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“历史地理学”还是“地理历史学”? 一一英国历史地理学方法论视野下的中国式问题评议
"Historical Geography" or "Geographical History"? A review of Chinese-style issues from the perspective of British historical geography methodology

来源: 历史地理 作者: 历史地理 点击数: 1249
Source: Historical Geography Author: Historical Geography Clicks: 1249

摘要: 在国内历史地理学的本土语境中, “地理历史学”这一概念几乎从未进入专业研究者的话语体系。一些现代地理学者认为,以往的中国历史地理学实际属于地理历史研究范畴, 前者之名掩盖了后者的存在; 进而主张建立一门与历史地理学并驾齐驱的新学科一一地理历史学。事实上, 类似争议在以英美为代表的英语国家学术界亦曾发生过。对此, 英国著名历史地理学家达比和贝克都曾有所阐释和辨析, 值得镜鉴。本文重申只有将历史地理学视为沟通和融会地理学与历史学两大传统学科之间领域的学术关怀, 才能摆脱古往今来两者各自立足于本位而提出的片面见解。重视西方历史地理学方法论的形成与发展, 有助于厘清这一争议话题的本质, 也有利于推动本土学科自身的理论建构。
Abstract: In the domestic context of historical geography in China, the concept of "geographical history" has hardly entered the discourse system of professional researchers. Some modern geographers believe that the previous Chinese historical geography actually belongs to the research category of geographical history, and the former name conceals the existence of the latter; and then advocate the establishment of a new discipline, geographical history, which is on par with historical geography. In fact, similar controversies have also occurred in the academic circles of English-speaking countries represented by Britain and the United States. In this regard, the famous British historical geographers Darby and Baker have also made interpretations and analyses, which are worth learning from. This article reiterates that only by regarding historical geography as an academic concern that bridges and integrates the two major traditional disciplines of geography and history can we break away from the one-sided views put forward by both sides over the years. Emphasizing the formation and development of the methodology of Western historical geography is helpful in clarifying the essence of this controversial topic and promoting the theoretical construction of the domestic discipline itself.
关键词:历史地理学; 地理历史学; 地理史; 达比; 方法论
Keywords: Historical Geography; Geographical History; Geographical Historiography; Darby; Methodology

一、引 言  One, Introduction

在中国历史地理学的本土语境和发展历程中, “地理历史学”这一概念几乎从未进入专业研究者的话语体系。众所周知, “历史地理”一词最早引入国内, 是作为清末政府引进日本近代学制, 而在中外地理学门课程下设立的一个大学科目。 [1]、 [2] (P164168)回顾中国历史地理学的发展轨迹, 无论从具有划时代意义的沿革地理到现代历史地理学的转变, 还是在学科属性热烈讨论的思辨岁月, “地理历史”一词都未曾成为学科内部的本土话语。即使在最近的梳理近代“史地学派”地位和影响的重要成果中, 所反映出来的似乎也只是一支与传统“禹贡学派”并行, 而同样被称为“历史地理”的学科发展脉络。 [3]
In the local context and development process of Chinese historical geography, the concept of "historical geography" has hardly entered the discourse system of professional researchers. As we all know, the term "historical geography" was first introduced in China as a university subject established under the curriculum of Chinese and foreign geography courses, introduced by the late Qing government to introduce the modern Japanese education system. Reviewing the development trajectory of Chinese historical geography, whether it is the transformation from epoch-making historical geography to modern historical geography or the speculative years of heated discussions on disciplinary attributes, the term "historical geography" has never become a local discourse within the discipline. Even in the recent important results of sorting out the status and influence of the modern "historical geography school," it seems to reflect only a development context parallel to the traditional "Yu Gong school," also known as "historical geography."
20 世纪 90 年代中期, 一些从事史学理论研究的学者, 注意到“文革”以后作为史学领域新的跨学科方法出现的所谓“地理历史学”。[4] 他们将该方向视为运用地理学理论和方法开展研究的历史学分支, 并作为词条载入 《史学理论大辞典》。[5] (P534536)正如词条撰写者陈国灿先生所指出的, 地理历史学与“作为地理学分支之一的历史地理学, 虽在研究的对象上各有偏重, 具体的研究方法也有所不同, 但实际上两者是难以截然分开的......因此, 学者们在实际研究过程中, 一般都把它们合为一体, 等量齐观”。由此可见, 即便当初引介地理历史学概念的学者自己, 也认为它与历史地理学并没有本质上的区别。当然, 该词条的最后又这样写道:" 80 年代以来, 地理历史学与历史地理学的分离倾向在不断明显化, 两者的不同点也日益增多。"这一现象乃至其发展趋势, 国内学界至今似乎仍然知之不多。
In the mid-1990s, some scholars engaged in theoretical historical studies noticed the so-called "historical geography" that emerged as a new interdisciplinary method in the field of history after the "Cultural Revolution." They regarded this direction as a branch of history that uses geographical theories and methods for research and included it as an entry in the "Great Dictionary of Historical Theory." As pointed out by the author of the entry, Mr. Chen Guocan, historical geography and "historical geography as a branch of geography, although they have different emphases on research objects and specific research methods, are actually difficult to separate... Therefore, scholars generally consider them as a whole and treat them equally." It can be seen that even the scholars who initially introduced the concept of historical geography themselves did not see any essential difference between it and historical geography. Of course, the entry concludes by stating: "Since the 1980s, the trend of separation between historical geography and historical geography has become increasingly evident, and the differences between the two have also increased." This phenomenon and its development trend seem to be little known in the domestic academic community to this day.
新世纪以来, 国内的一些地理学者从不同角度重新提出了地理历史学的概念。如有人认为, 从实际研究层面看, 目前的历史地理学应当更名为地理历史学, 以后者为“实”而冠“名”前者的研究, 应当加入“真正”的历史地理内容, 从而使中国历史地理学“实至而名归”。[6]这番来自地理学者的“名实之辨”, 似乎颇显突兀。而在引发历史地理学者的回应与述评后, 此问题已经趋向澄清。[7] (P32-74)、 [8]、 [9] 然而, 其间复有地理学者从新的角度再次提出“地理历史学的构想”, 并进而主张建立一门与历史地理学并驾齐驱的新学科一一地理历史学。[10] 对此, 则仍未见到历史地理学界的相关回应。
Since the beginning of the new century, some domestic geographers have re-proposed the concept of historical geography from different perspectives. Some believe that from the perspective of practical research, the current historical geography should be renamed as geographical history. The latter should be based on "reality" and add "genuine" historical geographical content, so as to make Chinese historical geography "realistic and named". This "distinction between name and reality" from geographers seems somewhat abrupt. However, after triggering responses and comments from historical geographers, this issue has tended to be clarified. Nevertheless, some geographers have once again proposed the idea of "geographical history" from a new perspective, advocating the establishment of a new discipline, geographical history, which runs parallel to historical geography. There has been no response from the historical geography community on this matter.

更为重要的是, 有的学者还引述具有国际声誉的英国历史地理学家阿兰.贝克(Alan R.H.Baker)的观点, 认为他对 geographical history(地理历史学)这一术语怀有“学科合法地位的诉求”, 应当给予重视。[11] 不过, 这与笔者所知英国现代历史地理学方法论的一般内容, 却并不完全相符。因此, 有必要重新对贝克乃至整个西方历史地理学界关于地理历史学话题的争议进行简要梳理。希望通过比较中外对这一术语的不同看法, 更为理性、全面地评议国内尝试建立地理历史学的呼声, 并能对推动本土学科自身的理论建构有所助益。
More importantly, some scholars also cite the views of the internationally renowned British historical geographer Alan R.H. Baker, who believes that the term "geographical history" has a "disciplinary legitimacy appeal" and should be taken seriously. However, this does not completely align with the general content of modern British historical geography methodology as far as the author knows. Therefore, it is necessary to briefly review the controversy surrounding Baker and even the entire Western historical geography community on the topic of geographical history. By comparing the different views of this term between China and the West, it is hoped that a more rational and comprehensive evaluation of the domestic attempts to establish geographical history can be made, which may contribute to promoting the theoretical construction of the local discipline itself.

二、国内本土“地理历史学”认识述评 Second, a review of the understanding of domestic "geographical history" in China.

由历史学者编纂的《史学理论大辞典》, 在介绍地理历史学时, 主要采取与历史地理学对照的描述方式, 即认为两者都是历史学与地理学交叉融合的边缘学科, 强调尽管研究对象和方法各有侧重, 但实践中可以合为一体、等量齐观。有关两者之间的差异, 则从学科属性的角度分别界定: 地理历史学是历史学的分支学科, 而历史地理学是地理学的分支学科。前者“运用地理学的理论和方法,通过研究人类社会生活对各历史时期地理环境所产生的具体作用、后果,和不同历史时期的地理环境对人类社会及其发展的具体影响, 来解释有关历史现象, 探讨历史发展的各种客观规律”。至于后者, 由于被排除在历史学外, 故辞典中没有相应的词条介绍。
The "Great Dictionary of Historical Theory" compiled by historians, when introducing historical geography, mainly adopts a descriptive approach contrasting with historical geography, that is, considering both as interdisciplinary fields integrating history and geography, emphasizing that although they have different research objects and methods, they can be integrated and viewed equally in practice. The differences between the two are defined from the perspective of disciplinary attributes: historical geography is a branch of history, while historical geography is a branch of geography. The former "uses the theories and methods of geography to explain historical phenomena, explore various objective laws of historical development by studying the specific effects and consequences of human social life on geographical environments in different historical periods, and the specific impacts of different geographical environments on human society and its development." As for the latter, because it is excluded from history, there are no corresponding entries in the dictionary.
在提出历史地理学名实之辨的地理学者看来, 作为“研究历史时期地理环境”的历史地理学, 其实是“由历史角度研究地理”。这与人文地理学其他各分支学科都从地理角度研究社会人文要素的惯例相违。因此, 他们主张目前的历史地理学应当正名为地理历史学,归属历史学。而从地理学角度研究社会历史, 和人类历史发展与地理环境关系的学科, 才是真正的历史地理学, 属于地理学。这里需要指出的是, 上述学者并未刻意追求地理历史学的独立性, 而是希望既有的历史地理学补充和加强对社会历史发展与地理环境关系的研究, 以使学科获得“新生”。
According to geographers who distinguish between the names and realities of historical geography, historical geography, as the study of historical geographical environments, is actually "studying geography from a historical perspective." This contradicts the convention of other branches of human geography that study social and human elements from a geographical perspective. Therefore, they advocate that the current historical geography should be renamed as historical geography and belong to history. Studying social history from a geographical perspective and the relationship between human historical development and geographical environments is the true historical geography, belonging to geography. It is worth noting that these scholars are not deliberately pursuing the independence of historical geography, but hoping to complement and strengthen the study of the relationship between social historical development and geographical environments in historical geography to give the discipline a "rebirth."
比较前述这些特定的地理学者与历史学者对待地理历史学看法的异同, 可以发现两个重要而略显吊诡的现象。其一, 双方都主张地理历史学属于历史学, 而历史地理学属于地理学。但是, 得出这一结论的依据却完全相左: 地理学者认为地理历史学是从历史角度研究地理, 而历史学者认为地理历史学运用地理学方法解释历史现象和规律。换言之, 前者以研究视角和方法界定地理历史学的归属, 后者则以研究对象和主题来加以确定。
Comparing the different views of these specific geographers and historians on historical geography, two important yet somewhat paradoxical phenomena can be observed. Firstly, both sides argue that historical geography belongs to history, while historical geography belongs to geography. However, the basis for this conclusion is completely opposite: geographers believe that historical geography studies geography from a historical perspective, while historians believe that historical geography uses geographical methods to explain historical phenomena and laws. In other words, the former defines the attribution of historical geography based on research perspectives and methods, while the latter determines it based on research objects and themes.
由此不禁使人想起英国人文地理学家约翰斯顿( R.J.Johnston)的话, 他说:“在科学群体中, 各学科都几乎无一例外地由其主题来界定, 由它们研究什么而不是怎样研究来界定。" [12] (P7)但是, 假如据此便将地理学者主张的, 地理历史学从历史角度研究地理、历史地理学从地理角度研究历史的看法轻易否定, 可能也会与部分客观事实不相符合。例如, 人文地理学分支按照名称的偏正结构, 理解为从地理学角度研究相应人文社会各部门要素的观点, 虽不全面, 也不准确, 但还不能说完全没有道理。因此, 需要综合各方面因素, 从更加深入的角度进行思考和分析。
This inevitably reminds one of the words of the British human geographer R.J. Johnston, who said: "In scientific communities, almost all disciplines are defined by their subjects, by what they study rather than how they study." [12] (P7) However, if one easily denies the views advocated by geographers, that historical geography studies geography from a historical perspective and historical geography studies history from a geographical perspective, it may also not be consistent with some objective facts. For example, the branch of human geography, understood as studying the elements of corresponding human society from a geographical perspective based on the head-modifier structure of its name, although not comprehensive or accurate, still has some merit. Therefore, it is necessary to consider and analyze from a more in-depth perspective by integrating various factors.
其二, 相较《史学理论大辞典》将地理历史学界定为从地理学角度探讨人类社会与地理环境相互作用及其影响的学科范畴, 前
Secondly, compared to the "Dictionary of Historical Theory" which defines historical geography as a discipline that explores the interaction and impact of human society and geographical environment from a geographical perspective, the former

述地理学者则声称地理历史学是从历史角度或以时间维度研究历史时期地理环境的学科;而真正的历史地理学, “应该回归于社会历史发展与地理环境关系的研究”。换句话说, 地理学者与历史学者对地理历史学内涵的界定有所不同。这一现象与前述第一个问题性质类似, 也需要重新加以认识和解释。
Geographers claim that historical geography is a discipline that studies historical periods' geographical environments from a historical perspective or in terms of time dimension; whereas true historical geography "should return to the study of the relationship between social historical development and geographical environment." In other words, geographers and historians have different definitions of the connotation of historical geography. This phenomenon is similar in nature to the first issue mentioned above and also requires a reevaluation and explanation.
历史地理学名实之辨话题被提出后, 有地理学者又从构建新学科的角度, 再次提出地理历史学这一术语。他们认为“就地理学而言, 历史地理学就是交叉整合出来的分支学科。历史地理学是以地理学为核心的属于地理学的一个分支学科, 主要研究历史时期地理环境及其演变规律, 特别强调人类行为的直接或间接的地理效应”。由此, 这部分学者提出可否从历史学角度重新构建交叉学科的设问, 从而引出地理历史学, 并认为它“研究地理环境对人的集团的存在和发展的作用, 包括稳定的地理环境对历史进程的影响和变迁的地理环境对历史进程的影响, 力求阐明人的集团的历史行为与地理环境之间的内在联系或统一性, 以揭示出客观存在的“地理一历史'规律”。[10]从表面上来看, 这部分地理学者与提出名实之辨的学者, 都运用了地理历史学术语, 但实际上, 两者却有一些差异。后者所说的地理历史学, 是研究历史时期的地理环境, 而前者则与那些历史学者观点一致, 主要强调地理历史学是探讨地理环境对人类社会历史发展影响的研究。
After the topic of distinguishing between the names and realities of historical geography was raised, some geographers once again proposed the term "geographical history" from the perspective of constructing a new discipline. They believe that "as far as geography is concerned, historical geography is a branch discipline that is cross-integrated. Historical geography is a branch discipline belonging to geography with geography as its core, mainly studying the historical geographical environment and its evolutionary laws, especially emphasizing the direct or indirect geographical effects of human behavior." Thus, these scholars raised the question of whether it is possible to reconstruct interdisciplinary studies from the perspective of history, thereby introducing geographical history, and they believe that it "studies the role of the geographical environment in the existence and development of human groups, including the influence of stable geographical environments on historical processes and the influence of changing geographical environments on historical processes, striving to elucidate the inherent connection or unity between the historical behavior of human groups and the geographical environment, in order to reveal the objective existence of the "geographical history" laws." [10] On the surface, these geographers and scholars who proposed the distinction between names and realities both used the term geographical history, but in fact, there are some differences between the two. The geographical history mentioned by the latter is the study of the geographical environment during historical periods, while the former is consistent with the views of those historians, mainly emphasizing that geographical history is the study of the impact of the geographical environment on the historical development of human society.
从深层次看, 提出构建地理历史学科的学者, 无论拥有怎样的学术背景, 都将历史地理学和地理历史学的分野, 置于地理学与历史学截然对立且非此即彼的境地之中。即便近来有人试图借用阿兰.贝克关于地理历史学的论述来阐明己见, 依据的同样也是这一基本前提。他们指出贝克非常明确地说“'historical geography'是具有地理学视角的学科, 'geographical history' 是具有历史学视角的学科”。[11]但事实上,贝克在其英文原著中的表达是:“historical geography may beviewed as being concerned with the historical dimensionin geography and geographical history with the geographical dimension in history”, 阙维民译为“历史地理学可以被视为有关地理学中具有历史维度的学科, 而地理学史则可被视为有关历史学中具有地理维度的学科"。[13](P3)、[14] (P3)由此可见, 以上学者对贝克观点的转述, 值得重新梳理并加以更为准确地把握。
From a deeper perspective, scholars who propose the construction of the discipline of geographical history, regardless of their academic backgrounds, place the distinction between historical geography and geographical history in a situation where geography and history are diametrically opposed and either/or. Even though some have recently tried to use Alan Baker's discussion of geographical history to clarify their own views, they are still based on the same basic premise. They point out that Baker clearly states that "historical geography" is a discipline with a geographical perspective, and "geographical history" is a discipline with a historical perspective." [11] However, in fact, Baker's expression in his original English work is: "historical geography may be viewed as being concerned with the historical dimension in geography and geographical history with the geographical dimension in history," as translated by Que Weimin as "historical geography can be viewed as a discipline concerning the historical dimension in geography, while geographical history can be viewed as a discipline concerning the geographical dimension in history." [13] (P3), [14] (P3) Therefore, it is worth reorganizing and grasping more accurately the scholars' restatements of Baker's views.
这些学者还依据贝克的一篇晚近的论文中的观点,认为他怀有“强调该词(即地理历史学引引者注)‘学科‘地位”的倾向; [15] 还说英国学者格雷戈里(D. Gregory)和约翰斯顿等人编纂的《人文地理学词典》, 也将地理历史学“作为一门学科看, 且是对历史地理学新的挑战”, [16] (P335)等等。这些转述自西方历史地理学界的看法, 似乎都成为构建所谓中国地理历史学的重要依据。不得不说,梳理西方历史地理学界关于地理历史学的讨论, 已成为检视和辨析国内这类话题讨论的重要参考, 理应引起关注。对此, 下文即拟尝试通过梳理, 看看西方特别是以英美为代表的英语国家的历史地理学界, 对两者关系到底持有怎样的认识和立场。
These scholars also believe that based on Baker's recent paper, he tends to "emphasize the 'disciplinary' status of the term (i.e., geographical history)"; [15] and the British scholars Gregory and Johnston compiled the "Dictionary of Human Geography", which also views geographical history as "a discipline and a new challenge to historical geography", [16] (P335), and so on. These views from the Western historical geography community seem to have become important basis for constructing the so-called Chinese geographical history. It must be said that sorting out the discussions on geographical history in the Western historical geography community has become an important reference for examining and analyzing similar discussions domestically, and should be paid attention to. In this regard, the following will attempt to examine how the Western historical geography community, especially represented by English-speaking countries such as Britain and the United States, understands and positions the relationship between the two.

III. Interpretation and Controversy of the Term "Geographical history" in the British and American Academic Community

从中国本土学术发展的历程看, 地理历史学这一术语比较罕见, 但不能因此便以为整个中国历史地理学界对其从未有所触及。 20 世纪 80 年代后期, 辛德勇翻译日本学者菊地利夫《历史地理学方法论》一书时, 曾译介“地理历史型叙述理论”。书中说道:“虽然把历史的地理解释作为历史地理学的观点在 20 世纪初期已衰微下去, 但至今它仍以种种面目存在于历史地理叙述当中, 其中有些具
From the perspective of the development of Chinese indigenous academia, the term geographical history is relatively rare, but this does not mean that the entire Chinese historical geography community has never touched upon it. In the late 1980s, when Xindyong translated the book "Methodology of Historical Geography" by Japanese scholar Kikuchi Toshio, he introduced the term "geographical historical narrative theory". The book states: "Although the interpretation of historical geography as historical geography has declined in the early 20th century, it still exists in various forms in historical geographical narratives, some of which are.

有形成体系的叙述形式, 这就是地理历史学(geographical history)和地历史学(geohistoire)等环境论历史学”。菊地利夫主张从“历史的自然基础”层面理解自然环境对历史进程的作用方式, 并援引英美历史地理学家的研究成果, 从区域和景观的角度对地理历史型叙述理论进行了细致解析。[17] (P159-167)、[18] (P134-140)这表明日本学者的相关认识, 主要受英美学界的影响。而侯角坚在追述 19 至 20 世纪之间日本 《历史地理》杂志的学科概念时, 也提及 “与历史地理一词同时存在的还有“地理的史学”、“地理的历史”、“地理历史'等术语概念, 其词语渊源当与历史地理相同, 只是理解表达各有差异, “地理历史”一词的使用即为一例”。 [19] (P257)
A narrative form with a systematic structure, this is environmental history such as geographical history and geohistoire. Toshio Kikuchi advocates understanding the role of the natural environment in historical processes from the perspective of the "natural basis of history," and cites the research results of British and American historical geographers to provide a detailed analysis of geographical historical narrative theory from the perspectives of regions and landscapes. This indicates that the relevant understanding of Japanese scholars is mainly influenced by the British and American academic circles. When tracing the disciplinary concepts of the journal "Historical Geography" in Japan between the 19th and 20th centuries, Hou Jiaojian also mentioned that terms such as "historical geography," "geographical history," and "geographical history" coexisted with the term "historical geography," with the same etymological origin but different understandings and expressions. The use of the term "geographical history" is an example of this.
1992 年, 台湾学者姜道章在翻译美国历史地以往参与上述讨论的西方学者成果丰硕, 本文难以也不必逐一引述。因此, 下文将以英美两国特别是以英国历史地理学的主要代表人物达比和贝克为例,梳理其主要观点和立场,冀以得管窥之效。
In 1992, Taiwanese scholar Jiang Daozhang translated the works of Western scholars who had participated in the above discussions on American historical geography. The results were fruitful, and it is difficult and unnecessary to quote them one by one in this article. Therefore, the following text will take the main representatives of historical geography in the United Kingdom, especially the British historical geographers Darby and Baker, as examples to sort out their main viewpoints and positions, hoping to gain some insights.
正如对西方学者而言, historical geography(历史地理)起源于何时仍是难以回答的问题一样, geographical history(地理历史)一词亦不知其所始。或许我们可以从历史地理这一术语在西方逐渐被使用的过程, 来反观地理历史一词的学术渊源和早期经历。英国著名历史地理学家克利福德 达比(Clifford Darby, 1909-1992)指出, 在整个 19 世纪, 历史地理一词主要被用于描述“历史或政治地理”(historical or political geography), 以及作为“历史之地貌”(historical topographies)的用法而大量充斥于专著的标题。到该世纪末时,历史地理又被赋予了“地理对历史之影响”(the influence of geography up on history)的新含义。 [22] (P117)
Just as it is difficult for Western scholars to determine when historical geography originated, the origin of the term geographical history is also unknown. Perhaps we can look back at the academic origins and early experiences of geographical history by examining the gradual use of the term historical geography in the West. The famous British historical geographer Clifford Darby (1909-1992) pointed out that throughout the 19th century, the term historical geography was mainly used to describe "historical or political geography" and was heavily used in the titles of works as "historical topographies." By the end of the century, historical geography was given a new meaning of "the influence of geography on history."
关于此间历史地理一词指代内涵的扩张, 及其背后与“地理历史”这类措辞运用的此长彼消, 来自伦敦大学伯克贝克学院的泰勒教授(Prof. E. G. R. Taylor), 在 1932 年伦敦举行的一次主题为“历史地理学是什么”的研讨会上, 曾经有过详细论述。泰勒指出,史学著作中常常出现描述性的有关地貌形态的导言, 不幸使“历史之地貌”(topography of history)一词被贴上了“历史地理”(historical geography)的标签。伴随着 19 世纪地理学的复兴, 地理学者对地貌和区位重要性的认识得以提高, 同时也扩大了“历史地理”这一概念应用的范围。对于后者, 被赋予了带有争议性质的地理“影响”(influences)与“控制”(control)的意涵。然而, 一旦区位的重要性得到历史学者的承认, 他们就会肩负起被称为“评价历史中的
The expansion of the connotation of the term "historical geography" and the fading away of the use of terms like "geographical history" behind it, as discussed in detail by Professor E. G. R. Taylor from Birkbeck College, University of London, at a seminar on "What is Historical Geography" held in London in 1932. Taylor pointed out that historical works often have descriptive introductions about landforms, unfortunately leading to the term "topography of history" being labeled as "historical geography." With the revival of geography in the 19th century, geographers' understanding of the importance of landforms and locations increased, expanding the application scope of the concept of "historical geography." The latter was endowed with controversial geographical implications of "influences" and "control." However, once the importance of location is recognized by historians, they take on the responsibility of studying the "evaluation of the place factor in history" or the more concise "the geography of history." This evaluation requires geographical analysis techniques as a prerequisite, ultimately advancing historical studies, thus falling within the concerns and responsibilities of historians. In order to make proper use of this research subject, historians must continue to use the label "historical geography" instead of the more accurate term "the geography of history." [23] (P5-8)
地方因素”(the evaluation of the place factor in history), 或是更简略的“历史之地理”(the geography of history)的研究责任。这种评估以地理学的分析技术为先决条件, 但最终却使历史学得到进步, 故属于历史学者的关切与职责。为了正确利用这一研究对象, 历史学者必须继续沿用“历史地理”的标签, 来代替更为准确的“历史之地理”的说法。 [23] (P5-8)
From the introductions of Taylor and Darby, it can be seen that the early Western historical geography not only refers to historical territories and political geography in a general sense but also includes descriptions of landforms in historical narratives. The latter, with the rise of Western geography as a whole in the 19th century, expanded to other aspects of geography such as location and place. Therefore, the meaning expressed by descriptions like "topography of history" was replaced by "the geography of history" and further continued in the form of "historical geography." Based on this, influenced by the environmental determinism trend at the turn of the century, the study of "geographical influences on history" seeking academic legitimacy, also labeled as historical geography through the approach of being included in "the geography of history." [24] (P76) Taylor's "unfortunate" refers to the academic concerns that originally emphasized the impact of landforms or various geographical factors on historical processes, but were ultimately labeled as historical geography, leading to a misunderstanding of the research direction to some extent.
从泰勒和达比的介绍可以看出, 早期西方的历史地理这一术语的内涵除了一般意义上的历史疆域和政治地理之外, 还具有在历史叙述中所包含的有关地貌形态方面的描述。后者随着 19 世纪整个西方地理学的勃兴, 又扩张到区位(location)和地方(place)等地理学的其他方面。因此, 类似于“历史之地貌”这类描述所表达的含义遂被“历史之地理”所替代, 并进而以“历史地理”的形式沿用下来。在此基础上, 受到世纪之交地理环境决定论思潮的波及, 努力寻求学术合法地位的“地理对历史之影响”的研究, 也通过被纳入“历史之地理”的途径, 而被贴上了历史地理的标签。[24](P76)泰勒所说的“不幸”, 应当就是指这类原本强调地貌或者诸地理因素对历史进程产生影响的学术关切, 最后却被冠以历史地理的称谓, 从而在一定程度上导致研究的思路产生因果倒置的误会。
显然上述这些认识, 为我们了解西方地理历史学概念产生的渊源, 提供了一个绝佳的视角。也就是说, “地理对历史之影响”的研究, 在避免决定论“争议”和概括简化的运用过程中, 被纳入语意不够稳定准确的“历史之地理”(the geography of history)这一表述以后, 其符合学术迻辑的发展方向, 应当就是“地理历史学”(geographical history)。这与后来强调此方向的学者, 都将地理因素对历史进程的作用和影响视为其重要领域的做法, 显然具有源流上的继承关系。而西方历史地理学在经历了 20 世纪上半叶的思辨与积淀后,围绕包括历史之地理、地理历史等术语在内展开的最为系统的方法论描述,首推达比的方法论著述。
Obviously, these understandings mentioned above provide us with an excellent perspective on the origins of Western geographical historical concepts. In other words, the study of "the influence of geography on history," after being incorporated into the less stable and accurate semantics of "the geography of history," in the process of avoiding deterministic "controversies" and oversimplified applications, should be the development direction that conforms to academic logic, namely "geographical history." This is obviously inherited from scholars who later emphasized the role and influence of geographical factors on historical processes as an important area. After experiencing speculation and accumulation in the first half of the 20th century, Western historical geography, centered around the most systematic methodological descriptions, including terms such as the geography of history and historical geography, first advocated the methodological writings of Darby.
On the relations of
history and geography
The geography
The history
The historical
element in
( 姜道章译, 1994) (Translated by Jiang Daozhang, 1994)
历史的地理基础 过去的地理
历史背后的地理 过去的地理
( 阙维民译, 2008) (Que Weimin translation, 2008)
历史的地理基础 往日的地理
原文及译介主题次序 -
Historical geography
Geographies of
the past
The past in the
《地理学与历史学》 今日中往
地理历史 往日的地理 变化的景观
说明:为了将达比在前后两篇论文中分别叙述的四个主题,按照顺序逐一对应,表中对 1962 年 《历史地理学》
Description: In order to correspond the four themes described by Darby in the two papers, the table matches the 1962 "Historical Geography"
达比教授以专注英格兰本土的区域研究最负盛名。他本人自称对方法论兴趣浓厚, 且主、要来自于实践而非理论。在其系列方法论著述中, 有三篇论文最为重要, 其中两篇都直接与历史地理学相关。第一篇发表于 1953 年, 题为《论历史与地理的关系》, 主要面向地理学者。第二篇发表于 1962 年, 题作 《历史地理学》, 可能是为了增进历史学者对历史地理学的了解, 该文被收入一本关于史学诸方面研究的论文集。[25] (P12-16)在这两篇论文中, 达比将历史与地理的关系, 以及涵盖这一关系主要内容的历史地理学, 阐述为四种分类或主题, 只是在具体表达时的措辞有所不同。[23]、[26] (P1-11)表一为读者呈现的, 便是达比分别对历史与地理的关系, 以及历史地理学四种主题的相关表述, 同时附有后来译介时相应的中文翻译。
Professor Darby is most famous for his focus on regional studies of England. He himself claims to have a strong interest in methodology, and his main interest comes from practice rather than theory. In his series of methodological writings, three papers are most important, two of which are directly related to historical geography. The first paper was published in 1953, entitled "On the Relationship between History and Geography," mainly aimed at geographers. The second paper was published in 1962, entitled "Historical Geography," possibly to enhance historians' understanding of historical geography. This paper was included in a collection of studies on various aspects of historiography. In these two papers, Darby elaborates on the relationship between history and geography, as well as historical geography covering the main content of this relationship, classified into four categories or themes, with only slightly different wording in specific expressions. Table 1 presented to readers shows Darby's respective expressions of the relationship between history and geography, as well as the four themes of historical geography, accompanied by corresponding Chinese translations when later introduced.
通过表一可知, 达比在 1962 年的论文中, 最后提及的 geographical history(地理历史) 主题, 对应 1953 年首先阐述的 the geography behind history 主题。之所以将这两个内涵一致而表述不同的主题, 分别置于不同的次序, 主要与两篇论文所面对的读者具有不同的专业背景有关。[25](P19)至于 the geography behind history 的中文译法, 则既可以写为“历史背后的地理”, [27] (P30)也可以是“历史的地理基础”, 只是后一种翻译似乎更具学理性。达比在阐述 the geography behind history 主题时指出, 由于历史研究越来越实际, 也就越来越成为地理的研究。他援引 1833 年出版的《法国史》著者米西莱(Michelet)的话说道, 地方不能只视为演戏的舞台, 地理在各方面影响历史。此外, 在评论了一些“完全”和“部分地采用地理的观点解释历史现象”的著作后, 达比提示这一方向还应注意“历史受区域差异的影响”。最后, 他总结认为, 以历史的地理基础为对象“不是研究地理的”, “作为地理学者, 我们不应模仿他们。因为地理学的要旨博大, 应该鼓励各种研究, 但是这些研究, 并不一定都应该包括在地理学中。而在另一方面, 我们也应对这类研究有兴趣, 即部分原因是由于好奇, 部分原因是其他学科承认地理学的研究; 这对于地理学的进步不是没有关系的”。 [28] (P244245)
According to Table 1, Darby's last mention of the geographical history theme in his 1962 paper corresponds to the theme of the geography behind history first elaborated in 1953. The reason for presenting these two consistent but differently worded themes in different orders is mainly due to the different professional backgrounds of the readers faced by the two papers. As for the Chinese translation of the geography behind history, it can be written as "历史背后的地理" or "历史的地理基础", with the latter translation seeming more scholarly. Darby points out when elaborating on the theme of the geography behind history that as historical studies become more practical, they also become more geographical. He quotes Michelet, the author of "Histoire de France" published in 1833, as saying that places should not only be seen as stages for acting, as geography influences history in various ways. In addition, after commenting on some works that "completely" or "partially adopt geographical viewpoints to explain historical phenomena," Darby suggests that this direction should also pay attention to "the influence of historical differences on regions." Finally, he concludes that focusing on the geography behind history is "not studying geography," and "as geographers, we should not imitate them. Because the essence of geography is broad, it should encourage various studies, but these studies do not necessarily have to be included in geography. On the other hand, we should also be interested in such studies, partly out of curiosity, partly because other disciplines recognize the study of geography; this is not unrelated to the progress of geography." [28] (P244245)
1962 年, 达比以 Geographical History 为题, 用更多的篇幅再次深化阐述了他关于“历史的地理基础”的认识。他说, 当时地理学界最为熟悉的有关历史地理术语的含义, 至少包括两层意思: 其一是对过去地理的复原, 其二是研究贯穿于时间的地理变迁。当然,也包括承自该词早期用法而来的、有关政治边界及行政区划变迁的记录。此外, 甚至还有已无人问津的关于地理探险和思想史的内容。最后, 达比郑重地提出, 在这些关注以外, 还有一种历史地理一词长期“参与”的内容——“地理历史”。这段描述的英文原文是:"This is the investigation of the influence of geographical conditions up on the course of history-a line of enquiry that is thought by many to be best described as 'geographical history'." [24] (P74-76)(它是有关地理条件对历史进程影响的学术研究, 也是被许多人认为最好称之为“地理历史”的一系列调查。)
In 1962, Darby further elaborated his understanding of "the geography behind history" under the title Geographical History, using more space. He said that the most familiar meanings of historical geographical terms in the geographical community at that time included at least two layers of meaning: one is the reconstruction of past geography, and the other is the study of geographical changes over time. Of course, it also includes records of political boundaries and administrative changes inherited from the early use of the term. In addition, there are even contents about geographical exploration and the history of ideas that are no longer of interest. Finally, Darby solemnly proposes that in addition to these concerns, there is a long-standing content that has been "involved" in the term historical geography - "geographical history." The English original text of this description is: "This is the investigation of the influence of geographical conditions upon the course of history-a line of enquiry that is thought by many to be best described as 'geographical history'." [24] (P74-76)

通过达比对“历史的地理基础”和“地理历史”两个同义主题的阐述, 有助于系统了解西方特别是英国历史地理学界, 在 20 世纪中叶关于“地理对历史之影响”研究定位的基本立场。上述具有不同表达的同一主题, 既是构建历史学与地理学关系的重要组成部分, 也是历史地理学的四个核心话题之一,尽管在达比看来,它因为研究对象的落脚点在于历史,而导致其属性不是地理学(而是历史学),但他仍强调这种地理学方法的应用, 本身对地理学的进步具有积极意义。
By comparing the exposition of the synonymous themes of "historical geography" and "geographical history", it is helpful for a systematic understanding of the basic position of the research on the "influence of geography on history" in the Western, especially British historical geography community in the mid-20th century. The same theme expressed in different ways above is not only an important part of constructing the relationship between history and geography, but also one of the four core topics of historical geography. Although in Darby's view, its attribute is not geography (but history) because the focus of the research is on history, he still emphasizes the application of this geographical method, which is of positive significance for the progress of geography.
在 1953 年的论文中,达比对历史的地理基础和地理的历史基础(因子)或曰地理背后的历史这两个主题进行描述时,均使用了 “behind”(在......的背后)一词, 而不是简单将地理与历史之间加以“of”(…的)连缀, 显然是出于希望更加准确和避免歧义地表达两者之间因果关系的考量。也就是说, 达比为了避免人们将 the geography of history(历史之地理)理解为 historical geography(历史地理), 才形象地选择使用了 behind 这个词。如果他不这样做, 那么将 the geography of history 理解为 geographical history(地理历史)的本意, 恐怕不会顺利实现。从这一角度而言, 其相应的中文译介, 却均使用了“的”字的译法, 或许既销蚀了当年达比在英文措辞时的细㖪匠心,也有可能反向影响国内对
In his 1953 paper, Darby used the term "behind" instead of simply linking geography and history with "of" when describing the themes of the geographical basis of history and the historical basis (factors) or the history behind geography, apparently out of a desire for more accurate and unambiguous expression of the causal relationship between the two. In other words, in order to prevent people from understanding the geography of history as historical geography, Darby vividly chose to use the word "behind". If he did not do so, it would probably not be easy to achieve the original intention of understanding the geography of history as geographical history. From this perspective, the corresponding Chinese translations all use the translation method of the word "的", which may erode the meticulous craftsmanship of Darby's English wording at that time and may also have a reverse impact on the distinction between the terms the geography of history and historical geography in the country.
The geography of history 和 historical geography 这两个术语的区分, 造成进一步的混淆。这也是本文将 the geography of history 译为历史之地理, 而不译作历史的地理的主要原因。
The distinction between the terms "the geography of history" and "historical geography" causes further confusion. This is also the main reason why this article translates "the geography of history" as historical geography instead of translating it as the geography of history.
达比在构建历史地理学自身知识领域的过程中, 对“地理历史”主题的阐释, 不可避免地受到一些同行学者观点的挑战。例如,竭力提倡“地理学观点”对历史学价值的美国学者厄尔(C. Earle), 即主张传统的历史地理学应该被新的地理历史学所取代。[14] (P71-71)他在自己的论文集《地理研究与美国历史问题》中, 以“地理历史学的实践”为导言标题, 试图“从地理学的观点来重新探讨美国历史中的一些老生常谈的问题”, 研究“确定美国经验的过程…․ 及其形成的地理因素”, 以及“解释美国宏观历史的周期性变化与地理在其中的作用”。29](P1)在英国历史地理学家阿兰.贝克看来,厄尔对美国历史问题的探索,只利用了区位和生态这两个地理学话语, 而不是全部。因此, 贝克指出片面将地理历史学代替历史地理学的做法是错误的, 并认为厄尔偏执于部分地理学话语开展的历史学研究, 使他忽视了别人所撰写的“历史地理学”。他总结说道:“历史地理学与地理历史学对于世界持有相关却相异的观点;将它们拆分为单一的观点, 或主张保留一种观点与删除另一种观点, 都将削弱其他方面丰富的知识多样性”。[14](P71)
In the process of building the knowledge field of historical geography itself, Darby's interpretation of the theme of "geographical history" has inevitably been challenged by some peer scholars. For example, the American scholar Earle, who vigorously advocates the value of "geographical perspectives" to history, argues that traditional historical geography should be replaced by a new geographical history. In his collection of essays "Geographical Inquiry and American Historical Problems," he uses "The Practice of Geographical History" as the introductory title, attempting to "re-examine some old issues in American history from a geographical perspective," studying "the process of determining the American experience... and the geographical factors that shaped it," as well as "explaining the cyclical changes in American macro history and the role of geography in it." In the view of the British historical geographer Alan Baker, Earle's exploration of American historical issues only uses two geographical discourses, location and ecology, rather than all. Therefore, Baker points out that the practice of replacing historical geography with geographical history is wrong, and believes that Earle's historical research conducted with a bias towards certain geographical discourses has led him to overlook what others have written as "historical geography." He concludes: "Historical geography and geographical history hold relevant but different views on the world; splitting them into single views, or advocating the retention of one view and the removal of another, will weaken the diverse knowledge diversity in other aspects."
此外, 另一位英国学者菲洛(C. Philo)也持有与厄尔相类似的观点, 关注地理学对历史的解释, 认为“地理历史学”优先于“历史地理学”。[13] (P69)、[30] (P255-261)对此, 贝克强调自己对厄尔观点的保留意见也适用于菲洛。值得注意的是, 菲洛还提醒式地说道:历史地理学的冠名方式, 其实并不像大多数部门地理学那样, 以“经济的”“社会的”“政治的”“城市的”“农业的”“医学的”等要素来修饰, 它事实上是一个尚未清晰定义研究对象的分支——之所以称为“历史”的原因, 是说它的研究对象都是历史上的, 包罗万象并涉及许多不同的方面而已。[30] (P255)
In addition, another British scholar Philo holds similar views to Earle, focusing on the interpretation of history by geography, believing that "geographical history" takes precedence over "historical geography." Baker emphasizes that his reservations about Earle's views also apply to Philo. It is worth noting that Philo also pointed out that the naming of historical geography is not like most departmental geographies, which are modified by elements such as "economic," "social," "political," "urban," "agricultural," "medical," etc. It is actually a branch that has not yet clearly defined its research object—the reason it is called "historical" is that its research objects are all historical, encompassing a wide range and involving many different aspects.
显然, 厄尔和菲洛等人主张地理历史学代替传统历史地理学, 或是以为前者“优先于”后者的观点, 与达比早年将地理历史主题置于历史地理学体系之下的做法背道而驰。对此, 作为达比在剑桥大学任教时期的学生, 贝克尽管与达此关于历史地理学的认识观
Obviously, the advocacy of geographical history replacing traditional historical geography, or the view that the former is "superior to" the latter, by Earle and Philo and others, is contrary to Darby's early practice of placing the theme of geographical history under the system of historical geography. In response to this, as a student of Darby during his time teaching at the University of Cambridge, Baker, despite his differences with Darby on the understanding of historical geography,

点。  Point.
前文引述有国内学者认为, 贝克在 2007 年发表的《地理历史学的归类》 (Classifying Geographical History)一文, 对地理历史术语怀有“学科合法地位的诉求”。目前来看, 这一判断很可能属于过度解读。事实上, 贝克秉持的理念与此前并没有太大变化。如果一定要说具有谋求合法地位的倾向, 则必须强调他论述的一个基本前提, 即仍将地理历史学研究置于传统历史地理学的框架之内, 这是符合西方历史地理学发展的客观认识。当然, 贝克在历史地理学本身独立性方面的强调, 不似达比那样突出, 而主张以“地理学的话语”作为历史地理学的后盾。但仅就地理历史的看法而言, 两人并无本质之不同。贝克提出, 当前地理历史学研究的两个主要领域, 其一是地理分布的变迁, 其二是地理(自然环境)对历史的影响。[15]就第一点而言,似乎与半个多世纪前达比建议应当注意“历史受区域差异影响”的提示一脉相承。贝克在全文的最后, 认为如果坚持从常识的角度将历史地理学理解为历史学视野中的一项地理学研究,而将地理历史学理解为地理学视野中的一项历史学研究, 那么混淆就会成为困惑。因为两者虽在原理上不同, 但在实践中却往往难以区分。类似的话, 达比其实也曾经说过。[31](P153)显然, 通过贝克的表达, 可以更好地理解他关于“历史地理学没有必要监管自己的‘领域”,研究历史地理也没有必要逻辑证明”等诸如这类论述的方法论背景。[14](P37)
The previous quote cited that some domestic scholars believe that in the article "Classifying Geographical History" published by Beck in 2007, there is a "demand for disciplinary legitimacy" for geographical historical terms. At present, this judgment is likely to be an overinterpretation. In fact, Beck's ideas have not changed much from before. If we must say there is a tendency to seek legitimacy, then it must be emphasized that one basic premise of his argument is that geographical historical research is still placed within the framework of traditional historical geography, which is in line with the objective understanding of the development of Western historical geography. Of course, Beck's emphasis on the independence of historical geography itself is not as prominent as Darby's, and he advocates using "geographical discourse" as the backing of historical geography. But in terms of views on geographical history alone, there is no essential difference between the two. Beck proposes that the two main areas of current geographical historical research are the changes in geographical distribution and the influence of geography (natural environment) on history. In terms of the first point, it seems to be in line with Darby's suggestion over half a century ago to pay attention to the hint that "history is influenced by regional differences." At the end of the article, Beck believes that if historical geography is understood from the perspective of common sense as a geographical study within the historical perspective, and geographical history is understood as a historical study within the geographical perspective, confusion will become a problem. Because although the principles of the two are different, they are often difficult to distinguish in practice. Similar statements have also been made by Darby. Obviously, through Beck's expression, one can better understand the methodological background of his arguments such as "historical geography does not need to regulate its 'territory', and there is no need for logical proof in studying historical geography."
这里需要提及一下关于 geographical history 的翻译问题。有学者指出将该词译为“地理学史”和“地理史”都不太妥当。对于前一种译法, 的确容易在地理历史学和(科学史意义上的)地理学的历史之间, 造成不必要的混淆。而后一种翻译, 则应当视为地理历史学的简化译法。事实上, 将 geographical history 译为地理史, [32] 既有学术研究的历史渊源, 也有从历史学角度检视地理历史学关注的客观合理性。关于第一点, 从 geographical history 的法文写法 geohistoire(案:辛德勇译自日语, 作“地历史学”), 便不难知晓其渊源自地理历史学研究的法国传统, 因这一问题事涉年鉴学派的诸多内容, 拙文不拟赘述, 留待另文梳理。至于第二点, 所谓地理史其实与历史学专门史领域诸分支方向的命名方式相同。例如经济史,即 economic history;社会史, social history;政治史, political history;农业史, agricultural history, 环境史, environmental history;等等。因此, 地理史的译法, 虽然从所谓具有独立性的历史地理学本位来看, 似乎不如地理历史准确, 但自有其渊源所在, 不宜轻易否定。
Here it is necessary to mention the translation issue of geographical history. Some scholars have pointed out that translating this term as "history of geography" and "geographical history" are both not very appropriate. For the former translation, it is indeed easy to cause unnecessary confusion between geographical history and the history of (scientifically) geography. As for the latter translation, it should be seen as a simplified translation of geographical history. In fact, translating geographical history as "geographical history" has both historical origins in academic research and objective rationality in examining the focus of geographical history from a historical perspective. Regarding the first point, from the French writing of geographical history as geohistoire (translated from Japanese by Shindeyong as "geohistory"), it is not difficult to know that it originates from the French tradition of geographical historical research. As this issue involves many contents of the annalistic school, this article does not intend to elaborate on it, leaving it to be sorted out in another article. As for the second point, the so-called geographical history is actually named in the same way as various branches of specialized history fields. For example, economic history is called economic history, social history is called social history, political history is called political history, agricultural history is called agricultural history, environmental history is called environmental history, and so on. Therefore, although from the perspective of historical geography that supposedly has independence, the translation of geographical history may not be as accurate as geographical history, but it has its origins and should not be easily denied.

四、结论: “地理历史”主题可以重构中国历史地理学史吗?
Conclusion: Can the theme of "Geographical History" reconstruct the history of Chinese historical geography?

无论是中外学界提出并使用的地理历史学术语, 还是达比和贝克等人对历史地理学体系下“地理历史”主题的阐述与申说, 这一词汇对于中国历史地理学界而言, 仍然略显唐突和陌生。针对国内学者提出的中国历史地理学名实之辨, 以及倡议建立地理历史学的呼声, 尽管历史地理学界从学术实践和研究现状的角度出发, 已经给出了非常出色的回应和评论, 但事实上出现这些现象或者说挑战的根源, 却依然没有引起足够的重视和深入的发掘。梳理西方(主要是英国) 历史地理学的发展历程, 可以发现对地理历史话题的阐述和争议, 纠纷的焦点主要在于如何看待地理学与与历史学之间的关系, 以及如何处理历史地理学在整个学科体系中的地位问题。
Whether it is the academic terms of geographical history proposed and used by domestic and foreign academic circles, or the exposition and advocacy of the theme of "geographical history" under the historical geography system by Darby, Baker, and others, this term still seems somewhat abrupt and unfamiliar to the Chinese historical geography community. In response to the distinction between the name and reality of Chinese historical geography proposed by domestic scholars, as well as the call for the establishment of geographical history, although the historical geography community has responded with excellent comments and reviews from the perspective of academic practice and research status, the root causes of these phenomena or challenges have not received sufficient attention and in-depth exploration. By reviewing the development process of Western (mainly British) historical geography, it can be found that the focus of the exposition and controversy on geographical history topics mainly lies in how to view the relationship between geography and history, and how to handle the status of historical geography in the entire disciplinary system.
达比构建英国现代历史地理学的方法论体系时, 在继承学术传统的基础上, 将历史地理学置身于地理学与历史学之间几乎全部复杂的关系之中(似乎只将科学史意义上的地理学史排除在外)。虽然他十分倾向于划出隶属于历史地理学自己的知识领域, 并始终坚
When Darby constructed the methodological system of modern British historical geography, he placed historical geography in almost all complex relationships between geography and history on the basis of inheriting academic traditions (apparently excluding the history of geography in the sense of history of science). Although he was very inclined to delineate the knowledge domain belonging to historical geography itself, and always insisted on

持这一学科方向的地理学属性, 但他仍旧在次一等级的分割中, 毫不犹豫地将逻辑上属于历史学关切的地理历史主题收纳其中。而其学生贝克之所以被视为在达比的方法论的基础上, 进一步发展了相关的理念, 一个很重要的方面, 便是他继承了前人从地理学与历史学之间的视角观察历史地理学的传统, 同时又尽力克服达此在寻求该学科独立性的过程中所无法克服的有关两大传统学科之间业已存在的矛盾问题。或许在贝克看来, 如果继续因为历史地理学与地理历史学的属性问题而纠缠下去, 显然是对植根于西方古典传统下视史学为年代学, 而视地理学为地志学传统的无视。
With the geographical attributes of this discipline, he still unhesitatingly incorporates geographical historical themes logically belonging to the concerns of history into the secondary division. And why his student Beck is considered to have further developed related ideas based on Darby's methodology, an important aspect is that he inherited the tradition of observing historical geography from the perspective of geography and history, while also trying to overcome the contradictions between the two traditional disciplines that could not be overcome in the process of seeking the independence of this discipline. Perhaps in Beck's view, if we continue to be entangled in the issue of the attributes of historical geography and geographical history, it is obviously a disregard for the tradition rooted in the Western classical tradition that regards history as chronology and geography as chorography.
达比在阐述历史的地理基础这一主题时, 曾经举过一个例子:乔治 A. 史密斯所著《圣地的历史地理》(Historical Geography of the Holy Land, 1894), 目的是“从地理的状况去了解, 为什么历史事件的发生, 会有不同的方向”, 但是“比较严肃的地理学者可能反对他误用“历史地理'(Historical Geography)一词”。[28](P245)这显然揭示了一个事实, 即历史地理这一术语, 在使用过程中逐渐承担起许多超出其本意的内涵, 并使它成为描述地理学与历史学关系主要内容的代名词。从这样的角度来重新审视国内所谓的历史地理学名实之辨的问题, 再结合前引英国学者菲洛的提醒, 就会理解这固然与不同领域的学者, 甚至部分地理学者自身对历史地理学的了解程度还远远不够深入有关, 但更为深层次的原因则源于长期将地理学与历史学完全分割对立的片面成见。换言之, 历史地理学应当也必须承担起沟通和融会这两大传统学科的历史使命。
Darby once gave an example when discussing the theme of the historical geography of history: George A. Smith's "Historical Geography of the Holy Land" (1894), the purpose is to "understand why historical events happen in different directions from the geographical conditions", but "more serious geographers may object to his misuse of the term 'historical geography'". [28] (P245) This obviously reveals a fact that the term historical geography gradually assumes many connotations beyond its original meaning in the process of use, and makes it a synonym for describing the main content of the relationship between geography and history. From this perspective, re-examining the issue of the distinction between the name and reality of so-called historical geography in China, combined with the reminder of the British scholar Philo, will understand that although scholars in different fields, and even some geographers themselves, have a far from deep understanding of historical geography, the deeper reason lies in the long-standing one-sided view of completely separating geography from history. In other words, historical geography should and must also assume the historical mission of communicating and integrating these two traditional disciplines.
最后,本文想提出引为思考的一个问题是,所谓的“地理历史”主题可以重构中国历史地理学史吗?对此,近来已有学者精辟地指出, 20 世纪上半叶, 在中国历史地理学的前身“禹贡学派”发展的同时, 尚有一支可被称为“史地学派”的学术力量亦在传播和实践西方历史地理学的观念, 并往往强调从地理的角度观察历史。笔者以为, 从地理学与历史学关系的角度, 或者说从历史地理学与地理历史学相纠缠的角度, 或许可以找到比以往更为全面的认识中国历史地理学成长历程的视角, 同时也为学科本土的理论构建提供新的起点。有关这一问题的讨论,或许值得今后学界继续努力。
Finally, this article wants to raise a question for consideration, can the so-called theme of "geographical history" reconstruct the history of Chinese historical geography? In this regard, some scholars have pointed out incisively that in the first half of the 20th century, while the predecessor of Chinese historical geography, the "Yu Gong School", was developing, there was also an academic force called the "Historical Geography School" spreading and practicing the concepts of Western historical geography, often emphasizing observing history from a geographical perspective. I think that from the perspective of the relationship between geography and history, or from the perspective of the entanglement between historical geography and geographical history, perhaps a more comprehensive understanding of the growth process of Chinese historical geography can be found than before, and it also provides a new starting point for the construction of the discipline's indigenous theory. The discussion on this issue may be worth the continued efforts of the academic community in the future.

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