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中国重庆-丹麦医养结合研讨会  Chongqing, China - Denmark Healthcare Integration Seminar

2013 China-Denmark seminar on the combination of Health and Pension

许你一个健康的未来邀请函 Promise You a Healthy Future Invitation

联合主办:重庆医科大学附属第一医院 | 丹麦王国驻华大使馆承办:健康界传媒
Co-organizer: The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University | Royal Danish Embassy, China Organizer: Health Media

时间:2013 年 12 月 6 日 7 日地 点:重庆申基索菲特大酒店
Time: December 6 & 7, 2013 Venue: Sofitel Chongqing Shenji
尊敬的 : Honorable :
Under the new pattern of the country's vigorous development of health service industry, how to open a new era of medical care integration?
国务院近期印发的《关于促进健康服务业发展的若干意见》, 明确提出加快发展健康养老服务,推进医疗机构与养老机构等加强合作, 机遇无限,挑战亦无限!
The State Council recently issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Development of Health Service Industry", clearly put forward to accelerate the development of health care services, and promote the strengthening of cooperation between medical institutions and elderly care institutions, etc. The opportunities are unlimited, and so are the challenges!
从政策的角度, 如何做好区域医疗资源的统筹规划、动员医疗资源融人养老服务、养老服务如何链接医疗资源? 如何从医保支付制度和引入社会资本制度的设计上做好准备?
From the perspective of policy, how to do a good job of coordinating the planning of regional medical resources, mobilizing medical resources to integrate into the elderly services, and how to link the elderly services with medical resources? How to prepare for the design of the health insurance payment system and the introduction of social capital system?
从医疗机构的角度, 如何审时度势、未雨绸缪, 及时拓展或转型, 为老龄化社会的到来储备资源、经验、模式、技术、人才? 与养老机构建立良性协作机制, 如何建立预约就诊绿色通道、提供专业的护理延伸服务?
From the perspective of medical institutions, how to assess the situation, plan ahead, expand or transform in a timely manner, and reserve resources, experience, models, technologies and talents for the arrival of the aging society? How to establish a positive collaboration mechanism with senior care organizations, how to establish green channels for booking appointments, and how to provide professional extended care services?
从养老机构以及投资机构的角度,如何在提供养老服务的同时为老年人提供便捷、优先、优惠的医疗服务,以及如何实现与老年病医院、老年护理院以及康复疗养机构等之间的转诊与合作? 上述问题,亟需寻求经验并思考对策。
From the point of view of elderly care institutions and investment organizations, how can elderly care services be provided with convenient, prioritized and preferential medical services, and how can referrals and cooperation with geriatric hospitals, geriatric nursing homes and rehabilitation and convalescent institutions be achieved? There is an urgent need to seek experience and think about countermeasures to these problems.
“医养结合” 是当前国内外备受关注的养老服务模式。早在六十多年前进人老龄化社会的丹麦,其成熟的医养结合模式或将给我们以启迪。丹麦政府通过与私营企业合作的方式,建立由专业护理团队、全科医生及医疗机构保驾护航的居家式养老院的医养结合模式。该模式经过多年实践, 积累了丰富的运营、管理、培训及建筑设计等经验, 其在发达国家亦居领先地位。
"Healthcare integration" is a model of elderly care service that has attracted much attention both at home and abroad. Denmark, which has been an aging society for more than 60 years, may inspire us with its mature healthcare integration model. The Danish government, in cooperation with private enterprises, has set up a model of integrated health care services in home-based nursing homes with professional nursing teams, general practitioners and medical institutions. After years of practice, this model has accumulated rich experience in operation, management, training and architectural design, and it is a leading model in developed countries.
丹麦政府非常愿意将其经验分享给已经步人人口老龄化社会的中国, 为此, 重庆医科大学附属第一医院、丹麦王国驻华大使馆将联合主办 “2013 中国重庆 - 丹麦医养结合研讨会” , 并委托健康界传媒承办。本论坛将围绕医养结合的政策、投资、建筑、运营、管理、服务等展开研讨,并结合国内外医院介人养老产业的案例, 了解医养结合的创新模式。
The Danish government is very willing to share its experience with China's aging population. For this reason, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University and the Royal Danish Embassy in China will jointly host the "2013 China Chongqing-Denmark Symposium on Integrating Healthcare and Nursing Care", and commissioned Health Media to organize the symposium. The seminar will focus on the policy, investment, construction, operation, management and service of healthcare integration, and will combine domestic and international cases of hospitals intervening in the elderly industry to understand the innovative models of healthcare integration.
International experience, medical care collaboration, medical care and health care integration, high-quality academic exchanges and seminars, we invite you to visit us!

时间 环节 讨论内容 Discussion
12 月 6 日
December 6
全天注册 All Day Registration
参观重庆医科大学附属第一医院青杜老年护养中心 Visit to Qingdu Geriatric Nursing Center of the First Hospital of Chongqing Medical University
自助欢迎晚宴 Buffet Welcome Dinner

Interactive Sharing: Sharing of the Operation Model of Qingdu Elderly Care Center of Chongming First Hospital

Host: Xiao Mingzhao (Vice President, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University)
12 月 7 日
December 7

Seminar I. Innovative elderly care service model through "healthcare integration
“医养结” 创新

Cross-collaboration between the healthcare system and the elderly care system in Denmark An empirical study on the impact of the health insurance system on the innovation of the healthcare and elderly care integration model and the policy Denmark's future home for the elderly Planning and designing of the modern Danish American Home. Market Space and Policy Challenges of Combining Healthcare and Nursing Care in China . Exploration of the model of medical and nursing integration in the First Hospital of Chongqing Medical University .
. 中国医养结合的市场空间和政策挑战
. 重庆医科大学附属第一医院医养结合的模式探索

Chairman: Ren Guosheng (President, The First Hospital of Chongqing Medical University) Invited Speakers: Friis Arne Petersen (Ambassador, Royal Danish Embassy, Beijing) Mi Hong (Executive Director, Institute of Population and Development, Zhejiang University) Heidi Hansen with Lene Kvist (Advisor to the Pension Advisory Group of Aalborg, Denmark) Torben Juul (Chief Designer, ZESO Architects, Denmark) Chen Qiulin (Assistant Researcher, Institute of Population, Labor and Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Ren Guosheng (President, The First Hospital of Chongqing Medical University) Juul (Chief Designer, ZESO Architects, Denmark) Chen Qiulin (Assistant Researcher, Institute of Population, Labor and Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Ren Guosheng (Director, The First Hospital of Chongqing Medical University)
任国胜 (重庆医科大学附属第一医院院长)
Friis Arne Petersen(丹麦王国驻华大使馆大使)
米 红(浙江大学人口与发展研究所执行所长)
Heidi Hansen 携 Lene Kvist(丹麦奥尔堡市养老顾问团顾问
管理组织顾问 )
Torben Juul ( 丹麦 ZESO 建筑事务所首席设计师)
陈秋霖 (中国社会科学院人口劳动经济研究所助理研究员 )
自助午餐 lunch buffet

Building, operation, management and services under the "healthcare-integrated" model

Elderly Nursing Education and Training in Denmark Medical Team Care Model and Quality of Life Care Effectiveness for the Elderly - Danish Healthcare Training Program - How to Care for Elderly People with Geriatric or Chronic Diseases - Exploration of the Healthcare Integration Model of the Ninth People's Hospital of Guanzhou (Zhengzhou Elderly Hospital) - Exploration and Practice of a Seamless Integration Model of Elderly Care and Healthcare - Qingkang Elderly Nursing Center Planning and Design Exploration
- 丹麦医养培训课程 -如何护理患有老年病或者慢性病
- 关洲市第九人民医院(郑州老年医院)医养结合
- 养老与医疗无缝融合模式的探索与实践
- 青杠老年护养中心规划与设计探索

Forum Chair: Bai Zhiqin (Vice President of China Hospital Association, President of Hainan Provincial Hospital Association) Invited Speakers: Inger-Margrethe Jensen (Vice Dean of the Faculty of Health Medicine and Director of the International Department, VIA University College, Denmark) Li Li (Director of the Nursing Home of the Makai Memorial Hospital in Taiwan and Head of the Organization) Lis Puggaard (Senior Consultant of TYPE2DIALOG Geriatric Nursing Training Company and Visiting Professor of the University of Southern Denmark) Lis Puggaard (Senior Consultant, TYPE2DIALOG Elderly Care Training Company and Visiting Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) Ling Li (Vice President, Zhengzhou Ninth People's Hospital, Zhengzhou) Xiaobao Yu (Director, Guangxi Hezhou Guangji Hospital, Guangxi) Yongliang Gao (Vice President, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing)
白志勤 中国医院协会副会长、海南省医院协会会长)
Inger-Margrethe Jensen ( 丹麦 VIA 大学学院健康医学系
李 莉(台湾财团法人马偕纪念医院附设护理之家护理长
Lis Puggaard(丹麦 TYPE2DIALOG 老年护理培训公司
李 玲 (郑州市第九人民医院副院长)
自助晚餐 dinner buffet
注:所有内容解释权在本研讨会组委会 Note: All contents are subject to the interpretation of the organizing committee of this seminar.

参会对象 Target audience

关注国际医养结合的医院管理者与卫生管理者。 Hospital administrators and health managers concerned with international health care integration.

会议地点 Venue of the Conference

名称:重庆申基索菲特大酒店 Name: Sofitel Chongqing Shenji
地址:重庆市九龙坡区科园二路 137 号(近陈家坪汽车站)
Address: No. 137, Keyuan 2nd Road, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing (near Chenjiaping Bus Station)
电话: 400-667-6868
距重庆(市中心)7.6 公里; 距重庆江北国际机场约为 42 公里,驾车用时需 50 分钟; 距重庆站约为 8 公里, 驾车用时需 15 分钟; 距重庆北站约为 17 公里, 驾车用时需 25 分钟; 距重庆南站约为 8 公里, 驾车用时需 15 分钟。
7.6 kilometers from Chongqing (city center); 42 kilometers from Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport (50 minutes by car); 8 kilometers from Chongqing Station (15 minutes by car); 17 kilometers from Chongqing North Station (25 minutes by car); 8 kilometers from Chongqing South Station (15 minutes by car).

参会费用 Participation Fee

标准会议费:1800 元/人(含会议费、资料费及会议期间餐费。交通与住宿费用自理)
Standard Conference Fee: 1800 RMB/person (including conference fee, information fee and meals during the conference). Transportation and lodging expenses are at your own expense)

优惠方式 Preferential way

  1. 免费参会名额:健康界医杰汇副理事长单位 3 名, 常务理事单位 2 名, 理事单位 1 名;
    Free of charge: 3 vice-presidents, 2 executive directors and 1 member of the board of directors of Medical Jiehui.
  2. 健康界医杰汇会员:享受优惠价 1500 元 / 人;
    Members of the health sector: enjoy a discounted price of RMB 1,500 per person.
  3. 医院团体报名:享受优惠价 1500 元 / 人(3 人及以上成团,6 人以上免费一人);特别说明:
    Hospital group registration: enjoy a discounted price of 1500 yuan / person (3 people and above into a group, more than 6 people free of charge a person); Special Notes:
(1)医杰汇咨询热线:高洪琦 13811889552
(1) Medical Jiehui Consulting Hotline: Gao Hongqi 13811889552
Medjie Reporting Name Official Website:;
(2)享受优惠的参会嘉宾请务必于 12 月 1 日前汇款,否则不能享受本次优惠;
(2) Participants who are entitled to the discount must remit the money before December 1, otherwise they cannot enjoy the discount.

报名方式 Enrollment Methods

医院嘉宾:   Hospital guests:

  1. 请登录健康界传媒官方网站(点击 “2013 中国重庆-丹麦医养结合研讨会” 专题并在线注册;
    Please visit the official website of the Health Media ( and click on "2013 China Chongqing-Denmark Healthcare Integration Symposium" and register online.
  2. 加人健康界品牌活动 群 ( QQ 群号: 161249452 ), 在群共亨下载并填写 “2013 中国重庆丹麦医养结合研讨会”报名表后发给管理员;
    To join the Group ( QQ Group No.: 161249452 ), download and fill in the registration form of "2013 China Chongqing Danish Healthcare Integration Seminar" and send it to the administrator.
  3. 咨询电话: 王志良 13370179897 010-82736610 转 8835
    Tel: Wang Zhiliang 13370179897 010-82736610 ext. 8835
高洪琦 13811889552 010-82736610 转 8833

企业嘉宾: Corporate Guests.

咨询电话:董岩 18601197112 裴铭远 18621012628 李骁 13811345213
Tel: Dong Yan 18601197112 Pei Mingyuan 18621012628 Li Snap 13811345213

汇款账号 Remittance Account Number

名称:北京尚医联合咨询有限公司 Name: Beijing Sunmedic Joint Consulting Co.
开户银行: 浦发银行北京花园路支行 Bank of Account: Pudong Development Bank, Beijing Garden Road Sub-branch
开户行账号: 91240154800007662
Account number: 91240154800007662

温馨提示 hint

When registering for the meeting, please be sure to accurately fill in all the participants cell phone number, forum registration and service information during the meeting are sent in the form of SMS.
会议酒店房间有限,如确定参会并需预定会议酒店房间,请务必于 12 月 1 日前将参会费及房费汇款至组委会指定账户,以保证能入住会议酒店;
If you are sure to attend the conference and need to book a hotel room, please make sure to remit the conference fee and room charge to the designated account of the organizing committee before December 1, in order to ensure that you can stay in the conference hotel;
会议内容丰富,建议同单位派多位代表出席。 The meeting was very informative and it is recommended that multiple representatives from the same organization attend.

2013 China-Denmark seminar on the combination of Health and Pension}

报名回执 receipt of application