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图片来源:New York Zoological Society - Public Domain

The possibility of a monkey evolving into Shakespeare is greater than the possibility of a monkey typing out "Hamlet."

撰文 | 冬鸢 Written by | Dong Yuan

审校 | 王昱 Proofread by | Wang Yu

"A piano has only 88 keys, but you can use it to create infinite music." This is a line from the classic film "The Legend of 1900." Every time I revisit this movie, I am drawn to this line because it explains how we can create infinite possibilities from finite elements.

Take books as an example. Throughout human history, there have been countless poems, essays, plays, novels... If you translate all existing literary works into English, you will find that they are merely different permutations of the 26 English letters.

如果你对科幻感兴趣,那你大概听说过一个很有名的理论——“无限猴子理论”(infinite monkey theorem)。这个理论表示,如果你给一只猴子无限多的时间,让它坐在打字机前不停地打字;或者让无限多只猴子在无限多台打字机面前随意打字,那么虽然猴子不懂人类语言,但也可能随机打出所有可能的字母组合,包括莎士比亚的所有作品,比如《哈姆雷特》
If you are interested in science fiction, you have probably heard of a famous theory—the "infinite monkey theorem." This theory suggests that if you give a monkey infinite time to sit in front of a typewriter and type continuously, or if you have infinite monkeys typing randomly on infinite typewriters, then although the monkeys do not understand human language, they could eventually type out every possible combination of letters, including all of Shakespeare's works, such as "Hamlet."

图片来源:pixabay Image source: pixabay

一些人认为,“无限猴子理论”最早于1860年出现在英国牛津大学的一场辩论中,达尔文坚定的支持者托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎(Thomas Henry Huxley)在与进化论反对者激烈辩论时首次提出了这个理论。不过更多人认为“无限猴子理论”最早出现在数学家埃米尔·博雷尔(Émile Borel)1913年发表的论文中。
Some people believe that the "infinite monkey theorem" first appeared in a debate at Oxford University in 1860, when Thomas Henry Huxley, a staunch supporter of Darwin, proposed the theory during a heated debate with opponents of evolution. However, more people believe that the "infinite monkey theorem" first appeared in a paper published by mathematician Émile Borel in 1913.

The idea appeared even earlier, during the time of Aristotle. The Roman philosopher and politician Cicero once wrote, "If a large number of letters made of gold or other materials are randomly thrown on the ground, they could possibly arrange themselves into a classic epic."

Events that seem impossible, as long as their probability is not absolutely zero, will almost certainly happen if attempted an infinite number of times.

一千亿次,几乎一定能得到香蕉 A hundred billion times, it's almost certain to get a banana

When a monkey randomly types 6 letters on a typewriter, the probability of it accidentally typing the word "banana" is almost zero.

A typewriter usually has between 44 to 47 keys. If we assume the typewriter keyboard used by the monkey has 44 keys, then each time the monkey randomly presses a key, there are 44 possibilities. The probability of it typing the first letter as "b" is 1/44. Assuming each letter is independent, the probability of it typing 6 letters in a row to form "banana" is (1/44)^6, which is approximately 0.0000000001378, a very low probability, rounding to about 0. Conversely, the probability of it not typing "banana" is 1-(1/44)^6, approximately 0.99999999986, very close to 1.

图片来源:unsplash+ Image source: unsplash+

But if we let the monkey try a few more times, the situation seems different. Let's assume the monkey types n times, typing 6 letters each time, then the probability of it not typing the word "banana" is [1-(1/44)^6]^n. Those with a bit of mathematical background will quickly realize that as n becomes larger, the probability of the monkey not typing "banana" gets closer to 0 (the probability of typing "banana" gets closer to 1). For example, if we let the monkey type 6 letters, repeating a hundred billion times, i.e., n=10^11, the probability of it not typing "banana" is about 0.000001035. In this case, the monkey typing "banana" at least once is almost inevitable.

2011年,一位叫做杰西·安德森(Jesse Anderson)的软件工程师通过JAVA代码模拟了这个过程,他让电脑中的100万只虚拟“猴子”每次随机敲出9个字母,如果这9个字母能对得上莎士比亚文章里的词,就保留,如果对不上,就抛弃。这些虚拟“猴子”花了不到两个月的时间,就打出了莎士比亚所有作品中的所有文字
In 2011, a software engineer named Jesse Anderson simulated this process using JAVA code. He had 1 million virtual "monkeys" on a computer randomly type 9 letters at a time. If these 9 letters matched words in Shakespeare's works, they were kept; if not, they were discarded. These virtual "monkeys" took less than two months to type out all the words in all of Shakespeare's works.

直到宇宙的尽头,猴子也打不出莎士比亚 Until the end of the universe, monkeys will not be able to type out Shakespeare.

The core idea contained in the "infinite monkey theorem" can be summarized as: if we try infinitely many times, even if there is only a tiny possibility of something happening, it will inevitably occur.

但是,我们真的可以尝试无限次吗 However, can we really try infinitely many times?

The situation discussed above is merely about monkeys typing 6 or 9 letters at a time. But what if we want the monkeys to type out the entire "Hamlet" in one go? The full text of "Hamlet" contains about 130,000 letters. This time, we lower the difficulty by assuming there are only 26 English letters on the typewriter, ignoring punctuation, spaces, and the like. The probability of monkeys randomly typing 130,000 letters and coincidentally typing the complete "Hamlet" is 26^130000. In other words, monkeys would succeed in typing "Hamlet" once every approximately 3.4×10^183,946 times.

I find it difficult to describe to you how large the number 3.4×10 183946 really is, because the total number of atoms in our observable universe is only on the order of 10 80 .

Therefore, although the "infinite monkey" theorem describes a romantic thought experiment about infinity, many scientists are still pondering a question: before the end of the universe, can the monkeys "create" and type out all of Shakespeare's works?

图片来源:pixabay Image source: pixabay

Regarding when and how our universe will end, some theories suggest that the expansion of the universe will slow down and reverse due to gravity, eventually collapsing back into a dense state; other theories propose that dark energy may become increasingly intense over time, eventually tearing apart all atoms in the universe.

最广为接受的是宇宙热寂说(heat death of the Universe),即如果暗能量继续加速宇宙膨胀,星系、恒星和黑洞最终将被隔离在冰冷、黑暗的宇宙中。在数万亿年的时间里,恒星会燃烧殆尽,甚至黑洞也会通过霍金辐射蒸发掉,只剩下稀薄的粒子汤。
The most widely accepted theory is the heat death of the Universe, which suggests that if dark energy continues to accelerate the expansion of the universe, galaxies, stars, and black holes will eventually be isolated in a cold, dark universe. Over trillions of years, stars will burn out, and even black holes will evaporate through Hawking radiation, leaving only a thin soup of particles.

有科学家估计,在宇宙热寂说下,宇宙的寿命还剩10100。于是,在上个月发表在Franklin Open上的一片论文中,数学家斯蒂芬·伍德科克(Stephen Woodcock)和杰伊·法利塔(Jay Falletta)就计算了一下,实际情况中,猴子是否真的可以在我们的宇宙10100的寿命中,通过不断地次敲击键盘,随机打出莎士比亚的作品。
Some scientists estimate that under the heat death theory of the universe, the universe has 10 100 years left. Thus, in a paper published last month in Franklin Open, mathematicians Stephen Woodcock and Jay Falletta calculated whether, in reality, monkeys could indeed randomly type out Shakespeare's works by continuously hitting keys on a keyboard during the 10 100 lifespan of our universe.

They assumed the typewriter has 30 keys, including all the English letters and necessary punctuation marks. They assumed that all the chimpanzees currently existing on Earth type continuously at a speed of one keystroke per second. To type out all of Shakespeare's works (approximately 884,647 words) would require about 10 7448366 keystrokes, and the probability of completing this before the heat death of the universe is only about 6.4×10 -7448254 . Even if researchers increase the number of chimpanzees and their typing speed, by the time they successfully type out Shakespeare's works, our universe would have perished countless times.

横坐标表示对应作品的文字数的对数,纵坐标表示宇宙寿命的对数的对数(图片来源:Woodcock & Falletta, 2024)。
The horizontal axis represents the logarithm of the number of words in the corresponding works, and the vertical axis represents the logarithm of the logarithm of the universe's lifespan (Image source: Woodcock & Falletta, 2024).

现实终究不是无限的 Reality is ultimately not infinite.

In real life, there have been researchers who attempted to verify the "infinite monkey theorem" through actual experiments. In 2002, several researchers from the University of Plymouth in the UK placed a computer keyboard in the enclosure of six monkeys living in a zoo, allowing these monkeys to freely hit the keys to see what interesting results might be obtained. The experiment began on May 1st of that year, but for most of the time, the monkeys seemed to treat the keyboard as a public toilet, urinating on it continuously and occasionally hitting the keys. The experiment lasted only 7 weeks, and on June 22nd, the keyboard was violently destroyed by one of the monkeys, forcing the experiment to end.

The monkeys typed a total of 5 pages, most of which were the letter "S", interspersed with a few other letters. The researchers eventually bound the contents of these 5 pages into a book and published it, listing the names of the 6 monkeys as the authors.

When you have an infinite amount of time, almost anything impossible can become almost inevitable. However, the lifespan of the universe is likely not infinite, and monkeys cannot type at a typewriter forever, and our time is also limited. Life is too short to experience all kinds of random possibilities, and what is missed may never be found again, so we can only cherish the people and things in front of us and enjoy every moment of the time we still have.

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