Final Exam | Information, Readings & Resources

The final is CUMULATIVE and will cover all information from the textbook readings in the Required Readings below, all lectures, and all charts: Anatomy Charts, STI/STD Chart, and Contraception Chart. The final is a closed-note, in-person exam.

Final Exam Date:

  • Monday, June 10th from 4-6pm in Campbell Hall

Review Sessions

Aden and Eli will hold review sessions for the Final on 6/5 and 6/6.

Study Guide

Required Readings

All prior readings

Week 9

  • DHS pp 181.5-189.5, 270.0-271.6, 301.2-302.8, 306.6-311.8, & 335.3-346end.
  • DHS ch 17

Week 10

  • DHS ch 7 to p 208.4, Box 7.3, Box 7.4
  • DHS ch 11

Readings Excluded* From Final

  • Chapter 6 to p. 179 
  • Chapter 16

*NOTE: Some information presented in the excluded chapters was also presented in lecture and you are still responsible for this information.

