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CARLVE Overseas Celebrity Sector Single Cooperation Agreement

甲方:卡勒芙 (杭州)国际贸易有限公司
Party A: Kalev (Hangzhou) International Trade Co., Ltd.

Registration number: 91330108MACRP9LF0Y

Mailing address: Room 901, Building 2, Zhonghai Development Building, Xixing Street, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province


Contact person: Xie Gang

Contact information: 18368014845

Party B: Shanghai Xunzan Brand Management Co., Ltd.

Credit code: 99131000MADL4Y3J9A

Mailing address: Room 118, Building 20, No. 1-42, Lane 83, Hongxiang North Road, Lingang New Area, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone


Contact person: Zhang Minjing

Contact information: 18964637986

cooperation method:

The term "cooperation" in this contract means that Party A provides goods or materials, and Party B is responsible for promoting global Internet celebrities to help Party A expand its overseas markets.

2. Contract service period

This contract is valid from the date it is signed by both parties until Party B delivers services to Party A.

本合同为合作协议,本次合作总费用总计为$16450美金(不含税), 开票需另支付6%税点。
This contract is a cooperation agreement. The total cost of this cooperation is US$16,450 (excluding tax). An additional 6% tax is required for invoicing.

Party A first pays 45% of the advance payment of US$7,402, which is converted into RMB 52,622 based on the US dollar to RMB exchange rate of 71,088. Party B matches overseas KOLs and Party A confirms the cooperative influencer in writing or by email.

The other 55% of the final payment is US$9,048, which is converted into RMB 64,317 based on the US dollar to RMB exchange rate of 7.1088. It will be paid within 7 days after Party A confirms in writing the cooperative Internet celebrity (blogger) and approves the content published by the cooperative Internet celebrity (blogger). .

If Party A fails to reach cooperation with the confirmed blogger, Party B will return the full amount of the advance payment to Party A within 10 working days. The exchange rate conversion is based on the central parity rate of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on the last working day of each month.

3. Service content:

CELLEBELLE Overseas Lady Internet Celebrity Promotion

Service Content

Preferred blogger: iamannacasey

Number of fans: 37.5w

Publishing platform: Instagram

Channel link: https://www.instagram.comlamannacasey

发布内容:1 IG 视频reels+3 图文Stories
Published content: 1 IG video reels+3 graphic stories

Commercial authorized use scope: within 3 months after the video is online

Quotation including authorization: $4500

Blogger type: fashion and lifestyle, celebrity model

Promotion areas: United States, France

Blogger’s reserved release schedule: mid-August to mid-September


The blogger provides a video preview, which will be released after Party A approves it.

If the blogger is unable to provide the video on time, Party B shall promptly provide a substitute list of similar magnitude.

Bloggers need to explain based on brand value points or product selling points, and the description area of ​​the video or creative content needs to display Party A’s relevant links and brand exposure.

4. Party A’s product link needs to be placed below each video description.

Preferred blogger: tocestyle

Number of fans: 105w

Publishing platform: Instagram

Channel link:

发布内容:1 IG 视频reels+3 图文Stories
Published content: 1 IG video reels+3 graphic stories

Commercial authorized use scope: within 3 months after the video is online

Quotation including authorization: $6450

Blogger type: fashion and lifestyle, celebrity model

Promotion areas: United States, France

Blogger’s reserved release schedule: mid-August to mid-September


The blogger provides a video preview, which will be released after Party A approves it.

If the blogger is unable to provide the video on time, Party B shall promptly provide a substitute list of similar magnitude.

Bloggers need to explain based on brand value points or product selling points, and the description area of ​​the video or creative content needs to display Party A’s relevant links and brand exposure.

4. Party A’s product link needs to be placed below each video description.

Preferred blogger: olgasafari

Number of fans: 45.5w

Publishing platform: Instagram


发布内容:1 IG 视频reels+3 图文Stories
Published content: 1 IG video reels+3 graphic stories

Commercial authorized use scope: within 3 months after the video is online

Quotation including authorization: $5500

Blogger type: fashion and lifestyle, celebrity model

Promotion areas: United States, France

Blogger’s reserved release schedule: mid-August to mid-September


The blogger provides a video preview, which will be released after Party A approves it.

If the blogger is unable to provide the video on time, Party B shall promptly provide a substitute list of similar magnitude.

Bloggers need to explain based on brand value points or product selling points, and the description area of ​​the video or creative content needs to display Party A’s relevant links and brand exposure.

4. Party A’s product link needs to be placed below each video description.


1、由乙方提供网红报价单, 甲方选择博主;以书面形式确认合作博主
1. Party B shall provide the Internet celebrity quotation, and Party A shall select the blogger; confirm the cooperative blogger in writing.

2. Selection of bloggers: determined by communication between the two parties. Party A can choose by itself or entrust Party B to choose. Whether to accept it depends on the schedule of the Internet celebrity;

3. Blogger prices: Affected by off-peak seasons, holidays and the popularity of the blogger market, some prices are subject to slight adjustments and are subject to actual communication and deposit payment;

4、内容素材的提供:甲方提供品牌或产品内容素材,须完整清晰且体现产品的卖点及优势; 若涉及样品寄送, 由甲方提供,产生的货物及物流费用由甲方承担;
4. Provision of content materials: Party A provides brand or product content materials, which must be complete and clear and reflect the selling points and advantages of the product; if sample delivery is involved, Party A will provide it, and the resulting goods and logistics costs will be borne by Party A;

5、网红对接及视频优化; 乙方负责网红对接及视频或创作内容优化。 乙方需全面了解甲方品牌及产品卖点; 乙方同海外博主对接中存在大量沟通成本, 请甲方尊重乙方劳动成果,正常情况下不超过3次博主推荐,但甲方可以提出相关建议;
5. Internet celebrity docking and video optimization; Party B is responsible for Internet celebrity docking and video or creative content optimization. Party B needs to fully understand Party A’s brand and product selling points; There are a lot of communication costs in Party B’s connection with overseas bloggers. Party A is requested to respect Party B’s labor results. Under normal circumstances, there will be no more than 3 blogger recommendations, but Party A can make relevant suggestions;

6、拍摄时间: 正常情况下确认推广主题或博主收到商品素材后 2周内完成视频或内容的制作及推广,若遇特殊情况第一时间由双方协调;
6. Shooting time: Under normal circumstances, the production and promotion of the video or content will be completed within 2 weeks after the promotion theme is confirmed or the blogger receives the goods (materials). In case of special circumstances, the two parties will coordinate as soon as possible;

7、推广上线时间:原则上视频或创作内容经甲方审核通过后即可上线;甲方修改意见尽可能一次性完整提出, 时间不超过5个工作日;若因博主或者平台等不可抗拒的原因导致推广时间延期问题,双方无责。
7. Promotion online time: In principle, the video or creative content can be online after being reviewed and approved by Party A; Party A’s modification opinions should be submitted as completely as possible at one time, and the time should not exceed 5 working days; if due to force majeure of the blogger or the platform, etc. Neither party is responsible for the delay in promotion due to reasons.

8. Effect tracking: Two weeks after the service video goes online, Party B will provide service data and promotion feedback.

4. Rights and obligations of Party A and Party B

1. 红人营销服务结束后,乙方在次月5号前应按照甲乙双方签订的服务内容上所示的服务费用金额扣除不合格部分的服务费用(如有)后的剩余金额,根据实际发生所产生的费用付款,开具与本其等额合法有效的增值税发票给甲方,双方各自自行承担应履行本协议而应交纳税款及结算时所产生的手续费;甲方在收到乙方增值税发票后的5个工作日内按照第八条约定的汇款账户信息支付网红推广服务费。如甲方延期付款,则甲方每逾期一日,则每日按照拖欠金额万分之一比例向乙方支付滞纳金。
1. After the celebrity marketing service ends, Party B shall, before the 5th of the following month, deduct the unqualified part of the service fee (if any) from the service fee amount shown in the service content signed by both parties. For payment of the expenses incurred, a legal and valid value-added tax invoice equal to the amount shall be issued to Party A. Both parties shall be responsible for the taxes and settlement fees incurred in fulfilling this agreement; Party A shall receive Party B's value-added Pay the internet celebrity promotion service fee according to the remittance account information stipulated in Article 8 within 5 working days after the tax invoice is issued. If Party A delays payment, Party A will pay a late payment fee to Party B at a rate of one ten thousandth of the arrears amount for each day it is overdue.

2. 未经双方允许,双方不得将对方所提供的服务对第三方公布或泄漏,包括但不限于期间所提供的所有博主信息、报告和方案等。
2. Without the permission of both parties, neither party shall publish or leak the services provided by the other party to third parties, including but not limited to all blogger information, reports and plans provided during the period.

Party A shall not require Party B and overseas bloggers and Internet celebrities to publish any advertisements that are suspected of violating the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the laws and regulations of the countries where overseas bloggers and Internet celebrities belong.

4. 未经另一方允许,一方不得将另一方所提供的内容素材或服务对第三方公布或泄漏,包括但不限于期间所提供的所有博主信息、素材、方案、服务费等;乙方不得将向甲方提供的内容素材或服务任何向任何第三方披露,也不得将甲方提供的宣发内容等其他内容作为案例向任何第三方去进行任何公开、非公开渠道展示,包括但不限于在任何网站进行展示,也不能向任何第三方进行任何形式的展示。如经发现,一方有权终止本合同,并有权要求另一方承担经济赔偿。
4. Without the permission of the other party, one party shall not publish or leak the content materials or services provided by the other party to a third party, including but not limited to all blogger information, materials, plans, service fees, etc. provided during the period; Party B shall not The content materials or services provided to Party A will not be disclosed to any third party, nor will the publicity content and other content provided by Party A be used as examples to be displayed to any third party through any public or non-public channels, including but not limited to Display on any website or display in any form to any third party. If found, one party has the right to terminate this contract and require the other party to bear financial compensation.

5. 若乙方在提供本协议项下服务过程中违反任何法律法规或侵犯任何第三方的权益,则乙方应当承担一切相应的责任;若因此给甲方造成任何损失,则乙方应当赔偿,乙方还需承担因违约给甲方造成其他损失的(包括但不限于诉讼费、仲裁费、财产保全费、为申请财产保全而向第三方支付的担保费或保险费、差旅费、通讯费、执行费、评估费、拍卖费、公证费、送达费、公告费、律师代理费及律师风险代理费等)。
5. If Party B violates any laws and regulations or infringes upon the rights of any third party in the process of providing services under this Agreement, Party B shall bear all corresponding responsibilities; if any losses are caused to Party A as a result, Party B shall compensate and Party B shall also shall be responsible for other losses caused to Party A due to breach of contract (including but not limited to litigation fees, arbitration fees, property preservation fees, guarantee fees or insurance premiums paid to third parties for applying for property preservation, travel expenses, communication fees, execution fees, Appraisal fees, auction fees, notary fees, service fees, announcement fees, attorney fees and attorney contingency fees, etc.).

6. 甲方不得要求乙方及海外博主、网红发布任何涉嫌违反中华人民共和国法律法规及海外博主、网红所属国的法律法规的内容的广告否则乙方及海外网红博主有权拒绝推广。
6. Party A shall not require Party B and overseas bloggers and Internet celebrities to publish any advertisements that are suspected of violating the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the laws and regulations of the countries where overseas bloggers and Internet celebrities belong. Otherwise, Party B and overseas Internet celebrity bloggers have the right to Refuse to promote.

6. 任何一方根据或因本协议而发出或交付的所有通知、指示、要求、同意、批准和其他通讯均应采用书面形式,并在下列情况下视为送达:(a)由专人递交时;(b)通过国际认可的快递服务公司发送时;或者(c)通过电子邮件发送给本合同约定的指定联系人时。发送给各方的通知、指示、要求、同意、批准和其他通讯均应按照协议首页及签字页载明的相关联系方式发出。
6. All notices, instructions, requests, consents, approvals and other communications given or delivered by either party under or out of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been delivered: (a) when delivered by hand ; (b) When sent through an internationally recognized express service company; or (c) When sent via email to the designated contact person agreed in this contract. Notices, instructions, requests, consents, approvals and other communications sent to the parties shall be sent according to the relevant contact information stated on the home page and signature page of the agreement.

5. Termination of contract

1. 自然终止:在本合约期内,乙方按照甲方每月要求提交当月视频,则单项项目合作结束,甲方决定是否继续次月合作。
1. Natural termination: During the period of this contract, if Party B submits the video of the current month in accordance with Party A’s monthly requirements, the individual project cooperation will end and Party A will decide whether to continue the cooperation in the next month.

2. Party A has the right to terminate this contract with 15 days’ notice for any reason, and Party A must settle unsettled items with Party B.

6. Liability for breach of contract

1. 合同一方不履行合同义务或者履行义务不符合合同约定而给另一方造成损失的,应承担损害赔偿责任。
1. If one party to a contract fails to perform its contractual obligations or performs its obligations inconsistently with the contract and causes losses to the other party, it shall be liable for damages.

2. 甲方承诺提供给乙方的所有信息资料为真实有效,且不侵犯第三人权利;如资料信息有误、侵犯第三人权利,因此而产生的一切纠纷、损失,均由甲方独自承担。
2. Party A promises that all information provided to Party B is true and valid and does not infringe the rights of third parties; if the information is incorrect or infringes the rights of third parties, all disputes and losses arising therefrom will be the sole responsibility of Party A bear.

3. 甲方保证所有在售商品的合法性,并对所提供的所有产品承担全部责任,包括并不限于知识产权、产品质量等。如因甲方产品质量问题或权利纠纷致使乙方受损,甲方除应赔偿因此给乙方带来的损失。
3. Party A guarantees the legality of all goods on sale and assumes full responsibility for all products provided, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, product quality, etc. If Party B is damaged due to Party A's product quality problems or rights disputes, Party A shall compensate for the losses caused to Party B.

4. Party A agrees that if the completed videos and other advertisements cannot be released or cannot be released within the agreed time limit due to Internet service interruptions and other laws, regulations and policy adjustments in the countries where overseas bloggers and Internet celebrities belong, Party B and overseas bloggers will If the owner or internet celebrity is not at fault, they must bear corresponding liability for breach of contract. If the advertising video cannot be released, the two parties can separately negotiate matters related to the performance and termination of the contract.

7. Dispute Resolution and Others

1. 本合同之效力、解释与适用,均适用中华人民共和国法律法规。如因执行本合同产生争议,双方应先协商解决,协商不成的;双方同意提交甲方所在地人民法院诉讼。
1. The validity, interpretation and application of this contract shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. If a dispute arises due to the execution of this contract, the two parties shall first resolve it through negotiation. If the negotiation fails, both parties agree to submit the dispute to the People's Court where Party A is located for litigation.

2. 在本合同有效期内,如甲乙双方就本合同内的服务、条款等存在争议,双方应本着相互尊重、相互理解的原则协商处理。任何一方不得因此通过其他外部途径散播不利于对方的言论,一经发现,受害方有权对传播方追究法律责任。
2. During the validity period of this contract, if Party A and Party B have any disputes regarding the services, terms, etc. in this contract, both parties shall negotiate and resolve them based on the principles of mutual respect and mutual understanding. Neither party shall disseminate remarks that are unfavorable to the other party through other external channels. Once discovered, the injured party has the right to pursue legal liability against the disseminator.

3. Each clause of this contract is independent of each other. If a clause of the contract is invalid or unenforceable due to changes in policies and regulations, the rest of the contract will still be legally effective and both parties still need to comply with it.

4. 本合同一式贰份,双方各执壹份,具有同等法律效力。
4. This contract is made in two copies, each party holds one copy, and has the same legal effect.

5. 本合同经双方签字盖章后生效。
5. This contract will come into effect after being signed and sealed by both parties.

Party A’s remittance account:

Account name: Kalev (Hangzhou) International Trade Co., Ltd.

Account opening bank: Xixing Kechuang Branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.

Account number: 571919869810802

Party B’s remittance account:

Account name: Shanghai Xunzan Brand Management Co., Ltd.

Account opening bank: Bank of China Shanghai Chuansha Branch

RMB account number: 437786945472

USD account number: 43886953103

甲 方(盖章): 乙 方(盖章):
Party A (seal): Party B (seal):

授权代表(签字): 授权代表(签字):
Authorized representative (signature): Authorized representative (signature):

年 月 日 年 月 日
year month day year month day