Not all presentations need visuals to shine. What are the design basics when picking images or videos for your slides?
We all know that humans can process images way faster than text. It’s a big deal in advertising and media, so it would be silly not to use it in our presentations too. However, just as you carefully select your words for your speech, you have to be picky about your pictures. Bad images tell lame stories. A good image tells a good story.
Why a Visual? 为什么是视觉?
Images and words are different languages. Each can express things the other can’t. The trick to a killer presentation is using them both together, playing to their strengths. Don’t just slap visuals (images, videos) in as fillers—they should add real value.

干得好,伙计们!除了作为不应使用哪些图像的示例之外,很难想象如何使用此类图像。两个友好的年轻人在一堵灰色的墙前祝贺自己……祝贺什么?在簿记入门考试中成功作弊?图片:Sebastian Herrmann,Unsplash

Visuals can stir up feelings or paint a scene in an instant. However, they may not always nail down the details or explain things as clearly as words can.
Words can be very precise and give you all the information you need. Yet, sometimes they miss that instant impact or emotional punch.
For each visual you add to your presentation, you should ask yourself:
- Does it enhance the meaning of my message, or is it purely decorative?
它是否增强了我的信息的含义,或者纯粹是装饰性的? - Does it belong at this point in my presentation? Would it be better for another slide?
它现在属于我的演示吗?再放一张幻灯片会不会更好? - Is there a better image that says what I want to say?
Additionally, when deciding whether to include an image or video, remember to consider the impression you want to leave on your audience.
“Ask yourself, ‘If I had only sixty seconds on the stage, what would I absolutely have to say to get my message across?” ―Jeff Dewar
“问问自己,‘如果我在舞台上只有六十秒,我必须说什么才能传达我的信息?’” ——杰夫·杜瓦
If your audience were to remember just one thing from your presentation, what would it be? And which form of communication—visual or verbal—is more effective to convey this message?
What Does it Communicate?
You’ve chosen a few visuals for your presentation, hopefully not too many. As often in design, less is more. Now, it’s time to assess their quality and the impact they’ll have. Always think of your audience when selecting a visual:
- Will they understand it?
他们会理解吗? - Will it resonate with them?
会引起他们的共鸣吗? - Does it convey the same emotion that both they and I share?
Take into account any significant age gap (common knowledge for teachers, less so for other presenters), cultural differences, and gender considerations. You don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable or confused about what’s happening.
“Designing a presentation without an audience in mind is like writing a love letter and addressing it ‘to whom it may concern.” ―Ken Haemer
“在没有考虑到观众的情况下设计演示文稿就像写一封情书并写给“可能涉及的人”。 ——肯·哈默
To determine if you’ve made the right choice with your visuals, take a moment to step back and verbalize each one. For each of them, ask yourself:
- What is its intended message
它的意图是什么 - What does it actually convey
You should also find out if you’re biased in your evaluation. We often overestimate the significance and impact of the images we’ve selected. The best is to practice presenting in front of others: observe their reactions, their level of engagement, and ask for their honest feedback on both your words and visuals.
Traps To Avoid 要避免的陷阱
1. The Wrong Emotion
1. 错误的情绪
The primary purpose of visuals is to evoke emotions in your audience. In this aspect, you will encounter two false friends: Stock Images and AI-generated content.
Most stock images are either unrealistic or superficial. Clichéd images fail to evoke any emotion and thus become mere fillers. A few carefully chosen words can say what 1,000 stock images cannot.
大多数库存图像要么不切实际,要么肤浅。陈词滥调的图像无法唤起任何情感,因此只能成为填充物。几个精心挑选的词语可以表达 1,000 张库存图片所无法表达的内容。


它说什么?在添加图片来添加颜色之前,问问自己:我在这里真正看到了什么?在这个例子中,一群戴着棒球帽的年轻人在学校图书馆指着屏幕大笑。光线在他们的背后,所以他们的脸显得有些阴暗,看起来不是什么好笑而是有些邪恶的笑声。他们在观看有趣的 YouTube 短片吗?他们欺负某人吗?图片:Priscilla du Preez,Unsplash
Computer-generated visuals lack depth and emotion. Quality AI content requires human intervention to infuse it with meaning and authenticity. But the majority of AI content is used as it is, a rough draft. Realizing that something is AI-produced (and we are all capable of that, now) is like discovering that we’re playing chess against a computer: it leaves us with a sense of being deceived.


AI art is cheap and requires minimal time and effort. When your audience encounter AI-generated images or videos, they may question the integrity of your content thinking “If they’re resorting to using cheap AI for images, they might be doing the same for everything else.”
2. Layout Influence 2、布局影响
Placing pictures next to each other will inevitably invite comparisons. If comparing them wasn’t your intention, you are misguiding your audience.


比较的力量 我们很少找到如此相似但又如此不同的图片。虽然梅拉尼娅的利己主义保护伞本身可能不会被注意到,但相比之下,梅拉尼娅第一的信息传达得相当清楚。
If you want to avoid a comparaison, the best trick is to insert a text slide between your pictures. This way, your audience won’t be distracted by playing a spot-the-difference game.
When placing multiple images in a grid or on one slide after the other, ensure they don’t clash in terms of colors, style, or resolution. Otherwise, people will focus more on the contrast between the images rather than their content.
Design Tips 设计技巧
1. Human Preferences 1. 人类偏好
It’s useful to know what captures an audience’s attention so you can choose your visual accordingly. Generally, people prefer observing faces over silhouettes and viewing people rather than plants. The typical preference order for looking at visuals is as follows:
- A face 一张脸
- A whole person 整个人
- Animals 动物
- Things 事物
- Places 地点
There are exceptions to every rule. The NASA’s moon landing photos might captivate more individuals than your wedding pictures. But know that displaying just a hand might be less interesting than showing nothing at all.
2. Meaningful Captions 2. 有意义的字幕
Your audience is made of smart individuals. Don’t write next to the image what people already see. A caption is not an ALT text.
您的观众都是由聪明人组成的。不要在图像旁边写下人们已经看到的内容。标题不是 ALT 文本。
Similarly, don’t repeat in spoken words what your image shows. Visuals should complement, not repeat or overshadow, the text.
We will use this famous picture of Martin Luther King delivering his speech “I Have a Dream” to showcase how to use images and text together.


Consider Apple’s “Think Different” campaign, one of the most iconic marketing campaigns in history. The simple visuals made the slogan even more memorable and gave them staying power.
以苹果公司的“Think Different”活动为例,这是历史上最具标志性的营销活动之一。简单的视觉效果使口号更加令人难忘,并赋予其持久力。


Do not be boring or overly explanatory. The visual should attract their attention to your words and vice-versa.
Delve Deeper 深入探究
Select your visuals for your presentation with the same care as you choose your words. If a visual lacks meaning, it is just a decorative placeholder. It will dilute your message, distract from what you want to say, and shows disrespect to your audience. Be extra careful with stock images and AI-generated visuals: they are counterproductive if you lack proficiency in design to control them. Opt for fewer, higher-quality visuals. Don’t let bad imagery choices make you look unprofessional.
In this article, we’ve distilled information from various design blog posts to provide you with handy tips for your next presentation. If you’re interested in exploring further on those topics, check our in-depth resources below:
- A full perspective on Stock Images: Is Every Picture Worth 1,000 Words?
Stock Images 的完整视角:每张图片都值 1,000 个字吗? - Reflections on the widespread use of “AI-Art” for images and videos
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