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Quality, Performance and Authenticity

We are a licensing group with 80+ factories worldwide that designs and develops brands for the bedding industry using American craftsmanship, materials, and specifications.

Bedding Industries of America (BIA) is one of the world’s leading branded mattress companies.

We design, develop, market and sell products under a diverse array of owned and licensed brands, such as Eclipse, Eastman House, Chittenden & Eastman, Ernest Hemingway, Millbrook, Velika, Natural Dreams, emBrace Talalay Sleep and Van Vorst. Our focus is to bring these brands to new levels, expanding their market penetration and global reach.
我们设计,开发,营销和销售各种自有和授权品牌的产品,如Eclipse,Eastman House,Chittenden & Eastman,Ernest Hemingway,Millbrook,Velika,Natural Dreams,emBrace Talalay Sleep和货车沃斯特。我们的重点是将这些品牌提升到新的水平,扩大其市场渗透率和全球影响力。

Our innovative design capabilities, patent portfolio, strong brand management focus, and strategic vision enable us to create new opportunities and market expansion for brands on a global scale.

Bedding Industries of America has been making mattresses since 1866.

Known for its design innovation in creating advanced sleep products, the company has an extensive global licensing network that distributes mattresses under many brands including Eclipse, Eastman House, Hemingway, Fieldcrest, Millbrook Beds, Natural Dreams and Velika. A well-established leader in the bedding industry, BIA designs products crafted with high-quality components, including latex, memory foam, gel and eco-friendly materials such as cotton & wool. The company holds several patents that deliver superb support throughout the product line. Today, the company has over 80 licensees worldwide.
该公司以其在创造高级睡眠产品方面的设计创新而闻名,拥有广泛的全球授权网络,分销包括Eclipse,Eastman House,Hemingway,Fieldcrest,Millbrook Beds,Natural Dreams和Velika在内的许多品牌的床垫。作为床上用品行业的领先者,BIA设计的产品采用高质量的组件,包括乳胶,记忆泡沫,凝胶和环保材料,如棉花和羊毛。该公司拥有多项专利,为整个产品线提供卓越的支持。如今,该公司在全球拥有80多家许可证。

Design Innovation. Advanced Sleep Products.


Years Of Experience  年的经验


Manufacturing Locations Worldwide


Number Of Countries Shipped


Number Of Patents  专利数量


Number Of Brands/Partnerships

BIA acquired Eclipse Mattress Company, a global brand that has been producing cutting-edge bedding products since 1905. Since then, BIA introduced several of the most innovative patents and technologies in the bedding industries, such as LifeEdge, Spinal Zone, and Zone Quilting which are used across its many brands.
BIA收购了Eclipse床垫公司,这是一个自1905年以来一直生产尖端床上用品的全球品牌。从那时起,BIA在床上用品行业引入了几项最具创新性的专利和技术,如LifeEdge,Spinal Zone和Zone Quilting,这些专利和技术在其许多品牌中使用。

Several years later, BIA acquired Eastman House mattress brand.   Eastman House stemmed from the Chittenden and Eastman line of ultra-premium bedding dating back to 1866 when it was founded in Burlington, Iowa and produced out of a 750,000 square foot facility. This acquisition transitioned the company into a “portfolio of brands” which has since extended to the many different product lines it now offers. In 2018, BIA started producing bedding under the Ernest Hemingway name. Since then, the company introduced a number of specialty foam lines including eco-friendly, natural-latex focused products like Natural Dreams and emBrace Talalay, In 2021, BIA launched its first American-European collaboration, importing select luxury models that feature the time-honored tradition of European side stitching.
几年后,BIA收购了Eastman House床垫品牌。 伊士曼之家起源于奇滕登和伊士曼系列的超优质床上用品可以追溯到1866年,当时它成立于伯灵顿,爱荷华州和生产了75万平方英尺的设施。这次收购使公司转变为一个“品牌组合”,并扩展到现在提供的许多不同的产品线。2018年,BIA开始以Ernest Hemingway的名字生产床上用品。自那时起,该公司推出了一系列专业泡沫系列,包括环保,天然乳胶为重点的产品,如Natural Dreams和emBrace Talalay,2021年,BIA推出了其首次美欧合作,进口精选的豪华车型,具有欧洲侧缝的悠久传统。

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    Corporate Headquarters

    1375 Jersey Avenue
    North Brunswick | NJ 08902
    (800) 233-7467

    (800) 233-7467