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Checklist of hosts, illustrated geographical range, and ecology of tick species from the genus Ixodes (Acari, Ixodidae) in Russia and other post-Soviet countries

Denis Fedorov 1 , 2 1 , 2 ^(1,2o.){ }^{1,2 \odot}, Sándor Hornok 1 , 3 1 , 3 ^(1,3o.){ }^{1,3 \odot}1 HUN-REN-UVMB Climate Change: New Blood-sucking Parasites and Vector-borne Pathogens Research Group, Budapest, Hungary
1 HUN-REN-UVMB 气候变化:新型吸血寄生虫和媒介传播病原体研究小组,布达佩斯,匈牙利
2 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ZIN-RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia
2 俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所 (ZIN-RAS),圣彼得堡,俄罗斯
3 Department of Parasitology and Zoology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary
Corresponding author: Denis Fedorov (denis.fedorov@univet.hu)
通讯作者:德尼斯·费多罗夫 (denis.fedorov@univet.hu)

Academic editor: Dmitry Apanaskevich

Received: 8 November 2023
收到:2023 年 11 月 8 日

Accepted: 5 March 2024
接受日期:2024 年 3 月 5 日

Published: 14 May 2024
发布日期:2024 年 5 月 14 日
ZooBank: https://zoobank. org/8D1CCA9B-7B9C-45CC-A21C66F406ACBF6C
Citation: Fedorov D, Hornok S (2024) Checklist of hosts, illustrated geographical range, and ecology of tick species from the genus Ixodes (Acari, Ixodidae) in Russia and other post-Soviet countries. ZooKeys 1201: 255-343. https://doi.org/10.3897/ zookeys.1201.115467
引用:Fedorov D, Hornok S (2024) 俄罗斯及其他后苏联国家的伊克斯德斯属(蜱虫,蜱科)蜱种宿主清单、插图地理分布和生态。ZooKeys 1201: 255-343. https://doi.org/10.3897/ zookeys.1201.115467
Copyright: © Denis Fedorov & Sándor Hornok. This is an open access article distributed under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY 4.0).
版权:© Denis Fedorov & Sándor Hornok。本文为开放获取文章,按照创意共享署名许可协议(署名 4.0 国际 - CC BY 4.0)分发。

Abstract 摘要

Hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) are the economically and ecologically most important blood-sucking arthropod vectors that can transmit disease agents under temperate climate. In this group, the highest number of species (currently nearing 270) belongs to the genus Ixodes. For this review, more than 400 papers related to this genus in the context of Russia were checked for data on the host records, locations of collection, as well as ecology of assigned tick species. This monograph compensates for the lack of a similarly comprehensive English-language overview of Ixodes species in the region of Russia for nearly half century, and also makes a large set of data easily available for international readers, which is especially important if the original source is difficult to access from outside this country. In addition, the data from a significant number of papers on this topic available only in the Russian language are made accessible through this work.
硬蜱(蜱虫目:硬蜱科)是经济和生态上最重要的吸血节肢动物媒介,能够在温带气候下传播病原体。在这个群体中,物种数量最多(目前接近 270)的属是伊克索德属。为了这篇综述,检查了 400 多篇与该属在俄罗斯背景下相关的论文,获取了宿主记录、采集地点以及指定蜱种的生态数据。这本专著弥补了近半个世纪以来俄罗斯地区伊克索德属物种的类似全面英文概述的缺乏,同时也使大量数据对国际读者易于获取,这在原始来源难以从该国外部访问时尤为重要。此外,通过这项工作,许多仅以俄语发表的相关论文的数据也得以公开。

Key words: Acari, Aves, Ixodidae, Mammalia, Reptilia, subgenus, taxonomy

Introduction 介绍

Russia is the largest country of the globe, covering nearly one third of the territory of Eurasia and 1 / 8 th 1 / 8 th  1//8^("th ")1 / 8^{\text {th }} of the entire Earth’s landmass. It belongs to the Palearctic Zoogeographic Region (Guglielmone et al. 2023). The ecosystems of Russia are very diverse, including polar deserts, tundra, forest tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest steppe, steppe, semi-desert, and subtropics. At least 1100 species of terrestrial vertebrates are known to occur in this country, of which 65% of the territory is considered virtually untouched by economic and other human activities (CBD 2023).
俄罗斯是全球最大的国家,覆盖了几乎三分之一的欧亚大陆和 1 / 8 th 1 / 8 th  1//8^("th ")1 / 8^{\text {th }} 的整个地球陆地面积。它属于古北界动物地理区(Guglielmone et al. 2023)。俄罗斯的生态系统非常多样,包括极地沙漠、苔原、森林苔原、针叶林、混交林和阔叶林、森林草原、草原、半沙漠和亚热带。已知该国至少有 1100 种陆生脊椎动物,其中 65%的领土被认为几乎未受到经济和其他人类活动的影响(CBD 2023)。
With such a vast area, the broad spectrum of suitable habitats and vertebrate hosts in the background, the tick fauna of Russia was extensively studied. Although there was an enormous collection of data published in English (Anastos 1957), because it is more than half a century old, it is outdated. Moreover, the most well-known source describing the taxonomic diversity of Ixodidae Koch in this country and its nearby regions was compiled decades ago (Filippova 1977;
在如此广阔的区域背景下,适合的栖息地和脊椎动物宿主的广泛谱系,俄罗斯的蜱类动物群得到了广泛研究。尽管有大量的数据以英语发布(Anastos 1957),但由于这已经是半个多世纪前的资料,因此显得过时。此外,描述该国及其周边地区蜱科(Ixodidae Koch)分类多样性的最著名来源是在几十年前编纂的(Filippova 1977;

1997), and is only available in the Russian language. This book on ixodid species in Russia included 34 Ixodes Latreille species, which is updated to 37 by adding species with more recent data, as exemplified by Ixodes prokopjevi Emelyanova and I. ghilarovi Filippova & Panova, as well as I. turdus Nakatsudi with its first and single record (Bolotin and Kolonin 1979). Recent work has also been published including a list of hard tick species known to be indigenous in Russia (Guglielmone et al. 2023) with indications of tick species of other post-Soviet countries. However, the latter does not consider their specific locations or host records and various distinctive features of biology relevant to certain regions. Less studied species (some often known exclusively from these territories by single or a limited number of findings) are also reviewed here in more detail, in particular with the addition of precise data on their type specimens.
1997 年),仅提供俄语版本。这本关于俄罗斯蜱科物种的书籍包括 34 种伊克索德斯属(Ixodes Latreille)物种,更新至 37 种,增加了根据最新数据添加的物种,例如伊克索德斯·普罗科普耶夫(Ixodes prokopjevi Emelyanova)和伊克索德斯·吉拉罗夫(I. ghilarovi Filippova & Panova),以及伊克索德斯·土耳其(I. turdus Nakatsudi)的首次和唯一记录(Bolotin 和 Kolonin 1979)。最近的研究还发布了包括已知在俄罗斯本土的硬蜱物种的名单(Guglielmone 等,2023),并指出了其他后苏联国家的蜱物种。然而,后者并未考虑它们的具体位置或宿主记录,以及与某些地区相关的各种生物学特征。这里还更详细地回顾了研究较少的物种(一些通常仅通过单一或有限数量的发现而独占这些地区),特别是增加了关于其类型标本的精确数据。
The need was recognized for a comprehensive work that would contain data and references from the last decades, written in English, which would thus be accessible by experts and anyone interested in the current ixodid fauna and its supportive hosts in the vast geographical and biotope range of Russia, as well as several other post-Soviet territories. In this review the authors tried to compensate for this scarcity of fresh information on hard ticks occurring in Russia and former states of the Soviet Union, targeting the most species-rich genus, Ixodes. Although the checklist and georeferenced data might still contain gaps, this work is also intended to be used as baseline data for the unfolding quest to discover and to describe not-yet-known ixodid species in this extensive geographical range.

Materials and methods 材料与方法

The relevance of publications used in this review was searched in databases using the keywords of Ixodes species, their hosts, and locality or region. The following databases were used: Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (including its department at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Springer Link, Web of Science, Zoological Record, Google Scholar, and CyberLeninka - the Russian scientific electronic library. However, a limited number of works was excluded from consideration and inclusion in the review due to the absence of scientific background and/or indeterminate data. Similarly, papers with repetitive data (i.e., not adding new tick-host associations, geographical locations to existing literature data) are not cited.
在本综述中使用的出版物的相关性是通过使用 Ixodes 物种、其宿主和地点或区域的关键词在数据库中进行搜索的。使用了以下数据库:俄罗斯科学院图书馆(包括其在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所的部门)、Springer Link、Web of Science、Zoological Record、Google Scholar 和 CyberLeninka - 俄罗斯科学电子图书馆。然而,由于缺乏科学背景和/或不确定数据,有限数量的作品被排除在考虑和纳入综述之外。同样,具有重复数据的论文(即未向现有文献数据添加新的蜱-宿主关联、地理位置)不被引用。
The same databases were used for searching and estimating the data on Ixodes from the post-Soviet territories, reviewed in this checklist: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. The Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) were excluded from the consideration due to the availability of recently updated tick checklists, as well as the well-studied tick fauna (Paulauskas et al. 2010; Kitrytė and Baltrūnaite 2023), which is also very similar to the tick fauna of neighboring Belarus and northwestern Russia.
相同的数据库用于搜索和估计来自后苏联地区的 Ixodes 数据,详见本清单:俄罗斯、白俄罗斯、乌克兰、摩尔多瓦、格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦和塔吉克斯坦。由于最近更新的蜱虫清单的可用性以及研究充分的蜱虫动物群(Paulauskas 等,2010;Kitrytė和 Baltrūnaite,2023),波罗的海国家(爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛)被排除在考虑之外,这些蜱虫动物群与邻近的白俄罗斯和俄罗斯西北部的蜱虫动物群也非常相似。
Within Prostriata (genus Ixodes), tick species names are arranged according to their subgenera and are used sensu Guglielmone et al. (2014). The Latin names of tick species are written according to Guglielmone et al. (2023). The only exception is Ixodes filippovae Černý which we consider a synonym of Ixodes crenulatus Koch according to Filippova (1958a, 1977). The names of host species are written in accordance with their international English names, as well as the current
在 Prostriata(属 Ixodes)中,蜱虫物种名称根据其亚属排列,并根据 Guglielmone 等人(2014)的定义使用。蜱虫物种的拉丁名称根据 Guglielmone 等人(2023)书写。唯一的例外是 Ixodes filippovae Černý,我们根据 Filippova(1958a,1977)认为它是 Ixodes crenulatus Koch 的同义词。宿主物种的名称根据其国际英文名称以及当前的
Latin names using the online databases, such as ASM Mammal Diversity Database (https://www.mammaldiversity.org/index.html) as well as Avibase (https:// avibase.bsc-eoc.org/) and Reptile Database (http://www.reptile-database.org/).
使用在线数据库的拉丁名称,例如 ASM 哺乳动物多样性数据库(https://www.mammaldiversity.org/index.html),以及 Avibase(https:// avibase.bsc-eoc.org/)和爬行动物数据库(http://www.reptile-database.org/)。

Systematics 系统学

Class Arachnida 蛛形纲Order Ixodida Ixodida 目Family Ixodidae Koch, 1844
蜱科 (Ixodidae) 科, 1844
Genus Ixodes Latreille, 1795
属伊克索德斯 拉特雷伊,1795
Subgenus Ceratixodes Neumann, 1902: 115
亚属角虫属 Neumann, 1902: 115

Ixodes uriae White, 1852
Ixodes uriae White, 1852: 208.
Ixodes jacksoni Hoogstraal, 1967: 37.
Ixodes fimbriatus Kramer & Neumann, 1883: 527; Neumann 1911: 29.
Ixodes borealis Kramer & Neumann, 1883: 526; Neumann 1911: 29.
Ixodes hirsutus Birula, 1895: 353; Arthur 1963: 152.
Ixodes putus (Pickard-Cambridge, 1876): 260; Neumann 1899: 125; Schulze 1938: 12.
Ixodes putus procellariae Schulze, 1930: 123; Zumpt 1952: 12.
Recorded hosts. Aves: auks - birds of the family Alcidae, namely: Alca torda Linnaeus (razorbill), Cepphus grylle Linnaeus (black guillemot), Fratercula arctica Linnaeus (common puffin), Uria aalge (Pontoppidan) (common guillemot), Uria Iomvia Linnaeus (Brünnich’s guillemot) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。鸟类:海雀 - 鹅科的鸟类,即:阿尔卡·托尔达 林奈(剃刀鸟),塞普夫斯·格里尔 林奈(黑海雀),弗拉特库拉·阿克蒂卡 林奈(普通海鹦),乌里亚·阿尔格(庞托皮丹)(普通海雀),乌里亚·洛姆维亚 林奈(布伦尼希海雀)(菲利波娃 1977)。
Occasional hosts include Fratercula cirrhata (Pallas) (tufted puffin) and also various species of gulls and kittiwakes (Laridae): Rissa brevirostris (Bruch) (red-legged kittiwake), R. tridactyla (Linnaeus) (black-legged kittiwake) (Karpovich 1970; Dietrich et al. 2012), as well as fulmars (Procellariidae) - Fulmarus glacialis Linnaeus (northern fulmar) and cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae) Phalacrocorax capillatus (Temminck and Schlegel) (Japanese cormorant), Urile pelagicus (Pallas) (pelagic cormorant), Urile urile (Gmelin) (red-faced cormorant) (Lvov et al. 1972b, 1975; Filippova 1977; Dietrich et al. 2012; Duron et al. 2014). A single atypical case of parasitism on Motacilla alba Linnaeus (white wagtail) (Motacillidae) was also reported (Karpovich 1970).
偶尔的宿主包括 Fratercula cirrhata (Pallas)(冠羽海雀)以及各种鸥和海鸥(Laridae):Rissa brevirostris (Bruch)(红腿海鸥),R. tridactyla (Linnaeus)(黑腿海鸥)(Karpovich 1970;Dietrich 等,2012),以及信天翁(Procellariidae) - Fulmarus glacialis Linnaeus(北方信天翁)和鸬鹚(Phalacrocoracidae)Phalacrocorax capillatus (Temminck 和 Schlegel)(日本鸬鹚),Urile pelagicus (Pallas)(远洋鸬鹚),Urile urile (Gmelin)(红脸鸬鹚)(Lvov 等,1972b,1975;Filippova 1977;Dietrich 等,2012;Duron 等,2014)。还报告了对 Motacilla alba Linnaeus(白鹡鸰)(Motacillidae)的一例非典型寄生案例(Karpovich 1970)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 1). Murmansk seacoast (Russia): islands and seashores of the White Sea and also the Barents Sea (Karpovich 1971), namely: the Kuvshin Island and Kharlov Island (Karpovich 1970), Podpakhta Bay (Bekleshova et al. 1970), Dvorovaya Bay (Flint and Kostryko 1967), Seven Islands Reserve (Belopolskaya 1952; Karpovich 1973). The Far East (Russia): Mosolova Bay (the northern coast of the Strait of Tartary) (Savitskaya 1975), Bering Island (Lvov et al. 1975; Dietrich et al. 2012), Ptichy Island and Starichkov Island (Dietrich et al. 2012), Iony Island (Lvov et al. 1975), Kuril Islands (Lvov et al. 1975; Dietrich et al. 2012), Tyuleniy Island (Karpovich 1971; Lvov et al. 1972a; Filippova 1977), Sakhalin (Lvov et al. 1972a), Commander Islands (Dietrich et al. 2012).
记录的位置(图 1)。摩尔曼斯克海岸(俄罗斯):白海和巴伦支海的岛屿和海岸(Karpovich 1971),即:库夫申岛和哈尔洛夫岛(Karpovich 1970),波德帕赫塔湾(Bekleshova et al. 1970),德沃罗瓦湾(Flint and Kostryko 1967),七岛保护区(Belopolskaya 1952;Karpovich 1973)。远东(俄罗斯):莫索洛瓦湾(塔塔尔海峡北岸)(Savitskaya 1975),贝尔灵岛(Lvov et al. 1975;Dietrich et al. 2012),普季奇岛和斯塔里奇科夫岛(Dietrich et al. 2012),伊奥尼岛(Lvov et al. 1975),千岛群岛(Lvov et al. 1975;Dietrich et al. 2012),图连岛(Karpovich 1971;Lvov et al. 1972a;Filippova 1977),萨哈林(Lvov et al. 1972a),指挥官群岛(Dietrich et al. 2012)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes uriae is the only representative of the subgenus Ceratixodes in the tick fauna of Russia and the northern hemisphere
生态和其他信息。乌尔亚蜱是俄罗斯和北半球蜱类动物中亚属 Ceratixodes 的唯一代表。

Figure 1. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes uriae was reported.
图 1. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes uriae 的地点。

in general. As a nidicolous parasite of seabirds living in colonies, it is a species with a circumpolar distribution, occurring on oceanic coasts and islands of both the northern and southern hemispheres, from the polar regions to the subtropical zone (Wilson 1967; Filippova 1977).
一般来说,作为一种生活在群体中的海鸟的巢寄生虫,它是一种具有环极分布的物种,分布于北半球和南半球的海洋海岸和岛屿,从极地地区到亚热带区域(Wilson 1967;Filippova 1977)。
In the northern hemisphere, this tick species is strongly associated with seabirds of the family Alcidae. The high degree of nest conservativity of these birds contributes to supporting a considerable number of ticks in bird colonies, which use the same places for many years (Karpovich 1971). The occasional hosts of I I II. uriae usually become involved in its life cycle in mixed bird colonies, where nests of typical and atypical hosts are located very close to each other (Violovich 1962b). In absence of auks, it may also use, for example, cormorants as exclusive hosts, as reported on the Kuril Islands (Lvov et al. 1975; Dietrich et al. 2012). In the southern hemisphere it was noted that penguins (Spheniscidae) are more typical hosts; this can be explained by similarities in the habits of these birds to those of puffins and guillemots.
在北半球,这种蜱虫与海鸟(海雀科)有很强的关联。这些鸟类的巢穴保守性高,支持了鸟类群落中相当数量的蜱虫,这些蜱虫在同一地点使用多年(Karpovich 1971)。 I I II . uriae 的偶尔宿主通常在混合鸟类群落中参与其生命周期,在这些地方,典型和非典型宿主的巢穴非常接近(Violovich 1962b)。在缺乏海雀的情况下,它也可能使用例如鸬鹚作为唯一宿主,正如在库页岛上所报道的那样(Lvov et al. 1975; Dietrich et al. 2012)。在南半球,注意到企鹅(企鹅科)是更典型的宿主;这可以通过这些鸟类的习性与海雀和海鸥的相似性来解释。
There were noted rare records of adults from Carnivora: Mustelidae, and nymphs from Rodentia: Muridae (Eley 1977; Jaenson and Jensen 2007; Baggs et al. 2011; Guglielmone et al. 2020) and even humans (Karpovich 1971; Keirans and Lacombe 1998; Martyn 1998; Smith et al. 2006; Jaenson and Jensen 2007).
在食肉目:鼬科的成年个体和啮齿目:鼠科的若虫中,记录到罕见的案例(Eley 1977;Jaenson 和 Jensen 2007;Baggs 等 2011;Guglielmone 等 2020),甚至还有人类(Karpovich 1971;Keirans 和 Lacombe 1998;Martyn 1998;Smith 等 2006;Jaenson 和 Jensen 2007)。

Subgenus Eschatocephalus Frauenfeld, 1853: 55
亚属 Eschatocephalus Frauenfeld, 1853: 55

Ixodes simplex Neumann, 1906
Ixodes simplex Neumann, 1906: 197.
Ixodes audyi Kohls, 1955: 1; Clifford et al. 1973: 489.
Ixodes spiculae Arthur, 1956: 180.
Ixodes pospelovae Emchuk, 1955: 606; Beaucournu 1966: 495.
Ixodes chiropterorum Babos & Janisch, 1958: 389; Beaucournu 1966: 495.
Figure 2. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes simplex was reported.
图 2. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes simplex 的地点。
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Myotis blythii Tomes (lesser mouse-eared bat), Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl) (common bent-wing bat), Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl) (lesser noctule) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:小耳鼠蝠(Myotis blythii Tomes)、施氏小翼蝠(Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl))、小夜蝠(Nyctalus leisleri (Kuhl))(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 2). Russia: Krasnodar Krai - outskirts of Sochi (Emchuk 1955; Filippova 1972). Ukraine: eastern Carpathians - outskirts of Solotvyn and Rakhiv (Emchuk 1955; Filippova 1972). Azerbaijan: outskirts of Şahbuz and Hadrut (Emchuk 1955; Filippova 1972).
记录的位置(图 2)。俄罗斯:克拉斯诺达尔边疆区 - 索契郊区(Emchuk 1955;Filippova 1972)。乌克兰:东喀尔巴阡山 - 索洛特温和拉基夫郊区(Emchuk 1955;Filippova 1972)。阿塞拜疆:沙赫布兹和哈德鲁特郊区(Emchuk 1955;Filippova 1972)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes simplex is a tick species specialized for bats as hosts (Filippova 1977). This species is mainly monoxenous and can be found usually on the common bent-wing bat although some other species of the Chiroptera may also act as hosts, especially which share colonies with its main host (Beaucournu 1967). Some rare cases of human infestation are also recorded (Okino et al. 2010; Péter et al. 2021).
生态学和其他信息。简单蜱是一种专门以蝙蝠为宿主的蜱虫种类(Filippova 1977)。该物种主要是单宿主的,通常可以在普通弯翼蝙蝠上找到,尽管一些其他的翼手目物种也可能作为宿主,特别是与其主要宿主共享栖息地的物种(Beaucournu 1967)。也有一些罕见的人类感染案例被记录(Okino et al. 2010; Péter et al. 2021)。

Ixodes vespertilionis Koch, 1844

Ixodes vespertilionis Koch, 1844b: 232.
Ixodes longipes Lucas: Neumann 1901: 249.
Ixodes pagurus Neumann, 1911: 28.
Ixodes nodulipes (Kolenati): Neumann 1911: 28.
Ixodes troglodytes Schmidt in Frauenfeld: Neumann 1901: 249.
Eschatocephalus gracilipes Frauenfeld: Estrada-Peña 1989: 165.
Eschatocephalus nodulipes Santos Dias: Santos Dias 1961: 229.
Eschatocephalus seidlitzii Koch: Neumann 1911: 30.
Eschatocephalus frauenfeldi Koch: Neumann 1901: 249.
Eschatocephalus seidlitzi Koch: Neumann 1901: 249.
Eschatocephalus vespertilionis (Koch): Neumann 1901: 249.
Eschatocephalus exaratus (Kolenati): Neumann 1901: Santos Dias 1961: 229.
Eschatocephalus flavipes (Koch): Doss and Anastos 1977: 34.
Eschatocephalus flavipes (Koch):Doss 和 Anastos 1977:34。
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber) (serotine bat), Myotis blythii (lesser mouse-eared bat) (Filippova 1977), pond bat Myotis dasycneme (Boie) (Starikov et al. 2017b), Daubenton’s bat Myotis daubentonii (Kuhl) (Orlova et al. 2011), Myotis myotis (Borkhausen) (greater mouse-eared bat) (Filippova 1977), Myotis mystacinus (Kuhl) (whiskered bat) (Bobkova 2003), Nyctalus noctula (Schreber) (common noctule), Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber) (common pipistrelle), Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber) (greater horseshoe bat), Rhinolophus hipposideros (Bechstein) (lesser horseshoe bat), Rhinolophus mehelyi Matschie (Mehely’s horseshoe bat) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:夜蝠 Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber)(晚蝙蝠),小耳鼠蝙蝠 Myotis blythii(Filippova 1977),池蝙蝠 Myotis dasycneme (Boie)(Starikov et al. 2017b),达本顿蝙蝠 Myotis daubentonii (Kuhl)(Orlova et al. 2011),大耳鼠蝙蝠 Myotis myotis (Borkhausen)(Filippova 1977),胡须蝙蝠 Myotis mystacinus (Kuhl)(Bobkova 2003),普通夜蝠 Nyctalus noctula (Schreber),普通小蝙蝠 Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber),大马蹄蝙蝠 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber),小马蹄蝙蝠 Rhinolophus hipposideros (Bechstein),梅赫利马蹄蝙蝠 Rhinolophus mehelyi Matschie(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 3). Russia: Udmurtia (Orlova et al. 2011), Voronezh Oblast (Usmsnskyi pine forest), (Khitsova and Sherstyanykh 2014), Novosibirsk Oblast (resort Lake Karachi) (Fedorov 2016), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (outskirts of the urban locality Mortka) (Starikov et al. 2017b), Krasnodar Krai (Sochi National Park) (Romashin 2021), Stavropol Krai (Tsapko 2019). Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Chernivtsi Oblast, Ternopil Oblast, Zakarpattia Oblast, Crimea (Bobkova 2003). Moldova: Codru Reserve (Dniester-Prut interfluve) (Uspenskaya 1987). Georgia: Abkhazia (Kerbabaev 2011). Azerbaijan: Shusha, Hadrut (Filippova 1972). Armenia: Meghri (Ogandzhanyan 1949). Kyrgyzstan: Chüy Valley (Fedorova 2012a). Turkmenistan: rural localities Ahcha-Kuima and Mollagara (Dubinin and Bregetova 1952). Tajikistan: northern spurs of the Zarafshan Range (Filippova 1972).
记录的位置(图 3)。俄罗斯:乌德穆尔特共和国(Orlova 等,2011),沃罗涅日州(乌斯姆斯基松树林),(Khitsova 和 Sherstyanykh 2014),新西伯利亚州(度假胜地卡拉奇湖)(Fedorov 2016),汉特-曼西自治区(城市聚落 Mortka 的郊区)(Starikov 等,2017b),克拉斯诺达尔边疆区(索契国家公园)(Romashin 2021),斯塔夫罗波尔边疆区(Tsapko 2019)。乌克兰:伊万诺-弗兰科夫斯克州,切尔诺夫策州,特尔诺波尔州,扎卡尔帕蒂亚州,克里米亚(Bobkova 2003)。摩尔多瓦:Codru 保护区(德涅斯特-普鲁特间流域)(Uspenskaya 1987)。格鲁吉亚:阿布哈兹(Kerbabaev 2011)。阿塞拜疆:舒沙,哈德鲁特(Filippova 1972)。亚美尼亚:梅赫里(Ogandzhanyan 1949)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:楚河谷(Fedorova 2012a)。土库曼斯坦:乡村聚落 Ahcha-Kuima 和 Mollagara(Dubinin 和 Bregetova 1952)。塔吉克斯坦:扎拉夫尚山脉的北部山脊(Filippova 1972)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes vespertilionis Koch is a species of ixodid ticks associated with bats as typical hosts (Filippova 1977), mostly from the families Rhinolophidae and Vespertilionidae. Usually, I. vespertilionis can be found in caves inhabited by bats. Occasional findings in Central Russia and Siberia are considered to result from accidental transportation.
生态学和其他信息。夜蝠蜱(Ixodes vespertilionis Koch)是一种与蝙蝠作为典型宿主相关的蜱虫(Filippova 1977),主要来自于犀头蝠科和蝙蝠科。通常,夜蝠蜱可以在蝙蝠栖息的洞穴中找到。在中俄和西伯利亚偶尔发现的个体被认为是由于意外运输所致。

Figure 3. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes vespertilionis was reported.
图 3. 显示报告了 Ixodes vespertilionis 的地点的俄罗斯及邻国地图。
Subgenus Filippoviella Apanaskevich, Greiman & Fedorov, 2024: 229
亚属 Filippoviella Apanaskevich, Greiman & Fedorov, 2024: 229
Ixodes ghilarovi Filippova & Panova, 1988
Ixodes ghilarovi Filippova & Panova, 1988: 212.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Apodemus flavicollis Melchior (yellow-necked field mouse), Chionomys gud Satunin (Caucasian snow vole), Chionomys nivalis (Martins) (European snow vole), Microtus daghestanicus (Shidlovsky) (Daghestan pine vole), Nothocricetulus migratorius (Pallas) (grey dwarf hamster), Sorex raddei Satunin (Radde’s shrew) (Filippova and Panova 1989; Filippova and Stekol’nikov 2007).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:黄颈田鼠(Apodemus flavicollis Melchior)、高加索雪鼠(Chionomys gud Satunin)、欧洲雪鼠(Chionomys nivalis (Martins))、达吉斯坦松田鼠(Microtus daghestanicus (Shidlovsky))、灰矮仓鼠(Nothocricetulus migratorius (Pallas))、拉德德的鼩鼱(Sorex raddei Satunin)(Filippova 和 Panova 1989;Filippova 和 Stekol’nikov 2007)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 4). Russia: Dagestan - the valley of the Akhtychay River which is the right tributary of the Samur River near the confluence of these rivers, 1000 m 1000 m 1000m~ 1000 \mathrm{~m} a.s.l. and at the same location near rural locality Khnov, 〜 1700 m a.s.l.; the valley of the Avar Koysu River, 1000 m a.s.I. (Filippova and Panova 1989); Kabardino-Balkaria, Bezengi gorge - 1550-2500 m a.s.l. and Karachay-Cherkessia - 1900-2200 m a.s.I. (Filippova and Stekol’nikov 2007). Georgia: Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, Kazbegi Municipality, outskirts of the hamlet Suatisi, 2200 m a.s.I. (Filippova and Panova 1989).
记录的位置(图 4)。俄罗斯:达吉斯坦 - 阿赫季查伊河谷,该河是萨穆尔河的右支流,位于这两条河的交汇处, 1000 m 1000 m 1000m~ 1000 \mathrm{~m} 米海拔,且在靠近乡村 Khnov 的同一地点,约 1700 米海拔;阿瓦尔科伊苏河谷,1000 米海拔(Filippova 和 Panova 1989);卡巴尔达-巴尔卡尔,贝岑吉峡谷 - 1550-2500 米海拔,和卡拉恰伊-切尔克斯克 - 1900-2200 米海拔(Filippova 和 Stekol’nikov 2007)。格鲁吉亚:姆茨赫塔-姆季亚涅季地区,卡兹别克市,苏阿提西村边缘,2200 米海拔(Filippova 和 Panova 1989)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes ghilarovi is the second representative of the subgenus Filippoviella in the Palearctic tick fauna together with I. trianguliceps but known at the current moment exclusively from several locations of the Caucasus (Filippova and Panova 1988). The species was found only in rocky biotopes on the slopes containing xerophilous herbaceous-shrub vegetation consisting of many endemics of Southern Dagestan (Filippova and Panova 1989).
生态学和其他信息。伊克索德斯·吉拉罗维是古北界蜱类动物中亚属 Filippoviella 的第二个代表,与 I. trianguliceps 一起,但目前仅在高加索的几个地点被发现(Filippova 和 Panova 1988)。该物种仅在含有许多南达吉斯坦特有植物的干旱草本灌木植被的坡地岩石生境中被发现(Filippova 和 Panova 1989)。
Further investigations of this poorly studied tick species are of undoubted interest. Ixodes ghilarovi has certain common structural features with the African

Figure 4. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes ghilarovi was reported.
图 4. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes ghilarovi 的地点。

species I. alluaudi, for example the presence of auriculae, especially visible in nymphs of both species (Filippova 2010); molecular analysis is also necessary to obtain more data on interspecific connections of these ticks and inside the subgenus in general. The host-parasite relations of I. ghilarovi and its distribution and habitats are probably wider than it is known today. The seasonality of I. ghilarovi and its role as a vector of tick-borne infections remain unknown.
物种 I. alluaudi,例如耳状物的存在,尤其在这两种物种的若虫中尤为明显(Filippova 2010);分子分析也是必要的,以获取有关这些蜱虫之间的种间联系以及亚属内部的一般数据。I. ghilarovi 的宿主-寄生虫关系及其分布和栖息地可能比目前已知的更广泛。I. ghilarovi 的季节性及其作为蜱传播感染的媒介的作用仍然未知。
The type specimens of I. ghilarovi are deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and include the holotype: nymph; Russia, 25, Daghestan, Samur Mt. Range, near Akhty Village, River Akhtychay valley, 1000 m a. s. I., Chionomys gud, Sat., 24.5.1980, coll. I.V. Panova; FBM 610a, 610b and the paratypes: 4 nymphs; FBM I610a, I610b. Description - Filippova and Panova 1989: 419-421 (female, larva; male unknown) (Filippova 2008).
I. ghilarovi 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括模式标本:若虫;俄罗斯,达吉斯坦,萨穆尔山脉,靠近阿赫提村,阿赫提查河谷,海拔 1000 米,Chionomys gud,星期六,1980 年 5 月 24 日,采集者 I.V. Panova;FBM 610a,610b 和副标本:4 只若虫;FBM I610a,I610b。描述 - Filippova 和 Panova 1989:419-421(雌性,幼虫;雄性未知)(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes trianguliceps Birula, 1895

Ixodes trianguliceps Birula, 1895: 358.
Ixodes nivalis Rondelli, 1928: 85; Pomerantsev 1950: 84.
Ixodes tenuirostris Neumann, 1901: 286.
Endopalpiger heroldi Schulze, 1939: 35; Černý 1959: 156.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Alexandromys oeconomus (Pallas) (tundra vole), Apodemus agrarius (Pallas) (striped field mouse) (dominates as the host in the Udel’ny forest park in St. Petersburg, according to Tretyakov (2009), Apodemus flavicollis (yellow-necked field mouse), Apodemus sylvaticus (Linnaeus) (wood mouse), Apodemus uralensis Pallas (Ural field mouse), Arvicola amphibius (Linnaeus) (European water vole), Chionomys gud (Caucasian snow vole), Chionomys nivalis (European snow vole), Craseomys rufocanus (Sundevall) (grey red-backed vole), Cricetus cricetus (Linnaeus) (European hamster), Crocidura leucodon (Hermann) (bicolored shrew), Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas) (lesser white-toothed shrew), Eutamias sibiricus (Laxmann) (Siberian chipmunk), Lasiopodomys gregalis (Pallas) (narrow-headed vole), Lepus europaeus Pallas (European hare), Lepus timidus Linnaeus (mountain hare), Micromys minutus (Pallas) (harvest mouse), Microtus agrestris (Linnaeus) (short-tailed field vole), Microtus arvalis (Pallas) (common vole), Microtus majori (Thomas) (Major’s pine vole), Microtus socialis (Pallas) (social vole), Microtus subterraneus (de Selys-Longchamps) (European pine vole), Mus musculus Linnaeus (house mouse), Mustela nivalis Linnaeus (least weasel), Myodes glareolus (Schreber) (bank vole), Myodes rutilus (Pallas) (northern red-backed vole), Myopus schisticolor (Lilljeborg) (wood lemming), Neomys anomalus Cabrera (Mediterranean water shrew) (Filippova 1977), Neomys fodiens (Pennant) (Eurasian water shrew) (Lutta 1968), Nyctalus noctula (common noctule), Ochotona alpina (Pallas) (alpine pika), Prometheomys schaposchnikowi Satunin (long-clawed mole vole), Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout) (brown rat), Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus (red squirrel), Sicista betulina Pallas (northern birch mouse), Sorex araneus Linnaeus (common shrew), Sorex caecutiens Laxmann (Laxmann’s shrew), Sorex daphaenodon Thomas (Siberian large-toothed shrew) (Filippova 1977), Sorex isodon Turov (taiga shrew) (Sapegina 1980), Sorex minutus Linnaeus (Eurasian pygmy shrew), Sorex minutissimus Zimmermann (Eurasian least shrew) (Filippova 1977), Sorex roboratus Hollister (flat-skulled shrew)
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:阿列克桑德罗米斯·欧科诺穆斯(帕拉斯)(苔原田鼠),阿波德穆斯·阿格拉里乌斯(帕拉斯)(条纹田鼠)(在圣彼得堡的乌德尔尼森林公园中占主导地位)。彼得堡,根据特列季亚科夫(2009),黄颈田鼠(Apodemus flavicollis),林奈的林田鼠(Apodemus sylvaticus),帕拉斯的乌拉尔田鼠(Apodemus uralensis),林奈的欧洲水田鼠(Arvicola amphibius),高加索雪田鼠(Chionomys gud),欧洲雪田鼠(Chionomys nivalis),桑德瓦尔的灰红背田鼠(Craseomys rufocanus),林奈的欧洲仓鼠(Cricetus cricetus),赫尔曼的双色鼩鼱(Crocidura leucodon),帕拉斯的较小白齿鼩鼱(Crocidura suaveolens),拉克斯曼的西伯利亚花栗鼠(Eutamias sibiricus),帕拉斯的狭头田鼠(Lasiopodomys gregalis),帕拉斯的欧洲野兔(Lepus europaeus),林奈的山野兔(Lepus timidus),帕拉斯的收获鼠(Micromys minutus),林奈的短尾田鼠(Microtus agrestris),帕拉斯的普通田鼠(Microtus arvalis),托马斯的梅杰松田鼠(Microtus majori),帕拉斯的社交田鼠(Microtus socialis),德塞利斯-朗尚的欧洲松田鼠(Microtus subterraneus),林奈的家鼠(Mus musculus),林奈的最小鼬鼠(Mustela nivalis),施雷伯的银行田鼠(Myodes glareolus),帕拉斯的北方红背田鼠(Myodes rutilus),李的..lljeborg) (木田鼠), Neomys anomalus Cabrera (地中海水鼩) (Filippova 1977), Neomys fodiens (Pennant) (欧亚水鼩) (Lutta 1968), Nyctalus noctula (普通夜蝠), Ochotona alpina (Pallas) (高山鼠兔), Prometheomys schaposchnikowi Satunin (长爪鼹鼠), Rattus norvegicus (Berkenhout) (褐鼠), Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus (红松鼠), Sicista betulina Pallas (北桦鼠), Sorex araneus Linnaeus (普通鼩鼱), Sorex caecutiens Laxmann (Laxmann 鼩鼱), Sorex daphaenodon Thomas (西伯利亚大牙鼩鼱) (Filippova 1977), Sorex isodon Turov (泰加鼩鼱) (Sapegina 1980), Sorex minutus Linnaeus (欧亚侏鼩), Sorex minutissimus Zimmermann (欧亚最小鼩鼱) (Filippova 1977), Sorex roboratus Hollister (扁头鼩鼱)

(Shtilmark 1963; Sapegina 1980), Spermophilus suslicus (Güldenstädt) (speckled ground squirrel), Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus) (red fox) (Filippova 1977).
(Shtilmark 1963; Sapegina 1980),苏氏地松鼠 (Spermophilus suslicus) (Güldenstädt) (斑点地松鼠),红狐 (Vulpes vulpes) (Linnaeus) (Filippova 1977)。
Aves: Anthus trivialis (Linnaeus) (tree pipit), Carduelis carduelis (Linnaeus) (European goldfinch), Dendrocopos major (Linnaeus) (great spotted woodpecker), Emberiza citronella Linnaeus (yellowhammer), Nucifraga caryocatactes (Linnaeus) (Eurasian nutcracker), Strix uralensis Pallas (Ural owl), Turdus viscivorus Linnaeus (mistle thrush) (Filippova 1977).
鸟类:树鹨(Anthus trivialis (Linnaeus))、欧洲金翅雀(Carduelis carduelis (Linnaeus))、大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocopos major (Linnaeus))、黄鹀(Emberiza citronella Linnaeus)、欧亚坚果啄木鸟(Nucifraga caryocatactes (Linnaeus))、乌拉尔猫头鹰(Strix uralensis Pallas)、槲寄生鸫(Turdus viscivorus Linnaeus)(Filippova 1977)。
Reptilia: Zootoca vivipara (viviparous lizard) (Lichtenstein) (Filippova 1977).
爬行动物:Zootoca vivipara(胎生蜥蜴)(利希滕施泰因)(菲利波娃 1977)。

Recorded locations (Fig. 5). Russia: North Karelia - Cape Kartesh (Stanyukovich and Fedorov 2022); Karelia (Lutta 1968) including the village Malaya Gomselga (southern Karelia) (Bespyatova and Bugmyrin 2015; Bespyatova et al. 2019), St. Petersburg (Tretyakov 2009), Leningrad Oblast (Sukhomlinova 1977), Novgorod Oblast (Grigoryeva and Tretyakov 1998), Pskov Oblast - the village Gogolevo (own data, unpublished), Kaliningrad Oblast, the Vistula Spit (own data, unpublished); Tver Oblast (Schipanov and Makhanko 2018), Tula Oblast (Kozlova et al. 2014), Perm Oblast (Korenberg et al. 2015), Eastern Upper Volga (Egorov et al. 2016), Krasnodar Krai and the Caucasus (Shatas 1957; Filippova and Stekol’nikov 2007), Kurgan Oblast (Starikov and Starikova 2021), Tyumen Oblast (Bragina et al. 2013), Omsk Oblast (Rar et al. 2014, 2020), Kemerovo Oblast (Kovalevsky et al. 2018), Western Sayan (Shtilmark 1963), Eastern Sayan (Schluger 1961), KhamarDaban ridge (Vershinina 1988). Belarus (Arzamasov 1963). Ukraine: Crimea (Filippova 2010), Polesia (Podobivskyi and Fedonyuk 2017). Moldova: north and central Moldova (Uspenskaya et al. 2006). Georgia: the village Bakuriani and the Roki Tunnel (Djaparidze 1960). Armenia: the whole territory (Ogandzhanyan 1960). Azerbaijan: the south of the country (Ogandzhanyan 1960).
记录的位置(图 5)。俄罗斯:北卡累利阿 - 卡尔特什角(Stanyukovich 和 Fedorov 2022);卡累利阿(Lutta 1968),包括马拉亚·戈姆塞尔加村(南卡累利阿)(Bespyatova 和 Bugmyrin 2015;Bespyatova 等 2019),圣彼得堡(Tretyakov 2009),列宁格勒州(Sukhomlinova 1977),诺夫哥罗德州(Grigoryeva 和 Tretyakov 1998),普斯科夫州 - 哥戈列沃村(自有数据,未发表),加里宁格勒州,维斯瓦沙嘴(自有数据,未发表);特维尔州(Schipanov 和 Makhanko 2018),图拉州(Kozlova 等 2014),佩尔姆州(Korenberg 等 2015),东上伏尔加(Egorov 等 2016),克拉斯诺达尔边疆区和高加索(Shatas 1957;Filippova 和 Stekol’nikov 2007),库尔干州(Starikov 和 Starikova 2021),秋明州(Bragina 等 2013),Omsk 州(Rar 等 2014, 2020),克麦罗沃州(Kovalevsky 等 2018),西萨扬(Shtilmark 1963),东萨扬(Schluger 1961),哈马尔达班山脊(Vershinina 1988)。白俄罗斯(Arzamasov 1963)。乌克兰:克里米亚(Filippova 2010),波列西耶(Podobivskyi 和 Fedonyuk 2017)。摩尔多瓦:北部和中部摩尔多瓦(Uspenskaya 等 2006)。 格鲁吉亚:巴库里亚尼村和罗基隧道(贾帕里泽 1960)。亚美尼亚:整个领土(奥甘贾尼扬 1960)。阿塞拜疆:该国南部(奥甘贾尼扬 1960)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes trianguliceps Birula has a wide geographical distribution in the Palaearctic region, occurring from the coast of Lake
生态学和其他信息。三角头蜱(Ixodes trianguliceps Birula)在古北界有广泛的地理分布,分布范围从湖泊的海岸到

Figure 5. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes trianguliceps was reported.
图 5. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了三角头蜱(Ixodes trianguliceps)的位置。
Baikal to Western Europe (Filippova 2010; Estrada-Peña et al. 2018). In the north it reaches northern Karelia and the Scandinavian Peninsula (Fedorov and Leonovich 2021). Also, an isolated southern population of this species was found in the Crimean Peninsula (Filippova 2010) although in other parts of Ukraine it is present in forest zones, such as Polesia (Podobivskyi and Fedonyuk 2017).
贝加尔湖到西欧(Filippova 2010;Estrada-Peña 等 2018)。在北部,它到达北卡累利阿和斯堪的纳维亚半岛(Fedorov 和 Leonovich 2021)。此外,在克里米亚半岛发现了该物种的一个孤立的南部种群(Filippova 2010),尽管在乌克兰的其他地区,它出现在森林区域,如波列西亚(Podobivskyi 和 Fedonyuk 2017)。
The population that was supposed to be isolated in the mountain systems of the Caucasus (Filippova 2010) now seems to be more expanded, as proved by the recent finding in Turkey (Bolu and Kars province, the north of Turkey) (Keskin and Selçuk 2021). The Kars province is located near the border with Georgia, where this species was known before (Djaparidze 1960) and, therefore, the ticks reported from there are probably part of the same Caucasian population.
原本应该在高加索山脉中隔离的人口(Filippova 2010)现在似乎更加扩展,最近在土耳其的发现证明了这一点(土耳其北部的博卢和卡尔斯省)(Keskin 和 Selçuk 2021)。卡尔斯省位于与格鲁吉亚的边界附近,该物种之前就已知存在于此(Djaparidze 1960),因此,从那里报告的蜱虫可能是同一高加索种群的一部分。
The map of findings of this tick species in Russia clearly illustrates that it lives in a broad range of forest biotopes throughout a vast territory including the zonal and mountain deciduous and mixed forest of the European type and forests of southern and middle-taiga types. Along the southern border of the largest part of the range in Russia, I. trianguliceps occurs in the forest-steppe zone, populating shrubby and forested biotopes. This distinctly correlates with the main habitats of shrews and rodents, because the presence of these small mammals together with well-developed soil litter, plays an important role in the abundance of ticks in the landscape, as it is known that shrews of the genus Sorex are the most preferable host for larvae (Randolph 1975).
该蜱种在俄罗斯的发现地图清楚地表明,它生活在广泛的森林生境中,覆盖了包括欧洲类型的带状和山地落叶林及南部和中部泰加林的广阔领土。在俄罗斯最大分布区的南部边界,I. trianguliceps 出现在森林-草原带,栖息于灌木和森林生境中。这与鼩鼱和啮齿动物的主要栖息地明显相关,因为这些小型哺乳动物的存在以及发达的土壤落叶层在景观中对蜱的丰度起着重要作用,因为已知鼩鼱属的鼩鼱是幼虫最喜欢的宿主(Randolph 1975)。
Interestingly, I. triangulipeps was also reported from two bat species (Myotis myotis in Poland (Siuda et al. 2009) and Nyctalus noctula in Russia, as well as several bird species and one reptile species (Filippova 1977). These animals are non-typical and occasional hosts for this tick species. The single cases of parasitism on these host species can be a clear indication that I I II. trianguliceps is predominantly an exophilic species, because it is unlikely that ticks could contact bats and birds in a burrow. Findings of this tick species in micropores of burrow tunnels in Belarus in winter (Arzamasov 1963) demonstrate only the ability of its larvae to remain active even during winter.
有趣的是,I. triangulipeps 也在两种蝙蝠物种(波兰的 Myotis myotis(Siuda et al. 2009)和俄罗斯的 Nyctalus noctula)以及几种鸟类和一种爬行动物物种(Filippova 1977)中被报道。这些动物是这种蜱虫物种的非典型和偶然宿主。这些宿主物种上的寄生单个案例可以清楚地表明 I I II . trianguliceps 主要是一种外寄生物种,因为蜱虫不太可能在洞穴中接触到蝙蝠和鸟类。在白俄罗斯冬季发现这种蜱虫物种在洞穴隧道的微孔中(Arzamasov 1963)仅表明其幼虫即使在冬季也能保持活跃。
Phylogenetic trees inferred from the concatenated nucleotide sequences of 10 protein-coding genes of the mitochondrial genome of I. trianguliceps, together with consideration of its morphology, justified to establish the new subgenus Filippoviella and include there I. trianguliceps together with aforementioned I. ghilarovi (Apanaskevich et al. 2024) both of which used to belong to the subgenus Exopalpiger.
从 I. trianguliceps 线粒体基因组 10 个蛋白编码基因的连接核苷酸序列推断出的系统发育树,以及对其形态的考虑,证明了建立新的亚属 Filippoviella 的合理性,并将 I. trianguliceps 与上述的 I. ghilarovi(Apanaskevich 等,2024)一起纳入其中,二者曾属于亚属 Exopalpiger。

Subgenus Ixodes Latreille, 1795: 179
亚属伊克斯德斯 拉特雷伊,1795:179

Ixodes apronophorus Schulze, 1924
Ixodes apronophorus Schulze, 1924: 281.
Ixodes arvicolae Warburton, 1926: 55; Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Ixodes arvalis Karpov & Popov, 1944: 75; Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Ixodes dorrien-smilhi Turk: Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Ixodes dorrien-smilhi 土耳其:Morel 和 Pérez 1978:201。

Ixodes dorriensmithi Turk: Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Ixodes dorriensmithi 土耳其:Morel 和 Pérez 1978:201。
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Alexandromys oeconomus (tundra vole), Apodemus agrarius (striped field mouse), Apodemus flavicollis (yellow-necked field mouse),
Apodemus sylvaticus (wood mouse), Arvicola amphibius (European water vole), Cricetus cricetus (European hamster), Craseomys rufocanus (grey red-backed vole), Erinaceus europaeus Linnaeus (European hedgehog), Eutamias sibiricus (Siberian chipmunk), Lasiopodomys gregalis (narrow-headed vole), Lepus timidus (mountain hare), Micromys minutus (Eurasian harvest mouse), Microtus arvalis (common vole), Microtus agrestis (Linnaeus) (short-tailed field vole), Mus musculus (house mouse), Mustela nivalis (least weasel), Mustela sibirica Pallas (Siberian weasel), Myodes glareolus (bank vole), Myodes rutilus (northern red-backed vole), Myopus schisticolor (wood lemming), Neomys fodiens (Eurasian water shrew), Nothocricetulus migratorius (grey dwarf hamster), Ondatra zibethicus (Linnaeus) (muskrat), Rattus rattus (Linnaeus) (black rat), Sicista betulina (northern birch mouse), Sorex araneus (common shrew), Sorex caecutiens (Laxmann’s shrew), Sorex daphaenodon (Siberian large-toothed shrew), Sorex isodon (taiga shrew), Sorex minutus (Eurasian pygmy shrew), Sorex roboratus (flat-skulled shrew), Talpa europaea Linnaeus (European mole), Vulpes vulpes (red fox) (Filippova 1977).
Apodemus sylvaticus (林鼠), Arvicola amphibius (欧洲水田鼠), Cricetus cricetus (欧洲仓鼠), Craseomys rufocanus (灰红背田鼠), Erinaceus europaeus Linnaeus (欧洲刺猬), Eutamias sibiricus (西伯利亚花鼠), Lasiopodomys gregalis (狭头田鼠), Lepus timidus (山兔), Micromys minutus (欧亚丰收鼠), Microtus arvalis (普通田鼠), Microtus agrestis (Linnaeus) (短尾田鼠), Mus musculus (家鼠), Mustela nivalis (最小鼬鼠), Mustela sibirica Pallas (西伯利亚鼬鼠), Myodes glareolus (银行田鼠), Myodes rutilus (北方红背田鼠), Myopus schisticolor (林土拨鼠), Neomys fodiens (欧亚水鼩鼱), Nothocricetulus migratorius (灰矮仓鼠), Ondatra zibethicus (Linnaeus) (麝鼠), Rattus rattus (Linnaeus) (黑鼠), Sicista betulina (北方桦鼠), Sorex araneus (普通鼩鼱), Sorex caecutiens (拉克斯曼鼩鼱), Sorex daphaenodon (西伯利亚大牙鼩鼱), Sorex isodon (泰加鼩鼱), Sorex minutus (欧亚侏鼩鼱), Sorex roboratus (扁头鼩鼱), Talpa europaea Linnaeus (欧洲鼹鼠), Vulpes vulpes (红狐) (Filippova 1977).
Aves: Anas crecca Linnaeus (Eurasian teal) (Adamovich 1968), Gallinula chloropus (Linnaeus) (common moorhen) (Filippova 1977), Motacilla alba (white wagtail), Turdus merula Linnaeus (common blackbird) (Adamovich 1968).
鸟类:绿头鸭(Anas crecca Linnaeus)(亚欧绿头鸭)(Adamovich 1968),水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)(Linnaeus)(普通水鸡)(Filippova 1977),白鹡鸰(Motacilla alba),黑鸫(Turdus merula Linnaeus)(普通黑鸫)(Adamovich 1968)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 6). Russia: Arkhangelsk Oblast (Olenev 1931a), Karelia (Lutta 1976), Saint-Petersburg (Tretyakov 2009), Leningrad Oblast (Sukhomlinova 1977), Vologda Oblast, Tver Oblast (Filippova 1977; Belova et al. 2008), Moscow Oblast (Mosolov 1961), the whole territory of the Upper-Volga (Egorov et al. 2016), Samara Oblast (Kirillova and Kirillov 2008a), Bryansk Oblast (Adamovich 1968), Voronezh Oblast, Nyzhny Novgorod Oblast (Solovyov 1966), Chuvash Republic (Petrov et al. 1967), Krasnodar Krai (Kalita and Pelipeychenko 1957; Shevchenko et al. 1960), Kabardino-Balkaria (Bittirova et al. 2019), Dagestan (Aliev et al. 2012), Perm Krai, Chelyabinsk Oblast (Filippova 1958a),
记录的地点(图 6)。俄罗斯:阿尔汉格尔斯克州(Olenev 1931a),卡累利阿(Lutta 1976),圣彼得堡(Tretyakov 2009),列宁格勒州(Sukhomlinova 1977),沃洛格达州,特维尔州(Filippova 1977;Belova 等,2008),莫斯科州(Mosolov 1961),上伏尔加全境(Egorov 等,2016),萨马拉州(Kirillova 和 Kirillov 2008a),布良斯克州(Adamovich 1968),沃罗涅日州,下诺夫哥罗德州(Solovyov 1966),楚瓦什共和国(Petrov 等,1967),克拉斯诺达尔边疆区(Kalita 和 Pelipeychenko 1957;Shevchenko 等,1960),卡巴尔达-巴尔卡尔(Bittirova 等,2019),达吉斯坦(Aliev 等,2012),佩尔姆边疆区,车里雅宾斯克州(Filippova 1958a),

Figure 6. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes apronophorus was reported.
图 6. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes apronophorus 的地点。
Ekaterinburg (Chernousova and Tolkachyov 2009), Omsk Oblast (Znamenskiy district and Bolsheukov district) (Sabitova et al. 2023), Khanty-Mansiysk (Popov 1967), Surgut (Petukhov et al. 2018), Novosibirsk Oblast (Novosibirsk and Toguchinsky District) (Mal’kova and Bogdanov 2004), Tyumen Oblast - Nyzhnevartovsk (Starikov et al. 2017a), Kurgan Oblast (Starikov and Starikova 2021), Salekhard (Starikov et al. 2017a), Tomsk Oblast (Chainsky District) (Mal’kova and Bogdanov 2004), Kemerovo Oblast, Altai Krai, Altai Republic (Bogdanov and Yakimenko 2016), Krasnoyarsk Krai - Podkamennaya Tunguska River and the rural locality Bolshoy Kemchug (Voltsyt 1997). Ukraine: Volyn Polesie (Adamovich 1968), outskirts of Kyiv (Akimov and Nebogatkin 2013), Cherkassy Oblast (Nikitchenko 2011), the North-Western seacoast of the Black Sea (Rusev 2009). Belarus: throughout the whole territory (Subbotina and Osmolovsky 2022). Moldova: reedbeds of the lower reaches of the Prut River (Uspenskaya et al. 1984). Kazakhstan: Jambyl Region (Galuzo 1950), Jetisu Region - outskirts of Taldykorgan and Jarkent, Almaty Region - outskirts of Sarkand and Almaty (Golov 1933; Sorokoumov 1937; Ushakova and Fedosenko 1972; Ushakova et al. 1976). Kyrgyastan: outskirts of Bishkek, Tokmak Reserve (Grebenyuk 1966), Chuy Valley (Kharadov et al. 2013).
叶卡捷琳堡(Chernousova 和 Tolkachyov 2009),Omsk 州(Znamenskiy 区和 Bolsheukov 区)(Sabitova 等 2023),汉特-曼西斯克(Popov 1967),苏尔古特(Petukhov 等 2018),新西伯利亚州(新西伯利亚和托古钦区)(Mal’kova 和 Bogdanov 2004),图门州 - 尼日涅瓦尔托夫斯克(Starikov 等 2017a),库尔干州(Starikov 和 Starikova 2021),萨列哈尔德(Starikov 等 2017a),托木斯克州(Chainsky 区)(Mal’kova 和 Bogdanov 2004),克麦罗沃州,阿尔泰边疆区,阿尔泰共和国(Bogdanov 和 Yakimenko 2016),克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区 - 波德卡门纳亚通古斯卡河和乡村聚落博尔肖伊·肯丘格(Voltsyt 1997)。乌克兰:沃伦波列西耶(Adamovich 1968),基辅郊区(Akimov 和 Nebogatkin 2013),切尔卡瑟州(Nikitchenko 2011),黑海西北海岸(Rusev 2009)。白俄罗斯:整个领土(Subbotina 和 Osmolovsky 2022)。摩尔多瓦:普鲁特河下游的芦苇荡(Uspenskaya 等 1984)。 哈萨克斯坦:贾姆比尔州(Galuzo 1950),杰季苏州 - 塔尔迪科尔干和贾尔肯特的郊区,阿拉木图州 - 萨尔坎德和阿拉木图的郊区(Golov 1933;Sorokoumov 1937;Ushakova 和 Fedosenko 1972;Ushakova 等 1976)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:比什凯克郊区,托克马克保护区(Grebenyuk 1966),楚河谷(Kharadov 等 2013)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes apronophorus has a wide distribution in the Northern Palearctic from the Atlantic coast to Eastern Siberia. Its geographical range generally coincides with the distribution of the water vole, its most frequent host, as both the tick and its common host prefer swampy and humid places for living, especially near water bodies.
Ixodes eldaricus Djaparidze, 1950
Ixodes eldaricus Dzhaparidze, 1950: 117.
Ixodes tatei Arthur, 1959: 108; Clifford et al. 1973: 489.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Alectoris chukar (Gray) (chukar partridge), Anthus campestris (Linnaeus) (tawny pipit), Athene noctua (Scopoli) (little owl), Chroicocephalus ridibundus (Linnaeus) (black-headed gull), Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Linnaeus) (hawfinch), Coloeus monedula (Linnaeus) (western jackdaw), Curruca communis (Latham) (common whitethroat), Emberiza bruniceps Brandt (red-headed bunting), Galerida cristata (Linnaeus) (crested lark), Lullula arborea (Linnaeus) (woodlark), Luscinia svecica (Linnaeus) (bluethroat), Melanocorypha bimaculata (Ménétrés) (bimaculated lark), Monticola solitarius (Linnaeus) (blue rock thrush), Oenanthe sp. (wheatear), Passer domesticus (Linnaeus) (house sparrow), Perdix perdix (grey partridge), Petronia petronia (Linnaeus) (rock sparrow), Phoenicurus erythronotus (Eversmann) (Eversmann’s redstart), Phylloscopus griseolus (Blyth) (sulphur-bellied warbler), Pica pica (Linnaeus) (Eurasian magpie), Sitta tephronota Sharpe (Eastern rock nuthatch), Turdus merula (common blackbird) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。鸟类:灰鹧鸪(Alectoris chukar)、草地鹨(Anthus campestris)、小鸮(Athene noctua)、黑头鸥(Chroicocephalus ridibundus)、红雀(Coccothraustes coccothraustes)、西方喜鹊(Coloeus monedula)、普通白喉(Curruca communis)、红头雀(Emberiza bruniceps Brandt)、冠鹤(Galerida cristata)、林鹨(Lullula arborea)、蓝喉(Luscinia svecica)、双斑鹤(Melanocorypha bimaculata)、蓝岩鸫(Monticola solitarius)、白腰草鹨(Oenanthe sp.)、家麻雀(Passer domesticus)、灰鹧鸪(Perdix perdix)、岩麻雀(Petronia petronia)、埃弗曼红尾(Phoenicurus erythronotus)、灰腹柳莺(Phylloscopus griseolus)、欧亚喜鹊(Pica pica)、东岩雀(Sitta tephronota Sharpe)、黑鸫(Turdus merula)(Filippova 1977)。
Mammalia: Crocidura leucodon (bicolored shrew), Meriones persicus (Blanford) (Persian jird), Mus musculus (house mouse), Nesokia indica (Gray) (shorttailed bandicoot rat), grey dwarf hamster Nothocricetulus migratorius (Pallas), Rattus pyctoris (Hodgson) (Turkestan rat), Rhinolophus mehelyi (Mehely’s horseshoe bat) (Filippova 1977).
哺乳动物:Crocidura leucodon(二色鼩鼱),Meriones persicus(布兰福德)(波斯沙鼠),Mus musculus(家鼠),Nesokia indica(格雷)(短尾袋鼠鼠),灰矮仓鼠 Nothocricetulus migratorius(帕拉斯),Rattus pyctoris(霍奇森)(土库曼鼠),Rhinolophus mehelyi(梅赫利的蝙蝠)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 7). Russia: Dagestan and North Osetia-Alania (Shatas 1957; Filippova 1977). Ukraine: Crimean Peninsula, in particular the Tarkhankut Peninsula and the Kara Dag (Filippova 1974). Georgia: the Shiraki Plain and the Vashlovani Nature Reserve (Djaparidze 1950, 1960). Armenia: Vayots Dzor Province - the rural locality Herher (Ogandzhanyan 1959). Azerbaijan: Karabakh Plateau - Lachin District and Hadrut District, Adzhynokhur Steppe (Ogandzhanyan 1959; Filippova 1977). Kazakhstan: Dzungarian Alatau (Ushakova et al. 1976) and Trans-Ili Alatau (Filippova 1977). Kyrgyzstan: Terskey Ala-too Range (Filippova 1974). Turkmenistan: the Kopet Dagh - the valley of the Chandyr River, Magtymguly, Gökdepe District, outskirts of Ashgabad, Köytendag Range, Bayramaly (Kerbabaev 1960; Kochkareva et al. 1971; Berdyev 1973; Scherbinina 1973). Uzbekistan: Termez (Filippova 1977). Tajikistan: Hisar Range, Varzob gorge, outskirts of Dushanbe (Filippova 1977).
记录的位置(图 7)。俄罗斯:达吉斯坦和北奥塞梯-阿兰(Shatas 1957;Filippova 1977)。乌克兰:克里米亚半岛,特别是塔尔汗库特半岛和卡拉达格(Filippova 1974)。格鲁吉亚:希拉基平原和瓦什洛瓦尼自然保护区(Djaparidze 1950, 1960)。亚美尼亚:瓦约茨泽尔省 - 乡村赫赫尔(Ogandzhanyan 1959)。阿塞拜疆:卡拉巴赫高原 - 拉钦区和哈德鲁特区,阿金霍尔草原(Ogandzhanyan 1959;Filippova 1977)。哈萨克斯坦:准噶尔阿拉套(Ushakova et al. 1976)和特兰斯伊利阿拉套(Filippova 1977)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:特尔斯基阿拉图山脉(Filippova 1974)。土库曼斯坦:科佩特山 - 钱迪尔河谷,马赫廷古利,戈克德佩区,阿什哈巴德郊区,库延达格山脉,拜拉马利(Kerbabaev 1960;Kochkareva et al. 1971;Berdyev 1973;Scherbinina 1973)。乌兹别克斯坦:特尔梅兹(Filippova 1977)。塔吉克斯坦:希萨尔山脉,瓦尔佐布峡谷,杜尚别郊区(Filippova 1977)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes eldaricus is a little studied endophilic tick species which is mainly a parasite of ground-feeding birds although nymphs and larvae, besides birds, were also found on small mammals - rodents and shrews. It usually inhabits deciduous mountain forests and shrub thickets in mountain river valleys. The vertical distribution range of its occurrence varies from 300 (Ashgabat) to 1800 m (Terskey Ala-too Range and Hisar Range) a. s. I. (Filippova 1977).
生态学和其他信息。伊克索德斯·埃尔达里库斯是一种研究较少的内生性蜱虫,主要寄生于地面觅食的鸟类,尽管在小型哺乳动物(如啮齿动物和鼩鼱)身上也发现了幼虫和若虫。它通常栖息在山谷的落叶山林和灌木丛中。其分布的垂直范围从 300 米(阿什哈巴德)到 1800 米(特尔斯基阿拉图山脉和希萨尔山脉)不等(菲利波娃 1977 年)。
Briefly described by a female from the east of Georgia (type locality: the Shiraki Plain), I. eldaricus was later found in Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the male, nymph descriptions were based on the material from Azerbaijan (Ogandzhanyan 1959). The holotype female described from the grey partridge is stored at the Institute of Zoology of Ilia State University. The above findings from post-Soviet territories are known from the Crimea, as well as the Causasus and Central Asia. The majority of samples are stored at the collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
由来自乔治亚东部的女性简要描述的 I. eldaricus(类型产地:希拉基平原),后来在亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆被发现,雄性和若虫的描述是基于来自阿塞拜疆的材料(Ogandzhanyan 1959)。描述自灰鹧鸪的模式雌性样本存放在伊利亚国立大学动物学研究所。上述来自后苏联地区的发现已知于克里米亚,以及高加索和中亚。大多数样本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所的收藏中。

Figure 7. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes eldaricus was reported.
图 7. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes eldaricus 的地点。
Additionally, it is important to note that in Crimea this tick species is considered disappearing (Nebogatkin 1998) due to anthropogenic pressure followed by destruction of its habitats and decline in its host populations (Uspensky 2021).
此外,值得注意的是,在克里米亚,这种蜱虫物种被认为正在消失(Nebogatkin 1998),这是由于人类活动造成的压力,导致其栖息地的破坏和宿主种群的减少(Uspensky 2021)。

Ixodes kashmiricus Pomerantsev, 1948

Ixodes kaschmiricus Pomerantsev, 1948: 132; Filippova 1969: 675. Ixodes persulcatus kaschmiricus Pomerantsev, 1948: 132; Filippova 1969: 675.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Apodemus sylvaticus (wood mouse), Canis familiaris Linnaeus (dog), Ovis aries Linnaeus (sheep) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:Apodemus sylvaticus(林鼠),Canis familiaris Linnaeus(狗),Ovis aries Linnaeus(羊)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 8). Kyrgyzstan: the Tien Shan - northern and eastern slopes of the Terskey Ala-too range (gorges Ulken-Kokpak and Chon-Dzhargylchak) (Filippova 1969).
记录的位置(图 8)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:天山 - 特尔斯凯阿拉图山脉的北坡和东坡(乌尔肯-科克帕克峡谷和乔恩-贾尔吉尔恰克峡谷)(Filippova 1969)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes kashmiricus is a tick species with a disjunctive relict range limited by the Tien Shan in Kyrgyzstan as well as India (Filippova 1977) and Pakistan (Numan et al. 2022). In Kyrgyzstan the tick was found mainly in the mid-altitude vertical zone of the mountains at the lower border of the forest at the altitude of 2000 and 2500 m a . s. I. Cases of parasitism on humans have been recorded (Hoogstraal 1970).
生态学和其他信息。克什米尔蜱是一种蜱虫,分布范围不连续,受限于吉尔吉斯斯坦的天山以及印度(Filippova 1977)和巴基斯坦(Numan et al. 2022)。在吉尔吉斯斯坦,这种蜱虫主要分布在中等海拔的山地垂直带,位于森林的下边界,海拔在 2000 和 2500 米之间。已记录到对人类的寄生案例(Hoogstraal 1970)。
Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear genes showed that I. kashmiricus belongs to the I. ricinus group (Kovalev et al. 2018) and clusters with such members of the I. ricinus group as I. apronophorus and I. kazakstani (Numan et al. 2022).
线粒体和核基因的系统发育分析表明,I. kashmiricus 属于 I. ricinus 组(Kovalev et al. 2018),并与 I. ricinus 组的成员如 I. apronophorus 和 I. kazakstani 聚类(Numan et al. 2022)。
The type specimens are stored at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and include the lectotype - female; [India], Kashmir,
类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括模式标本 - 雌性;[印度],克什米尔,

Figure 8. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes kashmiricus was reported.
图 8. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes kashmiricus 的地点。
Vardvan Maru River, northern tributary of Chinab River, 10-13. V.1910, coll. S.P. Trubetskoi; AL I533, as well as the paralectotype - male; AL 533a. Ixodes kashmiricus (see: Filippova 1969: 677). Description - Filippova 1977: 292-296 (female, male, nymph, larva) (Filippova 2008). Originally the tick was named I. persulcatus kaschmiricus (lapsus).

Ixodes kazakstani Olenev & Sorokoumov, 1934

Recoeded hosts. Mammalia: Apodemus sylvaticus (wood mouse) (Filippova 1977), Canis familiaris (domestic dog) (Kovalev et al. 2018), Dryomys nitedula (Pallas) (forest dormouse), Lepus tolai Pallas (tolai hare), Mus musculus (house mouse), Nothocricetulus migratorius (grey dwarf hamster) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:Apodemus sylvaticus(林鼠)(Filippova 1977),Canis familiaris(家犬)(Kovalev et al. 2018),Dryomys nitedula(帕拉斯)(森林睡鼠),Lepus tolai Pallas(托莱兔),Mus musculus(家鼠),Nothocricetulus migratorius(灰矮仓鼠)(Filippova 1977)。
Aves: Phasianus colchicus Linnaeus (common pheasant) (Filippova 1977).
鸟类:雉(Phasianus colchicus Linnaeus)(普通雉)(Filippova 1977)。

Recorded locations (Fig. 9). Kazakhstan: Betpak-Dala - the valley of the Chu River (Ushakova 1961), Tian Shan - the valley of the Ili River (Ushakova 1958; Kovalev et al. 2018), outskirts of Jarkent (Olenev and Sorokoumov 1934; Pomerantsev 1950). Kyrgyzstan: the Issyk-Kul basin (Filippova 1958b; Kovalev et al. 2018), the valley of the Talas River (Olenev and Sorokoumov 1934; Pomerantsev 1950; Grebenyuk 1966; Lyashko 1973; Kovalev et al. 2018).
记录的位置(图 9)。哈萨克斯坦:贝特帕克-达拉 - 丘河谷(乌沙科娃 1961),天山 - 伊犁河谷(乌沙科娃 1958;科瓦列夫等 2018),贾尔肯特郊区(奥列涅夫和索罗库莫夫 1934;波梅兰采夫 1950)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:伊塞克湖盆地(菲利波娃 1958b;科瓦列夫等 2018),塔拉斯河谷(奥列涅夫和索罗库莫夫 1934;波梅兰采夫 1950;格列别纽克 1966;利亚什科 1973;科瓦列夫等 2018)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes kazakstani is a tick species with a disjunctive relict range limited by Southeastern Kazakhstan and neighboring territories of Kyrgyzstan (Filippova 1977). The patchy arrangement of its range can be explained, above all, by associations of this tick mainly with the animals dwelling in tugai forests which also create humidity conditions in the soil suitable for this tick species (Filippova 1958b). Also, there are some cases of parasitism on livestock and humans (Lyashko 1973; Filippova 1977). On livestock it was found in few numbers among mass parasitism of other tick species.
生态学和其他信息。哈萨克斯坦伊克斯德斯是一种蜱虫,其分布范围不连续,限于哈萨克斯坦东南部及邻近的吉尔吉斯斯坦地区(Filippova 1977)。其分布范围的零散排列主要可以通过这种蜱虫与栖息在塔盖森林中的动物的关联来解释,这些动物也为这种蜱虫提供了适合的土壤湿度条件(Filippova 1958b)。此外,偶尔也有寄生于家畜和人类的案例(Lyashko 1973;Filippova 1977)。在家畜中,它的数量较少,主要出现在其他蜱虫种类的大规模寄生中。

Figure 9. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes kazakstani was reported.
图 9. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了伊克斯德斯·哈萨克斯坦尼的地点。
Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear genes showed that I. kazakstani belongs to the I. ricinus group (Kovalev et al. 2018) and clusters with such members of the I. ricinus group as I. apronophorus and I. kashmiricus (Numan et al. 2022). Ixodes kazakstani can presumably exemplify links between Nearctic and Palearctic species, so further studies of genetic sequences of I. kazakstani are necessary to understand better evolutionary connections between more tick species in the I. ricinus group.
线粒体和核基因的系统发育分析表明,I. kazakstani 属于 I. ricinus 组(Kovalev 等,2018),并与 I. ricinus 组的成员如 I. apronophorus 和 I. kashmiricus 聚类(Numan 等,2022)。Ixodes kazakstani 可能代表了近北区和古北区物种之间的联系,因此有必要进一步研究 I. kazakstani 的基因序列,以更好地理解 I. ricinus 组中更多蜱类物种之间的进化联系。
The type specimens are stored at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and include the holotype: female; Kazakhstan, Jarkent, collected from human dress, 20.VI.1932, coll. Kirin; AL I536. Description - Filippova 1977: 283-290 (female, male, nymph, larva) (Filippova 2008).
类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括模式标本:雌性;哈萨克斯坦,贾尔肯,从人类衣物中采集,1932 年 6 月 20 日,采集者:基林;AL I536。描述 - Filippova 1977: 283-290(雌性,雄性,若虫,幼虫)(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes laguri Olenev, 1929

Ixodes laguri Olenev, 1929a: 489.
Ixodes redikorzevi lagurae Olenev: Olenev 1931b: 62.
Ixodes laguri armeniacus Kirshenblat, 1938: 46; Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Ixodes laguri colchicus Pomerantsev, 1946: 1; Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Ixodes laguri slovacicus Cerny, 1960: 178; Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Allactaga major (Kerr) (great jerboa), Allocricetulus eversmanni (Brandt) (Eversmann’s hamster), Apodemus sylvaticus (wood mouse), Chionomys nivalis (European snow vole), Cricetus cricetus (European hamster), Dryomys nitedula (forest dormouse), Ellobius talpinus (Pallas) (northern mole vole), Erinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog), Glis glis (Linnaeus) (European edible dormouse), Hemiechinus auratus (Gmelin) (long-eared hedgehog), Lagurus lagurus (Pallas) (steppe lemming), Marmota bobak (Müller) (bobak marmot), Martes martes (Linnaeus) (European pine marten), Microtus arvalis (common vole), Microtus socialis (social vole), Meles meles (Linnaeus) (European badger), Meriones meridianus (Pallas) (midday jird), Mesocricetus brandti (Pallas) (Turkish hamster), Mesocricetus raddei (Nehring) (Ciscaucasian hamster), Mus musculus (house mouse), Mustela eversmanii (Lesson) (steppe polecat), Mustela nivalis (least weasel), Nothocricetulus migratorius (grey dwarf hamster), Pygeretmus pumilio (Kerr) (dwarf fat-tailed jerboa), Rattus rattus (black rat), Spalax microphthalmos Gueldenstaedt (greater blind mole-rat), Spermophilus citellus (Linnaeus) (European ground squirrel), Spermophilus fulvus (Lichtenstein) (yellow ground squirrel), Spermophilus pygmaeus (Pallas) (little ground squirrel), Spermophilus suslicus (speckled ground squirrel), Spermophilus xanthoprymnus (Bennett) (Asia Minor ground squirrel), Stylodipus telum (Lichtenstein) (thicktailed three-toed jerboa), Vormela peregusna (Güldenstädt) (marbled polecat), Vulpes corsac (Linnaeus) (Corsac fox), Vulpes vulpes (red fox) (Filippova 1977).
记录的主机。哺乳动物:大沙鼠(Allactaga major (Kerr))、埃弗斯曼仓鼠(Allocricetulus eversmanni (Brandt))、林鼠(Apodemus sylvaticus)、欧洲雪鼠(Chionomys nivalis)、欧洲仓鼠(Cricetus cricetus)、森林睡鼠(Dryomys nitedula)、北方鼹鼠(Ellobius talpinus (Pallas))、欧洲刺猬(Erinaceus europaeus)、欧洲可食用睡鼠(Glis glis (Linnaeus))、长耳刺猬(Hemiechinus auratus (Gmelin))、草原旅鼠(Lagurus lagurus (Pallas))、博巴克土拨鼠(Marmota bobak (Müller))、欧洲松貂(Martes martes (Linnaeus))、普通田鼠(Microtus arvalis)、社交田鼠(Microtus socialis)、欧洲獾(Meles meles (Linnaeus))、中午沙鼠(Meriones meridianus (Pallas))、土耳其仓鼠(Mesocricetus brandti (Pallas))、西高加索仓鼠(Mesocricetus raddei (Nehring))、家鼠(Mus musculus)、草原黄鼠(Mustela eversmanii (Lesson))、最小鼬鼠(Mustela nivalis)、灰矮仓鼠(Nothocricetulus migratorius)、侏儒肥尾沙鼠(Pygeretmus pumilio (Kerr))、黑鼠(Rattus rattus)、大盲鼹鼠(Spalax microphthalmos Gueldenstaedt)、欧洲地松鼠(Spermophilus citellus (Linnaeus))lus fulvus (Lichtenstein) (黄地松鼠), Spermophilus pygmaeus (Pallas) (小松鼠), Spermophilus suslicus (斑点松鼠), Spermophilus xanthoprymnus (Bennett) (小亚细亚松鼠), Stylodipus telum (Lichtenstein) (厚尾三趾沙鼠), Vormela peregusna (Güldenstädt) (大理石鼬), Vulpes corsac (Linnaeus) (科尔萨克狐), Vulpes vulpes (红狐) (Filippova 1977).
Recorded locations (Fig. 10). Russia: Samara Oblast (Kirillova and Kirillov 2008b), Rostov Oblast (Stakheev and Panasyuk 2016), Krasnodar Krai (Popov et al. 2019), Stavropol Krai (Tsapko 2019), Volgograd Oblast, Astrakhan Oblast (Nelzina et al. 1955), Kalmyk Republic (Sandzhiev et al. 2006), Chechnya (Baisarova 2021), Dagestan (Musaev et al. 2019) and North Osetia-Alania (Filippova 1977). Ukraine: Kyiv (Omeri and Moysak 2013), Odesa Oblast (Rusev 2008), Kherson Oblast, Chernivtsi Oblast, Ternopil Oblast, Luhansk Oblast, Donetsk
记录的位置(图 10)。俄罗斯:萨马拉州(Kirillova 和 Kirillov 2008b),罗斯托夫州(Stakheev 和 Panasyuk 2016),克拉斯诺达尔边疆区(Popov 等,2019),斯塔夫罗波尔边疆区(Tsapko 2019),伏尔加格勒州,阿斯特拉罕州(Nelzina 等,1955),卡尔梅克共和国(Sandzhiev 等,2006),车臣(Baisarova 2021),达吉斯坦(Musaev 等,2019)和北奥塞梯-阿兰尼亚(Filippova 1977)。乌克兰:基辅(Omeri 和 Moysak 2013),敖德萨州(Rusev 2008),赫尔松州,切尔诺夫策州,特尔诺波尔州,卢甘斯克州,顿涅茨克

Figure 10. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes laguri was reported.
图 10. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告 Ixodes laguri 的地点。
Oblast, the Crimean Peninsula, particularly in the Syvash (Filippova 1958a; Emchuk 1960; Sklyar 1970; Andryushchenko et al. 2005; Evstafiev 2017). Moldova: Bălți Steppe, Bugeac Steppe (Filippova 1977) and Tiraspol (Kravchenko 2014). Georgia: Abkhazia (Shaposhnikova and Sakhno 2012), Imereti (Sukhiashvili et al. 2020), Lagodekhi Nature Reserve (Djaparidze 1960). Armenia: Lori Province -Nalband and the valley of the river Hrazdan (Filippova 1977). Azerbaijan: Talysh (Pomerantsev 1950), the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - the Zangezur Mountains (Kadatskaya and Shirova 1963; Filippova 1977). Kazakhstan: West Kazakhstan Region (Pomerantsev 1950; Levit 1957; Filippova 1977), Kyzylorda Region (Loseva 1963), Kostanay Region, Akmola Region (Ushakova 1961, 1962). Turkmenistan: the Kopet Dagh (Kerbabaev 1961).
oblast,克里米亚半岛,特别是在西瓦什(Filippova 1958a;Emchuk 1960;Sklyar 1970;Andryushchenko 等,2005;Evstafiev 2017)。摩尔多瓦:巴尔茨草原,布盖克草原(Filippova 1977)和蒂拉斯波尔(Kravchenko 2014)。格鲁吉亚:阿布哈兹(Shaposhnikova 和 Sakhno 2012),伊梅列季(Sukhiashvili 等,2020),拉戈德基自然保护区(Djaparidze 1960)。亚美尼亚:洛里省 - Nalband 和哈兹丹河谷(Filippova 1977)。阿塞拜疆:塔利什(Pomerantsev 1950),纳希切万自治共和国 - 扎金祖尔山脉(Kadatskaya 和 Shirova 1963;Filippova 1977)。哈萨克斯坦:西哈萨克斯坦地区(Pomerantsev 1950;Levit 1957;Filippova 1977),卡拉干达地区(Loseva 1963),科斯塔奈地区,阿克莫拉地区(Ushakova 1961,1962)。土库曼斯坦:科佩特山(Kerbabaev 1961)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes laguri is a tick species which is mainly a nidicolous parasite of rodents and small and medium carnivores, first of all ground squirrels. It is present usually in zonal and mountainous steppes at the altitude of 1500 m a.s.I. This tick species is less common in desert and semi-desert biotopes (Filippova 1977).
生态学和其他信息。拉古里蜱是一种主要寄生于啮齿动物和小型及中型食肉动物(首先是地松鼠)的巢居寄生虫。它通常出现在海拔 1500 米的带状和山区草原中。这种蜱在沙漠和半沙漠生境中较为少见(Filippova 1977)。
Filippova (1977) states that the tick has four subspecies - I. laguri laguri, I. I. armeniacus, I. I. colchicus and I. I. slovacicus. The differential characters of the female and the male of I. I. slovacicus are based on comparison with characters of the other subspecies in Pomerantsev (1950) but some of them, such as the genital aperture and chaetotaxy of the scutum and the hypostome and the coxa 1, are not characterized precisely enough (Filippova 1977).
Filippova (1977) 指出,蜱虫有四个亚种 - I. laguri laguri, I. I. armeniacus, I. I. colchicus 和 I. I. slovacicus。I. I. slovacicus 的雌性和雄性的差异特征是基于与 Pomerantsev (1950) 中其他亚种特征的比较,但其中一些特征,如生殖孔和盾片、下颚和第一胫节的毛发分布,描述得不够准确(Filippova 1977)。
According to Filippova (1977), I. laguri laguri can be found in Moldova, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, as well as in the south of Russia; I. I. armeniacus is distributed in the Caucasus - North Osetia-Alania, Dagestan, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan; I. I. colchicus is known from the western spurs of the Greater Caucasus, the now abandoned rural locality Babuk-Aul; I. I. slovacicus was described from the south-east of Slovakia.
根据 Filippova(1977),I. laguri laguri 可以在摩尔多瓦、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦以及俄罗斯南部找到;I. I. armeniacus 分布在高加索地区 - 北奥塞梯-阿兰尼亚、达吉斯坦、格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆;I. I. colchicus 已知来自大高加索的西部山脊,现在已废弃的乡村地点 Babuk-Aul;I. I. slovacicus 是从斯洛伐克东南部描述的。
The type specimens of I. laguri are deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and include I. I. armeniacus: the lectotype, female; Armenia, Nalband, from Mesocricetus brandti Nehr., 9.9.1936; AL I558 and the paralectotype, male; AL I556, description - Filippova 1977:384 (female, male, nymph; larva unknown). (Filippova 2008), as well as I. I. colchicus: the lectotype, male; Western Caucasus, near Babuk-Aul, Glis glis L., 30.9.1935, coll. V. K. Popov, det. B. Pomerantsev: I. I. colchicus, type; AL I554a; paralectotypes: 2 females; AL I554a, description - Filippova 1977: 384 (female, male; nymph and larva unknown) (Filippova 2008).
I. laguri 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括 I. I. armeniacus:正模标本,雌性;亚美尼亚,Nalband,来自 Mesocricetus brandti Nehr.,1936 年 9 月 9 日;AL I558 和副模标本,雄性;AL I556,描述 - Filippova 1977:384(雌性,雄性,若虫;幼虫未知)。(Filippova 2008),以及 I. I. colchicus:正模标本,雄性;西高加索,靠近 Babuk-Aul,Glis glis L.,1935 年 9 月 30 日,采集者 V. K. Popov,鉴定 B. Pomerantsev:I. I. colchicus,类型;AL I554a;副模标本:2 只雌性;AL I554a,描述 - Filippova 1977: 384(雌性,雄性;若虫和幼虫未知)(Filippova 2008)。
Ixodes nipponensis Kitaoka & Saito, 1967
伊克索德斯·尼波嫩西斯 北冈 & 斋藤, 1967
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Apodemus agrarius (striped field mouse), Craseomys rufocanus (grey red-backed vole), Microtus fortis (Büchner) (reed vole), Myodes rutilus (northern red-backed vole) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:田鼠(Apodemus agrarius)、灰红背田鼠(Craseomys rufocanus)、布赫尔田鼠(Microtus fortis)、北红背田鼠(Myodes rutilus)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 11). Russia: Primorsky Krai - the Lake Khasan, the Poyma River, the Partizansky District, outskirts of urban localities Posyet, Kraskino, Slavyanka and cities Vladivostok and Nakhodka, near the village Rechitsa (Filippova 1969; Filippova and Belyaev 1970; Allenov et al. 2015).
记录的位置(图 11)。俄罗斯:滨海边疆区 - 哈桑湖,波伊马河,帕尔季赞斯基区,城市聚落波谢特、克拉斯基诺、斯拉维扬卡及城市弗拉迪沃斯托克和纳霍德卡,靠近村庄雷奇察(Filippova 1969;Filippova 和 Belyaev 1970;Allenov 等 2015)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes nipponensis is a tick species found in Russia in the south and south-west of the Primorsky Krai and also in the Korean peninsula and Japan (Filippova 1977). In Russia it was reported mainly from murine rodents, although in the Republic of Korea it was also observed on lizards (Kim et al. 2018) and cattle, goats, dogs, horses, and birds in Japan (Kitaoka and Saito 1967; Yamaguti et al. 1971).
生态学和其他信息。日本蜱是一种蜱虫,分布在俄罗斯的南部和西南部的滨海边疆区,以及朝鲜半岛和日本(Filippova 1977)。在俄罗斯,它主要在鼠类中被报告,尽管在韩国也观察到它在蜥蜴上(Kim et al. 2018),在日本则在牛、山羊、狗、马和鸟类上被发现(Kitaoka 和 Saito 1967;Yamaguti et al. 1971)。

Figure 11. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes nipponensis was reported.
图 11. 显示报告了日本蜱(Ixodes nipponensis)位置的俄罗斯及邻国地图。
Multiple cases of parasitism on humans have been recorded (Nakatsukase and Hatsushika 1985; Paik et al. 1989; Cho et al. 1995; Chu et al. 1997; Ryu et al. 1998; Ko et al. 2002).
已记录多例对人类的寄生现象(Nakatsukase 和 Hatsushika 1985;Paik 等 1989;Cho 等 1995;Chu 等 1997;Ryu 等 1998;Ko 等 2002)。

Ixodes occultus Pomerantsev, 1946

Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Crocidura suaveolens (lesser white-toothed shrew), Diplomesodon pulchellum (Lichtenstein) (piebald shrew), Meriones libycus Lichtenstein (Libyan jird), Meriones meridianus (midday jird), Meriones persicus (Persian jird), Mustela nivalis (least weasel), Nothocricetulus migratorius (grey dwarf hamster), Rhombomys opimus (Lichtenstein) (great gerbil), Spermophilopsis leptodactylus (Lichtenstein) (long-clawed ground squirrel), Vormela peregusna (marbled polecat) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:Crocidura suaveolens(小白牙鼩鼱)、Diplomesodon pulchellum(利希滕斯坦)(斑点鼩鼱)、Meriones libycus Lichtenstein(利比亚沙鼠)、Meriones meridianus(中午沙鼠)、Meriones persicus(波斯沙鼠)、Mustela nivalis(最小鼬鼠)、Nothocricetulus migratorius(灰矮仓鼠)、Rhombomys opimus(利希滕斯坦)(大沙鼠)、Spermophilopsis leptodactylus(利希滕斯坦)(长爪地松鼠)、Vormela peregusna(大理石鼬)(Filippova 1977)。
Reptilia: Gloydius halys (Pallas) (Halys pit viper) (Filippova 1977).
爬行动物:哈利斯蛇(Gloydius halys)(帕拉斯)(哈利斯响尾蛇)(Filippova 1977)。

Recorded locations (Fig. 12). Kazakhstan: Mangystau Region - the Mangyshlak Peninsula (Kaluzhenkova et al. 1961) and the Ustyurt Plateau; Kyzylorda Region (Filippova 1958a; Loseva 1963; Maslennikova and Ushakova 1971), Jambyl Region - the Moiynkum Desert (Maslennikova and Ushakova 1971), Almaty Region - the foothills of the Dzungarian Alatau: the Sholak and Katutau mountains, the deserts Taukum and Saryesik-Atyrau (Ushakova 1960; Maslennikova et al. 1964; Ushakova et al. 1976). Turkmenistan: distributed everywhere - the southern Ustyurt, the Octumkumy Desert, the Üňüzaňyrsy and Türkmenbaşy Plateau, the Meshed and Saynaksan Desert, the Karakum Desert (Pomerantsev 1950; Kerbabaev 1961; Kochkareva et al. 1971); Hojagala (Berdyev and Annaev 1997). Uzbekistan: the Pistalitau Ridge and the rural locality Tashrabat (Maslennikova and Ushakova 1971).
记录的位置(图 12)。哈萨克斯坦:曼吉斯套地区 - 曼吉什拉克半岛(Kaluzhenkova 等,1961)和乌斯图尔特高原;基兹勒尔达地区(Filippova 1958a;Loseva 1963;Maslennikova 和 Ushakova 1971),贾姆布尔地区 - 莫伊因库姆沙漠(Maslennikova 和 Ushakova 1971),阿拉木图地区 - 朱尔干阿拉套山的山脚:肖拉克山和卡图陶山,塔乌库姆沙漠和萨里耶西克-阿特劳(Ushakova 1960;Maslennikova 等,1964;Ushakova 等,1976)。土库曼斯坦:分布广泛 - 南乌斯图尔特,奥克图库姆沙漠,Üňüzaňyrsy 和土库曼巴希高原,梅什德和赛纳克桑沙漠,卡拉库姆沙漠(Pomerantsev 1950;Kerbabaev 1961;Kochkareva 等,1971);霍贾加拉(Berdyev 和 Annaev 1997)。乌兹别克斯坦:皮斯塔利陶山脊和乡村地方塔什拉巴特(Maslennikova 和 Ushakova 1971)。

Figure 12. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes occultus was reported.
图 12. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes occultus 的地点。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes occultus is a tick species inhabiting deserts. It is mainly a nidicolous parasite of gerbils and jirds (subfamily Gerbillinae), first of all, the great gerbil, as well as of those small mammals which also use long and deep burrows of great gerbils as shelters (Filippova 1977). Some predators which have strong trophic relationships with gerbils and regularly contact with their colonies act as secondary hosts for this tick species.
生态学和其他信息。隐蜱是一种栖息在沙漠中的蜱虫。它主要是沙鼠和沙鼠亚科(Gerbillinae)中大沙鼠的巢寄生虫,以及那些也利用大沙鼠的长而深的洞穴作为庇护所的小型哺乳动物(Filippova 1977)。一些与沙鼠有强烈营养关系并定期接触其群落的捕食者作为这种蜱虫的次级宿主。
The type specimen of I. occultus is deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and includes the holotype: male; Turkmenia, Repetek, Rhombomys opimus, 5.10.1937, coll. B.I. Pomerantsev, type; AL I550. Description - Filippova 1977: 365-371 (female, male, nymph, larva) (Filippova 2008).
I. occultus 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括模式标本:雄性;土库曼斯坦,Repetek,Rhombomys opimus,1937 年 10 月 5 日,采集者 B.I. Pomerantsev,类型;AL I550。描述 - Filippova 1977:365-371(雌性,雄性,若虫,幼虫)(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes pavlovskyi Pomerantsev, 1946

Recorded hosts. Aves: Acrocephalus dumetorum Blyth (Blyth’s reed warbler), Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (Linnaeus) (sedge warbler), Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus (mallard), Anthus trivialis (tree pipit), Calliope calliope (Pallas) (Siberian rubythroat), Carduelis carduelis (European goldfinch), Carpodacus erythrinus (Pallas) (common rosefinch), Chloris chloris (Linnaeus) (European greenfinch) Columba livia Gmelin (rock dove), Corvus cornix Linnaeus (hooded crow), Corvus corone Linnaeus (carrion crow), Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus) (common quail), Crex crex (Linnaeus) (corn crake), Curruca communis (Latham) (common whitethroat), Curruca curruca (Linnaeus) (lesser whitethroat), Cyanopica cyanus Pallas (azure-winged magpie), Emberiza calandra Linnaeus (corn bunting), Emberiza citrinella Linnaeus (yellowhammer), Emberiza leucocephalos Gmelin (pine bunting), Emberiza spodocephala Pallas (black-faced bunting), Ficedula hypoleuca (Pallas) (European pied flycatcher), Fringilla coelebs Linnaeus (Eurasian chaffinch), Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus (brambling), Lanius collurio Linnaeus (red-backed shrike), Locustella lanceolata (Temminck) (lanceolated warbler), Luscinia luscinia (Linnaeus) (thrush nightingale), Luscinia svecica (Linnaeus) (bluethroat) Parus major Linnaeus (great tit), Passer montanus (Linnaeus) (Eurasian tree sparrow), Pastor roseus (Linnaeus) (rosy starling), Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Linnaeus) (common redstart), Phylloscopus fuscatus (Blyth) (dusky warbler), Phylloscopus trochiloides (Sundevall) (greenish warbler), Pica pica (Eurasian magpie), Sitta europaea Linnaeus (Eurasian nuthatch), Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus (common starling), Sylvia borin (garden warbler), Tetrao urogallus (western capercaillie), Tetrastes bonasia (hazel grouse), Turdus iliacus Linnaeus (redwing), Turdus philomelos Brehm (song thrush), Turdus pilaris Linnaeus (fieldfare), Turdus ruficollis Pallas (red-throated thrush), Turdus viscivorus (mistle thrush) (Filippova 1977; Moskvitina et al. 2014).
记录的主机。鸟类:Acrocephalus dumetorum Blyth(布莱斯芦苇莺),Acrocephalus schoenobaenus(林奈)(莎草莺),Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus(野鸭),Anthus trivialis(树鹨),Calliope calliope(帕拉斯)(西伯利亚红喉),Carduelis carduelis(欧洲金雀),Carpodacus erythrinus(帕拉斯)(普通玫瑰雀),Chloris chloris(林奈)(欧洲绿雀),Columba livia Gmelin(岩鸽),Corvus cornix Linnaeus(头巾乌鸦),Corvus corone Linnaeus(食腐乌鸦),Coturnix coturnix(林奈)(普通鹌鹑),Crex crex(林奈)(玉米鹤),Curruca communis(拉瑟姆)(普通白喉),Curruca curruca(林奈)(小白喉),Cyanopica cyanus Pallas(蓝翅喜鹊),Emberiza calandra Linnaeus(玉米雀),Emberiza citrinella Linnaeus(黄雀),Emberiza leucocephalos Gmelin(松雀),Emberiza spodocephala Pallas(黑脸雀),Ficedula hypoleuca(帕拉斯)(欧洲白腰飞蝗),Fringilla coelebs Linnaeus(欧亚雀),Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus(雀鸲),Lanius collurio Linnaeus(红背伯劳),Locustella lanceolata(特明克)(长翅莺),Luscinia luscinia(林奈)(画眉)), Luscinia svecica (Linnaeus) (蓝喉歌鸲) Parus major Linnaeus (大山雀), Passer montanus (Linnaeus) (欧亚树雀), Pastor roseus (Linnaeus) (玫瑰星鸲), Phoenicurus phoenicurus (Linnaeus) (普通红尾鸲), Phylloscopus fuscatus (Blyth) (暗色柳莺), Phylloscopus trochiloides (Sundevall) (绿柳莺), Pica pica (欧亚喜鹊), Sitta europaea Linnaeus (欧亚山雀), Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus (普通星鸲), Sylvia borin (花园柳莺), Tetrao urogallus (西方松鸡), Tetrastes bonasia (榛鸡), Turdus iliacus Linnaeus (红翅鸫), Turdus philomelos Brehm (歌鸫), Turdus pilaris Linnaeus (田鸫), Turdus ruficollis Pallas (红喉鸫), Turdus viscivorus (槲寄生鸫) (Filippova 1977; Moskvitina et al. 2014).
Mammalia: Alexandromys oeconomus (tundra vole), Apodemus agrarius (striped field mouse), Arvicola amphibius (European water vole), Craseomys rufocanus (grey red-backed vole), Cricetus cricetus (European hamster), Eutamias sibiricus (Siberian chipmunk), Lepus timidus (mountain hare), Microtus agrestis (short-tailed field vole), Microtus arvalis (common vole), Mus musculus (house mouse), Myodes glareolus (bank vole), Myodes rutilus (northern red-backed vole), Neomys fodiens (Eurasian water shrew), Nothocricetulus migratorius (grey dwarf hamster), Ochotona alpina (Alpine pika), Sciurus vulgaris (red squirrel), Sicista betulina (northern birch mouse), Sicista subtilis (Pallas) (southern

Figure 13. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes pavlovskyi was reported.
图 13. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes pavlovskyi 的地点。

birch mouse), Sorex araneus (common shrew), Sorex minutus (Eurasian pygmy shrew), Sorex roboratus (flat-skulled shrew), Stenocranius gregalis (Pallas) (nar-row-headed vole) (Filippova 1977).
白桦鼠,普通鼩鼱,欧亚侏儒鼩鼱,平头鼩鼱,帕拉斯窄头田鼠(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 13). Russia: Tomsk Oblast (Kovalev et al. 2015), Novosibirsk Oblast, Altai Republic (Tkachev et al. 2017), Altai Krai, Kemerovo Oblast, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Khakassia, northern spurs of the Western Sayan, Amur Oblast, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Krai - the Sikhote-Alin (Filippova 1969; Sapegina and Ravkin 1969; Filippova and Panova 1998), Russky Island (Nikitin et al. 2021). Kazakhstan: East Kazakhstan Region (Tkachev et al. 2017; Perfilyeva et al. 2020), Abai Region, Jetisu Region (Filippova 1977), Tarbagatai Mountains, Dzungarian Alatau, Küngöy Ala-Too Range (Ushakova et al. 1976; Filippova and Panova 1998). Kyrgyzstan: Küngöy Ala-Too Range (Filippova and Panova 1998), Terskey Ala-too (Fedorova 2017).
记录的位置(图 13)。俄罗斯:托木斯克州(Kovalev 等,2015),新西伯利亚州,阿尔泰共和国(Tkachev 等,2017),阿尔泰边疆区,克麦罗沃州,克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区,哈卡斯,西萨彦山北部,阿穆尔州,哈巴罗夫斯克,滨海边疆区 - 西霍特阿林(Filippova 1969;Sapegina 和 Ravkin 1969;Filippova 和 Panova 1998),俄罗斯岛(Nikitin 等,2021)。哈萨克斯坦:东哈萨克斯坦州(Tkachev 等,2017;Perfilyeva 等,2020),阿拜州,杰季苏州(Filippova 1977),塔尔巴哈台山,准噶尔阿拉套,库恩戈伊阿拉图山脉(Ushakova 等,1976;Filippova 和 Panova 1998)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:库恩戈伊阿拉图山脉(Filippova 和 Panova 1998),特尔斯基阿拉图(Fedorova 2017)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes pavlovskyi is a tick species distributed in Western Siberia, the Far East, Eastern Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan (Filippova 1977; Fedorova 2017), as well as in China (Guo et el. 2016) and Japan (Nakao et al. 1992; Guglielmone et al. 2023). It more often prefers birds as hosts, as well as small mammals although some cases of human and livestock infestation are also recorded. Its preferred habitats include usually coniferous and deciduous forests, undergrowth, as well as motley grass (Filippova 1977).
生态学和其他信息。帕夫洛夫斯基蜱是一种分布在西西伯利亚、远东、东哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦的蜱种(Filippova 1977;Fedorova 2017),以及在中国(Guo et el. 2016)和日本(Nakao et al. 1992;Guglielmone et al. 2023)。它更常以鸟类为宿主,也会寄生于小型哺乳动物,尽管也记录了一些人类和家畜感染的案例。它的首选栖息地通常包括针叶林和阔叶林、灌木丛以及杂草(Filippova 1977)。
Often it can be found in the same biotopes together with I. persulcatus with complete coincidence of the seasons of activity of both species at each ontogenetic stage (Filippova 1999) and where their hybridization can also occur (Kovalev et al. 2015; Rar et al. 2019).
通常可以在与 I. persulcatus 相同的生境中找到这两种物种,在每个发育阶段的活动季节完全重合(Filippova 1999),并且它们的杂交也可能发生(Kovalev et al. 2015; Rar et al. 2019)。
In certain areas of Siberia I. pavlovskyi outnumbers I. persulcatus and also other tick species due to the high abundance of ground-feeding birds, especially in urban landscapes with habitats suitable for ticks like parks and cemeteries. So, for example, in the city of Tomsk in Western Siberia I. pavlovskyi dominates
在西西伯利亚的托木斯克市,I. pavlovskyi 的数量超过了 I. persulcatus 以及其他蜱虫种类,这主要是由于地面觅食鸟类的高丰度,尤其是在适合蜱虫栖息的城市景观中,如公园和墓地。因此,I. pavlovskyi 在该地区占主导地位。

everywhere in the city and its outskirts (Romanenko 2011). Probably eventually over time I. persulcatus was gradually replaced by I. pavlovskyi because it is too difficult for adult I I II. persulcatus to find its preferred hosts, namely mammals (Romanenko and Leonovich 2015).
城市及其郊区的每个地方(Romanenko 2011)。可能随着时间的推移,I. persulcatus 逐渐被 I. pavlovskyi 取代,因为成虫 I I II . persulcatus 很难找到其首选宿主,即哺乳动物(Romanenko 和 Leonovich 2015)。
Filippova and Panova (1998) recognize two subspecies in Russian populations of this tick, namely I. pavlovskyi pavlovskyi and I. pavlovskyi occidentalis which differentiation is based on morphological features between western and eastern specimens.
Filippova 和 Panova(1998)在俄罗斯的这种蜱虫种群中识别出两个亚种,即 I. pavlovskyi pavlovskyi 和 I. pavlovskyi occidentalis,其区分是基于西部和东部标本之间的形态特征。
The type specimens of I. pavlovskyi are deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and include I. pavlovskyi, Pomerantsev (Pomerantsev 1946: 11), the holotype: female; [Russia], DVK [Primorskii Terr.], Imanskii Forestry, hazel, 2.9.1932, type; AL I513. Description - Filippova 1977: 305-312 (female, male, nymph, larva); as well as I. pavlovskyi subsp. occidentalis (Filippova and Panova 1998: 396-411 - female, male, nymph, larva) the holotype: female; Russia, western foothills of Kuznetskii Ala Tau, basin of upper Tom River, environs of Mezhdurechensk, from vegetation, flagging, 24.5.1972, coll. E.D. Chigirik, det. N.A. Filippova; AL I1016 and finally I. pavlovskyi subsp. pavlovskyi (Filippova and Panova 1998: 396-411, female, male, nymph, larva), the holotype (the same as the holotype of the species): see I. pavlovskyi (Filippova 2008).
I. pavlovskyi 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括 I. pavlovskyi,Pomerantsev(Pomerantsev 1946: 11),模式标本:雌性;[俄罗斯],DVK [滨海边疆区],伊曼斯基林业,榛子,1932 年 2 月 9 日,类型;AL I513。描述 - Filippova 1977: 305-312(雌性,雄性,若虫,幼虫);以及 I. pavlovskyi 亚种. occidentalis(Filippova 和 Panova 1998: 396-411 - 雌性,雄性,若虫,幼虫)模式标本:雌性;俄罗斯,库兹涅茨基阿拉山脉西坡,上托木河流域,梅日杜列琴斯克附近,来自植被,标记,1972 年 5 月 24 日,采集者 E.D. Chigirik,鉴定 N.A. Filippova;AL I1016,最后是 I. pavlovskyi 亚种. pavlovskyi(Filippova 和 Panova 1998: 396-411,雌性,雄性,若虫,幼虫),模式标本(与该物种的模式标本相同):见 I. pavlovskyi(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes persulcatus Schulze, 1930

Ixodes persulcatus Schulze, 1930: 294.
Ixodes ricinus miyazakiensis Kishida: Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Ixodes ricinus miyazakiensis Kishida: Morel 和 Pérez 1978: 201.

Ixodes persulcatus diversipalpis Schulze, 1930: 294; Pomerantsev 1950: 43.
Ixodes persulcatus cornuatus Olenev: Pomerantsev 1950: 43.
Ixodes sachalinensis Filippova: Kolonin 1981: 49.
Recorded hosts. The spectrum of hosts of I. persulcatus is extremely broad both systematically and ecologically and includes more than 200 species of mammals and 100 species of birds (Shilova and Clabovskii 1968). Rarely it can parasitize reptiles - lizards of the family Lacertidae (Ravkin 1969). Literally almost all mammals and birds inhabiting various types of forests and their derivative biotopes can act as hosts for I. persulcatus. Larvae and nymphs parasitize more often small and medium-sized mammals, such as shrews, hedgehogs, rodents, and lagomorphs, as well as ground-feeding and ground-nesting birds. Adults usually feed on large and medium-sized mammals - ungulates, carnivores, lagomorphs. Humans and domestic animals can also be hosts for this tick species (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。I. persulcatus 的宿主谱系在系统学和生态学上都极为广泛,包括 200 多种哺乳动物和 100 种鸟类(Shilova 和 Clabovskii 1968)。它很少寄生于爬行动物——蜥蜴科(Lacertidae)的蜥蜴(Ravkin 1969)。几乎所有栖息在各种类型森林及其衍生生境中的哺乳动物和鸟类都可以作为 I. persulcatus 的宿主。幼虫和若虫更常寄生于小型和中型哺乳动物,如鼩鼱、刺猬、啮齿动物和兔形目动物,以及以地面觅食和筑巢的鸟类。成虫通常以大型和中型哺乳动物为食——偶蹄动物、食肉动物和兔形目动物。人类和家畜也可以成为这种蜱虫的宿主(Filippova 1977)。
Distribution in Russia and other post-Soviet countries (Fig. 14). The range of I I II. persulcatus, like no other Palearctic species, is extended in the latitudinal direction by a continuous strip, covering a significant part of the taiga forest zone in Eurasia between 21 66 21 66 21^(@)-66^(@)21^{\circ}-66^{\circ} latitude in the northern hemisphere from the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Baltic states, Belarus and Ukraine in the west where it is present sporadically to the east up to the Pacific coast including the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Sakhalin Island and further to the north-east of China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan (Filippova 1977; Wang et al. 2023). This tick belongs to the tick fauna of the next post-Soviet countries: Estonia, Latvia,
在俄罗斯和其他后苏联国家的分布(图 14)。 I I II . persulcatus 的分布范围与其他古北界物种不同,沿纬度方向延伸成一条连续带,覆盖了欧亚大陆上重要的泰加林区,范围从北半球的 21 66 21 66 21^(@)-66^(@)21^{\circ}-66^{\circ} 纬度开始,西起斯堪的纳维亚半岛、波罗的海国家、白俄罗斯和乌克兰,东至太平洋沿岸,包括堪察加半岛和萨哈林岛,进一步延伸至中国东北、朝鲜半岛和日本(Filippova 1977;Wang et al. 2023)。这种蜱虫属于下列后苏联国家的蜱虫群落:爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚,

Figure 14. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes persulcatus was reported.
图 14. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes persulcatus 的地点。

Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan (Guglielmone et al. 2023). The presence of I. persulcatus in Ukraine outside the south-west border of the taiga was mentioned by Filippova (1977), although the possibility of permanent populations existing there was disputed by Nebogatkin (1993). Therefore, this probably exemplifies transportation by migratory birds.
立陶宛、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、乌克兰、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦(Guglielmone et al. 2023)。Filippova(1977)提到乌克兰在泰加林西南边界以外发现了 I. persulcatus,尽管 Nebogatkin(1993)对那里是否存在永久性种群提出了质疑。因此,这可能是迁徙鸟类运输的一个例证。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes persulcatus is an exophilic tick species widely distributed in the northern Palearctic along the forest zone. It may use almost all mammals and birds living in its biotopes; therefore, it is one of the most important vectors of a broad range of tick-borne pathogens. Since it can also transmit tick-borne encephalitis virus, together with I. ricinus it has the greatest medical and veterinary significance among other ticks of the genus Ixodes in the Palearctic. Another important fact is that I. persulcatus is a very aggressive species toward humans (Uspensky 1993) and, therefore, this species represents especially high medical-epidemiological risks.
生态学和其他信息。伊克德斯·佩尔苏尔卡图斯是一种外寄生蜱,广泛分布于北极区的森林带。它可能利用其生境中几乎所有的哺乳动物和鸟类;因此,它是广泛的蜱传播病原体的重要媒介之一。由于它还可以传播蜱传播的脑炎病毒,与 I. ricinus 一起,它在北极区的伊克德斯属蜱中具有最大的医学和兽医学意义。另一个重要的事实是,I. persulcatus 对人类非常具有攻击性(乌斯彭斯基 1993),因此,这种物种代表着特别高的医学流行病学风险。
The most significant part of the range of I I II. persulcatus stretches across the territory of Russia where we can observe the full spectrum of biotopes where I. persulcatus can be found. There are a lot of published works about its ecology in different regions which depend on the climatic region and biotic-abiotic conditions in it.
I I II . persulcatus 的分布范围最显著的部分延伸至俄罗斯的领土,在那里我们可以观察到 I. persulcatus 可以找到的生物栖息地的全谱。关于其在不同地区生态的已发表作品很多,这些作品依赖于气候区域和其中的生物-非生物条件。
This tick prefers various types of forest and forest-steppe biotopes, especially taiga forests and their derivatives, i.e., mixed forests and bushes (both plain and mountainous), up to 2000 m a.s.l., like in the Tian Shan. In other words, it can inhabit any herbaceous forest and forest-steppe biotope with the level of humidity high enough for reproduction and supporting the life cycle, even in urban landscapes (Filippova 1977). In the Dzungarian Alatau there were some observations of occurring in steppe regions bordering forests and parasitizing the unusual host, namely the grey marmot Marmota baibacina Kastschenko (Bibikov et al. 1961). Permanent and stable populations of I. persulcatus exist in some areas adjacent
这种蜱虫喜欢各种类型的森林和森林-草原生境,特别是泰加林及其衍生物,即混合森林和灌木(平原和山区均可),海拔可达 2000 米,如天山地区。换句话说,它可以栖息在任何湿度足够高以支持繁殖和生命周期的草本森林和森林-草原生境中,甚至在城市景观中(Filippova 1977)。在准噶尔阿拉套,有一些观察到它出现在与森林相邻的草原地区,并寄生在一种不寻常的宿主上,即灰鼠(Marmota baibacina Kastschenko)(Bibikov et al. 1961)。在一些邻近地区,存在 I. persulcatus 的永久和稳定种群。

to cities within its range and even inside these cities on condition that the the suitable forest environment together with hosts, such as wild animals of different sizes and stray dogs are present. Examples of such cities are Saint Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Irkutsk, and Vladivostok (Uspensky 2017).
在其范围内的城市,甚至在这些城市内部,前提是适合的森林环境以及不同大小的野生动物和流浪狗等宿主存在。这样的城市包括圣彼得堡、彼得罗扎沃茨克、新西伯利亚、托木斯克、伊尔库茨克和符拉迪沃斯托克(乌斯宾斯基 2017)。
Several studies attest the changing boundaries of the ranges of I. persulcatus. It is assumed that ticks of the I. presulcatus group appeared and evolved in forest biotopes similar to modern relict forests of the Ussuri type and the taiga of the mountains of Southern Primorye, Southern Siberia, and the Korean Peninsula in the Pliocene. The wide ecological niche of I. persulcatus was formed during the formation of the species in the process of its adaptation to various landscape and climatic conditions. This allowed the species to gradually expand its range in the northwestern direction in the Holocene (Filippova 2017). An increase in air temperature by one or several degrees in a particular region near the boundaries of its range was probably the main driver of its expanding distribution. The fact of finding I. presulcatus populations in Sweden (Jaenson et al. 2016) and even in the Magadan Oblast in the north-east of Russia where it was absent before (Yamborko et al. 2015) are good examples of the distribution expansion in several directions and confirm the tendency which continues.
几项研究证明了 I. persulcatus 分布范围的变化。假设 I. presulcatus 组的蜱在与现代乌苏里类型的遗留森林和南滨海、南西伯利亚及朝鲜半岛的山地针叶林相似的森林生境中出现并进化。I. persulcatus 的广泛生态位是在物种形成过程中适应各种景观和气候条件时形成的。这使得该物种在全新世逐渐向西北方向扩展其分布范围(Filippova 2017)。在其分布范围边界附近某一地区气温上升一度或几度,可能是其分布扩展的主要驱动因素。在瑞典发现 I. presulcatus 种群的事实(Jaenson et al. 2016),甚至在俄罗斯东北部的马加丹州发现其之前不存在的种群(Yamborko et al. 2015),都是分布扩展向多个方向的良好例子,并证实了这一持续的趋势。
In Russia, high numbers of observations show noticeable changes in the distribution of I I II. persulcatus in certain regions. In Karelia the range expansion of I I II. persulcatus to the north is noted in relation to general climate warming (Bugmyrin et al. 2013). A similar observation was also recorded in the Komi Republic (Glushakova et al. 2011). The range expansion of this tick species in Arkhangelsk Oblast and Western and Central Siberia to the north is confirmed both by the results of their records and by the data on tick bites and morbidity in the human population, not only in places which were free from ticks before (Pogodina 2021). Besides that, there are some data about the range expansion of I. persulcatus to the north in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The reasons causing these changes are under evaluation but climate change, anthropogenic pressure in natural landscapes as well as the number of vertebrate animals are among the most influential factors. At the same time, it is also possible that inadvertent dispersal of ticks by timber material transported from tick-infested areas may be in part responsible for this phenomenon (Danchinova et al. 2006). Although other factors are not excluded, it is believed that climate changes have made the greatest contribution to the increase in areas primarily for TBE foci in the northern regions of the country. But despite all this, as a result of the same changes, the southwestern part of the range of I. persulcatus in Belarus and the Baltic countries has decreased (Pogodina 2021).
在俄罗斯,大量观察显示某些地区 I I II . persulcatus 的分布发生了显著变化。在卡累利阿, I I II . persulcatus 向北扩展的范围与整体气候变暖有关(Bugmyrin 等,2013 年)。在科米共和国也记录了类似的观察(Glushakova 等,2011 年)。在阿尔汉格尔斯克州以及西西伯利亚和中西伯利亚,这种蜱虫种类向北扩展的范围不仅通过它们的记录结果得到确认,还通过人群中的蜱虫叮咬和发病率的数据得到证实,尤其是在以前没有蜱虫的地方(Pogodina 2021 年)。此外,还有一些关于在萨哈共和国(雅库特)向北扩展 I. persulcatus 的范围的数据。这些变化的原因正在评估中,但气候变化、自然景观中的人类活动压力以及脊椎动物的数量是最有影响力的因素之一。同时,来自蜱虫感染区域运输的木材材料可能在一定程度上导致蜱虫的无意传播,这也可能是这一现象的部分原因(Danchinova 等,2006 年)。 尽管其他因素并未被排除,但人们认为气候变化对该国北部地区以 TBE 为主的区域增加贡献最大。但尽管如此,由于同样的变化,白俄罗斯和波罗的海国家 I. persulcatus 的分布范围西南部却有所减少(Pogodina 2021)。
Often it can be found in the same biotopes together with I. ricinus in Europe and I. pavlovskyi in Siberia with complete or partial coincidence of the seasonal activity of these species at each ontogenetic stage (Ushakova and Filippova 1968; Bolotin et al. 1977; Filippova 1999). In zones of sympatry their hybridization can occur, and their hybrids can also transmit tick-borne encephalitis virus and probably other pathogens (Kovalev et al. 2015; Rar et al. 2019; Belova et al. 2023). Under laboratory conditions, interspecific hybridization between I. ricinus and I. persulcatus was successfully conducted as well. F1 hybrid ticks were completely sterile, as revealed by unsuccessful attempts of their subsequent hybridization with ticks of the parent generation (Balashov et al. 1998). In I. persulcatus and I. ricinus, any morphological barrier to crossing is undoubdetly
常常可以在欧洲与 I. ricinus 以及在西伯利亚与 I. pavlovskyi 一起在相同的生境中找到,这些物种在每个发育阶段的季节活动完全或部分重叠(Ushakova 和 Filippova 1968;Bolotin 等人 1977;Filippova 1999)。在同域区,它们可以发生杂交,它们的杂交种也可以传播蜱传脑炎病毒以及其他病原体(Kovalev 等人 2015;Rar 等人 2019;Belova 等人 2023)。在实验室条件下,I. ricinus 和 I. persulcatus 之间的种间杂交也成功进行了。F1 杂交蜱完全不育,后续与亲本世代蜱的杂交尝试均未成功(Balashov 等人 1998)。在 I. persulcatus 和 I. ricinus 中,任何交配的形态障碍无疑是存在的。

absent and then sterility of the F1 hybrid generation is probably a quite significant factor limiting the population size of both species in their sympatric areas. Hybrid ticks also have morphological features allowing to differentiate them at preimaginal and imaginal stages (Bugmyrin et al. 2015, 2016). Moreover, some studies were conducted in the Southern Primorye (Filippova 2002) in sympatric zones of I. persulcatus and I. pavlovskyi occidentalis, due to the close cohabitation of both species. These showed that in case of these two species there are distinct morphological barriers which are manifested in the fitting of organs involved in mating, in particular their size proportions. According to the result of the studies, mating and hybridization of different tick species are possible only in the next combination: female I. pavlovskyi and male I. persulcatus. Whereas in case of the reverse combination, the parameters of the genital aperture of the female exceed those of the largest width of the hypostome in the male.
缺失以及 F1 杂交代的无菌性可能是限制这两种在其同域区域内种群规模的一个相当重要的因素。杂交蜱虫也具有形态特征,使其在前期和成虫阶段能够区分(Bugmyrin 等,2015,2016)。此外,由于这两种物种的密切共生,南部滨海地区(Filippova 2002)在 I. persulcatus 和 I. pavlovskyi occidentalis 的同域区域进行了某些研究。这些研究表明,在这两种物种的情况下,存在明显的形态障碍,这些障碍体现在参与交配的器官的适配上,特别是它们的大小比例。根据研究结果,不同蜱虫物种的交配和杂交仅在以下组合中是可能的:雌性 I. pavlovskyi 和雄性 I. persulcatus。而在反向组合的情况下,雌性的生殖孔参数超过雄性最大宽度的下颚。
There is an excellent summary on the questing behavior of I I II. persulcatus in the monograph by Filippova (1985). In brief, the ticks climb onto the vegetation in quest of a host. When the host approaches, the tick spreads its first pair of legs and, upon contact with the host, become attached. From time to time, ticks perform vertical migrations and go even into the soil litter for rehydration. Horizontal movements of ticks towards trails used by potential hosts are also possible, as well as crawling onto a nearby animal. Ticks react to humans by spreading their first legs from distances of 1 5 2 0 m . A t s h o r t d i s t a n c e s , t i c k s 1 5 2 0 m . A t s h o r t d i s t a n c e s , t i c k s ∼15-20m.Atshortdistances,ticks\mathbf{\sim 1 5 - 2 0 ~ m . ~ A t ~ s h o r t ~ d i s t a n c e s , ~ t i c k s ~} also react to a heat source. In general, a similar pattern of questing behavior is used by other exophilic ticks of the genus Ixodes.
在 Filippova(1985)的专著中,对 I I II . persulcatus 的觅食行为进行了出色的总结。简而言之,蜱虫爬上植物以寻找宿主。当宿主接近时,蜱虫张开第一对腿,并在与宿主接触时附着。蜱虫不时进行垂直迁移,甚至进入土壤层以补充水分。蜱虫向潜在宿主使用的路径进行水平移动也是可能的,此外还可能爬到附近的动物身上。蜱虫通过在 1 5 2 0 m . A t s h o r t d i s t a n c e s , t i c k s 1 5 2 0 m . A t s h o r t d i s t a n c e s , t i c k s ∼15-20m.Atshortdistances,ticks\mathbf{\sim 1 5 - 2 0 ~ m . ~ A t ~ s h o r t ~ d i s t a n c e s , ~ t i c k s ~} 的距离处张开第一对腿来对人类作出反应,也会对热源作出反应。一般来说,其他外生性蜱虫属 Ixodes 的觅食行为模式也类似。
In I. persulcatus there is an important signaling mechanism causing a morphogenetic diapause - a developmental delay which is the response of ticks to the duration of the diurnal photoperiod (Belozerov 1976). Moreover, I. persulcatus has a behavioral diapause of non-engorged adult ticks, which is not connected with photoperiodic regulation (Korenberg et al. 2021). But as the studies in the Kirov Oblast and Udmurt Republic showed, in more warmer areas, an increased proportion of engorged larvae and nymphs develop without the diapause and the reason for this is the early activation and, as a result, their mass feeding on hosts in the first half of summer. The factors determining the diapause of engorged larvae and nymphs in the compared regions practically do not differ (Korotkov 2008). The correlation of the tick number varies, depending on the type of biotope, as well as temperature and humidity and also many other abiotic factors. For example, in boreal taiga forests of Karelia mainly I. persulcatus dominates (except the southwestern part where the mass species is I. ricinus) (Bugmyrin et al. 2013). The beginning of adult I. persulcatus activity also differs in different regions depending on the sum of abiotic factors listed above. For example, in the Far East the seasonal peak in the number of larvae is observed in the third decade of May - second decade of July, whereas in the European part of its range in the third decade of July (Belozerov 1976; Filippova 1977; Balashov 1998; Korenberg et al. 2013). In the territory from the Volga River to Primorye the average activity of adult ticks varies from 60 to 140 days (Korenberg et al. 1974). The boundaries of the range of the tick are determined mainly by the combination of photo- and hygrothermal factors. The general indicators of warmth and moisture along the range of this tick species vary widely. The fundamental ecological niche of I. persulcatus with the broad scope of its preferred conditions allows it to adapt to the wide diversity of biotopes in the forest zone.
在 I. persulcatus 中,有一个重要的信号机制导致形态发生的滞育——这是蜱对日间光周期持续时间的反应所造成的发展延迟(Belozerov 1976)。此外,I. persulcatus 还有一种非充血成虫的行为性滞育,这与光周期调节无关(Korenberg et al. 2021)。但是,正如基洛夫州和乌德穆尔特共和国的研究所示,在更温暖的地区,充血幼虫和若虫的比例增加,它们在没有滞育的情况下发育,其原因是早期激活,结果是在夏季上半年的大量寄主取食。比较地区中充血幼虫和若虫的滞育决定因素几乎没有差异(Korotkov 2008)。蜱的数量相关性因生境类型、温度和湿度以及许多其他非生物因素而异。例如,在卡累利阿的北方泰加森林中,主要以 I. persulcatus 为主(除了西南部,那里主要物种是 I. ricinus)(Bugmyrin et al. 2013)。成虫 I.的开始 伪沟蜱的活动在不同地区也因上述非生物因素的总和而有所不同。例如,在远东地区,幼虫数量的季节性高峰出现在 5 月的第三个十天和 7 月的第二个十天,而在其分布的欧洲部分则出现在 7 月的第三个十天(Belozerov 1976;Filippova 1977;Balashov 1998;Korenberg et al. 2013)。在从伏尔加河到滨海边疆区的地区,成虫蜱的平均活动天数从 60 天到 140 天不等(Korenberg et al. 1974)。蜱的分布边界主要由光热和湿热因素的组合决定。该蜱种的温暖和湿度的一般指标在其分布范围内变化很大。I. persulcatus 的基本生态位具有广泛的适宜条件,使其能够适应森林区内生境的多样性。
Some type specimens of I. persulcatus are deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and include I. persulcatus subsp. diversipalpis (Schulze 1930: 300), lectotype: male; [Russia, Primorskii Terr.], lower Amur River, 8 km of Vyatskoe Vill., 26.VI.1910, coll. Soldatov, det. N.O. Olenev: I. ricinus ovatus; AL I266, as well as the paralectotypes: 1 female, 1 male; AL I266a. I. persulcatus (see: Filippova 1969: 677). Description - Filippova 1977: 316-327 (female, male, nymph, larva) (Filippova 2008). But Filippova (1969) also states that re-examination of the type material of the above subspecies demonstrated that the specimens used for describing differences of this subspecies are damaged in some morphologically important parts (not noticed before), and the key morphological characters that were previously thought to distinguish the subspecies are not specific enough and can be found in ticks throughout their entire geographical range.
一些 I. persulcatus 的类型标本被存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括 I. persulcatus subsp. diversipalpis(Schulze 1930: 300),模式标本:雄性;[俄罗斯,外东北地区],下阿穆尔河,距维亚茨科村 8 公里,1910 年 6 月 26 日,采集者:索尔达托夫,鉴定者:N.O. 奥列涅夫:I. ricinus ovatus;AL I266,以及副模式标本:1 雌性,1 雄性;AL I266a。I. persulcatus(见:Filippova 1969: 677)。描述 - Filippova 1977: 316-327(雌性,雄性,若虫,幼虫)(Filippova 2008)。但 Filippova(1969)也指出,对上述亚种的类型材料的重新检查表明,用于描述该亚种差异的标本在某些形态学重要部分受损(之前未注意到),而之前认为区分该亚种的关键形态特征并不够特异,且可以在整个地理范围内的蜱虫中找到。

Ixodes redikorzevi Olenev, 1927

Ixodes redikorzevi Olenev, 1927: 219.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Apodemus agrarius (striped field mouse), Apodemus mystacinus (Danford and Alston) (eastern broad-toothed field mouse), Apodemus uralensis (Ural field mouse), Arvicola amphibius (European water vole), Chionomys nivalis (European snow vole), Chionomys roberti (Thomas) (Robert’s snow vole), Cricetus cricetus (European hamster), Crocidura leucodon (bicolored shrew), Crocidura suaveolens (lesser white-toothed shrew), Dryomys nitedula (forest dormouse), Erinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog), Glis glis (European edible dormouse), Hemiechinus auratus (long-eared hedgehog), Lepus europaeus (European hare), Marmota bobak (bobak marmot ), Martes martes (European pine marten), Meles meles (European badger), Meriones libycus (Libyan jird), Meriones meridianus (midday jird), Meriones persicus (Persian jird), Meriones tamariscinus (Pallas) (tamarisk jird), Meriones tristrami Thomas (Tristram’s jird), Mesocricetus auratus Waterhouse (golden hamster), Mesocricetus raddei (Ciscaucasian hamster), Microtus arvalis (common vole), Microtus majori (Major’s pine vole), Microtus socialis (social vole), Mus musculus (house mouse), Mustela eversmanii (steppe polecat), Mustela nivalis (least weasel), Nesokia indica (short-tailed bandicoot rat), Nothocricetulus migratorius (grey dwarf hamster), Rattus norvegicus (brown rat), Rattus pyctoris (Turkestan rat), Rattus rattus (black rat), Rhombomys opimus (great gerbil), Sciurus anomalus Gmelin (Caucasian squirrel), Sciurus vulgaris (red squirrel), Sicista betulina (northern birch mouse), Sicista subtilis (southern birch mouse) Spalax giganteus Nehring (giant blind mole-rat), Spalax microphthalmos Gueldenstaedt (greater blind mole-rat), Spermophilopsis leptodactylus (long-clawed ground squirrel), Spermophilus pygmaeus (little ground squirrel), Sorex araneus (common shrew), Vormela peregusna (marbled polecat) Vulpes vulpes (red fox) (Filippova 1977).
记录的主机。哺乳动物:田鼠(Apodemus agrarius)、丹福德和阿尔斯顿田鼠(Apodemus mystacinus)(东部宽齿田鼠)、乌拉尔田鼠(Apodemus uralensis)、欧洲水田鼠(Arvicola amphibius)、欧洲雪田鼠(Chionomys nivalis)、罗伯特雪田鼠(Chionomys roberti)(托马斯)、欧洲仓鼠(Cricetus cricetus)、双色鼩鼱(Crocidura leucodon)、小白齿鼩鼱(Crocidura suaveolens)、森林睡鼠(Dryomys nitedula)、欧洲刺猬(Erinaceus europaeus)、欧洲可食用睡鼠(Glis glis)、长耳刺猬(Hemiechinus auratus)、欧洲野兔(Lepus europaeus)、博巴克土拨鼠(Marmota bobak)、欧洲松貂(Martes martes)、欧洲獾(Meles meles)、利比亚沙鼠(Meriones libycus)、正午沙鼠(Meriones meridianus)、波斯沙鼠(Meriones persicus)、帕拉斯沙鼠(Meriones tamariscinus)(沙柳沙鼠)、特里斯特姆沙鼠(Meriones tristrami Thomas)、金仓鼠(Mesocricetus auratus Waterhouse)、西高加索仓鼠(Mesocricetus raddei)、普通田鼠(Microtus arvalis)、马乔尔松田鼠(Microtus majori)、社交田鼠(Microtus socialis)、家鼠(Mus musculus)、草原黄鼠(Mustela eversmanii)、最小鼬鼠(Mustela nivalis)el), Nesokia indica (短尾袋鼠鼠), Nothocricetulus migratorius (灰矮仓鼠), Rattus norvegicus (棕色老鼠), Rattus pyctoris (土耳其老鼠), Rattus rattus (黑色老鼠), Rhombomys opimus (大沙鼠), Sciurus anomalus Gmelin (高加索松鼠), Sciurus vulgaris (红松鼠), Sicista betulina (北桦鼠), Sicista subtilis (南桦鼠) Spalax giganteus Nehring (巨盲鼹鼠), Spalax microphthalmos Gueldenstaedt (大盲鼹鼠), Spermophilopsis leptodactylus (长爪地松鼠), Spermophilus pygmaeus (小地松鼠), Sorex araneus (普通鼩鼱), Vormela peregusna (大理石鼬) Vulpes vulpes (红狐) (Filippova 1977).
Aves: Alauda arvensis Linnaeus (Eurasian skylark), Alectoris chukar (chukar partridge), Anthus campestris (tawny pipit), Anthus pratensis (Linnaeus) (meadow pipit), Coccothraustes coccothraustes (hawfinch), Columba livia (rock dove), Emberiza calandra (corn bunting), Emberiza schoeniclus (Linnaeus) (common reed bunting), Erithacus rubecula (Linnaeus) (European robin),
Galerida cristata (crested lark), Garrulus glandarius (Linnaeus) (Eurasian jay), Lullula arborea (woodlark), Melanocorypha calandra (Linnaeus) (calandra lark), Mergus serrator Linnaeus (red-breasted merganser), Oenanthe hispanica (Linnaeus) (western black-eared wheatear), Oenanthe isabellina (Temminck) (Isabelline wheatear), Oenanthe lugens (Lichtenstein) (mourning wheatear), Oenanthe oenanthe (Linnaeus) (northern wheatear), Oenanthe picata (Blyth) (variable wheatear), Phylloscopus collybita (Vieillot) (common chiffchaff), Phylloscopus fuscatus (dusky warbler), Pica pica (Eurasian magpie), Pterocles orientalis (Linnaeus) (black-bellied sandgrouse), Saxicola torquatus (Linnaeus) (African stonechat), Sturnus vulgaris (common starling), Turdus merula (common blackbird), Turdus philomelos (song thrush), Turdus ruficollis (red-throated thrush) (Filippova 1977).
Galerida cristata (冠雀), Garrulus glandarius (林奈) (欧亚松鸦), Lullula arborea (林雀), Melanocorypha calandra (林奈) (卡兰德拉雀), Mergus serrator 林奈 (红胸秋沙鸭), Oenanthe hispanica (林奈) (西方黑耳鸣禽), Oenanthe isabellina (特明克) (伊莎贝尔鸣禽), Oenanthe lugens (利希滕斯坦) (哀鸣鸣禽), Oenanthe oenanthe (林奈) (北方鸣禽), Oenanthe picata (布莱斯) (变异鸣禽), Phylloscopus collybita (维耶尔) (普通柳莺), Phylloscopus fuscatus (暗色柳莺), Pica pica (欧亚喜鹊), Pterocles orientalis (林奈) (黑腹沙雀), Saxicola torquatus (林奈) (非洲石鹊), Sturnus vulgaris (普通椋鸟), Turdus merula (普通黑鸟), Turdus philomelos (歌鸫), Turdus ruficollis (红喉鸫) (Filippova 1977).
Reptilia: Darevskia chlorogaster (Boulenger) (greenbelly lizard) (Orlova et al. 2022), Lacerta agilis Linnaeus (sand lizard) (Filippova 1977), Lacerta strigata Eichwald (Caucasus emerald lizard) (Orlova et al. 2023), Pseudopus apodus (Pallas) (Pallas’s glass lizard) (Filippova 1977).
Recorded locations (Fig. 15). Russia: Rostov Oblast (Khametova et al. 2018), Krasnodar Krai, Stavropol Krai, Kalmyk Republic, Chechnya, Dagestan, and North Osetia-Alania (Shatas 1957; Shevchenko et al. 1960; Zaytsev and Popova 1967; Tiflova 1974; Filippova 1977; Abdulmagomedov et al. 2017; Zaytseva et al. 2022). Ukraine: Odesa Oblast (Bugeac Steppe), Kherson Oblast (Black Sea Biosphere Reserve), Poltava Oblast, Chernivtsi Oblast, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Luhansk Oblast, Donetsk Oblast, widely distributed in the Crimean Peninsula (Emchuk 1960; Emchuk 1967; Sklyar 1970; Filippova 1977). Moldova: the north of the country (Uspenskaya et al. 2006). Georgia: outskirts of Kutaisi and Tbilisi and the Lagodekhi Nature Reserve, as well as the seacoast of the Black Sea (Kirschenblatt 1936; Djaparidze 1960; Filippova 1977). Armenia: outskirts of
记录的位置(图 15)。俄罗斯:罗斯托夫州(Khametova 等,2018),克拉斯诺达尔边疆区,斯塔夫罗波尔边疆区,卡尔梅克共和国,车臣,达吉斯坦和北奥塞梯-阿兰尼亚(Shatas 1957;Shevchenko 等,1960;Zaytsev 和 Popova 1967;Tiflova 1974;Filippova 1977;Abdulmagomedov 等,2017;Zaytseva 等,2022)。乌克兰:敖德萨州(Bugeac 草原),赫尔松州(黑海生物圈保护区),波尔塔瓦州,切尔诺夫策州,德尼普罗彼得罗夫斯克州,卢甘斯克州,顿涅茨克州,广泛分布于克里米亚半岛(Emchuk 1960;Emchuk 1967;Sklyar 1970;Filippova 1977)。摩尔多瓦:该国北部(Uspenskaya 等,2006)。格鲁吉亚:库塔伊西和第比利斯的郊区以及拉戈德基自然保护区,以及黑海海岸(Kirschenblatt 1936;Djaparidze 1960;Filippova 1977)。亚美尼亚:郊区

Figure 15. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes redikorzevi was reported.
图 15. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes redikorzevi 的地点。
Yerevan and most of the rest of the territory (Zilfyan et al. 1960; Tiflova 1974). Azerbaijan: Zagatala State Reserve, Hadrut District, and the Mil plain (Tiflova 1974), outskirts of the Bilasuvar, the Sara Peninsula (Kirschenblatt 1936), Talysh (Pomerantsev 1950), Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (Kadatskaya and Shirova 1963; Filippova 1977). Kazakhstan: West Kazakhstan Region, Kyzylorda Region, North Kazakhstan Region, Jambyl Region, Turkistan Region, Abai Region (Loseva 1963; Popova and Sokolova 1963). Kyrgyzstan: outskirts of Bishkek, Chüy Valley, Talas Valley, Issyk-Kul Basin, Terskey Ala-too Range (Filippova 1958b; Grebenyuk 1966; Filippova 1977). Turkmenistan: foothills of the Uly Balkan and the Kopet Dagh; the Kugitangtau Range (Kochkareva et al. 1971; Filippova 1977). Uzbekistan: outskirts of Tashkent, foothills of the Chatkal Range, Qurama Mountains, the Hisar Range, the Kugitangtau Range and Karakalpakstan - the Ustyurt Plateau and the lower reaches of the Amu Darya River (Kuklina 1967; Uzakov 1972; Filippova 1977). Tajikistan: Hisar Range Varzob gorge, outskirts of Dushanbe - the Ramit State Nature Reserve, Vakhsh Range, Peter the First Range (Lotozky 1951; Sosnina 1957; Filippova et al. 1966; Kochkareva et al. 1971; Filippova 1977).
耶烈万及其大部分地区(Zilfyan et al. 1960; Tiflova 1974)。阿塞拜疆:扎卡塔拉州立自然保护区、哈德鲁特区和米尔平原(Tiflova 1974)、比拉苏瓦尔郊区、萨拉半岛(Kirschenblatt 1936)、塔利什(Pomerantsev 1950)、纳希切万自治共和国(Kadatskaya 和 Shirova 1963; Filippova 1977)。哈萨克斯坦:西哈萨克斯坦州、卡兹阿尔达州、北哈萨克斯坦州、贾姆布尔州、土耳其斯坦州、阿拜州(Loseva 1963; Popova 和 Sokolova 1963)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:比什凯克郊区、楚河谷、塔拉斯谷、伊塞克湖盆地、特尔斯凯阿拉图山脉(Filippova 1958b; Grebenyuk 1966; Filippova 1977)。土库曼斯坦:乌尔巴尔干山和科佩特山的山脚;库吉坦陶山脉(Kochkareva et al. 1971; Filippova 1977)。乌兹别克斯坦:塔什干郊区、查特卡尔山的山脚、库拉马山、希萨尔山、库吉坦陶山脉和卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦 - 乌斯图尔特高原及阿姆河下游(Kuklina 1967; Uzakov 1972; Filippova 1977)。 塔吉克斯坦:希萨尔山脉,瓦尔佐布峡谷,杜尚别郊区 - 拉米特国家自然保护区,瓦赫什山脉,彼得一世山脉(洛托茨基 1951;索斯尼娜 1957;菲利波娃等 1966;科赫卡列娃等 1971;菲利波娃 1977)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes redikorzevi is a tick species which is mainly a parasite of rodents, shrews, and small carnivores, as well as of dendrophilic ground-feeding birds and rarely reptiles (Filippova 1977). According to Tiflova (1974), this species is considered exophilic and can be found in significant numbers on dendrophilic birds. In the absence of mammalian and avian hosts, I. redikorzevi can parasitize lizards in significant numbers (Orlova et al. 2022). It usually inhabits mountain deciduous forests and steppes located nearby.
生态学和其他信息。红色伊克德斯是一种主要寄生于啮齿动物、鼩鼱和小型食肉动物的蜱虫种类,以及树栖的地面觅食鸟类,偶尔寄生于爬行动物(Filippova 1977)。根据 Tiflova(1974)的说法,这种物种被认为是外寄生的,通常在树栖鸟类上可以找到大量个体。在缺乏哺乳动物和鸟类宿主的情况下,I. redikorzevi 可以在数量上显著寄生于蜥蜴(Orlova et al. 2022)。它通常栖息在附近的山地落叶林和草原中。
Beyond the post-Soviet territories considered above, the range of this tick covers also Eastern Europe, Turkey, Israel, as well as Afghanistan (Filippova 1977) and China (Yin et al. 2010).
除了上述的后苏联地区,这种蜱虫的分布范围还包括东欧、土耳其、以色列,以及阿富汗(Filippova 1977)和中国(Yin et al. 2010)。
At the current moment it is still questionable whether I. redikorzevi is a synonym of I. acuminatus or not. Kolonin (2009) considers this species a synonym of I. acuminatus, but Guglielmone et al. (2010) regard it as provisionally valid. As it was fairly noted by Guglielmone et al. (2014) this question can be solved by comparison of the type specimens of both species. Moreover, Pomerantsev (1950) described by females two subspecies: I. redikorzevi redikorzevi and I. redikorzevi emberizae. Later the other subspecies I. redikorzevi theodori was described although Filippova comments (1977) that the authors had quite little material during descriptions but the differences in size and shape of some characters are visible and it is necessary to compare more specimens from more locations of its large area of distribution.
目前尚不清楚 I. redikorzevi 是否是 I. acuminatus 的同义词。Kolonin(2009)认为该物种是 I. acuminatus 的同义词,但 Guglielmone 等(2010)认为它是暂时有效的。正如 Guglielmone 等(2014)所指出的,这个问题可以通过比较两种物种的类型标本来解决。此外,Pomerantsev(1950)根据雌性描述了两个亚种:I. redikorzevi redikorzevi 和 I. redikorzevi emberizae。后来描述了另一个亚种 I. redikorzevi theodori,尽管 Filippova(1977)评论说,作者在描述时材料相对较少,但某些特征的大小和形状差异是明显的,有必要比较来自其广泛分布区域更多地点的更多标本。
Ixodes redikorzevi redikorzevi occurs in Ukraine, the Transcaucasus and Tajikistan according to Pomerantsev (1950); and I. redikorzevi emberizae can be found in Lankaran and the Hisar Range in Tajikistan. Later the other subspecies, I. redikorzevi theodori was described from the Middle East (Warburton 1927).
根据 Pomerantsev(1950),Ixodes redikorzevi redikorzevi 分布在乌克兰、外高加索和塔吉克斯坦;而 I. redikorzevi emberizae 可以在塔吉克斯坦的兰卡兰和希萨尔山脉找到。后来,另一亚种 I. redikorzevi theodori 在中东被描述(Warburton 1927)。
The type specimens of I. redikorzevi are deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and include the holotype: female; [former] Tavricheskaya Province (Crimea), Yaman-Kala, near Baidar, 25.10.1924, coll. V. Shnitnikov, AL I338 and the paralectotype of I. redikorzevi emberizae female; AL I522. Description - Pomerantsev 1950: 63 (female; male unknown); Filippova 1977: nymph, larva (Filippova 2008).
I. redikorzevi 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括模式标本:雌性;[前] 塔夫里切斯卡亚省(克里米亚),亚曼卡拉,靠近拜达尔,1924 年 10 月 25 日,采集者 V. Shnitnikov,AL I338,以及 I. redikorzevi emberizae 的副模式标本雌性;AL I522。描述 - Pomerantsev 1950: 63(雌性;雄性未知);Filippova 1977: 若虫,幼虫(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Acarus ricinus Linnaeus, 1758: 616
Acarus ricinus 林奈,1758:616

Ixodes reduvius (Linnaeus): Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes sanguisugus (Linnaeus): Morel and Pérez 1978: 201.
Ixodes sanguisugus (Linnaeus): Morel 和 Pérez 1978: 201.

Ixodes vulgaris (Fabricius): Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes holsatus (Fabricius): Nuttall and Warburton 1911: 285.
Ixodes megathyreus Leach: Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes bipunctatus Risso: Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes trabeatus Audouin: Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes marginalis Hahn: Oudemans 1896: 191.
Ixodes sciuri Koch: Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes fuscus Koch: Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes sulcatus Koch: Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes rufus Koch: Neumann 1901: 249.
Ixodes lacertae Koch: Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes pustularum Mégnin: Neumann 1911: 12.
Ixodes vicinus Yerrill: Oudemans 1896: 191.
Ixodes fodiens Murray: Neumann 1904: 444.
Ixodes nigricans Neumann: Schulze 1939: 1.
Ixodes areolaris Olenev: Pomerantsev 1950: 37.
Recorded hosts. The host spectrum of I. ricinus is extremely broad both systematically and ecologically, including literally almost all mammals and birds of its geographical range, rarely even reptiles inhabiting the same biotopes with the tick. The fact of mass parasitism of immature stages on lizards of the Lacertidae family, in particular species of the genus Darevskia in the Caucasus (Kidov et al. 2013; Orlova et al. 2022) in habitats where they outnumber small mammals probably brightly demonstrates that I. ricinus is a generalist tick capable to use almost any available terrestrial vertebrates as hosts. Overall, the list of hosts consists of more than 300 species of mammals, birds and reptiles which have been recorded (Gern et al. 2002). Humans and domestic animals can also be hosts for the tick (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。I. ricinus 的宿主谱在系统和生态上都极为广泛,包括其地理范围内几乎所有的哺乳动物和鸟类,甚至很少有与蜱虫栖息在同一生境中的爬行动物。未成熟阶段在蜥蜴(Lacertidae 家族)上的大规模寄生现象,特别是在高加索地区的 Darevskia 属物种(Kidov et al. 2013; Orlova et al. 2022),在它们数量超过小型哺乳动物的栖息地中,可能鲜明地表明 I. ricinus 是一种通用蜱,能够利用几乎所有可用的陆生脊椎动物作为宿主。总体而言,宿主名单包括记录的 300 多种哺乳动物、鸟类和爬行动物(Gern et al. 2002)。人类和家畜也可以是蜱虫的宿主(Filippova 1977)。
Distribution (Fig. 16). The distribution of I. ricinus in Russia includes almost the whole territory of its European part excluding subpolar tundra areas (see the map) (Filippova 1977; Kahl and Gray 2023) and due to climate changes, the distribution of this tick species becomes wider (Gray et al. 2009; Yasyukevich et al. 2009). Ixodes ricinus is part of the tick fauna of the following post-Soviet countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan (Guglielmone et al. 2023). In Kazakhstan a little number of specimens were found in the northern part of West Kazakhstan Oblast (Maikanov 2012). In Turkmenistan the tick was also recorded in few numbers in the western foothills of the Kopet-Dag (Kerbabaev 1960) which probably could be transported there by migratory birds.
分布(图 16)。I. ricinus 在俄罗斯的分布几乎涵盖了其欧洲部分的整个领土,排除了亚极地苔原地区(见地图)(Filippova 1977;Kahl 和 Gray 2023),并且由于气候变化,这种蜱的分布范围变得更广(Gray 等,2009;Yasyukevich 等,2009)。Ixodes ricinus 是以下后苏联国家蜱类动物群的一部分:爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、白俄罗斯、俄罗斯、乌克兰、摩尔多瓦、格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、土库曼斯坦和哈萨克斯坦(Guglielmone 等,2023)。在哈萨克斯坦,少量标本在西哈萨克斯坦州的北部被发现(Maikanov 2012)。在土库曼斯坦,该蜱在科佩特-达格西部山脚也被记录到少量(Kerbabaev 1960),这可能是通过候鸟运输到那里的。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes ricinus is an exophilic tick species widely distributed in Europe, mostly inhabiting deciduous and mixed forest zones in both plain and mountainous areas, as well as forest-steppes bordering them. It also occurs in city parks and gardens (Gray 1998). In addition, it can be found in North Africa (Arthur 1965). In Ukraine I. ricinus colonized and reached
生态学和其他信息。伊克斯德斯·里基努斯是一种广泛分布于欧洲的外寄生蜱种,主要栖息在平原和山区的落叶林和混交林区域,以及与之相邻的森林草原。它也出现在城市公园和花园中(Gray 1998)。此外,它还可以在北非找到(Arthur 1965)。在乌克兰,I. ricinus 已经定殖并达到

Figure 16. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes ricinus was reported: A before 1975 B from 1976.
图 16. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示了报告 Ixodes ricinus 的地点:A 1975 年前 B 1976 年起。

a high abundance in artificial forest plantations of the Askania-Nova Nature Reserve surrounded from all sides by steppes for a period of less than 80 years (Emchuk 1972). In urban areas with conditions able to support tick populations, for example, Minsk or Kyiv, I. ricinus usually dominates among other tick species, especially among members of the genus Ixodes (Uspensky 2017). This tick species uses almost all forest vertebrate animals as hosts and, together with I. persulcatus, it is one of the most important vectors of a broad spectrum of tick-borne pathogens, first of all, tick-borne encephalitis virus (Filippova 1977).
在阿斯卡尼亚-诺瓦自然保护区的人工森林种植园中,周围被草原环绕,存在高丰度,时间不到 80 年(Emchuk 1972)。在能够支持蜱虫种群的城市地区,例如明斯克或基辅,I. ricinus 通常在其他蜱虫种类中占主导地位,尤其是在伊克索德斯属的成员中(Uspensky 2017)。这种蜱虫几乎以所有森林脊椎动物为宿主,并且与 I. persulcatus 一起,是广谱蜱虫传播病原体的重要媒介,首先是蜱虫传播的脑炎病毒(Filippova 1977)。
Often it can be found in the same biotope with I. persulcatus, often exhibiting complete or partial coincidence of seasonal activity at each ontogenetic stage (Filippova 1999). In zones of sympatry their hybridization can occur, and although hybrid offspring are incapable of reproduction (Bugmyrin et al. 2015), they can still transmit tick-borne encephalitis virus and probably other pathogens (Kovalev et al. 2016; Belova et al. 2023). The absence of any morphological barrier for copulation was discovered in geographical points of probably the secondary sympatric zone (Filippova 2002) of I. persulcatus and I. ricinus in the north-west of the East European Plain (Balashov et al. 1998). However, in some areas of this sympatric zone, for example, in southern Kare-
常常可以在与 I. persulcatus 相同的生境中找到,通常在每个发育阶段的季节活动上完全或部分重合(Filippova 1999)。在同域区,它们可以发生杂交,尽管杂交后代无法繁殖(Bugmyrin et al. 2015),但它们仍然可以传播蜱传脑炎病毒和其他病原体(Kovalev et al. 2016;Belova et al. 2023)。在 I. persulcatus 和 I. ricinus 的可能次级同域区的地理点中发现没有任何形态障碍阻碍交配(Filippova 2002),该区域位于东欧平原的西北部(Balashov et al. 1998)。然而,在这个同域区的某些地区,例如南喀尔巴阡地区,

lia, its slight shrinking has recently been noted due to the withdrawal of I I II. ricinus from territories where it used to live (Bespyatova and Bugmyrin 2021).
lia,最近由于 I I II 的撤回,其轻微收缩已被注意到。ricinus 从它曾经生活的地区撤回(Bespyatova 和 Bugmyrin 2021)。
Due to the high epidemiological significance and wide distribution of I. ricinus and its regular contacts with humans and domestic animals, its biology and life cycle were more extensively studied than in case of any other species of its genus inhabiting the same territories. As a species, I. ricinus probably appeared approximately 8-12 thousand years ago when deciduous and mixed forests formed in the southeast of Europe and the Mediterranean, as well as in the northern and northeastern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, when current environmental conditions of these territories have begun to shape. And the climate there was also milder than in Siberian taiga forests where I. persulcatus evolved (Filippova 2017).
由于 I. ricinus 的高流行病学重要性和广泛分布,以及它与人类和家畜的定期接触,其生物学和生命周期的研究比同一地区其他物种更为广泛。作为一个物种,I. ricinus 大约在 8000 到 12000 年前出现,当时欧洲东南部和地中海地区以及大高加索的北部和东北坡形成了落叶和混交林,而这些地区的当前环境条件也开始形成。那里的气候也比西伯利亚泰加林的气候温和,I. persulcatus 在那演化而来(Filippova 2017)。
It was revealed that in a certain region the duration of tick activity period and the number of adult ticks depend on spring and summer temperatures and air humidity (Korotkov et al. 2015; Korenberg et al. 2021). Females and larvae usually attach to hosts when the air near the soil warms up from +2 to + 30 C + 30 C +30^(@)C+30^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, and in the case of nymphs from +2 to + 22 C + 22 C +22^(@)C+22^{\circ} \mathrm{C}. The relative humidity of the surrounding air has to be higher than 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% for an extended period of time (Sirotkin and Korenberg 2018). It is absolutely important for ticks to receive the necessary amount of warmth to complete their metamorphosis at each stage within a strictly defined period of time (Korenberg et al. 2013). As a consequence, the seasonal activity of all stages of I I II. ricinus is more extended than in the case of I. persulcatus, and engorged ticks begin oviposition or metamorphosis without strict dependance on the photoperiod. Therefore, in the southern range of distribution (the Mediterranean, Central Europe, the Caucasus) ticks initiate activity in the end of March - the beginning of April (Korenberg et al. 2021), whereas in Eastern European regions - in April (Medvedev et al. 2016; Korenberg et al. 2021). Ixodes ricinus also uses a diapause as a biological mechanism, although due to warmer conditions in the majority of its distribution range, no more than 10-20% of ticks at each stage undergo such an interruption of development (Korenberg and Kovalevsky 1977; Korenberg et al. 2016).
据透露,在某个地区,蜱虫活动期的持续时间和成虫数量依赖于春季和夏季的温度和空气湿度(Korotkov et al. 2015; Korenberg et al. 2021)。雌性和幼虫通常在土壤附近的空气温度从 +2 升高到 + 30 C + 30 C +30^(@)C+30^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 时附着在宿主上,而若虫则在 +2 升高到 + 22 C + 22 C +22^(@)C+22^{\circ} \mathrm{C} 时附着。周围空气的相对湿度必须在较长时间内高于 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% (Sirotkin 和 Korenberg 2018)。蜱虫在每个阶段完成变态所需的温暖量在严格规定的时间内是绝对重要的(Korenberg et al. 2013)。因此,所有阶段的 I I II . ricinus 的季节性活动比 I. persulcatus 更加延长,充血的蜱虫开始产卵或变态而不严格依赖于光周期。因此,在分布的南部范围(地中海、中欧、外高加索),蜱虫在三月底至四月初开始活动(Korenberg et al. 2021),而在东欧地区则在四月开始(Medvedev et al. 2016; Korenberg et al. 2021)。 Ixodes ricinus 也使用休眠作为一种生物机制,尽管由于其分布范围内大多数地区的气温较高,每个阶段的蜱虫中只有 10-20%经历这种发育中断 (Korenberg 和 Kovalevsky 1977; Korenberg 等 2016)。

Ixodes sachalinensis Filippova, 1971

Ixodes sachalinensis Filippova, 1971: 236; Kolonin 1981: 49.
Ixodes persulcatus diversipalpis Schulze, 1930: 294; Pomerantsev 1950: 43. Ixodes persulcatus cornuatus Olenev: Pomerantsev 1950: 43.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Lepus timidus (mountain hare) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:山兔(Lepus timidus)(Filippova 1977)。

Recorded locations (Fig. 17). Russia: the Sakhalin Island, Sachalin Oblast, the rural locality Khomutovo (Filippova 1971).
记录的位置(图 17)。俄罗斯:萨哈林岛,萨哈林州,乡村地方霍穆托沃(Filippova 1971)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes sachalinensis is a tick species known only by the single finding from Sakhalin. It was collected from a mountain hare together with 79 females, 15 males and 7 nymphs of I. persulcatus (Filippova 1971).
生态学和其他信息。萨哈林蜱是一种仅在萨哈林发现的蜱种。它是从一只山兔身上收集的,伴随有 79 只雌性、15 只雄性和 7 只 I. persulcatus 的幼虫(Filippova 1971)。
Kolonin (2009) and Camicas et al. (1998) consider I. sachalinensis a synonym of I. persulcatus, but Barker and Murrell (2004) and Guglielmone et al. ( 2009 , 2010 ) ( 2009 , 2010 ) (2009,2010)(2009,2010) recognize this species as valid.
Kolonin (2009) 和 Camicas 等 (1998) 将 I. sachalinensis 视为 I. persulcatus 的同义词,但 Barker 和 Murrell (2004) 以及 Guglielmone 等 ( 2009 , 2010 ) ( 2009 , 2010 ) (2009,2010)(2009,2010) 认为该物种是有效的。
The type specimen is deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and includes the holotype: female; [Russia], Sakhalin, near Khomutovo Vill., Lepus timidus, 27.5.1950, [coll.: unknown]; AL I729 (Filippova 2008).
类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括模式标本:雌性;[俄罗斯],萨哈林,靠近霍穆托沃村,Lepus timidus,1950 年 5 月 27 日,[采集者:未知];AL I729(Filippova 2008)。

Figure 17. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes sachalinensis was reported.
图 17. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes sachalinensis 的地点。

Subgenus Ixodiopsis Filippova, 1957: 31.
亚属 Ixodiopsis Filippova, 1957: 31。

Ixodes angustus Neumann, 1899
Ixodes angustus Neumann, 1899: 136.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Alexandromys oeconomus (tundra vole), Craseomys rufocanus (grey red-backed vole), Eutamias sibiricus (Siberian chipmunk), Mus musculus (house mouse), Myodes rutilus (northern red-backed vole), Ochotona alpina (alpine pika), Rattus norvegicus (brown rat), Sicista caudata Thomas (long-tailed birch mouse), Sorex araneus (common shrew), Sorex minutus (Eurasian pygmy shrew) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:阿列克桑德罗米斯·欧肯诺斯(冻原田鼠)、克拉塞欧米斯·鲁福卡努斯(灰色红背田鼠)、尤塔米亚斯·西伯利库斯(西伯利亚花鼠)、家鼠(Mus musculus)、北方红背田鼠(Myodes rutilus)、阿尔卑斯岩鼠(Ochotona alpina)、挪威鼠(Rattus norvegicus)、托马斯长尾桦鼠(Sicista caudata)、普通鼩鼱(Sorex araneus)、欧亚侏儒鼩鼱(Sorex minutus)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 18). Russia: outskirts of Magadan and the lower reaches of the Kukhtui River, Okhotsky district - the northernmost points of record of I. angustus in the Palearctic (Belyaev 1963); Kamchatka Peninsula - outskirts of the villages Tigil and Ust-Khayryuzovo (Pomerantsev 1950), the valley of the Kamchatka River to Ust-Kamchatsk (Serdjukova 1956), the eastern coast of the Kamchatka peninsula to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Speranskaya 1958), the valley of the rivers Avacha and Pinachevskaya (Paramonov et al. 1966); Middle Outer Manchuria (Filippova 1977); Sovetsko-Gavansky district (Emelyanova and Koshkin 1962); Sikhote-Alin (Belyaev and Filippova 1976); Sakhalin - Novoaleksandrovka (former Konuma), the valley of the Lyutoga River (Pomerantsev 1950) and the Cape Patience (Skrynnik 1950; Asanuma 1951; Violovich 1958, 1960; Savitsky and Okuntsova 1967; Timofeeva and Kon’kova 1971); Kuril Islands - Simushir (Pomerantsev 1950; Violovich 1958, 1960; Timofeeva and Kon’kova 1971).
记录地点(图 18)。俄罗斯:马加丹郊区和库赫图伊河下游,奥霍茨克区 - I. angustus 在古北区的最北记录点(Belyaev 1963);堪察加半岛 - 提吉尔和乌斯季-哈伊留佐沃村的郊区(Pomerantsev 1950),堪察加河谷至乌斯季-堪察克(Serdjukova 1956),堪察加半岛东海岸至彼得罗巴甫洛夫斯克-堪察克(Speranskaya 1958),阿瓦恰河和皮纳切夫斯卡亚河谷(Paramonov et al. 1966);中外满洲(Filippova 1977);苏维埃港区(Emelyanova 和 Koshkin 1962);西霍特阿林(Belyaev 和 Filippova 1976);萨哈林 - 新亚历山德罗夫卡(前称 Konuma),柳托加河谷(Pomerantsev 1950)和耐心角(Skrynnik 1950;Asanuma 1951;Violovich 1958, 1960;Savitsky 和 Okuntsova 1967;Timofeeva 和 Kon’kova 1971);库页岛 - 西穆希尔(Pomerantsev 1950;Violovich 1958, 1960;Timofeeva 和 Kon’kova 1971)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes angustus occurs in the Palearctic predominantly on the East Asian coast and also in the Nearctic - Canada and the USA (Filippova 1977). In the Russian Far East in Outer Manchuria, the islands
生态学和其他信息。细腿蜱主要分布在古北界,尤其是东亚沿海地区,也出现在新北界 - 加拿大和美国(Filippova 1977)。在俄罗斯远东的外满洲,岛屿

Figure 18. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes angustus was reported.
图 18. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes angustus 的地点。

and along the main ridges of the Sikhote-Alin it inhabits a wide range of biotopes: various types of mixed and broad-leaved forests in mountains and valleys, as well as tundra and rocks, stone outcrops, coastal biotopes, meadow and river valleys (Speranskaya 1958; Violovich 1958; Emelyanova and Koshkin 1962; Belyaev 1963; Paramonov et al. 1966; Savitsky and Okuntsova 1967; Belyaev and Filippova 1976).
在西霍特-阿林的主要山脊上,它栖息在广泛的生物群落中:山脉和山谷中的各种类型的混合和阔叶林,以及苔原和岩石、石头裸露、沿海生物群落、草地和河谷(斯佩兰斯卡娅 1958;维奥洛维奇 1958;耶梅利亚诺娃和科什金 1962;别利亚耶夫 1963;帕拉莫诺夫等 1966;萨维茨基和奥库茨科娃 1967;别利亚耶夫和菲利波娃 1976)。
Ixodes angustus is considered a nidicolous ectoparasite of rodents and shrews because it was found not only on hosts but also in their burrows (Filippova 1977), although there are documented cases on this species biting humans without contacts with burrows (Cooley 1946). As a parasite which is connected with rodents, and, like other rodent ticks, I. angustus plays a role in supporting natural foci of tick-borne infections such as anaplasmosis (Yamborko and Eremeeva 2014) and the Lyme disease (Peavey et al. 2000).
Ixodes angustus 被认为是啮齿动物和鼩鼱的巢居外寄生虫,因为它不仅在宿主身上被发现,还在它们的洞穴中被发现(Filippova 1977),尽管有记录表明该物种在没有接触洞穴的情况下也会咬人(Cooley 1946)。作为一种与啮齿动物相关的寄生虫,I. angustus 与其他啮齿动物蜱虫一样,在支持自然蜱传染病的病灶中发挥作用,例如无形体病(Yamborko 和 Eremeeva 2014)和莱姆病(Peavey 等,2000)。
Although hyperparasitism is not common in Ixodes ticks, I. angustus belongs to a small number of species of the genus, in which this phenomenon was recorded (Durden et al. 2018), when a male was feeding from a female attached to a red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. The other Ixodes species in which males have been recorded to attach and feed on engorging conspecific females include I. holocyclus in Australia and I. pilosus in South Africa (Oliver et al. 1986).
尽管在伊克斯德斯蜱中超寄生现象并不常见,但 I. angustus 属于该属中少数记录到这种现象的物种之一(Durden et al. 2018),当时一只雄性正在从附着在红松鼠 Tamiasciurus hudsonicus 上的雌性身上取食。其他记录到雄性附着并取食充血同种雌性的伊克斯德斯物种包括澳大利亚的 I. holocyclus 和南非的 I. pilosus(Oliver et al. 1986)。

Ixodes pomerantzevi Serdjukova, 1941

Ixodes pomerantzevi Serdjukova, 1941: 519.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Apodemus agrarius (striped field mouse), Craseomys rufocanus (grey red-backed vole), Erinaceus amurensis Schrenk (Amur hedgehog), Eutamias sibiricus (Siberian chipmunk), Microtus fortis (reed vole), Myodes rutilus
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:田鼠(Apodemus agrarius)、灰背褐鼠(Craseomys rufocanus)、阿穆尔刺猬(Erinaceus amurensis Schrenk)、西伯利亚花栗鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)、芦苇田鼠(Microtus fortis)、红背田鼠(Myodes rutilus)

(northern red-backed vole), Sorex araneus (common shrew) (Filippova 1977), Sorex caecutiens (Laxmann’s shrew), Sorex unguiculatus Dobson (long-clawed shrew), (individual specimens ((Okulova et al. 1986), Rattus norvegicus (brown rat), Tscherskia triton (De Winton) (greater long-tailed hamster) (Filippova 1977).
Recorded locations (Fig. 19). Russia: Sikhote-Alin - outskirts of Dal’ny Kut (the northernmost point of finding (Filippova 1977), valley of the Dorozhnaya River, Dalnegorsk, Ussurisky (former Komarovskii) Nature Reserve; coast of the Sea of Japan - outskirts of the villages Terney, Dukhovo, Kamenka, Lazovsky nature reserve, Fokino (former Promyslovka), the bays Razboynik and Linda; the coast of the Peter the Great Gulf: Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve, the rural localities Barabash and Posyet (Serdjukova 1941; Pomerantsev 1950; Slonov 1961; Khudyakov 1963; Belyaev and Filippova 1976).
记录的位置(图 19)。俄罗斯:西霍特阿林 - 达尔尼库特郊区(发现的最北点(Filippova 1977),多罗兹纳亚河谷,达尔涅戈尔斯克,乌苏里斯基(前科马罗夫斯基)自然保护区;日本海沿岸 - 特尔内伊、杜霍沃、卡门卡村庄的郊区,拉佐夫斯基自然保护区,福基诺(前普罗米斯洛夫卡),拉兹博伊尼克湾和林达湾;彼得大帝湾沿岸:凯德罗瓦亚帕德自然保护区,巴拉巴什和波谢特乡村(Serdjukova 1941;Pomerantsev 1950;Slonov 1961;Khudyakov 1963;Belyaev 和 Filippova 1976)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes pomerantzevi is a relict species occurring on the East Asian coast (Filippova 1977) and in Russia its distribution is limited to a few locations in Outer Manchuria (a.k.a. Primorsky Krai) in the Russian Far East (Tsapko 2020). It is also known to occur in Korea (Kim et al. 2009a, 2010, 2011) and China (Guo et al. 2016). Predominantly it can be found in coniferous and broad-leaf forests, or secondary forests and bush thickets, as well as rock and stone outcrops among trees in the Sikhote-Alin and on the coast of the Sea of Japan (Belyaev and Filippova 1976).
生态学和其他信息。伊克索德斯·波梅兰采维是一种遗存物种,分布在东亚沿海(Filippova 1977),在俄罗斯,其分布仅限于外满洲(即滨海边疆区)的一些地点(Tsapko 2020)。它也被发现于韩国(Kim et al. 2009a, 2010, 2011)和中国(Guo et al. 2016)。主要可以在针叶林和阔叶林、次生林和灌木丛中找到,以及在西霍特阿林的树木间和日本海沿岸的岩石和石头裸露处(Belyaev and Filippova 1976)。
Luh and Woo (1950) supposed that I. pomerantzevi is possibly a synonym of Ixodes angustus; Filippova (1977) considered it as valid and in the last list of valid tick species names, it is also considered valid (Guglielmone et al. 2020).
Luh 和 Woo(1950)假设 I. pomerantzevi 可能是 Ixodes angustus 的同义词;Filippova(1977)认为它是有效的,在最新的有效蜱种名称列表中,它也被认为是有效的(Guglielmone 等,2020)。
Ixodes pomerantzevi is a nidicolous tick species, an ectoparasite of rodents, hedgehogs, and shrews (Filippova 1977).
Ixodes pomerantzevi 是一种寄生在巢中的蜱虫,寄生于啮齿动物、刺猬和鼩鼱(Filippova 1977)。
The type specimen of I. pomerantzevi is deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and include the holotype: female; [Russia], DVK
I. pomerantzevi 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所,包括模式标本:雌性;[俄罗斯],DVK

Figure 19. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes pomerantzevi was reported.
图 19. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes pomerantzevi 的地点。

[Primorskii Terr.], Suputinskii [Komarovskii or Ussurisky] Nature Reserve, from Myodes rufocanus, 9-13.VI.1939, coll. B.I. Pomerantsev; AL I502. Description Filippova 1977: 128-132 (female, male - unknown, nymph, larva) (Filippova 2008).
[Primorskii Terr.],Suputinskii [Komarovskii 或 Ussurisky]自然保护区,来自 Myodes rufocanus,1939 年 6 月 9-13 日,采集者 B.I. Pomerantsev;AL I502。描述见 Filippova 1977:128-132(雌性,雄性 - 未知,若虫,幼虫)(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes stromi Filippova, 1957

Ixodes stromi Filippova, 1957: 864.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Alticola argentatus (Severtzov) (silver mountain vole), Apodemus agrarius (striped field mouse), Craseomys rufocanus (grey red-backed vole), Crocidura sp. (shrew), Lasiopodomys gregalis (narrow-headed vole), Microtus arvalis (common vole), Mustela sp. (weasel), Myodes centralis (Miller) (Tien Shan red-backed vole), Nothocricetulus migratorius (grey dwarf hamster), Ochotona macrotis (Günther) (large-eared pika), Rattus pyctoris (Turkestan rat) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:银山田鼠(Alticola argentatus (Severtzov))、条纹田鼠(Apodemus agrarius)、灰红背田鼠(Craseomys rufocanus)、鼩鼱属(Crocidura sp.)、狭头田鼠(Lasiopodomys gregalis)、普通田鼠(Microtus arvalis)、黄鼠狼属(Mustela sp.)、中部田鼠(Myodes centralis (Miller))(天山红背田鼠)、灰矮仓鼠(Nothocricetulus migratorius)、大耳岩兔(Ochotona macrotis (Günther))、土耳其鼠(Rattus pyctoris)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 20). Russia: Western Sayan (Arumova and Dineva 1973). Kazakhstan: Tarbagatai Mountains (Afanas’eva 1959), Dzungarian Alatau (Ushakova and Fedosenko 1963; Ushakova et al. 1976), Trans-Ili Alatau (Ushakova and Fedosenko 1963). Kyrgyzstan: Kyrgyz Ala-Too Range (Fedorova 2012b), Terskey Alatau (Fedorova 2012b), Chuy Valley - found in 1966 (Grebenyuk 1966), was not found in the same territories in 2018 (Fedorova 2021). Tajikistan: Peter the First Range (Filippova 1977), Varzob gorge (Sosnina 1954 - here I. stromi was incorrectly identified as I. trianguliceps because the new species was described by Filippova in 1957b).
记录的位置(图 20)。俄罗斯:西萨扬(Arumova 和 Dineva 1973)。哈萨克斯坦:塔尔巴盖山脉(Afanas’eva 1959),准噶尔阿拉套(Ushakova 和 Fedosenko 1963;Ushakova 等人 1976),跨伊利阿拉套(Ushakova 和 Fedosenko 1963)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:吉尔吉斯阿拉图山脉(Fedorova 2012b),特尔斯基阿拉套(Fedorova 2012b),楚河谷 - 1966 年发现(Grebenyuk 1966),在 2018 年未在同一地区发现(Fedorova 2021)。塔吉克斯坦:彼得一世山脉(Filippova 1977),瓦尔佐布峡谷(Sosnina 1954 - 此处 I. stromi 被错误识别为 I. trianguliceps,因为新物种是由 Filippova 在 1957b 年描述的)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes stromi is a tick species only indigenous to southern Siberia in Russia (Tsapko 2020). The main part of its distribution spans in Kazakhstan and Middle Asia. In all territories of its range,
生态和其他信息。斯特罗米蜱是一种仅分布于俄罗斯南部西伯利亚的蜱虫(Tsapko 2020)。它的主要分布区域横跨哈萨克斯坦和中亚。在其分布范围内的所有地区,

Figure 20. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes stromi was reported.
图 20. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告 Ixodes stromi 的地点。

it is confined to the forest-meadow and forest-steppe belt of medium-altitude mountains, to stony and rocky habitats, which are insolated and, therefore, have a warmer microclimate (Filippova 1967).
它局限于中海拔山脉的森林草甸和森林草原带,适合石质和岩石栖息地,这些地方阳光充足,因此具有更温暖的小气候(Filippova 1967)。
This species is nidicolous and uses rodents, shrews, and small carnivores as hosts at all stages. It is considered a rare species reaching small individual number (Filippova 1977).
该物种是巢居的,在所有阶段都以啮齿动物、鼩鼱和小型食肉动物作为宿主。它被认为是一种稀有物种,个体数量较少(Filippova 1977)。
The type specimens of I. stromi are known from Kyrgyzstan and stored at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences: the lectotype: the nymph; Kyrgyzstan, Tien Shan, Kungei Ala Tau Mt. Range, Ch-Aksu Canyon, talus, from Clethrionomys frater (synonym of Myodes centralis), 11.VIII.1953, coll. N.A. Filippova; AL I78. The paralectotypes: 6 larvae; FBM I586, I876; 6 larvae; FBM I873, I875. Description - Filippova 1977: 122-127 (female, nymph, larva; male unknown) (Filippova 2008).
I. stromi 的类型标本来自吉尔吉斯斯坦,存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所:正模标本:若虫;吉尔吉斯斯坦,天山,昆盖阿拉山脉,Ch-Aksu 峡谷,碎石,来自 Clethrionomys frater(Myodes centralis 的同义词),1953 年 8 月 11 日,采集者 N.A. Filippova;AL I78。副正模标本:6 个幼虫;FBM I586, I876;6 个幼虫;FBM I873, I875。描述 - Filippova 1977: 122-127(雌性,若虫,幼虫;雄性未知)(Filippova 2008)。

Subgenus Monoixodes Emelyanova & Kozlovskaya, 1967: 489.
亚属单虫属 Emelyanova & Kozlovskaya, 1967: 489.

Ixodes maslovi Emelyanova & Kozlovskaya, 1967
Ixodes maslovi Emelyanova & Kozlovskaya, 1967: 489.
Recorded hosts. To date hosts of this tick species are unknown (Guglielmone et al. 2014).
记录的宿主。至今尚不清楚这种蜱虫的宿主(Guglielmone et al. 2014)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 21). Russia: Khabarovsk Krai - Khekhtsir Range and the rural locality Vyatskoye (Emelyanova and Kozlovskaya 1967); Krasnoyarsk Krai - Kozulsky District, the village Bolshoy Kemchug (Voltsyt 1997).
记录的位置(图 21)。俄罗斯:哈巴罗夫克边疆区 - 克赫赫茨尔山脉和乡村地方维亚茨科耶(埃梅利亚诺娃和科兹洛夫斯卡娅 1967);克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区 - 科祖尔斯基区,村庄博尔肖伊·肯丘格(沃尔茨特 1997)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes maslovi is an almost unstudied tick known and described from two findings of its male and female (Emelyanova and Kozlovskaya 1967), as well as the nymph (Voltsyt 1997).
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes maslovi 是一种几乎未被研究的蜱虫,已知并描述于两次发现的雄性和雌性(Emelyanova 和 Kozlovskaya 1967),以及若虫(Voltsyt 1997)。

Figure 21. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes maslovi was reported.
图 21. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告 Ixodes maslovi 的地点。
Camicas et al. (1998) and Kolonin (2009) regard I. maslovi as an abnormal form of I. persulcatus although Filippova (1977) and Guglielmone et al. (2020) consider I. maslovi a valid taxon.
Camicas et al. (1998) 和 Kolonin (2009) 将 I. maslovi 视为 I. persulcatus 的一种异常形式,尽管 Filippova (1977) 和 Guglielmone et al. (2020) 认为 I. maslovi 是一个有效的分类。
The type specimens are deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the holotype: male; [Russia], environs of Khabarovsk, Khekhtsir Mt. Range, 12.VI.1964, collected from vegetation by O.L. Kozlovskaya; FBM I1412; the paratype: female; FBM I1413. Description - Filippova 1977: 248-251 (female, male); Voltsit 1997: 265-268 (nymph; larva unknown) (Filippova 2008).
类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所 - 正本:雄性;[俄罗斯],哈巴罗夫斯克附近,赫赫茨尔山脉,1964 年 6 月 12 日,由 O.L. Kozlovskaya 从植被中采集;FBM I1412;副本:雌性;FBM I1413。描述 - Filippova 1977:248-251(雌性,雄性);Voltsit 1997:265-268(若虫;幼虫未知)(Filippova 2008)。
Subgenus Pholeoixodes Schulze, 1942: 630.
亚属 Pholeoixodes Schulze, 1942: 630.

Ixodes arboricola Schulze & Schlottke, 1929
Ixodes arboricola Schulze & Schlottke: Morel and Pérez 1973: 275.
Ixodes arboricola muscicapae Schulze, 1930: 3; Haarløv 1962: 425.
Ixodes strigicola Schulze & Schlottke: Haarløv 1962: 425.
Ixodes dryadis Schulze & Schlottke: Haarløv 1962: 425.
Ixodes passericola Schulze: Haarløv 1962: 425.
Ixodes arboricola bogatschevi Kirshenblat, 1936: 93; Haarløv 1962: 425.
Ixodes lagodechiensis Dzhaparidze, 1950: 117; Kolonin 1981: 84.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Accipiter gentilis (Linnaeus) (northern goshawk), Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Hermann) (Eurasian reed warbler), Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus) (long-tailed tit), Aegolius funereus (Linnaeus) (boreal owl), Athene noctua (little owl), Certhia brachydactyla Brehm (short-toed treecreeper), Certhia familiaris Linnaeus (Eurasian treecreeper), Chloris chloris (European greenfinch), Coloeus monedula (Linnaeus) (western jackdaw), Columba palumbus Linnaeus (common wood pigeon), Coracias garrulus Linnaeus (European roller), Corvus frugilegus Linnaeus (rook), Curruca communis (common whitethroat), Cyanistes caeruleus (Linnaeus) (Eurasian blue tit), Dendrocopos major (great spotted woodpecker), Emberiza citrinella (yellowhammer), Erithacus rubecula (European robin), Falco peregrinus Tunstall (peregrine falcon), Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus (common kestrel), Ficedula albicollis (Temminck) (collared flycatcher), Ficedula hypoleuca (European pied flycatcher), Garrulus glandarius (Eurasian jay), Glaucidium passerinum (Linnaeus) (Eurasian pygmy owl), Hirundo rustica Linnaeus (barn swallow), Lophophanes cristatus (Linnaeus) (crested tit), Motacilla alba (white wagtail), Muscicapa striata (Pallas) (spotted flycatcher), Parus major (great tit), Passer domesticus (house sparrow), Passer montanus (Eurasian tree sparrow), Periparus ater (Linnaeus) (coal tit), Phoenicurus ochruros (Gmelin) (black redstart), Phoenicurus phoenicurus (common redstart), Phylloscopus trochilus (Linnaeus) (willow warbler), Picus canus Gmelin (grey-headed woodpecker), Poecile montanus (Conrad von Baldenstein) (willow tit), Poecile palustris (Linnaeus) (marsh tit), Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Linnaeus) (Eurasian bullfinch), Remiz pendulinus (Linnaeus) (Eurasian penduline tit), Riparia riparia (Linnaeus) (sand martin), Serinus serinus (Linnaeus) (European serin), Sitta europaea (Eurasian nuthatch) (Filippova 1977; Keve et al. 2022), western rock nuthatch Sitta neumayer Michahelles (Ogandzhanyan 1984), Spinus spinus (Linnaeus) (Eurasian siskin), Strix aluco Linnaeus (tawny owl), Sturnus vulgaris (common starling), Troglodytes troglodytes (Linnaeus) (Eurasian wren),
记录的主机。鸟类:北方苍鹰(Accipiter gentilis (Linnaeus))、欧亚芦苇莺(Acrocephalus scirpaceus (Hermann))、长尾山雀(Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus))、北方猫头鹰(Aegolius funereus (Linnaeus))、小猫头鹰(Athene noctua)、短趾树莺(Certhia brachydactyla Brehm)、欧亚树莺(Certhia familiaris Linnaeus)、欧洲绿雀(Chloris chloris)、西方寒鸦(Coloeus monedula (Linnaeus))、普通木鸽(Columba palumbus Linnaeus)、欧洲滚地鸠(Coracias garrulus Linnaeus)、乌鸦(Corvus frugilegus Linnaeus)、普通白喉(Curruca communis)、欧亚蓝山雀(Cyanistes caeruleus (Linnaeus))、大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocopos major)、黄鹀(Emberiza citrinella)、欧洲知更鸟(Erithacus rubecula)、游隼(Falco peregrinus Tunstall)、普通雀鹰(Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus)、领鸲(Ficedula albicollis (Temminck))、欧洲斑鸲(Ficedula hypoleuca)、欧亚松鸦(Garrulus glandarius)、欧亚侏儒猫头鹰(Glaucidium passerinum (Linnaeus))、家燕(Hirundo rustica Linnaeus)、冠山雀(Lophophanes cristatus (Linnaeus))、白鹡鸰(Motacilla alba)、条纹蝇鸲(Muscicapa striata (Pallas))斑点蝇捕鸟), 大山雀 (Parus major), 家麻雀 (Passer domesticus), 欧亚树麻雀 (Passer montanus), 煤山雀 (Periparus ater (Linnaeus)), 黑红尾鸲 (Phoenicurus ochruros (Gmelin)), 普通红尾鸲 (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), 柳莺 (Phylloscopus trochilus (Linnaeus)), 灰头啄木鸟 (Picus canus Gmelin), 柳山雀 (Poecile montanus (Conrad von Baldenstein)), 沼泽山雀 (Poecile palustris (Linnaeus)), 欧亚红腹雀 (Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Linnaeus)), 欧亚悬铃雀 (Remiz pendulinus (Linnaeus)), 沙燕 (Riparia riparia (Linnaeus)), 欧洲金翅雀 (Serinus serinus (Linnaeus)), 欧亚啄木鸟 (Sitta europaea) (Filippova 1977; Keve et al.2022),西方岩雀 Sitta neumayer Michahelles(Ogandzhanyan 1984),Spinus spinus(林奈)(欧亚金翅雀),Strix aluco 林奈(褐鸮),Sturnus vulgaris(普通椋鸟),Troglodytes troglodytes(林奈)(欧亚鹪鹩),

Figure 22. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes arboricola was reported.
图 22. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes arboricola 的地点。
Turdus merula (common blackbird), Turdus philomelos (song thrush), Tyto alba (Scopoli) (barn owl), Upupa epops Linnaeus (Eurasian hoopoe) (Filippova 1977; Keve et al. 2022).
Turdus merula(普通黑鸫),Turdus philomelos(歌鸫),Tyto alba(斯科波利)( barn owl),Upupa epops Linnaeus(欧亚啄木鸟)(Filippova 1977;Keve et al. 2022)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 22). Russia: Southern Primorskyi Krai (Pogranichny District, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Putyatin Island) (Emelyanova and Gordeeva 1969; Emelyanova 1972; Bolotin 2000). Ukraine: outskirts of Kyiv (Nebogatkin 2014), Dnipropetrovsk Oblast (the rural locality Andriivka), Crimea (Olenivka and Alushta) (Filippova 1977). Belarus: Białowieża Forest, Minsk, Gomel Oblast (the village Markovskoye) (Gembetsky 1966, 1972). Armenia: Syunik Province (former Goris Province) (Ogandzhanyan 1984). Azerbaijan: Karabakh (Kirschenblatt 1936). Georgia: Lagodekhi Nature Reserve (Djaparidze 1960). Kyrgyzstan (Fedorova 2012a).
记录的位置(图 22)。俄罗斯:南部滨海边疆区(边境区,海参崴,纳霍德卡,普季亚廷岛)(埃梅利亚诺娃和戈尔德耶娃 1969;埃梅利亚诺娃 1972;博洛廷 2000)。乌克兰:基辅郊区(涅博加特金 2014),第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克州(乡村安德里伊夫卡),克里米亚(奥列尼夫卡和阿卢什塔)(菲利波娃 1977)。白俄罗斯:比亚沃维耶扎森林,明斯克,戈梅利州(村庄马尔科夫斯科耶)(根贝茨基 1966,1972)。亚美尼亚:苏尼克省(前戈里斯省)(奥甘贾尼扬 1984)。阿塞拜疆:卡拉巴赫(基尔申布拉特 1936)。格鲁吉亚:拉戈德基自然保护区(贾帕里泽 1960)。吉尔吉斯斯坦(费多罗娃 2012a)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes arboricola is an endophilic parasite, mainly of birds from ecological groups nesting in tree holes and nest boxes and also even in ground burrows (Filippova 1977). Also, certain cases of this species infesting bats in tree holes have been recorded (Arthur 1963).
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes arboricola 是一种内生寄生虫,主要寄生于栖息在树洞和鸟巢箱中的鸟类生态群体,甚至在地面洞穴中也有发现(Filippova 1977)。此外,还记录了该物种在树洞中寄生于蝙蝠的某些案例(Arthur 1963)。
The interesting feature of its distribution is the disjunctivity, which is confirmed by the discovery of this species in the areas quite distant from each other - western and central Europe, North Africa, Transcaucasia, western Asia, and the Far East in Russia (Estrada-Peña et al. 2018) and China (Chen et al. 2010).
其分布的一个有趣特征是离散性,这一点通过在相距较远的地区发现该物种得到了证实——西欧和中欧、北非、外高加索、西亚以及俄罗斯的远东(Estrada-Peña et al. 2018)和中国(Chen et al. 2010)。

Ixodes cornutus Lotozky, 1956

Ixodes cornutus Lototsky, 1956: 27.
Ixodes rugicollis Schulze & Schlottke: Morel and Aubert 1975: 99.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Mustela erminea Linnaeus (stoat) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:白鼬(Mustela erminea Linnaeus)(Filippova 1977)。

Figure 23. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes cornutus was reported.
图 23. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了角蜱(Ixodes cornutus)的位置。
Recorded locations (Fig. 23). Tajikistan: Peter the First Range, the source of the Divansu River, close to the Oshanin glacier (Filippova 1977).
记录的位置(图 23)。塔吉克斯坦:彼得一世山脉,迪万苏河的源头,靠近奥沙宁冰川(Filippova 1977)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes cornutus is a species described from two identical females (Lotozky 1956) that were found in Tajikistan, in the eastern part of Peter the First Range, by the source of the Divansu River (the basin of the Surkhob River), near the Oshanin glacier, on a stoat.
生态学和其他信息。角蜱是一种由两个相同的雌性描述的物种(Lotozky 1956),它们是在塔吉克斯坦发现的,位于彼得一世山脉的东部,在 Divansu 河的源头(Surkhob 河的流域),靠近 Oshanin 冰川,寄生在一只黄鼠狼上。
The type specimen of I I II. cornutus is deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Lotozky 1956:27). Lectotype: female; 38 [Tajikistan, the Peter the First Mt. Range], the source of the Divansu River, the ancient moraine of the Oshanin glacier, Mustela erminea, ad.; male; 4.VII.1954; AL I845. Description - Filippova 1977: 178 (female; male, nymph, larva unknown) (Filippova 2008).
I I II . cornutus 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所(Lotozky 1956:27)。讲类型:雌性;38 [塔吉克斯坦,彼得一世山脉],迪万苏河的源头,奥沙宁冰川的古冰碛,Mustela erminea,成虫;雄性;1954 年 7 月 4 日;AL I845。描述 - Filippova 1977: 178(雌性;雄性,若虫,幼虫未知)(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes crenulatus Koch, 1844

Ixodes crenulatus Koch, 1844c: 39; Morel and Pérez 1973: 275.
Note. Tick names are used sensu Guglielmone et al. (2014) in this review. Thus, this species is not synonymous with I. canisuga Johnston as suggested by Filippova (1977) based on their morphological similarities and because the latter is not known to occur in Russia. Ixodes crenulatus was erroneously synonymized with I. kaiseri Arthur (Sonenshine et al. 1969), as clarified later (Filippova and Uspenskaya 1973).
注意。此评论中使用的蜱名称是根据 Guglielmone 等人(2014)的定义。因此,该物种与 I. canisuga Johnston 并不等同,正如 Filippova(1977)所建议的那样,基于它们的形态相似性,并且后者在俄罗斯并不被认为存在。Ixodes crenulatus 错误地与 I. kaiseri Arthur(Sonenshine 等人 1969)同义,后来得到了澄清(Filippova 和 Uspenskaya 1973)。
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Allactaga major (Kerr) (great jerboa), Allactaga sibirica (Forster) (Mongolian five-toed jerboa), Allocricetulus eversmanni (Brandt) (Eversmann’s hamster), Apodemus sylvaticus (wood mouse), Canis aureus Linnaeus (golden jackal), Canis familiaris (domestic dog), Canis lupus Linnaeus (gray wolf), Cricetulus barabensis (Pallas) (Chinese striped hamster),
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:大沙鼠(Allactaga major (Kerr))、蒙古五趾沙鼠(Allactaga sibirica (Forster))、埃弗斯曼仓鼠(Allocricetulus eversmanni (Brandt))、林鼠(Apodemus sylvaticus)、金色豺(Canis aureus Linnaeus)、家犬(Canis familiaris)、灰狼(Canis lupus Linnaeus)、中国条纹仓鼠(Cricetulus barabensis (Pallas))、
Ellobius talpinus (northern mole vole), Erinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog), Felis catus Linnaeus (domestic cat), Felis lybica Forster (African wildcat), Hemiechinus auratus (long-eared hedgehog), Homo sapiens Linnaeus (human), Lasiopodomys gregalis (narrow-headed vole), Lepus tolai (tolai hare), Marmota baibacina (gray marmot), Marmota bobak (bobak marmot), Marmota caudata (Geoffroy) (long-tailed marmot), Marmota kastschenkoi Stroganov and Yudin (forest-steppe marmot), Marmota menzbieri (Kashkarov) (Menzbier’s marmot), Marmota sibirica (Tarbagan marmot), Meles meles (Eurasian badger), Microtus arvalis (common vole), Mustela eversmanii (steppe polecat), Mustela nivalis (least weasel), Myodes glareolus (bank vole), Myospalax myospalax (Siberian zokor), Nothocricetulus migratorius (grey dwarf hamster), Nyctereutes procyonoides (Gray) (common raccoon dog), Ochotona dauurica (Pallas) (Daurian pika), Ochotona pallasi (Gray) (Pallas’s pika), Otocolobus manul (Pallas) (Pallas’s cat), Ovis aries (domestic sheep), Phodopus sungorus (Pallas) (winter white dwarf hamster), Procyon lotor (Linnaeus) (raccoon), Spermophilus dauricus Brandt (Daurian ground squirrel), Spermophilus pygmaeus (little ground squirrel), Spermophilus relictus (Kashkarov) (relict ground squirrel), Spermophilus suslicus (speckled ground squirrel), Vulpes corsac (corsac fox), Vulpes vulpes (red fox) (Filippova 1977; Litvinov and Sapegina 2003; Kalyagin et al. 2005, 2008).
Ellobius talpinus (北方鼹鼠), Erinaceus europaeus (欧洲刺猬), Felis catus Linnaeus (家猫), Felis lybica Forster (非洲野猫), Hemiechinus auratus (长耳刺猬), Homo sapiens Linnaeus (人类), Lasiopodomys gregalis (狭头田鼠), Lepus tolai (托莱兔), Marmota baibacina (灰鼠), Marmota bobak (博巴克土拨鼠), Marmota caudata (Geoffroy) (长尾土拨鼠), Marmota kastschenkoi Stroganov and Yudin (森林草原土拨鼠), Marmota menzbieri (Kashkarov) (门兹比尔土拨鼠), Marmota sibirica (塔尔巴干土拨鼠), Meles meles (欧亚獾), Microtus arvalis (普通田鼠), Mustela eversmanii (草原黄鼠), Mustela nivalis (最小鼬鼠), Myodes glareolus (银行田鼠), Myospalax myospalax (西伯利亚鼹鼠), Nothocricetulus migratorius (灰矮仓鼠), Nyctereutes procyonoides (Gray) (普通狸), Ochotona dauurica (Pallas) (达乌尔兔), Ochotona pallasi (Gray) (帕拉斯兔), Otocolobus manul (Pallas) (帕拉斯猫), Ovis aries (家羊), Phodopus sungorus (Pallas) (冬白矮仓鼠), Procyon lotor (Linnaeus) (浣熊), Spermophilus dauricus Brandt (达乌尔地松鼠), Spermophilus pygmaeus (小松鼠)土拨鼠,Spermophilus relictus(卡什卡罗夫)(遗存土拨鼠),Spermophilus suslicus(斑点土拨鼠),Vulpes corsac(科尔萨克狐),Vulpes vulpes(红狐)(Filippova 1977;Litvinov 和 Sapegina 2003;Kalyagin 等 2005, 2008)。
Aves: Emberiza cia Linnaeus (rock bunting), Oenanthe isabellina (isabelline wheatear) (Filippova 1977).
鸟类:艾姆贝里扎·西亚 林奈(岩雀),欧南瑟·伊莎贝利娜(伊莎贝尔石鴴)(菲利波娃 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 24). Russia: Tula Oblast (Myasnikov and Katelina 1964), Kursk Oblast (Lgovsky District), Voronezh Oblast (Kamennaya Steppe Nature reserve), Rostov Oblast (Aksay), Republic of Kalmykia (Derbetovsky District, Sarpinsky District), Volgograd Oblast (Gorodishchensky, Derbetovsky and Sarpinsky District) (Denisov 2010, 2019), Kabardino-Balkaria
记录的位置(图 24)。俄罗斯:图拉州(Myasnikov 和 Katelina 1964),库尔斯克州(Lgovsky 区),沃罗涅日州(卡门纳亚草原自然保护区),罗斯托夫州(阿克萨伊),卡尔梅克共和国(德尔别托夫区,萨尔平斯基区),伏尔加格勒州(戈罗季申斯基,德尔别托夫和萨尔平斯基区)(Denisov 2010,2019),卡巴尔达-巴尔卡尔。

Figure 24. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes crenulatus was reported.
图 24. 显示报告了 Ixodes crenulatus 的地点的俄罗斯及邻国地图。

(tract Khaimasha) (Bittirova et al. 2019), Dagestan (Aliev et al. 2007), Astrakhan Oblast, Stavropol Krai (Filippova 1977), Saratov Oblast (Turtseva 2007; Denisov 2010, 2019; Porshakov et al. 2020), Yekaterinburg (Milintsevich et al. 2016), Tyumen Oblast (Glazunov and Zotova 2014), Kurgan Oblast (Starikov and Starikova 2021), Novosibirsk Oblast (Suzunsky, Karasuksky and Maslyaninsky District) (Davydova and Lukin 1969), Omsk Oblast (Tarasevich et al. 1971), Kemerovo Oblast (Kalyagin et al. 2005, 2008; Kovalevsky et al. 2018); Altai Krai (Oberth et al. 2015) (Sovetsky District, the village Kokshi) (Filippova 1977), Altai Republic (Shebalinsky District, the village Cherga) (Litvinov and Sapegina 2003), Tuva (Glazunov and Zotova 2014; Filippova 1977), Transbaikal (villages Borgoy, Kyakhta, Selenge and Borzinsky District) (Filippova 1977); Amur Oblast (village Krasny Vostok), Southern Outer Manchuria (Khankaysky District (Kolonin 1986; Bolotin 2000). Ukraine: outskirts of Kyiv (Akimov and Nebogatkin 2016), Zakarpattia Oblast and Western Ukraine in general (Podobivskyi and Fedonyuk 2017), Cherkasy Oblast, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Aska-nia-Nova Nature Reserve, Striltsivskyi Steppe Nature Reserve, Kharkiv Oblast (Tokarsky and Zorya 2007), Lugansk Oblast (Kuznetsov and Bondarev 2007) (including Khomutovs’kyi Steppe) (Filippova 1977), the north-western sea coast of the Black Sea (Rusev 2009), Crimea (Evstafiev 2017) - plain and mountainous lands (Filippova 1977). Belarus: Viciebsk Voblasts (Subbotina and Osmolovsky 2022), Białowieża Forest (Filippova 1977), considered rare (Bychkova et al. 2015). Moldova: Lozova, Ivancea, Leova, reedbeds of the Iow Dniester and Pruth (Filippova 1977; Uspenskaya et al. 2006). Georgia: Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti, Imereti (Sukhiashvili et al. 2020). Armenia: Aragats mountain range (Dilbaryan and Poghosyan 2018). Kazakhstan: through the whole territory of Kazakhstan (Filippova 1977) and plus recent findings in the next regions: West Kazakhstan Region (Tanitovsky and Maikanov 2018), AImaty Region (Bibikov and Bibikova 2010), Pavlodar Region (Amirova et al. 1989), the north of Betpak-Dala (Rapoport et al. 2017), Jambyl Region (Kyrgyz Ala-Too Range, Talas Alatau) (Sarsenbaeva et al. 2016). Kyrgyzstan: Tian Shan in general (Abdikarimov et al. 2018) and its certain ranges and valleys including Kyrgyz Ala-Too Range (Akyshova et al. 2022) and Terskey Ala-too Range (Fedorova 2012b); Chuy Valley (Fedorova 2021). Turkmenistan: Krasnovodsk Peninsula, Daşoguz, the foothills of The Köpet Dag, Badhyz State Nature Reserve, Karakum Desert (Kochkareva et al. 1971), Serhetabat (former Kushka) (Filippova 1977). Uzbekistan: Tashkent Region (Muratbekov 1954). Tajikistan: outskirts of the rural locality Jilikul (Filippova 1977), Tigrovaya Balka (Manilova and Shakhmatov 2008).
(tract Khaimasha) (Bittirova et al. 2019), 达吉斯坦 (Aliev et al. 2007), 阿斯特拉罕州, 斯塔夫罗波尔边疆区 (Filippova 1977), 萨拉托夫州 (Turtseva 2007; Denisov 2010, 2019; Porshakov et al. 2020), 叶卡捷琳堡 (Milintsevich et al. 2016), 图门州 (Glazunov and Zotova 2014), 库尔干州 (Starikov and Starikova 2021), 新西伯利亚州 (Suzunsky, Karasuksky and Maslyaninsky District) (Davydova and Lukin 1969), 鄂木斯克州 (Tarasevich et al. 1971), 克麦罗沃州 (Kalyagin et al. 2005, 2008; Kovalevsky et al. 2018); 阿尔泰边疆区 (Oberth et al. 2015) (苏维埃区,村庄科克希) (Filippova 1977), 阿尔泰共和国 (Shebalinsky District, the village Cherga) (Litvinov and Sapegina 2003), 图瓦 (Glazunov and Zotova 2014; Filippova 1977), 外东北 (村庄博尔戈伊、恰赫塔、塞伦格和博尔津斯基区) (Filippova 1977); 阿穆尔州 (村庄克拉斯尼·沃斯托克), 南外满洲 (汉开区 (Kolonin 1986; Bolotin 2000). 乌克兰:基辅郊区(Akimov 和 Nebogatkin 2016),扎卡帕特西亚州和西乌克兰(Podobivskyi 和 Fedonyuk 2017),切尔卡瑟州,德尼普罗彼得罗夫斯克州,阿斯卡尼亚-诺瓦自然保护区,斯特里尔茨基草原自然保护区,哈尔科夫州(Tokarsky 和 Zorya 2007),卢甘斯克州(Kuznetsov 和 Bondarev 2007)(包括霍穆托夫斯基草原)(Filippova 1977),黑海西北海岸(Rusev 2009),克里米亚(Evstafiev 2017) - 平原和山区(Filippova 1977)。白俄罗斯:维捷布斯克州(Subbotina 和 Osmolovsky 2022),比亚沃维耶森林(Filippova 1977),被认为是稀有的(Bychkova 等 2015)。摩尔多瓦:洛佐瓦,伊万采亚,列奥瓦,低德涅斯特河和普鲁特河的芦苇荡(Filippova 1977;Uspenskaya 等 2006)。格鲁吉亚:萨梅格雷洛-泽莫斯瓦内季,伊梅列季(Sukhiashvili 等 2020)。亚美尼亚:阿拉加茨山脉(Dilbaryan 和 Poghosyan 2018)。哈萨克斯坦:遍布哈萨克斯坦全境(Filippova 1977),以及最近在以下地区的发现:西哈萨克斯坦州(Tanitovsky 和 Maikanov 2018),阿拉木图州(Bibikov 和 Bibikova 2010),巴甫洛达尔州(Amirova 等 1989),贝特帕克-达拉北部(Rapoport 等)。 2017 年),贾姆比尔州(吉尔吉斯阿拉图山脉,塔拉斯阿拉套) (Sarsenbaeva 等,2016 年)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:天山总体(Abdikarimov 等,2018 年)及其某些山脉和山谷,包括吉尔吉斯阿拉图山脉(Akyshova 等,2022 年)和特尔斯基阿拉图山脉(Fedorova 2012b);楚河谷(Fedorova 2021 年)。土库曼斯坦:克拉斯诺沃茨半岛,达肖古兹,科佩特山的山脚,巴德赫兹国家自然保护区,卡拉库姆沙漠(Kochkareva 等,1971 年),塞尔赫塔巴特(前库什卡)(Filippova 1977 年)。乌兹别克斯坦:塔什干地区(Muratbekov 1954 年)。塔吉克斯坦:吉利库尔乡村的郊区(Filippova 1977 年),提格罗瓦亚巴尔卡(Manilova 和 Shakhmatov 2008 年)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes crenulatus is among the tick species that have the most extensive ranges comparing to other representatives of its family within Russia (Tsapko 2020).
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes crenulatus 是在俄罗斯与其家族其他代表相比,分布范围最广的蜱虫种类之一(Tsapko 2020)。
It is a typical nidicolous parasite of mammals and in the Asian part of its range as the main hosts it uses species of marmots of the genus Marmota (with a predominance of gray marmot) and such representatives of predatory mammals as badgers, steppe polecats, red and corsac foxes. The composition of the main host spectrum from different orders (rodents and predatory mammals) finds an explanation in close connections of topical and trophic relationships of marmots and predators. All of them have burrows of medium diameter, complex design, with a nesting chamber, remote from the entrance, which

provides the stability of the microclimate, where ticks find suitable conditions. The above species of carnivores often use the burrows of their prey, marmots, and small carnivores, facilitating the exchange of ticks not only between individual burrows, but also between remote host settlements (Filippova 2011).
提供了微气候的稳定性,蜱虫在这里找到了适宜的条件。上述食肉动物种类通常利用它们猎物的洞穴,如土拨鼠和小型食肉动物,促进了蜱虫不仅在单个洞穴之间的交换,还在远程宿主栖息地之间的交换(Filippova 2011)。
This tick species is considered rare, for example, only few findings were mentioned in the Astrakhan Oblast (Zimina et al. 1965; Zimina et al. 1996) and Saratov Oblast (Denisov 2019). In most of the recognized range, I. crenulatus coexists with the closely related I. kaiseri. These species not only inhabit the same territory and the same biotopes but can also parasitize one host individual at the same time (Tsapko 2017). Therefore, it is necessary to consider that accurate identification of these species is required and there is always a chance of their misidentification.
这种蜱虫物种被认为是稀有的,例如,在阿斯特拉罕州(Zimina et al. 1965; Zimina et al. 1996)和萨拉托夫州(Denisov 2019)仅提到过少数发现。在大多数已知的分布范围内,I. crenulatus 与密切相关的 I. kaiseri 共存。这些物种不仅栖息在同一地区和相同的生境中,还可以同时寄生于同一个宿主个体(Tsapko 2017)。因此,有必要考虑到准确识别这些物种是必需的,并且总是存在误识别的可能性。
According to some suggestions (Emelyanova 1979), I. crenulatus is probably a species group, or at least has remarkable intraspecific variations involving morphotypes (Filippova and Panova 2000).
根据一些建议(Emelyanova 1979),I. crenulatus 可能是一个物种组,或者至少具有显著的种内变异,涉及形态类型(Filippova 和 Panova 2000)。

Ixodes hexagonus Leach, 1815

Ixodes hexagonus Leach, 1815: 397; Morel and Pérez 1973: 275.
Ixodes autumnalis Leach: Neumann 1911: 17.
Ixodes erinacei Audouin: Neumann 1911: 17.
Ixodes auricularis Robineau-Desvoidy: Morel and Pérez 1973: 275.
Ixodes sexpunctatus Koch: Neumann 1911: 17.
Ixodes vulpis Pagenstecher: Neumann 1911: 17.
Ixodes erinaceus Audouin: Neumann 1911: 17.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Bos taurus Linnaeus (cattle), Canis familiaris (domestic dog), Erinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog), Felis catus (domestic cat), Lutra lutra (Linnaeus) (Eurasian otter), Meles meles (Eurasian badger), Mustela erminea (stoat), Mustela nivalis (least weasel), Mustela putorius Linnaeus (European polecat), Oryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus) (European rabbit), Ovis aries (sheep), Rattus norvegicus (brown rat), Vulpes vulpes (red fox) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:博斯·陶鲁斯·林奈(牛),家犬(家犬),欧洲刺猬(欧洲刺猬),家猫(家猫),欧亚水獺(林奈)(欧亚水獺),欧亚獾(欧亚獾),白鼬(白鼬),小鼬(小鼬),欧洲臭鼬(林奈)(欧洲臭鼬),欧洲兔(林奈)(欧洲兔),绵羊(绵羊),挪威鼠(褐鼠),红狐(红狐)(Filippova 1977)。
Aves: Turdus merula (common blackbird) (Filippova 1977).
Aves: Turdus merula (普通黑鸟) (Filippova 1977).

Recorded locations (Fig. 25). Ukraine: outskirts of Kyiv, Khmelnytskyi Oblast (Levytska et al. 2021), the North-Western seacoast of the Black Sea (Rusev 2009), Zakarpattia Oblast (the rural locality Malyi Berezny) (Filippova 1961).
记录的位置(图 25)。乌克兰:基辅郊区,赫梅利尼茨基州(Levytska et al. 2021),黑海西北海岸(Rusev 2009),扎卡尔帕蒂亚州(乡村小镇马利贝雷兹尼)(Filippova 1961)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes hexagonus is a typical nidicolous parasite of carnivores and hedgehogs. It has certain morphological similarities to I. crenulatus and I. kaiseri and has common sympatric zones with this species along its range (Filippova 1999). Ukraine is the only country of the former Soviet Union, on the territory of which this European species is present in the tick fauna (Filippova 1977). In general I. hexagonus was detected quite rarely in Ukraine, and almost always in the west of Ukraine and mainly from hedgehogs (Kolonin 2009). Akimov and Nebogatkin (2016) assumed that it can be found in the vicinity of Kyiv, and eventually it was confirmed by Levytska et al. (2021). Rare occasional human bites have been recorded (Rosický and Weiser 1952; Arthur 1963; Bursali et al. 2012).
生态学和其他信息。六角蜱是一种典型的寄生于食肉动物和刺猬的巢寄生虫。它与 I. crenulatus 和 I. kaiseri 在形态上有一定的相似性,并且在其分布范围内与该物种有共同的共生区(Filippova 1999)。乌克兰是前苏联唯一一个有这种欧洲物种存在于蜱类动物群中的国家(Filippova 1977)。一般来说,I. hexagonus 在乌克兰的发现相对较少,几乎总是在乌克兰西部,主要来自刺猬(Kolonin 2009)。阿基莫夫和涅博戈金(2016)假设它可能在基辅附近被发现,最终被列维茨卡等人(2021)证实。偶尔记录到人类被咬的情况(Rosický和 Weiser 1952;Arthur 1963;Bursali 等人 2012)。

Figure 25. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes hexagonus was reported.
图 25. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了六角蜱(Ixodes hexagonus)的位置。

Ixodes kaiseri Arthur, 1957

Ixodes kaiseri Arthur, 1957: 578; Morel and Aubert 1975: 99. Ixodes bakonyensis Babos: Morel and Aubert 1975: 99.
Ixodes vulpinus Babos: Morel and Aubert 1975: 99.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Canis familiaris (domestic dog), Erinaceus concolor Martin (southern white-breasted hedgehog), Erinaceus europaeus (European hedgehog), Erinaceus roumanicus Barrett-Hamilton (northern whitebreasted hedgehog), Felis chaus Schreber (jungle cat), Felis lybica (African wildcat), Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus) (striped hyena), Hystrix indica Kerr (Indian crested porcupine), Lepus europaeus (brown hare), Mustela eversmanii (steppe polecat), Meles meles (Eurasian badger), Nyctereutes procyonoides (common raccoon dog), Vulpes corsac (corsac fox), Vulpes vulpes (red fox) (Filippova 1977; Tsapko 2017).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:家犬(Canis familiaris)、南白胸刺猬(Erinaceus concolor Martin)、欧洲刺猬(Erinaceus europaeus)、北白胸刺猬(Erinaceus roumanicus Barrett-Hamilton)、丛林猫(Felis chaus Schreber)、非洲野猫(Felis lybica)、条纹鬣狗(Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus))、印度冠刺猬(Hystrix indica Kerr)、棕兔(Lepus europaeus)、草原鼬(Mustela eversmanii)、欧亚獾(Meles meles)、普通狸狗(Nyctereutes procyonoides)、科尔萨克狐(Vulpes corsac)、红狐(Vulpes vulpes)(Filippova 1977;Tsapko 2017)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 26). Russia: southwestern peripheries of the Central Russian Upland and also Rostov Oblast (Khametova et al. 2018) and Stavropol Krai (Tsapko 2017) and the North Caucasus - the outskirts of Grozny (Chechnya) (Filippova 1977, 1999; Tsapko 2017, 2020) and Nogaysky District (Dagestan) (Tsapko 2017). Ukraine: outskirts of Kyiv (Akimov and Nebogatkin 2016) and the south of Ukraine, in particular Askania-Nova Nature Reserve (Filippova 1977), the North-Western seacoast of the Black Sea (Matyukhin 2017), Crimea (Filippova 1977). Moldova: Lozova, Ivancea, Doibani, Leova, Etulia, reedbeds of the low Dniester and Pruth (Filippova 1977; Uspenskaya et al. 2006). Georgia: the outskirts of Tbilisi, Lagodekhi Nature Reserve (Filippova 1977), Eldari Steppe (Tsapko 2017). Armenia: Gegharkunik Province (rural locality Geghamashen) (Tsapko 2017), Aragats
记录的位置(图 26)。俄罗斯:中央俄罗斯高地的西南边缘以及罗斯托夫州(Khametova et al. 2018)和斯塔夫罗波尔边疆区(Tsapko 2017)以及北高加索 - 格罗兹尼的郊区(车臣)(Filippova 1977, 1999;Tsapko 2017, 2020)和诺盖斯基区(达吉斯坦)(Tsapko 2017)。乌克兰:基辅郊区(Akimov and Nebogatkin 2016)和乌克兰南部,特别是阿斯卡尼亚-诺瓦自然保护区(Filippova 1977),黑海西北海岸(Matyukhin 2017),克里米亚(Filippova 1977)。摩尔多瓦:洛佐瓦、伊万采、杜伊巴尼、列奥瓦、埃图利亚,低德涅斯特河和普鲁特河的芦苇荡(Filippova 1977;Uspenskaya et al. 2006)。格鲁吉亚:第比利斯郊区,拉戈德基自然保护区(Filippova 1977),埃尔达里草原(Tsapko 2017)。亚美尼亚:盖哈库尼克省(乡村地方盖哈马申)(Tsapko 2017),阿拉加茨

Figure 26. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes kaiseri was reported.
图 26. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告 Ixodes kaiseri 的地点。

mountain range (Dilbaryan and Poghosyan 2018). Azerbaijan: Mil plain (Filippova and Uspenskaya 1973), Beylagan District, Zangilan District, Aghjabadi District, Martuni Province, Shaki District (Tsapko 2017). Kazakhstan: West Kazakhstan Region, Dzungarian Alatau - outskirts of the rural locality Topolëvka and the Koksu district (Ushakova et al. 1976; Filippova 1999). Kyrgyzstan (Fedorova 2012b).
山脉(Dilbaryan 和 Poghosyan 2018)。阿塞拜疆:米尔平原(Filippova 和 Uspenskaya 1973),贝伊拉甘区,赞吉兰区,阿赫贾巴迪区,马尔图尼省,沙基区(Tsapko 2017)。哈萨克斯坦:西哈萨克斯坦地区,准噶尔阿拉套 - 托波列夫卡乡村和科克苏区的郊区(Ushakova 等 1976;Filippova 1999)。吉尔吉斯斯坦(Fedorova 2012b)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes kaiseri is a typical nidicolous parasite of carnivores and also hedgehogs and porcupines which is morphologically very similar to I I II. crenulatus and has common sympatric zones with this species along its range (Filippova 1999). Its range itself is patchy and disjunctive areas of sympatry for both of these species are found in southeastern Europe - Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, including the Crimean Peninsula as well as in Russia - the southwestern extremities of the Central Russian Upland and the Northern Caucasus; then after a long gap - in Western Kazakhstan and again after a big gap - in the Dzungarian Alatau (Filippova 1999). Judging by literature, it is also known from Egypt and Israel (Arthur 1957, 1960, 1965). As Filippova and Uspenskaya (1973) assumed, its distribution in the Middle East and also other parts of Asia can be wider than it is known at present, which was already confirmed by the findings of this tick species in Turkey (Orkun and Karaer 2018) and Xinjiang in China (Zhao et al. 2019) near the border with Kazakhstan and the Dzungarian Alatau and hence, it is possible that the sympatry of these two species is more widespread. This is also supported by literature data, because until the 1970s in the territory of the former USSR I. kaiseri was not differentiated from I. hexagonus and I. crenulatus (Emelyanova 1979; Filippova 1999).
生态学和其他信息。伊克索德斯·凯瑟里是一种典型的寄生于食肉动物的巢居寄生虫,也寄生于刺猬和豪猪,在形态上与 I I II . crenulatus 非常相似,并且在其分布范围内与该物种有共同的同域区域(Filippova 1999)。它的分布范围本身是零散的,这两种物种的同域区域分布在东南欧 - 罗马尼亚、摩尔多瓦、乌克兰,包括克里米亚半岛,以及在俄罗斯 - 中俄高原的西南边缘和北高加索;然后在一个长时间的间隔后 - 在哈萨克斯坦西部,再次在一个较大的间隔后 - 在准噶尔阿拉套(Filippova 1999)。根据文献,它也在埃及和以色列被发现(Arthur 1957, 1960, 1965)。正如 Filippova 和 Uspenskaya(1973)所假设的,它在中东和亚洲其他地区的分布可能比目前已知的更广泛,这已经通过在土耳其(Orkun 和 Karaer 2018)和中国新疆(Zhao 等,2019)发现这种蜱虫的证据得到了确认,后者靠近哈萨克斯坦和准噶尔阿拉套的边界,因此,这两种物种的同域分布可能更为广泛。 这也得到了文献数据的支持,因为直到 1970 年代,在前苏联的领土上,I. kaiseri 并没有与 I. hexagonus 和 I. crenulatus 区分开来(Emelyanova 1979;Filippova 1999)。
These species not only inhabit the same territory and inhabit the same biotopes in some places but can also parasitize one host individual at the same time (Tsapko 2017). It is also important to note that according to Filippova’s
这些物种不仅栖息在相同的领土上,并且在某些地方栖息在相同的生境中,还可以同时寄生于同一个宿主个体(Tsapko 2017)。还需要注意的是,根据 Filippova 的

opinion (1999), the territorial signs of the ranges of these two species, their biotope and host-parasite relationships indicate that the range of I I II. crenulatus (which is predominantly connected with marmots and their burrows in steppe and forest-steppe zones) over the most part of its distribution has a Central Asian origin, while the range of I I II. kaiseri (mainly the parasite of carnivores and occurring in their burrows) is supposedly of European origin.
意见(1999),这两种物种的分布范围、栖息地和寄主-寄生关系表明, I I II . crenulatus(主要与旱獺及其在草原和森林草原区域的洞穴相关)在其大部分分布区的起源为中亚,而 I I II . kaiseri(主要是食肉动物的寄生虫,出现在它们的洞穴中)的起源则被认为是欧洲的。

Ixodes lividus Koch, 1844

Ixodes lividus Koch, 1844: 234; Morel and Pérez 1973: 275. Ixodes bavaricus Schulze & Schlottke, 1929: 95. Ixodes plumbeus bavaricus Schulze & Schlottke: Morel and Pérez 1973: 275. Ixodes plumbeus obotriticus Schulze & Schlottke: Morel and Pérez 1973: 275. Ixodes (Pholeoixodes) hirundinicola Schulze: Kolonin 1981: 19.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Alauda arvensis (Eurasian skylark), Delichon urbicum (Linnaeus) (common house martin), Merops apiaster Linnaeus (European bee-eater), Passer domesticus (house sparrow), Passer montanus (Eurasian tree sparrow), Riparia diluta (Sharpe & Wyatt) (pale martin), Riparia riparia (sand martin) (Filippova 1977; Tagiltsev et al. 1984; Rusev 2009; Bolshakova et al. 2019; Kovalevsky et al. 2019).
记录的宿主。鸟类:田鸣雀(Alauda arvensis)、家燕(Delichon urbicum)、欧洲蜜蜂鸟(Merops apiaster)、家麻雀(Passer domesticus)、树麻雀(Passer montanus)、淡色家燕(Riparia diluta)、沙燕(Riparia riparia)(Filippova 1977;Tagiltsev 等 1984;Rusev 2009;Bolshakova 等 2019;Kovalevsky 等 2019)。
Mammalia: Mus musculus (house mouse) (Filippova 1977).
哺乳动物:家鼠 (Mus musculus) (Filippova 1977)。

Recorded locations (Fig. 27). Russia: Curonian Spit (Kaliningrad Oblast) (Filippova 1961), Karelia (Bobrovskikh 1979), Leningrad Oblast, (Zolotov and Buker 1976), Moscow Oblast (Glashchinskaya-Babenko 1956), Ryazan Oblast (Filippova 1977), Ivanovo Oblast (Mayorova 2004), Saratov Oblast (Korneev
记录的位置(图 27)。俄罗斯:库尔斯克沙嘴(加里宁格勒州)(Filippova 1961),卡累利阿(Bobrovskikh 1979),列宁格勒州(Zolotov 和 Buker 1976),莫斯科州(Glashchinskaya-Babenko 1956),梁赞州(Filippova 1977),伊万诺沃州(Mayorova 2004),萨拉托夫州(Korneev

Figure 27. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes lividus was reported.
图 27. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes lividus 的地点。

et al. 2018), Kuybyshev Reservoir (Republic of Tatartstan) (Lvov et al. 2014), Voronezh Oblast (Gaponov and Tewelde 2021), Tymen Oblast (Starikov et al. 2017b), Kurgan Oblast (Starikov and Starikova 2021), Omsk Oblast (Tagiltsev et al. 1984; Yakimenko et al. 1991), Tomsk Oblast, Kemerovo Oblast (Kovalevsky et al. 2019), Novosibirsk Oblast (Yakimenko et al. 2013), Irkutsk Oblast (Danchinova et al. 2007), Ikatsky Ridge (Republic of Buryatia), Zabaykalsky Krai (Emelyanova et al. 1963), Republic of Tuva (Kholodilov et al. 2019), Sakha (Yakutia) (Shadrina et al. 2011), Khabarovsk Krai (Volkov and Chernykh 1977). Ukraine: Zakarpattia Oblast, Kaniv Nature Reserve (Cherkasy Oblast), (Emchuk 1960), Danube Biosphere Nature Reserve (Odesa Oblast) (Emchuk 1960; Didyk 2013), Kyiv (Akimov and Nebogatkin 2002), delta of the Dniestr River (Rusev 2009). Belarus: Gomel Region, Minsk Region (Gembetsky 1972). Moldova: banks of the Dniestr River (Movila et al. 2008). Kazakhstan: Atyrau Region (Pomerantsev 1950; Levit 1957), Kostanay Region (Makhmetov 1961), Pavlodar Region (Amirova et al. 1989), Akmola Region (Filippova 1961; Ushakova 1962).
et al. 2018), 库伊比舍夫水库(鞑靼斯坦共和国)(Lvov et al. 2014),沃罗涅日州(Gaponov and Tewelde 2021),图门州(Starikov et al. 2017b),库尔干州(Starikov and Starikova 2021),Omsk Oblast(Tagiltsev et al. 1984;Yakimenko et al. 1991),托木斯克州,克麦罗沃州(Kovalevsky et al. 2019),新西伯利亚州(Yakimenko et al. 2013),伊尔库茨克州(Danchinova et al. 2007),伊卡茨基山脊(布里亚特共和国),外贝加尔边疆区(Emelyanova et al. 1963),图瓦共和国(Kholodilov et al. 2019),萨哈(雅库特)(Shadrina et al. 2011),哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区(Volkov and Chernykh 1977)。乌克兰:扎卡帕蒂亚州,卡尼夫自然保护区(切尔卡瑟州),(Emchuk 1960),多瑙河生物圈自然保护区(敖德萨州)(Emchuk 1960;Didyk 2013),基辅(Akimov and Nebogatkin 2002),德涅斯特河三角洲(Rusev 2009)。白俄罗斯:戈梅利州,明斯克州(Gembetsky 1972)。摩尔多瓦:德涅斯特河岸(Movila et al. 2008)。哈萨克斯坦:阿特劳州(Pomerantsev 1950;Levit 1957),科斯塔奈州(Makhmetov 1961),巴甫洛达尔州(Amirova et al. 1989),阿克莫拉州(Filippova 1961;Ushakova 1962)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes lividus is a specific nidicolous ectoparasite of the sand martin, Riparia riparia. Also, it has been collected from birds and house mice which occasionally could visit sand martin’s nests such as house sparrows and common house martins.
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes lividus 是一种特定的沙燕寄生虫,寄生于沙燕(Riparia riparia)。此外,它还曾从偶尔访问沙燕巢穴的鸟类和家鼠中收集到,例如家麻雀和普通家燕。
Due to the wide distribution of its main host, this tick species also occurs in a vast geographical range and can be characterized by having a trans-Palearctic distribution. The locations of findings in Russia and the neighboring countries listed above reflect the general pattern of its distribution on a map so we can suppose that this tick can be found in the north of the Palearctic almost everywhere in habitats of the sand martin.

Ixodes prokopjevi (Emel'yanova, 1979)

Pholeoixodes prokopjevi Emel’yanova, 1979: 14.
Recorded hosts. Mammalia: Daurian hedgehog Mesechinus dauuricus (Sundevall) (Emelyanova 1979).
记录的宿主。哺乳动物:达乌尔刺猬 Mesechinus dauuricus (Sundevall) (Emelyanova 1979)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 28). Russia: Transbaikal (Emelyanova 1979).
记录的位置(图 28)。俄罗斯:外东北(Emelyanova 1979)。

Ecology and other information. Ixodes prokopjevi is an extremely poorly studied tick species initially described based on the male holotype from steppes of north-eastern Mongolia; its paratypes, larvae and nymphs, are noted as originating from the outskirts of the lake Baruun Shavart Nuur in Eastern Mongolia, as well as females and nymphs from the south-eastern Transbaikal without any indications of certain points of findings (Emelyanova 1979).
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes prokopjevi 是一种极少研究的蜱虫种类,最初是基于来自蒙古东北部草原的雄性模式标本进行描述的;其副标本、幼虫和若虫被记录为来自蒙古东部的巴鲁恩沙瓦特湖边缘,以及来自东南部外贝加尔的雌性和若虫,但没有任何特定发现地点的指示(Emelyanova 1979)。
Kolonin (2009) states that this species should be considered a synonym of I. crenulatus but Guglielmone et al. ( 2010 , 2014 ) ( 2010 , 2014 ) (2010,2014)(2010,2014) recognize it as a valid species.
Kolonin (2009) 指出该物种应被视为 I. crenulatus 的同义词,但 Guglielmone 等人 ( 2010 , 2014 ) ( 2010 , 2014 ) (2010,2014)(2010,2014) 认为它是一个有效物种。
The Daurian hedgehog was recorded as a host, but we can assume that carnivores, lagomorphs, and rodents are also hosts of this tick species, as in case of I I II. crenulatus, another representative of the subgenus Pholeoixodes and the most similar species to this tick. The distribution area and ecology of I. prokopjevi, as well host-parasite relationships and their role in transmission of vec-tor-borne infections remain unknown.
达乌尔刺猬被记录为一种宿主,但我们可以假设食肉动物、兔形目动物和啮齿动物也是这种蜱虫的宿主,就像 I I II . crenulatus 一样,它是亚属 Pholeoixodes 的另一个代表,也是与这种蜱虫最相似的物种。I. prokopjevi 的分布区域和生态,以及宿主-寄生虫关系及其在传播媒介传播感染中的作用仍然未知。

Figure 28. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes prokopjevi was reported.
图 28. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告 Ixodes prokopjevi 的地点。

Ixodes subterraneus Filippova, 1961

Ixodes subterranus Filippova, 1961: 226. Morel and Pérez 1973: 275.
Pholeoixodes arboricola koshkinae Emel’yanova: Kolonin 1981: 20.
Pholeoixodes arboricola deserta Emel’yanova: Kolonin 1981: 20.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Athene noctua (little owl), Carduelis carduelis (European goldfinch), Coracias garrulus (European roller), Coturnix coturnix (common quail), Galerida cristata (crested lark), Falco naumanni Fleischer (lesser kestrel), Oenanthe hispanica (western black-eared wheatear), Oenanthe isabellina (isabelline wheatear), Oenanthe oenanthe (northern wheatear), Parus major (great tit), Passer ammodendri Gould (saxaul sparrow), Passer domesticus (house sparrow), Passer montanus (Eurasian tree sparrow), Pastor roseus (rosy starling), Petronia petronia (rock sparrow), Pica pica (Eurasian magpie), Sturnus vulgaris (common starling), Turdus ruficollis (red-throated thrush) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。鸟类:小鸮(Athene noctua)、欧洲金翅雀(Carduelis carduelis)、欧洲滚地龙(Coracias garrulus)、普通鹌鹑(Coturnix coturnix)、冠雀(Galerida cristata)、小苍鹰(Falco naumanni Fleischer)、西方黑耳白鹡鸰(Oenanthe hispanica)、伊莎贝尔白鹡鸰(Oenanthe isabellina)、北方白鹡鸰(Oenanthe oenanthe)、大山雀(Parus major)、沙柳雀(Passer ammodendri Gould)、家麻雀(Passer domesticus)、欧亚树麻雀(Passer montanus)、玫瑰星鸲(Pastor roseus)、岩雀(Petronia petronia)、欧亚喜鹊(Pica pica)、普通星鸲(Sturnus vulgaris)、红喉鸫(Turdus ruficollis)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 29). Russia: Transbikalia (Barguzin Valley, Cape Ryty) (Emelyanova 1972, as I. arboricola). Kazakhstan: Mangyshlak Peninsula (Maslennikova and Ushakova 1971), Jambyl Region (Kokuzek), Trans-Ili Alatau, Syugaty Valley (Maslennikova and Stogov 1974), Almaty Region (lower reaches of the Ili River) (Ushakova 1958, as Ixodes sp.), Dzungarian Alatau (Ushakova et al. 1976). Kyrgyzstan: Jalal-Abad Region (Bazar-Korgon District), the valley of the river Naryn (Grebenyuk 1966). Turkmenistan: Krasnovodsk plateau, outskirts of Geok Tepe, Kara Kala, Ashgabat, Tejen, Baýramaly, highland Badhyz (Filippova 1961; Kochkareva et al. 1971; Scherbinina 1973). Tajikistan: southern spurs of the Hisar Range - the vicinity of Hisar (Filippova 1977).
记录的位置(图 29)。俄罗斯:外东北(巴尔古津谷,瑞提角)(Emelyanova 1972,作为 I. arboricola)。哈萨克斯坦:曼吉什拉克半岛(Maslennikova 和 Ushakova 1971),贾姆比尔地区(科库泽克),特兰斯伊利阿拉套,苏亚盖谷(Maslennikova 和 Stogov 1974),阿拉木图地区(伊利河下游)(Ushakova 1958,作为 Ixodes sp.),准噶尔阿拉套(Ushakova 等,1976)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:贾拉拉巴德地区(巴扎尔-科尔贡区),纳伦河谷(Grebenyuk 1966)。土库曼斯坦:克拉斯诺沃茨高原,格约克特佩郊区,卡拉卡拉,阿什哈巴德,特任,巴伊拉马利,高地巴德赫兹(Filippova 1961;Kochkareva 等,1971;Scherbinina 1973)。塔吉克斯坦:希萨尔山脉南部山脊 - 希萨尔附近(Filippova 1977)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes subterraneus is a parasite of birds nesting in ground burrows (Filippova 1977). The main part of its distribution
生态学和其他信息。地下蜱是一种寄生在地面巢穴中的鸟类寄生虫(Filippova 1977)。它的主要分布部分

Figure 29. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes subterraneus was reported.
图 29. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示了报告发现地下蜱(Ixodes subterraneus)的位置。

lies in Kazakhstan and Middle Asia, the lesser part in Transbaikalia (Russia) (Filippova 1977). This tick species can be found in foothill dry steppes, as well as near and in deserts. This species was originally named I. subterranus in Filippova (1961) but amended to I. subterraneus in Filippova (1977).
位于哈萨克斯坦和中亚,较小部分位于外贝加尔地区(俄罗斯)(Filippova 1977)。这种蜱虫物种可以在丘陵干草原以及沙漠附近和沙漠中找到。该物种最初在 Filippova(1961)中被命名为 I. subterranus,但在 Filippova(1977)中更改为 I. subterraneus。
Subgenus Scaphixodes Schulze, 1941: 491
亚属 Scaphixodes Schulze, 1941: 491

Ixodes berlesei Birula, 1895
Ixodes berlesei Birula, 1895: 353.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Apus pacificus (Latham) (Pacific swift), Corvus frugilegus Linnaeus (rook), Falco rusticolus Linnaeus (gyrfalcon), Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus (common kestrel), Monticola solitarius (blue rock thrush), Montifringilla nivalis (Linnaeus) (white-winged snowfinch), Phoenicurus erythrogastrus (Güldenstädt) (Güldenstädt’s redstart), Phoenicurus ochruros (black redstart), Phoenicurus erythronotus (Eversmann’s redstart), Plectrophenax nivalis (Linnaeus) (snow bunting), Prunella collaris (Scopoli) (alpine accentor), Sturnus vulgaris (common starling), Tichodroma muraria (Linnaeus) (wallcreeper) (Filippova 1977; Voltsyt 1997).
记录的宿主。鸟类:太平洋雨燕(Apus pacificus (Latham))、乌鸦(Corvus frugilegus Linnaeus)、游隼(Falco rusticolus Linnaeus)、普通雀鹰(Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus)、蓝岩鸫(Monticola solitarius)、白翅雪雀(Montifringilla nivalis (Linnaeus))、古尔登施泰特红尾(Phoenicurus erythrogastrus (Güldenstädt))、黑红尾(Phoenicurus ochruros)、埃弗曼红尾(Phoenicurus erythronotus)、雪雀(Plectrophenax nivalis (Linnaeus))、高山鹨(Prunella collaris (Scopoli))、普通星鸲(Sturnus vulgaris)、墙雀(Tichodroma muraria (Linnaeus))(Filippova 1977;Voltsyt 1997)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 30). Russia: Dagestan (Filippova 1977), Western Siberia - Salair Ridge, Kuznetsk Alatau (Chunihin 1967), Eastern Siberia - banks of the Angara River (Birula 1895) and Buryatia (Ikatsky Ridge) (Emelyanova et al. 1963), Bering Island (Voltsyt 1997). Kazakhstan: Trans-Ili Alatau (Grebenyuk 1966). Kyrgyzstan: Aksay Valley (Grebenyuk 1966). Turkmenistan: outskirts of Ashgabad (Filippova 1977). Tajikistan: Hisar Range, Varzob gorge (Ivanov 1945; Lotozky 1945).
记录的地点(图 30)。俄罗斯:达吉斯坦(Filippova 1977),西西伯利亚 - 萨莱尔山脊,库兹涅茨克阿拉套(Chunihin 1967),东西伯利亚 - 安加拉河岸(Birula 1895)和布里亚特(伊卡茨基山脊)(Emelyanova et al. 1963),贝尔宁岛(Voltsyt 1997)。哈萨克斯坦:特兰斯伊利阿拉套(Grebenyuk 1966)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:阿克赛谷(Grebenyuk 1966)。土库曼斯坦:阿什哈巴德郊区(Filippova 1977)。塔吉克斯坦:希萨尔山脉,瓦尔佐布峡谷(Ivanov 1945;Lotozky 1945)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes berlesei is a little studied nidicolous tick occurring in the Greater Caucasus, as well as in Middle Asia and Siberia.
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes berlesei 是一种研究较少的寄生蜱,分布于大高加索地区、中亚和西伯利亚。

Figure 30. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes berlesei was reported.
图 30. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes berlesei 的地点。
There is one report about a finding of this tick on the Bering Island belonging to the Commander Islands in the Bering Sea, a female and three larvae collected 26 August 1990 from a snow bunting and deposited at the collection of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University (Voltsyt 1997). The author states that the date of the tick collection indicates the presence of a permanent population of this species on the island because in the end of August birds usually already are prepared for the autumn migration after the breeding period, and, therefore, ticks could not have been transported there from the continent. Hence, we could assume that probably the real distribution of this tick is much wider and includes mountainous areas not only in a warmer and temperate climate but also in cooler tundra and other climatically similar landscapes. The snow bunting as a host of this species also was registered for the first time. Overall, its hosts include birds nesting usually in rocks and feeding on the ground and during the flight (Filippova 1977).
有一份报告提到在白令海的指挥官群岛上发现了这种蜱,1990 年 8 月 26 日从一只雪雀身上收集到一只雌性蜱和三只幼虫,并存放在莫斯科国立大学动物博物馆的收藏中(Voltsyt 1997)。作者指出,蜱的收集日期表明该岛上存在这种物种的常驻种群,因为在八月底,鸟类通常已经为繁殖期后的秋季迁徙做好准备,因此,蜱不可能是从大陆运输到那里的。因此,我们可以假设这种蜱的实际分布可能更广泛,包括不仅在温暖和温带气候下的山区,还包括在较冷的苔原和其他气候相似的景观中。作为这种物种宿主的雪雀也首次被记录。总体而言,它的宿主包括通常在岩石中筑巢并在地面和飞行中觅食的鸟类(Filippova 1977)。
The type specimen is deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences - holotype: female; 683, [Russia, Siberia] Angara, 1867, Chekanovskii, type; AL I528. Description - Filippova 1977: 230-236 (female, nymph, larva; male unknown) (Filippova 2008).
类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所 - 正本:雌性;683,[俄罗斯,西伯利亚] 安加拉,1867 年,切卡诺夫斯基,类型;AL I528。描述 - Filippova 1977:230-236(雌性,若虫,幼虫;雄性未知)(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes caledonicus Nuttall, 1910

Ixodes caledonicus Nuttall, 1910: Nuttall 1910: 408.
Ixodes caledonicus sculpturatus Schulze, 1929: 60; Arthur 1963: 53. Ixodes gussevi Reznik, 1958: 457; Filippova and Panova 1975: 339.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Apus pacificus (Pacific swift), Corvus corax Linnaeus (common raven), Corvus cornix (hooded crow), Columba livia (common pigeon),
记录的宿主。鸟类:太平洋雨燕(Apus pacificus)、林奈的渡鸦(Corvus corax)、头巾乌鸦(Corvus cornix)、家鸽(Columba livia)、

Figure 31. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes caledonicus was reported.
图 31. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes caledonicus 的地点。
Coloeus monedula (western jackdaw), Falco peregrinus (peregrine falcon), Monticola solitarius (blue rock thrush), Oenanthe oenanthe (Northern wheatear), Petronia petronia (rock sparrow), Phoenicurus sp. (redstart), Tachymarptis melba (Linnaeus) (Alpine swift) (Filippova 1977; Bolotin and Kolonin 1979).
Coloeus monedula (西方寒鸦), Falco peregrinus (游隼), Monticola solitarius (蓝岩鸫), Oenanthe oenanthe (北方白鹡鸰), Petronia petronia (岩雀), Phoenicurus sp. (红尾鸲), Tachymarptis melba (林奈) (阿尔卑斯雨燕) (Filippova 1977; Bolotin and Kolonin 1979)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 31). Russia: valley of the Zerkalnaya River (Bolotin and Kolonin 1979). Ukraine: Crimean Peninsula, in particular the Tarkhankut Peninsula and the cape Kazantyp (Emchuk 1960; Filippova 1977). Azerbaijan: Qabala (Reznik 1958), Julfa (Filippova and Panova 1975). Tajikistan: Hisar Range (Filippova and Panova 1975).
记录的位置(图 31)。俄罗斯:泽尔卡尔纳亚河谷(Bolotin 和 Kolonin 1979)。乌克兰:克里米亚半岛,特别是塔尔汉库特半岛和卡赞提普角(Emchuk 1960;Filippova 1977)。阿塞拜疆:卡巴拉(Reznik 1958),朱尔法(Filippova 和 Panova 1975)。塔吉克斯坦:希萨尔山脉(Filippova 和 Panova 1975)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes caledonicus is a little studied nidicolous tick species occurring in Europe as well as Western and Middle Asia. In Crimea this species is very rare and never has been found after 1980 (Nebogatkin 1998). Its hosts are birds that usually nest in rocks, feed on the ground, or feed and drink during flight (Filippova 1977).
生态学和其他信息。卡尔多尼克斯蜱是一种研究较少的寄生蜱种,分布于欧洲以及西部和中亚。在克里米亚,这种物种非常稀有,自 1980 年以来从未被发现(Nebogatkin 1998)。它的宿主是通常在岩石中筑巢、在地面上觅食或在飞行中觅食和饮水的鸟类(Filippova 1977)。

Ixodes semenovi Olenev, 1929

Ixodes semenovi Olenev, 1929: 489.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Prunella collaris (alpine accentor), Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (Linnaeus) (red-billed chough) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。鸟类:Prunella collaris(高山雀),Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax(林奈)(红嘴鸦)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 32). Kazakhstan: Tian Shan - the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too Range, the source of the river Merke (Jambyl Region) (Olenev 1929b). Kyrgyzstan: Terskey Ala-too Range (Grebenyuk 1961, 1966).
记录的位置(图 32)。哈萨克斯坦:天山 - 吉尔吉斯阿拉图山脉的北坡,梅尔克河的源头(贾姆比尔地区)(奥列涅夫 1929b)。吉尔吉斯斯坦:特尔斯基阿拉图山脉(格列别纽克 1961,1966)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes semenovi is a very rare species in the post-Soviet territories known only from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, from
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes semenovi 是一种在后苏联地区非常稀有的物种,仅在哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦被发现,来自

Figure 32. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes semenovi was reported.
图 32. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告 Ixodes semenovi 的地点。

the Tian Shan, where it inhabits rocks at an altitude of 2000 m a. s. I. (Filippova 1977). The type specimen of I. semenovi is deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences: the holotype - female; Mi[ddle] Asia, Aleksandrovskii Mt. Range [Kirgizskii Ala Tau], source of Merke River, Aral-Tyube, from Accentor collaris, 4.VII.1929, coll. I.A. Portenko; AL I549. Description - Filippova 1977: 219-223 (female, male, nymph; larva unknown) (Filippova 2008).
天山,栖息在海拔 2000 米的岩石上(Filippova 1977)。I. semenovi 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所:模式标本 - 雌性;中亚,亚历山大山脉[Kirgizskii Ala Tau],梅尔克河源,阿拉尔-图别,来自 Accentor collaris,1929 年 7 月 4 日,采集者 I.A. Portenko;AL I549。描述 - Filippova 1977:219-223(雌性,雄性,若虫;幼虫未知)(Filippova 2008)。

Ixodes signatus Birula, 1895

Ixodes signatus Birula, 1895: 353.
Ixodes arcticus Osborn: Cooley and Kohls 1945: 201.
Ixodes parvirostris Neumann: Neumann 1904: 444.
Ixodes eudyptidis v. signata Birula: Neumann 1911: 21.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus) (great cormorant), Urile pelagicus (pelagic cormorant), Urile penicillatus (Brandt) (Brandt’s cormorant), Urile urile (red-faced cormorant) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。鸟类:大鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus))、远洋鸬鹚(Urile pelagicus)、布兰登鸬鹚(Urile penicillatus (Brandt))、红脸鸬鹚(Urile urile)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 33). Russia: islands: Furugelm Island, Tyuleniy Island, the Kuril Islands - Paramushir, Urup and Makanrushi, the Commander Islands - the Kamen Ariy and the Bering Island (Kirschenblatt 1936; Pomerantsev 1950; Violovich 1958, 1962a; Leonova et al. 1971; Timofeeva et al. 1971, 1974; Lvov et al. 2014b); mainland - Primorsky Krai (Lazovsky District) (Kozlovskaya el al. 1968).
记录的位置(图 33)。俄罗斯:岛屿:富鲁根尔岛、图连尼岛、千岛群岛 - 帕拉穆希尔岛、乌鲁普岛和马坎鲁什岛,指挥官岛 - 卡门阿里岛和贝尔灵岛(Kirschenblatt 1936;Pomerantsev 1950;Violovich 1958, 1962a;Leonova et al. 1971;Timofeeva et al. 1971, 1974;Lvov et al. 2014b);大陆 - 外东北边疆区(拉佐夫斯基区)(Kozlovskaya et al. 1968)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes signatus is a nidicolous tick species occurring in several archipelagos and separate islands of the Russian Far East,
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes signatus 是一种巢居蜱种,分布在俄罗斯远东的几个群岛和独立岛屿上,

Figure 33. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes signatus was reported.
图 33. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告 Ixodes signatus 的地点。

as well as in Japan and the west coast of North America together with the Pacific islands nearby (Filippova 1977). It inhabits mostly coastal rocks being an obligate parasite of cormorants. Other birds, for example the Siberian thrush Geokichla sibirica (Pallas), are considered occasional hosts (Violovich 1962a). Findings in the mainland Eurasia are probably occasional cases of transportation (Kozlovskaya et al. 1968).
以及在日本和北美西海岸以及附近的太平洋岛屿(Filippova 1977)。它主要栖息在沿海岩石上,是鸬鹚的专性寄生虫。其他鸟类,例如西伯利亚歌鸫 Geokichla sibirica(帕拉斯),被认为是偶然宿主(Violovich 1962a)。在欧亚大陆的发现可能是偶然运输的案例(Kozlovskaya et al. 1968)。
The type specimens of I. signatus are deposited at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Filippova 2008) and include the lectotype: female; [Aleut Islands], Unalashka, 1846, coll. Voznesenskii, type; AL I358; paralectotypes: 8 females, 1 nymph, AL I358a; 2 females; CB I3170, I3171. Description - Filippova 1977: 204-210 (female, male, nymph, larva).
I. signatus 的类型标本存放在俄罗斯科学院动物学研究所(Filippova 2008),包括模式标本:雌性;[阿留申群岛],乌纳拉什卡,1846 年,收集者:沃兹涅森斯基,类型;AL I358;副模式标本:8 只雌性,1 只若虫,AL I358a;2 只雌性;CB I3170,I3171。描述 - Filippova 1977:204-210(雌性,雄性,若虫,幼虫)。

Ixodes unicavatus Neumann, 1908

Ixodes unicavatus Neumann, 1908: 109; Schulze 1941: 491.
Ixodes tauricus Vshivkov & Filippova, 1957: 553; Gilot and Beaucournu 1973: 131.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Gulosus aristotelis (European shag) (Linnaeus) (Filippova 1977).
记录的宿主。鸟类:Gulosus aristotelis(欧洲鸬鹚)(林奈)(Filippova 1977)。
Recorded locations (Fig. 34). Ukraine: Crimean Peninsula, in particular the Tarkhankut Peninsula, The Kara Dag, the Kerch Peninsula, the cape Kazantyp (Emchuk 1960; Filippova 1977).
记录的位置(图 34)。乌克兰:克里米亚半岛,特别是塔尔汉库特半岛,卡拉山,克尔奇半岛,卡赞提普角(Emchuk 1960;Filippova 1977)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes unicavatus is an endophilic tick occurring in Europe primarily in coastal areas of the Atlantic Ocean and which can be found in its hosts’ nests and under stones near them (Filippova 2007). It uses mostly cormorants - the European shag Gulosus aristotelis and the great
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes unicavatus 是一种内生性蜱,主要分布在欧洲的大西洋沿岸地区,可以在其宿主的巢穴和附近的石头下找到(Filippova 2007)。它主要寄生于鸬鹚——欧洲鸬鹚 Gulosus aristotelis 和大……

Figure 34. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes unicavatus was reported.
图 34. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告了 Ixodes unicavatus 的地点。

cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo as hosts (Schulze 1932; Arthur 1963; Guiguen et al. 1987; Kolonin 2008). In Crimea, this species has been known from a little number of specimens (Serdjukova 1956; Emchuk 1960).
鸬鹚 Phalacrocorax carbo 作为宿主(Schulze 1932;Arthur 1963;Guiguen 等 1987;Kolonin 2008)。在克里米亚,这个物种已知的标本数量很少(Serdjukova 1956;Emchuk 1960)。
Subgenus Trichotoixodes Reznik, 1961: 276.
亚属 Trichotoixodes Reznik, 1961: 276.

Ixodes brunneus Koch, 1844
Ixodes brunneus Koch, 1844a: 232.
Ixodes californicus Banks, 1904: Keirans and Clifford 1978: 54.
Ixodes kelloggi Nuttall & Warburton, 1907: Cooley and Kohls 1945: 205.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Lanius collurio (red-backed shrike) (Filippova 1977)
记录的宿主。鸟类:红背伯劳 (Lanius collurio) (Filippova 1977)

Recorded locations (Fig. 35). Ukraine: Crimea - Sudak City Municipality, the village Perevalivka (Filippova 1977).
记录的位置(图 35)。乌克兰:克里米亚 - 苏达克市市政当局,村庄佩列瓦利夫卡(Filippova 1977)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes brunneus is a tick occurring mainly in the Americas being predominantly a parasite of passerine birds (Filippova 1977). The only record in Crimea on a red-backed shrike is considered a case of accidental introduction (Tsapko 2020).
生态学和其他信息。棕色蜱主要分布在美洲,主要寄生于雀形鸟(Filippova 1977)。在克里米亚关于红背伯劳的唯一记录被认为是意外引入的案例(Tsapko 2020)。
Ixodes frontalis (Panzer, 1798)
Acarus frontalis Panzer, 1798: 59, 23; Koch 1844a: 234.
Ixodes pallipes (Fabricius): Arthur 1963: 111.
Ixodes pari Leach, 1815: 399; Neumann 1911: 18.
Ixodes sturni Pagenstecher: Neumann 1901, 249.
Figure 35. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes brunneus was reported.
图 35. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示了报告发现棕色蜱(Ixodes brunneus)的位置。
Ixodes avisugus Berlese: Neumann 1899: 107.
Ixodes apronatus Kirshenblat, 1934: 257; Arthur 1963: 111.
Ixodes sigalasi Lamontellerie, 1954: 561; Lamontellerie 1965: 87.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Alectoris chukar (chukar partridge), Caprimulgus europaeus Linnaeus (European nightjar), Chloris chloris (European greenfinch), Corvus frugilegus (rook), Curruca communis (common whitethroat), Curruca curruca (lesser whitethroat), Erithacus rubecula (European robin), Falco tinnunculus (common kestrel), Fringilla coelebs (Eurasian chaffinch), Fringilla montifringilla (brambling), Garrulus glandarius (Eurasian jay), Hippolais icterina (Vieillot) (icterine warbler), Lanius collurio (red-backed shrike), Luscinia luscinia (thrush nightingale), Luscinia megarhynchos (Brehm) (common nightingale), Muscicapa striata (spotted flycatcher), Oenanthe hispanica (western black-eared wheatear), Oenanthe isabellina (isabelline wheatear), Parus major (great tit), Passer domesticus (house sparrow), Passer montanus (Eurasian tree sparrow), Petronia petronia (rock sparrow), Phoenicurus phoenicurus (common redstart), Phylloscopus trochilus (willow warbler), Phasianus colchicus (common pheasant), Pica pica (Eurasian magpie), Regulus regulus (Linnaeus) (goldcrest), Saxicola rubetra (Linnaeus) (whinchat), Streptopelia turtur (Linnaeus) (European turtle dove), Turdus iliacus (redwing), Turdus merula (common blackbird), Turdus philomelos (song thrush), Turdus torquatus Linnaeus (ring ouzel), Turdus viscivorus (mistle thrush) (Filippova 1977).
记录的主机。鸟类:阿勒克托里斯·丘卡尔(丘卡尔鹧鸪),卡普里穆尔古斯·欧洲(欧洲夜鹰),氯里斯·氯里斯(欧洲绿雀),科尔维斯·弗鲁吉勒古斯(乌鸦),库鲁卡·库穆尼斯(普通白喉),库鲁卡·库鲁卡(小白喉),埃里塔卡斯·鲁贝库拉(欧洲知更鸟),法尔科·蒂努库卢斯(普通雀鹰),弗林吉拉·科埃勒布斯(欧亚雀雀),弗林吉拉·蒙蒂弗林吉拉(雀雀),加鲁鲁斯·格兰达里乌斯(欧亚松鸦),希波拉伊斯·伊克特里纳(维耶洛特)(黄鹂莺),拉尼乌斯·科鲁里奥(红背伯劳),卢斯基尼亚·卢斯基尼亚(画眉),卢斯基尼亚·梅加林科斯(布雷姆)(普通夜莺),穆斯基卡帕·斯特里亚塔(斑点蝇捕鸟),欧南特·西班尼卡(西方黑耳白鹡鸰),欧南特·伊萨贝利娜(伊萨贝尔白鹡鸰),帕鲁斯·马焦尔(大山雀),帕塞尔·多梅斯蒂库斯(家麻雀),帕塞尔·蒙塔努斯(欧亚树麻雀),佩特罗尼亚·佩特罗尼亚(岩麻雀),菲尼库鲁斯·菲尼库鲁斯(普通红尾鸲),菲洛斯科普斯·特罗基卢斯(柳莺),菲赞斯·科尔基库斯(普通雉),皮卡·皮卡(欧亚喜鹊),雷古鲁斯·雷古鲁斯(林奈)(金冠雀),萨克西科拉·鲁贝特拉(林奈)(灌木鹨),斯特雷普托佩利亚·图尔图尔(林奈)(欧洲斑鸠),图尔杜斯·伊利亚库斯(红翅鸲),图尔杜斯·梅鲁拉(普通黑鸫),歌鸫(Turdus philomelos),环鸫(Turdus torquatus Linnaeus),槲寄生鸫(Turdus viscivorus)(Filippova 1977)。
Mammalia: Meriones libycus (Libyan jird) (Tsapko and Kotti 2017).
哺乳动物:利比亚沙鼠(Meriones libycus)(Tsapko 和 Kotti 2017)。

Recorded locations (Fig. 36). Russia: Kurgan Oblast - the rural locality Ketovo (Ruzsky 1929), Stavropol Krai (Reznik 1950; Guseva 1962; Tiflova et al. 1970), Krasnodar Krai; Chechnya (Marutyan 1963; Baisarova 2021), Dagestan (Gusev and Guseva 1960). Ukraine: Poltava Oblast (Olenev 1931a), Odesa Oblast, Mykolaiv Oblast, Kherson Oblast (Rusev 2009), Crimea (Filippova 1977). Belarus: Pripyatsky National Park (Tsvirko 2008). Moldova: Codru (Morozov et al. 2022),
记录的位置(图 36)。俄罗斯:库尔干州 - 农村地方凯托沃(Ruzsky 1929),斯塔夫罗波尔边疆区(Reznik 1950;Guseva 1962;Tiflova 等,1970),克拉斯诺达尔边疆区;车臣(Marutyan 1963;Baisarova 2021),达吉斯坦(Gusev 和 Guseva 1960)。乌克兰:波尔塔瓦州(Olenev 1931a),敖德萨州,尼古拉耶夫州,赫尔松州(Rusev 2009),克里米亚(Filippova 1977)。白俄罗斯:普里皮亚季国家公园(Tsvirko 2008)。摩尔多瓦:科德鲁(Morozov 等,2022),

Figure 36. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes frontalis was reported.
图 36. 显示报告了前额蜱(Ixodes frontalis)位置的俄罗斯及邻国地图。
Olănești (Filippova 1977), Chishinau (Morozov and Proka 2012). Armenia: Syunik Province (former Goris Province) (Ogandzhanyan 1984). Azerbaijan: Alazani River (Ter-Vartanov et al. 1956), Lankaran (Filippova 1977), Shaki District (Tsapko and Kotti 2017). Georgia: Kutaisi, Lagodekhi, Dedoplistsqaro (Kirschenblatt 1936; Djaparidze 1960), Guria (Sukhiashvili et al. 2020). Turkmenistam: outskirts of Magtymguly, Aydere (Berdyev and Annaev 1997).
Olănești (Filippova 1977), Chishinau (Morozov and Proka 2012). 亚美尼亚:苏尼克省(前戈里斯省)(Ogandzhanyan 1984)。阿塞拜疆:阿拉扎尼河(Ter-Vartanov et al. 1956),兰卡兰(Filippova 1977),沙基区(Tsapko and Kotti 2017)。格鲁吉亚:库塔伊西,拉戈德基,德多普利茨卡罗(Kirschenblatt 1936;Djaparidze 1960),古里亚(Sukhiashvili et al. 2020)。土库曼斯坦:马赫提姆古利郊区,艾德雷(Berdyev and Annaev 1997)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes frontalis is an exophilic tick species parasitizing primarily dendrophilic birds (Filippova 1977). It is relatively widely distributed throughout Europe, Western Asia, as well as North Africa (Filippova 1977; Estrada-Peña et al. 2018). Ixodes frontalis is rare in most of its range. However, the place of mass reproduction of this species was discovered in Dagestan near the Sulak River in a big colony of rooks (Gusev and Guseva 1960). Under the nests in the rookery, a high, uncountable number of larvae of these ticks was observed. Often there were up to 5,000 individuals per m² (Tsapko 2023).
生态学和其他信息。前额蜱是一种主要寄生于树栖鸟类的外寄生蜱种(Filippova 1977)。它在欧洲、西亚以及北非的分布相对广泛(Filippova 1977;Estrada-Peña 等,2018)。前额蜱在其大部分分布范围内较为稀少。然而,在达吉斯坦的苏拉克河附近发现了该物种的大规模繁殖地,那里有一个大型的乌鸦群落(Gusev 和 Guseva 1960)。在乌鸦巢下,观察到大量无法计数的蜱幼虫。每平方米常常有多达 5000 只个体(Tsapko 2023)。
Single collections of I. frontalis from mammals are known as exceptions. In Europe, adults were found on representatives of the mustelid family (Guglielmone et al. 2014). In the Shaki District of Azerbaijan (2 km north of the village of Şirinbulaq, 31 Oct 1956), two nymphs were taken from two Libyan jird Meriones libycus (collections of R.B. Kosminsky and R.S. Karandina) (Tsapko and Kotti 2017). In addition, certain cases of attachments to humans are known (Gilot et al. 1997).
单一的前额虫的收集在哺乳动物中被认为是例外。在欧洲,成年人在鼬科的代表身上被发现(Guglielmone et al. 2014)。在阿塞拜疆的沙基区(距离Şirinbulaq 村 2 公里,1956 年 10 月 31 日),从两只利比亚沙鼠 Meriones libycus 中采集到了两个若虫(R.B. Kosminsky 和 R.S. Karandina 的收藏)(Tsapko 和 Kotti 2017)。此外,已知某些与人类的附着案例(Gilot et al. 1997)。

Ixodes turdus Nakatsudi, 1942

Ixodes turdus Nakatsudi, 1942: 287.
Recorded hosts. Aves: Turdus pallidus Gmelin (pale thrush) (Bolotin and Kolonin 1979).
记录的宿主。鸟类:Turdus pallidus Gmelin(苍白的鸫)(Bolotin 和 Kolonin 1979)。

Figure 37. Map of Russia and neighboring countries showing the locations where Ixodes turdus was reported.
图 37. 俄罗斯及邻国地图,显示报告 Ixodes turdus 的地点。
Recorded locations (Fig. 37). Russia: Primorsky Krai, Nadezhdinsky District, the right shore of the Razdolnaya River (Bolotin and Kolonin 1979).
记录的位置(图 37)。俄罗斯:滨海边疆区,纳杰日丁区,拉兹多尔纳亚河右岸(Bolotin 和 Kolonin 1979)。
Ecology and other information. Ixodes turdus is a bird-associated tick species that can be found usually in East Asia, especially in Nepal, Korea, and Japan (Takahashi and Chunikhin 1972; Clifford et al. 1975; Ishiguro et al. 2000; Kim et al. 2009b; Sato et al. 2021). The single case of finding I. turdus in the Far East of Russia is considered a result of transportation (Bolotin and Kolonin 1979). Some occasions of parasitism on humans (Woo et al. 1990; Kadosaka and Hasegawa 1996), as well as on wild boars (Chae et al. 2017) are also recorded.
生态学和其他信息。Ixodes turdus 是一种与鸟类相关的蜱虫,通常可以在东亚找到,特别是在尼泊尔、韩国和日本(Takahashi 和 Chunikhin 1972;Clifford 等人 1975;Ishiguro 等人 2000;Kim 等人 2009b;Sato 等人 2021)。在俄罗斯远东发现 I. turdus 的单一案例被认为是运输的结果(Bolotin 和 Kolonin 1979)。还记录了一些对人类(Woo 等人 1990;Kadosaka 和 Hasegawa 1996)以及野猪(Chae 等人 2017)的寄生现象。

Discussion 讨论

The territory of Russia and other post-Soviet countries reviewed here occupies a significant part of the Palearctic and its Ixodes tick fauna comprises in total approximately 37 species belonging to ten subgenera (Table 1). Some of these species are endemic. A significant ratio of these Ixodes species have a broad distribution area, as exemplified by I. ricinus, I. persulcatus, I. trianguliceps, I. apronophorus, I. crenulatus, I. kaiseri, I. laguri, I. redikorzevi, I. eldaricus, I. frontalis, and I. lividus. Moreover, the geographical range of some of these species also continues further to the west (into Europe) and to the south and east (to other parts of Asia).
俄罗斯及其他后苏联国家的领土占据了古北界的一个重要部分,其伊克德斯蜱的动物群总共有大约 37 个物种,属于十个亚属(表 1)。其中一些物种是特有种。这些伊克德斯物种中有相当一部分具有广泛的分布区域,例如 I. ricinus、I. persulcatus、I. trianguliceps、I. apronophorus、I. crenulatus、I. kaiseri、I. laguri、I. redikorzevi、I. eldaricus、I. frontalis 和 I. lividus。此外,这些物种的地理分布范围还延伸到西部(进入欧洲)以及南部和东部(到亚洲其他地区)。
Tick species like I. ricinus and I. persulcatus are able to live in a broad range of forest and forest-steppe biotopes and parasitize literally any vertebrate hosts among mammals, birds, and in some cases reptiles available in their habitats. Further species listed above parasitize species of those ecological groups of higher vertebrates which are widely distributed within the limits of the reviewed territories and even outside of them (like shrews, rodents, carnivores, and passerines), so this could explain the wide distribution of these species together
蜱虫种类如 I. ricinus 和 I. persulcatus 能够在广泛的森林和森林草原生境中生存,并寄生于其栖息地中几乎所有的脊椎动物宿主,包括哺乳动物、鸟类以及在某些情况下的爬行动物。上述进一步列出的物种寄生于那些在审查区域内及其外部广泛分布的高等脊椎动物的生态群体(如鼩鼱、啮齿动物、食肉动物和雀形目鸟类),这可以解释这些物种的广泛分布。

with the presence of suitable hosts and biotopes. On the other hand, five tick species - I. stromi, I. semenovi, I. signatus, I. uriae, I. occultus - have more limited distribution areas, occurring only in certain habitats where they are specialized to parasitize an ecologically restricted range of hosts. There are at least five tick species (I. angustus, I. pomerantzevi, I. nipponensis, I. kashmiricus, I. redikorzevi) which have geographical ranges extending far beyond post-Soviet territories, and these also occur in neighboring and more distant countries sharing a similar fauna. The distribution areas of six further species (I. berlesei, I. caledonicus, I. arboricola, I. subterraneus, I. simplex, I. vespertilionis) cannot be defined more precisely, due to the limited number of their findings in locations distantly separated from each other. It is important to note here that these ticks are nidicolous parasites of birds and bats, therefore can be transported by their hosts to new habitats in other locations during migration, although it is not necessary that they will establish and form sustainable populations there. The distribution area of the tick I. pavlovskyi is also disjunct and populated by two different subspecies. Finally, there are four tick species known exclusively from the reviewed territories and certain locations by a very few records and their real distribution areas and biology are poorly studied, namely I. cornutus, I. ghilarovi, I. maslovi, and I. prokopjevi.
适合宿主和生境的存在。另一方面,五种蜱虫 - I. stromi, I. semenovi, I. signatus, I. uriae, I. occultus - 的分布区域更为有限,仅在某些特定栖息地出现,这些栖息地专门寄生于生态范围受限的宿主。至少有五种蜱虫(I. angustus, I. pomerantzevi, I. nipponensis, I. kashmiricus, I. redikorzevi)的地理分布范围远远超出后苏联地区,它们也出现在邻近和更远的国家,这些国家共享类似的动物群。六种其他物种(I. berlesei, I. caledonicus, I. arboricola, I. subterraneus, I. simplex, I. vespertilionis)的分布区域无法更精确地定义,因为它们在相互远离的地点的发现数量有限。值得注意的是,这些蜱虫是鸟类和蝙蝠的巢寄生虫,因此可以在迁徙过程中被宿主运输到其他地点的新栖息地,尽管并不一定会在那建立和形成可持续的种群。蜱虫 I.的分布区域 pavlovskyi 也是不连续的,且由两种不同的亚种组成。最后,有四种蜱虫仅在所审查的地区和某些地点通过极少的记录被知晓,它们的真实分布区域和生物学研究得很少,分别是 I. cornutus、I. ghilarovi、I. maslovi 和 I. prokopjevi。
It is still questionable whether or not I I II. brunneus and I I II. turdus are indigenous in the examined geographical area. There have been no confirmations of stable populations of these two species in the locations where both species were found on migratory birds; both are known from these territories by single specimens outside their main distribution areas. Therefore, we suspect that these two tick species do not belong to the tick fauna of Russia and post-Soviet territories.
仍然存在争议, I I II . brunneus 和 I I II . turdus 是否是所研究地理区域的本土物种。在发现这两种物种的候鸟的地点,没有确认这两种物种的稳定种群;这两种物种在其主要分布区以外的这些地区仅通过单个标本被知晓。因此,我们怀疑这两种蜱虫不属于俄罗斯及后苏联地区的蜱虫群落。
Among the reviewed Ixodes species, from the point of view of host preferences, there are both generalists and specialists. Rodents of the families Mu Mu Mu-\mathrm{Mu}- ridae and Cricetidae, as well as passerine birds, harbor the highest number of Ixodes species in the reviewed territories (Table 2). All these groups live almost everywhere in a great variety of biotopes, often in significant numbers, therefore playing an important role in diverse ecosystems and also having epidemiological significance as reservoirs of multiple tick-borne pathogens. Among the ticks in this review, 15 species parasitize murine rodents and 14 passerine birds (Table 2). Shrews (family Soricidae) also include a relatively high number of species which are ubiquitous and serve as typical hosts for certain Ixodes species, predominantly from the subgenera Filippoviella and Ixodiopsis.
在所审查的蜱属物种中,从宿主偏好的角度来看,既有广泛寄生的物种,也有专一寄生的物种。来自 Mu Mu Mu-\mathrm{Mu}- 科和仓鼠科的啮齿动物,以及雀形目鸟类,在所审查的地区中寄生了最多的蜱属物种(表 2)。所有这些群体几乎生活在各种生境中,数量往往很大,因此在多样化的生态系统中发挥着重要作用,并且作为多种蜱传播病原体的宿主具有流行病学意义。在本次审查的蜱中,有 15 个物种寄生于鼠类啮齿动物和 14 个雀形目鸟类(表 2)。鼩鼱(鼩鼱科)也包括相对较多的物种,这些物种无处不在,并且是某些蜱属物种的典型宿主,主要来自 Filippoviella 和 Ixodiopsis 亚属。
In general, 18 Ixodes species are typically parasites of mammals from various taxonomic and ecological groups, 12 species prefer birds as hosts. Altogether, six species are generalists and therefore can parasitize virtually any available warm-blooded host species. All these species belong to the subgenus Ixodes. Ticks from other subgenera can attach to and feed from atypical hosts occasionally. Specific parasites of reptiles among lxodes species are not known to occur in the reviewed territories, but some of the generalist species can parasitize these hosts, especially in the absence of their preferred ones. Sometimes even mass parasitism of Ixodes species can be observed on reptiles, as in the case of I. redikorzevi. Last, we can note that hosts of I. maslovi are still unknown, and the exact host range of I. cornutus, I. ghilarovi, I. prokopjevi, and I. sachalinensis also remains to be clarified.
一般来说,18 种伊克德斯(Ixodes)物种通常是来自不同分类和生态群体的哺乳动物的寄生虫,12 种物种更喜欢鸟类作为宿主。总共有六种物种是广泛寄生的,因此几乎可以寄生于任何可用的温血宿主物种。所有这些物种都属于伊克德斯亚属(subgenus Ixodes)。来自其他亚属的蜱虫偶尔可以附着并从非典型宿主身上取食。在审查的地区,已知的伊克德斯物种中没有特定的爬行动物寄生虫,但一些广泛寄生的物种可以寄生于这些宿主,特别是在缺乏其首选宿主的情况下。有时甚至可以观察到伊克德斯物种在爬行动物上的大规模寄生现象,例如在 I. redikorzevi 的案例中。最后,我们可以注意到 I. maslovi 的宿主仍然未知,而 I. cornutus、I. ghilarovi、I. prokopjevi 和 I. sachalinensis 的确切宿主范围也有待澄清。
Table 1. The list of Ixodes subgenera and species according to post-Soviet countries.
表 1. 根据后苏联国家的伊克斯德属亚属和物种列表。
Tick subgenus 蜱属亚属 Tick species 蜱虫种类
N  篤   檤   N  {:[" 篤 "],[" 檤 "],[" N "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 篤 } \\ & \text { 檤 } \\ & \text { N } \end{aligned}
Ceratixodes I. uriae + + ++
Eschatocephalus 厄斯卡托头鱼 I. simplex + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. vespertilionis + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++
Filippoviella I. ghilarovi + + ++ + + ++
I. trianguliceps + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++
Ixodes 伊克斯德斯 I. apronophorus + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. eldaricus + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++
I. kazakstani I. 哈萨克斯坦人 + + ++ + + ++
I. kashmiricus + + ++
I. laguri + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + + + + ++
I. nipponensis + + ++
I. occultus + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. pavlovskyi + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. persulcatus + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. redikorzevi + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. ricinus + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. sachalinensis + + ++
Ixodiopsis I. angustus + + ++
I. pomerantzevi + + ++
I. stromi + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
Monoixodes I. maslovi + + ++
Pholeoixodes I. arboricola + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++ + + +
I. cornutus + + ++
l. crenulatus + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. hexagonus + + ++
I. kaiseri + + ++ + + ++ + + ++ + + + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. lividus + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++ + + ++
I. prokopjevi + + ++
I. subterraneus + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++
Scaphixodes I. signatus + + ++
I. berlesei + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++
I. caledonicus + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++
I. unicavatus +
I. semenovi + + ++ + + ++
Trichotoixodes I. brunneus * + + ++
I. frontalis 额肌 + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++
I. turdus * + + ++
Total number of species
29 8 18 11 11 10 11 16 15 4 10 9
Total number of subgenera
9 4 6 5 5 5 6 4 5 2 5 5
Tick subgenus Tick species https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=99&width=54&top_left_y=420&top_left_x=733 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=107&width=54&top_left_y=418&top_left_x=835 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=112&width=51&top_left_y=416&top_left_x=937 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=119&width=52&top_left_y=411&top_left_x=1036 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=112&width=52&top_left_y=416&top_left_x=1134 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=112&width=41&top_left_y=411&top_left_x=1233 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=149&width=59&top_left_y=396&top_left_x=1324 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=153&width=33&top_left_y=392&top_left_x=1436 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=149&width=50&top_left_y=394&top_left_x=1530 " 篤 檤 N " https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=178&width=50&top_left_y=378&top_left_x=1721 批 Ceratixodes I. uriae + Eschatocephalus I. simplex + + + I. vespertilionis + + + + + + + + + Filippoviella I. ghilarovi + + I. trianguliceps + + + + + + + Ixodes I. apronophorus + + + + + + I. eldaricus + + + + + + + + + + I. kazakstani + + I. kashmiricus + I. laguri + + + + + + + + I. nipponensis + I. occultus + + + I. pavlovskyi + + + I. persulcatus + + + + + I. redikorzevi + + + + + + + + + + + I. ricinus + + + + + + + + + I. sachalinensis + Ixodiopsis I. angustus + I. pomerantzevi + I. stromi + + + + Monoixodes I. maslovi + Pholeoixodes I. arboricola + + + + + + + + I. cornutus + l. crenulatus + + + + + + + + + + + I. hexagonus + I. kaiseri + + + + + + + + I. lividus + + + + + I. prokopjevi + I. subterraneus + + + + + Scaphixodes I. signatus + I. berlesei + + + + + I. caledonicus + + + + I. unicavatus + I. semenovi + + Trichotoixodes I. brunneus * + I. frontalis + + + + + + + + I. turdus * + Total number of species 29 8 18 11 11 10 11 16 15 4 10 9 Total number of subgenera 9 4 6 5 5 5 6 4 5 2 5 5| Tick subgenus | Tick species | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=99&width=54&top_left_y=420&top_left_x=733) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=107&width=54&top_left_y=418&top_left_x=835) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=112&width=51&top_left_y=416&top_left_x=937) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=119&width=52&top_left_y=411&top_left_x=1036) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=112&width=52&top_left_y=416&top_left_x=1134) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=112&width=41&top_left_y=411&top_left_x=1233) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=149&width=59&top_left_y=396&top_left_x=1324) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=153&width=33&top_left_y=392&top_left_x=1436) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=149&width=50&top_left_y=394&top_left_x=1530) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 篤 } \\ & \text { 檤 } \\ & \text { N } \end{aligned}$ | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_12_13_522aea580181888f9a82g-58.jpg?height=178&width=50&top_left_y=378&top_left_x=1721) | 批 | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Ceratixodes | I. uriae | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | Eschatocephalus | I. simplex | $+$ | | $+$ | | | | $+$ | | | | | | | | I. vespertilionis | $+$ | | + | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | | + | | $+$ | $+$ | | Filippoviella | I. ghilarovi | $+$ | | | | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | I. trianguliceps | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | + | $+$ | $+$ | | | | | | | Ixodes | I. apronophorus | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | | | | $+$ | $+$ | | | | | | I. eldaricus | $+$ | | $+$ | | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | + | $+$ | | | I. kazakstani | | | | | | | | $+$ | $+$ | | | | | | I. kashmiricus | | | | | | | | | $+$ | | | | | | I. laguri | $+$ | | $+$ | + | $+$ | + | + | + | | | $+$ | | | | I. nipponensis | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I. occultus | | | | | | | | $+$ | | $+$ | $+$ | | | | I. pavlovskyi | $+$ | | | | | | | $+$ | $+$ | | | | | | I. persulcatus | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | | | | | $+$ | $+$ | | | | | | I. redikorzevi | $+$ | | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | | | I. ricinus | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | + | $+$ | $+$ | | | $+$ | | | | I. sachalinensis | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ixodiopsis | I. angustus | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I. pomerantzevi | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I. stromi | $+$ | | | | | | | $+$ | $+$ | | | $+$ | | Monoixodes | I. maslovi | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | Pholeoixodes | I. arboricola | $+$ | $+$ | + | $+$ | $+$ | + | + | | + | | | | | | I. cornutus | | | | | | | | | | | | $+$ | | | l. crenulatus | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | | | I. hexagonus | | | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | I. kaiseri | $+$ | | $+$ | $+$ | + | + | $+$ | $+$ | $+$ | | | | | | I. lividus | $+$ | + | $+$ | $+$ | | | | $+$ | | | | | | | I. prokopjevi | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I. subterraneus | $+$ | | | | | | | $+$ | + | | $+$ | $+$ | | Scaphixodes | I. signatus | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I. berlesei | $+$ | | | | | | | $+$ | + | | $+$ | $+$ | | | I. caledonicus | $+$ | | $+$ | | | | + | | | | | $+$ | | | I. unicavatus | | | + | | | | | | | | | | | | I. semenovi | | | | | | | | $+$ | $+$ | | | | | Trichotoixodes | I. brunneus * | | | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | I. frontalis | $+$ | $+$ | + | $+$ | $+$ | + | $+$ | | | | $+$ | | | | I. turdus * | $+$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total number of species | | 29 | 8 | 18 | 11 | 11 | 10 | 11 | 16 | 15 | 4 | 10 | 9 | | Total number of subgenera | | 9 | 4 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 5 |
  • non-indigenous (transported) tick species in the reviewed territories.
Table 2. The list of Ixodes tick subgenera and species according to host taxa recorded in post-Soviet countries.
表 2. 根据后苏联国家记录的宿主分类的伊克斯德斯蜱亚属和物种列表。
Tick subgenus 蜱属亚属 Tick species 蜱虫种类 Host taxonomic groups 宿主分类群
Ceratixodes I. uriae Aves: 鸟类:
Charadriiformes - Alcidae, Laridae;
Suliformes - Phalacrocoracidae;
鹈形目 - 鳄形科;
Procellariiformes - Procellariidae
海燕目 - 海燕科
Eschatocephalus 厄斯卡托头鱼 I. simplex Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Chiroptera 翼手目
I. vespertilionis Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Chiroptera 翼手目
Filippoviella I. ghilarovi Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Soricidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科,鼠科
I. trianguliceps Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Soricidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sminthidae
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科,鼠科,鼠鼩科
Ixodes 伊克斯德斯 I. apronophorus Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae, Soricidae, Talpidae;
Eulipotyphla - 刺猬科,鼩鼱科,鼹鼠科;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Sminthidae;
啮齿目 - 胡鼠科、鼠科、松鼠科、田鼠科;
Lagomorpha - Leporidae;
Carnivora - Canidae, Mustelidae
食肉目 - 犬科,鼬科
I. eldaricus Aves: 鸟类:
Galliformes; 鸡形目;
Passeriformes; 雀形目;
Strigiformes 鸮形目
Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Soricidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科,鼠科
I. kazakstani I. 哈萨克斯坦人 Aves: 鸟类:
Galliformes 鸡形目
Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Lagomorpha - Leporidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Gliridae
啮齿目 - 胡鼠科、鼠科、睡鼠科
I. kashmiricus Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Rodentia - Muridae; 啮齿目 - 鼠科;
Carnivora - Canidae; 食肉目 - 犬科;
Artiodactyla - Bovidae 偶蹄目 - 牛科
I. laguri Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Gliridae, Dipodidae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Spalacidae;
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科、睡鼠科、跳鼠科、鼠科、松鼠科、地鼠科;
Carnivora - Canidae, Mustelidae
食肉目 - 犬科,鼬科
I. nipponensis Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科,鼠科
I. occultus Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Soricidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科、鼠科、松鼠科
I. pavlovskyi Aves: 鸟类:
Tick subgenus Tick species Host taxonomic groups Ceratixodes I. uriae Aves: Charadriiformes - Alcidae, Laridae; Suliformes - Phalacrocoracidae; Procellariiformes - Procellariidae Eschatocephalus I. simplex Mammalia: Chiroptera I. vespertilionis Mammalia: Chiroptera Filippoviella I. ghilarovi Mammalia: Eulipotyphla - Soricidae; Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae I. trianguliceps Mammalia: Eulipotyphla - Soricidae; Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sminthidae Ixodes I. apronophorus Mammalia: Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae, Soricidae, Talpidae; Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Sminthidae; Lagomorpha - Leporidae; Carnivora - Canidae, Mustelidae I. eldaricus Aves: Galliformes; Passeriformes; Strigiformes Mammalia: Eulipotyphla - Soricidae; Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae I. kazakstani Aves: Galliformes Mammalia: Lagomorpha - Leporidae; Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Gliridae I. kashmiricus Mammalia: Rodentia - Muridae; Carnivora - Canidae; Artiodactyla - Bovidae I. laguri Mammalia: Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae; Rodentia - Cricetidae, Gliridae, Dipodidae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Spalacidae; Carnivora - Canidae, Mustelidae I. nipponensis Mammalia: Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae I. occultus Mammalia: Eulipotyphla - Soricidae; Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae I. pavlovskyi Aves: Anseriformes;| Tick subgenus | Tick species | Host taxonomic groups | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Ceratixodes | I. uriae | Aves: | | | | Charadriiformes - Alcidae, Laridae; | | | | Suliformes - Phalacrocoracidae; | | | | Procellariiformes - Procellariidae | | Eschatocephalus | I. simplex | Mammalia: | | | | Chiroptera | | | I. vespertilionis | Mammalia: | | | | Chiroptera | | Filippoviella | I. ghilarovi | Mammalia: | | | | Eulipotyphla - Soricidae; | | | | Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae | | | I. trianguliceps | Mammalia: | | | | Eulipotyphla - Soricidae; | | | | Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sminthidae | | Ixodes | I. apronophorus | Mammalia: | | | | Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae, Soricidae, Talpidae; | | | | Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Sminthidae; | | | | Lagomorpha - Leporidae; | | | | Carnivora - Canidae, Mustelidae | | | I. eldaricus | Aves: | | | | Galliformes; | | | | Passeriformes; | | | | Strigiformes | | | | Mammalia: | | | | Eulipotyphla - Soricidae; | | | | Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae | | | I. kazakstani | Aves: | | | | Galliformes | | | | Mammalia: | | | | Lagomorpha - Leporidae; | | | | Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Gliridae | | | I. kashmiricus | Mammalia: | | | | Rodentia - Muridae; | | | | Carnivora - Canidae; | | | | Artiodactyla - Bovidae | | | I. laguri | Mammalia: | | | | Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae; | | | | Rodentia - Cricetidae, Gliridae, Dipodidae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Spalacidae; | | | | Carnivora - Canidae, Mustelidae | | | I. nipponensis | Mammalia: | | | | Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae | | | I. occultus | Mammalia: | | | | Eulipotyphla - Soricidae; | | | | Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae | | | I. pavlovskyi | Aves: | | | | Anseriformes; |
Tick subgenus 蜱属亚属 Tick species 蜱虫种类 Host taxonomic groups 宿主分类群
Ixodes 伊克斯德斯 I. pavlovskyi Columbiformes; 鸽形目;
Galliformes; 鸡形目;
Gruiformes; 鸟纲
Passeriformes 雀形目
Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Soricidae;
Lagomorpha - Leporidae, Ochotonidae;
Lagomorpha - 兔形目,兔科,岩兔科;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Sminthidae
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科、鼠科、松鼠科、鼠鼩科
I. persulcatus Any mammalian and avian hosts (rarely reptilian) available
I. redikorzevi Aves: 鸟类:
Columbiformes; 鸽形目;
Galliformes; 鸡形目;
Passeriformes; 雀形目;
Pterocliformes 鸨形目
Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae, Soricidae;
Lagomorpha - Leporidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Gliridae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Sminthidae, Spalacidae
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科、睡鼠科、鼠科、松鼠科、田鼠科、地鼠科
Carnivora - Canidae, Mustelidae
食肉目 - 犬科,鼬科
Reptilia: 爬行动物类
Squamata - Lacertidae 鳞甲目 - 蜥蜴科
I. ricinus Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia
I. sachalinensis Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Lagomorpha - Leporidae 兔形目 - 兔科
Ixodiopsis I. angustus Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Soricidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae, Sminthidae;
啮齿目 - 胡鼠科、鼠科、松鼠科、田鼠科;
Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae
兔形目 - 兔科
I. pomerantzevi Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Erinaceidae, Soricidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae, Sciuridae
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科、鼠科、松鼠科
I. stromi Mammalia: 哺乳动物:
Eulipotyphla - Soricidae;
Rodentia - Cricetidae, Muridae;
啮齿目 - 仓鼠科,鼠科;
Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae;
Carnivora - Mustelidae