هذه صفحة لقطة ثنائية اللغة تم حفظها بواسطة المستخدم في 2024-4-4 18:19 لـ https://mis.himit-kfs.edu.eg/student/educationalPlatform/exams/exam/eyJpdiI6IjY3Nmd1d1Rkb2R0M20xNWFm...، مقدمة بدعم ثنائي اللغة من قبل الترجمة الغامرة. تعلم كيفية الحفظ؟
الاختبار : هندسة البرمجيات (١)
: 0ي 0س 41د 58ث
ينتهي في : 2024-04-04 13:15:00
رقم السؤال : 20 / 1
الدرجة : 1

Data collection systems are systems that collect data from their environment using a set of sensors and send that data to other systems for processing

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الدرجة : 1

Stand-alone applications are application systems that run on a local computer, such as a PC

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الدرجة : 1

 is an engineering discipline that is concerned with all aspects of software production.......................

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الدرجة : 1

If the benefit is less than the cost, the system is worthwhile

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الدرجة : 1

A feasibility study assesses only the technical feasibility

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الدرجة : 1

Maintenance is a task used for software development, which means using a framework for assessing whether a software system is worthwhile

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الدرجة : 1

The costs of software on a PC are often greater than the hardware cost

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الدرجة : 1

A branch of electronic systems where you see hardware outside, but those components are controlled by set of instructions hidden  inside is called

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الدرجة : 1

A feasibility study is carried out at the ……………......... of a project

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الدرجة : 1

Costs and benefits are usually estimated over a five year period

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الدرجة : 1

The …………………… are systems that primarily for personal use and which are intended to entertain the user

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الدرجة : 1

feasibility study is an investigation to check that a development is worthwhile or not

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الدرجة : 1

costs may be several times development costs................................

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الدرجة : 1

The hardware cost of a feasibility study for an ATM includes the processor, the card reader, the display, the screen, the key pad, the printer, a cash dispenser and a modem

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الدرجة : 1

is an investigation to check that a development is worthwhile or not............................ 

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الدرجة : 1

............................There are activities that lead to a requirements specification  as

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الدرجة : 1

Software program is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional software development

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الدرجة : 1

.............................A feasibility study assesses 

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الدرجة : 1

The costs of hardware on a PC are often ……………............. the software cost

رقم السؤال : 20 / 20
الدرجة : 1

A personal insulin pump is a case study of …….…………. as an insulin pump used by diabetics to maintain blood glucose control