这是用户在 2024-6-28 8:08 为 https://refold.la/roadmap/stage-0/c/active-immersion 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?

0C: Active Immersion 0C:积极沉浸

Active immersion means paying full attention to the content that you are consuming, whether that is listening to audio, watching audiovisual media, or reading written material.

Active immersion is THE most important activity in language acquisition.

When you first start immersing, your brain will discard most of the information because it doesn’t think that information is important. Focusing intently on target language (TL) content signals to the brain that it needs to start paying attention.

It may feel odd and unproductive to spend time watching TV in your TL. Rest assured: it’s not a guilty pleasure. It is where language acquisition happens.
在你的 TL 上花时间看电视可能会感觉奇怪和没效率。请放心:这不是一种内疚的享受。这是语言习得发生的地方。

Even when something is largely incomprehensible, your brain is hard at work, looking for patterns, testing hypotheses, and building your internal language machine.

It is critical to find content that appeals to you. Compelling content will draw you in and keep you engaged. You will be able to spend longer stretches of time immersing, and crucially, it will keep you coming back again and again—long enough to learn the language.

If you get bored with something, then let it go and move on to something more exciting.

Each stage of the roadmap prioritizes different immersion activities that develop specific skills. We will provide guidelines at each stage on the recommended quantity and type of immersion.

Finding Content 查找内容

When searching for TL content, start with the same places you already consume native-language (NL) content. Try to replace your NL consumption with TL consumption.
在搜索 TL 内容时,请从您已经消费母语(NL)内容的相同地方开始。尝试用 TL 消费替换您的 NL 消费。

Netflix and Other Streaming Sites
Netflix 和其他流媒体网站

Try out various genres of movies and serial shows to get a sense for what you might like.


Whether it’s cooking, knitting, mountain biking, lock-picking, travel diaries, or any other topic of interest—YouTube almost certainly has a wealth of content for you in your TL.
无论是烹饪、编织、山地骑行、撬锁、旅行日记,还是其他任何感兴趣的主题——YouTube 几乎肯定有大量内容适合您的兴趣。

Other Platforms 其他平台

For some languages, there will be other platforms and products that provide a good source of content: you should be able to find them with a quick Google search.

Tools 工具

Language Learning With Netflix (Chrome Extension)
使用 Netflix 学习语言(Chrome 扩展)

This shows both the TL subtitles and your NL subtitles at the same time. It allows you to pause automatically on every subtitle segment, as well as to blur the NL subtitles so that they only show if you need them.
这同时显示 TL 字幕和您的 NL 字幕。它允许您在每个字幕片段上自动暂停,以及模糊 NL 字幕,只有在需要时才显示。

It also includes a built-in dictionary that you can use with the subtitles on the fly.

Dedicated TL YouTube Account
专用 TL YouTube 账户

To help break away from your NL, you can create a YouTube account that you only use in the TL.
为了摆脱你的母语环境,你可以创建一个仅在目标语言环境中使用的 YouTube 账户。

Set your location to a country that uses the TL, and change the default language for the account to your TL. This will cause YouTube’s algorithm to prioritize content in your TL.
将您的位置设置为使用 TL 的国家,并将帐户的默认语言更改为您的 TL。这将导致 YouTube 的算法优先考虑您 TL 的内容。

On the home page, teach YouTube to not show you content in your NL by clicking “Not interested” or “Do not recommend this channel” on videos that are not in your TL.
在主页上,通过点击“不感兴趣”或“不推荐此频道”来教 YouTube 不要在您的 NL 中显示内容。

Dedicated TL Immersion Device
专用 TL 沉浸式设备

If you find yourself easily distracted by NL email, NL social media accounts, and other NL habits, you may want to try having a tablet or other device that is only used for spending time in your TL.
如果你发现自己很容易被电子邮件、社交媒体账户和其他习惯分散注意力,你可能想尝试拥有一台只用于花时间在你的 TL 上的平板电脑或其他设备。

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此内容由 Patreon 资助。如果它对您有帮助,并且您希望看到我们制作更多指南和工具,请支持我们!

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