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.;,or   。;或 . ,. toRPPPPPP '. THE ...   这。。。· THE ·   这 · ~AROT .   ~阿罗特 . TAROT   塔罗 100000000 . 1 ' CASE   '; A Key to tne Wisdom
of the Ages   时代 ' I t by    PAUL FOSTER CASE   保罗·福斯特案
·---- ,, , / KEY   钥匙Or'1"HE.   或者'1“他。C0.5l"105AND   C0.5l“105和NUMB'E.R5   麻木的。R5 系列 re:   再: 'i"7   '我“7
THE    TAROT   塔罗 A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages
Copyright,   版权1947, by   1947 年,作者 PAUL FOSTER   保罗·福斯特CASE    All rights reserved.   保留所有权利。No part of this book may
be produeed   被生产in any form without   以任何形式没有permission   许可 in writing   书面形式from   the publisher,   出版商exeept by a   exeept 由 reviewer who may quote brief passages in a re-
view to be printed in a magazine or newspaper.
Printed in the United States of America
CONTENTS   内容 1. INTRODUCTION   介绍 The Hebrew Wisdom   希伯来智慧 2. OCCULT   隐匿 性MEANING   意义OF NUMBERS   数字 3. CONSTRUCTION   建设OF THE TAROT   塔罗牌之. Attribution   归 因of the Major Trumps   主要王牌 Alphabet   字母 4. KEY   钥匙O: THE   FOOL   傻瓜 5. KEY   钥匙1 : THE   MAGICIAN · .   魔术师 · . 6. KEY   钥匙2 : THE   HIGH   PRIESTESS   女祭司 7. KEY   钥匙3: THE   EMPRESS   皇后 8. KEY   钥匙4: THE   EMPEROR   皇帝 9. KEY   钥匙5 : THE   HIBROPHANT 10. KEY   钥匙6: THE   LOVERS   恋人 11. KEY   钥匙7 : THE   CHARIOT   战车 12. KEY   钥匙8: STRENGTH   强度 13. KEY   钥匙9: THE   HERMIT   隐士 14. KEY   钥匙10: THE   WHEEL   轮子OF FORTUNE   财富 15. KEY   钥匙11: JUSTICE   正义. 16. KEY   钥匙12 : THE   HANGED   绞死MAN   男人 17. KEY   钥匙13: DEATH   死亡 18. KEY   钥匙14: TEMPERANCE   节制 19. KEY   钥匙15: THE   DEVIL   魔鬼 20. KEY   钥匙16: THE   TOWER    21. KEY   钥匙17: THE   STAR    22. KEY   钥匙18: THE   MOON   月亮 23. KEY   钥匙19: THE   SUN   太阳 24. KEY   钥匙20: JUDGEMENT   判断 25. KEY   钥匙21: THE   WORLD   世界 26. METHODS   方法OF STUDY   研究 27. TAROT DIVINATION   塔罗牌占卜 PAGE    1 6 16 to   the Hebrew   希伯来语 29 39 49 57 · 65   ·65 75 85 93 103 111 119 125 131 139 147 155 161 167 175 181 189 195 200 204
ILLUSTRATIONS   插图 PAGE    Key of the Cosmos and Numbers
• . • . • • • •
• .• .• • • •
Frontispiece   卷首插画 The Cube of Space •
空间的立方体 •
• • • • • • • • • 68 The Tree of Life • •
生命之树 • •
Tarot Oah'ds:   塔罗牌 Oah'ds: The Fool.   愚者。 The Magician • .   魔术师 • . The High Priestess •   女祭司 • The Empress .   女皇 . The Emperor .   皇帝 .• · . The Hierophant   法皇 The Lovers.   恋人。 The Ch~riot   Ch~暴动 Strength .   强度。 The Hermit   隐士 The Wheel of Fortune .
命运之轮 .
Justice   正义• . . . · . ·   .· .· The Hanged Man   被吊死的人 Death   死亡 Temperance   节制 The Devil   魔鬼• • The Tower    The Star   星报 The Moon   月亮 The Sun.   太阳。 . . . . . . . Judgement   判断•••• ' .. The World •.   世界 •. . • • • 215
.• • • 215
. . . . 28 38 48 58 64 74 84 92 102 110 118 124 • 130 138 • 146 154 •• 160 • 166 174 180 • • 188 . . 194
THE   TAROT   塔罗
THE TAROT   塔罗牌 A Key   钥匙to the Wisdom   走向智慧of   the Ages   时代 I INTRODUCTION   介绍 THE TAROT   塔罗牌is a pictorial text-book of Ageless Wisdom.
From its pages has been drawn inspiration
for some of   对于某些 the most important   最重要的works on occult science published
during the last seventy-five years.
在过去的 75 年里。
Its influence on the   它对 minds of a few enlightened
thinkers   思想家may be traced   可能被追踪 throughout the history of the modern revival of interest
in esoteric science and philosophy.
This revival began in 1854 with the publication
这种复兴始于 1854 年的出版物
of    Eliphas   埃利帕斯Levi's   李维斯Dogma and Ritual   教条和仪式of Transcendental   超然之 Magic,   魔法first of a series of occult writings in which he
names the Tarot as his most important
source of infor-   信息来源- mation. Eliphas Levi's teaching influenced the work of
mation 的。Eliphas Levi 的教导影响了
H. P. Blavatsky and Dr. Anna Kingsford.
P. Blavatsky 和 Anna Kingsford 博士。
It has been   它一直 developed and extended in the circles of French occultism
in which "Papus"   其中“Papus”(Dr.   (博士Gerard   杰拉德Encausse)   Encausse)was for   是为了 long a leading spirit.   长期以来一直保持着领导精神。For English readers it is inter-
对于英语读者来说,它是 inter-
preted in the books of S. L. MacGregor Mathers, Dr.
在 S. L. MacGregor Mathers 博士的书中
W. Wynn Westcott, Dr. Arthur   Arthur 博士Edward   爱德华Waite   韦特and    others.   别人。The works of New Thought writers, especially
the essays of Judge Thomas Troward, echo it again and
托马斯·特罗沃德 (Thomas Troward) 法官的文章再次呼应它
again; and, though Levi himself was a nominal Roman
Catholic, his doctrine is utilized by Scottish Rite Masonry
他的教义是天主教徒,被苏格兰分册共济会 (Scottish Rite Masonry) 采用
in the United States, inasmuch as General Albert Pike's
Morals and Dogma of the Scottish Rite
repeats   重复verbatim   逐字 page after page from the French occultist's
Dogma and   Dogma 和 Ritual.   仪式。1 1
------ . - --·- ... --- 2 The Tarot   塔罗牌 Levi's opinion of the Tarot was very high. He said:
"As an erudite Kabalistic book, all combinations of
which reveal the harmonies preexisting between signs,
letters and numbers, the practical value of the Tarot is
truly and above all marvelous. A prisoner devoid of
books, had he only a Tarot of which he knew how to make
use, could in a few years acquire a universal science, and
converse with an unequalled doctrine and inexhaustible
eloquence.''   口才。 The aim of this analysis is to show you how to use the
Tarot. A full treatment would require many volumes;
but I hope to realize -the promise of my title by giving a
concise explanation of the general plan of the Tarot, and
a brief outline of its meaning.
It   should be understood,   应该理解, however, that the student must
fill   填补in this outline with the
results of his own observation and meditation.
Before entering upon a description of the construction
and symbolism of this book of occult science, it may be
well to say a word as to its history. In the main, I am
in    agreement with Arthur Edward Waite, who discusses
与 Arthur Edward Waite 达成协议,他讨论了
the various theories as to its origin
in   his   Key   钥匙to   the    Tarot,   塔罗published   发表in   London by Wm. Rider and Sons.
伦敦由 Wm. Rider and Sons 提供。
Dr. Waite concludes that the Tarot has no exoteric his-
韦特博士得出结论,塔罗牌没有外星的 his-
tory before the fourteenth century. The oldest examples
14 世纪之前的托里。最古老的例子
of Tarot designs now preserved
in   European museums   欧洲博物馆 were probably made about 1390. According to an occult
可能制作于 1390 年左右。根据一个神秘学
tradition,   传统in   which I am inclined to place confidence, the
actual date of its invention was about the year 1200
它的实际发明日期约为 1200 年
A.D.   公元\/ The inventors, this tradition avers, were a group of
adepts who met at stated intervals
in   the city of Fez,   非斯市,in    Morocco. After the destruction of Alexandria, Fez be-
came the literary   文学作品来了and scientific capital of the world.
Thither, from all parts of the globe, came wise men of
all    nations, speaking all tongues. Their conferences were
made difficult by differences
in   language and philosophi-   语言和哲学- cal terminology. So they hit upon the device of embody-
CAL 术语。所以他们遇到了体现的装置——
ing the most important of their doctrines
in   a book of   一本
Introduction   介绍3 pictures, whose combinations should depend on the oc-
图片,其组合应取决于 oc-
cult harmonies of numbers.
Perhaps it was a Chinese adept who suggested the idea,
for the Chinese have a proverb, "One picture is worth
ten thousand words,'' and Chinese writing is made up of
conventionalized pictures.
These pictures express ideas instead of words, so that Chinese, Japanese and Koreans, although they speak more than seven different languages, communicate easily with one another, if only they can read and write. As a skeleton for their invention the wise men chose the relatively simple system of numbers and letters af- forded by the Qabalah, or Secret Wisdom of Israel. This esoteric doctrine, apparently Jewish, was really a devel- opment of ideas fundamentally identical with the wisdom taught in the secret schools of China, Tibet and India. Some account of it, the ref ore, must precede our study of the Tarot itself. The Hebrew Wisdom The master-key to the Hebrew wisdom is the "name" translated "Lord" in the Authorized Version of the Bible, and "Jehovah" in the revised versions. It is not really a name at all, but rather a verbal, numerical and geometrical formula. In Roman letters corresponding to Hebrew it is spelled IHVH. This is a noun form derived from a Hebrew verb mean- ing "to be." Correctly translated, it means "That which was, That which is, That which shall be." THAT, not HE. Thus, it is a perfect verbal symbol for the One Re- ality-for that Something which has always subsisted behind all forms in the eternity of the past, for that Something which really is behind all the appearances and misunderstandings of the present, for that Something which will be the foundation for all the changing forms of life-expression in the eternity to come.
--- 4 The Tarot   塔罗牌 Never has Ageless Wisdom attempted
Ageless Wisdom 从未尝试过
to define this   定义此 One Reality.   一个现实。Its inner nature defies analysis, cannot be
put within the limits of any formal statement, because
put 放在任何正式语句的范围内,因为
the One Reality is infinit e. Yet, in every age the report
唯一实相是无限的 e。然而,在每个时代,这份报告
of the wise has been that in the One Something inheres
智者一直在 One Something 中
the power to   强大的know.   知道。We say, therefore, that IHVH is
因此,我们说 IHVH 是
a verbal symbol for the Conscious Energy that brings all
things and creatures into existence.
The Qabalah classifies all possible operations
Qabalah 对所有可能的操作进行了分类
of this    One Energy into four planes, or ''worlds.''
Each plane   每个平面 or world is represented   或表示 worldby a letter of IHVH, as follows:
通过 IHVH 的一封信,内容如下:
The .Archetypal World.   这。原型世界。This is the world of pure
ideas.   想法。In the archetypal   在原型中plane are the root-notions in-
平面是 -
herent in the innermost nature of the universal Conscious
Energy.   能源。From these ideas are derived all actual forms
of manifestation.   的表现。For example, the pure idea of a chair
is the idea of   sitting.   坐。In that idea, as in all others, is
embodied a volition-the   体现了一种意志——will-to-sit.   愿意坐下。This will-to-sit is   这个 will-to-sit 是 the single root-notion behind all possible chair-forms that
ever have been, are now, or ever shall be. Thus the ar-
chetypal world is seen to be the plane of will-ideas. To
it Ageless Wisdom assigns the element fire, representing
它 Ageless Wisdom 分配了元素 fire,代表
universal radiant energy. In IHVH this world and this
通用辐射能。在 IHVH 这个世界和这个
element are represented by the letter ''I.''
元素由字母 ''I'' 表示。
The Creative World.   创意世界。Here the ideas of the archetypal
world are specialiied as particular
world 被 specialiied 为 special
patterns.   模式。"Sitting"   “坐着” becomes the mental pattern
for some special kind of
chair. The Cosmic Energy acting on this plane contains
the patterns   图案of all chairs that have been made or thought
of in the past, of all existing in the present-but
的过去,所有存在于现在的 - 但是
not those   不是那些 as yet unthought of. So with all other patterns
of par-   的 par- ticular forms.   节状形式。To this world Ageless Wisdom assigns
the element water, symbolizing the fluid plasticity of the
元素 water ,象征着
cosmic mind-stuff.   宇宙心灵的东西。The creative world is represented
in    IHVH by the first '' H.''
IHVH 由第一个 '' H.''
The Formative   形成型World.   世界。Here the archetypal   这里是原型ideas,   想法 specialized in creative patterns,
are brought forth into   被带入
Introduction   介绍5 actual expression. It is the plane of processes, the world of forces behind the veil of physical things. The forma- tive world is that which is now explored by physicists and chemists. It is the world of vibratory activities, and also the astral plane of occultism. Here take place the various kinds of action whereby the Cosmic Energy ac- tualizes its patterns. Ageless Wisdom assigns to this world the element air, representing the life-energy which wise men everywhere have associated with breath. The formative world is represented by "V" in IHVH. The Material World. This is the plane of the actual forms which affect our physical senses. Here the proc- ess of bringing down the idea of, sitting, through an operation based on the pattern of a particular chair, is :finally completed as the chair itself. This plane corre- sponds to the element earth, representing the solidity and tangibility of physical objects. It corresponds to the second '' H'' in IHVH. In every one of the four worlds, the Qabalah conceives the operation of ten aspects of the universal Conscious Energy. This idea that all possible aspects of the One Reality may be reduced to a tenfold classification is found in every version of the Ageless Wisdom. Thence arises the esoteric teaching conce;rning the meaning of num- bers. This is a subject almost limitless in its ramifica- tions, but what is needed for Tarot study will be found in the next chapter.
- - ---------- - II OCCULT MEANING OF NUMBERS IN Tms OHAPTEB we shall consider the occult significance of the numbers from Zero to Ten, with particular refer- ence to the esoteric meanings of the so-called ''Arabic'' numerals. As a matter of fact, these numerals were invented by Hindu priests, from whom they were bor- rowed (and slightly altered) by the Arab mathemati- cians who introduced them into Europe. The key to the meaning of the numerals is the diagram which appears as the frontispiece of this book. Readers of these pages, who are £ amiliar with occult symbolism, will perceive that the basis of the construc- tion of this diagram is the six-pointed star, known as - the "Shield of David" and "The Star of the Macro- cosm.'' Years ago, one of the Theosophical Masters declared that the system of six circles, tangent to a cen- tral seventh, is a key to the construction of the cosmos. At that time, the Master's meaning was not grasped by the student to whom the statement was made. I hope the inclusion of this diagram in the front of the book may stimulate some. of my readers to further research. Want of space forbids my developing the vari- ous details. I shall therefore content myself by saying that this one diagram is a key to the geometrical con- struction of the Great Pyramid, to a very close approxi- mation to the squaring of the circle, to the true occult meaning of the apron worn by Free Masons, to the cor- rect construction of the Qabalistic diagram known as the Tree of Life (which has been called "a key to all things"), and to the proportions of the mysterious Vault in which the body of the founder of the Rosicrucian Or- G
Occult Meaning of Numbers 7 der is said to have been discovered. These are but a small selection of the mysteries to which this one diagram affords a clue. I shall confine myself to its numerical significance. In Arabic notation all numbers are represented by ten symbols, beginning with O and ending with 9. They are thus derived from the diagram: o ...... An ellipse, representing the Cosmic Egg, whence come all things. Zero is a symbol of the absence of qual- ity, quantity, or mass. Thus it denotes absolute freedom from every limitation whatever. It is a sign of the in- finite and eternal Conscious Energy, itself No-Thing, though manifested in everything. It is That which was, is, and shall be forever; but it is nothing we can name. Boundless, infinitely potential, living light, it is the root- less root of all things, of all activities, of all modes of consciousness. In it are included all imaginable and un- imaginable possibilities, but it transcends them all. The Qabalists call it: (a) No-Thing; (b) The Boundless; ( c) Limitless Light. Pure Conscious Energy, abov.e and be- yond thought, to us it is Superconsciousness. The descending arc of the ellipse, on the reader's left, .represents Involution, the "winding-up" process whereby Limitless Light manifests itself in name and form. At B the lowest point of involution is reached in the mineral kingdom. From B back to A on the right side of the ellipse the ascending arc represents Evolution, the "unwinding" process. From B to F is the arc of evolution in the inor- ganic world. F to H is the arc of organic development up through plants to animals. H to D is the arc of organic development from the lowest animal to the highest type of human consciousness at point D. Only a few human beings have reached this point, but the race is nearer to it now than ever before. The arc from D to A is that of
8 The Tarot conscious expression beyond human levels, the evolution of conscious one-ness with the Divine. Thus the two sides of the ellipse suggest the esoteric doctrine of Involution or descent, and a corresponding Evolution, or ascent. The ascending arc corresponds to the occult doctrine : '' First the stone, then the plant, then the animal, then the man, and at last the god." 1. In the diagram, the number 1 is the vertical line from A to B, connecting the extreme height with the ex- treme depth. Among the many occult meanings of this number are: Beginning, initiative, originality, unity, singleness, iso- lation, and the like. In the Qabalah it is called the Crown, to show that 1 represents the determining, ruling, di- rective and volitional aspect of consciousness. The Crown is known also as the Primal Will. The same Hebrew philosophy calls this number the Hidden Intelligence, to show that this primary mode of consciousn ess is con- cealed behind all veils of name and form. This is the con- sciousness of the true Self or I AM-the Onlooker, seeing creation through countless eyes, manifesting itself through innumerable personalities. Ageless Wisdom teaches that all things are manifestations or projections in time and space of the powers of the I AM. In short, the I AM, or number 1, is the essence, substance, energy and consciousness expressed in all forms. Everything in the universe is the self-expression of the I AM. This is the first principle, the primary existence, the First Mover. In and through human personality it manifests as the waking Self-consciousness. 2. On the diagram this number begins at C, follows the upper circle through D to the center of the diagram, thence through the lower circle to E, and is completed by the horizontal line from E to F. The meanings of the number include:
Occult Meaning of Numbers 9 Duplication, reflection, receptivity, dependence, alter- nation, antagonism, and the like. Qabalists call it Wis- dom, the reflection of the perfect self-consciousness of the I AM. Wisdom is the mirror wherein the I AM sees itself. The number 2 is also named Illuminating Intelli- gence. It is that which illuminates the personal mind. It is the aspect of universal consciousness which man.if ests through human personality as grasp of the inner princi- ples of the nature of the one Conscious Energy. In He- brew occultism, 2 is also the particular number of the Life-force in all creatures. 3. The upper half of this :figure is the same as the upper half of 2, from C through D to the center of the diagram. Its lower half begins at the center of the dia "' gram, and follows the lower circle through F and B around to E. Among the meanings of 3 are: Multiplication, development, growth, unfoldment, therefore expression. 3 signifies the actual outworking of the principles reflected from 1 by 2. In Qabalah, 3 is Understanding, looking forward into the :fieldof manifes- tation, in contrast to Wisdom (2), which looks back to the self-knowledge of the I AM (1). Understanding is , the concrete application of abstract Wisdom. Hence 3 is called the Sanctifying Intelligence, to convey the idea that through growth or expression comes the perfected manifestation of the potencies latent in the Limitless Light. On the form side, perfect realization (sanctifica- tion) requires perfected organism: in consciousness, it is perfected faculty and function. 4. This :figure starts with the vertical line of the :figure 1 (A to B on the diagram), and adds two · other lines- A to G, and G to H. Thus drawn, 4 shows in its upper portion a triangle, symbol of the number 3, and in its lower portion a T-square, a geometrical symbol of 4 it- self. Triangle and T-square are among the most impor-
----------- - 10 The Tarot tant instruments of the draftsman. They have occult reference to the esoteric side of geometry. They suggest planning, surveying, topography and the like. From these considerations are derived the following meanings of 4: Order, measurement, classification, recording, tabula- tion, and so on. Because of these meanings Qabalists make 4 the number of memory. Because the Life-power's perfect memory of its own potencies and of the needs of even the least of its centers of expression cannot be sup- posed to fail, the idea of Beneficence ("good-giving- ness ") is also assigned to 4. This beneficence is not wasteful prodigality. All the gifts of the Life-power are measured out. Every center of expression receives ex- actly what is coming to it, always. Therefore the number 4 is called the Measuring Intelligence. 5. On the diagram, the first line of this figure is the horizontal, C to D. The second is vertical, C to I. The third includes five-sixths of the lower circle, from I through F and B to E. Meanings of 5 include: Mediation (because 5 is the middle number between 1, Beginning, and 9, Completion), adaptation, means, agency, activity, process, and the like. 5 is the dynamic Law proceeding from abstract Order (4). To primitive minds, the working of Law seems to be the operation of many forces, mostly hostile to man. Hence 5 is the number of versatility, and one of its names in Qabalah is Fear. Ignorant persons endeavor to pro- pitiate the p.ower they fear. Their sacrifices are the be- ginning of religious ritual. Hence 5 is the number of religion. A better, though incomplete, knowledge of Law sees it as a relentless, harsh, mechanical expression of mathe; matical principles, taking no account of human needs and aspirations. This is the interpretation of the mate- rialist, who sees the Law as a mighty power. Hebrew
Occult Meaning of Numbers 11 sages take account of this also, and say that 5 is the num- ber of Strength and Severity, as well as of Fear. Finally, to seers and sages, Law appears as the mani- festation of perfect Justice, whereby man, whose nu- meral symbol is also 5, may so adapt natural conditions that he may realize progressive liberation from every kind of bondage. 5, then, is the number of versatility, because it shows the changing aspects of the One Law, inspiring fear in the ignorant, perceived by the materialist as relentless strength, and understood by the wise as undeviating jus- tice. This One Law is the root of all operations of the Life-power, and is therefore called Radical Intelligence. The root-consciousness expressed through human per- sonality is this One Law of meditation or adaptation. Man can change conditions. This is the secret of his power to realize freedom. 6. On the diagram, this is a continuous line from D to A, down through the ellipse ( on the Involution curve) to B, then around the lower circle to B. Its symmetry sug- gests the philosophical conception of Beauty. This is the direct outcome of ideas expressed by the preceding numerals. A free Life-power (0), knowing itself perfectly (1), grasping all possibilities of what it is in itself (2), under- standing just how those possibilities may be worked out into expression (3), never forgetting itself, or any detail of the perfect order of its self-manifestation (4), and developing that order through the agency of a perfectly just law or method (5), must inevitably be working to- ward a perfectly symmetrical, balanced, and therefore beautiful, result. This idea is implicit in the following meanings of 6: Balance, equilibration, symmetry, beauty; harmony of opposites, reciprocity; complementary activities, polar-
12 The Tarot ity, love. It is named Intelligence of Mediating Influence, or Intelligence of the Separated Emanations. 7. On the diagram, this is composed of two lines- the first horizontal, from C to D, the second diagonal, from D to E. To exhaust the meanings of 7 would take as many pages as an encyclopaedia. It is the great Biblical number, many books in both the Old and the New Testaments being written on a plan of sevens-seven chapters, seven subdivisions, and so on. On this point, see the literary introductions in Moulton's Modern Readers' Bible. The more important occult meanings of 7 are: Rest, safety, security, victory. To the ancients 7 rep- resented temporary cessation, not final perfection, as some have thought. In Hebrew, the word for "seven" and that for "oath" are closely related, since the security and safety of a sworn compact were represented in He- · brew thought by 7. This number stands for the logical consequence of the ideas symbolized by the numbers preceding it in the series. A perfect Life-power, working in the way out- lined in the explanation of 6, cannot be supposed to fail. Omnipotence must ultimately, no matter what present appearances may be, arrive at a triumphantly successful conclusion to all its undertakings. The Great Work is as yet unfinished. The Cosmic Experiment has not come to completion; but when we consider the nature of the Source of that experiment, the nature of the Worker in that work, reason assures us that it must succeed, down to the minutest detail. The Hebrew name for 7 is Occult Intelligence. 8, on the diagram, is a figure composed of the upper and lower circles within the ellipse. In writing it, we begin at A, describe a descending '' S'' to B, and return on an ascending inverted "S" to A. Thus the form of
Occult Meaning of Numbers 13 the figure suggests vibration by the shape of the lines, and alternation by the two kinds of motion used in de- scribing it. It is also the only figure except O which may be written over and over again without lifting pen from paper. Thus in mathematics the figure 8, written hori- zontally, is the sign of infinity. Among its occult mean- ings are: Rhythm, alternate cycles of involution and evolution, vibration, flux and reflux, and the like. It represents also the fact that opposite forms of expression ( that is, all pairs of opposites) are effects of a single Cause. ( See, on this point, Isaiah 45, verses 5 to 7). This number 8 is the digit value of the name IHVH (Jehovah), 888 is the numeration of the name Jesus in Greek, and 8 is not only the "Dominical Number," or "Number of the Lord," in Christian numeral symbolism, but is also the particular number of the god called Thoth by Egyptians, Nebo by Assyrians, Hermes by Greeks, and Mercury by Romans. Thus 8 is pre-eminently the number of magic and of Hermetic Science. Its Hebrew name is Splendor, and the aspect of consciousness to which it corresponds is called Perfect Intelligence. The Hebrew adjective translated "perfect" is ShLM. A noun spelt with the same letters means "peace, security, health, wealth, satisfaction," and thus refers to the per- fect realization of the success represented by the num- ber 7. 9, on the diagram, begins at D, follows the upper circle down to the center of the diagram, continues back to D, then along the line of the ellipse, on the right side of the diagram, to E. As last of the numeral symbols, 9 repre- sents the following ideas : Completion, attainment, fulfilment, the goal of en- deavor, the end of a cycle of activity. Yet, because 8 indicates Rhythm as part of the creative process, comple- tion is not absolute cessation. The end of one cycle is the
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