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JoVE Veterinary Review
JoVE 兽医评论

Title: The Protocol on Isolation of Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells From Mouse

URL: https://review.jove.com/v/67423?status=a69429k

Were animals used humanely? Does the manuscript include a statement indicating that studies had been approved by the IACUC?
动物是否被人道地使用?手稿是否包含表明研究已获得 IACUC 批准的声明?

Yes No
☒ 是 否☐

Was appropriate anesthesia and/or analgesia provided for potentially painful procedures?

Yes No
☐ 是 否☐

Not applicable

Did all animal use follow the JoVE Animal Use Guidelines?
是否所有动物使用都遵循 JoVE 动物使用指南?

Yes No
☐ 是 否☒

The JoVE guidelines state in the section on Public Sensitivity Considerations: “The organs or tissues of interest can be excised first and then filmed on an appropriate background”. The video shows the tissue of interest (rear leg) being excised from the mouse carcass. I do not think this is necessary, and the video could begin with the leg already removed from the carcass.
JoVE 指南在“公众敏感性注意事项”一节中指出:“可以先切除感兴趣的器官或组织,然后在适当的背景上拍摄”。该视频显示了从小鼠尸体中切除的感兴趣组织(后腿)。我认为这没有必要,视频可以从已经从尸体上取下的腿开始。

Veterinary Video Review

Major Issue

Time in video:1:05-1:20


1)The authors use pixelated areas to cover the majority of the mouse carcass being dissected and another carcass that happens to be in the frame. However, the entire carcass being dissected slips in and out of the pixelated area along with part of the second carcass, and the effect is clumsy and distracting. 2)Additionally, the narrator mentions “sterilizing” the carcass with 75% alcohol during this same section of the video and the words of the narration appear across the screen. Alcohol is not a sterilant unless there is very prolonged exposure, which is not the case here.
1) 作者使用像素化区域覆盖大部分被解剖的老鼠尸体和恰好在画面中的另一具尸体。然而,被解剖的整个尸体与第二具尸体的一部分一起滑入和滑出像素化区域,效果笨拙且分散注意力。2) 此外,在视频的同一部分,旁白提到用 75% 的酒精对尸体进行“绝育”,旁白的文字出现在屏幕上。除非长时间接触,否则酒精不是消毒剂,这里的情况并非如此。

Suggested change

1) and 2) The 15 seconds should be cut from the video, which should start at the point at which the entire hind leg has been placed into a petri dish for further dissection. If the authors feel it is critical to show where the thigh bone is removed from the pelvis, a mention of this could be added as a voice-over, or as words appearing in the video.
1) 和 2) 应从视频中剪掉 15 秒,视频应从将整个后腿放入培养皿中进行进一步解剖的位置开始。如果作者认为显示大腿骨从骨盆中移除的位置至关重要,则可以作为画外音或视频中出现的文字提及这一点。

Minor issue

Time in video:2:04

Comment: The petri dish is shown containing many bones, which is confusing as there is no mention that multiple animals have been dissected or that bones in addition to the femur have been harvested.

Suggested change: Include wording in the video that explains that bones from multiple mice are shown, if that is the case, and whether the marrow from multiple bones are pooled.

Veterinary Text Review

All Comments are Minor

Location in text: Abstract line 27 and
文本中的位置:抽象第 27 行和

Comment: There is wording that “Sterilized long bones of mice” are cut. However, these bones are not sterilized.
评论:有措辞说 “绝育的老鼠长骨” 被切开。但是,这些骨头没有经过 消毒。

Suggested change: Replace the word “sterilized” with “disinfected”. Other sections of the text correctly use the workd “disinfected”.
建议的更改:将 “sterilized” 替换为 “disinfected”。文本的其他部分正确使用了 workd “disinfected”。

Location in text: Line 147 and 149-161
文本中的位置:第 147 行和第 149-161 行


1) There is some confusion created throughout the text as the authors describe removing the femur here, but later mention harvesting marrow from the tibia, and in other parts of the text refer in general to use of long bones.
1) 由于作者在这里描述了切除股骨,但后来提到从胫骨采集骨髓,并且在文本的其他部分通常指的是使用长骨,因此整篇文章中造成了一些混淆。

2) The text here describes placing the animal on a Styrofoam board for dissection, but the video does not show this technique.
2) 这里的文字描述了将动物放在聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料板上进行解剖,但视频没有展示这种技术。

3) there is mention of the “ankle” in line 155. This anatomic term is not used with mice
3) 在第 155 行提到了“脚踝”。这个解剖学术语不用于小鼠

Suggested change:

1)Review the text to be consistent. If other bones are used, describe that as well, or at least mention that additional bones may be dissected for marrow harvest.
1) 审阅文本以保持一致。如果使用了其他骨骼,也要描述一下,或者至少提到可以解剖其他骨骼以收获骨髓。

2) Mention that this technique is not shown in the video (or cut this section of the video, as suggested).
2) 提及此技术未显示在视频中(或按照建议剪切视频的这一部分)。

3) Either use the term “hock” or specify the cut is made at the joint at the distal end of the tibia and fibula.
3) 使用术语“跗关节”或指定在胫骨和腓骨远端的关节处进行切割。

Location in text:Line 149
文本中的位置:第 149 行


This line describes euthanasia via cervical dislocation. While this is an acceptable method of euthanasia, are other methods of euthanasia acceptable for this tissue harvest procedure?

Suggested change: If cervical dislocation is the only acceptable method for this technique, explain why. Otherwise, change the text to state that each animal should be euthanized using an acceptable method just prior to tissue harvest.