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This document is also available as a single HTML page and as a PDF.
该文件也可作为单个 HTML 页面和 PDF 文件使用。

The reference documentation consists of the following sections:


Legal information. 法律信息。

Getting Help 获取帮助

Resources for getting help.

Documentation Overview 文档概述

About the Documentation, First Steps, and more.

Getting Started 开始

Introducing Spring Boot, System Requirements, Servlet Containers, Installing Spring Boot, and Developing Your First Spring Boot Application
介绍 Spring Boot、系统要求、Servlet 容器、安装 Spring Boot 以及开发第一个 Spring Boot 应用程序

Upgrading Spring Boot Applications
升级 Spring Boot 应用程序

Upgrading from 1.x, Upgrading to a new feature release, and Upgrading the Spring Boot CLI.
从 1.x 版升级到新的功能版本,升级 Spring Boot CLI。

Using Spring Boot
使用 Spring Boot

Build Systems, Structuring Your Code, Configuration, Spring Beans and Dependency Injection, DevTools, and more.
构建系统、代码结构、配置、Spring Bean 和依赖注入、DevTools 等等。

Core Features 核心特点

Profiles, Logging, Internationalization, Task Execution and Scheduling, Testing, and more.


Servlet Web, Reactive Web, Embedded Container Support, Graceful Shutdown, and more.
Servlet Web, 响应式 Web, 嵌入式容器支持, 优雅关闭,等等。


SQL and NOSQL data access.
SQL 和 NOSQL 数据访问。


Caching, Quartz Scheduler, REST clients, Sending email, Spring Web Services, and more.
缓存、Quartz 调度程序、REST 客户端、发送电子邮件、Spring Web Services 等等。


JMS, AMQP, Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar, RSocket, WebSocket, and Spring Integration.
JMS,AMQP,Apache Kafka,Apache Pulsar,RSocket,WebSocket 和 Spring Integration。

Container Images 容器镜像

Efficient container images and Building container images with Dockerfiles and Cloud Native Buildpacks.
使用 Dockerfiles 和云原生 Buildpacks 构建高效的容器映像。

Production-ready Features

Monitoring, Metrics, Auditing, and more.

Deploying Spring Boot Applications
部署 Spring Boot 应用程序

Deploying to the Cloud, and Installing as a Unix application.
部署到云端,并安装为 Unix 应用程序。

GraalVM Native Image Support
GraalVM 本地映像支持

Create a native executable from your application using GraalVM
使用 GraalVM 从您的应用程序创建本机可执行文件

Spring Boot CLI

Installing the CLI, Using the CLI, Configuring the CLI, and more.
安装 CLI,使用 CLI,配置 CLI 等等。

Build Tool Plugins

Maven Plugin, Gradle Plugin, Antlib, and more.
Maven 插件,Gradle 插件,Antlib 等等。

“How-to” Guides 如何指南

Application Development, Configuration, Embedded Servers, Data Access, and many more.

The reference documentation has the following appendices:

Application Properties 应用属性

Common application properties that you can use to configure your application.

Configuration Metadata 配置元数据

Metadata that you can use to describe configuration properties.

Auto-configuration Classes

Auto-configuration classes provided by Spring Boot.
Spring Boot 提供的自动配置类。

Test Auto-configuration Annotations

Test auto-configuration annotations that you can use to test slices of your application.

Executable Jars 可执行的 JAR 文件

Spring Boot’s executable jars, their launchers, and their format.
Spring Boot 的可执行 jar,它们的启动器以及它们的格式。

Dependency Versions 依赖版本

Details of the dependencies that are managed by Spring Boot.
Spring Boot 管理的依赖项详情。