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Welcome to the Back-End Engineer Path

Welcome to the Back-End Engineer Career Path! In this path, you will encounter all of the major technologies that a back-end developer should know. You will gain a foundation in JavaScript programming, understand different programming design principles, and build secure back-ends with Node/Express and PostgreSQL. We’ll also make sure to prepare you for the infamous technical interviews you’ll encounter once you begin your job hunt.
歡迎來到後端工程師職業路徑!在這條路徑上,您將遇到所有後端開發人員應該了解的主要技術。您將建立 JavaScript 編程的基礎,了解不同的編程設計原則,並使用 Node/Express 和 PostgreSQL 構建安全的後端。我們還將確保為您準備您一旦開始求職時將遇到的臭名昭著的技術面試。

Learning Objectives 學習目標

After this Path, you will be able to:

  • Set up your own dev environment and version control your work with Git/GitHub
    設置您自己的開發環境並使用 Git/GitHub 進行版本控制
  • Have a working understanding of front-end technologies
  • Write client-side and server-side JavaScript code
    撰寫客戶端和服務器端的 JavaScript 代碼
  • Build and deploy Node/Express back-ends
    構建和部署 Node/Express 後端
  • Design and build PostgreSQL databases
    設計並構建 PostgreSQL 數據庫
  • Use software design and development principles, like OOP, KISS, YAGNI, and DRY
    使用軟件設計和開發原則,如 OOP,KISS,YAGNI 和 DRY
  • Design and document APIs with OpenAPI and Swagger tooling
    使用 OpenAPI 和 Swagger 工具設計和記錄 API
  • Implement security practices to prevent attacks on software applications
  • Explain common software scaling and caching techniques
  • Explain common DevOps techniques and strategies
    解釋常見的 DevOps 技術和策略
  • Explain the core concepts behind operating systems theory
  • Implement common data structures and algorithms in JavaScript
    在 JavaScript 中實現常見的數據結構和算法
  • Pass a JavaScript whiteboard interview
    通過 JavaScript 白板面試

Syllabus Pages 課程大綱頁面

We’ve created two types of syllabus pages to help guide you through this journey. You’ve already navigated to this article from the first type: The Career Path Syllabus.

screenshot of the landing page for the Career Path syllabus

You can use this Career Path Syllabus to see all the topics you’ll need to know to become a back-end engineer — or as a tracker for what you’ve learned and will continue to learn. And from there, you can click on one of the topics listed on the right to access the second type of syllabus: the Unit Syllabus!

screenshot of the landing page for the first unit of the Career Path, "Welcome to the Back-End Engineer Path".

The Unit Syllabus is your go-to guide to your current Unit. Each Unit is a major topic that we teach using smaller chunks of content, and each Unit Syllabus contains expandable/collapsible lists of all of those lessons, projects, and other content. For example, in our Setting Up a Dev Environment Unit, we include modules, one with lessons on using the command line, and practice content via a quiz, and projects. We recommend looking at your current Unit Syllabus before you start coding for the day.

Pro tip: Click here to visit the syllabus for the Unit you’re in right now, and then click the “Welcome to the Back-End Engineer Path” button to get back to this page.

Projects 項目

You will demonstrate your knowledge in several Portfolio Projects that exist throughout the Path. Portfolio Projects are projects that you build on your own computer, following a set of requirements. Each one will be unique to your personal vision and set of interests. You can complete the Portfolio Projects either in parallel with or after taking the prerequisite content—it’s up to you!

Here’s a preview of the projects featured in this Path:

Mixed Messages 混合訊息

  • Build a Node.js console app that generates random messages each time a user runs the program and version your project with Git/GitHub
    建立一個 Node.js 控制台應用程式,每次使用者執行程式時都會產生隨機訊息,並使用 Git/GitHub 為您的專案進行版本控制。

Personal Budgeting, Part I

  • Use Node.js and Express to build an API for an app that mimics the practice of envelope budgeting
    使用 Node.js 和 Express 构建一个模拟信封预算实践的应用程序的 API

Personal Budgeting, Part II

  • Add a PostgreSQL database layer to your budget app and implement software architecture principles like KISS and YAGNI
    为您的预算应用程序添加一个 PostgreSQL 数据库层,并实现诸如 KISS 和 YAGNI 等软件架构原则

Photo Caption Contest:  照片說明比賽:

  • Build an API with Node, Express, and Postgres that uses authentication and authorization best practices to manage an online contest
    使用 Node、Express 和 Postgres 構建 API,使用身份驗證和授權最佳實踐來管理在線比賽

Final Back-End Project 最終後端項目

  • Use everything you’ve learned in the path to build an API of your choosing
    利用你在這條路上學到的一切來構建你選擇的 API

Certification Exams 認證考試

We’ve added exams to help you assess your proficiency as you build toward job-ready skills. Here’s how they work:

  • You’ll find exams on your Full-Stack career path syllabus page, at the end of each section.
  • Each exam assesses your knowledge of the concepts and technologies learned in that section. Exams help verify your proficiency — so you can feel confident in your abilities as you build toward a new career.
    每个考试都评估您在该部分学习的概念和技术的知识。考试有助于验证您的熟练程度 — 这样您在迈向新职业的过程中可以对自己的能力感到自信。
  • Each exam is 2 parts. The first is multiple choice and fill in the blank, and the second is coding questions, when applicable to the material. Otherwise, you will encounter additional multiple choice and fill in the blank questions.
  • Score at least 70% on both parts of the exam to pass.
    至少在考试的两个部分中获得 70%的分数才能通过。
  • If you don’t pass, no worries! You can retake exams once every 24 hours.
    如果您没有通过,别担心!您可以每 24 小时重新参加考试。
  • Taking or passing exams is not required to complete the path and exams do not factor into your progress percentage. However, exams must be completed and passed to earn your Codecademy Professional Certification. That means, you can now skip past content you are already familiar with and still earn a Codecademy Professional Certification.
    参加或通过考试并非完成路径所必需,考试也不计入您的进度百分比。然而,必须完成并通过考试才能获得您的 Codecademy 专业认证。这意味着,您现在可以跳过您已经熟悉的内容,仍然可以获得 Codecademy 专业认证。

Curated Content 精選內容

Throughout this path, you may see some items that aren’t made by the Codecademy team. We’ve included these to ensure that you learn all the topics you need to get your career started. Though we didn’t write them, we’ve vetted them ourselves for technical accuracy and good teaching practices. When possible, we’ve written relevant assessments so that you can check your understanding back on our platform.
在這條路徑上,您可能會看到一些不是由 Codecademy 團隊製作的項目。我們包含這些內容是為了確保您學習所有必要的主題,以便開始您的職業生涯。雖然這些內容不是我們撰寫的,但我們已經自行審核過它們,確保技術準確性和良好的教學實踐。在可能的情況下,我們已經撰寫了相關的評估,以便您可以在我們的平台上檢查您的理解。

We’re excited for you to begin this journey!