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Motion: Service animals should be banned

First speaker's speech: (heidi)

Good afternoon everyone. Service animals, as defined by the Australian government, are animals that are trained to provide specific support to the physically and mentally disabled. Today, we stand in opposition to the motion that these animals should be banned.
To begin with, service animals allow individuals to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. For example, guide dogs empower independence by assisting blind people in everyday activities, such as school or work. Besides, research by Rodriguez in 2020 showed that the presence of service animals can mitigate anxiety and fear, allowing patients with mental disabilities to access public spaces that would otherwise be daunting. This not only improves their psychological well-being, but also enhances their involvement in the workforce and create great economic value, bringing us to our next point.
首先,服务性动物可以让个人过上更独立、更充实的生活。例如,导盲犬通过协助盲人进行日常活动(例如上学或工作)来增强独立性。此外,罗德里格斯在 2020 年的研究表明,服务性动物的存在可以减轻焦虑和恐惧,让精神残疾患者能够进入原本令人生畏的公共场所。这不仅改善了他们的心理健康,还增强了他们对劳动力的参与,创造了巨大的经济价值,将我们带到了下一个点。
Service animals offer substantial economic benefits on both personal and societal grounds. Singleton's study in 2023 revealed that having service dogs massively reduced the need for both paid and unpaid caregiving hours. This translates into considerable savings for the disabled individuals, and the government for providing such social services. Not to mention, banning service animals undermines an array of job opportunities, including those for dog breeders, animal trainers, and related service providers, which could bring about severe unemployment.
服务性动物在个人和社会方面都提供了巨大的经济利益。辛格尔顿在 2023 年的研究表明,拥有服务犬大大减少了对有偿和无偿护理时间的需求。这为残疾人和政府提供此类社会服务节省了大量资金。更不用说,禁止服务性动物会破坏一系列就业机会,包括养狗者、驯兽师和相关服务提供者的工作机会,这可能会带来严重的失业。
Furthermore, legalising service animals brings about a more inclusive society through targeted accessibility measures. This recognises the rights and needs of the disabled and fosters empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity. Organizations like Guide Dogs have collaborated with UK councils on awareness campaigns that have improved public services like taxi accessibility. These initiatives demonstrate how service animals can transform environments to be more accommodating for society.
And it's for the above reasons why service animals should not be banned. Thank you!
Points supporting/concerns of banning
of service animals 服务性动物的数量
Rebuttals Evidence
1. Issue with the abandoning of
1. 放弃的问题
trained animals but are unqualified
to become service animals
2. Negative public reaction towards
2. 公众对
the use of service animals (e.g.
the disabled people may be
questioned or given cold stares
when going out with service
3. Takes money, time and effort to
3. 需要金钱、时间和精力
take care/ train animal
4. Ethical issues regarding the
4. 关于道德问题
unjustified will of training animals
to assist the disabled
5. Health and safety concerns over
5. 健康和安全问题
the transmission of zoonotic
6. Detrimental effects on the disabled
6. 对残疾人的不利影响
owners' mental well-being if the
service animal pa 服务性动物 PA
Possible opening: 可能的开口:
Admittedly, there are challenges associated with the use of service animals, including (summarise what they raised). However, these issues pale in comparison to the immense benefits they provide. We cannot allow minor inconveniences to overshadow the fundamental rights of individuals with disabilities to live fulfilling and independent lives.
Firstly, addressing... 首先,解决...
The use of service animals should be banned -AGAINST
应禁止使用服务性动物 -AGAINST
  • Research on selected two topics and come up with the alternative argument
  • From different stakeholders government [ economic efficiency ]
    来自不同利益相关者 的政府 [ 经济效率 ]
  • Welfare of animals : does training ensure mental stimulation
  • Psychological effects on the owner if the animals pass away
  • Health risks to humans
Definition of a service animal:
Definition by the US government:

How "Service Animal" Is Defined

Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person's disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.
服务性动物被定义为经过单独训练的犬只,可以为残疾人工作或执行任务。此类工作或任务的例子包括指导盲人、提醒聋人、拉轮椅、提醒和保护癫痫发作的人、提醒患有精神疾病的人服用处方药、在焦虑发作期间安抚患有创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD) 的人,或履行其他职责。服务性动物是工作动物,而不是宠物。狗被训练提供的工作或任务必须与人的残疾直接相关。根据 ADA,仅功能是提供安慰或情感支持的狗不符合服务性动物的资格。
This definition does not affect or limit the broader definition of "assistance animal" under the Fair Housing Act or the broader definition of "service animal" under the Air Carrier Access Act.
Some State and local laws also define service animal more broadly than the ADA does.
一些州和地方法律对服务性动物的定义也比 ADA 更广泛。
Information about such laws can be obtained from the relevant State attorney general's office.
Base on Law, service animals are more defined as a tool, not pets, companions, or even helpers.
The laws are clear that these animals are "tools" used for very specific tasks.
  1. Unethical to train animals (Kai)
  • Welfare of the animals (hard to monitor how owners are treating the service animals)
These animals are valued in terms of what tasks they perform and how those jobs enhance the performance of human beings. Furthermore, all of these studies, and discussions about them, revolve around the benefits for humans rather than whether or not there are benefits for the animals themselves.

1.our understanding of animal behavior and psychology deepened, it became evident that these approaches were not only less effective but could also be harmful, causing undue stress and potential psychological trauma to the animal. 2.It's acknowledged that animals, like humans, have complex emotional landscapes. Training should not induce fear, anxiety, or stress, but should be an engaging and positive experience for the animal. However, ethics in animal training go beyond just the methodologies employed. The purpose behind the training also comes under scrutiny.
3.Training animals for entertainment, such as in circuses or certain types of animal shows, has become a controversial topic. While some argue that it provides enrichment for the animals, others believe it exploits them for human amusement. The key lies in ensuring that the animals' physical and psychological needs are met, and they are not subjected to undue stress or harm. Furthermore, ethics also touch upon the question of consent. Unlike humans, animals cannot give explicit consent for training.
  1. Consent: Animals cannot give informed consent to participate in training programs. They are often trained using methods that can be distressing or harmful to them without their understanding or agreement.
  2. Welfare Concerns: Some training methods can cause physical or psychological harm to animals, leading to stress, fear, or injury.
  3. Natural Behaviors: Training can suppress or alter natural behaviors and instincts, which can affect the animal's well-being and quality of life.
  4. Exploitation: Animals trained for entertainment purposes, such as in circuses or shows, are often exploited for human amusement and profit, disregarding their needs and rights.
  5. Lack of Choice: Animals in captivity have limited freedom and choice, and training can further restrict their ability to make choices about their lives.
  • Moral 道德
    Where are animals allowed, and in what ways is our built environment designed to keep them in or out. We build walls and fences, corrals and cages, not only to regulate their physical proximity, but also and moreover to keep them out of our moral community. Our ambivalence toward animals, particularly those upon whom we are most dependent, comes into focus when we consider service animals.
That the United States military and federal ADA regulations describe animals as more like things than like persons follows the long history of regarding animals as property. Although some animal welfare and animal [End Page 247] rights advocates argue that (at least some) animals should have the legal and moral status of persons, we might ask, why must animals be either things or persons? Is there no way to extend our moral community without making animals persons? In other words, can they enter the moral community as animals? The question of membership into the moral community is at stake for both animal studies and disability studies. Indeed, and more to the point, the connection between the status of animals and the status of disabled people, especially the severely mentally impaired, has been a sore spot in the literature for decades. Moreover, in terms of both people and animals, questions of moral worth have been linked to abilities, specifically the ability to contribute to society by performing tasks or serving various functions.
美国军方和联邦 ADA 法规将动物描述为更像的东西而不是像人一样的东西,这遵循了将动物视为财产的悠久历史。尽管一些动物福利和动物 [完 247 页] 权利倡导者认为(至少一些)动物应该具有人的法律和道德地位,但我们可能会问,为什么动物必须是东西或人?难道没有办法在不使动物成为人的情况下扩展我们的道德共同体吗?换句话说,他们能以动物的身份进入道德共同体吗?道德共同体的成员资格问题对于动物研究和残疾研究都处于危险之中。事实上,更重要的是,动物的地位与残疾人,尤其是严重智障者的地位之间的联系,几十年来一直是文献中的一个痛点。此外,就人和动物而言,道德价值问题都与能力有关,特别是通过执行任务或履行各种职能为社会做出贡献的能力。
Some of the limits of this approach have been articulated by Eva Kittay and Licia Carlson in their responses to the comparison between nonhuman animals and disabled human beings, including challenging the reprehensible view that disabled human beings are nonpersons or subpar, views that justify discriminating against them, or possibly even letting them die or not letting them live (2009). In other words, treating them "like animals." kittay in particular expresses her outrage using words like "revulsion," "hideous," and "horrific" to describe the comparison between disabled people and nonhuman animals. While l am sympathetic to Kittay's emotional response at hearing her mentally disabled daughter, Sesha, compared to an animal, it seems to me that the comparison is only problematic, in large part, because of our current views of animals (2009, 610). If we respected animals, even revered them, and treated them well, would Kittay find the comparison so insulting? The fact that Kittay herself suggests a hierarchy between animals wherein it is less insulting to compare her daughter to a chimp than a dog or a rat is evidence not just of our negative attitudes toward animals but also our differential negative attitudes toward some animals. In other words, not all animals are alike. This is obvious in terms of their appearance, biology, habitat, behavior, etc., but it is also apparent in our attitudes toward them. We prefer chimps to rats, and dogs to ants. Human beings love some animals as pets, exterminate some as vermin, and eat others.
伊娃·基泰(Eva Kittay)和莉西亚·卡尔森(Licia Carlson)在对非人类动物和残疾人之间的比较的回应中阐明了这种方法的一些局限性,包括挑战应受谴责的观点,即残疾人是非人或低于标准的观点,这些观点证明歧视他们是合理的,甚至可能让他们死去或不让他们活着(2009)。换句话说,像对待动物一样对待他们,基泰特别用“厌恶”、“丑陋”和“可怕”等词来描述残疾人和非人类动物之间的比较,表达了她的愤怒。虽然我很同情 Kittay 在听到她的智障女儿 Sesha 与动物相比时的情绪反应,但在我看来,这种比较在很大程度上是有问题的,因为我们目前对动物的看法(2009,610)。如果我们尊重动物,甚至尊敬它们,善待它们,基泰会觉得这种比较如此侮辱吗?事实上,基泰自己暗示了动物之间的等级制度,将她的女儿比作黑猩猩比狗或老鼠的侮辱性要小,这不仅证明了我们对动物的消极态度,也证明了我们对某些动物的不同消极态度。换句话说,并非所有动物都是一样的。这在它们的外观、生物学、栖息地、行为等方面是显而易见的,但在我们对它们的态度上也很明显。我们更喜欢黑猩猩而不是老鼠,狗而不是蚂蚁。人类喜欢一些动物作为宠物,消灭一些动物作为害虫,并吃掉其他动物。
Obviously humans and animals are different in important ways that cannot and should not be discounted. Comparing animals to humans or vice versa, however, is not the point of this essay. Rather, this debate highlights the kinds of criteria used to allow membership in the moral community. Furthermore, it reminds us of distinctions such as that between moral patients and moral agents, and the standards of normalcy based on able-bodied and fully rational adult humans in the prime of their lives. In other words, traditionally, these criteria are based on a subset of human beings, all of whom do not meet those very criteria at some points in their own lives. These types of criteria lead to "line drawing" in order to determine [End Page 248] where to cut off lower levels of intelligence or pain and suffering and thereby membership in the moral community, the kind of line-drawing so familiar in both animal studies and disability studies. Obviously, this difficult, if not impossible, exercise has dangerous political consequences for those who do not make the cut.
显然,人类和动物在重要方面是不同的,不能也不应该被忽视。然而,将动物与人类进行比较,反之亦然,并不是本文的重点。相反,这场辩论突出了用于允许加入道德共同体的各种标准。此外,它提醒我们道德患者和道德主体之间的区别,以及基于身体健全和完全理性的成年人在他们生命的黄金时期的正常标准。換句話說,傳統上,這些標準是基於人類的子集,他們在自己生命中的某些時刻都不符合這些標準。这些类型的标准导致了“划线”,以确定 [ 完 248 页] 在哪里切断较低水平的智力或痛苦和苦难,从而成为道德共同体的成员,这种划线在动物研究和残疾研究中都非常熟悉。显然,这种困难的、如果不是不可能的话,对那些没有晋级的人来说会带来危险的政治后果。
Many proponents of rights for disabled persons and for their inclusion in the moral community insist on their inherent dignity or worth as human beings, apart from any specific abilities. Yet, too often, these arguments are based on redrawing a human-animal divide that places all animals on one side and all humans on the other. There are many problems with this approach. Here, I focus on the problem of dependence and the ways in which disability theorists like Kittay valorize interhuman dependence and devalue or even disavow interspecies dependence or interdependence, particularly our dependence or interdependence on nonhuman animals.
Throughout her work, Kittay has proposed an ethics based on our dependence on one another rather than independence. She argues that autonomy comes through interdependence. In her earlier work, Kittay maintains that a subject who "refuses to support this bond [of dependency] absolves itself from its most fundamental obligation-its obligation to its founding possibility.". More recently, Kittay argues,
在她的作品中,基泰提出了一种基于我们相互依赖而不是独立的伦理学。她认为,自治来自相互依存。在她早期的著作中,基泰坚持认为,一个主体“拒绝支持这种[依赖]纽带,就免除了它最基本的义务——它对创始可能性的义务。最近,Kittay 认为,
According to the most important theories of justice, personal dignity is closely related to independence, and the care that people with disabilities receive is seen as a way for them to achieve the greatest possible autonomy. However, human beings are naturally subject to periods of dependency, and people without disabilities are only "temporarily abled." Instead of seeing assistance as a limitation, we consider it to be a resource at the basis of a vision of society that is able to account for inevitable dependency relationships between "unequals," ensuring a fulfilling life both for the carer and the cared for.
Yet, for all intents and purposes, we are indirectly and directly as dependent upon animals as we are on other human beings. We depend on animals as sources of food, clothing, other goods and services, entertainment, experimentation, and, most importantly, companionship and emotional support; or in the case of service dogs, services through which human autonomy is the result of their participation. We are utterly dependent on animals in virtually every facet of life. Indeed, it is hard to imagine that we could or would exist without them. Without other animals, we would be a very lonely species. If, as Kittay argues, our dependence on other humans for our very being obligates us to them, then it also follows that our dependence on nonhuman animals morally obligates us to them. [End Page 249]

2. Public disturbance (Ziheng)
2. 公共骚乱(紫恒)

  • People might be allergic
  • Nuisance to environment 对环境的滋扰
  • Economic disadvantage 经济劣势
"Increasingly referred to as "assistance animals," disturbing animals can have a negative impact on employees and customers. At the same time, there is extensive research on the risk of allergies or asthma caused or exacerbated by animals in the workplace. Similarly, some employees or customers may have religious or cultural sensitivities and in some cases object to animals."
  1. Public Disturbance 公众骚乱
Supporting Reasons: 支持理由:
Service animals can potentially cause disturbances in some settings, especially if they are not properly controlled or if they react to environmental stimuli, which might disrupt the workplace or other public settings.
How to Counter: 如何应对:
The ADA mandates that service animals must be always under the control of their handler, either through a leash, harness, or voice control when leashes interfere with the animal's ability to perform tasks. This ensures minimal disturbance and promotes a professional, accommodating environment (Vredenburgh& Zackowitz, 2012).
ADA 规定,当皮带干扰动物执行任务的能力时,服务性动物必须始终处于其处理者的控制之下,无论是通过皮带、安全带还是语音控制。这确保了最小的干扰,并促进了专业,包容的环境(Vredenburgh&Zackowitz,2012)。

2. Allergies and Health Risks
Supporting Reasons:
2. 过敏和健康风险支持原因:

Individuals with allergies or asthma may experience exacerbated symptoms due to animal dander, hair, or saliva, leading to potential health issues in environments shared with service animals.
How to Counter: 如何应对:
Employers can implement reasonable accommodations such as air filters, designated animal-free zones, or flexible work arrangements to mitigate the impact on employees with allergies, thus balancing the rights and needs of all employees (Lanning et al., 2024).
雇主可以实施合理的便利措施,例如空气过滤器、指定的无动物区或灵活的工作安排,以减轻对过敏员工的影响,从而平衡所有员工的权利和需求(Lanning 等人,2024 年)。

3. Economic Disadvantages
3. 经济劣势

Supporting Reasons: 支持理由:
Accommodating service animals may incur additional costs, such as modifications to the workplace or potential legal liabilities if incidents occur involving the service animals. How to Counter:
The benefits provided by service animals, such as increased independence and productivity of the handlers, can outweigh the initial costs. Additionally, many accommodations for service animals are low-cost or no-cost, aligning with ADA guidelines for reasonable accommodations (Lanning et al., 2024).
服务性动物提供的好处,例如提高处理者的独立性和生产力,可以超过初始成本。此外,许多服务性动物的住宿都是低成本或免费的,符合 ADA 关于合理住宿的指南(Lanning 等人,2024 年)。

4. Cultural and Religious Sensitivities
4. 文化和宗教敏感性

Supporting Reasons: 支持理由:
Some employees or customers may have cultural or religious sensitivities that make the presence of animals uncomfortable or objectionable, potentially leading to discomfort or conflict in the workplace.
How to Counter: 如何应对:
Open communication and education about the essential role of service animals can foster an inclusive environment. Employers can facilitate workshops or training sessions to raise awareness and sensitivity towards the needs of individuals with disabilities (Lanning et al., 2024).
关于服务性动物重要作用的公开沟通和教育可以营造一个包容的环境。雇主可以举办研讨会或培训课程,以提高对残疾人需求的认识和敏感性(Lanning et al.,2024)。

5. Environmental Nuisance
5. 环境滋扰

Supporting Reasons: 支持理由:
Service animals might cause cleanliness issues or require additional maintenance in public and workplace environments, which could be seen as a nuisance.
How to Counter: 如何应对:
Service animals are trained to be clean and behave appropriately in public settings. Businesses are not required to clean up after service animals or provide care for them, as this is the responsibility of the handler (Lanning et al., 2024).
服务性动物经过训练,在公共场所保持清洁和行为得体。企业不需要清理服务性动物或为它们提供照顾,因为这是处理者的责任(Lanning 等人,2024 年)。
By presenting both the arguments and counters effectively, your factsheet can provide a balanced view that respects and addresses the concerns of all stakeholders involved in the discussion about service animals in public and workplace settings.
  1. Abuse of system and misrepresentation (Grace)
  • People who claim that their pets are service animals to allow pets access to places
1."Some people are taking advantage of the fact that the law does not require that a disabled person provide documentation and, amid growing awareness and concern for the needs of people with disabilities, are passing off what the law considers pets as service animals (Hobbs 2012)."
1.“有些人正在利用法律不要求残疾人提供文件这一事实,并且在对残疾人需求的认识和关注不断提高的情况下,正在冒充法律认为的宠物作为服务性动物(Hobbs 2012)。
2."Once we know how to look for disability, like gender and race, it's everywhere." Every year, thousands of people "sign up" to buy emotional support animals and dress their dogs in "official" undershirts, thereby publicly declaring them disabled. For example, one website that sells dog undershirts states, "The SDA recognizes that every American may have some form of disability. . . . The Service Dog Association of America can help you fulfill your desire to have your animal recognized as a service dog.
  1. "Increasingly, students with intellectual disabilities are petitioning universities for no-pet policies that allow them to bring animals to campus because they need a companion or emotional support animal to make college life easier, less stressful and less lonely. , depression and/or anxiety. Institutions that unlawfully deny such requests are taken to court and charged with disability discrimination."
    “越来越多的智障学生向大学请愿,要求制定禁止宠物的政策,允许他们将动物带到校园,因为他们需要伴侣或情感支持动物,使大学生活更轻松,压力更小,孤独感更小。 、抑郁和/或焦虑。非法拒绝此类请求的机构将被送上法庭,并被指控犯有歧视残疾罪。
  • Only a therapist letter is needed to 'verify' the animal is an emotional support animal and multiple NGOs with psychologists who hand out such letters online (also known as ESA mills) which allows pet owners to experience perks like moving them into once animal-free apartments and dorms
    只需要一封治疗师信来“验证”动物是否是一种情感支持动物,并且需要多个非政府组织和心理学家在线分发此类信件(也称为 ESA 工厂),这让宠物主人可以体验到一些好处,例如将它们搬进曾经没有动物的公寓和宿舍
, delta air reported a significant increase in animal incidents from 2016
达美航空报告称,自2016年以来,动物事件显著 增加
these 'esa' animals cause large disturbances in public spaces due to lack of training and ruins the reputation of actual service animals (delta air placed a ban on esa for flights ) and may also distract/ affect working service animals
由于缺乏训练,这些“ESA”动物在公共场所造成巨大干扰,并破坏了实际服务性动物的声誉(达美航空禁止ESA飞行 ),还可能分散/影响工作中的服务性动物
  1. Alternative solutions like technology
  • Social workers can be used to replace them


  1. Mutual benefits (human/s: improves the psychological health and well-being of individuals with physical disabilities, animals: ) (Chun)
  • Animals can be used to help humans manage the impact of sensory, mobility and mental impairments, and medical conditions associated with disease (Harpur, 2010). - The most significant psychological effect of the presence of animals was a significant reduction in work-related stress.
    动物可用于帮助人类管理感官、行动和精神障碍以及与疾病相关的医疗状况的影响(Harpur,2010)。- 动物存在最显着的心理影响是与工作相关的压力显着减少。
  • Assistance animals in the workplace do provide opportunities for independence and leisure activities and enhance social support ( Hicks & Weisman, 2015 )
Fact: 48 patients requiring the use of a wheelchair within 6 months of receiving the service dog. Psychologically, significant improvements were demonstrated in self-esteem and mental health. Socially, all participants showed similar improvements in
事实:48 名患者在接受服务犬后 6 个月内需要使用轮椅。在心理上,自尊和心理健康得到了显着改善。在社交方面,所有参与者都表现出类似的改善

community integration. Demographically, all participants showed an increase in school enrollment and/or part-time employment. Economically, all participants experienced a significant decrease in paid and unpaid assistance hours.
According to Allen & Blascovich, 1996, 48 patients with wheelchairs have improved their health, also they are able to get back to school or work individually.
根据Allen & Blascovich,1996年,48名轮椅患者的健康状况有所改善,他们也能够重返学校或单独工作。
According to Allen& Blascovich, 1996, participants of the experiment experienced a significant decrease in paid and unpaid assistance hours.
  1. Side benefits - increased social integration for disabled people (Chun)
    附带好处 - 提高残疾人的社会融合 (Chun)
  • Service animals can make us more independent
  • Nine of the 35 studies reviewed in the literature emphasized how animals can positively and negatively influence perceptions of the workplace.
  1. Employees perceive pets as reducing stress and having a positive impact on health and organization (Wells & Perrine, 2001 );
  2. Animals provide social support and a means to increase positive attitudes and attachment ( Barker, 2005 );
  3. Employees exhibit higher performance and are more likely to identify with corporate goals and expectations when exposed to companion animals. When Wells and Perrine (2006) investigated animal-friendly offices, they found that non-employees perceived that the animals improved their moods and those of their employees, and appeared to increase social interactions because employees seemed less busy.


However, they also perceived animal-friendly offices to be less professional, clean, and safe than controlled non-animal offices. A survey of 6,062 Japanese business owners revealed a significant relationship between understanding assistance animals and treating them positively in the business environment ( Matsunaka & Naoko, 2013 ). Awareness of these animals is poor because of a lack of information, health concerns, and the need for managers to modify workplaces to employ people with assistance animals. Positive perceptions of animal-friendly work environments can increase the attractiveness of the workplace ( Wilkin et al., 2016; Linacre, 2016 ).
然而,他们也认为动物友好型办公室不如受控的非动物办公室专业、清洁和安全。一项针对6,062名日本企业主的调查显示,在商业环境中,了解辅助动物与积极对待它们之间存在显着关系(Matsunaka & Naoko,2013)。由于缺乏信息、健康问题以及管理人员需要修改工作场所以雇用有辅助动物的人,对这些动物的认识很差。对动物友好型工作环境的积极看法可以增加工作场所的吸引力(Wilkin等人,2016;Linacre,2016 年)。
  • As animals in the workplace can increase productivity, improve employee retention and reduce sick days ( Linacre, 2016; Wilkin et al., 2016 ), they help make it easier for employees to identify with company goals ( Barker, .
    由于工作场所的动物可以提高生产力、提高员工保留率并减少病假(Linacre,2016 年;Wilkin et al., 2016 ),它们有助于使员工更容易认同公司目标(Barker, .
  • The positive productivity benefits of pets occupying the workplace are only associated with employees who enjoy having animals ( Olsen, 2015; Wells & Perrine, 2001 ).
  • One in five non-animal-loving employees reported that their presence negatively impacted productivity. Another problem that workplace animals can pose is their distracting and disruptive behavior, which can negatively impact productivity (Barker, 2012).
  1. Improved safety (Grace) 提高安全性 (Grace)
  • Can help in: 可以在以下方面提供帮助:
episodic health crisis - epilepsy/ POTS
偶发性健康危机 - 癫痫/ POTS
can detect early onset symptom due to their strong sense of smell that detected chemical changed in the body and alert owners to take medication, sit down
Mental health issues - anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD
心理健康问题 - 焦虑、惊恐发作、创伤后应激障碍
provide emotional support
allows people to access public spaces when they originally are severely inhibited by anxiety and fear
Calms them down during attacks by licking etc, reminders to take medication, compression
Rodriguez, K. E., Greer, J., Yatcilla, J. K., Beck, A. M., & O'Haire, M. E. (2020). The effects of assistance dogs on psychosocial health and wellbeing: A systematic literature review. PLOS ONE, 15(12), e0243302. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone. 0243302
Rodriguez, KE, Greer, J., Yatcilla, JK, Beck, AM, & O'Haire, ME (2020)。辅助犬对社会心理健康和福祉的影响:系统文献综述。公共科学图书馆一号,15(12),e0243302。https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone。0243302
  1. Helps them gain independence (Heidi)
  • There are different types of service dogs which are trained to serve people with specific needs, e.g. mobility service dogs assist the physically disabled by offering help in daily tasks, such as opening doors, retrieving items and turning on and off lights and seizure response dogs alert their owners of future potential seizures and seek help in times of medical emergencies. (Rodriguez et al., 2019) Hence, service animals help people with special conditions to regain independence in their daily lives, allowing them to be less reliant on human care-givers. Looking from the economic perspective, this can reduce the government's burden on providing care services and increase the chances for these people to become productive again. (Hall et al., 2017)
    有不同类型的服务犬经过训练,可以为有特定需要的人提供服务,例如行动不便的服务犬通过在日常任务中提供帮助来协助身体残疾者,例如开门、取回物品和打开和关闭灯,癫痫发作反应犬提醒主人未来潜在的癫痫发作,并在医疗紧急情况下寻求帮助。(罗德里格斯等人,2019 年)因此,服务性动物帮助有特殊情况的人在日常生活中重新获得独立性,使他们减少对人类护理人员的依赖。从经济角度来看,这可以减轻政府提供护理服务的负担,并增加这些人重新提高生产力的机会。(霍尔等人,2017 年)
Evidence: A study surveyed 64 disabled people (each with a service dog), in which around of all participants expressed that service dogs have physical benefits in terms of medical and physical assistance from their experience and expectations respectively. (Rodriguez et al., 2019)
证据:一项研究调查了 64 名残疾人(每人有一只服务犬),其中大约 所有参与者都表示,服务犬分别从他们的经验和期望中在医疗和身体援助方面具有身体益处。(罗德里格斯等人,2019 年)

Drawbacks: 缺点:

  • Negative public reaction, e.g. stare, eager to pet the service animal (Rodriguez et al., 2019) Discrimination and being questioned for their use of service animals (the legitimacy of service animals), especially among younger animal handlers, might deter people from going out or engaging in daily activities, e.g. talking a walk in town (Nieforth et al., 2021)
    公众的负面反应,例如凝视、渴望抚摸服务性动物(Rodriguez et al., 2019) 歧视和因使用服务性动物而受到质疑(服务性动物的合法性),尤其是在年轻的动物驯养员中,可能会阻止人们外出或从事日常活动,例如在城里散步(Nieforth et al., 2021)
  • Takes money, time and effort to take care of the animal, e.g. to pick up the faeces, grooming, vet care expenses (Rodriguez et al., 2019)
    照顾动物需要金钱、时间和精力,例如捡粪便、梳理、兽医护理费用(Rodriguez 等人,2019 年)

Reference 参考

Hobbs, Andy. 2012. "Fake Service Dogs: Pet Owners Exploit ADA Loopholes." Federal Way Mirror (April 12). http://federalwaymirror.com/news/147080865.html.
霍布斯,安迪。2012. “假服务犬:宠物主人利用 ADA 漏洞。”联邦之路镜子(4 月 12 日)。http://federalwaymirror.com/news/147080865.html。
Oliver, K. (2016). Service Dogs: Between Animal Studies and Disability Studies. philoSOPHIA . https://doi.org/10.1353/phi.2016.0021.
奥利弗,K.(2016 年)。服务犬:介于动物研究和残疾研究之间。菲洛索菲亚 。https://doi.org/10.1353/phi.2016.0021。
Von Bergen, C. W. (2015). Emotional support animals, service animals, and pets on campus. Administrative Issues Journal, 5(1), 4.
冯·卑尔根,CW(2015 年)。校园内的情感支持动物、服务性动物和宠物。行政问题杂志,5(1),4。
Hunter, C., Verreynne, M. L., Pachana, N., & Harpur, P. (2019). The impact of disability-assistance animals on the psychological health of workplaces: A systematic review. Human Resource Management Review, 29(3), 400-417.
Hunter,C.,Verreynne,ML,Pachana,N.和Harpur,P.(2019)。残疾辅助动物对工作场所心理健康的影响:系统评价。人力资源管理评论, 29(3), 400-417.
Harpur, P. (2010). Rights of persons with disabilities and Australian anti-discrimination laws: what happened to the legal protections for people using guide or assistance dogs?. University of Tasmania Law Review, 29(1), 49-79.
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Wells, M., & Perrine, R. (2001). Critters in the cube farm: Perceived psychological and organizational effects of pets in the workplace. Journal of occupational health psychology, 6(1), 81.
Barker, R. T. (2005). On the edge or not? Opportunities for interdisciplinary scholars in business communication to focus on the individual and organizational benefits of companion animals in the workplace. The Journal of Business Communication (1973), 42(3), 299-315.
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Perrine, R. M., & Wells, M. (2006). Labradors to Persians: Perceptions of pets in the workplace. Anthrozoös, 19(1), 65-78.
Matsunaka, K., & Koda, N. (2013). Japanese business organizations' level of familiarity with assistance dog legislation and their acceptance of these dogs in the workplace. Anthrozoös, .
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Wilkin, C. L., Fairlie, P., & Ezzedeen, S. R. (2016). Who let the dogs in? A look at pet-friendly workplaces. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 9(1), 96-109.
Linacre, S. (2016). Pets in the workplace: A shaggy dog story?. Human Resource Management International Digest, 24(4), 17-19.
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Rodriguez, K. E., Bibbo, J., Verdon, S., & O'Haire, M. E. (2019). Mobility and medical service dogs: a qualitative analysis of expectations and experiences. Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology, 15(5), 499-509.
Rodriguez,KE,Bibbo,J.,Verdon,S.和O'Haire,ME(2019)。移动和医疗服务犬:对期望和经验的定性分析。残疾和康复。辅助技术, 15(5), 499-509.
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Nieforth, L. O., Rodriguez, K. E., & O'Haire, M. E. (2021). Benefits and challenges of mobility and medical alert service dogs for caregivers of service dog recipients. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 18(6), 743-751.
Lanning, B. A., Patterson, M. S., Henry, S., Graves-Boswell, C. T., Summerall, B., & Millan, C. (2024). Assessment of university policies for service animals and emotional support animals. Journal of American College Health, 72(2), 383-389.
Vredenburgh, A. G., & Zackowitz, I. B. (2012). When a Dog is Just a Dog? A Case Study Evaluating the ADA Service Animal Rules. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 56(1), 720-723. https://doi.org/10.1177/1071181312561150
Vredenburgh,AG和Zackowitz,IB(2012)。当狗只是狗时?评估 ADA 服务性动物规则的案例研究。人为因素和人体工程学学会年会论文集,56(1),720-723。https://doi.org/10.1177/1071181312561150
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2 min speech 2分钟演讲
  • Referencing: as simple as a paper done by the first author in what year

Introduction 10sec 简介 10sec

  • Defining service animals
  • Don't have to give context (spend as little time on this as possible)
According to the Australian Government(reference 1), service animals are animals that are trained to provide specific support and assistance to people with physical, emotional or mental disabilities.
Trained to perform specific animals

Body points

  1. Independence and better welfare of owners and people around them
  2. More economically efficient in perspective of government stakeholders
a. Governments can spend less funding on care services for these disabled people if the disabled gain independence through the (cost and investment in training animals is less than training care givers <- back up with scientific evidence)
b. E.g. hiring a care giver 24-7 to take care of a blind person is much more costly than training a guide dog to serve them throughout the day
b.例如,雇用 24-7 全天候护理人员照顾盲人比训练导盲犬全天为他们服务要昂贵得多

  1. Promoting inclusivity - non-ableist mindset
    促进包容性 - 非能力主义者的心态
  • Legalizing service animals promotes a more inclusive society by recognizing the rights and needs of individuals with disabilities, fostering empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity.
  • Banning 禁止
  • Back up rebuttals with scientific evidence

Conclusion 10 sec 结论 10 秒

Script 脚本

Part one: 第一部分:

Hello everyone, today we're gonna talk about why service animals should not be banned. Service animals, in NSW we call it assistance animals, NSW government has defined them as the animals who have been specially trained to provide specialised support to persons in need.
Service animals significantly increase the independence of individuals with disabilities. They help with daily activities, which enhances their owners' ability to live independently. A study by Rodriguez in 2020 demonstrated that individuals with physical disabilities or chronic conditions with service dogs showed improved psychological health, self-esteem, and increased participation in work and education.
服务性动物显著提高了残障人士的独立性。它们有助于日常活动,从而增强了主人独立生活的能力。罗德里格斯 (Rodriguez) 在 2020 年进行的一项研究表明,有服务犬的身体残疾或慢性病患者表现出心理健康、自尊心的改善,以及工作和教育的参与度增加。
Service animals offer substantial economic benefits by reducing the need for paid caregiving services. Singleton's study revealed that the presence of service dogs led to a significant reduction in both paid and unpaid assistance hours, which translates into considerable savings for healthcare and social services.
Service animals improve workplace inclusivity through targeted accessibility measures, effective policies, and specialized training. Organizations like Guide Dogs have collaborated with UK councils on awareness campaigns that have improved public services like taxi accessibility. These initiatives demonstrate how service animals can transform environments to be more accommodating and inclusive for society.
And it is for the above reasons why service animals should not be banned.

Reference of script: 脚本参考:

  1. Rodriguez, K.E., Bibbo, J. and O'Haire, M.E., 2020. The effects of service dogs on psychosocial health and wellbeing for individuals with physical disabilities or chronic conditions. Disability and rehabilitation, , pp. .
    罗德里格斯,KE,Bibbo,J.和O'Haire,ME,2020年。服务犬对身体残疾或慢性病患者的社会心理健康和福祉的影响。残疾与康复, , pp.
  2. Singleton, J.K., 2023, November. Benefits of Being Teamed with a Service Dog for Individuals Living with Visible and Invisible Disabilities. In Healthcare (Vol. 11, No. 22, p. 2987). MDPI.
    辛格尔顿,J.K.,2023 年 11 月。与服务犬合作对有形和无形残疾人士的好处。在医疗保健中(第 11 卷,第 22 期,第 2987 页)。MDPI 中。
  3. Rickly, J.M., Halpern, N., Hansen, M. and Welsman, J., 2021. Travelling with a guide dog: Experiences of people with vision impairment. Sustainability, 13(5), p. 2840.
    Rickly, JM、Halpern, N.、Hansen, M. 和 Welsman, J.,2021 年。携带导盲犬旅行:视力障碍人士的经历。可持续性,13(5),第 2840 页。
  4. Hunter, C., Verreynne, M.L., Pachana, N. and Harpur, P., 2019. The impact of disability-assistance animals on the psychological health of workplaces: A systematic review. Human Resource Management Review, , pp.400-417
    Hunter, C., Verreynne, M.L., Pachana, N. 和 Harpur, P., 2019.残疾辅助动物对工作场所心理健康的影响:系统评价。《人力资源管理评论》, 第400-417页
The importance of service animals is unmatched so it ...
Potential rebuttals 可能的反驳
  1. Animal welfare 动物福利
  • Regulations in place to ensure animals are protected
  • Example: The ADA includes provisions to protect service animals from harassment, abuse, or interference while performing their duties. Individuals who violate these provisions may face legal consequences, including fines or criminal charges. Additionally, animal welfare organizations work to raise awareness of the importance of treating service animals with respect and dignity, advocating for stronger legal protections and enforcement measures.
  1. Technology do not provide emotional support
  2. Rise in demand for pets

4. Public disturbance / abuse of service animals
4. 扰乱公共秩序/虐待服务性动物

  • Training of animals would minimise public disturbances [ state laws are responsible to ensure regulation of service animals
  • Nuisances are usually 'fake' service animals with owners abusing the flexibility of service animals - quite easy to get a letter / or misconceived service animals but are just pets
    滋扰通常是“假”的服务性动物,主人滥用服务性动物的灵活性 - 很容易收到一封信/或误解的服务性动物,但只是宠物
  • Evidence: The International Association of Assistance Dog Partners (IAADP) sets standards for service dog training programs, emphasizing obedience, socialization, and task-specific training. This ensures that service dogs are well-behaved and capable of providing assistance in diverse situations.
    证据:国际协助犬合作伙伴协会 (IAADP) 为服务犬训练计划制定了标准,强调服从、社交和特定任务的训练。这确保了服务犬表现良好,能够在各种情况下提供帮助。
  1. Not economical / affordable
  2. Health risks of the disabled people (e.g. allergies)
  • Evidence: The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requires that service animals be under control and housebroken. Handlers are responsible for cleaning up after their animals to maintain sanitary conditions in public areas. Additionally, service animals must be in good health and vaccinated against common diseases to minimize health risks.
  1. Psychological effects if the animals pass away
  • Definitely will mourn but the animal is supposed to like help u improve life not be dependent
  1. Overbreeding (how these animals are allocated if they're not selected/trained to become service animals)
  2. Welfare of the animals
Overbreeding of service animals - rehomed if they dont pass the training
服务性动物的过度繁殖 - 如果它们没有通过培训,就会被重新安置
Welfare of animals vs humans
  • Mental stimulation 精神刺激
could modern tech replace them
According to the Disability Discrimination Act, if your Assistance Dog (or AD) is appropriately trained and certified to assist you, and meets hygiene and behaviour standards, access to public spaces and services is guaranteed. The DDA takes precedence over other laws.
reference: 参考:
U.S. Department of Justice. (2010). Service Animals. Retrieved from
美国司法部。(2010). 服务性动物.取自