这是用户在 2024-4-8 20:18 为 https://www.xyfan.com/bbs/1995/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?
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Lately, I've been looking to expand my job prospects and improve my skills, so I've decided to pick up English again. Specifically, I want to focus on improving my speaking and communication abilities. One important tool that I need is the ability to listen to and learn pronunciation from audio recordings that correspond with written materials.
Initially, I thought about using AI-generated services or text-to-speech (TTS) technology to convert written text into MP3 files. However, I found that these options were quite expensive and had strict word limits. Then, while browsing some English materials online, I discovered that the built-in read-aloud feature in Microsoft Edge was excellent. The voice sounded natural and it worked well within the browser. This experience was consistent whether using a computer or a mobile phone's browser. So now my plan is primarily to use the TTS feature in Microsoft Edge on both my computer and phone for reading out materials.
最初,我考虑使用 AI 生成的服务或文本转语音 (TTS) 技术将书面文本转换为 MP3 文件。但是,我发现这些选项非常昂贵,并且有严格的字数限制。然后,在网上浏览一些英语材料时,我发现 Microsoft Edge 中内置的朗读功能非常出色。声音听起来很自然,在浏览器中运行良好。无论是使用电脑还是手机浏览器,这种体验都是一致的。所以现在我的计划主要是在我的电脑和手机上使用 Microsoft Edge 中的 TTS 功能来读出材料。
The main challenge now is figuring out how to get the English texts that I need into the browser for read-aloud functionality. I tried two approaches: hosting them on GitHub or organizing them directly in Trilium note-taking app. In the end, by using a Trilium blog theme called Ankia, I can automatically publish materials organized in Trilium onto a webpage where they can be read aloud using Microsoft Edge's TTS feature. It also allows me to easily edit and update sections that require more practice or those which are less familiar compared to editing on GitHub.
现在的主要挑战是弄清楚如何将我需要的英文文本输入浏览器以实现朗读功能。我尝试了两种方法:将它们托管在 GitHub 上或直接在 Trilium 笔记应用程序中组织它们。最后,通过使用名为Ankia的Trilium博客主题,我可以自动将Trilium中组织的材料发布到网页上,在那里可以使用Microsoft Edge的TTS功能大声朗读它们。它还允许我轻松编辑和更新需要更多练习或与在 GitHub 上编辑相比不太熟悉的部分。
Additionally, after discovering omnivore.app for bookmarking purposes, printing out formatted materials has become convenient too! Having physical copies of study material is handy whether accessing them through a mobile browser or carrying them around as hard copies. The only downside is that it's not as convenient as having an MP3 file where you can easily skip forward or pause when playing it back on an audio player.
此外,在发现用于书签目的的 omnivore.app 后,打印格式化材料也变得方便了!无论是通过移动浏览器访问学习材料还是作为硬拷贝随身携带,拥有学习材料的物理副本都很方便。唯一的缺点是它不像拥有 MP3 文件那样方便,您可以在音频播放器上播放时轻松向前或暂停。
Later on during Li Xiaolai's "1000 Hours" program (a language learning method), he mentioned similar tools already available; however, instead of dealing with HTML code like he does with GitHub pages for his translations work - which might be challenging for beginners -I opted for Trilium because it's much more user-friendly.
后来在李晓来的“1000小时”计划(一种语言学习方法)中,他提到了类似的工具已经可用;然而,我没有像处理 GitHub 页面那样处理 HTML 代码进行翻译工作——这对初学者来说可能具有挑战性——我选择了 Trilium,因为它更加用户友好。
Furthermore, compared to studying professional materials alone,I find his approach of focusing on "what you want to say" better suited for me.For example,his self-introduction prompt exercises are great.Additionally,his Chinese-to-English prompts work well when generating drafts using OpenAI Translator
此外,与单独学习专业材料相比,我发现他专注于“你想说什么”的方法更适合我。例如,他的自我介绍提示练习很棒。此外,他的中英提示在使用 OpenAI Translator 生成草稿时效果很好

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