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(GUO  (郭


Integral Charactesistics of the Electric Generator of the Humar Heart
Humar 心脏发电机的积分特性
(P. Rreppo, I. I. IItomII; BIORIZIKA, No 4, 1977)
(P. Rreppo, I. I. IItomII;BIORISK,第 4 期,1977 年)


Sose Aspects of the Psychopathy Problem and the Perspecelves of Seleatific Research in Ihis Ares
精神病问题的索斯方面和 Ihis Ares 中 Seleatific 研究的视角
(R.I.佩洛卡亚;罗普罗 ROPROPROPI I
Certala Mechanism Behind Disturbances in Asses8ing External Signals in the Presence of Psychopatky
Certala Mechanism behind Disorders in Asses8ing external signals in Psychopatky in Present.
Some Problems in the Interaction of Extemal and Internal Factors in the jianifestarion and Development of Psychopatky and In Pathological Personality Development
(B. Ya. Pervomayskiy, et al.; ZHURNAL NEVROPATOTOGII I PSIWUIATRII, No 1I, 1976).
(B.亚。Pervomayskiy等人;ZHURNAL NEVROPATOTOGII I PSIWUIATRII,第 1I 期,1976 年)。
V. Kh. Randinskis's Role in Development of Domest1c Forensic esychlatFy
V. Kh. Randinskis在Domest1c Forensic esychlatFy开发中的作用
No 11. 2976) 没有 11.2976)


Macrofauna of Installat1ons Eor Blochemical Sewage Ireatment
Installat1ons eor blochemical 污水灌溉的大型动物


Blographical Data on Ronstantin Markovich Gurevich
关于 Ronstantin Markovich Gurevich 的 Blographic 数据

(VOPROSY PSIKTOLOGI, No 2, 1977) ..... 61
(PROPROSY SIKTOLOGI,第 2 期,1977 年) .....61

Need for More Health-Resort Facilitied Streseed

(A. Ushakov: IRUD, 2 Sep 77). ..... 63

Selectlons ce 'Bforhythms and Blosphere'
(G. f. Sergeyev; BIORITMY I BIOSFERA, 1976) ..... 68
(G.f.谢尔盖耶夫;BIORITMY I BIOSFERA, 1976) .....68

Handbook on Veteminary IoxicoIogy of Pesticides

(而不是 SPRAVOCHLAYA 或兽医扭转学

PESTIISIDOY, 1976) ..... 76



Yoscow BIORITMY I BIOSFERA (B1orhytrms and B1ospkere) In Russ1an 1976 s1gned ro press 14 Nov 75 pp 2-6, 90-93, 102, 104
Yoscow BIORITMY I BIOSFERA (B1orhytrms 和 B1ospkere) In Russ1an 1976 s1gned ro press 14 Nov 75 pp 2-6, 90-93, 102, 104
[Table of conteats, anotation, introduction, and excerpts from book by G. A. Sergeyev, Izdatel'stvo Znandye, 30,230 cop1es 104 pages]
[G.A.谢尔盖耶夫(G. A. Sergeyev)的书,Izdatel'stvo Znandye的书的注释,注释,引言和摘录表,30,230 cop1es 104页]
The book way be useful to students at people's unversltles of natural sclences.
The book 18 dedicated to the suthor's fellow towsmen who participated 1a the biockade of Lentngrad dur1ng the Great Patriot1c War of 1941-1945.
第 18 本书献给参加 1941-1945 年伟大爱国者战争期间 1a 伦特格勒传记的 suthor 的同伴。
Introduct1oa โPp 3-6! Introduct1oa โPp 3-6!
[Text] Iffe oa easth is bound, so to speak, by lavisible threads to near and distant space. There is no question that cosmic factors, ia the form of Elux of corpuscular particles and wave radlation, have the most direct effect on earch's blosphere. Knowledge about the mechanist of energy and information interactions in Iiving and nonliving nsture can be obtained only on the basis of scientific approaches, taking into consideration the inseparable unity of phenomena of planetary and coswic or£gis.
[正文]可以说,Iffe oa easth 被可视的线束缚在近处和远处的空间。毫无疑问,宇宙因素,即微粒粒子和波辐射的Elux形式,对earch的气球层有最直接的影响。关于生命和非生命体中能量和信息相互作用的机械师的知识只能在科学方法的基础上获得,同时考虑到行星和宇宙现象的不可分割的统一性。
Academician V. I. Vernadskiy, R. E. Tslolkouskiy and S. P. Rorolev have demonstrated the truly unfathomable possib1lir£es for man to penetrate the sesrets of matrer and substance. Current cosmic science basiag 1tself more and more on the principles of systems analysis, extending to the scale of lnvestigation of solar and terrestrial relations. The resulte of the investigations have confirmed the effectiveness of methodology of space experiments. G. Beregovoy, the cosmonaut-pilot, in assessing the results of the expedition on the Salyut-4 orbital station, stares:
V. I. Vernadskiy院士、R. E. Tslolkouskiy院士和S. P. Rorolev院士已经证明了人类穿透母体和物质的真正深不可测的可能性。当前的宇宙科学 越来越注重系统分析的原理,延伸到太阳与地球关系的尺度。调查结果证实了空间实验方法的有效性。宇航员飞行员 G. Beregovoy 在评估礼炮 4 号轨道站的探险结果时,凝视着:
"It is now time to learn about the profound mechanisms of relations between the sun and all living things on earth. Any particle of new infondation gained in the course of the uission just completed is a contribution to the study of 'Earth's echo-d solar storms'."
This tendency of adopting the systems approach to methodological of iraditlonally terrestrial scieaces has been refiected in the terms, "space madicine," space biology," "3pace geology," "space botany," etc. The space aspect of processes that take place on eartin was disclosed upon considerarion of the most diverse phenomena, of both the distant past and the present: in the succession of geological epochs, migration of andmals over the planet, hydrometeorological changea occurrirg on the scale of the planet, the question of nonstationary nature of physicochemical conversions of living protein and definftion of the hyporhesis on che origin of l1fe ltself on earth, and many others. However, more
这种采用系统方法论研究陆地科学方法论的倾向,在“空间物质学”、“空间生物学”、“三级地质学”、“空间植物学”等术语中得到了体现。在考虑了遥远的过去和现在最多样化的现象后,揭示了在eartin上发生的过程的空间方面:在地质时代的演替中,地球上的andmals迁移,地球尺度上发生的水文气象变化,活蛋白的物理化学转化的非平稳性问题以及地球上l1fe ltself起源的hyporhesis的定义, 还有很多其他的。但是,更多


and more, fovestigation of problems related to interconversion of matter and fleld, both on earth in the vast expanses of distart galaxies, is becoming the key direction of sciences in the space age. The correletion between all these processes is governed by strict criteria of regulation of stabllity of thermodynamic properties of watter, both on our planet and others.
The typical cistinction of a thermodynamically well-balanced dyoamic process is distinct periodicity. The space metronome, so to speak, sets the pace and rhythm for everything. On earth, the succession of phases of infiux and efflux of heat, ebb and flow in the ocean and seas, fluctuations in flow of rivers and other phenomena take place in accordance with strict laws of mathematical periodicity. The principle of a rhythmic pattera is also observed in the course of biological processes in any living organism.
In this book, special atteation is given to demonstration of relations between rhythmic processes of living organ$sms--"blorkythms"-and fluctuations of physical field of cosmic nature. At the present time, the problem of blorhythme is aiso acquiring some practical importance, both with regard to diagnosing conditions in man, and in the direction of a search for effective means of blostimulation, based on arefficial control of blorhythms.
Of course, 1avestigation of the patrerns of biorhythms must be based on a strict analytical system, namely, theory of control of nonstationary thermodynamic processes. Medicine of the future, enriched with experlence in modeling biological phenomena occurzing in some organism or orher, not only will succeed in coping with way diseases of man, it will permit solving the problem of zegeneration of organs and tissues having specified thermodynamic properties. In the future, development of sensors-models of nerve net receptors-- will make possible optimum control of phyafcocheaicel properties of man's enviroment. As a result of iavestigacion of the principles of energy and information transformarions in the ifying organism, engineers will discover the principies of construction of new energy hardware capable of concentrating the scattered cosmic energy by means of oprimum cont:ol of thermodynamic pa:ameters of the gas environment and water vapor.
当然,生物节律的局限性必须建立在严格的分析系统之上,即非平稳热力学过程的控制理论。未来的医学,在模拟某些生物体或生物体中发生的生物现象方面的经验丰富,不仅可以成功地应对人类疾病,还可以解决具有特定热力学性质的器官和组织的生殖问题。未来,神经网络受体传感器模型的发展将使对人类环境的phyafcocheaicel特性进行最佳控制成为可能。由于能量原理和信息转换原理在生物体中的形成,工程师们将发现新能源硬件的构建原则,该硬件能够通过气体环境和水蒸气的热力学 pa:ameters 的 oprimum cont:ol 来集中分散的宇宙能量。
The physician of the future will be supplied with special equipment, among the means of actively affecting the Ifving organdsm, with which he will be able not only to mondtor the health status of a patient, but control his thermodynamic reactions. Even now, we are learning the techniques 5 or themodynamic dfagnosties. Examples of thermodynamic diagnostics are given in this work.
未来的医生将获得特殊设备,其中包括积极影响Ifving器官的手段,通过这些设备,他不仅可以控制患者的健康状况,还可以控制他的热力学反应。即使是现在,我们也在学习技术 5 或主题动力学 dfagnosties。本文给出了热力学诊断的例子。
From the stardpoint of the principles of nonstationary thermodynamics, there msy be revisions of some biological patterns, to which stationary properries had been attributed hereto:ore. They include, first of all, processes of adaptation, processes related to brain funct1on, hemopoletic functions of the organism, etc. For example, ior a long time it was believed that

1t was soothlag to the nervous system Eor man's organism to be in salt water. Specific measurements of bloelectric potentials of the brcin of an individual who bad stayed la salt vater for ever a short time revealed a sharp lacresse In nonstationary Eeactions of cerebral electric potentials, which was manlfested by an increase in meatal teasion.
1t在盐水中对神经系统Eor人的有机体进行舒缓。对一个在短时间内长时间呆在盐缸里的个体的 brcin 的 bloelectric 电势的具体测量揭示了脑电势的非平稳性 eeactions,这是由于肉感的增加而引起的。
One of the lmportant directions of modeling biological patterns is to cevelop an art1ficial cell, by synthesizing high molecular compounds with a specifled structure. More recently, mesomorphic models of the cell have been developed, which have prracrystal properiles. Such mesomorphic converters [transformers] reprociuce the funct1ons of a sensitive recepror capable of reacring taultraweak ionizing vaves, of both cosmic aature and bloelectrlc flelds of the living organism. The artificial mesomorphic cell can be used to monltor energy reactions of the sick and healthy organism.
模拟生物模式的重要方向之一是通过合成具有特定结构的高分子化合物来形成 art1ficial 细胞。最近,已经开发了细胞的中胚模型,这些模型具有 prracrystal properiles。这种中形转换器[变压器]复制了灵敏的接收器的函数1ons,该接收器能够接收生物体的宇宙和bloelectrlc飞翼的超弱电离花瓶。人工中胚层细胞可用于调节病态和健康生物体的能量反应。
Use of such receptors has made it possible to perform studies over many months of ultraslos blological rhythms of the human braln. The mesomorphic receptors can be connected in a system of regulation of thentiodyamic characteristics of special shambers, in wich man could remain. This opens up the possibility of developing therwodynamic screens [shields] to protect space ciraft during long-distance Elights to fore1gn galaxies. Such screens w111 be able to play a special role in the treatment of people with impalred cardiovascular functions.
使用这种受体可以对人类胸腺的超slosblological rhythm进行数月的研究。中间体受体可以连接在特殊shambers的thentiodyamic特征的调节系统中,在wich man可以保留。这为开发热动力学屏蔽[盾牌]提供了可能性,以保护在远距离Elight到fore1gn星系期间的空间移植物。这种屏幕w111能够在治疗具有穿刺心血管功能的人中发挥特殊作用。
In his time, A. L. Chlzhevsisiy, the founder of hellobiology, dreamed of using such screens as protection from all-penetrating "z-radistion." Today's science bas made a breakrhrough toward solving this problem. Investigation of the patterns of correlations between thermodyaamic processes in space and blorhythmic reactions of living organisms opens up new roads toward developmeat of computers, information plasma systems, which will broaden sfgnificantly the range of resources for man co actively influeace sature on earth and cosmic phenomens.
在他那个时代,hellobiology的创始人A. L. Chlzhevsisiy梦想使用这种屏幕来防止全穿透的“z辐射”。今天的科学为解决这个问题做出了突破。研究空间热律性过程与生物体的气节律反应之间的相关性模式,为计算机、信息等离子体系统的发展开辟了新的道路,这将极大地拓宽人类共同影响地球和宇宙现象的资源范围。
Act1on Curreats Irarsmit Informat1on [pp 90-93]
Act1on Curreats Irarsmit Informat1on [第 90-93 页]
[Text] R. Feyman, Nobe1 Prize reciplent, writes: "There 18 virtualiy no phenomenon in nature that is not assoclated with electricity. "Boreover, In recent times, the queEtion has been posed as to whether manifestations of bloelectrdc activity are specific propertie3 of the nervous system. Ia this regrod, many reactions of a bloelectr1c nature in plants are larerpreted as a special emotional state. The Awerican acientise, K. Baxter, la his experlments with plants, showed that they can react differently to soweone Intentions: to water them or destroy them. For exampie, when one of Baxter's colleagues, on hls way to the laboratory, was thinking that he will throw a plant away, at thls tdoe the plant presented a sharp change in electric act£££.y.
[文本] Nobe1 奖得主 R. Feyman 写道:“自然界中几乎没有 18 种现象不与电结合。Boreover,最近,人们提出了一个问题,即 bloelectrdc 活动的表现是否是神经系统的特定属性3。在这种 regrod 中,植物中许多具有 bloelectr1c 性质的反应都被认为是一种特殊的情绪状态。Awerican acientise, K. Baxter, la his experlled with plants, 表明它们可以对播种 意图做出不同的反应:浇灌它们或破坏它们。例如,当巴克斯特的一位同事在去实验室的路上,正想着要扔掉一株植物时,这株植物的电学发生了急剧的变化。
Investigation of the mechanisa of Interaction between the human fleld and . p.lant fleld in numerous experiments (for example, those of scientists in Alms-Ata) revealed that, during periods of emotional excitement in an Lodividual [human]. there is a change in obaracteristics of discharge luminescence of plants, as recorded with apecial photoelectric device. The curve of inteasity of discharge slow became severely nonstationsty under the influence of specific mental tensior induced by anxiety or fear. It should be aoted that, in these experiments, the method used to record electric discharge effect was proposed in the past by the Rrasnodar researchers, V. Th. and D. S. Rirlian. Only negligible decrease in amplitude of the reaction vas observed when plants were shielded by a thick metal screen made of copper or iron. when the subject concentrared, reproduc1b1115y of the experiment constituted at a distance of up to 1 meter.
人类与.p.lant 在许多实验中(例如,Alms-Ata 的科学家的实验)表明,在 Lodividual [人类] 的情绪兴奋期间。植物放电发光的异常性发生了变化,如特殊光电装置所记录的那样。在焦虑或恐惧诱发的特定心理张力的影响下,放电缓慢的内在曲线变得严重不稳态。应该指出的是,在这些实验中,用于记录放电效应的方法过去是由拉斯诺达尔研究人员 V. Th. 和 D. S. Rirlian 提出的。当植物被铜或铁制成的厚金属筛屏屏蔽时,观察到的反应输精管振幅仅可忽略不计。当受试者集中注意力时, 在最远1米的距离内构成实验的Reduc1B1115Y。
Our Investigations established the Eact that there is 2 change in thermodynamic structure of the lonization fleld near a plant under the influence of diverse physical factors. Thus, the plant was exposed to low-frequency electrlc Elelds. By selecting approprlate generator frequencies, there was simulation in plants of reactiona that appear, for example, in the raid. Exposure to a low-frequency magnetic fleld led to a decrease in frequency of the bloelecrrsc reaction. The structure of the plant's 1onization fleid also changed apprecisbly after the plant was watered. Apparently, it can be considered that the effect of bloelectric activity is iargely determined by the mesomorphic components of plant mass biopolywers. In wodel exper1ments dealing with observation of reactions of a mesomorphic sensor to a magnetic electric field, slgnal structures were detected that had much in comon wlth bloelectslc act101ty.
我们的研究证实了在多种物理因素的影响下,植物附近的隆化绒毛的热力学结构发生了2次变化。因此,该工厂暴露于低频电气Elelds中。通过选择适当的发电机频率,在工厂中模拟了例如在突袭中出现的反应a。暴露于低频磁性斑点导致 bloelecrrsc 反应的频率降低。浇水后,植物的1on化绒毛的结构也发生了明显变化。显然,可以认为,bloelectric活性的影响是由植物质量生物聚体的介质成分决定的。在观察介形传感器对磁场的反应的实验中,检测到 slgnal 结构在 comon wlth bloelectslc act101ty 中具有很大作用。
Numerous represeatatives of the animal kingdom also have diverse bloelectric properties. Pulsed bloelectric activicy is particuiariy distiact in Eish. The capacity to generate Efgniflcant electric flelds &s inherent in all Eish; however, the strongest disharges, which paralyze small Eish and animals, ore generaced by the electric eel, elecizic catfish, torpedo ray and American stargazer, whch have special organs for emission of electric sigaals. Of the 20,000 Elsh species, only about 300 have sfecialized organs for the formation of bloelectric signals. In the rest, the entire neuromuscular tissue performs this funct1on. In the torpedo ray, the electricity generating element consisis of nerve plates and adjacent gelatinous lamina. At the time of a dischazge, the current passes through the gelatinous substance that presests low resistance. During brief function of the organ, one observes negliglble remperature elevarion and during longer function, on the contrary, 8 sharp drop. The electric organs of the stargarer are behind tie eyes, between the wall of the cornea? cavity {?} and the parietal bone. The stargazer's oval electric organ consists of about 200 thin electric plates faced up and aligned In a vertical column. Zecause of this arrangement, during a discharge the dorsal aspect of the £1sh is electronegative and the abdominal aspect, electropositive.
动物王国的许多代表物也具有不同的布洛电气特性。脉冲电活动在 Eish 中是 particuiariy distiact。产生 Efgniflcant 电 flelds 的能力 &s 是所有 Eish 固有的;然而,最强的碟子,麻痹了小鳗鱼和动物,由电鳗、鲶鱼、鱼雷鳐和美国观星者产生的矿石,具有发射电鳗的特殊器官。在 20,000 种 Elsh 物种中,只有大约 300 种具有用于形成 bloelectric 信号的器官。在其余部分,整个神经肌肉组织执行此功能1on。在鱼雷射线中,发电元件由神经板和相邻的凝胶状层组成。在消散时,电流通过具有低电阻的凝胶状物质。在器官的短暂功能期间,人们观察到可以忽略不计的 remperature elevarion,而在较长的功能期间,相反,8 急剧下降。stargarer的电器官在领带眼睛后面,在角膜壁之间?空腔{?}和顶骨。观星者的椭圆形电子器官由大约 200 块薄电板组成,这些电板朝上并排列在垂直柱中。由于这种安排,在放电期间,£1sh 的背侧是电负性的,腹部侧是电正性的。
In addition to electric reactions, there is also some manifestation of reactions referable to magnetic fields in fish. The experiments of the English sclentist, Lissman, revealed that flsh perceive a magnetic field along the lateral line, by a special organ that perceives oscillations of water and enables them to orient themselves in a marine environment. Changes in conditioned reflexes are observed in fish when there is sigaificant iacrease in volrage of a magnetic field. The high sensirivity of fish to electric and magnetic fields is attributable, to some extent, to the high concentration in water of sodium, calclum, potassium and chlorine ions. The aquatic habitar resulted in developmeat of complex communication channels in Elsh. Thus, some are capable of plcking up the information characteristics contained in the atructure of bioelectric flelds of others.
除了电反应外,还有一些与鱼磁场有关的反应表现。英国历史学家利斯曼(Lissman)的实验表明,flsh通过一个特殊的器官感知到水的振荡,使它们能够在海洋环境中定位自己,从而感知沿侧线的磁场。在鱼中观察到条件反射的变化,当磁场的体积中存在sigaificant iacrease时。鱼类对电场和磁场的高度敏感性在某种程度上归因于水中高浓度的钠、钙、钾和氯离子。水生习性导致了埃尔什复杂通信渠道的发展。因此,有些能够收集到其他生物电结构中包含的信息特征。
The studies of . R. Protasov estajlished a specific classification of signals trancmitted by fish. In particular, they include the signal of identification of food objects, group signals in controlling movement of a large shoal of fish, aggressive-protective and intersexual identification signals. Numerous Investigators dealing with the behavior of sharks have observed that they are apparently attracted by signals emitted by victims uader the influence of fear. A case was recorded when music from a transistor radio was used to scare off sharks. This was sufficient to protect a from being attacked by a shark. The first group signal of fish was detected in the electric eel. American researchers, who made tests in aquariums, cstabisshed that the discharges of one eel atrrart others to it. In order to determine the signal oignjficance of eel alscharges, observations were continued in their natural habitat. Using special electrodes, radiation was emited in the spectrum of electric eel discharges. By altering the characteristics of the signals, the investigators obtained structures of the "eej-like" sype that would induce a refiex ia eels to move in the direction of the source of emission. The experiments revealed that attraction of parricularly hungry eels was observed at a distance of 7-10 m. In their natural habitat, apparently, signals of this eype extend over much greater distances. Eels use them so assemble groups and sinoals.
的研究 .R.普罗塔索夫(R. Protasov)对鱼类传递的信号进行了特定的分类。特别是,它们包括识别食物物体的信号,控制大群鱼运动的群体信号,攻击性保护和双性识别信号。许多处理鲨鱼行为的调查人员观察到,他们显然被受害者发出的信号所吸引,并受到恐惧的影响。当晶体管收音机的音乐被用来吓跑鲨鱼时,记录了一个案例。这足以保护一个人免受鲨鱼的攻击。在电鳗中检测到鱼的第一组信号。美国研究人员在水族箱中进行了测试,发现一条鳗鱼的排放会影响其他鳗鱼。为了确定鳗鱼的信号特征,继续在鳗鱼的自然栖息地进行观察。使用特殊电极,在鳗鱼放电的光谱中发射辐射。通过改变信号的特征,研究人员获得了“eej样”sype的结构,该结构将诱导refiex ia eels向发射源方向移动。实验表明,在7-10 m的距离内观察到饥饿的鳗鱼的吸引力。显然,在它们的自然栖息地中,这种 eype 的信号延伸到更远的距离。鳗鱼使用它们,所以聚集群体和鳗鱼。
At the present time, the hypothesis hes been expounded that f1sh in a school can generate a group signsl, and for this reason, the "calling" signais car be picked up over distances of up to several ikilometers. The general signal of the entire school serves as a guide for specimens of the same species at considerable distarces. Aggressive-defense signals are inherent {a Eish with distinct intraspecific hlerarchy. In this respect, the behavior of the "gimnarkh" [?] and Nile pike is typical. The gimnarkh is a nocturnal predator that feeds on smaller Elsh. It ls asgressive with specimens of its own species; it has a h1gh degree of electric sensibllity and is capable of derecting the presence of a zival ar breat distances, according to 1 es electric pulses. Special experiments were conducted, in which electrodes were 1mamersed in a tank with a gimnarkh, and they were used to "translare" the signals of the "volces" of the glmnarkhs recorded on tape. The slucarkh lmmediateiy attacked the emitting device.
目前,他提出的假设是,学校的f1sh可以产生一个群体符号sl,因此,“呼叫”符号的汽车可以在长达几公里的距离内被拾取。整个学校的一般信号可作为同一物种标本在相当大的距离上的指南。攻击性防御信号是固有的{a Eish,具有明显的种内硬性。在这方面,“gimnarkh”[?]和尼罗河梭子鱼的行为是典型的。gimnarkh 是一种夜间捕食者,以较小的 Elsh 为食。它对自己物种的标本很感兴趣;它具有 H1gh 度的电敏感性,并且能够根据 1 es 电脉冲确定 zival ar breat 距离的存在。进行了特殊的实验,其中电极被 1mamered 在一个带有 gimnarkh 的水箱中,它们被用来“翻译”磁带上记录的 glmnarkhs 的“volces”信号。slucarkh lmmediateiy 攻击了发射装置。
Investigation of electric processes in an aquatic environment will permit optimum demonstration of the special informative role of low-frequency bioelectric emissions. Expressly water is the environment in wilich bloelectric effects are reproduced with the greatest contras: and rellab1lity. Experiments were conducted to study extinction of bloelectric Exgnsls of the brain on land and is the water. A sensor of the mesomorphic ype was used in the experiments, and it served as the active [receiving] electrode. In air, the radius of sensirivity of this sensor constituted 3-5 on ant in water, up to 15-20 m. Studies of blological activity of inhsbitants of the underwater world revealed that their vital functions also depend 0 cosmic radiation to the same extent as in all living chings on land.
对水生环境中的电过程进行调查,将能够最佳地展示低频生物电发射的特殊信息作用。明确地,水是环境在wilich bloelectric效应中再现的最大的反面:和rellab1lity。进行了实验以研究陆地上大脑的bloelectric Exgnsls的灭绝,并且是水。在实验中使用了介形ype的传感器,它用作有源[接收]电极。在空气中,该传感器的灵敏半径在水中的蚂蚁上构成3-5,最高可达15-20 m。对海底生物的鳞片活性的研究表明,它们的生命功能也依赖于0宇宙辐射,其程度与陆地上所有生物的程度相同。

Coaclusion [pp 100-102] 共聚 [pp 100-102]

[Text] We have discussed the particularly important role of blorhythms in controlling vitsi processes in the humun body. But we could not consider our topic complete, if we did not try to extend the principle of Elorhythmic functioning that is widespread in living nature and space to the artificial dyпamic envirorment that man himself creates.
[正文]我们已经讨论了 blorhythms 在控制 humun 体的 vitsi 过程中特别重要的作用。但是,如果我们不试图将在生物自然和空间中广泛存在的 Elorhythmic 功能原理扩展到人类自己创造的人工环境,我们就不能认为我们的主题是完整的。
The concept of "distinctiy organized rhythm of production" has long since been a synoaym of high technological sophistication. The technological revolution in industry proceeded primarily toward developing systems of automatic control of technological processes (ASUTP), unique "cerebral accessories" to control of the most complicated industrial complexes. Ose of the moct important tasis for ASUTP is to maintain stability of the technological rhythm of a complicated industrial undt. But the brain centers of ASUTP cannot perform their functions completely if they are not equipped with sensitive sensors and communication lines that pick up information about changes in technological modes of production. And here the same sftuatioa occurs, which in the living organism characterizes the correlation between higher centers and periphery sensory endings--receptore and interreceptors, thst perceive all changes in physical characteristics of the internal and external dynamic environment.
“独特的有组织的生产节奏”的概念早已成为高技术复杂性的代名词。工业技术革命主要是为了开发技术过程自动控制系统(ASUTP),这是控制最复杂工业综合体的独特“大脑配件”。对于ASUTP来说,重要的技术是保持复杂工业技术节奏的稳定性。但是,如果ASUTP的大脑中枢没有配备灵敏的传感器和通信线路,这些传感器和通信线路可以获取有关技术生产方式变化的信息,则它们无法完全执行其功能。在这里发生了同样的sftuatioa,在生物体中,它表征了高级中心和外围感觉末梢之间的相关性 - 受体和受体间,从而感知内部和外部动态环境的物理特征的所有变化。
In desiz-iag an engineering nervous system, the engineer encounters a number of probiems, the effective solution of which is found possible only on the basis of consideration of the principies of recording and reguisting rhythicic processes that are so exquisizely expressed in nature. One of the main problems is to develop multifunctional sensors capable of sover1ig the entire range of physical reactions of an industrial unit, 1.e., pick up the energy of elastic, magnetic, electric, electromagnetic waves, acid and alkalinc reactions, changes in temperature and humidity, etc. How do receptors of a living organisa solve the problem of recording the phyaical parameters of the environmeat?
在工程神经系统中,工程师会遇到许多问题,只有在考虑记录和记录自然界中 如此精妙地表达的韵律过程的原则的基础上,才有可能找到有效的解决方案。主要问题之一是开发能够覆盖工业单元的整个物理反应范围的多功能传感器,1.e.拾取弹性、磁、电、电磁波、酸碱反应、温度和湿度变化等的能量。活体器官的受体如何解决记录环境肉的生理参数的问题?
Blochemical studies have shown that, in the living organism, aiong with receptors of the selective type, there are combined receptor elements capable of "eunias ta" to a given type of physical parameter with receipt of the appropriate signals. The use of multifunctional elements would lacrease the rellab1lity of ASUYP significantly and widen its capabilities, with regard to monitoring diverse reactions of the technolosical mode. The electronic brain center for information retrieval will implement the choice of an optimum mode for control of technological object. Such important projects can be implemented on the basis of using the properties of an artificial mesomorphic ceil, the metrological properties of which could be used rather extensively for different types of measurements.
Blochemical 研究表明,在生物体中,与选择型受体一起,存在能够“eunias ta”到给定类型的物理参数并接收到适当信号的组合受体元件。多功能元件的使用将大大提高ASUYP的可靠性,并扩大其监测技术模式的各种反应的能力。用于信息检索的电子大脑中心将实现对技术对象控制的最佳模式的选择。这些重要的项目可以在使用人工介质天体的特性的基础上实施,其计量特性可以相当广泛地用于不同类型的测量。
Nsture has perfected the most important elements of the central nervous system of the I1ving organism, with consideration of optimum means of counteracting deleterious environmental factors (Eluctuations of remperature, radiation, gas composition of the atmosphere, barometric pressure, ctc.). And in a number of instances, industrial objects were created without taking into consideration the effects of environmental conditions on stab1lity of production. For example, some paper and pulp combines were found to be in regions of increased magnetic anomalies, which could not help but affect the quality of the product: less stable structure of pulp. Or, for example, radio manufacturing plants should not be built in areas with a high degree of atmospheric pollution, etc. The receptors connected in the automated control system circuit, which contrel the operation of different branches of industry, must take into consideration the effects of environmental factors on stabllity of the technological conditions. And, finally, the use of themodynamic criteria of regulation, which are widespread in biological systems, will make it possibie to design stable and highly productive industrial units.
Nsture 完善了 I1ving 生物体中枢神经系统最重要的元素,并考虑了抵消有害环境因素的最佳手段(反射、辐射、大气气体成分、气压、ctc.)。在许多情况下,工业对象的创建没有考虑环境条件对生产稳定性的影响。例如,一些纸张和纸浆联合收割机被发现处于磁异常增加的区域,这不禁会影响产品的质量:纸浆结构不太稳定。或者,例如,无线电制造厂不应建在大气污染程度高的地区等。自动控制系统电路中连接的受体,这些受体会阻碍不同工业部门的运行,必须考虑环境因素对技术条件稳定性的影响。最后,使用在生物系统中广泛存在的主题动力学调节标准,将使设计稳定和高生产率的工业单元成为可能。
COPYRIGUT: Izdatel'atvo Znandye, 1976
COPYRIGUT:Izdatel'atvo Znandye,1976 年
CSO:  公民社会组织:
Translations of U.S.S.R. science and technology, biomedical sciences: selections on biorhythms and biosphere. Central Intelligence Agency, 29 Sept. 1977. U.S. Declassified Documents Online, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CK2349267061/USDD?u=ecnu&sid=bookmark-USDD&pg=8. Accessed 29 May 2024.