Contract Management Measures
Contract Management Measures
目 录
Table of Contents
一、 职责与权限 3
I. Duties and Authorities 3
二、 工作流程 3
II. Workflow 3
三、 合同谈判管理的要求和办法 4
III. Requirements and Measures for Contract Negotiation Management 4
四、 合同策划管理的要求和办法 4
IV. Requirements and methods for contract planning and management 4
五、 合同签约管理的要求和办法 5
5. Requirements and methods for contract signing management
六、 合同履约管理的要求和办法 6
6. Requirements and methods for contract performance management
七、 合同变更管理的要求和办法 6
7. Requirements and Methods for Contract Change Management
八、 合同索赔管理的要求和办法 7
VIII. Requirements and methods for contract claim management 7
九、 合同违约与终止的要求和办法 8
9. Requirements and Procedures for Breach of Contract and Termination
十、 附件 8
10. Annex 8
Responsibilities and authorities
Main responsibilities include:
1. 负责项目合同起草管理;
Responsible for the drafting and management of project contracts.
2. 负责项目合同谈判管理;
Responsible for managing project contract negotiations.
3. 负责项目签约管理;
Responsible for project contract management;
4. 负责项目履约管理;
4. Responsible for project performance management;
5. 负责项目变更管理;
Responsible for project change management.
6. 负责项目索赔管理;
6. Responsible for project claims management.
7. 负责项目违约与终止管理:
7. Responsible for project default and termination management:
Master Contract Management
Contract Objective Analysis and Decomposition
(2) Main contract execution management, the main work of which includes: contract negotiation and signing, commencement meeting organization, contract execution management, correspondence management, contract change management, claim and counter-claim management, contract payment management, and contract closure management.
(3) Establish a contract file system
Subcontract Management
Subcontracting Contract Management Responsibility Division
The main tasks of subcontract management:
Subcontract management work begins after the issuance of the bid award notice and ends with the closure of the contract. The main work includes: contract negotiation and signing, commencement meeting organization, contract execution management, correspondence management, contract change management, claims and counterclaims management, contract payment management, and contract closure management.
Establishment of contract file system
Requirements and methods for contract negotiation management
The content includes but is not limited to the following:
Collection of contract negotiation materials
Formulation of the contract negotiation plan
Implementation of contract negotiations
Record of contract negotiations
Review of the contract negotiation minutes
Summary of the results of contract negotiations
Requirements and Measures for Contract Planning and Management
Project Decomposition: Divide the project into several independent contracts, clearly define the scope of work for each contract, in order to better manage and control.
Determining the delegation and contracting method: Based on the specific circumstances of the project, determine the delegation and contracting method adopted in the contract, such as general contracting and subcontracting, to ensure the smooth progress of the project.
Contract type and condition selection: According to the characteristics and requirements of the project, select the appropriate contract type (such as fixed price contract, unit price contract, cost plus fee contract, etc.) and its conditions, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties.
Drafting of important clauses: Formulate the important clauses of the contract, such as quality standards, time requirements, payment methods, and liability for breach of contract, to ensure the completeness and enforceability of the contract.
Contract relationship coordination: Coordinate the content, organization, timing, and technical issues of the relevant contracts to ensure the connection and cooperation between the contracts, and avoid conflicts and contradictions.
Clarify major issues in contract signing and implementation: Clarify major issues in contract signing and non-implementation, such as contract changes, claims, and dispute resolution, so that these issues can be handled in a timely and effective manner during the contract execution process.
Requirements and methods for contract signing management
For additional agreements, meeting minutes, and memoranda during the contract negotiation process, they should be confirmed in writing in the contract. The project department should pay attention to reviewing the consistency of these documents with the contract, and determine the order of priority of their effectiveness.
When signing a contract, if it is not the legal representative of the company who signs the contract directly, an authorization letter should be presented, and the authorized representative should sign the contract agreement, with the official seals of both parties affixed, clearly stating the date of signing the contract and the effective date, and clearly stating the information of the opening bank and the designated secure communication email, and in accordance with legal requirements or customary practice, a small signature should be made on each page of the contract.
The project department should agree with the owner on the contract taking effect from the date of signing, or negotiate specific contract effectiveness conditions, and also clarify the way of issuing the notice to commence work and how to determine the commencement date when signing the subcontract.
Requirements and methods for contract performance management
The clarity of contract terms: Contract terms should be clear and specific, clearly specifying the rights and obligations of the parties, and preventing ambiguity and disputes arising from improper wording of the contract.
Compliance with the performance deadline: Contracts usually stipulate the deadlines for performance, and the parties should perform the contract on time to avoid the legal liability caused by delayed performance.
Quality and quantity assurance: Contracts often include requirements for the quality and quantity of products or services, and the parties need to ensure that the products or services provided meet the agreed standards.
Payment and performance of obligations: Payment is one of the core elements of contract performance, and the parties need to make payments in accordance with the methods and deadlines specified in the contract. At the same time, the performance of contractual obligations also includes the provision of services, the delivery of products, and other actual actions.
Requirements and methods for contract modification management
During the performance of the contract, if the owner or subcontractor proposes a request involving contract changes, the project department should carefully analyze whether the request constitutes a change in accordance with the contract provisions, and determine the degree of impact of the proposed request or suggestion on the contract price and the duration of the contract. The change request should be submitted in writing, and the reasons, impact, and proposed change content should be detailed. Relevant parties should jointly evaluate the impact of the change on the progress, cost, and quality of the project. This includes analyzing the additional workload, time delay, cost increase, and impact on the overall quality of the project that the change may bring. Based on the evaluation, conduct in-depth discussions and negotiations on the specific content of the change to seek consensus.
After sufficient consultation, a consensus on the changes was reached. This includes adjustments to the scope of work, extension or reduction of the project duration, increase or decrease in fees, updating of quality standards, and modifications to other relevant terms.
Sign a formal supplementary agreement, clarify the changed contract content and terms. The supplementary agreement should be signed by authorized representatives of the relevant parties, and affixed with the official seal, to ensure its legal validity. Once the supplementary agreement takes effect, it becomes an effective supplement to the original contract and has the same legal effect as the original contract.
From the effective date of the supplementary agreement, the relevant parties shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the new contract terms. During the process of change implementation, close attention should be paid to the progress and quality of the project to ensure the smooth implementation of the change content.
All files, records, and information related to changes should be properly maintained and archived. This will help with subsequent project management and auditing work.
Requirements and methods for contract claim management
1. 发生索赔问题时,总承包方应确定索赔负责人,与其他部门配合组建索赔处理小组。在遇到棘手索赔问题时,可寻求法律风控部或外聘索赔咨询专家的帮助。
1. When a claim issue arises, the general contractor should identify a claims responsible person and cooperate with other departments to form a claims handling team. When faced with complex claim issues, the legal and risk control department or external claims consulting experts can be sought for assistance.
2. 项目部应在索赔事件发生时进行有效的索赔取证,做好索赔文件准备工作。
The project department should conduct effective claim investigation and prepare claim documents when a claim event occurs.
After understanding the claim situation, the relevant parties conducted in-depth communication and negotiation, fully discussed the claim matter, and sought a solution that both sides could accept. Through friendly negotiation, the escalation of the claim dispute into a legal dispute can be avoided.
If the relevant parties are unable to reach a consensus through consultation, the general contractor should be prepared to resolve the claims dispute through litigation or arbitration. During the preparation process, the general contractor should fully prepare the relevant evidence materials and follow the relevant legal procedures.
3. 项目部应每个月的月底在合同工期延误干扰事件记录表记录(表单可参考附件五)对干扰事件进行记录。每个季度应对合同工期延误干扰事件记录台账(详见附件六),及时识别工期延误,明确延误原因,对相关干扰事件的发生形成分析报告并存档备案,为可能存在的索赔风险收集证据。
3. The project department should record interference events in the contract period delay interference event record table (the form can refer to Annex 5) at the end of each month. Quarterly, the contract period delay interference event record ledger (see Annex 6) should be used to promptly identify delays, clarify the reasons for the delays, and form an analysis report on the occurrence of relevant interference events and file it for record, to collect evidence for possible claims.
Requirements and methods for breach of contract and termination
The general contractor should strictly exercise the right to terminate the contract in accordance with the relevant terms of the contract and the provisions of the applicable laws. In the event of a contract termination event or the discovery of a party's non-performance, the party should first order the other party to perform the contract, and if the party still fails to perform after being notified, a notice of contract termination should be initiated, which should specify the contractual terms on which it is based, the obligations not fulfilled and the consequences, and require the other party to rectify the situation within a time limit. At the same time, the defaulting party shall bear the corresponding responsibility and compensate the other party for its losses.
Annex 1, List of Common Contractual Risks and Preventive Strategies and Measures
Annex 2, Contract Change Management Ledger
Attachment 3: Contract Delay Interference Event Record Sheet
Annex 4, Contract Delay Interference Event Log
Attachment 5, Contract Payment Management Ledger
Annex 6, Contract Receivables Management Ledger
Appendix 7, Contract Information Ledger
Annex 1: List of Common Contractual Risks and Risk Prevention Strategies and Measures
合同常见风险清单及防范策略和措施 | ||
序号 | 合同中的常见风险 | 防范策略和措施 |
1 | 口头合同 | 以口头合同进行交易的,及时签订书面合同;如发生争议,在报法律风控部处理。 |
2 | 事后合同 | 如发生纠纷,相关部门收集证据,通知法律风控部,由其做好应诉工作。 |
3 | 合同条款对质量标准、质保期、质保金、违约责任、争议解决方式等内容约定不明确;或签字时未注明日期 | (1)优先使用公司标准合同文本,并结合实际予以补充完善,法律风控部对违约责任、争议等实质性条款是否合法、完整、明确、具体,文字表述是否无歧义进行法律审查;技术部门对质量条款、技术要求等内容进行技术审查;财务部门对支付条款等内容进行经济审查。 |
4 | 合同相对人不具备相应资信、能力 | (1)如给企业造成损失的,收集证据,采取诉讼等方式向责任人追偿。 |
5 | 合同相对人为法人的职能部门、未办理营业执照的分支机构或直属机构 | (1)全面审核合同相对人的资质资信、履约能力;法律风控部对合同相对人主体资格进行严格审查。 |
6 | 合同相对方签约人没有代理权、越权代理或代理权终止后签约 | (1)如给企业造成损失的,收集证据,采取诉讼等方式确认表见代理行为成立,由合同相对方承担责任,或向无权代理人追偿。 |
7 | 我方代理人未经授权或授权终止后仍进行签约 | (1)审查承办部门和签约人是否符合公司授权范围和权限限制;建立合同专用章使用台帐,禁止在空白合同上加该合同专用章。 |
8 | 未按合同约定的时间、金额支付价款 | (1)指定专人负责合同履约计划,建立合同履约管理台帐,掌握合同履行进展状态,在临近付款期限的合理时间进行提示;合同承办人员收集发票、交货凭证等资料并在规定时间内提交负责人员按时办理结算。 |
9 | 其他未按合同约定履行的行为,如未按约定的方式、地点、数量、质量等履行 | (1)如因第三人或者责任人原因导致未按合同履行,给企业造成损失的,收集证据,采取诉讼等方式向第三人或责任人追偿。 |
10 | 未尽到通知、保密、协助等义务 | (1)对合同承办人员进行合同知识的培训。 |
11 | 未充分行使合同约定的权利,如放弃追究对方违约责任等 | (1)明确专人对合同履行中技术协议、质量验收、安装调试等资料的保存和管理。发生合同履行异常情况,合同承办人员立即通知法律风控部。 |
12 | 合同履行过程中已发现对方资信状况出现严重危机可能影响我方债权实现,仍向其履行 | (1)对合同承办人员进行不安履行抗辩权知识的培训,在合同文本中明确履约担保条款,或在签订合同时请求对方提供履约担保;指定专人负责合同履行情况的监控。 |
13 | 合同未约定履行顺序,对方未履行或履行不符合约定而要求我方履行,我方按其要求已履行 | (1)在对方拒不履行时,收集证据,依照合同约定的违约责任和争议处理方式,追究合同相对人责任。 |
14 | 合同约定履行顺序,对方应先履行而未履行或履行不符合约定而要求我方履行,我方按其要求已履行 | (1)对合同承办人员进行先履行抗辩权知识的培训;合同承办人员严格按照合同约定的顺序履行;在合同文本中明确履约担保条款,或在签订合同时请求对方提供履约担保;指定专人负责合同履行情况的监控。 |
15 | 变更合同未及时签定书面变更协议 | (1)指定专人负责合同履行情况监控;发生变更履行的情况,合同承办人员按照签订合同的程序进行报批,并签订书面变更协议;法律风控部对变更协议进行审查。 |
16 | 因解除条件成就解除合同时未尽通知义务 | (1)指定专人负责合同履行情况监控;当合同解除条件成就时,合同承办人员按照程序对解除合同进行审批。法律风控部对合同解除进行严格审查,具备解除条件的,告知合同承办人员及时履行通知义务。 |
17 | 未在法定或约定的期限或者经对方催告未在合理期限行使解除权 | (1)指定专人负责合同履行情况监控;当合同解除条件成就时,合同承办人员按照程序对解除合同进行报批。法律风控部对合同解除进行严格审查。 |
18 | 解除合同应当办理批准、登记等手续而未办理 | (1)对指定专人在有关合同解除后办理批准、登记手续。法律及相关部门每半年进行合同履行情况检查。 |
19 | 未采取合理措施防止损失扩大 | 指定专人对合同履行全程进行监控,发现对方违约的,2 个工作日内通报法律风控部,会同法律风控部制定处理方案,采取中止履行合同、提存、变卖等措施防止损失扩大。 |
20 | 对方不履行合同,且不行使其到期债权给我方造成损失,我方没有代位行使该债权 | 法律风控部对合同承办人员进行代位权法律知识培训;合同承办部门在合同文本中明确履约保证条款,或在合同签订时要求对方提供履约担保;明确专人对未履行合同的相对人进行跟踪调查,发现异常情况时,及时向法律风控部报告。 |
21 | 对方不履行债务而放弃其到期债权、无偿转让财产或以明显不合理低价转让财产于知情受让人给我方造成损失 | 法律风控部对合同承办人员进行撤消权法律知识培训;明确专人对未履行合同的相对人进行跟踪调查,发现异常情况时,及时向法律风控部通报。法律风控部在出现法定情形时,收集证据,及时行使撤销权。 |
22 | 合同没有完整的包括法律规定的必要条款 | 合同承办人员草拟合同时,必须使用标准合同文本;没有上述标准合同文本的,在合同管理部门进行合同法律审查时保证合同包括法律规定的必要条款。 |
23 | 合同未经有效审批 | 在合同评审环节由负责人员及时在招标采购平台上对合同进行评审。 |
24 | 没有对合同的签订审批进行适当的职权分离 | 合同签订前经专业技术审查、经济审查、法律审查及领导审批,由法定代表人或授权委托人签约。 |
25 | 合同没有履行或没有及时履行且没有得到及时处理 | 合同管理部门每半年对本单位合同执行情况进行检查;合同承办部门对于所有已经履行但尚未结算的合同进行统计,并提出处置意见 |
26 | 合同履行内容与签订的内容不一致 | 合同双方当事人严格按照合同约定履行,合同承办部门负责组织验收,并在相关表单上签字确认。如发现不一致,不予签认,按照合同约定处理。 |
27 | 未对合同进行恰当的保管 | 合同履行完毕后由合同管理人员负责将合同文本,按要求送档案管理部门统一管理。 |
28 | 未在合同中指定安全邮箱 | 合同中应该约定双方沟通的安全邮箱,若安全邮箱发生改变,需要及时以正式函电的形式进行变更,并及时通知项目部沟通人员,避免电信诈骗的发生。 |
Annex 2: Contract Change Management Ledger
Contract Change Management Ledger
Contract No.: |
| |||||||
Contractor: |
| |||||||
CCN No. | Date | Description | Total Cost | Contractor's Concurrence | Amendment No. | Amendment Date | Status | Remark |
Attachment 3: Contract duration delay interference event log
Record of Delayed Contract Period Interference Events
项目名称 | 记录编号 | ||
合同名称 | 合同编号 | ||
发生单位 | 整改期限 | ||
合同工期延误干扰事件问题及整改要求: | |||
提出人: 批准人: 年 月 日 | |||
第 号质量整改单于 年 月 日收到,我将根据整改要求及时整改。 | |||
发生单位负责人: 年 月 日 | |||
整改结果及验证情况: | |||
复检人: 年 月 日 | |||
备注: |
Appendix 4: Contract Duration Delay Interference Event Ledger
合同工期延误干扰事件记录台账 | ||||||||
序号 | 记录编号 | 项目名称 | 发现问题数量 | 已整改数量 | 未整改数量 | 记录人 | 记录日期 | 备注 |
1 | ||||||||
2 | ||||||||
3 | ||||||||
4 | ||||||||
5 | ||||||||
6 | ||||||||
7 |
Annex 7: Contract Payment Management Ledger
Contract Payment Management Ledger
部门名称 | 合同编号 | 合同名称 | 合同类型 | 供应商名称 | 合同金额 | 合同币种 | 付款币种 | 实付预付款 | 实付进度款 | 实付质保金 | 应付金额-已开票 | 累计已付款金额 | 开票-未付金额 | 合同未付款金额 |
Attachment 5: Contract Receipt Management Ledger
Contract Collection Management Ledger
部门名称 | 合同编号 | 合同名称 | 合同类型 | 供应商名称 | 合同金额 | 合同币种 | 收款币种 | 扣减预付款 | 扣减质保金 | 实收预付款 | 实收进度款 | 实收质保金 | 应收金额-已开票 | 累计已收款金额 |
Annex 6: Contract Information Ledger
Contract Information Ledger
合同编号 | 合同大类 | 合同分类名称 | 合同名称 | 供应商名称 | 联系人 | 联系电话 | 合同签署日期 | 合同币种 | 合同汇率 | 合同金额 | 合同金额(人民币) | 合同单价 | 录入人 | 录入日期 |