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Review  回顧

Cognitive stimulation and cognitive results in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Patricia Peralta-Marrupe a ^("a "){ }^{\text {a }}, Eva Latorre c,d c,d  ^("c,d "){ }^{\text {c,d }}, Juan Nicolás Cuenca Zaldívar e,f e,f  ^("e,f "){ }^{\text {e,f }}, Estela Calatayud   帕特里夏·佩拉爾塔-馬魯佩,艾娃·拉托雷,胡安·尼古拉斯·昆卡·薩爾迪瓦爾,埃斯特拉·卡拉塔尤德 a,b a,b  ^("a,b "){ }^{\text {a,b }} a a ^(a){ }^{a} Department of Physiatry and Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
b b ^(b){ }^{\mathrm{b}} Institute for Health Research Aragón (IIS Aragón), Zaragoza, Spain
阿拉貢健康研究所 (IIS Aragón),西班牙薩拉戈薩
c ^("c "){ }^{\text {c }} Department of Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
d d ^(d){ }^{\mathrm{d}} Growth, Exercise, Nutrition and Development (GENUD) Research Group, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
d d ^(d){ }^{\mathrm{d}} 成長、運動、營養與發展 (GENUD) 研究小組,薩拉戈薩大學,西班牙薩拉戈薩
e e ^(e){ }^{\mathrm{e}} Research Group in Nursing and Health Care, Puerta de Hierro Health Research Institute - Segovia de Arana (IDIPHISA), Madrid, Spain
e e ^(e){ }^{\mathrm{e}} 護理與健康照護研究小組,鐵門健康研究所 - 塞戈維亞·德·阿拉納 (IDIPHISA),西班牙馬德里
f f ^(f){ }^{\mathrm{f}} Primary Health Center "El Abajon", 28231 Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain
f f ^(f){ }^{\mathrm{f}} 基本健康中心 "El Abajon",28231 馬德里拉斯羅薩斯,西班牙


Keywords:  關鍵詞:

Memory  記憶
Language  語言
Orientation  方向
Cognition  認知
Dementia  癡呆症
Cognitively healthy elderly

Mild cognitive impairment

Abstract  摘要

Background and Purpose: The lack of cognitive activity accelerates age cognitive decline. Cognitive stimulation (CS) tries to enhance cognitive functioning. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the effects of CS on cognitive outcomes (general cognitive functioning and specific cognitive domains) in older adults (aged 65 years or older, cognitively healthy participants, or with mild cognitive impairment, or dementia). Methods: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases were examined from inception to October 2021. A total of 1,997 studies were identified in these databases, and. 33 studies were finally included in the systematic review and the meta-analysis. Raw means and standard deviations were used for continuous outcomes. Publication bias was examined by Egger’s Regression Test for Funnel Plot Asymmetry and the quality assessment tools from the National Institutes of Health. Results: CS significantly improves general cognitive functioning (mean difference = MD = 1.536 , 95 % CI , 0.832 = MD = 1.536 , 95 % CI , 0.832 =MD=1.536,95%CI,0.832=\mathrm{MD}=1.536,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.832 to 2.240 ), memory ( MD = 0.365 , 95 % CI , 0.300 MD = 0.365 , 95 % CI , 0.300 MD=0.365,95%CI,0.300\mathrm{MD}=0.365,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.300 to 0.430 ), orientation ( MD = 0.428 , 95 % CI , 0.306 MD = 0.428 , 95 % CI , 0.306 MD=0.428,95%CI,0.306\mathrm{MD}=0.428,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.306 to 0.550 ), praxis ( MD = 0.278 , 95 % CI , 0.094 MD = 0.278 , 95 % CI , 0.094 MD=0.278,95%CI,0.094\mathrm{MD}=0.278,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.094 to 0.462 ) and calculation ( MD = 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 MD = 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 MD=0.228,95%CI,0.112\mathrm{MD}=0.228,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.112 to 0.343 ). Conclusion: CS seems to increase general cognitive functioning, memory, orientation, praxis, and calculation in older adults.
背景與目的:缺乏認知活動會加速年齡相關的認知衰退。認知刺激(CS)旨在增強認知功能。本系統性回顧和元分析的目的是評估 CS 對老年人(65 歲或以上,認知健康參與者,或輕度認知障礙,或癡呆症)的認知結果(一般認知功能和特定認知領域)的影響。方法:檢查了 PubMed、Scopus 和 Web of Science 數據庫,範圍從創建至 2021 年 10 月。在這些數據庫中共識別出 1,997 項研究,最終有 33 項研究被納入系統性回顧和元分析。對於連續結果,使用原始均值和標準差。通過 Egger 回歸檢驗漏斗圖不對稱性和國立衛生研究院的質量評估工具來檢查出版偏倚。結果:CS 顯著改善一般認知功能(均值差異 = MD = 1.536 , 95 % CI , 0.832 = MD = 1.536 , 95 % CI , 0.832 =MD=1.536,95%CI,0.832=\mathrm{MD}=1.536,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.832 至 2.240)、記憶( MD = 0.365 , 95 % CI , 0.300 MD = 0.365 , 95 % CI , 0.300 MD=0.365,95%CI,0.300\mathrm{MD}=0.365,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.300 至 0.430)、定向( MD = 0.428 , 95 % CI , 0.306 MD = 0.428 , 95 % CI , 0.306 MD=0.428,95%CI,0.306\mathrm{MD}=0.428,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.306 至 0.550)、實踐( MD = 0.278 , 95 % CI , 0.094 MD = 0.278 , 95 % CI , 0.094 MD=0.278,95%CI,0.094\mathrm{MD}=0.278,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.094 至 0.462)和計算( MD = 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 MD = 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 MD=0.228,95%CI,0.112\mathrm{MD}=0.228,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.112 至 0.343)。 結論:CS 似乎能提高老年人的一般認知功能、記憶、定向、實踐能力和計算能力。

1. Introduction  1. 介紹

Cognitive function decline is a common phenomenon on that occurs with age (Mahncke et al., 2006). The cognitive alterations have received a lot of attention in aging by the scientific community, especially on memory alterations (Novoa et al., 2008). Late-life cognitive decline ranges from normal, mildest, through mild cognitive impairment (MCI), to dementia as most severe form (Millán-Calenti et al., 2012).
認知功能衰退是隨著年齡增長而常見的現象(Mahncke et al., 2006)。認知變化在老年中受到科學界的廣泛關注,特別是記憶變化(Novoa et al., 2008)。晚年認知衰退範圍從正常、輕微的,通過輕度認知障礙(MCI),到最嚴重的形式——癡呆(Millán-Calenti et al., 2012)。
In fact, perception, processing speed, attention, memory (Burke & Barnes, 2006) and executive function (Kaido et al., 2020) deteriorate during aging, thus cognitively healthy elderly subjects also have complaints in the ability to acquire, consolidate and remember new information.
事實上,感知、處理速度、注意力、記憶(Burke & Barnes, 2006)以及執行功能(Kaido et al., 2020)在老化過程中會惡化,因此認知健康的老年受試者在獲取、鞏固和記住新資訊的能力上也會有抱怨。
MCI describes a stage of intermediate cognitive dysfunction, where the risk of conversion to dementia is increased, however, it is also possible that people diagnosed with MCI could revert to a normal cognitive state without deterioration over time (Gauthier et al., 2006). Cognitive problems in MCI include difficulties in memory, language, attention, orientation, calculation, abilities visuospatial and executive functions while the language is preserved (Langa & Levine, 2014). The prevalence of MCI in adults above 65 years is estimated around 18,5% (). Memory failures are predictors of future dementia in MCI subjects and vary depending on the level of cognitive impairment (Wolfsgruber et al., 2014). The probability that an MCI patient will develop dementia within 10 years of initial MCI diagnosis is 4.35 times than a healthy subject (Zhu et al., 2001).
輕度認知障礙(MCI)描述了一種中度認知功能障礙的階段,在這個階段,轉變為癡呆的風險增加,然而,診斷為 MCI 的人也有可能在沒有惡化的情況下恢復到正常的認知狀態(Gauthier et al., 2006)。MCI 中的認知問題包括記憶、語言、注意力、定向、計算、視空間能力和執行功能的困難,而語言能力則保持完整(Langa & Levine, 2014)。65 歲以上成人中 MCI 的流行率估計約為 18.5%()。記憶失誤是 MCI 患者未來癡呆的預測指標,並根據認知障礙的程度而有所不同(Wolfsgruber et al., 2014)。MCI 患者在初次診斷後 10 年內發展為癡呆的概率是健康個體的 4.35 倍(Zhu et al., 2001)。
Dementia is the supreme worldwide burden for welfare and the health care system in the 21st century. The estimated number of people with dementia will increase from 47 million in 2015 to more than 140 million in 2050. As deterioration increases in patients with dementia, the costs of daily activity assistance and medical care also increase (Alzheimer’s Disease International. 2013). Expenditure on long-term care services for older people with cognitive impairment in 2031, it may range between 0.83 % 0.83 % 0.83%0.83 \% and 1.11 % 1.11 % 1.11%1.11 \% of the Gross Domestic Product; these figures do not include the costs of informal care (Comas-Herrera & Knapp, 2016).
癡呆症是 21 世紀全球福利和醫療系統的主要負擔。預計癡呆症患者的數量將從 2015 年的 4700 萬增加到 2050 年的超過 1.4 億。隨著癡呆症患者的病情惡化,日常活動協助和醫療護理的成本也隨之增加(阿茲海默症國際組織,2013)。到 2031 年,對於認知障礙老年人的長期護理服務支出可能會在國內生產總值的 0.83 % 0.83 % 0.83%0.83 \% 1.11 % 1.11 % 1.11%1.11 \% 之間;這些數字不包括非正式護理的成本(Comas-Herrera & Knapp,2016)。
ACE-III: The Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination; AChEIs: acetylcholinesterase inhibitors; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; ADAS-Cog: Alzheimer disease assessment scale-cognitive; ADL: activities of daily living; CS: Cognitive stimulation; GDS: Global deterioration scale; MCI: Mild cognitive impairment; MEC-35: Spanish version of Mini-Mental State Examination; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; MoCA: Montreal Cognitive Assessment score; PDD: Parkinson’s disease dementia; TAU: Treatment as usual.
Cognitive stimulation (CS) plays an important role in learning and memory (Mather, 2020) and could offer beneficial effects on cognitive reserve and dementia risk (Collins et al., 2021). Moreover, the lack of cognitive activity accelerates cognitive decline (Woods et al., 2012); being able to accelerate the deterioration of both cognitively healthy elderly subjects and patients with dementia (Salthouse, 2006), therefore it should be started the as soon as possible (Woods et al., 2012). CS was defined by Clare & Woods, (2004) as “engagement in a range of group activities and discussions (usually in a group), aimed at general enhancement of cognitive and social functioning”. On the one hand, it differs from cognitive training, that is, guided practice on a set of standard tasks to improve a specific cognitive function, and, on the other hand, from cognitive rehabilitation, an individualized approach aimed at improving performance in the daily life to achieve preselected personal goals.
認知刺激(CS)在學習和記憶中扮演著重要角色(Mather, 2020),並可能對認知儲備和癡呆風險產生有益影響(Collins et al., 2021)。此外,缺乏認知活動會加速認知衰退(Woods et al., 2012);能夠加速認知健康老年人和癡呆患者的惡化(Salthouse, 2006),因此應儘早開始(Woods et al., 2012)。CS 由 Clare & Woods(2004)定義為“參與一系列小組活動和討論(通常在小組中),旨在一般增強認知和社交功能”。一方面,它與認知訓練不同,即在一組標準任務上進行指導性練習以改善特定的認知功能;另一方面,它也不同於認知康復,這是一種個性化的方法,旨在改善日常生活中的表現,以實現預先選定的個人目標。
CS includes different types of approaches such as: (1) reality orientation, which involves constant repetition of everyday life facts, (basic but important information, referring to person, place and time (Cafferata et al., 2021; Massoud & Léger, 2011); (2) validation, focuses on the attitude of respect, empathic listening and the person’s subjective experience as opposed to objective facts (Cafferata et al., 2021; Spector et al., 2001); (3) reminiscence, consists of talking about past events and reflecting on the person’s life, often with the help of props such as photographs, music, videos and objects (Cafferata et al., 2021; Lobbia et al., 2019; Spector et al., 2001); (4) multisensory therapy, is based on stimulation of the sense organs (smell, touch, vision, taste, and hearing), and includes activities such as fruit tasting, singing, and dancing (Kor et al., 2022); (5) cognitive activities, are activities designed for the prevention of cognitive function impairments (Calatayud et al., 2020; De Oliveira et al., 2014; Gomez-Soria et al., 2020) and (6) implicit learning, focused on acquiring knowledge about the structure of the environment without conscious awareness (Spector et al., 2010).
CS 包括不同類型的方法,例如:(1) 現實導向,涉及對日常生活事實的持續重複(基本但重要的信息,指人、地點和時間(Cafferata et al., 2021; Massoud & Léger, 2011);(2) 驗證,專注於尊重的態度、同理心的傾聽和個人的主觀經驗,而非客觀事實(Cafferata et al., 2021; Spector et al., 2001);(3) 回憶,包含談論過去事件並反思個人的生活,通常借助於道具如照片、音樂、視頻和物品(Cafferata et al., 2021; Lobbia et al., 2019; Spector et al., 2001);(4) 多感官療法,基於對感官器官(嗅覺、觸覺、視覺、味覺和聽覺)的刺激,包括水果品嚐、唱歌和跳舞等活動(Kor et al., 2022);(5) 認知活動,旨在預防認知功能障礙的活動(Calatayud et al., 2020; De Oliveira et al., 2014; Gomez-Soria et al.)。,2020)和(6)隱性學習,專注於在沒有意識的情況下獲取有關環境結構的知識(Spector et al.,2010)。
CS programs, which combine cognitive, emotional, and physical activities using various elements, can stimulate various aspects of cognitive function, making them more effective than single component programs. Furthermore, they have the advantage of arousing more the interest of the participants and encouraging a more active participation (Reijnders et al., 2013). In the UK, CS was firstly recommended by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence NICE SCIE Guidelines have been upgraded in the recent revision (Duff, 2018) to improve cognition in people with mild to moderate dementia. In addition, CS is explicitly recommended in three criteria of a standard for psychosocial interventions by the National Memory Services Accreditation Program (MSNAP) (Hodge et al. 2016). CS is a cost-effective psychosocial intervention, recommended by national guidance (Dickinson et al., 2017). Therefore, different reviews and meta-analyses have evaluated the impact of CS on general cognitive functioning (Aguirre et al., 2013; Cafferata et al. 2021; Kim et al., 2017; Lobbia et al., 2019; Saragih et al.,
CS 計劃結合了認知、情感和身體活動,使用各種元素,可以刺激認知功能的各個方面,使其比單一組件計劃更有效。此外,它們還具有激發參與者更多興趣和鼓勵更積極參與的優勢(Reijnders et al., 2013)。在英國,CS 首次由國家健康與臨床卓越研究所(NICE)推薦,SCIE 指導方針在最近的修訂中得到了升級(Duff, 2018),以改善輕度至中度癡呆患者的認知。此外,CS 在國家記憶服務認證計劃(MSNAP)的一項心理社會干預標準的三個標準中明確推薦(Hodge et al. 2016)。CS 是一種具有成本效益的心理社會干預,受到國家指導的推薦(Dickinson et al., 2017)。因此,不同的評估和綜合分析已評估 CS 對一般認知功能的影響(Aguirre et al., 2013; Cafferata et al. 2021; Kim et al., 2017; Lobbia et al., 2019; Saragih et al.)。
2022; Sun et al., 2022; Wong et al., 2021; Woods et al., 2012), and only two of them have evaluated the impact of CS on specific cognitive domains (Cafferata et al., 2021; Lobbia et al., 2019). Furthermore, all these studies included only dementia patients.
2022;Sun et al.,2022;Wong et al.,2021;Woods et al.,2012),而且只有兩項研究評估了 CS 對特定認知領域的影響(Cafferata et al.,2021;Lobbia et al.,2019)。此外,所有這些研究僅包括癡呆患者。
Therefore, this systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the impact of CS (independently or together with pharmacological treatment, particularly acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs)) on cognitive outcomes, general cognitive functioning and specific cognitive domains (such as memory, attention, orientation, executive functions, language, verbal fluency, praxis, visuospatial abilities and calculation) in cognitively healthy elderly individuals, or with MCI, or dementia.
因此,本系統性回顧和統合分析旨在評估 CS(獨立或與藥物治療一起,特別是乙醯膽鹼酯酶抑制劑(AChEIs))對認知結果、一般認知功能和特定認知領域(如記憶、注意力、定向、執行功能、語言、語言流暢性、實踐能力、視空間能力和計算)在認知健康的老年人、輕度認知障礙(MCI)或癡呆患者中的影響。

2. Methods  2. 方法

This systematic review adheres to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) (Rethlefsen et al., 2021) (see supplementary file 1, Table S1) and was registered in the PROSPERO database (ID number: CRD42021238120).
本系統性回顧遵循 PRISMA(系統性回顧和 Meta 分析的首選報告項目)(Rethlefsen 等,2021)(見補充文件 1,表 S1),並已在 PROSPERO 數據庫中註冊(ID 號碼:CRD42021238120)。

2.1. Search strategy  2.1. 搜尋策略

The databases PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus were used in this study. The specific search parameters used in all online databases (see supplementary file 2, Table S2). The search terms were adjusted to each respective database. The search was conducted from inception to October 2021.
本研究使用了 PubMed、Web of Science 和 Scopus 數據庫。所有在線數據庫中使用的具體搜索參數(見補充文件 2,表 S2)。搜索詞根據各自的數據庫進行了調整。搜索從創建之初進行到 2021 年 10 月。
When possible, the search included a vocabulary thesaurus (list of MeSH terms in PubMed). First, the CS related terms were combined. Secondly, the mental and cognitive outcome related terms were combined as follows: “healthy aging” OR “cognitive impairment” OR “Alzheimer” OR “dementia” OR “Parkinson” OR “Lewy Body Disease” OR “Pick Disease” OR “Huntington’s Disease”. Finally, both the CS and the mental and cognitive outcome terms were combined with “AND.”.
當可能時,搜索包括了一個詞彙同義詞庫(PubMed 中的 MeSH 術語列表)。首先,將與 CS 相關的術語進行合併。其次,將與心理和認知結果相關的術語合併如下:“健康老化”或“認知障礙”或“阿茲海默症”或“癡呆”或“帕金森病”或“路易體病”或“皮克病”或“亨廷頓病”。最後,將 CS 和心理及認知結果術語用“AND”進行合併。

2.2. Eligibility criteria
2.2. 資格標準

A specific question was constructed according to the PICOS (Participants, Interventions, Control, Outcomes, Study Design) principle (Table 1).
根據 PICOS(參與者、干預、對照、結果、研究設計)原則構建了一個具體問題(表 1)。
The following inclusion criteria were applied: (1) original studies (randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, observational studies, and pre-post studies); (2) studies performed in humans; (3) studies written in English, Spanish (4) participants aged 65 years or older of mean age and (5) studies with (5.1) cognitively healthy elderly participants with normal levels of cognitive functioning, (that is, i.e., Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score > 24 > 24 > 24>24, Spanish version of Mini-Mental State Examination (MEC-35) score > 27 > 27 > 27>27 or Montreal Cognitive Assessment score (MoCA) 26 26 >= 26\geq 26 ) or (5.2) participants diagnosed of MCI, that is i.e., MMSE 24 24 >= 24\geq 24, MEC-35 24-27; Clinical Dementia Rating score 0.5 , and National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Criteria for Disorders and Stroke-AD and Related Disorders Association (NINCDS-
以下納入標準適用於: (1) 原創研究(隨機對照試驗、臨床試驗、觀察性研究和前後研究); (2) 在人類中進行的研究; (3) 以英語、西班牙語撰寫的研究; (4) 參與者年齡在 65 歲或以上的平均年齡; (5) 研究中包含 (5.1) 認知健康的老年參與者,具有正常的認知功能水平(即,迷你心理狀態檢查(MMSE)得分 > 24 > 24 > 24>24 ,西班牙語版迷你心理狀態檢查(MEC-35)得分 > 27 > 27 > 27>27 或蒙特利爾認知評估得分(MoCA) 26 26 >= 26\geq 26 )或 (5.2) 被診斷為輕度認知障礙(MCI)的參與者,即 MMSE 24 24 >= 24\geq 24 ,MEC-35 24-27;臨床癡呆評定量表得分 0.5,以及國家神經病學和溝通障礙研究所-阿茲海默病及相關障礙協會(NINCDS-
Table 1  表 1
PICOS criteria for inclusion and exclusion of studies.
PICOS 標準用於研究的納入和排除。
Parameter  參數
Participants  參與者

65 歲或以上的老年人,認知健康,或有輕度認知障礙,或癡呆。干預措施 控制/比較組
Older adults aged 65 years or older cognitively healthy, or
with mild cognitive impairment, or dementia.
Older adults aged 65 years or older cognitively healthy, or with mild cognitive impairment, or dementia. Interventions Control/comparator group| Older adults aged 65 years or older cognitively healthy, or | | :--- | | with mild cognitive impairment, or dementia. | | Interventions | | Control/comparator | | group |
CS according to the classification of Clare & Woods (2003).
根據 Clare & Woods(2003)的分類,CS。
Passive (no intervention, treatment as usual) or active
controls (same or different intervention than intervention
group).  群體)。
Evaluate psychosocial variables, at least one of them
(activities of daily living, mood-depression, mood-anxiety,
quality of life, well-being, loneliness).
Randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, observational
and pre-post studies  和前後研究
Parameter Participants "Older adults aged 65 years or older cognitively healthy, or with mild cognitive impairment, or dementia. Interventions Control/comparator group" CS according to the classification of Clare & Woods (2003). Passive (no intervention, treatment as usual) or active controls (same or different intervention than intervention group). Evaluate psychosocial variables, at least one of them (activities of daily living, mood-depression, mood-anxiety, quality of life, well-being, loneliness). Randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, observational and pre-post studies | Parameter | | | :--- | :--- | | Participants | Older adults aged 65 years or older cognitively healthy, or <br> with mild cognitive impairment, or dementia. <br> Interventions <br> Control/comparator <br> group | | CS according to the classification of Clare & Woods (2003). | | | Passive (no intervention, treatment as usual) or active | | | controls (same or different intervention than intervention | | | group). | | | Evaluate psychosocial variables, at least one of them | | | (activities of daily living, mood-depression, mood-anxiety, | | | quality of life, well-being, loneliness). | | | Randomized controlled trials, clinical trials, observational | | | and pre-post studies | |
ADRDA) (McKhann et al., 1984), Petersen (Petersen, 2004; Petersen et al., 1999) Winblad et al., 2004, Gauthier et al., 2006, Spector ( Spector et al., 2006; Spector et al., 2003) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM5) (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), or (5.3) criteria for dementia, that is probable AD, patients diagnosed of AD, vascular dementia, Parkinsons Disease dementia and other types of dementia (e.g., assessed with by a neurologist or psychiatrist or neuropsychological tests, Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Association International Neurosciences and the Association Internationale pour la Recherche et l’Enseignement en Neurosciences (NINDS-AIREN) (Román et al., 1993), or a MoCA score 12-25 and MMSE score 10-25). Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD) or mild cognitive impairment or dementia (PD-MCI) according to (Emre et al., 2007; Litvan et al., 2012) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) according to (McKeith et al., 2017). Furthermore, cognitive decline ranging from MCI to dementia according to scores of the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) between 3 and 5 .
ADRDA) (McKhann et al., 1984),Petersen (Petersen, 2004; Petersen et al., 1999) Winblad et al., 2004,Gauthier et al., 2006,Spector (Spector et al., 2006; Spector et al., 2003) 精神疾病診斷與統計手冊第 5 版 (DSM5) (美國精神醫學會,2013),或 (5.3) 癡呆症標準,即可能的阿茲海默症,診斷為阿茲海默症、血管性癡呆、帕金森病癡呆及其他類型的癡呆(例如,由神經科醫生或精神科醫生或神經心理測試評估,精神疾病診斷手冊 DSM,國家神經疾病與中風研究所,國際神經科學協會及國際神經科學研究與教育協會 (NINDS-AIREN) (Román et al., 1993),或 MoCA 分數 12-25 和 MMSE 分數 10-25)。根據 (Emre et al., 2007; Litvan et al., 2012) 的帕金森病癡呆 (PDD) 或輕度認知障礙或癡呆 (PD-MCI),以及根據 (McKeith et al., 2017) 的路易體癡呆 (DLB)。此外,根據全球惡化量表 (GDS) 的分數在 3 到 5 之間的認知衰退範圍從輕度認知障礙到癡呆。
The following exclusion criteria were applied: (1) articles that did not provide original data (e.g., systematic reviews, meta-analyses, literature reviews); (2) participants diagnosed with other cognitive impairments different to MCI and dementia; (3) studies that included other types of cognitive intervention different than CS; (4) articles that did not provide a control group.
以下排除標準適用於: (1) 未提供原始數據的文章(例如,系統評價、統合分析、文獻回顧); (2) 被診斷為其他不同於輕度認知障礙(MCI)和癡呆的認知障礙參與者; (3) 包含其他類型的認知介入而非認知訓練(CS)的研究; (4) 未提供對照組的文章。

2.3. Study selection and data extraction
2.3. 研究選擇與數據提取

Two authors (IG-S, EC) independently searched each database to obtain publications. Agreement between the authors was found for 90 % 90 % 90%90 \% of the publications while the remaining discrepancies were resolved by discussion. Relevant articles were obtained in full and assessed against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Disagreements between the reviewers were resolved by consensus, when consensus could not be reached, arbitration by a third reviewer was applied (AA).
兩位作者(IG-S, EC)獨立搜尋每個資料庫以獲取出版物。作者之間對於 90 % 90 % 90%90 \% 篇出版物達成一致,而其餘的差異則通過討論解決。相關文章已完整獲取並根據納入和排除標準進行評估。審稿人之間的分歧通過共識解決,當無法達成共識時,則由第三位審稿人(AA)進行仲裁。

2.4. Quality assessment and publication bias
2.4. 質量評估與出版偏倚

Publication bias was examined by performing Egger’s Regression Test for Funnel Plot Asymmetry (Egger et al., 1997). Further confirmation was obtained through visual inspection of funnel plot symmetry, plotting the effect size in relation to the standard error.
發表偏倚是通過執行埃格爾回歸檢驗來檢查漏斗圖不對稱性(Egger et al., 1997)。進一步的確認是通過對漏斗圖對稱性的視覺檢查,將效應大小與標準誤差繪製在一起。
Funnel plots were created using JAMOVI (Jamovi, 2021) to investigate publication bias. Publication bias was assessed by the Egger linear regression test, following the guidelines provided by Peters et al., 2006. Thus, funnel plots were created and tests were carried out when the meta-analysis had more than 10 studies, as a small number of studies lowers the test power to a point where it is too low to distinguish chance from actual asymmetry (Sterne et al., 2011). Besides, trim and fill funnel plots according to Duval & Tweedie (Duval & Tweedie, 2000a, 2000b) were created using the R Ver. 3.5.1 program (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria) and the meta and metaphor packages (Supplementary file 81, Fig. 10).
漏斗圖是使用 JAMOVI(Jamovi, 2021)創建的,以調查出版偏倚。出版偏倚是通過埃格線性回歸測試進行評估的,遵循 Peters 等人於 2006 年提供的指導方針。因此,當元分析有超過 10 項研究時,創建了漏斗圖並進行了測試,因為研究數量少會降低測試的效能,至低到無法區分機會與實際不對稱(Sterne 等人,2011)。此外,根據 Duval & Tweedie(Duval & Tweedie, 2000a, 2000b)創建的修剪和填充漏斗圖是使用 R Ver. 3.5.1 程序(R 統計計算基金會,統計與數學研究所,Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 維也納,奧地利)和 meta 及 metaphor 套件(補充文件 81,圖 10)。
Additionally, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute website (“Quality Assessment Tool for Controlled Intervention Studies, Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies and Pre-Post Studies With No Control Group. NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Website. [Online].,” 2013) was used for the assessment of the quality of the studies included in the present systematic review and meta-analyses.
此外,國家心臟、肺部和血液研究所網站(“受控干預研究、觀察性隊列和橫斷面研究及無對照組的前後研究質量評估工具。NIH 國家心臟、肺部和血液研究所網站。[在線]。”,2013 年)被用於評估本系統性回顧和元分析中納入研究的質量。

2.5. Statistical analyses to conduct the meta-analyses
2.5. 進行統合分析的統計分析

All the studies included in the present meta-analysis and systematic review met the established inclusion criteria. However, when extracting the data, some information was missing. Although corresponding authors were contacted to collect the missing information to conduct the

meta-analyses (Leroi et al., 2019; Lok et al., 2020; Marinho et al., 2021; Middelstadt et al., 2016, Oliveira et al., 2018; Vega Rozo et al., 2016) only two authors responded and gave us the required missing data (Leroi et al., 2019; Lok et al., 2020).
meta 分析(Leroi et al., 2019; Lok et al., 2020; Marinho et al., 2021; Middelstadt et al., 2016, Oliveira et al., 2018; Vega Rozo et al., 2016)只有兩位作者回應並提供了我們所需的缺失數據(Leroi et al., 2019; Lok et al., 2020)。
The following subgroups were analyzed: (1) cognitive status (“cognitively healthy elderly or “MCI”; or “dementia”); (2) age (” 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 years/ “>75 years”); (3) “computerized CS”; or “traditional CS”; (4) “personalized-adapted CS” or “non-personalized/non-adapted CS”; (5) “individual CS” or “group CS”; (6) “short-term” (duration of the CS is less than 3 months); “maintenance or medium-term” (duration of the CS is between 3 and 6 months); or “long-term” (duration of the CS is more than 12 months) (Aguirre et al., 2010); (7) 30 min / 30 min / 30min//30 \mathrm{~min} / session; < 45 < 45 < 45<45 min / min / min//\mathrm{min} / session; or > 45 min / session > 45 min / session > 45min//session>45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}; (8) subtype of control (active, passive or TAU); (9) “fair”; or “good” quality of studies; (10) “alone CS” or “CS + AChEIs”; (11) origin of the studies (“America”, “Asia”, or “Europe”); (12) “type of memory” (fixation memory, short-term, episodic memory, visuospatial memory, visual memory, or auditive memory); (13) type of orientation (temporal or spatial); (14) “type of verbal fluency” (semantic or phonemic); and (15) type of praxis (ideational or constructional) as long as the information was available. The gender of the participants could not be analyzed.
以下子群體進行了分析:(1)認知狀態(“認知健康的老年人”或“MCI”;或“癡呆”);(2)年齡(“ 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 歲/ “>75 歲”);(3)“電腦化的 CS”;或“傳統的 CS”;(4)“個性化適應的 CS”或“非個性化/非適應的 CS”;(5)“個體 CS”或“團體 CS”;(6)“短期”(CS 的持續時間少於 3 個月);“維持或中期”(CS 的持續時間在 3 到 6 個月之間);或“長期”(CS 的持續時間超過 12 個月)(Aguirre et al., 2010);(7) 30 min / 30 min / 30min//30 \mathrm{~min} / 次會議; < 45 < 45 < 45<45 min / min / min//\mathrm{min} / 次會議;或 > 45 min / session > 45 min / session > 45min//session>45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session} ;(8)控制類型(主動、被動或 TAU);(9)研究的“公平”;或“良好”質量;(10)“單獨 CS”或“CS + AChEIs”;(11)研究的來源(“美洲”、“亞洲”或“歐洲”);(12)“記憶類型”(固定記憶、短期、情節記憶、視空間記憶、視覺記憶或聽覺記憶);(13)方向類型(時間或空間);(14)“語言流利性類型”(語義或音韻);以及(15)實踐類型(意念性或建構性),只要信息可用。參與者的性別無法進行分析。
With the continuous variables “time of session”, “number of sessions (min)”, “total duration (weeks)” and “scores quality of studies (%”), heterogeneity was assessed through meta-regressions using the restricted maximum likelihood (REML), recommended as an estimator of heterogeneity to avoid bias (Tanriver-Ayder et al., 2021).
隨著連續變數「會議時間」、「會議次數(分鐘)」、「總持續時間(週)」和「研究質量得分(%)」,通過使用限制最大似然法(REML)進行元回歸來評估異質性,這被推薦作為評估異質性的估計量以避免偏差(Tanriver-Ayder et al., 2021)。
The standardized mean difference was chosen as the effect size metric to combine the results. When it was not directly provided by the authors, it was calculated from the mean, standard deviation, and sample size. When the Standard Deviation (SD) was not reported in the study, the authors were contacted. If no response was received, the following formula was applied: standard error = SD / n = SD / n =SD//sqrt()n=\mathrm{SD} / \sqrt{ } \mathrm{n}; SD = SD = SD=\mathrm{SD}= interquartile range / 1.35 / 1.35 //1.35/ 1.35. When the mean was not reported in the studies, the median was used. When possible, subgroup analyses were conducted. Several specific subgroup analyses were not performed because of a lack of studies (i.e., subgroups for which data could be obtained from only one study).
標準化平均差被選為效果大小指標以結合結果。當作者未直接提供時,則根據平均值、標準差和樣本大小進行計算。當研究中未報告標準差(SD)時,會聯繫作者。如果未收到回覆,則應用以下公式:標準誤差 = SD / n = SD / n =SD//sqrt()n=\mathrm{SD} / \sqrt{ } \mathrm{n} ; SD = SD = SD=\mathrm{SD}= 四分位距 / 1.35 / 1.35 //1.35/ 1.35 。當研究中未報告平均值時,則使用中位數。若有可能,進行了亞組分析。由於缺乏研究,幾個特定的亞組分析未能進行(即僅能從一項研究中獲得數據的亞組)。
Then, all results were pooled using the DerSimonian-Laird method in a random-effects meta-analysis (DerSimonian & Kacker, 2007) with the OpenMetaAnalyst software (Wallace et al., 2012).
然後,所有結果使用 DerSimonian-Laird 方法在隨機效應的統合分析中進行匯總(DerSimonian & Kacker, 2007),並使用 OpenMetaAnalyst 軟體(Wallace et al., 2012)。
In addition, heterogeneity across studies using the I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} statistic was estimated. Heterogeneity was considered as not important ( 0 % 40 % 0 % 40 % 0%-40%0 \%-40 \% ), moderate ( 30 % 60 % 30 % 60 % 30%-60%30 \%-60 \% ), substantial ( 50 % 90 % 50 % 90 % 50%-90%50 \%-90 \% ), or considerable ( 75 % 75 % 75%-75 \%- 100 % 100 % 100%100 \% ) (Higgins & Thompson, 2002). Moreover, the corresponding p-values were also taken into account.
此外,使用 I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} 統計量的研究之間的異質性被估計。異質性被認為不重要 ( 0 % 40 % 0 % 40 % 0%-40%0 \%-40 \% )、中等 ( 30 % 60 % 30 % 60 % 30%-60%30 \%-60 \% )、顯著 ( 50 % 90 % 50 % 90 % 50%-90%50 \%-90 \% ) 或相當 ( 75 % 75 % 75%-75 \%- 100 % 100 % 100%100 \% ) (Higgins & Thompson, 2002)。此外,相關的 p 值也被考慮在內。

3. Results  3. 結果

3.1. Study selection  3.1. 研究選擇

The initial search provided a total of 2,108 records. The process used to detect duplicates was carried out through Microsoft Excel and the process was repeated twice, with a final manual revision. After removing duplicates and including studies identified through reference scanning, 1,997 potentially relevant studies were found, which were further filtered based on their title and abstract, remaining 64. After reading the full texts, 33 articles were finally included in the systematic review and the meta-analysis. The PRISMA diagram for the study selection is detailed in Fig. 1 and studies excluded by text complete (see Supplementary file 3 , Table S 3 ).
初步搜尋共提供了 2,108 條記錄。檢測重複的過程是通過 Microsoft Excel 進行的,並重複了兩次,最後進行了手動修訂。在刪除重複項並包括通過參考掃描識別的研究後,發現了 1,997 項潛在相關研究,這些研究根據其標題和摘要進一步篩選,剩下 64 項。在閱讀完整文本後,最終有 33 篇文章被納入系統評價和元分析。研究選擇的 PRISMA 圖詳見圖 1,文本完整性排除的研究見補充文件 3,表 S3。
32 studies evaluated general cognitive functioning (Fig. 2a.) (Alvares-Pereira et al., 2020; Alves et al., 2014; Calatayud et al., 2020; Capotosto et al., 2017; Carbone et al., 2021; Coen et al., 2011; Cove et al., 2014; Ciarmiello et al., 2015; Fernández Calvo et al., 2010; Folkerts et al., 2018; Gibbor, et al., 2020; Gómez-Soria et al., 2020; Gómez-Soria, Brandín-de la Cruz, et al., 2021; Gómez-Soria, Esteban,
32 項研究評估了一般認知功能(圖 2a.)(Alvares-Pereira 等,2020;Alves 等,2014;Calatayud 等,2020;Capotosto 等,2017;Carbone 等,2021;Coen 等,2011;Cove 等,2014;Ciarmiello 等,2015;Fernández Calvo 等,2010;Folkerts 等,2018;Gibbor 等,2020;Gómez-Soria 等,2020;Gómez-Soria,Brandín-de la Cruz 等,2021;Gómez-Soria,Esteban,

Fig. 1. PRISMA Diagram- the process of study selection. From: Rethlefsen, M. L., Kirtley, S., Waffenschmidt, S., Ayala, A. P., Moher, D., Page, M. J., & Koffel, J. B. (2021). PRISMA-S: an extension to the PRISMA Statement for Reporting Literature Searches in Systematic Reviews. Systematic Reviews, 10(1), 1-19. https://doi. org/10.1186/S13643-020-01542-Z.
圖 1. PRISMA 圖示 - 研究選擇過程。來源:Rethlefsen, M. L., Kirtley, S., Waffenschmidt, S., Ayala, A. P., Moher, D., Page, M. J., & Koffel, J. B. (2021)。PRISMA-S:系統評價文獻檢索報告的 PRISMA 聲明擴展。系統評價,10(1),1-19。https://doi.org/10.1186/S13643-020-01542-Z。

et al., 2021; Juárez-Cedillo et al., 2020; Justo-Henriques et al., 2019, 2021; Leroi et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021; Lok et al., 2020; López et al., 2020; Miranda-Castillo et al., 2013; Niu et al., 2010; Oliveira et al., 2021; Orgeta et al., 2015; Orrell et al., 2014; Piras et al., 2017; Polito et al., 2015; Spector et al., 2003; Tarnanas et al., 2014; Tsai et al., 2019), 18 studies evaluated specific cognitive domains (memory, attention, orientation, executive functions, language, verbal fluency, praxis,
et al., 2021; Juárez-Cedillo et al., 2020; Justo-Henriques et al., 2019, 2021; Leroi et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021; Lok et al., 2020; López et al., 2020; Miranda-Castillo et al., 2013; Niu et al., 2010; Oliveira et al., 2021; Orgeta et al., 2015; Orrell et al., 2014; Piras et al., 2017; Polito et al., 2015; Spector et al., 2003; Tarnanas et al., 2014; Tsai et al., 2019),18 項研究評估了特定的認知領域(記憶、注意力、定向、執行功能、語言、語言流暢性、實踐能力,

calculation and visuospatial abilities) (Alvares-Pereira et al., 2020; Alves et al., 2014; Calatayud et al., 2020; Capotosto et al., 2017; Carbone et al., 2021; Ciarmiello et al., 2015; Djabelkhir et al., 2017; Gómez-Soria, Brandín-de la Cruz, et al., 2021; Gómez-Soria, Esteban, et al., 2021; Juárez-Cedillo et al., 2020; Justo-Henriques et al., 2019; Leroi et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021; López et al., 2020; Piras et al., 2017; Polito et al., 2015; Spector et al., 2010; Tarnanas et al., 2014) (Fig. 2b).
計算和視空間能力) (Alvares-Pereira et al., 2020; Alves et al., 2014; Calatayud et al., 2020; Capotosto et al., 2017; Carbone et al., 2021; Ciarmiello et al., 2015; Djabelkhir et al., 2017; Gómez-Soria, Brandín-de la Cruz, et al., 2021; Gómez-Soria, Esteban, et al., 2021; Juárez-Cedillo et al., 2020; Justo-Henriques et al., 2019; Leroi et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021; López et al., 2020; Piras et al., 2017; Polito et al., 2015; Spector et al., 2010; Tarnanas et al., 2014) (圖 2b)。

Fig. 2a. General cognitive functioning.
圖 2a. 一般認知功能。
In the Fernández Calvo et al., 2010 study, one group performs CS in format individual and other group CS in format group.
在 Fernández Calvo 等人於 2010 年的研究中,一組以個別形式進行 CS,另一組則以團體形式進行 CS。

3.2. Study characteristics
3.2. 研究特徵

The main characteristics of the participants and CS were extracted from the selected studies and can be consulted in Table 2. Additionally, the specific cognitive domains and activities of CS are shown (see
參與者和 CS 的主要特徵已從所選研究中提取,詳情可參見表 2。此外,CS 的具體認知領域和活動顯示於(見

Fig. 2b. Specific cognitive domains.
圖 2b. 特定認知領域。

supplementary file 4, Table 4). Measurements and the observed effect included in psychosocial variables in each individual study is available (see supplementary file 5, Table 5.)
補充檔案 4,表 4)。每個個別研究中包含的心理社會變數的測量和觀察效果可用(見補充檔案 5,表 5)。
A total of 2.724 participants ( 63.8 % 63.8 % 63.8%63.8 \% females) were analyzed. The mean age of the participants was 78.8 years. Regarding the origin of the studies 81 , 8 % 81 , 8 % 81,8%81,8 \% were conducted in Europe, 12.1 % 12.1 % 12.1%12.1 \% in Asia, and 6.1 % 6.1 % 6.1%6.1 \% in America. 3% of studies included cognitively healthy elderly individuals, 3 % 3 % 3%3 \% of studies included both cognitively healthy elderly individuals and MCI, 24.2% of studies included participants with MCI, and 60.6 % 60.6 % 60.6%60.6 \% of the studies included participants with dementia and 9.1 % 9.1 % 9.1%9.1 \% of the studies included both, MCI and dementia.
總共有 2,724 名參與者( 63.8 % 63.8 % 63.8%63.8 \% 名女性)被分析。參與者的平均年齡為 78.8 歲。關於研究的來源, 81 , 8 % 81 , 8 % 81,8%81,8 \% 在歐洲進行, 12.1 % 12.1 % 12.1%12.1 \% 在亞洲進行, 6.1 % 6.1 % 6.1%6.1 \% 在美國進行。3%的研究包括認知健康的老年人, 3 % 3 % 3%3 \% 的研究包括認知健康的老年人和輕度認知障礙(MCI),24.2%的研究包括有 MCI 的參與者, 60.6 % 60.6 % 60.6%60.6 \% 的研究包括有癡呆症的參與者, 9.1 % 9.1 % 9.1%9.1 \% 的研究同時包括 MCI 和癡呆症的參與者。
The intervention provider was nurse ( n = 1 n = 1 n=1n=1 ), neuropsychologist ( n = n = n=n= 5 ), occupational therapist ( n = 5 ) ( n = 5 ) (n=5)(n=5), psychologist ( n = 3 n = 3 n=3n=3 ), psychologist and therapeutic assistants ( n = 1 ) ( n = 1 ) (n=1)(n=1) therapist ( n = 3 ) ( n = 3 ) (n=3)(n=3), carer ( n = 2 ) ( n = 2 ) (n=2)(n=2), and team specially ( n = 2 n = 2 n=2n=2 ). In 11 studies they did not specify which professional carried out the intervention. The study setting was residential care ( n = n = n=n= 7), community ( n = 18 n = 18 n=18n=18 ) and residential care together community ( n = n = n=n= 8).
介入提供者為護理師 ( n = 1 n = 1 n=1n=1 )、神經心理學家 ( n = n = n=n= 5)、職業治療師 ( n = 5 ) ( n = 5 ) (n=5)(n=5) 、心理學家 ( n = 3 n = 3 n=3n=3 )、心理學家及治療助理 ( n = 1 ) ( n = 1 ) (n=1)(n=1) 、治療師 ( n = 3 ) ( n = 3 ) (n=3)(n=3) 、照顧者 ( n = 2 ) ( n = 2 ) (n=2)(n=2) ,以及專門團隊 ( n = 2 n = 2 n=2n=2 )。在 11 項研究中,他們未具體說明是由哪位專業人員執行介入。研究環境為住院護理 ( n = n = n=n= 7)、社區 ( n = 18 n = 18 n=18n=18 ) 及住院護理與社區結合 ( n = n = n=n= 8)。
Interventions carried out were diverse: 30 studies included traditional interventions and 3 studies computerized interventions, 27 studies include group intervention, 5 studies included individual intervention and one study both (group and individual). Particularly, the studies included the following types of CS: 30 studies applied cognitive activities, 21 studies applied reality orientation, 12 studies administered multisensory stimulation, 7 studies applied reminiscence, 6 studies introduced implicit learning, 1 study applied validation therapy; in addition, 8 studies introduced external aids. Furthermore, in 16 studies adjusted the level of difficulty of the CS or personalized the intervention. Regarding the pharmacological treatment; in 4 studies participants did not take AChEIs, in 2 studies participants took AChEIs and 26 studies did not specify whether participants take or not AChEIs. In the study of Orrell et al. (2014), subgroup analyses were also carried out, differentiating between the participants who only took CS and those who, in
所進行的干預措施多樣化:30 項研究包括傳統干預,3 項研究包括計算機化干預,27 項研究包括團體干預,5 項研究包括個別干預,1 項研究同時包括團體和個別干預。特別是,這些研究包括以下類型的認知刺激(CS):30 項研究應用了認知活動,21 項研究應用了現實導向,12 項研究進行了多感官刺激,7 項研究應用了回憶,6 項研究引入了隱性學習,1 項研究應用了驗證療法;此外,8 項研究引入了外部輔助工具。此外,在 16 項研究中調整了認知刺激的難度水平或個性化了干預。關於藥物治療;在 4 項研究中參與者未服用乙醯膽鹼酯酶抑制劑(AChEIs),在 2 項研究中參與者服用了 AChEIs,26 項研究未具體說明參與者是否服用 AChEIs。在 Orrell 等人(2014)的研究中,還進行了亞組分析,區分了僅接受認知刺激的參與者和那些同時接受其他干預的參與者。

addition to CS, took AChEIs.
除了 CS,還服用了 AChEIs。

There were some differences regarding the type of control used. Six studies included an active control group. Tarnanas et al. (2014), included an active and passive control group. Orrell et al. (2014) included treatment as usual (TAU) and in the subgroup also included AChEIs. In 24 studies participants received their TAU and in 2 studies the participants were in a waitlist for intervention.
在使用的控制類型方面存在一些差異。六項研究包括了一個主動控制組。Tarnanas 等人(2014)包括了一個主動和一個被動控制組。Orrell 等人(2014)包括了常規治療(TAU),並在子組中也包括了 AChEIs。在 24 項研究中,參與者接受了他們的 TAU,而在 2 項研究中,參與者則在干預的候補名單中。

3.3. Methodological quality assessment in Individual Studies
3.3. 個別研究的方法學質量評估

The risk of bias assessment for all included studies is summarized (see supplementary file 6-8, Tables S6.a-6.c). Overall, our analysis indicates that 14 studies had good methodological quality and 19 studies presented fair methodological quality.
所有納入研究的偏倚風險評估已總結(見補充文件 6-8,表 S6.a-6.c)。總體而言,我們的分析顯示 14 項研究具有良好的方法學質量,19 項研究呈現公平的方法學質量。
On the one hand, the method of randomization was not reported in 9 studies and in the others 10 studies the treatment allocation concealed not reported. On the other hand, participants and providers were not blinded to treatment group assignment in 18 studies and in 6 studies people assessing the outcomes were not blinded to the participants’ group assignments. Besides, there was no high adherence to the intervention protocols for each treatment group in 21 studies; the authors did not report that the sample size was sufficiently large to be able to detect a difference in the main outcome between groups with at least 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% power in 7 studies. In addition, the outcomes not reported subgroups analyzed pre-specified in 7 studies, and in 22 studies, an intention-totreat analysis was not performed.
一方面,9 項研究未報告隨機化方法,而在其他 10 項研究中,治療分配的隱蔽性未報告。另一方面,18 項研究中參與者和提供者未對治療組分配進行盲法,而在 6 項研究中,評估結果的人員未對參與者的組別分配進行盲法。此外,在 21 項研究中,各治療組的介入協議遵循率不高;作者未報告樣本量足夠大,以便在 7 項研究中以至少 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 的效能檢測組間主要結果的差異。此外,在 7 項研究中未報告預先指定的亞組分析結果,而在 22 項研究中未進行意向治療分析。

3.4. Effects of CS in relation to cognitive variables in older adults
3.4. CS 對老年人認知變數的影響

3.4.1. General cognitive functioning
3.4.1. 一般認知功能

As shown in Fig. 3a a significant improvement in general cognitive functioning was found in the group receiving CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS
如圖 3a 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組在一般認知功能方面顯著改善,與未接受 CS 的小組相比。
Table 2  表 2
Main characteristics of the participants and cognitive stimulation.
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female)  N(男性/女性) Professionals that administered the intervention
Country (Setting)  國家(環境) Mean age (Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)
Baseline score general cognitive functioning
Main Results  主要結果
1- Spector et al. 2003 RCT  1- Spector et al.  2003  RCT  {:[" 1- Spector et al. "],[2003],[" RCT "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 1- Spector et al. } \\ & 2003 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned} CS adapted: reminiscence, reality orientation and multisensory (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS 調整:回憶、現實導向和多感官(未指定 AChEIs)(組)
TAU 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週兩次 7 週,共 14 次 (短期)
Dementia DSM-IV  癡呆症 DSM-IV 201 ( 43 / 158 ) IG: 115 CG: 86 201 ( 43 / 158 )  IG:  115  CG:  86 {:[201],[(43//158)],[" IG: "115],[" CG: "86]:}\begin{aligned} & 201 \\ & (43 / 158) \\ & \text { IG: } 115 \\ & \text { CG: } 86 \end{aligned} ns UK (Day centers and residential care)
85.3 (7.0) ns MMSE 14.4 14.4 14.414.4 MMSE: sd.  MMSE:sd。
2- Fernández-Calvo et al. 2010 Pre-post study
2- Fernández-Calvo 等人 2010 年前後研究

多模態 CS:認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(個人/團體)
Multimodal CS:
cognitive activities.
(AChEIs not specified)
Multimodal CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual/ Group)| Multimodal CS: | | :--- | | cognitive activities. | | (AChEIs not specified) | | (Individual/ | | Group) |

每週三次,三個月,36 次(維護)
60 min / session 60 min / session 60min//session60 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}
Three times a week
3 months, 36
60min//session Three times a week 3 months, 36 sessions (Maintenance)| $60 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ | | :--- | | Three times a week | | 3 months, 36 | | sessions | | (Maintenance) |

AD 可能是 NINCDS-ADRDA;McKhann 等,1984
McKhann et al., 1984
AD probably NINCDS-ADRDA; McKhann et al., 1984| AD probably NINCDS-ADRDA; | | :--- | | McKhann et al., 1984 |

45 (25/20) GI 個別格式:15 GI 團體格式:15 GC:15
GI individual
format: 15
GI group
format: 15
GC: 15
45 (25/20) GI individual format: 15 GI group format: 15 GC: 15| 45 | | :--- | | (25/20) | | GI individual | | format: 15 | | GI group | | format: 15 | | GC: 15 |

(Association of Alzheimer's patients)
Spain (Association of Alzheimer's patients)| Spain | | :--- | | (Association of Alzheimer's patients) |
75.33 ( 4.76 ) 75.33 ( 4.76 ) {:[75.33],[(4.76)]:}\begin{aligned} & 75.33 \\ & (4.76) \end{aligned} 7.38 (2.93) MMSE 18.97 (2.44) 18.97  (2.44)  18.97" (2.44) "18.97 \text { (2.44) } ADAS-Cog; sd.  ADAS-Cog;標準差。
3- Niu et al. 2010 RCT
3- Niu 等人 2010 隨機對照試驗
CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual)
CS:現實導向和認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(個體)
Active Communication exercise.
45 min /session Twice a week 10 weeks, 20 sessions (Short-Term)
每次 45 分鐘 每週兩次 10 週,共 20 次(短期)

AD 可能是 NINCDS-ADRDA McKhann 等,1984
McKhann et al., 1984
AD probably NINCDS-ADRDA McKhann et al., 1984| AD probably NINCDS-ADRDA | | :--- | | McKhann et al., 1984 |
32 ( 25 / 7 ) GI:16 GC:16 32 ( 25 / 7 )  GI:16   GC:16  {:[32],[(25//7)],[" GI:16 "],[" GC:16 "]:}\begin{aligned} & 32 \\ & (25 / 7) \\ & \text { GI:16 } \\ & \text { GC:16 } \end{aligned} Trained Therapists  訓練有素的治療師 China (Military sanatorium)
79.85 ( 4.31 ) 79.85 ( 4.31 ) {:[79.85],[(4.31)]:}\begin{aligned} & 79.85 \\ & (4.31) \end{aligned} 10.68 (1.88) MMSE 17.12 ( 3.13 )  MMSE  17.12 ( 3.13 ) {:[" MMSE "17.12],[(3.13)]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } 17.12 \\ & (3.13) \end{aligned} MMSE: sd  MMSE:sd
4- Spector et al. 2010 RCT  4- Spector et al.  2010  RCT  {:[" 4- Spector et al. "],[2010],[" RCT "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 4- Spector et al. } \\ & 2010 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned} CS: reality orientation, reminiscence, implicit learning and multisensory. (No specific if take AChEIs) (Group)
CS:現實導向、回憶、隱性學習和多感官。(如果不特定使用 AChEIs)(組別)

每週兩次 7 週 14 次會議
45 min / session 45 min / session 45min//session45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}
Twice a week
7 weeks
14 sessions
45min//session Twice a week 7 weeks 14 sessions| $45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks | | 14 sessions |
Dementia DSM-IV MMSE 10-24
癡呆 DSM-IV MMSE 10-24
IG: 115
CG: 86
201 (43/158) IG: 115 CG: 86| 201 | | :--- | | (43/158) | | IG: 115 | | CG: 86 |

(Day centers and residential care homes)
UK (Day centers and residential care homes)| UK | | :--- | | (Day centers and residential care homes) |
85.3 (7.0) ns
14.4 (3.8)
27 (7.5)
MMSE 14.4 (3.8) ADAS-Cog 27 (7.5)| MMSE | | :--- | | 14.4 (3.8) | | ADAS-Cog | | 27 (7.5) |

ADAS-Cog: sd.
Language: sd.
ADAS-Cog: sd. Language: sd.| ADAS-Cog: sd. | | :--- | | Language: sd. |
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female)  N(男性/女性) Professionals that administered the intervention
Country Setting  國家設置 Mean age (Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)
Baseline score general cognitive functioning
Main Results  主要結果
5- Coen et al. 2011 RCT
5- Coen 等人 2011 隨機對照試驗
CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS:認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)

45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 每週兩次,共 7 週,14 次(短期)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |
Mild to moderate dementia Spector et al. 2003
輕度至中度癡呆 Spector 等,2003
27 ( 13 / 14 ) IG: 14 CG: 13 27 ( 13 / 14 )  IG:  14  CG:  13 {:[27],[(13//14)],[" IG: "14],[" CG: "13]:}\begin{aligned} & 27 \\ & (13 / 14) \\ & \text { IG: } 14 \\ & \text { CG: } 13 \end{aligned} Occupational Therapists  職業治療師 Ireland (Residential care)
79.85 (5.6) ns MMSE 16.9 (5.05)  MMSE  16.9  (5.05)  {:[" MMSE "],[16.9" (5.05) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 16.9 \text { (5.05) } \end{aligned} MMSE: sd.  MMSE:sd。
6- Miranda-Castillo et al. 2013 Pre-post study
6- Miranda-Castillo 等人 2013 年 前後研究
CS: reality orientation, reminiscence, cognitive activities and multisensory. (Group)

45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 每週兩次,共 7 週,14 次(短期)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |
Mild to moderate AD DSM-IV-TR
輕度至中度阿茲海默症 DSM-IV-TR
IG: 12
CG: 12
22 (8/14) IG: 12 CG: 12| 22 | | :--- | | (8/14) | | IG: 12 | | CG: 12 |

(Residential care)
Chile (Residential care)| Chile | | :--- | | (Residential care) |
83.65 ( 9.95 ) 83.65 ( 9.95 ) {:[83.65],[(9.95)]:}\begin{aligned} & 83.65 \\ & (9.95) \end{aligned}
91.9 \% 91.9  \%  91.9" \% "91.9 \text { \% }
Basic  基本
91.9" \% " Basic| $91.9 \text { \% }$ | | :--- | | Basic |
19 (3.95)
MMSE 19 (3.95)| MMSE | | :--- | | 19 (3.95) |
IG MMSE: sd.  IG MMSE:標準差。
7- Alves et al. 2014 RCT
7- Alves 等人 2014 隨機對照試驗
CS adapted: reminiscence, reality orientation, cognitive activities and multisensory. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS 調整:回憶、現實導向、認知活動和多感官。(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)
TAU Wait-list/brief intervention
TAU 等候名單/簡短介入

60 min / 60 min / 60min//60 \mathrm{~min} / 每週三次,除了最後一週每週兩次,為期 1.5 個月,共 17 次(短期)
60 min / 60 min / 60min//60 \mathrm{~min} / session
Three times a week, except the last week twice a week
1.5 months, 17
60min// session Three times a week, except the last week twice a week 1.5 months, 17 sessions (Short-Term)| $60 \mathrm{~min} /$ session | | :--- | | Three times a week, except the last week twice a week | | 1.5 months, 17 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |
From MCI to mild to moderate dementia GDS 3-5
從輕度認知障礙到輕度至中度癡呆 GDS 3-5
17 (4/13) IG:10 CG:7 17  (4/13)   IG:10   CG:7  {:[17],[" (4/13) "],[" IG:10 "],[" CG:7 "]:}\begin{aligned} & 17 \\ & \text { (4/13) } \\ & \text { IG:10 } \\ & \text { CG:7 } \end{aligned} Psychologist and therapeutic assistants

(Day centers and residential care)
Portugal (Day centers and residential care)| Portugal | | :--- | | (Day centers and residential care) |
78.65 ( 10.72 ) 78.65 ( 10.72 ) {:[78.65],[(10.72)]:}\begin{aligned} & 78.65 \\ & (10.72) \end{aligned} 1.98 (2.33) MMSE 18.06 ( 4 , 64 ) 18.06 ( 4 , 64 ) 18.06(4,64)18.06(4,64) MMSE: no sd.  MMSE:無 sd。
8- Cove et al. 2014 RCT
8- Cove 等人 2014 隨機對照試驗
Home-based CS adapted: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual)
居家適應的 CS:現實導向和認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(個體)
TAU Wait-list  TAU 等候名單 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Once a week 14 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週一次 14 週,14 次會議(短期)
Dementia DSM IV MMSE 18-24
癡呆 DSM IV MMSE 18-24
59 ( 36 / 32 ) IG: 24 CG: 13 59 ( 36 / 32 )  IG:  24  CG:  13 {:[59],[(36//32)],[" IG: "24],[" CG: "13]:}\begin{aligned} & 59 \\ & (36 / 32) \\ & \text { IG: } 24 \\ & \text { CG: } 13 \end{aligned}

照顧者使用 CS 的指導原則
Using the guiding principles of CS
Carer Using the guiding principles of CS| Carer | | :--- | | Using the guiding principles of CS |
UK (Community)  英國(社區) 76.37 ( 6.55 ) 76.37 ( 6.55 ) {:[76.37],[(6.55)]:}\begin{aligned} & 76.37 \\ & (6.55) \end{aligned} ns MMSE 22.65  MMSE  22.65 {:[" MMSE "],[22.65]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 22.65 \end{aligned} MMSE: no sd ADAS-Cog: no sd Sub-scalas ADASCog: no sd
MMSE:無標準差 ADAS-Cog:無標準差 ADASCog 子量表:無標準差
Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) N (male/ female) Professionals that administered the intervention Country (Setting) Mean age (Standard deviation) Education (Standard deviation) Baseline score general cognitive functioning Main Results " 1- Spector et al. 2003 RCT " CS adapted: reminiscence, reality orientation and multisensory (AChEIs not specified) (Group) TAU 45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term) Dementia DSM-IV "201 (43//158) IG: 115 CG: 86" ns UK (Day centers and residential care) 85.3 (7.0) ns MMSE 14.4 MMSE: sd. 2- Fernández-Calvo et al. 2010 Pre-post study "Multimodal CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual/ Group)" TAU "60min//session Three times a week 3 months, 36 sessions (Maintenance)" "AD probably NINCDS-ADRDA; McKhann et al., 1984" "45 (25/20) GI individual format: 15 GI group format: 15 GC: 15" ns "Spain (Association of Alzheimer's patients)" "75.33 (4.76)" 7.38 (2.93) MMSE 18.97" (2.44) " ADAS-Cog; sd. 3- Niu et al. 2010 RCT CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) Active Communication exercise. 45 min /session Twice a week 10 weeks, 20 sessions (Short-Term) "AD probably NINCDS-ADRDA McKhann et al., 1984" "32 (25//7) GI:16 GC:16 " Trained Therapists China (Military sanatorium) "79.85 (4.31)" 10.68 (1.88) " MMSE 17.12 (3.13)" MMSE: sd " 4- Spector et al. 2010 RCT " CS: reality orientation, reminiscence, implicit learning and multisensory. (No specific if take AChEIs) (Group) TAU "45min//session Twice a week 7 weeks 14 sessions" Dementia DSM-IV MMSE 10-24 "201 (43/158) IG: 115 CG: 86" ns "UK (Day centers and residential care homes)" 85.3 (7.0) ns "MMSE 14.4 (3.8) ADAS-Cog 27 (7.5)" "ADAS-Cog: sd. Language: sd." Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) N (male/ female) Professionals that administered the intervention Country Setting Mean age (Standard deviation) Education (Standard deviation) Baseline score general cognitive functioning Main Results 5- Coen et al. 2011 RCT CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) TAU "45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" Mild to moderate dementia Spector et al. 2003 "27 (13//14) IG: 14 CG: 13" Occupational Therapists Ireland (Residential care) 79.85 (5.6) ns " MMSE 16.9 (5.05) " MMSE: sd. 6- Miranda-Castillo et al. 2013 Pre-post study CS: reality orientation, reminiscence, cognitive activities and multisensory. (Group) TAU "45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" Mild to moderate AD DSM-IV-TR "22 (8/14) IG: 12 CG: 12" ns "Chile (Residential care)" "83.65 (9.95)" "91.9" \% " Basic" "MMSE 19 (3.95)" IG MMSE: sd. 7- Alves et al. 2014 RCT CS adapted: reminiscence, reality orientation, cognitive activities and multisensory. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) TAU Wait-list/brief intervention "60min// session Three times a week, except the last week twice a week 1.5 months, 17 sessions (Short-Term)" From MCI to mild to moderate dementia GDS 3-5 "17 (4/13) IG:10 CG:7 " Psychologist and therapeutic assistants "Portugal (Day centers and residential care)" "78.65 (10.72)" 1.98 (2.33) MMSE 18.06(4,64) MMSE: no sd. 8- Cove et al. 2014 RCT Home-based CS adapted: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) TAU Wait-list 45min// session Once a week 14 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term) Dementia DSM IV MMSE 18-24 "59 (36//32) IG: 24 CG: 13" "Carer Using the guiding principles of CS" UK (Community) "76.37 (6.55)" ns " MMSE 22.65" MMSE: no sd ADAS-Cog: no sd Sub-scalas ADASCog: no sd| Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | N (male/ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country (Setting) | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education (Standard deviation) | Baseline score general cognitive functioning | Main Results | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 1- Spector et al. } \\ & 2003 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}$ | CS adapted: reminiscence, reality orientation and multisensory (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term) | Dementia DSM-IV | $\begin{aligned} & 201 \\ & (43 / 158) \\ & \text { IG: } 115 \\ & \text { CG: } 86 \end{aligned}$ | ns | UK (Day centers and residential care) | 85.3 (7.0) | ns | MMSE $14.4$ | MMSE: sd. | | 2- Fernández-Calvo et al. 2010 Pre-post study | Multimodal CS: <br> cognitive activities. <br> (AChEIs not specified) <br> (Individual/ <br> Group) | TAU | $60 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ <br> Three times a week <br> 3 months, 36 <br> sessions <br> (Maintenance) | AD probably NINCDS-ADRDA; <br> McKhann et al., 1984 | 45 <br> (25/20) <br> GI individual <br> format: 15 <br> GI group <br> format: 15 <br> GC: 15 | ns | Spain <br> (Association of Alzheimer's patients) | $\begin{aligned} & 75.33 \\ & (4.76) \end{aligned}$ | 7.38 (2.93) | MMSE $18.97 \text { (2.44) }$ | ADAS-Cog; sd. | | 3- Niu et al. 2010 RCT | CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) | Active Communication exercise. | 45 min /session Twice a week 10 weeks, 20 sessions (Short-Term) | AD probably NINCDS-ADRDA <br> McKhann et al., 1984 | $\begin{aligned} & 32 \\ & (25 / 7) \\ & \text { GI:16 } \\ & \text { GC:16 } \end{aligned}$ | Trained Therapists | China (Military sanatorium) | $\begin{aligned} & 79.85 \\ & (4.31) \end{aligned}$ | 10.68 (1.88) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } 17.12 \\ & (3.13) \end{aligned}$ | MMSE: sd | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 4- Spector et al. } \\ & 2010 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}$ | CS: reality orientation, reminiscence, implicit learning and multisensory. (No specific if take AChEIs) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks <br> 14 sessions | Dementia DSM-IV MMSE 10-24 | 201 <br> (43/158) <br> IG: 115 <br> CG: 86 | ns | UK <br> (Day centers and residential care homes) | 85.3 (7.0) | ns | MMSE <br> 14.4 (3.8) <br> ADAS-Cog <br> 27 (7.5) | ADAS-Cog: sd. <br> Language: sd. | | Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | N (male/ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country Setting | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education (Standard deviation) | Baseline score general cognitive functioning | Main Results | | 5- Coen et al. 2011 RCT | CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Mild to moderate dementia Spector et al. 2003 | $\begin{aligned} & 27 \\ & (13 / 14) \\ & \text { IG: } 14 \\ & \text { CG: } 13 \end{aligned}$ | Occupational Therapists | Ireland (Residential care) | 79.85 (5.6) | ns | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 16.9 \text { (5.05) } \end{aligned}$ | MMSE: sd. | | 6- Miranda-Castillo et al. 2013 Pre-post study | CS: reality orientation, reminiscence, cognitive activities and multisensory. (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Mild to moderate AD DSM-IV-TR | 22 <br> (8/14) <br> IG: 12 <br> CG: 12 | ns | Chile <br> (Residential care) | $\begin{aligned} & 83.65 \\ & (9.95) \end{aligned}$ | $91.9 \text { \% }$ <br> Basic | MMSE <br> 19 (3.95) | IG MMSE: sd. | | 7- Alves et al. 2014 RCT | CS adapted: reminiscence, reality orientation, cognitive activities and multisensory. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU Wait-list/brief intervention | $60 \mathrm{~min} /$ session <br> Three times a week, except the last week twice a week <br> 1.5 months, 17 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | From MCI to mild to moderate dementia GDS 3-5 | $\begin{aligned} & 17 \\ & \text { (4/13) } \\ & \text { IG:10 } \\ & \text { CG:7 } \end{aligned}$ | Psychologist and therapeutic assistants | Portugal <br> (Day centers and residential care) | $\begin{aligned} & 78.65 \\ & (10.72) \end{aligned}$ | 1.98 (2.33) | MMSE $18.06(4,64)$ | MMSE: no sd. | | 8- Cove et al. 2014 RCT | Home-based CS adapted: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) | TAU Wait-list | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Once a week 14 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term) | Dementia DSM IV MMSE 18-24 | $\begin{aligned} & 59 \\ & (36 / 32) \\ & \text { IG: } 24 \\ & \text { CG: } 13 \end{aligned}$ | Carer <br> Using the guiding principles of CS | UK (Community) | $\begin{aligned} & 76.37 \\ & (6.55) \end{aligned}$ | ns | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 22.65 \end{aligned}$ | MMSE: no sd ADAS-Cog: no sd Sub-scalas ADASCog: no sd |
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ N  (male/  N" (male/ "\mathrm{N} \text { (male/ } female)  女性) Professionals that administered the intervention
Country (Setting)  國家(環境) Mean age (Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)

Baseline score
Baseline score general cognitive functioning| Baseline score | | :--- | | general | | cognitive | | functioning |
Main Results  主要結果
9- Orrell et al. 2014 RCT
9- Orrell 等人 2014 隨機對照試驗
Alone CS (reality orientation, cognitive activities and multisensory) and CS + AChEIs (Group)
單獨的 CS(現實導向、認知活動和多感官)和 CS + AChEIs(組)
TAU AChEIs 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Once a week 24 weeks, 24 sessions (Maintenance)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週一次 24 週,24 次會議(維護)
Dementia DSM-IV  癡呆症 DSM-IV

236 (86/150) 單獨 CS: 81 CS+AChEIs:42 TAU:79 AChEIs: 34
Alone CS: 81
AChEIs: 34
236 (86/150) Alone CS: 81 CS+AChEIs:42 TAU:79 AChEIs: 34| 236 | | :--- | | (86/150) | | Alone CS: 81 | | CS+AChEIs:42 | | TAU:79 | | AChEIs: 34 |

(Residential care, and community)
London (Residential care, and community)| London | | :--- | | (Residential care, and community) |
83.1 (7.55) ns MMSE 17.8 ( 5.5 )  MMSE  17.8 ( 5.5 ) {:[" MMSE "],[17.8(5.5)]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 17.8(5.5) \end{aligned} CS + AChEIs MMSE: sd (three and six months) ADAS-Cog: no sd
CS + AChEIs MMSE: sd(三個月和六個月)ADAS-Cog: 無 sd
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female)  N(男性/女性) Professionals that administered the intervention
Country Setting| Country | | :--- | | Setting |
Mean age (Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)

Baseline score
Baseline score general cognitive functioning| Baseline score | | :--- | | general | | cognitive | | functioning |
Main Results  主要結果
10- Polito et al. 2014 RCT  10- Polito et al.  2014  RCT  {:[" 10- Polito et al. "],[2014],[" RCT "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 10- Polito et al. } \\ & 2014 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned} CS: reality orientation, implicit learning and cognitive activities. (No specific if take AChEIs) (Group)
CS:現實導向、隱性學習和認知活動。(如果不特定使用 AChEIs)(組)

主動進行兩場互動 60 分鐘會議
Two interactive 60min meetings
Active Two interactive 60min meetings| Active | | :--- | | Two interactive 60min meetings |

每週兩次 10 週 20 次療程
90 min / session 90 min / session 90min//session90 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}
Twice a week
10 weeks
20 sessions
90min//session Twice a week 10 weeks 20 sessions| $90 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 10 weeks | | 20 sessions |
HA and MCI Petersen's criteria 2004 and Guaitäs criteria et al.,2013
HA 和 MCI 彼得森標準 2004 及 Guaitä 等人標準,2013
77 CHA
IG: 38
CG: 39
44 MCI
77 CHA (29/48) IG: 38 CG: 39 44 MCI (31/13) IG:22 CG:22| 77 CHA | | :--- | | (29/48) | | IG: 38 | | CG: 39 | | 44 MCI | | (31/13) | | IG:22 | | CG:22 |
Trained Neuropsychologist
Italy (Community and residential care home)
HA 73.8 (1.25) MCI 74.15 ( 1.55 )  HA  73.8  (1.25)   MCI  74.15 ( 1.55 ) {:[" HA "],[73.8" (1.25) "],[" MCI "],[74.15],[(1.55)]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { HA } \\ & 73.8 \text { (1.25) } \\ & \text { MCI } \\ & 74.15 \\ & (1.55) \end{aligned} HA 7.65 (3.0) MCI 7.45 (3.2)  HA  7.65  (3.0)   MCI  7.45  (3.2)  {:[" HA "],[7.65" (3.0) "],[" MCI "],[7.45" (3.2) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { HA } \\ & 7.65 \text { (3.0) } \\ & \text { MCI } \\ & 7.45 \text { (3.2) } \end{aligned}
28.05 (1.55)
25.75 (1.95)
HA MMSE 28.05 (1.55) MCI MMSE 25.75 (1.95)| HA MMSE | | :--- | | 28.05 (1.55) | | MCI MMSE | | 25.75 (1.95) |
Cognitive healthy elderly and MCI: MMSE and MoCA sd Cognitive healthy elderly and MCI: MMSE: no sd.
認知健康的老年人和輕度認知障礙(MCI):MMSE 和 MoCA sd 認知健康的老年人和輕度認知障礙(MCI):MMSE:無 sd。

11- Tarnanas 等人 2014 隨機對照試驗
11- Tarnanas et al. 2014
11- Tarnanas et al. 2014 RCT| 11- Tarnanas et al. 2014 | | :--- | | RCT |
CCS cognitive activities, implicit learning, virtual reality and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CCS 認知活動、隱性學習、虛擬實境和外部輔助工具。(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)

Learningbased memory training.
Active Learningbased memory training. Passive No-contact| Active | | :--- | | Learningbased memory training. | | Passive | | No-contact |

90 分鐘課程 每週兩次 5 個月,40 次課程(維持)
90-min session
Twice a week
5 months, 40
90-min session Twice a week 5 months, 40 sessions (Maintenance)| 90-min session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 5 months, 40 | | sessions | | (Maintenance) |

MCI 彼得森標準 1999, 2004 溫布拉德 2004 高提耶等 2006
Petersen's criteria
1999, 2004
Winblad 2004
Gauthier et al.
MCI Petersen's criteria 1999, 2004 Winblad 2004 Gauthier et al. 2006| MCI | | :--- | | Petersen's criteria | | 1999, 2004 | | Winblad 2004 | | Gauthier et al. | | 2006 |
IG: 32
CAG: 39
CG: 34
95 (41/54) IG: 32 CAG: 39 CG: 34| 95 | | :--- | | (41/54) | | IG: 32 | | CAG: 39 | | CG: 34 |
Psychologists  心理學家 Greece (Day Clinic)  希臘(日間診所) 70.37 (4.4) ns MMSE 26.4 (3.43)  MMSE  26.4  (3.43)  {:[" MMSE "],[26.4" (3.43) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 26.4 \text { (3.43) } \end{aligned}

.MMSE: sd. RAVLT 延遲回憶,ROCF 立即回憶 BNT,數字範圍前向,字母流暢性和 Trail B: sd
.MMSE: sd.
RAVLT delayed recall, ROCF inmediate recall BNT, digit span forward, letter fluency and Trail B: sd
.MMSE: sd. RAVLT delayed recall, ROCF inmediate recall BNT, digit span forward, letter fluency and Trail B: sd| .MMSE: sd. | | :--- | | RAVLT delayed recall, ROCF inmediate recall BNT, digit span forward, letter fluency and Trail B: sd |

12- Ciarmiello 等人 2015 年觀察性研究
12- Ciarmiello et al. 2015
Observa-tional study
12- Ciarmiello et al. 2015 Observa-tional study| 12- Ciarmiello et al. 2015 | | :--- | | Observa-tional study |
CS: multisensory and cognitive activities. (Group)
Active Informal meeting| Active | | :--- | | Informal | | meeting |

每週兩次,持續 4 個月,共 32 次(維護)
45 min / session 45 min / session 45min//session45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}
Twice a week
4 months, 32
45min//session Twice a week 4 months, 32 sessions (Maintenance)| $45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 4 months, 32 | | sessions | | (Maintenance) |
MMSE 24 24 >= 24\geq 24
MCI MMSE >= 24| MCI | | :--- | | MMSE $\geq 24$ |
30 ( 12 / 17 ) IG: 15 CG: 15 30 ( 12 / 17 )  IG:  15  CG:  15 {:[30],[(12//17)],[" IG: "15],[" CG: "15]:}\begin{aligned} & 30 \\ & (12 / 17) \\ & \text { IG: } 15 \\ & \text { CG: } 15 \end{aligned} Experienced Neuropsychologists

Neurology Unit)
Italy (Hospital's Neurology Unit)| Italy | | :--- | | (Hospital's | | Neurology Unit) |
71.59 ( 7.13 ) 71.59 ( 7.13 ) {:[71.59],[(7.13)]:}\begin{aligned} & 71.59 \\ & (7.13) \end{aligned} 8.56 (2.82) MMSE 27.85 ( 1.84 )  MMSE  27.85 ( 1.84 ) {:[" MMSE "],[27.85(1.84)]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 27.85(1.84) \end{aligned} Prose memory: sd  散文記憶:sd
13- Orgeta et al. 2015 RCT  13- Orgeta et al.  2015  RCT  {:[" 13- Orgeta et al. "],[2015],[" RCT "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 13- Orgeta et al. } \\ & 2015 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned} Home-based CS (reality orientation, reminiscence, validation, implicit learning, multisensory and cognitive activities) + AChEIs (Individual)
居家 CS(現實導向、回憶、驗證、隱性學習、多感官及認知活動)+ AChEIs(個別)

每週三次,25 週,75 次(維持)
30 min / session 30 min / session 30min//session30 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}
Three times
25 weeks, 75
30min//session Three times weekly 25 weeks, 75 sessions (Maintenance)| $30 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ | | :--- | | Three times | | weekly | | 25 weeks, 75 | | sessions | | (Maintenance) |

癡呆 DSM-IV MMSE > 10
MMSE > 10
Dementia DSM-IV MMSE > 10| Dementia | | :--- | | DSM-IV | | MMSE > 10 |
IG: 180
CG: 176
356 (191/165) IG: 180 CG: 176| 356 | | :--- | | (191/165) | | IG: 180 | | CG: 176 |
Family carers Carer training and support was provided by the research (team mental health nurses, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists or research assistants)
家庭照顧者 研究提供了照顧者的培訓和支持(團隊精神健康護理師、臨床心理學家、職業治療師或研究助理)
UK (Community)| UK | | :--- | | (Community) |
78.2 Highest level of education School leaver (14-16 years) 60%
最高教育程度 學校畢業生(14-16 歲) 60%
21.22 (4.30)
MMSE 21.22 (4.30)| MMSE | | :--- | | 21.22 (4.30) |
MMSE, ADAS-Cog: no sd
MMSE, ADAS-Cog: 無 sd
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female)  N(男性/女性) Professionals that administered the intervention
Country Setting  國家設置 Mean age (Standard deviation)

Education (Standard deviation)| Education | | :--- | | (Standard | | deviation) |
Baseline score general cognitive functioning
Main Results  主要結果

14- Capotosto 等人 2017 隨機對照試驗
14- Capotosto et al. 2017
14- Capotosto et al. 2017 RCT| 14- Capotosto et al. 2017 | | :--- | | RCT |
CS adapted: reality orientation, implicit learning, and cognitive activities.(Group)
CS 調整:現實導向、隱性學習和認知活動。(小組)
Active Educational activities.

45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 每週兩次,共 7 週,14 次(短期)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |
Mild to moderate dementia Spector et al. 2006
輕度至中度癡呆 Spector 等,2006
39 ( 12 / 27 ) IG: 20 CG: 19 39 ( 12 / 27 )  IG:  20  CG:  19 {:[39],[(12//27)],[" IG: "20],[" CG: "19]:}\begin{aligned} & 39 \\ & (12 / 27) \\ & \text { IG: } 20 \\ & \text { CG: } 19 \end{aligned} ns

(Residential care)
Italy (Residential care)| Italy | | :--- | | (Residential care) |
88.25 ( 5.15 ) 88.25 ( 5.15 ) {:[88.25],[(5.15)]:}\begin{aligned} & 88.25 \\ & (5.15) \end{aligned} 6.15 (2.60) MMSE 18.25 (3.39)  MMSE  18.25  (3.39)  {:[" MMSE "],[18.25" (3.39) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 18.25 \text { (3.39) } \end{aligned} ADAS-Cog: sd.  ADAS-Cog:標準差。
15- Djabelkhir et al. 2017
15- Djabelkhir 等人 2017
CCS: cognitive activities and external aids.
Active CCE and stimulate
主動 CCE 和刺激
90 min / 90 min / 90min//90 \mathrm{~min} / session Once a week 3 months, 12
90 min / 90 min / 90min//90 \mathrm{~min} / 次會議 每週一次 3 個月,12

MCI Petersen 2004 和 Winbland 2004。
Petersen 2004 and Winbland 2004.
MCI Petersen 2004 and Winbland 2004.| MCI | | :--- | | Petersen 2004 and Winbland 2004. |
20 ( 6 / 14 ) 20 ( 6 / 14 ) {:[20],[(6//14)]:}\begin{aligned} & 20 \\ & (6 / 14) \end{aligned} Neuropsychologist  神經心理學家 France (Community)  法國(社區) 76.7 (6.7) 52.2% Degree or higher
52.2% 學位或更高
MMSE 27.55 27.55 27.5527.55

MMSE: no sd.
Trail Making Test and self-esteem: sd ntinued on next page)
MMSE: no sd. Trail Making Test and self-esteem: sd ntinued on next page)| MMSE: no sd. | | :--- | | Trail Making Test and self-esteem: sd ntinued on next page) |
Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) N" (male/ " female) Professionals that administered the intervention Country (Setting) Mean age (Standard deviation) Education (Standard deviation) "Baseline score general cognitive functioning" Main Results 9- Orrell et al. 2014 RCT Alone CS (reality orientation, cognitive activities and multisensory) and CS + AChEIs (Group) TAU AChEIs 45min// session Once a week 24 weeks, 24 sessions (Maintenance) Dementia DSM-IV "236 (86/150) Alone CS: 81 CS+AChEIs:42 TAU:79 AChEIs: 34" ns "London (Residential care, and community)" 83.1 (7.55) ns " MMSE 17.8(5.5)" CS + AChEIs MMSE: sd (three and six months) ADAS-Cog: no sd Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) N (male/ female) Professionals that administered the intervention "Country Setting" Mean age (Standard deviation) Education (Standard deviation) "Baseline score general cognitive functioning" Main Results " 10- Polito et al. 2014 RCT " CS: reality orientation, implicit learning and cognitive activities. (No specific if take AChEIs) (Group) "Active Two interactive 60min meetings" "90min//session Twice a week 10 weeks 20 sessions" HA and MCI Petersen's criteria 2004 and Guaitäs criteria et al.,2013 "77 CHA (29/48) IG: 38 CG: 39 44 MCI (31/13) IG:22 CG:22" Trained Neuropsychologist Italy (Community and residential care home) " HA 73.8 (1.25) MCI 74.15 (1.55)" " HA 7.65 (3.0) MCI 7.45 (3.2) " "HA MMSE 28.05 (1.55) MCI MMSE 25.75 (1.95)" Cognitive healthy elderly and MCI: MMSE and MoCA sd Cognitive healthy elderly and MCI: MMSE: no sd. "11- Tarnanas et al. 2014 RCT" CCS cognitive activities, implicit learning, virtual reality and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) "Active Learningbased memory training. Passive No-contact" "90-min session Twice a week 5 months, 40 sessions (Maintenance)" "MCI Petersen's criteria 1999, 2004 Winblad 2004 Gauthier et al. 2006" "95 (41/54) IG: 32 CAG: 39 CG: 34" Psychologists Greece (Day Clinic) 70.37 (4.4) ns " MMSE 26.4 (3.43) " ".MMSE: sd. RAVLT delayed recall, ROCF inmediate recall BNT, digit span forward, letter fluency and Trail B: sd" "12- Ciarmiello et al. 2015 Observa-tional study" CS: multisensory and cognitive activities. (Group) "Active Informal meeting" "45min//session Twice a week 4 months, 32 sessions (Maintenance)" "MCI MMSE >= 24" "30 (12//17) IG: 15 CG: 15" Experienced Neuropsychologists "Italy (Hospital's Neurology Unit)" "71.59 (7.13)" 8.56 (2.82) " MMSE 27.85(1.84)" Prose memory: sd " 13- Orgeta et al. 2015 RCT " Home-based CS (reality orientation, reminiscence, validation, implicit learning, multisensory and cognitive activities) + AChEIs (Individual) TAU "30min//session Three times weekly 25 weeks, 75 sessions (Maintenance)" "Dementia DSM-IV MMSE > 10" "356 (191/165) IG: 180 CG: 176" Family carers Carer training and support was provided by the research (team mental health nurses, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists or research assistants) "UK (Community)" 78.2 Highest level of education School leaver (14-16 years) 60% "MMSE 21.22 (4.30)" MMSE, ADAS-Cog: no sd Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) N (male/ female) Professionals that administered the intervention Country Setting Mean age (Standard deviation) "Education (Standard deviation)" Baseline score general cognitive functioning Main Results "14- Capotosto et al. 2017 RCT" CS adapted: reality orientation, implicit learning, and cognitive activities.(Group) Active Educational activities. "45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" Mild to moderate dementia Spector et al. 2006 "39 (12//27) IG: 20 CG: 19" ns "Italy (Residential care)" "88.25 (5.15)" 6.15 (2.60) " MMSE 18.25 (3.39) " ADAS-Cog: sd. 15- Djabelkhir et al. 2017 CCS: cognitive activities and external aids. Active CCE and stimulate 90min// session Once a week 3 months, 12 "MCI Petersen 2004 and Winbland 2004." "20 (6//14)" Neuropsychologist France (Community) 76.7 (6.7) 52.2% Degree or higher MMSE 27.55 "MMSE: no sd. Trail Making Test and self-esteem: sd ntinued on next page)"| Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | $\mathrm{N} \text { (male/ }$ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country (Setting) | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education (Standard deviation) | Baseline score <br> general <br> cognitive <br> functioning | Main Results | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 9- Orrell et al. 2014 RCT | Alone CS (reality orientation, cognitive activities and multisensory) and CS + AChEIs (Group) | TAU AChEIs | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Once a week 24 weeks, 24 sessions (Maintenance) | Dementia DSM-IV | 236 <br> (86/150) <br> Alone CS: 81 <br> CS+AChEIs:42 <br> TAU:79 <br> AChEIs: 34 | ns | London <br> (Residential care, and community) | 83.1 (7.55) | ns | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 17.8(5.5) \end{aligned}$ | CS + AChEIs MMSE: sd (three and six months) ADAS-Cog: no sd | | Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | N (male/ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country <br> Setting | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education (Standard deviation) | Baseline score <br> general <br> cognitive <br> functioning | Main Results | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 10- Polito et al. } \\ & 2014 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}$ | CS: reality orientation, implicit learning and cognitive activities. (No specific if take AChEIs) (Group) | Active <br> Two interactive 60min meetings | $90 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ <br> Twice a week <br> 10 weeks <br> 20 sessions | HA and MCI Petersen's criteria 2004 and Guaitäs criteria et al.,2013 | 77 CHA <br> (29/48) <br> IG: 38 <br> CG: 39 <br> 44 MCI <br> (31/13) <br> IG:22 <br> CG:22 | Trained Neuropsychologist | Italy (Community and residential care home) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { HA } \\ & 73.8 \text { (1.25) } \\ & \text { MCI } \\ & 74.15 \\ & (1.55) \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & \text { HA } \\ & 7.65 \text { (3.0) } \\ & \text { MCI } \\ & 7.45 \text { (3.2) } \end{aligned}$ | HA MMSE <br> 28.05 (1.55) <br> MCI MMSE <br> 25.75 (1.95) | Cognitive healthy elderly and MCI: MMSE and MoCA sd Cognitive healthy elderly and MCI: MMSE: no sd. | | 11- Tarnanas et al. 2014 <br> RCT | CCS cognitive activities, implicit learning, virtual reality and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | Active <br> Learningbased memory training. <br> Passive <br> No-contact | 90-min session <br> Twice a week <br> 5 months, 40 <br> sessions <br> (Maintenance) | MCI <br> Petersen's criteria <br> 1999, 2004 <br> Winblad 2004 <br> Gauthier et al. <br> 2006 | 95 <br> (41/54) <br> IG: 32 <br> CAG: 39 <br> CG: 34 | Psychologists | Greece (Day Clinic) | 70.37 (4.4) | ns | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 26.4 \text { (3.43) } \end{aligned}$ | .MMSE: sd. <br> RAVLT delayed recall, ROCF inmediate recall BNT, digit span forward, letter fluency and Trail B: sd | | 12- Ciarmiello et al. 2015 <br> Observa-tional study | CS: multisensory and cognitive activities. (Group) | Active <br> Informal <br> meeting | $45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ <br> Twice a week <br> 4 months, 32 <br> sessions <br> (Maintenance) | MCI <br> MMSE $\geq 24$ | $\begin{aligned} & 30 \\ & (12 / 17) \\ & \text { IG: } 15 \\ & \text { CG: } 15 \end{aligned}$ | Experienced Neuropsychologists | Italy <br> (Hospital's <br> Neurology Unit) | $\begin{aligned} & 71.59 \\ & (7.13) \end{aligned}$ | 8.56 (2.82) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 27.85(1.84) \end{aligned}$ | Prose memory: sd | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 13- Orgeta et al. } \\ & 2015 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}$ | Home-based CS (reality orientation, reminiscence, validation, implicit learning, multisensory and cognitive activities) + AChEIs (Individual) | TAU | $30 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ <br> Three times <br> weekly <br> 25 weeks, 75 <br> sessions <br> (Maintenance) | Dementia <br> DSM-IV <br> MMSE > 10 | 356 <br> (191/165) <br> IG: 180 <br> CG: 176 | Family carers Carer training and support was provided by the research (team mental health nurses, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists or research assistants) | UK <br> (Community) | 78.2 | Highest level of education School leaver (14-16 years) 60% | MMSE <br> 21.22 (4.30) | MMSE, ADAS-Cog: no sd | | Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | N (male/ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country Setting | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education <br> (Standard <br> deviation) | Baseline score general cognitive functioning | Main Results | | 14- Capotosto et al. 2017 <br> RCT | CS adapted: reality orientation, implicit learning, and cognitive activities.(Group) | Active Educational activities. | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Mild to moderate dementia Spector et al. 2006 | $\begin{aligned} & 39 \\ & (12 / 27) \\ & \text { IG: } 20 \\ & \text { CG: } 19 \end{aligned}$ | ns | Italy <br> (Residential care) | $\begin{aligned} & 88.25 \\ & (5.15) \end{aligned}$ | 6.15 (2.60) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 18.25 \text { (3.39) } \end{aligned}$ | ADAS-Cog: sd. | | 15- Djabelkhir et al. 2017 | CCS: cognitive activities and external aids. | Active CCE and stimulate | $90 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Once a week 3 months, 12 | MCI <br> Petersen 2004 and Winbland 2004. | $\begin{aligned} & 20 \\ & (6 / 14) \end{aligned}$ | Neuropsychologist | France (Community) | 76.7 (6.7) | 52.2% Degree or higher | MMSE $27.55$ | MMSE: no sd. <br> Trail Making Test and self-esteem: sd ntinued on next page) |
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female) N  (male/   female)  [N" (male/ "],[" female) "]\begin{aligned} & \hline \mathrm{N} \text { (male/ } \\ & \text { female) } \end{aligned} Professionals that administered the intervention
Country (Setting)  國家(環境) Mean age (Standard deviation)

(Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)| Education | | :--- | | (Standard deviation) |

Baseline score
Baseline score general cognitive functioning| Baseline score | | :--- | | general | | cognitive | | functioning |
Main Results  主要結果
RCT (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
(未指定的 AChEIs)(組)
social interaction.  社交互動。
sessions (Maintenance)| sessions | | :--- | | (Maintenance) |
IG: 10 CG: 10  IG:  10  CG:  10 {:[" IG: "10],[" CG: "10]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { IG: } 10 \\ & \text { CG: } 10 \end{aligned}
16- Piras et al. 2017 RCT
16- Piras 等人 2017 隨機對照試驗
CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (Group)
Active Educational activities.

45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 每週兩次,共 7 週,14 次(短期)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |
Vascular dementia NINDS-AIREN Roman et al. 1993
血管性癡呆 NINDS-AIREN Roman 等人 1993
35 (7/28) IG: 21 CG: 14 35  (7/28)   IG:  21  CG:  14 {:[35],[" (7/28) "],[" IG: "21],[" CG: "14]:}\begin{aligned} & 35 \\ & \text { (7/28) } \\ & \text { IG: } 21 \\ & \text { CG: } 14 \end{aligned} ns Italy (Residential care)
84.62 ( 8.06 ) 84.62 ( 8.06 ) {:[84.62],[(8.06)]:}\begin{aligned} & 84.62 \\ & (8.06) \end{aligned} 5.27 (2.46) MMSE 19.66 (4.04) 19.66  (4.04)  19.66" (4.04) "19.66 \text { (4.04) } MMSE, ADAS-Cog, Backward digit span: sd
MMSE, ADAS-Cog, 反向數字跨度:sd
17- Calatayud et al. 2018 RCT
17- Calatayud 等人 2018 隨機對照試驗

CS 個性化和適應:現實導向、認知活動和外部輔助工具。(未指定 AChEIs)(組)
CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids.
(AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)| CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. | | :--- | | (AChEIs not specified) (Group) |
TAU 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週一次 10 週,10 次會議(短期)
Cognitive healthy participants ME-35 > 27
認知健康參與者 ME-35 > 27
201 (69/132) IG: 100 CG: 101 201  (69/132)   IG:  100  CG:  101 {:[201],[" (69/132) "],[" IG: "100],[" CG: "101]:}\begin{aligned} & 201 \\ & \text { (69/132) } \\ & \text { IG: } 100 \\ & \text { CG: } 101 \end{aligned} Trained Occupational Therapist
(Health Center)
Spain (Health Center)| Spain | | :--- | | (Health Center) |
72.91 ( 5.69 ) 72.91 ( 5.69 ) {:[72.91],[(5.69)]:}\begin{aligned} & 72.91 \\ & (5.69) \end{aligned} 51% Complete primaries  51% 完成的初級 MEC-35 31.34 (2.14)  MEC-35  31.34  (2.14)  {:[" MEC-35 "],[31.34" (2.14) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MEC-35 } \\ & 31.34 \text { (2.14) } \end{aligned} MEC-35: sd.  MEC-35:sd.

18- Folkerts 等人 2018 隨機交叉試驗
18- Folkerts et al.
Randomi-zed crossover trial
18- Folkerts et al. 2018 Randomi-zed crossover trial| 18- Folkerts et al. | | :--- | | 2018 | | Randomi-zed crossover trial |
CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS:認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)

60 分鐘/次 每週兩次 8 週,共 16 次(短期)
60 min /session
Twice a week
8 weeks, 16
60 min /session Twice a week 8 weeks, 16 sessions (Short-Term)| 60 min /session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 8 weeks, 16 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |

由神經科醫生或精神科醫生進行的 PDD,MMSE 10-25
By neurologist or psychiatrist
PDD By neurologist or psychiatrist MMSE 10-25| PDD | | :--- | | By neurologist or psychiatrist | | MMSE | | 10-25 |
12 ( 10 / 2 ) IG: 6 CG: 6 12 ( 10 / 2 )  IG:  6  CG:  6 {:[12],[(10//2)],[" IG: "6],[" CG: "6]:}\begin{aligned} & 12 \\ & (10 / 2) \\ & \text { IG: } 6 \\ & \text { CG: } 6 \end{aligned} Trained Psychologist  訓練有素的心理學家 Netherlands (Residential care)
76.59 ( 7.26 ) 76.59 ( 7.26 ) {:[76.59],[(7.26)]:}\begin{aligned} & 76.59 \\ & (7.26) \end{aligned} 9.84 (1.08) MMSE 17.84 (5.55)  MMSE  17.84  (5.55)  {:[" MMSE "],[17.84" (5.55) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 17.84 \text { (5.55) } \end{aligned} CERAD: no sd.  CERAD:無 sd。
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female)  N(男性/女性) Professionals that administered the intervention
Country Setting| Country | | :--- | | Setting |
Mean age (Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)
Baseline score general cognitive functioning
Main Results  主要結果
19- Justo Henriques et al. 2019 Pre-post study  19- Justo Henriques   et al. 2019   Pre-post study  {:[" 19- Justo Henriques "],[" et al. 2019 "],[" Pre-post study "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 19- Justo Henriques } \\ & \text { et al. 2019 } \\ & \text { Pre-post study } \end{aligned} CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS:現實導向和認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(組)
TAU 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Twice a week 44 weeks, 88 Sessions (Long-Term)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週兩次 44 週,88 次會議(長期)
Mild Neurocognitive disorder DSM 5
輕度神經認知障礙 DSM 5
30 ( 8 / 22 ) IG: 15 CG: 15 30 ( 8 / 22 )  IG:  15  CG:  15 {:[30],[(8//22)],[" IG: "15],[" CG: "15]:}\begin{aligned} & 30 \\ & (8 / 22) \\ & \text { IG: } 15 \\ & \text { CG: } 15 \end{aligned} Experienced Therapist  經驗豐富的治療師 Portugal (Day center and community)
78.8 (11.6) 66.6 % > 4 years 66.6 % > 4  years  {:[66.6%],[ > 4" years "]:}\begin{aligned} & 66.6 \% \\ & >4 \text { years } \end{aligned} MMSE 19.95 19.95 19.9519.95

MoCA: sd. 語言: sd
MoCA: sd.
Language: sd
MoCA: sd. Language: sd| MoCA: sd. | | :--- | | Language: sd |
20- Leroi et al. 2019 RCT  20- Leroi et al.  2019  RCT  {:[" 20- Leroi et al. "2019],[" RCT "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 20- Leroi et al. } 2019 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned} Home-based adapted, CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual)
居家適應,CS:認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(個體)
TAU 30 min / session 30 min / session 30min//session30 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session} Two to three times per week. 10 weeks (Short-term)
每週兩到三次。10 週(短期)

PD-MCI(第 1 級),PDD(可能或可能的)Litvan 等,2012 年,Emre 等,2007 年,或 DLB Mckeith 等,2017 年
PD-MCI (Level 1), PDD (probable or possible)
Litvan et al. 2012, Emre et al. 2007, or DLB
Mckeith et al. 2017
PD-MCI (Level 1), PDD (probable or possible) Litvan et al. 2012, Emre et al. 2007, or DLB Mckeith et al. 2017| PD-MCI (Level 1), PDD (probable or possible) | | :--- | | Litvan et al. 2012, Emre et al. 2007, or DLB | | Mckeith et al. 2017 |
76 (60/16) IG:38 CG:38 76  (60/16)   IG:38   CG:38  {:[76],[" (60/16) "],[" IG:38 "],[" CG:38 "]:}\begin{aligned} & 76 \\ & \text { (60/16) } \\ & \text { IG:38 } \\ & \text { CG:38 } \end{aligned} A specially trained implementer (eg, nurse, therapist or researcher) visit the dyad at home and provide intervention
UK (Community)  英國(社區) 74.75 Up to 18-year-old schooling Further education and higher
至 18 歲的學校教育 進一步教育和高等教育
ACE-III 63.24  ACE-III  63.24 {:[" ACE-III "],[63.24]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { ACE-III } \\ & 63.24 \end{aligned} ACE-III: no sd  ACE-III:無 sd
21- Lok et al. 2019 RCT  21- Lok et al.  2019  RCT  {:[" 21- Lok et al. "2019],[" RCT "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 21- Lok et al. } 2019 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned} CS adapted (cognitive activities and implicit learning) + AChEIs. (Group)
CS 調適(認知活動和隱性學習)+ AChEIs。(組)

45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 每週兩次,共 7 週,14 次(短期)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |

國際工作組 MMSE 的 AD
By International Working Group MMSE 13 24 13 24 13-2413-24
AD By International Working Group MMSE 13-24| AD | | :--- | | By International Working Group MMSE $13-24$ |
GI: 30
GC: 30
60 (30/30) GI: 30 GC: 30| 60 | | :--- | | (30/30) | | GI: 30 | | GC: 30 |
Nurse  護士

Turkey (Neurology Polyclinic)| Turkey | | :--- | | (Neurology | | Polyclinic) |
  60.05% 更高
60.05% Higher| 60.05% | | :--- | | Higher |
MMSE 17.05  MMSE  17.05 {:[" MMSE "],[17.05]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 17.05 \end{aligned} MMSE: sd.  MMSE:sd。
22- Tsai et al. 2019 Pre-post study
22- 蔡等人 2019 年前後研究
CS adapted: reality orientation, multisensory and cognitive activities. (Group)
CS 調整:現實導向、多感官及認知活動。(小組)
TAU 90 min / 90 min / 90min//90 \mathrm{~min} / session Once a week, 14 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-term)
90 min / 90 min / 90min//90 \mathrm{~min} / 次會議 每週一次,14 週,14 次會議(短期)
MCI and mild moderate dementia MMSE 14-27
輕度認知障礙(MCI)和輕度至中度癡呆(MMSE 14-27)
IG: 12
25 (6/19) IG: 12 CG:13| 25 | | :--- | | (6/19) | | IG: 12 | | CG:13 |
Occupational therapists, social workers, nurse, day care center supervisors, and occupational therapist students.
Taiwan (Day center)  台灣(日間中心) 77.71 ( 5.66 ) 77.71 ( 5.66 ) {:[77.71],[(5.66)]:}\begin{aligned} & 77.71 \\ & (5.66) \end{aligned}

文盲 19.55% 沒有受過學校教育的識字者 8% 小學 20.2% 中學 32.05%
with no
Illiterates 19.55% Literates with no schooling 8% Primary school 20.2% Secondary school 32.05%| Illiterates | | :--- | | 19.55% | | Literates | | with no | | schooling | | 8% | | Primary | | school | | 20.2% | | Secondary | | school | | 32.05% |
MMSE 20.26  MMSE  20.26 {:[" MMSE "],[20.26]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 20.26 \end{aligned} ADAS-Cog: sd
Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) "N (male/ female) " Professionals that administered the intervention Country (Setting) Mean age (Standard deviation) "Education (Standard deviation)" "Baseline score general cognitive functioning" Main Results RCT (AChEIs not specified) (Group) social interaction. "sessions (Maintenance)" " IG: 10 CG: 10" 16- Piras et al. 2017 RCT CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (Group) Active Educational activities. "45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" Vascular dementia NINDS-AIREN Roman et al. 1993 "35 (7/28) IG: 21 CG: 14" ns Italy (Residential care) "84.62 (8.06)" 5.27 (2.46) MMSE 19.66" (4.04) " MMSE, ADAS-Cog, Backward digit span: sd 17- Calatayud et al. 2018 RCT "CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)" TAU 45min// session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term) Cognitive healthy participants ME-35 > 27 "201 (69/132) IG: 100 CG: 101" Trained Occupational Therapist "Spain (Health Center)" "72.91 (5.69)" 51% Complete primaries " MEC-35 31.34 (2.14) " MEC-35: sd. "18- Folkerts et al. 2018 Randomi-zed crossover trial" CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) TAU "60 min /session Twice a week 8 weeks, 16 sessions (Short-Term)" "PDD By neurologist or psychiatrist MMSE 10-25" "12 (10//2) IG: 6 CG: 6" Trained Psychologist Netherlands (Residential care) "76.59 (7.26)" 9.84 (1.08) " MMSE 17.84 (5.55) " CERAD: no sd. Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) N (male/ female) Professionals that administered the intervention "Country Setting" Mean age (Standard deviation) Education (Standard deviation) Baseline score general cognitive functioning Main Results " 19- Justo Henriques et al. 2019 Pre-post study " CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) TAU 45min// session Twice a week 44 weeks, 88 Sessions (Long-Term) Mild Neurocognitive disorder DSM 5 "30 (8//22) IG: 15 CG: 15" Experienced Therapist Portugal (Day center and community) 78.8 (11.6) "66.6% > 4 years " MMSE 19.95 "MoCA: sd. Language: sd" " 20- Leroi et al. 2019 RCT " Home-based adapted, CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) TAU 30min//session Two to three times per week. 10 weeks (Short-term) "PD-MCI (Level 1), PDD (probable or possible) Litvan et al. 2012, Emre et al. 2007, or DLB Mckeith et al. 2017" "76 (60/16) IG:38 CG:38 " A specially trained implementer (eg, nurse, therapist or researcher) visit the dyad at home and provide intervention UK (Community) 74.75 Up to 18-year-old schooling Further education and higher " ACE-III 63.24" ACE-III: no sd " 21- Lok et al. 2019 RCT " CS adapted (cognitive activities and implicit learning) + AChEIs. (Group) TAU "45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" "AD By International Working Group MMSE 13-24" "60 (30/30) GI: 30 GC: 30" Nurse "Turkey (Neurology Polyclinic)" ns "60.05% Higher" " MMSE 17.05" MMSE: sd. 22- Tsai et al. 2019 Pre-post study CS adapted: reality orientation, multisensory and cognitive activities. (Group) TAU 90min// session Once a week, 14 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-term) MCI and mild moderate dementia MMSE 14-27 "25 (6/19) IG: 12 CG:13" Occupational therapists, social workers, nurse, day care center supervisors, and occupational therapist students. Taiwan (Day center) "77.71 (5.66)" "Illiterates 19.55% Literates with no schooling 8% Primary school 20.2% Secondary school 32.05%" " MMSE 20.26" ADAS-Cog: sd| Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | $\begin{aligned} & \hline \mathrm{N} \text { (male/ } \\ & \text { female) } \end{aligned}$ | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country (Setting) | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education <br> (Standard deviation) | Baseline score <br> general <br> cognitive <br> functioning | Main Results | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | RCT | (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | social interaction. | sessions <br> (Maintenance) | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { IG: } 10 \\ & \text { CG: } 10 \end{aligned}$ | | | | | | | | 16- Piras et al. 2017 RCT | CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (Group) | Active Educational activities. | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Vascular dementia NINDS-AIREN Roman et al. 1993 | $\begin{aligned} & 35 \\ & \text { (7/28) } \\ & \text { IG: } 21 \\ & \text { CG: } 14 \end{aligned}$ | ns | Italy (Residential care) | $\begin{aligned} & 84.62 \\ & (8.06) \end{aligned}$ | 5.27 (2.46) | MMSE $19.66 \text { (4.04) }$ | MMSE, ADAS-Cog, Backward digit span: sd | | 17- Calatayud et al. 2018 RCT | CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. <br> (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term) | Cognitive healthy participants ME-35 > 27 | $\begin{aligned} & 201 \\ & \text { (69/132) } \\ & \text { IG: } 100 \\ & \text { CG: } 101 \end{aligned}$ | Trained Occupational Therapist | Spain <br> (Health Center) | $\begin{aligned} & 72.91 \\ & (5.69) \end{aligned}$ | 51% Complete primaries | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MEC-35 } \\ & 31.34 \text { (2.14) } \end{aligned}$ | MEC-35: sd. | | 18- Folkerts et al. <br> 2018 <br> Randomi-zed crossover trial | CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | 60 min /session <br> Twice a week <br> 8 weeks, 16 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | PDD <br> By neurologist or psychiatrist <br> MMSE <br> 10-25 | $\begin{aligned} & 12 \\ & (10 / 2) \\ & \text { IG: } 6 \\ & \text { CG: } 6 \end{aligned}$ | Trained Psychologist | Netherlands (Residential care) | $\begin{aligned} & 76.59 \\ & (7.26) \end{aligned}$ | 9.84 (1.08) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 17.84 \text { (5.55) } \end{aligned}$ | CERAD: no sd. | | Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | N (male/ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country <br> Setting | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education (Standard deviation) | Baseline score general cognitive functioning | Main Results | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 19- Justo Henriques } \\ & \text { et al. 2019 } \\ & \text { Pre-post study } \end{aligned}$ | CS: reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Twice a week 44 weeks, 88 Sessions (Long-Term) | Mild Neurocognitive disorder DSM 5 | $\begin{aligned} & 30 \\ & (8 / 22) \\ & \text { IG: } 15 \\ & \text { CG: } 15 \end{aligned}$ | Experienced Therapist | Portugal (Day center and community) | 78.8 (11.6) | $\begin{aligned} & 66.6 \% \\ & >4 \text { years } \end{aligned}$ | MMSE $19.95$ | MoCA: sd. <br> Language: sd | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 20- Leroi et al. } 2019 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}$ | Home-based adapted, CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) | TAU | $30 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ Two to three times per week. 10 weeks (Short-term) | PD-MCI (Level 1), PDD (probable or possible) <br> Litvan et al. 2012, Emre et al. 2007, or DLB <br> Mckeith et al. 2017 | $\begin{aligned} & 76 \\ & \text { (60/16) } \\ & \text { IG:38 } \\ & \text { CG:38 } \end{aligned}$ | A specially trained implementer (eg, nurse, therapist or researcher) visit the dyad at home and provide intervention | UK (Community) | 74.75 | Up to 18-year-old schooling Further education and higher | $\begin{aligned} & \text { ACE-III } \\ & 63.24 \end{aligned}$ | ACE-III: no sd | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 21- Lok et al. } 2019 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}$ | CS adapted (cognitive activities and implicit learning) + AChEIs. (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | AD <br> By International Working Group MMSE $13-24$ | 60 <br> (30/30) <br> GI: 30 <br> GC: 30 | Nurse | Turkey <br> (Neurology <br> Polyclinic) | ns | 60.05% <br> Higher | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 17.05 \end{aligned}$ | MMSE: sd. | | 22- Tsai et al. 2019 Pre-post study | CS adapted: reality orientation, multisensory and cognitive activities. (Group) | TAU | $90 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Once a week, 14 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-term) | MCI and mild moderate dementia MMSE 14-27 | 25 <br> (6/19) <br> IG: 12 <br> CG:13 | Occupational therapists, social workers, nurse, day care center supervisors, and occupational therapist students. | Taiwan (Day center) | $\begin{aligned} & 77.71 \\ & (5.66) \end{aligned}$ | Illiterates <br> 19.55% <br> Literates <br> with no <br> schooling <br> 8% <br> Primary <br> school <br> 20.2% <br> Secondary <br> school <br> 32.05% | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 20.26 \end{aligned}$ | ADAS-Cog: sd |
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female) N  (male/   female)  {:[N" (male/ "],[" female) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \mathrm{N} \text { (male/ } \\ & \text { female) } \end{aligned} Professionals that administered the intervention
Country (Setting)  國家(環境) Mean age (Standard deviation)

Education (Standard deviation)| Education | | :--- | | (Standard | | deviation) |
Baseline score general cognitive functioning
Main Results  主要結果

高中 11.85% 大學 4.15% 未知 4.15%
High school
High school 11.85% College 4.15% Unknown 4.15%| High school | | :--- | | 11.85% | | College | | 4.15% | | Unknown | | 4.15% |
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female)  N(男性/女性) Professionals that administered the intervention
Country Setting| Country | | :--- | | Setting |
Mean age (Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)
Baseline score general cognitive functioning
Main Results| Main | | :--- | | Results |
23- Alvares-Pereira et al. 2020 RCT
23- Alvares-Pereira 等人 2020 隨機對照試驗
CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group).
CS:認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)。

每次 45-60 分鐘 每週兩次 7 週,共 14 次(短期)
45-60 min/ session
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45-60 min/ session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| 45-60 min/ session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |
Neurocognitive disorder (dementia) DSM5
100 (9/91) IG: 50 CG: 50 100  (9/91)   IG:  50  CG:  50 {:[100],[" (9/91) "],[" IG: "50],[" CG: "50]:}\begin{aligned} & 100 \\ & \text { (9/91) } \\ & \text { IG: } 50 \\ & \text { CG: } 50 \end{aligned} ns Portugal (Residential care, psychogeriatric and rehabilitation center)
83.60 ( 7.64 ) 83.60 ( 7.64 ) {:[83.60],[(7.64)]:}\begin{aligned} & 83.60 \\ & (7.64) \end{aligned} 55.65 % 4 years 55.65 % 4  years  {:[55.65%],[ <= 4" years "]:}\begin{aligned} & 55.65 \% \\ & \leq 4 \text { years } \end{aligned} ns ADAD-Cog: sd.
24- Gibbor et al. 2020 RCT  24- Gibbor et al.  2020  RCT  {:[" 24- Gibbor et al. "],[2020],[" RCT "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 24- Gibbor et al. } \\ & 2020 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned} CS adapted: reality orientation, multisensory and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual)
CS 調整:現實導向、多感官和認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(個體)

每週兩次,7 週,14 次(短期)
45 min / session 45 min / session 45min//session45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45min//session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |
Mild to moderate dementia DSM-IV
輕度至中度癡呆 DSM-IV
33 ( 17 / 16 ) IG 17 CG: 16 33 ( 17 / 16 )  IG  17  CG:  16 {:[33],[(17//16)],[" IG "17],[" CG: "16]:}\begin{aligned} & 33 \\ & (17 / 16) \\ & \text { IG } 17 \\ & \text { CG: } 16 \end{aligned} ns UK (Residential care)  英國(住宅護理) 81.85 ( 10.31 ) 81.85 ( 10.31 ) {:[81.85],[(10.31)]:}\begin{aligned} & 81.85 \\ & (10.31) \end{aligned} ns MMSE 21.70 ( 3.51 )  MMSE  21.70 ( 3.51 ) {:[" MMSE "],[21.70(3.51)]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 21.70(3.51) \end{aligned} MMSE: no sd. ADAS-Cog: sd.
MMSE:無 sd。ADAS-Cog:sd。
25 -Gómez-Soria et al. 2020 RCT 25 -Gómez-Soria   et al.  2020  RCT  {:[25"-Gómez-Soria "],[" et al. "2020],[" RCT "]:}\begin{aligned} & 25 \text {-Gómez-Soria } \\ & \text { et al. } 2020 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}ó

CS 個性化和適應:現實導向、認知活動和外部輔助工具。(未指定 AChEIs)(組)
CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids.
(AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)| CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. | | :--- | | (AChEIs not specified) (Group) |
TAU 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週一次 10 週,10 次會議(短期)
MEC-35: 24-27
MCI MEC-35: 24-27| MCI | | :--- | | MEC-35: 24-27 |
122 ( 28 / 94 ) IG: 54 CG: 68 122 ( 28 / 94 )  IG:  54  CG:  68 {:[122],[(28//94)],[" IG: "54],[" CG: "68]:}\begin{aligned} & 122 \\ & (28 / 94) \\ & \text { IG: } 54 \\ & \text { CG: } 68 \end{aligned} Trained Occupational Therapist
(Health Center)
Spain (Health Center)| Spain | | :--- | | (Health Center) |
74.99 ( 6.02 ) 74.99 ( 6.02 ) {:[74.99],[(6.02)]:}\begin{aligned} & 74.99 \\ & (6.02) \end{aligned}

主要 88.78% 次要 11.05%
Primary 88.78% Secondary 11.05%| Primary | | :--- | | 88.78% | | Secondary | | 11.05% |
MEC-35 25.91 (1.03)  MEC-35  25.91  (1.03)  {:[" MEC-35 "],[25.91" (1.03) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MEC-35 } \\ & 25.91 \text { (1.03) } \end{aligned} Short and médium term MEC-35: sd.
短期和中期 MEC-35:sd。

26- Juárez-Cedillo 等人 2020 隨機對照試驗
26- Juárez-Cedillo
et al. 2020
26- Juárez-Cedillo et al. 2020 RCT| 26- Juárez-Cedillo | | :--- | | et al. 2020 | | RCT |

多成分 CS 適應(現實導向、多感官、認知活動和外部輔助)+ AChEIs(組)
ponent CS adapted (reality orientation, multisensory, cognitive activities and external aids) + AChEIs (Group)
Multicom- ponent CS adapted (reality orientation, multisensory, cognitive activities and external aids) + AChEIs (Group)| Multicom- | | :--- | | ponent CS adapted (reality orientation, multisensory, cognitive activities and external aids) + AChEIs (Group) |

每週兩次,持續 8 週,共 16 次(短期)
90 min / session 90 min / session 90min//session90 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}
Twice a week
8 weeks, 16
90min//session Twice a week 8 weeks, 16 sessions (Short-Term)| $90 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 8 weeks, 16 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |

輕度神經認知障礙 DSM5 和 NINCDS-ADRDA
DSM5 and
Mild neurocognitive disorder DSM5 and NINCDS-ADRDA| Mild | | :--- | | neurocognitive | | disorder | | DSM5 and | | NINCDS-ADRDA |
67 ( 21 / 46 ) IG: 39 CG: 28 67 ( 21 / 46 )  IG:  39  CG:  28 {:[67],[(21//46)],[" IG: "39],[" CG: "28]:}\begin{aligned} & 67 \\ & (21 / 46) \\ & \text { IG: } 39 \\ & \text { CG: } 28 \end{aligned} Neuropsychologist  神經心理學家

(Institute of Social Security)
Mexico (Institute of Social Security)| Mexico | | :--- | | (Institute of Social Security) |
77.7 (8.15) 14.5 % None 24% 4 years 61.5 < 3 61.5 < 3 61.5 < 361.5<3 years
14.5 % 無 24% 4 年 61.5 < 3 61.5 < 3 61.5 < 361.5<3
MMSE 22.4 (0.8) 22.4  (0.8)  22.4" (0.8) "22.4 \text { (0.8) }

MMSE, ADAS-Cog, 語義及語音流暢性:sd
Semantic and
Phonemic Verbal
Fluency: sd
MMSE, ADAS-Cog, Semantic and Phonemic Verbal Fluency: sd| MMSE, ADAS-Cog, | | :--- | | Semantic and | | Phonemic Verbal | | Fluency: sd |
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female)  N(男性/女性) Professionals that administered the intervention
Country Setting| Country | | :--- | | Setting |
Mean age (Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)
Baseline score general cognitive functioning
Main Results  主要結果
27- López et al. 2020 Pre-post study  27- López et al.  2020  Pre-post study  {:[" 27- López et al. "],[2020],[" Pre-post study "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 27- López et al. } \\ & 2020 \\ & \text { Pre-post study } \end{aligned}ó CS 'review notebooks' adapted (reality orientation and cognitive activities) (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS '回顧筆記本' 調整(現實導向和認知活動)(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)

60 min / session 60 min / session 60min//session60 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}
Three times a week 6 months
60min//session Three times a week 6 months| $60 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ | | :--- | | Three times a week 6 months |
Mild-moderate dementia type Alzheimer's Stage 4-5 on the GDS scale.
輕度至中度阿茲海默症型癡呆,GDS 量表第 4-5 級。
30 ( 5 / 15 ) GI: 15 15 30 ( 5 / 15 )  GI:  15 15 {:[30],[(5//15)],[" GI: "15],[15]:}\begin{aligned} & 30 \\ & (5 / 15) \\ & \text { GI: } 15 \\ & 15 \end{aligned} ns Spain (/Center for Attention to people with AD and other dementias)
81.9 (5.47) ns MMSE 17.84 (3.73)  MMSE  17.84  (3.73)  {:[" MMSE "],[17.84" (3.73) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 17.84 \text { (3.73) } \end{aligned} MMSE, ADAS-Cog: no sd WCST-Errors: sd
MMSE, ADAS-Cog: 無 sd WCST-錯誤: sd
28- Carbone et al. 2021 Controlled clinical trial CS adapted:reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS 調整:現實導向和認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)
Active Educational activities.

45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議。每週兩次,為期 7 週,共 14 次會議(短期)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session.
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45min// session. Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session. | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |

主要神經認知障礙。DSM 5 輕度至中度癡呆。Spector 等,2003
Major neurocognitive disorder.
Mild-to-moderate Dementia.
Spector et al., 2003
Major neurocognitive disorder. DSM 5 Mild-to-moderate Dementia. Spector et al., 2003| Major neurocognitive disorder. | | :--- | | DSM 5 | | Mild-to-moderate Dementia. | | Spector et al., 2003 |
IG: 123
CG: 102
225 (76/149) IG: 123 CG: 102| 225 | | :--- | | (76/149) | | IG: 123 | | CG: 102 |
Trained Psychologists  訓練有素的心理學家

(Residential care or day centers)
Italy (Residential care or day centers)| Italy | | :--- | | (Residential care or day centers) |
83.66 ( 8.10 ) 83.66 ( 8.10 ) {:[83.66],[(8.10)]:}\begin{aligned} & 83.66 \\ & (8.10) \end{aligned} 6.47 (3.67) MMSE 20.04 (4.19)  MMSE  20.04  (4.19)  {:[" MMSE "],[20.04" (4.19) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 20.04 \text { (4.19) } \end{aligned}

短期和長期 MMSE:sd 短期 ADAS-Cog y 敘述語言測試(續下頁)
Short and long term
MMSE: sd
ADAS-Cog y
Narrative Language
ntinued on next page)
Short and long term MMSE: sd Shor-term ADAS-Cog y Narrative Language Test ntinued on next page)| Short and long term | | :--- | | MMSE: sd | | Shor-term | | ADAS-Cog y | | Narrative Language | | Test | | ntinued on next page) |
Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) "N (male/ female) " Professionals that administered the intervention Country (Setting) Mean age (Standard deviation) "Education (Standard deviation)" Baseline score general cognitive functioning Main Results "High school 11.85% College 4.15% Unknown 4.15%" Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) N (male/ female) Professionals that administered the intervention "Country Setting" Mean age (Standard deviation) Education (Standard deviation) Baseline score general cognitive functioning "Main Results" 23- Alvares-Pereira et al. 2020 RCT CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group). TAU "45-60 min/ session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" Neurocognitive disorder (dementia) DSM5 "100 (9/91) IG: 50 CG: 50" ns Portugal (Residential care, psychogeriatric and rehabilitation center) "83.60 (7.64)" "55.65% <= 4 years " ns ADAD-Cog: sd. " 24- Gibbor et al. 2020 RCT " CS adapted: reality orientation, multisensory and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) TAU "45min//session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" Mild to moderate dementia DSM-IV "33 (17//16) IG 17 CG: 16" ns UK (Residential care) "81.85 (10.31)" ns " MMSE 21.70(3.51)" MMSE: no sd. ADAS-Cog: sd. "25-Gómez-Soria et al. 2020 RCT " "CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)" TAU 45min// session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term) "MCI MEC-35: 24-27" "122 (28//94) IG: 54 CG: 68" Trained Occupational Therapist "Spain (Health Center)" "74.99 (6.02)" "Primary 88.78% Secondary 11.05%" " MEC-35 25.91 (1.03) " Short and médium term MEC-35: sd. "26- Juárez-Cedillo et al. 2020 RCT" "Multicom- ponent CS adapted (reality orientation, multisensory, cognitive activities and external aids) + AChEIs (Group)" TAU "90min//session Twice a week 8 weeks, 16 sessions (Short-Term)" "Mild neurocognitive disorder DSM5 and NINCDS-ADRDA" "67 (21//46) IG: 39 CG: 28" Neuropsychologist "Mexico (Institute of Social Security)" 77.7 (8.15) 14.5 % None 24% 4 years 61.5 < 3 years MMSE 22.4" (0.8) " "MMSE, ADAS-Cog, Semantic and Phonemic Verbal Fluency: sd" Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) N (male/ female) Professionals that administered the intervention "Country Setting" Mean age (Standard deviation) Education (Standard deviation) Baseline score general cognitive functioning Main Results " 27- López et al. 2020 Pre-post study " CS 'review notebooks' adapted (reality orientation and cognitive activities) (AChEIs not specified) (Group) TAU "60min//session Three times a week 6 months" Mild-moderate dementia type Alzheimer's Stage 4-5 on the GDS scale. "30 (5//15) GI: 15 15" ns Spain (/Center for Attention to people with AD and other dementias) 81.9 (5.47) ns " MMSE 17.84 (3.73) " MMSE, ADAS-Cog: no sd WCST-Errors: sd 28- Carbone et al. 2021 Controlled clinical trial CS adapted:reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) Active Educational activities. "45min// session. Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" "Major neurocognitive disorder. DSM 5 Mild-to-moderate Dementia. Spector et al., 2003" "225 (76/149) IG: 123 CG: 102" Trained Psychologists "Italy (Residential care or day centers)" "83.66 (8.10)" 6.47 (3.67) " MMSE 20.04 (4.19) " "Short and long term MMSE: sd Shor-term ADAS-Cog y Narrative Language Test ntinued on next page)"| Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | $\begin{aligned} & \mathrm{N} \text { (male/ } \\ & \text { female) } \end{aligned}$ | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country (Setting) | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education <br> (Standard <br> deviation) | Baseline score general cognitive functioning | Main Results | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | | | | | | | | | | High school <br> 11.85% <br> College <br> 4.15% <br> Unknown <br> 4.15% | | | | Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | N (male/ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country <br> Setting | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education (Standard deviation) | Baseline score general cognitive functioning | Main <br> Results | | 23- Alvares-Pereira et al. 2020 RCT | CS: cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group). | TAU | 45-60 min/ session <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Neurocognitive disorder (dementia) DSM5 | $\begin{aligned} & 100 \\ & \text { (9/91) } \\ & \text { IG: } 50 \\ & \text { CG: } 50 \end{aligned}$ | ns | Portugal (Residential care, psychogeriatric and rehabilitation center) | $\begin{aligned} & 83.60 \\ & (7.64) \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & 55.65 \% \\ & \leq 4 \text { years } \end{aligned}$ | ns | ADAD-Cog: sd. | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 24- Gibbor et al. } \\ & 2020 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}$ | CS adapted: reality orientation, multisensory and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Mild to moderate dementia DSM-IV | $\begin{aligned} & 33 \\ & (17 / 16) \\ & \text { IG } 17 \\ & \text { CG: } 16 \end{aligned}$ | ns | UK (Residential care) | $\begin{aligned} & 81.85 \\ & (10.31) \end{aligned}$ | ns | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 21.70(3.51) \end{aligned}$ | MMSE: no sd. ADAS-Cog: sd. | | $\begin{aligned} & 25 \text {-Gómez-Soria } \\ & \text { et al. } 2020 \\ & \text { RCT } \end{aligned}$ | CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. <br> (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term) | MCI <br> MEC-35: 24-27 | $\begin{aligned} & 122 \\ & (28 / 94) \\ & \text { IG: } 54 \\ & \text { CG: } 68 \end{aligned}$ | Trained Occupational Therapist | Spain <br> (Health Center) | $\begin{aligned} & 74.99 \\ & (6.02) \end{aligned}$ | Primary <br> 88.78% <br> Secondary <br> 11.05% | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MEC-35 } \\ & 25.91 \text { (1.03) } \end{aligned}$ | Short and médium term MEC-35: sd. | | 26- Juárez-Cedillo <br> et al. 2020 <br> RCT | Multicom- <br> ponent CS adapted (reality orientation, multisensory, cognitive activities and external aids) + AChEIs (Group) | TAU | $90 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ <br> Twice a week <br> 8 weeks, 16 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Mild <br> neurocognitive <br> disorder <br> DSM5 and <br> NINCDS-ADRDA | $\begin{aligned} & 67 \\ & (21 / 46) \\ & \text { IG: } 39 \\ & \text { CG: } 28 \end{aligned}$ | Neuropsychologist | Mexico <br> (Institute of Social Security) | 77.7 (8.15) | 14.5 % None 24% 4 years $61.5<3$ years | MMSE $22.4 \text { (0.8) }$ | MMSE, ADAS-Cog, <br> Semantic and <br> Phonemic Verbal <br> Fluency: sd | | Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | N (male/ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country <br> Setting | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education (Standard deviation) | Baseline score general cognitive functioning | Main Results | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 27- López et al. } \\ & 2020 \\ & \text { Pre-post study } \end{aligned}$ | CS 'review notebooks' adapted (reality orientation and cognitive activities) (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $60 \mathrm{~min} / \mathrm{session}$ <br> Three times a week 6 months | Mild-moderate dementia type Alzheimer's Stage 4-5 on the GDS scale. | $\begin{aligned} & 30 \\ & (5 / 15) \\ & \text { GI: } 15 \\ & 15 \end{aligned}$ | ns | Spain (/Center for Attention to people with AD and other dementias) | 81.9 (5.47) | ns | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 17.84 \text { (3.73) } \end{aligned}$ | MMSE, ADAS-Cog: no sd WCST-Errors: sd | | ```28- Carbone et al. 2021 Controlled clinical trial``` | CS adapted:reality orientation and cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | Active Educational activities. | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session. <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Major neurocognitive disorder. <br> DSM 5 <br> Mild-to-moderate Dementia. <br> Spector et al., 2003 | 225 <br> (76/149) <br> IG: 123 <br> CG: 102 | Trained Psychologists | Italy <br> (Residential care or day centers) | $\begin{aligned} & 83.66 \\ & (8.10) \end{aligned}$ | 6.47 (3.67) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MMSE } \\ & 20.04 \text { (4.19) } \end{aligned}$ | Short and long term <br> MMSE: sd <br> Shor-term <br> ADAS-Cog y <br> Narrative Language <br> Test <br> ntinued on next page) |
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
N (male/ female) N  (male/   female)  {:[N" (male/ "],[" female) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \mathrm{N} \text { (male/ } \\ & \text { female) } \end{aligned} Professionals that administered the intervention
Country (Setting)  國家(環境) Mean age (Standard deviation)

(Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)| Education | | :--- | | (Standard deviation) |

Baseline score
Baseline score general cognitive functioning| Baseline score | | :--- | | general | | cognitive | | functioning |
Main Results  主要結果
29- Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 RCT
29- Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban 等人 2021 隨機對照試驗

CS 個性化和適應:現實導向、認知活動和外部輔助工具。(未指定 AChEIs)(組)
CS personalized and adapted:reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids.
(AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS personalized and adapted:reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)| CS personalized and adapted:reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. | | :--- | | (AChEIs not specified) (Group) |
TAU 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週一次 10 週,10 次會議(短期)
MEC-35: 24-27
MCI MEC-35: 24-27| MCI | | :--- | | MEC-35: 24-27 |
29 (6/23) IG: 15 CG: 14 29  (6/23)   IG:  15  CG:  14 {:[29],[" (6/23) "],[" IG: "15],[" CG: "14]:}\begin{aligned} & 29 \\ & \text { (6/23) } \\ & \text { IG: } 15 \\ & \text { CG: } 14 \end{aligned} Trained Occupational Therapist
(Health Center)
Spain (Health Center)| Spain | | :--- | | (Health Center) |
72.7 (5.05)

主要 48.3% 次要 51.7%
Primary 48.3% Secondary 51.7%| Primary | | :--- | | 48.3% | | Secondary | | 51.7% |
MEC-35 26.14 ( 0 , 92 )  MEC-35  26.14 ( 0 , 92 ) {:[" MEC-35 "],[26.14(0","92)]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MEC-35 } \\ & 26.14(0,92) \end{aligned}

短期、中期和長期 MEC-35:標準差。空間定向:標準差。
Short, médium and long-term MEC-35: s.d.
Spatial orientation: s.d.
Short, médium and long-term MEC-35: s.d. Spatial orientation: s.d.| Short, médium and long-term MEC-35: s.d. | | :--- | | Spatial orientation: s.d. |
30- Gómez-Soria, Brandín-de la Cruz et al. 2021 RCT
30- Gómez-Soria, Brandín-de la Cruz 等人 2021 隨機對照試驗

CS 個性化和適應:現實導向、認知活動和外部輔助工具(未指定 AChEIs)(組)
CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids
(AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids (AChEIs not specified) (Group)| CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids | | :--- | | (AChEIs not specified) (Group) |
TAU 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週一次 10 週,10 次會議(短期)
MEC-35: 24-27
MCI MEC-35: 24-27| MCI | | :--- | | MEC-35: 24-27 |
50 ( 11 / 39 ) IG: 23 CG: 27 50 ( 11 / 39 )  IG:  23  CG:  27 {:[50],[(11//39)],[" IG: "23],[" CG: "27]:}\begin{aligned} & 50 \\ & (11 / 39) \\ & \text { IG: } 23 \\ & \text { CG: } 27 \end{aligned} Trained Occupational Therapist
(Health Center)
Spain (Health Center)| Spain | | :--- | | (Health Center) |
74.32 ( 5.47 ) 74.32 ( 5.47 ) {:[74.32],[(5.47)]:}\begin{aligned} & 74.32 \\ & (5.47) \end{aligned} Primary complete   初級完全 44 % 44 % 44%44 \% MEC. 35 25.87 (1.058)  MEC.  35 25.87  (1.058)  {:[" MEC. "35],[25.87" (1.058) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { MEC. } 35 \\ & 25.87 \text { (1.058) } \end{aligned} Long-term MEC-35, global orientation and spatial orientation: s.d.
長期 MEC-35,全球方向感和空間方向感:標準差。
Study (Author, year and design)
Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group)
CS 的類型(AChEIs)(個別或群體)
Control group  對照組 Frequency (duration, session/week, duration)
Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria)
(male/ female)
N (male/ female)| N | | :--- | | (male/ female) |
Professionals that administered the intervention
Country Setting  國家設置 Mean age (Standard deviation)
Education (Standard deviation)
Baseline score general cognitive functioning
Main Results| Main | | :--- | | Results |

31- Justo-Henriques 等人 2021 年 前後研究
Justo-Henriques et al. 2021
Pre-post study
31- Justo-Henriques et al. 2021 Pre-post study| 31- | | :--- | | Justo-Henriques et al. 2021 | | Pre-post study |

CS:現實導向和認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(個體)
CS: reality orientation and cognitive actitivities.
(AChEIs not specified) (Individual)
CS: reality orientation and cognitive actitivities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual)| CS: reality orientation and cognitive actitivities. | | :--- | | (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) |
TAU. 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session Twice a week 44 weeks, 88 sessions (Long-Term)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 每週兩次 44 週,88 會議(長期)
Mild neurocognitive disorder DSM 5
輕度神經認知障礙 DSM 5
82 ( 24 / 58 ) IG: 41 CG: 41 82 ( 24 / 58 )  IG:  41  CG:  41 {:[82],[(24//58)],[" IG: "41],[" CG: "41]:}\begin{aligned} & 82 \\ & (24 / 58) \\ & \text { IG: } 41 \\ & \text { CG: } 41 \end{aligned} Trained Therapists  訓練有素的治療師

Portugal (Psychosocial support organization)| Portugal | | :--- | | (Psychosocial | | support | | organization) |
79.3 (10) 76.8 % 1 4 years 76.8 % 1 4  years  {:[76.8%],[1-4" years "]:}\begin{aligned} & 76.8 \% \\ & 1-4 \text { years } \end{aligned} MMSE 19.9 (3.3) 19.9  (3.3)  19.9" (3.3) "19.9 \text { (3.3) }

MMSE 和 MoCA:sd
MMSE and MoCA:
MMSE and MoCA: sd| MMSE and MoCA: | | :--- | | sd |
32- Liu et al. 2021 Observa-tional study
32- Liu et al. 2021 觀察性研究
CS adapted:cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CS 調整:認知活動。(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)

45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 每週兩次,共 7 週,14 次(短期)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session
Twice a week
7 weeks, 14
45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 7 weeks, 14 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |

輕度至中度癡呆。臨床診斷 MMSE > 18
Mild to moderate dementia.
Clinical diagnosis MMSE > 18
Mild to moderate dementia. Clinical diagnosis MMSE > 18| Mild to moderate dementia. | | :--- | | Clinical diagnosis MMSE > 18 |
29 ( 10 / 19 ) IG: 16 CG: 13 29 ( 10 / 19 )  IG:  16  CG:  13 {:[29],[(10//19)],[" IG: "16],[" CG: "13]:}\begin{aligned} & 29 \\ & (10 / 19) \\ & \text { IG: } 16 \\ & \text { CG: } 13 \end{aligned} ns
China (Community)| China | | :--- | | (Community) |
80.29 ( 6.16 ) 80.29 ( 6.16 ) {:[80.29],[(6.16)]:}\begin{aligned} & 80.29 \\ & (6.16) \end{aligned} 4.78 (4.67) ADAS-Cog 21.54 (8.29)  ADAS-Cog  21.54  (8.29)  {:[" ADAS-Cog "],[21.54" (8.29) "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { ADAS-Cog } \\ & 21.54 \text { (8.29) } \end{aligned} ADAS-Cog: no sd.  ADAS-Cog:無 sd。

33- Oliveira 等人 2021 年 先導隨機對照試驗
33- Oliveira et al. 2021
Pilot RCT
33- Oliveira et al. 2021 Pilot RCT| 33- Oliveira et al. 2021 | | :--- | | Pilot RCT |

CCS 認知活動、外部輔助工具和虛擬現實。(未指定 AChEIs)(組別)
CCS cognitive activities, exteranal aids and virtual reality.
(AChEIs not specified) (Group)
CCS cognitive activities, exteranal aids and virtual reality. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)| CCS cognitive activities, exteranal aids and virtual reality. | | :--- | | (AChEIs not specified) (Group) |

45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 每週兩次 6 週,共 12 次 (短期)
45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session
Twice a week
6 weeks, 12
45min// session Twice a week 6 weeks, 12 sessions (Short-Term)| $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session | | :--- | | Twice a week | | 6 weeks, 12 | | sessions | | (Short-Term) |
Major neurocognitive disorders due to AD by a psychologist
17 (5/12) IG: 10 CG: 7 17  (5/12)   IG:  10  CG:  7 {:[17],[" (5/12) "],[" IG: "10],[" CG: "7]:}\begin{aligned} & 17 \\ & \text { (5/12) } \\ & \text { IG: } 10 \\ & \text { CG: } 7 \end{aligned}

Clinical Neuropsychologist| Clinical | | :--- | | Neuropsychologist |
Portugal (Residential care)
83.24 ( 5.66 ) 83.24 ( 5.66 ) {:[83.24],[(5.66)]:}\begin{aligned} & 83.24 \\ & (5.66) \end{aligned} 23.5 % Higher 23.5 %  Higher  {:[23.5%],[" Higher "]:}\begin{aligned} & 23.5 \% \\ & \text { Higher } \end{aligned} MMSE 15.8 (7.01) 15.8  (7.01)  15.8" (7.01) "15.8 \text { (7.01) } MMSE: sd.  MMSE:sd。
Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) "N (male/ female) " Professionals that administered the intervention Country (Setting) Mean age (Standard deviation) "Education (Standard deviation)" "Baseline score general cognitive functioning" Main Results 29- Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 RCT "CS personalized and adapted:reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)" TAU 45min// session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term) "MCI MEC-35: 24-27" "29 (6/23) IG: 15 CG: 14" Trained Occupational Therapist "Spain (Health Center)" 72.7 (5.05) "Primary 48.3% Secondary 51.7%" " MEC-35 26.14(0,92)" "Short, médium and long-term MEC-35: s.d. Spatial orientation: s.d." 30- Gómez-Soria, Brandín-de la Cruz et al. 2021 RCT "CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids (AChEIs not specified) (Group)" TAU 45min// session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term) "MCI MEC-35: 24-27" "50 (11//39) IG: 23 CG: 27" Trained Occupational Therapist "Spain (Health Center)" "74.32 (5.47)" Primary complete 44% " MEC. 35 25.87 (1.058) " Long-term MEC-35, global orientation and spatial orientation: s.d. Study (Author, year and design) Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) Control group Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) "N (male/ female)" Professionals that administered the intervention Country Setting Mean age (Standard deviation) Education (Standard deviation) Baseline score general cognitive functioning "Main Results" "31- Justo-Henriques et al. 2021 Pre-post study" "CS: reality orientation and cognitive actitivities. (AChEIs not specified) (Individual)" TAU. 45min// session Twice a week 44 weeks, 88 sessions (Long-Term) Mild neurocognitive disorder DSM 5 "82 (24//58) IG: 41 CG: 41" Trained Therapists "Portugal (Psychosocial support organization)" 79.3 (10) "76.8% 1-4 years " MMSE 19.9" (3.3) " "MMSE and MoCA: sd" 32- Liu et al. 2021 Observa-tional study CS adapted:cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) TAU "45min// session Twice a week 7 weeks, 14 sessions (Short-Term)" "Mild to moderate dementia. Clinical diagnosis MMSE > 18" "29 (10//19) IG: 16 CG: 13" ns "China (Community)" "80.29 (6.16)" 4.78 (4.67) " ADAS-Cog 21.54 (8.29) " ADAS-Cog: no sd. "33- Oliveira et al. 2021 Pilot RCT" "CCS cognitive activities, exteranal aids and virtual reality. (AChEIs not specified) (Group)" TAU "45min// session Twice a week 6 weeks, 12 sessions (Short-Term)" Major neurocognitive disorders due to AD by a psychologist "17 (5/12) IG: 10 CG: 7" "Clinical Neuropsychologist" Portugal (Residential care) "83.24 (5.66)" "23.5% Higher " MMSE 15.8" (7.01) " MMSE: sd.| Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/ week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | $\begin{aligned} & \mathrm{N} \text { (male/ } \\ & \text { female) } \end{aligned}$ | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country (Setting) | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education <br> (Standard deviation) | Baseline score <br> general <br> cognitive <br> functioning | Main Results | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | 29- Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 RCT | CS personalized and adapted:reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids. <br> (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term) | MCI <br> MEC-35: 24-27 | $\begin{aligned} & 29 \\ & \text { (6/23) } \\ & \text { IG: } 15 \\ & \text { CG: } 14 \end{aligned}$ | Trained Occupational Therapist | Spain <br> (Health Center) | 72.7 (5.05) | Primary <br> 48.3% <br> Secondary <br> 51.7% | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MEC-35 } \\ & 26.14(0,92) \end{aligned}$ | Short, médium and long-term MEC-35: s.d. <br> Spatial orientation: s.d. | | 30- Gómez-Soria, Brandín-de la Cruz et al. 2021 RCT | CS personalized and adapted: reality orientation, cognitive activities and external aids <br> (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Once a week 10 weeks, 10 sessions (Short-Term) | MCI <br> MEC-35: 24-27 | $\begin{aligned} & 50 \\ & (11 / 39) \\ & \text { IG: } 23 \\ & \text { CG: } 27 \end{aligned}$ | Trained Occupational Therapist | Spain <br> (Health Center) | $\begin{aligned} & 74.32 \\ & (5.47) \end{aligned}$ | Primary complete $44 \%$ | $\begin{aligned} & \text { MEC. } 35 \\ & 25.87 \text { (1.058) } \end{aligned}$ | Long-term MEC-35, global orientation and spatial orientation: s.d. | | Study (Author, year and design) | Type of CS (AChEIs) (Individual or group) | Control group | Frequency (duration, session/week, duration) | Cognitive status (Diagnosis criteria) | N <br> (male/ female) | Professionals that administered the intervention | Country Setting | Mean age (Standard deviation) | Education (Standard deviation) | Baseline score general cognitive functioning | Main <br> Results | | 31- <br> Justo-Henriques et al. 2021 <br> Pre-post study | CS: reality orientation and cognitive actitivities. <br> (AChEIs not specified) (Individual) | TAU. | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session Twice a week 44 weeks, 88 sessions (Long-Term) | Mild neurocognitive disorder DSM 5 | $\begin{aligned} & 82 \\ & (24 / 58) \\ & \text { IG: } 41 \\ & \text { CG: } 41 \end{aligned}$ | Trained Therapists | Portugal <br> (Psychosocial <br> support <br> organization) | 79.3 (10) | $\begin{aligned} & 76.8 \% \\ & 1-4 \text { years } \end{aligned}$ | MMSE $19.9 \text { (3.3) }$ | MMSE and MoCA: <br> sd | | 32- Liu et al. 2021 Observa-tional study | CS adapted:cognitive activities. (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session <br> Twice a week <br> 7 weeks, 14 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Mild to moderate dementia. <br> Clinical diagnosis MMSE > 18 | $\begin{aligned} & 29 \\ & (10 / 19) \\ & \text { IG: } 16 \\ & \text { CG: } 13 \end{aligned}$ | ns | China <br> (Community) | $\begin{aligned} & 80.29 \\ & (6.16) \end{aligned}$ | 4.78 (4.67) | $\begin{aligned} & \text { ADAS-Cog } \\ & 21.54 \text { (8.29) } \end{aligned}$ | ADAS-Cog: no sd. | | 33- Oliveira et al. 2021 <br> Pilot RCT | CCS cognitive activities, exteranal aids and virtual reality. <br> (AChEIs not specified) (Group) | TAU | $45 \mathrm{~min} /$ session <br> Twice a week <br> 6 weeks, 12 <br> sessions <br> (Short-Term) | Major neurocognitive disorders due to AD by a psychologist | $\begin{aligned} & 17 \\ & \text { (5/12) } \\ & \text { IG: } 10 \\ & \text { CG: } 7 \end{aligned}$ | Clinical <br> Neuropsychologist | Portugal (Residential care) | $\begin{aligned} & 83.24 \\ & (5.66) \end{aligned}$ | $\begin{aligned} & 23.5 \% \\ & \text { Higher } \end{aligned}$ | MMSE $15.8 \text { (7.01) }$ | MMSE: sd. |

Fig. 3a. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed general cognitive functioning.
圖 3a. 評估一般認知功能的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

(control groups) ( MD = 1.53695 % CI , 0.832 ( MD = 1.53695 % CI , 0.832 (MD=1.53695%CI,0.832(\mathrm{MD}=1.53695 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.832 to 2.240 ) ) )). Heterogeneity among studies for general cognitive functioning was very high ( I 2 = I 2 = I^(2)=\mathrm{I}^{2}= 99.72; p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ).
(對照組) ( MD = 1.53695 % CI , 0.832 ( MD = 1.53695 % CI , 0.832 (MD=1.53695%CI,0.832(\mathrm{MD}=1.53695 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.832 到 2.240 ) ) )) 。研究間一般認知功能的異質性非常高( I 2 = I 2 = I^(2)=\mathrm{I}^{2}= 99.72; p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis showed statistically significant improvements in general cognitive functioning in MMSE (MD = 1.182 = 1.182 =1.182=1.182; 95%CI, 0.640 to 1.723; see supplementary file 9, Fig. S1.a.), in MoCA (MD = 1.685; 95% CI, 0.510 to 2.861 ; file S9, Fig. S1.a.), in MEC-35 (MD = 2.038 ; 95 % CI = 2.038 ; 95 % CI =2.038;95%CI=2.038 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 1.699 to 2.376 ; file S9, Fig. S1.a.), active control (MD = 1.245 = 1.245 =1.245=1.245; 95%CI, 0.686 to 1.803 ; file S10, Fig. S1.b.), TAU control (MD = 1.691 = 1.691 =1.691=1.691; 95%CI, 0.516 to 2.866 ; file S10, Fig. S1.b.), those cognitively healthy elderly individuals ( MD = 1.312 MD = 1.312 MD=1.312\mathrm{MD}=1.312; 95 % CI , 0.422 95 % CI , 0.422 95%CI,0.42295 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.422 to 2.202 ; file S11, Fig. S1.c.), with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MD = 1.836; 95%CI, 1.184 to 2.488; file S11, Fig. S1.c.), and Dementia (MD = 1.266; 95%CI, 0.116 to 2.416; file S11, Fig. S1.c.), 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 years (MD = 1.335 ; 95 % = 1.335 ; 95 % =1.335;95%=1.335 ; 95 \% CI, 0.953 to 1.717 ; file S12, Fig. S1.d.), > 75 years ( MD = 1.397 MD = 1.397 MD=1.397\mathrm{MD}=1.397; 95%CI, 0.341 to 2.453 ; file S12, Fig. S1.d.), 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session ( M D = 1.869 M D = 1.869 MD=1.869M D=1.869; 95 % CI , 1.252 95 % CI , 1.252 95%CI,1.25295 \% \mathrm{CI}, 1.252 to 2.485 ; file S13, Fig. S1.e.), group CS (MD = 1.535 = 1.535 =1.535=1.535; 95 % CI , 0.936 95 % CI , 0.936 95%CI,0.93695 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.936 to 2.134; file
亞組分析顯示在一般認知功能方面有統計學上顯著的改善,MMSE (MD = 1.182 = 1.182 =1.182=1.182 ; 95%CI, 0.640 至 1.723; 參見補充檔案 9, 圖 S1.a.), MoCA (MD = 1.685; 95% CI, 0.510 至 2.861 ; 檔案 S9, 圖 S1.a.), MEC-35 (MD = 2.038 ; 95 % CI = 2.038 ; 95 % CI =2.038;95%CI=2.038 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI} , 1.699 至 2.376 ; 檔案 S9, 圖 S1.a.), 主動控制 (MD = 1.245 = 1.245 =1.245=1.245 ; 95%CI, 0.686 至 1.803 ; 檔案 S10, 圖 S1.b.), TAU 控制 (MD = 1.691 = 1.691 =1.691=1.691 ; 95%CI, 0.516 至 2.866 ; 檔案 S10, 圖 S1.b.), 認知健康的老年人 ( MD = 1.312 MD = 1.312 MD=1.312\mathrm{MD}=1.312 ; 95 % CI , 0.422 95 % CI , 0.422 95%CI,0.42295 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.422 至 2.202 ; 檔案 S11, 圖 S1.c.), 輕度認知障礙 (MD = 1.836; 95%CI, 1.184 至 2.488; 檔案 S11, 圖 S1.c.), 以及癡呆 (MD = 1.266; 95%CI, 0.116 至 2.416; 檔案 S11, 圖 S1.c.), 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 年 (MD = 1.335 ; 95 % = 1.335 ; 95 % =1.335;95%=1.335 ; 95 \% CI, 0.953 至 1.717 ; 檔案 S12, 圖 S1.d.), > 75 年 ( MD = 1.397 MD = 1.397 MD=1.397\mathrm{MD}=1.397 ; 95%CI, 0.341 至 2.453 ; 檔案 S12, 圖 S1.d.), 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 次 ( M D = 1.869 M D = 1.869 MD=1.869M D=1.869 ; 95 % CI , 1.252 95 % CI , 1.252 95%CI,1.25295 \% \mathrm{CI}, 1.252 至 2.485 ; 檔案 S13, 圖 S1.e.), 群組 CS (MD = 1.535 = 1.535 =1.535=1.535 ; 95 % CI , 0.936 95 % CI , 0.936 95%CI,0.93695 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.936 至 2.134; 檔案
S14, Fig. S1.f.), short-term CS (MD = 1.612; 95% CI, 1.094 to 2.131; file S15, Fig. S1.g.), long-term CS (MD = 2.669 ; 95 % CI , 2.132 = 2.669 ; 95 % CI , 2.132 =2.669;95%CI,2.132=2.669 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 2.132 to 3.207 ; file S15, Fig. S1.g), traditional CS (MD = 1.443 = 1.443 =1.443=1.443; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.700 to 2.187; file S16, Fig. S1.h), studies with personalized/adapted CS (MD = 1.446; 95% CI, 0.614 to 2.279 ; file S17, Fig. S1.i.), studies with non-personalized/ non-adapted CS (MD = 1.657 ; 95 % CI , 0.537 = 1.657 ; 95 % CI , 0.537 =1.657;95%CI,0.537=1.657 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.537 to 2.776 ; file S17, Fig. S1.i.), studies with Fair quality assessment scores ( MD = 1.842 ; 95 % MD = 1.842 ; 95 % MD=1.842;95%\mathrm{MD}=1.842 ; 95 \% CI, 1.162 to 2.522 ; file S18, Fig. S1.j.), alone CS (MD = 1.207 = 1.207 =1.207=1.207; 95%CI, 0.360 to 2.055 ; file S19, Fig. S1.k.), and studies with origin Europe (MD = 1.590 ; 95 % = 1.590 ; 95 % =1.590;95%=1.590 ; 95 \% CI, 0.844 to 2.337; file S20, Fig. S1.1.).
S14, 圖 S1.f.), 短期 CS (MD = 1.612; 95% CI, 1.094 至 2.131; 檔案 S15, 圖 S1.g.), 長期 CS (MD = 2.669 ; 95 % CI , 2.132 = 2.669 ; 95 % CI , 2.132 =2.669;95%CI,2.132=2.669 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 2.132 至 3.207; 檔案 S15, 圖 S1.g), 傳統 CS (MD = 1.443 = 1.443 =1.443=1.443 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.700 至 2.187; 檔案 S16, 圖 S1.h), 個性化/調整 CS 的研究 (MD = 1.446; 95% CI, 0.614 至 2.279; 檔案 S17, 圖 S1.i.), 非個性化/非調整 CS 的研究 (MD = 1.657 ; 95 % CI , 0.537 = 1.657 ; 95 % CI , 0.537 =1.657;95%CI,0.537=1.657 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.537 至 2.776; 檔案 S17, 圖 S1.i.), 公平質量評估分數的研究 ( MD = 1.842 ; 95 % MD = 1.842 ; 95 % MD=1.842;95%\mathrm{MD}=1.842 ; 95 \% CI, 1.162 至 2.522; 檔案 S18, 圖 S1.j.), 單獨 CS (MD = 1.207 = 1.207 =1.207=1.207 ; 95% CI, 0.360 至 2.055; 檔案 S19, 圖 S1.k.), 以及來自歐洲的研究 (MD = 1.590 ; 95 % = 1.590 ; 95 % =1.590;95%=1.590 ; 95 \% CI, 0.844 至 2.337; 檔案 S20, 圖 S1.1.).
However, the CS+AChEIs subgroup (file S19, Fig. S1.k.) showed significantly worse scores in general cognitive functioning ( MD = MD = MD=\mathrm{MD}= -1.854 ; 95%CI, -3.521 to -0.187; file S19, Fig. S1.k.).
然而,CS+AChEIs 子組(檔案 S19,圖 S1.k.)在一般認知功能的評分上顯示出顯著較差的結果( MD = MD = MD=\mathrm{MD}= -1.854;95%CI,-3.521 至 -0.187;檔案 S19,圖 S1.k.)。
Publication bias was detected for the estimation of the mean change of general cognitive functioning (Egger test, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 ) (file S21, Fig. S1. ll.).
發現出版偏差影響一般認知功能平均變化的估計(Egger 測試, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 )(檔案 S21,圖 S1. ll.)。

3.4.2. Specific cognitive domains
3.4.2. 特定認知領域 Memory. As shown in Fig. 3b a significant improvement in memory was found in the group receiving CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) ( MD = 0.365 , 95 % CI , 0.300 MD = 0.365 , 95 % CI , 0.300 MD=0.365,95%CI,0.300\mathrm{MD}=0.365,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.300 to 0.430 ). Heterogeneity among studies for memory was very high ( I 2 = 99.86 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 99.86 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=99.86;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=99.86 ; p<0.001 ). 記憶。如圖 3b 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組在記憶方面顯著改善,與未接受 CS(對照組)的人相比( MD = 0.365 , 95 % CI , 0.300 MD = 0.365 , 95 % CI , 0.300 MD=0.365,95%CI,0.300\mathrm{MD}=0.365,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.300 至 0.430)。各研究之間的記憶異質性非常高( I 2 = 99.86 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 99.86 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=99.86;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=99.86 ; p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis revealed statistically significant improvements in episodic memory (MD = 1.497 = 1.497 =1.497=1.497; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.940 to 2.054; file S22, Fig. S2. a.), visual memory ( MD = 0.758 MD = 0.758 MD=0.758\mathrm{MD}=0.758; 95 % CI , 0.415 95 % CI , 0.415 95%CI,0.41595 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.415 to 1.101 ; file S 22 , Fig. S2.a.), active control ( MD = 0.639 MD = 0.639 MD=0.639\mathrm{MD}=0.639; 95 % CI , 0.296 95 % CI , 0.296 95%CI,0.29695 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.296 to 0.982 ; file S 23 , Fig. S2.b.), TAU control ( M D = 0.125 ; 95 % C I , 0.046 M D = 0.125 ; 95 % C I , 0.046 MD=0.125;95%CI,0.046M D=0.125 ; 95 \% C I, 0.046 to 0.203 ; file S23, Fig. S2.b.), those cognitively healthy elderly individuals ( MD = 0.166 MD = 0.166 MD=0.166\mathrm{MD}=0.166; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.111 to 0.220 ; file S24, Fig. S2.c.), and with Mild Cognitive Impairment ( M D = 0.301 M D = 0.301 MD=0.301M D=0.301; 95%CI, 0.260 to 0.341 ; file S24, Fig. S2.c.), <=\leq 75 years ( MD = 0.232 MD = 0.232 MD=0.232\mathrm{MD}=0.232; 95%CI, 0.202 to 0.263 ; file S25, Fig. S2.d.), 45 min / min / min//\mathrm{min} / session ( MD = 0.118 MD = 0.118 MD=0.118\mathrm{MD}=0.118; 95%CI, 0.095 to 0.141 ; file S26, Fig. S2.e.), > 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session ( MD = 0.698 ; 95 % CI , 0.370 MD = 0.698 ; 95 % CI , 0.370 MD=0.698;95%CI,0.370\mathrm{MD}=0.698 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.370 to 1.026 ; file S26, Fig. S2. e.), Short-term CS (MD = 0.200 = 0.200 =0.200=0.200; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.170 to 0.231 ; file S27, Fig. S1.
子群分析顯示在情節記憶方面有統計學上顯著的改善 (MD = 1.497 = 1.497 =1.497=1.497 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.940 至 2.054; 文件 S22, 圖 S2.a.), 視覺記憶 ( MD = 0.758 MD = 0.758 MD=0.758\mathrm{MD}=0.758 ; 95 % CI , 0.415 95 % CI , 0.415 95%CI,0.41595 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.415 至 1.101 ; 文件 S22, 圖 S2.a.), 主動控制 ( MD = 0.639 MD = 0.639 MD=0.639\mathrm{MD}=0.639 ; 95 % CI , 0.296 95 % CI , 0.296 95%CI,0.29695 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.296 至 0.982 ; 文件 S23, 圖 S2.b.), TAU 控制 ( M D = 0.125 ; 95 % C I , 0.046 M D = 0.125 ; 95 % C I , 0.046 MD=0.125;95%CI,0.046M D=0.125 ; 95 \% C I, 0.046 至 0.203 ; 文件 S23, 圖 S2.b.), 認知健康的老年人 ( MD = 0.166 MD = 0.166 MD=0.166\mathrm{MD}=0.166 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.111 至 0.220 ; 文件 S24, 圖 S2.c.), 以及輕度認知障礙 ( M D = 0.301 M D = 0.301 MD=0.301M D=0.301 ; 95%CI, 0.260 至 0.341 ; 文件 S24, 圖 S2.c.), <=\leq 75 歲 ( MD = 0.232 MD = 0.232 MD=0.232\mathrm{MD}=0.232 ; 95%CI, 0.202 至 0.263 ; 文件 S25, 圖 S2.d.), 45 min / min / min//\mathrm{min} / 會議 ( MD = 0.118 MD = 0.118 MD=0.118\mathrm{MD}=0.118 ; 95%CI, 0.095 至 0.141 ; 文件 S26, 圖 S2.e.), > 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 ( MD = 0.698 ; 95 % CI , 0.370 MD = 0.698 ; 95 % CI , 0.370 MD=0.698;95%CI,0.370\mathrm{MD}=0.698 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.370 至 1.026 ; 文件 S26, 圖 S2.e.), 短期 CS (MD = 0.200 = 0.200 =0.200=0.200 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.170 至 0.231 ; 文件 S27, 圖 S1.

f.), Maintenance CS (MD = 0.435 = 0.435 =0.435=0.435; 95 % CI , 0.026 95 % CI , 0.026 95%CI,0.02695 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.026 to 0.845 ; file S27, Fig. S1.f.), studies with non-personalized/non-adapted CS (MD = 0.978 = 0.978 =0.978=0.978; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.681 to 1.275 ; file S28, Fig. S1.g.), studies with computerized CS (MD = 1.213 = 1.213 =1.213=1.213; 95%CI, 0.711 to 0.715 ; file S29, Fig. S2.h.), studies with traditional CS (MD = 0.215 = 0.215 =0.215=0.215; 95 % CI , 0.144 95 % CI , 0.144 95%CI,0.14495 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.144 to 0.285 ; file S29, Fig. S2.h.), and studies with Fair quality assessment scores (MD = 0.209 = 0.209 =0.209=0.209; 95%CI, 0.179 to 0.239; file S30, Fig. S1.i.).
f.), 維護 CS (MD = 0.435 = 0.435 =0.435=0.435 ; 95 % CI , 0.026 95 % CI , 0.026 95%CI,0.02695 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.026 至 0.845 ; 檔案 S27, 圖 S1.f.), 研究非個性化/非調整 CS (MD = 0.978 = 0.978 =0.978=0.978 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.681 至 1.275 ; 檔案 S28, 圖 S1.g.), 研究電腦化 CS (MD = 1.213 = 1.213 =1.213=1.213 ; 95%CI, 0.711 至 0.715 ; 檔案 S29, 圖 S2.h.), 研究傳統 CS (MD = 0.215 = 0.215 =0.215=0.215 ; 95 % CI , 0.144 95 % CI , 0.144 95%CI,0.14495 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.144 至 0.285 ; 檔案 S29, 圖 S2.h.), 以及研究公平質量評估分數 (MD = 0.209 = 0.209 =0.209=0.209 ; 95%CI, 0.179 至 0.239; 檔案 S30, 圖 S1.i.).
Publication bias was detected for the estimation of the mean change of general cognitive functioning (Egger test, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 ) (file S31, Fig. S1. j.).
發現出版偏差影響一般認知功能平均變化的估計(Egger 測試, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 )(檔案 S31,圖 S1.j.)。 Attention. As shown in Fig. 3c no significant improvement in attention was found in the group that received CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) ( MD = 0.044 , 95 % CI , 0.142 MD = 0.044 , 95 % CI , 0.142 MD=0.044,95%CI,-0.142\mathrm{MD}=0.044,95 \% \mathrm{CI},-0.142 to 0.229 ). Heterogeneity among studies for attention was very high ( I 2 = 98.17 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 98.17 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=98.17;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.17 ; p<0.001 ). 注意力。如圖 3c 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組在注意力方面與未接受 CS(對照組)相比,未發現顯著改善( MD = 0.044 , 95 % CI , 0.142 MD = 0.044 , 95 % CI , 0.142 MD=0.044,95%CI,-0.142\mathrm{MD}=0.044,95 \% \mathrm{CI},-0.142 至 0.229)。各研究之間在注意力方面的異質性非常高( I 2 = 98.17 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 98.17 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=98.17;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.17 ; p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis (file S32-S34, Fig.s S3.a.-S3.c.) showed no significant difference in attention.
亞組分析(檔案 S32-S34,圖 S3.a.-S3.c.)顯示注意力沒有顯著差異。
Publication bias was detected for the estimation of the mean change

Fig. 3b. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed memory.
圖 3b. 評估記憶的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

Fig. 3c. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed attention.
圖 3c. 評估注意力的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

of attention (Egger test, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 ) (file S35, Fig. S3.d.).
注意力(埃格檢驗, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 )(文件 S35,圖 S3.d.)。 Orientation. As shown in Fig. 3d significant improvement in orientation was found in the group receiving CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) ( MD = 0.428 , 95 % CI , 0.306 MD = 0.428 , 95 % CI , 0.306 MD=0.428,95%CI,0.306\mathrm{MD}=0.428,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.306 to 0.550 ). Heterogeneity among studies for orientation was very high ( I 2 = 95.1 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 95.1 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=95.1;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=95.1 ; p<0.001 ). 定向。 如圖 3d 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組在定向方面顯著改善,與未接受 CS(對照組)的人相比( MD = 0.428 , 95 % CI , 0.306 MD = 0.428 , 95 % CI , 0.306 MD=0.428,95%CI,0.306\mathrm{MD}=0.428,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.306 至 0.550)。 研究之間的定向異質性非常高( I 2 = 95.1 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 95.1 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=95.1;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=95.1 ; p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis found statistically significant increases in temporal orientation (MD = 0.363 = 0.363 =0.363=0.363; 95 % CI , 0.257 95 % CI , 0.257 95%CI,0.25795 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.257 to 0.468 ; file S36, Fig. S4. a.), spatial orientation (MD = 0.491 = 0.491 =0.491=0.491; 95 % CI , 0.294 95 % CI , 0.294 95%CI,0.29495 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.294 to 0.688 ; file S36, Fig. S4.a.), those cognitively healthy elderly individuals ( MD = 0.197 MD = 0.197 MD=0.197\mathrm{MD}=0.197; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.076 to 0.319 ; file S37, Fig. S4.b.), and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MD = 0.488; 95%CI, 0.307 to 0.669; file S37, Fig. S4.b.), <=\leq 75 years ( MD = 0.419 MD = 0.419 MD=0.419\mathrm{MD}=0.419; 95%CI, 0.294 to 0.544 ; file S38, Fig. S4.c.), studies with personalized/adapted CS (MD = 0.404 ; 95 % CI , 0.281 = 0.404 ; 95 % CI , 0.281 =0.404;95%CI,0.281=0.404 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.281 to 0.527 ; file S39, Fig. S4.d.), Short-term CS (MD = 0.419 ; 95 % 0.419 ; 95 % 0.419;95%0.419 ; 95 \% CI, 0.294 to 0.544 ; file S40, Fig. S4.e.), and studies with Fair quality assessment scores ( M D = 0.419 M D = 0.419 MD=0.419M D=0.419; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.294 to 0.544 ; file S41, Fig. S4.f.).Publication bias was detected for the estimation of the mean change of orientation (Egger test, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 ) (file S42, Fig. S4.g.).
亞組分析發現時間定向(MD = 0.363 = 0.363 =0.363=0.363 ; 95 % CI , 0.257 95 % CI , 0.257 95%CI,0.25795 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.257 至 0.468 ; 文件 S36, 圖 S4.a.)、空間定向(MD = 0.491 = 0.491 =0.491=0.491 ; 95 % CI , 0.294 95 % CI , 0.294 95%CI,0.29495 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.294 至 0.688 ; 文件 S36, 圖 S4.a.)、那些認知健康的老年人( MD = 0.197 MD = 0.197 MD=0.197\mathrm{MD}=0.197 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.076 至 0.319 ; 文件 S37, 圖 S4.b.)、輕度認知障礙(MD = 0.488; 95%CI, 0.307 至 0.669; 文件 S37, 圖 S4.b.)、 <=\leq 75 歲( MD = 0.419 MD = 0.419 MD=0.419\mathrm{MD}=0.419 ; 95%CI, 0.294 至 0.544 ; 文件 S38, 圖 S4.c.)、具有個性化/適應性 CS 的研究(MD = 0.404 ; 95 % CI , 0.281 = 0.404 ; 95 % CI , 0.281 =0.404;95%CI,0.281=0.404 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.281 至 0.527 ; 文件 S39, 圖 S4.d.)、短期 CS(MD = 0.419 ; 95 % 0.419 ; 95 % 0.419;95%0.419 ; 95 \% CI, 0.294 至 0.544 ; 文件 S40, 圖 S4.e.)、以及具有公平質量評估分數的研究( M D = 0.419 M D = 0.419 MD=0.419M D=0.419 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.294 至 0.544 ; 文件 S41, 圖 S4.f.)。在定向平均變化的估計中檢測到出版偏倚(Egger 測試, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 )(文件 S42, 圖 S4.g.)。 Executive functions. As shown in Fig. 3e no significant improvement in executive functions was found in the group that received CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) (MD = 0.01995 % = 0.01995 % =-0.01995%=-0.01995 \% CI, -0.263 to 0.225 ) 0.225 ) 0.225)0.225). Heterogeneity among studies for executive functions was very high ( I 2 = 95.45 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 95.45 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=95.45;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=95.45 ; p<0.001 ). 執行功能。如圖 3e 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組在執行功能方面與未接受 CS(對照組)相比,未發現顯著改善(MD = 0.01995 % = 0.01995 % =-0.01995%=-0.01995 \% CI,-0.263 至 0.225 ) 0.225 ) 0.225)0.225) 。執行功能的研究間異質性非常高( I 2 = 95.45 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 95.45 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=95.45;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=95.45 ; p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis showed statistically significant increases in executive function scores in 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session (MD = 0.186 ; 95 % CI , 0.151 = 0.186 ; 95 % CI , 0.151 =0.186;95%CI,0.151=0.186 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.151 to 0.220 ; see supplementary file 46 , Fig. 5.d.). Other subgroup analyses did not show statistical differences in executive functions (files S43-S45 and
亞組分析顯示在 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 次會議中執行功能得分有統計學上顯著的增加 (MD = 0.186 ; 95 % CI , 0.151 = 0.186 ; 95 % CI , 0.151 =0.186;95%CI,0.151=0.186 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.151 至 0.220 ; 參見補充文件 46 , 圖 5.d.)。其他亞組分析未顯示執行功能的統計差異 (文件 S43-S45 和
S47-S50, files S5.a.-S5.c., S5.e.-S5.h.)
S47-S50,檔案 S5.a.-S5.c.,S5.e.-S5.h.)

Publication bias was detected for the estimation of the mean change of executive functions (Egger test, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 ) (file S51, Fig. S5.i.).
發現了出版偏差,對執行功能的平均變化進行估計(Egger 測試, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 )(檔案 S51,圖 S5.i.)。 Language. As shown in Fig. 3f a significant improvement in language was found in the group receiving CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) ( MD = 0.097 , 95 % CI , 0.128 MD = 0.097 , 95 % CI , 0.128 MD=0.097,95%CI,-0.128\mathrm{MD}=0.097,95 \% \mathrm{CI},-0.128 to 0.322 ). Heterogeneity among studies for language was very high ( I 2 = 98.37 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 98.37 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=98.37;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.37 ; p<0.001 ). 語言。如圖 3f 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組在語言方面顯著改善,與未接受 CS(對照組)的人相比( MD = 0.097 , 95 % CI , 0.128 MD = 0.097 , 95 % CI , 0.128 MD=0.097,95%CI,-0.128\mathrm{MD}=0.097,95 \% \mathrm{CI},-0.128 至 0.322)。語言方面的研究異質性非常高( I 2 = 98.37 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 98.37 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=98.37;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.37 ; p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis revealed statistically significant increases in language in those participants with MCI (MD = 0.330 = 0.330 =0.330=0.330; 95 % CI , 0.030 95 % CI , 0.030 95%CI,0.03095 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.030 to 0.629 ; file S52, Fig. S6.a.), 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 years ( MD = 0.154 MD = 0.154 MD=0.154\mathrm{MD}=0.154; 95 % CI , 0.09 95 % CI , 0.09 95%CI,-0.0995 \% \mathrm{CI},-0.09 to 0.298 ; file S53, Fig. S6.b.), and studies with non-personalized/nonadapted CS (MD = 0.494 = 0.494 =0.494=0.494; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.086 to 0.901 ; file S54, Fig. S6.c.) and Long-term CS (MD = 0.753 = 0.753 =0.753=0.753; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.459 to 1.047; file S55, Fig. S6. d.). The other subgroups (files S56-S57, Figs. S6.e.-S6.f.) did not show significant differences in language domain.
亞組分析顯示,輕度認知障礙(MCI)參與者的語言能力有統計學上顯著的增加(MD = 0.330 = 0.330 =0.330=0.330 ; 95 % CI , 0.030 95 % CI , 0.030 95%CI,0.03095 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.030 至 0.629 ; 檔案 S52, 圖 S6.a.), 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 年( MD = 0.154 MD = 0.154 MD=0.154\mathrm{MD}=0.154 ; 95 % CI , 0.09 95 % CI , 0.09 95%CI,-0.0995 \% \mathrm{CI},-0.09 至 0.298 ; 檔案 S53, 圖 S6.b.),以及使用非個性化/非適應性認知訓練(CS)的研究(MD = 0.494 = 0.494 =0.494=0.494 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.086 至 0.901 ; 檔案 S54, 圖 S6.c.)和長期認知訓練(MD = 0.753 = 0.753 =0.753=0.753 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.459 至 1.047; 檔案 S55, 圖 S6.d.)。其他亞組(檔案 S56-S57, 圖 S6.e.-S6.f.)在語言領域未顯示出顯著差異。
Publication bias was detected for the estimation of the mean change of language (Egger test, p = 0.012 p = 0.012 p=0.012\mathrm{p}=0.012 ) (file 58, Fig. S6.g.).
發現出版偏差影響語言變化的平均估計(Egger 測試, p = 0.012 p = 0.012 p=0.012\mathrm{p}=0.012 )(檔案 58,圖 S6.g.)。 Verbal fluency. The group receiving CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) ( MD = 0.519 , 95 % CI , 0.386 MD = 0.519 , 95 % CI , 0.386 MD=0.519,95%CI,-0.386\mathrm{MD}=0.519,95 \% \mathrm{CI},-0.386 to 1.425 ) did not showed differences in verbal fluency (Fig. 3 g ). Heterogeneity among studies for verbal fluency was very high ( I 2 = 98.1 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 98.1 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=98.1;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.1 ; p<0.001 ). 語言流暢性。接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組與未接受 CS(對照組)相比( MD = 0.519 , 95 % CI , 0.386 MD = 0.519 , 95 % CI , 0.386 MD=0.519,95%CI,-0.386\mathrm{MD}=0.519,95 \% \mathrm{CI},-0.386 至 1.425),在語言流暢性上未顯示出差異(圖 3 g)。語言流暢性研究之間的異質性非常高( I 2 = 98.1 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 98.1 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=98.1;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.1 ; p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis revealed statistically significant increases in phonemic verbal fluency ( MD = 2.145 MD = 2.145 MD=2.145\mathrm{MD}=2.145; 95 % CI , 0.875 95 % CI , 0.875 95%CI,0.87595 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.875 to 3.415 ; file S59, Fig. S7.a.), participants with Mild Cognitive Impairment ( MD = 1.192 MD = 1.192 MD=1.192\mathrm{MD}=1.192; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.183 to 2.201 ; file S60, Fig. S7.b.), 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session (MD = = == 0.466 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.014 to 0.919 ; file S62, Fig. S7.d.), Maintenance CS (MD = 1.834 ; 95 % = 1.834 ; 95 % =1.834;95%=1.834 ; 95 \% CI, 0.576 to 3.092; file S63, Fig. S7.e.), non-personalized / / ///
亞組分析顯示音韻語言流暢性有統計學上顯著的增加 ( MD = 2.145 MD = 2.145 MD=2.145\mathrm{MD}=2.145 ; 95 % CI , 0.875 95 % CI , 0.875 95%CI,0.87595 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.875 至 3.415 ; 檔案 S59, 圖 S7.a.), 輕度認知障礙參與者 ( MD = 1.192 MD = 1.192 MD=1.192\mathrm{MD}=1.192 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% 置信區間, 0.183 至 2.201 ; 檔案 S60, 圖 S7.b.), 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 會議 (平均差 = = == 0.466 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% 置信區間, 0.014 至 0.919 ; 檔案 S62, 圖 S7.d.), 維持 CS (平均差 = 1.834 ; 95 % = 1.834 ; 95 % =1.834;95%=1.834 ; 95 \% 置信區間, 0.576 至 3.092; 檔案 S63, 圖 S7.e.), 非個性化 / / ///

Fig. 3d. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed orientation.
圖 3d. 評估方向的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

Studies  研究
Alves et al. 2014 (MCl and dementia, n = 17 n = 17 n=17\mathrm{n}=17, Digit Span Backward) Tarnanas et al, 2014 (MCI, n = 71 n = 71 n=71\mathrm{n}=71. Digit Span Backward active control) Tarnanas Tarnanas et al, 2014 (MCI, n = 66 n = 66 n=66\mathrm{n}=66, TMT-B passive control Tarnanas et al, 2014 (MCl, n = 71 n = 71 n=71n=71, Stroop Color and Word Test active control) Tarnanas et al, 2014 (MCI, n=66, Stroop Color and Word Test passive control) Ciarmiello et al. 2015 (MCI, n = 30 n = 30 n=30n=30, PM47) Ciarmiello et al, 2015 (MC1, n=30, Word Span) Capotosto et al, 2017 (dementia, n=39, Digit Span Backward) Djabelkhir et al, 2017 (MCI, n=20, Digit Span Backward) Djabelkhir et al, 2017 (MCI, n=20, TMT-B) Djabelkhir et al, 2017 (MCI, n=20, TMT-B-Err)
Alves et al. 2014 (輕度認知障礙和癡呆, n = 17 n = 17 n=17\mathrm{n}=17 ,數字倒背範圍) Tarnanas et al, 2014 (輕度認知障礙, n = 71 n = 71 n=71\mathrm{n}=71 ,數字倒背範圍主動對照) Tarnanas Tarnanas et al, 2014 (輕度認知障礙, n = 66 n = 66 n=66\mathrm{n}=66 ,TMT-B 被動對照) Tarnanas et al, 2014 (輕度認知障礙, n = 71 n = 71 n=71n=71 ,斯特魯普顏色和詞語測試主動對照) Tarnanas et al, 2014 (輕度認知障礙,n=66,斯特魯普顏色和詞語測試被動對照) Ciarmiello et al. 2015 (輕度認知障礙, n = 30 n = 30 n=30n=30 ,PM47) Ciarmiello et al, 2015 (輕度認知障礙,n=30,詞語範圍) Capotosto et al, 2017 (癡呆,n=39,數字倒背範圍) Djabelkhir et al, 2017 (輕度認知障礙,n=20,數字倒背範圍) Djabelkhir et al, 2017 (輕度認知障礙,n=20,TMT-B) Djabelkhir et al, 2017 (輕度認知障礙,n=20,TMT-B-錯誤)

Piras et al, 2017 (dementia, n = 35 n = 35 n=35\mathrm{n}=35, Digit Span Backward)
Piras 等人, 2017 (癡呆, n = 35 n = 35 n=35\mathrm{n}=35 , 反向數字跨度)

Justo-Henriques et al, 2019 (MC1, n=30, MoCA-Abstraction)
Justo-Henriques 等人, 2019 (MC1, n=30, MoCA-抽象)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n=30, Wisconsin card sorting test-Error)

López et al. 2020 (dementia, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30. Wisconsin card sorting test-Perseverative Error)
洛佩斯等人 2020 (癡呆, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30 . 威斯康辛卡片分類測試-持續性錯誤)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30, Wisconsin card sorting test-Conceptual Level)
洛佩斯等,2020(癡呆, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30 ,威斯康辛卡片分類測試-概念層級)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30, Wisconsin card sorting test-Categories)
洛佩斯等,2020(癡呆, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30 ,威斯康辛卡片分類測試-類別)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n=30, Wisconsin card sorting test-Trials)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30. Similarities (WAIS-III)
洛佩斯等,2020(癡呆, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30 。相似性(WAIS-III)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n = 30 n = 30 n=30n=30, Comprehension-WAIS-III)
洛佩斯等,2020(癡呆, n = 30 n = 30 n=30n=30 ,理解-WAIS-III)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n=30, Picture completion (WAIS-III))

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n=30, Digit Span Backward)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30, Mental Control)
洛佩斯等,2020(癡呆, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30 ,心理控制)

López et al, 2020 (dementia, n=30, Stroop Test)

Overall ( 1 2 = 95.45 % , P < 0.001 ) ( 1 2 = 95.45 % , P < 0.001 ) (1^^2=95.45%,P < 0.001)(1 \wedge 2=95.45 \%, P<0.001)  整體 ( 1 2 = 95.45 % , P < 0.001 ) ( 1 2 = 95.45 % , P < 0.001 ) (1^^2=95.45%,P < 0.001)(1 \wedge 2=95.45 \%, P<0.001)
Estimate (958 C.I.)  估計 (958 C.I.)
0.960 ( 0.807 ( 0.807 (-0.807(-0.807, 2.727 ) 2.727 ) 2.727)2.727)
-0.100 ( 0.496 ( 0.496 (-0.496(-0.496, 0.296 ) 0.296 ) 0.296)0.296)
-0.200 ( 0.586 ( 0.586 (-0.586(-0.586, 0.186 ) 0.186 ) 0.186)0.186)
58.800 ( 33.726 ( 33.726 (33.726(33.726, 83.874 ) 83.874 ) 83.874)83.874)
49.800 ( 24.708 ( 24.708 (24.708(24.708, 74.892 ) 74.892 ) 74.892)74.892)
7.400 ( 3.366 ( 3.366 (3.366(3.366, 11.434 ) 11.434 ) 11.434)11.434)
2.400 ( 3.863 ( 3.863 (-3.863(-3.863, 8.663 ) 8.663 ) 8.663)8.663)
0.600 ( 0.021 ( 0.021 (0.021(0.021, 1.179 ) 1.179 ) 1.179)1.179)
0.140 ( 0.056 ( 0.056 (0.056(0.056, 0.224 ) 0.224 ) 0.224)0.224)
1.530 ( 3.386 ( 3.386 (-3.386(-3.386, 6.446 ) 6.446 ) 6.446)6.446)
0.000 ( 0.741 ( 0.741 (-0.741(-0.741, 0.741 ) 0.741 ) 0.741)0.741)
13.700 ( 11.042 ( 11.042 (-11.042(-11.042, 38.44 ) 38.44 ) 38.44)38.44)
0.500 ( 4.073 ( 4.073 (-4.073(-4.073, 5.073 ) 5.073 ) 5.073)5.073)
0.390 ( 0.040 ( 0.040 (-0.040(-0.040, 0.820 ) 0.820 ) 0.820)0.820)
0.190 ( 0.183 ( 0.183 (0.183(0.183, 0.197 ) 0.197 ) 0.197)0.197)
-1.900 ( 4.472 ( 4.472 (-4.472(-4.472, 0.672 ) 0.672 ) 0.672)0.672)
-5.100 ( 7.207 ( 7.207 (-7.207(-7.207, 2.993 ) 2.993 ) -2.993)-2.993)
0.400 ( 0.751 ( 0.751 (-0.751(-0.751, 1.551 ) 1.551 ) 1.551)1.551)
0.410 ( 0.258 ( 0.258 (0.258(0.258, 0.562 ) 0.562 ) 0.562)0.562)
10.400 ( 1.61 ( 1.61 (1.61(1.61, 19.184 ) 19.184 ) 19.184)19.184)
0.700 ( 0.558 ( 0.558 (0.558(0.558, 0.842 ) 0.842 ) 0.842)0.842)
-0.800 ( 1.173 ( 1.173 (-1.173(-1.173, 0.427 ) 0.427 ) -0.427)-0.427)
-1.200 ( 1.511 ( 1.511 (-1.511(-1.511, 0.889 ) 0.889 ) -0.889)-0.889)
-1.400 ( 1.583 ( 1.583 (-1.583(-1.583, 1.217 ) 1.217 ) -1.217)-1.217)
-0.090 ( 0.282 ( 0.282 (-0.282(-0.282, 0.102 ) 0.102 ) 0.102)0.102)
0.200 ( 0.115 ( 0.115 (-0.115(-0.115, 0.515 ) 0.515 ) 0.515)0.515)
5.190 ( 3.029 ( 3.029 (3.029(3.029, 7.351 ) 7.351 ) 7.351)7.351)
0 . 0 1 9 0 . 0 1 9 -0.019\mathbf{- 0 . 0 1 9} ( 0.263 ( 0.263 (-0.263(-0.263, 0.225 ) 0.225 ) 0.225)0.225)
Estimate (958 C.I.) 0.960 (-0.807, 2.727) -0.100 (-0.496, 0.296) -0.200 (-0.586, 0.186) 58.800 (33.726, 83.874) 49.800 (24.708, 74.892) 7.400 (3.366, 11.434) 2.400 (-3.863, 8.663) 0.600 (0.021, 1.179) 0.140 (0.056, 0.224) 1.530 (-3.386, 6.446) 0.000 (-0.741, 0.741) 13.700 (-11.042, 38.44) 0.500 (-4.073, 5.073) 0.390 (-0.040, 0.820) 0.190 (0.183, 0.197) -1.900 (-4.472, 0.672) -5.100 (-7.207, -2.993) 0.400 (-0.751, 1.551) 0.410 (0.258, 0.562) 10.400 (1.61, 19.184) 0.700 (0.558, 0.842) -0.800 (-1.173, -0.427) -1.200 (-1.511, -0.889) -1.400 (-1.583, -1.217) -0.090 (-0.282, 0.102) 0.200 (-0.115, 0.515) 5.190 (3.029, 7.351) -0.019 (-0.263, 0.225)| Estimate (958 C.I.) | | | | ---: | ---: | ---: | | 0.960 | $(-0.807$, | $2.727)$ | | -0.100 | $(-0.496$, | $0.296)$ | | -0.200 | $(-0.586$, | $0.186)$ | | 58.800 | $(33.726$, | $83.874)$ | | 49.800 | $(24.708$, | $74.892)$ | | 7.400 | $(3.366$, | $11.434)$ | | 2.400 | $(-3.863$, | $8.663)$ | | 0.600 | $(0.021$, | $1.179)$ | | 0.140 | $(0.056$, | $0.224)$ | | 1.530 | $(-3.386$, | $6.446)$ | | 0.000 | $(-0.741$, | $0.741)$ | | 13.700 | $(-11.042$, | $38.44)$ | | 0.500 | $(-4.073$, | $5.073)$ | | 0.390 | $(-0.040$, | $0.820)$ | | 0.190 | $(0.183$, | $0.197)$ | | -1.900 | $(-4.472$, | $0.672)$ | | -5.100 | $(-7.207$, | $-2.993)$ | | 0.400 | $(-0.751$, | $1.551)$ | | 0.410 | $(0.258$, | $0.562)$ | | 10.400 | $(1.61$, | $19.184)$ | | 0.700 | $(0.558$, | $0.842)$ | | -0.800 | $(-1.173$, | $-0.427)$ | | -1.200 | $(-1.511$, | $-0.889)$ | | -1.400 | $(-1.583$, | $-1.217)$ | | -0.090 | $(-0.282$, | $0.102)$ | | 0.200 | $(-0.115$, | $0.515)$ | | 5.190 | $(3.029$, | $7.351)$ | | | | | | $\mathbf{- 0 . 0 1 9}$ | $(-0.263$, | $0.225)$ |
Fig. 3e. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed executive functions.
圖 3e. 評估執行功能的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

Fig. 3f. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed language.
圖 3f. 評估語言的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

non-adapted CS (MD = 2.367 = 2.367 =2.367=2.367; 95%CI, 1.029 to 3.706; file S64, Fig. S7. f.), computerized CS (MD = 2.367 = 2.367 =2.367=2.367; 95 % CI , 1.029 95 % CI , 1.029 95%CI,1.02995 \% \mathrm{CI}, 1.029 to 3.706 ; file S65, Fig. S7.g.). The other subgroups did not show a statistically significant difference in verbal fluency (file S62, Fig. S7.c., and file S66, Fig. S7.h.).
非適應性 CS (MD = 2.367 = 2.367 =2.367=2.367 ; 95%CI, 1.029 至 3.706; 檔案 S64, 圖 S7.f.), 電腦化 CS (MD = 2.367 = 2.367 =2.367=2.367 ; 95 % CI , 1.029 95 % CI , 1.029 95%CI,1.02995 \% \mathrm{CI}, 1.029 至 3.706 ; 檔案 S65, 圖 S7.g.). 其他子組在語言流暢性上未顯示出統計學上顯著的差異 (檔案 S62, 圖 S7.c., 和檔案 S66, 圖 S7.h.).
Publication bias was detected for the estimation of the mean change of verbal fluency (Egger test, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 ) (file S67, Fig. S7.i.).
發現了出版偏差,對於口語流暢性平均變化的估計(Egger 測試, p < .001 p < .001 p < .001p<.001 )(文件 S67,圖 S7.i.)。 Praxis. As shown in Fig. 3h a statistically significant improvement in praxis was found in the group that received CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) ( MD = 0.278 , 95 % CI , 0.094 MD = 0.278 , 95 % CI , 0.094 MD=0.278,95%CI,0.094\mathrm{MD}=0.278,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.094 to 0.462 ). Heterogeneity among studies for praxis was very high ( I 2 = 97.86 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 97.86 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=97.86;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=97.86 ; p<0.001 ). 實踐。如圖 3h 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組在實踐方面的統計顯著改善,相較於未接受 CS(對照組)的參與者( MD = 0.278 , 95 % CI , 0.094 MD = 0.278 , 95 % CI , 0.094 MD=0.278,95%CI,0.094\mathrm{MD}=0.278,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.094 至 0.462)。實踐的研究異質性非常高( I 2 = 97.86 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 97.86 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=97.86;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=97.86 ; p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis indicated statistically significant increases in praxis in those cognitively healthy elderly individuals ( MD = 0.371 MD = 0.371 MD=0.371\mathrm{MD}=0.371; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.195 to 0.548 ; file S69, Fig. S8.b.), TAU control (MD = 0.212 = 0.212 =0.212=0.212; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.052 to 0.371 ; file S70, Fig. S8.c.), 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 years (MD = 0.356 = 0.356 =0.356=0.356;
亞組分析顯示,在那些認知健康的老年人中,實踐能力有統計學上顯著的增加 ( MD = 0.371 MD = 0.371 MD=0.371\mathrm{MD}=0.371 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.195 至 0.548 ; 檔案 S69, 圖 S8.b.), TAU 控制 (MD = 0.212 = 0.212 =0.212=0.212 ; 95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.052 至 0.371 ; 檔案 S70, 圖 S8.c.), 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 年 (MD = 0.356 = 0.356 =0.356=0.356 ;

95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.157 to 0.555 ; file S71, Fig. S8.d.), personalized/adapted CS (MD = 0.472 ; 95 % = 0.472 ; 95 % =0.472;95%=0.472 ; 95 \% CI, 0.285 to 0.659 ; file S74, Fig. S8.g.), Fair quality (MD = 0.356 ; 95 % C I , 0.157 = 0.356 ; 95 % C I , 0.157 =0.356;95%CI,0.157=0.356 ; 95 \% C I, 0.157 to 0.555 ; file S75, Fig. S8.h.). The other subgroups did not show a statistically significant (files S68, S72 and S73, Figs. S8.a., S8.e. and S8.f.).
95 % 95 % 95%95 \% CI, 0.157 至 0.555 ; 檔案 S71, 圖 S8.d.), 個性化/調整的 CS (MD = 0.472 ; 95 % = 0.472 ; 95 % =0.472;95%=0.472 ; 95 \% CI, 0.285 至 0.659 ; 檔案 S74, 圖 S8.g.), 公平質量 (MD = 0.356 ; 95 % C I , 0.157 = 0.356 ; 95 % C I , 0.157 =0.356;95%CI,0.157=0.356 ; 95 \% C I, 0.157 至 0.555 ; 檔案 S75, 圖 S8.h.). 其他子組未顯示統計學上顯著性 (檔案 S68, S72 和 S73, 圖 S8.a., S8.e. 和 S8.f.).
Publication bias was not detected for the estimation of the mean change of praxis (Egger test, p = 0.459 p = 0.459 p=0.459p=0.459 ) (file S76, Fig. S8.i.).
未檢測到發表偏倚以估算實踐的平均變化(Egger 測試, p = 0.459 p = 0.459 p=0.459p=0.459 )(檔案 S76,圖 S8.i.)。 Calculation. As shown in Fig. 3i a statistically significant improvement in calculation was found in the group receiving CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) ( MD = 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 MD = 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 MD=0.228,95%CI,0.112\mathrm{MD}=0.228,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.112 to 0.343 ). Heterogeneity among studies for calculation was very high ( I 2 = 94.68 I 2 = 94.68 I^(2)=94.68\mathrm{I}^{2}=94.68; p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ). 計算。 如圖 3i 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)組別的計算有顯著統計學改善,與未接受 CS(對照組)相比( MD = 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 MD = 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 MD=0.228,95%CI,0.112\mathrm{MD}=0.228,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.112 至 0.343)。 研究之間的計算異質性非常高( I 2 = 94.68 I 2 = 94.68 I^(2)=94.68\mathrm{I}^{2}=94.68 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 )。
Subgroup analysis revealed statistically significant increases in calculation in participants with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MD =
亞組分析顯示,輕度認知障礙參與者的計算能力有統計學上顯著的增加 (MD =

Fig. 3g. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed verbal fluency.
圖 3g. 評估語言流暢性的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

Studies  研究

Spector et al, 2010 (dementia, n = 201 n = 201 n=201\mathrm{n}=201, ADAS-Cog-Constructional Praxis)
Spector 等人, 2010 (癡呆, n = 201 n = 201 n=201\mathrm{n}=201 , ADAS-Cog-建構性實踐)

Spector et al, 2010 (dementia, n = 201 n = 201 n=201n=201, ADAS-Cog-Ideational Praxis)
Spector 等人, 2010 (癡呆, n = 201 n = 201 n=201n=201 , ADAS-Cog-概念性實踐)

Spector et al, 2010 (dementia, n=201, ADAS-Cog-Commands)
Spector 等人, 2010 (癡呆, n=201, ADAS-Cog-指令)

Tarnanas et al, 2014 (MCI, n=71, ROCF-Copy, active control)
Tarnanas 等人, 2014 (輕度認知障礙, n=71, ROCF-抄寫, 主動對照)

Tarnanas et al, 2014 (MCI, n=66, ROCF-Copy, passive control)
Tarnanas 等人, 2014 (輕度認知障礙, n=66, ROCF-抄寫, 被動控制)

Ciarmiello et al, 2015 (MCI, n = 30 n = 30 n=30n=30, ROCF-Copy)
Ciarmiello 等人, 2015 (輕度認知障礙, n = 30 n = 30 n=30n=30 , ROCF-抄寫)

Calatayud et al, 2018 (Cognitive Healthy Elderly, n=149, MEC-35-Praxis, post-intervention) Calatayud et al, 2018 (Cognitive Healthy Elderly, n = 113 n = 113 n=113\mathrm{n}=113, MEC-35-Praxis, 6 months) Calatayud et al, 2018 (Cognitive Healthy Elderly, n = 87 n = 87 n=87\mathrm{n}=87, MEC-35-Praxis, 12 months) Justo-Henriques et al, 2019 (MCI, n=30, MMSE-Visuoconstructive ability) Alvares-Pereira et al, 2020 (dementia, n = 100 n = 100 n=100\mathrm{n}=100, ADAS-Cog-Constructional) Alvares-Pereira et al. 2020 (dementia, n = 100 n = 100 n=100\mathrm{n}=100, ADAS-Cog-Ideational Praxis) Alvares-Pereira et al, 2020 (dementia, n = 100 n = 100 n=100\mathrm{n}=100, ADAS-Cog-Commands) ópez et al, 2020 (dementia, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30, Block design-WAIS-III)
Calatayud et al, 2018 (認知健康老年人, n=149, MEC-35-實踐, 介入後) Calatayud et al, 2018 (認知健康老年人, n = 113 n = 113 n=113\mathrm{n}=113 , MEC-35-實踐, 6 個月) Calatayud et al, 2018 (認知健康老年人, n = 87 n = 87 n=87\mathrm{n}=87 , MEC-35-實踐, 12 個月) Justo-Henriques et al, 2019 (輕度認知障礙, n=30, MMSE-視覺建構能力) Alvares-Pereira et al, 2020 (癡呆, n = 100 n = 100 n=100\mathrm{n}=100 , ADAS-Cog-建構) Alvares-Pereira et al. 2020 (癡呆, n = 100 n = 100 n=100\mathrm{n}=100 , ADAS-Cog-概念實踐) Alvares-Pereira et al, 2020 (癡呆, n = 100 n = 100 n=100\mathrm{n}=100 , ADAS-Cog-指令) ópez et al, 2020 (癡呆, n = 30 n = 30 n=30\mathrm{n}=30 , 塊設計-WAIS-III)

Gómez-Soria, Andres-Esteban et al. 2021 (MCI, n=29, MEC-35-Praxis, post-intervention) Gomez-Soria, Andres-Esteban et al. 2021 (MCl, n=29, MEC-35-Praxis, 6 months) Gomez-Soria, Andres-Esteban et al. 2021 (MCl, n = 29 n = 29 n=29\mathrm{n}=29, MEC-35-Praxis, 12 months Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (MCI, n=29, MEC-35-Praxis, 48 months) Gómez-Soria, Brandín de la Cruz et al. 2021 (MCl, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35-\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35- Praxis, post-intervention) omez-Soria, Brandin de la Cruz et al. 2021 (MCl, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35-Praxis, 6 months) Gomez-Soria, Brandin de la Cruz et al. 2021 (MCl, n = 50 n = 50 n=50n=50, MEC-35-Praxis, 12 months) Liu et al, 2021 (dementia, n = 39 n = 39 n=39n=39, ADAS-Cog-Praxis)
戈麥斯-索里亞,安德烈斯-埃斯特班等,2021(輕度認知障礙,n=29,MEC-35-Praxis,介入後)戈麥斯-索里亞,安德烈斯-埃斯特班等,2021(輕度認知障礙,n=29,MEC-35-Praxis,6 個月)戈麥斯-索里亞,安德烈斯-埃斯特班等,2021(輕度認知障礙, n = 29 n = 29 n=29\mathrm{n}=29 ,MEC-35-Praxis,12 個月)戈麥斯-索里亞,安德烈斯-埃斯特班等,2021(輕度認知障礙,n=29,MEC-35-Praxis,48 個月)戈麥斯-索里亞,布蘭丁·德拉克魯斯等,2021(輕度認知障礙, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35-\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35- Praxis,介入後)戈麥斯-索里亞,布蘭丁·德拉克魯斯等,2021(輕度認知障礙, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35 -Praxis,6 個月)戈麥斯-索里亞,布蘭丁·德拉克魯斯等,2021(輕度認知障礙, n = 50 n = 50 n=50n=50 ,MEC-35-Praxis,12 個月)劉等,2021(癡呆, n = 39 n = 39 n=39n=39 ,ADAS-Cog-Praxis)
Overall (l^2=97.86%, P<0.001)
整體 (l^2=97.86%, P<0.001)

Fig. 3h. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed praxis.
圖 3h. 評估實踐的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。
Studies  研究
Calatayud et al. 2018 (Cognitive Healthy Elderly, n = 149 n = 149 n=149\mathrm{n}=149, MEC-35-Calculation, post-intervention) Calatayud et al. 2018 (Cognitive Healthy Elderly, n = 113 n = 113 n=113\mathrm{n}=113, MEC-35-Calculation, 6 months) Calatayud et al. 2018 (Cognitive Healthy Elderly, n = 87 n = 87 n=87\mathrm{n}=87, MEC-35-Calculation, 12 months) Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (MCI, n=29, MEC-35-Calculation, post-inter vention) Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (MC1, n=29, MEC-35-Calculation, 6 months) Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (MCI, n = 29 n = 29 n=29\mathrm{n}=29, MEC-35-Calculation, 12 months) Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (MCl, n = 29 , MEC 35 n = 29 , MEC 35 n=29,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=29, \mathrm{MEC}-35-Calculation, 48 months) Gömez-Soria, Brandín de la Cruz et al. 2021 (MCI, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35-Calculation, post-intervention) Gómez-Soria, Brandín de la Cruz et al. 2021 (MCI, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35-Calculation, 6 months) Gómez-Soria, Brandin de la Cruz et al. 2021 (MCI, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35-Calculation, 12 months)
Calatayud et al. 2018 (認知健康老年人, n = 149 n = 149 n=149\mathrm{n}=149 , MEC-35-計算, 介入後) Calatayud et al. 2018 (認知健康老年人, n = 113 n = 113 n=113\mathrm{n}=113 , MEC-35-計算, 6 個月) Calatayud et al. 2018 (認知健康老年人, n = 87 n = 87 n=87\mathrm{n}=87 , MEC-35-計算, 12 個月) Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (輕度認知障礙, n=29, MEC-35-計算, 介入後) Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (輕度認知障礙, n=29, MEC-35-計算, 6 個月) Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (輕度認知障礙, n = 29 n = 29 n=29\mathrm{n}=29 , MEC-35-計算, 12 個月) Gómez-Soria, Andrés-Esteban et al. 2021 (輕度認知障礙, n = 29 , MEC 35 n = 29 , MEC 35 n=29,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=29, \mathrm{MEC}-35 -計算, 48 個月) Gómez-Soria, Brandín de la Cruz et al. 2021 (輕度認知障礙, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35 -計算, 介入後) Gómez-Soria, Brandín de la Cruz et al. 2021 (輕度認知障礙, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35 -計算, 6 個月) Gómez-Soria, Brandin de la Cruz et al. 2021 (輕度認知障礙, n = 50 , MEC 35 n = 50 , MEC 35 n=50,MEC-35\mathrm{n}=50, \mathrm{MEC}-35 -計算, 12 個月)
Overall (I 12 = 94.68 % , P < 0.001 12 = 94.68 % , P < 0.001 12=94.68%,P < 0.00112=94.68 \%, \mathrm{P}<0.001 )  整體 (I 12 = 94.68 % , P < 0.001 12 = 94.68 % , P < 0.001 12=94.68%,P < 0.00112=94.68 \%, \mathrm{P}<0.001 )
Estimate ( 958 C.I.) 0.010 ( 0.029 , 0.009 ) 0.010 ( 0.029 , 0.009 ) -0.010(-0.029,0.009)-0.010(-0.029,0.009) 0.010 ( 0.029 , 0.009 ) 0.030 ( 0.015 , 0.075 ) 0.010 ( 0.029 , 0.009 ) 0.030 ( 0.015 , 0.075 ) {:[-0.010,(-0.029",",0.009)],[0.030,(-0.015",",0.075)]:}\begin{array}{ccc}-0.010 & (-0.029, & 0.009) \\ 0.030 & (-0.015, & 0.075)\end{array} 0.030 ( 0.006 , 0.066 0.030 ( 0.006 , 0.066 0.030(-0.006,quad0.0660.030(-0.006, \quad 0.066 0.660 ( 0.539 , 1.859 0.660 ( 0.539 , 1.859 0.660(-0.539,1.8590.660(-0.539,1.859 0.860 ( 0.251 , 1.971 ) 0.860 ( 0.251 , 1.971 ) 0.860(-0.251,1.971)0.860(-0.251,1.971) 0.040 ( 1.118 , 1.198 0.040 ( 1.118 , 1.198 0.040(-1.118,1.1980.040(-1.118,1.198 0.520 ( 0.729 , 1.769 ) 0.520 ( 0.729 , 1.769 ) 0.520(-0.729,1.769)0.520(-0.729,1.769) 0.820 ( 0.610 , 0.510 1.030 0.820 ( 0.610 , 0.510 1.030 {:[0.820,(0.610","],[0.510,1.030]:}\begin{array}{ll}0.820 & (0.610, \\ 0.510 & 1.030\end{array} 0.510 ( 0.411 , 0.609 0.510 ( 0.411 , 0.609 0.510quad(0.411,quad0.6090.510 \quad(0.411, \quad 0.609 0.160 10.027 , 0.293 ) 0.160 10.027 , 0.293 ) 0.160quad10.027,0.293)0.160 \quad 10.027,0.293) 0.228 ( 0.112 , 0.343 ) 0.228 ( 0.112 , 0.343 ) 0.228quad(0.112,0.343)0.228 \quad(0.112,0.343)
估計 ( 958 C.I.) 0.010 ( 0.029 , 0.009 ) 0.010 ( 0.029 , 0.009 ) -0.010(-0.029,0.009)-0.010(-0.029,0.009) 0.010 ( 0.029 , 0.009 ) 0.030 ( 0.015 , 0.075 ) 0.010 ( 0.029 , 0.009 ) 0.030 ( 0.015 , 0.075 ) {:[-0.010,(-0.029",",0.009)],[0.030,(-0.015",",0.075)]:}\begin{array}{ccc}-0.010 & (-0.029, & 0.009) \\ 0.030 & (-0.015, & 0.075)\end{array} 0.030 ( 0.006 , 0.066 0.030 ( 0.006 , 0.066 0.030(-0.006,quad0.0660.030(-0.006, \quad 0.066 0.660 ( 0.539 , 1.859 0.660 ( 0.539 , 1.859 0.660(-0.539,1.8590.660(-0.539,1.859 0.860 ( 0.251 , 1.971 ) 0.860 ( 0.251 , 1.971 ) 0.860(-0.251,1.971)0.860(-0.251,1.971) 0.040 ( 1.118 , 1.198 0.040 ( 1.118 , 1.198 0.040(-1.118,1.1980.040(-1.118,1.198 0.520 ( 0.729 , 1.769 ) 0.520 ( 0.729 , 1.769 ) 0.520(-0.729,1.769)0.520(-0.729,1.769) 0.820 ( 0.610 , 0.510 1.030 0.820 ( 0.610 , 0.510 1.030 {:[0.820,(0.610","],[0.510,1.030]:}\begin{array}{ll}0.820 & (0.610, \\ 0.510 & 1.030\end{array} 0.510 ( 0.411 , 0.609 0.510 ( 0.411 , 0.609 0.510quad(0.411,quad0.6090.510 \quad(0.411, \quad 0.609 0.160 10.027 , 0.293 ) 0.160 10.027 , 0.293 ) 0.160quad10.027,0.293)0.160 \quad 10.027,0.293) 0.228 ( 0.112 , 0.343 ) 0.228 ( 0.112 , 0.343 ) 0.228quad(0.112,0.343)0.228 \quad(0.112,0.343)

Fig. 3i. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed calculation.
圖 3i. 評估計算的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

Fig. 3j. Forest plot of effect sizes (ESs) from the studies that assessed visuospatial abilities.
圖 3j. 評估視空間能力的研究效果大小(ESs)森林圖。

0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 0.228,95%CI,0.1120.228,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.112 to 0.34 ). (file S78, Fig. S9.a.). Publication bias was not detected for the estimation of the mean change of calculation (Egger test, p = .078 p = .078 p=.078\mathrm{p}=.078 ) (file S79, Fig. S9.b.).
0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 0.228 , 95 % CI , 0.112 0.228,95%CI,0.1120.228,95 \% \mathrm{CI}, 0.112 到 0.34)。(文件 S78, 圖 S9.a.)。未檢測到發表偏倚以估算計算的平均變化 (Egger 測試, p = .078 p = .078 p=.078\mathrm{p}=.078 ) (文件 S79, 圖 S9.b.)。 Visuospatial abilities. As shown in Fig. 3j a statistically significant improvement in visuospatial abilities was found in the group receiving CS (independently or together with AChEIs) compared to those who did not receive CS (control groups) (MD = 1.725 ; 95 % CI = 1.725 ; 95 % CI =1.725;95%CI=1.725 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI}, -2.910 to 6.360 ). Heterogeneity among studies for visuospatial abilities was very high ( I 2 = 99.56 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 99.56 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=99.56;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=99.56 ; p<0.001 ). 視空間能力。如圖 3j 所示,接受 CS(獨立或與 AChEIs 一起)的小組在視空間能力方面的統計顯著改善,與未接受 CS(對照組)的人相比(MD = 1.725 ; 95 % CI = 1.725 ; 95 % CI =1.725;95%CI=1.725 ; 95 \% \mathrm{CI} ,-2.910 至 6.360)。視空間能力的研究間異質性非常高( I 2 = 99.56 ; p < 0.001 I 2 = 99.56 ; p < 0.001 I^(2)=99.56;p < 0.001\mathrm{I}^{2}=99.56 ; p<0.001 )。 Summary the effects of CS in relation to cognitive variables in older adults. The effects observed through the analysis in the different subgroups of the different variables analyzed are shown (file S80, table S7). 總結 CS 對老年人認知變數的影響。通過對不同變數分析的不同子組進行分析所觀察到的影響顯示在(文件 S80,表 S7)。
Regarding the risk of bias, using Trim and fill’ method, funnel plots showed that in all the variables used in the meta-analysis, a high publication bias was observed, with most of the studies located outside the significance bands (file S81, Fig. S10).
關於偏倚風險,使用修剪與填補方法,漏斗圖顯示在所有用於元分析的變數中,觀察到高出版偏倚,大多數研究位於顯著性帶之外(檔案 S81,圖 S10)。

3.6. Meta-regression  3.6. 元回歸分析

The meta-regression shows how in the variable Executive Functions the Total duration (weeks), in the variable Language the Number of sessions (min) and the Total duration (weeks) and in the variable Verbal Fluency, Total duration (weeks) and Scores quality of studies (%) significantly influence heterogeneity (file S82, table S8).
元回歸顯示,在執行功能變數中,總持續時間(週)、在語言變數中,會議次數(分鐘)和總持續時間(週),以及在口語流暢性變數中,總持續時間(週)和研究質量得分(%)顯著影響異質性(檔案 S82,表 S8)。
In the variable Executive Functions, the Total duration (weeks) significantly influences the heterogeneity ( 0.117 ( SE = 0.036 SE = 0.036 SE=0.036\mathrm{SE}=0.036 ), 95 % CI 95 % CI 95%CI95 \% \mathrm{CI} (0.042, 0.192 ), p = 0.004 p = 0.004 p=0.004p=0.004 ), increasing it ( I 2 = 96.907 % I 2 = 96.907 % I^(2)=96.907%\mathrm{I}^{2}=96.907 \% vs I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} original = 95.45 % = 95.45 % =95.45%=95.45 \% ) with a coefficient R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} that explains the 6.034 % 6.034 % 6.034%6.034 \% of the variance caused by heterogeneity. Cochrane’s Q test indicates that the unexplained heterogeneity is significant ( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ) while the significant moderation test ( p = 0.004 p = 0.004 p=0.004p=0.004 ) indicates that this covariate does not influence the effect sizes of the studies.
在變數執行功能中,總持續時間(週)顯著影響異質性(0.117( SE = 0.036 SE = 0.036 SE=0.036\mathrm{SE}=0.036 ), 95 % CI 95 % CI 95%CI95 \% \mathrm{CI} (0.042,0.192), p = 0.004 p = 0.004 p=0.004p=0.004 ),使其增加( I 2 = 96.907 % I 2 = 96.907 % I^(2)=96.907%\mathrm{I}^{2}=96.907 \% I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} 原始 = 95.45 % = 95.45 % =95.45%=95.45 \% ),其係數 R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} 解釋了由異質性引起的變異數的 6.034 % 6.034 % 6.034%6.034 \% 。Cochrane 的 Q 檢驗顯示,無法解釋的異質性是顯著的( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ),而顯著的調節檢驗( p = 0.004 p = 0.004 p=0.004p=0.004 )則表明此協變量不影響研究的效應大小。
In the variable Language, the Number of sessions (min) significantly influences the heterogeneity ( 0.088 ( SE = 0.028 ) 0.088 ( SE = 0.028 ) 0.088(SE=0.028)0.088(\mathrm{SE}=0.028), 95 % CI ( 0.03 , 0.146 ) 95 % CI ( 0.03 , 0.146 ) 95%CI(0.03,0.146)95 \% \mathrm{CI}(0.03,0.146), p = 0.005 p = 0.005 p=0.005p=0.005 ), although almost without modifying it ( I 2 = 98.596 % I 2 = 98.596 % I^(2)=98.596%\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.596 \% vs I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} original = 98.37 % = 98.37 % =98.37%=98.37 \% ) with a coefficient R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} that explains the 30.541 % 30.541 % 30.541%30.541 \% of the variance caused by heterogeneity. Cochrane’s Q Q QQ test indicates that unexplained heterogeneity is significant ( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ) while the significant moderation test ( p = 0.005 p = 0.005 p=0.005p=0.005 ) indicates that this covariate has no influence on effect sizes. of the studies. Total duration (weeks) also significantly influences heterogeneity ( 0.075 ( SE = 0.02 ) 0.075 ( SE = 0.02 ) 0.075(SE=0.02)0.075(\mathrm{SE}=0.02), 95%CI ( 0.033 , 0.117 ), p = 0.001 p = 0.001 p=0.001p=0.001 ), although again almost without modifying it ( I 2 = I 2 = I^(2)=\mathrm{I}^{2}= 98.445 % 98.445 % 98.445%98.445 \% vs I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} original = 98.37 % = 98.37 % =98.37%=98.37 \% ) with a coefficient R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} that explains the 37.474 % 37.474 % 37.474%37.474 \% of the variance caused by the heterogeneity. Cochrane’s Q test indicates that the unexplained heterogeneity is significant ( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ) while the significant moderation test ( p = 0.001 p = 0.001 p=0.001p=0.001 ) indicates that this covariate does not influence effect sizes. of the studies.
在變數語言中,會議次數(分鐘)顯著影響異質性( 0.088 ( SE = 0.028 ) 0.088 ( SE = 0.028 ) 0.088(SE=0.028)0.088(\mathrm{SE}=0.028) 95 % CI ( 0.03 , 0.146 ) 95 % CI ( 0.03 , 0.146 ) 95%CI(0.03,0.146)95 \% \mathrm{CI}(0.03,0.146) p = 0.005 p = 0.005 p=0.005p=0.005 ),儘管幾乎沒有改變它( I 2 = 98.596 % I 2 = 98.596 % I^(2)=98.596%\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.596 \% I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} 原始 = 98.37 % = 98.37 % =98.37%=98.37 \% ),其係數 R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} 解釋了由異質性引起的變異的 30.541 % 30.541 % 30.541%30.541 \% 。Cochrane 的 Q Q QQ 測試表明,無法解釋的異質性是顯著的( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ),而顯著的調節測試( p = 0.005 p = 0.005 p=0.005p=0.005 )表明這個協變量對研究的效應大小沒有影響。總持續時間(週)也顯著影響異質性( 0.075 ( SE = 0.02 ) 0.075 ( SE = 0.02 ) 0.075(SE=0.02)0.075(\mathrm{SE}=0.02) ,95%CI(0.033,0.117), p = 0.001 p = 0.001 p=0.001p=0.001 ),儘管再次幾乎沒有改變它( I 2 = I 2 = I^(2)=\mathrm{I}^{2}= 98.445 % 98.445 % 98.445%98.445 \% I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} 原始 = 98.37 % = 98.37 % =98.37%=98.37 \% ),其係數 R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} 解釋了由異質性引起的變異的 37.474 % 37.474 % 37.474%37.474 \% 。Cochrane 的 Q 測試表明,無法解釋的異質性是顯著的( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ),而顯著的調節測試( p = 0.001 p = 0.001 p=0.001p=0.001 )表明這個協變量對研究的效應大小沒有影響。
In the variable Verbal Fluency, the Total duration (weeks) significantly influences the heterogeneity ( 0.141 ( SE = 0.041 SE = 0.041 SE=0.041\mathrm{SE}=0.041 ), 95%CI ( 0.055 , 0.227 ) , p = 0.003 0.227 ) , p = 0.003 0.227),p=0.0030.227), p=0.003 ), reducing it ( I 2 = 97.639 % I 2 = 97.639 % (I^(2)=97.639%:}\left(\mathrm{I}^{2}=97.639 \%\right. vs I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} original = 98.1 % ) = 98.1 % {:=98.1%)\left.=98.1 \%\right) with a coefficient R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} that explains the 38.811 % 38.811 % 38.811%38.811 \% of the variance caused by heterogeneity. Cochrane’s Q test indicates that the unexplained heterogeneity is significant ( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ) while the significant moderation test ( p = 0.003 p = 0.003 p=0.003p=0.003 ) indicates that this covariate does not influence the effect sizes of the studies. Also, the Scores quality of studies (%) significantly influences the heterogeneity ( -0.11 ( SE = 0.045 SE = 0.045 SE=0.045\mathrm{SE}=0.045 ), 95%CI ( 0.204 ( 0.204 (-0.204(-0.204, 0.016 ) , p = 0.024 0.016 ) , p = 0.024 -0.016),p=0.024-0.016), p=0.024 ), although almost without modifying it ( I 2 = 98.158 % I 2 = 98.158 % I^(2)=98.158%\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.158 \% vs I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} original = 98.1 % = 98.1 % =98.1%=98.1 \% ) with a coefficient R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} that explains the 21.18 % 21.18 % 21.18%21.18 \% of the variance caused by heterogeneity. Cochrane’s Q test indicates that unexplained heterogeneity is significant ( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ) while the significant moderation test ( p = 0.024 p = 0.024 p=0.024p=0.024 ) indicates that this covariate has no influence on effect sizes of the studies.
在變數口語流暢性中,總持續時間(週)顯著影響異質性(0.141( SE = 0.041 SE = 0.041 SE=0.041\mathrm{SE}=0.041 ),95%CI(0.055, 0.227 ) , p = 0.003 0.227 ) , p = 0.003 0.227),p=0.0030.227), p=0.003 ),減少 ( I 2 = 97.639 % I 2 = 97.639 % (I^(2)=97.639%:}\left(\mathrm{I}^{2}=97.639 \%\right. I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} 原始 = 98.1 % ) = 98.1 % {:=98.1%)\left.=98.1 \%\right) 的影響,具有解釋異質性所造成變異的 R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} 的係數 38.811 % 38.811 % 38.811%38.811 \% 。Cochrane 的 Q 檢驗顯示,無法解釋的異質性是顯著的( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ),而顯著的調節檢驗( p = 0.003 p = 0.003 p=0.003p=0.003 )表明這個協變量不影響研究的效應大小。此外,研究的質量得分(%)顯著影響異質性(-0.11( SE = 0.045 SE = 0.045 SE=0.045\mathrm{SE}=0.045 ),95%CI ( 0.204 ( 0.204 (-0.204(-0.204 0.016 ) , p = 0.024 0.016 ) , p = 0.024 -0.016),p=0.024-0.016), p=0.024 ),儘管幾乎沒有改變它( I 2 = 98.158 % I 2 = 98.158 % I^(2)=98.158%\mathrm{I}^{2}=98.158 \% I 2 I 2 I^(2)\mathrm{I}^{2} 原始 = 98.1 % = 98.1 % =98.1%=98.1 \% ),具有解釋異質性所造成變異的 R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} 的係數 21.18 % 21.18 % 21.18%21.18 \% 。Cochrane 的 Q 檢驗顯示無法解釋的異質性是顯著的( p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001p<0.001 ),而顯著的調節檢驗( p = 0.024 p = 0.024 p=0.024p=0.024 )表明這個協變量對研究的效應大小沒有影響。
The bubble plots show how the covariates have a positive relationship with the effects, the greater the Total duration (weeks) or Number of sessions (min), the greater the effect size reported in the intervention group versus the control group for the variables Executive Functions, Language and Verbal Fluency except in the covariate Scores quality of studies (%) where, the higher the percentage of quality, the lower it is the effect reported in the intervention group versus the control group for the domain Verbal Fluency.
In any case, the percentage of heterogeneity and variance not explained by the models is very high and only the covariate Total duration (weeks) in the Verbal Fluency shows a higher value R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} 38.811 % 38.811 % 38.811%38.811 \% and best fit of studies to the regression line (file S83, Fig. 11).
無論如何,模型未解釋的異質性和變異數百分比非常高,只有在語言流暢性中的協變量總持續時間(週)顯示出較高的值 R 2 R 2 R^(2)\mathrm{R}^{2} 38.811 % 38.811 % 38.811%38.811 \% ,並且研究與回歸線的最佳擬合(文件 S83,圖 11)。

4. Discussion  4. 討論

This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to assess the impact of CS (independently or together with pharmacological treatment, particularly AChEIs) on general cognitive functioning and some specific cognitive domains such as memory, orientation, praxis, and calculation in older adults cognitively healthy, with MCI, or dementia.
本系統性回顧和統合分析旨在評估 CS(獨立或與藥物治療(特別是 AChEIs)一起)對於認知健康的老年人、輕度認知障礙(MCI)或癡呆患者的一般認知功能及一些特定認知領域(如記憶、定向、實踐和計算)的影響。
In contrast to previously published studies, our research has assessed the impact of CS on general cognitive functioning and different cognitive functions not only in older adults with dementia, but also in cognitively healthy elderly participants and patients with MCI.
與先前發表的研究相比,我們的研究評估了 CS 對一般認知功能和不同認知功能的影響,不僅在患有癡呆的老年人中,還在認知健康的老年參與者和輕度認知障礙患者中。
In addition, we have analysed different subgroups that previous studies have not evaluated, such as cognitive status, age of participants, duration of the CS session, tailored or personalised intervention/nonpersonalised or non-tailored intervention, traditional intervention/ computerised intervention, origin of the studies (according to the origin of the participants by continent), and types of memory, orientation and praxis.
此外,我們分析了以往研究未評估的不同子群體,例如認知狀態、參與者年齡、CS 會議的持續時間、量身定制或個性化干預/非個性化或非量身定制干預、傳統干預/計算機化干預、研究的來源(根據參與者的洲別來源)以及記憶、定向和實踐的類型。
Our results show improvements in general cognitive functioning in cognitive healthy elderly participants, those with MCI, and those with dementia. In agreement, other authors also found similar results in general cognitive functioning (Aguirre et al., 2013; Cafferata et al., 2021; Kim et al., 2017; Saragih et al., 2022; Sun et al., 2022; Wong et al., 2021; Woods et al., 2012) in participants with dementia. Cafferata et al. (2021) describes important improvements in memory for participants with dementia; however they did not find differences in language. In contrast, Kim et al. (2017), did not find variations in cognition for dementia patients.
我們的結果顯示,在認知健康的老年參與者、輕度認知障礙(MCI)患者以及癡呆症患者中,整體認知功能有所改善。與此一致,其他作者也在癡呆症參與者中發現了類似的整體認知功能結果(Aguirre et al., 2013; Cafferata et al., 2021; Kim et al., 2017; Saragih et al., 2022; Sun et al., 2022; Wong et al., 2021; Woods et al., 2012)。Cafferata et al.(2021)描述了癡呆症參與者在記憶方面的重要改善;然而,他們未發現語言方面的差異。相反,Kim et al.(2017)未發現癡呆症患者的認知變化。
We have shown significant better scores in MMSE, MoCA y MEC-35 assessments. Similarly, Kim et al. (2017) and Woods, et al., 2013 found significant benefits in MMSE and ADAS-Cog. In addition, (Cafferata et al., 2021,; Aguirre et al., 2013) also showed benefits in ADAS-Cog. The results of Aguirre et al. (2013) support the hypothesis that CS is effective regardless of whether AChEIs are not prescribed, and any effects are in addition to those associated with medications.
我們在 MMSE、MoCA 和 MEC-35 評估中顯示出顯著的改善分數。同樣,Kim 等人(2017)和 Woods 等人(2013)發現 MMSE 和 ADAS-Cog 有顯著的益處。此外,(Cafferata 等人,2021;Aguirre 等人,2013)也顯示 ADAS-Cog 有益處。Aguirre 等人(2013)的結果支持了這一假設,即 CS 是有效的,無論是否處方 AChEIs,任何效果都是在藥物相關效果之上的。
Based on the type of control, significant differences were found in both active control and TAU control in general cognitive functioning and memory, and in TAU control as well as in praxis. Wong et al. (2021) describes apositive treatment effect through CS on general cognitive functioning in dementia participants, compared with inactive controls (including no active treatment, waitlisted for intervention, and treatment as usual).
根據控制類型,發現主動控制和 TAU 控制在一般認知功能和記憶方面存在顯著差異,而在 TAU 控制以及在實踐方面也有差異。Wong 等人(2021)描述了通過 CS 對癡呆參與者的一般認知功能產生的積極治療效果,與非主動控制(包括沒有主動治療、等待介入和常規治療)相比。
Regarding cognitive status, we can observe improvements with significant differences in general cognitive functioning. Cognitive healthy elderly participants showed better scores in memory, orientation, praxis and calculation. In addition, in MCI participants we also describe improvements in in language and verbal fluency. In our study, we have differentiated between sub-groups “individual CS” versus “group CS” in general cognitive functioning, finding statistically significant improvements in group CS. Orfanos et al. (2021) found therapeutic advantages inherent in the group of CS and Devita et al. (2021) suggested that by including the social component, the group CS had more beneficial effects on neuroplasticity compared to pharmacological interventions.
關於認知狀態,我們可以觀察到一般認知功能的顯著改善。認知健康的老年參與者在記憶、定向、實踐和計算方面的得分較好。此外,在輕度認知障礙(MCI)參與者中,我們也描述了語言和口語流利度的改善。在我們的研究中,我們區分了“個體 CS”和“群體 CS”在一般認知功能上的差異,發現群體 CS 有統計學上顯著的改善。Orfanos 等人(2021)發現 CS 群體固有的治療優勢,而 Devita 等人(2021)則建議通過納入社會成分,群體 CS 對神經可塑性有比藥物干預更有益的效果。
However, the study of Wong et al. (2021), did not find differences between individual CS and group CS.
然而,Wong 等人(2021)的研究未發現個別 CS 與團體 CS 之間的差異。
Regarding the duration of CS programs, our meta-analysis showed that “short-term CS” or “long-term CS”, could improve the level of general cognitive functioning. “Short-term CS”, or “maintenance CS”, seem to improve memory, “short-term CS” seem to increase orientation, “long-term CS” seen to improve language and “maintenance CS” seem to increase verbal fluency. On the one hand, Chen et al. (2019) concluded that “CS and AChEIs” were effective in AD, regardless of whether short, maintenance, or long-term CS were applied; although the latter appears to be more effective on cognitive function. On the other hand, Brown et al. (2019), showed that maintenance CS might be cost-effective compared to standard treatment for participants who lived alone and those with higher levels of cognitive functioning. However, Wong et al. (2021) performed a subgroup analysis based on the CS duration and did not find significant differences between 3 3 <= 3\leq 3 months and > 3 > 3 > 3>3 months. Besides, Jean et al. (2010) found that applying fewer sessions (between 6 and 20) was more cost-effective for clinical purposes. In terms of duration, CS programs with more than 12 weeks showed no extra benefits compared to shorter programs. Therefore, the 12 -week programs seem to be a good option, especially to reduce the risks of attrition. In addition, personalized CS may be more effective in the short and long-term than a standard CS (Calatayud et al., 2022).
關於 CS 計劃的持續時間,我們的元分析顯示“短期 CS”或“長期 CS”可以改善一般認知功能水平。“短期 CS”或“維持 CS”似乎改善記憶,“短期 CS”似乎增加定向能力,“長期 CS”似乎改善語言能力,而“維持 CS”似乎增加語言流暢性。一方面,陳等人(2019)得出結論認為“CS 和 AChEIs”在阿茲海默症中是有效的,無論是短期、維持還是長期 CS 的應用;儘管後者似乎對認知功能更有效。另一方面,布朗等人(2019)顯示,對於獨居參與者和認知功能較高的參與者,維持 CS 可能比標準治療更具成本效益。然而,黃等人(2021)根據 CS 持續時間進行了亞組分析,並未發現 3 3 <= 3\leq 3 個月和 > 3 > 3 > 3>3 個月之間有顯著差異。此外,讓等人(2010)發現,應用較少的會議(介於 6 到 20 次之間)對臨床目的更具成本效益。 在持續時間方面,超過 12 週的 CS 計劃與較短的計劃相比,並未顯示出額外的好處。因此,12 週的計劃似乎是一個不錯的選擇,特別是可以減少流失的風險。此外,個性化的 CS 在短期和長期內可能比標準的 CS 更有效(Calatayud et al., 2022)。
Concerning the duration of the CS sessions, our meta-analysis showed that " 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / session" improves general cognitive functioning, memory, executive functions, and verbal fluency. However, " > 45 min / > 45 min / > 45min//>45 \mathrm{~min} / session" also show higher scores in general cognitive functioning. Different authors recommend 45 min by session (Abraha et al., 2017; Aguirre et al., 2013; Aguirre et al., 2014; Clare & Woods, 2004; Coma-s-Herrera & Knapp, 2016; Knapp et al., 2006; Orrell et al., 2014; Spector et al., 2006; Woods et al., 2012; Yamanaka et al., 2013).
關於 CS 會議的持續時間,我們的元分析顯示「 45 min / 45 min / 45min//45 \mathrm{~min} / 次會議」能改善一般認知功能、記憶、執行功能和語言流暢性。然而,「 > 45 min / > 45 min / > 45min//>45 \mathrm{~min} / 次會議」在一般認知功能上也顯示出更高的分數。不同的作者建議每次會議 45 分鐘(Abraha et al., 2017; Aguirre et al., 2013; Aguirre et al., 2014; Clare & Woods, 2004; Coma-s-Herrera & Knapp, 2016; Knapp et al., 2006; Orrell et al., 2014; Spector et al., 2006; Woods et al., 2012; Yamanaka et al., 2013)。
Our results indicate that a “personalized/adapted CS” significantly improves general cognitive functioning, orientation, and praxis. However, “non-personalized/adapted CS” also significantly improves general cognitive functioning, memory, language, and verbal fluency. Despite these contradictory results, we suggest adapting the activities to participants’ specific cognitive levels (Gómez-Soria et al., 2021; Calatayud et al., 2022), personal preferences and limitations of the participants (Félix et al., 2020). Satisfactory sessions are essential to achieve an adequate selection of CS tasks, which it can be by adapting the cognitive level, being interesting avoiding boredom, and being meaningful for the person who performs them and to be close to the issues of everyday life (Muñoz Marrón, 2009).
我們的結果顯示,“個性化/適應性認知訓練”(CS)顯著改善了一般認知功能、定向能力和實踐能力。然而,“非個性化/適應性認知訓練”(CS)也顯著改善了一般認知功能、記憶、語言和口語流利度。儘管這些結果存在矛盾,我們建議根據參與者的具體認知水平(Gómez-Soria et al., 2021; Calatayud et al., 2022)、個人偏好和參與者的限制(Félix et al., 2020)來調整活動。滿意的訓練課程對於達成適當的認知訓練任務選擇至關重要,這可以通過調整認知水平、保持趣味性以避免無聊,以及對執行者有意義並接近日常生活的議題來實現(Muñoz Marrón, 2009)。
Our study found that “traditional CS” obtained better results than “computerized CS” in general cognitive functioning. However, we found contradictory results in verbal fluency, as significant differences were found in “computerized CS”. In memory, we have described important improvements in both “traditional CS” and “computerized CS”. Acosta et al. (2022), found that computerized CS can offer a more personalized and flexible approach compared to traditional CS.
我們的研究發現,“傳統 CS”在一般認知功能上獲得了比“電腦化 CS”更好的結果。然而,我們在語言流暢性方面發現了矛盾的結果,因為在“電腦化 CS”中發現了顯著差異。在記憶方面,我們描述了“傳統 CS”和“電腦化 CS”都取得了重要的改善。Acosta 等人(2022)發現,與傳統 CS 相比,電腦化 CS 可以提供更個性化和靈活的方法。
Furthermore, our results indicated that “participants aged 75 years or younger” significantly increased their levels of general cognitive functioning, memory, orientation, language, and praxis when using CS. However, in "participants aged 75 + 75 + 75+75+ ", even if CS improved levels of general cognitive functioning there were no improvements in the other cognitive functions analysed. The study by Tesky et al. (2011), based on cognitive stimulating leisure activities, describes significant differences attention in older adults ( 75 75 >= 75\geq 75 years) and in subjective memory decline in younger participants ( < 75 < 75 < 75<75 years). Besides, Park et al. (2019), found differences in visuospatial/executive functions, language skills, and memory between the 65-79 years age group and the aged over 80 group in participants older adults through multicomponent CS. Further, regarding the relationship between the multicomponent CS and age, it was found that their interaction was significant only regarding visuospatial/executive ability.
此外,我們的結果顯示「年齡在 75 歲或以下的參與者」在使用認知刺激(CS)時,顯著提高了他們的一般認知功能、記憶、定向、語言和實踐能力。然而,在「年齡為 75 + 75 + 75+75+ 的參與者」中,即使 CS 提高了一般認知功能的水平,其他分析的認知功能卻沒有改善。Tesky 等人(2011)的研究基於認知刺激的休閒活動,描述了年長者( 75 75 >= 75\geq 75 歲)在注意力方面的顯著差異,以及年輕參與者( < 75 < 75 < 75<75 歲)在主觀記憶衰退方面的差異。此外,Park 等人(2019)發現 65-79 歲年齡組和 80 歲以上年齡組的參與者在視空間/執行功能、語言技能和記憶方面存在差異,這是通過多元組合的 CS 進行的。此外,關於多元組合 CS 與年齡之間的關係,發現它們的互動僅在視空間/執行能力方面具有顯著性。
Consistent with these results, Fernández-Ballesteros et al. (2012),
與這些結果一致,Fernández-Ballesteros 等人(2012)

showed that younger participants had greater changes in cognitive function due to greater neural plasticity. Therefore, the earlier psychosocial intervention is initiated, the more likely it is that cognitive functions will be preserved (Vernooij-Dassen et al., 2010).
顯示年輕參與者因神經可塑性較高而在認知功能上有更大的變化。因此,越早開始心理社會干預,認知功能被保留的可能性就越大(Vernooij-Dassen et al., 2010)。
Regarding participants that received “alone CS”, we found that it was associated with better general cognitive functioning. However, the participants that received “CS+AChEIs” display worse levels in general cognitive functioning. The CS + AChEIs subgroup included just the results of three randomized controlled trials to evaluate the benefits in general cognitive functioning. Also, important characteristics such as lower baseline cognitive level, lower educational level and higher mean age of the participants were observed in the subgroup in which drugs (AChEIs) plus CS were combined compared to the subgroup in which only CS was conducted. These differences can explain the lack of additional effect combining drug and CS and therefore, results should be taken with caution. In other studies, the combination of CS and AChEIs, had more benefits than “alone CS” or “alone AChEIs” in memory (Devita et al., 2021), and cognition (D’Amico et al., 2015). Besides, “alone CS” showed significant improvements compared with “alone AChEIs” (Devita et al., 2021). Other investigations have suggested that CS was effective irrespective of whether or not AChEIs were prescribed (Aguirre et al., 2013; Streater et al., 2016; Woods et al., 2012).
關於接受「單獨 CS」的參與者,我們發現這與更好的一般認知功能相關。然而,接受「CS+AChEIs」的參與者在一般認知功能方面顯示出較差的水平。CS + AChEIs 亞組僅包括三項隨機對照試驗的結果,以評估在一般認知功能方面的益處。此外,在藥物(AChEIs)與 CS 結合的亞組中,觀察到參與者的基線認知水平較低、教育水平較低以及平均年齡較高,與僅進行 CS 的亞組相比。這些差異可以解釋藥物與 CS 結合的額外效果缺乏,因此,結果應謹慎對待。在其他研究中,CS 與 AChEIs 的結合在記憶(Devita et al., 2021)和認知(D’Amico et al., 2015)方面的益處超過了「單獨 CS」或「單獨 AChEIs」。此外,「單獨 CS」與「單獨 AChEIs」相比顯示出顯著改善(Devita et al., 2021)。其他研究表明,無論是否處方 AChEIs,CS 都是有效的(Aguirre et al.)。,2013;Streater 等,2016;Woods 等,2012)。
About the quality of the selected studies, our results showed that CS was associated with improvements in general cognitive functioning, memory, orientation and praxis in the subgroup “Fair quality”. In Lobbia et al. (2019) study, moderate levels of evidence were found for general cognitive functioning, comprehension and production of language in participants with dementia. However, the levels of evidence were weakest for short-term memory, orientation, and praxis in participants with dementia. Furthermore, in Sun et al. (2022), compared with the control group, maintenance CS (low-quality evidence) and group CS (very low-quality evidence) could significantly improve general cognitive functioning in participants with dementia.
關於所選研究的質量,我們的結果顯示,在“公平質量”子組中,CS 與一般認知功能、記憶、定向和實踐的改善相關。在 Lobbia 等人(2019)的研究中,對於患有癡呆症的參與者,一般認知功能、語言理解和產出發現了中等水平的證據。然而,對於患有癡呆症的參與者,短期記憶、定向和實踐的證據水平最弱。此外,在 Sun 等人(2022)的研究中,與對照組相比,維持 CS(低質量證據)和團體 CS(非常低質量證據)能顯著改善患有癡呆症的參與者的一般認知功能。
In reference to the origin of the studies, we observed that participants from Europe showed improvements in general cognitive functioning in those who received CS. However, there are limited studies from Asia and America.
關於研究的起源,我們觀察到來自歐洲的參與者在接受 CS 的情況下,普遍認知功能有所改善。然而,來自亞洲和美國的研究有限。
To date, no previous systematic reviews or meta-analyses based on CS have been carried out including cognitively healthy participants or with MCI besides dementia. Moreover, a high number of subgroup analyses were conducted to analyse the effect that cognitive status, type of assessments in general cognitive functioning, type of memory, type of orientation, type of verbal fluency, type of praxis, age, number of sessions and duration, type of CS, individual or group CS, type of control, treatment and personalization or adaptation, the quality of studies, and origin of the studies, could have on the cognitive outcomes assessed.
截至目前,尚未進行任何基於認知篩查(CS)的系統性回顧或統合分析,包括認知健康參與者或輕度認知障礙(MCI)以外的癡呆症。此外,進行了大量的子組分析,以分析認知狀態、一般認知功能評估類型、記憶類型、定向類型、語言流暢性類型、實踐類型、年齡、會議次數和持續時間、CS 類型、個別或團體 CS、對照類型、治療和個性化或調整、研究質量以及研究來源等因素對評估的認知結果可能產生的影響。
Concerning the limitations of the present systematic review and meta-analysis. Firstly, the overall quality of the evidence was limited due to the poor methodological quality of the included studies (Sun et al., 2022; Wong et al., 2021). Some studies lacked details in their methods of blinding participants (Sun et al., 2022). The absence of randomization in some studies was particularly problematic (Chao et al., 2020). Secondly, heterogeneity could not be explained by the results of subgroup analyses (Wong et al., 2021). Thirdly, the sample size of most of the studies was relatively small in some studies, although this is also common in other meta-analyses (Sun et al., 2022).
關於目前系統性回顧和統合分析的限制。首先,由於納入研究的方法學質量較差,整體證據質量受到限制(Sun et al., 2022; Wong et al., 2021)。一些研究在盲法參與者的方式上缺乏細節(Sun et al., 2022)。某些研究缺乏隨機化特別成為問題(Chao et al., 2020)。其次,亞組分析的結果無法解釋異質性(Wong et al., 2021)。第三,儘管這在其他統合分析中也很常見,但大多數研究的樣本量相對較小(Sun et al., 2022)。
Futures studies are needed to study what are the most beneficial contents, frequencies, durations, formats, number of sessions, strategies and activities of CS (Spector et al., 2012). Future research regarding the long-term effects of CS should be investigated (Cafferata et al., 2021; Chao et al., 2020) especially in cognitively healthy elderly participants and MCI (La rue, 2010). In addition, it would be necessary to know if the participants with CS take any pharmacological treatment to better differentiate between (1) those who are taking pharmacological drugs and receive CS, (2) those who only receive CS and (3) those who only take drugs. Moreover, the differences in function of gender of the
未來的研究需要探討哪些內容、頻率、持續時間、格式、會議次數、策略和活動對於 CS(Spector et al., 2012)最為有益。關於 CS 的長期效果的未來研究應該進行調查(Cafferata et al., 2021;Chao et al., 2020),特別是在認知健康的老年參與者和輕度認知障礙(MCI)中(La rue, 2010)。此外,還需要了解參與 CS 的參與者是否接受任何藥物治療,以便更好地區分(1)那些正在服用藥物並接受 CS 的人,(2)那些僅接受 CS 的人,以及(3)那些僅服用藥物的人。此外,性別功能的差異也應該考慮。

participants and age should be considered.

4.1. Implications for clinical practice
4.1. 臨床實踐的意涵

Our findings suggest that personalized and tailored CS programmes in older adults (both institutionalized and non-institutionalized) improve general cognitive functioning, orientation, and praxis. Although, by applying any CS, benefits in older adults are obtained, some types of CS appear to be more effective, specially, reminiscence therapy, reality orientation and multisensory stimulation. In addition, short-term (less than 3 months) CS programmes applied to older adults (cognitively healthy participants, with MCI or dementia) could improve the level of general cognitive functioning and memory. Due to neuroplasticity, participants aged 75 years or younger could benefit more than older participants in different cognitive functions such as memory, orientation, language, and praxis when performing CS. For this reason, it would be advisable to administer CS programmes at younger ages.
我們的研究結果表明,為老年人(包括機構化和非機構化的老年人)量身定制的個性化認知刺激(CS)計劃能改善一般認知功能、定向能力和實踐能力。儘管任何形式的 CS 都能為老年人帶來益處,但某些類型的 CS 似乎更為有效,特別是回憶療法、現實定向和多感官刺激。此外,針對老年人(認知健康參與者、輕度認知障礙或癡呆症患者)實施的短期(少於 3 個月)CS 計劃可以提高一般認知功能和記憶水平。由於神經可塑性,75 歲或以下的參與者在執行 CS 時,可能在記憶、定向、語言和實踐等不同認知功能上獲益更多。因此,建議在較年輕的年齡實施 CS 計劃。

5. Conclusions  5. 結論

Our findings suggest that CS improves general cognitive functioning, memory, orientation, and praxis in older adults. Moreover, conducting traditional CS and CS alone in short- and long-term with a duration of 45 min per session seem to be the best option to improve general cognitive functioning in the elderly.
我們的研究結果表明,CS 能改善老年人的一般認知功能、記憶、定向能力和實踐能力。此外,進行傳統的 CS 和單獨的 CS,無論是短期還是長期,每次持續 45 分鐘,似乎是改善老年人一般認知功能的最佳選擇。
Both, traditional and computerized CS, in short-term and maintenance with a duration of 45 min or more per session could improve “memory” in cognitively healthy participants or with MCI. Regarding other cognitive areas, we have described contradictory results on personalized-adapted/non-personalized-non-adapted. Nevertheless, it has been observed that in executive functions and verbal fluency the interventions with a duration of 45 min per session get better results. In addition, in verbal fluency the maintenance CS and the computerized CS are more effective. In relation to quality of studies, “fair quality” has obtained better results in general cognitive functioning, memory, orientation and praxis. Finally, younger participants ( 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 years) seem to obtain more benefits in general cognitive functioning, memory, orientation, language, and praxis compared to older participants.
傳統和電腦化的認知訓練(CS),在短期和維持階段,每次持續 45 分鐘或更長時間,能改善認知健康參與者或輕度認知障礙(MCI)者的“記憶”。關於其他認知領域,我們描述了個性化適應與非個性化非適應的矛盾結果。然而,已觀察到在執行功能和語言流暢性方面,每次持續 45 分鐘的介入獲得了更好的結果。此外,在語言流暢性方面,維持性 CS 和電腦化 CS 更為有效。關於研究質量,“公平質量”在一般認知功能、記憶、定向和實踐方面獲得了更好的結果。最後,年輕參與者( 75 75 <= 75\leq 75 歲)似乎在一般認知功能、記憶、定向、語言和實踐方面比年長參與者獲得更多的益處。

Disclosure statement  披露聲明

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

IRB protocol/human subjects approval
IRB 協議/人體受試者批准

Not applicable.  不適用。

CRediT authorship contribution statement
CRediT 署名貢獻聲明

Isabel Gómez-Soria: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Resources, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Project administration. Isabel Iguacel: Investigation, Data curation, Writing - review & editing, Supervision. Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre: Investigation, Formal analysis, Resources, Data curation. Patricia Peralta-Marrupe: Investigation, Writing - review & editing. Eva Latorre: Investigation, Writing - review & editing, Supervision. Juan Nicolás Cuenca Zaldívar: Formal analysis, Data curation, Supervision. Estela Calatayud: Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources, Data curation.
伊莎貝爾·戈麥斯-索里亞:概念化、方法論、研究、資源、數據整理、撰寫 - 原始草稿、項目管理。伊莎貝爾·伊瓜塞爾:研究、數據整理、撰寫 - 審查與編輯、監督。亞歷杭德拉·阿吉拉爾-拉托雷:研究、正式分析、資源、數據整理。帕特里夏·佩拉爾塔-馬魯佩:研究、撰寫 - 審查與編輯。艾娃·拉托雷:研究、撰寫 - 審查與編輯、監督。胡安·尼古拉斯·昆卡·薩爾迪瓦爾:正式分析、數據整理、監督。埃斯特拉·卡拉塔尤德:概念化、方法論、資源、數據整理。

Declaration of Competing Interest

The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Acknowledgements  致謝

Neslihan Lok, Iracema Leroi and your teams for provide us the data
Neslihan Lok、Iracema Leroi 及您的團隊提供我們數據

of the psychosocial variables of their studies to be able to carry out our meta-analysis.

Funding  資金

This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not for- profit sectors.

Supplementary materials  補充材料

Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.archger.2022.104807.
與本文相關的補充材料可在在線版本中找到,網址為 doi:10.1016/j.archger.2022.104807。

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    • Corresponding author at: Department of Physiatry and Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain.
    E-mail addresses: isabelgs@unizar.es (I. Gómez-Soria), iguacel@unizar.es (I. Iguacel).
    電子郵件地址:isabelgs@unizar.es (I. Gómez-Soria),iguacel@unizar.es (I. Iguacel)。