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Organisational Behaviour

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Haidilao's success is attributed to its unique leadership style, organizational culture and employee management strategies. This case study applies the IPO (Input-Process-Output) model to analyze how Haidilao achieves sustainable competitive advantage through transformational leadership, strong corporate culture and employee empowerment. Finally, it examines and summarizes some personal reflection based on ethical concerns in the industry.
海迪劳的成功得益于其独特的领导风格、组织文化和员工管理策略。本案例研究运用 IPO(投入-过程-产出)模型,分析了海迪劳如何通过变革型领导力、强大的企业文化和员工授权实现可持续的竞争优势。最后,研究还基于行业道德问题进行了一些个人反思和总结。

2. Case study

2.1. Input

As the first part of the IPO model, the input section focuses on the resources and environment of Haidilao (Reimer, 2017), including factors such as leadership style, employee policies, and corporate culture, which are key elements that influence organizational behavior.
作为 IPO 模型的第一部分,输入部分主要关注海蒂诗的资源和环境(Reimer,2017),包括领导风格、员工政策和企业文化等因素,这些都是影响组织行为的关键要素。

In terms of leadership style, Zhang Yong, the leader of Haidilao, is an ideal example of transformational leadership. According to Bass (2006), this leadership style emphasizes motivating employees, creating a clear vision and empowering them to achieve organizational goals. Zhang Yong's management concepts are deeply rooted in a people-centered corporate culture. For example, Haidilao has created a "family culture" where leadership plays a supportive and guiding role so that employees may feel cared for and respected at work. Employees are not just subordinates carrying out tasks, but also the core strength of the company's development. By empowering frontline staff to make decisions on their own, they have enhanced their sense of responsibility and customer satisfaction while improving operational efficiency. In addition, he highly emphasizes the internal promotion mechanism, allowing many managers to grow up from basic level positions, which not only enhances employees' sense of belonging and loyalty, but also shapes the organizational culture for sustainable development. At the same time, the company provides a competitive salary and welfare system, which further enhances employees' job satisfaction and creates a motivating and highly cohesive work environment (Sypniewska et al.,2023). This leadership model has brought significant outcomes, not only motivating employees, but also effectively reducing employee turnover and maintaining superior performance. This is also supported by the study of Ghafoor et al. (2011) that there is a positive relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement and productivity. The management style of Zhang Yong is a reflection of this theory.
在领导风格方面,海迪劳的领导者张勇是变革型领导的理想典范。巴斯(Bass,2006 年)认为,这种领导风格强调激励员工,创造清晰的愿景,并赋予员工实现组织目标的权力。张勇的管理理念深深植根于以人为本的企业文化。例如,海迪劳创建了一种 "家庭文化",领导层在其中扮演支持和引导的角色,让员工在工作中感受到关怀和尊重。员工不仅仅是执行任务的下属,更是企业发展的核心力量。通过赋予一线员工自主决策权,在提高运营效率的同时,也增强了他们的责任感和客户满意度。此外,他高度重视内部晋升机制,让许多管理人员从基层岗位成长起来,这不仅增强了员工的归属感和忠诚度,也塑造了可持续发展的组织文化。同时,公司提供具有竞争力的薪酬和福利制度,进一步提高了员工的工作满意度,营造了一个充满激励和高度凝聚力的工作环境(Sypniewska 等人,2023 年)。这种领导模式成效显著,不仅调动了员工的积极性,还有效降低了员工流失率,保持了优异的业绩。Ghafoor 等人(2011 年)的研究也证实了这一点,即变革型领导与员工敬业度和生产率之间存在正相关关系。张勇的管理风格正是这一理论的体现。

Organizational culture includes the shared values, beliefs and practices within an organization (Bass, 2006), and in this aspect, Haidilao has gained a significant advantage in the highly competitive catering industry by using a distinctive corporate culture that focuses on customer satisfaction, employee well-being and excellent quality of service (Haidilao, n.d.-a). Not only is this culture deeply rooted in the company's management system a business principle, but it is also an important competitive edge for Haidilao. Haidilao places a high premium on employee training to ensure that employees are able to systematically acquire customer service skills and develop leadership skills. This training system enhances not only the employees' professionalism, as well as strengthens their sense of responsibility to consistently deliver an excellent service experience (Zhao, 2022).
组织文化包括组织内部的共同价值观、信念和实践(Bass,2006 年),在这方面,海蒂 璐通过注重客户满意度、员工福利和卓越服务质量的独特企业文化,在竞争激烈的餐饮业中 取得了显著优势(Haidilao, n.d.-a)。这种文化不仅深深植根于公司的管理制度中,是一项经营原则,而且也是海迪劳的一项重要竞争优势。海迪劳高度重视员工培训,以确保员工能够系统地掌握客户服务技能和发展领导技能。这种培训体系不仅提高了员工的专业水平,还增强了他们的责任感,使他们能够始终如一地提供卓越的服务体验(Zhao,2022)。

Apart from skills development, Haidilao is also focused on creating a work environment that is like a family and provides emotional and professional support to its employees (Gong, 2014). This concept is reflected in its industry-leading employee welfare policies, which include high-quality staff accommodation, family benefits, and education assistance for employees' children. These actions reflect the company's consistent belief that employee satisfaction and motivation are key to sustainable business growth (Sypniewska et al., 2023). Meanwhile, Haidilao's unique service model also becomes an important part of its corporate culture. Customers can not only enjoy personalized services such as free manicure, shoeshine and waiting entertainment, but also have a sense of care throughout the dining experience (Cai, 2015). This kind of service model not only enhances customer loyalty, but also builds up Haidilao's unique brand image, which makes it stand out in the competitive market.
除了技能发展,海迪劳还注重营造家庭般的工作环境,为员工提供情感和专业支持(龚,2014 年)。这一理念体现在其行业领先的员工福利政策中,包括高质量的员工住宿、家庭福利和员工子女教育补助。这些行动反映了公司的一贯信念,即员工的满意度和积极性是企业可持续发展的关键(Sypniewska et al.)同时,海蒂诗独特的服务模式也成为其企业文化的重要组成部分。顾客不仅可以享受到免费修甲、擦鞋、等候娱乐等个性化服务,还能在整个用餐过程中感受到关怀(Cai,2015)。这种服务模式不仅提高了顾客的忠诚度,还树立了海迪劳独特的品牌形象,使其在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。

According to Zhao (2022), a strong corporate culture can significantly enhance employee engagement and performance. The success of Haidilao is a strong confirmation of this theory. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction and employee well-being, Haidilao has not only achieved outstanding success in the Chinese market, but has also successfully expanded into the international market (Super Hi International, 2024). As the company continues to expand, how to maintain and innovate its unique corporate culture in different environments will be key to Haidilao's continued competitive advantage.
根据 Zhao(2022 年)的观点,强大的企业文化可以显著提高员工的参与度和绩效。海蒂诗的成功有力地证实了这一理论。凭借对客户满意度和员工福利的高度重视,海蒂诗不仅在中国市场取得了卓越的成功,而且还成功地拓展了国际市场(Super Hi International,2024)。随着公司规模的不断扩大,如何在不同的环境中保持和创新其独特的企业文化,将是海迪劳继续保持竞争优势的关键。

Haidilao has well integrated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into its business operations, demonstrating a strong commitment to ethical management and sustainable development. One of the core aspects of its CSR efforts is the fair treatment of its employees, which is reflected in its promotion system that is merit based. Unlike many traditional catering business chains, Haidilao ensures that management positions are mainly filled by employees from internal staff, allowing employees to be promoted based on merit rather than background (UK HAIDILAO PTE LTD, 2024). This not only cultivates employee loyalty but also creates a work environment that rewards hard work and punishes laziness. In addition to its internal efforts, Haidilao is also actively involved in various community support programs including food donations and poverty assistance activities to strengthen its role as a socially responsible company (Harvey, 2018). Haidilao's involvement in local charity programs and disaster relief efforts further strengthens its corporate image and community connections.
海迪劳已将企业社会责任(CSR)很好地融入到其业务运营中,展示了对道德管理和可持续发展的坚定承诺。其企业社会责任工作的核心之一是公平对待员工,这体现在其任人唯贤的晋升制度上。与许多传统的连锁餐饮企业不同,海蒂乐确保管理职位主要由内部员工担任,让员工根据能力而非背景获得晋升(UK HAIDILAO PTE LTD, 2024)。这不仅培养了员工的忠诚度,还营造了奖勤罚懒的工作环境。除了内部努力,海迪劳还积极参与各种社区支持计划,包括食品捐赠和扶贫活动,以加强其作为一家有社会责任感的公司的角色(Harvey,2018)。海迪劳对当地慈善项目和救灾工作的参与进一步加强了其企业形象和社区联系。

2.2 Process
2.2 过程

The Process section of the IPO framework analyses how the above input factors are translated into actual management strategies through organizational behavioral internal management mechanisms and interactions (Reimer, 2017).
IPO 框架的过程部分分析了上述输入因素如何通过组织行为内部管理机制和相互作用转化为实际管理策略(Reimer,2017)。

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Maslow, 1943, quoted in Research History, 2012) provides a systematic framework for understanding employee motivation, pointing out that individuals are driven by the satisfaction of different levels of demands, ranging from basic survival needs to the highest level of self-achievement. Haidilao's employee management principles are highly aligned with this model, providing employees with comprehensive support to help them grow in their careers and personal development. At the most basic level of physiological requirements, the company ensures that employees' basic lives are met by providing competitive salaries, free meals and quality accommodation (Sypniewska et al., 2023). Further upwards, Haidilao provides employees with a stable working environment and long-term career prospects through the guarantee of security demands, such as an internal promotion system and clear career development paths, so that they have a sense of security and belonging in the company (Chen, 2018). Besides, Haidilao also focuses on the need for social belonging by creating a friendly and cordial team atmosphere so that employees care for each other like family members. Initiatives such as team building activities, training through tutorial and celebrating festivals together further enhance employees' cohesion and sense of belonging, enabling them to develop deep emotional links in the organization (Ser, 2021).
马斯洛的需求层次理论(Maslow, 1943 年,引自《研究史》,2012 年)为理解员工激励提供了一个系统框架,指出个人受满足不同层次需求的驱动,从基本的生存需求到最高层次的自我实现。海迪劳的员工管理原则与这一模型高度契合,为员工提供全面的支持,帮助他们在职业生涯和个人发展中不断成长。在最基本的生理需求层面,公司通过提供有竞争力的薪酬、免费餐饮和优质住宿,确保员工的基本生活得到满足(Sypniewska et al.)再往上,海迪劳通过内部晋升制度、明确的职业发展路径等保障需求的保障,为员工提供稳定的工作环境和长远的职业发展前景,使员工在企业中拥有安全感和归属感(Chen,2018)。此外,海迪劳还注重社会归属感的需求,通过营造友好亲切的团队氛围,让员工像家人一样互相关心。团队建设活动、辅导培训、共庆节日等举措进一步增强了员工的凝聚力和归属感,使他们在组织中建立起深厚的情感联系(Ser,2021 年)。

Regarding the higher level of need satisfaction, Chen (2018) states that Haidilao attaches great importance to the respect need, fully recognizes employees' contributions through performance rewards, promotion opportunities and management staff selection, stimulates their pride and sense of achievement, and shapes a positive work culture oriented towards effort and achievement. Simultaneously, the company also provides employees with a broad development space for self-fulfilling demands, and helps them discover the potential of their own abilities and achieve personal and professional goals through continuous training programs, skills upgrading and leadership development. Research has shown that satisfying these high-level requirements can effectively enhance employees' job satisfaction and organizational loyalty (Rasskazova et al., 2016), while Haidilao's management model is a successful practice of this theory. By satisfying the demands of its employees in a comprehensive way, Haidilao has developed a highly engaged and motivated workforce, and further strengthened its position as a "People-Oriented" employer in the market.
在较高层次的需求满足方面,陈晓明(2018)指出,海迪劳高度重视尊重需求,通过绩效奖励、晋升机会、管理人员选拔等方式充分肯定员工的贡献,激发员工的自豪感和成就感,塑造以努力和成就为导向的积极向上的工作文化。同时,公司还为员工提供自我实现需求的广阔发展空间,通过持续的培训计划、技能提升和领导力发展,帮助员工发掘自身能力潜能,实现个人和职业目标。研究表明,满足这些高层次的需求可以有效提升员工的工作满意度和组织忠诚度(Rasskazova 等,2016),而海迪劳的管理模式正是这一理论的成功实践。通过全面满足员工的需求,海迪劳培养了一支高度参与、积极进取的员工队伍,进一步巩固了其 "以人为本 "的雇主市场地位。

Haidilao's corporate culture is deeply rooted in the concept of diversity and inclusivity, which was actively promoted by its founder Zhang Yong. By recruiting employees from different backgrounds, Haidilao has built a diverse team where individuals of different nationalities, educational levels and professional experiences can find a sense of belonging and realize their values. For instance, the Haidilao team members in Singapore include individuals from China, Malaysia and Vietnam (Gong, 2014). This inclusive culture is also reflected in gender equality, as the company is committed to eliminating gender discrimination and providing women with a wide range of opportunities to develop into management and even executive level positions, breaking down long-standing gender barriers in the industry (Li, 2022). Additionally, the transparent and fair promotion mechanism established by Haidilao, as mentioned in the Input section, ensures that employees can be promoted based on their own abilities and efforts, whatever the region they come from or the level they are in (Yu et al., 2011). This performance-based management approach avoids the traditional "relationship-oriented" promotion model in the industry and makes the career development of employees more equitable.
海迪劳的企业文化深深植根于其创始人张勇积极倡导的多元化和包容性理念。通过招募不同背景的员工,海迪劳建立了一个多元化的团队,让不同国籍、不同教育水平和不同职业经历的人都能找到归属感,实现自身价值。例如,新加坡的海蒂诗团队成员包括来自中国、马来西亚和越南的个人(龚,2014 年)。这种包容性文化还体现在性别平等方面,公司致力于消除性别歧视,为女性提供广泛的机会,使其能够发展到管理层甚至行政级别的职位,打破了行业中长期存在的性别障碍(Li,2022 年)。此外,正如 "投入 "部分所述,海迪劳建立了透明、公平的晋升机制,确保员工无论来自哪个地区、处于哪个级别,都能根据自身的能力和努力获得晋升(Yu et al.)这种基于绩效的管理方式避免了行业内传统的 "关系导向 "晋升模式,使员工的职业发展更加公平。

A study by Qi et al. (2019) emphasizes that an inclusive work environment would not only boost innovation, but also improve the quality of decision-making in the firm and effectively enhance employees' sense of belonging and loyalty. The diversification principle implemented by Haidilao in its management strategy is the successful practice of this theory, which enhances the enthusiasm of employees, as well as creates a more dynamic and creative working atmosphere. By providing employees with full respect and development opportunities, Haidilao has established their people-oriented management model in the industry. Having said that, International Haidilao's employed staff has many critical reviews, such as in markets outside of China, the composition of restaurant employees is mainlyChinese. (Haidilao Hotpot, n.d.). With the continuous expansion of enterprises in domestic and international markets, how to maintain this diverse and inclusive culture in different backgrounds will become an important part of Haidilao's consolidation of competitive advantages and building an international brand image.

Haidilao's service innovation is closely combined with its employee empowerment strategy, providing frontline staff with a high degree of independence and enabling them to respond flexibly to a variety of service situations, thus enhancing the customer experience and optimizing operational efficiency. Unlike traditional catering companies that rely on strict process management, Haidilao empowers its employees to make on-the-spot decisions, enabling them to be the first to make amends or provide extra care in case of service issues (Ser, 2021). Such flexibility can quickly resolve customer dissatisfaction while also enhancing consumer trust in the brand. Moreover, Haidilao encourages its employees to provide customized services according to customers' individual requirements (Cai, 2015), whether it is recommending dishes according to customers' preferences or providing extra surprises on special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries, these personalized interactions enhance the sense of exclusivity of the brand, which makes customers more emotionally reliant on and approve Haidilao.
海迪劳的服务创新与员工授权战略紧密结合,为一线员工提供高度的自主权,使他们能够灵活应对各种服务情况,从而提升客户体验,优化运营效率。与依赖严格流程管理的传统餐饮企业不同,海迪劳赋予员工现场决策权,使他们能够在出现服务问题时第一时间做出补偿或提供额外照顾(Ser,2021 年)。这种灵活性可以迅速解决顾客的不满,同时还能增强消费者对品牌的信任。此外,海底捞鼓励员工根据顾客的个性化需求提供定制服务(Cai,2015),无论是根据顾客的喜好推荐菜品,还是在生日或纪念日等特殊场合提供额外惊喜,这些个性化的互动增强了品牌的专属感,使顾客在情感上更加依赖和认可海底捞。

Apart from giving employees the authority to make immediate decisions, Haidilao also implements a cross-position training and job rotating system so that employees can flexibly switch between different roles, from the back kitchen to service to restaurant management, so as to enhance their adaptability and efficiency in all aspects (Liu et al., 2019). Such a training system enhances employees' professional skills and shapes a more flexible and efficient team. According to Schneider (2009), empowered employees can significantly increase work engagement, motivation, and ultimately customer satisfaction. Haidilao's management model is a successful demonstration of this theory, with its highly flexible service model driving customer loyalty and establishing a unique brand competitiveness.

2.3 Output
2.3 产出

In the output section, it will be analyzed how the leadership style and organizational behavior of Haidilao ultimately affects the corporate business operations, including employee satisfaction, market performance and social responsibility behavior (Reimer, 2017).

Summarizing the above Inputs and Processes, Haidilao has sustained its competitive advantage in the catering industry by consistently driving business growth through superior leadership and strategic management. By placing service excellence at the forefront, the company has achieved high customer retention, strong brand loyalty and low employee turnover. Consumers are stickier due to the personalized experience and employees are more motivated by the sense of belonging, contributing to Haidilao's sustained growth and global expansion.
综合上述 "投入 "和 "流程",海迪劳通过卓越的领导力和战略管理持续推动业务增长,从而保持了其在餐饮业的竞争优势。通过将卓越服务放在首位,公司实现了较高的客户保留率、较强的品牌忠诚度和较低的员工流失率。消费者因个性化体验而更有粘性,员工因归属感而更有动力,这些都为海迪劳的持续增长和全球扩张做出了贡献。

Research has shown that a high-performing corporate culture enhances profitability and sustainability (Pham et al., 2023). Haidilao ensures employee satisfaction and customer confidence integrating corporate values into its daily operations. However, maintaining service quality and ethical standards in rapid expansion will remain a major challenge.
研究表明,高绩效的企业文化能提高盈利能力和可持续性(Pham 等人,2023 年)。海迪劳将企业价值观融入日常运营,确保员工满意度和客户信心。然而,在快速扩张的过程中保持服务质量和道德标准仍将是一项重大挑战。

3. Evidence-based personal reflections

Haidilao has become a socially responsible organization and in terms of environmental sustainability, the company has set specific targets to reduce energy consumption, water consumption, waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions, with plans to reduce energy consumption and waste emissions by 10% by 2025 (Fortune China, 2022). Additionally, a report by Loh (2024) states that Haidilao has integrated eco-friendly practices into its operations. The company has adopted digital technologies to increase efficiency and reduce waste, leading to sustainability by minimizing its impact on the environment. For example, the use of digital platforms has enabled Haidilao to engage customers more effectively by providing information about sustainable meal options and the chain's environmental practices.
海迪劳已成为一家具有社会责任感的企业,在环境可持续发展方面,公司制定了减少能耗、水耗、废物产生和温室气体排放的具体目标,计划到 2025 年将能耗和废物排放减少 10%(《财富》中文版,2022 年)。此外,Loh(2024 年)的一份报告指出,海迪劳已将生态友好型实践融入其运营中。公司采用数字技术来提高效率和减少浪费,从而最大限度地减少对环境的影响,实现可持续发展。例如,数字平台的使用使海迪劳能够更有效地吸引顾客,提供有关可持续餐饮选择和连锁店环保实践的信息。

Having said that, there are still concerns about the reality of Haidilao's sustainability efforts. Although the company has implemented a number of environmental measures and programs, the extent and impact of these measures are not fully transparent, its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risk rating remains at a higher risk of 33.5, showing that Haidilao still needs to improve its governance in terms of sustainability (Sustainalytics, 2024). China's catering industry is also facing scrutiny over 'greenwashing' practices, where companies may overstate or misrepresent their environmental efforts to make them appear more sustainable than they actually are. A study on 'greenwashing' in the Chinese restaurant industry highlighted the importance of organizational transparency and ethical leadership in reducing such behavior (Xie et al, 2024). The study suggests that some companies make genuine efforts towards sustainability, while others may engage in deceptive communication that undermines stakeholder trust.
尽管如此,海迪劳在可持续发展方面的实际情况仍令人担忧。尽管该公司实施了一系列环保措施和计划,但这些措施的程度和影响并不完全透明,其环境、社会和治理(ESG)风险评级仍然高达 33.5,表明海迪劳在可持续发展方面仍需改善治理(Sustainalytics,2024 年)。中国餐饮业还面临着 "洗绿 "行为的审查,即企业可能夸大或歪曲其在环保方面所做的努力,使其看起来比实际更具可持续性。一项关于中国餐饮业 "洗绿 "行为的研究强调了组织透明度和道德领导力对减少此类行为的重要性(Xie et al, 2024)。该研究表明,一些公司在可持续发展方面做出了真正的努力,而另一些公司则可能进行欺骗性沟通,损害利益相关者的信任。

To consider ethical dilemmas in the workplace highlights the importance of individual values being in line with corporate ethics (Robbins et al., 2023). From my perspective, experiencing 'greenwashing' or unethical behavior would make a person re-evaluate their career choices in favor of organizations that actually uphold honesty and social responsibility. In order to influence ethical practices, I suggest that individuals can promote transparency by encouraging open communication about company policies and decisions. Supporting ethical leadership may further strengthen a culture of honesty, as leaders establish the tone for behavior in the workplace. Continually learning about industry ethics can enhance an individual's ability to drive meaningful change. By actively engaging in these efforts, individuals can contribute to a sustainable ethical culture, making ethics an essential part of organizational success.
考虑工作场所的道德困境突出了个人价值观与企业道德保持一致的重要性(Robbins 等人,2023 年)。在我看来,经历过 "洗绿 "或不道德行为的人会重新评估自己的职业选择,转而选择那些真正坚持诚信和社会责任的组织。为了影响道德实践,我建议个人可以通过鼓励就公司政策和决策进行公开交流来提高透明度。支持道德领导力可以进一步加强诚信文化,因为领导者为工作场所的行为定调。不断学习行业道德规范可以提高个人推动有意义变革的能力。通过积极参与这些努力,个人可以为可持续的道德文化做出贡献,使道德成为组织成功的重要组成部分。


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