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生姓名 夏江阳


学 院 人文法政学院


指导教师 许敏

二O 十五

The study on the reconstruction of characters in Fu Weizi's translation of The Moon and Sixpence from a cross-cultural perspective

By Xia Jiangyang

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Department of Foreign Languages

Binjiang College

Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

April 2024
2024 年 4 月


Chapter One Introduction1
第一章 引言 1

1.1 Research Background1
1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 The Literary Value and Influence of The Moon and Sixpence1
1.1.1 《月亮与六便士》的文学价值和影响 1

1.1.2 The Position of Fu Weici's Translation in the Chinese Literary Circle1
1.1.2 傅未慈译在中国文坛的地位 1

1.2 Research Origin and Purpose2
1.2 研究来源和目的 2

1.2.1 Exploring the Influence of Translation on Literary Characters2
1.2.1 探索翻译对文学人物的影响 2

1.2.2 Understanding Cultural Adaptation and Innovation in Cross-Cultural Communication2
1.2.2 理解跨文化交际中的文化适应与创新 2

1.3 Scope of Study and Problem Statement2
1.3 研究范围和问题陈述 2

1.3.1 Definition of the Scope of Study2
1.3.1 研究范围的定义 2

1.3.2 Major Research Questions3
1.3.2 主要研究课题 3

1.4 Selection of Methodology3
1.4 方法的选择 3

1.4.1 Comparative Literary Method3
1.4.1 比较文学方法 3

1.4.2 Textual Analysis Method3
1.4.2 文本分析方法3

Chapter Two Literature Review and Theoretical Framework4
第二章 文献综述与理论框架 4

2.1 Domestic and International Research Review4
2.1 国内和国际研究综述 4

2.1.1 Domestic Research Review4
2.1.1 国内研究综述 4

2.1.2 International Research Review4
2.1.2 国际研究综述 4

2.2 Theoretical Framework5
2.2 理论框架 5

2.2.1 Development of Translation Theory5
2.2.1 翻译理论的发展 5

2.2.2 Theory of Cross-Cultural Communication5
2.2.2 跨文化交际理论 5

Chapter Three Comparison Analysis between the Original Text and Fu Weici's Translation.7
第三章 原文与傅维慈译本的比较分析。7

3.1 Analysis of the Reshaping of Character Images7
3.1 人物形象重塑分析 7

3.1.1 Transformation of Character Personality and Inner World7
3.1.1 性格、人格和内心世界的转变 7

3.1.2 Interpretation of Character Fate7
3.1.2 角色命运的解释 7

3.2 The Influence of Acculturation and Transformation on the Construction of Character Image8
3.2 文化适应与转化对人物形象建构的影响 8

3.2.1 Cultural Adaptations in Character Portrayal8
3.2.1 人物肖像中的文化适应 8

3.2.2 Transformation of Character Motivations and Behaviors9
3.2.2 性格动机和行为的转变 9

Chapter Four The Characteristics and Influences of the Characters in Fu Weici's Translation11
第四章 傅维慈译文中人物的特征与影响 11

4.1 The Expression Style of Fu Weici's Translation11
4.1 傅维慈译文的表达风格 11

4.1.1 The Tone in Fu Weici's Translation11
4.1.1 傅维慈译文的语气 11

4.1.2 Rhetoric and Symbolism in Fu Weici's Translation12
4.1.2 傅维慈译本中的修辞与象征 12

4.2 The Reconstruction of Values is Reflected in the Image of Characters13
4.2 价值观的重构体现在人物形象上 13

4.2.1 An Interpretation of the Values Embodied in the Character's Behavior13
4.2.1 对角色行为所体现的价值观的解释 13

4.2.2 The Interpretation and Secondary Reconstruction of the Metaphor of Character Image13
4.2.2 人物形象隐喻的解读与二次重构 13

Chapter Five Conclusion and Outlook15
第五章 结论与展望 15

参考资料 16

致谢 18



南京信息工程大学滨江学院,江苏 无锡 214105

摘 要本文通过对比分析傅惟慈的译本和原著,探讨了《月亮与六便士》中人物形象的重构。本研究从探讨《月亮与六便士》的文学价值和影响以及傅惟慈翻译在中国文坛的意义入手,旨在探讨翻译对文学人物的影响。本研究采用了比较文学的方法和文本分析来审视人物形象的转变,包括性格、内心世界和对命运的解读。此外,它还研究了文化适应对构建人物形象的影响,重点是人物形象塑造和角色行为动机的转变。通过这种对比分析,本文还强调了东西方价值观结合对人物形象的重建。最后,论文总结了傅惟慈译本中人物形象的特点和影响,并对人物行为所体现的价值观的重新阐释和文本中隐喻的重塑进行了思考。


Reconstruction of Character Images in The Moon and Sixpence:A Comparative Study between Fu Weici's Translation and the Original Work

Xia Jiangyang

Binjiang College, NUIST, Wuxi 214105, China
滨江学院, NUIST, 无锡214105, 中国

Abstract: This study explores the reconstruction of character images in The Moon and Sixpence through a comparative analysis of Fu Weici's translation and the original work. Starting with an investigation into the literary value and influence of The Moon and Sixpence and the significance of Fu Weici's translation in the Chinese literary scene, the research aims to delve into the impact of translation on literary characters. The study employs comparative literature methods and textual analysis to examine the transformation of character images, including personality, inner world, and interpretations of destiny. Furthermore, it investigates the influence of cultural adaptation on constructing character images, focusing on the shaping of character images and the transformation of character motivations. Through this comparative analysis, the study also emphasizes the reconstruction of character images through the fusion of Eastern and Western values. Lastly, the paper summarizes the characteristics and impact of character images in Fu Weici's translation, reflecting on the reinterpretation of values embodied in character behavior and the reshaping of metaphors in the text.
摘要: 本研究通过对傅未慈译作与原著的比较分析,探讨了《月亮与六便士》中人物形象的重构。本研究从《月亮与六便士》的文学价值和影响以及傅未慈的翻译在中国文坛的意义出发,深入探讨翻译对文学人物的影响。本研究采用比较文学方法和文本分析来研究人物形象的转变,包括人格、内心世界和对命运的解释。此外,它还研究了文化适应对人物形象建构的影响,重点关注人物形象的塑造和人物动机的转变。通过这种比较分析,本研究还强调了通过东西方价值观的融合对人物形象的重构。最后,总结了傅维慈译作中人物意象的特点和影响,反思了对人物行为所蕴含的价值的重新诠释和对文本中隐喻的重塑。

Keywords: Reconstruction; Character Images; The Moon and Sixpence; Comparative Study; Fu Weici's Translation

Chapter One Introduction
第一章 引言

In the realm of literature, certain works transcend temporal and geographical boundaries, leaving an indelible mark on literary discourse and cultural consciousness. Among these, W. Somerset Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and artistic exploration. This chapter serves as an introduction to the research endeavor, laying the groundwork for a nuanced examination of the novel and its translation, particularly within the context of character portrayal and cultural adaptation.

Research Background

1.1.1 The Literary Value and Influence of The Moon and Sixpence
1.1.1 《月亮与六便士》的文学价值与影响

In exploring the literary value and influence of The Moon and Sixpence, it is essential to delve into its reception within the literary community and its impact on subsequent works. W. Somerset Maugham's novel has garnered significant critical attention since its publication, with scholars praising its depth of characterization, thematic complexity, and exploration of the artistic temperament. Maugham's portrayal of the protagonist, Charles Strickland, has been a subject of extensive analysis. Critics have lauded Maugham's adept depiction of Strickland's enigmatic persona and his relentless pursuit of artistic expression, which resonates with readers across generations. According to Smith, Maugham's exploration of themes such as passion, sacrifice, and the conflict between societal norms and individual autonomy has cemented The Moon and Sixpence as a classic of modern literature (Smith 2018: 78). The novel's enduring appeal lies in its ability to evoke a profound sense of introspection and empathy in readers, inviting them to reflect on the complexities of human nature and the pursuit of authenticity. Moreover, The Moon and Sixpence has exerted a profound influence on subsequent generations of writers, inspiring adaptations, reimaginings, and scholarly inquiries into its themes and motifs. Johnson argues that the novel's legacy extends beyond the realm of literature, permeating popular culture with references to its characters and themes that continue to resonate with audiences worldwide (Johnson 2020: 123-140). By examining the reception history and critical discourse surrounding "The Moon and Sixpence," we can gain valuable insights into its enduring literary significance and its place within the broader landscape of modernist literature.
在探索《月亮与六便士》的文学价值和影响力时,必须深入研究它在文学界的接受度及其对后续作品的影响。W·萨默塞特·毛姆的小说自出版以来就引起了极大的评论界关注,学者们称赞其人物刻画的深度、主题的复杂性和对艺术气质的探索。毛姆对主人公查尔斯·斯特里克兰德的刻画一直是广泛分析的主题。评论家们称赞毛姆对斯特里克兰神秘人物的娴熟描绘以及他对艺术表达的不懈追求,引起了几代读者的共鸣。根据史密斯的说法,毛姆对激情、牺牲以及社会规范与个人自主之间的冲突等主题的探索巩固了《月亮与六便士》作为现代文学经典的地位(史密斯 2018:78)。这部小说经久不衰的吸引力在于它能够唤起读者深刻的内省和同理心,邀请他们反思人性的复杂性和对真实的追求。此外,《月亮与六便士》对后世作家产生了深远的影响,激发了对其主题和主题的改编、重新想象和学术研究。约翰逊认为,这部小说的遗产超越了文学领域,渗透到流行文化中,其中提到了其人物和主题,继续引起全球观众的共鸣(约翰逊 2020:123-140)。通过研究围绕《月亮与六便士》的接受历史和批评话语,我们可以获得对其经久不衰的文学意义及其在现代主义文学广阔景观中的地位的宝贵见解。

1.1.2 The Position of Fu Weici's Translation in the Chinese Literary Circle
1.1.2 傅维慈译在中国文坛的地位

Fu Weici's translation of The Moon and Sixpence occupies a distinctive place within the rich tapestry of the Chinese literary circle, serving as a conduit for cultural exchange and artistic appreciation. Since its publication, Fu Weici's translation has garnered significant attention and acclaim, contributing to the dissemination of W. Somerset Maugham's masterpiece among Chinese readers. According to Li, Fu Weici's translation is recognized for its linguistic fidelity and cultural sensitivity, capturing the essence of Maugham's prose while making it accessible to a Chinese audience (Li 2019: 45). Through meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of both source and target cultures, Fu Weici has succeeded in bridging the gap between English and Chinese literature, enriching the literary landscape in China. Furthermore, Fu Weici's translation has sparked scholarly discussions and critical inquiries into the nuances of cross-cultural translation and adaptation. Scholars such as Wang have lauded Fu Weici's translation as a milestone in the reception of Western literature in China, highlighting its role in fostering intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding (Wang 2020:78). In addition to its literary significance, Fu Weici's translation has also played a pivotal role in shaping readers' perceptions of Western literature and culture. By introducing Chinese readers to the world of "The Moon and Sixpence," Fu Weici has broadened their horizons and deepened their appreciation for the universal themes and human experiences depicted in Maugham's novel.
傅未慈翻译的《月亮与六便士》在中国文坛的丰富胸怀中占有一席之地,是文化交流和艺术欣赏的渠道。自出版以来,傅未慈的译本获得了极大的关注和赞誉,为W.萨默塞特·毛姆的杰作在中国读者中的传播做出了贡献。据李说,傅未慈的翻译因其语言保真度和文化敏感性而受到认可,抓住了毛姆散文的精髓,同时让中国读者也能理解(李 2019:45)。通过对细节的一丝不苟和对源头文化和目标文化的深刻理解,傅未慈成功地弥合了中英文学之间的鸿沟,丰富了中国的文学景观。此外,傅伟慈的翻译引发了学术讨论和对跨文化翻译和改编的细微差别的批判性探究。王等学者称赞傅未慈的翻译是中国接受西方文学的里程碑,强调了其在促进跨文化对话和相互理解方面的作用(王 2020:78)。除了文学意义外,傅未慈的翻译在塑造读者对西方文学和文化的认知方面也发挥了举足轻重的作用。傅未慈通过向中国读者介绍《月亮与六便士》的世界,拓宽了他们的视野,加深了他们对毛姆小说中描绘的普遍主题和人类经历的欣赏。

Research Origin and Purpose

1.2.1 Exploring the Influence of Translation on Literary Characters
1.2.1 探索翻译对文学人物的影响

The genesis of this research project lies in a profound curiosity about the transformative power of translation and its impact on the portrayal of literary characters. Literature serves as a mirror reflecting the intricacies of human experience, and translation plays a crucial role in mediating the encounter between readers and characters across cultures and languages. Against this backdrop, this study seeks to unravel the multifaceted relationship between translation and the depiction of literary characters, with a specific focus on W. Somerset Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence and its translation by Fu Weici.

1.2.2 Understanding Cultural Adaptation and Innovation in Cross-Cultural Communication
1.2.2 理解跨文化交际中的文化适应与创新

By examining the process of cultural adaptation in the translation of "The Moon and Sixpence," this research aims to shed light on how cultural nuances are preserved, transformed, or negotiated in the act of translation. Through a comparative analysis of the original work and its translation, we seek to uncover the strategies employed by the translator to bridge the gap between source and target cultures, while also capturing the essence of the original text.

Scope of Study and Problem Statement

1.3.1 Definition of the Scope of Study
1.3.1 研究范围的定义

The scope of this study is defined by its focus on the translation of The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham into Chinese by Fu Weici, and the subsequent analysis of the portrayal of literary characters and cultural adaptation within the translated text. Specifically, the study will concentrate on the following aspects: 1) Character Portrayal: The study will analyze how the translation process influences the depiction of characters, including their personality traits, motivations, and psychological depth. By comparing the portrayal of characters in the original work and its translation, we aim to identify any deviations or nuances in character representation. 2)Cultural Adaptation: The study will examine the process of cultural adaptation in the translation of "The Moon and Sixpence," focusing on how cultural nuances are preserved, transformed, or negotiated in the translated text. This includes analyzing how cultural values, norms, and symbols are interpreted and adapted to resonate with the target audience. 3)Textual Analysis: Through a close textual analysis of key passages and character interactions, the study will explore the linguistic and stylistic choices made by the translator to convey the essence of the original text while ensuring cultural relevance and accessibility for Chinese readers. 4) Comparative Approach: The study will adopt a comparative approach, juxtaposing excerpts from the original work with their translated counterparts to discern the impact of translation choices on character portrayal and cultural adaptation. This comparative analysis will facilitate a nuanced understanding of the complexities of translation and its influence on literary interpretation.

1.3.2 Major Research Questions
1.3.2 主要研究课题

1) How does Fu Weici's translation of The Moon and Sixpence depict the characters originally created by W. Somerset Maugham?

2) What are the key differences and similarities in the portrayal of character personalities, motivations, and psychological depth between the original work and its translation?

Selection of Methodology

1.4.1 Comparative Literary Method
1.4.1 比较文学方法

The comparative literary method will serve as the primary approach for this research project, facilitating a systematic analysis of The Moon and Sixpence and its translation by Fu Weici. This method involves a detailed examination of both the original work and its translated counterpart, with a focus on identifying similarities, differences, and nuances in character portrayal, cultural adaptation, and linguistic expression.

1.4.2 Textual Analysis Method
1.4.2 文本分析方法

In addition to the comparative literary method, the research will also employ a textual analysis method to delve deeper into the nuances of The Moon and Sixpence and its translation by Fu Weici. This method will complement the comparative approach by focusing on specific textual elements, linguistic choices, and stylistic features within the original work and its translation.


Chapter Two Literature Review and Theoretical Framework
第二章 文献综述与理论框架

2.1 Domestic and International Research Review
2.1 国内和国际研究综述

2.1.1 Domestic Research Review
2.1.1 国内研究综述

In the comparative studies of translated works and their originals in the domestic academic community, scholars generally focus on issues such as cultural adaptation, linguistic transformation, and the reshaping of character images in the process of literary translation. Chen Pingyuan points out in his work that translators not only accurately convey the literary charm and emotional hues of the original works but also need to transform the characters' images in the cultural context into forms that are more in line with the aesthetic and cultural understanding of Eastern readers (Chen 2010:28). Zhou Guoping, from the perspective of cultural exchange, believes that for translation to achieve fidelity, elegance, and a complete representation of the characters in the work, a comparative analysis of character descriptions in the original and translated versions should be conducted to adapt the work to a new cultural context, thereby promoting cross-cultural understanding and communication (Zhou 2013:37). In addition, Liu Miqing conducts an in-depth analysis of the language style in literary translation and designs relevant strategies. Liu believes that translation needs to be designed in conjunction with the cultural background, thereby providing Chinese readers with texts that are easy to understand (Liu 2008:128). It can be seen that domestic scholars' research on translation not only focuses on language skills and cultural adaptation but also delves into the important role of translation in cultural exchange and literary innovation. The aforementioned studies provide future researchers with a deeper understanding of the translation profession and offer valuable perspectives on the role of literary translation in cross-cultural communication.
在国内学术界对翻译作品及其原作的比较研究中,学者们普遍关注文学翻译过程中的文化适应、语言转化、人物形象重塑等问题。陈平远在著作中指出,译者不仅要准确传达原著的文学魅力和情感色彩,还需要将文化语境中的人物形象转化为更符合东方读者审美和文化理解的形式(陈平远,2010:28)。周 国平从文化交流的角度认为,要使翻译达到作品中人物的忠实、优雅和完整表现,应该对原译版本中的人物描述进行比较分析,使作品适应新的文化语境,从而促进跨文化理解和交流(周 2013:37)。此外,刘密清还对文学翻译中的语言风格进行了深入的分析,并设计了相关策略。刘认为,翻译需要结合文化背景进行设计,从而为中国读者提供易于理解的文本(Liu 2008:128)。可以看出,国内学者对翻译的研究不仅关注语言技能和文化适应,还深入探讨了翻译在文化交流和文学创新中的重要作用。上述研究为未来的研究人员提供了对翻译专业的更深入理解,并为文学翻译在跨文化交际中的作用提供了有价值的视角。

2.1.2 International Research Review
2.1.2 国际研究回顾

In the international academic community's research on translation-related theories, scholars generally focus on cultural adaptation, linguistic transformation, and the influence of cultural differences on translation. Bassnett, S emphasizes the importance of translation as a transcultural communication activity, arguing that its primary function lies in the transmission and reshaping of culture. Through comparative analysis of translation practices in different cultural contexts, Bassnett, S elucidates the crucial role of translation in fostering understanding and communication across diverse cultures (Bassnett 2014: 11). Lefevere, A, from the perspective of cultural hegemony, explores the status and role of translation in global cultural exchange. He posits that translation serves not only as a tool for cultural exchange but also as a battleground for cultural hegemony and resistance. Lefevere, A underscores the importance of translation strategies in shaping the literary and cultural landscape of the receiving culture, advocating for "foreignization" strategies to challenge the norms and expectations of the target culture (Lefevere 1992:22). Venuti, L, approaches the topic from the perspective of rewriting theory, discussing translation as a form of literary rewriting activity. Venuti, L argues that translation is a rewriting of the original text, influenced not only by linguistic constraints but also by social, political, and cultural factors (Venuti 2008:324). It is evident that in the international academic community, scholars are not only concerned with the technical aspects of translation but also with its profound implications for cultural exchange and literary innovation.
在国际学术界对翻译相关理论的研究中,学者们普遍关注文化适应、语言转型以及文化差异对翻译的影响。Bassnett, S 强调翻译作为一种跨文化交流活动的重要性,认为其主要功能在于文化的传播和重塑。通过对不同文化背景下的翻译实践的比较分析,Bassnett, S 阐明了翻译在促进跨不同文化的理解和交流方面的关键作用(Bassnett 2014:11)。Lefevere, A从文化霸权的角度,探讨了翻译在全球文化交流中的地位和作用。他认为,翻译不仅是文化交流的工具,也是文化霸权和反抗的战场。Lefevere, A 强调了翻译策略在塑造接受文化的文学和文化景观方面的重要性,倡导“外国化”策略来挑战目标文化的规范和期望(Lefevere 1992:22)。Venuti, L 从重写理论的角度探讨了这个话题,将翻译作为文学重写活动的一种形式进行讨论。Venuti, L 认为翻译是对原文的重写,不仅受到语言限制的影响,还受到社会、政治和文化因素的影响(Venuti 2008:324)。显然,在国际学术界,学者们不仅关注翻译的技术层面,还关注其对文化交流和文学创新的深远影响。

2.2 Theoretical Framework
2.2 理论框架

2.2.1 Development of Translation Theory
2.2.1 翻译理论的发展

The theoretical framework of this study is anchored in the evolution of translation theory, which has witnessed significant advancements and diversification over time. Translation theory serves as a crucial lens through which the intricacies of the translation process are elucidated, providing insights into the principles, methodologies, and conceptual underpinnings of translation practice. Historically, translation theory has traversed a trajectory from prescriptive approaches focused on linguistic equivalence to more contemporary descriptive and functionalist paradigms emphasizing the dynamic nature of translation as a cultural and communicative phenomenon. As scholars grapple with the complexities inherent in translation, various theoretical paradigms have emerged to elucidate and analyze the multifaceted nature of translation. Baker's seminal work on translation theory highlights the importance of considering both linguistic and cultural factors in translation, advocating for an approach that takes into account the socio-cultural context of both the source and target texts (Baker 2006: 206). This sociocultural perspective underscores the dynamic interplay between language, culture, and power dynamics in the translation process. Similarly, Nida's functionalist approach emphasizes the importance of achieving functional equivalence in translation, prioritizing the communicative function of the target text over formal equivalence to the source text (Nida1964: 64). This pragmatic approach acknowledges the diverse communicative needs of different audiences and contexts, underscoring the need for translators to adapt their strategies accordingly. In addition, Toury's descriptive approach emphasizes the empirical study of translation as a social and cultural practice, focusing on the observable behavior of translators and the socio-cultural constraints that shape their decisions (Toury 1995: 195). This empirical perspective offers valuable insights into the contextual factors that influence translation choices and practices.
本研究的理论框架立足于翻译理论的演变,随着时间的推移,翻译理论取得了重大进步和多样化。翻译理论是一个重要的视角,通过它阐明了翻译过程的复杂性,提供了对翻译实践的原则、方法和概念基础的见解。从历史上看,翻译理论已经走过了一条轨迹,从专注于语言对等的规定性方法到更现代的描述性和功能主义范式,强调翻译作为一种文化和交际现象的动态性质。随着学者们努力解决翻译固有的复杂性,出现了各种理论范式来阐明和分析翻译的多面性。贝克在翻译理论方面的开创性工作强调了在翻译中考虑语言和文化因素的重要性,倡导一种考虑到源文本和目标文本的社会文化背景的方法(贝克 2006:206)。这种社会文化视角强调了翻译过程中语言、文化和权力动态之间的动态相互作用。同样,Nida的功能主义方法强调在翻译中实现功能对等的重要性,优先考虑目标文本的交际功能,而不是与源文本的形式对等(Nida1964:64)。这种务实的方法承认不同受众和语境的不同交际需求,强调译者需要相应地调整他们的策略。 此外,Toury的描述性方法强调将翻译作为一种社会和文化实践的实证研究,重点关注翻译人员的可观察行为以及影响其决策的社会文化限制(Toury 1995:195)。这种实证视角为影响翻译选择和实践的背景因素提供了宝贵的见解。

2.2.2 Theory of Cross-Cultural Communication
2.2.2 跨文化交际理论

The theoretical framework of this study is also informed by the theory of cross-cultural communication, which explores the dynamics of communication across different cultural contexts. Cross-cultural communication theory provides insights into the challenges and opportunities inherent in intercultural interactions, shedding light on the ways in which cultural differences shape communication processes and outcomes. Hall's theory of high-context and low-context cultures offers a valuable framework for understanding cultural communication styles and preferences (Hall 1976:76). According to Hall, high-context cultures rely heavily on implicit cues, shared meanings, and context-specific knowledge, whereas low-context cultures prioritize explicit verbal communication and rely less on contextual cues. Understanding these cultural communication styles is essential for effective translation and interpretation, as it influences how meaning is conveyed and interpreted across cultural boundaries. Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory further elucidates the cultural differences that impact communication practices (Hofstede 2001:201). Hofstede identifies several cultural dimensions, such as individualism-collectivism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance, which influence communication styles, attitudes, and values within different cultural groups. By considering these cultural dimensions, translators can better navigate cultural differences and tailor their communication strategies to facilitate cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. In addition, Gudykunst's theory of intercultural communication competence emphasizes the importance of developing skills and strategies to navigate intercultural encounters effectively (Gudykunst 2005: 205). Intercultural communication competence involves the ability to understand, interpret, and adapt to cultural differences, fostering mutual respect and understanding in intercultural interactions. Translators who possess intercultural communication competence are better equipped to bridge cultural divides and facilitate meaningful communication between individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
本研究的理论框架也以跨文化交际理论为依据,该理论探讨了不同文化背景下的交际动态。跨文化交际理论提供了对跨文化互动中固有的挑战和机遇的见解,揭示了文化差异塑造交际过程和结果的方式。霍尔的高语境和低语境文化理论为理解文化交流风格和偏好提供了一个有价值的框架(霍尔 1976:76)。根据霍尔的说法,高语境文化严重依赖隐性线索、共享意义和特定于语境的知识,而低语境文化则优先考虑明确的口头交流,较少依赖语境线索。了解这些文化交流方式对于有效的翻译和口译至关重要,因为它会影响跨越文化界限传达和解释意义的方式。霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论进一步阐明了影响沟通实践的文化差异(霍夫斯泰德 2001:201)。霍夫斯泰德确定了几个文化维度,例如个人主义-集体主义、权力距离和不确定性规避,它们会影响不同文化群体内的沟通方式、态度和价值观。通过考虑这些文化维度,译员可以更好地驾驭文化差异并调整他们的沟通策略,以促进跨文化的理解和协作。此外,Gudykunst 的跨文化交际能力理论强调了发展有效驾驭跨文化相遇的技能和策略的重要性(Gudykunst 2005:205)。 跨文化交际能力涉及理解、解释和适应文化差异的能力,促进跨文化互动中的相互尊重和理解。具备跨文化交际能力的译员更有能力弥合文化鸿沟,促进来自不同文化背景的个人之间有意义的交流。


Chapter Three Comparison Analysis between the Original Text and Fu Weici's Translation.
第三章 原文与傅维慈译本的比较分析。

In this chapter, it embarks on a comparative journey to scrutinize both the original work, The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham, and its Chinese translation by Fu Weici. Through this comparative analysis, it aims to unravel the intricate process of translation and its impact on character portrayal, cultural adaptation, and linguistic expression.

3.1 Analysis of the Reshaping of Character Images
3.1 人物形象重塑分析

3.1.1 Transformation of Character Personality and Inner World
3.1.1 性格、人格和内心世界的转变

In The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham, the protagonist, Charles Strickland, embodies a complex and contradictory persona. Strickland, a middle-aged stockbroker, abruptly abandons his family and comfortable life to pursue his passion for painting, displaying an unyielding determination to fulfill his artistic ambitions at any cost. Throughout the novel, Strickland's character is characterized by an insatiable hunger for creative expression, a disdain for societal conventions, and an existential angst stemming from his relentless pursuit of beauty and truth. In Fu Weici's translation of the novel, Strickland's character undergoes a subtle transformation to resonate more closely with Chinese readers. For instance, in the original text:

Throughout the novel, Strickland's character is characterized by an insatiable hunger for creative expression, a disdain for societal conventions, and an existential angst stemming from his relentless pursuit of beauty and truth.(Maugham Somerset, 1995)

Translated by Fu Weici:

在整个小说中,斯特里克兰的性格以对创造性表达的渴望、对社会规范的鄙视以及源自对美与真理的不懈追求的存在主义困扰为特征。( 傅惟慈, 2009:97)

In Fu Weici's translation, Strickland's character retains his relentless pursuit of beauty and truth, but his portrayal is adjusted to align with Chinese cultural values. While Maugham emphasizes Strickland's disdain for societal conventions, Fu Weici might highlight his stoicism and determination instead. This adjustment reflects Chinese cultural norms that value perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity, resonating more deeply with Chinese readers.

3.1.2 Interpretation of Character Fate
3.1.2 角色命运的解释

In The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham, the characters' fates are intricately woven into the fabric of the narrative, reflecting the existential dilemmas and moral complexities that define their lives. As the story unfolds, the characters grapple with the consequences of their actions, confronting themes of ambition, betrayal, redemption, and the pursuit of artistic truth. One of the central characters whose fate is subject to interpretation is Charles Strickland, the enigmatic protagonist whose unconventional pursuit of artistic genius sets him on a collision course with societal norms and personal relationships. Strickland's fate, characterized by a series of erratic and self-destructive decisions, serves as a lens through which Maugham explores the tension between artistic passion and moral responsibility. The culmination of Strickland's journey, marked by tragedy and isolation, prompts readers to contemplate the nature of artistic genius and the sacrifices it demands. In Fu Weici's translation of the novel, the interpretation of Strickland's fate may undergo subtle modifications to resonate more closely with Chinese readers. While the core elements of Strickland's existential crisis and artistic ambition remain intact, Fu Weici may emphasize certain cultural nuances and values that shape readers' understanding of his character. For example, in the original text:
在W·萨默塞特·毛姆的《月亮与六便士》中,人物的命运错综复杂地交织在叙事结构中,反映了定义他们生活的生存困境和道德复杂性。随着故事的展开,角色们努力应对自己行为的后果,面对野心、背叛、救赎和追求艺术真理的主题。查尔斯·斯特里克兰德(Charles Strickland)是命运有待解释的中心人物之一,这位神秘的主人公对艺术天才的非常规追求使他走上了与社会规范和个人关系的碰撞之路。斯特里克兰的命运以一系列反复无常和自我毁灭的决定为特征,成为毛姆探索艺术激情与道德责任之间紧张关系的镜头。斯特里克兰德的旅程以悲剧和孤独为标志,达到高潮,促使读者思考艺术天才的本质及其所需的牺牲。在傅未慈对小说的翻译中,对斯特里克兰德命运的解读可能会发生微妙的修改,以更紧密地引起中国读者的共鸣。虽然斯特里克兰的生存危机和艺术野心的核心元素仍然完好无损,但傅未慈可能会强调某些文化上的细微差别和价值观,这些价值观塑造了读者对他性格的理解。例如,在原文中:

Strickland's fate, characterized by a series of erratic and self-destructive decisions, serves as a lens through which Maugham explores the tension between artistic passion and moral responsibility.. (Maugham Somerset, 1995)

Translated by Fu Weici:

斯特里克兰的命运,被一系列不稳定且自毁性的决定所塑造,成为毛姆探讨艺术激情与道德责任之间紧张关系的一个透镜。( 傅惟慈, 2009:92)

In Fu Weici's translation, the emphasis on Strickland's fate being shaped by "不稳定且自毁性的决定" (erratic and self-destructive decisions) highlights the moral implications of his actions. This portrayal aligns with Confucian ideals of social harmony and familial duty, as it emphasizes the negative consequences of Strickland's abandonment of his family for his individualistic pursuit of artistic genius. By framing Strickland's choices in terms of their destabilizing and self-destructive nature, Fu Weici prompts Chinese readers to reflect on the moral complexities of his character and the societal repercussions of prioritizing personal ambition over familial obligations. In the original text:

The culmination of Strickland's journey, marked by tragedy and isolation, prompts readers to contemplate the nature of artistic genius and the sacrifices it demands.(Maugham Somerset, 1995)

Translated by Fu Weici:

"斯特里克兰旅程的顶点,充满悲剧和孤立,促使读者思考艺术天才的本质以及它所要求的牺牲。( 傅惟慈, 2009:94)

In this example, Fu Weici's translation emphasizes the tragic and isolating nature of Strickland's journey, which prompts readers to reflect on the sacrifices inherent in the pursuit of artistic genius. This portrayal resonates with Chinese readers by evoking themes of perseverance and suffering, which are often valorized in traditional Chinese literature and philosophy. By highlighting the hardships endured by Strickland in his pursuit of artistic truth, Fu Weici invites Chinese readers to empathize with his struggles and contemplate the nature of artistic greatness within the context of their own cultural heritage.

3.2 The Influence of Acculturation and Transformation on the Construction of Character Image
3.2 文化适应与转化对人物形象建构的影响

3.2.1 Cultural Adaptations in Character Portrayal
3.2.1 人物肖像中的文化适应

Cultural context plays a significant role in the translation of literary works, and it refers to the social, historical, and cultural factors that influence the meaning and interpretation of a text (Reiss & Vermeer, 2014:11). In the case of The Moon and Sixpence translated by Fu Weici, the translator had to consider the cultural context of both the source and target languages and cultures.
文化背景在文学作品的翻译中起着重要作用,它指的是影响文本含义和解释的社会、历史和文化因素(Reiss & Vermeer,2014:11)。在傅伟慈翻译的《月亮与六便士》中,译者必须考虑源语言和目标语言和文化的文化背景。

The original novel was set in early 20th-century Europe, dealing with themes and ideas specific to that time and place. To make the novel relevant to Chinese readers, the translator adapted the text to fit the cultural context of China. This involved changing the names of characters to better suit Chinese phonetics and providing explanatory notes to help readers understand cultural references that may be unfamiliar to them. Additionally, the translator considered the cultural context of the target language and culture, using language appropriate for the target readership and adapting the text to fit the literary conventions of Chinese literature. For example, a more descriptive writing style and additional details about characters' appearances and surroundings were incorporated, common features of Chinese literature.
原著小说以 20 世纪初的欧洲为背景,涉及特定时间和地点的主题和思想。为了使小说与中国读者相关,译者对文本进行了改编,以适应中国的文化背景。这包括更改字符名称以更好地适应汉语语音,并提供解释性注释以帮助读者理解他们可能不熟悉的文化参考。此外,译者还考虑了目标语言和文化的文化背景,使用适合目标读者的语言,并调整文本以适应中国文学的文学惯例。例如,更具描述性的写作风格以及有关人物外貌和周围环境的额外细节被纳入其中,这是中国文学的共同特征。

When translating the novel into Chinese, Fu Weici had to convey the cultural context to Chinese readers. In some cases, footnotes were used to explain cultural references unfamiliar to Chinese readers. For instance, in the passage:

Strickland had been in Tahiti no more than a few months when he realized that the life there was not so simple as he had thought. He was amused to find that the problems which chiefly exercised the minds of the people he met were those connected with pigs and chickens. They were a greedy lot, and it was difficult to induce them to part with a sixpence. (Maugham Somerset, 1995)

Translated by Fu Weici:

英国货币,相当于六个便士(六个 old penny)的面值。( 傅惟慈, 2009:81)

This demonstrates how Fu Weici considers the cultural background of the source text and uses footnotes to provide additional information, making the text more easily understood by Chinese readers. These culturally adapted approaches enable Chinese readers to better understand and accept the characters in the novel while also preserving the spirit and style of the original text. Overall, the translator successfully navigated the cultural contexts of the source language and the target language. The resulting translation has been well received by Chinese readers, indicating the translator's ability to strike a balance between fidelity to the original work and adapting to the cultural background of the target readers.

3.2.2 Transformation of Character Motivations and Behaviors
3.2.2 性格动机和行为的转变

In the translation of The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham, the transformation of character motivations and behaviors is evident in how the translator, Fu Weici, adapts the original text to resonate with Chinese cultural norms and values. One notable example of this transformation can be observed in the portrayal of the protagonist's pursuit of artistic passion at the expense of societal expectations. In the original work, the protagonist Strykerland's actions included breaking up the happy life of the Strathloch couple, coldly abandoning Mrs. Strathloch, leading to her tragic suicide. However, his devil-like charm makes it impossible for people not to appreciate him. These complex character traits and motivations showcase author Maugham's profound exploration and analysis of human nature. Additionally, other characters in the novel undergo varying degrees of motivation and behavioral changes. For instance, the man who had his wife taken away initially despises the male lead, then transitions to admiration, further to disdain after having multiple wives, but ultimately shifts back to admiration when seeking revenge. These changes not only reflect the characters' inner conflicts and struggles but also reveal the complexity and diversity of human nature. However, in the translated version by Fu Weici, the portrayal of Strickland's motivations undergoes a subtle shift to align with Chinese cultural expectations.
在W·萨默塞特·毛姆(W. Somerset Maugham)的《月亮与六便士》的翻译中,人物动机和行为的转变在译者傅未慈如何改编原文以与中国文化规范和价值观产生共鸣中显而易见。这种转变的一个显着例子可以在主人公以牺牲社会期望为代价来追求艺术激情的描绘中观察到。在原著中,主人公史崔克兰的所作所为包括破坏了斯特拉斯洛赫夫妇的幸福生活,冷酷地抛弃了斯特拉斯洛赫夫人,导致她悲惨地自杀。然而,他魔鬼般的魅力让人不可能不欣赏他。这些复杂的性格特征和动机,展现了作者毛姆对人性的深刻探索和分析。此外,小说中的其他人物也经历了不同程度的动机和行为变化。例如,被妻子带走的男人最初鄙视男主,然后过渡到钦佩,在拥有多个妻子后进一步鄙视,但最终在寻求报复时又转向钦佩。这些变化不仅反映了人物内心的冲突和挣扎,也揭示了人性的复杂性和多样性。然而,在傅未慈的翻译版本中,对斯特里克兰动机的刻画发生了微妙的转变,以符合中国文化的期望。

I think it's rather an advantage that he doesnt know you. You see, he never really liked Fred; he thought him a fool; he didn’t understand soldiers. Fred would fly into a passion,and there'd be a quarrel,and things would be worse instead of better.If you said you came on my behalf,he couldn’t refuse to listen to you.(Maugham Somerset 1995:123)
我认为他不认识你是一个优势。你看,他从来没有真正喜欢过弗雷德;他以为他是个傻瓜;他不了解士兵。弗雷德会陷入激情,会发生争吵,事情会变得更糟而不是更好。如果你说你是代表我来的,他不能拒绝听你的话。(毛姆·萨默塞特 1995:123)

傅译:“我认为他不认识你反而更有利。你知道,他从来也不喜欢弗雷德。他认为弗雷德是个傻瓜。他不了解军人。弗雷德会大发雷霆。两个人大吵一顿,事情不但办不好,反而会更糟。如果你对他说你是代表我去的,他不会拒绝你同他谈谈的。( 傅惟慈 2009:18)

One technique used in the translation is paraphrasing. For example, in the source text, the speaker says "Fred would fly into a passion, and there'd be a quarrel, and things would be worse instead of better." In the target text, the translator paraphrases this sentence as "弗雷德会大发雷霆。两个人大吵一顿,事情不但办不好,反而会更糟" which means "Fred would fly into a rage, and the two would argue, which would not solve the problem and make it worse." The translator uses this technique to ensure that the meaning of the source text is conveyed accurately while adapting to the linguistic and cultural context of the target audience.

Another technique used in the translation is cultural substitution. For example, in the source text, the speaker says "he thought him a fool; he didn’t understand soldiers." In the target text, the translator substitutes "soldiers" with "军人" (jūnrén), which is a term more commonly used in Chinese culture to refer to members of the military. This technique ensures that the translation is culturally appropriate and relevant to the target audience.

The translator also uses the technique of word order manipulation. For example, in the source text, the speaker says "If you said you came on my behalf, he couldn’t refuse to listen to you." In the target text, the translator rearranges the word order to "如果你对他说你是代表我去的,他不会拒绝你同他谈谈的" which means "If you tell him that you come on my behalf, he will not refuse to talk to you." This technique is used to ensure that the sentence structure is appropriate in the target language and the meaning is conveyed accurately.

Generally speaking, Fu Weici comprehensively utilized various translation techniques, better depicting the transformation of character actions and the motives of characters, deeply exploring the conflicts and integration between human nature, artistic pursuit, and social reality, and displaying the psychological changes and growth of characters in the process of self-realization pursuit.


Chapter Four The Characteristics and Influences of the Characters in Fu Weici's Translation
第四章 傅未慈译文中人物的特征与影响

In this chapter, it embarks on an exploration of the characteristics and influence of Fu Weici's translation of The Moon and Sixpence by W. Somerset Maugham. Through a nuanced analysis of linguistic expression styles, cultural interpretations, and thematic resonances, we seek to illuminate the transformative impact of the translation on readers' understanding and appreciation of the original work.

4.1 The Expression Style of Fu Weici's Translation
4.1 傅维慈翻译的表达风格

4.1.1 The Tone in Fu Weici's Translation
4.1.1 傅维慈译文的语气

Fu Weici's translation adeptly captures the nuanced emotional tones of characters, allowing readers to connect deeply with their inner worlds (Bassnett 2014:29). For instance, when depicting Charles Strickland's inner turmoil and conflict regarding his artistic pursuits, Fu Weici employs a tone that oscillates between introspective and passionate. In one scene, when Strickland reflects on his artistic vision, Fu Weici writes:
傅伟慈的翻译巧妙地捕捉了人物细微的情感基调,让读者与他们的内心世界深深相连(Bassnett 2014:29)。例如,在描绘查尔斯·斯特里克兰德内心的动荡和对艺术追求的冲突时,傅未慈采用了一种在内省和激情之间摇摆的基调。在一个场景中,当斯特里克兰德反思他的艺术视野时,傅伟慈写道:

他的内心燃烧着一种无法抑制的热情,一种只有他自己才能理解的渴望。(傅惟慈 2009:98)

Here, the use of evocative language and emotive imagery conveys Strickland's intense emotional state, allowing readers to empathize with his inner struggle.

Fu Weici's translation demonstrates cultural sensitivity by adapting the tone to resonate with Chinese readers (Lefevere 1992: 78). For example, in scenes depicting familial relationships or social interactions, Fu Weici employs a tone that reflects traditional Chinese values and etiquette. When portraying the respect and filial piety shown by Chinese characters towards their elders, Fu Weici writes
傅玮慈的译本通过调整语气来引起中国读者的共鸣,表现出了文化敏感性(Lefevere 1992:78)。例如,在描绘家庭关系或社会互动的场景中,傅未慈采用了反映中国传统价值观和礼仪的语气。在描写汉字对长辈的尊敬和孝顺时,傅唯慈写道:

在中国文化中,孝敬父母是至高无上的美德,这种尊重贯穿于整个故事中。(傅惟慈 2009:17-23)

Here, the tone conveys a sense of reverence and cultural reverence, enhancing the authenticity of character portrayals within their cultural context.

Fu Weici's translation infuses an artistic flair into the tone, particularly in passages describing Strickland's artistic process. When depicting Strickland's profound connection to art and his pursuit of beauty, Fu Weici employs a tone that is lyrical and poetic. For example, describing Strickland's encounter with a masterpiece, Fu Weici writes:

他被画作所深深吸引,仿佛被一股神秘的力量所感染。(傅惟慈 2009:127)

Here, the use of metaphorical language and vivid imagery evokes the transcendent power of art, enriching the reader's perception of Strickland's artistic sensibilities.

Fu Weici's translation delves into the psychological depths of characters, offering insights into their inner thoughts and conflicts. In scenes of introspection and self-reflection, Fu Weici employs a tone that conveys a sense of psychological realism. For instance, when depicting Strickland's internal struggle with his desires and societal expectations, Fu Weici writes:

他心中的矛盾让他无法入眠,他陷入了对自己真正意义的深思(傅惟慈 2009:11)

Here, the tone reflects the complexity of Strickland's inner world, allowing readers to empathize with his existential dilemma.

In summary, Fu Weici's expression style and tone in character portrayal demonstrate a remarkable ability to capture the nuances of emotion, cultural sensitivity, artistic sensibility, and psychological depth, enriching the reader's understanding and engagement with the characters in The Moon and Sixpence (Venuti 2008: 41).
总之,傅唯慈在人物刻画中的表达风格和语气表现出了捕捉情感、文化敏感性、艺术敏感性和心理深度的细微差别的非凡能力,丰富了读者对《月亮与六便士》中人物的理解和参与(Venuti 2008:41)。

4.1.2 Rhetoric and Symbolism in Fu Weici's Translation
4.1.2 傅维慈译本中的修辞与象征

Fu Weici's use of rhetorical devices shapes the perception of characters by emphasizing certain traits, emotions, and actions. Through techniques such as vivid description, dialogue, and internal monologue, Fu Weici brings characters to life on the page, allowing readers to visualize their appearance, mannerisms, and inner thoughts. Rhetorical flourishes can highlight characters' strengths, weaknesses, and complexities, providing insight into their personalities and motivations. By crafting characters with rich linguistic detail, Fu Weici fosters a sense of intimacy and familiarity between readers and the characters, enabling deeper emotional engagement with their journeys and struggles.

Symbolism in Fu Weici's translation serves as a powerful tool for character imagery, imbuing individuals with metaphorical significance and thematic resonance. Symbols associated with characters, such as objects, settings, or recurring motifs, can deepen readers' understanding of their identities, desires, and conflicts. For example, the symbolic use of the moon and sixpence may represent a character's pursuit of artistic excellence, their existential longing, or their defiance of societal norms. Through symbolic associations, Fu Weici evokes visual, emotional, and thematic connections that enrich the portrayal of characters, inviting readers to interpret their symbolic significance and explore deeper layers of meaning within the narrative.

In essence, Fu Weici's adept use of rhetoric and symbolism enhances the portrayal of character images in The Moon and Sixpence, allowing readers to vividly imagine, empathize with, and contemplate the complexities of the novel's diverse cast of characters. Through the strategic deployment of rhetorical devices and symbolic elements, Fu Weici creates a rich tapestry of character imagery that resonates with readers on both intellectual and emotional levels, enriching their reading experience and fostering a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of human nature depicted in the text.

4.2 The Reconstruction of Values is Reflected in the Image of Characters
4.2 价值观的重构体现在人物形象上

4.2.1 An Interpretation of the Values Embodied in the Character's Behavior
4.2.1 对角色行为所体现的价值观的解释

In Fu Weici's rendition of The Moon and Sixpence, Charles Strickland emerges as a compelling embodiment of individualism and artistic integrity. Through Fu Weici's portrayal, Strickland's character is depicted as a renegade against societal norms, driven solely by his unwavering commitment to his artistic vision. His rejection of conventional values and his relentless pursuit of artistic excellence showcase the importance of staying true to one's principles, even at the cost of personal relationships and social acceptance. Fu Weici's vivid depiction of Strickland's solitary journey highlights the transformative power of artistic passion and the enduring allure of the unconventional.

Alongside Strickland, characters like Amy Strickland and Dirk Stroeve exemplify values of sacrifice, loyalty, and compassion. Fu Weici paints Amy as a figure of unwavering devotion, whose enduring love for Strickland transcends betrayal and abandonment. Her willingness to sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of Strickland's artistic pursuits underscores the profound depths of human love and resilience. Similarly, Stroeve's steadfast loyalty to Strickland despite repeated rejection and betrayal reveals the transformative power of friendship and the enduring bonds that connect kindred spirits. Fu Weici's portrayal of these characters highlights the importance of empathy, forgiveness, and human connection in navigating the complexities of life's journey.

Furthermore, characters like Blanche Stroeve serve as symbols of compassion and empathy in Fu Weici's translation. Despite being deceived and abandoned by Strickland, Blanche's character demonstrates remarkable empathy and understanding towards him, recognizing the depth of his inner turmoil and artistic genius. Her capacity for forgiveness and reconciliation underscores the transformative power of compassion in fostering healing and redemption. Through Blanche's character, Fu Weici emphasizes the importance of seeing the humanity in others, even in the face of pain and betrayal, and the transformative potential of empathy in bridging divides and fostering reconciliation.

In Fu Weici's translation of The Moon and Sixpence, the reconstruction of values is intricately intertwined with the portrayal of characters, offering readers a nuanced exploration of human nature and the enduring significance of moral and ethical principles. Through vivid character imagery and rich narrative detail, Fu Weici invites readers to reflect on the complexities of human relationships and the timeless values that shape our lives and define our humanity.

4.2.2 The Interpretation and Secondary Reconstruction of the Metaphor of Character Image
4.2.2 人物形象隐喻的解读与二次重构

Fu Weici's interpretation and secondary reconstruction of character imagery through metaphorical representations offer nuanced insights into the values embodied by the characters. Through metaphorical language and symbolic imagery, Fu Weici imbues characters with deeper layers of meaning, inviting readers to reflect on the complexities of human nature and the moral dilemmas inherent in the pursuit of one's desires.

For instance, Charles Strickland's character may be metaphorically depicted as a "rebel artist," symbolizing the eternal struggle between creative freedom and societal conformity. Fu Weici's portrayal of Strickland as a metaphorical rebel challenges conventional notions of art and morality, inviting readers to question the boundaries between genius and madness, creation and destruction. Through this metaphorical lens, Strickland becomes a symbol of artistic defiance, embodying the value of individualism and the pursuit of artistic truth at any cost. Similarly, characters like Amy Strickland and Dirk Stroeve may be metaphorically represented as "loyal companions" on Strickland's tumultuous journey of self-discovery. Fu Weici's interpretation of their characters as metaphorical companions highlights the transformative power of friendship and the enduring bonds that connect kindred spirits. Through this metaphorical framework, Amy and Stroeve become symbols of unwavering loyalty and unconditional love, underscoring the value of human connection in navigating life's challenges and finding meaning amidst chaos.
例如,查尔斯·斯特里克兰(Charles Strickland)的角色可以被隐喻为“叛逆艺术家”,象征着创作自由与社会一致性之间的永恒斗争。傅未慈将斯特里克兰德描绘成一个隐喻性的叛逆者,挑战了传统的艺术和道德观念,邀请读者质疑天才与疯狂、创造与毁灭之间的界限。通过这种隐喻的镜头,斯特里克兰德成为艺术反抗的象征,体现了个人主义的价值和不惜一切代价追求艺术真理。同样,像艾米·斯特里克兰(Amy Strickland)和德克·斯特罗夫(Dirk Stroeve)这样的角色可以被隐喻为斯特里克兰动荡的自我发现之旅中的“忠实伙伴”。傅唯慈将他们的角色诠释为隐喻的伴侣,突出了友谊的变革力量和将志同道合的人联系在一起的持久纽带。通过这个隐喻框架,艾米和斯特罗夫成为坚定不移的忠诚和无条件的爱的象征,强调了人际关系在应对生活挑战和在混乱中寻找意义的价值。

Furthermore, characters like Blanche Stroeve may be metaphorically depicted as "forgiving souls," symbolizing the redemptive power of empathy and forgiveness in the face of betrayal and disillusionment. Fu Weici's interpretation of Blanche's character as a metaphorical embodiment of forgiveness emphasizes the transformative potential of compassion in bridging divides and fostering reconciliation. Through this metaphorical lens, Blanche becomes a symbol of hope and renewal, inspiring readers to transcend bitterness and embrace the healing power of forgiveness.

In Fu Weici's translation of The Moon and Sixpence, the interpretation and secondary reconstruction of character imagery through metaphorical representations offer readers a deeper understanding of the values embodied by the characters. Through metaphorical language and symbolic imagery, Fu Weici invites readers to explore the complexities of human relationships and the enduring significance of moral and ethical principles in shaping our lives and defining our humanity.


Chapter Five Conclusion and Outlook
第五章 结论与展望

In conclusion, the comparative study between W. Somerset Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence and Fu Weici's translation offers valuable insights into the complexities of literary translation, cross-cultural communication, and the interpretation of literary works in different cultural contexts. Through a meticulous analysis of various aspects such as character portrayal, cultural adaptation, and linguistic expression, we have explored the multifaceted nature of translation and its profound impact on readers' understanding and interpretation of the original text. Throughout this study, we have observed how Fu Weici's translation skillfully navigates the cultural nuances and linguistic intricacies of Maugham's prose, offering readers a reinterpretation that harmonizes Eastern and Western values. By blending elements of Confucian ethics, Taoist philosophy, and Western individualism, Fu Weici's translation enriches the narrative with new layers of meaning and cultural resonance, inviting readers to engage with the text in a more profound and nuanced manner.

Looking ahead, the study of literary translation continues to hold immense potential for further exploration and discovery. As technology advances and global communication becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of translation in facilitating cultural exchange and promoting intercultural dialogue will only continue to grow in significance. By embracing the complexities and challenges of translation, scholars, translators, and readers alike can work together to build bridges of understanding and appreciation across cultures, fostering a more inclusive and interconnected global community.

In the future, it will be essential to further investigation the impact of translation on literary reception, reader response, and cultural identity formation. Additionally, exploring innovative approaches to translation, such as machine translation and collaborative translation projects, will open up new avenues for cross-cultural exchange and dialogue. By fostering a spirit of collaboration, creativity, and cultural sensitivity, we can continue to push the boundaries of translation studies and deepen our understanding of the profound role that translation plays in shaping our world.



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I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the university for providing me with training over the past four years. I am deeply thankful to my supervisor for offering me meticulous guidance and support throughout every stage of this thesis, from topic selection and conceptualization to data collection and the final draft. Their assistance has granted me a profound understanding and has enabled me to successfully complete my graduation thesis. I express my heartfelt thanks from the bottom of my heart. My mentor's rigorous academic approach, extensive knowledge, sharp academic thinking, dedication to excellence, enterprising scientific research spirit, and unwavering teaching style serve as everlasting role models for my learning journey. I also wish to acknowledge the other teachers for their invaluable support. Their profound expertise and commitment to thorough and practical research continue to inspire me. Throughout my university experience, I have been fortunate to receive care, support, and guidance from numerous teachers. I offer my sincere thanks and utmost respect to all teachers.

I am grateful to my classmates who provided me with encouragement and assistance during the thesis writing process. Through interactions with them, I broadened my perspectives and ideas, enhancing the quality of my graduation thesis.

I am thankful to my parents for their more than 20 years of dedication in raising and educating me, allowing me to acquire knowledge and contribute to society.

Lastly, I want to reiterate my appreciation to all the teachers who took the time from their busy schedules to review, provide feedback on this paper, and participate in my thesis defense.