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Generative Modeling by Estimating Gradients of the Data Distribution

This blog post focuses on a promising new direction for generative modeling. We can learn score functions (gradients of log probability density functions) on a large number of noise-perturbed data distributions, then generate samples with Langevin-type sampling. The resulting generative models, often called score-based generative models, has several important advantages over existing model families: GAN-level sample quality without adversarial training, flexible model architectures, exact log-likelihood computation, and inverse problem solving without re-training models. In this blog post, we will show you in more detail the intuition, basic concepts, and potential applications of score-based generative models.
本博文重点介绍了生成建模的一个有前途的新方向。我们可以在大量噪声扰动的数据分布上学习得分函数(对数概率密度函数的梯度),然后使用 Langevin 类型的采样生成样本。由此产生的生成模型,通常称为基于得分的生成模型,相较于现有的模型家族有几个重要的优势:无需对抗训练即可达到 GAN 级别的样本质量、灵活的模型架构、精确的对数似然计算以及无需重新训练模型即可解决逆问题。在这篇博文中,我们将更详细地向您展示基于得分的生成模型的直觉、基本概念和潜在应用。

Introduction 介绍

Existing generative modeling techniques can largely be grouped into two categories based on how they represent probability distributions.

  1. likelihood-based models, which directly learn the distribution’s probability density (or mass) function via (approximate) maximum likelihood. Typical likelihood-based models include autoregressive models
    , normalizing flow models
    , 正规化流模型
    , energy-based models (EBMs)
    , 基于能量的模型 (EBMs)
    , and variational auto-encoders (VAEs)
  2. implicit generative models
    , where the probability distribution is implicitly represented by a model of its sampling process. The most prominent example is generative adversarial networks (GANs)
    , where new samples from the data distribution are synthesized by transforming a random Gaussian vector with a neural network.
Bayesian networks, Markov random fields (MRF), autoregressive models, and normalizing flow models are all examples of likelihood-based models. All these models represent the probability density or mass function of a distribution.
GAN is an example of implicit models. It implicitly represents a distribution over all objects that can be produced by the generator network.
GAN 是隐式模型的一个例子。它隐式地表示生成器网络可以生成的所有对象的分布。

Likelihood-based models and implicit generative models, however, both have significant limitations. Likelihood-based models either require strong restrictions on the model architecture to ensure a tractable normalizing constant for likelihood computation, or must rely on surrogate objectives to approximate maximum likelihood training. Implicit generative models, on the other hand, often require adversarial training, which is notoriously unstable
and can lead to mode collapse

In this blog post, I will introduce another way to represent probability distributions that may circumvent several of these limitations. The key idea is to model the gradient of the log probability density function, a quantity often known as the (Stein) score function
. Such score-based models are not required to have a tractable normalizing constant, and can be directly learned by score matching

Score function (the vector field) and density function (contours) of a mixture of two Gaussians.

Score-based models have achieved state-of-the-art performance on many downstream tasks and applications. These tasks include, among others, image generation
(Yes, better than GANs!), audio synthesis
(是的,比 GANs 更好!),音频合成
, shape generation ,形状生成, and music generation ,以及音乐生成. Moreover, score-based models have connections to normalizing flow models, therefore allowing exact likelihood computation and representation learning. Additionally, modeling and estimating scores facilitates inverse problem solving, with applications such as image inpainting
, image colorization  图像上色, compressive sensing, and medical image reconstruction (e.g., CT, MRI)

1024 x 1024 samples generated from score-based models
从基于评分的模型生成的 1024 x 1024 样本

This post aims to show you the motivation and intuition of score-based generative modeling, as well as its basic concepts, properties and applications.

The score function, score-based models, and score matching

Suppose we are given a dataset {x1,x2,,xN}, where each point is drawn independently from an underlying data distribution p(x). Given this dataset, the goal of generative modeling is to fit a model to the data distribution such that we can synthesize new data points at will by sampling from the distribution.
假设我们有一个数据集 {x1,x2,,xN} ,其中每个点都是从一个潜在的数据分布 p(x) 中独立抽取的。给定这个数据集,生成建模的目标是拟合一个模型到数据分布,以便我们可以通过从分布中采样来随意合成新的数据点。

In order to build such a generative model, we first need a way to represent a probability distribution. One such way, as in likelihood-based models, is to directly model the probability density function (p.d.f.) or probability mass function (p.m.f.). Let fθ(x)R be a real-valued function parameterized by a learnable parameter θ. We can define a p.d.f. Hereafter we only consider probability density functions. Probability mass functions are similar. via (1)pθ(x)=efθ(x)Zθ, where Zθ>0 is a normalizing constant dependent on θ, such that pθ(x)dx=1. Here the function fθ(x) is often called an unnormalized probabilistic model, or energy-based model
为了构建这样的生成模型,我们首先需要一种表示概率分布的方法。一个方法是直接建模概率密度函数(p.d.f.)或概率质量函数(p.m.f.),如在基于似然的模型中。设 fθ(x)R 是一个由可学习参数 θ 参数化的实值函数。我们可以定义一个 p.d.f. 1 在此之后我们只考虑概率密度函数。概率质量函数类似。通过 (1)pθ(x)=efθ(x)Zθ, ,其中 Zθ>0 是依赖于 θ 的归一化常数,使得 pθ(x)dx=1 。这里函数 fθ(x) 通常被称为非归一化概率模型,或基于能量的模型。

We can train pθ(x) by maximizing the log-likelihood of the data (2)maxθi=1Nlogpθ(xi). However, equation (2) requires pθ(x) to be a normalized probability density function. This is undesirable because in order to compute pθ(x), we must evaluate the normalizing constant Zθ—a typically intractable quantity for any general fθ(x). Thus to make maximum likelihood training feasible, likelihood-based models must either restrict their model architectures (e.g., causal convolutions in autoregressive models, invertible networks in normalizing flow models) to make Zθ tractable, or approximate the normalizing constant (e.g., variational inference in VAEs, or MCMC sampling used in contrastive divergence
我们可以通过最大化数据的对数似然来训练 pθ(x) 。然而,方程 (2) 要求 pθ(x) 是一个归一化的概率密度函数。这是不理想的,因为为了计算 pθ(x) ,我们必须评估归一化常数 Zθ ——对于任何一般的 fθ(x) 来说,这通常是一个难以处理的量。因此,为了使最大似然训练可行,基于似然的模型必须要么限制其模型架构(例如,自回归模型中的因果卷积,归一化流模型中的可逆网络)以使 Zθ 可处理,要么近似归一化常数(例如,VAEs 中的变分推断,或对比散度中使用的 MCMC 采样)。
) which may be computationally expensive.
) 这可能会计算量大。

By modeling the score function instead of the density function, we can sidestep the difficulty of intractable normalizing constants. The score function of a distribution p(x) is defined as xlogp(x), and a model for the score function is called a score-based model
通过对评分函数建模而不是密度函数,我们可以避开难以处理的归一化常数的难题。分布的评分函数 p(x) 定义为 xlogp(x), ,评分函数的模型称为基于评分的模型
, which we denote as sθ(x). The score-based model is learned such that sθ(x)xlogp(x), and can be parameterized without worrying about the normalizing constant. For example, we can easily parameterize a score-based model with the energy-based model defined in equation (1) , via
,我们将其表示为 sθ(x) 。基于评分的模型被学习为 sθ(x)xlogp(x) ,并且可以在不考虑归一化常数的情况下进行参数化。例如,我们可以通过方程 (1) 中定义的基于能量的模型轻松地参数化基于评分的模型,


Note that the score-based model sθ(x) is independent of the normalizing constant Zθ ! This significantly expands the family of models that we can tractably use, since we don’t need any special architectures to make the normalizing constant tractable.
请注意,基于评分的模型 sθ(x) 与归一化常数 Zθ 无关!这大大扩展了我们可以实际使用的模型家族,因为我们不需要任何特殊的架构来使归一化常数变得可处理。

Parameterizing probability density functions. No matter how you change the model family and parameters, it has to be normalized (area under the curve must integrate to one).
Parameterizing score functions. No need to worry about normalization.

Similar to likelihood-based models, we can train score-based models by minimizing the Fisher divergence Fisher divergence is typically between two distributions p and q, defined as (4)Ep(x)[xlogp(x)xlogq(x)22]. Here we slightly abuse the term as the name of a closely related expression for score-based models. between the model and the data distributions, defined as
类似于基于似然的模型,我们可以通过最小化 Fisher 散度 2 来训练基于评分的模型。Fisher 散度通常在两个分布 p 和 q 之间定义为 (4)Ep(x)[xlogp(x)xlogq(x)22]. 。在这里,我们稍微滥用这个术语,作为基于评分模型的一个密切相关表达的名称。模型和数据分布之间定义为 (5)Ep(x)[xlogp(x)sθ(x)22]

Intuitively, the Fisher divergence compares the squared 2 distance between the ground-truth data score and the score-based model. Directly computing this divergence, however, is infeasible because it requires access to the unknown data score xlogp(x). Fortunately, there exists a family of methods called score matching Commonly used score matching methods include denoising score matching and sliced score matching
. Here is an introduction to score matching and sliced score matching.

直观地说,Fisher 散度比较了真实数据分数和基于分数的模型之间的平方 2 距离。然而,直接计算这种散度是不可行的,因为它需要访问未知的数据分数 xlogp(x) 。幸运的是,存在一类称为分数匹配的方法 3 常用的分数匹配方法包括去噪分数匹配
that minimize the Fisher divergence without knowledge of the ground-truth data score. Score matching objectives can directly be estimated on a dataset and optimized with stochastic gradient descent, analogous to the log-likelihood objective for training likelihood-based models (with known normalizing constants). We can train the score-based model by minimizing a score matching objective, without requiring adversarial optimization.
这些方法在不知道真实数据分数的情况下最小化 Fisher 散度。分数匹配目标可以直接在数据集上估计,并通过随机梯度下降进行优化,类似于训练基于似然模型的对数似然目标(具有已知的归一化常数)。我们可以通过最小化分数匹配目标来训练基于分数的模型,而不需要对抗优化。

Additionally, using the score matching objective gives us a considerable amount of modeling flexibility. The Fisher divergence itself does not require sθ(x) to be an actual score function of any normalized distribution—it simply compares the 2 distance between the ground-truth data score and the score-based model, with no additional assumptions on the form of sθ(x). In fact, the only requirement on the score-based model is that it should be a vector-valued function with the same input and output dimensionality, which is easy to satisfy in practice.
此外,使用分数匹配目标提供了us相当大的建模灵活性。Fisher 散度本身不要求 sθ(x) 是任何归一化分布的实际分数函数——它只是比较真实数据分数和基于分数的模型之间的 2 距离,而对 sθ(x) 的形式没有额外的假设。事实上,对基于分数的模型的唯一要求是它应该是一个具有相同输入和输出维度的向量值函数,这在实践中很容易满足。

As a brief summary, we can represent a distribution by modeling its score function, which can be estimated by training a score-based model of free-form architectures with score matching.

Langevin dynamics 朗之万动力学

Once we have trained a score-based model sθ(x)xlogp(x), we can use an iterative procedure called Langevin dynamics
一旦我们训练了一个基于评分的模型 sθ(x)xlogp(x) ,我们可以使用一种称为朗之万动力学的迭代程序
to draw samples from it.

Langevin dynamics provides an MCMC procedure to sample from a distribution p(x) using only its score function xlogp(x). Specifically, it initializes the chain from an arbitrary prior distribution x0π(x), and then iterates the following
朗之万动力学提供了一种 MCMC 程序,只使用其得分函数 xlogp(x) 从分布 p(x) 中采样。具体来说,它从任意先验分布 x0π(x) 初始化链,然后迭代以下步骤

(6)xi+1xi+ϵxlogp(x)+2ϵ zi,i=0,1,,K,

where ziN(0,I). When ϵ0 and K, xK obtained from the procedure in (6) converges to a sample from p(x) under some regularity conditions. In practice, the error is negligible when ϵ is sufficiently small and K is sufficiently large.
ϵ0K 时, ziN(0,I) 。在某些正则条件下, (6) 中的程序获得的 xK 收敛到 p(x) 的样本。在实践中,当 ϵ 足够小且 K 足够大时,误差可以忽略不计。

Using Langevin dynamics to sample from a mixture of two Gaussians.

Note that Langevin dynamics accesses p(x) only through xlogp(x). Since sθ(x)xlogp(x), we can produce samples from our score-based model sθ(x) by plugging it into equation (6).
请注意,朗之万动力学仅通过 xlogp(x) 访问 p(x) 。由于 sθ(x)xlogp(x) ,我们可以通过将其插入方程 (6) 来从我们的基于得分的模型 sθ(x) 中生成样本。

Naive score-based generative modeling and its pitfalls

So far, we’ve discussed how to train a score-based model with score matching, and then produce samples via Langevin dynamics. However, this naive approach has had limited success in practice—we’ll talk about some pitfalls of score matching that received little attention in prior works
到目前为止,我们已经讨论了如何通过得分匹配训练基于得分的模型,然后通过 Langevin 动力学生成样本。然而,这种天真的方法在实践中取得的成功有限——我们将讨论一些在先前工作中很少受到关注的得分匹配的陷阱

Score-based generative modeling with score matching + Langevin dynamics.
基于分数的生成建模与分数匹配 + 朗之万动力学。

The key challenge is the fact that the estimated score functions are inaccurate in low density regions, where few data points are available for computing the score matching objective. This is expected as score matching minimizes the Fisher divergence


Since the 2 differences between the true data score function and score-based model are weighted by p(x), they are largely ignored in low density regions where p(x) is small. This behavior can lead to subpar results, as illustrated by the figure below:
由于真实数据分数函数和基于分数的模型之间的差异被 p(x) 加权,因此在 p(x) 较小的低密度区域中,它们在很大程度上被忽略。这种行为可能会导致不理想的结果,如下图所示:

Estimated scores are only accurate in high density regions.

When sampling with Langevin dynamics, our initial sample is highly likely in low density regions when data reside in a high dimensional space. Therefore, having an inaccurate score-based model will derail Langevin dynamics from the very beginning of the procedure, preventing it from generating high quality samples that are representative of the data.

Score-based generative modeling with multiple noise perturbations

How can we bypass the difficulty of accurate score estimation in regions of low data density? Our solution is to perturb data points with noise and train score-based models on the noisy data points instead. When the noise magnitude is sufficiently large, it can populate low data density regions to improve the accuracy of estimated scores. For example, here is what happens when we perturb a mixture of two Gaussians perturbed by additional Gaussian noise.

Estimated scores are accurate everywhere for the noise-perturbed data distribution due to reduced low data density regions.

Yet another question remains: how do we choose an appropriate noise scale for the perturbation process? Larger noise can obviously cover more low density regions for better score estimation, but it over-corrupts the data and alters it significantly from the original distribution. Smaller noise, on the other hand, causes less corruption of the original data distribution, but does not cover the low density regions as well as we would like.

To achieve the best of both worlds, we use multiple scales of noise perturbations simultaneously
. Suppose we always perturb the data with isotropic Gaussian noise, and let there be a total of L increasing standard deviations σ1<σ2<<σL. We first perturb the data distribution p(x) with each of the Gaussian noise N(0,σi2I),i=1,2,,L to obtain a noise-perturbed distribution
假设我们总是用各向同性高斯噪声扰动数据,并且有总共 L 个递增的标准差 σ1<σ2<<σL 。我们首先用每个高斯噪声 N(0,σi2I),i=1,2,,L 扰动数据分布 p(x) ,以获得噪声扰动分布


Note that we can easily draw samples from pσi(x) by sampling xp(x) and computing x+σiz, with zN(0,I).
请注意,我们可以通过采样 xp(x) 并计算 x+σiz ,使用 zN(0,I) ,轻松从 pσi(x) 中抽取样本。

Next, we estimate the score function of each noise-perturbed distribution, xlogpσi(x), by training a Noise Conditional Score-Based Model sθ(x,i) (also called a Noise Conditional Score Network, or NCSN
接下来,我们通过训练噪声条件得分模型 sθ(x,i) (也称为噪声条件得分网络,或 NCSN),估计每个噪声扰动分布的得分函数 xlogpσi(x)
, when parameterized with a neural network) with score matching, such that sθ(x,i)xlogpσi(x) for all i=1,2,,L.
,当用神经网络参数化时)通过得分匹配,使得 sθ(x,i)xlogpσi(x) 对所有 i=1,2,,L 成立。

We apply multiple scales of Gaussian noise to perturb the data distribution (first row), and jointly estimate the score functions for all of them (second row).
Perturbing an image with multiple scales of Gaussian noise.

The training objective for sθ(x,i) is a weighted sum of Fisher divergences for all noise scales. In particular, we use the objective below:
sθ(x,i) 的训练目标是所有噪声尺度的费舍尔散度的加权和。特别是,我们使用以下目标:


where λ(i)R>0 is a positive weighting function, often chosen to be λ(i)=σi2. The objective (7) can be optimized with score matching, exactly as in optimizing the naive (unconditional) score-based model sθ(x).
其中 λ(i)R>0 是一个正的加权函数,通常选择为 λ(i)=σi2 。目标 (7) 可以通过得分匹配来优化,正如优化简单(无条件)基于得分的模型 sθ(x) 一样。

After training our noise-conditional score-based model sθ(x,i), we can produce samples from it by running Langevin dynamics for i=L,L1,,1 in sequence. This method is called annealed Langevin dynamics (defined by Algorithm 1 in
在训练我们的噪声条件分数模型 sθ(x,i) 后,我们可以通过依次运行 Langevin 动力学来从中生成样本。这种方法称为退火 Langevin 动力学(由算法 1 定义
, and improved by
), since the noise scale σi decreases (anneals) gradually over time.
改进),因为噪声尺度 σi 随着时间的推移逐渐减小(退火)。

Annealed Langevin dynamics combine a sequence of Langevin chains with gradually decreasing noise scales.
退火 Langevin 动力学结合了一系列噪声尺度逐渐减小的 Langevin 链。
Annealed Langevin dynamics for the Noise Conditional Score Network (NCSN) model (from ref.
) trained on CelebA (left) and CIFAR-10 (right). We can start from unstructured noise, modify images according to the scores, and generate nice samples. The method achieved state-of-the-art Inception score on CIFAR-10 at its time.
)在 CelebA(左)和 CIFAR-10(右)上训练。我们可以从无结构噪声开始,根据分数修改图像,并生成不错的样本。该方法在当时在 CIFAR-10 上达到了最先进的 Inception 分数。

Here are some practical recommendations for tuning score-based generative models with multiple noise scales:

With such best practices, we are able to generate high quality image samples with comparable quality to GANs on various datasets, such as below:
通过这些最佳实践,我们能够在各种数据集上生成与 GAN 质量相当的高质量图像样本,如下所示:

Samples from the NCSNv2
NCSNv2 的样本
model. From left to right: FFHQ 256x256, LSUN bedroom 128x128, LSUN tower 128x128, LSUN church_outdoor 96x96, and CelebA 64x64.
模型。从左到右:FFHQ 256x256,LSUN 卧室 128x128,LSUN 塔 128x128,LSUN 教堂户外 96x96,和 CelebA 64x64。

Score-based generative modeling with stochastic differential equations (SDEs)

As we already discussed, adding multiple noise scales is critical to the success of score-based generative models. By generalizing the number of noise scales to infinity
, we obtain not only higher quality samples, but also, among others, exact log-likelihood computation, and controllable generation for inverse problem solving.

In addition to this introduction, we have tutorials written in Google Colab to provide a step-by-step guide for training a toy model on MNIST. We also have more advanced code repositories that provide full-fledged implementations for large scale applications.
除了这个介绍,我们还在 Google Colab 上编写了教程,提供了在 MNIST 上训练玩具模型的逐步指南。我们还有更高级的代码库,提供了大规模应用的完整实现。

Link Description
Open In Colab Tutorial of score-based generative modeling with SDEs in JAX + FLAX
基于分数的生成建模教程,使用 JAX + FLAX 中的 SDE
Open In Colab Load our pretrained checkpoints and play with sampling, likelihood computation, and controllable synthesis (JAX + FLAX)
加载我们预训练的检查点,并使用采样、似然计算和可控合成(JAX + FLAX)进行操作
Open In Colab Tutorial of score-based generative modeling with SDEs in PyTorch
基于分数的生成建模教程,使用 PyTorch 中的 SDE
Open In Colab Load our pretrained checkpoints and play with sampling, likelihood computation, and controllable synthesis (PyTorch)
Code in JAX 使用 JAX 编写代码 Score SDE codebase in JAX + FLAX
在 JAX + FLAX 中评分 SDE 代码库
Code in PyTorch 用 PyTorch 编写代码 Score SDE codebase in PyTorch
在 PyTorch 中评分 SDE 代码库

Perturbing data with an SDE
用 SDE 扰动数据

When the number of noise scales approaches infinity, we essentially perturb the data distribution with continuously growing levels of noise. In this case, the noise perturbation procedure is a continuous-time stochastic process, as demonstrated below

Perturbing data to noise with a continuous-time stochastic process.

How can we represent a stochastic process in a concise way? Many stochastic processes (diffusion processes in particular) are solutions of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). In general, an SDE possesses the following form:
我们如何以简洁的方式表示随机过程?许多随机过程(特别是扩散过程)是随机微分方程(SDE)的解。一般来说,SDE 具有以下形式:


where f(,t):RdRd is a vector-valued function called the drift coefficient, g(t)R is a real-valued function called the diffusion coefficient, w denotes a standard Brownian motion, and dw can be viewed as infinitesimal white noise. The solution of a stochastic differential equation is a continuous collection of random variables {x(t)}t[0,T]. These random variables trace stochastic trajectories as the time index t grows from the start time 0 to the end time T. Let pt(x) denote the (marginal) probability density function of x(t). Here t[0,T] is analogous to i=1,2,,L when we had a finite number of noise scales, and pt(x) is analogous to pσi(x). Clearly, p0(x)=p(x) is the data distribution since no perturbation is applied to data at t=0. After perturbing p(x) with the stochastic process for a sufficiently long time T, pT(x) becomes close to a tractable noise distribution π(x), called a prior distribution. We note that pT(x) is analogous to pσL(x) in the case of finite noise scales, which corresponds to applying the largest noise perturbation σL to the data.
其中 f(,t):RdRd 是一个称为漂移系数的向量值函数, g(t)R 是一个称为扩散系数的实值函数, w 表示标准布朗运动, dw 可以看作是无穷小的白噪声。随机微分方程的解是随机变量的连续集合 {x(t)}t[0,T] 。这些随机变量在时间索引 t 从开始时间 0 到结束时间 T 的过程中描绘出随机轨迹。令 pt(x) 表示 x(t) 的(边际)概率密度函数。这里 t[0,T] 类似于我们在有限噪声尺度时的 i=1,2,,L ,而 pt(x) 类似于 pσi(x) 。显然, p0(x)=p(x) 是数据分布,因为在 t=0 时没有对数据进行扰动。在用随机过程对 p(x) 进行足够长时间的扰动后, pT(x) 变得接近于一个可处理的噪声分布 π(x) ,称为先验分布。我们注意到, pT(x) 类似于在有限噪声尺度情况下的 pσL(x) ,这对应于对数据施加最大的噪声扰动 σL

The SDE in (8) is hand designed, similarly to how we hand-designed σ1<σ2<<σL in the case of finite noise scales. There are numerous ways to add noise perturbations, and the choice of SDEs is not unique. For example, the following SDE
(8) 中的 SDE 是手工设计的,类似于我们在有限噪声尺度的情况下手工设计 σ1<σ2<<σL 。有许多方法可以添加噪声扰动,SDE 的选择并不是唯一的。例如,以下 SDE


perturbs data with a Gaussian noise of mean zero and exponentially growing variance, which is analogous to perturbing data with N(0,σ12I),N(0,σ22I),,N(0,σL2I) when σ1<σ2<<σL is a geometric progression. Therefore, the SDE should be viewed as part of the model, much like {σ1,σ2,,σL}. In
用均值为零且方差指数增长的高斯噪声扰动数据,这类似于当 σ1<σ2<<σL 是几何级数时用 N(0,σ12I),N(0,σ22I),,N(0,σL2I) 扰动数据。因此,SDE 应被视为模型的一部分,就像 {σ1,σ2,,σL} 一样。在
, we provide three SDEs that generally work well for images: the Variance Exploding SDE (VE SDE), the Variance Preserving SDE (VP SDE), and the sub-VP SDE.
中,我们提供了三种通常对图像效果良好的 SDE:方差爆炸 SDE(VE SDE)、方差保持 SDE(VP SDE)和子 VP SDE。

Reversing the SDE for sample generation
反转 SDE 以生成样本

Recall that with a finite number of noise scales, we can generate samples by reversing the perturbation process with annealed Langevin dynamics, i.e., sequentially sampling from each noise-perturbed distribution using Langevin dynamics. For infinite noise scales, we can analogously reverse the perturbation process for sample generation by using the reverse SDE.
回想一下,在有限数量的噪声尺度下,我们可以通过使用退火朗之万动力学逆转扰动过程来生成样本,即通过朗之万动力学依次从每个噪声扰动分布中采样。对于无限噪声尺度,我们可以类似地通过使用反向 SDE 来逆转扰动过程以生成样本。

Generate data from noise by reversing the perturbation procedure.

Importantly, any SDE has a corresponding reverse SDE
重要的是,任何 SDE 都有一个对应的逆向 SDE
, whose closed form is given by


Here dt represents a negative infinitesimal time step, since the SDE (10) needs to be solved backwards in time (from t=T to t=0). In order to compute the reverse SDE, we need to estimate xlogpt(x), which is exactly the score function of pt(x).
这里 dt 表示一个负无穷小时间步长,因为 SDE (10) 需要在时间上向后求解(从 t=Tt=0 )。为了计算逆向 SDE,我们需要估计 xlogpt(x) ,这正是 pt(x) 的得分函数。

Solving a reverse SDE yields a score-based generative model. Transforming data to a simple noise distribution can be accomplished with an SDE. It can be reversed to generate samples from noise if we know the score of the distribution at each intermediate time step.
解决反向 SDE 会产生基于评分的生成模型。通过 SDE 可以将数据转换为简单的噪声分布。如果我们知道每个中间时间步的分布评分,它可以反向生成噪声样本。

Estimating the reverse SDE with score-based models and score matching
使用基于评分的模型和评分匹配估计反向 SDE

Solving the reverse SDE requires us to know the terminal distribution pT(x), and the score function xlogpt(x). By design, the former is close to the prior distribution π(x) which is fully tractable. In order to estimate xlogpt(x), we train a Time-Dependent Score-Based Model sθ(x,t), such that sθ(x,t)xlogpt(x). This is analogous to the noise-conditional score-based model sθ(x,i) used for finite noise scales, trained such that sθ(x,i)xlogpσi(x).
解决反向 SDE 需要us知道终端分布 pT(x) ,以及评分函数 xlogpt(x) 。设计上,前者接近完全可处理的先验分布 π(x) 。为了估计 xlogpt(x) ,我们训练一个时间依赖的基于评分的模型 sθ(x,t) ,使得 sθ(x,t)xlogpt(x) 。这类似于用于有限噪声尺度的噪声条件基于评分的模型 sθ(x,i) ,训练使得 sθ(x,i)xlogpσi(x)

Our training objective for sθ(x,t) is a continuous weighted combination of Fisher divergences, given by
我们的训练目标 sθ(x,t) 是费舍尔散度的连续加权组合,表示为


where U(0,T) denotes a uniform distribution over the time interval [0,T], and λ:RR>0 is a positive weighting function. Typically we use λ(t)1/E[x(t)logp(x(t)x(0))22] to balance the magnitude of different score matching losses across time.
其中 U(0,T) 表示时间间隔 [0,T] 上的均匀分布, λ:RR>0 是一个正的加权函数。通常我们使用 λ(t)1/E[x(t)logp(x(t)x(0))22] 来平衡不同时间的评分匹配损失的幅度。

As before, our weighted combination of Fisher divergences can be efficiently optimized with score matching methods, such as denoising score matching
and sliced score matching
. Once our score-based model sθ(x,t) is trained to optimality, we can plug it into the expression of the reverse SDE in (10) to obtain an estimated reverse SDE.
。一旦我们的基于得分的模型 sθ(x,t) 训练到最优,我们可以将其代入 (10) 中的反向 SDE 表达式,以获得估计的反向 SDE。


We can start with x(T)π, and solve the above reverse SDE to obtain a sample x(0). Let us denote the distribution of x(0) obtained in such way as pθ. When the score-based model sθ(x,t) is well-trained, we have pθp0, in which case x(0) is an approximate sample from the data distribution p0.
我们可以从 x(T)π 开始,并求解上述反向 SDE 以获得样本 x(0) 。令us表示以这种方式获得的 x(0) 的分布为 pθ 。当基于评分的模型 sθ(x,t) 训练良好时,我们有 pθp0 ,在这种情况下, x(0) 是数据分布 p0 的近似样本。

When λ(t)=g2(t), we have an important connection between our weighted combination of Fisher divergences and the KL divergence from p0 to pθ under some regularity conditions
λ(t)=g2(t) 时,我们在某些正则条件下,Fisher 散度的加权组合与从 p0pθ 的 KL 散度之间有一个重要的联系。


Due to this special connection to the KL divergence and the equivalence between minimizing KL divergences and maximizing likelihood for model training, we call λ(t)=g(t)2 the likelihood weighting function. Using this likelihood weighting function, we can train score-based generative models to achieve very high likelihoods, comparable or even superior to state-of-the-art autoregressive models
由于这种与 KL 散度的特殊联系以及在模型训练中最小化 KL 散度和最大化似然之间的等价性,我们称 λ(t)=g(t)2 为似然加权函数。使用这种似然加权函数,我们可以训练基于评分的生成模型以实现非常高的似然性,甚至可以与最先进的自回归模型相媲美或优于它们。

How to solve the reverse SDE
如何解决反向 SDE

By solving the estimated reverse SDE with numerical SDE solvers, we can simulate the reverse stochastic process for sample generation. Perhaps the simplest numerical SDE solver is the Euler-Maruyama method. When applied to our estimated reverse SDE, it discretizes the SDE using finite time steps and small Gaussian noise. Specifically, it chooses a small negative time step Δt0, initializes tT, and iterates the following procedure until t0:
通过使用数值 SDE 求解器解决估计的反向 SDE,我们可以模拟用于样本生成的反向随机过程。也许最简单的数值 SDE 求解器是 Euler-Maruyama 方法。当应用于我们的估计反向 SDE 时,它使用有限的时间步长和小的高斯噪声离散化 SDE。具体来说,它选择一个小的负时间步长 Δt0 ,初始化 tT ,并迭代以下过程直到 t0


Here ztN(0,I). The Euler-Maruyama method is qualitatively similar to Langevin dynamics—both update x by following score functions perturbed with Gaussian noise.
这里 ztN(0,I) 。Euler-Maruyama 方法在质量上类似于 Langevin 动力学——两者都通过跟随被高斯噪声扰动的得分函数来更新 x

Aside from the Euler-Maruyama method, other numerical SDE solvers can be directly employed to solve the reverse SDE for sample generation, including, for example, Milstein method, and stochastic Runge-Kutta methods. In
除了 Euler-Maruyama 方法,其他数值 SDE 求解器也可以直接用于解决样本生成的反向 SDE,例如 Milstein 方法和随机 Runge-Kutta 方法。在
, we provided a reverse diffusion solver similar to Euler-Maruyama, but more tailored for solving reverse-time SDEs. More recently, authors in
我们提供了一种类似于 Euler-Maruyama 的反向扩散求解器,但更适合于解决反向时间 SDE。最近,作者在
introduced adaptive step-size SDE solvers that can generate samples faster with better quality.
引入了自适应步长 SDE 求解器,可以更快地生成质量更好的样本。

In addition, there are two special properties of our reverse SDE that allow for even more flexible sampling methods:
此外,我们的反向 SDE 有两个特殊属性,可以实现更灵活的采样方法:

As a consequence of these two properties, we can apply MCMC approaches to fine-tune the trajectories obtained from numerical SDE solvers. Specifically, we propose Predictor-Corrector samplers. The predictor can be any numerical SDE solver that predicts x(t+Δt)pt+Δt(x) from an existing sample x(t)pt(x). The corrector can be any MCMC procedure that solely relies on the score function, such as Langevin dynamics and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.
由于这两个特性的结果,我们可以应用 MCMC 方法来微调从数值 SDE 求解器获得的轨迹。具体来说,我们提出了预测-校正采样器。预测器可以是任何预测 x(t+Δt)pt+Δt(x) 的数值 SDE 求解器,基于现有样本 x(t)pt(x) 。校正器可以是任何仅依赖于得分函数的 MCMC 过程,例如 Langevin 动力学和 Hamiltonian Monte Carlo。

At each step of the Predictor-Corrector sampler, we first use the predictor to choose a proper step size Δt<0, and then predict x(t+Δt) based on the current sample x(t). Next, we run several corrector steps to improve the sample x(t+Δt) according to our score-based model sθ(x,t+Δt), so that x(t+Δt) becomes a higher-quality sample from pt+Δt(x).
在每一步预测-校正采样器中,我们首先使用预测器选择一个合适的步长 Δt<0 ,然后基于当前样本 x(t) 预测 x(t+Δt) 。接下来,我们运行几个校正步骤,根据我们的基于得分的模型 sθ(x,t+Δt) 改进样本 x(t+Δt) ,以便 x(t+Δt) 成为 pt+Δt(x) 的高质量样本。

With Predictor-Corrector methods and better architectures of score-based models, we can achieve state-of-the-art sample quality on CIFAR-10 (measured in FID
通过预测-校正方法和更好的基于得分模型的架构,我们可以在 CIFAR-10 上实现最先进的样本质量(以 FID 衡量)。
and Inception scores
和 Inception 分数
), outperforming the best GAN model to date (StyleGAN2 + ADA
), 超过了迄今为止最好的 GAN 模型(StyleGAN2 + ADA

Method FID Inception score  Inception 分数
StyleGAN2 + ADA 2.92 9.83
Ours 2.20 9.89

The sampling methods are also scalable for extremely high dimensional data. For example, it can successfully generate high fidelity images of resolution 1024×1024.
采样方法也可以扩展到极高维数据。例如,它可以成功生成分辨率为 1024×1024 的高保真图像。

1024 x 1024 samples from a score-based model trained on the FFHQ dataset.
从基于分数的模型中训练的 FFHQ 数据集的 1024 x 1024 样本。

Some additional (uncurated) samples for other datasets (taken from this GitHub repo):
其他数据集的一些额外(未整理)样本(取自这个 GitHub 仓库):

256 x 256 samples on LSUN bedroom.
LSUN 卧室的 256 x 256 样本。
256 x 256 samples on CelebA-HQ.
CelebA-HQ 的 256 x 256 样本。

Probability flow ODE 概率流 ODE

Despite capable of generating high-quality samples, samplers based on Langevin MCMC and SDE solvers do not provide a way to compute the exact log-likelihood of score-based generative models. Below, we introduce a sampler based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that allow for exact likelihood computation.
尽管基于 Langevin MCMC 和 SDE 求解器的采样器能够生成高质量的样本,但它们无法计算基于分数的生成模型的精确对数似然。下面,我们介绍一种基于常微分方程(ODE)的采样器,可以进行精确的似然计算。

In , we show t is possible to convert any SDE into an ordinary differential equation (ODE) without changing its marginal distributions {pt(x)}t[0,T]. Thus by solving this ODE, we can sample from the same distributions as the reverse SDE. The corresponding ODE of an SDE is named probability flow ODE
我们展示了可以将任何 SDE 转换为常微分方程(ODE)而不改变其边际分布。因此,通过求解这个 ODE,我们可以从与反向 SDE 相同的分布中采样。SDE 的对应 ODE 被称为概率流 ODE。
, given by 


The following figure depicts trajectories of both SDEs and probability flow ODEs. Although ODE trajectories are noticeably smoother than SDE trajectories, they convert the same data distribution to the same prior distribution and vice versa, sharing the same set of marginal distributions {pt(x)}t[0,T]. In other words, trajectories obtained by solving the probability flow ODE have the same marginal distributions as the SDE trajectories.
下图描绘了 SDE 和概率流 ODE 的轨迹。尽管 ODE 轨迹明显比 SDE 轨迹更平滑,但它们将相同的数据分布转换为相同的先验分布,反之亦然,具有相同的边际分布。换句话说,通过求解概率流 ODE 获得的轨迹与 SDE 轨迹具有相同的边际分布。

We can map data to a noise distribution (the prior) with an SDE, and reverse this SDE for generative modeling. We can also reverse the associated probability flow ODE, which yields a deterministic process that samples from the same distribution as the SDE. Both the reverse-time SDE and probability flow ODE can be obtained by estimating score functions.
我们可以用 SDE 将数据映射到噪声分布(先验),并反转这个 SDE 进行生成建模。我们也可以反转相关的概率流 ODE,这会产生一个从与 SDE 相同分布中采样的确定性过程。通过估计得分函数,可以获得逆时间 SDE 和概率流 ODE。

This probability flow ODE formulation has several unique advantages.
这种概率流 ODE 公式有几个独特的优势。

When xlogpt(x) is replaced by its approximation sθ(x,t), the probability flow ODE becomes a special case of a neural ODE
xlogpt(x) 被其近似 sθ(x,t) 替换时,概率流 ODE 成为神经 ODE 的一个特例。
. In particular, it is an example of continuous normalizing flows
, since the probability flow ODE converts a data distribution p0(x) to a prior noise distribution pT(x) (since it shares the same marginal distributions as the SDE) and is fully invertible.
因为概率流 ODE 将数据分布 p0(x) 转换为先验噪声分布 pT(x) (因为它与 SDE 共享相同的边际分布)并且是完全可逆的。

As such, the probability flow ODE inherits all properties of neural ODEs or continuous normalizing flows, including exact log-likelihood computation. Specifically, we can leverage the instantaneous change-of-variable formula (Theorem 1 in
因此,概率流 ODE 继承了神经 ODE 或连续归一化流的所有特性,包括精确的对数似然计算。具体来说,我们可以利用瞬时变量变化公式(定理 1)
, Equation (4) in
方程 (4) 中
) to compute the unknown data density p0 from the known prior density pT with numerical ODE solvers.
) 用数值 ODE 求解器从已知的先验密度 pT 计算未知的数据密度 p0

In fact, our model achieves the state-of-the-art log-likelihoods on uniformly dequantized It is typical for normalizing flow models to convert discrete images to continuous ones by adding small uniform noise to them. CIFAR-10 images
事实上,我们的模型在均匀去量化的 4 上实现了最先进的对数似然。归一化流模型通常通过向离散图像添加小的均匀噪声将其转换为连续图像。CIFAR-10 图像
, even without maximum likelihood training.

Method Negative log-likelihood (bits/dim)
RealNVP 3.49
iResNet 3.45
Glow 3.35
Flow++ 3.29
Ours 2.99

When training score-based models with the likelihood weighting we discussed before, and using variational dequantization to obtain likelihoods on discrete images, we can achieve comparable or even superior likelihood to the state-of-the-art autoregressive models (all without any data augmentation)

Method Negative log-likelihood (bits/dim) on CIFAR-10
CIFAR-10 上的负对数似然(比特/维度)
Negative log-likelihood (bits/dim) on ImageNet 32x32
ImageNet 32x32 上的负对数似然(比特/维度)
Sparse Transformer 稀疏变换器 2.80 -
Image Transformer 图像变换器 2.90 3.77
Ours 2.83 3.76

Controllable generation for inverse problem solving

Score-based generative models are particularly suitable for solving inverse problems. At its core, inverse problems are same as Bayesian inference problems. Let x and y be two random variables, and suppose we know the forward process of generating y from x, represented by the transition probability distribution p(yx). The inverse problem is to compute p(xy). From Bayes’ rule, we have p(xy)=p(x)p(yx)/p(x)p(yx)dx. This expression can be greatly simplified by taking gradients with respect to x on both sides, leading to the following Bayes’ rule for score functions:
基于分数的生成模型特别适合解决逆问题。逆问题的核心与贝叶斯推理问题相同。设 xy 为两个随机变量,假设我们知道从 x 生成 y 的前向过程,由转移概率分布 p(yx) 表示。逆问题是计算 p(xy) 。根据贝叶斯定理,我们有 p(xy)=p(x)p(yx)/p(x)p(yx)dx 。通过对两边关于 x 求导,这个表达式可以大大简化,得到以下分数函数的贝叶斯定理:


Through score matching, we can train a model to estimate the score function of the unconditional data distribution, i.e., sθ(x)xlogp(x). This will allow us to easily compute the posterior score function xlogp(xy) from the known forward process p(yx) via equation (15), and sample from it with Langevin-type sampling
通过分数匹配,我们可以训练一个模型来估计无条件数据分布的分数函数,即 sθ(x)xlogp(x) 。这将允许us通过方程 (15) 从已知的前向过程 p(yx) 中轻松计算后验分数函数 xlogp(xy) ,并通过朗之万类型采样从中采样

A recent work from UT Austin
来自 UT Austin 的最新研究
has demonstrated that score-based generative models can be applied to solving inverse problems in medical imaging, such as accelerating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Concurrently in
, we demonstrated superior performance of score-based generative models not only on accelerated MRI, but also sparse-view computed tomography (CT). We were able to achieve comparable or even better performance than supervised or unrolled deep learning approaches, while being more robust to different measurement processes at test time.
,我们证明了基于评分的生成模型不仅在加速 MRI 上表现优越,而且在稀疏视图计算机断层扫描(CT)上也表现出色。我们能够实现与监督或展开的深度学习方法相当甚至更好的性能,同时在测试时对不同的测量过程更具鲁棒性。

Below we show some examples on solving inverse problems for computer vision.

Class-conditional generation with an unconditional time-dependent score-based model, and a pre-trained noise-conditional image classifier on CIFAR-10.
在 CIFAR-10 上使用无条件时间依赖的基于评分的模型和预训练的噪声条件图像分类器进行类别条件生成。
Image inpainting with a time-dependent score-based model trained on LSUN bedroom. The leftmost column is ground-truth. The second column shows masked images (y in our framework). The rest columns show different inpainted images, generated by solving the conditional reverse-time SDE.
使用在 LSUN 卧室数据集上训练的时间依赖评分模型进行图像修复。最左列为真实图像。第二列显示遮罩图像(在我们的框架中为 y)。其余列显示通过求解条件反向时间随机微分方程生成的不同修复图像。
Image colorization with a time-dependent score-based model trained on LSUN church_outdoor and bedroom. The leftmost column is ground-truth. The second column shows gray-scale images (y in our framework). The rest columns show different colorizedimages, generated by solving the conditional reverse-time SDE.
使用在 LSUN church_outdoor 和 bedroom 上训练的时间依赖评分模型进行图像上色。最左边的列是地面实况。第二列显示灰度图像(在我们的框架中为 y)。其余列显示不同的上色图像,通过求解条件反向时间 SDE 生成。
We can even colorize gray-scale portrays of famous people in history (Abraham Lincoln) with a time-dependent score-based model trained on FFHQ. The image resolution is 1024 x 1024.
我们甚至可以用在 FFHQ 上训练的时间依赖评分模型为历史上著名人物(亚伯拉罕·林肯)的灰度肖像上色。图像分辨率为 1024 x 1024。

Connection to diffusion models and others

I started working on score-based generative modeling since 2019, when I was trying hard to make score matching scalable for training deep energy-based models on high-dimensional datasets. My first attempt at this led to the method sliced score matching
我从 2019 年开始研究基于评分的生成建模,当时我正在努力使评分匹配可扩展,以便在高维数据集上训练深度能量模型。我的第一次尝试导致了切片评分匹配方法。
. Despite the scalability of sliced score matching for training energy-based models, I found to my surprise that Langevin sampling from those models fails to produce reasonable samples even on the MNIST dataset. I started investigating this issue and discovered three crucial improvements that can lead to extremely good samples: (1) perturbing data with multiple scales of noise, and training score-based models for each noise scale; (2) using a U-Net architecture (we used RefineNet since it is a modern version of U-Nets) for the score-based model; (3) applying Langevin MCMC to each noise scale and chaining them together. With those methods, I was able to obtain the state-of-the-art Inception Score on CIFAR-10 in
尽管切片得分匹配在训练基于能量的模型方面具有可扩展性,但令我惊讶的是,从这些模型中进行朗之万采样在即使是 MNIST 数据集上也未能产生合理的样本。我开始调查这个问题,并发现了三个关键改进,可以产生极好的样本:(1) 用多种噪声尺度扰动数据,并为每个噪声尺度训练基于得分的模型;(2) 使用 U-Net 架构(我们使用 RefineNet,因为它是 U-Net 的现代版本)作为基于得分的模型;(3) 对每个噪声尺度应用朗之万 MCMC 并将它们串联在一起。通过这些方法,我在 CIFAR-10 上获得了最先进的 Inception Score
(even better than the best GANs!), and generate high-fidelity image samples of resolution up to 256\times 256 in
(甚至比最好的 GANs 还要好!),并生成了分辨率高达 256\times 256 的高保真图像样本

The idea of perturbing data with multiple scales of noise is by no means unique to score-based generative models though. It has been previously used in, for example, simulated annealing, annealed importance sampling
, diffusion probabilistic models
, infusion training , 输液训练, and variational walkback
, 和变分回溯
for generative stochastic networks
. Out of all these works, diffusion probabilistic modeling is perhaps the closest to score-based generative modeling. Diffusion probabilistic models are hierachical latent variable models first proposed by Jascha and his colleagues
. 在所有这些工作中,扩散概率建模可能是最接近基于评分的生成建模。扩散概率模型是分层潜变量模型,最早由 Jascha 及其同事在 2015 年提出,通过学习一个变分解码器来逆转扰动数据到噪声的离散扩散过程来生成样本。在不了解这项工作的情况下,基于评分的生成建模是从一个非常不同的角度独立提出和激励的。尽管两者都通过多尺度噪声扰动数据,但当时基于评分的生成建模和扩散概率建模之间的联系似乎是表面的,因为前者通过评分匹配进行训练,并通过 Langevin 动力学进行采样,而后者通过证据下界(ELBO)进行训练,并通过学习的解码器进行采样。
in 2015, which generate samples by learning a variational decoder to reverse a discrete diffusion process that perturbs data to noise. Without awareness of this work, score-based generative modeling was proposed and motivated independently from a very different perspective. Despite both perturbing data with multiple scales of noise, the connection between score-based generative modeling and diffusion probabilistic modeling seemed superficial at that time, since the former is trained by score matching and sampled by Langevin dynamics, while the latter is trained by the evidence lower bound (ELBO) and sampled with a learned decoder.
在 2015 年,通过学习一个变分解码器来逆转扰动数据到噪声的离散扩散过程来生成样本。在不了解这项工作的情况下,基于评分的生成建模是从一个非常不同的角度独立提出和激励的。尽管两者都通过多尺度噪声扰动数据,但当时基于评分的生成建模和扩散概率建模之间的联系似乎是表面的,因为前者通过评分匹配进行训练,并通过 Langevin 动力学进行采样,而后者通过证据下界(ELBO)进行训练,并通过学习的解码器进行采样。

In 2020, Jonathan Ho and colleagues
2020 年,Jonathan Ho 和同事们
significantly improved the empirical performance of diffusion probabilistic models and first unveiled a deeper connection to score-based generative modeling. They showed that the ELBO used for training diffusion probabilistic models is essentially equivalent to the weighted combination of score matching objectives used in score-based generative modeling. Moreover, by parameterizing the decoder as a sequence of score-based models with a U-Net architecture, they demonstrated for the first time that diffusion probabilistic models can also generate high quality image samples comparable or superior to GANs.
显著提高了扩散概率模型的经验性能,并首次揭示了与基于分数的生成建模的更深层次联系。他们表明,用于训练扩散概率模型的 ELBO 本质上等同于基于分数的生成建模中使用的加权组合分数匹配目标。此外,通过将解码器参数化为具有 U-Net 架构的基于分数的模型序列,他们首次证明扩散概率模型也可以生成与 GANs 相媲美或更高质量的图像样本。

Inspired by their work, we further investigated the relationship between diffusion models and score-based generative models in an ICLR 2021 paper
受他们工作的启发,我们在 ICLR 2021 论文中进一步研究了扩散模型与基于分数的生成模型之间的关系
. We found that the sampling method of diffusion probabilistic models can be integrated with annealed Langevin dynamics of score-based models to create a unified and more powerful sampler (the Predictor-Corrector sampler). By generalizing the number of noise scales to infinity, we further proved that score-based generative models and diffusion probabilistic models can both be viewed as discretizations to stochastic differential equations determined by score functions. This work bridges both score-based generative modeling and diffusion probabilistic modeling into a unified framework.

Collectively, these latest developments seem to indicate that both score-based generative modeling with multiple noise perturbations and diffusion probabilistic models are different perspectives of the same model family, much like how wave mechanics and matrix mechanics are equivalent formulations of quantum mechanics in the history of physicsGoes without saying that the significance of score-based generative models/diffusion probabilistic models is in no way comparable to quantum mechanics.. The perspective of score matching and score-based models allows one to calculate log-likelihoods exactly, solve inverse problems naturally, and is directly connected to energy-based models, Schrödinger bridges and optimal transport
. The perspective of diffusion models is naturally connected to VAEs, lossy compression, and can be directly incorporated with variational probabilistic inference. This blog post focuses on the first perspective, but I highly recommend interested readers to learn about the alternative perspective of diffusion models as well (see a great blog by Lilian Weng).
扩散模型的视角自然与变分自编码器(VAEs)、有损压缩相关,并且可以直接与变分概率推理结合。本文重点介绍了第一种视角,但我强烈建议感兴趣的读者也了解扩散模型的另一种视角(参见 Lilian Weng 的精彩博客)。

Many recent works on score-based generative models or diffusion probabilistic models have been deeply influenced by knowledge from both sides of research (see a website curated by researchers at the University of Oxford). Despite this deep connection between score-based generative models and diffusion models, it is hard to come up with an umbrella term for the model family that they both belong to. Some colleagues in DeepMind propose to call them “Generative Diffusion Processes”. It remains to be seen if this will be adopted by the community in the future.
许多关于基于分数的生成模型或扩散概率模型的最新研究工作都深受两方面研究知识的影响(参见牛津大学研究人员策划的网站)。尽管基于分数的生成模型和扩散模型之间有着深厚的联系,但很难为它们所属的模型家族想出一个总称。DeepMind 的一些同事建议称它们为“生成扩散过程”。未来是否会被社区采纳还有待观察。

Concluding remarks 结论性意见

This blog post gives a detailed introduction to score-based generative models. We demonstrate that this new paradigm of generative modeling is able to produce high quality samples, compute exact log-likelihoods, and perform controllable generation for inverse problem solving. It is a compilation of several papers we published in the past few years. Please visit them if you are interested in more details:

For a list of works that have been influenced by score-based generative modeling, researchers at the University of Oxford have built a very useful (but necessarily incomplete) website: https://scorebasedgenerativemodeling.github.io/.

There are two major challenges of score-based generative models. First, the sampling speed is slow since it involves a large number of Langevin-type iterations. Second, it is inconvenient to work with discrete data distributions since scores are only defined on continuous distributions.

The first challenge can be partially solved by using numerical ODE solvers for the probability flow ODE with lower precision (a similar method, denoising diffusion implicit modeling, has been proposed in
第一个挑战可以通过使用数值 ODE 求解器以较低精度求解概率流 ODE 来部分解决(类似的方法,去噪扩散隐式建模,已经被提出
). It is also possible to learn a direct mapping from the latent space of probability flow ODEs to the image space, as shown in
也可以从概率流 ODE 的潜在空间直接映射到图像空间,如图所示
. However, all such methods to date result in worse sample quality.

The second challenge can be addressed by learning an autoencoder on discrete data and performing score-based generative modeling on its continuous latent space
. Jascha’s original work on diffusion models
also provides a discrete diffusion process for discrete data distributions, but its potential for large scale applications remains yet to be proven.

It is my conviction that these challenges will soon be solved with the joint efforts of the research community, and score-based generative models/ diffusion-based models will become one of the most useful tools for data generation, density estimation, inverse problem solving, and many other downstream tasks in machine learning.

Footnotes 脚注

  1. Hereafter we only consider probability density functions. Probability mass functions are similar. [↩]
    此后我们只考虑概率密度函数。概率质量函数类似。 [↩]
  2. Fisher divergence is typically between two distributions p and q, defined as (4)Ep(x)[xlogp(x)xlogq(x)22]. Here we slightly abuse the term as the name of a closely related expression for score-based models. [↩]
    Fisher 散度通常在两个分布 p 和 q 之间定义,这里我们稍微滥用了这个术语,作为基于评分模型的一个密切相关表达的名称。 [↩]
  3. Commonly used score matching methods include denoising score matching
    and sliced score matching
    . Here is an introduction to score matching and sliced score matching.
    。这里是一个介绍。 [↩]
  4. It is typical for normalizing flow models to convert discrete images to continuous ones by adding small uniform noise to them. [↩]
    归一化流模型通常通过向离散图像添加小的均匀噪声将其转换为连续图像。 [↩]
  5. Goes without saying that the significance of score-based generative models/diffusion probabilistic models is in no way comparable to quantum mechanics.[↩]
    不言而喻,基于分数的生成模型/扩散概率模型的重要性与量子力学完全不可同日而语。 [↩]

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