“One or two early van Goghs do sometimes come out of the woodwork now and again, but from the mature period, it’s very rare,” said James Roundell, an art dealer and the director of modern pictures for the Dickinson galleries in London and New York, which deals in Impressionist and modern art.
“梵高早期的画作有时确实会时不时地从木制品中出来,但从成熟时期来看,这是非常罕见的,”艺术品经销商、伦敦和纽约狄金森画廊(Dickinson Gallery)的现代图片总监詹姆斯·朗德尔(James Roundell)说,该画廊从事印象派和现代艺术。

Mr. Roundell said it would be hard to predict precisely how much “Sunset at Montmajour” would fetch on the market, but expected it would be “in the tens of millions and quite a few of them.”

He added, “It’s not the iconic status of something like the ‘Sunflowers,’ or the ‘Portrait of Dr. Gachet,’ ” which sold at auction for $82.5 million in 1990.

Fred Leeman, a former chief curator of the museum and now an independent art historian and van Gogh scholar based here, said the work, which he called “100 percent genuine,” contributes to an alternative understanding of the artist. “We have the impression of van Gogh as a very modern painter, but here he’s working in the tradition of 19th-century landscape painting,” he said.
弗雷德·李曼(Fred Leeman)是该博物馆的前首席策展人,现在是独立的艺术史学家和梵高学者,他说,他称之为“100%真实”的作品有助于对艺术家的另一种理解。“我们印象中的梵高是一位非常现代的画家,但在这里,他正在按照19世纪风景画的传统工作,”他说。

The painting has been in the collection of a family for several years, and Mr. Rüger said that because of privacy concerns, he couldn’t release any more information about the owners.

Until 1901, the painting was in the collection once owned by van Gogh’s brother, Theo, said Marije Vellekoop, the head of collections, research and presentation for the museum. His widow, Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, sold it to a Paris art dealer. In 1908, the art dealer sold it to a Norwegian collector, Ms. Vellekoop said. Shortly after that, she added, “it was declared a fake, or not an original,” and the Norwegian collector banished it to his attic, where it stayed until he died in 1970. The current owners purchased it thereafter.
直到 1901 年,这幅画才被梵高的兄弟西奥收藏,博物馆收藏、研究和展示负责人 Marije Vellekoop 说。他的遗孀约翰娜·梵高-邦格(Johanna van Gogh-Bonger)将这幅画卖给了巴黎的一位艺术品经销商。1908年,艺术品经销商将它卖给了一位挪威收藏家,韦勒库普说。不久之后,她补充说,“它被宣布为赝品,或者不是原件”,挪威收藏家将它放逐到他的阁楼上,直到1970年去世。此后,现任所有者购买了它。

They took it to the Van Gogh Museum in 1991, Mr. Rüger said, but at the time, experts there said they did not think it was authentic. Two years ago, the owners took it back to the museum, and researchers from the museum have been examining it ever since, Mr. Rüger said. Louis van Tilborgh, the museum’s senior researcher, said that since 1991, the museum has developed several new techniques for identifying and authenticating works of art. He said that all those methods were put to use when researchers had the chance to look at this painting again.
吕格说,他们于1991年把它带到了梵高博物馆,但当时那里的专家说,他们不认为这幅画是真的。吕格说,两年前,主人把它带回了博物馆,从那时起,博物馆的研究人员就一直在研究它。博物馆高级研究员路易斯·范·蒂尔博格(Louis van Tilborgh)表示,自1991年以来,博物馆已经开发了几种用于识别和鉴定艺术品的新技术。他说,当研究人员有机会再次看到这幅画时,所有这些方法都被使用了。

According to Mr. van Tilborgh, it was painted on the same type of canvas with the same type of underpainting van Gogh used for at least one other painting of the same area, “The Rocks.” The work was also listed as part of Theo van Gogh’s collection in 1890. It has “180” painted on the back, which corresponds to the number in the collection inventory. “That was the clincher,” he said.
根据范·蒂尔博格先生的说法,这幅画是在同一类型的画布上绘制的,与梵高在同一地区的至少另一幅画作《岩石》中使用的相同类型的底漆。1890 年,这幅作品也被列为西奥·梵高 (Theo van Gogh) 收藏的一部分。背面涂有“180”字样,与收藏品库存中的数字相对应。“这是关键,”他说。

Mr. Rüger added: “This time, we have topographical information, plus a number of other factors that have helped us to establish authenticity. Research is so much more advanced now, so we could come to a very different conclusion.” The last major van Gogh brought to light, the museum said, was the 1888 painting “Tarascon Stage Coach,” in the 1930s. The date of “Sunset at Montmajour” has been identified as July 4, 1888. In a letter van Gogh wrote to his brother the next day, he seemed to have described the scene:
吕格先生补充说:“这一次,我们有地形信息,以及一些帮助我们确定真实性的因素。现在的研究要先进得多,所以我们可以得出一个非常不同的结论。博物馆表示,梵高的最后一幅重要作品是1930年代的1888年画作《塔拉斯孔舞台马车》。“蒙马儒日落”的日期已被确定为 1888 年 7 月 4 日。在梵高第二天写给他哥哥的一封信中,他似乎描述了当时的场景:

“Yesterday, at sunset, I was on a stony heath, where very small, twisted oaks grow, in the background a ruin on the hill, and wheat fields in the valley. It was romantic, it couldn’t be more so, à la Monticelli, the sun was pouring its very yellow rays over the bushes and the ground, absolutely a shower of gold. And all the lines were beautiful; the whole scene had charming nobility.” (He was referring to the works of Adolphe Monticelli, one of the first painters van Gogh admired when he moved to Paris in 1886, and who played a role in van Gogh’s decision to move to Provence.)
“昨天,日落时分,我在一片石质荒原上,那里生长着非常小的、扭曲的橡树,背景是山上的废墟,山谷里有麦田。这是浪漫的,再浪漫不过了,就像蒙蒂塞利一样,太阳将黄色的光线倾泻在灌木丛和地面上,绝对是一场金色的雨。所有的线条都很漂亮;整个场景都洋溢着迷人的贵族气息。(他指的是阿道夫·蒙蒂塞利(Adolphe Monticelli)的作品,他是梵高1886年移居巴黎时最欣赏的画家之一,他在梵高决定搬到普罗旺斯时发挥了作用。

“Sunset at Montmajour” is comparable in size to “Sunflowers,” which was painted the same year and sold for $39.9 million in 1987 at an auction at Christie’s in London.

Van Gogh moved to Arles in February 1888 and spent time exploring the landscapes in Provence, and doing work “en plein air,” or in nature. He was particularly fascinated by the flat landscape around the hill of Montmajour, with its rocky outcroppings and hay-colored fields.
梵高于 1888 年 2 月搬到阿尔勒,花时间探索普罗旺斯的风景,并在“户外”或自然界中工作。他特别着迷于蒙马儒山周围的平坦景观,那里有岩石露头和干草色的田野。

In a letter dated July 1888, he said that he had been to Montmajour at least 50 times “to see the view over the plain.”

Mr. Leeman, the historian, said that “in hindsight, many pointers in his letters and entries in catalogs of the 1900s have been linked to other paintings or misidentified,” adding, “Here, we see a painting that fits those descriptions exactly.”

The painting will be on view at the museum for one year, starting on Sept. 24, as part of the current exhibition, “Van Gogh at Work,” which focuses on other new discoveries about the painter’s artistic development. Mr. Rüger said the current owners have not indicated what they intend to do with it after that.