這是用戶在 2024-11-18 21:18 為 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/febb9275-768b-4933-95dd-1910169139b4 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?


MONDAY, 16 TH 16 TH  16^("TH ")16^{\text {TH }} SEPTEMBER
9 月, 16 TH 16 TH  16^("TH ")16^{\text {TH }} 星期一
13:00 - 20:00 Registration Open 註冊開放
14:00 - 18:00

研討會前課程單殘留方法的發展Michelangelo Anastassiades, Eric Eichhorn & Ann-Kathrin Schäfer
Pre-Workshop Course
Developments in Single Residue Methods Michelangelo Anastassiades, Eric Eichhorn & Ann-Kathrin Schäfer
Pre-Workshop Course Developments in Single Residue Methods Michelangelo Anastassiades, Eric Eichhorn & Ann-Kathrin Schäfer| Pre-Workshop Course | | :--- | | Developments in Single Residue Methods Michelangelo Anastassiades, Eric Eichhorn & Ann-Kathrin Schäfer |
18:00 - 20:30 Welcome Cocktail Reception
TUESDAY, 17 TH 17 TH  17^("TH ")17^{\text {TH }} SEPTEMBER
9 月, 17 TH 17 TH  17^("TH ")17^{\text {TH }} 星期二
08:30-18:00 Registration Open 註冊開放
Chairpersons: 主席: Andreas Schürmann and Andrė de Kok
Andreas Schürmann 和 Andrė de Kok
09:00 - 09:30 Welcome - Opening Speech 歡迎致辭
09:35 - 10:05 0-1

主題演講 1:HRMS 選擇性和敏感性:我們現在在哪裡? 安東·考夫曼
Keynote lecture 1: HRMS selectivity and sensitivity: where are we now?
Anton Kaufmann
Keynote lecture 1: HRMS selectivity and sensitivity: where are we now? Anton Kaufmann| Keynote lecture 1: HRMS selectivity and sensitivity: where are we now? | | :--- | | Anton Kaufmann |
10:05 - 10:35 0 2  10:05 - 10:35  0 2 {:[" 10:05 - 10:35 "],[0-2]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 10:05 - 10:35 } \\ & 0-2 \end{aligned} Keynote lecture 2: Managing pesticides: an industry perspective Till Goldmann
主題演講 2:農藥管理:行業視角 Till Goldmann
10:35 - 11:40 Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters
茶歇 / 展覽 & 海報
10:50-11:15 Americas Chemical Society - AGRO Division Ambassador: Are the pesticides compliance policies harmonized? Carmen Tiu
美洲化學會 - AGRO 分部大使:農藥合規政策是否協調一致?廖嘉雯
Chairpersons: 主席: Patrizia Pelosi and Carmen Ferrer
派特裡齊亞·佩洛西 (Patrizia Pelosi) 和卡門·費雷爾 (Carmen Ferrer)
11:40 - 12:00 0 3  11:40 - 12:00  0 3 {:[" 11:40 - 12:00 "],[0-3]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 11:40 - 12:00 } \\ & 0-3 \end{aligned} The 2022 EU Report on pesticide residues in food: latest figures Luis Carrasco Cabrera
2022 年歐盟食品中農藥殘留報告:最新數據 路易士·卡拉斯科·卡佈雷拉
12 : 05 12 : 25 12 : 05 12 : 25 sqrt(12:05-12:25)\sqrt{12: 05-12: 25}

需要多少數據來證明農藥活性物質的可接受安全水準? 美奈子艾倫
How much data is needed to prove an acceptable level of safety for a pesticidal active substance?
Minako Allen
How much data is needed to prove an acceptable level of safety for a pesticidal active substance? Minako Allen| How much data is needed to prove an acceptable level of safety for a pesticidal active substance? | | :--- | | Minako Allen |
MONDAY, 16^("TH ") SEPTEMBER 13:00 - 20:00 Registration Open 14:00 - 18:00 "Pre-Workshop Course Developments in Single Residue Methods Michelangelo Anastassiades, Eric Eichhorn & Ann-Kathrin Schäfer" 18:00 - 20:30 Welcome Cocktail Reception TUESDAY, 17^("TH ") SEPTEMBER 08:30-18:00 Registration Open Chairpersons: Andreas Schürmann and Andrė de Kok 09:00 - 09:30 Welcome - Opening Speech 09:35 - 10:05 0-1 "Keynote lecture 1: HRMS selectivity and sensitivity: where are we now? Anton Kaufmann" " 10:05 - 10:35 0-2" Keynote lecture 2: Managing pesticides: an industry perspective Till Goldmann 10:35 - 11:40 Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters 10:50-11:15 Americas Chemical Society - AGRO Division Ambassador: Are the pesticides compliance policies harmonized? Carmen Tiu Chairpersons: Patrizia Pelosi and Carmen Ferrer " 11:40 - 12:00 0-3" The 2022 EU Report on pesticide residues in food: latest figures Luis Carrasco Cabrera sqrt(12:05-12:25) "How much data is needed to prove an acceptable level of safety for a pesticidal active substance? Minako Allen"| MONDAY, $16^{\text {TH }}$ SEPTEMBER | | | :---: | :---: | | 13:00 - 20:00 | Registration Open | | 14:00 - 18:00 | Pre-Workshop Course <br> Developments in Single Residue Methods Michelangelo Anastassiades, Eric Eichhorn & Ann-Kathrin Schäfer | | 18:00 - 20:30 | Welcome Cocktail Reception | | TUESDAY, $17^{\text {TH }}$ SEPTEMBER | | | 08:30-18:00 | Registration Open | | Chairpersons: | Andreas Schürmann and Andrė de Kok | | 09:00 - 09:30 | Welcome - Opening Speech | | 09:35 - 10:05 0-1 | Keynote lecture 1: HRMS selectivity and sensitivity: where are we now? <br> Anton Kaufmann | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 10:05 - 10:35 } \\ & 0-2 \end{aligned}$ | Keynote lecture 2: Managing pesticides: an industry perspective Till Goldmann | | 10:35 - 11:40 | Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters | | 10:50-11:15 | Americas Chemical Society - AGRO Division Ambassador: Are the pesticides compliance policies harmonized? Carmen Tiu | | Chairpersons: | Patrizia Pelosi and Carmen Ferrer | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 11:40 - 12:00 } \\ & 0-3 \end{aligned}$ | The 2022 EU Report on pesticide residues in food: latest figures Luis Carrasco Cabrera | | $\sqrt{12: 05-12: 25}$ | How much data is needed to prove an acceptable level of safety for a pesticidal active substance? <br> Minako Allen |
12:30-12:50 News from EURL-AO O-5 Bjoern Hardebusch ]  12:30-12:50   News from EURL-AO   O-5   Bjoern Hardebusch  {:[" 12:30-12:50 ",{:[" News from EURL-AO "],[" O-5 "]:}],[" Bjoern Hardebusch "]]\left.\begin{array}{ll}\text { 12:30-12:50 } & \begin{array}{l}\text { News from EURL-AO } \\ \text { O-5 }\end{array} \\ \text { Bjoern Hardebusch }\end{array}\right]

WEDNESDAY, 18 TH 18 TH  18^("TH ")18^{\text {TH }} SEPTEMBER
9 月星期三 18 TH 18 TH  18^("TH ")18^{\text {TH }}

08:30-18:00 Registration Open 09:00-09:10 Announcements  08:30-18:00   Registration Open   09:00-09:10   Announcements  {:[" 08:30-18:00 "," Registration Open "],[" 09:00-09:10 "," Announcements "]:}\begin{array}{ll}\text { 08:30-18:00 } & \text { Registration Open } \\ \text { 09:00-09:10 } & \text { Announcements }\end{array}
THEMED DAY “Green Analytical Chemistry, Miniaturization and Automation”
主題日 “綠色分析化學、小型化和自動化”
Chairpersons: 主席: Susanne Ekroth and Hans Mol
Susanne Ekroth 和 Hans Mol
09:10- 09:40 0 9  09:10- 09:40  0 9 {:[" 09:10- 09:40 "],[0-9]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 09:10- 09:40 } \\ & 0-9 \end{aligned}

農藥分析、修復和替代品的綠色化學機會John C. Warner
Green Chemistry Opportunities for Pesticide Analysis, Remediation and Replacements
John C. Warner
Green Chemistry Opportunities for Pesticide Analysis, Remediation and Replacements John C. Warner| Green Chemistry Opportunities for Pesticide Analysis, Remediation and Replacements | | :--- | | John C. Warner |
09 : 45 10 : 25 0 10 09 : 45 10 : 25 0 10 {:[09:45-10:25],[0-10]:}\begin{aligned} & 09: 45-10: 25 \\ & 0-10 \end{aligned} Facilitating high throughput food determinations with chemical biopsy probe Janusz Pawliszyn
使用化學活檢探針 Janusz Pawliszyn 促進高通量食品測定
10:25 - 10:40 Questions and Discussion 問題與討論
10:40 - 11:40 Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters
茶歇 / 展覽 & 海報
10:50 - 11:15 V-5  10:50 - 11:15   V-5  {:[" 10:50 - 11:15 "],[" V-5 "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 10:50 - 11:15 } \\ & \text { V-5 } \end{aligned}

供應商會議5:GERSTEL GmbH & Co.KG 自動與離心的比較 μ μmu\mu-SPE用於分析各種食品中的農藥和其他污染物Steven J. Lehotay & Nicolas Michlig
Vendor Session 5: GERSTEL GmbH & Co.KG
Comparison of automated vs. centrifugal μ μ mu\mu-SPE for the analysis of pesticides and other contaminants in a variety of foods Steven J. Lehotay & Nicolas Michlig
Vendor Session 5: GERSTEL GmbH & Co.KG Comparison of automated vs. centrifugal mu-SPE for the analysis of pesticides and other contaminants in a variety of foods Steven J. Lehotay & Nicolas Michlig| Vendor Session 5: GERSTEL GmbH & Co.KG | | :--- | | Comparison of automated vs. centrifugal $\mu$-SPE for the analysis of pesticides and other contaminants in a variety of foods Steven J. Lehotay & Nicolas Michlig |
Chairpersons: 主席: Susanne Ekroth and Hans Mol
Susanne Ekroth 和 Hans Mol
11 : 40 12 : 00 0 11 11 : 40 12 : 00 0 11 {:[11:40-12:00],[0-11]:}\begin{aligned} & 11: 40-12: 00 \\ & 0-11 \end{aligned}

殘留物方法開發:從第一性原理到現代效率Pawel Markowicz
Residues method development: From first principles to modern efficiency
Pawel Markowicz
Residues method development: From first principles to modern efficiency Pawel Markowicz| Residues method development: From first principles to modern efficiency | | :--- | | Pawel Markowicz |
12 : 05 12 : 25 0 12 12 : 05 12 : 25 0 12 {:[12:05-12:25],[0-12]:}\begin{aligned} & 12: 05-12: 25 \\ & 0-12 \end{aligned}

QuEChERS 方法在水果和蔬菜中的小型化:如果不進行低溫研磨,我們能做到多小? 山崎由紀
Miniaturization of the QuEChERS method in fruits and vegetables: How mini can we go without cryogenic milling?
Yuki Yamasaki
Miniaturization of the QuEChERS method in fruits and vegetables: How mini can we go without cryogenic milling? Yuki Yamasaki| Miniaturization of the QuEChERS method in fruits and vegetables: How mini can we go without cryogenic milling? | | :--- | | Yuki Yamasaki |
12:30 - 12:50 0 13  12:30 - 12:50  0 13 {:[" 12:30 - 12:50 "],[0-13]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 12:30 - 12:50 } \\ & 0-13 \end{aligned}

食品中草甘膦的測定:性能評價、質譜和免疫層析方法的環境評估 Biancamaria Ciasca
Glyphosate determination in food: Performance evaluation, environmental assessment of mass spectrometric and immunochromatographic methods
Biancamaria Ciasca
Glyphosate determination in food: Performance evaluation, environmental assessment of mass spectrometric and immunochromatographic methods Biancamaria Ciasca| Glyphosate determination in food: Performance evaluation, environmental assessment of mass spectrometric and immunochromatographic methods | | :--- | | Biancamaria Ciasca |
Chairpersons: Susanne Ekroth and Hans Mol " 09:10- 09:40 0-9" "Green Chemistry Opportunities for Pesticide Analysis, Remediation and Replacements John C. Warner" "09:45-10:25 0-10" Facilitating high throughput food determinations with chemical biopsy probe Janusz Pawliszyn 10:25 - 10:40 Questions and Discussion 10:40 - 11:40 Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters " 10:50 - 11:15 V-5 " "Vendor Session 5: GERSTEL GmbH & Co.KG Comparison of automated vs. centrifugal mu-SPE for the analysis of pesticides and other contaminants in a variety of foods Steven J. Lehotay & Nicolas Michlig" Chairpersons: Susanne Ekroth and Hans Mol "11:40-12:00 0-11" "Residues method development: From first principles to modern efficiency Pawel Markowicz" "12:05-12:25 0-12" "Miniaturization of the QuEChERS method in fruits and vegetables: How mini can we go without cryogenic milling? Yuki Yamasaki" " 12:30 - 12:50 0-13" "Glyphosate determination in food: Performance evaluation, environmental assessment of mass spectrometric and immunochromatographic methods Biancamaria Ciasca"| Chairpersons: | Susanne Ekroth and Hans Mol | | :---: | :---: | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 09:10- 09:40 } \\ & 0-9 \end{aligned}$ | Green Chemistry Opportunities for Pesticide Analysis, Remediation and Replacements <br> John C. Warner | | $\begin{aligned} & 09: 45-10: 25 \\ & 0-10 \end{aligned}$ | Facilitating high throughput food determinations with chemical biopsy probe Janusz Pawliszyn | | 10:25 - 10:40 | Questions and Discussion | | 10:40 - 11:40 | Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 10:50 - 11:15 } \\ & \text { V-5 } \end{aligned}$ | Vendor Session 5: GERSTEL GmbH & Co.KG <br> Comparison of automated vs. centrifugal $\mu$-SPE for the analysis of pesticides and other contaminants in a variety of foods Steven J. Lehotay & Nicolas Michlig | | Chairpersons: | Susanne Ekroth and Hans Mol | | $\begin{aligned} & 11: 40-12: 00 \\ & 0-11 \end{aligned}$ | Residues method development: From first principles to modern efficiency <br> Pawel Markowicz | | $\begin{aligned} & 12: 05-12: 25 \\ & 0-12 \end{aligned}$ | Miniaturization of the QuEChERS method in fruits and vegetables: How mini can we go without cryogenic milling? <br> Yuki Yamasaki | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 12:30 - 12:50 } \\ & 0-13 \end{aligned}$ | Glyphosate determination in food: Performance evaluation, environmental assessment of mass spectrometric and immunochromatographic methods <br> Biancamaria Ciasca |
12:50-13:05 Questions and Discussion
12:50-13:05 提問與討論
13 : 05 14 : 50 13 : 05 14 : 50 13:05-14:5013: 05-14: 50 Lunch break / P Ehibition
午休 / P 優惠
13:20 - 13:55 V-6  13:20 - 13:55   V-6  {:[" 13:20 - 13:55 "],[" V-6 "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 13:20 - 13:55 } \\ & \text { V-6 } \end{aligned}

供應商會議6:島津歐洲有限公司 高解析度LC-MS/MS QTOF農藥分析的新發展 從篩選到定量與DIA和HR-MRM工作流程 Alan Barnes & Steve Williams & Stéphane Moreau & Neit Loftus
Vendor Session 6: Shimadzu Europa GmbH
New developments in high resolution LC-MS/MS QTOF pesticide analysis from screening to quantitation with DIA and HR-MRM workflows
Alan Barnes & Steve Williams & Stéphane Moreau & Neit Loftus
Vendor Session 6: Shimadzu Europa GmbH New developments in high resolution LC-MS/MS QTOF pesticide analysis from screening to quantitation with DIA and HR-MRM workflows Alan Barnes & Steve Williams & Stéphane Moreau & Neit Loftus| Vendor Session 6: Shimadzu Europa GmbH | | :--- | | New developments in high resolution LC-MS/MS QTOF pesticide analysis from screening to quantitation with DIA and HR-MRM workflows | | Alan Barnes & Steve Williams & Stéphane Moreau & Neit Loftus |
14 : 10 14 : 45 V 7 14 : 10 14 : 45 V 7 {:[14:10-14:45],[V-7]:}\begin{aligned} & 14: 10-14: 45 \\ & V-7 \end{aligned}

供應商會議 7:CTC Analytics AG 用於自動農藥提取和凈化的新型 PAL 微量 SPE 小柱 Hans-Joachim Hübschmann
Vendor Session 7: CTC Analytics AG
The New PAL Micro-SPE Cartridge for Automated Pesticides
Extraction and Clean-up
Hans-Joachim Hübschmann
Vendor Session 7: CTC Analytics AG The New PAL Micro-SPE Cartridge for Automated Pesticides Extraction and Clean-up Hans-Joachim Hübschmann| Vendor Session 7: CTC Analytics AG | | :--- | | The New PAL Micro-SPE Cartridge for Automated Pesticides | | Extraction and Clean-up | | Hans-Joachim Hübschmann |
13:05-14:50 Lunch break / P Ehibition " 13:20 - 13:55 V-6 " "Vendor Session 6: Shimadzu Europa GmbH New developments in high resolution LC-MS/MS QTOF pesticide analysis from screening to quantitation with DIA and HR-MRM workflows Alan Barnes & Steve Williams & Stéphane Moreau & Neit Loftus" "14:10-14:45 V-7" "Vendor Session 7: CTC Analytics AG The New PAL Micro-SPE Cartridge for Automated Pesticides Extraction and Clean-up Hans-Joachim Hübschmann"| $13: 05-14: 50$ | Lunch break / P Ehibition | | :---: | :---: | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 13:20 - 13:55 } \\ & \text { V-6 } \end{aligned}$ | Vendor Session 6: Shimadzu Europa GmbH <br> New developments in high resolution LC-MS/MS QTOF pesticide analysis from screening to quantitation with DIA and HR-MRM workflows <br> Alan Barnes & Steve Williams & Stéphane Moreau & Neit Loftus | | $\begin{aligned} & 14: 10-14: 45 \\ & V-7 \end{aligned}$ | Vendor Session 7: CTC Analytics AG <br> The New PAL Micro-SPE Cartridge for Automated Pesticides <br> Extraction and Clean-up <br> Hans-Joachim Hübschmann |
Chairpersons: Susanne Ekroth and Hans Mol
主席:Susanne Ekroth 和 Hans Mol

14:50 - 15:10
15:15 - 15:25
15:30 - 15:50 0-16
15:50 - 16:05
16:25 - 16:50
V-8 V-8 系列
17 : 00 18 : 00 17 : 00 18 : 00 17:00-18:0017: 00-18: 00
Pitfalls and challenges in automation and miniaturization Friederike Habedank
自動化和小型化的陷阱和挑戰Friederike Habedank
Improvements in automation of sample preparation for residue analysis in food of animal origin Anna Buettner
動物源性食品中殘留分析樣品製備自動化的改進Anna Buettner
High-Throughput, Miniaturized, Automated, and “Green” Analysis of a Wide Scope of Pesticides and Other Residues in Fatty and Non-Fatty Foods Steven Lehotay
對脂肪和非脂肪食品中的各種農藥和其他殘留物進行高通量、小型化、自動化和“綠色”分析 Steven Lehotay
Questions and Discussion 問題與討論
Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters
茶歇 / 展覽 & 海報

Vendor Session 8: Trajan Scientific and Medical
供應商會議 8:Trajan Scientific 和 Medical

Automation of relevant workflows for residue analysis Mikko Hofsommer & Steffen Rothmeier
自動化相關殘留物分析工作流程Mikko Hofsommer & Steffen Rothmeier
Poster Session II (Odd numbers, authors present)
海報展示 II (奇數,作者在場)
Gala Dinner at “Zunfthaus zur Meisen” (tickets required)
在 “Zunfthaus zur Meisen” 舉行的晚宴(需要門票)
THURSDAY, 19 TH 19 TH  19^("TH ")19^{\text {TH }} SEPTEMBER
9 月星期四 19 TH 19 TH  19^("TH ")19^{\text {TH }}
08:30-18:00 Registration Open 註冊開放
09:00 - 09:10 Announcements 公告
Chairpersons: 主席: Antonio Valverde and Ionara Pizzutti
安東尼奧·巴爾韋德 (Antonio Valverde) 和伊奧納拉·皮祖蒂 (Ionara Pizzutti)
09 : 10 09 : 30 0 17 09 : 10 09 : 30 0 17 {:[09:10-09:30],[0-17]:}\begin{aligned} & 09: 10-09: 30 \\ & 0-17 \end{aligned} Automation and Miniaturization for Enhancing Analytical Methods in Pesticide Residue Evaluation in Food Amadeo Fernandez Alba
自動化和小型化以增強食品中農藥殘留評估的分析方法 Amadeo Fernandez Alba
09:35 - 09:55 0-18  09:35 - 09:55   0-18  {:[" 09:35 - 09:55 "],[" 0-18 "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 09:35 - 09:55 } \\ & \text { 0-18 } \end{aligned} Multiclass methods for the global chemical safety evaluation of foods and the role of pesticide residue laboratories Horacio Heinzen
食品全球化學安全評價的多類方法和農藥殘留實驗室的作用 Horacio Heinzen
10:00 - 10:20 0 19  10:00 - 10:20  0 19 {:[" 10:00 - 10:20 "],[0-19]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 10:00 - 10:20 } \\ & 0-19 \end{aligned} Comprehensive evaluation on the impact of sample size and extraction equipment in pesticide residue analysis in food Wesley Jose
樣品量和提取設備對食品中農藥殘留分析影響的綜合評價 Wesley Jose
10:20 - 10:35 Questions and Discussion 問題與討論
10:35-11:40 Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters
茶歇 / 展覽 & 海報
10:50 - 11:15 V-9  10:50 - 11:15   V-9  {:[" 10:50 - 11:15 "],[" V-9 "]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 10:50 - 11:15 } \\ & \text { V-9 } \end{aligned} Vendor Session 9: Restek Is an Inert LC-Column Hardware Beneficial for Pesticide Analysis? -Innovative Liquid Chromatography Techniques and ColumnsDiego Lopez
供應商會議 9:Restek 惰性 LC 色譜柱硬體是否對農藥分析有益?-創新的液相色譜技術和色譜柱Diego Lopez
Chairpersons: 主席: Hermann Unterluggauer and Steven Lehotay
Hermann Unterluggauer 和 Steven Lehotay
11 : 40 12 : 00 0 20 11 : 40 12 : 00 0 20 {:[11:40-12:00],[0-20]:}\begin{aligned} & 11: 40-12: 00 \\ & 0-20 \end{aligned} An update on the determination of highly polar anionic pesticides in food and feed by HILIC-MS/MS Jonatan Dias
HILIC-MS/MS Jonatan Dias 測定食品和飼料中高極性陰離子農藥的最新進展
12:05-12:25 0 21  12:05-12:25  0 21 {:[" 12:05-12:25 "],[0-21]:}\begin{aligned} & \text { 12:05-12:25 } \\ & 0-21 \end{aligned} Analysis of cationic pesticide residues in food samples by ICMS Anatte Margalit
ICMS Anatte Margalit 分析食品樣品中的陽離子農藥殘留
12 : 30 0 22 12 : 50 12 : 30 0 22 12 : 50 sqrt((12:30)/(0-22))-12:50\sqrt{\frac{12: 30}{0-22}}-12: 50 Stereoisomers of pesticides: Differences in biological activity, metabolism in crops, environmental fate, and toxicity Ignaz Buerge
農藥的立體異構體:生物活性、作物代謝、環境歸宿和毒性的差異 Ignaz Buerge
THURSDAY, 19^("TH ") SEPTEMBER 08:30-18:00 Registration Open 09:00 - 09:10 Announcements Chairpersons: Antonio Valverde and Ionara Pizzutti "09:10-09:30 0-17" Automation and Miniaturization for Enhancing Analytical Methods in Pesticide Residue Evaluation in Food Amadeo Fernandez Alba " 09:35 - 09:55 0-18 " Multiclass methods for the global chemical safety evaluation of foods and the role of pesticide residue laboratories Horacio Heinzen " 10:00 - 10:20 0-19" Comprehensive evaluation on the impact of sample size and extraction equipment in pesticide residue analysis in food Wesley Jose 10:20 - 10:35 Questions and Discussion 10:35-11:40 Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters " 10:50 - 11:15 V-9 " Vendor Session 9: Restek Is an Inert LC-Column Hardware Beneficial for Pesticide Analysis? -Innovative Liquid Chromatography Techniques and ColumnsDiego Lopez Chairpersons: Hermann Unterluggauer and Steven Lehotay "11:40-12:00 0-20" An update on the determination of highly polar anionic pesticides in food and feed by HILIC-MS/MS Jonatan Dias " 12:05-12:25 0-21" Analysis of cationic pesticide residues in food samples by ICMS Anatte Margalit sqrt((12:30)/(0-22))-12:50 Stereoisomers of pesticides: Differences in biological activity, metabolism in crops, environmental fate, and toxicity Ignaz Buerge| THURSDAY, $19^{\text {TH }}$ SEPTEMBER | | | :---: | :---: | | 08:30-18:00 | Registration Open | | 09:00 - 09:10 | Announcements | | Chairpersons: | Antonio Valverde and Ionara Pizzutti | | $\begin{aligned} & 09: 10-09: 30 \\ & 0-17 \end{aligned}$ | Automation and Miniaturization for Enhancing Analytical Methods in Pesticide Residue Evaluation in Food Amadeo Fernandez Alba | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 09:35 - 09:55 } \\ & \text { 0-18 } \end{aligned}$ | Multiclass methods for the global chemical safety evaluation of foods and the role of pesticide residue laboratories Horacio Heinzen | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 10:00 - 10:20 } \\ & 0-19 \end{aligned}$ | Comprehensive evaluation on the impact of sample size and extraction equipment in pesticide residue analysis in food Wesley Jose | | 10:20 - 10:35 | Questions and Discussion | | 10:35-11:40 | Refreshment Break / Exhibition & Posters | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 10:50 - 11:15 } \\ & \text { V-9 } \end{aligned}$ | Vendor Session 9: Restek Is an Inert LC-Column Hardware Beneficial for Pesticide Analysis? -Innovative Liquid Chromatography Techniques and ColumnsDiego Lopez | | Chairpersons: | Hermann Unterluggauer and Steven Lehotay | | $\begin{aligned} & 11: 40-12: 00 \\ & 0-20 \end{aligned}$ | An update on the determination of highly polar anionic pesticides in food and feed by HILIC-MS/MS Jonatan Dias | | $\begin{aligned} & \text { 12:05-12:25 } \\ & 0-21 \end{aligned}$ | Analysis of cationic pesticide residues in food samples by ICMS Anatte Margalit | | $\sqrt{\frac{12: 30}{0-22}}-12: 50$ | Stereoisomers of pesticides: Differences in biological activity, metabolism in crops, environmental fate, and toxicity Ignaz Buerge |