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726 THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY and military processes and legacies. Methodologically, historical geographers have been creative in using archival research to attempt to recover and piece together the lived experiences of war.
726 《史学地理学智慧手册》和军事过程与遗产。在方法论上,历史地理学家在利用档案研究方面非常有创意,试图重建和拼凑战争的生活经历。

Wilson (2011) uses letters, diaries and memoirs to explore how British soldiers on the Western Front in the First World War attempted to make sense of, or locate the war-torn landscapes, poverty and refugees they witnessed. For McGeachan: " t]he sheer scale of destruction and devastation of war can never be fully accounted, but the processes of sifting through the human, material, social, political and cultural debris will continue in order to seek understanding into the lives and world that have been lost, altered, or obliterated' (McGeachan 2014, 834).
Wilson(2011 年)使用信件、日记和回忆录探讨了一战期间英国士兵如何试图理解或找到他们目睹的战争破碎的景观、贫困和难民。对于麦吉钦来说:“战争的毁灭和破坏之巨无法完全计算,但筛选人类、物质、社会、政治和文化残骸的过程将继续,以寻求对已经失去、改变或被抹去的生活和世界的理解”(麦吉钦 2014 年,834 页)。

For historical geographers to move across and between scales may be a matter of being more explicit about practical methodology. Most archives are replete with official military documents, maps, plans and diaries, as well as memoirs, letters, personal diaries, photographs, poems. Doing the historical geographies of military lives and worlds involves moving through and between national archives, museums, battlefields, monuments, family attics, photo albums and heirlooms to elicit oral histories or 'give voice' to things never discussed.

The debris that is the military archive can help to resist neat narratives or contained histories (Forsyth 2016b); as war seeps into and bleeds out of combatants' bodies and the nation's body politic, so do its traces and narratives in the archives.
军事档案中的碎片可以帮助抵抗整洁的叙述或包容的历史(Forsyth 2016b);随着战争渗入和流出作战人员的身体以及国家政治体系,档案中也会留下它的痕迹和叙述。

Thus, for the historical geographer as for others, recovery is an ethical responsibility.

Experiences of war or of the military can never be fully captured or represented: as for all historical enquiry, there are ethical and political requirements in sensitively tracing the accounts and actions of those involved.

In the fourth approach, historical geographers have engaged with the geographies and temporalities of military activities in reflections of postcolonial theory.

There is a need, too, to explore the potentials in other places and peoples' experiences of the military in order to make its geographies and their consequences accountable. Work in postcolonial geography has helped advance historical geographical engagement with the military.

Tahir (2017) examines the ways in which the juridical institutionalisation of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) as 'exceptional' enabled drone operations in the region.

She argues that this is facilitated through a discourse which draws explicitly on racist tropes with roots in early twentiethcentury British colonial air policing: in that sense, the present configuration of the region is an historical legacy of an imperial 'frontier imagination'.

Research rooted in postcolonial studies historicises the contemporary legacies of colonial control and the imperial cultural imaginary.

It also makes room for different voices in critical military geographies to shape understandings of the ways in which military processes are situated, socially constituted and diverse (Rech et al. 2015).
它还为批判性军事地理学中的不同声音提供了空间,以塑造对军事过程的定位、社会构成和多样性的理解(Rech 等人,2015 年)。

Examples range from the ways in which postindependence territorial conceptions and conflicts were framed (Campos-Serrano and Rodriguez-Esteban 2017), how military science has shaped traditions of and challenges to national identity (Capello 2018), how cities are hybrids of colonial and indigenous planning and land use (Bigon and Hart 2018), and how we can, in narrative form, challenge the occlusion of narrow military histories in liberation history (McGregor 2017).
例子包括后独立领土观念和冲突的构建方式(Campos-Serrano 和 Rodriguez-Esteban 2017),军事科学如何塑造了国家身份的传统和挑战(Capello 2018),城市如何是殖民地和土著规划和土地利用的混合体(Bigon 和 Hart 2018),以及我们如何可以通过叙事形式挑战解放历史中狭隘军事历史的遮蔽(McGregor 2017)。

In sum, these historical geographies of the military unsettle both the legitimacy and the inevitability of military violence by expanding upon who, what and where is included in the legacies of military phenomena.

HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHIES OF MILITARY TECHNOLOGY This section examines how expanding historical geographies of military geographies to focus on technology is important in unsettling the legitimacy and the inevitability of
PHOTOGRAPHY, TRAVEL, ARCHIVES 963 econtextualized form. Both macroand microd levels of encounter warrant unpacking. Archives as Spaces of Photographic Encounter At the macro-level, archives are spaces of photographic encounter.
摄影,旅行,档案 963 econtextualized 形式。宏观和微观层面的相遇都值得深入挖掘。档案作为摄影相遇的空间 在宏观层面,档案是摄影相遇的空间。

I have explored this in some detail elsewhere (Schwartz, 2002, 2006, 2020).
我在其他地方已经详细探讨过这一点(Schwartz,2002 年,2006 年,2020 年)。

What is important to emphasize here is that archives, as public heritage institutions, differ from libraries and museums in their mandates, priorities, operations, and audiences, and that archivists differ from librarians and curators in their professional expertise, disciplinary perspectives, and institutional practices.

These differences matter. Often naturalized or veiled, unintelligible to users or ignored by researchers, everyday institutional practices account for what ends up in archives, and how researchers understand and obtain access to materials preserved there.

Archival arrangement, description, and access have the power to privilege and marginalize. These everyday practices frame archives as spaces of photographic encounter.

It is, therefore, important that scholars pay critical attention to the ways in which photographs are arranged, described, and made accessible in physical and digital form, since these institutional practices shape the research they conduct and the kind(s) of (hi)stories they write.

'Archives' is used in everyday parlance to refer to any collection of old documents or historical photographs, regardless of how they are accumulated and preserved, but an 'archive' or 'archives' in the strict traditional or professional sense is not simply any aggregation of historical documents.

Equally, the difference between the 'real' bricks-and-mortar world of archives and the metaphorical archive of comprehensive knowledge of Michel Foucault (1972), Thomas Richards (1993), Jacques Derrida (1996), and others has methodological implications for the ways in which research in historical geography is conducted.
同样,'真实'的档案实体世界与米歇尔·福柯(1972 年)、托马斯·理查兹(1993 年)、雅克·德里达(1996 年)等人的综合知识隐喻档案之间的区别对历史地理研究的方法论有影响。

The Society of American Archivists' Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology offers a basic definition of 'archives (also archive)' as: Materials created or received by a person, family, or organization, public or private, in the conduct of their affairs and preserved because of the enduring value contained in the information they contain or as evidence of the functions and responsibilities of their creator, especially those materials maintained using the principles of prov enance, original order, and collective control; per manent records.

(Pearce-Moses What I want to highlight here is the emphasis on the remit of archives as simultaneously administrative, fiscal, legal, and historical; their nature as organic accretions; their value as 'evidence of the functions and responsibilities of their creators'; and their adherence to 'principles of provenance, original order, and collective control'.
(Pearce-Moses 我想在这里强调的是档案的职责同时包括行政、财务、法律和历史;它们作为有机堆积物的本质;它们作为“创作者职能和责任的证据”的价值;以及它们遵循“来源、原始秩序和集体控制原则”。

How materials in archives are acquired, arranged, described, and made accessible is, thus, a discursive (and professional) practice with a vocabulary of its own. Albums as Spaces of Photographic Encounter At the micro-level, photograph albums are spaces of photographic encounter.

By their very nature, they present historical geographers with an amalgam of physical object, cultural artifact, historical record, individual images, and visual narrative.

Institutional priorities for the preservation of such physically and intellectually complex objects proceed from different - often tacit, sometimes conflicting - theoretical aims, professional concerns, disciplinary perspectives, and practical considerations.

Users of publicly accessible photograph collections in institutions with widely different mandates ignore these at their peril, because what is privileged - the album as a material object, the photographer(s) represented in it, the information or quality of the individual images, and/or the meaning(s)/narrative(s) embedded in them - depends on the assumptions that institutions hold and the values they impose.

Because decisions governing the preservation of
HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND THE GEOHUMANITIES 1033 drilling and using explosives to create the power station; of amateur artist Elizabeth Falconer, who created a gilded mural for the turbine room floor; and of the 450 million year-old granite itself.
历史、地理和地球人文学 1033 钻井和使用爆炸物来建造发电站;业余艺术家伊丽莎白·法尔科纳创作了涂金壁画,用于涡轮机房地板;以及这块 4.5 亿年历史的花岗岩本身。

The work enables an exploration of the unseen and unseeable, and enfolds hidden histories of the mountain that mesh extremely dangerous labour practices, mundane stories of the faking of generator sounds for important visitors, and the longer presence and materiality of the granite.

'Millennia', as the radio play says, 'compressed into millimetres'. 19 History? Geography? Art?

To ask such questions is less interesting than to consider the expanded field of knowledge-making, such that the interrelations of these three are not only accepted but actively cultivated.

While we could cite any number of art works that engage with concerns of history and historical geography, not least the growth of the archive as a site of and for creative practices (see Mereweather 2006 for a summary), it is the evolving form of these interrelations between creative practices and history and geography that is of interest here.
虽然我们可以引用许多涉及历史和历史地理问题的艺术作品,尤其是档案馆作为创造性实践的场所的增长(参见 Mereweather 2006 的总结),但这里感兴趣的是创造性实践与历史和地理之间的不断发展的形式。

Of course, historical geography has long turned to analysis of the art works, literature, and so on, of others as sources, but what is of interest here is the increasing intersection of creative doings with the academic practices of geography and history.

GeoHumanities does not just name the longstanding relationship between geography and the humanities, but also takes into account longterm relations between Geography and arts practice.

If, as recounted earlier, for centuries this took its most obvious form in expeditionary artists making, in the words of the British Admiralty, 'more perfect accounts than can be gained by words alone', then more recently geography and the arts have become related through geography's attention to creative methods and in the form of practicebased and practiceled research (Hawkins 2014).
正如早些时候所述,几个世纪以来,这在远征艺术家制作方面表现得最为明显,用英国海军部的话来说,他们制作的“比仅仅用文字获得的更完美的描述”,而最近地理学和艺术之间的关系是通过地理学对创造性方法的关注以及基于实践和实践导向的研究形式而建立的(Hawkins 2014)。

As such, we see geographers with a whole range of amateur and professional creative practices working as or alongside artists, writers, curators, playwrights, film makers, and so on (Driver et al. 2005; Crang 2010; Bond et al. 2013; Cutler 2013; De Leeuw 2017; Hawkins 2015).
因此,我们看到地理学家拥有各种业余和专业的创意实践,作为艺术家、作家、策展人、剧作家、电影制作人等的一部分或与之并行工作(Driver 等,2005 年;Crang,2010 年;Bond 等,2013 年;Cutler,2013 年;De Leeuw,2017 年;Hawkins,2015 年)。

Similarly, at least in the UK, we see a range of creative practitioners coming to work in Geography departments (as PhD students, residents or collaborators) or with geographical ideas. Geography is not alone in experiencing this 'creative turn'.

Indeed, history too is seeing 'creative histories' that, in common with creative geographies, see collaborations with professionals in museum and gallery contexts; experiments by amateur practitioners with creative methods; concern with public engagement as well as challenges to archival practices.

The Creative Histories event, for example, run by Will Pooley from the Centre for Humanities at Bristol (UK), highlights the inventive nature of this work, exploring history in public, historical (non) fiction, visual histories and history and social media, outlining both longstanding practices (especially non-fiction writing) within history as well as new opportunities (for example, creative use of social media).

20 Creative Histories and Creative Geographies are both, then, longstanding fields of work that have of late come to wider attention.
20 个创意历史和创意地理学都是长期存在的工作领域,最近引起了更广泛的关注。

In what follows, I want to explore three shared traits of this work - archiving, writing and practicing - to reflect on some of the possibilities but also the challenges of future work in this area.
在接下来的内容中,我想探讨这项工作的三个共同特点 - 档案编制、写作和实践 - 以反思这一领域未来工作的一些可能性,但也面临挑战。

These are less intended as surveys and more as offering models for thinking through the different kinds of relationship between creative practices, Geography and History that we might encounter. Archiving A legion of artists has taken to the archive of late.

Oftentimes, as for Fusco, whose Master Rock opened this section, archives offer rich sets of resources for making artwork.

The result is artwork that seeks to animate and perform stories of people and place, but also
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