SS-16各色丙烯酸-聚氨酯磁漆 SS-16 acrylic-polyurethane enamel in various colors |
产品说明 Product Description: | 该涂料以改性羟基丙烯酸树脂为基料,以脂肪族多异氰酸酯为交联剂。漆膜有良好的物理机械性能,优良的耐化学品性能及保色、保光性等。 涂层光泽高、丰满度好 The coating is based on modified hydroxy acrylic resin and crosslinker with aliphatic polyisocyanate as a crosslinker. The paint film has good physical and mechanical properties, excellent chemical resistance, color retention, gloss retention, etc. The coating has high gloss and good fullness |
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用 途 Uses | 用于各类工程机械、农用车、汽车以及其他钢铁件的涂装 It is used for the coating of various construction machinery, agricultural vehicles, automobiles and other steel parts |
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物理参数 Physical parameters | 颜 色 Color | 各色 of all kinds |
| 光 泽 60° % ≥ Shine 60° % ≥ | 90 |
| 比 重 Gravity | 1.10~1.30 |
| 干燥时间 (23±) Drying time (23±). | |
| 表 干 h ≤ Table stem h ≤ | 0.5 |
| 实 干 h ≤ Dry h ≤ | 24 |
| 硬 度 ≥ Hardness ≥ | 0.6 |
| 冲击强度 cm Impact strength cm | 50 |
| 柔 韧 性 mm Flexibility mm | 1 |
| 附着力(划圈法)级 Adhesion (circle-marking) grade | 1 |
| 耐 水() h Water resistance (h). | 240 |
| 人工加速老化 1000h Artificially accelerated aging 1000h | 2级 Level 2 |
| 贮 存 期 Shelf life | 6个月 6 months |
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施工说明 Construction instructions | 混合配比 Mix and proportion | 乙组分(漆料)︰甲组分(固化剂)=4︰1 Component B (paint)..Component A (curing agent) = 4..1 |
| 熟化时间(23±) Maturation time (23 ±). | 20min |
| 适 用 期(23±) Period of application (23±). | 4h |
| 施工方法 Construction method | 高压无气喷涂、手工刷涂、辊涂 High-pressure airless spraying, manual brushing, and roller coating |
| 稀 释 剂 Diluting agent | SS-16丙烯酸聚氨酯涂面漆释剂 SS-16 acrylic polyurethane coating topcoat release agent |
| 喷 孔 Spray holes 喷孔压力 Nozzle pressure 工具清洗 Tool cleaning | 0.46~ 0.35~0.55mPa (喷涂资料仅供参考,实用时可调整) 0.35~0.55mPa (Spraying data is for reference only, can be adjusted when practical) SS-16丙烯酸聚氨酯面漆稀释剂 SS-16 acrylic polyurethane topcoat thinner |
| 涂装间隔(23±) Painting interval (23±). | 2h以内或16h以上 Within 2 hours or more than 16 hours |
| 表面处理 Surface treatment | 如前道漆已经污染,应用适当的方法除去油脂、灰尘,也可以用本漆稀释剂擦洗。 If the previous paint has been contaminated, the appropriate method should be used to remove grease and dust, and it can also be scrubbed with the paint thinner. |
| 施工条件 Construction conditions | 气温0℃~,相对湿度≤85%,被涂物表面温度应高于露点温度以上,在有雨、雾、雪和较大灰尘条件下不可施工。 The air temperature is 0 °C ~, the relative humidity is ≤ 85%, and the surface temperature of the coated object should be higher than the dew point temperature, and the construction cannot be carried out under the conditions of rain, fog, snow and large dust. |
| 配套涂料 Matching coatings | 环氧酯底漆、环氧-聚酰胺底漆、聚氨酯涂料、丙烯酸涂料。 Epoxy ester primers, epoxy-polyamide primers, polyurethane coatings, acrylic coatings. |
| 保养期(23±) Maintenance period (23±). | 7d以上 7d or more |
包装规格 Packing specifications | 乙组分/桶;甲组分5kg/桶 B component/barrel; Component A 5kg/barrel |
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注意事项 Precautions | 如前道涂料装时间不久,涂后道涂料时应用水砂纸打毛,清除掉表面灰尘污物后 If the loading time of the previous coating is not long, the water sandpaper should be used to remove the dust and dirt on the surface when applying the subsequent coating 再涂漆以保证层间附着力。 Repaint to ensure interlayer adhesion. |
| 施工所用工具应清洁干燥,涂料不得混入水份或其它杂质,涂料现配现用,须8 The tools used in the construction should be clean and dry, and the paint should not be mixed with water or other impurities 小时内用完。 Use up in hours. |
| 漆膜未完全干燥固化之前,应采取保护措施,避免受到雨水和其它液体的冲洗和践踏。 Before the paint film is completely dried and cured, protective measures should be taken to avoid washing and trampling by rain and other liquids. 涂料存放于温度较低通风干燥处,远离热源,避免日光直射,并隔绝火种。 Store the paint in a cool, ventilated and dry place, away from heat, away from direct sunlight and out of fire. |
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安 全 Security | 皮肤、眼睛不得接触本品;为避免吸入溶剂,在狭窄的或空气不流通处施工,必须提供强力通风,尽管通风条件良好也应配戴防护用具。 The skin and eyes should not come into contact with this product; In order to avoid inhalation of solvents, strong ventilation must be provided when working in narrow or poorly ventilated areas, and protective gear should be worn even if the ventilation conditions are good. |
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附 注 Notes | 以上资料乃根据本公司技术人员通过实际测试及使用经验而撰写,但由于工作环境及物料配搭有异,我们强烈建议用户在确认使用前必须按用户实际的需要及用途预先进行测试与实验。本公司只保证产品本身的品质及稳定性。 The above information is based on the actual testing and experience of our technical personnel, but due to the different working environment and material mix, we strongly recommend that users must conduct tests and experiments in advance according to the actual needs and uses of users before confirming the use. The company only guarantees the quality and stability of the product itself. |