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2024 小學五年級通用英語 Look Unit 1 詞彙定義
  名稱:   )班級:日期:
  生產性詞彙 IPA   定義
  1. 聯絡 /'kon.tækt/
(v.) 打電話、發電子郵件或寫信給某人
  2. 社交媒體 /.seu.fel 'mi..di.e/
( n . ) 允許人們使用網際網路或行動電話分享資訊的電子通訊形式
  3. 連接 kə'nekt/
(v.) 使用電腦、電話等以使用網際網路或其他電腦系統
  4. 網際網路 /'in.te.net/
(n.) 連接世界各地電腦的系統,讓使用電腦的人可以瀏覽網站
  5. 信件 /'let.ar/
(n.) 您寄給某人的書面訊息,通常以郵寄方式寄送
  6. 溝通 /ke'mju:.nI.kert/
(v.) 透過說話、書寫、移動身體或使用其他訊號與他人分享資訊
  7. 文字 /tekst/
(v.)傳送簡訊( = = == 以手機傳送的書面簡訊)
  8. 傳送訊息 /send/ /er/ /'mes.Id3/
  9. 口頭 /'va:bal/
  10. 非語言 /,non'v3:.bel/
  11. 視覺 I'vizuall
  12. 行動電話 /'meubarl/ /fern/
(n.) 可隨身攜帶的電話
  13. 電視 /'telivizen/
( n n nn .)一種設備,前面有螢幕,用於觀看節目
  14. 召集人 /ken'vi:nient/
  15. 電子郵件 /'i:merl/
(n.) 使用電腦在網際網路上傳送訊息的系統
  16. 分享 /Jear/
(v.) 將您的想法、感受、意見等告訴別人。
  17. 聊天 /tfæt/
(v.) 以友善非正式的方式與某人交談。
  18. 沙 /send/
  19. 接收 /risi:v/
  20. 中等   /'mi...di.əm/
(n.) 表達事物的方法或方式
Name: ) Class: Date: Productive Vocabulary IPA Definitions 1. contact /'kon.tækt/ (v.) to telephone, email or write to someone 2. social media /.seu.fel 'mi..di.e/ ( n .) forms of electronic communication that allow people to share information using the dinternet or mobile phones 3. connect kə'nekt/ (v.) to use a computer, phone, etc. in order to use the internet or other computer system 4. internet /'in.te.net/ (n.) the system that connects computers all over the world and allows people who use computers to look at websites 5. letter /'let.ar/ (n.) a written message that you send to someone, usually by post 6. communicate /ke'mju:.nI.kert/ (v.) to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals 7. text /tekst/ (v.) to send a text message ( = written message from a mobile phone) 8. send a message /send/ /er/ /'mes.Id3/ (phr.) give or constitute a signal, not necessarily verbally 9. verbal /'va:bal/ (adj.) using spoken words to express thoughts 10. nonverbal /,non'v3:.bel/ (adj.) not using words, or not relating to the use of word 11. visual I'vizuall (adj.) relating to seaing 12. mobile phone /'meubarl/ /fern/ (n.) a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you 13. television /'telivizen/ ( n.) a plece of equipment, with a screen on the front, used for watching programmes 14. convenlent /ken'vi:nient/ (adj.) easy to use or suiting your plans well 15. email /'i:merl/ (n.) the system for using computers to send messages over the internet 16. share /Jear/ (v.) to tell someone else about your thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc. 17. chat /tfæt/ (v.) to talk to someone in a friendly informal way. 18. sand /send/ (v.) to-arfange for something to go or be taken somewhere, especially by-po: 19. receive /risi:v/ (v.) to get or be given something 20. medium /'mi..di.əm/ (n.) a method or-way of expressing something| Name: | | ) Class: Date: | | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Productive Vocabulary | IPA | Definitions | | 1. contact | /'kon.tækt/ | (v.) to telephone, email or write to someone | | 2. social media | /.seu.fel 'mi..di.e/ | ( n .) forms of electronic communication that allow people to share information using the dinternet or mobile phones | | 3. connect | kə'nekt/ | (v.) to use a computer, phone, etc. in order to use the internet or other computer system | | 4. internet | /'in.te.net/ | (n.) the system that connects computers all over the world and allows people who use computers to look at websites | | 5. letter | /'let.ar/ | (n.) a written message that you send to someone, usually by post | | 6. communicate | /ke'mju:.nI.kert/ | (v.) to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals | | 7. text | /tekst/ | (v.) to send a text message ( $=$ written message from a mobile phone) | | 8. send a message | /send/ /er/ /'mes.Id3/ | (phr.) give or constitute a signal, not necessarily verbally | | 9. verbal | /'va:bal/ | (adj.) using spoken words to express thoughts | | 10. nonverbal | /,non'v3:.bel/ | (adj.) not using words, or not relating to the use of word | | 11. visual | I'vizuall | (adj.) relating to seaing | | 12. mobile phone | /'meubarl/ /fern/ | (n.) a telephone that you can carry everywhere with you | | 13. television | /'telivizen/ | ( $n$.) a plece of equipment, with a screen on the front, used for watching programmes | | 14. convenlent | /ken'vi:nient/ | (adj.) easy to use or suiting your plans well | | 15. email | /'i:merl/ | (n.) the system for using computers to send messages over the internet | | 16. share | /Jear/ | (v.) to tell someone else about your thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc. | | 17. chat | /tfæt/ | (v.) to talk to someone in a friendly informal way. | | 18. sand | /send/ | (v.) to-arfange for something to go or be taken somewhere, especially by-po: | | 19. receive | /risi:v/ | (v.) to get or be given something | | 20. medium | /'mi..di.əm/ | (n.) a method or-way of expressing something |

Receptlve 詞彙
Receptlve Vocabulary| Receptlve | | :---: | | Vocabulary |
IPA   定義
  1. 溪流 /stri:m/

(v.) 透過網際網路直接傳送或接收聲音或影像。 連續流程
(v.) to send or receive sound or video dlrectly over the Internet as a continuous flow| (v.) to send or receive sound or video dlrectly over the Internet as a | | :--- | | continuous flow |
  2. 應用程式 Iæp/

(n.) 應用程式或應用程式:您使用的小型電腦程式。 可放入行動電話或其他電子裝置中。
(n.) application or application program: a small computer program that you can put onto a mobile phone or other electronic device| (n.) application or application program: a small computer program that you | | :--- | | can put onto a mobile phone or other electronic device |
  3. 網路研討會 I'webma:r/

(n.) 一群人在同一時間上網學習的場合 或討論一些事情。
(n.) an occasion when a group of people go online at the same time to study or discuss something| (n.) an occasion when a group of people go online at the same time to study | | :--- | | or discuss something |
4. meme /mi:m/
(n.) 在網路上迅速傳播的想法、圖像、影片等
  5. 回應 /rr'spons/
"Receptlve Vocabulary" IPA Definitions 1. stream /stri:m/ "(v.) to send or receive sound or video dlrectly over the Internet as a continuous flow" 2. app Iæp/ "(n.) application or application program: a small computer program that you can put onto a mobile phone or other electronic device" 3. webinar I'webma:r/ "(n.) an occasion when a group of people go online at the same time to study or discuss something" 4. meme /mi:m/ (n.) an idea, image, video, etc. that is spread very quickly on the internet 5. response /rr'spons/ (n.) an answer or reaction to something that has been said or done| Receptlve <br> Vocabulary | IPA | Definitions | | :--- | :---: | :--- | | 1. stream | /stri:m/ | (v.) to send or receive sound or video dlrectly over the Internet as a <br> continuous flow | | 2. app | Iæp/ | (n.) application or application program: a small computer program that you <br> can put onto a mobile phone or other electronic device | | 3. webinar | I'webma:r/ | (n.) an occasion when a group of people go online at the same time to study <br> or discuss something | | 4. meme | /mi:m/ | (n.) an idea, image, video, etc. that is spread very quickly on the internet | | 5. response | /rr'spons/ | (n.) an answer or reaction to something that has been said or done |


  1. qquad\qquad 與朋友相處,許多人都會使用 Instagram 或 Facebook 等社交媒體平台。

      a. 文字
      b. 連接
      c. 寄送

  2. A A AA qquad\qquad 是一種在紙上寫訊息給某人並將其寄出的方式。

      a. 信件
      b. 電視
      c. 電子郵件

  3. 如果您想 qquad\qquad 和朋友一起拍照,可以使用社交媒體應用程式。

      a. 聯絡
      b. 口頭
      c. 分享

  4. 發送電子郵件比寫信寄信更 qquad\qquad 方便。

      a. 聊天
      b. 連接
      c. 方便

  5. 當您想要快速提供某人資訊時,您可以透過行動電話 qquad\qquad 傳送訊息。

      a. 傳送
      b. 中等
      c. 聊天


  1. 有些人喜歡 qquad\qquad 溝通方式,包括手勢和臉部表情。

  2. 有了 qquad\qquad ,您幾乎可以找到世界上任何東西的相關資訊。

  3. qquad\qquad 與同學一起做小組專案是很重要的。

  4. A qquad\qquad 可讓您在家觀賞喜愛的節目或電影。

  5. 我使用 qquad\qquad 來撥打電話、傳送訊息和上網。

  6. 我認為 qquad\qquad 溝通是最方便的,因為說話是最快的溝通方式。


  7. 許多人都喜歡在線觀看影片,而且經常 qquad\qquad 他們最喜歡的節目。

      a. 溪流
      b. 網路研討會
      c. 應用程式

  8. A A AA qquad\qquad 是在網際網路上廣泛分享的有趣圖片或影片。

      a. 應用程式
      b. 回應
    c. meme

  9. qquad\qquad 是線上研討會,人們可以從專家那裡學習不同的主題。

      a. 網路研討會
    b. meme
      c. 溪流

  10. qquad\qquad 是您可以在手機上下載的程式,可以幫助您完成各種任務,例如玩遊戲或學習。

      a. 溪流
      b. 應用程式
      c. 網路研討會