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 China Railway Fourth Survey and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. Corporate Standards

 Identification of Hazard Sources and Risk Assessment Management Procedures

 至捘 translates to "to the point" or "to the essence."

 Three branches

 Table of Contents

1 Purpose ................................................................................................... 317

2 Scope of Application.................................................................................. 317

3 Citation Standards and Documents ..................................................................................... 317

4 Terms or Definitions........................................................................................... 317

5 Responsibilities ................................................................................................... 318

6 Hazard Source Identification and Risk Assessment ......................................................................... 320

7 Records .................................................................................................... 327
2022 0  Quality Assurance Department  Lu Qiao  Xu Jinrong  Xu Changfu 2021-12-27
2017 1  Quality Assurance Department  Lu Ran  Wang Huacheng  Xu Changfu 2020-06-01
2017 0  Quality Assurance Department  Lu Ran  Mao Changyu  Jingshan 2016-12-30
2011 0  Human Resources Department  Li Changyi  Hu Xiaobing  Wang Xihe 2011-08-19
2008 0  Technology Center  Ma Kaijian  Huang Shubiao  Wang Xihe 2008-09-04
2006 0  Technology Center  Ma Kaijian  Huang Shubiao  Wang Xihe 2006-07-13
2003 0  Labor Relations Office  Yang Zhonghua  Zhou Guoxiang  Wang Xihe 2003-09-05
 Version number  Modification number  Writing Department  Author  Reviewer  Approver  Approval Date

 1 Purpose

In order to fully identify occupational health and safety hazards in all activities of the group company and assess their risks, reasonable and feasible control measures are proposed, and this procedure is formulated.

 2 Scope of Application

The group company is engaged in the processes of occupational health and safety for personnel involved in surveying and design, engineering consulting, construction support, project supervision, general contracting, and office area activities.

 3 Citation Standards and Documents

3.1 GB/T45001-2020 "Occupational Health and Safety Management System Requirements and Guidelines for Use"

3.2 GB/T33000—2016 "Basic Standards for Enterprise Safety Production Standardization"

 4 Terms or Definitions

4.1 Hazard Sources: The origins and conditions that may cause personal injury, illness, property loss, damage to the working environment, or other losses.

4.2 Risk: The combination of the likelihood of hazardous events or harmful exposures occurring and the severity of the resulting personal injury or health damage.

4.3 Health damage: Adverse physical or mental conditions caused or aggravated by work activities and/or work-related conditions.

4.4 Hazard Source Identification: The process of identifying the existence of hazard sources and determining their nature. It is divided into three categories: qualitative, quantitative, and comprehensive evaluation.

4.5 Stakeholders: Individuals or groups related to or affected by workplace, internal and external organizational, and occupational health and safety performance.

4.6 Occupational Health and Safety: Conditions and factors that affect or may affect the health and safety of employees or other workers, visitors, or any other individuals in the workplace.
 4.7 LEC Method: It is a method for analyzing and evaluating the hazards of operating conditions.

4.8 Safety "Three Simultaneities System": The safety facilities of construction projects must be designed, constructed, and put into production and use simultaneously with the main project.

 5 Responsibilities

 5.1 Chairman, Dean

The suitability of occupational health and safety risk assessment for the group company and the control of leading responsibilities.
 5.2 Group Company Responsible Leaders

5.2.1 Responsible for the suitability of hazard identification and risk assessment of the group company, entrusted by the chairman and the dean.

5.2.2 Review and sign the "Hazard Source Control List of the Group Company."

 5.3 Assistant to the Dean

Assist the group's leadership in charge to ensure the appropriateness of hazard identification and risk assessment for the group company.
 5.4 Quality Assurance Department

5.4.1 Responsible for organizing the identification and evaluation of occupational health and safety hazards in the group company, forming the "Group Company Hazard Control List" and maintaining its appropriateness, and submitting it for approval by the responsible vice president.

5.4.2 Release and approve the "Hazard Source Control List of the Group Company."

5.4.3 Collect relevant information and monitor the suitability of hazardous sources in the group company in accordance with regulations and other requirements.

 5.4.4 Maintain relevant records.

 5.5 Technical Center

5.5.1 In the internal audit of the organization, assess the identification of hazards by relevant units and evaluate their adequacy and appropriateness.
 5.6 General Contracting Division

5.6.1 Responsible for organizing the identification and evaluation of occupational health and safety hazards for each general contracting project, compiling the "Hazard Control List," and submitting it to the Group Company's Safety and Quality Department after approval by the unit's leadership.

 5.7 Each Unit

5.7.1 Responsible for conducting hazard source investigation and evaluation in this unit, and filling out the "Hazard Source Investigation Form of the Fourth Railway Survey and Design Institute."

QESP603R01, evaluated according to the LEC evaluation method, fill out the "Hazard/Hazard Factor Evaluation Form" QESP603R02, and after review organized by the leadership of this unit, form the "Hazard Source Control List" QESP603R03, which should be published in a timely manner and its suitability maintained.

5.7.2 Organize hazard source investigations and evaluations at least once a year, and conduct dynamic identification and evaluation of hazard sources in a timely manner based on production work needs.

5.7.3 Each unit shall compare the contents of the "Group Company's Hazard Source Control List" and report the identified new hazard sources to the Group Company's Safety and Quality Department.

5.7.4 Each unit should develop control measures for hazardous sources and strengthen monitoring and management.
 5.8 Project Department, Design Team

5.8.1 Responsible for organizing the investigation and evaluation of the hazards involved in this project, and forming a hazard control list.

5.8.2 The project department of the general contracting unit is responsible for organizing subcontractors to identify and evaluate hazards in this project, and to submit the hazard control list to the general contracting division.

5.8.3 The project department of the general contracting for the control of the site is responsible for organizing subcontractors to identify and evaluate hazards in this project. After the hazard control list is approved by the leadership of this unit, it will be submitted to the general contracting division.

5.8.4 The overseas project department is responsible for organizing the investigation and evaluation of the hazards involved in this project, and compiling the list of hazards to report to the International Business Department.

 5.9 All employees and other practitioners

5.9.1 Participate in the hazard source investigation and evaluation work carried out by this unit, and have the right to participate in and consult on the hazard identification and risk assessment work organized by the group company or various units.

5.9.2 When significant hazardous source information is found to be missing, it should be promptly reported to the unit's leadership or the superior local competent authority.

 6 Hazard Source Identification and Risk Assessment

 6.1 Hazard Identification Flowchart

 Hazard Identification and Evaluation Flowchart
 Serial Number  Responsible unit/person  Process  Job Responsibilities
1  Each unit

Safety officers from each unit organize the collection of operations from their respective units Information about the activity area, for conducting hazard identification Lay a solid foundation.
2  Each unit  Organize and carry out hazard sources

Regarding the workplace of the unit, the range of personnel activities, and the machine Conducting hazard investigations on machinery, equipment, environment, etc. Evaluation, fill out the "Hazard Source Table" and "Danger
 Risk/Hazard Factor Assessment

Main of each unit Management

The unit's 主管领导 organizes relevant representatives and experts to The identified hazards have been reviewed and checked. Whether there are any omissions, form an opinion.
4  Each unit  Confirm hazards, issue warnings

Approved by the unit leadership, issued "Hazard Source Control List, approved by the responsible leader, issued "Dangerous Source control list, executed and controlled by each unit.
5  Each unit

Formulate and implement control measures And track management

When the risk assessment value exceeds 20 points, it should be noted Note that relevant measures should be formulated and managed accordingly.

Safety and Quality Management Department

Collect and summarize the hazards confirmed by the review of each unit List of risk source projects, submitted for organization by the unit leaders Evaluate hazardous sources.

Safety and Quality Management Department

Organize and carry out the group company's activities Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

Organize relevant departments, units, and experts to carry out hazard source Identification and evaluation, check for any omissions, Assess the risk level and form an opinion.
8  Safety and Quality  Formation of a group company

Prepare the "Danger Source Control List of the Fourth Railway Institute", report Approved by the responsible dean.
9  Safety and Quality  Release Group Company

Approved by the responsible 院领导, released "Iron Four 院危 Risk source control list, executed and controlled by each unit.

Group Company Each unit
 Risk Assessment

Each unit of the group company must conduct an annual review of its own unit Evaluate the controlled hazardous source control project, conduct wind Risk assessment, to make a safety performance evaluation report, for Ensure that safety management and continuous improvement are provided as important Basic support.
 6.2 Collecting Data
 6.2.1 The identification of hazards in each unit should consider the following factors:

a. Production organization forms, social factors, corporate culture of group companies, laws and regulations, and other requirements.

b. Routine production activities, including: survey work, design processes, office environment, equipment and instruments, etc.

c. Unconventional production activities, including: emergencies, emergency work, and unplanned production tasks.

d. Safety production accidents that have occurred internally or externally within the group company and can be referenced.

e. Emergency events that may occur during surveying, exploration, construction coordination, general contracting of projects, engineering construction supervision, and office operations.

f. Personnel situation, including: all employees, other practitioners, subcontractor personnel, etc.

g. Other aspects include: changes in production organization, external hazardous factors near the workplace, etc.
 6.2.2 Pre-Identification (Dynamic)
 The group's hazardous source identification includes:

a. Gather information on the nature and frequency of accidents/incidents that occurred in the group company over the past five years, and assess the sources of danger and hazard levels.

b. Conduct statistical analysis on the relevant items collected from the "Danger Source Survey Form" feedback from each unit.

c. Investigate the scope, processes, and activities related to occupational health and safety of the group company.

d. Collect relevant information, such as the classification of hazard factors, to support the identification and judgment of hazardous sources.

e. Conduct risk assessment, including preventive measures, to form and implement the "Group Company's Hazard Source Control List."
 The identification of hazards in each unit includes:

a. Collect the nature and frequency of accidents/incidents that have occurred in this unit over the past five years, and assess the sources of danger and the level of harm.

b. Conduct statistical analysis on the relevant items collected in the "Hazard Source Investigation Form" of this unit.

c. Investigate the scope, processes, and activities related to occupational health and safety in this unit.

d. Collect relevant information, such as the classification of hazard factors, to support the identification and judgment of hazardous sources.

e. Conduct risk assessment, including preventive measures, and create the "Hazard Source Control List for this Unit" for publication.


 6.2.3 Risks that may arise from each activity process

a. Survey Stage: After the surveying unit arrives at the site, the management personnel should identify the scope of responsibility of the project with relevant personnel and the occupational health and safety risks during the surveying process, for example:

——When crossing mountains and hills, passing through areas inhabited by animals, or measuring in underground caves and on cliffs.
 ——When conducting measurements in rivers, lakes, or at sea.

When lost in the dense forest valley due to difficulties in direction recognition and communication.
 When the residence is close to the coast, a tsunami or typhoon occurs.
 In existing line operations, when an instruction for a violation is issued.
 ——Traffic, environment, factories, underground pipelines, and safety of residential areas, etc.
 b. Risks during the design phase, such as:
 ——Use of equipment safety performance, electrical safety, etc.
 Workplace safety.
 ——Traffic safety for personnel travel.
 c. Coordination of risks during construction, such as:

Unsafe conditions at construction sites, such as: falling objects from heights, falls into deep pits, electric shocks, mechanical injuries, traffic accidents, falling rocks from unstable cliffs, and voids.
 ——Risks of violations when using vehicles and facilities.
 ——Personnel safety protection.

Compliance of personnel's physical condition, adaptability, awareness of prevention, and professional habits.
 d. Risks of the general contracting project, such as:

The physical condition, adaptability, awareness of prevention, and compliance with professional habits of on-site personnel.

Whether the equipment has undergone safety inspections, including compliance with protective measures, safety settings, and labeling, to prevent harm to relevant personnel.

Whether the materials used (such as the quality of the steel and the inspection of the cement) are qualified.

Whether the necessary process methods or operational specifications are in place, and whether the relevant personnel have received adequate training.

Whether the meteorological information was obtained in advance, and if the corresponding environmental risks were known and countermeasures taken.

 e. Identification of risks in overseas projects, for example:
 ——The risk of complying with the laws of the host country and local religious and cultural requirements.
 The risk of attacks by criminals.
 The risk of disputes arising from language barriers leading to group fights.
 ——Natural disaster risks brought by special regions and geographical environments.

 6.2.4 Dynamic Identification of Hazard Sources

 The following situations require a re-identification of hazards:
 a. When affecting the achievement of occupational health and safety policy objectives (indicators).
 b. When relevant laws, regulations, and other requirements are updated.

c. When there are changes in the scope of responsibility, products, processes, activities, or environment.
 d. When relevant parties participate in activities or complete tasks;

e. When there are potential accident hazards and the identification of original danger sources and risk assessment are insufficient.

 6.3 Risk Assessment

The appropriate method for risk assessment should be adopted, among which the "Operational Condition Hazard Analysis and Evaluation Method" is the LEC method: **C D—risk level, L—probability of accident occurrence, E—frequency of personnel exposure to hazardous environments, C—severity of consequences that an accident may cause.

 6.3.1 Probability of Accident Occurrence (L)

The score for "the possibility of an accident occurring is extremely low" is set at 0.1, while the score for an event that is certain to occur is set at 10. The situations in between these two are several intermediate values, as shown in Table 1:
 See Table 1:
 (Table 1)
 The likelihood of an accident (L)
 Score  Possibility of an accident occurring
 It can be completely anticipated
 Quite likely
 Possible, but not often
 Low possibility, completely unexpected
 Very unlikely, it can be imagined
 Highly unlikely
 Actually impossible

 6.3.2 Frequency of exposure to hazardous environments (E):

The occurrence of personnel in dangerous environments is set at 0.5 for very rare appearances; continuous appearances in dangerous environments are set at 10. Various situations between the two are assigned several intermediate values. See Table 2:
 (Table 2)
 Frequency of exposure to hazardous environments (E)
 Score  Frequency level
 Continuous exposure
6  Exposure during working hours every day
3  Weekly exposure or incidental exposure
2  Once a month exposure
 Several exposures each year
0.5  Extremely rare exposure

 6.3.3 Severity of Consequences That May Result from an Accident (C)

The score for minor injuries requiring rescue is set at 1; the score for the possibility of causing more than 10 deaths is set at 100, and the values for other situations are between 1 and 100. See Table 3:
 (Table 3)
 The severity of the consequences that may result from an accident (C)

Laws and Regulations and other requirements

Direct Economy Loss ten thousand yuan
 Work stoppage  Company Image

Serious violation of the law Regulations and Standards

More than 10 people dead, or 50 Serious injuries above one person
 More than 5000  The company has ceased production  Major international and domestic

Violation of laws and regulations and Standard

More than 3 people, up to 10 people Death, or more than 10 people, Severe injuries under 50 people
 Over 1000  Device or project suspension  Intra-industry, intra-province

Potential regulatory violations and Standard

3 people or fewer died, or 10 Serious injury below the waist
 Over 100

partial devices or Project work suspended

Does not comply with superiors or the bank Safety policies and regulations of the industry degree, regulations, etc.

loss of labor capacity, amputation, Fracture, hearing loss. Slow Sexually transmitted diseases
 10 or more  Some equipment or

Company and Surrounding Area

Does not comply with the company's safety All operating procedures and regulations

Minor injury, intermittent discomfort Clothing
 1 and above

1 set of equipment or individual Work stoppage
 Inside the company
1  Completely in line  No casualties  1 Below  No work stoppage  Unaffected
 Note: The C value in this table can be satisfied by meeting any one of the conditions listed.

 6.3.4 Determine the score values of the three parameters

For example, the hazard source determination score for "transformer struck by lightning causing harm to personnel":
 L: The likelihood of an accident occurring

According to the protective conditions set on site, there are warning signs, and the distance from the ground is above 2 meters. Under normal conditions, it will not cause personal injury, with a score of 3.
 E: Frequency of exposure to the environment
 Based on the employee's exposure during the transformer lightning strike, the value is set to 1.
 C: Severity of Consequences That May Result from the Accident

Due to the proximity of the transformer to the work area and flammable and explosive points, there is a possibility of triggering a chain disaster; therefore, the score is set at 15 according to the "Hazard Factor Evaluation Sample Table" QESP603R04.

By multiplying the three values mentioned above, the risk level danger score "D" can be obtained.
 That is:

 6.3.5 Evaluation of Score "D"

According to experience, a total score below 20 is considered low risk, even smaller than the risk of commuting by bicycle daily (see Table 4):
 (Table 4)
 Risk Level Table (D)
 Risk value  Risk Level  Actions to be taken (control measures)  Implementation period
D  Level 1  Extremely dangerous

Measures to reduce harm must be taken before proceeding Evaluate the improvement measures
D  Level 2  Highly dangerous

Take emergency measures to reduce risks and establish operational control Program, regular inspection, measurement, and evaluation
 Immediate or recent rectification
70<D<160  Level 3  Significant danger

Consider establishing goals, creating operating procedures, and strengthening Training and Communication
 Governance during the target period
D  Level 4  Mild danger

It may be considered to establish operating procedures and work instructions, but Regular inspection required
 Item, have
 Level 5  Slightly dangerous  No control measures are required, but records must be kept 1

If the score is between 70 and 160, there is a significant risk that requires rectification; if the risk score is between 160 and 320, it is highly dangerous and immediate rectification is necessary, including the formulation of an emergency plan. A score above 320 indicates extreme danger, and production must be immediately halted, with measures put in place until the danger is eliminated.

The division of danger scores is based on experience and inevitably has limitations; it cannot be considered universally applicable and should be adjusted according to the situation when applied. When the evaluation result is points, it should be taken seriously.

 6.4 Release of Hazard Source List

The group company, based on the risk assessment results, has created the "Group Company Hazard Source Control List," marking "major hazard sources" (not specified by the state), which will be published and implemented after review and approval.

Relevant units should supplement and improve the list of hazardous sources related to their unit based on the group's hazardous source control list, especially for "major hazardous sources" (if necessary), forming their own hazardous source control list, developing control measures and emergency plans, and implementing control over the hazardous sources.

 6.5 Control Measures

 6.5.1 Classification of Control Measures

a. Requirements and protective (supervisory) measures for personnel responsibilities, capabilities, awareness, and education and training.
 b. Take measures such as inspection, maintenance, replacement, and grounding of the equipment.

c. Confirmation, identification, and evaluation of software and spare parts (backups) to prevent erroneous operation.

 d. Compliance with standard testing and specified requirements for material supply.
 e. Re-evaluation of the process methods and necessary identification.

When environmental conditions cannot be rectified or need to be avoided, appropriate protective measures should be taken.

g. Other aspects: for example, focusing on genetic factors, defect issues, and the effectiveness of implemented measures, etc.

 6.5.2 Control Measures Requirements

Major risk control should follow the principles of "elimination, prevention, reduction, isolation, and personal protection." For significant hazards related to this unit, emergency plans should be developed. Responsibilities, emergency measures, and necessary resource guarantees should be clearly defined, and drills should be conducted and recorded as needed.
 6.5.3 Control methods for major hazard sources:
 a. Establish control objectives;
 b. Research whether it is possible to eliminate and prevent hazards;
 c. Research whether engineering measures can be taken to reduce risks;
 d. Establish control measures;
 e. Training and Education;
 f. Develop emergency response plans;
 g. Strengthen on-site supervision and inspection.

 7 Records

 7.1 Iron and Steel Institute Hazard Source Investigation Form
 7.2 Evaluation Table for Dangerous/Hazardous Factors of the Fourth Institute of Iron and Steel
 7.3 Iron and Steel Research Institute Hazard Source Control List
 Serial Number  Area/Activity  Hazard/Risk Factors  Involved units/personnel  Current situation  Possible consequences (levels)