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We turn now to the category of spatial experience,which is perhaps most significant for the individual because it includes the distances maintained in encounters with oth- ers.These distances are for the most part outside awareness.I have called this cate- gory informal space because it is unstated,not because it lacks form or has no impor- tance.Indeed,as the next chapter will show,informal spatial patterns have distinct bounds,and such deep,if unvoiced,significance that they form an essential part of the culture.To misunderstand this significance may invite disaster.
我们现在转向空间体验的范畴,它也许对个体来说是最重要的,因为它包括在与他人相遇时保持的距离。这些距离在很大程度上是在意识之外。我把这个分类称为非正式空间,是因为它没有说明,而不是因为它缺乏形式或没有意义。事实上,正如下一章将要展示的,非正式的空间模式有明显的界限,而且如此深刻的意义,即使没有被提及,它们也形成了一个culture.To 的重要组成部分误解了这一意义可能会引发灾难。


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Goffman,Erving.The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.Garden City,NY:Doubleday \&Company,Inc., 1959.
Goffman,Erving.The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.Garden City,NY:Doubleday \&Company,Inc.,1959 年。

Hall,Edward T.The Silent Language.Garden City,NY:Doubleday \&Company,Inc., 1959. Mumford,Lewis.The City in History.New York:Harcourt,Brace, 1961.
Hall,Edward T.The Silent Language.Garden City,NY:Doubleday \&Company,Inc.,1959 年。Mumford,Lewis.The City in History.纽约:Harcourt,Brace,1961 年。

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Sommer、Robert 和 H.Ross.“老年病房的社会互动”,国际社会心理学杂志 4 (1958),第 128-33 页。

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Sommer、Robert 和 G.Whitney.“为友谊而设计”,加拿大建筑师,1961 年。




(王一峰 译)
READING 23  阅读 23

On the Cultural Responsiveness of Architecture

Amos Rapoport  阿莫斯·雷帕波特

Rapoport in this article approaches the relationship between built form and human culture from the perspective of his previous work in the field of environment-behavior studies. He clarifies the concept of how culture influences the designed environment, and considers this relationship in terms of the “responsiveness of architecture” to the human condition. He argues that traditional architectural approaches to the problems of building users have not been effective, primarily because the values and preferences of architects have become unresponsive to the needs and aspirations of human beings in particular and society in general.


Starting with House Form and Culture (1969), I have had much to say about the relation between culture and the built environment. Most recently I have synthesized some of these matters. 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} Underlying much of this work has been the notion of culturespecific design. This means design which responds to and supports the specific cultural characteristics of various user groups. In this recent work, I have discussed the problem of how the concept of “culture” is to be used and have also tried to clarify concepts such as “environment” and “design.” 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} These discussions will be briefly summarized below.
从《房屋形式与文化》(House Form and Culture,1969)开始,我对文化与建筑环境之间的关系有很多话要说。最近,我综合了其中的一些问题。 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} 这项工作的大部分基础是特定于文化的设计概念。这意味着设计要响应和支持各种用户群体的特定文化特征。在最近的工作中,我讨论了如何使用“文化”概念的问题,并试图澄清“环境”和“设计”等概念。 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} 这些讨论将在下面简要总结。
The question of how the environment responds to and fits culture has not, however, received comparable attention. Part of the problem may be that it is difficult to describe or assess fit or responsiveness to culture. But that is not an uncommon problem in anthropology and related fields. Frequently one can only do comparative work: in the present case, for example, I judge that given environments fit culture more or less well than others. In addition, even for such comparative rankings it is necessary to know what might be possible indicators of fit or congruence of environments with culture. This I take to be the meaning of the term “cultural responsiveness of architecture,” which was the title of the Northeast Regional ACSA meetings in Montreal in October 1984 where I was asked to discuss this topic. That meeting raised an important and neglected question to which this revised paper is a very preliminary answer.
然而,环境如何回应和适应文化的问题并没有得到类似的关注。部分问题可能是难以描述或评估对文化的适合性或反应性。但这在人类学和相关领域并不少见。通常,人们只能做比较工作:例如,在目前的情况下,我判断给定的环境比其他环境更或更不适合文化。此外,即使对于这样的比较排名,也有必要知道环境与文化的适合或一致性的可能指标是什么。我认为这就是“建筑的文化响应性”一词的含义,这是 1984 年 10 月在蒙特利尔举行的东北地区 ACSA 会议的标题,我被要求讨论这个话题。那次会议提出了一个重要但被忽视的问题,本文修订后的文件是一个非常初步的答案。
I have often discussed environment-behavior studies in terms of what I call the three basic questions:
1 How do people shape their environment-what characteristics of people as individuals or groups are relevant to the shaping of particular environments?
1 人们如何塑造他们的环境——人们作为个人或群体的哪些特征与特定环境的塑造相关?
2 How and to what extent does the physical environment affect which people, in what ways and in which contexts?
2 物理环境如何以及在多大程度上影响哪些人、以什么方式以及在哪些环境中影响?
3 What are the mechanisms which link people and environments in this two-way interaction?
3 在这种双向互动中,将人与环境联系起来的机制是什么?
One can then suggest that “culture” is an aspect of question 1, the nature of “environment” is an aspect of question 2 , while “responsiveness” has to do with question 3-the mechanisms that link culture and environment. Mechanisms are, of course, extremely important since they make concepts and theories more convincing. They do this by showing how the abstract systems of constructs called theories can link to empirical reality.
然后,我们可以说“文化”是问题 1 的一个方面,“环境”的性质是问题 2 的一个方面,而“响应性”与问题 3 有关——将文化和环境联系起来的机制。当然,机制非常重要,因为它们使概念和理论更有说服力。他们通过展示称为理论的抽象结构系统如何与经验现实联系起来来做到这一点。
Clearly, before one can discuss congruence of culture and environment those terms need to be discussed. While I have written extensively about both, and readers could refer to published work, it seemed useful to summarize at least the principal points here.


I will not try to argue for the importance of culture in understanding how people and environments interact. Rather I will try briefly to clarify the meaning of this concept. Two principal points will be made.
1 There is an extremely large and complex literature on this topic, with many apparently contradictory definitions. Yet, if they are seen as complementary they give an idea of what culture is. Also, too “tight” a definition is not wanted, since it is not yet clear which aspects of culture are the most important regarding built environments and in which circumstances.
1 关于这个主题,有大量和复杂的文献,其中有许多显然相互矛盾的定义。然而,如果它们被视为互补的,它们就会给出什么是文化的概念。此外,不需要太“严格”的定义,因为目前尚不清楚文化的哪些方面对建筑环境最重要,以及在哪些情况下最重要。
I have argued elsewhere 3 3 ^(3){ }^{3} that the many different definitions fall into one of three general views of what culture is. I quote:
我在别处曾论证 3 3 ^(3){ }^{3} 过,许多不同的定义属于文化的三种普遍观点之一。我引用:
One defines it as a way of life typical of a group, the second as a system of symbols, meanings, and cognitive schemata transmitted through symbolic codes, the third as a set of adaptive strategies for survival related to ecology, and resources. Increasingly, these three views are seen not as being in conflict but rather as complementary. Thus, designed environments of particular cultures are settings for the kind of people which a particular group sees as normative, and the particular life-style which is significant and typical, distinguishing the group from others. In creating such settings and lifestyles, an order is expressed, a set of cognitive schemata, symbols, and some vision of an ideal are given form-however imperfectly; finally, both the lifestyle and symbolic system may be part of the group’s adaptive strategies within their ecological setting.
For our purposes, then culture may be said to be about a group of people who have a set of values and beliefs which embody ideals, and are transmitted to members of the group through enculturation. These lead to a world view-the characteristic way of looking at the world and, in the case of design, of shaping the world. The world is shaped by applying rules which lead to systematic and consistent choices (to be discussed below) whether in creating a life-style, a building style, a landscape, or a settlement.
One can also ask what cultures do, as opposed to what they are. 4 4 ^(4){ }^{4} One view implicit in the above is that cultures or their constituents may be seen as properties of popula-
人们还可以问文化是做什么的,而不是它们是什么。 4 4 ^(4){ }^{4} 上述内容中隐含的一种观点是,文化或其组成部分可以被视为 popula-