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Review Article  评论文章

Engineering Properties and Applications of Air-Foamed Lightweight Soil

Xuze Yuan Zheng Lu Hailin Yao, Xianjun Tan Yang Zhao Chuxuan Tang Ming Cheng, and YiPeng Gao State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Hubei Key Laboratory of Geo-Environmental Engineering, Wuhan 430071, China Jilin Provincial Transport Scientific Research Institute, Changchun 130012, China Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100049, China
Xuze Yuan Zheng Lu Hailin Yao, Xianjun Tan Yang Zhao Chuxuan Tang Ming Cheng, and YiPeng Gao State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,China Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071、中国 中国科学院大学,北京 100049,中国 湖北省地质环境工程重点实验室,武汉 430071,中国 吉林省交通科学研究院,长春 130012,中国 北京交通大学,北京 100049,中国

Correspondence should be addressed to Zheng Lu; zlu@whrsm.ac.cn and Xianjun Tan; xjtan@whrsm.ac.cn
通讯作者:Zheng Lu; zlu@whrsm.ac.cn 和 Xianjun Tan; xjtan@whrsm.ac.cn
Received 9 October 2021; Revised 23 December 2021; Accepted 5 January 2022; Published 21 January 2022
收到:2021 年 10 月 9 日;修订:2021 年 12 月 23 日;接受:2022 年 1 月 5 日;发表:2022 年 1 月 21 日
Academic Editor: Sakar Mohan
Copyright Xuze Yuan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Copyright Xuze Yuan et al. 这是一篇开放存取文章,采用知识共享署名许可协议发布,该协议允许在适当引用原作的前提下,在任何媒体上不受限制地使用、分发和复制。
With the continuous development of road construction worldwide, the construction sector is trying to find a versatile material for building roads in particular areas. Air-foamed lightweight soil, which is produced using low-cost raw materials and has a lower density varying from 300 to , adjustable strength, excellent thermal isolation, and a more straightforward construction method, has emerged as a worthy candidate. This paper reviews air-foamed lightweight soil in terms of its composition as well as physical and mechanical properties, such as its compressive strength, flexural strength, and stability. This paper also generalizes the engineering applications of air-foamed lightweight soil and provides ideas for its wide use.
随着全球道路建设的不断发展,建筑部门正在努力寻找一种多功能材料,用于在特定地区修建道路。气泡轻质土使用低成本原材料生产,密度较低,从 300 到 不等,强度可调,具有良好的隔热性能,施工方法更简单,是一种值得考虑的材料。本文从气泡轻质土的组成以及物理和机械性能(如抗压强度、抗弯强度和稳定性)等方面对其进行了综述。本文还概括了气泡轻质土的工程应用,并为其广泛应用提供了思路。

1. Introduction 1.导言

With the continuous development of road construction worldwide, building roads in sand, frozen soil, soft soil, and other areas has become inevitable. However, traditional techniques, including soil reinforcements and pile foundation processing, have some shortcomings such as poor durability, high price, and difficulty in construction [1-4]. Therefore, finding economical, universal, and convenient construction techniques has become an unremitting pursuit of scientists and engineers. As a result, air-foamed lightweight soil applications are increasing at a high rate. Owing to its lightweight and porous properties, air-foamed lightweight soil can effectively reduce subgrade settlement and alleviate the influence of external temperature changes on the subgrade; thus, it is considered an excellent roadbuilding material.
Lightweight air-foamed soil is a light geotechnical material that is fully mixed and stirred by adding a curing agent, water, and a premade air bubble group in a certain proportion to raw soil [5]. The raw soil can be fine sand, fly ash, and silt; thus, the properties of lightweight air-foamed soil can be customized to particular uses and occasions [6-8]. The main characteristics of air-foamed lightweight soil are that it contains foam holes in the mortar, which make it lighter than other soils, and its bulk density is smaller than that of traditional soil. In addition to these characteristics, it has excellent thermal isolation properties and an adjustable strength, is easier to pump than other materials, and has lowcost raw materials used in its production [5, 9-12].
轻质气泡土是在原土中按一定比例加入固化剂、水和预制气泡团,经充分混合搅拌而成的轻质土工材料[5]。原土可以是细砂、粉煤灰和淤泥;因此,轻质气泡土的特性可以根据特定用途和场合进行定制[6-8]。气泡轻质土的主要特点是砂浆中含有泡沫孔,使其比其他土壤更轻,体积密度比传统土壤更小。除这些特点外,它还具有优异的隔热性能和可调节的强度,比其他材料更容易泵送,而且生产原料成本低 [5,9-12]。
Air-foamed lightweight soil was invented in the 1980s and borrowed autoclaved aerated concrete technology and foamed concrete technology; as a result, it is not much different from foam concrete in terms of hardening . However, in terms of application fields, the two soils are significantly different: foamed concrete is often used for building energy conservation and external wall insulation, while air-foamed lightweight soil is more widely used in
气泡轻质土发明于 20 世纪 80 年代,借鉴了蒸压加气混凝土技术和发泡混凝土技术,因此在硬化方面与泡沫混凝土没有太大区别 。然而,在应用领域方面,这两种土壤却有很大不同:发泡混凝土通常用于建筑节能和外墙保温,而气泡轻质土壤则更广泛地应用于建筑节能和外墙保温。

subgrade filling and structural load reduction because of its larger bulk density and lower cost [15-18].
由于其体积密度较大且成本较低,可用于路基填筑和减轻结构荷载 [15-18]。
As shown in Figure 1, air-foamed lightweight soil has experienced promising development since the turn of the century, which can be attributed to many reasons, including improvement in the performance of raw materials and improvement in preparation and curing skills [21] and continuous exploration of new fields in which it can be applied. For instance, Watabe and Noguchi [22] used airfoamed lightweight soil in the construction of the D-runway at Tokyo Haneda airport to reduce runway settlement. Vo and Park [23] indicated the feasibility of air-foamed lightweight soil as a potential sustainable pavement material. Furthermore, Zhang and Yang [24] used air-foamed lightweight soil as an aircraft arresting system to improve the safety of runway overruns.
如图 1 所示,自本世纪初以来,气泡轻质土经历了可喜的发展,这可归因于多种原因,包括原材料 、制备和固化技术的改进[21],以及对其可应用新领域的不断探索。例如,Watabe 和 Noguchi [22]在东京羽田机场 D 跑道施工中使用了气泡轻质土,以减少跑道沉降。Vo 和 Park [23] 指出了气泡轻质土作为一种潜在的可持续路面材料的可行性。此外,Zhang 和 Yang [24] 将空气发泡轻质土用作飞机制动系统,以提高跑道超限的安全性。
This paper provides a summary of past studies on airfoamed lightweight soil, its current development status, uses, limitations, and potential future developments. Furthermore, it describes the constituent materials, basic properties, and application fields. Figure 2 briefly outlines this paper.
本文概述了过去关于气泡轻质土的研究、其发展现状、用途、局限性以及未来的潜在发展。此外,本文还介绍了构成材料、基本特性和应用领域。图 2 简要概述了本文。

2. Preparation and Proportioning of AirFoamed Lightweight Soil

Figure 3 presents the basic components of air-foamed lightweight soil: raw soils, cement, water, and foam. All the materials mentioned above will be described in detail in this section.
图 3 显示了气泡轻质土的基本组成部分:原土、水泥、水和泡沫。本节将详细介绍上述所有材料。
2.1. Binder. Ordinary Portland cement, calcium sulfoaluminate cement, and high alumina cement are the dominant binders in air-foamed lightweight soils [14, 15]. Moreover, fly ash, silica fume, and slag have been the most widely used alternative cement materials in recent years [25-27]. Fly ash can effectively reduce the hydration temperature and enhance the long-term strength of air-foamed lightweight soil [20, 28]. Slag can strengthen the integrity of air-foamed lightweight soil, improve its compressive strength and flexural strength properties, and prevent the cracking of structures [29-31]. Silica fume increases the compactness of structures and improves the cementation properties of materials .
2.1.粘结剂。普通硅酸盐水泥、硫铝酸钙水泥和高铝水泥是气泡轻质土的主要粘结剂[14, 15]。此外,粉煤灰、硅灰和矿渣也是近年来使用最广泛的替代水泥材料 [25-27]。粉煤灰可有效降低水化温度,提高气泡轻质土的长期强度 [20,28]。矿渣可增强气泡轻质土的整体性,提高其抗压强度和抗折强度性能,防止结构开裂[29-31]。硅灰可以增加结构的密实度,改善材料的胶结性能
In recent years, new cementing materials have informed the development of air-foamed lightweight soil [33-35]. For instance, mixing titanium slag extraction, red gypsum, and cement at a ratio of can increase the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil to [36]. Moreover, the use of mineral gypsum instead of cement could give air-foamed lightweight soil with a density of a compressive strength of .
近年来,新型胶结材料为气泡轻质土的发展提供了依据[33-35]。例如,将钛渣提取物、红石膏和水泥按 的比例混合,可将气泡轻质土的抗压强度提高到 [36]。此外,使用矿物石膏代替水泥可使密度为 的气泡轻质土的抗压强度达到
2.2. Foam Agent. Foam is an essential component of airfoamed lightweight soil and is defined as enclosed air voids formed by the addition of foam agents [37]. Common foam agents fall into two categories: chemical and physical foaming agents. Aluminum powder and hydrogen peroxide are the most common chemical foaming agents .

Because the chemical reactions of chemical foaming agents are violent, the amounts of reacting material and reaction conditions must be strictly controlled. Therefore, chemical foaming agents are often used to prepare ultra-light-foamed soils with high requirements [40, 41]. Unlike chemical foaming agents, physical foaming agents use high-speed mixing, compressed air, and other mechanical means to introduce air into the foaming solution. As a result, the foaming process is easier to control, and the resulting foam is more stable than that formed with chemical foaming agents [42-44]. Ordinary physical foaming agents include Rosin foaming agents, synthetic foaming agents, protein foaming agents, and compound foaming agents , among which protein and compound foaming agents have become the most widely used foaming agents owing to their higher foaming rate and more stable foaming effect [47-50].
由于化学发泡剂的化学反应剧烈,必须严格控制反应物质的用量和反应条件。因此,化学发泡剂通常用于制备要求较高的超轻发泡土壤 [40,41]。与化学发泡剂不同,物理发泡剂使用高速搅拌、压缩空气和其他机械手段将空气引入发泡溶液。因此,发泡过程更容易控制,产生的泡沫也比化学发泡剂形成的泡沫更稳定 [42-44]。普通的物理发泡剂包括松香发泡剂、合成发泡剂、蛋白质发泡剂和复合发泡剂 ,其中蛋白质发泡剂和复合发泡剂因其较高的发泡速率和较稳定的发泡效果而成为应用最广泛的发泡剂[47-50]。
2.3. Aggregates. A material with a diameter less than is used to make air-foamed lightweight soil (i.e., fine aggregate) to prevent the resulting soil from being damaged by large particles, which would cause a defoaming phenomenon [29]. Untreated soil construction waste or other novel materials can be used as aggregates [51-55]. Table 1 provides a summary of some lightweight aggregate types and their typical characteristics.
2.3.集料。直径小于 的材料可用于制作气泡轻质土(即细骨料),以防止产生的土壤被大颗粒破坏,造成消泡现象 [29]。未经处理的土壤建筑废料或其他新型材料也可用作集料 [51-55]。表 1 概述了一些轻质骨料类型及其典型特征。
2.4. Water. Water does not affect the strength and durability of air-foamed lightweight soil. Drinking water, tap water, river water, lake water, and fish pond water can all be used in the preparation of air-foamed lightweight soil [42]. The water content depends on many factors, including the type of aggregates, binder materials, and desired density [59]. A low water content generates rigid mixtures and causes the foam to break during mixing; a high water content may cause the slurry to become too thin to hold the foam . For clay, a water content higher than 1.9 times the water limit is recommended for the production of air-foamed lightweight clays [60]. However, for other soil types, the water-to-cement ratio should range from 0.4 to 1.25 . If the maximum value is used, superplasticizer is typically not added to the mixture .
2.4.水。水不会影响气泡轻质土的强度和耐久性。饮用水、自来水、河水、湖水和鱼塘水均可用于制备气泡轻质土 [42]。含水量取决于许多因素,包括集料类型、粘结剂材料和所需密度[59]。含水量低会产生刚性混合物,导致泡沫在搅拌过程中破裂;含水量高则可能导致泥浆变得太稀,无法保持泡沫 。对于粘土,建议含水量高于极限水量的 1.9 倍 ,以生产气泡轻质粘土[60]。但对于其他类型的土壤,水灰比应在 0.4 至 1.25 之间。如果使用最大值,通常不向混合物中添加超塑化剂
2.5. Mix Proportion of Air-Foamed Lightweight Soil. The mixed proportion of air-foamed lightweight soil influences the relationship between the binder, water, foam, and aggregate materials. The mix ratio is usually obtained by experiment [14], so Table 2 summarizes the mixed proportions obtained through various experiments.
2.5.气泡轻质土的混合比例。气泡轻质土的混合比例影响着粘结剂、水、泡沫和骨料之间的关系。混合比例通常通过实验获得[14],因此表 2 总结了通过各种实验获得的混合比例。
Moreover, Horpibulsuk proposed the void/cement ratio (V/C) [60], which is defined as the ratio of the void volume of clay to the cement volume. Jongpradist et al. [68] proposed the concept of effective porosity ratio under different test conditions for samples with different saturation conditions, curing times, and mixing components. Li et al. [69] proposed a method based on the product of the dry density and empirical coefficient. All these methods lend support to the study of air-foamed lightweight soil mixture ratios based
此外,Horpibulsuk 还提出了空隙/水泥比(V/C)[60],即粘土空隙体积与水泥体积之比。Jongpradist 等人[68] 针对不同饱和度条件、固化时间和混合成分的样品,提出了不同试验条件下有效孔隙率的概念。Li 等人[69] 提出了一种基于干密度与经验系数乘积的方法。所有这些方法都支持基于以下条件的气泡轻质土混合物比率研究
Figure 1: Numbers of research papers by year (as of April 9, 2021) based on online databases in Web of Science.
图 1:基于 Web of Science 在线数据库的各年份研究论文数量(截至 2021 年 4 月 9 日)。
FIGURE 2: Research review outline.
图 2:研究综述大纲。
Figure 3: Materials for air-foamed lightweight soil.
图 3:气泡轻质土的材料。
TABLE 1: Summary of the aggregates of air-foamed lightweight soil and their typical characteristics.
表 1:气泡轻质土的集料及其典型特征摘要。
Author(s) Aggregate Typical characteristics 典型特征
Peng et
Waste bauxite 废铝土矿
Waste bauxite tailing can maintain the lightweight attributes and high strength of air-foamed
lightweight soil. Moreover, as a material, it has mass production potential.
Jiani et al. [57]
Jiani 等人 [57]
Rice husk ash 稻壳灰
Rice husk ash can produce a pozzolanic effect that improves the performance of air-foamed
lightweight soil. 轻质土壤
Yang and Chen 杨和陈
Soil + silica fume
土壤 + 硅灰
Using soil instead of sand can reduce the dry density of air-foamed lightweight soil. Adding some
silica fume can improve its compressive strength.
Lim et al. [8]
Lim 等人[8]
Quarry waste
Under a certain lime ratio, the use of a large volume of quarry waste can reduce fluidity and improve
the compressive strength and thermal conductivity of air-foomed lightweight soil.
Lim et al. [58]
Lim 等人[58]
Palm oil fuel ash
Air-foamed lightweight soil with a certain percentage of palm oil fuel ash replacement filler exhibits
a better strength performance than that containing sand filler.
Table 2: Summary of the mixed proportions obtained by experiment.
表 2:实验得出的混合比例汇总。
Authors Target density 目标密度
The type of
raw soil
Water content 含水量 Foam content Strength
Kim et al. [63]
Kim 等人[63]
The foaming agent was
diluted with water in a
ratio of to achieve
the target density 目标密度
UC for
He et al. [64]
by weight of
UC for
et al. [65]
clay and fly
The air content is
De-Sarno et al. De-Sarno 等人
Direct shear tests on
treated kaolin after
of curing with 
Lin et al. [67]
--- Silty soil
and by 
weight of soil 土重
and cement
, and
by the weight of soil
and cement
, and by
weight of soil and
CBR can reach 9.6%
CBR 可达到 9.6
Vo and Park. [23]
Vo 和 Park。[23]
weight of
untreated soil 未处理土壤
Add water so that
the density of the
untreated soil is 未经处理的土壤
by volume of
untreated soil 未处理土壤
Note: : mass of cement; : mass of soil; : mass of water; : water limit of soil; UC: unconfined compressive strength; : porosity; : volume of foam; : theoretical total volume; CBR: California bearing ratio.
注: :水泥的质量; :土壤的质量; :水的质量; :土壤的水限;UC:无压抗压强度; :孔隙率; :泡沫体积; :理论总体积;CBR:加利福尼亚承载比。
on theory and formula. The following formula is the calculation method provided by the Chinese standard CJJ/ T177-2012 [42]:
理论和公式。以下公式是中国标准 CJJ/ T177-2012 [42] 提供的计算方法:
, and : mass of cement, water, foaming group, aggregates, and admixture per cubic meter , respectively , and density of cement, water, foaming group, aggregates, and admixture , respectively : unit weight of air-foamed lightweight soil
:水泥、水、发泡组、集料和外加剂每立方米的质量 ,分别为 和 水泥、水、发泡组、集料和外加剂的密度 ,分别为 :空气发泡轻质土的单位重量

3. Typical Properties of Air-Foamed Lightweight Soil

The typical properties of air-foamed lightweight soil are its fresh, physical, mechanical, and durable properties. These properties are influenced by the manufacturing process and performance quality of the air-foamed lightweight soil. In

this section, these properties are introduced and discussed to guide the application of lightweight air-foamed soil.

3.1. Fresh Properties 3.1.新鲜特性

3.1.1. Stability. The stability of air-foamed lightweight soil ensures the unity of its new density and design density, no bleeding, no segregation, and no apparent defoaming phenomenon after preparation [15]. Wet density is an important index that reflects stability [70]. A lower wet density will increase bubble buoyancy, and as a result, bubbles will replace the surrounding solids, causing the airfoamed lightweight soil to collapse [71]. A higher wet density will cause bubbles to break during mixing. Therefore, it is generally considered that is the optimal wet density of air-foamed lightweight soil [72]. Moreover, the water content of the base mixture ratio also affects the stability of air-foamed lightweight soil. A low water-to-solid ratio can reduce the porosity of the soil, resulting in the formation of a more stable internal structure [73]. Foam size is another crucial factor that affects the stability of airfoamed lightweight soil [74]. The larger the bubble size, the thinner the bubble wall. This causes the gas to diffuse, resulting in instability .
3.1.1.稳定性。气泡轻质土的稳定性是指配制后新密度与设计密度一致、不渗水、不离析、无明显消泡现象[15]。湿密度是反映稳定性的一个重要指标[70]。较低的湿密度会增加气泡浮力,因此气泡会取代周围的固体,导致气泡轻质土坍塌[71]。较高的湿密度会导致气泡在混合过程中破裂。因此,一般认为 是气泡轻质土的最佳湿密度[72]。此外,基质混合比的含水量也会影响气泡轻质土的稳定性。较低的水固比可以降低土壤的孔隙率,从而形成更稳定的内部结构[73]。泡沫大小是影响气泡轻质土稳定性的另一个关键因素 [74]。泡沫尺寸越大,泡壁越薄。这会导致气体扩散,造成不稳定
3.1.2. Workability. Foam content, aggregate type, and aggregate content are the main factors affecting the workability of the air-foamed lightweight soil. The presence of bubbles improves the workability of air-foamed lightweight soil in engineering applications. However, an excessive foam volume reduces its workability . The influence of aggregate type and content on air-foamed lightweight soil is most often reflected in the use of clay and sandy soil. At the same ratio, sand is better than clay for workability [63].
3.1.2.施工性。泡沫含量、集料类型和集料含量是影响气泡轻质土工作性的主要因素。气泡的存在可改善气泡轻质土在工程应用中的施工性。然而,过大的泡沫体积会降低其工作性 。集料类型和含量对气泡轻质土的影响主要体现在粘土和砂土的使用上。在相同的配比下,砂土的工作性要好于粘土[63]。
Here, we summarize two methods for evaluating the workability of an air-foamed lightweight soil. The method proposed by Brewer measures the spread in two directions. In this method, a sample is placed in a long and diameter open-ended cylinder and raised vertically. The two spread diameters should be calculated as approximately [75]. The other is the one recommended in the standards for China and Korea . The test method relies on a cylindrical mold with a diameter of and a height of . When lifting the mold filled with slurry, a spreading diameter of (China) or (Korea) is suggested.
在此,我们总结了两种评估气泡轻质土工作性的方法。布鲁尔(Brewer)提出的方法可以测量两个方向的扩展。在这种方法中,将样品放入一个 长、 直径的开口圆筒中并垂直升起。两个扩散直径应计算为近似 [75]。另一种是中国和韩国标准中推荐的方法 。该测试方法依赖于一个直径为 、高度为 的圆柱形模具。在提升装满浆料的模具时,建议铺展直径为 (中国)或 (韩国)。

3.2. Physical Properties

3.2.1. Drying Shrinkage. Drying shrinkage is the volume shrinkage phenomenon caused by the evaporation of water and hydration of a mixture after mixing and curing. It has been reported that the shrinkage of air-foamed lightweight soil is between and of the total volume, which is 4-10 times higher than that of ordinary concrete . Therefore, researchers have used various methods to reduce the drying shrinkage. One involves using other binders, such as lime, silica fume, and fly ash, instead of cement, thereby reducing the hydration heat to overcome drying shrinkage [77, 78]. Another method is increasing the amount of sand and other aggregates to reduce drying shrinkage [75]. Moreover, fibers can also retain water and delay evaporation, therefore effectively controlling the drying shrinkage . This is mainly because the addition of fibers inhibits the continuous expansion of microcracks caused by water loss during the hardening process of the cement base material and effectively prevents the generation of new cracks. As a result, the dry-shrinkage resistance of the composite material is significantly improved.
3.2.1.干燥收缩。干燥收缩是指混合物在搅拌和养护后,由于水分蒸发和水化作用而产生的体积收缩现象。据报道,气泡轻质土的收缩率在总体积的 之间,是普通混凝土的 4-10 倍 。因此,研究人员采用了各种方法来减少干燥收缩。一种方法是使用石灰、硅灰和粉煤灰等其他粘结剂代替水泥,从而降低水化热以克服干燥收缩 [77,78]。另一种方法是增加砂和其他集料的用量,以减少干燥收缩 [75]。此外,纤维还能保持水分并延缓蒸发,从而有效控制干燥收缩 。这主要是因为纤维的加入抑制了水泥基材硬化过程中因失水而产生的微裂缝的不断扩展,有效防止了新裂缝的产生。因此,复合材料的抗干缩性能显著提高。
3.2.2. Sorptivity and Permeability. Sorptivity and permeability are characteristics of air-foamed lightweight soil that are related to water absorption and are most closely affected by the number of pores and pore morphology [79]. Water absorption increases with more pores and interconnected pores [15]. In addition, the mineral admixture, water-binder ratio, and type of binder also affect the water absorption of air-foamed lightweight soil . Nambiar and Ramamurthy [79] indicated that, for a given foam content, cement-sand-fly ash mixes showed relatively higher sorptivity than cement-sand mixes and pure cement because they require higher water-solid conditions to achieve a stable and workable mix. Therefore, the water absorption reduces in the following order: cement-sandfly ash cementsand cement.
3.2.2.吸水率和渗透性。吸水率和渗透性是气泡轻质土的特征,与吸水性有关,受孔隙数量和孔隙形态的影响最大[79]。孔隙越多,相互连接的孔隙越多,吸水率就越高[15]。此外,矿物掺合料、水粘结比和粘结剂类型也会影响气泡轻质土的吸水性 。Nambiar 和 Ramamurthy[79]指出,在泡沫含量一定的情况下,水泥-砂-粉煤灰混合物的吸水率相对高于水泥-砂混合物和纯水泥,因为它们需要更高的水固条件来实现稳定和可施工的混合物。因此,吸水率降低的顺序如下:水泥-粉煤灰 水泥和 水泥。

3.3. Mechanical Properties

3.3.1. Compressive Strength. Compressive strength is the most basic mechanical property of air-foamed lightweight soil as a subgrade material [5]. The density, water-cement ratio, curing method, type of soil, and state of the foams all affect the compressive strength [81]. Therefore, it is crucial to study these factors to improve the properties of air-foamed lightweight soil.
3.3.1.抗压强度。抗压强度是气泡轻质土作为路基材料最基本的力学性能 [5]。密度、水灰比、固化方法、土壤类型和泡沫状态都会影响抗压强度 [81]。因此,研究这些因素对改善气泡轻质土的性能至关重要。
Density is the most direct factor affecting the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil [15, 81, 82]. If the strength of the cementitious material between the bubbles decreases, the compressive strength of the bubbly lightweight soil also decreases . Research has shown that when the ratio of cement to sand is and the ratio of water to cement is 0.9 , the strength of lightweight foam soil with a density of is twice that of the lightweight foam soil with a density of .
密度是影响气泡轻质土抗压强度的最直接因素 [15, 81, 82]。如果气泡间胶凝材料的强度降低,气泡轻质土的抗压强度也会降低 。研究表明,当水泥与砂的比例为 ,水与水泥的比例为 0.9 时,密度为 的轻质泡沫土的强度是密度为 的轻质泡沫土的两倍。
The type of soil used in the production of air-foamed lightweight soil is another factor that affects the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil. Generally, sand has a higher strength than clay [63], and fine sand can have better strength performance than coarse sand; moreover, kaolin has a better strength performance than bentonite . Furthermore, pozzolanic materials as aggregates can greatly improve the strength of air-foamed lightweight soil owing to the pozzolanic reaction [54].
生产气泡轻质土时使用的土壤类型是影响气泡轻质土抗压强度的另一个因素。一般来说,砂的强度比粘土高[63],细砂比粗砂有更好的强度表现;此外,高岭土比膨润土有更好的强度表现 。此外,作为集料的胶凝材料由于发生了胶凝反应,可以大大提高气泡轻质土的强度[54]。
As for other influencing factors, the importance of the water-cement ratio is self-evident. Researchers have indicated that the strength of air-foamed lightweight soil

decreases with an increase in the water-cement ratio [83]. When the water-cement ratio is higher than 0.5 , the cement particles can achieve complete hydration. However, it has also been reported that the optimum water-cement ratio is 0.17-0.19 for high-strength air-foamed lightweight soil [14]. Therefore, using a high-efficiency water reducer is the most effective method for improving the strength of air-foamed lightweight soil [84].
随着水灰比的增加而减少 [83]。当水灰比大于 0.5 时,水泥颗粒可实现完全水化。但也有报道称,高强度气泡轻质土的最佳水灰比为 0.17-0.19[14]。因此,使用高效减水剂是提高气泡轻质土强度的最有效方法[84]。
The pore structure is a key factor that affects the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil. An airfoamed lightweight soil with a homogeneous distribution of spherical bubbles has a higher compressive strength than that with bubbles that have irregular boundaries or rough openings , which Otani et al. verified using an industrial X-ray scanner [86]. In addition, Lim et al. [87] indicated that fine sand can cause more uniform air voids than coarse sand.
孔隙结构是影响气泡轻质土抗压强度的关键因素。球形气泡分布均匀的气泡轻质土比边界不规则或开口粗糙的气泡轻质土具有更高的抗压强度 ,Otani 等人使用工业 X 射线扫描仪验证了这一点[86]。此外,Lim 等人[87] 指出,细砂比粗砂能产生更均匀的气泡。
The curing method is also a critical factor that influences the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil. According to CJJ/T177-2012 [42], a specimen should be sealed with plastic film for 28 days at , but Fujiwara et al. reported that in order to obtain the desired compressive strength, the samples should be cured in normal moist air for one day and then in steam where the temperature should be increased at and maintained at for four hours and then cooled in air [88]. Zhou indicated that the temperature difference between preparation and curing is the main factor affecting the strength of air-foamed lightweight soil and also reported that the optimum temperature difference is .
固化方法也是影响气泡轻质土抗压强度的关键因素。根据 CJJ/T177-2012 [42],试样应在 的条件下用塑料薄膜密封 28 天,但 Fujiwara 等人报告说,为了获得理想的抗压强度,试样应在正常的潮湿空气中固化一天,然后在蒸汽中固化,蒸汽温度应在 升高,并在 保持 4 小时,然后在空气中冷却 [88]。Zhou 指出,制备和固化之间的温差是影响气泡轻质土强度的主要因素,并指出最佳温差为
In addition to changing the above influencing factors to improve the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil, some researchers have proposed using different fibers to reinforce the air-foamed lightweight soil. The addition of fiber can effectively reduce the elongation of microcracks and disperse certain external loads when failure occurs, improving the compressive properties of air-foamed lightweight soil [15]. Polypropylene, glass, coconut, polyvinyl alcohol, and kenaf fibers are the most commonly used fibers [89-91]. Raj et al. [92] indicated that using 0.3% polyvinyl alcohol fiber can increase the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil by . Zamzani et al. [93] proved that adding coconut fiber could increase the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil by . Steel fibers have also been used to reinforce lightweight air-foamed soil [94]. However, steel fibers are usually not recommended because of their high density [95]. Therefore, some researchers are exploring the use of new types of fibers. For instance, Mhedi enhanced the performance of air-foamed lightweight soil with waste plastic fibers, and Kim used a waste net as a reinforced fiber . These methods reduce waste and improve the strength of air-foamed lightweight soil, which addresses multiple challenges at once and is a vital reference idea for subsequent development.
除了改变上述影响因素来提高气泡轻质土的抗压强度外,一些研究者还提出使用不同的纤维来加固气泡轻质土。纤维的加入可以有效降低微裂缝的伸长率,分散破坏时一定的外荷载,改善气泡轻质土的抗压性能[15]。聚丙烯纤维、玻璃纤维、椰子纤维、聚乙烯醇纤维和 kenaf 纤维是最常用的纤维 [89-91]。Raj 等人[92]指出,使用 0.3% 的聚乙烯醇纤维可使 气泡轻质土的抗压强度提高 。Zamzani 等人[93] 的研究证明,加入 的椰子纤维可使 气泡轻质土的抗压强度提高 。钢纤维也被用于加固轻质气泡土 [94]。不过,由于钢纤维的密度较高,通常不推荐使用[95]。因此,一些研究人员正在探索使用新型纤维。例如,Mhedi 使用废塑料纤维增强了气泡轻质土的性能,Kim 使用废网作为增强纤维 。这些方法既减少了浪费,又提高了气泡轻质土的强度,一举解决了多个难题,对后续开发具有重要的参考意义。
Experiments are the most intuitive way to study the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil. CJJ/ T177-2012 [42] stated that the compressive performance of air-foamed lightweight soil can be evaluated by the unconfined compressive strength obtained from a cubic specimen at a loading rate of . As for the stress-strain characteristics under static triaxial stress, Tan et al. [98] found that the compressive strength of air-foamed lightweight soil increases with an increase in density and confining pressure, and the peak strain is only related to the confining pressure. In other words, the peak strain increases with confining pressure. There was no direct correlation between the peak strain and density. However, the static strength of air-foamed lightweight soil is incomplete for civil engineering applications. The dynamic force is also critical. There are studies showing that the dynamic strength of air-foamed lightweight soil under dry conditions is generally times the unconfined compressive strength and 0.21-0.38 times under saturated conditions [99]. When air-foamed lightweight soil is applied in railway subgrade, a dynamic three-axis experiment revealed that the strength can reach when the designed density is [100].
实验是研究气泡轻质土抗压强度最直观的方法。CJJ/ T177-2012 [42]指出,气泡轻质土的抗压性能可通过