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sC/ shell ss Ediducation sC/ shell ss 教育

280. PRACTICE  280.实践


Science Tee nology Engineering Arts Math Imus:
科学 Tee nology 工程 Arts 数学 Imus:

Table of Contents 目录

Introduction 导言
Research … 4 研究 ... 4
The Importance of STEAM Education … 4
STEAM 教育的重要性 ... 4

Defining STEAM … 5 定义 STEAM ... 5
The Engineering Design Process. … 6
工程设计流程... 6

How to Facilitate Successful STEAM Challenges … 7
如何促进成功的 STEAM 挑战...... 7

How to Use This Resource. … 9
如何使用本资源。... 9

Unit Structure Overview … 9
单元结构概述 ... 9

Pacing Options … 10 节奏选项 ... 10
Teaching Support Pages … 11
教学支持页面 ... 11

Student Pages … 12 学生页 ... 12
Assessment Options … 14 评估选项 ... 14
Standards Correlations … 15
标准相关性 ... 15

180 Days of Practice 180 天的实践
Physical Science 物理科学
Unit 1: Objects in Motion … 17
第 1 单元:运动中的物体 ... 17

Unit 2: Properties of Matter … 34
第 2 单元:物质的性质 ... 34

Unit 3: Pushes and Pulls … 51
第 3 单元:推和拉 ... 51

Life Science 生命科学
Unit 4: Animal Homes … 68
第 4 单元:动物之家 ... 68

Unit 5: Living and Nonliving Things … 85
第 5 单元:生物与非生物 ... 85

Unit 6: The Five Senses … 102
第 6 单元: 五种感官 ... 102

Unit 7: Plants. … 119
第 7 单元: 植物... 119

Earth Science 地球科学
Unit 8: Earth’s Resources … 136
第 8 单元:地球资源 ... 136

Unit 9: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle … 153
Unit 10: Severe Weather … 170
第 10 单元:恶劣天气 ... 170

Unit 11: Warmth from the Sun. … 187
第 11 单元: 来自太阳的温暖。... 187

Unit 12: Wind … 204
第 12 单元:风 ... 204

Appendixes 附录
STEAM Challenge Rubric … 221
STEAM 挑战评分标准 ... 221

Summative Assessment … 222
总结性评估 ... 222

Engineering Design Process … 223
工程设计流程 ... 223

Digital Resources … 224 数字资源 ... 224
References Cited … 224 引用的参考文献 ... 224

How to Use This Resource

Unit Structure Overview 单位结构概述

This resource is organized into 12 units. Each three-week unit is organized in a consistent format for ease of use.
本资料分为 12 个单元。每个单元为期三周,格式统一,便于使用。

Week 1: STEAM Content 第 1 周STEAM 内容

第 1 天 学习内容
Day 1
Learn Content
Day 1 Learn Content| Day 1 | | :--- | | Learn Content |
Students read text, study visuals, and answer multiple-choice questions.

第 2 天 学习内容
Day 2
Learn Content
Day 2 Learn Content| Day 2 | | :--- | | Learn Content |
Students read text, study visuals, and answer short-answer questions.

第 3 天 探索内容
Day 3
Explore Content
Day 3 Explore Content| Day 3 | | :--- | | Explore Content |

Students engage in hands-on activities, such as scientific investigations,
mini building challenges, and drawing and labeling diagrams.
Students engage in hands-on activities, such as scientific investigations, mini building challenges, and drawing and labeling diagrams.| Students engage in hands-on activities, such as scientific investigations, | | :--- | | mini building challenges, and drawing and labeling diagrams. |

第 4 天 发挥创意
Day 4
Get Creative
Day 4 Get Creative| Day 4 | | :--- | | Get Creative |

Students use their creativity, imaginations, and artistic abilities in activities
such as drawing, creating fun designs, and doing science-related crafts.
Students use their creativity, imaginations, and artistic abilities in activities such as drawing, creating fun designs, and doing science-related crafts.| Students use their creativity, imaginations, and artistic abilities in activities | | :--- | | such as drawing, creating fun designs, and doing science-related crafts. |

第 5 天 分析数据
Day 5
Analyze Data
Day 5 Analyze Data| Day 5 | | :--- | | Analyze Data |
Students analyze and/or create charts, tables, maps, and graphs.
"Day 1 Learn Content" Students read text, study visuals, and answer multiple-choice questions. "Day 2 Learn Content" Students read text, study visuals, and answer short-answer questions. "Day 3 Explore Content" "Students engage in hands-on activities, such as scientific investigations, mini building challenges, and drawing and labeling diagrams." "Day 4 Get Creative" "Students use their creativity, imaginations, and artistic abilities in activities such as drawing, creating fun designs, and doing science-related crafts." "Day 5 Analyze Data" Students analyze and/or create charts, tables, maps, and graphs.| Day 1 <br> Learn Content | Students read text, study visuals, and answer multiple-choice questions. | | :--- | :--- | | Day 2 <br> Learn Content | Students read text, study visuals, and answer short-answer questions. | | Day 3 <br> Explore Content | Students engage in hands-on activities, such as scientific investigations, <br> mini building challenges, and drawing and labeling diagrams. | | Day 4 <br> Get Creative | Students use their creativity, imaginations, and artistic abilities in activities <br> such as drawing, creating fun designs, and doing science-related crafts. | | Day 5 <br> Analyze Data | Students analyze and/or create charts, tables, maps, and graphs. |

Week 2: STEAM Challenge 第 2 周STEAM 挑战

1 1 1\mathbf{1} 了解挑战
Day 1 1 1\mathbf{1}
Understand the Challenge
Day 1 Understand the Challenge| Day $\mathbf{1}$ | | :--- | | Understand the Challenge |

向学生介绍 STEAM 挑战赛。他们回顾了成功设计的标准和限制因素。
Students are introduced to the STEAM Challenge. They review the criteria
and constraints for successful designs.
Students are introduced to the STEAM Challenge. They review the criteria and constraints for successful designs.| Students are introduced to the STEAM Challenge. They review the criteria | | :--- | | and constraints for successful designs. |

2 2 2\mathbf{2} 研究和头脑风暴
Day 2 2 2\mathbf{2}
Research and Brainstorm
Day 2 Research and Brainstorm| Day $\mathbf{2}$ | | :--- | | Research and Brainstorm |

Students conduct additional research, as needed, and brainstorm ideas
for their designs.
Students conduct additional research, as needed, and brainstorm ideas for their designs.| Students conduct additional research, as needed, and brainstorm ideas | | :--- | | for their designs. |

第 3 天 规划与设计
Day 3
Plan and Design
Day 3 Plan and Design| Day 3 | | :--- | | Plan and Design |
Students plan and sketch their designs.

4 4 4\mathbf{4} 建设与创造
Day 4 4 4\mathbf{4}
Build and Create
Day 4 Build and Create| Day $\mathbf{4}$ | | :--- | | Build and Create |
Students use their materials to construct their designs.

第 5 天 测试和评估
Day 5
Test and Evaluate
Day 5 Test and Evaluate| Day 5 | | :--- | | Test and Evaluate |

Students conduct tests and/or evaluation to assess the effectiveness of
their designs and how well they met the criteria of the challenge.
Students conduct tests and/or evaluation to assess the effectiveness of their designs and how well they met the criteria of the challenge.| Students conduct tests and/or evaluation to assess the effectiveness of | | :--- | | their designs and how well they met the criteria of the challenge. |
"Day 1 Understand the Challenge" "Students are introduced to the STEAM Challenge. They review the criteria and constraints for successful designs." "Day 2 Research and Brainstorm" "Students conduct additional research, as needed, and brainstorm ideas for their designs." "Day 3 Plan and Design" Students plan and sketch their designs. "Day 4 Build and Create" Students use their materials to construct their designs. "Day 5 Test and Evaluate" "Students conduct tests and/or evaluation to assess the effectiveness of their designs and how well they met the criteria of the challenge."| Day $\mathbf{1}$ <br> Understand the Challenge | Students are introduced to the STEAM Challenge. They review the criteria <br> and constraints for successful designs. | | :--- | :--- | | Day $\mathbf{2}$ <br> Research and Brainstorm | Students conduct additional research, as needed, and brainstorm ideas <br> for their designs. | | Day 3 <br> Plan and Design | Students plan and sketch their designs. | | Day $\mathbf{4}$ <br> Build and Create | Students use their materials to construct their designs. | | Day 5 <br> Test and Evaluate | Students conduct tests and/or evaluation to assess the effectiveness of <br> their designs and how well they met the criteria of the challenge. |

Week 3: STEAM Challenge Improvement
第 3 周STEAM 挑战改进

 第一天 反思
Day 1
Day 1 Reflect| Day 1 | | :--- | | Reflect |

Students answer questions to reflect on their first designs and make plans
for how to improve their designs.
Students answer questions to reflect on their first designs and make plans for how to improve their designs.| Students answer questions to reflect on their first designs and make plans | | :--- | | for how to improve their designs. |
 第二天 重新设计
Day 2
Day 2 Redesign| Day 2 | | :--- | | Redesign |
Students sketch new or modified designs.

第 3 天 重建和完善
Day 3
Rebuild and Refine
Day 3 Rebuild and Refine| Day 3 | | :--- | | Rebuild and Refine |
Students rebuild or adjust their designs.
 第 4 天复测
Day 4
Day 4 Retest| Day 4 | | :--- | | Retest |
Students retest and evaluate their new designs.

第 5 天 思考与分享
Day 5
Reflect and Share
Day 5 Reflect and Share| Day 5 | | :--- | | Reflect and Share |

Students reflect on their experiences working through the engineering
design process. They discuss and share their process and results with
Students reflect on their experiences working through the engineering design process. They discuss and share their process and results with others.| Students reflect on their experiences working through the engineering | | :--- | | design process. They discuss and share their process and results with | | others. |
"Day 1 Reflect" "Students answer questions to reflect on their first designs and make plans for how to improve their designs." "Day 2 Redesign" Students sketch new or modified designs. "Day 3 Rebuild and Refine" Students rebuild or adjust their designs. "Day 4 Retest" Students retest and evaluate their new designs. "Day 5 Reflect and Share" "Students reflect on their experiences working through the engineering design process. They discuss and share their process and results with others."| Day 1 <br> Reflect | Students answer questions to reflect on their first designs and make plans <br> for how to improve their designs. | | :--- | :--- | | Day 2 <br> Redesign | Students sketch new or modified designs. | | Day 3 <br> Rebuild and Refine | Students rebuild or adjust their designs. | | Day 4 <br> Retest | Students retest and evaluate their new designs. | | Day 5 <br> Reflect and Share | Students reflect on their experiences working through the engineering <br> design process. They discuss and share their process and results with <br> others. |

How to Use This Resource (cont.)

Pacing Options 节奏选项

This resource is flexibly designed and can be used in tandem with a core curriculum within a science, STEAM, or STEM block. It can also be used in makerspaces, after-school programs, summer school, or as enrichment activities at home. The following pacing options show suggestions for how to use this book.
本资源设计灵活,可与科学、STEAM 或 STEM 板块中的核心课程配合使用。它还可用于创客空间、课后活动、暑期学校,或在家中开展丰富的活动。以下步调选项展示了如何使用本书的建议。

Option 1 方案 1

This option shows how each unit can be completed in 15 days. This option requires approximately 10 20 10 20 10-2010-20 minutes per day. Building days are flexible, and teachers may allow for additional time at their discretion.
该选项显示如何在 15 天内完成每个单元。该方案每天大约需要 10 20 10 20 10-2010-20 分钟。教学日是灵活的,教师可酌情增加时间。
Day 1 第一天 Day 2 第二天 Day 3 第三天 Day 4 第四天 Day 5 第五天
Week 1 第一周 Learn Content 了解内容 Learn Content 了解内容
Explore Content| Explore | | :--- | | Content |
Get Creative 发挥创意 Analyze Data 分析数据
Week 2 第二周

the Challenge
Understand the Challenge| Understand | | :--- | | the Challenge |
Research and
Research and Brainstorm| Research and | | :--- | | Brainstorm |
Plan and
Plan and Design| Plan and | | :--- | | Design |
Build and
Build and Create| Build and | | :--- | | Create |
Test and
Test and Evaluate| Test and | | :--- | | Evaluate |
Week 3 第三周 Reflect 反射 Redesign 重新设计
Rebuild and
Rebuild and Refine| Rebuild and | | :--- | | Refine |
Retest 重新测试
Reflect and
Reflect and Share| Reflect and | | :--- | | Share |
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Week 1 Learn Content Learn Content "Explore Content" Get Creative Analyze Data Week 2 "Understand the Challenge" "Research and Brainstorm" "Plan and Design" "Build and Create" "Test and Evaluate" Week 3 Reflect Redesign "Rebuild and Refine" Retest "Reflect and Share"| | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Week 1 | Learn Content | Learn Content | Explore <br> Content | Get Creative | Analyze Data | | Week 2 | Understand <br> the Challenge | Research and <br> Brainstorm | Plan and <br> Design | Build and <br> Create | Test and <br> Evaluate | | Week 3 | Reflect | Redesign | Rebuild and <br> Refine | Retest | Reflect and <br> Share |

Option 2 方案 2

This option shows how each unit can be completed in fewer than 15 days. This option requires approximately 45 60 45 60 45-6045-60 minutes a day.
该选项显示了如何在不到 15 天的时间内完成每个单元。该选项每天大约需要 45 60 45 60 45-6045-60 分钟。
Day 1 第一天 Day 2 第二天
Week 1 第一周

学习内容 探索内容
Learn Content
Explore Content
Learn Content Explore Content| Learn Content | | :--- | | Explore Content |

发挥创意 分析数据
Get Creative
Analyze Data
Get Creative Analyze Data| Get Creative | | :--- | | Analyze Data |
Week 2 第二周

了解挑战 研究并集思广益 规划和设计
Understand the Challenge
Research and Brainstorm
Plan and Design
Understand the Challenge Research and Brainstorm Plan and Design| Understand the Challenge | | :--- | | Research and Brainstorm | | Plan and Design |

构建和创建 测试和评估
Build and Create
Test and Evaluate
Build and Create Test and Evaluate| Build and Create | | :--- | | Test and Evaluate |
Week 3 第三周

反思 重新设计 重建和完善
Rebuild and Refine
Reflect Redesign Rebuild and Refine| Reflect | | :--- | | Redesign | | Rebuild and Refine |

重新测试 反思与分享
Reflect and Share
Retest Reflect and Share| Retest | | :--- | | Reflect and Share |
Day 1 Day 2 Week 1 "Learn Content Explore Content" "Get Creative Analyze Data" Week 2 "Understand the Challenge Research and Brainstorm Plan and Design" "Build and Create Test and Evaluate" Week 3 "Reflect Redesign Rebuild and Refine" "Retest Reflect and Share"| | Day 1 | Day 2 | | :---: | :--- | :--- | | Week 1 | Learn Content <br> Explore Content | Get Creative <br> Analyze Data | | Week 2 | Understand the Challenge <br> Research and Brainstorm <br> Plan and Design | Build and Create <br> Test and Evaluate | | Week 3 | Reflect <br> Redesign <br> Rebuild and Refine | Retest <br> Reflect and Share |

How to Use This Resource (cont)

Teaching Support Pages 教学支持页面

Each unit in this resource begins with two teaching support pages that provide instructional guidance.
A clear overview of unit activities, weekly materials, safety notes, and setup tips helps teachers plan and prepare efficiently and with ease.
Discussion questions encourage students to verbalize their learning and connect it to their own lives.
Possible student misconceptions and design solutions further take the guesswork out of lesson planning.
Differentiation options offer ways to support and extend student learning.

Materials 材料

Due to the nature of engineering, the materials listed are often flexible. They may be substituted or added to, depending on what you have available. More material options require greater consideration by students and encourage more creative and critical thinking. Fewer material options can help narrow students’ focus but may limit creativity. Adjust the materials provided to fit the needs of your students.

Approximate amounts of materials are included in each list. These amount suggestions are per group. Students are expected to have basic school supplies for each unit. These include paper, pencils, markers or crayons, glue, tape, and scissors.

Introduction 导言

How to Use This Resource (cont)

Student Pages 学生页

Be sure to read aloud all text on student pages, and support comprehension as needed. At this level, students may need additional support brainstorming or designing solutions for the STEAM Challenges. See the differentiation suggestions on the Teaching Support Pages for additional ways to support students.
确保朗读学生页面上的所有文字,并根据需要帮助学生理解。在这一阶段,学生可能需要额外的支持,以便为 "STEAM 挑战 "集思广益或设计解决方案。有关支持学生的其他方法,请参阅教学支持页面上的差异化建议。

Students begin each unit by learning about and exploring science-related content.
Creative activities encourage students to connect science and art.

Activities in Week 1 help build background science content knowledge relevant to the STEAM Challenge.
第 1 周的活动有助于建立与 STEAM 挑战赛相关的背景科学知识。
Graphs, charts, and maps guide students to make important mathematics and realworld connections

How to Use This Resource (cont)

Student Pages (cont.) 学生页(续)

Week 2 introduces students to the STEAM Challenge. Activities guide students through each step of the engineering design process. They provide guiding questions and space for students to record their plans, progress, results, and thinking.
第 2 周向学生介绍 STEAM 挑战赛。活动指导学生完成工程设计过程的每一步。活动提供了指导性问题和空间,供学生记录他们的计划、进展、结果和思考。
Week 3 activities continue to lead students through the cycle of the engineering design process. Students are encouraged to think about and discuss ways to improve their designs based on their observations and experiences in Week 2.
第 3 周的活动继续引导学生完成工程设计过程的循环。鼓励学生根据第二周的观察和经验,思考和讨论如何改进他们的设计。

Quick Tip! 快速提示!

Staple all the student pages for each unit together, and distribute them as packets. This will allow students to easily refer to their learning as they complete the STEAM Challenges.
将每个单元的所有学生页装订在一起,作为资料包分发。这样,学生在完成 "STEAM 挑战 "的过程中就可以很容易地参考自己的学习成果。

How to Use This Resource '(cont)

Assessment Options 评估方案

Assessments guide instructional decisions and improve student learning. This resource offers balanced assessment opportunities. The assessments require students to think critically, respond to text-dependent questions, and utilize science and engineering practices.

Progress Monitoring 进度监测

There are key points throughout each unit when valuable formative evaluations can be made. These evaluations can be based on group, paired, and/or individual discussions and activities.
  • Week 1 activities provide opportunities for students to answer multiple-choice and short-answer questions related to the content. Answer keys for these pages are provided in the Teaching Support pages.
    第 1 周的活动为学生提供了回答与教学内容相关的选择题和简答题的机会。教学支持页面中提供了这些页面的答案。
  • Week 2 Day 3: Plan and Design is when students sketch their first designs. This is a great opportunity to assess how well students understand the STEAM challenge and what they plan to create. These should be reviewed before moving on to the Build and Create stages of the STEAM Challenges.
    第 2 周 第 3 天:计划和设计 学生将绘制他们的首个设计草图。这是一个很好的机会来评估学生对 STEAM 挑战的理解程度以及他们计划创造的东西。在进入 "STEAM 挑战 "的 "构建 "和 "创造 "阶段之前,应先审查这些内容。

Summative Assessment 总结性评估

A rubric for the STEAM Challenges is provided on page 221. It is important to note that whether students’ final designs were successful is not the main goal of this assessment. It is a way to assess students’ skills as they work through the engineering design process. Students assess themselves first. Teachers can add notes to the assessment.
第 221 页提供了 STEAM 挑战赛的评分标准。需要注意的是,学生的最终设计是否成功并不是本评估的主要目标。它是评估学生在工程设计过程中的技能的一种方法。学生首先进行自我评估。教师可以在评价中添加注释。
A short summative assessment is provided on page 222. This is meant to provide teachers with insight into how well students understand STEAM practices and the engineering design process.
第 222 页提供了一个简短的总结性评估。这是为了让教师了解学生对 STEAM 实践和工程设计过程的理解程度。

Standards Correlations 标准相关性

Shell Education is committed to producing educational materials that are research and standards based. To support this effort, this resource is correlated to the academic standards of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Dependent Schools, and the Canadian provinces. A correlation is also provided for key professional educational organizations.
贝壳教育致力于制作以研究和标准为基础的教材。为支持这一努力,本资源与美国 50 个州、哥伦比亚特区、国防部附属学校和加拿大各省的学术标准相关联。此外,还提供了主要专业教育组织的相关信息。
To print a customized correlation report for your state, visit our website at www.tcmpub.com/ administrators/correlations and follow the online directions. If you require assistance in printing correlation reports, please contact the Customer Service Department at 1 800 858 7339 1 800 858 7339 1-800-858-73391-800-858-7339.
要为您的州打印定制的相关性报告,请访问我们的网站 www.tcmpub.com/ administrators/correlations,并按照在线说明进行操作。如果您在打印相关性报告时需要帮助,请致电 1 800 858 7339 1 800 858 7339 1-800-858-73391-800-858-7339 联系客户服务部。

Standards Overview 标准概述

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) mandates that all states adopt challenging academic standards that help students meet the goal of college and career readiness. While many states already adopted academic standards prior to ESSA, the act continues to hold states accountable for detailed and comprehensive standards. Standards are designed to focus instruction and guide adoption of curricula. They define the knowledge, skills, and content students should acquire at each level. Standards are also used to develop standardized tests to evaluate students’ academic progress. State standards are used in the development of our resources, so educators can be assured they meet state academic requirements.
每个学生都能成功法案》(ESSA)要求各州采用具有挑战性的学术标准,以帮助学生实现为上大学和就业做好准备的目标。尽管许多州在 ESSA 之前就已采用了学术标准,但该法案仍要求各州制定详细而全面的标准。标准旨在突出教学重点并指导课程的采用。它们规定了学生在每个级别应掌握的知识、技能和内容。标准还用于制定标准化测试,以评估学生的学业进步。我们在开发资源时采用了州立标准,因此教育工作者可以放心,这些资源符合州立学术要求。

Next Generation Science Standards

This set of national standards aims to incorporate science knowledge and process standards into a cohesive framework. The standards listed on page 16 describe the science content and processes presented throughout the lessons.
这套国家标准旨在将科学知识和过程标准纳入一个统一的框架。第 16 页列出的标准描述了整个课程中的科学内容和过程。

TESOL and WIDA Standards TESOL 和 WIDA 标准

In this book, the following English language development standards are met: Standard 1: English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting. Standard 3: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of mathematics. Standard 4: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of science.
本书符合以下英语语言发展标准:标准 1:英语学习者在学校环境中为社交和教学目的进行交流。标准 3:英语学习者为在数学内容领域取得学业成功而交流必要的信息、想法和概念。标准 4:英语学习者在科学内容领域交流取得学业成功所需的信息、想法和概念。

Standards Correlations (cont)

Each unit in this resource supports the following NGSS Scientific and Engineering Practices and Engineering Performance Expectations for K-2.
本资源中的每个单元都支持以下 NGSS 科学与工程实践和 K-2 年级工程表现期望。
Scientific and Engineering Practices
Engineering Performance Expectations
Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Ask questions, make observations, and gather
information about a situation people want to change
to define a simple problem that can be solved through
the development of a new or improved object or tool.
Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool.| Ask questions, make observations, and gather | | :--- | | information about a situation people want to change | | to define a simple problem that can be solved through | | the development of a new or improved object or tool. |
Developing and Using Models
Planning and Carry 规划和搬运
Analyzing and Interpreting Data

Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to
illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function
as needed to solve a given problem.
Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem.| Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to | | :--- | | illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function | | as needed to solve a given problem. |

Constructing Explanations and Designing
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions| Constructing Explanations and Designing | | :--- | | Solutions |
Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to
solve the same problem to compare the strengths and
weaknesses of how each performs.
Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each performs.| Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to | | :--- | | solve the same problem to compare the strengths and | | weaknesses of how each performs. |

Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information| Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating | | :--- | | Information |
Scientific and Engineering Practices Engineering Performance Expectations Asking Questions and Defining Problems "Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool." Developing and Using Models Planning and Carry Analyzing and Interpreting Data "Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem." "Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions" Engaging in Argument from Evidence "Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each performs." "Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information" | Scientific and Engineering Practices | Engineering Performance Expectations | | :---: | :---: | | Asking Questions and Defining Problems | Ask questions, make observations, and gather <br> information about a situation people want to change <br> to define a simple problem that can be solved through <br> the development of a new or improved object or tool. | | Developing and Using Models | | | Planning and Carry | | | Analyzing and Interpreting Data | Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to <br> illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function <br> as needed to solve a given problem. | | Constructing Explanations and Designing <br> Solutions | | | Engaging in Argument from Evidence | Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to <br> solve the same problem to compare the strengths and <br> weaknesses of how each performs. | | Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating <br> Information | |
This chart shows how the units in this resource align to NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas and Crosscutting Concepts.
本图表显示了本资源中的单元如何与 NGSS 学科核心理念和跨领域概念保持一致。
Unit 单位 Disciplinary Core Idea 学科核心理念 Crosscutting Concept 横向概念
Objects in Motion 运动中的物体

PS2.A:力与运动 PS3.C:能量与力的关系
PS2.A: Forces and Motion
PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces
PS2.A: Forces and Motion PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces| PS2.A: Forces and Motion | | :--- | | PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces |
Cause and Effect 因果关系
Properties of Matter 物质的性质 PS1.A: Structures and Properties of Matter
Patterns; Energy and Matter
Pushes and Pulls 推和拉

PS2.A:力与运动 PS2.B:相互作用的类型 PS3.C:能量与力之间的关系
PS2.A: Forces and Motion
PS2.B: Types of Interactions
PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces
PS2.A: Forces and Motion PS2.B: Types of Interactions PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces| PS2.A: Forces and Motion | | :--- | | PS2.B: Types of Interactions | | PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces |
Cause and Effect 因果关系
Animal Homes 动物之家 ESS2.E: Biogeology ESS2.E: 生物地质学

Patterns; Systems and System
Patterns; Systems and System Models| Patterns; Systems and System | | :--- | | Models |
Living and Nonliving Things
LS1.C: Org. of Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms
LS1.C: 有机体中的物质和能量流动结构
Patterns 模式
The Five Senses 五感

LS1.D:信息处理 PS4.A:波特性
LS1.D: Informations Processing
PS4.A: Wave Properties
LS1.D: Informations Processing PS4.A: Wave Properties| LS1.D: Informations Processing | | :--- | | PS4.A: Wave Properties |
Structure and Function 结构与功能
Plants 植物 LS1.C: Org. of Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms
LS1.C: 有机体中的物质和能量流动结构

Patterns; Structure and
Patterns; Structure and Function| Patterns; Structure and | | :--- | | Function |
Earth's Resources 地球资源 ESS3.A: Natural Resources

Cause and Effect; Systems and
System Models
Cause and Effect; Systems and System Models| Cause and Effect; Systems and | | :--- | | System Models |
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 减少、再利用、再循环 ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems
ESS3.C: 人类对地球系统的影响

Patterns; Systems and System
Patterns; Systems and System Models| Patterns; Systems and System | | :--- | | Models |
Severe Weather 恶劣天气 ESS3.B: Natural Hazards ESS3.B:自然灾害

Cause and Effect; Systems and
System Models
Cause and Effect; Systems and System Models| Cause and Effect; Systems and | | :--- | | System Models |
Warmth from the Sun 来自太阳的温暖 PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer
Cause and Effect 因果关系
Wind  ESS2.D: Weather and Climate

Cause and Effect; Systems and
System Models
Cause and Effect; Systems and System Models| Cause and Effect; Systems and | | :--- | | System Models |
Unit Disciplinary Core Idea Crosscutting Concept Objects in Motion "PS2.A: Forces and Motion PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces" Cause and Effect Properties of Matter PS1.A: Structures and Properties of Matter Patterns; Energy and Matter Pushes and Pulls "PS2.A: Forces and Motion PS2.B: Types of Interactions PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces" Cause and Effect Animal Homes ESS2.E: Biogeology "Patterns; Systems and System Models" Living and Nonliving Things LS1.C: Org. of Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms Patterns The Five Senses "LS1.D: Informations Processing PS4.A: Wave Properties" Structure and Function Plants LS1.C: Org. of Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms "Patterns; Structure and Function" Earth's Resources ESS3.A: Natural Resources "Cause and Effect; Systems and System Models" Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems "Patterns; Systems and System Models" Severe Weather ESS3.B: Natural Hazards "Cause and Effect; Systems and System Models" Warmth from the Sun PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer Cause and Effect Wind ESS2.D: Weather and Climate "Cause and Effect; Systems and System Models"| Unit | Disciplinary Core Idea | Crosscutting Concept | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Objects in Motion | PS2.A: Forces and Motion <br> PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces | Cause and Effect | | Properties of Matter | PS1.A: Structures and Properties of Matter | Patterns; Energy and Matter | | Pushes and Pulls | PS2.A: Forces and Motion <br> PS2.B: Types of Interactions <br> PS3.C: Relationship Between Energy and Forces | Cause and Effect | | Animal Homes | ESS2.E: Biogeology | Patterns; Systems and System <br> Models | | Living and Nonliving Things | LS1.C: Org. of Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms | Patterns | | The Five Senses | LS1.D: Informations Processing <br> PS4.A: Wave Properties | Structure and Function | | Plants | LS1.C: Org. of Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms | Patterns; Structure and <br> Function | | Earth's Resources | ESS3.A: Natural Resources | Cause and Effect; Systems and <br> System Models | | Reduce, Reuse, Recycle | ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems | Patterns; Systems and System <br> Models | | Severe Weather | ESS3.B: Natural Hazards | Cause and Effect; Systems and <br> System Models | | Warmth from the Sun | PS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy Transfer | Cause and Effect | | Wind | ESS2.D: Weather and Climate | Cause and Effect; Systems and <br> System Models |

Objects in Motion Teaching Support

Overview of Unit Activities

Students will learn about and explore how objects move and what happens when they collide through the following activities:
  • studying pictures or speed and direction, and answering questions
  • predicting how objects will move
  • experimenting with collisions using toy cars
  • acting out situations where objects collide
  • tallying the results of collisions
  • creating wrecking-balls to knock over markers

Materials Per Group 每组材料

Week 1 第一周
  • toy cars (2) 玩具车 (2)
STEAM Challenge STEAM 挑战
  • basic school supplies 基本学习用品
  • building blocks (5-10) 砌块(5-10)
  • foil 铝箔
  • paper towel tubes (4-6) 纸巾筒(4-6)
  • plastic and/or paper cups (5-10)
    塑料杯和/或纸杯(5-10 个)
  • small, round fruit, such as an apple or orange (1)
    小圆果,如苹果或橙子 (1)
  • straws (5-10) 吸管(5-10根)
  • string (1+ yards, I+ meters)

Setup and Instructional Tips

  • Week 1 Day 3: Give students a variety of toy cars (or other small objects that roll) to experiment with. Ideally, cars will vary in size and weight.
    第 1 周 第 3 天:给学生各种玩具车(或其他会滚动的小物件),让他们做实验。汽车的大小和重量最好各不相同。
  • Week 2 Day 1: Read this challenge introduction to students. “Sometimes, people knock down buildings. They use machines called wrecking balls. Each machine has a heavy ball on a chain. The ball swings. It crashes into a building. The building falls down. It is easier than taking it down brick by brick.” Explain the challenge, the criteria, and the constraint.
    第 2 周第 1 天:为学生朗读挑战介绍。"有时,人们会推倒建筑物。他们使用的机器叫做破坏球。每台机器都有一个链条上的重球。球会摆动。它撞向建筑物。大楼就倒塌了这比一砖一瓦地推倒要容易得多"。解释挑战、标准和限制。

Discussion Questions 讨论问题

  • What are different ways objects move?
  • When are collisions bad? 什么时候碰撞是坏事?
  • What are examples of collisions in
  • Why do some builders use wrecking balls? everyday life?
  • When are collisions helpful?

Unit 1: Objects in Motion
第 1 单元: 运动中的物体

Additional Notes 附加说明

  • Possible Misconception: The force exerted on an object must be visible. Truth: Some forces (gravity, wind, magnetism) cannot be seen.
  • Possible Misconception: The weight of a ball on a pendulum will affect how long it takes for it to swing back and forth.

    Truth: Since gravitational pull remains the same, the time it takes to swing will remain the same.
  • Possible Design Solutions: Students may build crane-shaped pendulums or ones like swing sets.

    dys 失调

Scaffolding and Extension Suggestions

  • Support students in understanding how a push in one direction can cause a ball to move (Week 1 Day 2) by giving students balls to experiment with.
    通过给学生提供球做实验,帮助学生理解向一个方向用力如何能使球移动(第 1 周第 2 天)。
  • Support the setup on testing days by creating a template on paper showing how to place the six markers in a triangle pattern, like the setup of bowling pins.
  • Challenge students by encouraging them to change the size or weight of the fruits they are using to see how it affects their wrecking balls.

Answer Key 答案要点

Week 1 Day 1 第 1 周 第 1 天

direction: left, right, straight, back, round, up, down

speed: slow, quick, fast, stopped

Week 1 Day 2 第 1 周 第 2 天

Week 1 Day 4 第 1 周 第 4 天

Students should draw alternative endings, such as where students are talking about the problem, a student is talking to an adult to help them solve the problem, or they are playing happily together.

Week 1 Day 5 第 1 周 第 5 天

Left arrows: 5 左箭头5
Right arrows: 3 右箭头3
The left side should be circled.
Weeks 2 & 3 第 2 和第 3 周
See STEAM Challenge Rubric on page 221.
参见第 221 页的 STEAM 挑战评分标准。

Directions: Read the text. Look at the pictures.

Then, draw a line to match each word on the left to a word on the right.
Objects move at different speeds. Objects move in different directions.

speed 速度
direction 方向
left 左侧
straight 直截了当的
fas \dagger
stopped 停止
speed 速度

Unit 1: Objects in Motion
第 1 单元: 运动中的物体

Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: You can push things in different directions. Look at the person moving each ball.

Draw an arrow to show which way the ball will move.
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Look at the pictures. Then, make two toy cars collide. Try it from different directions. Try it fast and slow. Draw pictures to show what happened.
When objects bump into each other, they collide. They can change speed. They can change direction.

My Car Collision Observations

Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Your friend kicked a ball at recess. Each arrow shows a direction they kicked it. Cross off one arrow. Tally it on the chart. Do this for each arrow.

Circle the side with more tally marks.

Week 2 第二周
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Look at the picture. Then, answer the questions.

Wrecking Ball Research 清障车研究

A wrecking ball has a ball that swings. A short string makes it swing faster. The ball does not move as far. A long string makes it swing slower.

The ball moves farther. 球移动得更远
  1. Do you want your pendulum to be short or long?

  1. Why? Tell a partner. 为什么?告诉同伴
Week 周数
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Sketch your wrecking ball.

Think About It! 想一想

What would happen if the string were too long?

Name: 名称:
Date: 日期
Directions: Build your wrecking ball. Check off the steps as you go.

\square Look at your design sketch.
\square 看看你的设计草图。

\square Gather the materials you need.
\square 收集所需材料。

\square Build a frame for your wrecking ball. Make it sturdy.
\square 为你的破坏球搭建一个框架。让它坚固耐用。

\square Cut and attach your string.
\square 剪断并穿上绳子。

\square Attach the fruit.
\square 挂上水果。

\square Check that all parts are glued or taped well.
\square 检查所有部件是否粘好或用胶带粘好。

\square Swing your fruit a few times. Make sure it works the way you want it to.
\square 摆动你的水果几次。确保它能按你想要的方式工作。
Quick Tip! 快速提示!
If you are stuck, look at what others are doing. Get ideas from them!

Unit 1: Objects in Motion
第 1 单元: 运动中的物体

Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Place six markers in a triangle. Place your wrecking ball next them. Swing your wrecking ball. Record the results. Test it two more times.
Test 测试 Number of Markers Knocked Over
Test Number of Markers Knocked Over 1 2 3 | Test | Number of Markers Knocked Over | | :---: | :--- | | 1 | | | 2 | | | 3 | |
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Think about your wrecking ball design. Answer the questions.
  1. Look back at your tests. Circle the highest number of markers you knocked down in one test.

  2. Draw two wrecking balls you saw from other groups. Put a checkmark by your favorite.
Design 1 设计 1 Design 2 设计 2
Design 1 Design 2 | Design 1 | Design 2 | | :--- | :--- | | | | | | |

Try This! 试试这个

Did your first design work well? If yes, plan to knock over more markers! How many will you try for?
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Plan your new design. Then, sketch your new design.
  1. Will you change the 你会改变
    no type of fruit you used?
  2. Will you change yes 你会改变吗?
    no the frame of your wrecking ball?
  3. Will you change the 你会改变
    no length of your string?
  4. Will you change or 你会改变还是
    no add materials? 没有添加材料?
Week 周数
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Rebuild your wrecking ball. Make it work better. Use this list to help you.

\square Look at your first design.
\square 看看你的第一个设计。

\square Look at your plan to make it better.
\square 审视自己的计划,使其更加完善。

\square Get the materials you need.
\square 获取所需材料。

\square Take off parts you do not want.
\square 取下你不想要的部件。

\square Add or make the changes you do want.
\square 添加或做出你想要的更改。

\square Check that everything is glued or taped well.
\square 检查所有东西是否粘好或用胶带粘好。

\square Swing your fruit a few times. Make sure it works the way you want it to.
\square 摆动你的水果几次。确保它能按你想要的方式工作。
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Place your markers in a triangle. Place your wrecking ball next them. Test your wrecking ball. Record the results. Test it two more times.
Test 测试

Number of Markers
Knocked Over
Number of Markers Knocked Over| Number of Markers | | :---: | | Knocked Over |
Test "Number of Markers Knocked Over" 1 2 3 | Test | Number of Markers <br> Knocked Over | | :---: | :---: | | 1 | | | 2 | | | 3 | |
Did your new wrecking ball knock over more markers?

no 没有
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Draw yourself as an engineer. Show your favorite part of this challenge.

Talk About It! 谈谈吧

How did you solve a problem during this challenge?

Properties of Matter Teaching Support

Overview of Unit Activities

Students will learn about and explore properties of objects and materials through the followir activities:
  • learning about the properties of matter and answering questions
  • solving riddles about objects based on their properties
  • searching for objects with certain properties
  • changing the properties of paper
  • studying a chart of towers around the world
  • building towers as tall as possible

Materials Per Group 每组材料

Week 1 第一周

  • basic school supplies 基本学习用品
STEAM Challenge STEAM 挑战
  • buttons (8) 按钮 (8)
  • modeling clay (homemade option: 1 part baby lotion to two parts cornstarch)
    模型粘土(自制方案:1 份婴儿润肤露兑 2 份玉米淀粉)
  • straws, cut into thirds (5)

Setup and Instructional Tips

  • Week 1 Day 4: Give students construction paper and scissors. Review the properties of matter they can change (shape, size, texture).
    第 1 周 第 4 天:给学生提供建筑纸和剪刀。复习他们可以改变的物质属性(形状、大小、质地)。
  • Week 2 Day 1: Read this challenge introduction to students. “There are many famous towers around the world. All of them are taller than they are wide. Towers are made from different objects and materials. You will make your tower out of buttons and modeling cla Make it as tall as you can.” Explain the challenge, the criteria, and the constraint.
    第 2 周第 1 天:为学生朗读挑战介绍。"世界上有许多著名的高塔。所有这些塔都比它们的宽度高。塔由不同的物体和材料制成。你们将用纽扣和造型cla来制作自己的塔,尽可能把它做得更高。解释挑战、标准和限制。
  • Week 2 Day 4: Give students buttons and modeling clay (no straws).
    第 2 周 第 4 天: 给学生纽扣和模型粘土(不要吸管)。
  • Week 3 Day 2: Tell students that for their redesign they will also be able to use short straw
    第 3 周 第 2 天:告诉学生,在重新设计时,他们还可以使用短吸管
  • Testing Days: If using metric measurements, you may wish to recreate the charts on page 45 and 49 to include higher values.
    测试日:如果使用公制测量方法,您可能需要重新制作第 45 页和第 49 页的图表,以包含更高的数值。

Discussion Questions 讨论问题

-What are some physical characteristics you can observe?
  • What are some physical characteristics you can measure?
  • How can things change over time?
  • Look at a picture of a city skyline. What towers can you find?
  • Where do you see towers at school or home?

Additional Notes 附加说明

  • Possible Misconception: All physical changes are irreversible.
Truth: Some physical changes are reversable, such as melting ice, blowing up a balloon, crumping a sheet of paper, and stretching a rubber band.
  • Possible Design Solutions: Students may shape the modeling clay into balls or disks; students may lay the buttons on their sides or stand them upright.
  • Materials: Unless covered in plastic or placed in plastic bags, the modeling clay will harden overnight. Depending on your pacing plan, you may need to consider safely storing students’ towers so that they do not harden and break.

Scaffolding and Extension Suggestions

  • Support students with building tall towers by discussing how to maximize the materials (i.e., placing the buttons vertically rather than stacking them.)
  • Challenge students by encouraging them to discuss the crosscutting concept of stability and change by observing the changes over time to the tower materials. Ask, “How did the clay change? Have the buttons changed? Would this affect how you build your tower if you wanted it to last one hour? One day? One week?”
    通过观察塔材料随时间的变化,鼓励学生讨论 "稳定性和变化 "这一交叉概念,从而向学生提出挑战。提问:"粘土发生了什么变化?纽扣有变化吗?如果你想让塔持续一小时,这会影响你的建塔方式吗?一天?一周?

Answer Key 答案要点

Week 1 Day 1 第 1 周 第 1 天
  1. A
  2. A A AA

Week 1 Day 2 第 1 周 第 2 天

  1. a wall 一堵墙
  2. a coin 硬币
Week 1 Day 3 第 1 周 第 3 天
Charts should have words or pictures that match each property, based on what students found.

Week 1 Day 5 第 1 周 第 5 天
  1. 6
  2. A A AA

Weeks 2 & 3 第 2 和第 3 周

See STEAM Challenge Rubric on page 221.
参见第 221 页的 STEAM 挑战评分标准。

Week 周数

Unit 2: Properties of Matter
第 2 单元: 物质的性质

Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.
An object is a thing that you can see and touch. Objects are made of materials.
A rain boot is an object. A spoon is an object. It is made of rubber.

It is made of metal.
  1. What is a spoon made of?

    (A) metal (A) 金属
    (B) rubber (B) 橡胶
  2. Which object is made of rubber?

Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Look at the chart. Circle the picture that matches each riddle.
Objects have properties. Materials have properties. We can use words to describe them.
  1. I am red and big. What am I?

2. I am small and a circle shape. What am I?

Name: 名称:
Directions: Go on a scavenger hunt. Read each property in the chart. Find an object with that property. Write or draw it in the chart.
Property 物业 Objects I Found 我找到的物品
orange 橘色
bumpy 颠簸
round 一轮
Property Objects I Found orange small bumpy round | Property | Objects I Found | | :---: | :---: | | orange | | | small | | | bumpy | | | round | | | | |

Name: 名称:

qquad\qquad Date:
Directions: Change the size and shape of two sheets of paper. Draw what they look like after.
方向: 改变两张纸的大小和形状:改变两张纸的大小和形状。画出它们之后的样子。
Before 之前 After 之后
Before After | Before | After | | :--- | :--- | | | | | | | | | |
qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Towers are special buildings. They are taller than they are wide. Look at the chart. Answer the questions.
Towers Around the World 世界各地的塔楼
Region 地区
North America| North | | :--- | | America |
Europe 欧洲 Australia 澳大利亚
South America| South | | :--- | | America |
Tower 塔楼
Material 材料 concrete 混凝土 wood 木材 stone 石材 steel 钢铁
Towers Around the World Region "North America" Europe Australia "South America" Tower https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-034.jpg?height=617&width=295&top_left_y=1127&top_left_x=587 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-034.jpg?height=622&width=316&top_left_y=1122&top_left_x=887 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-034.jpg?height=616&width=327&top_left_y=1122&top_left_x=1202 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-034.jpg?height=579&width=343&top_left_y=1159&top_left_x=1523 Material concrete wood stone steel| Towers Around the World | | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Region | North <br> America | Europe | Australia | South <br> America | | Tower | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-034.jpg?height=617&width=295&top_left_y=1127&top_left_x=587) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-034.jpg?height=622&width=316&top_left_y=1122&top_left_x=887) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-034.jpg?height=616&width=327&top_left_y=1122&top_left_x=1202) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-034.jpg?height=579&width=343&top_left_y=1159&top_left_x=1523) | | Material | concrete | wood | stone | steel |
  1. Where is the tower made of wood?

    (A) North America (A) 北美洲
    (B) Europe (B) 欧洲
  2. Towers are very qquad\qquad .
    塔楼非常 qquad\qquad

    (A) tall (A) 高
    (B) wide (B) 宽
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Then, circle the tower.

The Challenge 挑战

A tower is a building that is taller than it is wide. Build a tower as tall as you can.
  • Criteria-Your tower must stay standing.
  • Constraint-Use 8 buttons and clay.
    限制--使用 8 个按钮和粘土。
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Look at the pictures. Answer the question.
Towers have been built in different shapes and sizes. Towers must be stable. They must not fall over. This is not easy. The pictures show some shapes towers can have.
  1. Which tower shape do you want to build?
Name: Date: 姓名:日期
Directions: Sketch your tower design. Label the parts.

Tower Parts 塔部件

buttons 按钮
clay 粘土
top 顶级
bottom 底层
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Build your tower. Check off the steps as you go.

\square Look at your design sketch.
\square 看看你的设计草图。

\square Gather the materials: 8 buttons and some modeling clay.
\square 收集材料:8 枚纽扣和一些模型粘土。
Build the tallest tower you can.

Check to make sure you built a tower. Is it taller than it is wide?

\squareGently push your tower to make sure it is stable.
\square 轻轻推动塔架,确保其稳定。

Think About It! 想一想

How close does your tower tôok to your design sketch?
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Measure your tower. Color the chart to record its height. Record the height of two other towers. Answer the question.
Height 高度
Your Tower 您的塔楼 Tower 2 第 2 号塔楼
(in inches) 英寸
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Height Your Tower Tower 2 (in inches) | 10 | | | | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 9 | | | | | 8 | | | | | 7 | | | | | 6 | | | | | 5 | | | | | 4 | | | | | 3 | | | | | 2 | | | | | 1 | | | | | Height | | | | | Your Tower | Tower 2 | | | | (in inches) | | | |
  1. Which tower is the tallest?
Your Tower 您的塔楼
Tower 2 第 2 号塔楼
Tower 3 第 3 号塔楼
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Think about your tower design. Answer the questions.
  1. Were you happy with the height of your tower?

  2. Draw two tower designs that you saw from other groups. Put a checkmark by the tallest one.

    \square Design 1  \square 设计 1
    \square Design 2  \square 设计 2

Talk About lt! 谈谈 LT!

What other materials would you want to use to build your tower?
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: You can now use straws to build your tower. Sketch your new tower design. Label the parts.

Tower Parts 塔部件

buttons 按钮
clay straws 粘土吸管
top 顶级
bottom 底层

Think About It? 考虑一下?

Where will the straws work best?
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Rebuild your tower. Make it taller. Check off the steps as you go.

\square Look at your design sketch.
\square 看看你的设计草图。

\square Gather the materials: 8 buttons, 5 straws, and some modeling clay.
\square 收集材料:8 个纽扣、5 根吸管和一些模型粘土。

\square Build the tallest tower you can.
\square 尽可能建造最高的塔楼。

\square Check to make sure you built a tower. Is it taller than it is wide?
\square 检查并确保你建造了一座塔。它的高度是否大于宽度?

\square Gently push your tower to make sure it is stable.
\square 轻轻推动塔架,确保其稳定。
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Color the chart to record the height of your first tower. Measure your new tower. Record its height. Then, circle the answer to each question.
(in inches)
Height (in inches)| Height | | :---: | | (in inches) |
My First Tower 我的第一座塔 My Tower 我的塔楼
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 "Height (in inches)" My First Tower My Tower| 10 | | | | :---: | :--- | :--- | | 9 | | | | 8 | | | | 7 | | | | 6 | | | | 5 | | | | 4 | | | | 3 | | | | 2 | | | | 1 | | | | Height <br> (in inches) | My First Tower | My Tower |
  1. Is your second tower taller than it is wide?

    yes no 是 否
  2. Which tower is taller? 哪座塔更高?
My First Tower 我的第一座塔
My Second Tower 我的第二座塔
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Draw yourself as an engineer. Show how

ถ⿱亠幺. you built your tower.

Talk About It! 谈谈吧

What did you achieve in this challenge?

What else do you want to build?

Pushes and Pulls Teaching Support

Overview of Unit Activities

Students will learn about and explore pushes and pulls through the following activities:
  • studying pictures of pushes and pulls and answering questions
  • drawing examples of pushes and pulls around them
  • experimenting with using air to push and pull paper
  • drawing designs for sails
  • graphing pushes and pulls
  • creating sails for wind-powered cars

Materials Per Group 每组材料

Week 1 第一周

  • paper 纸张
  • straws 吸管
STEAM Challenge STEAM 挑战
  • basic student materials 基本学生材料
  • construction paper (2+ pieces)
    建筑纸(2 张以上)
  • craft sticks (10+) 手工棒 (10+)
  • electric fan (1) 电扇 (1)
  • felt and other fabric pieces (5)
    毛毡和其他布块 (5)
  • foil (10" x 10", 25 cm × 25 cm 25 cm × 25 cm 25cmxx25cm25 \mathrm{~cm} \times 25 \mathrm{~cm} )
    铝箔(10 英寸 x 10 英寸, 25 cm × 25 cm 25 cm × 25 cm 25cmxx25cm25 \mathrm{~cm} \times 25 \mathrm{~cm} )
  • prebuilt car bases (See Digital Resources for step-by-step instructions.)
    预制汽车底座(分步说明请参见 "数字资源")。
  • ruler or yardstick (1) 尺子 (1)
  • tissue paper (2-3 sheets)
    纸巾(2-3 张)

Setup and Instructional Tips

  • Week 1 Day 3: Give each student a small piece of paper. Have them ball it up. Then, students can play with blowing and sucking air through straws to push and pull the paper balls.
    第 1 周 第 3 天:给每个学生一张小纸片。让他们把纸团起来。然后,让学生玩用吸管吹气和吸气来推动和拉动纸团的游戏。
  • Week 2 Day 1: Read this challenge introduction to students. “Most cars need gas to run. It takes money to put gas in cars. Wind is free and will never run out. Your challenge is to make a toy car that uses wind to move. The base of the car is ready. You must make a sail to go on the car.” Explain the challenge, the criteria, and the constraint.
    第 2 周 第 1 天:为学生朗读挑战介绍。"大多数汽车需要汽油才能行驶。给汽车加油需要钱。风是免费的,永远不会用完。你们的挑战是制作一辆利用风力行驶的玩具车。汽车的底座已经准备好了。你们必须做一个风帆装在车上"。解释挑战、标准和限制。
  • Testing Days: Set a fan just behind a starting line. Test multiple car designs at a time, depending on fan size. Turn on the fan, and see how far each car will go until it stops. Place a ruler or yardstick on the floor so students can observe and record distances traveled.
  • Testing Days: If using metric measurements, you may wish to recreate the charts on pages 62 and 66 to include higher values.
    测试日:如果使用公制测量方法,您可能需要重新绘制第 62 页和第 66 页的图表,以包含更高的数值。
  • Safety Note: Keep students away from the fan blades and power source.

Unit 3: Pushes and Pulls
第 3 单元:推和拉

Discussion Questions 讨论问题

  • How can we make objects move?
  • Where do you see pushes and pulls at school and home?
    在学校和家里,您在哪些地方看到了 "推 "和 "拉"?
  • How can wind make things move?
  • How well might a real, full-size windpowered car work?
  • How can testing and observing help you improve your designs?

Additional Notes 附加说明

  • Possible Misconception: A person must constantly push or pull an object to keep it moving.

    Truth: An initial push or pull can get an object moving. It may keep moving, even if a person is no longer touching an object.
  • Possible Design Solutions: Students may choose to make one or multiple sails and mount them in a variety of places (sides, front, middle, and back) on the vehicle.

Scaffolding and Extension Suggestions

  • To support measurement when testing sails, create a road of colored pieces of construction paper, each an inch ( 2.5 cm ) in length. This will help students estimate how far each car travels.
    为了帮助学生在测试风帆时进行测量,可以用彩色的建筑纸片铺成一条路,每张纸片的长度为一英寸(2.5 厘米)。这将帮助学生估计每辆车行驶的距离。
  • Challenge students to change the car base during the redesign. Ask questions, such as “Do you want to change the number or placement of the wheels?” “What about the shape of the base?”
    挑战学生在重新设计过程中改变汽车底座。提出问题,例如 "你想改变车轮的数量或位置吗?"底座的形状如何?

Answer Key 答案要点

Week 1 Day 1 第 1 周 第 1 天

  1. pull 拉绳
  2. push 推动
  3. push 推动
  4. pull 拉绳
Week 1 Day 2 第 1 周 第 2 天
Charts should show everyday objects that can be pushed or pulled, such as chairs and doors.

Week 1 Day 3 第 1 周 第 3 天

  1. Drawings should show paper balls moving away from the straws.
  2. Drawings should show paper balls moving toward the straws.

Week 1 Day 4 第 1 周 第 4 天

Students should have drawings on their sails.

Week 1 Day 5 第 1 周 第 5 天

  1. person throwing a ball 投球手

Weeks 2 & 3 第 2 和第 3 周

See STEAM Challenge Rubric on page 221.
参见第 221 页的 STEAM 挑战评分标准。
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Look at the pictures. Then, circle push or pull for each image.
阅读方向阅读文本。看图片。然后,在每幅图片上圈出 "推 "或 "拉"。
Objects can be moved with force. You can push them. You can pull them.

push 推动

pull 拉绳
1.| 1. | | :--- |
3.| 3. | | :--- |

2. 推拉
2. push pull| 2. | | :--- | | push | | pull |
4.| 4. | | :--- |
"1." "3." "2. push pull" "4."| 1. | 3. | | :---: | :---: | | 2. <br> push <br> pull | 4. |
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Blow air out of the straw. Then, suck air in. Blow soft. Blow hard. Move the paper ball around.

push 推动

pull 拉绳
  1. What happens when you blow air? Draw the ball. Draw an arrow to show which way it will go.

2. What happens when you suck air in? Draw the ball. Draw an arrow to show which way it will go.
Wind blows against the sails. Wind pushes the boat in the water.
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Count the pictures of pushes and pulls. Color the graph to show how many there are of each.
  1. Which push or pull had the most pictures?

Name: 名称:
Date: 日期
Directions: Read the text. Then, label the parts of the wind-powered car.

The Challenge 挑战

Make a toy car that uses wind to move.
  • Criteria-Your sail design must move the car forward using wind from a fan.
  • Constraint-You may use only the materials given to you.

Word Bank 单词库

base mast sail wheel wind
基座桅杆 帆 轮 风
Week 周数
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the questions. Circle the options you like.
  1. How many sails will you have?

one 一种



2. What shape will the sails be?

circle 圆形

square 方形

rectangle 矩形

triangle 三角形
3. How big will they be?


medium 中等

4. What will you use for your sail?
Name: 名称:
Date: 日期
Directions: Build your wind-powered car. Check off the steps as you go.
Look at your design sketch.

\square Gather the materials you need.
\square 收集所需材料。

\square Attach your mast to the base. \square
\square 将桅杆固定在底座上。 \square

Cut out your sail. 剪出船帆
Attach the sail to the mast. \square
将帆安装到桅杆上。 \square

Check that all parts are glued or taped well.

Quick Tip! 快速提示!

It is okay to change

your design as you go!
Name: Date: 姓名:日期
Directions: Place your car on the ground. Turn on a fan. Keep it on until the car stops. Mark how far your car went. Test your car two times.
How Many Inches Did It Move?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 + 10 + 10+10+
Test 1 测试 1
Test 2 测试 2
How Many Inches Did It Move? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Test 1 Test 2 | | How Many Inches Did It Move? | | | | | | | | | | | :--- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | $10+$ | | Test 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | Test 2 | | | | | | | | | | |

Quick Tip! 快速提示!

Watch as others test their cars.

See how different sail designs work.
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Think about your sail design. Answer the questions.
  1. How well did your sail work?

  2. Draw two sail designs that you saw from others. Put a checkmark by your favorite.

    \square Design 1  \square 设计 1
    \square Design 2  \square 设计 2
Name: qquad\qquad 名称: qquad\qquad
Directions: Plan your new design. Then, sketch your new design.
  1. Will you change the number of sails?

    no 没有
  2. Will you change the shape of your sails?

    no 没有
  3. Will you change the size of your sails?

    no 没有
  4. Will you change the material of your sails?

    no 没有
Try This! 试试这个
Be creative! See how different you can make this design.
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Rebuild the sails for your car. Make them work better. Use this list to help you.

\square Look at your first design.
\square 看看你的第一个设计。

\square Look at your plan to make it better.
\square 审视自己的计划,使其更加完善。

\square Get the materials you need.
\square 获取所需材料。

\square Take off parts you do not want.
\square 取下你不想要的部件。

\square Add or make the changes you do want.
\square 添加或做出你想要的更改。

\square Check that everything is glued or taped well.
\square 检查所有东西是否粘好或用胶带粘好。
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Place your car on the ground. Turn on a fan. Keep it on until the car stops. Mark how far your car went. Test your car two times.
How Many Inches Did It Move?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 + 10 + 10+10+
Test 1 测试 1
Test 2 测试 2
How Many Inches Did It Move? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Test 1 Test 2 | | How Many Inches Did It Move? | | | | | | | | | | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | $10+$ | | Test 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | Test 2 | | | | | | | | | | |
Did the car move farther this time?

no 没有

Unit 4: Animal Homes 第 4 单元: 动物之家

Animal Homes Teaching Support

Overview of Unit Activities

Students will learn about and explore animal homes through the following activities:
  • reading about plant and animal needs
  • matching animals to their homes
  • searching for examples of animals and plants changing the environment
  • designing new animals and showing their habitats
  • creating animal homes 创建动物家园

Materials Per Group 每组材料

Week 1 第一周

  • access to outdoor space or online search

STEAM Challenge STEAM 挑战

  • basic student supplies 基本学生用品
  • clay 粘土
  • fake feathers (5-10) 假羽毛(5-10根)
  • natural materials (handful of each: dirt, leaves, twigs, branches, flowers, stones, seeds)
  • string (2-5+ feet, 60-150+ cm)
    绳子(2-5+ 英尺,60-150+ 厘米)

Setup and Instructional Tips

  • Week 1 Day 4: Students will be evaluating their designs. Discuss how real-world testing is not an option with this challenge because of the animals involved.
    第 1 周 第 4 天:学生将对自己的设计进行评估。讨论因为涉及到动物,所以无法进行真实世界测试。
  • Week 2 Day 1: Read this challenge introduction to students. “People live in homes. Our homes keep us warm and dry. Animals build homes, too. Their homes keep them safe and give their babies places to live. There are many types of animal homes. Your challenge will be to choose an animal and build a home, or model of a home, for it.” Explain the challenge, the criteria, and the constraint.
    第 2 周第 1 天:为学生朗读挑战介绍。"人们住在家里。我们的家让我们温暖、干爽。动物也有自己的家。它们的家保证了它们的安全,也为它们的宝宝提供了居住的地方。动物的家有很多种。你们的挑战是选择一种动物,为它建造一个家,或者一个家的模型。解释挑战、标准和限制条件。
  • Week 2 Day 3: Discuss the materials that will be available for students before they begin their sketches.
    第 2 周 第 3 天:讨论学生在开始素描前可获得的材料。

Discussion Questions 讨论问题

-What do plants and animals need?
  • Why do plants and animals change their environments?
  • Why do different animals build different types of homes?
  • What materials do animals use to build their homes?

    -What type of home do you live in?
  • How is your home like an animal’s home? How is it different?

Additional Notes 附加说明

  • Possible Misconception: Animals change their environments, but plants do not. Truth: Plants can also change their environments. Point out examples on Week 1 Day 3 as you explore outside.
    可能的误解:动物能改变环境,植物却不能。真相:植物也可以改变环境。在第 1 周第 3 天的户外探索中,请举例说明。
  • Possible Misconception: Homes of domesticated animals are examples of how animals change their environments.

    Truth: Homes for domesticated animals are often build by humans (dogs: doghouse, chickens: coop, pigs: pig sty, cows: barn).
  • Possible Design Solutions: Students may model the animal homes after things they are already familiar with, such as human homes, birds’ nests, or beaver dams.

Scaffolding and Extension Suggestions

  • If examples of animals and plants changing their environments are hard to find on Week 1 Day 3, show students pictures online, such as a beaver dam and tree roots breaking through concrete.
    如果在第 1 周第 3 天很难找到动物和植物改变环境的例子,可向学生展示网上的图片,如海狸大坝和树根冲破混凝土的图片。
  • Challenge students to create homes that are waterproof or windproof in the redesign process.

Answer Key 答案要点

Week 1 Day 1 第 1 周 第 1 天
  1. water, space 水、空间

Week 1 Day 2 第 1 周 第 2 天

Lines should be drawn connecting sea otter/kelp forest, eagle/nest, and sloth/tree.

Week 1 Day 3 第 1 周 第 3 天

Possible drawings: broken branch, hole in ground or tree, nest, roots of plant breaking through ground.

Week 1 Day 4 第 1 周 第 4 天

Student drawings should include original animals and their habitats.

Week 1 Day 5 第 1 周 第 5 天

The left side of the Venn should be colored yellow, the middle green, and the right side blue.

Weeks 2 & 3 第 2 和第 3 周
See STEAM Challenge Rubric on page 221.
参见第 221 页的 STEAM 挑战评分标准。
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Look at the chart. Then, circle the answers.
Plants and animals need things to live and grow. They live where they can get the things they need.
Plants Need 植物需要 Animals Need 动物需要
water light 水灯 food water 食物 水
space 空间 shelter space 避难空间
Plants Need Animals Need water light food water space shelter space| Plants Need | Animals Need | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | water light | food water | | space | shelter space |
  1. What things do both plants and animals need?


food 食物


space 空间
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Look at the pictures. Draw lines from animals to their plant homes.
Some animals make homes in plants. Some use parts of plants to make homes.

sea otter 海獭


kelp forest 海藻林

nes \dagger
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Then, walk outside. Look for ways plants and animals change the space around them. Draw at least one example.
Plants and animals change the environment. They can make it a better place for them to live.
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Draw a new type of animal. Draw where it lives. Show all the things it needs.

Animal Needs 动物需求

food 食物
space 空间
shelter 避难所
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Look at the Venn diagram. Color the plant needs side yellow. Color the animal needs side blue. Color the part with the needs of both green.
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Look at the pictures.

The Challenge 挑战

Build a home for an animal.
  • Criteria-It must do all these things.
  • Keep the animal safe. 确保动物安全
  • Keep the animal dry. 保持动物干燥。
  • Keep the animal warm or cool.
  • Protect the babies. 保护婴儿
  • Constraint-Only use natural materials.

Talk About lt! 谈谈 LT!

What types of homes could you make for these animals?

Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Look at the animal homes. Mark the one you like the best.
Animal Home Ideas 动物家园创意
Prairie dogs dig tunnels.

Hermit crabs find shells
and carry them.
Hermit crabs find shells and carry them.| Hermit crabs find shells | | :--- | | and carry them. |

Beavers build lodges
with sticks.
Beavers build lodges with sticks.| Beavers build lodges | | :--- | | with sticks. |
Wasps build hives. 黄蜂建造蜂巢
Puffins dig burrows. 海雀挖洞

Swallows build nests
with mud.
Swallows build nests with mud.| Swallows build nests | | :--- | | with mud. |
Animal Home Ideas Prairie dogs dig tunnels. "Hermit crabs find shells and carry them." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=464&width=842&top_left_y=835&top_left_x=172 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=464&width=884&top_left_y=835&top_left_x=1066 "Beavers build lodges with sticks." Wasps build hives. https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=464&width=842&top_left_y=1535&top_left_x=172 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=464&width=884&top_left_y=1535&top_left_x=1066 Puffins dig burrows. "Swallows build nests with mud." https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=475&width=842&top_left_y=2234&top_left_x=172 https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=475&width=884&top_left_y=2234&top_left_x=1066| Animal Home Ideas | | | :---: | :---: | | Prairie dogs dig tunnels. | Hermit crabs find shells <br> and carry them. | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=464&width=842&top_left_y=835&top_left_x=172) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=464&width=884&top_left_y=835&top_left_x=1066) | | Beavers build lodges <br> with sticks. | Wasps build hives. | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=464&width=842&top_left_y=1535&top_left_x=172) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=464&width=884&top_left_y=1535&top_left_x=1066) | | Puffins dig burrows. | Swallows build nests <br> with mud. | | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=475&width=842&top_left_y=2234&top_left_x=172) | ![](https://cdn.mathpix.com/cropped/2024_09_13_d41bb25e70be4f1fadfbg-068.jpg?height=475&width=884&top_left_y=2234&top_left_x=1066) |
Name: Date: 姓名:日期
Directions: Circle an animal from the list. Think of where it lives. Sketch a home you will build for it.

beaver 海狸
lion 狮子
bird 鸟儿
snake 蛇类
fox 狐狸
spider 蜘蛛
ladybug 瓢虫
your own idea 自己的想法

Think About It! 想一想

What materials will you need?

Directions: Build your animal home. Check off the steps as you go. Complete the sentence.
I built a home for a qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
我为 qquad\qquad qquad\qquad 建了一座房子
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Check off what your home will do. Show it to others. Ask them the questions. Write or draw what they say.
  1. What part do you like best?
  2. How can I make it better?

Week 周数

Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Think about your animal home design.

Answer the questions. 请回答问题。
  1. How do you feel about the animal home you built

  2. Draw two animal homes you saw from others.
Circle ideas you want to try in your animal home.
Design 1 设计 1 Design 2 设计 2
Design 1 Design 2 | Design 1 | Design 2 | | :--- | :--- | | | | | | | | | |

Think About It! 想一想

How can you make your animal home better?
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Plan your new design. Then, sketch your new design.
  1. Will you make it bigger?

    no 没有
  2. Will you try new materials?

    no 没有
  3. Will you change the shape?

    no 没有

Name: 名称:

Date: 日期
Directions: Rebuild your animal home. Check off the steps as you go.

\square Look at your design sketch.
\square 看看你的设计草图。

\square Gather the materials you need.
\square 收集所需材料。

\square Build your home.
\square 建造自己的家园。

\square Check that all parts are secured.
\square 检查所有部件是否固定。

Quick Tip! 快速提示!

You do not have to start from scratch! Make changes to your first animal home.
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Check off what your home will do. Show it to others. Tell them how you made it better.

\square It will keep my animal safe. \square
\square 它能保证我的动物安全。 \square

It will keep my animal dry. \square
它能让我的动物保持干燥。 \square

It will help keep my animal warm or cool.

It will protect my animal’s babies.


Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Draw a hard part of this challenge. Draw a fun part.
Hard 硬质
Fun 乐趣

Talk About lt? 谈谈 LT?

What do you think an animal would say about the home you made?

Living and Nonliving Things Teaching Support

Overview of Unit Activities

Students will learn about and explore living and nonliving things through the following activities:
  • reading about living and nonliving things
  • drawing examples of living and nonliving things
  • experimenting with living and nonliving things
  • designing their own plants and showing how they grow
  • analyzing a chart showing plant growth
  • creating new products inspired by living things

Materials Per Group 每组材料

Week 1 第一周
  • active dry yeast (1 spoonful)
    活性干酵母(1 勺)
  • jars (2+) 罐子 (2+)
  • apple juice (4 tbsp, 60 mL )
    苹果汁(4 汤匙,60 毫升)
  • sand ( 1 spoonful) 沙(1勺)
STEAM Challenge STEAM 挑战
  • basic school supplies 基本学习用品
  • common recycled goods (2-4 empty food containers, cardboard tubes, recycled paper, plastic bottles, bottle caps, etc.)
    常见回收物品(2-4 个空食品容器、纸板筒、再生纸、塑料瓶、瓶盖等)
  • other materials for students to choose from (see Additional Notes section)

Setup and Instructional Tips

  • Week 1 Day 3: Each jar should contain 1 spoonful of yeast or 1 spoonful of sand. After students draw the jars, add 2 tablespoons ( 30 mL ) of apple juice to each jar and wait for results. You will need to wait about 15 minutes after combining ingredients to see growth and bubbles in the yeast jar(s).
    第 1 周 第 3 天:每个罐子里应放 1 勺酵母或 1 勺沙子。学生画好罐子后,在每个罐子中加入 2 汤匙(30 毫升)苹果汁,然后等待结果。您需要在混合配料后等待 15 分钟左右,才能看到酵母罐中的酵母生长和气泡。
  • Week 2 Day 1: Read this challenge introduction to students. “Humans use ideas they see from other living things. Copying designs found in nature has given us a lot of great technologies. They help people solve problems or fill needs. Your challenge is to create something new that is inspired by a plant or animal.” Explain the challenge, the criteria, and the constraint.
    第 2 周 第 1 天:为学生朗读挑战介绍。"人类利用从其他生物身上看到的创意。复制自然界中的设计为我们带来了许多伟大的技术。它们帮助人们解决问题或满足需求。你们的挑战就是要从植物或动物中汲取灵感,创造出新的东西"。解释挑战、标准和限制。

Unit 5: Living and Nonliving Things
第 5 单元: 生物和非生物

Discussion Questions 讨论问题

  • How can you tell if something is living or nonliving?
  • What does it mean to be a living thing?
  • How do humans use ideas from nature to create new things?
  • What things do you know of that might be inspired from nature?
  • How can sharing and evaluating help you improve your design?

Additional Notes 附加说明

  • Materials: This challenge is very open-ended. Students choose what products they will make. You may want to ask students which materials they might want and provide them at your discretion.
  • Possible Misconception: Living things need to currently be alive.
Truth: Something is classified as living if it is or has ever been alive.
  • Possible Student Design Solutions: Students may take inspiration from how animals move, what their skin looks and feels like, how they keep warm or cool, and how plant and animal shapes help them.

Scaffolding and Extension Suggestions

  • Support students with ideas for the challenge by doing a whole-class brainstorming session and looking for ideas online.
  • Challenge students by adding design criteria during Week 3, such as making their designs waterproof or making sure they do not blow over in strong wind.
    在第 3 周为学生增加设计标准,例如使设计防水或确保在大风中不被吹倒,以此向学生提出挑战。

Answer Key 答案要点

Week 1 Day 1 第 1 周 第 1 天

  1. circle cat; X X XX on pencil
    圈猫; X X XX 铅笔上
  2. X X XX on socks; circle tree
    袜子上的 X X XX ;圈树
  3. X X XX on phone; circle snake
    X X XX 电话;圈蛇
  4. circle bee; X X XX on toothbrush
    圈蜜蜂; X X XX 在牙刷上
Week 1 Day 2 第 1 周 第 2 天
Drawing examples: Living—plants, people, animals; Nonliving—pencil, desk, carpet, clock

Week 1 Day 3 第 1 周 第 3 天

Drawings should show the jars of sand and yeast before and after adding apple juice. The After drawing of yeast should show growth and bubbles. The sand jar should show just sand and apple juice.

Week 1 Day 5 第 1 周 第 5 天

  1. B B BB
  2. A A AA

Weeks 2 & 3 第 2 和第 3 周

See STEAM Challenge Rubric on page 221.
参见第 221 页的 STEAM 挑战评分标准。
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. For each row, circle the thing that is living. Write an X X XX on the thing that is nonliving.
阅读方向阅读文本。在每一行中,圈出有生命的事物。在非生物上写上 X X XX
Living things are alive. They can grow and move. People are living things. Animals are living things. Plants are living things. Nonliving things do not grow. They do not move on their own.



socks 袜子

phone 致电

bee 蜜蜂



snake 蛇类
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Then, look around you. Find examples of living things. Find examples of nonliving things. Draw them on the chart.

What Do Living Things Do?

  • They eat or make food.
  • They grow. 它们在成长。
  • They move. 他们移动了。
  • They reproduce. 它们会繁殖。
Living Things 生物
Nonliving Things 非生物
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Draw the sand and yeast in the top two jars. Add apple juice to each jar. The apple juice is food. Wait 15 minutes. Then, draw the jars again.
制作方法在最上面的两个罐子中加入沙子和酵母。在每个罐子中加入苹果汁。苹果汁是食物。等待 15 分钟。然后,再次画出罐子。
Sand 沙子 Yeast 酵母
Before 之前
C1#CC=CCCC#C1| <smiles>C1#CC=CCCC#C1</smiles> | | :--- |
C1#CCCCC=CC=C1| <smiles>C1#CCCCC=CC=C1</smiles> | | :--- |
After 之后
C1#CC2C#CCC2CCC=C1| <smiles>C1#CC2C#CCC2CCC=C1</smiles> | | :--- |
C1#CC2=CC=CC=C1CC2| <smiles>C1#CC2=CC=CC=C1CC2</smiles> | | :--- |
Sand Yeast Before "C1#CC=CCCC#C1" "C1#CCCCC=CC=C1" After "C1#CC2C#CCC2CCC=C1" "C1#CC2=CC=CC=C1CC2"| | Sand | Yeast | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Before | <smiles>C1#CC=CCCC#C1</smiles> | <smiles>C1#CCCCC=CC=C1</smiles> | | After | <smiles>C1#CC2C#CCC2CCC=C1</smiles> | <smiles>C1#CC2=CC=CC=C1CC2</smiles> |

Talk About It! 谈谈吧

Which one is alive? 哪个还活着?
How can you tell? 你怎么知道?
Name: Date: 姓名:日期
Directions: Imagine you go for a hike. You find a new plant. No one has seen it before. Draw what it looks like when it is young. Draw what it looks like after it grows. \square \square
路线想象你去远足。你发现了一种新植物。以前没有人见过它。画出它幼时的样子。画出它长大后的样子。 \square \square
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Look at the chart. Answer the questions.
Raul plants a seed in his garden. He checks it every month. He records how many leaves the plant has.
March 三月份 April 四月 May 五月份 June 六月 July 七月
March April May June July| March | April | May | June | July | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
  1. When did the plant have the most leaves?

    (A) April (A) 四月
    (B) July (B) 七月
  2. In May, there were qquad\qquad leaves.
    五月,有 qquad\qquad 树叶。

    (A) 2
    (B) 5
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Then, match each object to the living thing it was inspired by.

The Challenge 挑战

Make a new product. Get an idea from a living thing. It can be a tool. It can be a toy. It can be a piece of clothing.
  • Criteria-It must be inspired by nature. It must have a purpose.
  • Constraint-You may only use the materials given to you.

Week 周数
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Look at the living things. Draw ideas you get from them for new products. Share your ideas with others.
Living Thing 有生命的东西 My Ideas 我的想法
Living Thing My Ideas | Living Thing | My Ideas | | :---: | :---: | | | |
Talk About It! 谈谈吧
What do you want to make?

What will it do? 它能做什么?
Name: qquad\qquad 名称: qquad\qquad
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Think about your product. Answer the question. Draw the living thing that gave you the idea. Sketch your product.
  1. What will you make? 你要做什么?
    a tool 工具
    a toy 玩具
    a piece of clothing 穿着
My Product 我的产品
Living Thing 有生命的东西
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Build your product. Check off the steps as you go.

\square Look at your design sketch.
\square 看看你的设计草图。

\square Think about what inspired your design.
\square 想想你的设计灵感来源于什么。

\square Gather the materials you need.
\square 收集所需材料。

\square Build your design.
\square 构建您的设计。

\square Decorate your design.
\square 装饰您的设计。

\square Check that all parts are glued or taped well.
\square 检查所有部件是否粘好或用胶带粘好。

Quick Tip! 快速提示!

It is okay to change your design as you go!
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Show your product to others. Tell them about it. Ask them questions. Write or draw what they say.

Tell 告诉

  1. Tell what idea you used from nature.
  2. Tell how people can use it.
  3. Tell who would want to use it.

Ask 询问

  1. What do you like? 你喜欢什么?

5. How can I make it better?
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Think about the product you made. Answer the questions.
  1. How do you feel about what you made?

  2. Did it turn out how you planned?

    yes no 是 否
  3. Draw what you like best about it. ? — . . . . . ?
    画出你最喜欢的地方。?- . . . . .?
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Plan your new design. Then, sketch your new design.

Think About It! 想一想

How can you make it work better?

How can you make it look nicer?
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Rebuild your product inspired by nature. Check off the steps as you go.
Name: 名称:
Directions: Show your product to others. Tell them about it. Ask them questions. Write or draw what they say.

Tell 告诉

  1. Explain what your product is.
  2. Tell what living thing gave you this idea.
  3. Tell how people can use it.
  4. Tell who would want to use it.

Ask 询问

  1. What do you like about my new design?

6. Would you use my product?
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Draw someone using your new product.

Talk About It! 谈谈吧

What did you do well in this challenge?

What ideas do you have for other products?

Unit 6: The Five Senses
第 6 单元: 五种感官

The Five Senses Teaching Support

Overview of Unit Activities

Students will learn about and explore the five senses through the following activities:
  • reading about and studying pictures of the five senses
  • drawing pictures of how we use sound to learn about and observe the world
  • experimenting with making sound vibrations
  • listening to music and drawing reactions
  • analyzing data about sound made in glass bottles
  • creating sound mufflers 创建声音消声器

Materials Per Group 每组材料

Week 1 第一周
  • four songs of different genres (e.g., classical, pop, country, reggae)
  • rubber band (1) 橡皮筋 (1)
STEAM Challenge STEAM 挑战
  • basic school supplies 基本学习用品
  • egg carton (1) 鸡蛋盒 (1)
  • bubble wrap ( 10 × 10 , 25 cm × 25 cm 10 × 10 , 25 cm × 25 cm 10^('')xx10^(''),25cmxx25cm10^{\prime \prime} \times 10^{\prime \prime}, 25 \mathrm{~cm} \times 25 \mathrm{~cm} )
    气泡膜 ( 10 × 10 , 25 cm × 25 cm 10 × 10 , 25 cm × 25 cm 10^('')xx10^(''),25cmxx25cm10^{\prime \prime} \times 10^{\prime \prime}, 25 \mathrm{~cm} \times 25 \mathrm{~cm} )
  • foam paper ( 1 sheet)
    泡沫纸(1 张)
  • cardboard tubes (1-3) 纸板管(1-3)
  • packing peanuts 包装花生
  • coffee filters (3-5) ( 1 2 1 2 1-21-2 handfuls)
    咖啡滤纸(3-5)( 1 2 1 2 1-21-2 一把)
  • cotton balls ( 10 + ) ( 10 + ) (10+)(10+) 棉球 ( 10 + ) ( 10 + ) (10+)(10+)

Setup and Instructional Tips

  • Week 1 Day 3: Give each student group a rubber band. Have one student stretch the rubber band between their thumbs. Have the other students gently pluck the rubber band.
    第 1 周 第 3 天:给每个学生小组一条橡皮筋。让一名学生用拇指拉伸橡皮筋。让其他学生轻轻拨动橡皮筋。
  • Week 1 Day 4: Take turns playing each song. Allow time for students to draw things inspired by each type of music.
    第 1 周 第 4 天:轮流播放每首歌曲。留出时间让学生画出受每种音乐启发的事物。
  • Week 2 Day 1: Read this challenge introduction to students. “Has anyone ever told you to be quiet? Or maybe you have wanted to block a sound. Your challenge is to create a sound muffler. It should absorb or block sound when you are talking.” Explain the challenge, the criteria, and the constraint.
    第 2 周第 1 天:为学生朗读挑战导言。"有人告诉过你要保持安静吗?或者你曾想过阻挡声音。你的挑战是制作一个消声器。它应该在你说话时吸收或阻挡声音"。解释挑战、标准和限制。

Discussion Questions 讨论问题

  • What are the five senses?
  • How do your five senses help you learn about the world around you?
  • How does sound travel? 声音是如何传播的?
  • How do the sound mufflers help block the sound?
  • Where do you see things that muffle sound in the world around you?

Additional Notes 附加说明

  • Possible Misconception: Sound can only travel through the air. Truth: Sound can travel through all states of matter (solid, liquid, gas).
  • Possible Design Solutions: Students may build tubes and stuff them with materials to block the sound.

Scaffolding and Extension Suggestions

  • Support students with understanding how the amount of water inside each bottle changes the pitch on Week 1 Day 5 by demonstrating using real bottles and water.
    在第 1 周第 5 天,使用真实的瓶子和水进行演示,帮助学生理解每个瓶子中的水量如何改变音调。
  • Challenge students with an additional engineering challenge-to make sound amplifiers or things that will make the sound louder.

Answer Key 答案要点

Week 1 Day 1 第 1 周 第 1 天
  1. B
  2. A A AA

Week 1 Day 2 第 1 周 第 2 天

Student answers should show what everyone observes with their senses. Examples: see-bird or people at picnic; smell-grill or food; taste-hamburger; hear-music from bird; touch-dog

Week 1 Day 3 第 1 周 第 3 天

Drawings may include speakers, headphones, animals, cars, etc.

Week 1 Day 5 第 1 周 第 5 天

  1. A
  2. B B BB

Weeks 2 & 3 第 2 和第 3 周

See STEAM Challenge Rubric on page 221.
参见第 221 页的 STEAM 挑战评分标准。
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Answer the questions.
Humans have five senses. We use them to learn about the world. We use different parts of our bodies for each sense.

taste 口味

smell 嗅觉

see 看看

touch 触摸
  1. How many senses do humans have?

    (A) 6
    (B) 5
  2. Which body part do you use to smell?

    (A) nose (A) 鼻子
    (B) eye (B) 眼睛
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the text. Draw an arrow from each question to an answer.
Our senses help us. We use our senses to learn. They keep us safe. They help us have fun. Sometimes we use one. Sometimes, we use them all at once.
What does the boy taste?

What does the girl see?
What does the older girl touch?
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read about sound. Do the activities.
We can hear sound. Sound is made of waves.

Sound waves are made when things move back and forth quickly. This is called vibration.
  • Put your hand on your throat. Hum. Can you feel it?
  • Use a rubber band to create sound vibrations.
  1. Draw other things that make sound.
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad
Directions: Listen to the music. Draw what each song makes you think of or feel.
Song 1 Song 2 歌曲 1 歌曲 2
Song 3 歌曲 3
Song 1 Song 2 Song 3 | Song 1 Song 2 | | | :---: | :---: | | Song 3 | | | | |
Directions: Read the text. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.
If you tap a glass, the air inside will vibrate. Air in an empty glass vibrates slowly. This makes a low sound. Air in a full glass vibrates fast. This makes a high sound.

  1. Which glass will have the highest sound?

    (A) glass A A AA (A) 玻璃 A A AA
    (B) glass B B BB (B) 玻璃 B B BB
  2. Which glass will have the lowest sound?

    (A) glass A A AA (A) 玻璃 A A AA
    (B) glass C C CC (B) 玻璃 C C CC
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Read the text. Then, look at sound mufflers in real life. Circle the ones you have seen or used.

The Challenge 挑战

Make a voice muffler to block sound. Work with a partner.
  • Criteria-Your partner should not be able to understand the sentence you say.
  • Constraint-You may only use the materials given to you.

Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Read the questions. Talk to others about ideas. Circle the options you like.
  1. What shape will it be?

  2. You need materials to absorb and block sound. Which ones will you put in your voice muffler?
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Sketch your voice muffler. Label the parts.

Word Bank 单词库

frame 画框
material 材料
sound in 听起来
sound out 试探
Name: Date: 姓名:日期
Directions: Build your voice muffler. Check off the steps as you go.

\square Look at your design sketch.
\square 看看你的设计草图。

\square Gather the materials you need.
\square 收集所需材料。

\square Build a frame for your sound muffler.
\square 为消声器制作一个框架。

\square Add sound-absorbing material.
\square 添加吸音材料。

\square Check that it doesn’t fall out.
\square 检查它是否脱落。

\square Check that all parts are glued or taped well.
\square 检查所有部件是否粘好或用胶带粘好。

Quick Tip! 快速提示!

It is okay to do a few

mini tests as you build!
Name: Date: 姓名:日期
Directions: Test your muffler. Take turns. One partner talks into the voice muffler. They should say a sentence. The other partner should listen. Rate how well it worked.
  1. How well could your partner understand you?

    not at all 决不
    really well 真不错
  2. How well could you hear your partner?

    not at all 决不
    really well 真不错
Name: Date: 姓名:日期
Directions: Think about your voice muffler design. Answer the questions.
  1. How well did your voice muffler work?

  2. Draw two voice muffler designs that you saw from others. Put a checkmark by your favorite.

    \square Design 1  \square 设计 1
Name: qquad\qquad Date: qquad\qquad
名称: qquad\qquad 日期: qquad\qquad

Directions: Sketch your new design. Circle the parts or materials that are different.
Name: 名称:
Date: qquad\qquad 日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Rebuild your voice muffler. Check off the steps as you go.

Look at your design sketch.

Gather the materials you need.

\square Think about what you learned when you built your first design.
\square 想一想你在第一次设计时学到了什么。

\square Rebuild your design. Make the changes you want.
\square 重建设计。做出您想要的更改。

\square Check that all parts are glued or taped well.
\square 检查所有部件是否粘好或用胶带粘好。
Name: Date: 姓名:日期
Directions: Retest your muffler. Take turns. One partner talks into the voice muffler. They should say a sentence. The other partner should listen. Rate how well it worked.
  1. How well could your partner understand you?

    not at all 决不
  2. How well could you hear your partner?

    0 1 0 1 0quad10 \quad 1
    not at all 决不
    really well 真不错

Talk About It! 谈谈吧

Did the new design work better?
Name: Date: qquad\qquad 姓名:日期 qquad\qquad
Directions: Draw something you learned from the challenge. Write what you learned. ? qquad\qquad
方向画出你从挑战中学到的东西。写出你的收获。? qquad\qquad
Talk About It! 谈谈吧
What part of your design are you most proud of? What surprised you about this challenge?