At Exceed Sports Performance and Fitness in Westborough, MA, we train more than 150 athletes each month, and receive dozens more in monthly visits, including drop-ins by performance coaches from other facilities looking to gain insight on the ExceedSPF method. The most common questions we receive from performance coaches center around our training methodology and the types of equipment we employ to train our athletes. In answering these questions, we recommend only what we believe to be the best techniques and technologies available.
在马萨诸塞州韦斯特伯勒的Exceed Sports Performance and Fitness ,我们每个月训练超过 150 名运动员,每月还会接待数十名运动员,其中包括来自其他机构的性能教练前来了解 ExceedSPF 方法。我们从表现教练那里收到的最常见问题集中在我们的训练方法和我们用来训练运动员的设备类型。在回答这些问题时,我们仅推荐我们认为是可用的最佳技术和技术。
From our perspective, the kBox flywheel system by Exxentric is one of the most valuable pieces of equipment at our facility. Not only does the kBox distinguish itself through its incredible versatility, but more importantly, our athletes love using it!
从我们的角度来看,Exxentric 的 kBox 飞轮系统是我们工厂最有价值的设备之一。 kBox不仅因其令人难以置信的多功能性而脱颖而出,更重要的是,我们的运动员喜欢使用它!
Exceed’s kBox Story Exceed 的 kBox 故事
In early 2017, we installed our first kBox and quickly began the task of incorporating it into our existing training programs. At first, I was skeptical about whether the kBox actually offered substantive value as a training tool, or was simply another flash-in-the-pan piece of equipment that looked great on social media but then quickly collected dust in the corner of the gym. My doubts were quickly laid to rest.
2017 年初,我们安装了第一个 kBox,并迅速开始将其纳入我们现有的培训计划。起初,我怀疑 kBox 作为训练工具是否真的提供了实质性的价值,或者只是另一个昙花一现的设备,在社交媒体上看起来很棒,但很快就在健身房的角落里积满了灰尘。 。我的疑虑很快就消除了。
我对 kBox 作为培训工具的价值表示怀疑,但我的怀疑很快就消失了,@SPSmith11 说。Share on X 分享到 X
The kBox represents a quantum leap in flywheel training technology, combining sturdy construction and versatile operation to allow an athlete to train almost any movement imaginable with concentric and eccentric loads. Today, Exceed has incorporated the kBox into the training programs of athletes at all levels, from the elite NFL professional to the casual weekend warrior.
kBox 代表了飞轮训练技术的巨大飞跃,结合了坚固的结构和多功能操作,使运动员能够通过同心和偏心负载训练几乎任何可以想象的动作。如今,Exceed 已将 kBox 纳入各个级别运动员的训练计划中,从精英 NFL 职业选手到休闲周末战士。
Here are my top 10 reasons why your gym should buy a kBox:
以下是我的健身房应该购买 kBox 的十大理由:
Results 结果
Athletes have options with training, now more than ever. Results are one of the criteria that athletes use to determine where to go, so as a private sector coach with competition all around me, I pride myself on getting athletes better. Massachusetts is better known for producing hockey athletes than football players, but over the last few years Exceed has had a nice streak of producing NFL players. We know that when athletes head to play at the collegiate level, they talk to other athletes about training for the Combine after their NCAA career finishes.
运动员现在比以往任何时候都拥有更多的训练选择。结果是运动员用来决定去向的标准之一,因此作为一名私营部门教练,周围充满竞争,我为让运动员变得更好而感到自豪。马萨诸塞州以培养曲棍球运动员而不是橄榄球运动员而闻名,但在过去几年中,Exceed 一直在培养 NFL 球员。我们知道,当运动员前往大学级别比赛时,他们会在 NCAA 职业生涯结束后与其他运动员讨论联合训练的事宜。
We have a lot of college kids come back to us because they remember who helped them get there. The only difference is athletes need to trust that we can make them better at the pro level, not just during high school and the summers of their college career. Now, they remember the kBox and other investments we made to help them get every inch in jumping or every tenth in sprinting. If flywheel training didn’t work, we wouldn’t waste our time and money. Any piece of equipment can get athletes into the gym once or twice, but the right tool keeps them here.
我们有很多大学生回到我们这里,因为他们记得是谁帮助他们到达那里的。唯一的区别是运动员需要相信我们可以让他们在职业水平上变得更好,而不仅仅是在高中和大学生涯的暑假期间。现在,他们还记得我们为帮助他们在跳跃中获得每一英寸或在冲刺中获得十分之一而进行的 kBox 和其他投资。如果飞轮训练不起作用,我们就不会浪费时间和金钱。任何设备都可以让运动员进入健身房一次或两次,但正确的工具可以让他们留在这里。
Lately, we have seen local linemen from our area get signed by teams in the NFL. We know that part of that is us, since many of those Massachusetts athletes train at our facility. A growing interest of ours is adding muscle quickly because we plan to work with even more linemen, and based on our research, adding mass from flywheel training is a powerful approach that we need. The science supporting flywheel training appears to be locked in, so we are going to put more and more effort into this type of training. If flywheels help with strength, power, and speed, it is nearly a perfect tool because it helps with muscle hypertrophy as well.
最近,我们看到我们地区的当地边锋被 NFL 球队签下。我们知道这一部分就是我们自己,因为许多马萨诸塞州的运动员都在我们的设施中训练。我们越来越感兴趣的是快速增加肌肉,因为我们计划与更多的巡线员合作,并且根据我们的研究,通过飞轮训练增加质量是我们需要的一种强大方法。支持飞轮训练的科学似乎已被锁定,因此我们将在此类训练上投入越来越多的努力。如果飞轮有助于增强力量、力量和速度,那么它几乎是一个完美的工具,因为它也有助于肌肉肥大。
Safety 安全
Ironically, the use of flywheels is very safe, but eccentric training usually gets a bad rap because the overload is usually foolish. On average, an athlete who has a few months of solid training can jump into flywheels instantly and begin the process. The reason athletes are safe with flywheels is that the speed and rebound load are highly autoregulated by their concentric abilities. Some athletes have poor eccentric abilities, but the likelihood of an athlete having extremely poor eccentric abilities after months of conventional training is slim to none. Performing traditional exercises with the kBox or kPulley is very safe, and all you have to do is demonstrate a few reps and the athlete is ready to go.
讽刺的是,使用飞轮非常安全,但离心训练通常会受到不好的批评,因为超负荷通常是愚蠢的。平均而言,经过几个月扎实训练的运动员可以立即跳入飞轮并开始该过程。运动员使用飞轮安全的原因是速度和反弹负载是由他们的同心能力高度自动调节的。有些运动员的离心能力较差,但经过数月的常规训练后,运动员离心能力极差的可能性微乎其微。使用 kBox 或 kPulley 进行传统练习非常安全,您所要做的就是演示几次,运动员就可以开始了。
图 1. kBox 具有一系列符合培训需求的附件。教练可以购买 kBox 专用附件或使用第三方附件。
The use of the hip belt is also great for those who are not tolerant of spinal loading. It’s not that hip squatting is a perfect solution, but it’s a much better solution compared to alternatives like partial reps. Most of the time, we like performing kBox squats with the belt versus a harness because we know that an athlete can only handle so much wear and tear.
Portability 可移植性
Another value point I will mention right away is the size of the system. If you are a small gym, every inch matters. We are large compared to most private facilities, but when the space is large, so are the operational costs and the need to get athletes serviced effectively. If we have to move the kBox out of the way for another activity we can do it instantly, and if we had more systems we could stack them if needed. Some high schools don’t even have a weight room, and the ability to take the kBox system out on the field for soccer training or the court for volleyball or basketball is huge for some coaches.
我马上要提到的另一个价值点是系统的大小。如果您是一家小型健身房,每一寸都很重要。与大多数私人设施相比,我们的规模很大,但当空间很大时,运营成本和为运动员提供有效服务的需求也随之增加。如果我们必须将 kBox 移开以进行另一项活动,我们可以立即完成,如果我们有更多系统,我们可以根据需要将它们堆叠起来。一些高中甚至没有举重室,而将 kBox 系统带到足球训练场或排球或篮球场上的能力对于一些教练来说是巨大的。
如果我们需要将 kBox 移开以进行另一项活动,我们可以立即完成,@SPSmith11 说。Share on X 分享到 X
We do appreciate the general population market, as it often consists of former athletes who need to be trained long after their career in sport finishes. Some great coaches do work with average joes from all walks of life and need to travel with their equipment. Instead of being limited to bands and dumbbells, the kBox is perhaps the best personal training tool in the business. It only needs a duffle bag for the flywheels and accessory handles and harnesses, which is a very attractive proposition for those on the move. Every generation of kBox gets lighter, and if you are hard-pressed for portability, the system’s lite version is the size of a large skateboard and weighs only about 50 pounds.
我们确实欣赏普通人群市场,因为它通常由前运动员组成,他们在体育生涯结束后需要很长时间接受培训。一些伟大的教练确实与各行各业的普通人一起工作,并且需要携带他们的装备旅行。 kBox 不仅限于弹力带和哑铃,它可能是业内最好的个人训练工具。它只需要一个行李袋来装飞轮、附件手柄和安全带,这对于移动中的人们来说是一个非常有吸引力的选择。每一代的 kBox 都变得更轻,如果您对便携性有困难,该系统的精简版只有大型滑板大小,重量仅为 50 磅左右。
Versatility 多功能性
Any piece of equipment that can do more than one exercise is important to us. We have plenty of single-exercise options in our gym, as they are specialized and important for specific needs, but equipment that can do more is helpful. However, we don’t want a piece of equipment that can do dozens of exercises poorly—we need each exercise to be as good or better than the barbell equivalent. Doing exercises on flywheel platforms must be effective, not just possible. We know that by using the kBox, we can get in a dozen exercises we feel help athletes make progress, and we are sure other coaches can do even more than our selected exercises.
任何可以进行多种锻炼的设备对我们都很重要。我们的健身房有很多单项运动选择,因为它们对于特定需求来说是专业且重要的,但可以做更多运动的设备也很有帮助。然而,我们不希望一台设备在几十种练习中表现不佳,我们需要每项练习都与杠铃同等练习一样好或更好。在飞轮平台上进行练习必须是有效的,而不仅仅是可能的。我们知道,通过使用 kBox,我们可以进行十几种我们认为有助于运动员取得进步的练习,并且我们确信其他教练可以做的甚至比我们选择的练习更多。
In addition to the sheer number of exercises, the loading of flywheels at different speeds and the types of contractions is exciting for us. We don’t spend too much time with isometric combinations or other methods such as potentiation with the device, but it’s nice to know that if we do need those techniques, the system can provide them. Additionally, the system allows for different types of harnesses and grip handles, such as bars and single arm attachments. We like the quality of the equipment provided in the kits, as cheap accessories are never good in the long run.
Workflow 工作流程
Flywheel training doesn’t compromise efficiency or effectiveness. We don’t rush kids in and out of workouts like we’re a fast food joint. We do know that study time and sleep matter, so we have to get a workout done in an efficient manner. Using the kBox is efficient with time constraints, and you can get a lot of work done quickly because of short rest periods. Flywheels are also efficient with swapping out athletes during sets, because using waist harnesses or sharing bars is quick.
飞轮训练不会影响效率或效果。我们不会像快餐店一样催促孩子们进出锻炼。我们确实知道学习时间和睡眠很重要,所以我们必须以有效的方式完成锻炼。使用 kBox 在时间有限的情况下效率很高,而且由于休息时间短,您可以快速完成大量工作。飞轮对于在组中更换运动员也很有效,因为使用腰部安全带或共用杆的速度很快。
@SPSmith11 说,飞轮的一个主要好处是运动员可以产生阻力,而不是在杠上放置更多的铅。Share on X 分享到 X
Switching plates doesn’t matter in group environments with heavy training because you have to rest anyway, but not having to do so makes a kBox more efficient than a squat rack. The prime benefit with flywheels is they are about athletes producing the resistance, not placing more lead on the bar. Not being reliant on plates in the weight room is not only a value financially, but not having to clean up and put back weights is a nice bonus also.
在训练强度大的集体环境中,切换板块并不重要,因为无论如何你都必须休息,但不必这样做使得 kBox 比深蹲架更有效。飞轮的主要好处是它们可以让运动员产生阻力,而不是在杠上放置更多的铅。不依赖举重室的杠铃片不仅在经济上具有价值,而且不必清理和放回重量也是一个不错的好处。
Obviously, the more stations or kBoxes you have, the more you can do. Down the road, we plan to increase the number of flywheel machines we have, mainly because they’re fast and easy to set up and put away. Not only do we care about the athletes getting home to have dinner or go to bed, but we are human as well and can’t spend all evening rearranging things in the gym.
显然,您拥有的站或 kBox 越多,您能做的事情就越多。今后,我们计划增加飞轮机器的数量,主要是因为它们快速且易于安装和存放。我们不仅关心运动员回家吃饭或睡觉,而且我们也是人,不能花整个晚上在健身房里重新安排东西。
Science 科学
One area I want to mention is the research behind flywheel training. The kBox is relatively new, but the technology has been around for decades, so plenty of scientific studies are available for coaches. We share a Dropbox of the latest studies internally so that we all have access to flywheel training developments when a new paper comes out.
我想提及的一个领域是飞轮训练背后的研究。 kBox 相对较新,但这项技术已经存在了几十年,因此教练可以进行大量科学研究。我们在内部共享最新研究的 Dropbox,以便在新论文发表时我们所有人都可以访问飞轮训练的进展。
Parents want to know more than ever why we do things at our facility, and having fresh research really does a nice job if a parent asks. It’s fine to share something that is years old as well, because nobody wants to feel like a guinea pig, but parents also want to know you are current in your training. The kBox isn’t the only system available, but the key is having a community of coaches on SimpliFaster sharing the scientific approaches to learn from.
家长们比以往任何时候都更想知道我们为什么在我们的机构做事,如果家长提出疑问,进行新的研究确实会起到很好的作用。分享一些已有多年历史的东西也很好,因为没有人愿意感觉自己像个小白鼠,但父母也想知道你目前的训练情况。 kBox 并不是唯一可用的系统,但关键是 SimpliFaster 上有一个教练社区,分享可供学习的科学方法。
@SPSmith11 表示,训练的合理性依赖于证据来证明运动员的成功不仅仅取决于良好的基因。Share on X 分享到 X
Justifying training means more than uniforms or shirts on the wall and bragging about athletes you work with; it’s having the evidence to say with confidence it was more than just good genetics that got them there. We know the coaching is great at our facility, but having the science to back up our approaches is important to us and should be important to you.
Feedback 反馈
The kMeter lets us get feedback to the athlete every rep. We used another flywheel device in the past that was very nice, but without the quantification it was like blindly adding weights to the bar and prescribing sets and reps. It was fine for accessory work at the end of training, but it was not going to move us forward much when we wanted to take flywheels to the next level. The need to quantify loads is everything in the weight room, and the feedback drives competition within the group and with the athlete’s own performance if training on their own. Athletes who are not normally motivated are curious about what they can do, as traditional barbells seem to be great for rewarding maximal strength, but those with a good power and average strength level can also benefit greatly.
图 2. 教练和技术先进的运动员一定会喜欢 kMeter。每个代表都有音频和视觉反馈——这对任何健身房来说都是一个很好的补充。
The kMeter is a great option for those looking for feedback, and it’s not just for displaying force or power. The kMeter is a live dashboard that provides audio feedback to coaches. If you have flat screens in your gym then you are in for a treat, because you can use an Apple TV to display the scores or outputs. After the session is completed, the data can be exported quickly and easily, and we now use the information for better programming.
Simple to Use 使用简单
We don’t ever like to compare ourselves to other facilities, but we do have to put our foot down and point out that we do most, if not all, of the training ourselves. We do provide internships, but our business model never interferes with our training model. We realize that everyone has to make a living, but if we were planning to water down training for the sake of exploiting college kids, we wouldn’t have opened up our doors in the first place.
Instead of dumbing down training or making it cookie cutter, we individualize training as much as possible. Yet, we do know that foundational work matters and we have programs that teach the fundamentals before advanced methods. The flywheels are simple to use, so if an athlete is familiar with training, they can jump right into flywheel training if properly supervised.
We love teaching and instructing athletes to be more coordinated and skilled, but only so much verbal coaching is absorbed by student athletes who are always under fire. For us, we want the optimal amount of teaching time, and too much exchange and correction is overwhelming at any level.
Fun to Use 使用乐趣
Flywheel training is tough work, and anyone that tries it will quickly learn that it’s harder than it looks. A good flywheel system properly loaded can go head to head with a complete set of barbells with loading, but the system is also a welcome part of our program as it is fun to use. Anything that is different than gravity is new and exciting to athletes, and this experience doesn’t wear off like other equipment. Even after months of using it, the athletes still enjoy the resistance it delivers, and we like using it ourselves.
If you train athletes in the private sector, you know that you have to juggle a lot to make it work. Being the best in the area with results isn’t good enough anymore, as plenty of talent trains everywhere these days. To be successful, results and caring coaches aren’t enough—you have to make sure the experience is a rewarding one.
@SPSmith11 说,任何能够使有效且要求严格的训练变得有趣的系统都是罕见的,而 kBox 做到了这一点。Share on X 分享到 X
Flywheels are part of a program that gives athletes the right training benefits, but sports are supposed to be fun, so training for them can’t be a pain. Our training is a lot of hard work, but it’s also fun. Adding in flywheels is a mature way to add a little sweetener without going too far. Any system that can make training that is effective and demanding fun is rare, and the kBox does add some enjoyment into training during the season.
Value 价值
As a business owner, I have to always weigh the results of the training against the cost of getting training done in a gym. We think about heating during the winter and air conditioning during the summer, the cost of replacing equipment, and even our indoor turf wearing down. We never buy on price; we invest in the value because smart investing is felt later rather than immediately.
The kBox is affordable, but due to the machine also being versatile and effective, we know it’s a piece of equipment that others will find valuable as well. Also, the price of a kMeter is a huge value, since collecting power and eccentric readings with a force plate is much more expensive, even with PASCO or other entry-point products. As mentioned earlier, not having to spend more money on weight plates is important to us, because we need to keep our overhead reasonable, and with all of our racks in our gym, added equipment becomes a big expense.
kBox 价格实惠,但由于该机器用途广泛且高效,我们知道它是一款对其他人来说也很有价值的设备。此外,公里表的价格非常高,因为使用测力台收集功率和偏心读数要昂贵得多,即使使用 PASCO 或其他入门产品也是如此。正如前面提到的,不必在举重片上花更多的钱对我们来说很重要,因为我们需要保持合理的开销,而且健身房里有所有的架子,增加的设备成为一笔很大的开支。
@SPSmith11 表示,kBox 价格实惠、用途广泛且高效,我们知道其他人也会发现它很有价值。Share on X 分享到 X
I have seen a lot of homemade equipment on the internet, and I commend anyone trying to find a way to implement flywheels on a budget. But don’t think about the cost of making a device—think about the value of knowing that if anything goes wrong, a FedEx package can solve those problems. The cost of maintenance matters, and the forces through a flywheel platform will break down one that’s homemade. We were tempted to create our own system and were glad we didn’t because we would be negligent if anything were to happen to somebody using it.
我在互联网上看到了很多自制设备,我赞扬任何试图找到一种在预算内实现飞轮的方法的人。但不要考虑制造设备的成本 - 想想知道如果出现任何问题,联邦快递包裹可以解决这些问题的价值。维护成本很重要,而且通过飞轮平台的力会损坏自制的飞轮平台。我们很想创建自己的系统,但很高兴我们没有这样做,因为如果使用它的人发生任何事情,我们就会疏忽大意。
Invest in kBox Training Education
投资 kBox 培训教育
Coaches can get a lot of value from just doing squats on a kBox, but actually reading coaching blogs and research from sport scientists can help you get more out the machine. We started slow and added more and more exercises, as well as the new Pulley device this year, and love our results with it. Most of our training is with barbells and dumbbells, but a growing number of our training programs incorporate the eccentric benefits of flywheels. We don’t provide many testimonials as we are boxed in by what we endorse, but the kBox is worth the investment if you want to leverage both the art and science of training.
教练可以从 kBox 上进行深蹲中获得很多价值,但实际上阅读教练博客和运动科学家的研究可以帮助您从机器中获得更多收益。我们开始缓慢,并增加了越来越多的练习,以及今年新的滑轮装置,并且我们很喜欢它的结果。我们的大部分训练都是使用杠铃和哑铃进行的,但越来越多的训练计划融入了飞轮的独特优势。我们没有提供太多推荐,因为我们受到我们所认可的内容的限制,但如果您想同时利用培训的艺术和科学,那么 kBox 值得投资。
If you are dedicated to making your athletes better, there is strong evidence that flywheel training works, so using the kBox machine will give your team or facility an advantage.
如果您致力于让您的运动员变得更好,有强有力的证据表明飞轮训练有效,因此使用 kBox 机器将为您的团队或设施带来优势。
Since you’re here… 既然你在这里……
…we have a small favor to ask. More people are reading SimpliFaster than ever, and each week we bring you compelling content from coaches, sport scientists, and physiotherapists who are devoted to building better athletes. Please take a moment to share the articles on social media, engage the authors with questions and comments below, and link to articles when appropriate if you have a blog or participate on forums of related topics. — SF
……我们有一个小小的请求。阅读 SimpliFaster 的人比以往任何时候都多,每周我们都会为您带来来自致力于培养更好运动员的教练、运动科学家和物理治疗师的精彩内容。请花点时间在社交媒体上分享文章,让作者提出问题和评论,并在适当的时候链接到文章(如果您有博客或参与相关主题的论坛)。 — SF