这是用户在 2024-7-4 16:37 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/6bcf49e9-3020-4cba-9c92-8b6d2fafeeb7 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

Client Information  客户信息

  1. Study Plan ..... 2
    学习计划 .....2
  2. Proof of Higher Education ..... 5
    高等教育证明 .....5

    2-1. Degree Certificate ..... 5
    2-1.学位证书 .....5

    2-2. Graduation Certificate ..... 7
    2-2.毕业证书 .....7
  3. PMP Certificate ..... 9
    PMP 证书 .....9
  4. LOA(CO-OP Proof) ..... 10
    LOA(CO-OP 证明).....10
  5. Related Photos ..... 11 相关照片 .....11
    5-1. Family Photos ..... 11
    5-1.家庭照片 .....11

    5-2. Colleagues Photos ..... 12
    5-2.同事照片 .....12

    5-3. Pets Photos ..... 13
    5-3.宠物照片 .....13
  6. Financial Support ..... 14
    财务支持 .....14

    6-1. Personal Certificate of Deposit ..... 14
    6-1.个人存款证明 .....14

    6-2. Real Estate Ownership Certificate ..... 15
    6-2.房地产所有权证书 .....15

    6-3. Motor Vehicle Register Certificate ..... 19
    6-3.机动车登记证书 .....19
  7. Certificate of No Criminal Record ..... 23
    无犯罪记录证明 .....23

Proof of Funds 资金证明

Dear Visa Officer, 亲爱的签证官
My name is I have been admitted by BCIT to study Digital Design and Development (a 2-year full-time program). In this page, I will summarize the estimated cost, and provide you with overview of my financial proof documents as follows.
我的名字是 我已被 BCIT 录取,就读数字设计与开发专业(2 年全日制课程)。在本页中,我将总结预计费用,并向您提供我的财务证明文件概述如下。
Estimated Cost (2 years)
估计费用(2 年)
Funds Required 所需资金 Amount (CAD) 金额(加元) Status 现状
Tuition Fee 学费 1st year tuition Paid
Housing Fee 住房费
Food and Clothing 食品和衣物
Flight Tickets 机票
Total Cost 总成本

My Funds 我的基金

Funds 资金 Amount (CNY) 金额(人民币) Amount (CAD) 金额(加元) Page 页次
Tuition Receipt 学费收据
Paid GIC 有偿 GIC 6
Certificate of Deposit (China Merchants Bank)
Housing Provident Fund 住房公积金
Social Insurance (payment information)
Total 总计

Explanation Letter 说明函

Dear IRCC officer, 尊敬的 IRCC 官员

I am writing this explanatory letter to introduce my background, reasons for selecting SAIT and this program, as well as my post-graduation plans.


My name is Lun Li, and I'm 24 years old. I am a student from China, and I have been admitted to the Environmental Technology program at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology(SAIT) in Calgary, Canada. I am writing to apply for a study permit in order to pursue further education in Canada
我叫李伦,今年 24 岁。我是一名来自中国的学生,已被加拿大卡尔加里的南阿尔伯塔理工学院(SAIT)环境技术专业录取。我写信申请学习许可,以便在加拿大继续深造。

2.Academic background 2.学术背景

I enrolled at Jiangnan University in September 2018, majoring in social work. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in law in July 2022 .
我于 2018 年 9 月考入江南大学,主修社会工作。我于 2022 年 7 月毕业,获得法学学士学位。

3.Reasons for Choosing Canada

I have chosen to study in Canada due to its renowned reputation for providing high-quality education. In addition, Canada is known for its multiculturalism. I aim to broaden my horizons through this study experience, to learn about different cultures and make friends all over the world. For me, Canada is the perfect place to study knowledge and enhance my English proficiency, giving me a competitive edge when I return to China.

4.Reasons for Choosing SAIT
4.选择 SAIT 的原因

After graduation, I started a gap year to travel around my country. During this time, I discovered my true passion lies in environmental protection, so I decided to study Environmental Technology program. My hometown is suffering from water pollution, so I want to help improve the ecological environment through my studies. SAIT is a well-known college in Canada, particularly renowned for its expertise in environmental technology. I believe SAIT can provide me with the most professional knowledge and the best education.

5.Post-Graduation Plan 5.毕业后计划

After graduating from SAIT, I plan to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit(PGWP). I want to work in Canada for 1-2 years and then return to China. This endeavor will allow me to accumulate valuable international work experience. The knowledge and skills gained abroad will give me a competitive edge in the domestic job market.
从 SAIT 毕业后,我打算申请毕业后工作许可(PGWP)。我想在加拿大工作 1-2 年,然后回到中国。这将使我积累宝贵的国际工作经验。在国外学到的知识和技能将使我在国内就业市场上更具竞争力。

Ties to China 与中国的关系

China is deeply in my heart, especially Jinzhou, where my entire world resides - my parents, grandparents, and my friends. The personal situation strengthens my connection to my family, making our bond incredibly meaningful. Additionally, addressing environmental issues in my hometown has always been my dream. And the aspiration to contribute to my family's comfort and well-being in China remains at the core of my decision to return home after graduation.
My name is Born on Admitted to NBCC, student ID:
我的名字是 Born,学生编号是 Admitted to NBCC:
My academic and employment background:
I have been working and living in Shanghai all through.I graduated from college in Hotel Management.
After graduation, I chose to switch careers and become a maintenance electrician.After several years as an apprentice repairman in an ice cream factory,
Iave undergone two job transitions, consistently working in blue-collar professions such as maintenance electrician, and welding.

The reason I chose Canada:

In my life, I have always adhered to a saying:Life requires more experiences, and I have been constantly pursuing them in practice.
You can probably see from my college diploma that I had long hair, resembling that of the Beatles. Additionally,
Thave various hobbies such as long-distance cycling, marathon, pet cat, growing roses, and lure. However, before my 26 th birthday, my 59 -year-old father suddenly chose to commit suicide. After much reflection, I realized that various reasons and events could have been the last straw that broke him. This event deeply impacted me and made me even more convinced that life is too short and fragile. If I have any ideas, I should attempt, challenge, and experience them within this limited lifespan.
我有各种爱好,比如长途骑行、马拉松、养宠物猫、种植玫瑰和引诱。然而,在我 26 岁生日之前,59 岁的父亲突然选择了自杀。经过反复思考,我意识到各种原因和事件可能是压垮他的最后一根稻草。这件事深深地影响了我,让我更加坚信生命是短暂而脆弱的。如果我有什么想法,就应该在这有限的生命中去尝试、去挑战、去体验。
Fortunately, I own a homestead in Shanghai (which is unique in China and can be understood as land ownership) and a property under my own name that generates rental income. I also embrace the minimalist principle of "LESSIS MORE" and do not have many material desires. After working for several years, I have saved enough savings to realize my own aspirations.I can chose my life in my idea.
幸运的是,我在上海拥有一处宅基地(这在中国是独一无二的,可以理解为土地所有权),我自己名下的一处房产也能带来租金收入。我还奉行 "LESSIS MORE "的极简主义原则,没有太多的物质欲望。工作几年后,我已经攒下了足够的积蓄,可以实现自己的理想。
Ichose New Brunswick, Canada, an island similar to my hometown Chongming, and enrolled in a welding program that I am familiar with. I want to embark on a brand-new life experience in your country for several years.
I own real estate, land, a lovely pet, and a healthy 62 -year-old mother in Shanghai. I also have several years of blue-collar work experience.
我在上海拥有房产、土地、一只可爱的宠物和一位健康的 62 岁母亲。我还拥有多年的蓝领工作经验。
I chose Canada because I love its safe, friendly, and beautiful environment, and I have considered immigrating in the future, making this island New Brunswick my new home.

If get the study permit:

I promise that if I obtain the study permit, I will abide by the laws, complete my studies as scheduled, and I have no intention or need to engage in any illegal activities such as overstaying.

Explanation Letter 说明函

Dear IRCC officer, 尊敬的 IRCC 官员

I am writing this explanatory letter to introduce my background, reasons for selecting SAIT and this program, as well as my post-graduation plans.


My name is Lun Li, and I'm 24 years old. I am a student from China, and I have been admitted to the Environmental Technology program at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology(SAIT) in Calgary, Canada. I am writing to apply for a study permit in order to pursue further education in Canada
我叫李伦,今年 24 岁。我是一名来自中国的学生,已被加拿大卡尔加里的南阿尔伯塔理工学院(SAIT)环境技术专业录取。我写信申请学习许可,以便在加拿大继续深造。

2.Academic background 2.学术背景

I enrolled at Jiangnan University in September 2018, majoring in social work. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in law in July 2022 .
我于 2018 年 9 月考入江南大学,主修社会工作。我于 2022 年 7 月毕业,获得法学学士学位。

3.Reasons for Choosing Canada

I have chosen to study in Canada due to its renowned reputation for providing high-quality education. In addition, Canada is known for its multiculturalism. I aim to broaden my horizons through this study experience, to learn about different cultures and make friends all over the world. For me, Canada is the perfect place to study knowledge and enhance my English proficiency, giving me a competitive edge when I return to China.

4.Reasons for Choosing SAIT
4.选择 SAIT 的原因

After graduation, I started a gap year to travel around my country. During this time, I discovered my true passion lies in environmental protection, so I decided to study Environmental Technology program. My hometown is suffering from water pollution, so I want to help improve the ecological environment through my studies. SAIT is a well-known college in Canada, particularly renowned for its expertise in environmental technology. I believe SAIT can provide me with the most professional knowledge and the best education.

5.Post-Graduation Plan 5.毕业后计划

After graduating from SAIT, I plan to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit(PGWP). I want to work in Canada for 1-2 years and then return to China. This endeavor will allow me to accumulate valuable international work experience. The knowledge and skills gained abroad will give me a competitive edge in the domestic job market.
从 SAIT 毕业后,我打算申请毕业后工作许可(PGWP)。我想在加拿大工作 1-2 年,然后回到中国。这将使我积累宝贵的国际工作经验。在国外学到的知识和技能将使我在国内就业市场上更具竞争力。

Ties to China 与中国的关系

China is deeply in my heart, especially Jinzhou, where my entire world resides - my parents, grandparents, and my friends. The personal situation strengthens my connection to my family, making our bond incredibly meaningful. Additionally, addressing environmental issues in my hometown has always been my dream. And the aspiration to contribute to my family's comfort and well-being in China remains at the core of my decision to return home after graduation.
My name is XXX. I have been accepted to the Business Information Technology diploma program at the Red River College Polytechnic in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The program lasts for 28 months that starts from the 2023 Fall term, with an estimated degree conferred date of the 2025 Fall term. I have a Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of , and I have paid my first year's tuition in full.
我叫 XXX。我已被马尼托巴省温尼伯市红河学院理工学院的商业信息技术文凭课程录取。该课程从 2023 年秋季学期开始,为期 28 个月,预计 2025 年秋季学期授予学位。我拥有 的担保投资证(GIC),并已付清第一年的学费。
I am writing to provide an overview of my request and additional information that may be helpful to you in assessing my eligibility for a study permit. Please accept the enclosed application for a study permit.

Academic Background 学术背景

I graduated from XXXXXXXX with a bachelor's degree in . This undergraduate program offers abundant English classes, which helped me build a strong language foundation and allowed me to score band 7.0 on IELTS.
我毕业于 XXXXXXXX,获得 学士学位。该本科课程提供丰富的英语课程,帮助我打下了坚实的语言基础,使我在雅思考试中取得了 7.0 分的好成绩。

Working Background 工作背景

After graduating from university, I worked as an operation specialist in a crossborder ecommerce agency XXXXXXXXX between 2019 and 2021. During this period, I realized the astonishing power of e-commerce advertisement and its algorithm, which turned the page view into commercial profit. Hence, I started my current career in Facebook ad-serving and Shopify operation at XXXXXX in Nov 2021 until now.
大学毕业后,2019 年至 2021 年,我在跨境电商代理公司 XXXXXXX 担任运营专员。在此期间,我意识到电商广告及其算法的惊人威力,它能将页面浏览量转化为商业利润。因此,我于 2021 年 11 月在 XXXXXX 开始了我目前的职业生涯,从事 Facebook 广告服务和 Shopify 运营工作,直到现在。

Reasons to choose the BIT program
选择 BIT 课程的理由

During my second professional experience as an e-commerce operation specialist, I encountered certain bottlenecks since part of the work requires web developer skills where I lack the foundation of programming. Meanwhile, the emergence of Shopify creates a considerable demand in the market for practitioners with IT knowledge and unique business sense. Therefore, I decided to go the extra mile, seeking answers from academia to improve my professional skills.
在我第二次担任电子商务运营专员的职业经历中,我遇到了一些瓶颈,因为部分工作需要网络开发技能,而我缺乏编程基础。与此同时,Shopify 的出现使得市场对具有 IT 知识和独特商业意识的从业人员有了相当大的需求。因此,我决定再接再厉,从学术界寻求答案,以提高自己的专业技能。
I have chosen to take the BIT program at RRC Polytech since it perfectly combines business and information technology, which satisfies the requirements for e-commerce web developers. This program offers professional courses with practice regarding application development for business systems, including programming languages like Java, Ruby, and SQL, enabling me to be proficient in web and system development. Such advantages provide a solid IT foundation and drive me to become competitive in the workplace.
我选择就读 RRC Polytech 的 BIT 课程,因为它完美地结合了商业和信息技术,满足了电子商务网站开发人员的要求。该课程提供有关商业系统应用开发的专业课程和实践,包括 Java、Ruby 和 SQL 等编程语言,使我能够精通网络和系统开发。这些优势为我打下了坚实的 IT 基础,促使我在职场中更具竞争力。
The curriculum and duration of similar programs in my home country do not meet my level of expectation and can not enable me to gain a well-structured international education experience with a diploma. Additionally, learning in my

home country will not widen the global horizon, a significant capability for crossborder e-commerce professionals.

Reasons to choose Canada

In Canada, international students benefit from the same rights and freedoms that protect all Canadians: respect for human rights, equality, diversity, and a stable, peaceful society. Moreover, Canada is known for offering high-quality education and research opportunities, where its tuition fees are generally lower than colleges and universities in Australia, the U.K., and the U.S. As the headquarter of Shopify, Canada is equipped with the advanced environment of multinational e-commerce, engaging me in learning in practice to prepare for developing my professional career after returning to China. To get an excellent return on my education investment for building my career, I decided to pursue an internationally recognized Canadian qualification.

Plan after graduation 毕业后的计划

China has the most mature supply chain and the commodity price advantage. However, the job markets in cross-border e-commerce are experiencing a shortage of qualified workers. Thus, when I finish the program and come back to my home country, I will be able to use my degree and skills in BIT to stand out among other candidates and secure a web developer position in the cross-border e-commerce giants like SHEIN and CIDER.
中国拥有最成熟的供应链和商品价格优势。然而,跨境电子商务领域的就业市场却面临着高素质人才短缺的问题。因此,当我完成项目回到祖国时,我将能够利用我在 BIT 获得的学位和技能,在众多求职者中脱颖而出,在 SHEIN 和 CIDER 等跨境电商巨头中获得一个网络开发人员的职位。
In addition, my parents, who are going to retire, still live in China. They raised me and contributed the entire effort to my life. As a member of my family, I plan to take care of them well with my achievement and attention in their later years, delivering the warmth of the family to them.
Despite studying overseas being such a challenge, I have the confidence and perseverance to overcome any difficulties. I confirmed that the above information is true, correct, and complete. I appreciate your consideration of my application. Should you require any additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely, 此致敬礼
Dear officer, 亲爱的警官
My name is . I have been accepted into the Project Management program at College, all the tuition fees of which have been paid. I deposited CAD in CIBC, CAD for GIC, and the rest for extra living expenses and other courses, like restaurant operation and advanced English, that I would pay for in the future.
我叫 。我已被 学院的项目管理专业录取,学费已全部付清。我在 CIBC 存了 加元,在 GIC 存了 加元,其余的用于额外的生活费和其他课程,如餐厅经营和高级英语课程,这些都是我将来要支付的费用。

My Academic and Professional Background:

I majored in financial management at XXX University from 2012 to 2016. After graduation, I spent three months doing research and then starting a small business, which failed but was beneficial to my self-awareness and growth. From 2017 to the present, I have worked for several companies doing sales or customer service jobs, gaining valuable experience for my plan to build a small business
2012 年至 2016 年,我在 XXX 大学主修财务管理。毕业后,我花了三个月时间做调研,然后开始做小生意,虽然失败了,但对我的自我认知和成长是有益的。从 2017 年至今,我先后在几家公司做销售或客服工作,为我的小本创业计划积累了宝贵的经验

Why I chose Canada:

Aside from the quality education system that I value the most, the reasonable tuition fees and time cost, within one year, are the main reasons I would love to receive training in Canada rather than in other English-speaking countries.
Project management, however, is not mature or valued enough in my region, especially when dealing with small businesses! Also, there appears to be no one-year project management program for me to get the training, although I discovered about a dozen universities have opened the subject but only for a master's degree, which costs two years or more and most of which are not well known schools.

XXX College- Why this program :
XXX 学院 - 为何选择该项目 :

XXX College is a Registered Education Provider (REP) with the Project Management Institute (PMI)8 and is approved by the PMI to issue Professional Development Units (PDUs) for its training programs
XXX 学院是项目管理协会(PMI)8 的注册教育提供者(REP),经 PMI 批准,可为其培训项目颁发专业发展单位(PDU)。
As more sectors, industries and organizations become project-oriented, this certificate and its courses will equip me with the project management knowledge and skills needed to succeed in my objective. Its focus on each specific business progress is exactly what I lack and need, while the manner of its group discussions and case studies in the program is also of great use to me, in which I would get practical training through case-based activities and reduce some blind spots through discussing with my partners, which I hardly experienced before. I

am truly honoured to have been accepted by XXX College, one of Canada's Top 50 Research Colleges, and I have little doubt about the quality of its training.
能被加拿大 50 强研究型学院之一的 XXX 学院录取,我深感荣幸,我对该学院的培训质量深信不疑。

Growing field of proiect management :
项目管理领域不断发展 :

Project management is a growing field, putting me at the forefront of innovation and change in the business environment. Being trained in project management could prove a smart move for my future business.
The Job Growth and Talent Gap 2017-2027 report from PMIl shows how central project management has become for many organizations. With a focus on innovation, effectiveness and efficiency, project managers are helping more organizations than ever before in successfully completing projects on time and within budget. The countries with the highest demand include China, India, the U.S., Japan, Germany, Australia, UAE, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Canada and Saudi Arabia.

Mr Career Goals: 先生的职业目标:

With my work experience, financial management education, and cooking skill, I have had some confidence to start a small survivable business. Nonetheless, I have a weakness in that I am bad at executing and monitoring schedules, which may severely harm the business's profit. intend to become an entrepreneur and open a medium-sized restaurant or a pre-made food company if the circumstances do not favour the former. The most successful middle-sized restaurant in my hometown earns about an average of 90,000 Yuan a month, whereas many common ones just struggle for survival. To build a promising one, I must first remove the impediment within myself. After that, I can reduce the weakness to an acceptable level and have the ability to run the business effectively. Thus, learning Project Management, the training to make my attention and ability more specific and well-organized, may aid in the elimination of inadequate factors within me and the improvement of my performance.
凭借我的工作经验、财务管理教育和烹饪技能,我有一定的信心创办一家可以生存的小企业。不过,我也有弱点,那就是不善于执行和监督计划,这可能会严重损害企业的利润。如果条件不允许,我打算成为一名企业家,开一家中型餐馆或预制食品公司。在我的家乡,最成功的中型餐馆平均月收入约为 9 万元,而许多普通餐馆只是在生存线上挣扎。要想开创一家有前途的餐馆,我必须首先消除自身的障碍。之后,我才能把弱点降低到可以接受的程度,并具备有效经营的能力。因此,学习项目管理,使我的注意力和能力更具体、更有条理的培训,可能有助于消除我内心的不足因素,提高我的绩效。
To be prudent, I should also make a backup plan for my career. My secondary reason for studying there is thus to improve my English. This is not only because I enjoy English literature, but also because it would provide a backup return for my fee and time investments, as I would earn a much higher salary (around Yuan) in the first stage with an English level above IELTS band 8, a TESOL Certificate, and about one year of study abroad experience.
为了慎重起见,我还应该为自己的职业生涯制定一个后备计划。因此,我去那里学习的第二个原因是提高我的英语水平。这不仅是因为我喜欢英语文学,还因为这将为我的学费和时间投资提供后备回报,因为如果我的英语水平超过雅思 8 级、获得 TESOL 证书并有一年左右的留学经历,我将在第一阶段获得更高的薪水(约为 元)。

  1. Thank you for your time, I would be highly obliged and grateful for the opportunity to study in Canada.
    Best Regards, 致以最崇高的敬意
    Lun li 伦里
  2. Thank you for your time, I would be highly obliged and grateful for the opportunity to study in Canada.
    Best Regards, 致以最崇高的敬意
    Lun li 伦里