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Calibration Report 校准报告
Manufacturer: Advantest 制造商: Advantest Description: 93K Visual Planarity Gauge
描述: 93K 视觉平面度仪
NO: CR2400039 编号: CR2400039 Issued Date: 2024-04-16 发布日期:2024-04-16
Model: 93K VPG V3 型号: 93K VPG V3 Serial Number: SN230110VPG-2
Calibration Date: 2024-04-12
Measurement Instrument 测量仪器
Equipment 设备 Manufacturer 制造者 Model No. 型号 Serial No. 序列号
Coordinate Measuring Machine
Global 全球 Status 575 状态 575 3021127
Traceability 溯源 Report No. 报告编号 Correction Date 更正日期 Due Date 期限
Full Bright 全亮 FBP20231116-02 2023-11-16 2024-11-15
Condition of Calibration 校准条件
Temperature: 21.7 C 21.7 C 21.7^(@)C21.7^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 温度: 21.7 C 21.7 C 21.7^(@)C21.7^{\circ} \mathrm{C} Relative Humidity: 相对湿度: 48 %RH 48 %相对湿度
Calibration Result 校准结果
Planarity Spec Measuremen 测量员 Accept 接受
10 um 10 微米 2 um 2 微米 Yes 是的
Other : NA 其他 : NA

批准: 胡, Jully 签署日期:2024-04-16
Approval: Hu, Jully
Signature date: 2024-04-16
Approval: Hu, Jully Signature date: 2024-04-16| Approval: Hu, Jully | | :--- | | Signature date: 2024-04-16 |
Engineer : Chen, Arthur 工程师 : Chen, Arthur
Manufacturer: Advantest Description: 93K Visual Planarity Gauge NO: CR2400039 Issued Date: 2024-04-16 Model: 93K VPG V3 Serial Number: SN230110VPG-2 Calibration Date: 2024-04-12 Measurement Instrument Equipment Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Coordinate Measuring Machine Global Status 575 3021127 Traceability Report No. Correction Date Due Date Full Bright FBP20231116-02 2023-11-16 2024-11-15 Condition of Calibration Temperature: 21.7^(@)C Relative Humidity: 48 %RH Calibration Result Planarity Spec Measuremen Accept 10 um 2 um Yes Other : NA "Approval: Hu, Jully Signature date: 2024-04-16" Engineer : Chen, Arthur | Manufacturer: Advantest | | Description: 93K Visual Planarity Gauge | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | NO: CR2400039 | | Issued Date: 2024-04-16 | | | Model: 93K VPG V3 | | Serial Number: SN230110VPG-2 | | | Calibration Date: 2024-04-12 | | | | | Measurement Instrument | | | | | Equipment | Manufacturer | Model No. | Serial No. | | Coordinate Measuring Machine | Global | Status 575 | 3021127 | | Traceability | Report No. | Correction Date | Due Date | | Full Bright | FBP20231116-02 | 2023-11-16 | 2024-11-15 | | Condition of Calibration | | | | | Temperature: $21.7^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ | | Relative Humidity: | 48 %RH | | Calibration Result | | | | | Planarity Spec | Measuremen | | Accept | | 10 um | 2 um | | Yes | | Other : NA | | | | | Approval: Hu, Jully <br> Signature date: 2024-04-16 | | Engineer : Chen, Arthur | |

爱德万测试 VPG 证书

校准证书编号:# CR2400039

Customer PO: IR#5600266201
客户 PO:IR#5600266201

DESCRIPTION:DIRECT PROBE VPG GAGE (V3, 5 Glasses, Stainless Backer)
描述:直接探头VPG量具 (V3, 5 Glasses, Stainless Backer)

P/N:# H7-8T0051 has been calibrated to the following:
P/N:# H7-8T0051 已校准为以下标准:

Spec: within 10um among location 1 4 (Max. - Min.)
规格:位置 1 4 之间 10um 以内 (最大 - 最小)

Unit: um 单位:um
Environment: 21.7 C 48 % RH 21.7 C 48 % RH 21.7^(@)Cquad48quad%RH21.7^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \quad 48 \quad \% \mathrm{RH} 环境: 21.7 C 48 % RH 21.7 C 48 % RH 21.7^(@)Cquad48quad%RH21.7^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \quad 48 \quad \% \mathrm{RH}
Item Note: 项目说明:
D: Distance D:距离
Location: 位置:

Procedure: 程序:

  1. Measure the jig by CMM, To confirm Jig in SPEC.
    通过 CMM 测量夹具,以确认 SPEC 中的 Jig。
  2. Install the VPG on the Jig.
    将 VPG 安装在夹具上。
  3. Using point 5 as the standard, measure the height difference between the other 4 points and point 5 by CMM , expecting the 5 points to be coplanar (the measurement result is 0 ), take the absolute value of the maximum value minus the minimum value, SPEC is 10 um .
    以点 5 为标准,用 CMM 测量其他 4 个点与点 5 之间的高度差,期望这 5 个点共面(测量结果为 0),取最大值减去最小值的绝对值,SPEC 为 10 um。

    Note ‘For more information on the Visual Planarity Gauge please check TDC Topic 124054’
    注:'有关视觉平面度计的更多信息,请查看 TDC 主题 124054'
对比 (0/20)