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Coverage of circumferential penile shaft defects with the bipedicled scrotal flap: a case series

Manzhi Wong Yee-Siang Ong Bien-Keem Tan
黄满志 王貽詳 陳彬錦

Received: 15 June 2013 / Accepted: 2 September 2013 /Published online: 18 October 2013
接收日期:2013 年 6 月 15 日/接受日期:2013 年 9 月 2 日/線上發布:2013 年 10 月 18 日
(C) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
(C) 施普林格-弗拉格柏林海德堡 2013

Abstract 摘要

Background Reconstruction of circumferential penile skin defects should address both cosmetic and functional concerns. Scrotal skin is an ideal replacement because its inherent elasticity allows erection. This characteristic also allows primary closure of the donor site.

The purpose of this paper is to describe our use of a bipedicled scrotal flap and our modifications.

Methods Five patients (age range, 19 to 76 years) over the last 7 years underwent reconstruction of circumferential defects with this technique. The underlying pathologic condition was siliconoma/paraffinoma , full-thickness burn , overly aggressive circumcision ( ), and traumatic avulsion . Follow-up ranged from 2 to 6 years. A bipedicled flap was elevated from the scrotum and inset over either the dorsal or ventral aspect of the penile defect. Flap delay was carried out before final division at 3 weeks.
方法 五名患者(年齡範圍為 19 至 76 歲)在過去 7 年內接受了此技術的環形缺損重建。潛在的病理情況包括矽膠腫/石蠟腫 、全層燒傷 、切除過度的包皮(< code2>< /code2>)和創傷性撕裂 。隨訪時間範圍為 2 至 6 年。從陰囊中抬高了一個雙蒂瓣,並置於陰莖缺損的背側或腹側。在最終切斷前 3 週進行了瓣片延遲。

The junction line on the penile shaft was designed as a Z-pattern which was off-center. Results Four patients healed uneventfully. One patient had flap tip necrosis due to insufficient delay, which resulted in mild ventral scarring. All were able to have normal erection.
陰莖軸上的接合線被設計為偏心的 Z 形圖案。結果:四名患者順利癒合。一名患者由於延遲不足導致瓣片壞死,造成輕度腹側疤痕。所有患者均能正常勃起。

Conclusions We have used the bipedicled scrotal flap in a staged manner for circumferential penile defects.

The advantages of this technique were reliable coverage with an inconspicuous donor site, provision of expansile skin allowing normal erection and preservation of the penile-scrotal junction.

The disadvantages were multistaged procedure, skin mismatch because of rugosity, and hair growth.

Level of Evidence: Level V, therapeutic study.
證據等級:第 V 級,療效研究。

Keywords Scrotal flap Penile resurfacing Penile degloving Siliconoma Paraffinoma
睾丸皮瓣 陰莖表層重建 陰莖剝皮 矽膠瘤 石蠟腫瘤

Introduction 簡介

Injuries to the male genitalia are devastating because of the ease with which delicate tissue is damaged resulting in scarring leading in turn to disfigurement and sexual dysfunction. Silicone injections, trauma, and burns are common causes of penile injury.

Replacing the damaged tissues with wellmatched skin that expands with erection, is the best way to achieve a functional outcome. Although split-thickness or full-thickness skin grafting [1-3] is the simplest method, its disadvantages include poor take and graft contraction.

Pedicled flaps from the groin, thigh, or abdomen [4-6] though robust are less expansile. The scrotum provides elastic and well-vascularized skin, with an inconspicuous donor site and is ideal for penile coverage.

The purpose of this paper is to describe our technique using a bipedicled scrotal flap [7-8], emphasizing the need for flap delay to improve reliability, specific placement of junction lines to reduce scarring, and lastly, preservation of the penile-scrotal junction.
本文的目的是描述我們使用雙足蹼皮瓣 [7-8] 的技術,強調延遲皮瓣的需要以提高可靠性、特定的接縫線位置以減少疤痕,最後是保留陰莖-陰囊連接部位。

Patients and methods 病人和方法

Between 2004 and 2011, five patients with circumferential penile skin loss underwent reconstruction with a bipedicled scrotal flap. The age of the patients ranged from 19 to 76 years (mean, 45 years). The underlying pathologic condition was siliconoma/paraffinoma , full-thickness burn , overly aggressive circumcision , and traumatic avulsion . Follow-up ranged from 2 to 6 years.
在 2004 年至 2011 年期間,有五名患者由於陰莖周圍皮膚缺失而進行重建,採用雙蒂腹皮瓣術。這些患者的年齡介於 19 至 76 歲之間(平均 45 歲)。病理診斷包括硅肉瘤/石蠟肉瘤、全層燒傷、過度激進的包皮切除術,以及創傷性撕裂。追蹤時間為 2 至 6 年。
Technique 技術
Our bipedicled scrotal flap is designed as a bucket-handle and incorporates the dartos muscle to improve its vascularity. Its dimensions should exceed that of the defect to allow for


收到: 2013 年 6 月 15 日 / 接受: 2013 年 9 月 2 日 / 線上發佈: 2013 年 10 月 18 日 # Springer-
收到: 2013 年 6 月 15 日 接受: 2013 年 9 月 2 日 線上發佈: 2013 年 10 月 18 日 # Springer-
Verlag 柏林海德堡 2013 柏林海德堡 2013


過去 7 年內, 5 名患者 (年齡範圍為 19 至 76 歲 ) 接受了此技術的周圍缺損重建手術。
潛在的病理學條件為矽膠瘤/石蠟腫瘤 、全厚度燒傷 ( 、過度積極的包皮環切術 和創傷性撕裂 。隨訪期為 2 至 6 年。
從陰囊抬高了一個雙蒂皮瓣,並置於陰莖缺損部位的背側或腹側。在最終切斷前 3 週進行了皮瓣延遲。陰莖軸上的連接線被設計為偏離中心的 Z 型。
證據等級:第 級, 療效研究。
證據等級:第 III 級, 療效研究。
陰囊皮瓣術・陰莖表面整復術・陰莖剥皮術・硅肉瘤 石蠟肉瘤
以與勃起過程相符的健康皮膚組織替換受損組織, 是達成功能性修復的最佳方式。儘管使用分層皮膚移植或全層皮膚移植 是最簡單的方法,但其缺點包括皮膚移植物嵌合率差以及移植物收縮。
此篇論文的目的是描述我們使用雙蒂皮瓣技術[7-8]的方法, 強調需要延遲皮瓣以提高可靠性, 以及特定的接合線配置以減少疮痕, 最後則是保留陰莖 - 陰囊接合處。


在 2004 年至 2011 年間, 有 5 名病患因遭遇環狀陰莖皮膚損失而接受以雙蒂旋轉陰囊瓣重建手術。這些病患的年齡介於 19 至 76 歲之間(平均 45 歲)。
潛在的病理學狀況包括矽溶性瘤/石蠟腫瘤 、全層燒偒 、過度強烈的包皮環切術 以及創傷性撕裂 。隨訪期從 2 年到 6 年不等。
erection. Scrotal skin is very expansile and up to two thirds of the scrotum can be used, while still allowing primary closure of the donor site [9]. The flap is extended in a superolateral direction towards the groin in order to gain length.

Dissection proceeds quickly in the avascular subdartos plane except in the midline where septal vessels are encountered. These are carefully ligated to avoid a hematoma.
The initial inset of the flap can be either over the dorsal or ventral aspect of the shaft (Figs. 1 and 2, respectively). A dorsal inset is easier, but the scrotal raphe is then conspicuous because of its odd location.
瓣膜的初始插入可以在骨幹的背側或腹側方面進行(分別見圖 1 和 2)。背側插入較容易,但由於位置異常,陰囊中縫因此顯著。

A ventral inset is ideal as the scrotal raphe blends in with its penile counterpart but a longer flap is then needed as it would be initially twisted.
The flap handles are not tubed, and the suturing is left deliberately loose to allow for postoperative swelling. Any uncovered areas are temporarily skin grafted or closed by telescoping the penis inwards. The scrotal donor site is closed.

Postoperatively, patients are placed in the Trendelenburg position and the scrotum is supported to minimize edema.
We begin dividing the flap at 2 weeks. Over 5 days, the flap base is progressively narrowed, first on one side then on the other. This can be performed in the office setting under local anesthesia.
我們在 2 週後開始分離皮瓣。在 5 天內,皮瓣基部逐漸縮小,先在一側,然後在另一側。這可在診所環境下局部麻醉下進行。
The final inset is shown in Fig. 2e, which illustrates that the junction line is off-center and in a Z-pattern to reduce chordee. Post-op edema is expected, and the patient is counseled that this may persist for 6 months.
最終的插圖顯示在圖 2e 中,它說明接合線偏離中心,呈 Z 型模式以減少勃起彎曲。預期有術後水腫,並告知患者這可能持續 6 個月。

Thereafter, where appropriate, return to sexual activity is encouraged to prevent flap shrinkage and contracture.

Results 結果

our of five patients healed without complications. Our first case developed ventral scarring from tip necrosis. This problem was rectified in subsequent cases by gradual flap division. Another patienthad congestion and superficial epidermolysis due to tight sutures.

This improved after release of the sutures. The residual wounds healed by secondary intention. Postoperatively, all patients had normal micturiction and erectile function. None required scar revision or contracture release.

One Eurasian patient was troubled by hair growth over the flap. This improved with intense pulse light (IPL) treatment.

Case reports 病例報告

Case 1 (Fig. 1): A 53-year-old man presented with penile hardening after injecting himself with silicone. He complained of painful erections that prevented sexual intercourse. Circumferential excision of the distal penile
病例 1 (圖 1):一位 53 歲男性在自行注射矽膠後出現陰莖硬化。他抱怨勃起疼痛致無法進行性交。切除陰莖遠端周圍的組織。

Fig. 1 Inset of the scrotal flap over the dorsal penile shaft. a A 53-yearold man presented with penile siliconoma. There was a circumferential defect after complete excision of the diseased tissue.
圖 1 包皮皺褶填補陰莖背側的術中圖。a 一名 53 歲男性患有陰莖硅肪瘤。切除罹病組織後出現環形缺損。

b A bipedicled scrotal flap was elevated with careful ligation of the midline vessels. Lateral view of the elevated flap. The donor site was closed primarily.
雙蒂腹股溝皮瓣經仔細結紮中線血管後被抬起。 抬升皮瓣的側視圖。供皮區直接關閉。
The flap was inset over the dorsal aspect of the penis. e The flap base on the left was progressively narrowed before complete division. Notice that the flap was still vascularized by blood supply from the right flap base. A similar procedure was carried out on the right flap base. Final junction line was in a Z-pattern. months postoperatively
皮瓣置於陰莖背側。左側皮瓣基部逐漸收窄至完全分離。注意右側皮瓣基部仍由血管供應維持血液供應。 同樣的手術在右側皮瓣基部進行。最終縫合線呈 Z 型。術後數月

剥離在非血管性的次皮層平面迅速進行,除了在正中線處會遇到隔膜血管。這些血管會被小心地結紮,以避免血腫的出現。瓣膜的初始插入可以在骨幹的背側或腹側方面進行(分別見圖 1 和 2)。背側插入較容易,但由於位置異常,陰囊中縫因此顯著。
翻蓋處理不使用管狀物, 縫合也故意留有一些空隙, 以便術後腫脹。任何未覆蓋的部位暫時移植皮膚或以將陰莖內縮的方式閉合。供皮區域的陰囊已閉合。
我們在 2 週後開始分離皮瓣。在 5 天內, 皮瓣基部逐漸縮小,先在一側,然後在另一側。這可在診所環境下局部麻醉下進行。
圖 2e 所示的最終嵌入顯示, 連接線偏離中心, 呈現 Z 型模式以降低陰莖曲度。術後預期會有水腫,並告知患者可能持續 6 個月。此後,若適當,鼓勵恢復性生活,以防止皮瓣縮小和收縮。
五名患者中有四名在無併發症下痊癒。我們第一個病例由於尖端壞死而出現腹部疤痕。通過逐步分離皮瓣, 後續病例解決了這個問題。另一名患者由於縫合過緊而出現充血和表層表皮剥脫。
病例 1 (圖 1):一位 53 歲男性在自行注射矽膠後出現陰莖硬化。他抱怨勃起疼痛致無法進行性交。切除陰莖遠端周圍的組織。
圖 1 包皮皺禇填補陰莖背側的術中圖。a一名 53 歲男性患有陰莖硅肪瘤。
翻瓣位於陰莖背側・左側翻瓣基部逐漸縮小直至完全切斷・請注意,此翻瓣切除罹病組織後出現環形缺損 。仍由右側翻瓣基部的血液供應維持血管化。
採用雙蒂托皮瓣,經細心結紮中線血管後抬升 抬升後瓣體的側面圖。供相似的操作在右翼基部進行。最終接合線呈 型。術後 6 個月
Fig. 2 Inset of the scrotal flap over the ventral penile shaft. a A 69-yearold man presented with full-thickness penile burns (left). A long bipedicled scrotal flap was elevated to cover the defect (right).b The flap
圖 2 陰囊皮瓣覆蓋於陰莖腹側。a 一名 69 歲男性患者出現全層深度陰莖燒傷(左)。一個長型雙蒂柄陰囊皮瓣被抬起以覆蓋缺損部位(右)。b 皮瓣
skin was required, followed by coverage with a bipedicled scrotal flap with an initial inset over the penile dorsum. He healed uneventfully and was able to have normal erections at 3 months.
Case 2 (Fig. 2): A 69-year-old man sustained fullthickness burns of the penis in the sauna. He had a circumferential skin defect after debridement. Excess scrotal skin was available.
病例 2 (圖 2):一名 69 歲男性在桑拿浴室中遭受陰莖全層深度燒傷。清創後出現環狀皮膚缺損。剩餘陰囊皮膚可供利用。

Therefore, a long flap could be fashioned and applied to the ventral surface of the penis without tension. Flap delay was performed over 3 weeks, with the final appearance shown in Fig. 2e.
因此,可以製作一個長的瓣膜,並應用於陰莖的腹側表面,而不會造成張力。瓣膜延遲在 3 週內進行,最終的外觀如圖 2e 所示。

Postoperatively, the urologist documented normal erection with a tumescent test. He was treated with IPL for excessive hair growth over the scrotal flap.

Discussion 討論

The scrotal bipedicled flap had little risk of tip necrosis in our technique where flap delay [10] was emphasized. From our earlier experience of using unipedicled or untrained bipedicled
was inset over the ventral aspect of the penile shaft. : Sequential flap division first on the left (c), then on the right before final inset in a Zpattern. e 6 months postoperatively
移植於陰莖軸的腹側。 :先行左側(c)分割皮瓣,後右側 ,最後採 Z 形成型。手術後 6 個月
flaps (not included in this series), although coverage was achieved, there was flap tip necrosis resulting in localized scarring and chordee. For this reason, a staged approach with tip-training in an office setting was adopted.

In addition, the junction line was designed in a Z-pattern to reduce the risk of chordee.
此外,接合線被設計成 Z 形模式以減少尿道彎曲的風險。
Chu and Shieh [8] recently reported a single case of a wide circumferential penile defect reconstructed using a similar technique. Our results further confirm the satisfactory cosmetic and functional results obtained with this flap design.
朱和謝[8]最近報告了一例利用類似技術重建的 寬周圍陰莖缺損的單一病例。我們的結果進一步證實了使用這種皮瓣設計獲得滿意的美容和功能性結果。

The bipedicled flap allowed the penile-scrotal angle to be preserved and was used for distal shaft defects not involving the root. In two cases (not in this series), where the entire penile shaft was denuded, we employed the penile submersion technique [11-12].

The penis was initially buried in a scrotal pocket and elevated in stages, distal to proximal up to the penilescrotal junction, where a " " was then fashioned. In this case, the reconstructed penis had a single ventral suture line.
陰莖最初埋於陰囊袋內,並分階段升至陰莖陰囊接合處,之後形成一個「 」。在這種情況下,重建的陰莖有一條單一的腹側縫線。
Bilateral unipedicled scrotal transposition flaps [13-17] have been described for total shaft defects. Accomplished in a single-stage, the paired flaps sandwich the shaft laterally and

圖 2 陰囊皮瓣覆蓋於陰莖腹側軸心。 一名 69 歲男性患者出現全厚度陰莖燒傷(左)。一個長形雙蒂皮瓣自陰囊提升以覆蓋其缺損(右)。
病例 2 (圖 2):一名 69 歲男性在桑拿浴室中遭受陰莖全層深度燒傷。清創後出現環狀皮膚缺損。剩餘陰囊皮膚可供利用。
因此, 可以製作一個長的瓣膜, 並應用於陰莖的腹側表面, 而不會造成張力。瓣膜延遲在 3 週內進行, 最終的外觀如圖 2e 所示。
:翼瓣切割依序從左側(c)到右側(d)後以 型插入。 e 手術後 6 個月
從我們前幾次使用單蒂或未經訓練的雙蒂皮瓣 (不包括在本系列中) 的經驗來看, 雖然勉強達到了覆蓋的效果, 但仍出現了皮瓣頂端壞死,導致局部疤痕和陰莖弓形變形。
出於此原因,採用了在辦公室環境中進行分階段訓練的方法。此外,接合線設計成 Z 型,以降低弓狀畸形的風險。
朱和謝 最近報告了一例使用類似技術重建 2 釐米寬環狀陰莖缺損的單一病例。我們的結果進一步證實了使用此種皮瓣設計所獲得的滿意的美容和功能效果。
陰莖最初埋藏在囊袋內,經過分段提升,由遠到近直至陰莖-陰囊交接處,然後成型一個「 」形。在這種情況下,重建的陰莖有單一的腹側縫合線
雙側單蒂陰囊轉移瓣[13-17] 已被描述用於全長缺損。在單次手術中完成,配對的瓣片在側面包裏陰莖柱。
are united by dorsal and ventral suture lines. Compared with submersion, this technique results in an additional shaft scar, and risks delayed wound healing and distal necrosis.

A recent modification employed an inverted V-shape anastomosis at the ventral corona in an effort to reduce such problems [18].
最近採用了反向 V 型吻合術於腹側冠狀溝,以降低此類問題[18]。
The drawbacks of our technique were first, multistaged procedure; second, skin mismatch because of rugosity; and third, hair growth.

In addition, this technique could not be applied when scrotal skin was diseased, which was occasionally the case in Paget's disease and genital warts. The advantages included reliability, easy harvesting, and minimal donor site morbidity with use of redundant scrotal skin.
Acknowledgments We thank Mr. Michael Leow for his medical illustrations.
致謝 我們感謝 Michael Leow 先生提供醫學插圖。

Conflict of interest None
利益衝突 無

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    腹背縫合線相連。與浸沒相比,此技術會產生額外的軸疤痕, 並有延遲傷口癒合和遠端壞死的風險。
最近採用了反向 V 型吻合術於腹側冠狀溝,以降低此類問題
此外, 此技術無法適用於陰囊皮膚有疾病的情況,這種情況偶有出現於培傑氏病和生殖器疣。其優點包括可靠性、採集容易和採用冗餘陰囊皮膚的捐贈部位亚發症小。


我們感謝 Michael Leow 先生提供的醫學插圖。

利益衝突 None 利益衝突


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  1. M. Wong Y.-S. Ong B.-K. Tan
    黃先生 王耀成 陳彬卿
    Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore
    e-mail: tan.bien.keem@sgh.com.sg
    電子郵件: tan.bien.keem@sgh.com.sg
  2. 黃 M. : 王 Y. S. : 陳 B. K. (*) 新加坡總醫院整形外科及美容外
    科, 新加坡, 新加坡 科學, 新加坡, 新加坡