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作者分享了自己在生活中应用“关注重大决策”心智模式的三个具体实例,并探讨了这种模式如何在财务上改变了他的生活。首先,作者讲述了自己在书写方面的转变,从最初未经思考的书籍出版,到深入学习图书业务,最终重新出版了一本更专业的书籍《赢得内心的战斗》,这本书至今仍有稳定的销量。其次,在旅行方面,作者通过避免高峰期间和热门目的地的旅行,以及选择开车或优先考虑 comfort 类型的服务,尽管会增加一定费用,但能保证旅行体验的舒适性。最后,在个人生产力方面,作者经过多年的研究,找到了一套适合自己的工作效率系统,现在不再追求新的工具或方法,而是坚持使用已经验证过的系统。这些实例体现了作者认为的“省时省钱,精打细算”的生活哲学。


  • 关注重大决策而非小额节省:文章强调,人们往往专注于如何节省小额开支,而忽略了关注大额支出和重大决策对于改善财务状况的重要性。
  • 高质量消费的长期效益:作者认为,花更多金钱购买高品质的物品或服务(如高质量冬衣、旅行体验和生产力系统),虽然短期内成本较高,但从长远来看会带来更大的价值和节约。
  • 细致入微的研究和投资有回报:作者通过对自己的书籍出版、旅行方式和工作效率系统的深入研究和投资,一次性解决了这些领域面临的问题,避免了反复尝试和浪费。
  • 全面考虑个人需求和偏好:在决策过程中,重要的是要找到最适合自己的方案,而不是盲目追求社会普遍认可的选择。比如,作者通过自定义规则和偏好进行旅行,坚持使用经过验证的工作效率系统,以满足个人的最佳需求。
  • 养成一次性智造投资的习惯:通过一次性做好决策和投资,可以避免未来的不必要支出和麻烦,从而实现长期的财务健康和生活质量的提升。

The Simple Mental Model That Changed My Financial Life

Focus on the big-money decisions

When it comes to spending money, I’ve made so many mistakes. When I think about the amount of money I’ve wasted in the past, I feel bad in my stomach.

I didn’t have the best mental model for my financial life back then.

As someone who practices Stoicism and Mindfulness, I don’t get attached to those feelings. But still, it does hurt a little bit.

For instance, I think I bought a new winter jacket almost every year until four or five years ago when I finally decided to spend a grand on a high-quality jacket.

I spent probably twice as much in the ten prior years. But now that I have a great (and warm) winter parka, I don’t even think about getting a new one. So I’m not spending any more money. I’m also not spending time and energy on finding new jackets.

I call this way of looking at the world, or mental model, “Save time and money by spending well.”
我把这种看待世界的方式,或者说心智模式,称为 "省时省钱,精打细算"。

In most languages, there’s a saying that captures that philosophy. In The Netherlands, we say, “Buying cheap is expensive.” But this is not only true for buying things.
在大多数语言中,都有一句谚语体现了这一理念。在荷兰,我们说 "便宜没好货"。但这句话不仅适用于买东西。

In this article, I will share 3 personal examples of my life where I applied this mental model and how it changed my life financially.
在本文中,我将与大家分享我在生活中应用这种思维模式的 3 个实例,以及它是如何在财务上改变我的生活的。

Writing books

When I wrote my first book in 2015, I didn’t do a great job with the presentation and positioning.

I called the book Massive Life Success, and I created a silly cover on Canva in 30 minutes. Here it is:
我给这本书取名为《成功的人生》,并在 30 分钟内在 Canva 上制作了一个傻乎乎的封面。就是这样:

It doesn’t even look a little bit like my current books. I didn’t have a logo nor did I have a style. The overall feel of the book was amateurish.

A few weeks after I published it, I started feeling bad about the book. I liked the content and advice, but it just didn’t look professional. So I took a lot of time and energy to study the book business.

I also worked on creating a style for all my designs. Call it a brand identity. And within a year, I republished the book as, Win Your Inner Battles.

It came with a new title, cover, and description. I even re-arranged the chapters, which made the reading experience easier.

Now, seven years later, the book is still selling hundreds of copies a month. I learned an important lesson from that experience.

When you’re working on a project, it’s tempting to rush it and finish it as fast as you can. You can just “ship it” and move on to the next one.
当你在做一个项目时,很容易急于求成,以最快的速度完成它。你可以直接 "发货",然后继续下一个项目。

Don’t be one of those people who turns everything into a rush job. Take your time. Invest time and energy in your projects. Do a GREAT job. Do the job as best as you can.

The first time, I didn’t spend enough time and money on my book. So I got a book that wasn’t great. Then, I spent serious time and money on creating the best book I could.

And that book is still earning money today.


I can’t stand traveling. I honestly get so annoyed when I’m in airports, on planes, on trains, or standing in line anywhere.

But at the same time, I do like to go on vacation or visit nice places in the world.

And I do it in a very distinct (and weird) way. I have a bunch of made up rules around traveling. For example, I avoid airports at all costs during the summer holiday. I just don’t want to be anywhere close to an airport during holidays. Not worth it.

Also, no vacation package deals for me. You know, those package deals some airlines offer that include a plane ticket, shuttle, and hotel. I went to many of those when I was young, and I’ve had enough.

In short, I do everything I can to avoid busy periods and popular destinations. Paris in July? I’d rather eat a bowl of nuts and bolts. New York City during Christmas? No thank you, I’d like to stay sane.

When I travel by plane, I book a seat right behind business class. And if I can get an upgrade upon check-in, I go for it. But I prefer to drive. I live in The Netherlands, and I even drove all the way to the south of Spain.

At least I don’t have to get in lines. And if I have to spend more money on travel? So what? At least I enjoy the entire experience from the moment I leave my house. To me, that’s when traveling starts.

Because I’m such a difficult person when it comes to traveling, I try not to travel a lot. I’d rather go on one great trip than a few “normal” ones.
说到旅行,我是个很难相处的人,所以我尽量不经常旅行。我宁愿去一次伟大的旅行,也不愿去几次 "普通 "的旅行。

Personal productivity

Most people in the productivity space are always interested in new apps, tools, and methods.

I’m not.

I’ve done my research years ago. In fact, I started researching productivity when I was in university, and I spent years to find a good productivity system that worked for me.

I spent time and money on books, courses, apps, tools. It was a huge investment, both time-wise and money-wise.

But now, I’m done. I no longer have to spend time and money on anything that’s related to productivity. I’m good. It was something I had to work on once, and now I simply stick to my strategy.

I don’t look at new apps or systems. The things I use work fine. Why change a winning team?

This is a good example of “Save time and money by spending well.”
这就是 "省时省钱,精打细算 "的典范。

When you spend well, you usually only have to spend once. So many people don’t take their productivity seriously. They don’t research it enough. They don’t take courses.

They read a few articles or a book and think that’s it. But productivity is a personal thing. You must find a system that works for you.

When you make a proper time investment, you only have to do it once. When you finally have a system that works for you, you can honestly rely on it for the rest of your life.

Focus on the big-money decisions

Look, life is short. It’s tempting to focus on quick ways you can save money.

If you save on your groceries today, you will spend less. That’s a fact. But that’s not the key to changing your finances.

The key is to adopt a way of life that helps you to get richer in the long term. Think about the big decisions you’re making.

Are they making you poorer in the long term? Or are you getting richer?

A very obvious example is leasing cars. You’re paying a huge premium today to drive that car. You could use that premium to do a million other good things.

When you focus on these types of big decisions, you will make life easier for yourself. Think about your future self. You want to make sure you’re better off in a year than now.

Personal Finance
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