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UNI 2002BEW Effective Communication and Teamwork

Course Document  課程文件

2024 Autumn Term  2024 年秋季學期

Contents  內容

Introduction … 1  導論 … 1
Aims … 1  宗旨…… 1
Course intended learning outcomes … 1
課程預期學習成果 … 1

Course content … 1
课程内容… 1

Alignment of intended learning outcomes with content … 1
對預期學習成果與內容的比對…… 1

Teaching and learning strategies … 2
教學與學習策略 … 2

Assessment … 2  無需翻譯
Required textbook … 3
所需課本 … 3

References … 3  參考 … 3
Teaching staff … 4
教職員工 … 4

Teaching schedule … 5
教學進度 … 5

Introduction  簡介

UNI 2002BEW Effective Communication and Teamwork is a 3-credit-unit, one-term, 2000-level course. It is suitable for students who wish to improve their communication skills and teamwork.
**有效溝通與團隊合作** **課程編號:UNI 2002BEW** **學分:3 學分** **學期:1 學期** **程度:2000 級** **適合對於提升溝通能力和團隊合作有興趣的學生**

Abstract  摘要

Aims The course aims to develop students’ understanding of the importance of teamwork, team building and being a valued team member, and to enhance their communication skills required for effective teamwork in physical and virtual settings. It helps students to foster positive working relationships among team members and achieve ultimate team successes. It also creates opportunities for students, as a team member or as a team leader, to practise communicating, forming teams, and planning projects in a variety of contexts, so that they can acquire a variety of communication skills such as active listening, persuasion and resolving conflicts.

Course intended learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
  1. Apply key communication knowledge and skills needed to communicate effectively with others in connection with living and working in 21st century.
    應用 21 世紀的生活和工作所需的關鍵溝通知識和技能,與他人有效溝通。
  2. Explain the importance and formation of effective teams.
  3. Apply communication technologies to facilitate teamwork.
  4. Work effectively as part of a team.

Course content  課程內容

Topics  主題 Contact hours  聯絡時數
1. Effective communication for work and life
Team formation and decision making
3. Virtual teams and communication technologies
4. Team diversity and conflict management
5. High-performing teams  高績效團隊
Topics Contact hours 1. Effective communication for work and life Team formation and decision making 3. Virtual teams and communication technologies 4. Team diversity and conflict management 5. High-performing teams TOTAL:| Topics | Contact hours | | | :---: | :--- | :---: | | 1. | Effective communication for work and life | | | | Team formation and decision making | | | 3. | Virtual teams and communication technologies | | | 4. | Team diversity and conflict management | | | 5. | High-performing teams | | | | | TOTAL: |

Alignment of intended learning outcomes with content

The intended learning outcomes of this course are related to the above topics as follows:
Learning Outcome  学习成效 Topic  主題
Learning Outcome 1  學習成果一 Topics 1, 3, 4 and 5
第 1、3、4 和 5 課題
Learning Outcome 2  學習成效 2 Topics 2 and 5
第 2 和 5 點
Learning Outcome Topic Learning Outcome 1 Topics 1, 3, 4 and 5 Learning Outcome 2 Topics 2 and 5| Learning Outcome | Topic | | :--- | :--- | | Learning Outcome 1 | Topics 1, 3, 4 and 5 | | Learning Outcome 2 | Topics 2 and 5 |
Learning Outcome 3  學習成果 3 Topic 3  主題 3
Learning Outcome 4  學習成果 4 Topics 1-5  主題 1-5
Learning Outcome 3 Topic 3 Learning Outcome 4 Topics 1-5| Learning Outcome 3 | Topic 3 | | :--- | :--- | | Learning Outcome 4 | Topics 1-5 |

Teaching and learning strategies

An online course induction, compulsory day schools and self-study multimedia materials are the main means employed in the course to help students achieve the intended learning outcomes.
There is one two-hour online course induction which aims to provide an introduction to the course at the beginning of the presentation. It is designed to enable students to understand the content, formal assessment and teaching schedule of the course.
There are two three-hour compulsory in person day schools which are designed to provide students with the opportunities to interact with teachers and fellow classmates, and participate in team activities and discussions. They are designed to engage students to practise their communication skills and participate in teamwork.
Students can use the Online Learning Environment (OLE) which contains the course materials (including the study units and course readings) in different formats (both PDF and e-Pub version), multimedia materials (such as videos, web-based activities) and other relevant resources. They can also use the OLE Discussion Board to interact with the teaching staff and other students on the course. Alternatively, students can submit their study problems and questions to their lecturer/tutors through email.
學生可以使用網上學習環境 (OLE),其中包含不同格式的課程材料(包括學習單元和課程讀物)(PDF 和電子書版本),多媒體材料(如視頻、基於網絡的活動)和其他相關資源。 他們還可以使用 OLE 討論板與課程的教職員工和其他學生互動。 或者,學生可以通過電子郵件向他們的講師/導師提交他們的學習問題和疑問。

Assessment  評估

Course assessment components, including an assignment, online tasks/activities, and class participation, are as follows:
Continuous assessment: 100% (1 assignment, online tasks/activities, and class participation)
持續評估:100%(1 項作業、線上作業/活動和課堂參與)

(Assignment: 30%)  (作業:30%)
(Online tasks/activities:

(Class participation:  (課堂參與:

Assignment 1 (weighting 30%)
第一作業 (佔總成績 30%)

This is an oral presentation which requires students to plan a project in a chosen context during the compulsory day schools. Students will be provided opportunities to work in a team to complete the project task(s) and evaluate their team performance. This assignment is used mainly to assess learning outcomes 1 to 4 .
這是一個口頭報告,要求學生在日間學校時選擇一個情境,並規劃一個專案。學生將可選擇加入團隊完成專案,並評估團隊的表現。此作業主要用於評量學習成果 1 到 4。
Online tasks/activities (weighting 50%)
線上作業/活動(佔 50%)

There are various online tasks / activities and a review quiz in each unit which serve to facilitate students to understand their team roles, communicate effectively among their team members and build up teamwork. Students are required to complete all assigned online activities and the review quiz in each unit. These online tasks / activities are used mainly to assess learning outcomes 1 to 4 .
在每個單元中,都有不同的線上作業/活動和一個評量測驗,以幫助學生了解團隊角色、有效地與團隊成員溝通,並建立團隊合作精神。學生必須完成每個單元中所有指定的線上活動和評量測驗。這些線上作業/活動主要用於評估學習成果 1 到 4。

Class Participation (weighting 10%)
課堂參與 (佔比 10%)

Students are required to participate in the face-to-face sessions, including an online course induction and two compulsory in person day schools. To help students applying the communication skills in a team setting, different learning activities will be arranged in these face-to-face sessions. Marks will be given to students according to their performance in these activities. These activities are used mainly to assess learning outcomes 1 to 4 .
學生必須參加面對面課堂,包括網上課程簡介和兩次強制性面對面教學。為幫助學生在團隊環境中運用溝通技巧,將在這些面對面課堂中安排不同的學習活動。將根據學生在這些活動中的表現給予分數。這些活動主要用於評估學習成果 1 到 4。
The pass mark for each assignment is 40 . To pass this course, students must pass the overall continuous assessment.
每項作業的及格分數為 40 分。要通過本課程,學生必須通過整體的持續評估。

Assignment Submission  作業提交

Students should take note of the following when preparing and submitting their assignments:

i. Students are expected to follow the APA Style (7th edition) created by the American Psychological Association when citing sources in their assignments. A list of references should be included at the end of each assignment.
學生在引用資料時,應遵循美國心理學會制定的 APA 風格手冊(第七版)。每項作業的結尾都應附上參考書目。

ii. Students should upload a soft copy of their assignment(s) to the OLE course page. Unless otherwise specified, all assignments should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. There is no need to submit the hard copy of the assignment(s).
ii. 學生應將作業軟件上傳到 OLE 課程網頁。除非另有說明,所有作業均應以 Microsoft Word 格式提交。無需提交作業的硬拷貝。

iii. As a mechanism to maintain academic integrity, assignments uploaded on the OLE will automatically be sent to Turnitin for plagiarism checking before final submission. Please refer to the quick start guide for submission of assignments to Turnitin on the OLE. During submission, students will also need to acknowledge on the OLE the ways they use Generative AI in the process of undertaking their assignments.
iii. 作為維護學術誠信的機制,在 OLE 上傳的作業將在最終提交前自動發送到 Turnitin 進行剽竊檢查。有關在 OLE 上提交作業到 Turnitin 的快速入門指南,請參閱 OLE。在提交過程中,學生還需要在 OLE 上確認他們在完成作業的過程中使用生成式 AI 的方式。

iv. Assignments must be submitted to the OLE by 5:00pm on the submission due date. 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% of the marks awarded to the assignment will be deducted for each calendar day overdue until the soft copy of the assignment is submitted.
iv. 作業必須於繳交截止日期下午 5:00 前提交至 OLE。作業分數的 10 % 10 % 10%10 \% 將會因逾期繳交而扣除,直到作業的軟件版本提交為止。

Required textbook  所需教科書

There is no set textbook for the course.

References  參考資料

  1. Duck, S., & McMahan, D. T. (2019). Communication in everyday life: A survey of communication (4th ed.). Sage Publications.
    鴨子,S.,&麥克馬翰,D. T.(2019 年)。日常生活中的溝通:溝通學調查(第 4 版)。聖智學習出版公司。
  2. Edwards, A., Edwards, C., Wahl, S. T., & Myers, S. A. (2023). The communication age: connecting and engaging (4th ed.). Sage Publications.
    愛德華茲,A.,愛德華茲,C.,沃爾,S. T.,& 邁爾斯,S. A.(2023)。溝通時代:聯繫和協作(第 4 版)。SAGE 出版社。
  3. Friedman, R. (2021, October 21). 5 Things high-performing teams do differently. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2021/10/5-things-high-performing-teams-do-differently
    Friedman, R.(2021 年 10 月 21 日)。高績效團隊的不同 5 件事。《哈佛商業評論》。https://hbr.org/2021/10/5-things-high-performing-teams-do-differently
  4. Gallo, A. (2022, September-October). How to navigate conflict with a coworker. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2022/09/how-to-navigate-conflict-with-a-coworker
    如何處理與同事的衝突,Gallo, A. (2022 年 9 月-10 月)。哈佛商業評論。 https://hbr.org/2022/09/how-to-navigate-conflict-with-a-coworker
  5. Rathore, S. (2022, July 5). How to lead better virtual meetings. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2022/07/how-to-lead-better-virtual-meetings
    # 如何帶領更有效的虛擬會議 (Rathore, S., 2022 年 7 月 5 日)。哈佛商業評論。 # https://hbr.org/2022/07/how-to-lead-better-virtual-meetings
  6. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2022). Organizational behavior (19th ed.). Pearson.
    羅賓斯, S. P., & 賈奇, T. A. (2022)。組織行為學 (第 19 版)。培生。

Teaching staff  教學人員

Course Leader: Dr. Ng Kong Man Joey
課程主任: Dr. Ng Kong Man Joey

Office: Block A, 9/F
行政署:A 座, 9 樓

Tel: 27686985  電話:27686985
Email: jng@hkmu.edu.hk  電郵地址: jng@hkmu.edu.hk
Consultation hours: Monday 10:00-12:00
星期一 10:00-12:00

Monday 13:00-17:00  星期一 13:00-17:00
Wednesday 10:00-12:00  星期三 上午 10:00-12:00
(or by appointment)  (或預約)
Tutors: Dr. Hrankai Richard
導師:Dr. Hrankai Richard

Office: Block A, 9/F
行政署:A 座, 9 樓

Tel: 27686571
Email: rhrankai@hkmu.edu.hk

Consultation hours: TBC  門診時間:待定
Ms. Lau Choi Ping Sara

Office: Block A, 9/F
行政署:A 座, 9 樓

Tel: 27686974
Email: cplau@hkmu.edu.hk

Consultation hours: TBC  門診時間:待定
Mr. Lee Kim Keung

Office: Block A, 9/F
行政署:A 座, 9 樓

Tel: 27686193  電話:27686193
Email: kklee@hkmu.edu.hk

Consultation hours: TBC  門診時間:待定
Ms. Lam Yuk Ching Kitty
林玉清 吉蒂小姐

Office: Block C, 9/F
办公室:C 座 9 楼

Tel: 27685906  電話:27685906
Email: kyclam@hkmu.edu.hk

Consultation hours: TBC  門診時間:待定
Dr. Rezaei Nafiseh  Dr. 雷扎伊·納菲塞
Office: Block A, 9/F
行政署:A 座, 9 樓

Tel: 27686827
Email: nrezaei@hkmu.edu.hk

Consultation hours: TBC  門診時間:待定
Dr. Vongvisitsin Thanakarn Bella
Dr. 萬那坤貝拉,您的翻譯結果為:萬那坤貝拉醫生

Office: Block A, 8/F
辦公室:A 座 8 樓

Tel: 27686922  電話:27686922
Email: btvongvi@hkmu.edu.hk

Consultation hours: TBC  門診時間:待定
Ms. Wong Wai Ling Christine

Office: Block A, 8/F
辦公室:A 座 8 樓

Tel: 27686165  電話:27686165
Email: wongwl@hkmu.edu.hk

Consultation hours: TBC  門診時間:待定

Teaching schedule  教學時間表

Teaching Week| Teaching | | :--- | | Week |
Topics  主題 Assessment dates and assignment due dates
1 1. Effective communication for work and life
1. 工作與生活的有效溝通
4 2. Team formation and decision making
2. 團隊組建及決策
6 3. Virtual teams and communication technologies
3. 虛擬團隊與通訊科技
8 4. Team diversity and conflict management
4. 團隊多元化與衝突管理
11 5. High-performing teams
5. 高效團隊
12 Compulsory Day Schools:  強迫寄宿學校:

星期十二:2024 年 11 月 23 日(星期六)或 星期十三:2024 年 11 月 30 日(星期六)
Week 12: 23 Nov 2024 (Sat) or
Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat)
Week 12: 23 Nov 2024 (Sat) or Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat)| Week 12: 23 Nov 2024 (Sat) or | | :--- | | Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat) |

功課一:強制日校網上功課/活動期間的口頭報告:第 13 週:2024 年 11 月 30 日(週六)
Assignment 1:
Oral Presentation during the compulsory day schools
Online Tasks/Activities:
Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat)
Assignment 1: Oral Presentation during the compulsory day schools Online Tasks/Activities: Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat)| Assignment 1: | | :--- | | Oral Presentation during the compulsory day schools | | Online Tasks/Activities: | | Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat) |
"Teaching Week" Topics Assessment dates and assignment due dates 1 1. Effective communication for work and life 2 3 4 2. Team formation and decision making 5 6 3. Virtual teams and communication technologies 7 8 4. Team diversity and conflict management 9 10 11 5. High-performing teams 12 Compulsory Day Schools: 13 "Week 12: 23 Nov 2024 (Sat) or Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat)" "Assignment 1: Oral Presentation during the compulsory day schools Online Tasks/Activities: Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat)"| Teaching <br> Week | Topics | Assessment dates and assignment due dates | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 1 | 1. Effective communication for work and life | | | 2 | | | | 3 | | | | 4 | 2. Team formation and decision making | | | 5 | | | | 6 | 3. Virtual teams and communication technologies | | | 7 | | | | 8 | 4. Team diversity and conflict management | | | 9 | | | | 10 | | | | 11 | 5. High-performing teams | | | 12 | | Compulsory Day Schools: | | 13 | | Week 12: 23 Nov 2024 (Sat) or <br> Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat) | | | | Assignment 1: <br> Oral Presentation during the compulsory day schools <br> Online Tasks/Activities: <br> Week 13: 30 Nov 2024 (Sat) |
Note:  注意:
The above teaching schedule and assignment due dates are tentative and may be subject to change. In cases where changes have to be made, students will be notified via course announcements on the OLE and/or HKMU student email.