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A Dissertation Submitted to

The Education University of Hong Kong

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Master of Social Sciences in Psychology (School & Community Settings)

July, 2024


Objective: To provide a new perspective to help individuals alleviate social anxiety, this research investigated the relationships between subjective socioeconomic status, social anxiety, attachment avoidance, and attachment anxiety. Methods: Participants were 149 Chinese ( 81.2% female, Mage = 22.95) who filled out an online four-part questionnaire: demographics sheet, the MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status (Adler et al., 2000), the Experience in Close Relationships (Brennan et al., 1998), and the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (Mattick and Clarke, 1998). Results: Results show that 1) there was a significant negative association between SSS and attachment avoidance scores, while the negative relationship between SSS and attachment anxiety was not significant; 2) both attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety had a significant positive association with social anxiety; 3) SSS negatively related to social anxiety; 4) both attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety did not significantly impact the relationship between SSS and social anxiety. Conclusion: Findings suggested that individuals with higher attachment avoidance were more likely to have lower SSS, but a positive association did not occur between attachment anxiety and SSS. The correlation between attachment with social anxiety indicated that individuals who had insecure attachment styles may be at higher risk for social anxiety. Attachment dimensions may influence social anxiety independently but do not moderate the effect of SSS on social anxiety.
目的:为帮助个体缓解社交焦虑提供新的视角,本研究探讨了主观社会经济地位与社交焦虑、依恋回避和依恋焦虑之间的关系。方法:参与者是 149 名中国人(81.2% 女性,M age  = 22.95),他们填写了一份由四部分组成的在线问卷:人口统计表、麦克阿瑟主观社会地位量表(Adler et al., 2000)、亲密关系经验(Brennan et al., 1998) 和社会互动焦虑量表(Mattick and Clarke, 1998)。结果:结果显示:1)SSS与依恋回避评分呈显著负相关,SSS与依恋焦虑呈负相关不显著;2)依恋回避和依恋焦虑均与社交焦虑呈显著正相关;3)SSS与社交焦虑呈负相关;4)依恋回避和依恋焦虑均未显著影响SSS与社交焦虑的关系。结论:研究结果表明,依恋回避程度较高的个体更有可能具有较低的SSS,但依恋焦虑与SSS之间没有正相关。依恋与社交焦虑之间的相关性表明,具有不安全依恋风格的个体患社交焦虑的风险可能更高。依恋维度可能独立影响社交焦虑,但不能缓和SSS对社交焦虑的影响。

Keywords: Subjective socioeconomic status; Social anxiety; Attachment.





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Master of Social Sciences in Psychology (Schools and Community Settings)

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PSY6011 Research Project in Psychological Studies
PSY6011 心理学研究项目

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Title of Dissertation:

Subjective socioeconomic status and social anxiety: The moderating role of adult attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety

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Table of Contents


Dissertation Submission Declaration Formiii
学位论文提交申报表 iii

Table of Contentsiv
目录 iv

List of Tablesvi

List of Figurevii

Chapter 1: Introduction1
第 1 章:引言 1

1.1. Literature Review1
1.1. 文献综述 1

1.1.1 The concept of key variables1
1.1.1 关键变量的概念 1

1.1.2. The relationship between key variables5
1.1.2. 关键变量之间的关系 5

1.1.3. Research Gap9

1.2. Research Questions10
1.2. 研究问题 10

1.3. Hypothesis11
1.3. 假设 11

Chapter 2: Methodology12

2.1. Participants and Procedure12

2.2. Measures13

Chapter 3: Results16
第 3 章:结果 16

3.1. Correlation Analysis16

3.2. Regression Analysis17

Chapter 4: Discussion and Conclusion19
第四章:讨论与结论 19

4.1. Discussion19
4.1. 讨论 19

4.2. Limitations24

4.3. Conclusion25

参考文献 26


Appendix A38

Appendix B39





Chapter 1: Introduction

Social anxiety is a common emotional problem among Chinese youth. Especially in the current context of fierce social competition and increasing life pressure, social anxiety harms individuals' mental health and social functions. Previous research has shown that individuals with low subjective socioeconomic status are more likely to experience social anxiety, and this relationship may be moderated by attachment. Therefore, this study mainly explores the connection between subjective socioeconomic status, social anxiety, and attachment, aiming to reveal the moderating effects of attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety on the relationship between subjective socioeconomic status and social anxiety. This research will provide a new perspective for understanding social anxiety, and provide scientific basis and intervention strategies for alleviating social anxiety. Finally, this research hopes to help Chinese youth better cope with and alleviate social anxiety, and improve their mental health and social adaptability.

1.1. Literature Review
1.1 文献综述

1.1.1 The concept of key variables
1.1.1 关键变量的概念

Social anxiety. Social anxiety is a general human experience characterized by intense fear and anxiety of evaluation from others in social settings (Morrison & Heimberg, 2013), and severe social anxiety can develop into social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social phobia (SP). Social anxiety disorder not only prevents individuals from regular social interactions and daily activities with others, but also leads to a reduction in the quality of their relationships with peers, friends, and romantic partners (Rodebaugh, 2009), which seriously harms their mental health and quality of life. In addition, even if an individual's social anxiety symptoms do not meet the diagnostic criteria, it will harm mental health and interpersonal communication (Fehm et al., 2008). Although individuals who do not meet diagnostic criteria do not avoid social activities completely, they experience anxiety in social situations, which causes them to feel uncomfortable and stressed during social interactions and affects their overall quality of life and well-being. Therefore prevention or early intervention measures are important for social anxiety. Salari et al. (2024) conducted a study to examine the prevalence of social anxiety disorder in the world across three different age groups: children, adolescents, and young adults. Their research revealed that young adults exhibited the highest prevalence among the three groups. In China, a large online questionnaire survey showed that 80.22% of the college students surveyed believed that they had mild social anxiety in public, and 6.90% of the college students surveyed said that they had relatively serious social anxiety (S. Cheng et al., 2021), and according to the Report on National Mental Health Development in China (Fu et al., 2023), people in the 18 to 34 age group have a significantly higher risk of anxiety than other age groups.
社交焦虑。社交焦虑是一种普遍的人类体验,其特征是在社交环境中对他人评价的强烈恐惧和焦虑(Morrison&Heimberg,2013),严重的社交焦虑症可以发展成社交焦虑症(SAD)或社交恐惧症(SP)社交焦虑症不仅阻止个人与他人进行定期的社交互动和日常活动,还导致他们与同龄人的关系质量下降, 朋友和浪漫伴侣(Rodebaugh,2009),这严重损害了他们的心理健康和生活质量。此外,即使一个人的社交焦虑症状不符合诊断标准,也会损害心理健康和人际交往(Fehm et al., 2008)。尽管不符合诊断标准的人不会完全避免社交活动,但他们在社交场合会感到焦虑,这会导致他们在社交互动中感到不舒服和压力,并影响他们的整体生活质量和幸福感。因此,预防或早期干预措施对社交焦虑很重要。Salari 等人(2024 年)进行了一项研究,以检查世界上三个不同年龄组的社交焦虑症患病率:儿童、青少年和年轻人。他们的研究表明,年轻人在三组中表现出最高的患病率。在中国,一项大型在线问卷调查显示,80.22%的受访大学生认为自己在公共场合有轻微的社交焦虑,6.90%的受访大学生表示他们有比较严重的社交焦虑(S. Cheng et al., 2021),根据《中国全国心理健康发展报告》(Fu et al.,2023 年),18 至 34 岁年龄组的人患焦虑症的风险明显高于其他年龄组。

Socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic status (SES) is a total measure of a family's or individual's access to social status and economic resources with others
社会经济地位 (SES) 是衡量一个家庭或个人与他人获得社会地位和经济资源的总体指标
(Oakes & Rossi, 2003)
. SES can be divided into
objective socioeconomic status (OSS) and subjective socioeconomic status (SSS). OSS is composed of economic income, education, and occupation, which can be used as a basis to classify individuals into high and low social classes; SSS is reflected in how individuals perceive and identify themselves with their position in the socioeconomic structure
(OSS) 和主观社会经济地位 (SSS)。OSS由经济收入、教育和职业组成,可以作为将个人分为高低社会阶层的依据;SSS反映在个人如何看待和认同自己在社会经济结构中的地位
(Demakakos et al., 2008). According to current research, SSS and OSS are different but related evaluation systems
(Y.-N. Chen et al., 2014; Li et al., 2020; Roy et al., 2019)
(Y.-N. Chen 等人,2014 年;Li 等人,2020 年;Roy 等人,2019 年)
. Both OSS and SSS have an impact on an individual's
其他 OSS 和 SSS 对个人的
mental and physical
health. Wei et al. (2021) "adopted data from the 2015 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study" to explore the relationship between OSS trajectories and health, and they found that Individuals located at lower status were more likely to experience a significantly adverse effect of their OSS on both mental and physical health compared to those in the advantaged group over the long term
. Quon and
McGrath (2014) found that SSS had a positive relationship with health outcomes in general and demonstrated the strongest influence on mental health outcomes, with self-rated health and physical health outcomes following closely behind.
However, compared to OSS, SSS may have a stronger correlation with mental health, which may be due to SSS being a more sensitive predictor of physical and mental health and health change than OSS
(Goodman et al., 2007; Singh-Manoux et al., 2005). Michelson et al. (2016) found that SSS was more strongly related to the psychological distress of mothers than SES ladder ranking.
In addition, Roy et al. (2019) found indicators of OSS and SSS are related and they played independent roles within low-income families
, which
consistent with
findings of
罗 素
. They
(Russell & Odgers,
(Russell & Odgers,
2020) found that adolescents' SSS was a better predictor of mental health conditions than OSS and more acutely discovered psychological problems than OSS.
Finally, on the one hand,
social media has now penetrated most social classes, and in the use of social media, individuals with low SSS may face more negative experiences
(e.g., negative comments and social exclusion, etc.
) than those with high SSS, which hurts their mental health
(Skogen et al., 2022). At the same time, the subjective social status cognition of contemporary Chinese young adults presents an overall downward tendency
(Lei et al., 2022), which means that more and more Chinese young adults believe that they have a low social status. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the mental health of Chinese young adults.
On the other hand,
the large income gap among Chinese residents, shown by a Gini coefficient of 0.467 from the National Bureau of Statistics of China
(2022), makes it hard to accurately classify OSS levels. As a result, this study uses SSS as a better measure given the complicated economic situation in Chinese society.

Attachment theory. Attachment theory was developed collaboratively by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth (Ainsworth & Bowlby, 1991). According to attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969), early caregiver experiences shape internal working models guiding relational expectations and behaviors across life. Ainsworth and her teammates later classified three patterns of infant-mother attachment: ambivalent, avoidant, and secure (Ainsworth et al., 1978). Main and Solomon (1990) developed the fourth category, disorganized/disoriented attachment, “following the observation that some infants suffer one or several disruptions in behavioral integration during the Strange Situation”. Hazan and Shaver extended the Attachment theory to adult romantic relationships. They developed three distinct patterns, anxious/ambivalent attachment, avoidant attachment, and secure attachment which have similar functions to the three patterns in infant attachment (Hazan & Shaver, 1990). Moreover, Bartholomew (1990) proposed “a new 4-group model of characteristic attachment styles in adulthood” in an attachment framework, which is secure, preoccupied, dismissing, and fearful. The attachment framework is widely used in later adult attachment. Later, Brennan et al. (1998) discovered that responses to self-report items of adult attachment styles are primarily characterized by two dimensions: avoidance and anxiety, and they recommended that future research should evaluate these two dimensions when they are using self-report attachment measures. Attachment styles are linked to a wide range of mental health outcomes. For example, secure attachment has lower PTSD symptoms following a traumatic event, while insecure attachment is linked to increased symptoms (Woodhouse et al., 2015). Insecure attachment also is a factor in the development of depression and anxiety in young Chinese adults (Jinyao et al., 2012)
依恋理论。依恋理论是由约翰·鲍尔比(John Bowlby)和玛丽·安斯沃思(Mary Ainsworth)合作开发的(Ainsworth&Bowlby,1991)。根据依恋理论(Bowlby,1969),早期的照顾者经历塑造了内部工作模式,指导生活中的关系期望和行为。安斯沃思和她的队友后来将婴儿与母亲依恋的三种模式进行了分类:矛盾型、回避型和安全型(Ainsworth et al., 1978)。Main和Solomon(1990)发展了第四类,即杂乱无章/迷失方向的依恋,“在观察到一些婴儿在奇怪的情况下遭受一次或几次行为整合中断之后”。Hazan 和 Shaver 将依恋理论扩展到成人浪漫关系。他们发展了三种不同的模式,焦虑/矛盾型依恋,回避型依恋和安全型依恋,它们与婴儿依恋中的三种模式具有相似的功能(Hazan&Shaver,1990)。此外,Bartholomew(1990)在依恋框架中提出了“一种新的成年期特征依恋风格的四组模型”,该模型是安全的,全神贯注的,不屑一顾的和恐惧的。依恋框架广泛用于以后的成人依恋。后来,Brennan等人(1998)发现,对成人依恋风格的自我报告项目的反应主要以两个维度为特征:回避和焦虑,他们建议未来的研究在使用自我报告依恋测量时应该评估这两个维度。依恋风格与广泛的心理健康结果有关。例如,安全依恋在创伤事件后具有较低的创伤后应激障碍症状,而不安全依恋与症状增加有关(Woodhouse等人。, 2015)不安全依恋也是中国年轻人抑郁和焦虑发展的一个因素(Jinyao et al., 2012)

1.1.2. The relationship between key variables
1.1.2. 关键变量之间的关系

Social anxiety and Subjective socioeconomic status. For adult Latinos, some studies have shown that SSS has a negative relationship with social anxiety (Talavera et al., 2018; Zvolensky et al., 2015). In China, SSS is negatively correlated with adolescents' social anxiety and mediates the association between suzhi (a Chinese concept in the context of quality-oriented education) and social anxiety (Liu et al., 2017). The target group of their correlational study is young adolescent students aged 12 to 19, all of whom come from a middle school in Southwest China
社交焦虑和主观社会经济地位。对于成年拉美裔,一些研究表明,SSS 与社交焦虑呈负相关(Talavera et al., 2018;Zvolensky等人,2015)。在中国,SSS与青少年的社交焦虑呈负相关,并介导了suzhi(素质教育背景下的中国概念)与社交焦虑之间的关联(Liu et al.,2017)。他们相关研究的目标群体是 12 至 19 岁的青少年学生,他们都来自中国西南的一所中学

Social anxiety and Attachment
theory. A detailed and diverse amount of research indicates that insecure attachment correlates significantly with social anxiety
(Brumariu & Kerns, 2008; Eikenaes et al., 2016; Manning et al., 2017; Öztürk & Mutlu, 2010; Read et al., 2018). From the perspective of adult attachment styles,
Erozkan (2009) found that insecure attachment styles were positively correlated with social anxiety, while social anxiety was negatively linked to the secure style of attachment. In a cross-sectional study
, Conrad et al. (2021) compared 321 participants with social anxiety disorder with 94 healthy participants through several questionnaires and they found that
通过几份问卷调查,将 321 名患有社交焦虑症的参与者与 94 名健康参与者进行了比较,他们发现
Individuals diagnosed with social anxiety disorder displayed a moderate decrease in levels of secure attachment and a notable increase in levels of fearful and preoccupied attachment styles when contrasted with a control group of healthy individuals.
What's more, the extent of social anxiety in social anxiety disorder could be partly predicted by attachment style and anger regulation
(Conrad et al., 2021). From the perspective of the dimensions of attachment avoidance or anxiety,
Read et al. (2018) revealed a positive correlation between attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety with social anxiety
, and
they indicated that elevated levels of attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety were related to increased levels of social anxiety symptoms across various interpersonal situations,
particularly those involving social evaluation.
one important finding of the study was that cognitive reappraisal played a mediating role in the relationship between social anxiety and attachment anxiety, but the data analysis did not find any significant mediating effects of both suppression and cognitive reappraisal on the relationship between attachment avoidance and social anxiety
(Read et al., 2018). Another study
also a cross-sectional study
, Küçükparlak et al. (2021) recruited 47 patients with
47 名患者
social anxiety disorder and 50 healthy controls
和 50 个健康对照
for research and found that
attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance scores of the social anxiety disorder group were higher than the healthy controls and were related to the anxiety and avoidance scores in the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, which meant that attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety dimensions had negative effects on social anxiety disease severity.

Subjective socioeconomic status and Attachment theory. In general, studies have indicated that insecure attachment is more prevalent among individuals from lower socioeconomic status families (Sherry et al., 2013). Cyr et al. (2010) showed that children who were exposed to higher socioeconomic risk factors in their families were more likely to develop insecure attachments in the future and Sakman et al. (2023) found that higher attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety would be associated with socioeconomic disadvantage. Since OSS and SSS are two related assessment systems (Y.-N. Chen et al., 2014; Roy et al., 2019), SSS could assess mental health status more sensitively than OSS (Goodman et al., 2007; Michelson et al., 2016; Russell & Odgers, 2020; Singh-Manoux et al., 2005), the author speculated that SSS would be negatively correlated with both attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance, which was also confirmed by the next research results. The research of Wang et al. (2024) has two studies to show the relationship between SSS and attachment dimensions in China young adults. The first study was a large cross-sectional survey including 1255 participants and they found that higher attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety have a negative relationship with SSS by using a linear regression analysis. In addition, gender and romantic relationship experiences did not have a main effect on attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety, and SSS. The second study was a longitudinal study. Researchers surveyed freshmen each month during the first semester for four months. Participants were instructed to answer questionnaires about ECR, SSS, and demographics in the first month as the baseline information. For the remaining three months only SSS was collected. At first, they found that gender had a significant effect on attachment avoidance and the four-time tests of SSS but attachment anxiety did not. Then, they found that the SSS scores of freshmen dropped fastest when they were adapting to the new environment in the first month, and the higher the initial SSS scores of the participants, the faster the SSS scores dropped. Lastly, when participants had higher attachment anxiety scores, they had a slower decreased rate of SSS scores.
主观社会经济地位和依恋理论。一般来说,研究表明,不安全的依恋在社会经济地位较低的家庭中更为普遍(Sherry et al., 2013)。Cyr et al. (2010) 表明,在家庭中暴露于较高社会经济风险因素的儿童将来更有可能发展出不安全的依恋,Sakman et al. (2023) 发现较高的依恋回避和依恋焦虑与社会经济劣势有关。由于开放源码软件和SSS是两个相关的评估系统(Y.-N.Chen 等人,2014 年;Roy 等人,2019 年),SSS 可以比 OSS 更敏感地评估心理健康状况(Goodman 等人,2007 年;Michelson 等人,2016 年;Russell & Odgers,2020 年;Singh-Manoux et al., 2005),作者推测SSS与依恋焦虑和依恋回避均呈负相关,这也被接下来的研究结果所证实。Wang et al. (2024)的研究有两项研究显示了中国年轻人SSS与依恋维度之间的关系。第一项研究是一项大型横断面调查,包括1255名参与者,他们发现,通过使用线性回归分析,较高的依恋回避和依恋焦虑与SSS呈负相关。此外,性别和恋爱关系经历对依恋回避、依恋焦虑和SSS没有主要影响。第二项研究是纵向研究。研究人员在第一学期的每个月对新生进行了为期四个月的调查。参与者被要求在第一个月回答有关 ECR、SSS 和人口统计学的问卷作为基线信息。在剩下的三个月里,只收集了SSS。 起初,他们发现性别对依恋回避和SSS的四次测试有显着影响,但依恋焦虑没有。然后,他们发现新生在第一个月适应新环境时SSS分数下降最快,参与者的初始SSS分数越高,SSS分数下降得越快。最后,当参与者的依恋焦虑得分较高时,他们的SSS得分下降速度较慢。

Attachment theory, social anxiety, and subjective socioeconomic status. There is currently no research that directly examines the relationship among SSS, attachment dimensions, and social anxiety, but the relationship among the three could be inferred from existing research. Murdock et al. (2018) explored whether attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety moderate the relationship between subjective social status in childhood and the telomere length of white blood cells in adulthood. Through linear regression analyses, they found that there was a significant interaction between childhood SSS and attachment anxiety in predicting adult telomere length (shorter telomeres were related to a higher risk of age-related diseases) but not in childhood SSS and attachment avoidance in predicting adult telomere length, which meant that individuals who had a low SSS in childhood but had low attachment anxiety had longer telomere length compared to high attachment anxiety, and low attachment anxiety may prevent the health problems related to low SSS in childhood. Another study focused on the relationship between SSS, mental health, and emotion dysregulation. Zvolensky et al. (2017) showed that the total effect of subjective social status on social anxiety symptoms was statistically significant and could have a significant indirect effect on social anxiety symptoms through emotion dysregulation.
依恋理论、社交焦虑和主观社会经济地位。目前还没有研究直接研究SSS、依恋维度和社交焦虑之间的关系,但从现有研究中可以推断出这三者之间的关系。Murdock等人(2018)探讨了依恋回避和依恋焦虑是否调节了童年主观社会地位与成年期白细胞端粒长度之间的关系。通过线性回归分析,他们发现儿童SSS和依恋焦虑在预测成人端粒长度方面存在显着的相互作用(较短的端粒与年龄相关疾病的风险较高),但在儿童SSS和依恋回避中则没有,这意味着与高依恋焦虑相比,儿童期SSS低但依恋焦虑低的个体端粒长度更长, 低依恋焦虑可以预防与儿童期低SSS相关的健康问题。Zvolensky等人(2017)的另一项研究关注SSS、心理健康和情绪失调之间的关系,表明主观社会地位对社交焦虑症状的总影响具有统计学意义,并且可能通过情绪失调对社交焦虑症状产生显著的间接影响。

1.1.3. Research Gap

The research of Liu et al. (2017) shows that SSS is negatively related to adolescents' social anxiety but it may not apply to adults, which has been supported by Zvolensky et al. (2015). The research of Wang et al. (2024) shows higher attachment avoidance and anxiety have a negative relationship with SSS but their target group is only freshmen in a college, so it is a narrow group and age range. Sakman et al. (2023) found that individuals in economically disadvantaged positions had higher attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety, but they focused on objective socioeconomic disadvantage by taking objective measures and did not include SSS in their research. The research of Murdock et al. (2018) showed that more secure attachment can alleviate the negative impact of low SSS in childhood on physical health in adulthood, but their research involved physical health and did not consider mental health. What’s more, the huge income gap and many low-income people in China may lead to a larger number of low SSS groups. Their mental health needs attention, so further research is needed on mental health. In general, according to these studies, it is speculated that attachment may moderate the impact of SSS on social anxiety. Therefore, this study wants to explore the relationship between SSS, adult attachment style, and social anxiety to provide a new perspective to help individuals alleviate social anxiety.
Liu et al. (2017) 的研究表明,SSS 与青少年的社交焦虑呈负相关,但可能不适用于成年人,这得到了 Zvolensky et al. (2015) 的支持。Wang等人(2024)的研究表明,较高的依恋回避和焦虑与SSS呈负相关,但他们的目标群体只是大学新生,因此这是一个狭窄的群体和年龄范围。Sakman et al. (2023) 发现,处于经济弱势地位的个体具有更高的依恋回避和依恋焦虑,但他们通过采取客观措施关注客观的社会经济劣势,并且没有将 SSS 纳入他们的研究。Murdock et al. (2018)的研究表明,更安全的依恋可以减轻儿童期低SSS对成年期身体健康的负面影响,但他们的研究涉及身体健康,没有考虑心理健康。更重要的是,中国巨大的收入差距和许多低收入人群可能会导致更多的低SSS群体。他们的心理健康需要关注,因此需要对心理健康进行进一步的研究。一般来说,根据这些研究,推测依恋可能会缓和SSS对社交焦虑的影响。因此,本研究希望探讨SSS、成人依恋风格与社交焦虑之间的关系,为帮助个体缓解社交焦虑提供新的视角。

1.2. Research Questions
1.2. 研究问题

This study presents the following questions

(1) Do attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety negatively relate to SSS?

(2) Do attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety positively relate to social anxiety?

(3) Does SSS negatively relate to social anxiety?

(4) Do higher attachment avoidance and higher attachment anxiety strengthen the negative relationship between SSS and social anxiety?

1.3. Hypothesis
1.3. 假设

According to prior theory and evidence, it is predicted that:

H1: Both attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety will be negatively related to SSS

H2: Both attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety will be positively related to social anxiety

H3: SSS will negatively relate to social anxiety

H4: Both higher attachment avoidance and higher attachment anxiety will strengthen the negative relationship between SSS and social anxiety

Chapter 2: Methodology

2.1. Participants and Procedure

Participants were 149 ( 81.2% female, Mage = 22.95) recruited from mainland China via Chinese social media of WeChat, RED, and Weibo. They volunteered to participate in this study. After providing digital informed consent, participants reported their demographic information first and then completed three scales. A simple screening process was conducted to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the study findings. Participants who did not complete the questionnaire to the demographics or left more than 25% of the questions blank (N=2). In the initial pre-registration, participants who completed the online questionnaire less than 5 minutes. However, based on the actual completion time (Mtime=299.66), I adjusted the exclusion criterion to less than 200 seconds.
参与者是149名(81.2%为女性,M age = 22.95)通过微信,RED和微博等中国社交媒体从中国大陆招募。他们自愿参加这项研究。在提供数字知情同意书后,参与者首先报告他们的人口统计信息,然后完成三个量表。进行了简单的筛选过程,以确保研究结果的准确性和可靠性。未完成人口统计问卷调查或将超过 25% 的问题留空的参与者 (N=2)。在最初的预注册中,完成在线问卷的参与者不到 5 分钟。但是,根据实际完成时间(M time =299.66),我将排除标准调整为小于 200 秒。

In this study, Reliability Statistics to verify the reliability of the scales was conducted first. Next, Descriptive Statistics was conducted to analyze the basic information of participants, and Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to determine the direction and strength of the relationship between key variables. Additionally, regression analysis was conducted to explore the moderating role of attachment avoidance or attachment anxiety in the relationship between subjective socioeconomic status and social anxiety. All statistical tests were performed using SPSS version 29, and an alpha level of 0.05 was set for determining statistical significance.
在这项研究中,首先进行了可靠性统计以验证量表的可靠性。其次,进行描述性统计分析受试者的基本信息,进行Pearson相关性分析,以确定关键变量之间关系的方向和强度。此外,还通过回归分析探讨了依恋回避或依恋焦虑在主观社会经济地位与社会焦虑关系中的调节作用。所有统计检验均使用 SPSS 版本 29 进行,并设置 alpha 水平 0.05 以确定统计显着性。

Demographic data indicated that participants with an annual income between 70,000 and 100,000 were the most numerous (20.8%), followed by those with an annual income between 100,000 and 150,000 (16.1%), and the next group with an annual income between 150,000 and 200,000 (12.8%). The distribution of participants' birthplaces exhibited a relatively balanced spread across rural areas (36.9%), counties (27.5%), and cities (35.6%). However, a notable shift was observed in their current residences, with a predominant number of participants now residing in cities (69.1%), followed by those in counties (24.2%). A minority of participants currently lived in rural areas counties (6.7%). Therefore, more than half of the participants (53.7% ) reported that their current residence is richer than their birthplace, and only 6.0% of participants live in poorer places than where they were born. At last, the majority of participants (99.3%) had at least a high school education.

2.2. Measures

To make it easier for participants to read, the following three scales all use Chinese translations that have been proven to have excellent reliability and validity, and have been widely used in China.

Subjective socioeconomic status. The MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status (SSS; Adler et al., 2000) is a self-report scale with two items that were linked to traditional SES indicators: the first is that individual evaluates his or her position in the overall social environment (e.g., imagine this ladder to reflect the social hierarchy in China and the best people are at the top of the ladder. Which rung of the ladder would you place yourself?); the second is that community status is linked to the individual's living environment, and that the individual evaluates his or her position in the community (e.g., "Please place a large "X" on the rung where you think you stand at this time in your life relative to other people in your community."). Each participant was assessed using a 10-rung ladder (see Figure 1), with ratings from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). The higher the perceived social status of the participants, the higher the rung at which they were located. In this study, the SSS showed adequate internal consistency (α=.75).
主观社会经济地位。麦克阿瑟主观社会地位量表(SSS;Adler et al., 2000)是一个自我报告量表,其中有两个项目与传统的SES指标相关联:第一个是个人评估他或她在整体社会环境中的位置(例如,想象这个阶梯反映了中国的社会等级制度,最优秀的人处于阶梯的顶端。你会把自己放在梯子的哪个梯级上?第二,社区地位与个人的生活环境有关,个人评估他或她在社区中的地位(例如,“请在你认为自己此时所处的梯级上放置一个大的”X“,相对于社区中的其他人。每个参与者都使用 10 级阶梯进行评估(见图 1),评分从 1(最低)到 10(最高)。参与者的社会地位越高,他们所处的等级就越高。在这项研究中,SSS显示出足够的内部一致性(α=.75)。

Figure 2.1

Subjective socioeconomic status ladder

Adult attachment dimensions. The Experience in Close Relationships (ECR; Brennan et al., 1998) is a 36-item assessment that measures adult attachment, consisting of two 18-item subscales that evaluate attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety. The avoidance scale measures discomfort with closeness, dependence, and self-expression (e.g., "I get uncomfortable when someone wants to be very close to me."). The anxiety scale measures fear of abandonment and desire for close interpersonal relationships (e.g., "I want to get very close to others, and this sometimes scares them away."). The participants were asked to indicate their feelings towards each item using a 7-point Likert item that ranged from 1 ("strongly disagree") to 7 ("strongly agree"). In this study, the ECR-R in each dimension showed adequate internal consistency (α: avoidance=.89, anxiety=.88).
成人附件尺寸。亲密关系的经验(ECR;Brennan et al., 1998) 是一项测量成人依恋的 36 项评估,由两个 18 项分量表组成,用于评估依恋回避和依恋焦虑。回避量表衡量对亲密、依赖和自我表达的不适(例如,“当有人想和我亲近时,我会感到不舒服”)。焦虑量表衡量对被抛弃的恐惧和对亲密人际关系的渴望(例如,“我想和别人走得很近,这有时会吓跑他们”)。参与者被要求使用7分李克特项目来表达他们对每个项目的感受,范围从1(“非常不同意”)到7(“非常同意”)。在这项研究中,每个维度的ECR-R都表现出足够的内部一致性(α:回避=.89,焦虑=.88)。

Social anxiety. The Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), compiled by Mattick and Clarke (1998), evaluates the level of anxiety individuals experience during social interactions (e.g., "I worry about expressing myself in case I appear awkward."). Each item uses a 5-point Likert scale that ranges from 1 ("strongly disagree") to 5 ("strongly agree"). In this study, the SIAS showed adequate internal consistency (α=.89).
社交焦虑。Mattick 和 Clarke (1998) 编制的社交互动焦虑量表 (SIAS) 评估了个人在社交互动中经历的焦虑水平(例如,“我担心表达自己以防我显得尴尬”)。每个项目都使用 5 点李克特量表,范围从 1(“非常不同意”)到 5(“非常同意”)。在这项研究中,SIAS显示出足够的内部一致性(α=.89)。

Chapter 3: Results
第 3 章结果

3.1. Correlation Analysis

Table 3.1
表 3.1

Results of the Descriptive Statistics and Correlations







Subjective Socioeconomic Status




Attachment Avoidance





Attachment Anxiety






Social Anxiety







*p < .05 **p < .01

Hypothesis 1. According to Table 1, the results of the Pearson correlation indicated that there was a significant negative association between SSS and attachment avoidance scores, while the negative relationship between SSS and attachment anxiety was not significant. So, hypothesis 1 was partly supported.

Hypothesis 2. According to Table 1, both attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety had a significant positive association with social anxiety. So, hypothesis 2 was supported.
假设 2.从表1可以看出,依恋回避和依恋焦虑均与社交焦虑呈显著正相关。因此,假设 2 得到了支持。

Hypothesis 3. According to Table 1, there was a significant negative relationship between SSS and social anxiety. So, hypothesis 3 was supported.
假设 3.根据表1,SSS与社交焦虑之间存在显著的负相关关系,因此支持假设3。

3.2. Regression Analysis

Table 3.2
表 3.2

Results of the Regression Analysis Predicting Social Anxiety

Step 1

Step 2































*p < .05 **p < .01

Table 3.3
表 3.3

Results of the Regression Analysis Predicting Social Anxiety

Step 1

Step 2





















SSS × 焦虑










*p < .05 **p < .01

To investigate the moderating role of attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety in the negative relationship between SSS and social anxiety (Hypothesis 4), the moderated regression analyses were conducted. Following the procedures from Aiken and West (1991), the independent variable (SSS) was first mean-centered, and then the interaction term was computed by multiplying the centered variable by centered moderating variables (i.e., attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety). The independent variables were entered into the hierarchical regression analyses in Step 1, and the interaction term was entered in Step 2.
为探究依恋回避和依恋焦虑在SSS与社交焦虑负相关关系中的调节作用(假设4),进行调节回归分析。按照Aiken和West(1991)的程序,首先以均值为中心,然后通过将中心变量乘以中心调节变量(即依恋回避和依恋焦虑)来计算交互项。在步骤 1 中将自变量输入到分层回归分析中,并在步骤 2 中输入交互作用项。

Hypothesis 4. According to Table 2, the results of the regression analysis indicated that SSS had a significant negative predictive effect on social anxiety, and attachment avoidance had a significant positive predictive effect on social anxiety. However, the interaction term (SSS × Avoidance) was not significant, which demonstrated that attachment avoidance does not significantly impact the relationship between SSS and social anxiety. According to Table 3, the results of the regression analysis indicated that SSS had a significant negative predictive effect on social anxiety, and attachment anxiety had a significant positive predictive effect on social anxiety. However, the interaction term (SSS × Anxiety) was not significant, which did not demonstrate that attachment anxiety had a significant moderating effect between SSS and social anxiety.
假设 4.根据表2,回归分析结果表明,SSS对社交焦虑有显著的负向预测作用,依恋回避对社交焦虑有显著的正向预测作用。然而,交互项(SSS × Avoidance)并不显著,这表明依恋回避对SSS与社交焦虑的关系没有显著影响。根据表3,回归分析结果表明,SSS对社交焦虑有显著的负向预测作用,依恋焦虑对社交焦虑有显著的正向预测作用。然而,交互项(SSS×焦虑)并不显著,并未证明依恋焦虑在SSS与社交焦虑之间具有显著的调节作用。

Chapter 4: Discussion and Conclusion

4.1. Discussion
4.1. 讨论

I investigated how adult attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety change the relationship between subjective socioeconomic status and social anxiety. The present study results indicate four main findings. First, only attachment avoidance was associated with subjective socioeconomic status: people with lower subjective socioeconomic status have higher attachment avoidance scores but do not necessarily have higher attachment anxiety scores. Second, people with severe social anxiety are more prone to attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety. Third, people with lower subjective socioeconomic status have higher social anxiety. At last, reducing attachment avoidance or attachment anxiety does not decrease social anxiety in people with low subjective socioeconomic status

Hypothesis 1 was partly supported. Attachment avoidance is negatively related to SSS, which is consistent with previous research (Wang et al., 2024). However, attachment anxiety does not have a negative relationship with SSS, which is contrary to my original expectation. Individuals with higher attachment avoidance tendencies tend to refrain from self-disclosure and avoid intimate or close relationships (Brennan et al., 1998), which in turn hinders their active seeking of social support and leads to the establishment of a weaker social support network. This pattern is supported by the research findings of Wang et al. (2021) who found that attachment avoidance had a significant relationship with social support in a mediate system, which meant that individuals with high attachment avoidance may be hesitant to seek social support. Receiving social support is an important way for individuals to access economic and emotional resources, and the absence of this support could impact their subjective evaluation of their socioeconomic status. So individuals with higher attachment avoidance have lower SSS. Although individuals with high attachment anxiety are emotionally unstable, they usually actively seek social support and intimate or close relationships, which leads to them receiving more social support than those with high attachment avoidance. However, the negative effects of high attachment anxiety (such as overdependence and emotional instability) may weaken the positive impact of social support, thereby affecting the evaluation of SSS. Since there are many individual differences in this process, individuals with high attachment anxiety may not have a direct significant correlation with their SSS.
假设 1 得到部分支持。依恋回避与SSS呈负相关,这与之前的研究一致(Wang等人,2024)。然而,依恋焦虑与SSS没有负相关关系,这与我最初的预期相反,依恋回避倾向较高的个体倾向于避免自我表露,避免亲密或亲密关系(Brennan et al., 1998),这反过来又阻碍了他们积极寻求社会支持,并导致社会支持网络较弱。Wang等人(2021)的研究结果支持了这一模式,他们发现依恋回避与中介系统中的社会支持有显著关系,这意味着高度依恋回避的个体可能不愿寻求社会支持。获得社会支持是个人获得经济和情感资源的重要途径,缺乏这种支持可能会影响他们对自己社会经济地位的主观评价。因此,依恋回避程度较高的个体具有较低的SSS。虽然高度依恋焦虑的人情绪不稳定,但他们通常会积极寻求社会支持和亲密或亲密的关系,这导致他们比高依恋回避的人获得更多的社会支持。然而,高度依恋焦虑的负面影响(如过度依赖和情绪不稳定)可能会削弱社会支持的积极影响,从而影响SSS的评估。由于在此过程中存在许多个体差异,因此具有高度依恋焦虑的个体可能与其 SSS 没有直接的显着相关性。

Hypothesis 2 was supported. Individuals with higher attachment avoidance or higher attachment anxiety have higher social anxiety, which is consistent with previous research (Brumariu & Kerns, 2008; Eikenaes et al., 2016; Küçükparlak et al., 2021; Manning et al., 2017; Öztürk & Mutlu, 2010; Read et al., 2018). High attachment avoidance and high attachment anxiety may interfere with emotion regulation strategies and result in heightened social anxiety (Read et al., 2018). An individual's attachment style affects the way they interact with others and has an impact on their emotional regulation (Mikulincer et al., 2006). Specifically, people with high attachment anxiety often have difficulty regulating their emotions effectively due to excessive dependence on others and frequent mood swings, while people with high attachment avoidance tend to suppress and avoid emotions. Although this strategy may enable those who have high attachment avoidance to avoid some emotional distress in the short term, this suppression and avoidance will weaken their ability to regulate emotions in the long run (cite). Due to poor emotion regulation ability, individuals feel at a loss when facing complex social interactions and find it difficult to effectively cope with and relieve anxiety (Goldin et al., 2009). which finally leads to more severe social anxiety in people with high attachment avoidance and high attachment anxiety.
假设 2 得到支持。具有较高依恋回避或较高依恋焦虑的个体具有较高的社交焦虑,这与以前的研究一致(Brumariu&Kerns,2008;Eikenaes 等人,2016 年;Küçükparlak 等人,2021 年;Manning 等人,2017 年;Öztürk和Mutlu,2010;Read 等人,2018 年)。高依恋回避和高依恋焦虑可能会干扰情绪调节策略并导致社交焦虑加剧(Read et al., 2018)个体的依恋风格会影响他们与他人互动的方式,并影响他们的情绪调节(Mikulincer et al., 2006)。具体来说,高依恋焦虑的人往往由于过度依赖他人和频繁的情绪波动而难以有效调节自己的情绪,而高依恋回避的人则倾向于压抑和回避情绪。虽然这种策略可以使那些高度依恋回避的人在短期内避免一些情绪困扰,但从长远来看,这种压抑和回避会削弱他们调节情绪的能力。由于情绪调节能力差,个体在面对复杂的社会交往时会感到不知所措,难以有效应对和缓解焦虑(Goldin et al., 2009)。这最终导致高依恋回避和高依恋焦虑的人出现更严重的社交焦虑。

Hypothesis 3 was supported. Individuals with lower SSS have higher social anxiety, which is also in line with previous research (Liu et al., 2017; Talavera et al., 2018; Zvolensky et al., 2015). Because individuals develop a sense of social standing (e.g., relative inferiority or superiority) by evaluating their evaluation relative to others (Cheung et al., 2004), in the process of SSS formation, individuals also develop a sense of relative superiority or inferiority by comparing with others. When individuals find themselves inferior to others in comparison, their inferiority complex increases, which leads to a greater tendency to social anxiety (Akdoğan & Çimşir, 2022). In addition, people with high social anxiety are particularly sensitive to social hierarchy cues in social situations. They pay close attention to the social status, behavior, and attitudes of others, and try to judge their social status through these cues, which results in their tendency to perceive people around them as being of higher social status (Parsons et al., 2021; Zabag et al., 2018). This cognitive bias further enhances their social anxiety, which in turn decreases their SSS, creating a vicious cycle. On the other hand, the widespread use of social media may be another influencing factor. As the use of social media increases, the opportunities for people to communicate face-to-face in real life have decreased. Although long-distance social interactions provide a certain sense of security, this type of interaction may cause some people to gradually avoid normal social activities, which makes normal social interactions more challenging, thereby increasing social anxiety (Jefferies & Ungar, 2020). Individuals with lower SSS may face more negative experiences when using social media than individuals with higher SSS (Skogen et al., 2022), which may also increase social anxiety.
假设 3 得到支持。SSS较低的个体具有较高的社交焦虑,这也与之前的研究一致(Liu et al., 2017;Talavera 等人,2018 年;Zvolensky等人,2015)。由于个体在SSS形成过程中通过评估自己相对于他人的评价而产生社会地位感(例如,相对自卑感或优越感)(Cheung et al., 2004),因此个体也通过与他人的比较而产生相对优越感或自卑感。相比之下,当个人发现自己不如他人时,他们的自卑感就会增加,从而导致更大的社交焦虑倾向(Akdoğan & Çimşir,2022)。此外,社交焦虑程度高的人对社交场合中的社会等级线索特别敏感。他们密切关注他人的社会地位、行为和态度,并试图通过这些线索来判断他们的社会地位,这导致他们倾向于认为周围的人具有更高的社会地位(Parsons et al., 2021;Zabag等人,2018)这种认知偏差进一步增强了他们的社交焦虑,从而降低了他们的SSS,形成了恶性循环。另一方面,社交媒体的广泛使用可能是另一个影响因素。随着社交媒体使用的增加,人们在现实生活中面对面交流的机会减少了。虽然远距离社交互动提供了一定的安全感,但这种类型的互动可能会导致一些人逐渐回避正常的社交活动,这使得正常的社交互动更具挑战性,从而增加社交焦虑(Jefferies & Ungar,2020)。 与SSS较高的人相比,SSS较低的人在使用社交媒体时可能会面临更多的负面体验(Skogen et al., 2022),这也可能增加社交焦虑。

Hypothesis 4 was not supported. Regardless of the level of attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety, the negative relationship between SSS and social anxiety could not be mitigated directly, which is not consistent with original expectations. Although attachment, SSS, and social anxiety are correlated with each other, this does not mean that attachment can directly affect SSS and social anxiety. In other words, individuals with lower SSS will not have more social anxiety even if they have higher attachment avoidance or attachment anxiety. Other potential factors may be involved (e.g., self-esteem, coping strategies, etc.). Insecure attachment can weaken an individual's self-esteem (Homola, 2023), and individuals with lower SSS may cause individuals to feel inferior to others, thereby affecting their self-esteem level (Haught et al., 2015; Yan et al., 2021). Lower self-esteem will lead to more severe social anxiety (G. Cheng et al., 2015) because individuals with low self-esteem tend to make negative evaluations of themselves in social evaluation situations and have a fear of receiving negative assessments from others (Kocovski & Endler, 2000). These emotional and cognitive problems are the core causes of social anxiety (Morrison & Heimberg, 2013). Therefore, self-esteem plays an important mediating role between insecure attachment, SSS, and social anxiety. Attachment and SSS affect the use of individual coping strategies. Studies have shown that securely attached adults tend to adopt high levels of proactive coping strategies (Marriner et al., 2014), and those with higher SSS are less likely to use maladaptive strategies (Sun et al., 2019). In contrast, individuals with high attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety are more likely to use maladaptive coping strategies (Godor et al., 2024). Coping strategies play a key role in coping with stress and anxiety. Individuals who adopt positive or adaptive coping strategies can effectively reduce social anxiety because when individuals begin to take more active coping measures, they realize that they are capable of handling stressful situations more effectively than they initially believed, which in turn helps to alleviate social anxiety (Brouzos et al., 2020). Therefore, coping strategies can also partially explain the relationship between the three.
假设 4 不支持。无论依恋回避和依恋焦虑的程度如何,SSS与社交焦虑的负相关关系都无法直接缓解,这与最初的预期不一致。虽然依恋、SSS和社交焦虑是相互关联的,但这并不意味着依恋可以直接影响SSS和社交焦虑。换句话说,SSS较低的人即使有较高的依恋回避或依恋焦虑,也不会有更多的社交焦虑。可能涉及其他潜在因素(例如,自尊、应对策略等)。不安全的依恋会削弱个体的自尊(Homola,2023),SSS较低的个体可能会导致个体感到不如他人,从而影响他们的自尊水平(Haught et al.,2015;Yan 等人,2021 年)。较低的自尊会导致更严重的社交焦虑(G. Cheng et al., 2015),因为自尊心低的人倾向于在社会评价情境中对自己做出负面评价,并害怕受到他人的负面评价(Kocovski & Endler, 2000)。這些情緒和認知問題是社交焦慮的核心原因(Morrison&Heimberg,2013)。因此,自尊在不安全依恋、SSS和社交焦虑之间起着重要的中介作用。依恋和SSS会影响个人应对策略的使用。研究表明,安全依恋的成年人倾向于采用高水平的主动应对策略(Marriner et al., 2014),而SSS较高的人不太可能使用适应不良的策略(Sun et al., 2019)。 相比之下,具有高度依恋回避和依恋焦虑的人更有可能使用适应不良的应对策略(Godor 等人,2024 年)。应对策略在应对压力和焦虑方面起着关键作用。采用积极或适应性应对策略的人可以有效减少社交焦虑,因为当个人开始采取更积极的应对措施时,他们意识到他们能够比他们最初认为的更有效地处理压力情况,这反过来又有助于缓解社交焦虑(Brouzos 等人,2020 年)。因此,应对策略也可以部分解释三者之间的关系。

The study found that individuals with insecure attachment or low subjective socioeconomic status may suffer from a higher risk of social anxiety. In addition, individuals with lower SSS are more likely to show higher attachment avoidance. For these high-risk groups, mental health professionals should take targeted intervention measures, including helping them to reconstruct cognition and improve their evaluation of their own subjective status, which may be one of the feasible ways to reduce social anxiety or decrease attachment avoidance.

4.2. Limitations

The findings should be approached with caution due to the identified limitations. First of all, the obvious imbalance in the gender ratio is the primary limitation of this study. From the current research, it can be seen that gender is an important influencing factor of attachment, social status, and mental health (Chen et al., 2022; Sakman et al., 2023). Therefore, in future research, the validity of the research can be improved by balancing the gender ratio or only discussing a single gender. Secondly, this study is based on a correlational design, so the potential causal relationship between subjective socioeconomic disadvantage, attachment dimensions, and social anxiety is limited. Finally, the data collection method mainly relies on self-report questionnaires, which may be affected by the subjective factors of the participants, thereby affecting the accuracy of the data. Future research can combine multiple data collection methods to improve the reliability and validity of the data. In summary, although this study provides valuable findings, the research design still needs to be further improved to overcome the above limitations and obtain more reliable and comprehensive conclusions in future studies.
由于已确定的局限性,应谨慎对待调查结果。首先,性别比例的明显失衡是本研究的主要局限性。从目前的研究中可以看出,性别是依恋、社会地位和心理健康的重要影响因素(Chen et al., 2022;Sakman 等人,2023 年)。因此,在未来的研究中,可以通过平衡性别比例或只讨论单一性别来提高研究的有效性。其次,本研究基于相关设计,因此主观社会经济劣势、依恋维度与社交焦虑之间的潜在因果关系有限。最后,数据收集方法主要依靠自我报告问卷,可能会受到参与者主观因素的影响,从而影响数据的准确性。未来的研究可以结合多种数据收集方法,以提高数据的可靠性和效度。综上所述,虽然本研究提供了有价值的发现,但研究设计仍需进一步改进,以克服上述局限性,并在未来的研究中获得更可靠和全面的结论。

4.3. Conclusion

The study found that individuals with higher attachment avoidance were more likely to have lower SSS, but a positive association did not occur between attachment anxiety and SSS. The correlation between attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety with social anxiety indicated that individuals who had insecure attachment styles may be at higher risk for social anxiety. Attachment dimensions may influence social anxiety independently but do not moderate the effect of SSS on social anxiety. This may be due to various factors, such as self-esteem and coping strategies, which may partly explain the relationship between attachment styles, SSS, and social anxiety.
研究发现,依恋回避程度较高的个体更有可能具有较低的SSS,但依恋焦虑与SSS之间没有发生正相关。依恋回避和依恋焦虑与社交焦虑之间的相关性表明,具有不安全依恋风格的个体可能面临更高的社交焦虑风险。依恋维度可能独立影响社交焦虑,但不能缓和SSS对社交焦虑的影响。这可能是由于各种因素造成的,例如自尊和应对策略,这可能部分解释了依恋风格、SSS 和社交焦虑之间的关系。


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Appendix A

The Education University of Hong Kong

Student Project Agreement Form

I hereby grant the Education University of Hong Kong the non-exclusive right to reproduce, digitalize, store and distribute my work e.g., thesis, poster presentation via any media, any method and in any format, including but not limited to, photocopying and making it accessible through the Internet, for solely academic and scholastic purposes and with my authorship properly acknowledged and attributed.

I further confirm that my work has gone through ‘TURNITIN’ (an online web-based text-matching software that searches for matching text and which aids the detection of plagiarism) before submission.

I hereby declare that I am the sole author of my work and the material presented in the work is my original work except those indicated in the acknowledgement. I am responsible for clearing all third party content in my work before the submission, and have taken reasonable care to ensure confidentiality of data, including those in relation to research participants involved in the research. I agree that The Education University of Hong Kong shall not be responsible whether directly or indirectly from the reproduction and / or distribution of my work for any liability arising from any violation of any copyright laws. Should such liability arise, I agree and undertake to be solely responsible.

Title of my work:

Subjective socioeconomic status and social anxiety: The moderating role of adult attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety

Title of my course:

Research Project in Psychological Studies

Submission date of my work (Month and Year):


____________________ 07/2024

Signature Date

惠菲 1449974756@qq.com (Email) / 13812872726 (Tel. no.)

Name in BLOCK LETTERS Contact information (can be contacted after graduation)
正楷姓名 联系方式(毕业后可联系)

11494517 / Master of Social Sciences in Psychology (Schools and Community Settings)
11494517 / 心理学社会科学硕士(学校和社区环境)

EdUHK student no. Programme Title

Appendix B


1. 年龄:

2. 性别:



3. 不愿透露

3. 你的民族:

4. 你取得的最高学历是什么?

1. 低于高中

2. 高中或同等学历(包括在读)

3. 职高,中专或同等学历(包括在读)

4. 大学,专科学历(包括在读)

5. 研究生学历或以上(包括在读)

5. 你在哪里出生?

1. 农村

2. 县城(城镇、县级市)

3. 城市(地级市及以上)

6. 你现在住在哪里?

1. 农村

2. 县城(城镇、县级市)

3. 城市(地级市及以上)

7. 你目前居住的地经济状况上与你的家乡相比有什么不同?

1. 更富有

2. 更贫穷

3. 没什么不同

4. 我依然在家乡

8. 您家庭的年收入大约为多少万元(人民币)?

1. 1万以下

2. 1万~4万

3. 4万~7万

4. 7万~10万

5. 10万~15万

6. 15万~20万

7. 20万~30万

8. 30万~50万

9. 50万以上











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四、社会交往焦虑量表 (SIAS)







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