这是用户在 2024-5-9 11:12 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/50f8472e-14c4-404a-8132-8516bcb3c777 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?


THIS AGREEMENT is executed on the date mentioned above by and between AED, INC (hereinafter referred to as "Licensor", registered office is: 3500 South Dupont Highway, Dover, USA) and SKY LINK TV USA (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee", registered address is: 500 Montebello Blvd., Rosemead, CA, USA.)
本协议由 AED, INC(以下简称“许可方”,注册办事处为:3500 South Dupont Highway, Dover, USA)和 SKY LINK TV USA(以下简称“被许可方”)于上述日期签署,注册地址为:500 Montebello Blvd., Rosemead, CA, USA。)
The Licensor and the Licensee shall hereinafter, be referred to individually as a Party, and collectively as Parties, as the context may so require.
Pertaining to the Licensor's grant to the Licensee of the rights of the under-titled motion pictures (hereinafter referred to as "Picture(s)") produced by and all the rights of which are owned and controlled by the Licensor, on the terms and conditions hereinafter more particularly set forth:
  1. TITLE & PARTICULARS: 标题和详情:
Title Main cast Total episodes 总集数
1 《佳期如梦》
2 《大汉情缘》
3 《班淑传奇》
4 《易容术》/《美人制造》
5 《燃烧的青春》/《旋风少女》
6 《候鸟之恋》/《十五年等待候鸟》 张若昀、孙怡、邓伦 22
7 《封神演义》 王丽坤、罗晋、邓伦 65
8 《浪花一朵朵》
9 《路从今夜白之遇见青春》
10 《结爱》
11 《我在北京等你》
12 《初恋那件小事》
13 《哪吒降妖记》
14 《这就是生活》
15 《青青子衿》
范世錡、只小雨、谢彬林、粫婷儿、黄渲文 范世锜、只小雨、谢彬林、粫婷儿、黄乌克兰文
16 《通天狄仁杰》
任讎伦、阙清子、焦俊艳、慗杰、李进荣 任雠伦、阙清子、焦俊艳、慗杰、李进荣
17 《海棠经雨胭脂透》
18 《三千鸦杀》

2. 权利授予:

a) Exclusive VOD (PPV, SVOD,TVOD and NVOD, AVOD, FVOD) rights; Internet & Closed Net rights(Streaming & Downloading, IPTV, Internet TV, and OTT, now known and to be known any means and mediums of digital or electronic delivery); Mobile rights, Licensor reserves the non-exclusive right to broadcast the Pictures on the Mongo TV APP (international version only), provided that neither Licensor nor Mongo TV has the right to sublicense.
a) 独家视频点播(PPV、SVOD、TVOD 和 NVOD、AVOD、FVOD)权利;互联网和封闭网络权利(流媒体和下载、IPTV、互联网电视和 OTT,现在已知和将来已知的任何数字或电子传输方式和媒介);移动版权,许可方保留在 Mongo TV APP(仅限国际版)上播放图片的非专有权利,前提是许可方和 Mongo TV 均无权再许可。
b) Non-exclusive TV rights to broadcast, transmit or relay the Pictures, through television broadcasting channels such as cable or UHF, free or paid terrestrial television, free or paid cable television, free or paid wireless television, and free or paid satellite television, including free, pay per view, subscription, license and rental.
b) 通过电视广播频道(例如有线或超高频、免费或付费地面电视、免费或付费有线电视、免费或付费无线电视以及免费或付费卫星电视)广播、传输或转播图片的非独家电视权利,包括免费、按次付费、订阅、许可和租赁。
c) Authorized Languages: Original version and/or official and/or local language(s) (of Authorized territories, including but not limited to English) subtitled and/or dubbed and/or parallel tracked. And Licensee has the exclusive English subtitled and/or dubbed version rights of the Pictures within the Authorized territories.
c) 授权语言:原始版本和/或官方和/或当地语言(授权地区,包括但不限于英语),带字幕和/或配音和/或并行跟踪。被许可方拥有授权地区内图片的独家英文字幕和/或配音版本权利。
d) Licensee shall have the exclusive right to enforce the above rights in relation to the Pictures against infringements thereof occurring in the Territory on its own behalf, and any recovery in that event shall be reserved to Licensee or its authorized party. Licensor agrees to give necessary assistance to Licensee in such case of action.
d) 被许可方应拥有针对其代表其在区域内发生的侵权行为行使上述与图片相关的权利的专有权,且该事件中的任何追偿应保留给被许可方或其授权方。许可方同意在这种情况下向被许可方提供必要的协助。
Licensee shall have the exclusive right to sublicense the above granted rights without Licensor's consent. The aforementioned sublicensing is subject to the territory, language and term limitations
删除[Microsoft]: ; excluding the broadcasting rights of Mango TV International APP
删除[微软]: ;不含芒果TV国际APP转播权
删除[Microsoft]: on television refers to the right, within the scope of authorization, to publicly broadcast
删除[微软]:on TV,指在授权范围内公开播放的权利
删除[Microsoft]: work 删除[Microsoft]:工作
删除[Microsoft]: traditional as identified in this Agreement.
删除[Microsoft]: within the authorized scope of this contract, all rights include the rights to sub-license and enforce rights.

3. 授予区域和期限:

Authorized Territories: North America, Asia(excluding mainland China), Australia
授权地区: 北美、亚洲(不包括中国大陆)、澳大利亚
Term of Authorization: 5 years starts on and ends on .
授权期限: 5 年,自 开始,结束。

4. 价格和付款:

In consideration of the Rights of Pictures granted by Licensor to Licensee, Licensee hereby agrees to pay Licensor in the amount of Net US$480,000 (US Dollars, Four Hundred and Eighty Thousand). Licensor represents and warrants that The Licensee has no other costs to pay for the full exercise of the Rights granted.
鉴于许可方授予被许可方的图片权,被许可方特此同意向许可方支付净额 480,000 美元(美元,四十八万)。许可方声明并保证被许可方无需为充分行使所授予的权利而支付其他费用。
Should the Pictures or episodes of any Picture less than the numbers as specified in this agreement, Licensee agrees to pay in a pro-rata basis of License Fee according to the actual number of episodes licensed.
Such payment shall be made by bank transfer to the Licensor's designated bank in the following schedule:
a) US$240,000 upon signature of the Agreement, Licensee's receipt of the digital version of the copyright documents and invoice, no later than 30 (thirty) business days upon acceptance, of the abovementioned digital version of documents and invoice.
a) 签署协议后,被许可方收到版权文件和发票的数字版本后,不迟于接受上述数字版本的文件和发票后的 30(三十)个工作日内支付 240,000 美元。
b) US shall be paid no later than 30 (thirty) business days for the Licensor upon acceptance of all the Materials and invoice.
b) 在许可方接受所有材料和发票后,应在 30(三十)个工作日内向许可方支付美国 费用。
The Licensee shall transfer all the payments which include the outright loyalty, materials fee and the Copyright Documentation fee to the Licensor's bank account stated below:
Beneficiary's Name: AED, INC
受益人姓名:AED, INC
Address: 3500 South Dupont Highway, Dover, USA
地址:美国多佛尔南杜邦高速公路 3500 号
Beneficiary's Bank Name: JPMorgan Chase Bank
Beneficiary's Account Number: 526889301
Routing number: 322271627
  1. MATERIALS: 材料:
(1) As the price set in Article 4 includes material fees, all the cost of Materials itself and its delivery, including the copyright documents and master, shall be bored by Licensor. Any available materials shall be supplied from the Licensor to the Licensee at the Licensor's sole expenses,
(1) 由于第四条规定的价格包含材料费,因此材料本身及其交付的所有费用,包括版权文件和母版,均应由许可方承担。任何可用材料均应由许可方提供给被许可方,费用由许可方自行承担,
(2) The Licensor shall deliver the digital version of copyright documents listed in Article 5 of all Pictures to Licensee within 30 days after signature of the Agreement. Upon receipt of the digital version of the copyright documents.
(3) Licensee shall check the materials for acceptance within 30 days from materials received. If a master or copyright documents is found to be faulty or not meet the license and provisions of this agreement, Licensee shall send to Licensor a written删除[Microsoft]: The Licensee shall make to the Licensor the non-refundable payment as follows:

删除[Microsoft] 删除[微软]

删除[Microsoft]: Net US$480,000 (US Dollars, Three Hundred Ninety-nine Thousand Six Hundred),
删除[Microsoft]: receipt 删除[Microsoft]:收据
删除[Microsoft]: upon the Licensee's receipt of the digital version of the copyright documentation(s) and Notice of Delivery of the feature master materials for the Pictures listed in 1., but
删除[微软]:被许可方收到 1. 中所列图片的版权文档的数字版本和功能主材料的交付通知后,但是
删除[Microsoft]: the abovementioned digital version of documents

删除[Microsoft]: 删除[微软]:

In case of failure by the Licensee of executing the payments as stipulated above within 30 (thirty) business days of the payments expiration, the Licensor may terminate this Agreement and enter into an agreement on the Picture(s) with any other third party.
如果被许可方未能在付款到期后 30(三十)个工作日内按照上述规定执行付款,许可方可以终止本协议并与任何其他第三方就图片签订协议。
删除[Microsoft]: ee 删除[微软]: ee
删除[Microsoft]: in advance payment

notice (e-mail applicable), and Licensor shall have 30 days in which to replace materials. If Licensor cannot deliver a technically acceptable master of any Picture or the copyright documents of any Picture cannot meet the license and provisions of this agreement, Licensor may ask Licensor to replace such Picture with another comparable motion picture or terminate the agreement on such Picture and ask for refund.
通知(适用电子邮件),许可方应有 30 天的时间更换材料。如果许可方无法交付任何图片的技术上可接受的母版,或者任何图片的版权文件无法满足本协议的许可和规定,许可方可以要求许可方用另一张类似的电影替换该图片或终止该图片的协议并要求退款。
(4) The Licensor shall deliver materials by digital transfer or by international courier within 30 (thirty) days from the date of the Licensor's receipt of the first payment, stipulated in Article 5 It is understood by the Parties hereto that the dates of digital transfer or Air Way Bill of courier shall be taken as the date of delivery, and the date of acceptance shall be the date of Licensee's acceptance notice.
(4) 许可方应根据第 5 条的规定,在许可方收到第一笔付款之日起 30(三十)天内通过数字传输或国际快递交付材料。 本协议双方理解,数字传输的日期交货日期以快递单或空运提单为准,收货日期以被许可方发出收货通知的日期为准。
(5) It is agreed and confirmed by both Parties that upon expiration of the Period, the Licensee shall either return all the said materials to the Licensor or destroy the same and submit to the Licensor the proof of such destruction at the Licensor's discretion.
(5) 双方同意并确认,期限届满后,被许可方应将所有上述材料退还给许可方,或者将其销毁,并向许可方提交销毁证明,由许可方自行决定。
(6) It is further agreed and confirmed by both Parties that upon expiration of the Period, all the materials manufactured by the Licensee such as dubbed or subtitled materials in foreign languages as available shall remain the property of the Licensee, Licensor can not use such materials without the Licensee's written approval.
(6) 双方进一步同意并确认,期限届满后,被许可方制作的所有材料,例如现有的外语配音或字幕材料,仍属于被许可方的财产,许可方不得使用此类材料。未经被许可方书面批准的材料。
(7) Delivery of the original and notarized Copyright Documentation(s) shall occur when the first payment mentioned in Article 5 hereinabove have been settled by the Licensee to the Licensor. After the first payment, the Licensor shall need to provide such Copyright Documentation(s) for censorship and authorization of the Pictures in Authorized Territories which are including but not limited to Certificate of Origin, Chain of Copyright, Letter of Authorization and Power of Attorney with notarization, Before first payment, the Licensor shall discuss and provide the digital version of the abovementioned Copyright Documentation(s) in templates first with the Licensee and the Copyright Documentation(s) shall be approved by the Licensee.
(7) 当被许可人向许可人支付了上述第 5 条中提到的第一笔付款后,即交付经过公证的版权文件原件。首次付款后,许可方需提供版权文件以供在授权区域内对图片进行审查和授权,包括但不限于原产地证书、版权链、授权书和授权书。公证,在首次付款前,许可方应先与被许可方讨论并提供上述版权文件模板的数字版本,并经被许可方批准。

6. 转让和再许可:

The Licensee shall assign all or any part of the Rights or obligations owed by the Licensee to a third party with the Licensee's advance notification to the Licensor. For avoidance of doubt, the Licensee has the exclusive right to sub-license without the consent of the Licensor.

7. FORCE MAJEURE: 7. 不可抗力:

This Agreement is subject to force majeure. Force Majeure means any fire, flood, earthquake, or public disaster; strike, labor dispute or unrest; unavailability of any major talent committed to the Product; unavoidable accident; breakdown of electrical or sound equipment; failure to perform or delay by any laboratory or supplier; delay or lack of transportation; embargo, riot, war, insurrection or civil unrest; any Act of God including inclement weather, any act of legally constituted authority; or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of both Parties.删除[ [Microsoft]: all
本协议受不可抗力的约束。不可抗力是指任何火灾、洪水、地震或公共灾难;罢工、劳资纠纷或骚乱;缺乏致力于该产品的主要人才;不可避免的事故;电气或音响设备故障;任何实验室或供应商未能履行或延误;交通延误或缺乏;禁运、骚乱、战争、叛乱或内乱;任何天灾,包括恶劣天气、任何合法授权的行为;或超出双方合理控制范围的任何其他原因。删除[ [Microsoft]: all
删除[Microsoft]: and the cost of materials
删除[Microsoft]: The materials shall be subject to availability.

删除[Microsoft]: become 删除[Microsoft]:成为

删除[Microsoft]: or even if the Licensee has paid the costs for them and the Licensee undertakes to send them free of charge to the Licensor if available
删除[Microsoft]: The Licensee may not ask/claim such costs of manufacturing of the materials. It shall be subject to
删除[Microsoft]: Mainland China
删除[微软]: 中国大陆
删除[Microsoft]: by the local China Embassy
删除[Microsoft]: However 删除[微软]:但是
  1. WARRANTIES and BREACH: 保证和违约:
(1) Licensor represents and warrants to Licensee that the following are true and correct and will remain so throughout the Agreement Term:
(1) 许可方向被许可方声明并保证以下内容真实、正确,并且在整个协议期限内始终如此:
i) Licensor has full authority and capacity to execute this Agreement and perform all of its obligations under this Agreement:
i) 许可方有充分的权力和能力执行本协议并履行其在本协议项下的所有义务:
ii) There are no existing or threatened claims or litigation which would adversely affect or impair any of the Licensed Rights in the Territory during the Agreement Term;
ii) 在协议期限内不存在会对区域内任何许可权利产生不利影响或损害的现有或威胁索赔或诉讼;
iii) Licensor has not licensed, encumbered or assigned and will not license, encumber or assign any Licensed Right to any other Person in the Territory during its applicable License Period;
iii) 许可方在其适用的许可期内未向区域内的任何其他人许可、抵押或转让任何许可权利,也不会将任何许可权利许可、抵押或转让;
(2) One Party shall be responsible to the other Party for loss suffered by the other Party resulting from any breach of this Agreement by the Party or loss suffered by the other Party resulting from any tort, including negligence or misrepresentation on the part of the Party, his employees or agents related to the execution of this Agreement.
(2) 一方应对另一方因一方违反本协议而遭受的损失或因任何侵权行为(包括一方的疏忽或失实陈述)而给另一方造成的损失负责。与执行本协议有关的一方、其雇员或代理人。
(3) In case of breach by either Party hereto against the terms and conditions hereof, the breaching party shall be responsible for all losses caused to the other.
(3) 如果任何一方违反本协议的条款和条件,则违约方应对给另一方造成的一切损失负责。
(1) It is hereby explicitly understood between the Parties that the Licensor shall have no responsibility for any accident, claim, liability or damages caused or arising in connection with the showing of the Picture(s) in the Territory, including but not limited to violence or other accidents caused by a person who allegedly affected or otherwise influenced by the Picture(s) and that the Licensee shall be solely responsible for any such accident. For the avoidance of doubt, copyright claims are not included.
(1) 双方特此明确理解,许可方对因在区域内展示图片而引起或引起的任何事故、索赔、责任或损害不承担任何责任,包括但不限于据称受到图片影响或以其他方式影响的人造成的暴力或其他事故,被许可方应对任何此类事故承担全部责任。为避免疑义,不包括版权声明。
(2) In the absence of any breach of contract on the part of the Licensor, jn case the claim is made against the Licensor in connection with the above Article, the Licensee shall make its reasonable effort to have such claim be withdrawn by the claimant and shall indemnify the Licensor for any damages or expenses incurred thereby, provided that the claim in connection with the above Article is not attributable to the Licensor.
(2) 在许可方没有违反合同的情况下,如果根据上述条款向许可方提出索赔,被许可方应尽合理努力让索赔人撤回此类索赔并应赔偿许可方因此而遭受的任何损害或费用,但与上述条款有关的索赔不可归咎于许可方。
删除[Microsoft]: REPRESENTATIVE:
删除[微软]: 代表:
(1) Licensee shall be entitled to advertise and retain all revenue. All Licensee Created Materials' right shall be reserved by Licensee.
(1) 被许可人有权做广告并保留所有收入。所有被许可方创建的材料的权利均由被许可方保留。
(2) Licensor here approves that Licensee may clip, edit the Picture by itself or authorize any sublicensee to create materials such as trailers, posters, short-form videos, stills, comments track, publicity materials, etc. provided that Licensee may make above materials for the purpose of distribution or promotion.
(2) 许可方在此同意被许可方可以自行剪辑、编辑图片或授权任何被转许可方制作预告片、海报、短片、剧照、评论曲目、宣传材料等材料,前提是被许可方可以做出上述规定用于分发或促销目的的材料。
(3) The Licensee shall have the rights to commercially exploit the promotional materials of the Picture with notice to Licensor.
(3) 被许可方有权在通知许可方的情况下对图片的宣传材料进行商业利用。
(4) Without distorting original intent of the picture, the Licensee shall have the right to use, or to authorize a third party to exploit the audio of the Picture within the scope of the license granted hereunder, and to adapt and edit the audio of the Picture, as well as exploiting the adapted and/or edited version of the licensed picture within the scope of the rights granted hereunder.
(4) 在不歪曲图片原意的情况下,被许可人有权在本协议授予的许可范围内使用或授权第三方利用图片的音频,并对图片的音频进行改编和编辑。图片,以及在本协议授予的权利范围内利用许可图片的改编和/或编辑版本。
(5) APPLICABLE LAW: This Agreement will be governed by the laws of Hong Kong. Any disputes shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) under the HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted. The prevailing party in any dispute will be entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including legal fees.
(5) 适用法律:本协议受香港法律管辖。任何争议均应提交香港国际仲裁中心(HKIAC)根据提交仲裁通知时有效的香港国际仲裁中心机构仲裁规则进行仲裁并最终解决。任何争议的胜诉方将有权收回所有费用和开支,包括律师费。
(6) Licensee is authorized to edit the Pictures as necessary in order to help the Picture pass any duly authorized, legally constituted government censorship authority in the Territories. If the Picture is rejected for transmission by any duly authorized, legally constituted government censorship authority in the Territories ("Withdrawn Pictures") and Licensee so notifies Licensor, such Withdrawn Pictures shall be withdrawn and Licensee and Licensor shall agree to select a comparable substitute Picture for the Withdrawn Picture based on good faith, and if both parties cannot agree upon a satisfactory substitution, then of license fee shall be refunded.
(6) 被许可人有权根据需要编辑图片,以帮助图片通过领土内任何正式授权、合法成立的政府审查机构。如果该图片被领土上任何正式授权、合法成立的政府审查机构拒绝传输(“撤回的图片”),并且被许可方通知许可方,则此类撤回的图片应被撤回,并且被许可方和许可方应同意选择类似的替代图片对于出于善意而撤回的图片,如果双方不能就满意的替换达成一致,则应退还 的许可费。
(7) The Licensor hereby expressly acknowledge and confirm that its authorized signatory is formally and properly empowered to legally represent the Licensor to propose acts, deal with the Licensee, enter into and execute this binding Agreement.
(7) 许可方特此明确承认并确认其授权签字人已正式且适当地被授权合法代表许可方提出行动、与被许可方打交道、签订并执行本具有约束力的协议。
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have signed hereunder to execute this Agreement.
(the Licensor) (许可方)
Qian Huang 黄谦
AED, INC. (the Licensee)
AED, INC.(被许可方)
Terry Cheng 郑泰瑞