Cooling-off period (Section 31 of the Sale of Land Act 1962)
You may end this contract within 3 clear business days of the day that you sign the contract if none of the exceptions listed below applies to you.
You must either give the vendor or the vendor's agent written notice that you are ending the contract or leave the notice at the address of the vendor or the vendor's agent to end this contract within this time in accordance with this cooling-off provision.
You are entitled to a refund of all the money you paid EXCEPT for $100\$ 100 or 0.2%0.2 \% of the purchase price (whichever is more) if you end the contract in this way.
EXCEPTIONS: the 3-day cooling-off period does not apply if
- you bought the properity at a publicly advertised auction or on the day on which the auction was held; or
- you bought the land within 3 clear business days before a publicly advertised auction was to be held; or
- you bought the land within 3 clear business days after a publicly advertised auction was held; or
- the property is used primarily for industrial or commercial purposes; or
- the property is more than 20 hectares in size and is used primarily for farming; or
- you and the vendor previously signed a contract for the sale of the same land in substantially the same terms; or
- you are an estate agent or a corporate body. 購車須知 - 冷靜期
冷靜期(1962 年《土地出售法》第 31 條)
您可以在簽署合同之日起的 3 個工作日內終止本合同,前提是以下列出的例外情況均不適用於您。
如果您以這種方式終止合同,您有權退還您支付的所有款項,但購買 $100\$ 1000.2%0.2 \% 價格或購買價格(以較高者為準)除外。
例外情況:如果出現以下情況,則 3 天冷靜期不適用
- 您在公開廣告的拍賣會上或在拍賣會舉行當天購買了財產;或
- 您在公開廣告拍賣前的 3 個完整工作日內購買了土地;或
- 您在公開廣告拍賣后的 3 個工作日內購買了土地;或
- 該財產主要用於工業或商業目的;或
- 該物業面積超過 20 公頃,主要用於農業;或
- 您和賣方先前已簽訂合同,以大致相同的條款出售同一土地;或
- 您是地產代理或法人團體。
Off-the-plan sales (Section 9AA(1A) of the Sale of Land Act 1962) 期房銷售(1962年《土地銷售法》第 9AA(1A) 條)
You may negotiate with the vendor about the amount of the deposit moneys payable under the contract of sale, up to 10 per cent of the purchase price. 您可以與賣方協商根據銷售合同應支付的定金金額,最高為購買價格的 10%。
A substantial period of time may elapse between the day on which you sign the contract of sale and the day on which you become the registered proprietor of the lot. 從您簽署銷售合同之日到您成為拍賣品註冊所有人之日之間可能相隔很長一段時間。
The value of the lot may change between the day on which you sign the contract of sale of that lot and the day on which you become the registered proprietor 在您簽署該拍品的銷售合同之日和您成為註冊所有人之日之間,該拍品的價值可能會發生變化
Approval 批准
This contract is approved as a standard form of contract under section 53A of the Estate Agents Act 1980 by the Law Institute of Victoria Limited. The Law Institute of Victoria Limited is authorised to approve this form under the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014. 根據 1980 年《地產代理法》第 53A 條,維多利亞州法律協會有限公司批准本合同為標準合同格式。維多利亞州法律協會有限公司有權根據 2014 年法律職業統一法律適用法批准此表格。
Copyright 版權
This document is published by the Law Institute of Victoria Limited and the Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd and is copyright. It may only be reproduced in accordance with an agreement with the Law Institute of Victoria Limited and the Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd for each specific transaction that is authorised. Any person who has purchased a paper copy of this document may only copy it for the purpose of documenting a specific transaction for the sale of a particular property. 本檔由 Law Institute of Victoria Limited 和 Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd 出版,並受版權保護。它只能根據與 Law Institute of Victoria Limited 和 Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd 的協議針對授權的每項特定交易進行複製。任何購買了本檔的紙質副本的人只能將其複製用於記錄特定財產銷售的特定交易。
Disclaimer 免責聲明
This document is a precedent intended for users with the knowledge, skill and qualifications required to use the precedent to create a document suitable for the transaction. 本文檔是一個先例,適用於具有使用先例創建適合交易的文檔所需的知識、技能和資格的使用者。
Like all precedent documents it does not attempt and cannot attempt to include all relevant issues or include all aspects of law or changes to the law. Users should check for any updates including changes in the law and ensure that their particular facts and circumstances are appropriately incorporated into the document to achieve the intended use. 與所有判例文件一樣,它沒有也不能試圖包括所有相關問題或包括法律的所有方面或法律的變更。使用者應檢查任何更新,包括法律的變更,並確保將其特定事實和情況適當地納入文檔,以實現預期用途。
To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Law Institute of Victoria Limited and the Real Estate Institute of Victoria Ltd and their respective contractors and agents are not liable in any way for any loss or damage (including special, indirect or consequential loss and including loss of business profits), arising out of or in connection with this document or its use. 在法律允許的最大範圍內,維多利亞法律研究所有限公司和維多利亞房地產研究所有限公司及其各自的承包商和代理人不以任何方式對因本檔或其使用而引起或與之相關的任何損失或損害(包括特殊、間接或後果性損失,包括商業利潤損失)承擔任何責任。
Contract of Sale of Land 土地買賣合同
The vendor agrees to sell and the purchaser agrees to buy the property, being the land and the goods, for the price and on the terms set out in this contract. 賣方同意出售,買方同意按本合同規定的價格和條款購買該物業,即土地和貨物。
The terms of this contract are contained in the – 本合同的條款包含在 –
particulars of sale; and 銷售詳情;和
special conditions, if any; and 特殊條件(如有);和
general conditions (which are in standard form: see general condition 6.1) 一般條件(標準格式:見一般條件 6.1)
in that order of priority. 按優先順序順序排列。
Purchasers should ensure that they have received a section 32 statement from the vendor before signing this contract. In this contract, “section 32 statement” means the statement required to be given by a vendor under section 32 of the Sale of Land Act 1962. 買方應確保在簽署本合同之前已收到賣方的第 32 條聲明。在本合同中,“第 32 條聲明”是指根據 1962 年《土地銷售法》第 32 條要求賣方提供的聲明。
The authority of a person signing - 簽署 -
under power of attorney; or 根據授權書;或
as director of a corporation; or 作為公司的董事;或
as agent authorised in writing by one of the parties - 作為其中一方書面授權的代理人 -
must be noted beneath the signature. 必須在簽名下方註明。
Any person whose signature is secured by an estate agent acknowledges being given by the agent at the time of signing a copy of the terms of this contract. 任何由地產代理擔保簽名的人,即承認在簽署本合同條款時由地產代理提供。
SIGNED BY THE PURCHASER: qquad\qquad 由購買者簽署: qquad\qquad
Print names(s) of person(s) signing: qquad\qquad 列印簽章人的姓名: qquad\qquad
State nature of authority, if applicable: 授權的州性質(如果適用):
This offer will lapse unless accepted within [ ] clear business days (3 clear business days if none specified) In this contract, “business day” has the same meaning as in section 30 of the Sale of Land Act 1962 除非在 [ ] 個完整工作日(如果未指定,則為 3 個完整工作日)內接受要約,否則此要約將失效。在本合同中,“工作日”與 1962 年《土地銷售法》第 30 條中的含義相同
SIGNED BY THE VENDOR: qquad\qquad 由供應商簽章: qquad\qquad qquad\qquad
Print names(s) of person(s) signing: John Floros and Sophia Floros 簽名人的姓名: John Floros 和 Sophia Floros
State nature of authority, if applicable: 授權的州性質(如果適用):
The DAY OF SALE is the date by which both parties have signed this contract. 銷售日是雙方簽署本合同的截止日期。