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Hello world 世界您好

Edit page Last modified: 01 August 2024
编辑页面最后修改时间:2024 年 8 月 1 日

Here is a simple program that prints "Hello, world!":
这是一个打印“Hello, world!”的简单程序:

In Kotlin: 在 Kotlin 中:

  • fun is used to declare a function
    fun 用于声明函数

  • The main() function is where your program starts from
    main() 函数是程序开始的地方

  • The body of a function is written within curly braces {}
    函数的主体写在大括号 {}

  • println() and print() functions print their arguments to standard output
    println()print() 函数将其参数打印到标准输出

A function is a set of instructions that performs a specific task. Once you create a function, you can use it whenever you need to perform that task, without having to write the instructions all over again. Functions are discussed in more detail in a couple of chapters. Until then, all examples use the main() function.
函数是执行特定任务的一组指令。创建函数后,您可以在需要执行该任务时使用它,而无需重新编写指令。在几章中将更详细地讨论函数。在此之前,所有示例都使用 main() 函数。