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Title: A Study on the Impact of Online Shopping Platforms on Audience Based on AR/VR Technology - An Example of Alibaba Classic Project


VR and AR are the upgrading of human-computer interaction mode. Human-computer interaction and human-people interaction on the Internet will evolve from ‘two-dimensional human-computer interaction’ to ‘three-dimensional human-computer interaction’, even including the full-dimensional hybrid interaction between digital space and physical reality. In recent years, the rapid progress of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) technology, the application of immersive experience will be infinitely close to the human intuitive feeling. This has brought about tremendous changes in the fields of news media, film and culture, sports, gaming and leisure, social networking and e-commerce (Maria, 2023).

Virtual Reality, or VR for short, is the use of computer simulation to generate a virtual world in three dimensions of space, providing users with sensory simulations on vision, hearing, and touch, and constructing a high simulation of virtual environments; Augmented Reality, or AR for short, is a new technology that uses computer technology to simulate an environment that is difficult for a user to experience and additionally superimpose virtual objects on it, so that the virtual objects and the real environment appear on the the same screen.

AR&VR technological innovation provides creators with a broader platform for content construction and changes the way users interact with content. In terms of content creation in the media industry, VR and AR technology not only enhances the attractiveness of content, but also opens up new avenues for user engagement and interaction. This technology offers users a more immersive approach. For example, viewers can watch a streaming sporting event as if they were at the stadium, or feel like they are immersed in the middle of the scene shown in the video when watching a 360-degree video. Secondly AR technology also enhances the visual and information hierarchy in news reporting and education, thus improving user engagement and quality of experience.
AR&VR技术创新为创作者提供了更广阔的内容构建平台,改变了用户与内容的互动方式。在媒体行业的内容创作方面,VR和AR技术不仅增强了内容的吸引力,还为用户参与和互动开辟了新的途径。该技术为用户提供了一种更加身临其境的方法。例如,观众可以像在体育场一样观看流媒体体育赛事,或者在观看 360 度视频时感觉自己沉浸在视频中显示的场景中间。其次,AR技术还增强了新闻报道和教育中的视觉和信息层次结构,从而提高了用户参与度和体验质量。

For consumption patterns, research by Helena Van Kerrebroeck et al. confirms that the positivity presented by AR&VR allows consumers to be vividly immersed in a staged transformative brand experience, resulting in more purchase intentions (Van Kerrebroeck et al., 2017). Enabling every consumer to experience one-to-one online supermarket shopping enhances the consumer's shopping experience and comfort. It has a wide range of audiences across all age groups and enables consumers to experience a full range of live-action supermarket shopping without leaving their homes without contradicting the environment they are in or the activities they are involved in, maximization shopping needs.
对于消费模式,Helena Van Kerrebroeck 等人的研究证实,AR&VR 呈现的积极性使消费者能够生动地沉浸在阶段性的变革性品牌体验中,从而产生更多的购买意愿(Van Kerrebroeck 等人,2017 年)。让每个消费者都能体验到一对一的网购,提升了消费者的购物体验和舒适度。它拥有所有年龄段的广泛受众,使消费者足不出户即可体验全方位的真人超市购物,而不会与他们所处的环境或他们参与的活动相矛盾,从而最大限度地满足购物需求。

The aim of this study is to explore the innovative applications of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies in media content creation. It focuses on how VR and AR technologies are changing online shopping platforms and user interaction and engagement, as well as their impact on media management strategies. These technologies provide immersive experiences that not only enhance the appeal of media content, but also pose unique challenges in their application, especially in terms of aligning with the user's environment. The study also explores the impact of VR and AR technologies on audiences on online shopping platforms through an extended reality (XR) shopping experience analysis, exemplified by the Alibaba Dharma Institute and AliFish partnership on Taobao and Tmall. The findings suggest that VR and AR technologies can significantly enhance content interactivity and appeal, but they still have significant shortcomings in adapting to the user's context of use. This study aims to provide a deeper understanding of how technological innovations can improve user experience and interaction, providing new perspectives on media management and content creation strategies. The potential of these technologies to enhance user engagement and interaction is assessed and future research directions are discussed.
本研究旨在探索虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)技术在媒体内容创作中的创新应用。它重点关注 VR 和 AR 技术如何改变在线购物平台以及用户交互和参与度,以及它们对媒体管理策略的影响。这些技术提供了身临其境的体验,不仅增强了媒体内容的吸引力,而且在应用中也带来了独特的挑战,尤其是在与用户环境保持一致方面。该研究还通过扩展现实(XR)购物体验分析,探讨了VR和AR技术对在线购物平台上受众的影响,例如阿里巴巴佛法研究院和阿里鱼在淘宝和天猫上的合作。研究结果表明,VR和AR技术可以显著增强内容的交互性和吸引力,但它们在适应用户的使用环境方面仍然存在重大缺陷。本研究旨在更深入地了解技术创新如何改善用户体验和互动,为媒体管理和内容创作策略提供新的视角。评估了这些技术在增强用户参与和互动方面的潜力,并讨论了未来的研究方向。

Research Questions

1. how do VR and AR technologies affect user engagement and content interactivity in media?
1. VR 和 AR 技术如何影响媒体中的用户参与度和内容交互性?

2. what challenges do media companies face in integrating VR and AR technologies into their existing content creation processes?
2. 媒体公司在将 VR 和 AR 技术集成到其现有的内容创作流程中时面临哪些挑战?

3. in what ways can VR and AR technologies be optimised to enhance the user experience?
3. VR和AR技术可以通过哪些方式进行优化以增强用户体验?

4. how do consumer perceptions of VR and AR technologies affect company adoption?
4. 消费者对 VR 和 AR 技术的看法如何影响公司的采用?

Case Study Outline

An example of the collaboration between Alibaba Dharma Academy and Alifish is analysed:

a project that has revolutionised media content creation and user interaction by merging VR and AR technologies. By building an XR-based marketplace where consumers can shop using personalised avatars, the collaboration not only optimises the user experience, but also opens up new avenues for online consumer trends and brand innovation. This collaborative model not only demonstrates the potential of technological innovation in fostering media management infrastructures and relationships, but also highlights key features of the emerging media phenomenon model. Thus Bo Liefeng, head of the XR Lab at Dharma Institute, emphasises that XR technology offers new opportunities for online consumption and brand innovation (Fan, 2023). By employing research methods such as comparative analysis, focus groups and user experience research, the strategic objectives, implementation process, challenges and outcomes of this collaboration are explored in depth, providing insights into the field of media management. In summary, this case study will provide a foundation for future research exploring the integration of immersive technologies in media and their impact on industry practices and user experience.
该项目通过融合 VR 和 AR 技术彻底改变了媒体内容创作和用户交互。通过建立一个基于XR的市场,消费者可以使用个性化的头像购物,这种合作不仅优化了用户体验,还为在线消费趋势和品牌创新开辟了新的途径。这种合作模式不仅展示了技术创新在促进媒体管理基础设施和关系方面的潜力,而且还突出了新兴媒体现象模式的关键特征。因此,佛法研究所XR实验室负责人Bo Liefeng强调,XR技术为在线消费和品牌创新提供了新的机会(Fan,2023)。通过采用比较分析、焦点小组和用户体验研究等研究方法,深入探讨了此次合作的战略目标、实施过程、挑战和成果,为媒体管理领域提供了见解。总之,本案例研究将为未来的研究奠定基础,探索沉浸式技术在媒体中的整合及其对行业实践和用户体验的影响。

Study Object:

Alibaba Group and its Taobao and Tmall platforms were used as the study population, which, due to their large user base and rich variety of products, provide an ideal testing and application environment for the introduction of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies. It is of great academic value and practical significance for gaining insights into consumer satisfaction and enhancing user engagement in the e-commerce environment in China as well as globally. As of 2023, Alibaba and its e-commerce platforms Taobao and Tmall maintain their dominance of China's e-commerce market, with a 53% market share. The maintenance of this share not only demonstrates the market leadership of the Alibaba Group, but also highlights its ability to maintain its dominance through innovation in a highly competitive market environment.
阿里巴巴集团及其淘宝平台和天猫平台作为研究人群,由于其庞大的用户群和丰富的产品种类,为增强现实和虚拟现实技术的引入提供了理想的测试和应用环境。对于深入了解消费者满意度,提高用户在中国乃至全球电子商务环境中的参与度,具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。截至 2023 年,阿里巴巴及其电子商务平台淘宝和天猫保持在中国电子商务市场的主导地位,市场份额为 53%。保持这一份额不仅表明了阿里巴巴集团的市场领导地位,也凸显了其在竞争激烈的市场环境中通过创新保持主导地位的能力。


The Chinese economy has ushered in a new era with the advent of e-commerce, which has dramatically changed the landscape of the Chinese market, with the digital economy contributing more than one-third of its GDP in 2023 (RMB 15.44 trillion, or approximately US$2.2 trillion). According to Statista, China's e-commerce sales have surpassed those of Europe and the United States combined, making it the largest e-commerce market in the world, with a huge digital buyer base with a population of more than 710 million.


Alibaba Group has made several efforts to enhance user experience and technological innovation. Through Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, it has created marketplaces where you can shop through customised avatars
阿里巴巴集团在提升用户体验和技术创新方面做出了多项努力。通过增强现实 (AR) 和虚拟现实 (VR) 技术,它创建了市场,您可以在其中通过自定义头像购物

1. Taobao - Taobao, as a more mass-market orientated shopping platform, may also integrate VR and AR technologies to attract and keep the interest of users. This could include trying on clothes via AR or participating in virtual bazaars in a VR environment.
1. 淘宝 - 淘宝作为一个更面向大众市场的购物平台,还可以整合VR和AR技术来吸引和保持用户的兴趣。这可能包括通过 AR 试穿衣服或在 VR 环境中参与虚拟集市。

2. Tmall - As one of the main e-commerce platforms of Alibaba Group, Tmall may utilise innovations in VR and AR technology to provide a more immersive shopping experience. For example, users may be able to browse items in a virtual 3D shop through virtual reality technology, or use augmented reality to see how furniture or clothing would look in a real environment. The company has also introduced innovative features such as AR fitting and 3D shop displays in the Tmall Luxury Pavilion, enabling users to receive a more personalised and high-quality service when purchasing high-end goods.
2. 天猫 - 作为阿里巴巴集团的主要电子商务平台之一,天猫可能会利用VR和AR技术的创新,提供更加身临其境的购物体验。例如,用户可以通过虚拟现实技术浏览虚拟 3D 商店中的商品,或者使用增强现实来查看家具或服装在真实环境中的外观。该公司还在天猫奢侈品馆引入了AR配件和3D商店展示等创新功能,使用户在购买高端商品时能够获得更加个性化和优质的服务。

Youku - As the video streaming service platform of Alibaba, Youku may use these technologies to provide an immersive media viewing experience, such as watching a film or sporting event in VR to feel like you are there.
优酷 - 作为阿里巴巴的视频流媒体服务平台,优酷可能会使用这些技术来提供身临其境的媒体观看体验,例如在VR中观看电影或体育赛事,让您感觉身临其境。

IMPLEMENTATION: Describe how to integrate VR and AR technologies into their media management strategy.
实施:描述如何将 VR 和 AR 技术集成到他们的媒体管理策略中。

I. Take Tmall as an example.

Background: As a leading B2C online retail platform in China, Tmall is one of the key e-commerce platforms of the Alibaba Group, focusing on providing genuine product guarantee and high-quality consumer experience.

Business model: Tmall brings together multi-brand merchants to display and sell their goods through online shops, while leveraging the logistics and payment ecosystem of Alibaba to provide support. The virtual shop on Tmall allows consumers to browse products through a VR headset as if they were in a physical shop. Users can walk around the virtual environment, view 3D models of items and interact with them through gestures or controllers. Tmall focuses on providing a premium shopping experience, especially for mid-range and high-end consumers. It uses AR and VR technologies primarily to enhance the shopping experience for brands and high-quality goods.
商业模式:天猫将多品牌商家聚集在一起,通过网店展示和销售他们的商品,同时利用阿里巴巴的物流和支付生态系统提供支持。天猫上的虚拟商店允许消费者通过VR耳机浏览产品,就像他们在实体店一样。用户可以在虚拟环境中走动,查看物品的 3D 模型,并通过手势或控制器与它们互动。天猫专注于提供优质的购物体验,尤其是针对中高端消费者。它主要使用 AR 和 VR 技术来增强品牌和高品质商品的购物体验。

For example, AR fitting function: Using AR technology, users can try on clothes through the camera of their mobile phones or tablets. This technology displays a virtual image of the clothes through the device of the user, as if the clothes are actually being worn on the user's body. Allows consumers to virtually try on make-up or see what furniture will look like in their home before making a purchase. This creates a highly interactive and immersive shopping experience that appeals to consumers looking for quality and assurance in their purchases.

Tmall's XR (Extended Reality) Marketplace is another innovation that blends AR and VR, allowing users to shop with a personalised avatar in a virtual space. This not only optimises the user experience by integrating immersive technology, but also drives brand innovation and establishes a new paradigm for online consumer trends.

Impact Assessment: Evaluate the impact on user engagement, content interactivity and brand image.

 USER ENGAGEMENT: Through immersive experiences, the average time users spend on the Tmall platform has increased significantly. Taobao uses Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies to create an immersive shopping experience for users. For example, Alibaba launched an augmented reality-based marketplace for the Double Eleven shopping festival, allowing consumers to shop through customised avatars, a novel way of shopping that greatly enhances the enjoyment and interactivity of users. https://jingdaily.com/posts/ alibaba-ecommerce-competition-taobao-tmall-2023
 用户参与度:通过沉浸式体验,用户在天猫平台上花费的平均时间显著增加。淘宝利用增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)技术,为用户打造身临其境的购物体验。例如,阿里巴巴为双十一购物节推出了一个基于增强现实的市场,允许消费者通过定制的头像购物,这是一种新颖的购物方式,大大增强了用户的乐趣和互动性。https://jingdaily.com/posts/ 阿里巴巴电子商务竞争淘宝天猫2023

 Content Interactivity: The AR fitting function greatly improves the interactivity between users and product content, enhancing the convenience and efficiency of purchase decisions.
 内容交互性:AR拟合功能大大提升了用户与产品内容的交互性,增强了购买决策的便利性和效率。

 Brand Image: Using advanced VR/AR technology, Tmall strengthened its brand image as a leader in technological innovation, attracting more young consumers who seek high-tech shopping experience.
 品牌形象:天猫利用先进的VR/AR技术,强化了其作为技术创新领导者的品牌形象,吸引了更多寻求高科技购物体验的年轻消费者。

CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS: Discuss the barriers encountered during implementation and the strategies adopted to overcome them.

1. User acceptance:
1. 用户接受度:

The technology has a high threshold for use. Although AR technology adds an innovative element to the shopping experience, some users may struggle to utilise this feature due to unfamiliarity with its operation, thus affecting their overall shopping experience.

Solution: User Interface Simplification and Education

Taobao designed a more intuitive and easy-to-use user interface and integrated clear and concise tutorial videos and tips in the app to teach users how to activate and use the AR feature. At the same time, the specific uses and benefits of the AR feature were promoted through social media and online advertisements to increase willingness to use and experience. A user education campaign was launched detailing how to utilise these new technologies and encouraging first-time use through coupons and promotions.

II. Case Study Analysis of AR Applications on Taobao


 Introduction to Taobao: As the largest C2C e-commerce platform in China, Taobao is known for its large user base and number of merchants. The platform supports individual merchants and small businesses to sell all kinds of goods through their shops.
 淘宝简介:淘宝作为中国最大的C2C电子商务平台,以其庞大的用户群和商家数量而闻名。该平台支持个体商家和小企业通过他们的商店销售各种商品。

 Business Model: The model of Taobao focuses on providing a free marketplace environment where sellers and buyers can easily transact while benefiting from advertising and transaction fees.
 商业模式:淘宝的模式专注于提供一个自由的市场环境,卖家和买家可以轻松交易,同时从广告和交易费用中受益。


Technology Integration: Taobao integrates AR technology, allowing users to scan physical objects, such as furniture or decorative items, through the mobile app and virtually place them in their own homes to preview the effect.

Impact Assessment

User engagement: AR technology enabled users to visualise items in their own living environment before making a purchase, significantly increasing user engagement and confidence in purchase decisions.

Content Interactivity: Users can interact with the merchandise and adjust the position and colours, leading to increased satisfaction and conversions.

Challenges and Solutions

Challenge: Consistency of user experience

When previewing products using AR technology, users may encounter issues where the size, colour and details of the product do not match the actual product in the virtual environment. This inconsistency can affect purchasing decisions and user satisfaction.

Solution: Enhancing AR technology accuracy
解决方案:提高 AR 技术的准确性

Taobao invested in improving its AR technology to ensure that virtual products are displayed more realistically through accurate image rendering and colour matching algorithms. In addition, a user feedback mechanism was provided to collect data on the experience of using the AR features and continuously optimise the technology based on user feedback.

III. A Case Study Analysis of VR Content Creation in Youku


Introduction of Youku: Youku is one of the leading video streaming platforms in China, offering TV series, movies, variety shows and self-produced programmes.

BUSINESS MODEL: Youku monetises through subscription services, advertising and content licensing, and also invests in original content to attract and retain a user base.


Technology integration: Youku invests in the production of VR content, such as VR films and interactive videos, to enhance viewer immersion.

Content innovation: developing original programmes specific to VR, such as virtual reality travel shows and interactive episodes where users can experience different plot directions through VR headsets.

Impact Assessment

Audience engagement: VR content provides a new viewing experience that allows viewers to be ‘immersed’ in the programme, increasing user stickiness and subscription rates.

Brand image: By adopting cutting-edge technologies, Youku has established itself as an innovative leader in the highly competitive video platform market.

Challenges and Solutions

User device limitations: Given that not all users own VR devices, Youku provided non-VR versions of some of its content to ensure wider audience reach. Broadened user base.


Research question

‘How do AR and VR technologies affect customer experience and engagement on online shopping platforms?’
“AR 和 VR 技术如何影响在线购物平台上的客户体验和参与度?”

‘How can customers' shopping experience be optimised by applying VR and AR technologies in online shopping platforms to change their shopping behaviours and improve customer satisfaction?’

The necessity and rationale for employing focus groups in this research stem from the need to deeply understand how AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technologies influence customer experiences and engagement on online shopping platforms. Focus groups are particularly well-suited for this research due to their ability to elicit rich, detailed data through the direct interaction of participants with AR and VR technologies, and to gather nuanced insights into consumer perceptions and behaviors in a controlled, interactive environment.

The research questions focus on understanding the specific impacts of VR and AR technologies on the online shopping experience, including how these technologies optimize the shopping experience, influence consumer purchasing decisions, and enhance customer satisfaction. This approach ensures that the study is tailored to evaluating how increased interactivity and immersion facilitated by VR and AR can enhance the customer experience. The design of the focus group allows for in-depth exploration of these technologies' practical applications and their potential impacts on e-commerce outcomes. This ensures that the findings will have both practical relevance and theoretical depth, guiding the data collection and analysis process efficiently.
研究问题的重点是了解VR和AR技术对在线购物体验的具体影响,包括这些技术如何优化购物体验,影响消费者的购买决策,并提高客户满意度。这种方法确保了该研究是量身定制的,以评估 VR 和 AR 促进的交互性和沉浸感如何增强客户体验。焦点小组的设计允许深入探索这些技术的实际应用及其对电子商务成果的潜在影响。这确保了研究结果既具有实际意义又具有理论深度,有效地指导数据收集和分析过程。

Research design and timeline

This study uses a qualitative research methodology to explore the role of AR and VR technologies in enhancing the online shopping experience and their impact on customer behaviour through focus group discussions. Focus groups were chosen to gain a deeper understanding of consumer perceptions, experiences and feedback on the use of AR and VR technologies.

Data sources and sample construction

Participants will be recruited from social media platforms, online shopping communities and relevant forums. Participants will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire to collect their interest and preference in online shopping and the use of AR/VR technologies. Based on each participant's preferences, users with regular online shopping experience and who were open to using new technologies were selected. To ensure diversity of data, participants were categorised into different age groups and technology proficiency groups. Using a stratified sampling method, participants were divided into subgroups based on age, occupation, and shopping frequency of consumers. Approximately 10 participants were randomly selected from each subgroup. Conduct an offline focus group discussion of approximately 60-90 minutes.
参与者将从社交媒体平台、网上购物社区和相关论坛招募。参与者将被要求填写一份简短的问卷,以收集他们对网上购物和使用AR/VR技术的兴趣和偏好。根据每个参与者的偏好,选择具有定期在线购物经验并愿意使用新技术的用户。为了确保数据的多样性,参与者被分为不同的年龄组和技术熟练程度组。使用分层抽样方法,根据消费者的年龄、职业和购物频率将参与者分为亚组。从每个亚组中随机选择大约 10 名参与者。进行大约 60-90 分钟的线下焦点小组讨论。

Focus Group Design

Prior to the focus group session, prepare a demonstration of the corresponding AR or VR shopping scenario. During the focus group, participants will experience a specific AR or VR shopping scenario. The event consists of a viewing and interactive ‘experience session’ during which participants can provide feedback on the content at any time. The purpose of the session is to simulate the adaptation process and dynamic use of the user in an AR or VR shopping scenario.
在焦点小组会议之前,准备相应的 AR 或 VR 购物场景的演示。在焦点小组期间,参与者将体验特定的 AR 或 VR 购物场景。该活动包括观看和互动的“体验环节”,在此期间,参与者可以随时对内容提供反馈。该课程的目的是模拟用户在 AR 或 VR 购物场景中的适应过程和动态使用。

Event structure:

1. Introduction phase: introduce the purpose and process of the meeting, explain the basic working principle of AR and VR technology and the expected use scenarios.

2.Experience phase:

AR experience: participants use AR applications via mobile phones or tablets to try to virtually place goods in their actual space.

VR experience: using VR headsets to browse virtual shops and experience different shopping environments and product interactions.

3.Discussion phase:

Using a semi-structured interview format, participants were asked about their perceptions of the experience, including ease of use, satisfaction, and what they thought were the strengths and possible improvements.

Discuss how AR and VR technologies have changed their shopping habits and preferences.
讨论 AR 和 VR 技术如何改变他们的购物习惯和偏好。

4.Feedback collection: questionnaires and open-ended questions were used to collect the overall evaluation of these technologies and participants' perceptions of their individual experiences.

5. technology coordination and documentation
5. 技术协调和文档编制

Semi-structured interviews and interactive activities were also planned to be used. Open-ended questions were set up to gain insight into their experiences with AR and VR technologies. A dual facilitator model was used: one facilitator was responsible for asking the questions while the other was responsible for technical coordination, recording and observing participant behaviour.
还计划使用半结构化访谈和互动活动。设置了开放式问题,以深入了解他们对 AR 和 VR 技术的体验。采用了双重协调人模式:一名协调人负责提问,而另一位负责技术协调、记录和观察参与者的行为。

Data Analysis

Data transcription: all discussions will be audio recorded and transcribed, with data coded and analysed using qualitative analysis software (e.g. NVivo).

Thematic analysis: key themes such as user experience, technology acceptance, changes in shopping behaviour will be identified from the transcribed text.

Behavioural pattern observation: to analyse behavioural patterns of participants during the experience to understand which features are most popular and which may cause distress.


Preparation phase (2 weeks): including the development of focus group materials, organisation of the content of the experience sessions and recruitment of participants. Expected to be completed between mid-April and late April.

Data collection and analysis (6 weeks): conduct focus group discussions, user diaries and content analysis surveys. Expected to be completed by 12 June.
数据收集和分析(6 周):进行焦点小组讨论、用户日记和内容分析调查。预计将于6月12日完成。

Refinement phase: writing and refining the methodology chapter of the thesis. Expected to complete all research and submit the paper by 1 August.

Progress Notes and Reflections

Starting with the literature review for research methodology 1, I have reviewed the literature on VR and AR technologies extensively. Particular attention has been paid to how these technologies are changing online shopping patterns and enhancing the user experience. In addition, I plan to further optimise the design of the focus groups based on the discussion by Krueger on how to conduct focus group research to gain insights. In addition, there is a need to collect and analyse relevant literature on VR and AR technologies for online shopping platforms in order to conduct a comparative study.