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"RET Development Plan in 2020 - 2029 - main coordinates"
2020 - 2029 年 RET 发展计划 - 主要坐标

1. Introduction 1. 引言

In accordance with the competences and attributions established in the Electricity and Natural Gas Law 123/2012 with later amendments and additions and with the Terms associated to Licence 161 for provision of electricity transmission services, system services and balancing market administration, with later amendments and additions, CNTEE Transelectrica SA performs planning activities regarding the development of the Electricity Transmission Grid (RET).
根据《电力和天然气法》第 123/2012 号及其后续修订和补充的规定,以及与电力传输服务、系统服务和平衡市场管理的许可证 161 相关的条款,CNTEE Transelectrica SA 进行电力传输网(RET)发展的规划活动。
Every two years CNTEE Transelectrica SA elaborates a RET development Plan for the following ten successive years, a document submitted to ANRE's approval.
每两年,CNTEE Transelectrica SA 制定一个未来十年的可再生能源发展计划,该文件提交给 ANRE 进行审批。
Such biennial elaboration of the RET Development Plan is in agreement with the obligation of CNTEE Transelectrica SA to participate as member in the association of European TSO-s ENTSO-E, and in the elaboration by it, every two years of the European Development Plan Ten Years Network Development Plan (TYNDP).
这种每两年制定一次的 RET 发展计划符合 CNTEE Transelectrica SA 作为欧洲输电系统运营商协会 ENTSO-E 成员的义务,并且每两年参与其制定的《十年网络发展计划》(TYNDP)。
In accordance with article 10 of the Procedure on the foundation and approval criteria of the investment plans of the transmission and system operator and of the electricity distribution operators approved by Order 204/2019 of ANRE president:
根据 ANRE 主席 2019 年第 204 号命令批准的输电和系统运营商及电力分配运营商投资计划的基础和批准标准程序第 10 条:

(1) TSO carries out the following prospective analyses of RET in the short run - for the following 5 years, namely the long term - for the next 10 years, which constitute the basis of the development plan:
(1) TSO 在短期内对 RET 进行以下前瞻性分析 - 未来 5 年,即长期 - 未来 10 年,这构成了发展计划的基础:
  • The current stage and future development of electricity consumption, the structure and capacity of generation sources, including electricity imports and exports, taking into consideration the development forecasts for cross-border exchange capacities - Chapter 9;
    电力消费的当前阶段和未来发展,发电来源的结构和容量,包括电力的进出口,同时考虑跨境交换能力的发展预测 - 第九章;
  • RET analysis depending on the age and technical condition of its elements, with details by geographical areas, voltage levels and networks elements - Chapter 8, Annex E3;
    RET 分析取决于其元素的年龄和技术状况,按地理区域、电压等级和网络元素的详细信息 - 第 8 章,附录 E3;
  • Assessing the loading degree of network elements and the grid behaviour when the following terms are satisfied: the safety principle (N-1), the steady-state stability and transient stability conditions in order to detect the critical network areas and the necessary work to increase operational safety, optimise and render it efficient - Chapter 5.4, Chapter 10;
    评估网络元素的负载程度和电网行为,当满足以下条件时:安全原则(N-1)、稳态稳定性和暂态稳定性条件,以便检测关键网络区域和增加操作安全性、优化并提高效率所需的工作 - 第 5.4 章,第 10 章;
  • Analysing the power losses in the characteristic segments of the load curve, detecting the critical areas and elements and establishing the measures necessary to reduce them - Chapters 5.6, 10.4, 14.3.3;
    分析负载曲线特征段中的功率损失,检测关键区域和元素,并建立减少它们所需的措施 - 第 5.6 章,第 10.4 章,第 14.3.3 章;
  • Assessing the growth potential of energy efficiency within RET, finding measures to improve its energy efficiency, establishing the implementation calendar of such measures - Chapter 12;
    评估可再生能源技术中能源效率的增长潜力,寻找提高其能源效率的措施,建立这些措施的实施日历 - 第 12 章;
  • Examining the performance level of services according to the indicators provided in specific applicable regulations, detecting the factors of significant influence over it, establishing the necessary measures to improve service performance and to acquire control over the main influencing factors - Chapters 5.5, 5.9, 8, 11, 14;
    根据特定适用法规提供的指标,检查服务的绩效水平,检测对其有重大影响的因素,建立必要的措施以改善服务绩效并控制主要影响因素 - 第 5.5、5.9、8、11、14 章;
  • Analysing the adequacy of the peak load system in the short-, mid- and long terms by means of methods taking into account the structure of generating capacities and the uncertainty degree induced by the share of available power of generating capacities from renewable sources within the total available power in the entire SEN - Chapter 9 ;
    通过考虑发电能力结构和可再生能源发电能力在整个 SEN 中可用总功率所占比例引起的不确定性程度的方法,分析短期、中期和长期峰值负荷系统的充分性 - 第 9 章;
  • Assessment of RET flexibility - Chapters 5.8, 10.6, 10.9 ;
    RET 灵活性评估 - 第 5.8 章, 第 10.6 章, 第 10.9 章;
  • Finding out the RET areas and elements which require investments consisting in modernisation or refurbishment - Chapters 8, 11, 14;
    找出需要投资进行现代化或翻新的 RET 区域和要素 - 第 8、11、14 章;
  • Finding out the network areas where development and extension are necessary Chapters 10, 14;
    找出需要开发和扩展的网络区域 第 10 章,第 14 章;
  • Providing the prioritisation of investments by detailing the priority criteria and the kind of analyses used in the execution of chronological development of forecasted investments - Chapters 8, 10, 14;
    提供通过详细说明优先标准和在执行预测投资的时间顺序发展中使用的分析类型来优先考虑投资 - 第 8、10、14 章;
  • Evaluating the total value of investments and the level of annual investment expenses, and detecting the financing sources (one's own funds, borrowed sources, financial contributions, revenues from the allocation of cross-border interconnection capacities) - Chapters 14, 15, 16;
    评估投资的总价值和年度投资费用水平,并检测融资来源(自有资金、借入资金、财务贡献、跨境互联互通能力分配的收入) - 第 14、15、16 章;
  • Finding out, founding and value estimation of benefits targeted by making the planned investments (e.g. improving the operational safety indicators of RET, the performance indicators, reducing operational and maintenance expenses, reducing the CPT, connecting new users, complying with legal obligations, etc.) Chapters 2, 14.5, feasibility studies;
    确定、建立和评估通过计划投资所针对的利益(例如,提高可再生能源的运营安全指标、绩效指标、降低运营和维护费用、减少 CPT、连接新用户、遵守法律义务等)。第 2 章,第 14.5 章,可行性研究;
  • Updating the stage of interconnection projects in correlation with the European list of projects of common interest and with the targets assumed at national level with respect to the interconnection degree, European Union-wide - Chapters 2, 14, Annex F3;
    更新与欧洲共同利益项目清单相关的互联互通项目阶段,以及与各国在互联互通程度方面所承担的目标相一致,欧盟范围内 - 第 2 章、第 14 章、附录 F3;
  • Assessing the impact of planned investment expenses over regulated tariffs Chapter 16.3;
    评估计划投资费用对监管 tarifas 的影响 第 16.3 章;
  • Correlating the 10 years' development plan of the electricity transmission network with similar plans of electricity transmission networks of neighbouring countries as resulting from the cooperation with neighbour TSO-s, while pointing out the obligations devolving on TSO-s and the positions from the 10 years' development plan of the electricity transmission networks involved in such correlations / cooperations - Chapters 2, 14;
    将电力传输网络的 10 年发展计划与邻国电力传输网络的类似计划进行关联,这些计划是与邻近的输电系统运营商(TSO)合作的结果,同时指出 TSO 所承担的义务以及在此类关联/合作中涉及的电力传输网络的 10 年发展计划中的立场 - 第 2 章,第 14 章;
  • Comparative situations showing the changes from the previous edition of the ANRE-approved plan, with documented justification of each changed objective Chapter 14, Annex F3;
    比较情况显示 ANRE 批准的计划与前一版的变化,并对每个变更目标提供有据可查的理由,第 14 章,附录 F3;
  • Monitoring report for the achievement of investments included in the 10 years' development plan of the electricity transmission network approved by ANRE, providing also a value estimation of the delay impact or non-achievement of investments included in the previous edition of the development plan - Annex F3, Chapter 10.1.9;
    监测报告,针对由 ANRE 批准的电力传输网络 10 年发展计划中投资的实现情况,同时提供对延迟影响或未实现的投资的价值评估,这些投资包含在发展计划的前一版中 - 附件 F3,第 10.1.9 章。
  • Plan of maintenance work necessary to provide operational safety of RET or compliance with legal obligations (laws, licence terms, technical norms), also detailing the mode of operation (using one's own teams or third parties); estimating the maintenance costs and the maintenance programme for the network, elaborated in accordance with the provisions of the maintenance regulation - Chapter 11;
    维护工作计划,旨在确保 RET 的操作安全或遵守法律义务(法律、许可证条款、技术规范),同时详细说明操作模式(使用自有团队或第三方);估算维护成本和网络维护计划,按照维护规章第 11 章的规定制定
  • Analysis of the measures and plans meant to provide cyber security of IT systems - Chapter 14.3.5.
    IT 系统网络安全措施和计划的分析 - 第 14.3.5 章。

    (2) The 10 years' development plan of the electricity transmission network includes the investments resulting as necessary within RET during the prospective 10 years' period, after the analyses provided in para (1); the plan contains an estimation of the achievement term, the total value and annual investment expenses for every investment project.
    电力传输网络的 10 年发展计划包括在预期的 10 年期间内,根据第(1)段提供的分析,RET 所需的投资;该计划包含每个投资项目的完成期限、总价值和年度投资费用的估算。
The Chapter or annex from the Development Plan providing the results of such analysis was mentioned above for each analysis requested according to the Procedure on the foundation and approval criteria of the investment plans of the transmission and system operator and of the electricity distribution operators approved by Order 204/2019 of ANRE president.
根据 ANRE 主席 2019 年第 204 号命令,投资计划的基础和批准标准程序中提到的每项分析所需的分析结果的开发计划章节或附录已在上述提到。
Following all these analyses the projects were obtained, which were introduced in the Development Plan of RET. A great part of such projects was included in the previous approved editions of the Development Plan; the current edition provides the stage of projects and reconfirms their need. A few of the projects included in previous editions have been excluded and they will be resumed in the future.
经过所有这些分析,获得了在 RET 发展计划中引入的项目。这些项目中的大部分已包含在之前批准的版本中;当前版本提供了项目的阶段并重新确认了它们的必要性。之前版本中包含的一些项目已被排除,未来将重新启动。
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2. Comparative analysis of investment projects included in this edition of the 2020 Development Plan compared to the previous edition of 2018
2020 年发展计划本版中投资项目的比较分析,与 2018 年之前的版本相比。
During the time interval elapsed since the approval of the previous Development Plan the following projects were completed:
  • Refurbishment / modernisation of RET:
    RET 的翻新/现代化:
  • Refurbishing the 220/ 110/20 kV substation Campia Turzii;
    翻新 220/110/20 kV 变电站 Campia Turzii;
  • Refurbishing the 220 kV substation Otelarie Hunedoara;
    翻新 220 千伏 Otelarie Hunedoara 变电站;
  • Upgrading the 110 kV and 20 kV substations Suceava;
    升级苏恰瓦的 110 千伏和 20 千伏变电站;
  • Upgrading the 400/110/10 kV substation Cluj Est;
    升级克卢日东 400/110/10 千伏变电站;
  • Refurbishing the 400/220/110/20 kV substation Bradu;
    翻新 400/220/110/20 kV Bradu 变电站;
  • Refurbishing the 220/110/20 kV substation Turnu Severin Est;
    翻新 220/110/20 kV 变电站 Turnu Severin Est;
  • Refurbishing the substation Isaccea, stage I (replacing the shunt reactors, associated bays and the 400 kV OHL bay Stupina);
    翻新伊萨基亚变电站,第一阶段(更换旁路电抗器、相关设备和 400 kV Stupina 架空线路设备);
  • Upgrading the command-control-protection system of the 220/110/20 kV substation Sardanesti;
    升级 220/110/20 kV 萨尔达内斯蒂变电站的指挥控制保护系统;
  • Replacing the 200 MVA AT3 from the 220/110/20 kV substation Targoviste;
    更换塔尔戈维什特 220/110/20 kV 变电站的 200 MVA AT3 变压器;
  • Replacing autotransformers (AT) and transformers in substations - stage 2 - step 1:
    更换变电站中的自耦变压器(AT)和变压器 - 阶段 2 - 步骤 1:
  • Replacing the 200 MVA AT2 in the 220/110/20 kV substation Ungheni
    更换乌恩赫尼 220/110/20 kV 变电站的 200 MVA AT2 变压器
  • Replacing the 200 MVA AT2 in the 220/110/20 kV substation Raureni
    更换 Raureni 220/110/20 kV 变电站的 200 MVA AT2
  • Replacing the 200 MVA AT2 in the 220/110/20 kV substation Arefu
    在 220/110/20 kV Arefu 变电站更换 200 MVA AT2
  • Replacing the 25 MVA T2 in the 220/110/20 kV substation Gradiste
    更换 220/110/20 kV 变电站 Gradiste 中的 25 MVA T2 变压器
  • Replacing the 25 MVA T1 in the 220/110/20 kV substation Gheorgheni
    更换 220/110/20 kV 变电站 Gheorgheni 中的 25 MVA T1 变压器
  • Replacing the 200 MVA AT1 & AT2 in the 220/110 kV substation Craiova Nord
    更换 220/110 kV 克拉约瓦北变电站的 200 MVA AT1 和 AT2
  • Replacing the 200 MVA AT2 in the 220/110 kV substation Pestis
    在 220/110 kV 的 Pestis 变电站更换 200 MVA 的 AT2
  • Replacing the 16 MVA T1 and 10 MVA T2 in the 220/110/20 kV substation Vetis
    更换 220/110/20 kV 变电站 Vetis 中的 16 MVA T1 和 10 MVA T2
  • Replacing the 16 MVA T12 in the 220/110/20 kV substation Ungheni
    更换乌恩赫尼 220/110/20 kV 变电站的 16 MVA T12 变压器
  • Replacing the 200 MVA AT2 Gheorghieni in the 220/110/20 kV substation Gheorghieni
    在 Gheorghieni 220/110/20 kV 变电站更换 200 MVA AT2 变压器
  • Replacing autotransformers (AT) and transformers in substations - stage 2 - step 2:
    更换变电站中的自耦变压器(AT)和变压器 - 阶段 2 - 步骤 2:
  • Replacing the 110/20 kV T4 Suceava
    更换 110/20 kV T4 苏恰瓦
  • Replacing the T1 & T2 110/20 kV FAI
    更换 T1 和 T2 110/20 kV FAI
  • Replacing the 200 MVA, 220/110 kV AT1 Alba Iulia
    更换 200 MVA,220/110 kV AT1 阿尔巴尤利亚
  • Replacing the 100 MVAr 400 kV BC in substations Arad, Bradu, Bucharest South
    在阿拉德、布拉杜和布加勒斯特南部的变电站更换 100 MVAr 400 kV 的无功补偿装置
  • Increasing the interconnection capacity and integrating the RES output:
  • Extending the 400 kV substations Portile de Fier
    扩展 400 千伏变电站 Portile de Fier
  • The 400 kV OHL Resita-Pancevo; commercial operation will begin when the 400 kV substation Resita has been completed;
    400 kV Resita-Pancevo 输电线路;当 400 kV Resita 变电站完成后,商业运营将开始;

    In the current edition of the Development Plan were introduced the following new investment projects:
  • Refurbishment / modernisation of RET:
    RET 的翻新/现代化:
  • Replacing the 220/110 kV AT 1 Arefu, 220/110 kV AT Stuparei, the 400/110 kV T1 & T2 Constanta Nord, the 400/110 kV T2 Smardan, the 110/10 kV T1 & 400/110 kV T7 Cluj Est, the 400/110 kV T4 Draganesti Olt;
    更换 220/110 kV AT 1 Arefu,220/110 kV AT Stuparei,400/110 kV T1 和 T2 Constanta Nord,400/110 kV T2 Smardan,110/10 kV T1 和 400/110 kV T7 Cluj Est,400/110 kV T4 Draganesti Olt;
  • Upgrading the command-control-protection system of the 400 kV substation Gadalin:
    升级 400 千伏加达林变电站的指挥控制保护系统:
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  • Upgrading the command-control-protection system of the 400/110/20 kV substation Sibiu Sud;
    升级 400/110/20 kV 变电站 Sibiu Sud 的指挥控制保护系统;
  • Procurement and installation of a 100 MVAr shunt reactor in the 400 kV substation Portile de Fier.
    在 400 千伏波尔蒂莱德费尔变电站采购和安装 100 MVAr 并联电抗器。

&. Safe supply of consumption:

  • Installing a new 220/110 kV 400 MVA autotransformer in the 220/110 kV substation Fundeni (increasing the supply safety of consumers in the north-eastern area of Bucharest City connected in the 220/110/10 kV substation Fundeni);
    在 220/110 千伏的 Fundeni 变电站安装一台新的 220/110 千伏 400 兆伏安自耦变压器(提高连接在 220/110/10 千伏 Fundeni 变电站的布加勒斯特市东北地区消费者的供电安全)
  • Installing a new 400/110 kV 250 MVA transformer in the 400/220/110 kV substation Bucharest Sud (increasing the supply safety of consumers in the southern area of Bucharest City connected in the 400/220/110/10 kV substation Bucharest Sud);
    在布加勒斯特南部的 400/220/110 千伏变电站安装一台新的 400/110 千伏 250 兆伏安变压器(提高连接在布加勒斯特南部 400/220/110/10 千伏变电站的布加勒斯特市南部消费者的供电安全)
  • A 400/110 kV substation in Grozavesti connected by the 400 kV LES to the 400 kV substations Bucharest Sud and Domnesti and two 100 MVAr shunt reacotrs installed at 400 kV in the 400 kV substation Grozavesti;
    位于 Grozavesti 的 400/110 kV 变电站通过 400 kV LES 与布加勒斯特南和 Domnesti 的 400 kV 变电站相连,并在 Grozavesti 的 400 kV 变电站安装了两个 100 MVAr 的并联电抗器
  • The substation in Fundeni connected also by the new 400 kV OHL Fundeni-Brazi Vest and input into-output from the 400 kV OHL Bucharest SudGura Ialomitei by the 400 kV double circuit OHL and installing a 100 MVAr shunt reactor in the new 400 kV substation;
    位于 Fundeni 的 变电站还通过新的 400 kV 高压输电线路 Fundeni-Brazi Vest 连接,并通过 400 kV 高压输电线路 Bucharest Sud-Gura Ialomitei 的输入输出,安装了一个 100 MVAr 的并联电抗器在新的 400 kV 变电站中;
  • Remaking the conductors of the 220 kV axis Urechesti-Tg. Jiu Nord-Paroseni- Baru Mare-Hasdat (necessary to also increase the interconnection capacity).
    重建 220 千伏 Urechesti-Tg. Jiu Nord-Paroseni-Baru Mare-Hasdat 的导体(需要同时增加互联容量)。
  • Increasing the interconnection capacity:
  • Equipping circuit 2 of the 400 kV OHL Nadab-Bekescsaba;
    为 400 kV Nadab-Bekescsaba 架空线路配备电路 2;
  • The 400 kV OHL Portile de Fier - Djerdap circuit 2 - resulting from the long-term analyses of ENTSO-E; the opportunity will be reanalysed depending on the integration of renewable sources;
    400 kV 铁门 - 杰尔达普 线路 2 - 这是根据 ENTSO-E 的长期分析得出的;机会将根据可再生能源的整合进行重新分析;
  • RO-HU interconnection (new 400 kV OHL Oradea-Jozsa, new 400/220 kV AT Rosiori, new 400/220 kV AT Resita, remaking the conductors of the 220 kV axis Urechesti-Tg. Jiu Nord-Paroseni- Baru Mare-Hasdat) resulting from the long-term analyses of ENTSO-E; the opportunity will be reanalysed depending on the integration of renewable sources.
    RO-HU 互联(新建 400 kV 架空线路 Oradea-Jozsa,新建 400/220 kV 变电站 Rosiori,新建 400/220 kV 变电站 Resita,重新制作 220 kV 轴线 Urechesti-Tg. Jiu Nord-Paroseni-Baru Mare-Hasdat 的导线)是基于 ENTSO-E 的长期分析;机会将根据可再生能源的整合进行重新分析。

    In comparison with the approved edition of the Plan in the current edition the following investment projects have been excluded:
  • Refurbishing the 400/110 kV substation Darste - will be introduced in the future editions of the Plan
    翻新 400/110 千伏达斯特变电站 - 将在未来的计划版本中介绍
  • Upgrading the command control protection system in the 400/220/110 kV/MV substation Urechesti - will be introduced in the future editions of the Plan
    在未来的计划版本中,将升级 400/220/110 kV/MV 变电站 Urechesti 的指挥控制保护系统
  • Upgrading the command control protection system in the 400 kV substation Nadab - will be correlated with the project to endow circuit 2 of the 400 kV OHL NadabBekescsaba
    在 400 千伏纳达布变电站升级指挥控制保护系统将与赋予 400 千伏纳达布-贝凯什查巴架空线路 2 号的项目相关联
  • Upgrading the command control protection system in the 220/110 kV substation Fundeni - to be correlated with the project Increasing the supply safety of consumers in the north-eastern area of Bucharest City connected in the 220/110/10 kV substation Fundeni
    升级 220/110 千伏 Fundeni 变电站的指挥控制保护系统 - 与提高布加勒斯特市东北地区 220/110/10 千伏 Fundeni 变电站连接的消费者供电安全项目相关

    OHSAS 18001
  • Upgrading the command control protection system in the 400/220/110 kV substation Bucharest Sud - will be correlated with the project Increasing the supply safety of consumers in the southern area of Bucharest City connected in the 400/220/110/10 kV substation Bucharest Sud
    升级布加勒斯特南部 400/220/110 千伏变电站的指挥控制保护系统 - 将与提高布加勒斯特市南部消费者在 400/220/110/10 千伏布加勒斯特南部变电站供电安全的项目相关联
  • Upgrading the command control protection system in the 220/110 kV substation Turnu Magurele - will be introduced in the future editions of the Plan
    在 220/110 千伏 Turnu Magurele 变电站升级指挥控制保护系统 - 将在未来的计划版本中引入
  • Upgrading the command control protection system in the 220/110/20 kV substation Gheorgheni - will be introduced in the future editions of the Plan
    在 220/110/20 kV Gheorgheni 变电站升级指挥控制保护系统 - 将在未来的计划版本中引入

3. Description of RET development projects included in the RET Development Plan for 2020 - 2029
2020-2029 年可再生能源技术(RET)发展计划中包含的 RET 发展项目描述

In order to maintain the network adequacy so that it can be properly sized fie corespunzător for electricity transmission of the output forecasted to be generated, imported, exported and transited two categories of invesmtnes have been included in the RET ten years' Development Plan and they will be carried out as follows:
为了维持网络的充足性,以便能够适当地为预测生成、进口、出口和过境的电力传输进行规模调整,RET 十年发展计划中包含了两类投资,具体实施如下:
  • Refurbishing the existent substations;
  • Extending RET by building new electric substations and lines, increasing the transmission capacity of existing lines, extending the existent substations and increasing the transformer capacity of substations.
    通过建设新的电力变电站和线路、提高现有线路的输电能力、扩展现有变电站以及增加变电站的变压器容量来扩展 RET。

* Refurbishment and modernisation of existent substations
* 现有变电站的翻新和现代化

Electric lines and substations providing the national transmission system were in the main built in the 1960-s 1980-s, with the technological knowledge of such time period.
电力线路和变电站为国家输电系统提供服务,主要建于 1960 年代至 1980 年代,采用当时的技术知识。
The actual technical condition of installations has been maintained to date to a proper level both by means of the maintenance plan applied and by a sustained refurbishment and upgrade programme for installations and equipment.
In the following ten years ongoing refurbishment project will be completed and new projects will be initiated, observing the priority based on technical condition and substation importance.

* Increasing the exchange capacity on the western interface of Romania:
* 增加罗马尼亚西部接口的交换能力:

Taking into account the contribution to the implementation of the European Union's strategic priorities for the trans-European energy infrastructure the European Commission approved the following group of projects in the fourth list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI):
  • PCI "Romania-Serbia Group, between Resita and Pancevo", known as "Mid Continental East corridor", which includes the following projects of common interest:
  • The 400 kV double circuit OHL Resita (RO) - Pancevo (Serbia);
    400 千伏双回路架空线路雷希塔(罗马尼亚)- 潘切沃(塞尔维亚);
  • The 400 kV OHL Portile de Fier-Resita and extending the 220/110 kV substation Resita by building the new 400 kV substation;
    400 kV 高压输电线路 Portile de Fier-Resita 和通过建设新的 400 kV 变电站来扩展 220/110 kV Resita 变电站;
  • Converting the 220 kV double circuit OHL Resita-Timisoara-Sacalaz-Arad to 400 kV , including construction of the 400 kV substations Timisoara, Arad & Sacalaz.
    将 220 kV 双回路架空线路 Resita-Timisoara-Sacalaz-Arad 改为 400 kV,包括建设 400 kV 变电站 Timisoara、Arad 和 Sacalaz。

    These projects will enable eliminating congestions both along E-V at the borders with Hungary and Serbia, and along N-S by enhancing the Portile de Fier-Resita-Timisoara-Arad corridor.
    这些项目将有助于消除与匈牙利和塞尔维亚边界的 E-V 方向的拥堵,以及通过增强 Portile de Fier-Resita-Timisoara-Arad 走廊来改善 N-S 方向的拥堵。
The projects will also enable integrating into SEN the output of the hydropower development from the existing Portile de Fier.
这些项目还将使现有的铁门水电站的水电开发成果能够整合到 SEN 中。
SiC 碳化硅
SO 14001
OHSAS 1800
  • The 400 kV simple circuit OHL Oradea Sud-Nadab-Bekescsaba, final stage: segment between towers 1-42 (48) of the 400 kV OHL Oradea Sud-Nadab
    400 kV 简单电路 OHL Oradea Sud-Nadab-Bekescsaba,最终阶段:400 kV OHL Oradea Sud-Nadab 的塔 1-42 (48) 之间的段落
  • Installing a 100 MVAr shunt reactor in the 400 kV substation Portile de Fier
    在 400 千伏 Portile de Fier 变电站安装 100 MVAr 并联电抗器
  • Equipping circuit 2 of the 400 kV OHL Nadab-Bekescsaba;
    为 400 kV Nadab-Bekescsaba 架空线路配备电路 2;
  • The 400 kV OHL Portile de Fier - Djerdap OHL circuit 2, resulting from the long-term analyses of ENTSO-E; the opportunity will be reanalysed depending on the integration of renewables;
    400 kV 铁门 - 杰尔达普 OHL 电路 2,源于 ENTSO-E 的长期分析;机会将根据可再生能源的整合进行重新分析;
  • RO-HU interconnection (new 400 kV OHL Oradea-Jozsa, new 400/220 kV AT Rosiori, new 400/220 kV AT Resita, remaking the conductors of the 220 kV axis Urechesti-Tg. Jiu Nord-Paroseni- Baru Mare-Hasdat) - resulting from the long-term analyses of ENTSO-E; the opportunity will be reanalysed depending on the integration of renewable sources.
    RO-HU 互联(新建 400 kV 架空线路 Oradea-Jozsa,新建 400/220 kV 变电站 Rosiori,新建 400/220 kV 变电站 Resita,重新制作 220 kV 轴线 Urechesti-Tg. Jiu Nord-Paroseni-Baru Mare-Hasdat 的导线)- 这是基于 ENTSO-E 的长期分析得出的;将根据可再生能源的整合重新分析这一机会。
  • Increasing the exchange capacity on the southern interface of Romania (border with Bulgaria) for power transmission from intermittent renewable sources installed on the Black Sea coast towards consumption and storage centres; here the following network developments are planned:

    Taking into account the significant contribution by increasing the interconnection capacity between Romania and Bulgaria and by enhancing the infrastructure that will sustain power flows transmission between the Black Sea coast and the North Sea coast / the Atlantic Ocean, the European Commission approved the following group of new projects in the fourth list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI):
  • PCI "Bulgaria-Romania Group, capacity increase", known as "Black Sea corridor", which includes the following projects of common interest:
  • The 400 kV double circuit OHL (1 c.e) Smardan-Gutinas;
    400 kV 双回路架空线路 (1 c.e) Smardan-Gutinas;
  • The 400 kV double circuits OHL Cernavoda-Stalpu, with input/output circuit in Gura lalomitei.
    400 kV 双回路架空线路 Cernavoda-Stalpu,输入/输出回路位于 Gura lalomitei。

* Increasing the exchange capacity on the interface with the Republic of Moldova:
* 增加与摩尔多瓦共和国接口的交换能力:

The general cooperation framework for the asynchronous interconnection of systems from Romania and the Republic of Moldova is regulated by the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2015 between the Governments of Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦共和国系统的异步互联的一般合作框架由 2015 年罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦共和国政府签署的谅解备忘录进行规范。
In 2016 the Collaboration Agreement was signed between CNTEE Transelectrica SA and IS Moldelectrica in order to carry out interconnection projects by means of Back to Back substations also mentioned in the Memorandum of Understanding, namely:
在 2016 年,CNTEE Transelectrica SA 与 IS Moldelectrica 签署了合作协议,以通过背靠背变电站实施互联项目,这在谅解备忘录中也有提到,即:
  • The 400 kV OHL Isaccea (RO)-Vulcanesti (RM) (existing line), the new 400 kV OHL Vulcanesti-Chisinau, Back to Back substation in Vulcanesti;
    400 千伏伊萨基亚(罗)-沃尔卡内什蒂(摩)(现有线路),新的 400 千伏沃尔卡内什蒂-基希讷乌线路,沃尔卡内什蒂的背靠背变电站;
  • The 400 kV simple circuit OHL Suceava (RO)-Balti (RM) and Back to Back substation in Balti;
    400 千伏简单电路架空线苏恰瓦(罗马尼亚)-巴尔蒂(摩尔多瓦)及巴尔蒂的背靠背变电站;
  • The 400 kV simple circuit OHL Iasi (RO)-Ungheni-Straseni (RM) and Back to Back substation in Straseni.
    400 千伏简单电路架空线雅西(罗)-乌亥尼-斯特拉谢尼(摩)及斯特拉谢尼的背靠背变电站。
The interconnection project by Back to Back substation in Vulcanesti is the Project of Common Interest found in the list of projects sustained by the Energy Community. The estimated commissioning term is 2024. Work will be necessary on the Romanian territory to install optical fibre on the existing 400 kV electric line Isaccea (RO)-Vulcanesti (MD) to the border, install protections and remote protections in substation Isaccea, integrate the data procured from substation Isaccea for the interconnection line into the frequency-power controller, etc.
位于 Vulcanesti 的背靠背变电站互联项目是能源共同体支持的项目清单中的共同利益项目。预计投运时间为 2024 年。需要在罗马尼亚境内进行工作,以在现有的 400 kV 电力线路 Isaccea(罗)-Vulcanesti(摩)到边界上安装光纤,在 Isaccea 变电站安装保护和远程保护,将从 Isaccea 变电站获取的数据集成到频率-功率控制器中等。
The interconnection project by Back to Back substation in Straseni is the most expensive and difficult, because a 400 kV network has to be built in Romania up to lasi City.
斯特拉谢尼的背靠背变电站互联项目是最昂贵和最困难的,因为必须在罗马尼亚建设一条 400 千伏的网络,直达雅西市。
The RET Development Plan includes:
RET 发展计划包括:
  • The 400 kV OHL Suceava-Balti, examined in the context of the synchronous interconnection project of the systems from Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova with the system of Continental Europe.
    400 kV 苏恰瓦-巴尔蒂架空线路,在乌克兰和摩尔多瓦共和国与欧洲大陆系统的同步互联项目中进行审查。
  • The 400 kV simple circuit OHL Gadalin-Suceava will have important contribution to increasing the transmission capacity on the border with the Republic of Moldova.
    400 千伏简单电路 OHL Gadalin-Suceava 将对提高与摩尔多瓦共和国边界的输电能力产生重要贡献。
  • Increasing the transmission capacity between the eastern area (especially Dobrogea) and the remaining interconnected power system and system integration of the power generated in this area
In order to enhance the transmission capacity in south-eastern Romania to the rest of the system several projects were planned to consolidate the transmission network.
  • Input/output connection of the 400 kV OHL Stupina-Varna and the 400 kV OHL RahmanDobrudja in the 400 kV substation Medgidia Sud;
    400 kV Stupina-Varna 和 400 kV RahmanDobrudja 的输入/输出连接在 400 kV Medgidia Sud 变电站
  • Extending the substation Medgidia Sud and refurbishing the 110 kV substation to increase the breaking capacity of circuit breakers in correlation with the growth of short-circuit current;
    扩展 变电站 Medgidia Sud 并翻新 110 kV 变电站,以提高断路器的断开能力,以适应短路电流的增长;
  • The 400 kV double circuit OHL (1 c.e) Stalpu-Brasov;
    400 kV 双回路架空线路 (1 c.e) Stalpu-Brasov;
  • Converting the 220 kV OHL Brazi Vest-Teleajen-Stalpu to 400 kV (built for 400 kV ), including the construction of the 400 kV substations Stalpu and Teleajen;
    将 220 kV 的 Brazi Vest-Teleajen-Stalpu 架空线路改为 400 kV(为 400 kV 而建),包括建设 400 kV 变电站 Stalpu 和 Teleajen;
  • The 400 kV double circuit OHL (1 c.e) Medgidia Sud-Constanta Nord;
    400 kV 双回路架空线路(1 c.e)梅吉迪亚南-康斯坦察北;
  • Remaking the conductors of the 220 kV OHL Stejaru-Gheorghieni-Fantanele;
    重建 220 千伏 Stejaru-Gheorghieni-Fantanele 架空线路的导体;
  • Increasing the transmission capacity of 8 km segment of lower cross-section from the 400 kV OHL Bucharest Sud - Pelicanu;
    增加 400 kV OHL 布加勒斯特南 - Pelicanu 的 8 公里段的下部横截面的传输能力;
  • Increasing the transmission capacity of the 53 km segment of lower cross-section from the 400 kV OHL Cernavoda - Pelicanu;
    提高 400 kV Cernavoda - Pelicanu 架空线路 53 公里段的下截面传输能力;
  • Converting the 400 kV OHL Isaccea-Tulcea Vest from simple to double circuit.
    将 400 千伏 Isaccea-Tulcea Vest 架空线路从单回路转换为双回路。
  • Integrating into SEN the output generated by other power plants
    将其他发电厂生成的输出整合到 SEN 中
The following work is scheduled:
  • For safe discharge of power from HPP Portile de Fier II an agreement was made with Co. Hidroelectrica SA to discharge at 220 kV by building the 220 kV substation Ostrovul Mare and the 220 kV double circuit OHL, connection Ostrovul Mare into the 220 kV OHL Portile de Fier - Cetate;
    为了安全地从 HPP Portile de Fier II 排放电力,与 Hidroelectrica SA 公司达成协议,通过建设 220 kV Ostrovul Mare 变电站和 220 kV 双回路架空线路,将 Ostrovul Mare 连接到 220 kV Portile de Fier - Cetate 架空线路进行 220 kV 的排放。
  • Replacing the 400/400/160 MVA 400/231/22 kV AT3-ATUS-FS from the 400/220 kV substation Portile de Fier;
    更换 400/400/160 MVA 400/231/22 kV AT3-ATUS-FS,来自 400/220 kV 的 Portile de Fier 变电站;

    OHSAS 18001
  • Increasing the operational safety of the network area Arges-Valcea by building a new 400 kV substation Arefu, 400/220 kV 400 MVA 1 AT and connection into the 400 kV OHL Tantareni-Sibiu Sud by means of a 400 kV double circuit OHL of about 0.05 km .
    通过建设新的 400 千伏 Arefu 变电站、400/220 千伏 400 兆伏安 1 台变压器,并通过约 0.05 公里的 400 千伏双回路架空线路连接到 400 千伏 Tantareni-Sibiu Sud,提高 Arges-Valcea 网络区域的运行安全。
  • Safe supply of consumption from deficit areas
  • Installing the second 400/110 kV, 250 MVA transformer in the 400/220/110/20 kV substation Sibiu Sud in order to reserve the only injection from RET in Sibiu area;
    在西比乌南部的 400/220/110/20 kV 变电站安装第二台 400/110 kV、250 MVA 变压器,以保留西比乌地区唯一的可再生能源注入
  • Installing the second 400/220 kV, 400 MVA AT in substation lernut in order to provide safe consumption in the area of the country since there is not enough installed capacity in the power plants of this region;
    在学习特变电站安装第二台 400/220 kV、400 MVA 的变压器,以便为该地区的安全用电提供保障,因为该地区的发电厂装机容量不足;
  • Remaking the conductors of the 220 kV axis Urechesti-Targu Jiu Nord- Paroseni - Baru Mare-Hasdat;
    重建 220 千伏 Urechesti-Targu Jiu Nord-Paroseni-Baru Mare-Hasdat 的导体;
  • Increasing the operational safety of the network area Arges-Valcea by building a new 400 kV substation Arefu, 400/220 kV 400 MVA 1 AT and connection into the 400 kV OHL Tantareni-Sibiu Sud by means of a 400 kV double circuit OHL of about 0.05 km (Also mentioned in the SEN integration of output generated from other power plants);
    通过建设新的 400 kV Arefu 变电站、400/220 kV 400 MVA 1 台变压器,并通过约 0.05 公里的 400 kV 双回路架空线路连接到 400 kV Tantareni-Sibiu Sud 线路,来提高 Arges-Valcea 网络区域的运行安全性(在 SEN 中也提到从其他发电厂产生的输出集成)。
  • Installing a new 220/110 kV 400 MVA autotransformer in the 220/110 kV substation Fundeni, increasing the safe supply of consumers in the north-eastern area of Bucharest City connected in the 220/110/10 kV substation Fundeni;
    在 220/110 千伏变电站 Fundeni 安装一台新的 220/110 千伏 400 兆伏安自耦变压器,增加连接在 220/110/10 千伏变电站 Fundeni 的布加勒斯特市东北地区消费者的安全供电
  • Installing a new 400/110 kV 250MVA transformer in the 400/220/110 kV substation Bucharest Sud, increasing the safe supply of consumers in the southern area of Bucharest City connected in the 400/220/110/10 kV substation Bucharest Sud;
    在布加勒斯特南部的 400/220/110 千伏变电站安装一台新的 400/110 千伏 250MVA 变压器,提高布加勒斯特市南部消费者的安全供电
  • The substation at Grozavesti connected by the 400 kV LES with the 400 kV substations Bucharest Sud and Domnesti and two 100 MVAr shunt reactors installed at 400 kV in the 400 kV substation Grozavesti,
    格罗扎维什蒂的 变电站通过 400 kV LES 与布加勒斯特南和多姆内什蒂的 400 kV 变电站相连,并在格罗扎维什蒂的 400 kV 变电站安装了两个 100 MVAr 的并联电抗器
  • The 400/110 kV substation at Fundeni connected also by the new 400 kV OHL FundeniBrazi Vest and input-output in the 400 kV OHL Bucharest Sud-Gura lalomitei by the 400 kV double circuit OHL and installing a 100 MVAr shunt reactor in the new 400 kV substation.
    位于 Fundeni 的 400/110 kV 变电站通过新的 400 kV 架空线路 Fundeni-Brazi Vest 连接,并通过 400 kV 双回路架空线路与 400 kV 架空线路 Bucharest Sud-Gura lalomitei 进行输入输出,同时在新的 400 kV 变电站安装了 100 MVAr 的并联电抗器。
  • IT, telecommunication and metering projects
  • Replacing the components of the EMS SCADA AREVA system; replacing the hardware components, updating and developing the applications specific to the Balancing Market Platform II DAMAS,
    更换 EMS SCADA AREVA 系统的组件;更换硬件组件,更新和开发特定于平衡市场平台 II DAMAS 的应用程序
  • Metering system also managing the electricity metering data on the wholesale market,
  • Management projects for IT and telecommunication systems;
Projects in the RET Development Plan for 2020- 2029 and planning their achievement in time is provided in table 1:
2020-2029 年可再生能源技术发展计划中的项目及其按时实现的规划见表 1:
Table 1 表 1

Societate Administrată în Sistem Dualist

 编号 列。
Denumire proiect 项目名称
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029
现有 RET 的技术改造
1 Retehnologizarea staţiei 400/110/20 kV Domneşti
400/110/20 kV Domneşti 变电站的技术改造

在电站中更换 AT 和变压器(第二阶段),其中:第二阶段(8 个 AT 200 MVA;4 个变压器 16 MVA)
Inlocuiri AT şi Trafo în stații electrice (etapa 2), din
care: faza 2 (8 AT 200 MVA; 4 Trafo 16 MVA)

8 个 AT 在以下站点:塔尔戈维什特,巴亚马雷 3,阿尔巴尤利亚,克卢日弗洛雷什特,吉兹达鲁,图尔努马古雷莱,乌雷凯什蒂,维蒂什
8 buc. AT in statiile : Targoviste, Baia
Mare 3, Alba Iulia, Cluj Floresti, Ghizdaru, Turnu
Magurele, Urechesti, Vetis

4 个变压器 在以下地点: (苏恰瓦, FAI (2 个), 奥拉迪亚南
4 buc. Trafo in statile : (Suceava, FAI (2
buc.), Oradea Sud

在电站中更换 AT 和变压器(阶段 3)
Inlocuiri AT şi Trafo in staţii electrice (etapa 3)

在 220/110 kV 的变电站:Gradiste、Suceava、FAI、Dumbrava、Tg. Jiu Nord、Sardanesti、Tihau。
7 AT 220/110 kV in statiile: Gradiste, Suceava, FAI,
Dumbrava, Tg. Jiu Nord, Sardanesti, Tihau.

8 个变压器 在以下站点:Tn. Severin Est(2 个),Cluj Floresti(2 个),Salaj,Campia Turzii,Cluj Est,Tg. Jiu Nord。
8 Trafo in statiile : Tn. Severin Est (2 buc.),
Cluj Floresti (2 Buc.), Salaj, Campia Turzii, Cluj Est,
Tg. Jiu Nord.
4 Retehnologizarea staţiei 220 / 110 / 20 kV Ungheni
乌恩赫尼 220/110/20 千伏变电站的技术改造
5 Modernizare statia electrica 220/110/20 kV Arefu
现代化 220/110/20 kV Arefu 电站
6 Modernizare statia electrica 220/110 kV Raureni
现代化 220/110 kV Raureni 变电站
7 Modernizare statia 220 / 110 kV Dumbrava
现代化 220 / 110 kV Dumbrava 变电站
8 Retehnologizare staţia 400 / 110 / 20 kV Smârdan
重新技术改造 400 / 110 / 20 kV Smârdan 变电站
9 Retehnologizare stație 220 / 110 kV Craiova Nord
重组 220 / 110 千伏克拉约瓦北变电站
10 Retehnologizare staţia 220 / 110 / MT kV Baru Mare
重新技术改造 220 / 110 / MT kV Baru Mare 变电站
11 Retehnologizare stattia 220 / 110 kV laz
重组 220/110 千伏变电站
12 Retehnologizare staţia 220 / 110 kV Hăşdat
重组 220/110 千伏哈什达特变电站
13 Retehnologizare staţia 220 kV Oțelarie Hunedoara
重组 220 千伏胡内多阿钢铁厂变电站
14 Retehnologizare statsia 220 / 110 kV Fileşti
重组 220/110 千伏 Fileşti 变电站
15 Modernizare statia 400 (220) / 110 / 20 kV Munteni
现代化 400 (220) / 110 / 20 kV Munteni 变电站

试点项目 - 阿尔巴·朱利亚 220/110/20 kV 变电站数字化改造
Proiect Pilot - Retehnologizare staţia 220/110/20 kV
Alba lulia in concept de statie digitala
17 Retehnologizare staţia Medgidia Sud 110 kV
重组梅基迪亚南 110 千伏变电站

110 kV 巴卡乌南和罗马北站的现代化,涉及 400 kV 摩尔多瓦轴线
Modernizarea statiilor 110 kV Bacau Sud si Roman
Nord aferente axului 400 kV Moldova

对 400 kV Isaccea 变电站进行重新技术改造(第二阶段 - 400 kV 变电站的重新技术改造)
Retehnologizarea stației 400 kV Isaccea (etapa II -
retehnologizare statie 400 kV )

400/110 kV Pelicanu 变电站的技术改造
Retehnologizarea statiei electrice de transformare
400/110 kV Pelicanu

现代化 Focșani Vest 变电站的 110 和 400(220)kV 设备
Modernizarea instalațiilor de 110 ṣi 400 (220) kV din
stația Focṣani Vest

现代化 220 kV、110 kV 变电站的控制-保护-计量系统,以及在 220/110/20 kV Ghizdaru 变电站中对中压和内部服务的技术改造。
Modernizare sistem de comandă-control-protecţie-
metering 220 kV , 110 kV in staţia 220/110/20 kV si
retehnologizarea medie tensiune și servicii interne
c.c. ṣi c.a. în stația 220/110/20 kV Ghizdaru

现代化指挥-控制-保护系统,并将 Draganesti-Olt 站整合入 CTSI
Modernizare sistem comanda-control-protectie si
integrare in CTSI a statiei Draganesti-OIt

现代化指挥-控制-保护系统,并将 Gradiste 站点整合到 CTSI 中
Modernizare sistem comanda-control-protectie si
integrare in CTSI a statiei Gradiste

现代化 220/110/20 kV Vetiş变电站 - 主要设备
Modernizare staţia 220/110/20 kV Vetiş - echipament
26 Modernizare staţia 220/110/20 kV Fântânele
现代化 220/110/20 千伏 Fântânele 变电站
27 Modernizare statie 220/110 kV Calafat
现代化 220/110 千伏卡拉法特变电站

现代化 400/110/20 kV 奥拉德亚南变电站的 SCADA 系统
Modernizare SCADA in statia 400/110/20 kV Oradea

现代化 400/220 kV 罗西奥里变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 400/220 kV Rosiori

现代化 220/110/20 kV 萨拉日变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 220/110/20 kV Salaj

现代化 220/110 kV Baia Mare 3 变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 220/110 kV Baia Mare 3

现代化 220/110 kV 克卢日-弗洛雷什变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 220/110 kV Cluj Floresti

现代化 400 kV Tantareni 变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 400 kV Tantareni

现代化 220/110 kV Paroseni 变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 220/110 kV Paroseni

现代化 220/110 kV Pestis 变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 220/110 kV Pestis

现代化 400 kV 阿拉杜路变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 400 kV Calea Aradului

现代化 400/220/110 kV Mintia 变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 400/220/110 kV Mintia

现代化 220/110/20kV 塔尔戈维什特变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 220/110/20kV Targoviste


Societate Administratǎ în Sistem Dualist


现代化 400 千伏切尔纳沃达变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 400 kV Cernavoda

现代化 400/110/20 kV 锡比乌南站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 400/110/20 kV Sibiu Sud
41 Modernizare electroalimentare la sediile UNO DEN
UNO DEN 办公地点的电力供应现代化

在 400/220/110/20 kV Sibiu Sud 和 400/220/110/20 kV Bradu 站安装两台现代无功功率补偿设备
Instalarea a două mijloace moderne de compensare
a puterii reactive in stațiile 400/220/110/20 kV Sibiu
Sud si 400/220/110/20 kV Bradu
43 Celule mobile de 110 kV, 220 kV si 400 kV
110 kV、220 kV 和 400 kV 移动单元

更换阿拉德、布拉杜和布加勒斯特南部变电站的 3 台 BC 100 MVAR 400 kV 设备。
Inlocuire 3 unitati BC 100 MVAR 400 kV in statiile
Arad, Bradu si Bucuresti Sud.

采购和安装 21 套监测系统,用于 CNTEE Transelectrica 变电站的变换单元
Achizitia si montajul a 21 sisteme de monitorizare
pentru unitatile de transformare din statiile CNTEE

400 kV 移动单元用于布拉杜和锡比乌南 400 kV 变电站
Celule mobile de 400 kV pt. BC în stațiile 400 kV
Bradu ṣi Sibiu Sud
47 Inlocuire AT Stuparei 220/110kV
替换 AT Stuparei 220/110kV
48 Inlocuire AT1 Arefu 220/110kV
更换 AT1 Arefu 220/110kV

更换变压器编号 4 - 250 MVA,400/110 kV 在 400/110 kV Draganesti Olt 变电站
Inlocuire Transformator nr. 4 - 250 MVA, 400/110 kV in
statia 400/110 KV Draganesti Olt
50 Inlocuire Trafo 1 si Trafo 7 statia Cluj Est
更换克卢日东站的变压器 1 和变压器 7

现代化 400 kV Gadalin 变电站的控制保护系统
Modernizare sistem de comanda control protectie in
statia 400 kV Gadalin
52 Inlocuire Trafo 2400/110kV statia Smardan
更换 2400/110kV Smardan 变压器
53 Inlocuire trafo T1 si T2 400/110kV Constanta Nord
更换变压器 T1 和 T2 400/110kV 康斯坦察北

在 400kV 的铁门站采购和安装一台 100MVAr 的补偿线圈
Achizitia si montajul unei bobine de compensare
100MVAr in statia Portile de Fier 400kV

优化现有的 400 kV LEA 在 SEN 中的运行,用于与 CNE Cernavodă和多布罗贾的可再生能源电站的互联互通,通过安装在线监测系统来排放电力
Optimizarea funcționării LEA 400 kV existente în SEN
folosite in interconexiune, pentru evacuare putere
din CNE Cernavodă ṣi centralele de energie
regenerabilă din Dobrogea, prin montarea de
sisteme de monitorizare on-line

EXECUTIV (planificate anual)

锡比乌南站安装变压器 T3 - 250 MVA (400 / 110 kV)
Montare trafo T3 - 250 MVA ( 400 / 110 kV) în staţia
Sibiu Sud

AT2 lernut - 400 MVA, kV Montare AT2 400 MVA,400/231/22 kV 以及相关单元在 lernut 站的安装和 400/220/110/6 kV lernut 站控制系统的现代化
AT2 lernut - 400 MVA, kV Montare AT2 400
MVA, 400/231/22 kV precum şi a celulelor aferente în
staţia lernut și modernizarea sistemului de comandă
control al statiei 400/220/110/6 kV lernut
Înlocuire AT3-ATUS-FS 400/400/160 MVA 400/231/22 kV din stația 400/220 kV Porțile de Fier
替换 AT3-ATUS-FS 400/400/160 MVA 400/231/22 kV 来自 400/220 kV 铁门变电站

Cresterea sigurantei în functionare a zonei de retea Argeṣ-Vâlcea, realizarea statiei 400 kV Arefu si montarea unui AT 400 MVA, . Creșterea gradului de siguranta in alimentarea
提高阿尔杰什-瓦尔恰网络区域的运行安全性,建设 400 kV 阿雷夫变电站并安装一台 400 MVA 的变压器 。提高供电安全性。

Creșterea graduluí de siguranța in astimentarea

consumatorilor din zona de nord-est a Municipiulu consumatorilor din zona de nord-esta deni
Realizare statie noua 400/110kV Grozavesti si doua bobine de compensare 100MVAr + LEC 400 kV s.c. Domnesti - Grozavesti +LEC 400 kV s.c. Bucuresti Sud Grozavesti
建设新的 400/110kV Grozavesti 变电站和两个 100MVAr 的补偿线圈 + LEC 400 kV s.c. Domnesti - Grozavesti + LEC 400 kV s.c. Bucuresti Sud Grozavesti
Realizare statie noua 400/220kV Fundeni si o bobina de compensare 100MVAr + LEA 400kV Fundeni-Brazi Vest +racordare LEA 400kV Bucuresti Sud-Gura lalomitei intrare-iesire in statia 400 kV Fundeni
建设新的 400/220kV Fundeni 变电站和一个 100MVAr 的补偿线圈 + 400kV Fundeni-Brazi Vest 线路 + 连接 400kV Bucuresti Sud-Gura lalomitei 进出 400kV Fundeni 变电站

Cresterea gradului de siguranta in alimentarea consumatorilor din zona de sud a Municipiului Bucuresti racordati in statia 400/220/110/10 kV Bucuresti Sud
提高布加勒斯特南部地区连接到 400/220/110/10 kV 布加勒斯特南变电站的消费者供电安全性
整合 SRE 和新中心的生产

Racordarea LEA 400 kV Stupina - Varna si LEA 400
LEA 400 kV Stupina - Varna 和 LEA 400 的连接

1.1 kV Rahman - Dobrudja în staţia 400 kV Medgidia Su Etapa I - Extinderea staţiei 400 kV Medgidia Sud Racordarea LEA 400 kV Stupina-Varna si LEA 400 kV Rahman - Dobrudja în staţia 400 kV Medgidia Sud.
1.1 kV Rahman - Dobrudja 在 400 kV Medgidia Su 站的第一阶段 - 扩展 400 kV Medgidia Sud 站,连接 400 kV Stupina-Varna 和 400 kV Rahman - Dobrudja 在 400 kV Medgidia Sud 站。

1.2 Etapa II - LEA 400 kV d.c. Racorduri la stația Medgidia Sud
1.2 第二阶段 - LEA 400 kV 直流电。与梅吉迪亚南站的连接

Trecere la 400 kV LEA Brazi Vest - Teleajen - Stalpu, inclusiv: Achiziţie AT 400 MVA, 400/220/20 kV şi
400 kV LEA Brazi Vest - Teleajen - Stalpu 的过渡,包括:采购 AT 400 MVA,400/220/20 kV 和

lucrări de extindere staţiile 400 kV şi 220 kV aferente, în statia 400/220/110 kV Brazi Vest
400 kV 和 220 kV 相关站点的扩建工程,在 400/220/110 kV Brazi Vest 站

2,1 1 LEA 400 kV Brazi Vest - Teleajen - Stalpu

2,3 Statia 400 kV Teleajen si retehnologizare statia
2,3 Statia 400 kV Teleajen 和站点的技术改造

2,3 110 kV
3 LEA 400 kV d.c. (1c.e) Constanta Nord - Medgidia Sud
3 LEA 400 kV 直流 (1c.e) 康斯坦察北 - 梅吉迪亚南

4 Trecerea LEA 400 kV Isaccea - Tulcea Vest de la
4 simplu circuit la dublu circuit
4 简单电路到双电路

Societate Administrată în Sistem Dualist


提高 LEA 220 kV Stejaru - Gheorgheni - Fantanele 的运输能力
Marirea capacitatii de transport LEA 220 kV Stejaru -
Gheorgheni - Fantanele

LEA 400 kV Stalpu - 布拉索夫,包括与 SEN 的互联(新线路)
LEA 400 kV Stalpu - Brasov, inclusiv interconectarea
la SEN (linie nouă)

提高 400 千伏布加勒斯特南-佩利卡努段的运输能力(8 公里)
Marirea capacitatii de transport tronson LEA 400 kV
Bucuresti Sud - Pelicanu ( 8 km )

提高 400 kV Cernavoda - Pelicanu 线路的运输能力(53 公里)
Marirea capacitatii de transport LEA 400 kV
Cernavoda - Pelicanu ( 53 km )

1 Stația Ostrovu Mare 220 kV (staţie nouă )
奥斯特鲁夫马雷 220 千伏变电站(新站)
2 LEA 220 kV Ostrovu Mare - RET (linie nouă)
LEA 220 kV Ostrovu Mare - RET(新线路)

将“Portile de Fier - Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad”轴线转换为 400 kV 电压。第一阶段:扩建 400 kV Portile de Fier 变电站;400 kV Portile de Fier - Resita 线路;400 kV Resita 变电站。
Trecerea la tensiunea de 400 kV a axului Portile de
Fier - Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad. Etapa I:
Extindere statie 400 kV Portile de Fier; LEA 400 kV
Portile de Fier - Resita; statia 400 kV Resita
1,1 LEA 400 kV Portile de Fier - Resita
LEA 400 kV 铁门 - 热希塔
1,2 Statia 400 kV Resita 斯塔蒂亚 400 kV 雷西塔 E

将“Portile de Fier - Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad”轴线转换为 400 kV 电压。第二阶段:400 kV 直流线路 Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz + 400 kV 变电站 Timisoara + 110 kV 变电站 Timisoara。
Trecerea la tensiunea de 400 kV a axului Portile de
Fier - Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad. Etapa II :
LEA 400 kV d.c. Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz + statia
400 kV Timisoara + statia 110 kV Timisoara

重组蒂米什瓦拉 110 kV 变电站,并将铁门-阿尼纳-雷什塔-蒂米什瓦拉-萨卡拉兹-阿拉德轴线转换为 400 kV 电压,第二阶段:蒂米什瓦拉 400 kV 变电站
Retehnologizare staţia 110 kV Timişoara și Trecerea
la tensiunea de 400 kV a axului Porțile de Fier -
Anina - Reșita - Timișoara - Săcălaz - Arad, etapa II:
Stația 400 kV Timișoara
2,2 LEA 400 kV d.c. Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz
LEA 400 kV 直流电 Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz

将“Portile de Fier - Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad”轴线转换为 400 kV 电压。第三阶段:400 kV 直流线路 Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad + 400/110 kV 变电站 Sacalaz + 400 kV 变电站 Arad 扩建。
Trecerea la tensiunea de 400 kV a axului Portile de
Fier - Resita - Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad. Etapa III:
LEA 400 kV d.c. Timisoara - Sacalaz - Arad + statia
400/110 kV Sacalaz + extindere statia 400 Arad
3,1 LEA 400 kV d.c. Timisoara - Arad
LEA 400 kV 直流电 Timisoara - Arad

萨卡拉兹 400 千伏变电站及 110 千伏变电站的技术改造
Statia 400 kV Sacalaz si retehnologizare statia
110 kV Sacalaz

扩建阿拉德 400 kV 变电站和技术改造阿拉德 110 kV 变电站
Extindere statie 400 kV Arad si retehnologizare statia
de 110 kV Arad
4 LEA 400 kV d.c. (1c.e) Gutinas - Smardan
LEA 400 kV 直流 (1c.e) Gutinas - Smardan

扩展 400 kV 切尔纳沃达变电站,第二阶段:新线路连接
Extinderea staţiei 400 kV Cernavodă, et. II:
racordare linii noi

LEA 400 kV 直流电 Cernavoda - Stalpu 连接在 Gura lalomitei 变电站(新线路)
LEA 400 kV d.c. Cernavoda - Stalpu si racord in statia
Gura lalomitei (linie nouă)

扩展 400 kV Gura lalomiţei 变电站,增加两个单元:LEA 400 kV Cernavodă 3 和 LEA 400 kV Stâlpu
Extinderea staţiei 400 kV Gura lalomiţei cu două
celule: LEA 400 kV Cernavodă 3 şi LEA 400 kV Stâlpu

斯塔蒂亚 400 kV 斯塔尔普(新站)+ 110 kV 和中压设备现代化
Statia 400 kV Stalpu (staţie nouă )+ Modernizare
celule 110 kV si medie tensiune
9 LEA 400 kV s.c. Gădălin - Suceava (LEA nouă)
LEA 400 kV s.c. Gădălin - Suceava (新线路)