https://somesite/a/path/aScript.js");

// Use the returned Promise later on to ensure that the script has been fully
// loaded before executing dependent code
	.then(function () {
		// Code that depends on the script goes here
	.catch(function (err) {
		// There was an error loading the script, log it to the console


Load and integrate external CSS stylesheets.

Note: Loading is done asynchronously at run time, so if the stylesheet must be available within a tight time frame, then you should use the returned by the function to ensure that the stylesheet is loaded before it is needed. Promise

Note: Your project's JavaScript section (Twine 2: the Story JavaScript; Twine 1/Twee: a -tagged passage) is normally the best place to call . scriptimportStyles()




A that simply resolves, or rejects with an error if the style could not be loaded.Promise


An instance.Error


Basic usage
// Import all stylesheets concurrently

// Import all stylesheets sequentially

// Import stylesheets a.css, b.css, and the c.css/d.css group concurrently,
// while importing c.css and d.css sequentially relative to each other
Basic usage with the returned objectPromise
// Grab a loading screen lock
var lsLockId = LoadScreen.lock();

// Import a stylesheet while using the returned Promise to ensure that the
// stylesheet has been fully loaded before unlocking the loading screen
	.then(function () {
		// The stylesheet has been loaded, release the loading screen lock
	.catch(function (err) {
		// There was an error loading the stylesheet, log it to the console

 memorize(key, value)

Sets the specified key and value within the story metadata store, which causes them to persist over story and browser restarts. To update the value associated with a key, simply set it again.

Note: The story metadata, like saves, is tied to the specific story it was generated with. It is not a mechanism for moving data between stories.

Warning: The story metadata store is not, and should not be used as, a replacement for saves. Examples of good uses: achievement tracking, new game+ data, playthrough statistics, etc.

Warning: This feature is largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright.

See Also: forget(), recall().



Returns: none


An instance.TypeError


// Sets 'achievements', with the given value, in the metadata store.
<<run memorize('achievements', { ateYellowSnow : true })>>

// Sets 'ngplus', with the given value, in the metadata store.
<<run memorize('ngplus', true)>>


Returns the name of the active (present) passage.


Parameters: none


The name () of the passage.string

Throws: none


<<if passage() is "Café">>…the active passage is the Café passage…<</if>>


Returns the name of the most recent previous passage whose name does not match that of the active passage or an empty string, if there is no such passage.


Parameters: none


The name () of the passage, elsewise an empty string ().string''

Throws: none


<<if previous() is "Café">>…the most recent non-active passage is the Café passage…<</if>>

→ Commonly used as part of a link to return to the most recent non-active passage

 random([min ,] max)integer

Returns a pseudo-random whole number (integer) within the range of the given bounds (inclusive)—i.e., [min, max].

Note: By default, it uses Math.random() as its source of (non-deterministic) randomness, however, when the seedable PRNG has been enabled, via State.prng.init(), it uses that (deterministic) seeded PRNG instead.




A random whole number ().integer


An or instance.ErrorTypeError


random(5)     → Returns a number in the range 0–5
random(1, 6)  → Returns a number in the range 1–6

 randomFloat([min ,] max)decimal

Returns a pseudo-random decimal number (floating-point) within the range of the given bounds (inclusive for the minimum, exclusive for the maximum)—i.e., [min, max).

Note: By default, it simply returns non-deterministic results from Math.random(), however, when the seedable PRNG has been enabled, via State.prng.init(), it returns deterministic results from the seeded PRNG instead.




A random floating-point number ().decimal


An or instance.ErrorTypeError


randomFloat(5.0)       → Returns a number in the range 0.0–4.9999999…
randomFloat(1.0, 6.0)  → Returns a number in the range 1.0–5.9999999…

 recall(key [, defaultValue])any

Returns the value associated with the specified key from the story metadata store or, if no such key exists, the specified default value, if any.

See Also: forget(), memorize().




A value () from the specified key, elsewise the default value if specified.any


A instance.TypeError


// Set setup.achievements to the 'achievements' metadata or an empty generic object.
<<set setup.achievements to recall('achievements', {})>>

// Set setup.ngplus to the 'ngplus' metadata, with no default.
<<set setup.ngplus to recall('ngplus')>>

 setPageElement(idOrElement , passages [, defaultText]) → | HTMLElementnull

Renders the selected passage into the target element, replacing any existing content, and returns the element. If no passages are found and default text is specified, it will be used instead.




An , elsewise .HTMLElementnull

Throws: none


Note: As it is highly unlikely that either an array of passage names or default text will be needed in the vast majority of cases, only a few basic examples will be given.

// Using an ID; given an existing element on the page: <div id="my-display"></div>
setPageElement("my-display", "MyPassage");

// Using an element; given a reference to an existing element: myElement
setPageElement(myElement, "MyPassage");


Returns a new array consisting of all of the tags of the given passages.




The tags ().Array<string>

Throws: none


<<if tags().includes("forest")>>…the active passage is part of the forest…<</if>>
<<if tags("Lonely Glade").includes("forest")>>…the Lonely Glade passage is part of the forest…<</if>>


Returns a reference to the current temporary variables store (equivalent to: State.temporary). This is only really useful within pure JavaScript code, as within TwineScript you may simply access temporary variables natively.


Parameters: none


A reference to the temporary variable store ().object

Throws: none


// Given: _selection is 'Zagnut Bar'
if (temporary().selection === 'Zagnut Bar') {
	/* Do something… */


Returns the number of milliseconds that have passed since the current passage was rendered to the page.


Parameters: none


The number of milliseconds () since the passage was rendered.integer

Throws: none


→ Links that vary based on the time
In the darkness, something wicked this way comes.  Quickly!  Do you \
<<link "try to run back into the light">>
	<<if time() lt 5000>>
		/% The player clicked the link in under 5s, so they escape %/
		<<goto "Well lit passageway">>
		/% Else, they're eaten by a grue %/
		<<goto "Eaten by a grue">>
<</link>> \
or [[stand your ground|Eaten by a grue]]?

 triggerEvent(name [, targets [, options]])

Dispatches a synthetic event with the given name, optionally on the given targets and with the given options.



Tip: If dispatching custom events, it is recommended that you limit your custom event names to the following characters: letters, digits, periods (), hyphens (), underscores (), and colons (). .-_:

Options object:

Warning: Adding additional properties directly to event options objects is not recommended. Instead, use the property. detail

An event options object should have some of the following properties:

Returns: none

Throws: none


Dispatch a custom event on fnorddocument
Dispatch a event on the element bearing the ID clicksome-menu
triggerEvent('click', document.getElementById('some-menu'));
Dispatch a custom event on while specifying some optionsupdate-meterdocument
triggerEvent('update-meter', document, {
	detail : {
		tags : ['health', 'magick']
Various ways to dispatch a event on all elements bearing the class mouseoverflippable
triggerEvent('mouseover', document.getElementsByClassName('flippable'));

triggerEvent('mouseover', document.querySelectorAll('.flippable'));

triggerEvent('mouseover', jQuery('.flippable'));


Returns the total number (count) of played turns currently in effect—i.e., the number of played moments up to the present moment; future (rewound/undone) moments are not included within the total.


Parameters: none


The turn count ().integer

Throws: none


<<print "This is turn #" + turns()>>


Returns a reference to the active (present) story variables store (equivalent to: State.variables). This is only really useful within pure JavaScript code, as within TwineScript you may simply access story variables natively.


Parameters: none


A reference to the story variable store ().object

Throws: none


// Given: $hasGoldenKey is true
if (variables().hasGoldenKey) {
	/* Do something… */


Returns the number of times that the passage with the given title occurred within the story history. If multiple passage titles are given, returns the lowest count.




The passage count ().integer

Throws: none


<<if visited() is 3>>…this is the third visit to the current passage…<</if>>
<<if visited("Bar")>>…has been to the Bar at least once…<</if>>
<<if visited("Café") is 1>>…has been to the Café exactly once…<</if>>
<<if visited("Bar", "Café") is 4>>…has been to both the Bar and Café at least four times…<</if>>


Returns the number of passages within the story history that are tagged with all of the given tags.




The number () of passages that are tagged with the given tags.integer


An instance.Error


<<if visitedTags("forest")>>…has been to some part of the forest at least once…<</if>>
<<if visitedTags("forest", "haunted") is 1>>…has been to the haunted part of the forest exactly once…<</if>>
<<if visitedTags("forest", "burned") is 3>>…has been to the burned part of the forest three times…<</if>>


Most of the methods listed below are SugarCube extensions, with the rest being either JavaScript natives or bundled library methods that are listed here for their utility—though, this is not an exhaustive list.

For more information see:

Additionally. SugarCube includes polyfills for virtually all JavaScript (ECMAScript) 5 & 6 native object methods—via the es5-shim and es6-shim polyfill libraries (shims only, no shams)—so they may be safely used even if your project will be played in ancient browsers that do not natively support them.

 Array Methods


Concatenates one or more members to the end of the base array and returns the result as a new array. Does not modify the original.

History: native JavaScript method



// Given: $fruits1 = ["Apples", "Oranges"], $fruits2 = ["Pears", "Plums"]
$fruits1.concat($fruits2)            → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Plums"]
$fruits1.concat($fruits2, $fruits2)  → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Plums", "Pears", "Plums"]
$fruits1.concat("Pears")             → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"]
$fruits1.concat("Pears", "Pears")    → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Pears"]
$fruits1.concat($fruits2, "Pears")   → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Plums", "Pears"]


Concatenates one or more unique members to the end of the base array and returns the result as a new array. Does not modify the original.




// Given: $fruits1 = ["Apples", "Oranges"], $fruits2 = ["Pears", "Plums"]
$fruits1.concatUnique($fruits2)            → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Plums"]
$fruits1.concatUnique($fruits2, $fruits2)  → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Plums"]
$fruits1.concatUnique("Pears")             → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"]
$fruits1.concatUnique("Pears", "Pears")    → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"]
$fruits1.concatUnique($fruits2, "Pears")   → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Plums"]

 <Array>.count(needle [, position])integer

Returns the number of times that the given member was found within the array, starting the search at .position




// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums", "Oranges"]
$fruits.count("Oranges")     → Returns 2
$fruits.count("Oranges", 2)  → Returns 1

 <Array>.countWith(predicate [, thisArg])integer

Returns the number of times that members within the array pass the test implemented by the given predicate function.




// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums", "Oranges"]
$fruits.countWith(function (fruit) { return fruit === "Oranges"; })  → Returns 2
// Given: $numbers = [1, 2.3, 4, 76, 3.1]
$numbers.countWith(Number.isInteger)  → Returns 3
// Given: $items = [
// 	{ name : 'Healing potion', kind : 'potion' },
// 	{ name : 'Longsword', kind : 'weapon' },
// 	{ name : 'Mana potion', kind : 'potion' },
// 	{ name : 'Dead rat', kind : 'junk' },
// 	{ name : 'Endurance potion', kind : 'potion' },
// 	{ name : 'Shortbow', kind : 'weapon' }
// ]
$items.countWith(function (item) { return item.kind === 'junk'; })  → Returns 1


Removes all instances of the given members from the array and returns a new array containing the removed members.




// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums", "Oranges"]
$fruits.deleteAll("Oranges")          → Returns ["Oranges", "Oranges"]; $fruits ["Apples", "Plums"]
$fruits.deleteAll("Apples", "Plums")  → Returns ["Apples", "Plums"]; $fruits ["Oranges", "Oranges"]


Removes all of the members at the given indices from the array and returns a new array containing the removed members.




// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums", "Oranges"]
$fruits.deleteAt(2)     → Returns ["Plums"]; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges", "Oranges"]
$fruits.deleteAt(1, 3)  → Returns ["Oranges", "Oranges"]; $fruits ["Apples", "Plums"]
$fruits.deleteAt(0, 2)  → Returns ["Apples", "Plums"]; $fruits ["Oranges", "Oranges"]


Removes the first instance of the given members from the array and returns a new array containing the removed members.




// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums", "Oranges"]
$fruits.deleteFirst("Oranges")          → Returns ["Oranges"]; $fruits ["Apples", "Plums", "Oranges"]
$fruits.deleteFirst("Apples", "Plums")  → Returns ["Apples", "Plums"]; $fruits ["Oranges", "Oranges"]


Removes the last instance of the given members from the array and returns a new array containing the removed members.




// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums", "Oranges"]
$fruits.deleteLast("Oranges")          → Returns ["Oranges"]; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums"]
$fruits.deleteLast("Apples", "Plums")  → Returns ["Apples", "Plums"]; $fruits ["Oranges", "Oranges"]

 <Array>.deleteWith(predicate [, thisArg])Array<any>

Removes all of the members from the array that pass the test implemented by the given predicate function and returns a new array containing the removed members.




// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Apricots", "Oranges"]

→ Returns ["Apricots"]; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges"]
$fruits.deleteWith(function (val) {
	return val === "Apricots";

→ Returns ["Apples", "Apricots"]; $fruits ["Oranges"]
$fruits.deleteWith(function (val) {
	return val.startsWith("Ap");

// Given: $fruits = [{ name : "Apples" }, { name : "Apricots" }, { name : "Oranges" }]

→ Returns [{ name : "Apricots" }]; $fruits [{ name : "Apples" }, { name : "Oranges" }]
$fruits.deleteWith(function (val) {
	return val.name === "Apricots";

→ Returns [{ name : "Apples" }, { name : "Apricots" }]; $fruits [{ name : "Oranges" }]
$fruits.deleteWith(function (val) {
	return val.name.startsWith("Ap");


Returns the first member from the array. Does not modify the original.


Parameters: none


// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
$pies.first()  → Returns "Blueberry"


Returns a new array consisting of the source array with all sub-array elements concatenated into it recursively up to the given depth. Does not modify the original.

History: native JavaScript method



// Given: $npa = [["Alfa", "Bravo"], [["Charlie", "Delta"], ["Echo"]], "Foxtrot"]

$npa.flat()   → Returns ["Alfa", "Bravo", ["Charlie", "Delta"], ["Echo"], "Foxtrot"]
$npa.flat(1)  → Returns ["Alfa", "Bravo", ["Charlie", "Delta"], ["Echo"], "Foxtrot"]
$npa.flat(2)  → Returns ["Alfa", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Delta", "Echo", "Foxtrot"]

 <Array>.flatMap(callback [, thisArg])Array<any>

Returns a new array consisting of the result of calling the given mapping function on every element in the source array and then concatenating all sub-array elements into it recursively up to a depth of . Does not modify the original.1

Note: Identical to calling . <Array>.map(…).flat()

History: native JavaScript method



// Given: $npa = ["Alfa", "Bravo Charlie", "Delta Echo Foxtrot"]

→ Returns ["Alfa", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Delta", "Echo", "Foxtrot"]
$npa.flatMap(function (val) {
	return val.split(" ");

 <Array>.includes(needle [, position])boolean

Returns whether the given member was found within the array, starting the search at .position

History: native JavaScript method



// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
<<if $pies.includes("Cherry")>>…found Cherry pie…<</if>>
<<if $pies.includes("Pecan", 3)>>…found Pecan pie within ["Pecan", "Pumpkin"]…<</if>>


Returns whether all of the given members were found within the array.




// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
<<if $pies.includesAll("Cherry", "Pecan")>>…found Cherry and Pecan pies…<</if>>

// Given: $search = ["Blueberry", "Pumpkin"]
<<if $pies.includesAll($search)>>…found Blueberry and Pumpkin pies…<</if>>


Returns whether any of the given members were found within the array.




// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
<<if $pies.includesAny("Cherry", "Pecan")>>…found Cherry or Pecan pie…<</if>>

// Given: $search = ["Blueberry", "Pumpkin"]
<<if $pies.includesAny($search)>>…found Blueberry or Pumpkin pie…<</if>>


Returns the last member from the array. Does not modify the original.


Parameters: none


// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
$pies.last()  → Returns "Pumpkin"


Removes and returns a random member from the base array.


Parameters: none


// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
$pies.pluck()  → Removes and returns a random pie from the array


Randomly removes the given number of members from the base array and returns the removed members as a new array.




// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
$pies.pluckMany(3)  → Removes three random pies from the array and returns them as a new array


Removes and returns the last member from the array, or if the array is empty.undefined

History: native JavaScript method

Parameters: none


// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"]
$fruits.pop()  → Returns "Pears"; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges"]


Appends one or more members to the end of the base array and returns its new length.

History: native JavaScript method



// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges"]
$fruits.push("Apples")  → Returns 3; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges", "Apples"]

// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges"]
$fruits.push("Plums", "Plums")  → Returns 4; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums", "Plums"]


Appends one or more unique members to the end of the base array and returns its new length.




// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges"]
$fruits.pushUnique("Apples")  → Returns 2; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges"]

// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges"]
$fruits.pushUnique("Plums", "Plums")  → Returns 3; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums"]


Returns a random member from the base array. Does not modify the original.


Parameters: none


// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
$pies.random()  → Returns a random pie from the array


Randomly selects the given number of unique members from the base array and returns the selected members as a new array. Does not modify the original.




// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
$pies.randomMany(3)  → Returns a new array containing three unique random pies from the array


Removes and returns the first member from the array, or if the array is empty.undefined

History: native JavaScript method

Parameters: none


// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"]
$fruits.shift()  → Returns "Apples"; $fruits ["Oranges", "Pears"]


Randomly shuffles the array.


Parameters: none


// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
$pies.shuffle()  → Randomizes the order of the pies in the array


Returns a new copy of the base array created by shuffling the array. Does not modify the original.


Parameters: none


// Given: $pies = ["Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cream", "Pecan", "Pumpkin"]
$pies.toShuffled()  → Randomizes the order of the pies in the array w/o modifying the original


Returns a new copy of the base array created by removing all duplicate members. Does not modify the original.


Parameters: none


// Given: $fruits = ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums", "Plums", "Apples"]
$fruits.toUnique()  → Returns ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums"]


Prepends one or more members to the beginning of the base array and returns its new length.

History: native JavaScript method



// Given: $fruits = ["Oranges", "Plums"]
$fruits.unshift("Oranges")  → Returns 3; $fruits ["Oranges", "Oranges", "Plums"]

// Given: $fruits = ["Oranges", "Plums"]
$fruits.unshift("Apples", "Apples")  → Returns 4; $fruits ["Apples", "Apples", "Oranges", "Plums"]


Prepends one or more unique members to the beginning of the base array and returns its new length.




// Given: $fruits = ["Oranges", "Plums"]
$fruits.unshiftUnique("Oranges")  → Returns 2; $fruits ["Oranges", "Plums"]

// Given: $fruits = ["Oranges", "Plums"]
$fruits.unshiftUnique("Apples", "Apples")  → Returns 3; $fruits ["Apples", "Oranges", "Plums"]


Deprecated: This instance method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the <Array>.deleteAll() instance method.


 jQuery Methods

 <jQuery>.ariaClick([options ,] handler)jQuery object

Makes the target element(s) WAI-ARIA-compatible clickables—meaning that various accessibility attributes are set and, in addition to mouse clicks, enter/return and spacebar key presses also activate them. Returns a reference to the current object for chaining.jQuery



Options object:

An options object should have some of the following properties:


// Given an existing element: <a id="so-clicky">Click me</a>
$('#so-clicky').ariaClick(function (event) {
	/* do stuff */

// Creates a basic link and appends it to the `output` element
$('<a>Click me</a>')
	.ariaClick(function (event) {
		/* do stuff */

// Creates a basic button and appends it to the `output` element
$('<button>Click me</button>')
	.ariaClick(function (event) {
		/* do stuff */

// Creates a link with options and appends it to the `output` element
$('<a>Click me</a>')
		one   : true,
		label : 'This single-use link does stuff.'
	}, function (event) {
		/* do stuff */

 <jQuery>.ariaDisabled(state)jQuery object

Changes the disabled state of the target WAI-ARIA-compatible clickable element(s). Returns a reference to the current object for chaining.jQuery

Note: This method is meant to work with clickables created via <jQuery>.ariaClick() and may not work with clickables from other sources. SugarCube uses internally to handle all of its various link markup and macros. <jQuery>.ariaClick()




// Given an existing WAI-ARIA-compatible clickable element with the ID "so-clicky"
$('#so-clicky').ariaDisabled(true)   → Disables the target element
$('#so-clicky').ariaDisabled(false)  → Enables the target element


Returns whether any of the target WAI-ARIA-compatible clickable element(s) are disabled.

Note: This method is meant to work with clickables created via <jQuery>.ariaClick() and may not work with clickables from other sources. SugarCube uses internally to handle all of its various link markup and macros. <jQuery>.ariaClick()


Parameters: none


// Given an existing WAI-ARIA-compatible clickable element with the ID "so-clicky"

// If "#so-clicky" is disabled:
$('#so-clicky').ariaIsDisabled()  → Returns true

// If "#so-clicky" is enabled:
$('#so-clicky').ariaIsDisabled()  → Returns false


Wikifies the given content source(s) and discards the result. If there were errors, an exception is thrown. This is only really useful when you want to invoke a macro for its side-effects and aren't interested in its output.




$.wiki('<<somemacro>>');  → Invokes the <<somemacro>> macro, discarding any output


Wikifies the passage by the given name and discards the result. If there were errors, an exception is thrown. This is only really useful when you want to invoke a macro for its side-effects and aren't interested in its output.




$.wikiPassage('Fight Init');  → Renders the passage, discarding any output

 <jQuery>.wiki(sources…)jQuery object

Wikifies the given content source(s) and appends the result to the target element(s). Returns a reference to the current object for chaining.jQuery




// Given an element: <div id="the-box"></div>
$('#the-box').wiki('Who //are// you?');  → Appends "Who <em>are</em> you?" to the target element

 <jQuery>.wikiPassage(name)jQuery object

Wikifies the passage by the given name and appends the result to the target element(s). Returns a reference to the current object for chaining.jQuery




// Given an element: <div id="notebook"></div>
$('#notebook').wikiPassage('Notes');  → Appends the rendered passage to the target element

 JSON Methods

 JSON.reviveWrapper(code [, data])array

Deprecated: This static method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Serial.createReviver() static method.


 Math Methods

 Math.clamp(num , min , max)number

Returns the given number clamped to the specified bounds. Does not modify the original.




Math.clamp($stat, 0, 200)  → Clamps $stat to the bounds 0–200 and returns the new value
Math.clamp($stat, 1, 6.6)  → Clamps $stat to the bounds 1–6.6 and returns the new value


Returns the whole (integer) part of the given number by removing its fractional part, if any. Does not modify the original.

History: native JavaScript method



Math.trunc(12.7)   → Returns 12
Math.trunc(-12.7)  → Returns -12

 Number Methods

 <Number>.clamp(min , max)number

Deprecated: This static method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Math.clamp() static method.


 RegExp Methods


Returns the given string with all regular expression metacharacters escaped. Does not modify the original.




RegExp.escape('That will be $5 (cash only)')   → Returns 'That will be \$5 \(cash only\)'

 Serial Methods

 Serial.createReviver(code [, data])Array

Returns the given code string, and optional data, wrapped within the deserialization reviver. Intended to allow authors to easily create the reviver required to revive their custom object types (classes). The reviver should be returned from an object instance's method, so that the instance may be properly revived upon deserialization..toJSON()

See: The Non-generic object types (classes) guide for more detailed information.




Serial.createReviver( /* valid JavaScript code string */ );             → Without data chunk
Serial.createReviver( /* valid JavaScript code string */ , myOwnData);  → With data chunk

// E.g., Assume that you're attempting to revive an instance of a custom class named
//       `Character`, which is assigned to a story variable named `$pc`.  The call
//       to `Serial.createReviver()` might look something like the following.
var ownData = {};
Object.keys(this).forEach(function (pn) { ownData[pn] = clone(this[pn]); }, this);
return Serial.createReviver('new Character($ReviveData$)', ownData);

 String Methods

Note: Strings in TwineScript/JavaScript are Unicode, however, due to historic reasons they are comprised of, and indexed by, individual UTF-16 code units rather than code points. This means that some code points may span multiple code units—e.g., the emoji 💩 is one code point, but two code units.

 <String>.count(needle [, position])integer

Returns the number of times that the given substring was found within the string, starting the search at .position




// Given: $text = "How now, brown cow."
$text.count("ow")     → Returns 4
$text.count("ow", 8)  → Returns 2


Returns the first Unicode code point within the string. Does not modify the original.

See: String methods note.


Parameters: none


// Given: $text = "abc"
$text.first()  → Returns "a"

// Given: $text = "🙈🙉🙊"
$text.first()  → Returns "🙈"

 String.format(format , arguments…)string

Returns a formatted string, after replacing each format item in the given format string with the text equivalent of the corresponding argument's value.



Format items:

A format item has the syntax , square-brackets denoting optional elements.{index[,alignment]}


String.format("{0}, {1}!", "Hello", "World")      → List of arguments; Returns "Hello, World!"
String.format("{0}, {1}!", [ "Hello", "World" ])  → Array argument; Returns "Hello, World!"
String.format("{0,6}", "foo")                     → Returns "   foo"
String.format("{0,-6}", "foo")                    → Returns "foo   "

 <String>.includes(needle [, position])boolean

Returns whether the given substring was found within the string, starting the search at .position

History: native JavaScript method



// Given: $text = "How now, brown cow."
$text.includes("row")      → Returns true
$text.includes("row", 14)  → Returns false
$text.includes("cow", 14)  → Returns true
$text.includes("pow")      → Returns false


Returns the last Unicode code point within the string. Does not modify the original.

See: String methods note.


Parameters: none


// Given: $text = "abc"
$text.last()  → Returns "c"

// Given: $text = "🙈🙉🙊"
$text.last()  → Returns "🙊"


Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case, according to any locale-specific rules. Does not modify the original.

See: String methods note.


Parameters: none


// Using the Turkish (Türkçe) locale and given: $text = "ışık"
$text.toLocaleUpperFirst()  → Returns "Işık"

// Using the Turkish (Türkçe) locale and given: $text = "iki"
$text.toLocaleUpperFirst()  → Returns "İki"


Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case. Does not modify the original.

See: String methods note.


Parameters: none


// Given: $text = "hello."
$text.toUpperFirst()  → Returns "Hello."

// Given: $text = "χαίρετε."
$text.toUpperFirst()  → Returns "Χαίρετε."

 Special Names

Passage, tag, and variable names that have special meaning to SugarCube.


  1. All special names listed herein are case sensitive, so their spelling and capitalization must be exactly as shown.
  2. Never combine special or code passages with code tags. By doing so, you will probably break things in subtle and hard to detect ways.

 Code Passages

Passages that are used only as code and should not be navigated to. They exist simply to fill in parts of the UI—e.g., —or execute code at specific times—e.g., —or both—e.g., .StoryCaptionPassageReadyPassageHeader


Used for post-passage-display tasks, like redoing dynamic changes (happens after the rendering and display of each passage). Generates no output.

Roughly equivalent to the :passagedisplay event.



Appended to each rendered passage.

Roughly equivalent to the :passagerender event.



Prepended to each rendered passage.

Roughly equivalent to the :passagestart event.



Used for pre-passage-display tasks, like redoing dynamic changes (happens before the rendering of each passage). Generates no output.

Roughly equivalent to the :passagestart event.



Used to populate the authorial byline area in the UI bar (element ID: ).story-author



Used to populate the story's banner area in the UI bar (element ID: ).story-banner



Used to populate the story's caption area in the UI bar (element ID: ). May also be, and often is, used to add additional story UI elements and content to the UI bar.story-caption



Sets the story's display title in the browser's titlebar and the UI bar (element ID: ). If omitted, the story title will be used instead.story-title



Used for pre-story-start initialization tasks, like variable initialization (happens at the beginning of story initialization). Generates no output.



Used to replace SugarCube's default UI. Its contents are treated as raw HTML markup—i.e., none of SugarCube's special HTML processing is performed. The markup is contained within a element and must itself contain, at least, an element with the ID that will be the main passage display area. For example:<div id="story" role="main">passages

<div id="story" role="main">
	<!-- StoryInterface elements added here -->

Additional elements, aside from the element, may include either the or content attribute, whose value is the name of the passage used to populate the element—the passage will be processed as normal, meaning that markup and macros will work as expected. The attribute causes the element to be updated once at initialization, while the attribute causes the element to be updated upon each passage navigation.#passagesdata-init-passagedata-passagedata-init-passagedata-passage

Warning: Elements that include either a or content attribute should not themselves contain additional elements. This is because such elements' contents are replaced via their associated passage, so any child elements will be lost. data-init-passagedata-passage



Minimal working example
<div id="passages"></div>

Combined with the built-in wrapper:

<div id="story" role="main">
	<div id="passages"></div>
With and content attributesdata-init-passagedata-passage
<div id="menu" data-init-passage="Menu"></div>
<div id="notifications" data-passage="Notifications"></div>
<div id="passages"></div>

Combined with the built-in wrapper:

<div id="story" role="main">
	<div id="menu" data-init-passage="Menu"></div>
	<div id="notifications" data-passage="Notifications"></div>
	<div id="passages"></div>


Used to populate the story's menu items in the UI bar (element ID: ).menu-story

Note: The story menu only displays links—specifically, anything that creates an anchor element (). While it renders content just as any other passage does, instead of displaying the rendered output as-is, it sifts through the output and builds its menu from the generated links contained therein. <a>



<<link "Schedule">>…<</link>>


Warning: Twine 1.4 code passage unused by SugarCube. The Config API serves the same basic purpose.


Sets the story's subtitle in the UI bar (element ID: ).story-subtitle



Warning: The story title is used to create the storage ID that is used to store all player data, both temporary and persistent. It should be plain text, containing no code, markup, or macros of any kind.

Tip: If you want to set a title for display that contains code, markup, or macros, see the StoryDisplayTitle code passage.

Twine 2: Unused, not a code passage. The story's title is part of the story project.

Twine 1/Twee: Required. Sets the story's title.



Deprecated: This special passage has been deprecated and should no longer be used.


 Special Passages

Passages that receive some kind of special treatment from the engine.

Note: Some special passages are conditional and may not always be special passages. The conditions will be noted within each such passsge's entry.


Twine 2: Not a special passage. Any passage may be chosen as the starting passage by selecting it via the Start Story Here passage context-menu item—n.b. older versions of Twine 2 used a icon for the same purpose.

Twine 1/Twee: Required. The starting passage, the first passage displayed. Configurable, see Config.passages.start for more information.


 Code Tags

Passages tagged with code tags are used only as code or data and cannot be navigated to.

Note: Some code tags are conditional and may not always act as code tags. The conditions will be noted within each such tag's entry.


Registers the passage as an initialization passage. Used for pre-story-start initialization tasks, like variable initialization (happens at the beginning of story initialization). Generates no output.

Note: This is chiefly intended for use by add-ons/libraries. For normal projects, authors are strongly encouraged to continue to use the StoryInit special named passage.



Twine 2: Unused, not a code tag. Use the Edit Story JavaScript story editor menu item for scripts.

Twine 1/Twee: Registers the passage as JavaScript code, which is executed during startup.



Twine 2: Unused, not a code tag. Use the Edit Story Stylesheet story editor menu item for styles.

Twine 1/Twee: Registers the passage as a CSS stylesheet, which is loaded during startup. It is strongly recommended that you use only one stylesheet passage. Additionally, see the tagged stylesheet warning.



Registers the passage as an audio passage. See Guide: Media Passages for more information.



Registers the passage as an image passage. See Guide: Media Passages for more information.



Registers the passage as a video passage. See Guide: Media Passages for more information.



Registers the passage as a VTT passage. See Guide: Media Passages for more information.



Registers the passage as <<widget>> macro definitions, which are loaded during startup.


 Special Tags


Causes leading/trailing newlines to be removed and all remaining sequences of newlines to be replaced with single spaces before the passage is rendered. Equivalent to wrapping the entire passage in a <<nobr>> macro. See the Config.passages.nobr setting for a way to apply the same processing to all passages at once.

Note: Does not affect or tagged passages, for Twine 1/Twee. scriptstylesheet



Deprecated: This special tag has been deprecated and should no longer be used.


 Special Variables


Alias for , by default. NOTE: This should not be confused with story variables, which start with a —e.g., .jQuery$$foo



Widget arguments array (only inside widgets). See <<widget>> for more information.



Widget contents string (only inside block widgets). See <<widget>> for more information.



Configuration API. See Config API for more information.



Dialog API. See Dialog API for more information.



Engine API. See Engine API for more information.



Fullscreen API. See Fullscreen API for more information.



jQuery library function.



Strings localization object. See Localization for more information.



LoadScreen API. See LoadScreen API for more information.



Macro API. See Macro API for more information.



Passage API. See Passage API for more information.



Save API. See Save API for more information.



Setting API. See Setting API for more information.



Player settings object, set up by the author/developer. See Setting API for more information.



Object that authors/developers may use to set up various bits of static data. Generally, you would use this for data that does not change and should not be stored within story variables, which would make it part of the history.



SimpleAudio API. See SimpleAudio API for more information.



State API. See State API for more information.



Story API. See Story API for more information.



Template API. See Template API for more information.



UI API. See UI API for more information.



UIBar API. See UIBar API for more information.



Deprecated: The special variable has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the _args special variable for its replacement. $args



Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passagedisplay event for its replacement. postdisplay



Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passagerender event for its replacement. postrender



Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passagestart event for its replacement. predisplay



Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passageinit event for its replacement. prehistory



Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passagestart event for its replacement. prerender



 Passage Conversions

IDs and classes automatically generated from passage names and tags are normalized to kebab case with all lowercase letters—which entails: removing characters that are not alphanumerics, underscores, hyphens, en-/em-dashes, or whitespace, then replacing any remaining non-alphanumeric characters with hyphens, one per group, and finally converting the result to lowercase.

Passage Names

Passage names have prepended to their converted forms and are converted both into IDs and classes depending on how the passage is used—an ID for the active passage, classes for included (via <<include>>) passages.passage-

For example, if the passage name was , then:Gone fishin'

Passage Tags

When displaying a passage, its tags are:

  1. Added to the active passage's container element, element, and element as a space separated list within the attribute.<html><body>data-tags
  2. Added to the active passage's container element and element as classes. The following special tags are excluded from this mapping: <body>
    Twine 2: debug, , , , and any tag starting with nobrpassagewidgettwine.
    Twine 1/Twee: debug, , , , , , and any tag starting with nobrpassagescriptstylesheetwidgettwine.

For example, if the tag name was , then it would become both the attribute member (selector: ) and the class (selector: ).Sector_42data-tagsSector_42[data-tags~="Sector_42"]sector-42.sector-42

 Example Selectors

Selector Description

The document element. The default font stack is set here.

The active passage's tags will be added to its attribute (see: Passage Conversions).data-tags


The body of the page. The default foreground and background colors are set here.

The active passage's tags will be added to its attribute and classes (see: Passage Conversions).data-tags

#story Selects the story element.
#passages Selects the element that contains passage elements. All created passage elements will be children of this element.

Selects the passage element. Normally, there will be only one such passage per turn, however, during passage navigation there may briefly be two—the incoming (a.k.a. active) and outgoing passages.

The active passage's name will be added as its ID (see: Passage Conversions).

The active passage's tags will be added to its attribute and classes (see: Passage Conversions).data-tags

.passage a Selects all elements within the passage element.<a>
.passage a:hover Selects elements within the passage element that are being hovered over.<a>
.passage a:active Selects elements within the passage element that are being clicked on.<a>
.passage .link-broken Selects all internal link elements within the passage element whose passages do not exist within the story.
.passage .link-disabled Selects all internal link elements within the passage element who have been disabled—e.g., already chosen macro links.<<choice>>
.passage .link-external Selects all external link elements within the passage element—e.g., links to other pages and websites.
.passage .link-internal Selects all internal link elements within the passage element—e.g., passage and macro links.
.passage .link-visited1 Selects all internal link elements within the passage element whose passages are within the in-play story history—i.e., passages the player has been to before.
.passage .link-internal:not(.link-visited)1 Selects all internal link elements within the passage element whose passages are not within the in-play story history—i.e., passages the player has never been to before.
  1. The class is not enabled by default, see the API's Config.addVisitedLinkClass property for more information..link-visitedConfig


Multiple Stylesheets (for Twine 1/Twee only)

When using Twine 1/Twee, it is strongly recommended that you use only a single tagged passage. CSS styles cascade in order of load, so if you use multiple tagged passages, then it is all too easy for your styles to be loaded in the wrong order, since Twine 1/Twee gives you no control over the order that multiple tagged passages load.stylesheetstylesheetstylesheet

Tagged Stylesheets

SugarCube does not support the Twine 1.4+ vanilla story formats' tagged stylesheets. In SugarCube, you would instead simply prefix the selectors of your styles with the appropriate tag-based selectors—e.g., either attribute selectors or class selectors.[data-tags~="…"]

For example, if some story passages were tagged with , then styles for those forest passages might look like this:forest

/* Using [data-tags~="…"] attribute selectors on <html> */
html[data-tags~="forest"] { background-image: url(forest-bg.jpg); }
html[data-tags~="forest"] .passage { color: darkgreen; }
html[data-tags~="forest"] a { color: green; }
html[data-tags~="forest"] a:hover { color: lime; }

/* Using [data-tags~="…"] attribute selectors on <body> */
body[data-tags~="forest"] { background-image: url(forest-bg.jpg); }
body[data-tags~="forest"] .passage { color: darkgreen; }
body[data-tags~="forest"] a { color: green; }
body[data-tags~="forest"] a:hover { color: lime; }

/* Using class selectors on <body> */
body.forest { background-image: url(forest-bg.jpg); }
body.forest .passage { color: darkgreen; }
body.forest a { color: green; }
body.forest a:hover { color: lime; }

 Built-in Stylesheets

These are SugarCube's built-in stylesheets, in order of load/cascade. The most interesting of which, from an end-user's standpoint, are 5–13. The links go to the most recent release versions of each in SugarCube's source code repository.

  1. normalize.css
  2. init-screen.css
  3. font-icons.css
  4. font-emoji.css
  5. core.css
  6. core-display.css
  7. core-passage.css
  8. core-macro.css
  9. ui-dialog.css
  10. ui-dialog-saves.css
  11. ui-dialog-settings.css
  12. ui-dialog-legacy.css
  13. ui-bar.css
  14. ui-debug-bar.css
  15. ui-debug-views.css


The hierarchy of the document body, including associated HTML IDs and class names is as follows.


<body class="…">
	<div id="init-screen"></div>
	<div id="ui-overlay" class="ui-close"></div>
	<div id="ui-dialog" tabindex="0" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="ui-dialog-title">
		<div id="ui-dialog-titlebar">
			<h1 id="ui-dialog-title"></h1>
			<button id="ui-dialog-close" class="ui-close" tabindex="0" aria-label="…"></button>
		<div id="ui-dialog-body"></div>
	<div id="ui-bar">
		<div id="ui-bar-tray">
			<button id="ui-bar-toggle" tabindex="0" title="…" aria-label="…"></button>
			<div id="ui-bar-history">
				<button id="history-backward" tabindex="0" title="…" aria-label="…">…</button>
				<button id="history-jumpto" tabindex="0" title="…" aria-label="…">…</button>
				<button id="history-forward" tabindex="0" title="…" aria-label="…">…</button>
		<div id="ui-bar-body">
			<header id="title" role="banner">
				<div id="story-banner"></div>
				<h1 id="story-title"></h1>
				<div id="story-subtitle"></div>
				<div id="story-title-separator"></div>
				<p id="story-author"></p>
			<div id="story-caption"></div>
			<nav id="menu" role="navigation">
				<ul id="menu-story">…<ul>
				<ul id="menu-core">
					<li id="menu-item-continue"><a tabindex="0">…</a></li>
					<li id="menu-item-saves"><a tabindex="0">…</a></li>
					<li id="menu-item-settings"><a tabindex="0">…</a></li>
					<li id="menu-item-restart"><a tabindex="0">…</a></li>
	<div id="story" role="main">
		<div id="passages">
			<div class="passage …" id="…" data-passage="…">
				<!-- The active (present) passage content -->
	<!-- The story data chunk, which depends on the compiler release (see below) -->
	<script id="script-sugarcube" type="text/javascript"><!-- The main SugarCube module --></script>

Story data chunks:

Periods of ellipsis () signify data that is generated at compile time.

Twine 2 style data chunk
<tw-storydata name="…" startnode="…" creator="…" creator-version="…"
	ifid="…" zoom="…" format="…" format-version="…" options="…" hidden>
	<!-- Passage data nodes… -->
Twine 1 style data chunk
<div id="store-area" data-size="…" hidden>
	<!-- Passage data nodes… -->


Events are messages that are sent (a.k.a.: fired, triggered) to notify code that something has taken place, from player interactions to automated happenings. Each event is represented by an object that has properties that may be used to get additional information about what happened.

This section offers a list of SugarCube-specific events, triggered at various points during story operation.

See Also: For standard browser/DOM events, see the Event reference @MDN.

 Dialog Events

Dialog events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during the opening and closing of dialogs.

See: Dialog API.

 :dialogclosed event

Global event triggered as the last step in closing the dialog when Dialog.close() is called.

Warning: You cannot obtain data about the closing dialog from the dialog itself—e.g., title or classes—when using the event, as the dialog has already closed and been reset by the time the event is fired. If you need that kind of information from the dialog itself, then you may use the :dialogclosing event instead. :dialogclosed


Event object properties: none

Note: While there are no custom properties, the event is fired from the dialog's body, thus the property will refer to its body element—i.e., . target#ui-dialog-body


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':dialogclosed', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':dialogclosed', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 :dialogclosing event

Global event triggered as the first step in closing the dialog when Dialog.close() is called.


Event object properties: none

Note: While there are no custom properties, the event is fired from the dialog's body, thus the property will refer to its body element—i.e., . target#ui-dialog-body


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':dialogclosing', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':dialogclosing', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 :dialogopened event

Global event triggered as the last step in opening the dialog when Dialog.open() is called.


Event object properties: none

Note: While there are no custom properties, the event is fired from the dialog's body, thus the property will refer to its body element—i.e., . target#ui-dialog-body


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':dialogopened', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':dialogopened', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 :dialogopening event

Global event triggered as the first step in opening the dialog when Dialog.open() is called.


Event object properties: none

Note: While there are no custom properties, the event is fired from the dialog's body, thus the property will refer to its body element—i.e., . target#ui-dialog-body


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':dialogopening', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':dialogopening', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 Navigation Events

Navigation events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during passage navigation.

In order of processing: (for reference, this also shows tasks and various special passages)

  1. Passage init. Happens before the modification of the state history.
    1. :passageinit event.
  2. Passage start. Happens before the rendering of the incoming passage.
    1. PassageReady special passage.
    2. :passagestart event.
    3. PassageHeader special passage.
  3. Passage render. Happens after the rendering of the incoming passage.
    1. PassageFooter special passage.
    2. :passagerender event.
  4. Passage display. Happens after the display—i.e., output—of the incoming passage.
    1. PassageDone special passage.
    2. :passagedisplay event.
  5. UI bar special passages update. Happens before the end of passage navigation.
    1. StoryBanner special passage.
    2. StoryDisplayTitle special passage.
    3. StorySubtitle special passage.
    4. StoryAuthor special passage.
    5. StoryCaption special passage.
    6. StoryMenu special passage.
  6. Passage end. Happens at the end of passage navigation.
    1. :passageend event.

 :passageinit event

Triggered before the modification of the state history.


Event object properties:detail

:passageinit events have a property whose value is an object with the following properties:detail


/* Execute the handler function each time the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':passageinit', function (ev) {
	/* Log details about the current moment. */
	console.group('Details about the current moment');
	console.log('passage name:', ev.detail.passage.name);
	console.log('passage tags:', ev.detail.passage.tags);

	/* Do something useful here. */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':passageinit', function (ev) {
	/* Do something useful here. */

 :passagestart event

Triggered before the rendering of the incoming passage.


Event object properties:detail

:passagestart events have a property whose value is an object with the following properties:detail


Basic usage
/* Execute the handler function each time the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':passagestart', function (ev) {
	/* Log details about the current moment. */
	console.group('Details about the current moment');
	console.log('buffer:', ev.detail.content);
	console.log('passage name:', ev.detail.passage.name);
	console.log('passage tags:', ev.detail.passage.tags);

	/* Do something useful here. */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':passagestart', function (ev) {
	/* Do something useful here. */
Modifying the content buffer
	Process the given markup and append the result to the incoming
	passage's element.
$(document).on(':passagestart', function (ev) {
	$(ev.detail.content).wiki("In the //beginning//.");

 :passagerender event

Triggered after the rendering of the incoming passage.


Event object properties:detail

:passagerender events have a property whose value is an object with the following properties:detail


Basic usage
/* Execute the handler function each time the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':passagerender', function (ev) {
	/* Log details about the current moment. */
	console.group('Details about the current moment');
	console.log('buffer:', ev.detail.content);
	console.log('passage name:', ev.detail.passage.name);
	console.log('passage tags:', ev.detail.passage.tags);

	/* Do something useful here. */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
	/* Do something useful here. */
Modifying the content buffer
	Process the given markup and append the result to the incoming
	passage's element.
$(document).on(':passagerender', function (ev) {
	$(ev.detail.content).wiki("At the //end// of some renderings.");

 :passagedisplay event

Triggered after the display—i.e., output—of the incoming passage.


Event object properties:detail

:passagedisplay events have a property whose value is an object with the following properties:detail


Basic usage
/* Execute the handler function each time the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':passagedisplay', function (ev) {
	/* Log details about the current moment. */
	console.group('Details about the current moment');
	console.log('buffer:', ev.detail.content);
	console.log('passage name:', ev.detail.passage.name);
	console.log('passage tags:', ev.detail.passage.tags);

	/* Do something useful here. */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':passagedisplay', function (ev) {
	/* Do something useful here. */
Modifying the content buffer
	Process the given markup and append the result to the incoming
	passage's element.
$(document).on(':passagedisplay', function (ev) {
	$(ev.detail.content).wiki("It's //showtime//!");

 :passageend event

Triggered at the end of passage navigation.


Event object properties:detail

:passageend events have a property whose value is an object with the following properties:detail


Basic usage
/* Execute the handler function each time the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':passageend', function (ev) {
	/* Log details about the current moment. */
	console.group('Details about the current moment');
	console.log('buffer:', ev.detail.content);
	console.log('passage name:', ev.detail.passage.name);
	console.log('passage tags:', ev.detail.passage.tags);

	/* Do something useful here. */

/* Execute the handler function exactly once. */
$(document).one(':passageend', function (ev) {
	/* Do something useful here. */
Modifying the content buffer
	Process the given markup and append the result to the incoming
	passage's element.
$(document).on(':passageend', function (ev) {
	$(ev.detail.content).wiki("So long and //thanks for all the fish//!");

 prehistory tasks

Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passageinit event for its replacement. prehistory


 predisplay tasks

Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passagestart event for its replacement. predisplay


 prerender tasks

Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passagestart event for its replacement. prerender


 postrender tasks

Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passagerender event for its replacement. postrender


 postdisplay tasks

Deprecated: tasks have been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the :passagedisplay event for its replacement. postdisplay


 SimpleAudio Events

SimpleAudio events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during audio playback.

See: To add or remove event listeners to audio tracks managed by the SimpleAudio API see:

 :faded event

Track event triggered when a fade completes normally.


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers for one track via <AudioTrack>. */
aTrack.on(':faded', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers for multiple tracks via <AudioRunner>. */
someTracks.on(':faded', function (ev) {
	/* do something */

 :fading event

Track event triggered when a fade starts.


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers for one track via <AudioTrack>. */
aTrack.on(':fading', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers for multiple tracks via <AudioRunner>. */
someTracks.on(':fading', function (ev) {
	/* do something */

 :stopped event

Track event triggered when playback is stopped after <AudioTrack>.stop() or <AudioRunner>.stop() is called—either manually or as part of another process.

See Also: ended and pause for information on somewhat similar native events.


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers for one track via <AudioTrack>. */
aTrack.on(':stopped', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers for multiple tracks via <AudioRunner>. */
someTracks.on(':stopped', function (ev) {
	/* do something */

 System Events

System events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during story startup and teardown.

 :enginerestart event

Global event triggered once just before the page is reloaded when Engine.restart() is called.


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).one(':enginerestart', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 :storyready event

Global event triggered once just before the dismissal of the loading screen at startup.


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function exactly once, since it's only fired once. */
$(document).one(':storyready', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 :uiupdate event

Global event triggered when the built-in user interface is being updated.


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':uiupdate', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 <<type>> Events

<<type>> macro events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during typing.

 :typingcomplete event

Global event triggered when all macros within a passage have completed.<<type>>

Note: Injecting additional macro invocations after a event has been fired will cause another event to eventually be generated, since you're creating a new sequence of typing. <<type>>:typingcomplete


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':typingcomplete', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 :typingstart event

Local event triggered on the typing wrapper when the typing of a section starts.


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':typingstart', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 :typingstop event

Local event triggered on the typing wrapper when the typing of a section stops.


Event object properties: none


/* Execute the handler function when the event triggers. */
$(document).on(':typingstop', function (ev) {
	/* JavaScript code */

 Config API

The object controls various aspects of SugarCube's behavior.Config

Note: object settings should be placed within your project's JavaScript section (Twine 2: the Story JavaScript; Twine 1/Twee: a -tagged passage). Configscript

 General Settings

 Config.addVisitedLinkClassboolean (default: false)

Determines whether the class is added to internal passage links that go to previously visited passages—i.e., the passage already exists within the story history.link-visited

Note: You must provide your own styling for the class as none is provided by default. link-visited



Config.addVisitedLinkClass = true;

CSS styles:

You will also need to specify a style that defines the properties visited links should have. For example:.link-visited

.link-visited {
	color: purple;

 Config.cleanupWikifierOutputboolean (default: false)

Determines whether the output of the Wikifier is post-processed into more sane markup—i.e., where appropriate, it tries to transition the plethora of elements into elements.<br><p>



Config.cleanupWikifierOutput = true;

 Config.debugboolean (default: false)

Indicates whether SugarCube is running in test mode, which enables debug views and various optional debugging errors and warnings. See the Test Mode guide for more information.

Note: This setting is automatically set based on whether you're using a testing mode in a Twine compiler—i.e., Test mode in Twine 2, Test Play From Here in Twine 1, or the test mode option (, ) in Tweego. You may, however, forcibly enable it if you need to for some reason—e.g., if you're using another compiler, which doesn't offer a way to enable test mode. -t--test

See Also: Config.enableOptionalDebugging setting.



Forcibly enabling test mode
// Forcibly enable test mode
Config.debug = true;
Check if test mode is enabled via JavaScript
if (Config.debug) {
	/* do something debug related */
Check if test mode is enabled via macros
<<if Config.debug>>
	/* do something debug related */

 Config.enableOptionalDebuggingboolean (default: false)

Determines whether various optional debugging errors and warnings are enabled outside of test mode.

See Also: Config.debug setting.

List of optional errors and warnings: (not exhaustive)



Config.enableOptionalDebugging = true;

 Config.loadDelayinteger (default: 0)

Sets the integer delay (in milliseconds) before the loading screen is dismissed, once the document has signaled its readiness. Not generally necessary, however, some browsers render slower than others and may need a little extra time to get a media-heavy page done. This allows you to fine tune for those cases.



// Delay the dismissal of the loading screen by 2000ms (2s)
Config.loadDelay = 2000;

 Audio Settings

 Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZeroboolean (default: true)

Determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to volume (silent).0



Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero = false;

 Config.audio.preloadMetadataboolean (default: true)

Determines whether the audio subsystem attempts to preload track metadata—meaning information about the track (e.g., duration), not its audio frames.

Note: It is unlikely that you will ever want to disable this setting.



Config.audio.preloadMetadata = false;

 History Settings

 Config.history.controlsboolean (default: true)

Determines whether the story's history controls (Backward, Jump To, & Forward buttons) are enabled within the UI bar.



Config.history.controls = false;

 Config.history.maxStatesinteger (default: 40)

Sets the maximum number of states (moments) to which the history is allowed to grow. Should the history exceed the limit, states will be dropped from the past (oldest first).

Tip: For game-oriented projects, as opposed to more story-oriented interactive fiction, a setting of is strongly recommended. 1



// Limit the history to a single state (recommended for games)
Config.history.maxStates = 1;

// Limit the history to 25 states
Config.history.maxStates = 25;

 Macros Settings

 Config.macros.maxLoopIterationsinteger (default: 1000)

Sets the maximum number of iterations allowed before the <<for>> macro conditional forms are terminated with an error.

Note: This setting exists to prevent a misconfigured loop from making the browser unresponsive.



// Allow only 5000 iterations
Config.macros.maxLoopIterations = 5000;

 Config.macros.typeSkipKeystring (default: , space) " "

Sets the default KeyboardEvent.key value that causes the currently running <<type>> macro instance to finish typing its content immediately.



// Change the default skip key to Control (CTRL)
Config.macros.typeSkipKey = "Control";

 Config.macros.typeVisitedPassagesboolean (default: true)

Determines whether the <<type>> macro types out content on previously visited passages or simply outputs it immediately.



// Do not type on previously visited passages
Config.macros.typeVisitedPassages = false;

 Config.macros.ifAssignmentErrorboolean (default: true)

Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Config.enableOptionalDebugging setting for its replacement.


 Navigation Settings

 Config.navigation.overridefunction (default: none)

Allows the destination of passage navigation to be overridden. The callback is passed one parameter, the original destination passage title. If its return value is falsy, the override is cancelled and navigation to the original destination continues unperturbed. If its return value is truthy, the override succeeds and that value is used as the new destination of the navigation.



Config.navigation.override = function (destinationPassage) {
	/* code that returns a passage name or a falsy value */
Based upon a story variable
// Force the player to the "You Died" passage if they let $health get too low.
Config.navigation.override = function (dest) {
	var sv = State.variables;

	// If $health is less-than-or-equal to 0, go to the "You Died" passage instead.
	if (sv.health <= 0) {
		return "You Died";

 Passages Settings

 Config.passages.displayTitlesboolean (default: false)

Determines whether passage titles are combined with the story title, within the browser's/tab's titlebar, when passages are displayed.



Config.passages.displayTitles = true;

 Config.passages.nobrboolean (default: false)

Determines whether rendering passages have their leading/trailing newlines removed and all remaining sequences of newlines replaced with single spaces before they're rendered. Equivalent to including the nobr special tag on every passage.

Note: Does not affect or tagged passages, for Twine 1/Twee, or the Story JavaScript or Story Stylesheet sections, for Twine 2. scriptstylesheet



Config.passages.nobr = true;

 Config.passages.onProcessfunction (default: none)

Allows custom processing of passage text. The function is invoked each time the <Passage>.processText() method is called. It is passed an abbreviated version of the associated passage's Passage instance—containing only the , , and properties. Its return value should be the post-processed text.tagstexttitle

Note: Does not affect or tagged passages, for Twine 1/Twee, or the Story JavaScript or Story Stylesheet sections, for Twine 2. scriptstylesheet

Note: The function will be called just before the built-in no-break passage processing if you're also using that—see the Config.passages.nobr setting and nobr special tag.



// Change instancess of "cat" to "dog"
Config.passages.onProcess = function (p) {
	return p.text.replace(/\bcat(s?)\b/g, "dog$1");

 Config.passages.startstring (Twine 2 default: user-selected; Twine 1/Twee default: "Start")

Sets the starting passage, the very first passage that will be displayed.



Config.passages.start = "That Other Starting Passage";

 Config.passages.transitionOutstring | integer (default: none)

Determines whether outgoing passage transitions are enabled. Valid values are the name of the property being animated, which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once that transition animation is complete, or an integer delay (in milliseconds), which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once the delay has expired. You will also need some CSS styles to make this work—examples given below.

Note: If using an integer delay, ideally, it should probably be slightly longer than the outgoing transition delay that you intend to use—e.g., an additional 10ms or so should be sufficient.



// Remove outgoing elements when their opacity animation ends
Config.passages.transitionOut = "opacity";

// Remove outgoing elements after 1010ms (1.01s)
Config.passages.transitionOut = 1010;

CSS styles:

At the very least you will need to specify a style that defines the transition's end state. For example:.passage-out

.passage-out {
	opacity: 0;

That probably won't be very pleasing to the eye, however, so you will likely need several styles to make something that looks half-decent. For example, the following will give you a basic crossfade:

#passages {
	position: relative;
.passage {
	left: 0;
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	transition: opacity 1s ease;
.passage-out {
	opacity: 0;

 Config.passages.descriptionsboolean | object | function (default: none)

Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Config.saves.descriptions setting for its replacement.


 Saves Settings

 Config.saves.descriptionsfunction (default: none)

Sets browser saves descriptions. If unset, a brief description of the current turn is used. If a callback function is assigned, it is passed one parameter, the type of save being attempted. If its return value is truthy, the returned description is used, elsewise the default description is used.

See: Save.Type pseudo-enumeration for more information on save types.



Using passages' names
Config.saves.descriptions = function (saveType) {
	return passage();
Using descriptions mapped by passages' names
var saveDescriptions = {
	"passage_title_a" : "description text a…",
	"passage_title_b" : "description text b…",
	"passage_title_c" : "description text c…"
Config.saves.descriptions = function (saveType) {
	return saveDescriptions[passage()];
Using the provided save type
Config.saves.descriptions = function (saveType) {
	const base = `(${L10n.get("turn")} ${State.turns})`;

	switch (saveType) {
		case Save.Type.Auto:
			return `${base} A browser auto save…`;
		case Save.Type.Base64:
			return `${base} A base64 save…`;
		case Save.Type.Disk:
			return `${base} A local disk save…`;
		case Save.Type.Slot:
			return `${base} A browser slot save…`;

 Config.saves.idstring (default: slugified story title)

Sets the story ID associated with saves.



Config.saves.id = "a-big-huge-story-part-1";

 Config.saves.isAllowedfunction (default: none)

Determines whether saving is allowed within the current context. If unset, saves are always allowed. If a callback function is assigned, it is passed one parameter, the type of save being attempted. If its return value is truthy, the save is allowed, elsewise it is disallowed.

See: Save.Type pseudo-enumeration for more information on save types.



Basic usage

Allows saves on passages if it returns a truthy value.

Config.saves.isAllowed = function (saveType) {
	/* code returning a boolean value */

Disallow saving on passages tagged with .menu

Config.saves.isAllowed = function (saveType) {
	return !tags().includes("menu");
Using the save type parameter

Attempt a new auto save only on passages tagged with . Other save types are not limited.autosave

Config.saves.isAllowed = function (saveType) {
	if (saveType === Save.Type.Auto) {
		return tags().includes("autosave");

	return true;

Attempt a new auto save only on every eighth turn and limit all other save types to passages tagged with .cansave

// Using an `if` statement
Config.saves.isAllowed = function (saveType) {
	if (saveType === Save.Type.Auto) {
		return turns() % 8 === 0;

	return tags().includes("cansave");

Different logic for most save types.

Note: For example purposes only, not really recommended.

Config.saves.isAllowed = function (saveType) {
	switch (saveType) {
		case Save.Type.Auto:
			// Only every tenth turn
			return turns() % 10 === 0;

		case Save.Type.Disk:
		case Save.Type.Slot:
			// Only on passages tagged `cansave`
			return tags().includes("cansave");

		case Save.Type.Base64:
			// Always
			return true;

 Config.saves.maxAutoSaves integer (default: 0)

Sets the maximum number of available auto saves. Using a value of disables auto saves.0

Note: When enabled, an auto save is attempted each turn by default. Thus, it is recommended that the Config.saves.isAllowed setting be used to limit the frequency.

Warning: As available browser-based storage is very limited, it is strongly recommended that the number of available saves not be set too high. A range of – is suggested. 110



Config.saves.maxAutoSaves = 3;

 Config.saves.maxSlotSaves integer (default: 8)

Sets the maximum number of available slot saves. Using a value of disables slot saves.0

Warning: As available browser-based storage is very limited, it is strongly recommended that the number of available saves not be set too high. A range of – is suggested. 110



Config.saves.maxSlotSaves = 4;

 Config.saves.versionany (default: none)

Sets the property of saves.version

Note: This setting is only used to set the property of saves. Thus, it is only truly useful if you plan to upgrade out-of-date saves via the Save Events API—specifically the Save.onLoad.add() static method. version



// As an integer (recommended)
Config.saves.version = 3;

// As a string (strongly not recommended)
Config.saves.version = "v3";

 Config.saves.autoloadboolean | string | function (default: none)

Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. The default UI now includes a Continue button, which loads the latest save. If disabling or replacing the default UI, see the Save.browser.continue() method to replicate the functionality.


 Config.saves.autosaveboolean | Array<string> | function (default: none)

Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Config.saves.maxAutoSaves setting to set the number of available auto saves and the Config.saves.isAllowed setting to control when new auto saves are created.


 Config.saves.onLoadfunction (default: none)

Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.onLoad.add() method for its replacement.


 Config.saves.onSavefunction (default: none)

Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.onSave.add() method for its replacement.


 Config.saves.slots integer (default: 8)

Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Config.saves.maxSlotSaves setting for its replacement.


 Config.saves.tryDiskOnMobileboolean (default: true)

Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Saving to disk on mobile devices is now unconditionally enabled.


 UI Settings

 Config.ui.stowBarInitiallyboolean | integer (default: 800)

Determines whether the UI bar (sidebar) starts in the stowed (shut) state initially. Valid values are boolean /, which causes the UI bar to always/never start in the stowed state, or an integer, which causes the UI bar to start in the stowed state if the viewport width is less-than-or-equal-to the specified number of pixels.truefalse



// As a boolean; always start stowed
Config.ui.stowBarInitially = true;

// As a boolean; never start stowed
Config.ui.stowBarInitially = false;

// As an integer; start stowed if the viewport is 800px or less
Config.ui.stowBarInitially = 800;

 Config.ui.updateStoryElementsboolean (default: true)

Determines whether certain elements within the UI bar are updated when passages are displayed. The affected elements are the story: banner, subtitle, author, caption, and menu.

Note: The story title is not included in updates because SugarCube uses it as the basis for the key used to store and load data used when playing the story and for saves.



// If you don't need those elements to update
Config.ui.updateStoryElements = false;

 Dialog API

 Dialog.append(content)Dialog object

Appends the given content to the dialog's content area. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.Dialog

Note: If your content contains any SugarCube markup, you'll need to use the Dialog.wiki() method instead.




Dialog.append("Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the <em>ponies</em> of <strong>friendship</strong>.");

Dialog.append( /* DOM nodes */ );

 Dialog.body()HTMLElement object

Returns a reference to the dialog's content area.


Parameters: none


	.append("Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the <em>ponies</em> of <strong>friendship</strong>.");

	.wiki("Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the //ponies// of ''friendship''.");

 Dialog.close()Dialog object

Closes the dialog. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.Dialog


Parameters: none



 Dialog.create([title [, classNames]])Dialog object

Prepares the dialog for use. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.Dialog




Basic usage
With a title
Dialog.create("Character Sheet");
With a title and class
Dialog.create("Character Sheet", "charsheet");
Making use of chaining
	.create("Character Sheet", "charsheet")
	.wikiPassage("Player Character")

 Dialog.empty()HTMLElement object

Empties the dialog's content area. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.Dialog


Parameters: none


Basic usage
Replacing the open dialog's content


Returns whether the dialog is currently open.




Basic usage
if (Dialog.isOpen()) {
	/* code to execute if the dialog is open… */
While also checking if the class existssaves
if (Dialog.isOpen("saves")) {
	/* code to execute if the Saves dialog is open… */

 Dialog.open([options [, closeFn]])Dialog object

Opens the dialog. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.Dialog

Note: Call this only after populating the dialog with content.



Options object:

An options object should have some of the following properties:



 Dialog.wiki(wikiMarkup)Dialog object

Renders the given markup and appends it to the dialog's content area. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.Dialog

Note: If you simply want to render a passage, see the Dialog.wikiPassage() method instead.

Warning: If your content consists of DOM nodes, you'll need to use the Dialog.append() method instead.




Dialog.wiki("Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the //ponies// of ''friendship''.");

 Dialog.wikiPassage(name)Dialog object

Renders the passage by the given name and appends it to the dialog's content area. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.Dialog





 Dialog.setup([title [, classNames]])HTMLElement object

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used.


 Engine API


Returns a timestamp representing the last time was called.Engine.play()



Engine.lastPlay  → The timestamp at which Engine.play() was last called


Returns the current state of the engine (, , )."idle""playing""rendering"




Engine.state  → Returns the current state of the engine


Moves backward one moment within the full history (past + future), if possible, activating and showing the moment moved to. Returns whether the history navigation was successful (should only fail if already at the beginning of the full history).


Parameters: none


Engine.backward()  → Rewinds the full history by one moment—i.e., undoes the moment


Moves forward one moment within the full history (past + future), if possible, activating and showing the moment moved to. Returns whether the history navigation was successful (should only fail if already at the end of the full history).


Parameters: none


Engine.forward()  → Fast forwards the full history by one moment—i.e., redoes the moment


Activates the moment at the given offset from the active (present) moment within the full state history and show it. Returns whether the history navigation was successful (should only fail if the offset from the active (present) moment is not within the bounds of the full history).




Engine.go(2)   → Fast forwards the full history by two moments—i.e., redoes the moments
Engine.go(-4)  → Rewinds the full history by four moments—i.e., undoes the moments


Activates the moment at the given index within the full state history and show it. Returns whether the history navigation was successful (should only fail if the index is not within the bounds of the full history).




Engine.goTo(0)  → Goes to the first moment
Engine.goTo(9)  → Goes to the tenth moment


Returns whether the engine is idle.


Parameters: none


Engine.isIdle()  → Returns whether the engine is idle


Returns whether the engine is processing a turn—i.e., passage navigation has been triggered.


Parameters: none


Engine.isPlaying()  → Returns whether the engine is playing


Returns whether the engine is rendering the incoming passage.


Parameters: none


Engine.isRendering()  → Returns whether the engine is rendering

 Engine.play(passageTitle [, noHistory])HTMLElement object

Renders and displays the passage referenced by the given title, optionally without adding a new moment to the history.




Engine.play("Foo")        → Renders, displays, and adds a moment for the passage "Foo" to the history
Engine.play("Foo", true)  → Renders and displays the passage "Foo", but does not add new history


Causes the browser to immediately attempt to reload the window, thus restarting the story.

Warning: The player will not be prompted and all unsaved state will be lost.

Note: In general, you should not call this method directly. Instead, call the UI.restart() static method, which prompts the player with an OK/Cancel dialog before itself calling , if they accept. Engine.restart()


Parameters: none


Engine.restart()  → Restarts the story

 Engine.show()HTMLElement object

Renders and displays the active (present) moment's associated passage without adding a new moment to the history.


Parameters: none


Engine.show()  → Renders and displays the present passage without adding new history

 Fullscreen API

Provides access to browsers' fullscreen functionality.

 Backgrounds in fullscreen

If you wish to use custom backgrounds, either simply colors or with images, then you should place them on the element. For example:body

body {
	background: #111 fixed url("images/background.png") center / contain no-repeat;

Warning: It is strongly recommended that you do not place background properties on the element in addition to the element as this can cause background jitter in Internet Explorer when scrolling outside of fullscreen mode. htmlbody

Warning: If setting a background image via the shorthand property, then you should also specify a value with it or include a separate property after the property. The reason being is that the property resets the background color, so if you do not set one either as one of its values or via a following property, then the browser's default background color could show through if the background image does not cover the entire viewport or includes transparency. backgroundbackground-colorbackground-colorbackgroundbackgroundbackground-color

 Fullscreen limitations

The API comes with some built-in limitations:Fullscreen

  1. Fullscreen requests must be initiated by the player, generally via click/touch—i.e., the request must be made as a result of player interaction; e.g., activating a button/link/etc whose code makes the request.

 Fullscreen.elementHTMLElement object | null

Returns the current fullscreen element or, if fullscreen mode is not active, .null



Fullscreen.element  → The current fullscreen element


Returns whether fullscreen is both supported and enabled.


Parameters: none


Fullscreen.isEnabled()  → Whether fullscreen mode is available


Returns whether fullscreen mode is currently active.


Parameters: none


Fullscreen.isFullscreen()  → Whether fullscreen mode is active

 Fullscreen.request([options [, requestedEl]])Promise object

Request that the browser enter fullscreen mode.

See: Backgrounds and limitations.



Options object:

A fullscreen options object should have some of the following properties:

Note: Browsers are not currently required to honor the setting. navigationUI


Basic usage (recommended)
/* Request to enter fullscreen mode. */
With options and a specified element
/* Request to enter fullscreen mode while showing its navigation UI and with the given element. */
Fullscreen.request({ navigationUI : "show" }, myElement);

 Fullscreen.exit()Promise object

Request that the browser exit fullscreen mode.


Parameters: none


/* Request to exit fullscreen mode. */

 Fullscreen.toggle([options [, requestedEl]])Promise object

Request that the browser toggle fullscreen mode—i.e., enter or exit as appropriate.




Basic usage (recommended)
/* Request to toggle fullscreen mode. */
With options and a specified element
/* Request to toggle fullscreen mode while showing its navigation UI and with the given element. */
Fullscreen.toggle({ navigationUI : "show" }, myElement);

 Fullscreen.onChange(handlerFn [, requestedEl])

Attaches fullscreen change event handlers.




Basic usage (recommended)
/* Attach a hander to listen for fullscreen change events. */
Fullscreen.onChange(function (ev) {
	/* Fullscreen mode changed, so do something. */
With a specified element
/* Attach a hander to the given element to listen for fullscreen change events. */
Fullscreen.onChange(function (ev) {
	/* Fullscreen mode changed on myElement, so do something. */
}, myElement);

 Fullscreen.offChange([handlerFn [, requestedEl]])

Removes fullscreen change event handlers.




Basic usage (recommended)
/* Remove all fullscreen change event handers. */
/* Remove the given fullscreen change event hander. */
/* NOTE: Requires that the original handler function was saved. */
With a specified element
/* Remove all fullscreen change event handers from myElement. */
Fullscreen.offChange(null, myElement);
/* Remove the given fullscreen change event hander from myElement. */
/* NOTE: Requires that the original handler function was saved. */
Fullscreen.offChange(originalHandlerFn, myElement);

 Fullscreen.onError(handlerFn [, requestedEl])

Attaches fullscreen error event handlers.




Basic usage (recommended)
/* Attach a hander to listen for fullscreen error events. */
Fullscreen.onError(function (ev) {
	/* Fullscreen mode changed, so do something. */
With a specified element
/* Attach a hander to the given element to listen for fullscreen error events. */
Fullscreen.onError(function (ev) {
	/* Fullscreen mode changed on myElement, so do something. */
}, myElement);

 Fullscreen.offError([handlerFn [, requestedEl]])

Removes fullscreen error event handlers.




Basic usage (recommended)
/* Remove all fullscreen error event handers. */
/* Remove the given fullscreen error event hander. */
/* NOTE: Requires that the original handler function was saved. */
With a specified element
/* Remove all fullscreen error event handers from myElement. */
Fullscreen.offError(null, myElement);
/* Remove the given fullscreen error event hander from myElement. */
/* NOTE: Requires that the original handler function was saved. */
Fullscreen.offError(originalHandlerFn, myElement);

 LoadScreen API

Note: To simply add a delay to the dismissal of the loading screen to hide initial flashes of unstyled content (FOUC)—e.g., style changes and page reflows—you do not need to use this API. See the Config.loadDelay configuration setting.


Acquire a loading screen lock and, if necessary, display the loading screen.


Parameters: none


The (integer) lock ID.


See the LoadScreen.unlock() static method for additional examples.

// Lock the loading screen and get the lock ID.
var lockId = LoadScreen.lock();


Release the loading screen lock with the given ID and, if no other locks exist, hide the loading screen.



Returns: none


// Lock the loading screen and get the lock ID.
var lockId = LoadScreen.lock();

// Do something whose timing is unpredictable that should be hidden by the loading screen.

// Release the given lock ID.

 Macro API

See Also: MacroContext API.

 Macro.add(name , definition)

Add new macro(s).



Definition object:

A macro definition object should have some of the following properties (only is absolutely required):handler

Additional properties may be added for internal use.


	Example of a very simple/naive <<if>>/<<elseif>>/<<else>> macro implementation.
Macro.add('if', {
	skipArgs : true,
	tags     : ['elseif', 'else'],
	handler  : function () {
		try {
			for (var i = 0, len = this.payload.length; i < len; ++i) {
				if (
					this.payload[i].name === 'else' ||
				) {
		catch (ex) {
			return this.error('bad conditional expression: ' + ex.message);


Remove existing macro(s).




Macro.delete(["amacro", "bmacro"])


Return the named macro definition, or on failure.null






Returns whether the named macro exists.






Return the named macro tag's parents array (includes the names of all macros who have registered the tag as a child), or on failure.null




Macro.tags.get("else")  → For the standard library, returns: ["if"]


Returns whether the named macro tag exists.





 MacroContext API

See Also: Macro API.

Macro handlers are called with no arguments, but with their set to a macro (execution) context object. Macro context objects contain the following data and method properties.this


An array of discrete arguments parsed from the argument string.



// Given: <<someMacro "a" "b" "c">>
this.args.length  // Returns 3
this.args[0]      // Returns 'a'
this.args[1]      // Returns 'b'
this.args[2]      // Returns 'c'


The argument string after converting all TwineScript syntax elements into their native JavaScript counterparts.



// Given: <<if $a is "b">>
this.args.full  // Returns 'State.variables.a === "b"'


The unprocessed argument string.



// Given: <<if "a" is "b">>
this.args.raw  // Returns '"a" is "b"'


The name of the macro.



// Given: <<someMacro …>>
this.name  // Returns 'someMacro'

 <MacroContext>.outputHTMLElement object

The current output element.


 <MacroContext>.parentnull | object

The (execution) context object of the macro's parent, or if the macro has no parent.null



The parser instance that generated the macro call.


 <MacroContext>.payloadnull | Array<object>

The text of a container macro parsed into discrete payload objects by tag. Payload objects have the following properties:



The macro's definition—created via Macro.add().



Returns a new array containing all of the macro's ancestors that passed the test implemented by the given predicate function or an empty array, if no members pass.




var isInclude = function (ctx) { return ctx.name === "include"; };
this.contextFilter(isInclude); // Returns an array of all <<include>> macro ancestors

 <MacroContext>.contextFind(predicate)object | undefined

Returns the first of the macro's ancestors that passed the test implemented by the given predicate function or , if no members pass.undefined




var isInclude = function (ctx) { return ctx.name === "include"; };
this.contextFind(isInclude); // Returns the first <<include>> macro ancestor


Returns whether any of the macro's ancestors passed the test implemented by the given predicate function.




var isInclude = function (ctx) { return ctx.name === "include"; };
this.contextSome(isInclude);  // Returns true if any ancestor was an <<include>> macro


Renders the message prefixed with the name of the macro and returns .false




// Given: <<someMacro …>>
return this.error("oops"); // Outputs '<<someMacro>>: oops'

 <MacroContext>.shadowHandler(callback [, doneCallback [, startCallback]])function

Returns a callback function that wraps the specified callback functions to provide access to the variable shadowing system used by the <<capture>> macro.

Note: All of the specified callbacks are invoked as the wrapper is invoked—meaning, with their set to the of the wrapper and with whatever parameters were passed to the wrapper. thisthis

Warning: Only useful when you have an asynchronous callback that invokes code/content that needs to access story and/or temporary variables shadowed by . If you don't know what that means, then this API is likely not for you. <<capture>>




Basic usage
$someElement.on('some_event', this.shadowHandler(function (ev) {
	/* main asynchronous code */
With an optional doneCallback
$someElement.on('some_event', this.shadowHandler(
	function (ev) {
		/* main asynchronous code */
	function (ev) {
		/* asynchronous code invoked after the main code */
With an optional and doneCallbackstartCallback
$someElement.on('some_event', this.shadowHandler(
	function (ev) {
		/* main asynchronous code */
	function (ev) {
		/* asynchronous code invoked after the main code */
	function (ev) {
		/* asynchronous code invoked before the main code */


Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the <MacroContext>.contextSome() method for its replacement.


 <MacroContext>.contextSelect(filter)null | object

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the <MacroContext>.contextFind() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the <MacroContext>.contextFilter() method for its replacement.


 <MacroContext>.createShadowWrapper(callback [, doneCallback [, startCallback]])function

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the <MacroContext>.shadowHandler() method for its replacement.


 Passage API

Instances of the object are returned by the Story.get() static method.Passage

All properties of objects should be treated as if they were read-only, as modifying them could result in unexpected behavior.Passage


The DOM-compatible ID of the passage, created from the slugified passage title.



The name of the passage.



The tags of the passage.



The raw text of the passage.



Returns the processed text of the passage, created from applying tag and image passage processing to its raw text.nobr


Parameters: none


var passage = Story.get("The Ducky");

passage.processText()  → Returns the fully processed text of "The Ducky" passage


Deprecated: This property has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the <Passage>.id property for its replacement.



Deprecated: This property has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the <Passage>.name property for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used.


 Save API

Note: There are several configuration settings for saves that it would be wise for you to familiarize yourself with.

Warning: Browser saves—i.e., auto and slot saves—are largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright.

 Save Objects

 Save Data

Note: Adding additional properties directly to save data objects is not recommended. Instead, use the property. metadata

Save Data Object

A save data object has the following properties:

Save State Object

The marshaled story state object, from the state property, has the following properties:

Save History Moment Objects

Each moment object, from the history property's array, has the following properties:

 Save Descriptor

Save descriptor objects are only provided for browser saves and are identical to save data objects save that they do not include a propertystate



Save types pseudo-enumeration. Used to denote the type of save.



Type Description
Save.Type.Auto Browser auto saves.
Save.Type.Base64 Base64 string saves.
Save.Type.Disk Disk saves.
Save.Type.Slot Browser slot saves.

 Browser Saves: General


The total number of existing browser saves, both auto and slot.



The count of existing browser saves.integer


console.log(`There are currently ${Save.browser.size} browser saves`);
if (Save.browser.size > 0) {
	/* Browser saves exist. */
if (Save.browser.size === 0) {
	/* No browser saves exist. */


Deletes all existing browser saves, both auto and slot.


Parameters: none

Returns: none

Throws: none




Loads the most recent browser save, either auto or slot.

Note: The default UI includes a Continue button that makes use of this API. Thus, unless you disable or replace the default UI, players already have access to this functionality.

Warning: Saves cannot be loaded during startup and any attempt to do so will cause an error.


Parameters: none


A that simply resolves, or rejects with an error if the save could not be loaded.Promise

Throws: none


Basic usage

Load the most recent browser save, only handling failure. This should be sufficient in the majority of cases.

if (Save.browser.size > 0) {
		.catch(error => {
			/* Failure.  Handle the error. */
else {
	/* No browser saves exist. */

Load the most recent browser save, handling both success and failure.

if (Save.browser.size > 0) {
		.then(() => {
			/* Success.  Do something special. */
		.catch(error => {
			/* Failure.  Handle the error. */
else {
	/* No browser saves exist. */


Determines whether any browser saves are enabled, either auto, slot, or both.


Parameters: none


Boolean if any browser saves are enabled, elsewise .truefalse

Throws: none


if (Save.browser.isEnabled()) {
	/* Some browser saves are enabled. */

 Browser Saves: Auto


The total number of existing browser auto saves.



The count of existing browser auto saves.integer


console.log(`There are currently ${Save.browser.auto.size} browser auto saves`);
if (Save.browser.auto.size > 0) {
	/* Browser auto saves exist. */
if (Save.browser.auto.size === 0) {
	/* No browser auto saves exist. */


Deletes all existing auto saves.


Parameters: none

Returns: none

Throws: none




Deletes the auto save at the given index.



Returns: none


An instance.Error


Delete the auto save at the given index, handling failure.

try {
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */


Provides an array of details about all auto saves.


Parameters: none


An of generic objects, or an empty if no auto saves exist.Array{ index, info }Array


An instance.Error


Save.browser.auto.entries().forEach(function (entry) {
	console.log(`Descriptor of the auto save at index ${entry.index}:`, entry.info);


Details the auto save at the given index.




The descriptor object for the auto save if it exists, elsewise .null


An instance.Error


console.log(`Descriptor of the auto save at index ${index}:`, Save.browser.auto.get(index));


Determines whether the auto save at the given index exists.




Boolean if the auto save exists, elsewise .truefalse


An instance.Error


if (Save.browser.auto.has(index)) {
	/* The auto save at the given index exists. */


Determines whether auto saves are enabled.


Parameters: none


Boolean if auto saves are anabled, elsewise .truefalse

Throws: none


if (Save.browser.auto.isEnabled()) {
	/* Auto saves are enabled. */


Loads the auto save at the given index.

Warning: Saves cannot be loaded during startup and any attempt to do so will cause an error.



Returns: none

A that simply resolves, or rejects with an error if the save could not be loaded.Promise

Throws: none


Basic usage

Load the auto save at the given index. This should be sufficient in the majority of cases.

	.then(() => {
	.catch(error => {
		/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

 Save.browser.auto.save([desc [, metadata]])

Saves an auto save. If all auto save positions are full, replaces the oldest auto save.



Returns: none


An instance.Error


Basic usage

Save an auto save with the default description and no metadata, handling failure.

try {
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Save an auto save with a description and no metadata, handling failure.

try {
	Save.browser.auto.save("In the wilds");
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Save an auto save with the default description and metadata, handling failure.

try {
	const saveMetadata = {
		chars : ['Celes', 'Locke', 'Edward'],
		gold  : 2345
	Save.browser.auto.save(null, saveMetadata);
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Save an auto save with a description and metadata, handling failure.

try {
	const saveMetadata = {
		chars : ['Celes', 'Locke', 'Edward'],
		gold  : 2345
	Save.browser.auto.save("In the wilds", saveMetadata);
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

 Browser Saves: Slot


The total number of existing browser slot saves.



The count of existing browser slot saves.integer


console.log(`There are currently ${Save.browser.slot.size} browser slot saves`);
if (Save.browser.slot.size > 0) {
	/* Browser slot saves exist. */
if (Save.browser.slot.size === 0) {
	/* No browser slot saves exist. */


Deletes all existing slot saves.


Parameters: none

Returns: none

Throws: none




Deletes the slot save at the given index.



Returns: none


An instance.Error


Delete the slot save at the given index, handling failure.

try {
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */


Provides an array of details about all slot saves.


Parameters: none


An of generic objects, or an empty if no slot saves exist.Array{ index, info }Array


An instance.Error


Save.browser.slot.entries().forEach(function (entry) {
	console.log(`Descriptor of the slot save at index ${entry.index}:`, entry.info);


Details the slot save at the given index.




The descriptor object for the slot save if it exists, elsewise .null


An instance.Error


console.log(`Descriptor of the slot save at index ${index}:`, Save.browser.slot.get(index));


Determines whether the slot save at the given index exists.




Boolean if the slot save exists, elsewise .truefalse


An instance.Error


if (Save.browser.slot.has(index)) {
	/* The slot save at the given index exists. */


Determines whether slot saves are enabled.


Parameters: none


Boolean if slot saves are anabled, elsewise .truefalse

Throws: none


if (Save.browser.slot.isEnabled()) {
	/* Slot saves are enabled. */


Loads the slot save at the given index.

Warning: Saves cannot be loaded during startup and any attempt to do so will cause an error.



Returns: none

A that simply resolves, or rejects with an error if the save could not be loaded.Promise

Throws: none


Basic usage

Load the slot save at the given index. This should be sufficient in the majority of cases.

	.then(() => {
	.catch(error => {
		/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

 Save.browser.slot.save(index, [desc [, metadata]])

Saves a slot save to the given index.



Returns: none


An instance.Error


Basic usage

Save to slot save index with the default description and no metadata, handling failure.0

try {
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Save to slot save index with a description and no metadata, handling failure.0

try {
	Save.browser.slot.save(0, "In the wilds");
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Save to slot save index with the default description and metadata, handling failure.0

try {
	const saveMetadata = {
		chars : ['Celes', 'Locke', 'Edward'],
		gold  : 2345
	Save.browser.slot.save(0, null, saveMetadata);
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Save to slot save index with a description and metadata, handling failure.0

try {
	const saveMetadata = {
		chars : ['Celes', 'Locke', 'Edward'],
		gold  : 2345
	Save.browser.slot.save(0, "In the wilds", saveMetadata);
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

 Disk Saves


Exports all existing browser saves as a bundle to disk, which may be restored via Save.disk.import().



Returns: none


An instance.Error


Export all saves as a bundle with a base filename, handling failure.

try {
	Save.disk.export('The 6th Fantasy');
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */


Imports a saves bundle from disk, created via Save.disk.export().

Note: This method must be used as, or be called by, the event handler of an element. change<input type="file">

Warning: All existing browser saves will be deleted as part of restoring the exported save bundle.




A that simply resolves, or rejects with an error if the browser saves bundle could not be imported.Promise

Throws: none


Basic usage

Import the saves bundle from disk, only handling failure. This should be sufficient in the majority of cases.

		id   : 'saves-import-file',
		name : 'saves-import-file',
		type : 'file'
	.on('change', ev => {
		// You must provide the event to Save.disk.import()
			.catch(error => {
				/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Import the saves bundle from disk, handling both success and failure.

		id   : 'saves-import-file',
		name : 'saves-import-file',
		type : 'file'
	.on('change', function (ev) {
		// You must provide the event to Save.browser.import()
			.then(() => {
				/* Success.  Do something special. */
			.catch(error => {
				/* Failure.  Handle the error. */


Loads the given save from disk, created via Save.disk.save().

Note: This method must be used as, or be called by, the event handler of an element. change<input type="file">

Warning: Saves cannot be loaded during startup and any attempt to do so will cause an error.




A that resolves with the save's metadata (), or rejects with an error if the save could not be loaded.Promiseany

Throws: none


Basic usage

Load the disk save. This should be sufficient in the majority of cases.

		id   : 'saves-disk-load-file',
		name : 'saves-disk-load-file',
		type : 'file'
	.on('change', ev => {
		// You must provide the event to Save.disk.load()
			.then(metadata => {
			.catch(error => {
				/* Failure.  Handle the error. */
As a self-contained button using macros
<<button "Load From Disk">>
		.prop('type', 'file')
		.on('change', ev => {
			// You must provide the event to Save.disk.load()
				.then(metadata => {
				.catch(error => {
					/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

 Save.disk.save(filename [, metadata])

Saves the current story state to disk, which may be restored via Save.disk.load().



Returns: none


An instance.Error


Save with a base filename and no metadata, handling failure.

try {
	Save.disk.save("The 6th Fantasy");
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Save with a base filename and metadata, handling failure.

try {
	const saveMetadata = {
		chars : ['Celes', 'Locke', 'Edward'],
		gold  : 2345
	Save.disk.save("The 6th Fantasy", saveMetadata);
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

 Base64 Saves


Exports all existing browser saves as a bundle to a Base64 string, which may be restored via Save.base64.import().


Parameters: none

Returns: none


An instance.Error


Export all saves as a bundle, handling failure.

try {
	const base64Save = Save.base64.export();
	/* Do something with the saves bundle. */
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */


Imports the given Base64 saves bundle string, created via Save.base64.export().

Warning: All existing browser saves will be deleted as part of restoring the exported save bundle.




A that simply resolves, or rejects with an error if the browser saves bundle could not be imported.Promise

Throws: none


Basic usage

Import the saves bundle, only handling failure. This should be sufficient in the majority of cases.

	.catch(error => {
		/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Import the saves bundle, handling both success and failure.

	.then(() => {
		/* Success.  Do something special. */
	.catch(error => {
		/* Failure.  Handle the error. */


Loads the given Base64 save string, created via Save.base64.save().

Warning: Saves cannot be loaded during startup and any attempt to do so will cause an error.




A that resolves with the save's metadata (), or rejects with an error if the save could not be loaded.Promiseany

Throws: none


Basic usage

Load the save string. This should be sufficient in the majority of cases.

	.then(metadata => {
	.catch(error => {
		/* Failure.  Handle the error. */


Saves the current story state as a Base64 string.




A Base64 save .string


An instance.Error


Basic usage

Save without metadata, handling failure.

try {
	const base64Save = Save.base64.save();
	/* Do something with the save. */
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

Save with metadata, handling failure.

try {
	const saveMetadata = {
		chars : ['Celes', 'Locke', 'Edward'],
		gold  : 2345
	const base64Save = Save.base64.save(saveMetadata);
	/* Do something with the save. */
catch (error) {
	/* Failure.  Handle the error. */

 Save Events


The total number of currently registered on-load handlers.



The count of currently registered on-load handlers.integer


console.log('There are %d onLoad handlers registered.', Save.onLoad.size);


Performs any required processing before the save data is loaded—e.g., upgrading out-of-date save data. The handler is passed one parameter, the save object to be processed. If it encounters an unrecoverable problem during its processing, it may throw an exception containing an error message; the message will be displayed to the player and loading of the save will be terminated.



Returns: none


An instance.Error

Handler parameters:


Basic usage
Save.onLoad.add(function (save) {
	/* code to process the save object before it's loaded */
Using save objects' property and the pseudo-enumerationtypeSave.Type
Save.onLoad.add(function (save) {
	switch (save.type) {
		case Save.Type.Auto: {
			/* code to process an auto save object before it's loaded */

		case Save.Type.Base64: {
			/* code to process a base64 save object before it's loaded */

		case Save.Type.Disk: {
			/* code to process a disk save object before it's loaded */

		case Save.Type.Slot: {
			/* code to process a slot save object before it's loaded */


Deletes all currently registered on-load handlers.


Parameters: none

Returns: none

Throws: none




Deletes the specified on-load handler.




Boolean if the handler existed, elsewise .truefalse

Throws: none


// Given:
// 	let myOnLoadHandler = function (save) {
// 		/* code to process the save object before it's loaded */
// 	};
// 	Save.onLoad.add(myOnLoadHandler);



The total number of currently registered on-save handlers.



The count of currently registered on-save handlers.integer


console.log('There are %d onSave handlers registered.', Save.onSave.size);


Performs any required processing before the save data is saved. The handler is passed one parameter, the save object to be processed.



Returns: none


An instance.Error

Handler parameters:


Basic usage
Save.onSave.add(function (save) {
	/* code to process the save object before it's saved */
Using save objects' property and the pseudo-enumerationtypeSave.Type
Save.onSave.add(function (save) {
	switch (save.type) {
		case Save.Type.Auto: {
			/* code to process an auto save object before it's saved */

		case Save.Type.Base64: {
			/* code to process a base64 save object before it's saved */

		case Save.Type.Disk: {
			/* code to process a disk save object before it's saved */

		case Save.Type.Slot: {
			/* code to process a slot save object before it's saved */


Deletes all currently registered on-save handlers.


Parameters: none

Returns: none

Throws: none




Deletes the specified on-save handler.




Boolean if the handler existed, elsewise .truefalse

Throws: none


// Given:
// 	let myOnSaveHandler = function (save) {
// 		/* code to process the save object before it's saved */
// 	};
// 	Save.onSave.add(myOnSaveHandler);


 Deprecated APIs


Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.clear() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.isEnabled() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.auto.delete() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.auto.get() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.auto.has() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.auto.load() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.auto.isEnabled() method for its replacement.


 Save.autosave.save([title [, metadata]])

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.auto.save() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.slot.size property for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.slot.delete() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.slot.get() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.slot.has() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.slot.load() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.slot.isEnabled() method for its replacement.


 Save.slots.save(slot [, title [, metadata]])

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.browser.slot.save() method for its replacement.



Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.disk.load() method for its replacement.


 Save.export([filename [, metadata]])

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.disk.save() method for its replacement.


 Save.deserialize(saveStr)any | null

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.base64.load() method for its replacement.


 Save.serialize([metadata])string | null

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Save.base64.save() method for its replacement.


 Setting API

Manages the Settings dialog and settings object.

Warning: API method calls must be placed within your project's JavaScript section (Twine 2: the Story JavaScript; Twine 1/Twee: a -tagged passage) or settings will not function correctly. Settingscript

 Setting.addHeader(name [, desc])

Adds a header to the Settings dialog.




// Setting up a basic header
Setting.addHeader("Content Settings");

// Setting up a header w/ a description
Setting.addHeader("Content Settings", "Settings controlling what content is made available in the game.");

 Setting.addList(name, definition)

Adds the named property to the object and a list control for it to the Settings dialog.settings



Definition object:

A list-type definition object should have some of the following properties:

Result object:


// Setting up a basic list control for the settings property 'difficulty'
Setting.addList("difficulty", {
	label   : "Choose a difficulty level.",
	list    : ["Easy", "Normal", "Hard", "INSANE"],
	default : "Normal"

// Setting up a list control for the settings property 'theme' w/ callbacks
var settingThemeNames = ["(none)", "Bright Lights", "Charcoal", "Midnight", "Tinsel City"];
var settingThemeHandler = function () {
	// cache the jQuery-wrapped <html> element
	var $html = $("html");

	// remove any existing theme class
	$html.removeClass("theme-bright-lights theme-charcoal theme-midnight theme-tinsel-city");

	// switch on the theme name to add the requested theme class
	switch (settings.theme) {
	case "Bright Lights":
	case "Charcoal":
	case "Midnight":
	case "Tinsel City":
Setting.addList("theme", {
	label    : "Choose a theme.",
	list     : settingThemeNames,
	onInit   : settingThemeHandler,
	onChange : settingThemeHandler
}); // default value not defined, so the first array member "(none)" is used

 Setting.addRange(name, definition)

Adds the named property to the object and a range control for it to the Settings dialog.settings



Definition object:

A range-type definition object should have some of the following properties:

Result object:


// Setting up a volume control for the settings property 'masterVolume' w/ callback
var settingMasterVolumeHandler = function () {
	SimpleAudio.volume(settings.masterVolume / 10);
Setting.addRange("masterVolume", {
	label    : "Master volume.",
	min      : 0,
	max      : 10,
	step     : 1,
	onInit   : settingMasterVolumeHandler,
	onChange : settingMasterVolumeHandler
}); // default value not defined, so max value (10) is used

 Setting.addToggle(name, definition)

Adds the named property to the object and a toggle control for it to the Settings dialog.settings



Definition object:

A toggle-type definition object should have some of the following properties:

Result object:


Basic toggle setting
// Setting up a basic toggle control for the settings property 'mature'
Setting.addToggle("mature", {
	label : "Content for mature audiences?"
}); // default value not defined, so false is used
Toggle that adds/removes a CSS class
// Setting up a toggle control for the settings property 'widescreen' w/ callbacks
var settingWidescreenHandler = function () {
	if (settings.widescreen) { // is true
	else { // is false
Setting.addToggle("widescreen", {
	label    : "Allow the story to use the full width of your browser window?",
	default  : false,
	onInit   : settingWidescreenHandler,
	onChange : settingWidescreenHandler

And the requisite CSS style rule:

html.widescreen #passages {
	max-width: none;

 Setting.addValue(name [, definition])

Adds the named property to the object.settings

Note: Does not add a control to the Settings dialog.



Definition object:

A value-type definition object should have some of the following properties:

Result object:


Basic usage
With a definition object
Setting.addValue("anotherSetting", {
	default  : 42,
	onInit   : function () {
		/* Do something when the setting is initialized. */
	onChange : function () {
		/* Do something when the setting is changed. */


Returns the setting's current value.

Note: Calling this method is equivalent to using . settings[name]


Parameters: none


// Assume `disableAudio` is a toggle-type setting.
if (Setting.getValue("disableAudio")) {
	/* Audio should be disabled. */


Loads the settings from storage.

Note: This method is automatically called during startup, so you should never need to call it manually.


Parameters: none




Resets the setting with the given name to its default value. If no name is given, resets all settings.




// Reset the setting 'difficulty'
// Reset all settings


Saves the settings to storage.

Note: The controls of the Settings dialog and the Setting.setValue() method automatically call this method when settings are changed, so you should normally never need to call this method manually. Only when directly modifying the values of object properties, outside of the controls or method, would you need to call this method. settingsSetting.setValue()


Parameters: none



 Setting.setValue(name, value)

Sets the setting's value.

Note: This method automatically calls the Setting.save() method.

Warning: If manually changing a setting that has an associated control, be mindful that the value you set makes sense for the setting in question, elsewise shenanigans could occur—e.g., don't set a range-type setting to non-number or out-of-range values.




Setting.setValue("theme", "dark");

 settings object

A prototype-less generic object whose properties and values are defined by the Setting.addList(), Setting.addRange(), Setting.addToggle(), and Setting.addValue() methods.

For all types of setting types except value-types, the values of its properties are automatically managed by the Settings dialog controls. If necessary, you may manually change setting values via the Setting.setValue() method.

Note: You may also manually change setting values by assigning directly to the associated property—e.g., . Doing so, however, does not automatically save any values so updated, thus you must manually call the Setting.save() method afterwards. settings["mode"] = "day"

Warning: If manually changing a setting that has an associated control, be mindful that the value you set makes sense for the setting in question, elsewise shenanigans could occur—e.g., don't set a range-type setting to non-number or out-of-range values.


 SimpleAudio API

The core audio subsystem and backend for the audio macros.

See Also: AudioTrack API, AudioRunner API, and AudioList API.

 Audio limitations

The audio subsystem is based upon the HTML Media Elements APIs and comes with some built-in limitations:

  1. True gapless transitions between tracks is not supported.
  2. In mobile browsers, playback volume is controlled by the device hardware. Thus, all volume adjustments are ignored by the device, though muting should work normally.
  3. In mobile browsers and, more recently, most desktop browsers, playback must be initiated by the player—generally via click/touch. In these cases, audio will not automatically play on the starting passage, nor is it likely to play if initiated from within asynchronous code—e.g., via —though this ultimately depends on various factors. A simple solution for the former is to use some kind of click/touch-through screen—e.g., a splash screen, which the player goes through to the real starting passage. The latter is harder to resolve, so is best avoided.<<timed>>
  4. The load and playback states of tracks are not currently recorded within the active play session or saves. Thus, if you need either to be recoverable, then you'll have to handle that yourself.



Pauses playback of all currently registered tracks and, if they're not already in the process of loading, force them to drop any existing data and begin loading.

Warning: This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them.


Parameters: none




Displays the loading screen until all currently registered audio tracks have either loaded to a playable state or aborted loading due to errors. The loading process is as described in SimpleAudio.load().

Warning: This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them.


Parameters: none



 SimpleAudio.mute([state])get: boolean | set: undefined

Gets or sets the mute state for the master volume (default: ).false




// Get the current master volume mute state.
var isMuted = SimpleAudio.mute();

// Mute the master volume.

// Unmute the master volume.

 SimpleAudio.muteOnHidden([state])get: boolean | set: undefined

Gets or sets the mute-on-hidden state for the master volume (default: ). The mute-on-hidden state controls whether the master volume is automatically muted/unmuted when the story's browser tab loses/gains visibility. Loss of visibility is defined as when the browser window is either switched to another tab or minimized.false




// Get the current master volume mute-on-hidden state.
var isMuteOnHidden = SimpleAudio.muteOnHidden();

// Enable automatic muting of the master volume when visibility is lost.

// Disable automatic muting of the master volume when visibility is lost.

 SimpleAudio.select(selector)AudioRunner object

Returns an AudioRunner instance for the tracks matching the given selector.




Basic usage
SimpleAudio.select(":ui")  → Returns the AudioRunner instance for the tracks matching ":ui"
Typical usage
// Return the AudioTrack instance matching "swamped" and do something with it

// Start playback of paused audio tracks

// Pause playback of playing audio tracks

// Stop playback of playing audio tracks

// Stop playback of all audio tracks (not uniquely part of a playlist)

// Stop playback of playing audio tracks except those in the ":ui" group

// Change the volume of all audio tracks except those in the ":ui" group
// to 40%, without changing the current playback state


Stops playback of all currently registered tracks.


Parameters: none




Stops playback of all currently registered tracks and force them to drop any existing data.

Note: Once a track has been unloaded, playback cannot occur until it is reloaded.


Parameters: none



 SimpleAudio.volume([level])get: number | set: undefined

Gets or sets the master volume level (default: ).1




// Get the current master volume level.
var currentMasterVolume = SimpleAudio.volume();

// Set the master volume level to 75%.


 SimpleAudio.tracks.add(trackId, sources…)

Adds an audio track with the given track ID.




// Cache a track with the ID "boom" and one source via relative URL
SimpleAudio.tracks.add("boom", "media/audio/explosion.mp3");

// Cache a track with the ID "boom" and one source via audio passage
SimpleAudio.tracks.add("boom", "explosion");

// Cache a track with the ID "bgm_space" and two sources via relative URLs
SimpleAudio.tracks.add("bgm_space", "media/audio/space_quest.mp3", "media/audio/space_quest.ogg");

// Cache a track with the ID "what" and one source via URL with a format specifier
SimpleAudio.tracks.add("what", "mp3|http://an-audio-service.com/a-user/a-track-id");


Deletes all audio tracks.

Note: Cannot delete tracks solely under the control of a playlist.


Parameters: none




Deletes the audio track with the given track ID.

Note: Cannot delete tracks solely under the control of a playlist.

Warning: Does not currently remove the track from either groups or playlists. Thus, any groups or playlists containing the deleted track should be rebuilt.





 SimpleAudio.tracks.get(trackId)AudioTrack object | null

Returns the AudioTrack instance with the given track ID, or on failure.null

Note: To affect multiple tracks and/or groups at once, see the SimpleAudio.select() method.




Basic usage
SimpleAudio.tracks.get("swamped")  → Returns the AudioTrack instance matching "swamped"
Typical usage
// Return the AudioTrack instance matching "swamped" and do something with it


Returns whether an audio track with the given track ID exists.




if (SimpleAudio.tracks.has("bgm_space")) {
	// Track "bgm_space" exists.


 SimpleAudio.groups.add(groupId, trackIds…)

Adds an audio group with the given group ID. Groups are useful for applying actions to multiple tracks simultaneously and/or excluding the included tracks from a larger set when applying actions.

Note: If you want to play tracks in a sequence, then you want a playlist instead.




// Set up a group ":ui" with the tracks: "ui_beep", "ui_boop", and "ui_swish"
SimpleAudio.groups.add(":ui", "ui_beep", "ui_boop", "ui_swish");


Deletes all audio groups.

Note: Only deletes the groups themselves, does not affect their component tracks.


Parameters: none




Deletes the audio group with the given group ID.

Note: Only deletes the group itself, does not affect its component tracks.





 SimpleAudio.groups.get(groupId)Array<string> | null

Returns the array of track IDs with the given group ID, or on failure.null

Note: To actually affect multiple tracks and/or groups, see the SimpleAudio.select() method.




SimpleAudio.groups.get(":ui")  → Returns the array of track IDs matching ":ui"


Returns whether an audio group with the given group ID exists.




if (SimpleAudio.groups.has(":ui")) {
	// Group ":ui" exists.


 SimpleAudio.lists.add(listId, sources…)

Adds a playlist with the given list ID. Playlists are useful for playing tracks in a sequence—i.e., one after another.

Note: If you simply want to apply actions to multiple tracks simultaneously, then you want a group instead.



Descriptor objects:

Track descriptor objects come in two forms and should have some of the noted properties:


Basic usage with track IDs
// Add existing tracks at their current volumes
SimpleAudio.lists.add("bgm_lacuna", "swamped", "heavens_a_lie", "closer", "to_the_edge");
Using a mix of track IDs and descriptors
	// Add existing track "swamped" at its current volume

	// Add existing track "heavens_a_lie" at 50% volume
		id     : "heavens_a_lie",
		volume : 0.5

	// Add an owned copy of existing track "closer" at its current volume
		id  : "closer",
		own : true

	// Add an owned copy of existing track "to_the_edge" at 100% volume
		id     : "to_the_edge",
		own    : true,
		volume : 1
Using descriptors with sources
	// Add a track from the given sources at the default volume (100%)
		sources : ["media/audio/Swamped.mp3"]

	// Add a track from the given sources at 50% volume
		sources : ["media/audio/Heaven's_A_Lie.mp3"],
		volume  : 0.5

	// Add a track from the given sources at the default volume (100%)
		sources : ["media/audio/Closer.mp3"]

	// Add a track from the given sources at 100% volume
		sources : ["media/audio/To_The_Edge.mp3"],
		volume  : 1


Deletes all playlists.


Parameters: none




Deletes the playlist with the given list ID.





 SimpleAudio.lists.get(listId)AudioList object | null

Returns the AudioList instance with the given list ID, or on failure.null




Basic usage
SimpleAudio.lists.get("bgm_lacuna")  → Returns the AudioList instance matching "bgm_lacuna"
Typical usage
// Return the AudioList instance matching "bgm_lacuna" and do something with it


Returns whether a playlist with the given list ID exists.




if (SimpleAudio.lists.has("bgm_lacuna")) {
	// Playlist "bgm_lacuna" exists.

 AudioTrack API

Audio tracks encapsulate and provide a consistent interface to an audio resource.

See Also: SimpleAudio API, AudioRunner API, and AudioList API.

 <AudioTrack>.clone()AudioTrack object

Returns a new independent copy of the track.


Parameters: none


var trackCopy = aTrack.clone();


Returns the track's total playtime in seconds, for a stream, or if no metadata exists.InfinityNaN


Parameters: none


var trackLength = aTrack.duration();

 <AudioTrack>.fade(duration , toVol [, fromVol])Promise object

Starts playback of the track and fades it between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds.

Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: ) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to volume (silent). true0




// Fade the track from volume 0 to 1 over 6 seconds.
aTrack.fade(6, 1, 0);

 <AudioTrack>.fadeIn(duration [, fromVol])Promise object

Starts playback of the track and fades it from the specified volume level to (loudest) over the specified number of seconds.1




// Fade the track in from volume 0 over 5 seconds.
aTrack.fadeIn(5, 0);

 <AudioTrack>.fadeOut(duration [, fromVol])Promise object

Starts playback of the track and fades it from the specified volume level to (silent) over the specified number of seconds.0

Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: ) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to volume (silent). true0




// Fade the track out from volume 1 over 8 seconds.
aTrack.fadeOut(8, 1);


Interrupts an in-progress fade of the track, or does nothing if no fade is progressing.

Note: This does not alter the volume level.


Parameters: none




Returns whether enough data has been loaded to play the track through to the end without interruption.

Note: This is an estimate calculated by the browser based upon the currently downloaded data and the download rate.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.hasData()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether, at least, the track's metadata has been loaded.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.hasMetadata()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether none of the track's data has been loaded.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.hasNoData()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether, at least, some of the track's data has been loaded.

Tip: The <AudioTrack>.hasData() method is generally more useful.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.hasSomeData()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether any valid sources were registered.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.hasSource()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether playback of the track has ended.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isEnded()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether a fade is in-progress on the track.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isFading()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether an error has occurred.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isFailed()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether the track is loading data.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isLoading()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether playback of the track has been paused.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isPaused()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether the track is playing.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isPlaying()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether the track is seeking.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isSeeking()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether playback of the track has been stopped.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isStopped()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether the track is currently unavailable for playback. Possible reasons include: no valid sources are registered, no sources are currently loaded, an error has occurred.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isUnavailable()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether the track's sources are currently unloaded.


Parameters: none


if (aTrack.isUnloaded()) {
	/* do something */


Pauses playback of the track and, if it's not already in the process of loading, forces it to drop any existing data and begin loading.

Warning: This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them.


Parameters: none



 <AudioTrack>.loop([state])get: boolean | set: AudioTrack object

Gets or sets the track's repeating playback state (default: ). When used to set the loop state, returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.falseAudioTrack




// Get the track's current loop state.
var isLooped = aTrack.loop();

// Loop the track.

// Unloop the track.

 <AudioTrack>.mute([state])get: boolean | set: AudioTrack object

Gets or sets the track's volume mute state (default: ). When used to set the mute state, returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.falseAudioTrack




// Get the track's current volume mute state.
var isMuted = aTrack.mute();

// Mute the track's volume.

// Unmute the track's volume.

 <AudioTrack>.off(...args)AudioTrack object

Removes event handlers from the track. Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.AudioTrack

Note: Shorthand for jQuery's .off() method applied to the audio element.

Warning: The APIs use events internally for various pieces of functionality. To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespace—e.g., —when attaching your own handlers. It is further strongly suggested that you provide that same custom user namespace when removing them. SimpleAudio.myEvents



See: <jQuery>.off() in the jQuery API docs for more information.


// Remove any handlers for the ended event.

 <AudioTrack>.on(...args)AudioTrack object

Attaches event handlers to the track. Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.AudioTrack

Note: Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to the audio element.

Warning: The APIs use events internally for various pieces of functionality. To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespace—e.g., —when attaching your own handlers. It is further strongly suggested that you provide that same custom user namespace when removing them. SimpleAudio.myEvents



See: <jQuery>.on() in the jQuery API docs for more information.


// Add a handler for the ended event.
aTrack.on('ended.myEvents', function () {
	/* do something */

 <AudioTrack>.one(...args)AudioTrack object

Attaches single-use event handlers to the track. Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.AudioTrack

Note: Shorthand for jQuery's .one() method applied to the audio element.

Warning: The APIs use events internally for various pieces of functionality. To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespace—e.g., —when attaching your own handlers. It is further strongly suggested that you provide that same custom user namespace when removing them. SimpleAudio.myEvents



See: <jQuery>.one() in the jQuery API docs for more information.


// Add a single-use handler for the ended event.
aTrack.one('ended.myEvents', function () {
	/* do something */


Pauses playback of the track.


Parameters: none



 <AudioTrack>.play()Promise object

Begins playback of the track.


Parameters: none


Basic usage
Using the returned Promise
	.then(function () {
		console.log('The track is playing.');
	.catch(function (problem) {
		console.warn('There was a problem with playback: ' + problem);


Begins playback of the track or, failing that, sets the track to begin playback as soon as the player has interacted with the document.


Parameters: none




Returns how much remains of the track's total playtime in seconds, for a stream, or if no metadata exists.InfinityNaN


Parameters: none


var trackRemains = aTrack.remaining();


Stops playback of the track.


Parameters: none



 <AudioTrack>.time([seconds])get: number | set: AudioTrack object

Gets or sets the track's current time in seconds. When used to set a value, returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.AudioTrack




// Get the track's current time.
var trackTime = aTrack.time();

// Set the track's current time to 30 seconds from its beginning.

// Set the track's current time to 30 seconds from its end.
aTrack.time(aTrack.duration() - 30);


Stops playback of the track and forces it to drop any existing data.

Note: Once unloaded, playback cannot occur until the track's data is loaded again.


Parameters: none



 <AudioTrack>.volume([level])get: number | set: AudioTrack object

Gets or sets the track's volume level (default: ). When used to set the volume, returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.1AudioTrack




// Get the track's current volume level.
var trackVolume = aTrack.volume();

// Set the track's volume level to 75%.

 AudioRunner API

Audio runners are useful for performing actions on multiple tracks at once.

See Also: SimpleAudio API, AudioTrack API, and AudioList API.

 <AudioRunner>.fade(duration , toVol [, fromVol])

Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds.

Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: ) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to volume (silent). true0




// Fade the selected tracks from volume 0 to 1 over 6 seconds.
someTracks.fade(6, 1, 0);

 <AudioRunner>.fadeIn(duration [, fromVol])

Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to (loudest) over the specified number of seconds.1




// Fade the selected tracks in from volume 0 over 5 seconds.
someTracks.fadeIn(5, 0);

 <AudioRunner>.fadeOut(duration [, fromVol])

Starts playback of the selected tracks and fades them from the specified volume level to (silent) over the specified number of seconds.0

Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: ) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to volume (silent). true0




// Fade the selected tracks out from volume 1 over 8 seconds.
someTracks.fadeOut(8, 1);


Interrupts an in-progress fade of the selected tracks, or does nothing if no fade is progressing.

Note: This does not alter the volume level.


Parameters: none




Pauses playback of the selected tracks and, if they're not already in the process of loading, forces them to drop any existing data and begin loading.

Warning: This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them.


Parameters: none



 <AudioRunner>.loop(state)AudioRunner object

Sets the selected tracks' repeating playback state (default: ). Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.falseAudioRunner




// Loop the selected tracks.

// Unloop the selected tracks.

 <AudioRunner>.mute(state)AudioRunner object

Sets the selected tracks' volume mute state (default: ). Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.falseAudioRunner




// Mute the selected tracks' volume.

// Unmute the selected tracks' volume.

 <AudioRunner>.off(...args)AudioRunner object

Removes event handlers from the selected tracks. Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.AudioRunner

Note: Shorthand for jQuery's .off() method applied to each of the audio elements.

Warning: The APIs use events internally for various pieces of functionality. To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespace—e.g., —when attaching your own handlers. It is further strongly suggested that you provide that same custom user namespace when removing them. SimpleAudio.myEvents



See: <jQuery>.off() in the jQuery API docs for more information.


// Remove any handlers for the ended event.

 <AudioRunner>.on(...args)AudioRunner object

Attaches event handlers to the selected tracks. Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.AudioRunner

Note: Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to each of the audio elements.

Warning: The APIs use events internally for various pieces of functionality. To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespace—e.g., —when attaching your own handlers. It is further strongly suggested that you provide that same custom user namespace when removing them. SimpleAudio.myEvents



See: <jQuery>.on() in the jQuery API docs for more information.


// Add a handler for the ended event.
someTracks.on('ended.myEvents', function () {
	/* do something */

 <AudioRunner>.one(...args)AudioRunner object

Attaches single-use event handlers to the selected tracks. Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.AudioRunner

Note: Shorthand for jQuery's .one() method applied to each of the audio elements.

Warning: The APIs use events internally for various pieces of functionality. To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespace—e.g., —when attaching your own handlers. It is further strongly suggested that you provide that same custom user namespace when removing them. SimpleAudio.myEvents



See: <jQuery>.one() in the jQuery API docs for more information.


// Add a single-use handler for the ended event.
someTracks.one('ended.myEvents', function () {
	/* do something */


Pauses playback of the selected tracks.


Parameters: none




Begins playback of the selected tracks.


Parameters: none




Begins playback of the selected tracks or, failing that, sets the tracks to begin playback as soon as the player has interacted with the document.


Parameters: none




Stops playback of the selected tracks.


Parameters: none



 <AudioRunner>.time(seconds)AudioRunner object

Sets the selected tracks' current time in seconds. Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.AudioRunner




// Set the selected tracks' current time to 30 seconds from their beginning.


Stops playback of the selected tracks and forces them to drop any existing data.

Note: Once unloaded, playback cannot occur until the selected tracks' data is loaded again.


Parameters: none



 <AudioRunner>.volume(level)AudioRunner object

Sets the selected tracks' volume level (default: ). Returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.1AudioRunner




// Set the selected tracks' volume level to 75%.

 AudioList API

Audio lists (playlists) are useful for playing tracks in a sequence—i.e., one after another.

See Also: SimpleAudio API, AudioTrack API, and AudioRunner API.


Returns the playlist's total playtime in seconds, if it contains any streams, or if no metadata exists.InfinityNaN


Parameters: none


var listLength = aList.duration();

 <AudioList>.fade(duration , toVol [, fromVol])Promise object

Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds.

Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: ) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to volume (silent). true0




// Fade the playlist from volume 0 to 1 over 6 seconds.
aList.fade(6, 1, 0);

 <AudioList>.fadeIn(duration [, fromVol])Promise object

Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to (loudest) over the specified number of seconds.1




// Fade the playlist in from volume 0 over 5 seconds.
aList.fadeIn(5, 0);

 <AudioList>.fadeOut(duration [, fromVol])Promise object

Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to (silent) over the specified number of seconds.0

Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: ) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to volume (silent). true0




// Fade the playlist out from volume 1 over 8 seconds.
aList.fadeOut(8, 1);


Interrupts an in-progress fade of the currently playing track, or does nothing if no fade is progressing.

Note: This does not alter the volume level.


Parameters: none




Returns whether playback of the playlist has ended.


Parameters: none


if (aList.isEnded()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether a fade is in-progress on the currently playing track.


Parameters: none


if (aList.isFading()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether playback of the playlist has been paused.


Parameters: none


if (aList.isPaused()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether the playlist is playing.


Parameters: none


if (aList.isPlaying()) {
	/* do something */


Returns whether playback of the playlist has been stopped.


Parameters: none


if (aList.isStopped()) {
	/* do something */


Pauses playback of the playlist and, if they're not already in the process of loading, forces its tracks to drop any existing data and begin loading.

Warning: This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them.


Parameters: none



 <AudioList>.loop([state])get: boolean | set: AudioList object

Gets or sets the playlist's repeating playback state (default: ). When used to set the loop state, returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.falseAudioList




// Get the playlist's current loop state.
var isLooped = aList.loop();

// Loop the playlist.

// Unloop the playlist.

 <AudioList>.mute([state])get: boolean | set: AudioList object

Gets or sets the playlist's volume mute state (default: ). When used to set the mute state, returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.falseAudioList




// Get the playlist's current volume mute state.
var isMuted = aList.mute();

// Mute the playlist's volume.

// Unmute the playlist's volume.


Pauses playback of the playlist.


Parameters: none



 <AudioList>.play()Promise object

Begins playback of the playlist.


Parameters: none


Basic usage
Using the returned Promise
	.then(function () {
		console.log('The playlist is playing.');
	.catch(function (problem) {
		console.warn('There was a problem with playback: ' + problem);


Begins playback of the playlist or, failing that, sets the playlist to begin playback as soon as the player has interacted with the document.


Parameters: none




Returns how much remains of the playlist's total playtime in seconds, if it contains any streams, or if no metadata exists.InfinityNaN


Parameters: none


var listRemains = aList.remaining();

 <AudioList>.shuffle([state])get: boolean | set: AudioList object

Gets or sets the playlist's randomly shuffled playback state (default: ). When used to set the shuffle state, returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.falseAudioList




// Get the playlist's current shuffle state.
var isShuffled = aList.shuffle();

// Enable shuffling of the playlist.

// Disable shuffling of the playlist.


Skips ahead to the next track in the playlist, if any.


Parameters: none




Stops playback of the playlist.


Parameters: none




Returns the playlist's current time in seconds, or if no metadata exists.NaN


Parameters: none


var listTime = aList.time();


Stops playback of the playlist and forces its tracks to drop any existing data.

Note: Once unloaded, playback cannot occur until the track's data is loaded again.


Parameters: none



 <AudioList>.volume([level])get: number | set: AudioList object

Gets or sets the playlist's volume level (default: ). When used to set the volume, returns a reference to the current instance for chaining.1AudioList




// Get the playlist's current volume level.
var trackVolume = aList.volume();

// Set the playlist's volume level to 75%.

 State API

The story history contains moments (states) created during play. Since it is possible to navigate the history—i.e., move backward and forward though the moments within the history—it may contain both past moments—i.e., moments that have been played—and future moments—i.e., moments that had been played, but have been rewound/undone, yet are still available to be restored.

In addition to the history, there is also the active moment—i.e., present—and expired moments—i.e., moments that had been played, but have expired from the history, thus cannot be navigated to.

API members dealing with the history work upon either the active moment—i.e., present—or one of the history subsets: the full in-play history—i.e., past + future—the past in-play subset—i.e., past only—or the extended past subset—i.e., expired + past. These instances will be noted.


Returns the active (present) moment.

Note: Using directly is generally unnecessary as there exist a number of shortcut properties, State.passage and State.variables, and story functions, passage() and variables(), which grant access to its normal properties. State.active



State.active.title      → The title of the present moment
State.active.variables  → The variables of the present moment


Returns the bottommost (least recent) moment from the full in-play history (past + future).



State.bottom.title      → The title of the least recent moment within the full in-play history
State.bottom.variables  → The variables of the least recent moment within the full in-play history


Returns the current moment from the full in-play history (past + future), which is the pre-play version of the active moment.

Warning: is not a synonym for State.active. You will, very likely, never need to use directly within your code. State.currentState.current



State.current.title      → The title of the current moment within the full in-play history
State.current.variables  → The variables of the current moment within the full in-play history


Returns the number of moments within the past in-play history (past only).



if (State.length === 0) {
	/* No moments within the past in-play history. Egad! */


Returns the title of the passage associated with the active (present) moment.



State.passage  → The passage title of the present moment


Returns the number of moments within the full in-play history (past + future).


Parameters: none


if (State.size === 0) {
	/* No moments within the full in-play history. Egad! */


Returns the current temporary variables.



State.temporary  → The current temporary variables


Returns the topmost (most recent) moment from the full in-play history (past + future).

Warning: is not a synonym for State.active. You will, very likely, never need to use directly within your code. State.topState.top



State.top.title      → The title of the most recent moment within the full in-play history
State.top.variables  → The variables of the most recent moment within the full in-play history


Returns the total number (count) of played moments within the extended past history (expired + past).



if (State.turns === 1) {
	/* Initial turn.  The starting passage is displayed. */


Returns the variables from the active (present) moment.



State.variables  → The variables of the present moment


Returns the value of the story or temporary variable by the given name.




State.getVar("$charName")  → Returns the value of $charName


Returns whether any moments with the given title exist within the past in-play history (past only).

Note: does not check expired moments. If you need to know if the player has ever been to a particular passage, then you must use the State.hasPlayed() method or the hasVisited() story function. State.has()




State.has("The Ducky")  → Returns whether a moment matching "The Ducky" exists


Returns whether any moments with the given title exist within the extended past history (expired + past).

Note: If you need to check for multiple passages, the hasVisited() story function will likely be more convenient to use.




State.hasPlayed("The Ducky")  → Returns whether a moment matching "The Ducky" ever existed


Returns the moment, relative to the bottom of the past in-play history (past only), at the given index.




State.index(0)                 → Returns the least recent moment within the past in-play history
State.index(1)                 → Returns the second to least recent moment within the past in-play history
State.index(State.length - 1)  → Returns the most recent moment within the past in-play history


Returns whether the full in-play history (past + future) is empty.


Parameters: none


if (State.isEmpty()) {
	/* No moments within the full in-play history. Egad! */


Returns the moment, relative to the top of the past in-play history (past only), at the, optional, offset.




State.peek()                  → Returns the most recent moment within the past in-play history
State.peek(0)                 → Returns the most recent moment within the past in-play history
State.peek(1)                 → Returns the second most recent moment within the past in-play history
State.peek(State.length - 1)  → Returns the least recent moment within the past in-play history


Returns the size of the story metadata store—i.e., the number of stored pairs.



// Determines whether the metadata store has any members.
if (State.metadata.size > 0) {
	/* store is not empty */


Empties the story metadata store.


Parameters: none


// Removes all values from the metadata store.


Removes the specified key, and its associated value, from the story metadata store.




// Removes 'achievements' from the metadata store.

 State.metadata.entries()Array<Array<string, any>>

Returns an array of the story metadata store's key/value pairs as arrays.[key, value]


Parameters: none


// Iterate over the pairs with a `for` loop.
var metadata = State.metadata.entries();
for (var i = 0; i < metadata.length; ++i) {
	var key   = metadata[i][0];
	var value = metadata[i][1];

	/* do something */
// Iterate over the pairs with `<Array>.forEach()`.
State.metadata.entries().forEach(function (pair) {
	var key   = pair[0];
	var value = pair[1];

	/* do something */


Returns the value associated with the specified key from the story metadata store.




// Returns the value of 'achievements' from the metadata store.
var playerAchievements = State.metadata.get('achievements');


Returns whether the specified key exists within the story metadata store.




// Returns whether 'achievements' exists within the metadata store.
if (State.metadata.has('achievements')) {
	/* do something */


Returns an array of the story metadata store's keys.


Parameters: none


// Iterate over the keys with a `for` loop.
var metadataKeys = State.metadata.keys();
for (var i = 0; i < metadataKeys.length; ++i) {
	var key = metadataKeys[i];

	/* do something */
// Iterate over the keys with `<Array>.forEach()`.
State.metadata.keys().forEach(function (key) {
	/* do something */

 State.metadata.set(key, value)

Sets the specified key and value within the story metadata store, which causes them to persist over story and browser restarts—n.b. private browsing modes do interfere with this. To update the value associated with a key, simply set it again.

Note: The story metadata, like saves, is tied to the specific story it was generated with. It is not a mechanism for moving data between stories.

Warning: The story metadata store is not, and should not be used as, a replacement for saves. Examples of good uses: achievement tracking, new game+ data, playthrough statistics, etc.

Warning: This feature is largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright.




// Sets 'achievements', with the given value, in the metadata store.
State.metadata.set('achievements', { ateYellowSnow : true });

// Sets 'ngplus', with the given value, in the metadata store.
State.metadata.set('ngplus', true);

 State.prng.init([seed [, useEntropy]])

Initializes the seedable pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) and integrates it into the story state and saves. Once initialized, the State.random() method and story functions, random() and randomFloat(), return deterministic results from the seeded PRNG—by default, they return non-deterministic results from Math.random().

Note: must be called during story initialization, within either your project's JavaScript section (Twine 2: the Story JavaScript; Twine 1/Twee: a -tagged passage) or the special passage. Additionally, it is strongly recommended that you do not specify any arguments to and allow it to automatically seed itself. If you should chose to use an explicit seed, however, it is strongly recommended that you also enable additional entropy, otherwise all playthroughs for all players will be exactly the same. State.prng.init()scriptStoryInitState.prng.init()




State.prng.init()                       → Automatically seed the PRNG (recommended)
State.prng.init("aVeryLongSeed")        → Seed the PRNG with "aVeryLongSeed" (not recommended)
State.prng.init("aVeryLongSeed", true)  → Seed the PRNG with "aVeryLongSeed" and pad it with extra entropy


Returns whether the seedable PRNG has been enabled.



State.prng.isEnabled()  → Returns whether the seedable PRNG is enabled

 State.prng.pullinteger | NaN

Returns the current pull count—i.e., how many requests have been made—from the seedable PRNG or, if the PRNG is not enabled, .NaN

Note: The pull count is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes.



State.prng.pull  → Returns the current PRNG pull count

 State.prng.seedstring | null

Returns the seed from the seedable PRNG or, if the PRNG is not enabled, .null

Note: The seed is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes.



State.prng.seed  → Returns the PRNG seed


Returns a pseudo-random decimal number (floating-point) in the range (inclusive) up to, but not including, (exclusive).01

Note: By default, it simply returns non-deterministic results from Math.random(), however, when the seedable PRNG has been enabled, via State.prng.init(), it returns deterministic results from the seeded PRNG instead.


Parameters: none


State.random()  → Returns a pseudo-random floating-point number in the range [0, 1)

 State.setVar(varName, value)boolean

Sets the value of the story or temporary variable by the given name. Returns whether the operation was successful.




State.setVar("$charName", "Jane Doe")  → Assigns the string "Jane Doe" to $charName

 Story API


The DOM-compatible ID of the story.



The DOM-compatible ID of the story, created from the slugified story name.string


The IFID (Interactive Fiction IDentifier) of the story.



The IFID of the story, or an empty string if no IFID exists. The Twine 2 ecosystem's IFIDs are v4 random UUIDs.string


The name of the story.



The name of the story.string


Adds the passage to the passage store.

Note: This method cannot add code passages or passages tagged with code tags.



Passage Descriptor:

A passage descriptor object should have the following properties:


Boolean if the passage was added, elsewise .truefalse


// Add a passage
const descriptor = {
	name : "Forest 4",
	tags : "forest heavy",
	text : "You can barely see farther than arm's length for all the trees.",

if (Story.add(descriptor)) {
	/* The "Forest 4" passage was added. */


Deletes the instance with the given name.Passage

Note: This method cannot add code passages or passages tagged with code tags.




Boolean if a instance with the given name was deleted, elsewise .truePassagefalse


// Delete the Passage instance with the name "The Ducky"
if (Story.delete("The Ducky")) {
	/* The "The Ducky" passage was deleted. */

 Story.filter(predicate [, thisArg])Array<Passage>

Searches all instances for those that pass the test implemented by the given predicate function.Passage

Note: This method cannot retrieve passages tagged with code tags.




A new filled with all instances that pass the test implemented by the given predicate function, or an empty if no instances pass.Array<Passage>Array


// Returns all 'forest'-tagged Passage instances
Story.filter(function (p) {
	return p.tags.includes("forest");

// Returns all Passage instances whose names include whitespace
var hasWhitespaceRegExp = /\s/;
Story.filter(function (p) {
	return hasWhitespaceRegExp.test(p.name);

 Story.find(predicate [, thisArg])Passage

Searches all instances for the first that passes the test implemented by the given predicate function.Passage

Note: This method cannot retrieve passages tagged with code tags.




The first instance that passed the test implemented by the given predicate function, or if no instance passes.Passageundefined


// Returns the first 'forest'-tagged Passage instance
Story.find(function (p) {
	return p.tags.includes("forest");

// Returns the first Passage instance whose name includes whitespace
var hasWhitespaceRegExp = /\s/;
Story.find(function (p) {
	return hasWhitespaceRegExp.test(p.name);


Gets the instance with the given name.Passage

Note: This method cannot retrieve passages tagged with code tags.




The instance with the given name, or a new empty instance if no such passage exists.PassagePassage


// Get the Passage instance with the name "The Ducky"
const theDucky = Story.get("The Ducky");


Determines whether a instance with the given name exists.Passage

Note: This method does not check passages tagged with code tags.




Boolean if a instance with the given name exists, elsewise .truePassagefalse


// Returns whether a "The Ducky" Passage instance exists
if (Story.has("The Ducky")) {
	/* The "The Ducky" passage exists. */


Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Story.id setting for its replacement.



Deprecated: This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Story.name setting for its replacement.


 Story.lookup(propertyName , searchValue [, sortProperty])Array<Passage>

Deprecated: This static method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Story.filter() static method for its replacement.


 Story.lookupWith(predicate [, sortProperty])Array<Passage>

Deprecated: This static method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Story.filter() static method for its replacement.


 Template API


Returns the number of existing templates.



if (Template.size === 0) {
	/* No templates exist. */

 Template.add(name , definition)

Add new template(s).



Function templates:

Function templates should return a string, which may itself contain markup. They are called with no arguments, but with their set to a template (execution) context object that contains the following data properties:this

String templates:

String templates consist solely of a string, which may itself contain markup.


Basic usage
/* Define a function template named ?yolo. */
Template.add('yolo', function () {
	return either('YOLO', 'You Only Live Once');

/* Define a string template named ?nolf. */
Template.add('nolf', 'No One Lives Forever');

/* Define an array of string templates named ?alsoYolo. */
Template.add('alsoYolo', ['YOLO', 'You Only Live Once']);

/* Define an array of mixed string and function templates named ?cmyk. */
Template.add('cmyk', [
	function () {
		return either('Magenta', 'Yellow');
Using the context object (this)
/* Define a function template with two names, ?color and ?Color, whose output changes based on its name. */
Template.add(['color', 'Color'], function () {
	var color = either('red', 'green', 'blue');
	return this.name === 'Color' ? color.toUpperFirst() : color;


Remove existing template(s).




/* Deletes the template ?yolo. */

/* Deletes the templates ?yolo and ?nolf. */
Template.delete(['yolo', 'nolf']);

 Template.get(name)function | string | Array<function | string>

Return the named template definition, or on failure.null




/* Returns the template ?yolo, or null if it doesn't exist. */
var yolo = Template.get('yolo');


Returns whether the named template exists.




if (Template.has('yolo')) {
	/* A ?yolo template exists. */


 UI.alert(message [, options [, closeFn]])

Opens the built-in alert dialog, displaying the given message to the player.



Returns: none


UI.alert("You smell of elderberries!");


Opens the built-in restart dialog, prompting the player to restart the story.



Returns: none



 UI.saves([options [, closeFn]])

Opens the built-in saves dialog.



Returns: none



 UI.settings([options [, closeFn]])

Opens the built-in settings dialog, which is populated from the Setting API.



Returns: none




Triggers a :uiupdate event that causes the update of the dynamically updated sections built-in user interface—e.g., those populated by code passages, like and . Automatically invoked during passage navigation.StoryCaptionStoryMenu


As all dynamically updated sections of the built-in UI are updated, save for the main passage display, it is recommended that this method be used sparingly.

Ideally, if you need to update these sections of the built-in UI outside of the normal passage navigation update, then you should update only the specific areas you need to rather than the entire UI.


Parameters: none

Returns: none



 UI.jumpto([options [, closeFn]])

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used.


 UI.share([options [, closeFn]])

Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used.




Completely removes the UI bar and all of its associated styles and event handlers.


Parameters: none



 UIBar.hide()UIBar object

Hides the UI bar. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.UIBar

Note: This does not reclaim the space reserved for the UI bar. Thus, a call to UIBar.stow() may also be necessary. Alternatively, if you simply want the UI bar gone completely and permanently, either using UIBar.destroy() or the StoryInterface special passage may be a better choice.


Parameters: none


Basic usage
With stow


Returns whether the UI bar is currently hidden.


Parameters: none


if (UIBar.isHidden()) {
	/* code to execute if the UI bar is hidden… */

if (!UIBar.isHidden()) {
	/* code to execute if the UI bar is not hidden… */


Returns whether the UI bar is currently stowed.


Parameters: none


if (UIBar.isStowed()) {
	/* code to execute if the UI bar is stowed… */

if (!UIBar.isStowed()) {
	/* code to execute if the UI bar is not stowed… */

 UIBar.show()UIBar object

Shows the UI bar. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.UIBar


Parameters: none


Basic usage
With unstow

 UIBar.stow([noAnimation])UIBar object

Stows the UI bar, so that it takes up less space. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.UIBar




Basic usage
With no animation

 UIBar.unstow([noAnimation])UIBar object

Unstows the UI bar, so that it is fully accessible again. Returns a reference to the object for chaining.UIBar




Basic usage
With no animation


Deprecated: This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the UI.update() static method for its replacement.


 Guide: State, Sessions, and Saving

SugarCube preserves the state of the story as it's being played in a number of ways to both prevent the loss of progress and allow players to save stories. This guide will detail how these features work.

 Story History

The story history is a collection of moments. A new moment is created whenever passage navigation occurs, and only when passage navigation occurs. Each moment contains data regarding the active passage and the state of all story variables—that is, the ones you use the sigil to interact with—as they exist when the moment is created. The history allows players to navigate through these moments.$

The number of moments contained within the story history is, generally, limited, via the Config.history.maxStates setting. As new moments are added, older moments that exceed the maximum number are expired in order of age, oldest first. Expired moments are recorded in a separate expired collection and can no longer be navigated to. If you limit the moments within the history to , via setting to , then there will only ever be one moment in the history, but passage navigation is still required for new moments to be created.1Config.history.maxStates1

Note: All user functions and macros that check for the existence of moments within the history check both the story history and expired moments, so will work as expected even if the history is limited to a single moment as described above.

Saving the story records the story's state up until the last moment that was created. This is not necessarily the same as the current state of the story: because moment creation is tied to passage navigation, changes that occur between one passage navigation and the next are not part of the current moment and will not be preserved by a moment until the next navigation, when the next moment is created.

Consider the following:

:: one passage
<<set $var to 1>>

[[another passage]]

:: another passage
<<link "Click me!">>
	<<set $var to 2>>

In the above example, if you save the story after reaching the passage called another passage, the variable will be saved in the state as , as you would expect. If you click the link that sets the variable to , and then save the story, the variable will still be saved as , because a new moment has not yet been created.$var12$var1

 Playthrough Session

Note: Auto saves are occasionally confused with the playthrough session, but they are in fact distinct systems.

SugarCube automatically stores the current playthrough state to the browser's session storage whenever a new moment is created. This can be thought of as a special, temporary saved story, which is automatically deleted after the player's current browsing session ends. This temporary playthrough session is intended to prevent players from losing data. Some browsers, particularly mobile ones, will free up memory by unloading web pages that are running in the background. This functionally refreshes the webpage, and can cause users to lose their progress. When SugarCube is reloaded by the browser, it checks if a playthrough session exists and loads it to prevent any inadvertent loss of progress.

This feature also prevents players from losing progress if they try to use the browser back and forward buttons to navigate, or if they refresh their browser for any reason. The built-in Restart button, along with the methods UI.restart() and Engine.restart() are provided so that the story can be restarted without restoring a session.

To recap:

 Auto saves

Note: A playthrough session is occasionally confused with auto saves, but they are in fact distinct systems.

SugarCube features configurable auto saves. Auto saves are otherwise normal browser saves that automatically save either on every turn or only on certain turns, depending on how they're configured.

See: Config.saves.maxAutoSave setting, Config.saves.isAllowed setting, and Save.browser.auto API.

 What Happens When a Save is Loaded?

When a save is loaded, the state loaded from the save replaces the current state. This process is the same regardless of where the loaded state is coming from, be it a save or the playthrough session. The previous state is completely lost—the new state is not added to or combined with the current state, instead it replaces it in its entirety. The easiest way to understand this is to look at what happens when you make some changes to StoryInit and then load a save from before those changes were made. For example:

:: StoryInit
<<set $x to 0>>

:: Start
$$x is <<if def $x>> $x <<else>> undefined <</if>>

If you run the above, you'll see . Create a save, then edit the code as follows:$x is 0

:: StoryInit
<<set $x to 0>>
<<set $y to 1>>

:: Start
$$x is <<if def $x>> $x <<else>> undefined <</if>>
$$y is <<if def $y>> $y <<else>> undefined <</if>>

Running that, you'll see and . Now, load the save from before the changes were made, and you'll see , since it doesn't exist at all in the loaded state.$x is 0$y is 1$y is undefined

 Refreshing and Restarting

Whenever your story is first started or, for any reason, restarted—e.g., the browser window/tab was refreshed/reloaded—it undergoes its startup sequence. Several things occur each and every time startup happens, regardless of whether or not a playthrough session will be restored or the starting passage run. First, the CSS, JavaScript, and Widget sections are processed. Next, any -tagged passages and the special passage are processed. Finally, one of two things happen (in order): the existing playthrough session is restored, if it exists, elsewise the starting passage is run.initStoryInit

Some users have the false impression that is not run when the story is restarted when the playthrough session is restored or autosave is loaded. Code like seems to have no effect because the startup state is replaced by the of the incoming state, but they are still executed by the engine. You can see this effect by changing data outside the state. For example, let's return to the example above and change it again:StoryInit<<set $y to 1>>

:: StoryInit
<<set $x to 0>>
<<set setup.y to 1>>

:: Start
$$x is <<if def $x>> $x <<else>> undefined <</if>>
setup.y is <<if def setup.y>> <<= setup.y>> <<else>> undefined <</if>>

You'll see that is being set to and displayed properly regardless of whether you load a save or not, because it is not part of the state.setup.y1

When the story is restarted by SugarCube rather than refreshed via the browser, the playthrough session, if any, is not loaded. The CSS, JavaScript, & Widget sections, any -tagged passages, and the special passage are processed, as usual, and then the starting passage is rendered.initStoryInit

 Guide: Non-generic object types (classes)

As a basic working definition, non-generic object types—i.e., classes—are instantiable objects whose own prototype is not —e.g., is a native non-generic object type.ObjectArray

Many of the commonly used native non-generic object types are already fully compatible with and supported for use within story variables—e.g., , , , and . All other non-generic object types, on the other hand, must be made compatible to be successfully stored within story variables.ArrayDateMapSet

Making custom non-generic object types fully compatible requires that two methods be added to their prototype, and , to support cloning—i.e., deep copying—instances of the type..clone().toJSON()

In both cases, since the end goal is roughly the same, this means creating a new instance of the base object type and populating it with clones of the original instance's data. There is no one size fits all example for either of these methods because an instance's properties, and the data contained therein, are what determine what you need to do.

See Also: The Serial.createReviver() method for additional information on implementing the method. .toJSON()

Examples: (not an exhaustive list)

 class-based syntax (newer, preferred)

Configuration object parameter constructor (w/ automatic copying of own data)

Here's a simple example whose constructor takes a single configuration object parameter:

window.Character = class Character {
	constructor(config) {
		// Set up our own data properties with some defaults.
		this.name = '(none)';
		this.race = '(none)';
		this.st   = 10;
		this.dx   = 10;
		this.iq   = 10;
		this.ht   = 10;
		this.hp   = 10;

		// Clone the given config object's own properties into our own properties.
		// NOTE: We use the SugarCube built-in `clone()` function to make deep
		// copies of each of the properties' values.
		Object.keys(config).forEach(prop => {
			this[prop] = clone(config[prop]);

	clone() {
		// Return a new instance containing our own data.
		return new this.constructor(this);

	toJSON() {
		// Return a code string that will create a new instance containing our
		// own data.
		// NOTE: Supplying `this` directly as the `reviveData` parameter to the
		// `Serial.createReviver()` call will trigger out of control recursion in
		// the serializer, so we must pass it a clone of our own data instead.
		var ownData = {};
		Object.keys(this).forEach(prop => {
			ownData[prop] = clone(this[prop]);
		return Serial.createReviver(`new ${this.constructor.name}($ReviveData$)`, ownData);

Creating a new instance of this example would be something like:Character

<<set $Joe to new Character({
	name : 'Joe the Barbarian',
	race : 'human',
	st   : 20,
	dx   : 12,
	iq   : 9,
	ht   : 18,
	hp   : 18

Discrete parameters constructor (w/ manual copying of own data)

Here's a simple example whose constructor takes multiple discrete parameters:

window.Character = class Character {
	) {
		// Set up our own data properties with the given values or defaults.
		this.name = name ?? '(none)';
		this.race = race ?? '(none)';
		this.st   = st ?? 10;
		this.dx   = dx ?? 10;
		this.iq   = iq ?? 10;
		this.ht   = ht ?? 10;
		this.hp   = hp ?? 10;

	clone() {
		// Return a new instance containing our own data.
		return new this.constructor(

	toJSON() {
		// Return a code string that will create a new instance containing our
		// own data.
		return Serial.createReviver(String.format(
			'new {0}({1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7})',

Creating a new instance of this example would be something like:Character

<<set $Joe to new Character(
	'Joe the Barbarian',

 function-based syntax (classic, not recommended)

Configuration object parameter constructor (w/ automatic copying of own data)

Here's a simple example whose constructor takes a single configuration object parameter:

window.Character = function Character(config) {
	// Set up our own data properties with some defaults.
	this.name = '(none)';
	this.race = '(none)';
	this.st   = 10;
	this.dx   = 10;
	this.iq   = 10;
	this.ht   = 10;
	this.hp   = 10;

	// Clone the given config object's own properties into our own properties.
	// NOTE: We use the SugarCube built-in `clone()` function to make deep
	// copies of each of the properties' values.
	Object.keys(config).forEach(function (prop) {
		this[prop] = clone(config[prop]);
	}, this);

Character.prototype.clone = function () {
	// Return a new instance containing our own data.
	return new Character(this);

Character.prototype.toJSON = function () {
	// Return a code string that will create a new instance containing our
	// own data.
	// NOTE: Supplying `this` directly as the `reviveData` parameter to the
	// `Serial.createReviver()` call will trigger out of control recursion in
	// the serializer, so we must pass it a clone of our own data instead.
	var ownData = {};
	Object.keys(this).forEach(function (prop) {
		ownData[prop] = clone(this[prop]);
	}, this);
	return Serial.createReviver('new Character($ReviveData$)', ownData);

Creating a new instance of this example would be something like:Character

<<set $Joe to new Character({
	name : 'Joe the Barbarian',
	race : 'human',
	st   : 20,
	dx   : 12,
	iq   : 9,
	ht   : 18,
	hp   : 18

Discrete parameters constructor (w/ manual copying of own data)

Here's a simple example whose constructor takes multiple discrete parameters:

window.Character = function (
) {
	// Set up our own data properties with the given values or defaults.
	this.name = name || '(none)';
	this.race = race || '(none)';
	this.st   = st || 10;
	this.dx   = dx || 10;
	this.iq   = iq || 10;
	this.ht   = ht || 10;
	this.hp   = hp || 10;

Character.prototype.clone = function () {
	// Return a new instance containing our own data.
	return new Character(

Character.prototype.toJSON = function () {
	// Return a code string that will create a new instance containing our
	// own data.
	return Serial.createReviver(String.format(
		'new Character({0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6})',

Creating a new instance of this example would be something like:Character

<<set $Joe to new Character(
	'Joe the Barbarian',

 Guide: Tips

This is a collection of tips, from how-tos to best practices.

Suggestions for new entries may be submitted by creating a new issue at SugarCube's source code repository.

 Arbitrarily long return

Warning: Navigating back to a previous passage, for whatever reason, can be problematic. There's no way for the system to know ahead of time whether it's safe to re-execute a passage's contents. Even if it did know that, there's no way for it to know which operations may or may not have side-effects—e.g., changing variables. Thus, if you allow players to return to passages, then you should either: ensure the passages contain no code that has side-effects or wrap that code in something to prevent re-execution—e.g., . <<if visited() is 1>>side-effects<</if>>

Note: An alternative to navigating to passages to create menus, inventories, and the like would be to use the Dialog API.

When you have a situation where you're using a set of passages as some kind of menu/inventory/etc and it's possible for the player to interact with several of those passages, or even simply the same one multiple times, then returning them to the passage they were at before entering the menu can be problematic as they're possibly several passages removed from that originating passage—thus, the macro and link constructs like will not work.<<return>>[[Return|previous()]]

The most common way to resolve this arbitrarily long return issue is to use a bit of JavaScript to record the last non-menu passage the player visited into a story variable and then to create a link with that.

For instance, you may use one of the following examples—they both do the same thing—to record the last non-menu passage into the story variable.$return

Via JavaScript (Twine 2: the Story JavaScript, Twine 1/Twee: a -tagged passage)script

$(document).on(':passagestart', function (ev) {
	if (!ev.passage.tags.includes('noreturn')) {
		State.variables.return = ev.passage.name;

Via macros (best used in the special passage)PassageReady

<<if not tags().includes("noreturn")>>
	<<set $return to passage()>>

You'll need to tag each and every one of your menu passages with —you may use any tag you wish (e.g., , ), just ensure you change the name in the code if you decide upon another. If necessary, you may also use multiple tags by switching from <Array>.includes() to <Array>.includesAny() in whichever of the above examples you choose to use.noreturnmenuinventory

In your menu passages, your long return links will simply reference the story variable, like so:$return

→ Using link markup

→ Using <<link>> macro (separate argument form)
<<link "Return" $return>><</link>>

Warning (Twine 2): Due to how the Twine 2 automatic passage creation feature currently works, using the link markup form will cause a passage named to be created that will need to be deleted. To avoid this problem, it's suggested that you use the separate argument form of the <<link>> macro in Twine 2—as shown above. $return

 Guide: Media Passages

Media passages are simply a way to embed media into your project—specially tagged passages that contain the data URI of a Base64-encoded media source. Audio, image, video, and VTT passages are supported.

For example, the following is the data URI of a Base64-encoded PNG image of a red dot (Red dot):




Generally, it's expected that you will use a compiler that supports the automatic creation of media passages, however, they may be created manually.


Compilers supporting automatic creation of media passages:


Warning (Twine 2): Due to various limitations in its design, if you're using Twine 2 as your IDE/compiler, then it is strongly recommended that you do not create more than a few media passages and definitely do not use large sources.

To manually create a media passage:

  1. Create a new passage, which will only be used as a media passage—one per media source.
  2. Tag it with the appropriate media passage special tag, and only that tag—see below.
  3. Paste in the Base64-encoded media source as the passage's content.

See the MDN article Media formats for HTML audio and video for more information on formats commonly supported in browsers—pay special attention to the Browser compatibility section.

Media passage special tags

Note: As with all special tags, media passage tags are case sensitive, so their spelling and capitalization must be exactly as shown.

Passage type Tag
Audio passage Twine.audio
Image passage Twine.image
Video passage Twine.video
VTT passage Twine.vtt

 Guide: Icon Font

This guide is a reference to the icon font used by SugarCube, .sc-icons

The font is a custom subset of Font Awesome Free (Solid) v5.15.2 (https://fontawesome.com), which is licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1 (https://scripts.sil.org/OFL).sc-icons

 Icon Styling

The following CSS properties should used with any icon style rule.

font-family: sc-icons !important;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-variant: normal;
line-height: 1;
speak: never;
text-rendering: auto;
text-transform: none;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

 Icon Reference

Each icon's hexadecimal reference ID is listed below it. How to use the reference IDs varies based on where you're using them.


 Guide: Harlowe to SugarCube

There are many differences between Harlowe and SugarCube, this guide will document some of the most critical you will need to account for if you're coming to SugarCube from a background in Harlowe.

 Macro Overview

Aside from general syntax, SugarCube macros do not use hooks, separate arguments differently, and don't allow other macros to be passed as arguments.

Macro Arguments

Like in Harlowe, some SugarCube macros accept expressions and others accept discreet arguments. In SugarCube, discreet arguments passed to a macro are separated by spaces instead of commas. To pass expressions or the results of functions to macros as an argument, you must wrap the expression in backquotes ().`

Additionally, macros in SugarCube do not return values, so macros cannot be used as arguments to other macros. SugarCube provides a variety of functions and methods that may be used instead, and standard JavaScript functions and methods may also be used.

Consider the following Harlowe code:

(link-goto: "Go somewhere else", (either: "this passage", "that passage", "the other passage"))

A version of the above code in SugarCube might look like this:

<<link "Go somewhere else" `either("this passage", "that passage", "the other passage")`>><</link>>

See: Macro Arguments.

Container Macros

Where Harlowe uses its hook syntax (square brackets) to associate a macro with its contents, SugarCube instead uses "container" macros—macros that can have content associated with them have opening and closing tags.

Consider the following Harlowe code:

(if: $var is 1)[
	The variable is 1.

In SugarCube, you instead open and close the <<if>> macro itself:

<<if $var is 1>>
	The variable is 1.

 Specific Macros

Some macros in Harlowe and SugarCube share a name but work a bit differently. We'll cover some of these differences below.

Link and Click Macros

SugarCube does not have any equivalents to Harlowe's family of macros. Additionally, SugarCube's normal <<link>> macro does not have an output element associated with it and is not, by default, a single-use link like its Harlowe equivalent. Both of these features can be constructed in SugarCube, however, using macros like <<linkreplace>> or by combining macros with DOM macros. Additionally, SugarCube's link macro accepts a passage argument, that, if included, turns any into something similar to Harlowe's macro.(click:)<<link>><<link>>(link-goto:)

Consider the following Harlowe link macros:

(link: "Hey there.")[Hay is for horses.]
(link-repeat: "Get some money")[(set: $cash to it + 1)]
(link-goto: "Move on", "next passage")

The equivalent SugarCube code for each link might look something like this:

<<linkreplace "Hey there.">>Hay is for horses.<</linkreplace>>
<<link "Get some money">><<set $cash += 1>><</link>>
<<link "Move on" "next passage">><</link>>

SugarCube's and macros can also accept the link markup as an argument:<<link>><<button>>

<<link [[Move on|next passage]]>><</link>>

DOM Macros

Note: Harlowe refers to these as "revision macros".

SugarCube's DOM macros can target any HTML element on the page, not just hooks, and unlike their Harlowe equivalents, they cannot target arbitrary strings. You can use custom style markup or HTML to create the elements, and then target them with a query selector.

Consider the following Harlowe code:

(set: _greetings to (a: "hi", "hello", "good day", "greetings"))\
The man says, "|target>[(either: ..._greetings)]."

(link-repeat: "Change")[
	(replace: ?target)[(either: ..._greetings)]

The equivalent SugarCube code to achieve a similar result would be:

<<set _greetings to ["hi", "hello", "good day", "greetings"]>>\
The man says, "@@#target;<<= _greetings.random()>>@@."

<<link "Change">>
	<<replace "#target">><<= _greetings.random()>><</replace>>

Note: The DOM macros do have a limitation that you should familiarize yourself with.

The Goto Macro

Harlowe's implementation of the macro terminates the rendering passage. In SugarCube, the passage is not terminated, and anything in the code below the <<goto>> macro will have side effects.(goto:)

Consider this Harlowe code:

:: some passage
(set: $count to 0)
(goto: "next")
(set: $count to it + 1)

:: next
$count <!-- 0 -->

In the above, the second macro is never run, and the variable remains at 0.(set:)$count

The equivalent SugarCube code works a bit differently:

:: some passage
<<set $count to 0>>
<<goto "next">>
<<set $count += 1>>

:: next
$count /* 1 */

SugarCube does not terminate the parsing of the calling passage, so some care is required when calling .<<goto>>

As with and , can accept link markup as its argument:<<link>><<button>><<goto>>

<<goto [[next]]>>

 User Input

SugarCube's user input macros, like <<textbox>>, cannot be nested inside a <<set>> macro, as you might do with a and a in Harlowe. Instead, the macro is passed a receiver variable which is set to the value input by the user.(prompt:)(set:)

For example, if you wanted to ask the user to enter a name, your code may look like this in Harlowe:

(set: $name to (prompt: "What is your name?", "Frank"))

In SugarCube, you would likely want to use the macro instead, and pass in as the receiving variable:<<textbox>>$name

<label>What is your name? <<textbox "$name" "Frank">></label>

Harlowe's newer input macros, like and use "bound" variables, which are similar in concept to SugarCube's receiver variables.(dropdown:)(cycling-link:)

 Data Types

Harlowe's implementation of data types differs significantly from SugarCube's. A data type refers to the "type" of data a variable is holding, such as a number, a string, an array, or anything else. Harlowe has stricter typing than SugarCube, requiring authors to call macros like or on variables to change their type. SugarCube, like JavaScript, uses dynamic typing.(str:)(num:)

Dynamic Typing

SugarCube, like JavaScript, will try to make sense of expressions passed to it by coercing their values if necessary:

<<set $number to 1>>
<<set $string to "2">>
<<= $string + $number>> /* "21" */

In the above case, since the string value cannot be added to a number value, the number value is coerced into a string, and the two strings are then concatenated. In Harlowe, the same operation will yield an error:"2"

(set: $number to 1)
(set: $string to "2")
(print: $string + $number) <!-- error! -->

You must convert the values to the same type in Harlowe. In SugarCube you can convert them if you need to.

In Harlowe:

(set: $number to 1)
(set: $string to "2")
(print: $string + $number) <!-- error! -->
(print: $string + (str: $number)) <!-- "21" -->
(print: (num: $string) + $number) <!-- 3 -->

In SugarCube:

<<set $number to 1>>
<<set $string to "2">>
<<= $string + $number>> /* "21" */
<<= $string + String($number)>> /* "21" */
<<= Number($string) + $number>> /* 3 */

Arrays, Datamaps, and Datasets

Harlowe's arrays, datamaps, and datasets are functionally similar to JavaScript s, s, and s, but with a few key differences. SugarCube requires authors to define and work with these data types using the standard JavaScript methods rather than providing macros for them.ArrayMapSet

Using an array in Harlowe:

(set: $array to (a:))
(set: $array to it + (a: "something"))
(if: $array contains "something")[…]

In SugarCube:

<<set $array to []>>
<<run $array.push("something")>>
<<if $array.includes("something")>>…<</if>>

Using a datamap in Harlowe:

(set: $map to (dm: "key", "value"))
(set: $map's key to "another value")
(if: $map contains key)[…]

In SugarCube:

<<set $map to new Map([["key", "value"]])>>
<<run $map.set("key", "another value")>>
<<if $map.has("key")>>…<</if>>

SugarCube also allows the use of JavaScript generic objects, which may be better in some situations than a map:

<<set $object to { key : "value" }>>
<<set $object.key to "another value">>
<<if $object.hasOwnProperty("key")>>…<</if>>

Another important difference in the way Harlowe handles its non-primitive data types like arrays, datamaps, and datasets is that they are passed by value rather than passed by reference.

Consider the following Harlowe code:

(set: $player to (dm: "hp", 100, "mp", 50))
(set: $partyMember to $player)
(set: $partyMember's hp to it - 50)
(print: $player's hp) <!-- 100 -->
(print: $partyMember's hp) <!-- 50 -->

As you can see, Harlowe creates a deep copy/clone of its non-primitive data types each time they're modified.

In SugarCube, both variables would still point to the same underlying object—at least initially (see below):

<<set $player to { hp : 100, mp : 50 }>>
<<set $partyMember to $player>>
<<set $partyMember.hp -= 50>>
$player.hp /* 50 */
$partyMember.hp /* 50 */

SugarCube does eventually clone its non-primitive data types as well, but does at the start of passage navigation, rather than each time they're modified.

 Guide: Test Mode



In test mode, SugarCube will wrap all macros, and some non-macro markup—e.g., link & image markup—within additional HTML elements, called "debug views" ("views" for short). Views make their associated code visible, thus providing onscreen feedback—they may also be hovered over which, generally, exposes additional information about the underlying code.

Warning: Because of the additional HTML elements added by the debug views, some nested markup and selectors may be broken. This only affects test mode.

Tip: In versions of SugarCube ≥v2.23.0, the debugging interface offers additional tools, namely variable watches and arbitrary history navigation.

 Enabling Test Mode


In Tweego

To enable test mode, use the test option (, ).-t--test

In Twine 2 (≥v2.2)

To enable test mode from the Stories screen, click on the story's gear menu and select the Test Story menu item.

To enable test mode from the story editor/map screen, click on the Test menu item (right side of the bottom bar).

To enable test mode from the story editor/map screen while starting at a specific passage, hover over a passage and select the menu item.

In Twine 2 (<v2.2)

To enable test mode from the Stories screen, click on the story's gear menu and select the Test Play menu item.

To enable test mode from the story editor/map screen, click on the Test menu item (right side of the bottom bar).

To enable test mode from the story editor/map screen while starting at a specific passage, hover over a passage and select the menu item.

In Twine 1

To enable test mode while starting at a specific passage, right-click on a passage and select the Test Play From Here context menu item.

Note: Unfortunately, due to limitations in the current release of Twine 1, the Build menu's Test Play menu item is not able to trigger test mode. You may, however, simply use the Test Play From Here context menu item on the passage to achieve the same result. Start


You may forcibly enable test mode manually by setting the object's property to . For example:Configdebugtrue

Config.debug = true; // forcibly enable test mode

See: The Config.debug setting for more information.

 Debug Bar (≥v2.23.0)

The debug bar (bottom right corner of the page) allows you to: watch the values of story and temporary variables, toggle the debug views, and jump to any moment/turn within the history.

The variable watch panel may be toggled via the Watch  button. To add a watch for a variable, type its name into the Add field and then either press enter/return or click the button—n.b. depending on the age of your browser, you may also see a list of all current variables when interacting with the Add field. To delete a watch, click the button next to its name in the watch panel. To add watches for all current variables, click the button. To delete all current watches, click the button.

The debug views may be toggled via the Views  button.

To jump to any moment/turn within the available history, select the moment/turn from the Turn select field.

 Debug Views (≤v2.22.0)

The debug views themselves may be toggled on and off (default: on) via the Debug View button (top of the UI bar).

If you've removed/hidden the UI bar, a construct like the following will allow you to toggle the views on and off:

<<button "Toggle Debug Views">><<script>>DebugView.toggle()<</script>><</button>>

Note: That will only toggles the views, test mode must still be enabled first.

 Guide: TypeScript

TypeScript bindings for SugarCube APIs can found as the Definitely Typed package: .@types/twine-sugarcube

To install the package via NPM, use the following command:

npm install --save-dev @types/twine-sugarcube

 Guide: Installation

This is a reference on how to install SugarCube in Tweego, Twine 2, and Twine 1/Twee.

Note (Twine 2): Newer versions of Twine 2 come bundled with a version of SugarCube v2, so you only need to read these instructions if you want to install a newer version of SugarCube v2 than is bundled or a non-standard release.

 Local Install For Tweego

See Tweego's documentation for more information.

 Local Install For Twine 2

There are two primary branches of Twine 2 as far as SugarCube is concerned:

Regardless of the version of Twine 2 you're using, follow these instructions to install a local copy of SugarCube v2:

  1. Download the current version of SugarCube v2 for Twine 2—comes as a ZIP archive. NOTE: There are separate downloads for Twine ≥2.1 and Twine 2.0, so you must ensure that you download the one that matches your version of Twine 2 or you will likely run into issues.
  2. Extract the archive to a safe location on your computer and make note of the path to it. Make sure to keep the files together if you move them out of the included directory.
  3. Launch Twine 2.
  4. Click on the link in the Twine 2 sidebar.Formats
  5. In the dialog that opens, click on the tab.Add a New Format
  6. Finally, paste a file URL to the file, based upon the path from step #2, into the textbox and click the button (see below for examples).format.js+Add

UNIX (and similar) file URL examples

Note: If constructing the file URL from a shell path, ensure that either it does not contain escapes or you properly convert them into the correct URL percent-encoded form.

If the full path to the contents of the archive is something like:


Then the file URL to it would be:


Windows file URL examples

If the full path to the contents of the archive is something like:


Then the file URL to it would be (note the changed slashes):


 Online Install For Twine 2

The online SugarCube install, delivered by the jsDelivr CDN, supports only versions of Twine 2 ≥2.1.

Copy the following URL and paste it into the Add a New Format tab of the Formats menu, from Twine 2's sidebar.

URL: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tmedwards/sugarcube-2/dist/format.js

 Local Install For Twine 1/Twee

Follow these instructions to install a local copy of SugarCube v2:

  1. Download the current version of SugarCube v2 for Twine 1/Twee—comes as a ZIP archive.
  2. Go to your Twine 1/Twee installation directory and open the directory within.targets
  3. Move the downloaded archive into the directory and extract it, included directory and all.targets

If you followed the steps correctly, within Twine 1/Twee's directory you should now have a directory, which contains several files—e.g., , , etc.targetssugarcube-2header.htmlsugarcube-2.py

Warning (Twine 1):

Due to a flaw in the current release of Twine 1/Twee (), if you rename the directory included in the archive (or simply copy its contents to your current SugarCube v2 install), then you must ensure that the file with the extension (the story format's custom Twine 1 Header class file) within is named the same as the directory—i.e., the name of the directory and file must match. v1.4.2.py.py

For example, if the name of SugarCube's directory is , then the name of the file within must be . Similarly, if the directory is , then the name of the file within must be . Etc. sugarcube.pysugarcube.pysugarcube-2.pysugarcube-2.py

The directory and file names within the archive available for download are already properly matched—as and —and to avoid issues it recommended that you simply do not rename them. .pysugarcube-2sugarcube-2.py

 Guide: Code Updates

This is a reference on how to update existing SugarCube code to work with newer versions of SugarCube.

Note: The majority of newer SugarCube versions do not have any changes that would require an update. For those versions that do, the updates are normally completely elective and may be addressed at your leisure, or not at all. Sometimes there are breaking changes, however, and these must be addressed immediately.

 Updating to any version ≥2.37.0 from a lesser version

Warning: Some changes within this version are breaking changes that you must address immediately, while others are elective changes that you may address at your leisure. All breaking changes will be so noted.

Note: The removals herein are of features that have been deprecated for years. Most are compatibility APIs that have always been deprecated in . Nothing of value has been lost. v1v2

Deprecated legacy APIs

API Change
browser BREAKING: This deprecated legacy API has been removed. Its replacement is .Browser
config BREAKING: This deprecated legacy API has been removed. Its replacement is .Config
has BREAKING: This deprecated legacy API has been removed. Its replacement is .Has
History BREAKING: This deprecated legacy API has been removed. Its replacement is .State
state BREAKING: This deprecated legacy API has been removed. Its replacement is .State
tale BREAKING: This deprecated legacy API has been removed. Its replacement is .Story
TempVariables BREAKING: This deprecated legacy API has been removed. Its replacement is .State.temporary

Array API

Method Change
Array.random() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed. See the <Array>.random() instance method.
<Array>.contains() BREAKING: The polyfill for this instance method has been removed. See the <Array>.includes() instance method.
<Array>.containsAll() BREAKING: This instance method has been removed. See the <Array>.includesAll() instance method.
<Array>.containsAny() BREAKING: This instance method has been removed. See the <Array>.includesAny() instance method.
<Array>.flatten() BREAKING: This instance method has been removed. See the <Array>.flat() instance method while providing a parameter of .depthInfinity

Config API

Setting Change
Config.macros.ifAssignError This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Config.enableOptionalDebugging setting for its replacement.
Config.passages.descriptions This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Config.saves.descriptions setting for its replacement.
Config.saves.autoload This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. The default UI now includes a Continue button, which loads the latest save. If disabling or replacing the default UI, see the Save.browser.continue() method to replicate the functionality.
Config.saves.autosave This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Config.saves.maxAutoSaves setting to set the number of available auto saves and the Config.saves.isAllowed setting to control when new auto saves are created.
Config.saves.isAllowed This setting, to which you assign a function, has had the parameters provided to the assigned function changed. See its documentation entry for details.
Config.saves.slots This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the Config.saves.maxSlotSaves setting for its replacement.
Config.saves.tryDiskOnMobile This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. Saving to disk on mobile devices is now unconditionally enabled.

Dialog API

Method Change
Dialog.addClickHandler() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
Dialog.setup() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Dialog.create() static method.


Method Change
JSON.reviveWrapper() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Serial.createReviver() static method.

Macro library

Macro Change
<<actions>> This macro has been deprecated.
<<choice>> This macro has been deprecated.
<<click>> BREAKING: This deprecated macro has been removed. See the <<link>> macro.
<<display>> BREAKING: This deprecated macro has been removed. See the <<include>> macro.
<<forget>> BREAKING: This deprecated macro has been removed. See the forget() function.
<<remember>> BREAKING: This deprecated macro has been removed. See the memorize() and recall() functions.
<<setplaylist>> BREAKING: This deprecated macro has been removed. See the <<createplaylist>> macro.
<<stopallaudio>> BREAKING: This deprecated macro has been removed. See the <<masteraudio>> macro.

MacroContext API

Member Change
<MacroContext>.contextHas() This instance method has been deprecated in favor of the <MacroContext>.contextSome() instance method.
<MacroContext>.contextSelect() This instance method has been deprecated in favor of the <MacroContext>.contextFind() instance method.
<MacroContext>.contextSelectAll() This instance method has been deprecated in favor of the <MacroContext>.contextFilter() instance method.

Number API

Method Change
<Number>.clamp() This instance method has been deprecated. See the Math.clamp() static method.

Passage API

Member Change
<Passage>.domId This instance property has been deprecated in favor of the <Passage>.id instance property.
<Passage>.title This instance property has been deprecated in favor of the <Passage>.name instance property.
<Passage>.description() This instance method has been deprecated.

Save API

Method Change
Save.get() BREAKING: This static method has been removed. See the Save.browser.auto.entries() and Save.browser.slot.entries() static methods for its closest replacements.
Save.clear() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.clear() static method.
Save.ok() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.isEnabled() static method.
Save.autosave.delete() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.auto.delete() static method.
Save.autosave.get() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.auto.get() static method.
Save.autosave.has() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.auto.has() static method.
Save.autosave.load() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.auto.load() static method.
Save.autosave.ok() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.auto.isEnabled() static method.
Save.autosave.save() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.auto.save() static method.
Save.slots.length This static property has been deprecated in favor of the Config.saves.maxSlotSaves setting.
Save.slots.count() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.slot.size static getter.
Save.slots.delete() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.slot.delete() static method.
Save.slots.get() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.slot.get() static method.
Save.slots.has() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.slot.has() static method.
Save.slots.isEmpty() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.slot.size static getter.
Save.slots.load() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.slot.load() static method.
Save.slots.ok() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.slot.isEnabled() static method.
Save.slots.save() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.browser.slot.save() static method.
Save.export() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.disk.save() static method.
Save.import() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.disk.load() static method.
Save.deserialize() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.base64.load() static method.
Save.serialize() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the Save.base64.save() static method.

Scripting API

Method Change
Scripting.desugar() BREAKING: The undocumented to operator mapping has been removed.is notisnot
Scripting.parse() This static method has been deprecated in favor of the static method.Scripting.desugar()

State API

Method Change
State.backward() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
State.display() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
State.forward() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
State.initPRNG() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
State.play() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
State.restart() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
State.show() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.

Story API

Member Change
Story.domId This static property has been deprecated in favor of the Story.id static property.
Story.title This static property has been deprecated in favor of the Story.name static property.

StoryInterface special passage

POSSIBLY BREAKING: The default UI's container has been made a core part of the base UI, for both native and custom end user markup. As a consequence, this means that the custom markup generated by using the special passage may no longer itself contain a element and will be added to the core container, rather than . <div id="story" role="main">StoryInterface#story#story<body>

An example of the new hierarchy:

	<div id="story" role="main">
		<!-- StoryInterface elements added here -->

It is strongly recommended that you review your selectors related to the generated markup, both for DOM manipulation and CSS styling, to ensure that they're still functional. Primarily this will affect selectors that use the child combinator () with a parent—e.g., where is one the elements within your custom markup. >bodybody > …

This change was required to fix a bug related to the interaction between open dialogs and . <body>

String API

Method Change
<String>.readBracketedList() BREAKING: This deprecated instance method has been removed.


Method Change
UI.buildAutoload() This static method has been deprecated.
UI.addClickHandler() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.body() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.close() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.isOpen() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.open() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.resize() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.setStoryElements() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.setup() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.stow() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.
UI.unstow() BREAKING: This deprecated static method has been removed.

UIBar toggle and history button markup & styles

The icons of the UI bar history control buttons have been changed from being text content in their markup to a part of their styles, as with most native SugarCube icon bearing buttons.

The styles of the UI bar toggle and history control buttons have been simplified. If you've customized the styling of any of these buttons, then it is strongly recommended that you review the ui-bar.css file for exact details.

 Updating to any version ≥2.36.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

Config API

Property Change
Config.history.maxStates This setting property has been updated to disallow unlimited states.
Config.saves.onLoad This setting property has been deprecated in favor of the Save Events API, specifically the Save.onLoad.add static method.
Config.saves.onSave This setting property has been deprecated in favor of the Save Events API, specifically the Save.onSave.add static method.

Macro library

Macro Change
<<widget>> The special story variable has been deprecated in favor of the temporary variable.$args_args_

 Updating to any version ≥2.31.0 from a lesser version

Warning: All changes within this version are breaking changes that you must address immediately.

Parser library

Parser Change
HTML tag The parser has been updated to disallow use of the evaluation attribute directive on the content attribute. They were never supposed to be combined.data-setter

 Updating to any version ≥2.30.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

Config API

Property Change
Config.saves.autosave This setting property has been updated to accept function values and its acceptance of string values has been deprecated. String values will still be accepted for further releases of v2, however, switching to an array is recommended—e.g., the string value would become the array . See the Config.saves.autosave property for more information."autosave"["autosave"]

 Updating to any version ≥2.29.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

Dialog API

Method Change
Dialog.addClickHandler() This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. The core of what it does is simply to wrap a call to Dialog.open() within a call to <jQuery>.ariaClick(), which can be done directly and with greater flexibility.

Macro library

Macro Change
<<track>> (of: <<createplaylist>>) The macro's <<track>> child macro has had its keyword deprecated in favor of . See the <<createplaylist>> macro for more information.<<createplaylist>>copyown
<<forget>> The macro has been deprecated in favor of the forget() function.<<forget>>
<<remember>> The macro has been deprecated in favor of the memorize() and recall() functions.<<remember>>

Method library

Method Change
<Array>.flatten() This method has been deprecated in favor of the <Array>.flat() method.

State API

Method Change
State.initPRNG() This method has been deprecated in favor of the State.prng.init() method.

 Updating to any version ≥2.28.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

Macro library

Macro Change
<<cacheaudio>> The macro's original optional format specifier syntax, , has been deprecated in favor of the new syntax, ..<<cacheaudio>>format:formatId;…formatId|…

 Updating to any version ≥2.20.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

Method library

Method Change
Array.random() This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. In general, look to the <Array>.random() method instead. If you need a random member from an array-like object or iterable, use the Array.from() method to convert it to an array, then use —e.g., .<Array>.random()Array.from(something).random()

 Updating to any version ≥2.15.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

Macro library

Macro Change
<<display>> The macro has been deprecated in favor of the <<include>> macro.<<display>>

 Updating to any version ≥2.10.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

Method library

Method Change
<Array>.contains() The method has been deprecated in favor of the <Array>.includes() method. <Array>.contains()
<Array>.containsAll() The method has been deprecated in favor of the <Array>.includesAll() method. <Array>.containsAll()
<Array>.containsAny() The method has been deprecated in favor of the <Array>.includesAny() method. <Array>.containsAny()

strings object

The API object has been replaced by the object. See the Localization guide for more information.stringsl10nStrings

 Updating to any version ≥2.8.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

Macro library

Macro Change
<<click>> The macro has been deprecated in favor of the <<link>> macro.<<click>>
<<playlist>> The macro has had its argument list changed, for compatibility with . See the <<playlist>> macro for more information.<<playlist>><<createplaylist>>
<<setplaylist>> The macro has been deprecated in favor of the <<createplaylist>> macro.<<setplaylist>>
<<stopallaudio>> The macro has been deprecated in favor of . See the <<audio>> macro for more information.<<stopallaudio>><<audio ":all" stop>>

 Updating to any version ≥2.5.0 from a lesser version

All changes within this version are elective changes that you may address at your leisure.

config API

The API has been renamed for better consistency with the other APIs.configConfig

State API

Several API methods have moved to the new API. See the Engine API docs for more information.StateEngine

Old methodState New methodEngine
State.backward() Engine.backward()
State.display() Engine.display()1
State.forward() Engine.forward()
State.play() Engine.play()
State.restart() Engine.restart()
State.show() Engine.show()
  1. While the static methods exists, it, like before it, is deprecated. See the Engine.play() static method for the replacement. NOTE: Their parameters differ, so read the description of carefully.Engine.display()State.display()Engine.play()


Several API methods have moved to the new API. See the Dialog API docs for more information.UIDialog

Old methodUI New methodDialog
UI.addClickHandler() Dialog.addClickHandler()
UI.body() Dialog.body()
UI.close() Dialog.close()
UI.isOpen() Dialog.isOpen()
UI.open() Dialog.open()
UI.setup() Dialog.setup()

 Updating to any version ≥2.0.0 from a lesser version

Warning: All changes within this version are breaking changes that you must address immediately.


The HTML & CSS have undergone significant changes. See the HTML and CSS docs for more information.

Special passages

Passage Change
MenuOptions The special passage has been removed. See the Options system section for more information.MenuOptions
MenuShare The special passage has been removed. See the StoryShare special passage.MenuShare
MenuStory The special passage has been removed. See the StoryMenu special passage.MenuStory

config object

The object has been renamed to and some of its properties have also changed. See the Config API docs for more information.configConfig

Property Change
config.altPassageDescription Changed the property to Config.passages.descriptions.config.altPassageDescription
config.disableHistoryControls Changed the property to Config.history.controls. This change also inverted the meaning of the property, so take note of that.config.disableHistoryControls
config.disableHistoryTracking Replaced the property with Config.history.maxStates. The new property works differently, so take note of that.config.disableHistoryTracking
config.displayPassageTitles Changed the property to Config.passages.displayTitles.config.displayPassageTitles
config.historyMode Removed the property. It's unnecessary since there's now only one history mode in the engine.config.historyMode
config.macros.disableIfAssignmentError Changed the property to Config.macros.ifAssignmentError. This change also inverted the meaning of the property, so take note of that.config.macros.disableIfAssignmentError
config.passageTransitionOut Changed the property to Config.passages.transitionOut. Additionally, it no longer accepts a boolean value, which has been replaced by the name of the animating property (necessitated by changes to browser handling of transition animations).config.passageTransitionOut
config.startPassage Changed the property to Config.passages.start.config.startPassage
config.updatePageElements Changed the property to Config.ui.updateStoryElements.config.updatePageElements

History object & prototype (instance: state)

The API object has been renamed to and some of its methods have also changed. Furthermore, it is no longer instantiated into the legacy object—which still exists, so legacy code will continue to work. See the State API docs for more information.HistoryStatestate

The method—formerly —is no longer overridable, meaning it cannot be wrapped—e.g., the "StoryRegions" 3rd-party add-ons do this. See Navigation Events or Tasks.State.display()state.display()

Calling the State.prng.init() method—formerly —outside of story initialization will now throw an error. It has always been required that the call happen during story initialization, the only change is the throwing of the error.History.initPRNG()

Seedable pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)

Math.random() is no longer replaced by the integrated seedable PRNG when is called. See either the built-in functions random() & randomFloat() or the State.random() method, if you need direct access to the PRNG—since it returns a call to either or the seedable PRNG, as appropriate.State.prng.init()Math.random()

Macro system

The API object has been renamed to and several of its methods have also changed, for better consistency with the other APIs. Furthermore, it is no longer instantiated into the legacy object—which still exists, so SugarCube-compatible legacy macros will continue to work. See the Macro API docs for more information.MacrosMacromacros

Macro library

Macro Change
<<back>> & <<return>> Replaced the ungainly link text syntax—/—with l10nStrings object properties— and .<<back::linktext "…">><<return::linktext "…">>l10nStrings.macroBackTextl10nStrings.macroReturnText
<<if>> & <<elseif>> The macro will now, optionally, return an error if the JavaScript assignment operator is used (default: enabled). Configured via the Config.macros.ifAssignmentError config property.<<if>>=
Options macros The various Options macros have been removed. See the Options system section for more information.

Options system

The entire Options system— special passage, special variable, and associated macros—has been scrapped for numerous reasons—it was always a hack, required copious amounts of boilerplate code to be useful, etc. It is replaced by the API and special variable. See the Setting API docs for more information.MenuOptionsoptionsSettingsettings

Save system

The API object has been renamed to and several of its methods have also changed, for better consistency with the other APIs. See the Save API docs for more information.SaveSystemSave

UI system

The API object has been split into two APIs and , and some of its methods have also changed. In particular, the parameter list for the Dialog.setup() method has changed. See the Dialog API and UI API docs for more information.UISystemDialogUI

 Guide: Localization

This is a reference for localizing SugarCube's default UI text, in general, and its object specifically.l10nStrings

Note: If you're simply looking to download ready-to-use localizations, see SugarCube's website (under Downloads > Localizations).


A note about vs. stringsl10nStrings

Prior to SugarCube , the strings localization object was named . The new object has a simpler, flatter, set of properties and better support for replacement strings. Unfortunately, this means that the two objects are incompatible.v2.10.0stringsl10nStrings

To ensure backwards compatibility of existing objects, if one exists within a project's scripts, the older object is mapped to the new object.stringsl10nStrings

 Translation Notes

The capitalization and punctuation used within the default replacement strings is deliberate, especially within the error and warning strings. You would do well to keep your translations similar when possible.

Replacement patterns have the format —e.g., —where NAME is the name of a property within either the object or, in a few cases, an object supplied locally where the string is used—these instances will be commented.{NAME}{textIdentity}l10nStrings

By convention, properties starting with an underscore—e.g., —are used as templates, only being included within other localized strings. Feel free to add your own if that makes localization easier—e.g., for gender, plurals, and whatnot. As an example, the default replacement strings make use of this to handle various warning intros and outros._warningOutroDegraded

In use, replacement patterns are replaced recursively, so replacement strings may contain patterns whose replacements contain other patterns. Because replacement is recursive, care must be taken to ensure infinite loops are not created—the system will detect an infinite loop and throw an error.


Properties on the strings localization object () should be set within your project's JavaScript section (Twine 2: the Story JavaScript; Twine 1/Twee: a -tagged passage) to override the defaults.l10nStringsscript

For the template that should be used as the basis of localizations, see the locale/l10n-template.js file @github.com.


// Changing the project's reported identity to "story"
l10nStrings.textIdentity = "story";

// Changing the text of all dialog OK buttons to "Eeyup"
l10nStrings.ok = "Eeyup";

// Localizing the title of the Restart dialog (n.b. machine translations, for example only)
l10nStrings.restartTitle = "Neustart";  // German (de)
l10nStrings.restartTitle = "Reiniciar"; // Spanish (es)