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The Open Group ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Certification for People: TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Certification Program Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level) 开放组 ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 人员认证:TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 认证项目符合性要求(多级)
Document Number: X2202 文档编号:X2202
Published by The Open Group, April 2022. 由开放集团发布,2022 年 4 月。
Comments relating to the material contained in this document may be submitted to: 与本文件中包含的材料相关的评论可以提交至:
The Open Group, 177 Huntington Avenue, Suite 1703, PMB 54820, Boston, MA 02115-3153, US 开放集团,177 Huntington Avenue,Suite 1703,PMB 54820,波士顿,MA 02115-3153,美国
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This document - The Open Group ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Certification for People: TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Certification Program Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level) - is an integral part of The Open Group Certification for People: TOGAF Certification Program (the Program). Defined terms herein are in addition to definitions in the TOGAF Program Configuration document applicable to this document. 本文件 - The Open Group ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 人员认证:TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 认证项目符合性要求(多级) - 是 The Open Group 人员认证:TOGAF 认证项目(以下简称“该项目”)的一个组成部分。本文件中定义的术语是对适用于本文件的 TOGAF 项目配置文档中定义的术语的补充。
This document defines the Learning Outcome requirements for certification of individuals within the Program, which in turn form the Learning Outcome requirements for Accredited Training Courses. 本文件定义了该项目中个人认证的学习成果要求,这反过来又构成了认证培训课程的学习成果要求。
1.2 Terminology and Definitions 1.2 术语和定义
This table defines terms or clarifies the meaning of words used within this document. Where an acronym is also used, it is provided in parentheses. 此表定义了术语或澄清本文档中使用的词语的含义。若同时使用了缩略语,则在括号中提供。
认证培训课程 (ATC)
Accredited Training Course
Accredited Training Course
(ATC)| Accredited Training Course |
| :--- |
| (ATC) |
A training course, operated by a third party, that has successfully completed the
accreditation process, and which is listed in the register of Accredited Training
Courses on the Certification Authority's website.
A training course, operated by a third party, that has successfully completed the
accreditation process, and which is listed in the register of Accredited Training
Courses on the Certification Authority's website.| A training course, operated by a third party, that has successfully completed the |
| :--- |
| accreditation process, and which is listed in the register of Accredited Training |
| Courses on the Certification Authority's website. |
Body of Knowledge (BoK) 知识体系 (BoK)
The set of information within the subject area of which a Candidate is expected
to have understanding in order to achieve certification within the Program.
The set of information within the subject area of which a Candidate is expected
to have understanding in order to achieve certification within the Program.| The set of information within the subject area of which a Candidate is expected |
| :--- |
| to have understanding in order to achieve certification within the Program. |
Candidate 候选人
A person seeking certification. 寻求认证的人。
Certification Authority 认证机构
The organization that manages the day-to-day operations of the Program. The
Open Group is the Certification Authority for the Program.
The organization that manages the day-to-day operations of the Program. The
Open Group is the Certification Authority for the Program.| The organization that manages the day-to-day operations of the Program. The |
| :--- |
| Open Group is the Certification Authority for the Program. |
Examination Provider 考试提供者
The organization(s) contracted by The Open Group to provide and administer
The organization(s) contracted by The Open Group to provide and administer
examinations.| The organization(s) contracted by The Open Group to provide and administer |
| :--- |
| examinations. |
Key Learning Point (KLP) 关键学习点 (KLP)
一个独立的学习对象,源自知识体系,具有独特的参考,通常学习时间在 2 到 15 分钟之间。
A self-contained learning object, derived from the Body of Knowledge with a
unique reference, typically ranging from 2 to 15 minutes' study time.
A self-contained learning object, derived from the Body of Knowledge with a
unique reference, typically ranging from 2 to 15 minutes' study time.| A self-contained learning object, derived from the Body of Knowledge with a |
| :--- |
| unique reference, typically ranging from 2 to 15 minutes' study time. |
What the Candidate should know, understand, or be able to do on completion of
learning about one or more Key Learning Points. Each Learning Outcome
should have at least one Key Learning Point reference and define the depth of
knowledge required for each Key Learning Point.
What the Candidate should know, understand, or be able to do on completion of
learning about one or more Key Learning Points. Each Learning Outcome
should have at least one Key Learning Point reference and define the depth of
knowledge required for each Key Learning Point.| What the Candidate should know, understand, or be able to do on completion of |
| :--- |
| learning about one or more Key Learning Points. Each Learning Outcome |
| should have at least one Key Learning Point reference and define the depth of |
| knowledge required for each Key Learning Point. |
Learning Unit 学习单元
一组相关的学习成果。预计一个学习单元相当于 30 到 90 分钟的授课或自学学习等效。
A related set of Learning Outcomes. It is expected that a Learning Unit would
equate to between 30 and 90 minutes of taught or self-study learning
A related set of Learning Outcomes. It is expected that a Learning Unit would
equate to between 30 and 90 minutes of taught or self-study learning
equivalence.| A related set of Learning Outcomes. It is expected that a Learning Unit would |
| :--- |
| equate to between 30 and 90 minutes of taught or self-study learning |
| equivalence. |
"Accredited Training Course
(ATC)" "A training course, operated by a third party, that has successfully completed the
accreditation process, and which is listed in the register of Accredited Training
Courses on the Certification Authority's website."
Body of Knowledge (BoK) "The set of information within the subject area of which a Candidate is expected
to have understanding in order to achieve certification within the Program."
Candidate A person seeking certification.
Certification Authority "The organization that manages the day-to-day operations of the Program. The
Open Group is the Certification Authority for the Program."
Examination Provider "The organization(s) contracted by The Open Group to provide and administer
Key Learning Point (KLP) "A self-contained learning object, derived from the Body of Knowledge with a
unique reference, typically ranging from 2 to 15 minutes' study time."
Learning Outcome "What the Candidate should know, understand, or be able to do on completion of
learning about one or more Key Learning Points. Each Learning Outcome
should have at least one Key Learning Point reference and define the depth of
knowledge required for each Key Learning Point."
Learning Unit "A related set of Learning Outcomes. It is expected that a Learning Unit would
equate to between 30 and 90 minutes of taught or self-study learning
equivalence."| Accredited Training Course <br> (ATC) | A training course, operated by a third party, that has successfully completed the <br> accreditation process, and which is listed in the register of Accredited Training <br> Courses on the Certification Authority's website. |
| :--- | :--- |
| Body of Knowledge (BoK) | The set of information within the subject area of which a Candidate is expected <br> to have understanding in order to achieve certification within the Program. |
| Candidate | A person seeking certification. |
| Certification Authority | The organization that manages the day-to-day operations of the Program. The <br> Open Group is the Certification Authority for the Program. |
| Examination Provider | The organization(s) contracted by The Open Group to provide and administer <br> examinations. |
| Key Learning Point (KLP) | A self-contained learning object, derived from the Body of Knowledge with a <br> unique reference, typically ranging from 2 to 15 minutes' study time. |
| Learning Outcome | What the Candidate should know, understand, or be able to do on completion of <br> learning about one or more Key Learning Points. Each Learning Outcome <br> should have at least one Key Learning Point reference and define the depth of <br> knowledge required for each Key Learning Point. |
| Learning Unit | A related set of Learning Outcomes. It is expected that a Learning Unit would <br> equate to between 30 and 90 minutes of taught or self-study learning <br> equivalence. |
2. Conformance Terminology 2. 符合性术语
The Conformance Requirements by certification level are specified as sets of Learning Units. To achieve certification for a given level, Candidates must complete the applicable Learning Units and successfully pass the corresponding Indicator of Compliance (see Section 5). 认证级别的符合性要求被指定为学习单元的集合。要获得特定级别的认证,候选人必须完成适用的学习单元并成功通过相应的合规性指标(见第 5 节)。
The definition of the Learning Units does not dictate the structure, order, or time duration that topics should be taught in an Accredited Training Course. Training organizations are free to structure their courses as they see fit, so long as Candidates have the mandatory Learning Outcomes at the end of a course for the target certification level. 学习单元的定义并不规定在认证培训课程中教授主题的结构、顺序或时间长度。培训机构可以根据自己的需要自由安排课程,只要候选人在课程结束时达到目标认证级别的强制性学习成果。
2.1 Learning Unit Format 2.1 学习单元格式
Each Learning Unit is defined in a table organized as follows: 每个学习单元在一个表格中定义,组织如下:
(A) (A)
Number| UNIT |
| :--- |
| Number |
单元名称 - 学习单元的描述性名称
Unit Name - A descriptive name for the
Learning Unit
Unit Name - A descriptive name for the
Learning Unit| Unit Name - A descriptive name for the |
| :--- |
| Learning Unit |
Number" "Unit Name - A descriptive name for the
Learning Unit" "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose dots The Candidate ...
Outcome" 1.1
1.2 (C) (D)
1.3 | UNIT <br> Number | Unit Name - A descriptive name for the <br> Learning Unit | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :---: |
| Purpose | $\ldots$ | The Candidate ... | | |
| Learning <br> Outcome | 1.1 | | | |
| | 1.2 | | (C) | (D) |
| | 1.3 | | | |
Notes 笔记
(A) Purpose: The purpose of the Learning Unit. What a Candidate will have learned by completing the Unit. Most of the time this corresponds with a chapter or major section of the Body of Knowledge. (A) 目的:学习单元的目的。候选人通过完成该单元将学到的内容。大多数情况下,这与知识体系的一个章节或主要部分相对应。
(B) One or more detailed Learning Outcome statements together with an associated Bloom’s Taxonomy level and KLP Reference. A specific term is used to define the depth of learning, from low to high as follows: (B) 一个或多个详细的学习成果陈述,以及相关的布鲁姆分类法水平和 KLP 参考。使用特定术语来定义学习的深度,从低到高如下:
Identify - name one or more items 识别 - 命名一个或多个项目
List - name multiple items 列表 - 多个项目的名称
Define - provide a definition of a term 定义 - 提供一个术语的定义
Demonstrate - describe and explain a concept or term 演示 - 描述和解释一个概念或术语
Describe/State - provide a description of or statement for a concept or item; give a factual statement 描述/陈述 - 提供一个概念或项目的描述或陈述;给出一个事实陈述
Explain - provide a description with a rationale 解释 - 提供带有理由的描述
Discuss - the ability to write logically about a topic 讨论 - 能够对一个主题进行逻辑性写作
To achieve certification at Level 1, Candidates must complete all Learning Units defined in this section and successfully pass the corresponding Indicator of Compliance for Level 1 certification (see Section 5). 要获得一级认证,候选人必须完成本节中定义的所有学习单元,并成功通过一级认证的相应合规指标(见第 5 节)。
3.1 Level 1 Syllabus 3.1 级别 1 课程大纲
3.1.1 Unit 1 - Concepts 3.1.1 单元 1 - 概念
UNIT 1 单元 1
Concepts 概念
Bloom's Taxonomy Level 布鲁姆的分类法级别
KLP Reference KLP 参考
Purpose 目的
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the concepts of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF Standard. 本学习单元的目的是介绍企业架构和 TOGAF 标准的概念。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Describe what an enterprise is. 描述什么是企业。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
{S0} §1.1
Explain the purpose of Enterprise Architecture. 解释企业架构的目的。
List the four architecture domains that are commonly accepted as subsets of an overall Enterprise Architecture and which the TOGAF Standard supports. 列出四个通常被接受为整体企业架构子集的架构领域,以及 TOGAF 标准所支持的领域。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
{S0} §3.3
Briefly describe how architecture abstraction can be used in Enterprise Architecture. 简要描述架构抽象如何在企业架构中使用。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
{S0} §3.7
Briefly describe the Enterprise Continuum. 简要描述企业连续体。
UNIT 1 Concepts Bloom's Taxonomy Level KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the concepts of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF Standard.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
1.1 Describe what an enterprise is. 1_Remembering {S0} §1.1
1.2 Explain the purpose of Enterprise Architecture. 2_Understanding "∣ {S0} §1.1
G186 §3.1
G20F §1.2 "
1.3 List the key benefits of having an Enterprise Architecture. 1_Remembering ["{S0}
G184 §3.1"]
1.4 Explain why the TOGAF Standard is suitable for use as a framework for Enterprise Architecture. 2_Understanding "{S0} §1.1
G20F §1.2"
1.5 List the four architecture domains that are commonly accepted as subsets of an overall Enterprise Architecture and which the TOGAF Standard supports. 1_Remembering {S0} §3.3
1.6 Briefly describe how architecture abstraction can be used in Enterprise Architecture. 1_Remembering {S0} §3.7
1.7 Briefly describe the Enterprise Continuum. 1_Remembering "{S0} §3.10
{S4} §6.2"
1.8 Briefly explain the Architecture Repository. 2_Understanding {S0}§3.11 G186 §5.1
1.9 Briefly explain the TOGAF Content Framework and Enterprise Metamodel. 2_Understanding "{S0} §3.12
G184 §8.3"
1.10 Briefly explain what an Architecture Capability is. 2_Understanding ["{S0} §3.13,3.14
G184 §3.3, 5.1"| UNIT 1 | Concepts | | Bloom's Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the concepts of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF Standard. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 1.1 | Describe what an enterprise is. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §1.1 |
| | 1.2 | Explain the purpose of Enterprise Architecture. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \mid \text { \{S0\} } \S 1.1 \\ & \text { G186 §3.1 } \\ & \text { G20F §1.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 1.3 | List the key benefits of having an Enterprise Architecture. | 1_Remembering | $\begin{array}{\|l\|} \hline\{\mathrm{S} 0\} \\ \text { G184 } \S 3.1 \end{array}$ |
| | 1.4 | Explain why the TOGAF Standard is suitable for use as a framework for Enterprise Architecture. | 2_Understanding | {S0} §1.1 <br> G20F §1.2 |
| | 1.5 | List the four architecture domains that are commonly accepted as subsets of an overall Enterprise Architecture and which the TOGAF Standard supports. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §3.3 |
| | 1.6 | Briefly describe how architecture abstraction can be used in Enterprise Architecture. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §3.7 |
| | 1.7 | Briefly describe the Enterprise Continuum. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §3.10 <br> {S4} §6.2 |
| | 1.8 | Briefly explain the Architecture Repository. | 2_Understanding | $\{\mathrm{S} 0\} \S 3.11$ G186 §5.1 |
| | 1.9 | Briefly explain the TOGAF Content Framework and Enterprise Metamodel. | 2_Understanding | {S0} §3.12 <br> G184 §8.3 |
| | 1.10 | Briefly explain what an Architecture Capability is. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{array}{\|l\|l} \{S 0\} & \S 3.13,3.14 \\ \text { G184 §3.3, } 5.1 \end{array}$ |
Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit.
Define the following concepts:
Application Architecture
Architecture Landscape
Architecture Model
Business Architecture
Business Model
Capability Architecture
Data Architecture
Segment Architecture
Strategic Architecture
Technology Architecture
Transition Architecture
Work Package
Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit.| Define the following concepts: |
| :--- |
| Application Architecture |
| Architecture Landscape |
| Architecture Model |
| Artifact |
| Business Architecture |
| Business Model |
| Capability |
| Capability Architecture |
| Data Architecture |
| Deliverable |
| Gap |
| Metamodel |
| Modeling |
| Requirement |
| Role |
| Segment Architecture |
| Stakeholder |
| Strategic Architecture |
| Technology Architecture |
| Transition Architecture |
| Work Package |
| Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit. |
UNIT 2 Definitions - Level 1 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand relevant terminology.
Outcomes" The Candidate is able to ...
"Define the following concepts:
Application Architecture
Architecture Landscape
Architecture Model
Business Architecture
Business Model
Capability Architecture
Data Architecture
Segment Architecture
Strategic Architecture
Technology Architecture
Transition Architecture
Work Package
Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit." 1_Remembering {S0} §4.3 {S0} §4.15 {S0} §4.17 {S0} §4.23 {S0} §4.27 {S0} §4.31 {S0} §4.33 {S0} §4.34 {S0} §4.39 {S0} §4.40 {S0} §4.47 {S0} §4.54 {S0} §4.56 {S0} §4.64 {S0} §4.66 {S0} §4.67 {S0} §4.75 {S0} §4.77 {S0} §4.80 {S0} §4.83 {S0} §4.88| UNIT 2 | Definitions - Level 1 | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand relevant terminology. | | |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | Define the following concepts: <br> Application Architecture <br> Architecture Landscape <br> Architecture Model <br> Artifact <br> Business Architecture <br> Business Model <br> Capability <br> Capability Architecture <br> Data Architecture <br> Deliverable <br> Gap <br> Metamodel <br> Modeling <br> Requirement <br> Role <br> Segment Architecture <br> Stakeholder <br> Strategic Architecture <br> Technology Architecture <br> Transition Architecture <br> Work Package <br> Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §4.3 {S0} §4.15 {S0} §4.17 {S0} §4.23 {S0} §4.27 {S0} §4.31 {S0} §4.33 {S0} §4.34 {S0} §4.39 {S0} §4.40 {S0} §4.47 {S0} §4.54 {S0} §4.56 {S0} §4.64 {S0} §4.66 {S0} §4.67 {S0} §4.75 {S0} §4.77 {S0} §4.80 {S0} §4.83 {S0} §4.88 |
3.1.3 Unit 3 - Introduction to the ADM 3.1.3 单元 3 - ADM 介绍
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand the Architecture Development Method (ADM) and briefly explain the purpose and objectives of each phase, including at a high level how to adapt and scope the ADM for use. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解架构开发方法(ADM),并简要说明每个阶段的目的和目标,包括如何在高层次上调整和界定 ADM 的使用。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Briefly describe the ADM and its phases. 简要描述 ADM 及其阶段。
UNIT 3 Introduction to the ADM - Level 1 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand the Architecture Development Method (ADM) and briefly explain the purpose and objectives of each phase, including at a high level how to adapt and scope the ADM for use.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
3.1 Briefly describe the ADM and its phases. 1_Remembering "{S0)3.4
{S1} §1.2.2 "
3.2 Describe the difference between "draft" and "approved" deliverables. 1_Remembering {S1} §1.2.2
3.3 Explain the iterative approach of the ADM. ^(1) 2_Understanding ["∣{ S1} §1.2.1
G186 §5.2, 5.2.3 "
3.4 Explain the need to govern the creation, development, and maintenance of Enterprise Architecture. 2_Understanding [" S 1}§1.4
G186 §15.1.1,
15.1.2, 15.2.1 "
3.5 Briefly explain how to scope an architecture. 1_Remembering {S1} §1.5
3.6 Briefly explain the reasons for considering architecture alternatives, including understanding concerns and trade-off. 2_Understanding {S1} §1.6, 1.6.1
3.7 Briefly explain the purpose of the Preliminary Phase in developing an Enterprise Architecture Capability. 1_Remembering G184 §13.1
3.8 Describe the objectives of the Preliminary Phase. 1_Remembering {S1} §2.1
3.9 Briefly explain the purpose of Phase A. 2_Understanding " G186 §5.2.1,
5.2.2 Table 4"
3.10 Describe the objectives of Phase A. 1_Remembering {S1} §3.1
3.11 Briefly explain the purpose of Phases B, C, and D. 2_Understanding [" G186 §5.2.2
Table 4"
3.12 Describe the objectives of Phase B. 1_Remembering {S1} §4.1
3.13 Describe the objectives of Phase C for Data Architecture and Application Architecture. 1_Remembering "{ SS1} §5.1, 6.1,
3.14 Describe the objectives of Phase D. 2_Understanding {S1} §8.1| UNIT 3 | Introduction to the ADM - Level 1 | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand the Architecture Development Method (ADM) and briefly explain the purpose and objectives of each phase, including at a high level how to adapt and scope the ADM for use. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 3.1 | Briefly describe the ADM and its phases. | 1_Remembering | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 0) 3.4 \\ & \{\mathrm{~S} 1\} \text { §1.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.2 | Describe the difference between "draft" and "approved" deliverables. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §1.2.2 |
| | 3.3 | Explain the iterative approach of the ADM. ${ }^{1}$ | 2_Understanding | $\begin{array}{\|l} \mid\{\text { S1\} §1.2.1 } \\ \text { G186 §5.2, 5.2.3 } \end{array}$ |
| | 3.4 | Explain the need to govern the creation, development, and maintenance of Enterprise Architecture. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{array}{\|l} \hline \text { S } 1\} ~ § 1.4 \\ \text { G186 §15.1.1, } \\ \text { 15.1.2, 15.2.1 } \end{array}$ |
| | 3.5 | Briefly explain how to scope an architecture. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §1.5 |
| | 3.6 | Briefly explain the reasons for considering architecture alternatives, including understanding concerns and trade-off. | 2_Understanding | {S1} §1.6, 1.6.1 |
| | 3.7 | Briefly explain the purpose of the Preliminary Phase in developing an Enterprise Architecture Capability. | 1_Remembering | G184 §13.1 |
| | 3.8 | Describe the objectives of the Preliminary Phase. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §2.1 |
| | 3.9 | Briefly explain the purpose of Phase A. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \hline \text { G186 §5.2.1, } \\ & \text { 5.2.2 Table } 4 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.10 | Describe the objectives of Phase A. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §3.1 |
| | 3.11 | Briefly explain the purpose of Phases B, C, and D. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{array}{\|l} \hline \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \\ \text { Table } 4 \end{array}$ |
| | 3.12 | Describe the objectives of Phase B. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §4.1 |
| | 3.13 | Describe the objectives of Phase C for Data Architecture and Application Architecture. | 1_Remembering | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { SS1\} §5.1, 6.1, } \\ & 7.1 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.14 | Describe the objectives of Phase D. | 2_Understanding | {S1} §8.1 |
Describe the objectives of the Requirements Management process. 描述需求管理过程的目标。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
{S1} §13.1
Describe the purpose of Requirements Management. 描述需求管理的目的。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G186 §6.1.1
Explain the information flow between the ADM phases. ^(2){ }^{2} 解释 ADM 阶段之间的信息流。 ^(2){ }^{2}
2_Understanding 2_理解
G186 §5.2
Explain how developing architecture for different purposes, or levels of detail, can be applied to support Agile software development. 解释如何为不同目的或细节层次开发架构,以支持敏捷软件开发。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G186 §12.1
UNIT 3 Introduction to the ADM - Level 1 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
3.15 Briefly explain the purpose of Phase E. 1_Remembering [" G186 §5.2.2
Table 4"
3.16 Describe the objectives of Phase E. 2_Understanding {S1} §9.1
3.17 Briefly explain the purpose of Phase F. 2_Understanding "G186 §5.2.2
Table 4"
3.18 Describe the objectives of Phase F. 1_Remembering {S1} §10.1
3.19 Briefly explain the purpose of Phase G. 2_Understanding " G186 §5.2.2
Table 4"
3.20 Describe the objectives of Phase G. 1_Remembering {S1} §11.1
3.21 Briefly explain the purpose of Phase H. 2_Understanding " G186 §5.2.2
Table 4"
3.22 Describe the objectives of Phase H. 1_Remembering {S1} §12.1
3.23 Describe the objectives of the Requirements Management process. 1_Remembering {S1} §13.1
3.24 Describe the purpose of Requirements Management. 1_Remembering G186 §6.1.1
3.25 Explain the information flow between the ADM phases. ^(2) 2_Understanding G186 §5.2
3.26 Explain how developing architecture for different purposes, or levels of detail, can be applied to support Agile software development. 2_Understanding G186 §12.1| UNIT 3 | Introduction to the ADM - Level 1 | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| | 3.15 | Briefly explain the purpose of Phase E. | 1_Remembering | $\begin{array}{\|l} \hline \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \\ \text { Table } 4 \end{array}$ |
| | 3.16 | Describe the objectives of Phase E. | 2_Understanding | {S1} §9.1 |
| | 3.17 | Briefly explain the purpose of Phase F. | 2_Understanding | G186 §5.2.2 <br> Table 4 |
| | 3.18 | Describe the objectives of Phase F. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §10.1 |
| | 3.19 | Briefly explain the purpose of Phase G. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \\ & \text { Table } 4 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.20 | Describe the objectives of Phase G. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §11.1 |
| | 3.21 | Briefly explain the purpose of Phase H. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \\ & \text { Table } 4 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.22 | Describe the objectives of Phase H. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §12.1 |
| | 3.23 | Describe the objectives of the Requirements Management process. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §13.1 |
| | 3.24 | Describe the purpose of Requirements Management. | 1_Remembering | G186 §6.1.1 |
| | 3.25 | Explain the information flow between the ADM phases. ${ }^{2}$ | 2_Understanding | G186 §5.2 |
| | 3.26 | Explain how developing architecture for different purposes, or levels of detail, can be applied to support Agile software development. | 2_Understanding | G186 §12.1 |
3.1.4 Unit 4 - Introduction to ADM Techniques 3.1.4 单元 4 - ADM 技术简介
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the
Candidate to ADM techniques available to support
application of the ADM.
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the
Candidate to ADM techniques available to support
application of the ADM.| The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the |
| :--- |
| Candidate to ADM techniques available to support |
| application of the ADM. |
Briefly describe how the ADM and
Supporting Guidelines and Techniques relate
to each other.| Briefly describe how the ADM and |
| :--- |
| Supporting Guidelines and Techniques relate |
| to each other. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G184 §4.3.3
Explain the purpose of Architecture
Explain the purpose of Architecture
Principles.| Explain the purpose of Architecture |
| :--- |
| Principles. |
UNIT 4 Introduction to ADM Techniques - Level 1 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose "The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the
Candidate to ADM techniques available to support
application of the ADM." The Candidate is able to ... 1_Remembering {S1} §1.1.3
Outcomes" 4.1 "Briefly describe how the ADM and
Supporting Guidelines and Techniques relate
to each other." 2_Understanding G184 §4.3.3
4.2 "Explain the purpose of Architecture
Principles." | UNIT 4 | Introduction to ADM Techniques - Level 1 | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference | |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the <br> Candidate to ADM techniques available to support <br> application of the ADM. | The Candidate is able to ... | 1_Remembering | $\{\mathrm{S} 1\}$ §1.1.3 |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | 4.1 | Briefly describe how the ADM and <br> Supporting Guidelines and Techniques relate <br> to each other. | 2_Understanding | G184 §4.3.3 |
| | 4.2 | Explain the purpose of Architecture <br> Principles. | | |
Explain the recommended template for Architecture Principles. 解释架构原则的推荐模板。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S2} §2.3
Explain what makes a good Architecture Principle. 解释什么是好的架构原则。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S2} §2.4, 2.4.1
Briefly explain business scenarios. 简要说明业务场景。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G176 §1
Explain the purpose of gap analysis. 解释差距分析的目的。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S2} §5.1
Briefly explain interoperability and how it is used. 简要解释互操作性及其使用方式。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S0} §3.9
Explain Business Transformation Readiness Assessment and where it can be used in the ADM. 解释业务转型准备评估及其在 ADM 中的应用。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S2} §8.1
Briefly explain the characteristics of architecture risk management and where it is used within the TOGAF ADM. 简要说明架构风险管理的特点以及它在 TOGAF ADM 中的应用。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S2} §9.1
UNIT 4 Introduction to ADM Techniques - Level 1 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
4.3 Explain the recommended template for Architecture Principles. 2_Understanding {S2} §2.3
4.4 Explain what makes a good Architecture Principle. 2_Understanding {S2} §2.4, 2.4.1
4.5 Briefly explain business scenarios. 2_Understanding G176 §1
4.6 Explain the purpose of gap analysis. 2_Understanding {S2} §5.1
4.7 Briefly explain interoperability and how it is used. 2_Understanding {S0} §3.9
4.8 Explain Business Transformation Readiness Assessment and where it can be used in the ADM. 2_Understanding {S2} §8.1
4.9 Briefly explain the characteristics of architecture risk management and where it is used within the TOGAF ADM. 2_Understanding {S2} §9.1| UNIT 4 | Introduction to ADM Techniques - Level 1 | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| | 4.3 | Explain the recommended template for Architecture Principles. | 2_Understanding | {S2} §2.3 |
| | 4.4 | Explain what makes a good Architecture Principle. | 2_Understanding | {S2} §2.4, 2.4.1 |
| | 4.5 | Briefly explain business scenarios. | 2_Understanding | G176 §1 |
| | 4.6 | Explain the purpose of gap analysis. | 2_Understanding | {S2} §5.1 |
| | 4.7 | Briefly explain interoperability and how it is used. | 2_Understanding | {S0} §3.9 |
| | 4.8 | Explain Business Transformation Readiness Assessment and where it can be used in the ADM. | 2_Understanding | {S2} §8.1 |
| | 4.9 | Briefly explain the characteristics of architecture risk management and where it is used within the TOGAF ADM. | 2_Understanding | {S2} §9.1 |
3.1.5 Unit 5 - Introduction to Applying the ADM 3.1.5 单元 5 - 应用 ADM 的介绍
UNIT 5 单元 5
Introduction to Applying the ADM - Level 1 应用 ADM 的介绍 - 级别 1
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the Candidate to the guidance available to support application of the ADM, including use of iteration, partitioning, Agile delivery, and application in a Digital enterprise. 本学习单元的目的是向候选人介绍可用于支持 ADM 应用的指导,包括迭代、分区、敏捷交付的使用以及在数字企业中的应用。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Describe where guidance on how to apply the TOGAF Standard is provided. 描述在哪里提供有关如何应用 TOGAF 标准的指导。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
{S0} §2.2
Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases. 解释 ADM 中的迭代如何使多个 ADM 阶段的并发操作成为可能。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S3} §2.1
List the three levels of the Architecture Landscape. 列出架构领域的三个层次。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S3} §3.2
Briefly explain how partitioning helps simplify the development of an Enterprise Architecture. 简要说明分区如何帮助简化企业架构的开发。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S3} §4.1
List the four purposes that help to frame the planning horizon and breadth and depth of the Architecture Project. 列出四个有助于框定架构项目规划范围和深度的目的。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G186 §3.2.2
Briefly explain how the TOGAF Standard can be applied to support the Digital enterprise. 简要说明 TOGAF 标准如何应用于支持数字企业。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G217 §2.1
UNIT 5 Introduction to Applying the ADM - Level 1 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the Candidate to the guidance available to support application of the ADM, including use of iteration, partitioning, Agile delivery, and application in a Digital enterprise.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
5.1 Describe where guidance on how to apply the TOGAF Standard is provided. 1_Remembering {S0} §2.2
5.2 Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases. 2_Understanding {S3} §2.1
5.3 List the three levels of the Architecture Landscape. 2_Understanding {S3} §3.2
5.4 Briefly explain how partitioning helps simplify the development of an Enterprise Architecture. 2_Understanding {S3} §4.1
5.5 List the four purposes that help to frame the planning horizon and breadth and depth of the Architecture Project. 2_Understanding G186 §3.2.2
5.6 Briefly explain how the TOGAF Standard can be applied to support the Digital enterprise. 2_Understanding G217 §2.1| UNIT 5 | Introduction to Applying the ADM - Level 1 | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the Candidate to the guidance available to support application of the ADM, including use of iteration, partitioning, Agile delivery, and application in a Digital enterprise. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 5.1 | Describe where guidance on how to apply the TOGAF Standard is provided. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §2.2 |
| | 5.2 | Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases. | 2_Understanding | {S3} §2.1 |
| | 5.3 | List the three levels of the Architecture Landscape. | 2_Understanding | {S3} §3.2 |
| | 5.4 | Briefly explain how partitioning helps simplify the development of an Enterprise Architecture. | 2_Understanding | {S3} §4.1 |
| | 5.5 | List the four purposes that help to frame the planning horizon and breadth and depth of the Architecture Project. | 2_Understanding | G186 §3.2.2 |
| | 5.6 | Briefly explain how the TOGAF Standard can be applied to support the Digital enterprise. | 2_Understanding | G217 §2.1 |
3.1.6 Unit 6 - Introduction to Architecture Governance 3.1.6 单元 6 - 架构治理简介
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how Architecture Governance contributes to the architecture development. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解架构治理如何促进架构开发。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Briefly explain the concept of Architecture Governance. 简要解释架构治理的概念。
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand which outputs can be produced while executing the ADM. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解在执行 ADM 时可以产生哪些输出。
Define and explain the following key concepts: stakeholders, concerns, architecture views, architecture viewpoints, and their relationships. 定义并解释以下关键概念:利益相关者、关注点、架构视图、架构视角及其关系。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S4} §3.1
Explain what building blocks are and their use in the ADM. 构建块是什么以及它们在 ADM 中的用途。
UNIT 7 Architecture Content "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand which outputs can be produced while executing the ADM.
Outcomes" The Candidate is able to ...
7.1 Define and explain the following key concepts: stakeholders, concerns, architecture views, architecture viewpoints, and their relationships. 2_Understanding {S4} §3.1
7.2 Explain what building blocks are and their use in the ADM. 2_Understanding "{S4}§5.2.2,
7.3 "Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases:
Architecture Contract
Architecture Definition Document
Architecture Principles
Architecture Requirements Specification
Architecture Roadmap" 1_Remembering "{S4}
{S4}§4.2.7"| UNIT 7 | Architecture Content | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand which outputs can be produced while executing the ADM. | | | |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 7.1 | Define and explain the following key concepts: stakeholders, concerns, architecture views, architecture viewpoints, and their relationships. | 2_Understanding | {S4} §3.1 |
| | 7.2 | Explain what building blocks are and their use in the ADM. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{S 4\} \S 5.2 .2, \\ & 5.3 .2 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 7.3 | Briefly describe the TOGAF Standard deliverables created and consumed in different TOGAF ADM phases: <br> Architecture Contract <br> Architecture Definition Document <br> Architecture Principles <br> Architecture Requirements Specification <br> Architecture Roadmap | 1_Remembering | $\begin{aligned} & \{S 4\} \\ & \{S 4\} \S 4.2 .2 \\ & \{S 4\} \S 4.2 .3 \\ & \{S 4\} \S 4.2 .4 \\ & \{S 4\} \S 4.2 .6 \\ & \{S 4\} \S 4.2 .7 \end{aligned}$ |
3.1.8 Unit 8 - TOGAF Certification Program 3.1.8 单元 8 - TOGAF 认证程序
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand the TOGAF Certification Program.
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand the TOGAF Certification Program.| The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate |
| :--- |
| understand the TOGAF Certification Program. |
Explain the TOGAF Certification Program,
and distinguish between the levels for
certification.| Explain the TOGAF Certification Program, |
| :--- |
| and distinguish between the levels for |
| certification. |
UNIT 8 TOGAF Certification Program "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose "The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand the TOGAF Certification Program."
Outcomes" The Candidate is able to ... None
8.1 "Explain the TOGAF Certification Program,
and distinguish between the levels for
certification." | UNIT 8 | TOGAF Certification Program | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate <br> understand the TOGAF Certification Program. | | |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | The Candidate is able to ... | None | |
| | 8.1 | Explain the TOGAF Certification Program, <br> and distinguish between the levels for <br> certification. | |
3.2 Level 2 Syllabus 3.2 二级课程大纲
To achieve certification at Level 2, Candidates must complete all Learning Units defined in Section 3.1, as well as this section, and successfully pass the corresponding Indicator of Compliance for Level 2 certification (see Section 5). 要获得 2 级认证,候选人必须完成第 3.1 节中定义的所有学习单元,以及本节,并成功通过 2 级认证的相应合规指标(见第 5 节)。
3.2.1 Unit 1 - The Context for Enterprise Architecture 3.2.1 单元 1 - 企业架构的背景
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Enterprise
Architecture practitioner understand the context within
which they must operate.
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Enterprise
Architecture practitioner understand the context within
which they must operate.| The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Enterprise |
| :--- |
| Architecture practitioner understand the context within |
| which they must operate. |
Explain why guiding effective change is the
purpose of Enterprise Architecture.| Explain why guiding effective change is the |
| :--- |
| purpose of Enterprise Architecture. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G186 §3.1
UNIT 1 The Context for Enterprise Architecture "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose "The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Enterprise
Architecture practitioner understand the context within
which they must operate."
Outcomes" 1.1 The Candidate is able to ... "Explain why guiding effective change is the
purpose of Enterprise Architecture."
2_Understanding G186 §3.1 | UNIT 1 | The Context for Enterprise Architecture | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Enterprise <br> Architecture practitioner understand the context within <br> which they must operate. | | |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | 1.1 | The Candidate is able to ... | Explain why guiding effective change is the <br> purpose of Enterprise Architecture. |
| 2_Understanding | G186 §3.1 | | |
Explain what an Enterprise Architecture looks like. 解释企业架构的样子。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G186 §3.2.3
Explain what an Architecture Capability is. 架构能力是指组织在设计、构建和维护其架构方面所具备的技能、知识和资源。它包括对架构原则、标准和最佳实践的理解,以及在项目中有效应用这些原则的能力。架构能力的提升有助于确保系统的可扩展性、灵活性和可维护性,从而支持组织的业务目标。
Explain how security is a cross-cutting concern. 安全是一个横向关注点。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G152 §4
Explain why it is important to create an environment in which uncertainty of the success of change can be managed to optimize maximum business benefit and minimum business loss. 解释为什么创建一个可以管理变革成功的不确定性的环境对于优化最大商业利益和最小商业损失是重要的。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G152 §3.1.1
Briefly explain the role of the Enterprise Architect and Enterprise Architecture in a Digital enterprise for the four contexts of the DPBoK ^(TM){ }^{\mathrm{TM}} Standard. 简要说明企业架构师和企业架构在数字企业中在 DPBoK ^(TM){ }^{\mathrm{TM}} 标准的四个上下文中的角色。
UNIT 1 The Context for Enterprise Architecture "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
1.2 Explain what an Enterprise Architecture looks like. 2_Understanding G186 §3.2.3
1.3 Explain what an Architecture Capability is. 2_Understanding " {S0} §3.13
G184 §3.3 "
1.4 Explain the role of Architecture Governance and the role of an Enterprise Architect. 2_Understanding G186 §15.1
1.5 Explain Architecture Compliance, levels of conformance, reviews, and the role of the architect. ^(3) 2_Understanding "{ S5} §6.1, 6.2,
G186 §15.2.1,
1.6 Explain how an architecture enables alignment to organizational objectives using Agile development as an example. 2_Understanding G186 §12.1, 11.4
1.7 Explain the need to manage multiple architecture states (e.g., candidate, current, transition, target). 2_Understanding G186 §5.4, 13
1.8 Briefly explain Enterprise Security Architecture. 2_Understanding G152 §1
1.9 Explain how security is a cross-cutting concern. 2_Understanding G152 §4
1.10 Explain why it is important to create an environment in which uncertainty of the success of change can be managed to optimize maximum business benefit and minimum business loss. 2_Understanding G152 §3.1.1
1.11 Briefly explain the role of the Enterprise Architect and Enterprise Architecture in a Digital enterprise for the four contexts of the DPBoK ^(TM) Standard. 2_Understanding " G217 §4.2.1,
4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4 "| UNIT 1 | The Context for Enterprise Architecture | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| | 1.2 | Explain what an Enterprise Architecture looks like. | 2_Understanding | G186 §3.2.3 |
| | 1.3 | Explain what an Architecture Capability is. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \text { \{S0\} §3.13 } \\ & \text { G184 §3.3 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 1.4 | Explain the role of Architecture Governance and the role of an Enterprise Architect. | 2_Understanding | G186 §15.1 |
| | 1.5 | Explain Architecture Compliance, levels of conformance, reviews, and the role of the architect. ${ }^{3}$ | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S5\} §6.1, 6.2, } \\ & 6.3 \\ & \text { G186 §15.2.1, } \\ & 15.2 .2 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 1.6 | Explain how an architecture enables alignment to organizational objectives using Agile development as an example. | 2_Understanding | G186 §12.1, 11.4 |
| | 1.7 | Explain the need to manage multiple architecture states (e.g., candidate, current, transition, target). | 2_Understanding | G186 §5.4, 13 |
| | 1.8 | Briefly explain Enterprise Security Architecture. | 2_Understanding | G152 §1 |
| | 1.9 | Explain how security is a cross-cutting concern. | 2_Understanding | G152 §4 |
| | 1.10 | Explain why it is important to create an environment in which uncertainty of the success of change can be managed to optimize maximum business benefit and minimum business loss. | 2_Understanding | G152 §3.1.1 |
| | 1.11 | Briefly explain the role of the Enterprise Architect and Enterprise Architecture in a Digital enterprise for the four contexts of the DPBoK ${ }^{\mathrm{TM}}$ Standard. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \text { G217 §4.2.1, } \\ & \text { 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4 } \end{aligned}$ |
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand how to apply Stakeholder Management.
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand how to apply Stakeholder Management.| The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate |
| :--- |
| understand how to apply Stakeholder Management. |
Learning 学习
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
UNIT 2 Stakeholder Management — Level 2 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose "The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand how to apply Stakeholder Management."
Learning The Candidate is able to ... | UNIT 2 | Stakeholder Management — Level 2 | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate <br> understand how to apply Stakeholder Management. | | |
| Learning | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
Explain how to identify stakeholders, their
concerns, views, and the communication
involved.| Explain how to identify stakeholders, their |
| :--- |
| concerns, views, and the communication |
| involved. |
3_Applying 3_应用
G186 §3.3.1, B
Explain the use of architecture views. 解释架构视图的使用。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{\{ S4} §3.2
Explain how to manage stakeholders'
engagement and requirements.
Explain how to manage stakeholders'
engagement and requirements.| Explain how to manage stakeholders' |
| :--- |
| engagement and requirements. |
3_Applying 3_应用
G186 §6.1.1
Explain how to use trade-off to support the
architecture development.
Explain how to use trade-off to support the
architecture development.| Explain how to use trade-off to support the |
| :--- |
| architecture development. |
UNIT 2 Stakeholder Management — Level 2 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
2.1 "Explain how to identify stakeholders, their
concerns, views, and the communication
involved." 3_Applying G186 §3.3.1, B
2.2 Explain the use of architecture views. 2_Understanding { S4} §3.2
2.3 "Explain how to manage stakeholders'
engagement and requirements." 3_Applying G186 §6.1.1
2.4 "Explain how to use trade-off to support the
architecture development." 3_Applying "{S2}§10.2
G186 §6.1.2, 6.2"| UNIT 2 | Stakeholder Management — Level 2 | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | 2.1 | Explain how to identify stakeholders, their <br> concerns, views, and the communication <br> involved. | 3_Applying | G186 §3.3.1, B |
| | 2.2 | Explain the use of architecture views. | 2_Understanding | $\{$ S4} §3.2 |
| | 2.3 | Explain how to manage stakeholders' <br> engagement and requirements. | 3_Applying | G186 §6.1.1 |
| | 2.4 | Explain how to use trade-off to support the <br> architecture development. | 3_Applying | $\{S 2\} ~ § 10.2$ <br> G186 §6.1.2, 6.2 |
3.2.3 Unit 3 - Phase A, the Starting Point 3.2.3 单元 3 - A 阶段,起点
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to execute the Architecture Vision phase and applicable techniques. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解如何执行架构愿景阶段及相关技术。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Explain how to identify the information necessary to execute the Architecture Vision phase and how iteration cycles will provide more information to take into account in order to execute the phase. 解释如何识别执行架构愿景阶段所需的信息,以及迭代周期将如何提供更多信息以便在执行该阶段时考虑。
Explain how to apply the phase and how it contributes to the architecture development work:
- Scope of the Architecture Project
- Stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements
- Business goals, business drivers, and constraints
Explain how to apply the phase and how it contributes to the architecture development work:
- Scope of the Architecture Project
- Stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements
- Business goals, business drivers, and constraints| Explain how to apply the phase and how it contributes to the architecture development work: |
| :--- |
| - Scope of the Architecture Project |
| - Stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements |
| - Business goals, business drivers, and constraints |
Describe a security-specific architecture design to be carried out that is sufficient. 描述一个足够的安全特定架构设计。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G152 §5.2
解释进行架构开发工作所需的输出:- 架构工作声明 - 架构愿景 - 沟通计划
Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture development work:
- Statement of Architecture Work
- Architecture Vision
- Communications Plan
Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture development work:
- Statement of Architecture Work
- Architecture Vision
- Communications Plan| Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture development work: |
| :--- |
| - Statement of Architecture Work |
| - Architecture Vision |
| - Communications Plan |
UNIT 3 Phase A, the Starting Point "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to execute the Architecture Vision phase and applicable techniques.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
3.1 Explain how to identify the information necessary to execute the Architecture Vision phase and how iteration cycles will provide more information to take into account in order to execute the phase. 3_Applying "{S1}§3.2
G186 §5.2.1 "
3.2 "Explain how to apply the phase and how it contributes to the architecture development work:
- Scope of the Architecture Project
- Stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements
- Business goals, business drivers, and constraints" 3_Applying "{S1}§3.3
G186 §5.2.1 "
3.3 Describe a security-specific architecture design to be carried out that is sufficient. 1_Remembering G152 §5.2
3.4 "Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture development work:
- Statement of Architecture Work
- Architecture Vision
- Communications Plan" 3_Applying "{S1}§3.4
G186 §5.2.2 "| UNIT 3 | Phase A, the Starting Point | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to execute the Architecture Vision phase and applicable techniques. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 3.1 | Explain how to identify the information necessary to execute the Architecture Vision phase and how iteration cycles will provide more information to take into account in order to execute the phase. | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \S 3.2 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.1 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.2 | Explain how to apply the phase and how it contributes to the architecture development work: <br> - Scope of the Architecture Project <br> - Stakeholders, their concerns, and business requirements <br> - Business goals, business drivers, and constraints | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \S 3.3 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.1 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.3 | Describe a security-specific architecture design to be carried out that is sufficient. | 1_Remembering | G152 §5.2 |
| | 3.4 | Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture development work: <br> - Statement of Architecture Work <br> - Architecture Vision <br> - Communications Plan | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \S 3.4 \\ & \{\mathrm{~S} 4\} \S 4.2 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
Unit 4 - Architecture Development 3.2.4 单元 4 - 架构开发
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to develop the architecture (Phases B, C, and D ) and useful techniques. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解如何开发架构(B、C 和 D 阶段)以及有用的技术。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Explain the steps applicable to all phases. 解释适用于所有阶段的步骤。
Explain the information that is relevant to produce outputs valuable to the architecture development:
- Business principles
- Business goals
- Business drivers
Explain the information that is relevant to produce outputs valuable to the architecture development:
- Business principles
- Business goals
- Business drivers| Explain the information that is relevant to produce outputs valuable to the architecture development: |
| :--- |
| - Business principles |
| - Business goals |
| - Business drivers |
Explain the information that is relevant to Phase C (Data and Applications) to produce outputs relevant to the architecture development. 解释与阶段 C(数据和应用程序)相关的信息,以生成与架构开发相关的输出。
Explain the outputs of Phases B, C, and D necessary to proceed with the architecture development work. 解释进行架构开发工作所需的 B、C 和 D 阶段的输出。
3_Applying 3_应用
[[∣lS1}§4.4","6.4","],[7.4","8.4],[" G186 §5.2.2 "]\begin{array}{|l} \mid l S 1\} \S 4.4,6.4, \\ 7.4,8.4 \\ \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{array}
UNIT 4 Architecture Development "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to develop the architecture (Phases B, C, and D ) and useful techniques.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
4.1 Explain the steps applicable to all phases. 2_Understanding "G186 §6.3
(including §"
4.2 Explain risk and security considerations during the architecture development. 2_Understanding " G152 §5.3, 5.4,
4.3 "Explain the information that is relevant to produce outputs valuable to the architecture development:
- Business principles
- Business goals
- Business drivers" 3_Applying "{ S1} §4.2
{ S4} §4.2.9
G186 §5.2.2 "
4.4 Explain how to apply Phase B and how it contributes to the architecture development work. 3_Applying "{S1}§4.5
G186 §5.2.2 "
4.5 Explain the information that is relevant to Phase C (Data and Applications) to produce outputs relevant to the architecture development. 3_Applying "{ S1} §6.2, 7.2
G186 §5.2.2 "
4.6 Explain how to apply Phase C and how it contributes to the architecture development work. 3_Applying "{ {S1} §6.5, 7.5
G186 §5.2.2 "
4.7 Explain the information needed in Phase D to produce outputs relevant to the architecture development. 3_Applying "{ S1} §8.2
G186 §5.2.2 "
4.8 Explain how to apply Phase D and how it contributes to the architecture development work. 3_Applying "{ S1} §8.5
G186 §5.2.2 "
4.9 Explain the outputs of Phases B, C, and D necessary to proceed with the architecture development work. 3_Applying ["∣lS1}§4.4,6.4,
G186 §5.2.2 "| UNIT 4 | Architecture Development | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to develop the architecture (Phases B, C, and D ) and useful techniques. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 4.1 | Explain the steps applicable to all phases. | 2_Understanding | G186 §6.3 <br> (including § |
| | 4.2 | Explain risk and security considerations during the architecture development. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \text { G152 §5.3, 5.4, } \\ & 5.5 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 4.3 | Explain the information that is relevant to produce outputs valuable to the architecture development: <br> - Business principles <br> - Business goals <br> - Business drivers | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S1\} §4.2 } \\ & \{\text { S4\} §4.2.9 } \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 4.4 | Explain how to apply Phase B and how it contributes to the architecture development work. | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \S 4.5 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 4.5 | Explain the information that is relevant to Phase C (Data and Applications) to produce outputs relevant to the architecture development. | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S1\} §6.2, } 7.2 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 4.6 | Explain how to apply Phase C and how it contributes to the architecture development work. | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { \{S1\} §6.5, } 7.5 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 4.7 | Explain the information needed in Phase D to produce outputs relevant to the architecture development. | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S1\} §8.2 } \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 4.8 | Explain how to apply Phase D and how it contributes to the architecture development work. | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S1\} } \S 8.5 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 4.9 | Explain the outputs of Phases B, C, and D necessary to proceed with the architecture development work. | 3_Applying | $\begin{array}{\|l} \mid l S 1\} \S 4.4,6.4, \\ 7.4,8.4 \\ \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{array}$ |
3.2.5 Unit 5 - Implementing the Architecture 3.2.5 单元 5 - 实现架构
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to implement the architecture (Phases E, F, and G) and useful techniques. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解如何实施架构(E、F 和 G 阶段)以及有用的技术。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Explain the risk and security considerations for the three Phases (E, F, and G). 解释三个阶段(E、F 和 G)的风险和安全考虑。
UNIT 5 Implementing the Architecture "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to implement the architecture (Phases E, F, and G) and useful techniques.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
5.1 Explain the risk and security considerations for the three Phases (E, F, and G). 2_Understanding " G152 §5.6, 5.7,
5.2 Describe the steps (Phase E) to create the Implementation and Migration Strategy. 1_Remembering {S1} §9.3
5.3 Describe three basic approaches to implementation. 3_Applying {S1} §9.3.8
5.4 Explain how to identify and group work packages. 3_Applying {S1} §9.3.9
5.5 Explain how to create and document Transition Architectures. 3_Applying {S1} §9.3.10
5.6 Explain the impact of the migration projects on the organization and the coordination required. 3_Applying "{S1}§10.3
G186 §5.2.2, 9,
5.7 Explain why and how business value is assigned to each work package. 2_Understanding "{S1} §10.3.2
G186 §3.4, 9.2.2"
5.8 Describe how to prioritize the migration projects (Phase F). 1_Remembering {S1} §10.3.4
5.9 Describe how to confirm the Architecture Roadmap (Phase F). 1_Remembering {S1} §10.3.5
5.10 Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture implementation work. 2_Understanding "{S1}§10.4
G186 §5.2.2 "
5.11 Explain the inputs to Phase G. 2_Understanding {S1} §11.2
5.12 Explain how the Implementation Governance is executed (Phase G). 3_Applying "{ S1} §11.3
G186 §11.4,
5.13 Explain the outputs necessary to support Architecture Governance. 2_Understanding "{ S1} §11.4
G186 §5.2.2 "
5.14 Explain how Architecture Contracts are used to communicate with implementers. 3_Applying "{ S5 }§5.2
G186 §3.3.2 "| UNIT 5 | Implementing the Architecture | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to implement the architecture (Phases E, F, and G) and useful techniques. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 5.1 | Explain the risk and security considerations for the three Phases (E, F, and G). | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \text { G152 §5.6, 5.7, } \\ & 5.8 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 5.2 | Describe the steps (Phase E) to create the Implementation and Migration Strategy. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §9.3 |
| | 5.3 | Describe three basic approaches to implementation. | 3_Applying | {S1} §9.3.8 |
| | 5.4 | Explain how to identify and group work packages. | 3_Applying | {S1} §9.3.9 |
| | 5.5 | Explain how to create and document Transition Architectures. | 3_Applying | {S1} §9.3.10 |
| | 5.6 | Explain the impact of the migration projects on the organization and the coordination required. | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \S 10.3 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2, 9, } \\ & 10.4,10.6 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 5.7 | Explain why and how business value is assigned to each work package. | 2_Understanding | {S1} §10.3.2 <br> G186 §3.4, 9.2.2 |
| | 5.8 | Describe how to prioritize the migration projects (Phase F). | 1_Remembering | {S1} §10.3.4 |
| | 5.9 | Describe how to confirm the Architecture Roadmap (Phase F). | 1_Remembering | {S1} §10.3.5 |
| | 5.10 | Explain the outputs necessary to proceed with the architecture implementation work. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \S 10.4 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 5.11 | Explain the inputs to Phase G. | 2_Understanding | {S1} §11.2 |
| | 5.12 | Explain how the Implementation Governance is executed (Phase G). | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S1\} §11.3 } \\ & \text { G186 §11.4, } \\ & 15.1 .2 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 5.13 | Explain the outputs necessary to support Architecture Governance. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S1\} } \S 11.4 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 5.14 | Explain how Architecture Contracts are used to communicate with implementers. | 3_Applying | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S5 }\} \S 5.2 \\ & \text { G186 §3.3.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand Architecture Change Management and the relation to Stakeholder Management. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解架构变更管理及其与利益相关者管理的关系。
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to apply the process of managing architecture requirements and the relation to Stakeholder Management. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解如何应用架构需求管理的过程以及与利益相关者管理的关系。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Explain the inputs that can feed the Requirements Management phase. 解释可以为需求管理阶段提供输入的内容。
UNIT 7 Requirements Management "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to apply the process of managing architecture requirements and the relation to Stakeholder Management.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
7.1 Explain the inputs that can feed the Requirements Management phase. 2_Understanding "{ S 1}§13.2
G186 §6.1.1,
7.2 Explain how the Requirements Management steps correspond to ADM phase steps. 2_Understanding {S1} §13.3
7.3 Explain the purpose of the outputs of Requirements Management. 2_Understanding "{S1}§13.4
4.2.18"| UNIT 7 | Requirements Management | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand how to apply the process of managing architecture requirements and the relation to Stakeholder Management. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 7.1 | Explain the inputs that can feed the Requirements Management phase. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S } 1\} ~ § 13.2 \\ & \text { G186 §6.1.1, } \\ & 6.1 .2 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 7.2 | Explain how the Requirements Management steps correspond to ADM phase steps. | 2_Understanding | {S1} §13.3 |
| | 7.3 | Explain the purpose of the outputs of Requirements Management. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \S 13.4 \\ & \{\mathrm{~S} 4\} \S 4.2 .6, \\ & 4.2 .18 \end{aligned}$ |
3.2.8 Unit 8 - Supporting the ADM Work 3.2.8 单元 8 - 支持 ADM 工作
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand which supporting means can be used while executing the ADM. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解在执行 ADM 时可以使用哪些支持手段。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Describe how The Open Group TOGAF Library can be used to support the practitioner's work. 描述开放组 TOGAF 库如何支持从业者的工作。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S0} §2
Briefly explain the business scenario technique. 简要说明业务场景技术。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G176 §1, 3.1
Explain the purpose of compliance assessments. 解释合规评估的目的。
Explain how migration planning techniques are used to review and consolidate the gap analysis results from earlier phases. 解释迁移规划技术如何用于审查和整合早期阶段的差距分析结果。
Explain the role of Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) and when they are used. 解释架构构建块(ABBs)的作用以及何时使用它们。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S4} §5.2.3
UNIT 8 Supporting the ADM Work "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand which supporting means can be used while executing the ADM.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
8.1 Describe how The Open Group TOGAF Library can be used to support the practitioner's work. 2_Understanding {S0} §2
8.2 Briefly explain the business scenario technique. 2_Understanding G176 §1, 3.1
8.3 Explain the purpose of compliance assessments. 2_Understanding "{ S5 } §6.3.1
G186 §5.1.5 "
8.4 Explain how migration planning techniques are used to review and consolidate the gap analysis results from earlier phases. 2_Understanding {S2} §6
8.5 "Describe how a repository can be structured using the TOGAF repository as an example:
- Architecture Landscape
- Reference Library
- Standards Library
- Governance Repository
- Architecture Requirements Repository
- Solutions Landscape
- Enterprise Repository" 1_Remembering "{S4}§7.2,7.3,
8.6 Explain what to expect in a well-run Architecture Repository. 2_Understanding G186 §5.1
8.7 Explain how the concepts of Architecture Levels are used to organize the Architecture Landscape. 2_Understanding "{ S3} §3.1, 3.2,
8.8 Explain the different levels of architecture that exist in an organization. 2_Understanding {S3} §3.2
8.9 Explain at which level an architecture is being developed and the associated level of detail expected. 2_Understanding "{ S3 } §3.2
G186 §3.2.1 "
8.10 Explain the role of Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) and when they are used. 2_Understanding {S4} §5.2.3| UNIT 8 | Supporting the ADM Work | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand which supporting means can be used while executing the ADM. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 8.1 | Describe how The Open Group TOGAF Library can be used to support the practitioner's work. | 2_Understanding | {S0} §2 |
| | 8.2 | Briefly explain the business scenario technique. | 2_Understanding | G176 §1, 3.1 |
| | 8.3 | Explain the purpose of compliance assessments. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S5 \} §6.3.1 } \\ & \text { G186 §5.1.5 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 8.4 | Explain how migration planning techniques are used to review and consolidate the gap analysis results from earlier phases. | 2_Understanding | {S2} §6 |
| | 8.5 | Describe how a repository can be structured using the TOGAF repository as an example: <br> - Architecture Landscape <br> - Reference Library <br> - Standards Library <br> - Governance Repository <br> - Architecture Requirements Repository <br> - Solutions Landscape <br> - Enterprise Repository | 1_Remembering | $\begin{aligned} & \{S 4\} \S 7.2,7.3, \\ & 7.4,7.5,7.6,7.7, \\ & 7.8 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 8.6 | Explain what to expect in a well-run Architecture Repository. | 2_Understanding | G186 §5.1 |
| | 8.7 | Explain how the concepts of Architecture Levels are used to organize the Architecture Landscape. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S3\} §3.1, 3.2, } \\ & 3.3,3.4 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 8.8 | Explain the different levels of architecture that exist in an organization. | 2_Understanding | {S3} §3.2 |
| | 8.9 | Explain at which level an architecture is being developed and the associated level of detail expected. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\text { S3 \} §3.2 } \\ & \text { G186 §3.2.1 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 8.10 | Explain the role of Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) and when they are used. | 2_Understanding | {S4} §5.2.3 |
UNIT 8 单元 8
Supporting the ADM Work 支持 ADM 工作
UNIT 8 Supporting the ADM Work | UNIT 8 | Supporting the ADM Work | | | |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
4. TOGAF Business Architecture Conformance Requirements 4. TOGAF 业务架构符合性要求
4.1 Level 1 4.1 级别 1
To achieve certification at this level, Candidates must complete all Learning Units defined in this section and successfully pass the corresponding Indicator of Compliance for Level 1 certification (see Section 5). 要在此级别获得认证,候选人必须完成本节中定义的所有学习单元,并成功通过相应的一级认证合规指标(见第 5 节)。
4.1.1 Unit 1 - Introduction and Concepts 4.1.1 单元 1 - 介绍和概念
List the four architecture domains that are commonly accepted as subsets of an overall Enterprise Architecture and which the TOGAF Standard supports. 列出四个通常被接受为整体企业架构子集的架构领域,以及 TOGAF 标准所支持的领域。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
{S0} §3.3
Briefly explain the ADM phases and their purpose. 简要说明 ADM 阶段及其目的。
2_Understanding 2_理解
{S0} §3.4
Briefly describe how architecture abstraction can be used in Enterprise Architecture. 简要描述架构抽象如何在企业架构中使用。
UNIT 1 Introduction and Concepts "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the concepts of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF Standard.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
1.1 Describe what an enterprise is. 1_Remembering {S0} §1.1
1.2 Explain the purpose of Enterprise Architecture. 2_Understanding {S0} §1.1 G186 §3.1 G20F §1.2
1.3 List the business benefits of having an Enterprise Architecture. 1_Remembering ["{S0}
G184 §3.6 "]
1.4 Explain why the TOGAF Standard is suitable as a framework for Enterprise Architecture. 2_Understanding "{S0}§1.1
G20F §1.2 "
1.5 List the four architecture domains that are commonly accepted as subsets of an overall Enterprise Architecture and which the TOGAF Standard supports. 1_Remembering {S0} §3.3
1.6 Briefly explain the ADM phases and their purpose. 2_Understanding {S0} §3.4
1.7 Briefly describe how architecture abstraction can be used in Enterprise Architecture. 1_Remembering {S0} §3.7
1.8 Briefly explain Architecture Principles. 2_Understanding {S0} §3.8
1.9 Briefly describe the Enterprise Continuum. 1_Remembering {S0} §3.10
1.10 Briefly explain the Architecture Repository. 2_Understanding "{50}
G186 "
1.11 Briefly explain the TOGAF Content Framework and Enterprise Metamodel. 2_Understanding ["{0}
G184 §8.12 "]| UNIT 1 | Introduction and Concepts | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to introduce the concepts of Enterprise Architecture and the TOGAF Standard. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 1.1 | Describe what an enterprise is. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §1.1 |
| | 1.2 | Explain the purpose of Enterprise Architecture. | 2_Understanding | {S0} §1.1 G186 §3.1 G20F §1.2 |
| | 1.3 | List the business benefits of having an Enterprise Architecture. | 1_Remembering | $\begin{array}{\|l\|} \hline\{\mathrm{S} 0\} \\ \text { G184 §3.6 } \end{array}$ |
| | 1.4 | Explain why the TOGAF Standard is suitable as a framework for Enterprise Architecture. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 0\} \S 1.1 \\ & \text { G20F §1.2 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 1.5 | List the four architecture domains that are commonly accepted as subsets of an overall Enterprise Architecture and which the TOGAF Standard supports. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §3.3 |
| | 1.6 | Briefly explain the ADM phases and their purpose. | 2_Understanding | {S0} §3.4 |
| | 1.7 | Briefly describe how architecture abstraction can be used in Enterprise Architecture. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §3.7 |
| | 1.8 | Briefly explain Architecture Principles. | 2_Understanding | {S0} §3.8 |
| | 1.9 | Briefly describe the Enterprise Continuum. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §3.10 |
| | 1.10 | Briefly explain the Architecture Repository. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{array}{\|l\|} \hline\{50\} \\ \text { G186 } \\ \hline \end{array}$ |
| | 1.11 | Briefly explain the TOGAF Content Framework and Enterprise Metamodel. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{array}{\|l\|} \hline\{0\} \\ \text { G184 §8.12 } \end{array}$ |
Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit.
Define the following concepts:
Application Architecture
Architecture Landscape
Architecture Model
Business Architecture
Business Model
Capability Architecture
Data Architecture
Digital Architecture
Segment Architecture
Strategic Architecture
Technology Architecture
Transition Architecture
Work Package
Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit.| Define the following concepts: |
| :--- |
| Application Architecture |
| Architecture Landscape |
| Architecture Model |
| Artifact |
| Business Architecture |
| Business Model |
| Capability |
| Capability Architecture |
| Data Architecture |
| Deliverable |
| Digital Architecture |
| Gap |
| Metamodel |
| Modeling |
| Requirement |
| Role |
| Segment Architecture |
| Stakeholder |
| Strategic Architecture |
| Technology Architecture |
| Transition Architecture |
| Work Package |
| Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit. |
UNIT 2 Definitions - Level 1 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand relevant terminology.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
"Define the following concepts:
Application Architecture
Architecture Landscape
Architecture Model
Business Architecture
Business Model
Capability Architecture
Data Architecture
Digital Architecture
Segment Architecture
Strategic Architecture
Technology Architecture
Transition Architecture
Work Package
Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit." 1_Remembering {S0} §4.3 {S0} §4.15 {S0} §4.17 {S0} §4.23 {S0} §4.27 {S0} §4.31 {S0} §4.33 {S0} §4.34 {S0} §4.39 {S0} §4.40 {S0} §4.41 {S0} §4.47 {S0} §4.54 {S0} §4.56 {S0} §4.64 {S0} §4.66 {S0} §4.67 {S0} §4.75 {S0} §4.77 {S0} §4.80 {S0} §4.83 {S0} §4.88| UNIT 2 | Definitions - Level 1 | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand relevant terminology. | | |
| Learning Outcomes | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | Define the following concepts: <br> Application Architecture <br> Architecture Landscape <br> Architecture Model <br> Artifact <br> Business Architecture <br> Business Model <br> Capability <br> Capability Architecture <br> Data Architecture <br> Deliverable <br> Digital Architecture <br> Gap <br> Metamodel <br> Modeling <br> Requirement <br> Role <br> Segment Architecture <br> Stakeholder <br> Strategic Architecture <br> Technology Architecture <br> Transition Architecture <br> Work Package <br> Note: No definition from this list is required to be taught separately, or be examinable, unless it is used in the learning objective of another unit. | 1_Remembering | {S0} §4.3 {S0} §4.15 {S0} §4.17 {S0} §4.23 {S0} §4.27 {S0} §4.31 {S0} §4.33 {S0} §4.34 {S0} §4.39 {S0} §4.40 {S0} §4.41 {S0} §4.47 {S0} §4.54 {S0} §4.56 {S0} §4.64 {S0} §4.66 {S0} §4.67 {S0} §4.75 {S0} §4.77 {S0} §4.80 {S0} §4.83 {S0} §4.88 |
4.1.3 Unit 3 - Introduction to the ADM 4.1.3 单元 3 - ADM 介绍
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand the ADM cycle, briefly explain the objective of each phase in the cycle, and how to adapt and scope the ADM for use. 本学习单元的目的是帮助候选人理解 ADM 周期,简要说明周期中每个阶段的目标,以及如何调整和界定 ADM 的使用。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Briefly describe the ADM and its phases. 简要描述 ADM 及其阶段。
UNIT 3 Introduction to the ADM - Level 1 "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand the ADM cycle, briefly explain the objective of each phase in the cycle, and how to adapt and scope the ADM for use.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
3.1 Briefly describe the ADM and its phases. 1_Remembering "{S0}3.4
3.2 Describe the difference between "draft" and "approved" deliverables. 1_Remembering {S1} §1.2.2
3.3 Explain the iterative nature of the ADM. 2_Understanding "{S1}§1.2.1
G186 §5.2.3 "
3.4 Explain the need to govern the creation, development, and maintenance of Enterprise Architecture. 2_Understanding ["∣{ S1} §1.4
G186 §15.1.1,
15.1.2, 15.2.1 "
3.5 Briefly explain how to scope an architecture. 1_Remembering {S1} §1.5
3.6 Briefly explain the reasons for considering architecture alternatives, including understanding concerns and trade-off. 2_Understanding {S1} §1.6, 1.6.1
3.7 Briefly explain the purpose of the Preliminary Phase. 1_Remembering G184 §13.1
3.8 Describe the objectives of the Preliminary Phase. 1_Remembering {S1} §2.1
3.9 Briefly explain the purpose of Phase A. 2_Understanding G186 §5.2.1, 5.2.2 Table 4
3.10 Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases. 2_Understanding {S3} §2.1
3.11 Briefly explain the purpose of Phase B. 2_Understanding [" G186 §5.2.2
Table 4"| UNIT 3 | Introduction to the ADM - Level 1 | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate understand the ADM cycle, briefly explain the objective of each phase in the cycle, and how to adapt and scope the ADM for use. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 3.1 | Briefly describe the ADM and its phases. | 1_Remembering | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 0\} 3.4 \\ & \{\mathrm{~S} 1\} \S 1.2 .2 \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.2 | Describe the difference between "draft" and "approved" deliverables. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §1.2.2 |
| | 3.3 | Explain the iterative nature of the ADM. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \S 1.2 .1 \\ & \text { G186 §5.2.3 } \end{aligned}$ |
| | 3.4 | Explain the need to govern the creation, development, and maintenance of Enterprise Architecture. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{array}{\|l} \mid\{\text { S1\} §1.4 } \\ \text { G186 §15.1.1, } \\ \text { 15.1.2, 15.2.1 } \end{array}$ |
| | 3.5 | Briefly explain how to scope an architecture. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §1.5 |
| | 3.6 | Briefly explain the reasons for considering architecture alternatives, including understanding concerns and trade-off. | 2_Understanding | {S1} §1.6, 1.6.1 |
| | 3.7 | Briefly explain the purpose of the Preliminary Phase. | 1_Remembering | G184 §13.1 |
| | 3.8 | Describe the objectives of the Preliminary Phase. | 1_Remembering | {S1} §2.1 |
| | 3.9 | Briefly explain the purpose of Phase A. | 2_Understanding | G186 §5.2.1, 5.2.2 Table 4 |
| | 3.10 | Explain how iteration within the ADM enables concurrent operation of multiple ADM phases. | 2_Understanding | {S3} §2.1 |
| | 3.11 | Briefly explain the purpose of Phase B. | 2_Understanding | $\begin{array}{\|l} \hline \text { G186 §5.2.2 } \\ \text { Table } 4 \end{array}$ |
4.1.4 Unit 4 - Business Modeling 4.1.4 单元 4 - 商业建模
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the topic of business modeling and how it relates to Enterprise Architecture within the context of the TOGAF Standard. 本学习单元的目的是建立对商业建模主题的理解,以及它在 TOGAF 标准背景下与企业架构的关系。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Define what a business model is. 定义商业模式是什么。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G18A §2
Describe the impact and benefits of business models. 描述商业模型的影响和好处。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G18A §3
Describe different example representations of business models. 描述商业模型的不同示例表示。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G18A §2
Explain the typical contents of a business model, using the nine building blocks of the business model canvas as an example. 解释商业模型的典型内容,以商业模型画布的九个构建块为例。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G18A §7, A
Explain the relationship between business models and Business Architecture. 解释商业模型与商业架构之间的关系。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G18A §4
Explain how business models can be used according to the TOGAF Standard. 解释如何根据 TOGAF 标准使用商业模型。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G18A §5
Explain why business model innovation should be approached in a structured manner. 解释为什么商业模式创新应该以结构化的方式进行。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G18A §6, 7
UNIT 4 Business Modeling "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the topic of business modeling and how it relates to Enterprise Architecture within the context of the TOGAF Standard.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
4.1 Define what a business model is. 1_Remembering G18A §2
4.2 Describe the impact and benefits of business models. 1_Remembering G18A §3
4.3 Describe different example representations of business models. 1_Remembering G18A §2
4.4 Explain the typical contents of a business model, using the nine building blocks of the business model canvas as an example. 2_Understanding G18A §7, A
4.5 Explain the relationship between business models and Business Architecture. 2_Understanding G18A §4
4.6 Explain how business models can be used according to the TOGAF Standard. 2_Understanding G18A §5
4.7 Explain why business model innovation should be approached in a structured manner. 2_Understanding G18A §6, 7| UNIT 4 | Business Modeling | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the topic of business modeling and how it relates to Enterprise Architecture within the context of the TOGAF Standard. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 4.1 | Define what a business model is. | 1_Remembering | G18A §2 |
| | 4.2 | Describe the impact and benefits of business models. | 1_Remembering | G18A §3 |
| | 4.3 | Describe different example representations of business models. | 1_Remembering | G18A §2 |
| | 4.4 | Explain the typical contents of a business model, using the nine building blocks of the business model canvas as an example. | 2_Understanding | G18A §7, A |
| | 4.5 | Explain the relationship between business models and Business Architecture. | 2_Understanding | G18A §4 |
| | 4.6 | Explain how business models can be used according to the TOGAF Standard. | 2_Understanding | G18A §5 |
| | 4.7 | Explain why business model innovation should be approached in a structured manner. | 2_Understanding | G18A §6, 7 |
4.1.5 Unit 5 - Business Capabilities 4.1.5 单元 5 - 业务能力
understanding of the concept of business capabilities and
how they can be modeled with business capability maps.
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an
understanding of the concept of business capabilities and
how they can be modeled with business capability maps.| The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an |
| :--- |
| understanding of the concept of business capabilities and |
| how they can be modeled with business capability maps. |
Describe what a business capability is. 描述业务能力是什么。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G211 §1,2
Explain how a business capability can be
Explain how a business capability can be
defined.| Explain how a business capability can be |
| :--- |
| defined. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G211 §1, 2.1
List the components of a business capability. 列出业务能力的组成部分。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G211 §2.2
Describe what a business capability map is. 业务能力地图是一个可视化工具,用于描述和展示组织的核心能力及其相互关系。它帮助企业识别和分析其在实现战略目标和满足客户需求方面所需的关键能力。通过业务能力地图,组织可以更好地理解其资源配置、流程优化和技术投资的优先级,从而推动业务转型和创新。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G211 §3
Explain the capability mapping approach. 解释能力映射方法。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G211 §3.1
Explain how a business capability map can be
Explain how a business capability map can be
structured.| Explain how a business capability map can be |
| :--- |
| structured. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G211 §3.2
UNIT 5 Business Capabilities "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
"The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an
understanding of the concept of business capabilities and
how they can be modeled with business capability maps."
Outcomes" The Candidate is able to ... Describe what a business capability is. 1_Remembering G211 §1,2
5.1 "Explain how a business capability can be
defined." 2_Understanding G211 §1, 2.1
5.2 List the components of a business capability. 1_Remembering G211 §2.2
5.3 Describe what a business capability map is. 1_Remembering G211 §3
5.5 Explain the capability mapping approach. 2_Understanding G211 §3.1
5.6 "Explain how a business capability map can be
structured." 2_Understanding G211 §3.2| UNIT 5 | Business Capabilities | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference | |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an <br> understanding of the concept of business capabilities and <br> how they can be modeled with business capability maps. | | | |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | The Candidate is able to ... | Describe what a business capability is. | 1_Remembering | G211 §1,2 |
| | 5.1 | Explain how a business capability can be <br> defined. | 2_Understanding | G211 §1, 2.1 |
| | 5.2 | List the components of a business capability. | 1_Remembering | G211 §2.2 |
| | 5.3 | Describe what a business capability map is. | 1_Remembering | G211 §3 |
| | 5.5 | Explain the capability mapping approach. | 2_Understanding | G211 §3.1 |
| | 5.6 | Explain how a business capability map can be <br> structured. | 2_Understanding | G211 §3.2 |
Explain how business capabilities can be
mapped to other business perspectives.| Explain how business capabilities can be |
| :--- |
| mapped to other business perspectives. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G211 §5
Describe the characteristics of heat mapping. 热图的特征描述。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G211 §5.1
Explain how to interpret a heat map. 解释如何解读热图。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G211 §5.1
Describe the characteristics and types of
relationship mapping.
Describe the characteristics and types of
relationship mapping.| Describe the characteristics and types of |
| :--- |
| relationship mapping. |
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G211 §5.2
UNIT 5 Business Capabilities "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
"Explain how business capabilities can be
mapped to other business perspectives." 2_Understanding G211 §5
5.8 Describe the characteristics of heat mapping. 1_Remembering G211 §5.1
5.9 Explain how to interpret a heat map. 2_Understanding G211 §5.1
5.10 "Describe the characteristics and types of
relationship mapping." 1_Remembering G211 §5.2| UNIT 5 | Business Capabilities | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference | |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | Explain how business capabilities can be <br> mapped to other business perspectives. | 2_Understanding | G211 §5 | |
| | 5.8 | Describe the characteristics of heat mapping. | 1_Remembering | G211 §5.1 |
| | 5.9 | Explain how to interpret a heat map. | 2_Understanding | G211 §5.1 |
| | 5.10 | Describe the characteristics and types of <br> relationship mapping. | 1_Remembering | G211 §5.2 |
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of value streams and value stream mapping and how they can be applied. 本学习单元的目的是建立对价值流和价值流映射的理解,以及它们如何应用。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Describe what "value" is in the context of Business Architecture. 在业务架构的背景下,“价值”是指组织在其运营、产品和服务中所创造的利益和效用。它反映了企业如何满足客户需求、实现战略目标以及在市场中获得竞争优势。价值可以通过多种方式衡量,包括财务指标、客户满意度、市场份额和品牌声誉等。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G178 §1.1
Explain the benefits of value streams and value stream mapping. 解释价值流和价值流映射的好处。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §1.5
Briefly describe different approaches to value analysis (including value streams, value chains, value networks, and lean value streams). 简要描述不同的价值分析方法(包括价值流、价值链、价值网络和精益价值流)。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G178 §1.2, A
Explain the use of value streams in Business Architecture. 在业务架构中解释价值流的使用。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §1.3
Explain the relationship of value streams to other Business Architecture concepts, including process, capability, value stage, value, and stakeholder. 解释价值流与其他业务架构概念之间的关系,包括流程、能力、价值阶段、价值和利益相关者。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §1.4
Explain how a value stream is defined. 价值流是如何定义的。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §2.1
Explain how a value stream can be decomposed to a value stream stage. 解释如何将价值流分解为价值流阶段。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §2.2
Describe the purpose of mapping capabilities to value stream stages. 描述将能力映射到价值流阶段的目的。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G178 §2.3
Explain the approach and guiding principles to creating value streams. 解释创建价值流的方法和指导原则。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §3, 3.1
Explain with an example how a value stream is decomposed into value stream stages. 用一个例子解释如何将价值流分解为价值流阶段。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §4.1
UNIT 6 Value Streams "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of value streams and value stream mapping and how they can be applied.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
6.1 Describe what "value" is in the context of Business Architecture. 1_Remembering G178 §1.1
6.2 Explain the benefits of value streams and value stream mapping. 2_Understanding G178 §1.5
6.3 Briefly describe different approaches to value analysis (including value streams, value chains, value networks, and lean value streams). 1_Remembering G178 §1.2, A
6.4 Explain the use of value streams in Business Architecture. 2_Understanding G178 §1.3
6.5 Explain the relationship of value streams to other Business Architecture concepts, including process, capability, value stage, value, and stakeholder. 2_Understanding G178 §1.4
6.6 Explain how a value stream is defined. 2_Understanding G178 §2.1
6.7 Explain how a value stream can be decomposed to a value stream stage. 2_Understanding G178 §2.2
6.8 Describe the purpose of mapping capabilities to value stream stages. 1_Remembering G178 §2.3
6.9 Explain the approach and guiding principles to creating value streams. 2_Understanding G178 §3, 3.1
6.10 Explain with an example how a value stream is decomposed into value stream stages. 2_Understanding G178 §4.1| UNIT 6 | Value Streams | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of value streams and value stream mapping and how they can be applied. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 6.1 | Describe what "value" is in the context of Business Architecture. | 1_Remembering | G178 §1.1 |
| | 6.2 | Explain the benefits of value streams and value stream mapping. | 2_Understanding | G178 §1.5 |
| | 6.3 | Briefly describe different approaches to value analysis (including value streams, value chains, value networks, and lean value streams). | 1_Remembering | G178 §1.2, A |
| | 6.4 | Explain the use of value streams in Business Architecture. | 2_Understanding | G178 §1.3 |
| | 6.5 | Explain the relationship of value streams to other Business Architecture concepts, including process, capability, value stage, value, and stakeholder. | 2_Understanding | G178 §1.4 |
| | 6.6 | Explain how a value stream is defined. | 2_Understanding | G178 §2.1 |
| | 6.7 | Explain how a value stream can be decomposed to a value stream stage. | 2_Understanding | G178 §2.2 |
| | 6.8 | Describe the purpose of mapping capabilities to value stream stages. | 1_Remembering | G178 §2.3 |
| | 6.9 | Explain the approach and guiding principles to creating value streams. | 2_Understanding | G178 §3, 3.1 |
| | 6.10 | Explain with an example how a value stream is decomposed into value stream stages. | 2_Understanding | G178 §4.1 |
Explain with an example how value
streams/value stream stages can be mapped to
business capabilities.| Explain with an example how value |
| :--- |
| streams/value stream stages can be mapped to |
| business capabilities. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §4.2
Explain with an example how heat mapping
can be applied to a mapping of value
streams/value stream stages to business
Explain with an example how heat mapping
can be applied to a mapping of value
streams/value stream stages to business
capabilities.| Explain with an example how heat mapping |
| :--- |
| can be applied to a mapping of value |
| streams/value stream stages to business |
| capabilities. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G178 §4.3
UNIT 6 Value Streams "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
6.11 "Explain with an example how value
streams/value stream stages can be mapped to
business capabilities." 2_Understanding G178 §4.2
6.12 "Explain with an example how heat mapping
can be applied to a mapping of value
streams/value stream stages to business
capabilities." 2_Understanding G178 §4.3| UNIT 6 | Value Streams | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference | |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | 6.11 | Explain with an example how value <br> streams/value stream stages can be mapped to <br> business capabilities. | 2_Understanding | G178 §4.2 |
| | 6.12 | Explain with an example how heat mapping <br> can be applied to a mapping of value <br> streams/value stream stages to business <br> capabilities. | 2_Understanding | G178 §4.3 |
4.1.7 Unit 7 - Business Scenarios 4.1.7 单元 7 - 商业场景
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the business scenario method and where it is used in the TOGAF ADM. 本学习单元的目的是理解业务场景方法及其在 TOGAF ADM 中的应用。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Describe what a TOGAF business scenario is and its purpose. 描述什么是 TOGAF 业务场景及其目的。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G176 §1, 2
Describe the benefits of developing a TOGAF business scenario. 描述开发 TOGAF 业务场景的好处。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G176 §2
Explain where TOGAF business scenarios are used in the TOGAF ADM. 解释 TOGAF 业务场景在 TOGAF ADM 中的使用位置。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G176 §1, 6
Explain how to develop and validate a TOGAF business scenario. 解释如何开发和验证 TOGAF 业务场景。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G176 §3.1, 3.2, 7
Describe where business capabilities and value streams are used in developing a TOGAF business scenario. 描述在开发 TOGAF 业务场景时,业务能力和价值流的使用位置。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G176 §3.1
UNIT 7 Business Scenarios "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the business scenario method and where it is used in the TOGAF ADM.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
7.1 Describe what a TOGAF business scenario is and its purpose. 1_Remembering G176 §1, 2
7.2 Describe the benefits of developing a TOGAF business scenario. 1_Remembering G176 §2
7.3 Explain where TOGAF business scenarios are used in the TOGAF ADM. 2_Understanding G176 §1, 6
7.4 Explain how to develop and validate a TOGAF business scenario. 2_Understanding G176 §3.1, 3.2, 7
7.5 Describe where business capabilities and value streams are used in developing a TOGAF business scenario. 1_Remembering G176 §3.1| UNIT 7 | Business Scenarios | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the business scenario method and where it is used in the TOGAF ADM. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 7.1 | Describe what a TOGAF business scenario is and its purpose. | 1_Remembering | G176 §1, 2 |
| | 7.2 | Describe the benefits of developing a TOGAF business scenario. | 1_Remembering | G176 §2 |
| | 7.3 | Explain where TOGAF business scenarios are used in the TOGAF ADM. | 2_Understanding | G176 §1, 6 |
| | 7.4 | Explain how to develop and validate a TOGAF business scenario. | 2_Understanding | G176 §3.1, 3.2, 7 |
| | 7.5 | Describe where business capabilities and value streams are used in developing a TOGAF business scenario. | 1_Remembering | G176 §3.1 |
4.1.8 Unit 8 - Information Mapping 4.1.8 单元 8 - 信息映射
understanding of the topic of information mapping, how it
relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how it supports the
TOGAF Standard.
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an
understanding of the topic of information mapping, how it
relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how it supports the
TOGAF Standard.| The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an |
| :--- |
| understanding of the topic of information mapping, how it |
| relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how it supports the |
| TOGAF Standard. |
Describe what an information map is. 信息地图是一个可视化工具,用于组织和展示信息的结构和关系。它通常以图形或图表的形式呈现,帮助用户理解复杂的信息体系,识别关键概念和它们之间的联系。信息地图可以用于各种领域,如教育、项目管理和数据分析,以提高信息的可访问性和可理解性。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G190 §2
Explain the impact and benefits of
information mapping.
Explain the impact and benefits of
information mapping.| Explain the impact and benefits of |
| :--- |
| information mapping. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G190 §3
UNIT 8 Information Mapping "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose "The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an
understanding of the topic of information mapping, how it
relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how it supports the
TOGAF Standard."
Outcomes" The Candidate is able to ...
8.1 Describe what an information map is. 1_Remembering G190 §2
8.2 "Explain the impact and benefits of
information mapping." 2_Understanding G190 §3| UNIT 8 | Information Mapping | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference | |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an <br> understanding of the topic of information mapping, how it <br> relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how it supports the <br> TOGAF Standard. | | | |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | The Candidate is able to ... | | | |
| | 8.1 | Describe what an information map is. | 1_Remembering | G190 §2 |
| | 8.2 | Explain the impact and benefits of <br> information mapping. | 2_Understanding | G190 §3 |
Explain the relationships of information maps
to other Business Architecture concepts.| Explain the relationships of information maps |
| :--- |
| to other Business Architecture concepts. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G190 §4
Explain the relationship of information maps
to data models.
Explain the relationship of information maps
to data models.| Explain the relationship of information maps |
| :--- |
| to data models. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G190 §5
解释如何将信息地图与 TOGAF ADM 结合使用。
Explain how information maps can be used
with the TOGAF ADM.
Explain how information maps can be used
with the TOGAF ADM.| Explain how information maps can be used |
| :--- |
| with the TOGAF ADM. |
2_Understanding 2_理解
G190 §6
UNIT 8 Information Mapping "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
8.3 "Explain the relationships of information maps
to other Business Architecture concepts." 2_Understanding G190 §4
8.4 "Explain the relationship of information maps
to data models." 2_Understanding G190 §5
8.5 "Explain how information maps can be used
with the TOGAF ADM." 2_Understanding G190 §6| UNIT 8 | Information Mapping | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| | 8.3 | Explain the relationships of information maps <br> to other Business Architecture concepts. | 2_Understanding | G190 §4 |
| | 8.4 | Explain the relationship of information maps <br> to data models. | 2_Understanding | G190 §5 |
| | 8.5 | Explain how information maps can be used <br> with the TOGAF ADM. | 2_Understanding | G190 §6 |
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the topic of organization mapping, how it relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how it supports the TOGAF Standard. 本学习单元的目的是建立对组织映射主题的理解,了解它与企业架构的关系,以及它如何支持 TOGAF 标准。
Learning Outcomes 学习成果
The Candidate is able to ... 候选人能够...
Describe what an organization map is. 组织地图是一个可视化工具,用于展示组织内部的结构、角色和关系。它帮助团队理解各个部门和个人之间的互动,以及如何协同工作以实现共同目标。组织地图通常包括职位、职责、报告关系和沟通渠道等信息。
1_Remembering 1_记忆
G206 §2
Explain the difference between organization maps and organization charts. 解释组织地图和组织图之间的区别。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G206 §3
Explain the impact and benefits of organization mapping. 解释组织映射的影响和好处。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G206 §4
Explain the relationships of organization maps to other domains. 解释组织地图与其他领域的关系。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G206 §5 Table 2 G206 §5 表 2
Explain how organization maps can be used with the TOGAF ADM. 解释如何将组织地图与 TOGAF ADM 结合使用。
2_Understanding 2_理解
G206 §6
UNIT 9 Organization Mapping "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the topic of organization mapping, how it relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how it supports the TOGAF Standard.
Learning Outcomes The Candidate is able to ...
9.1 Describe what an organization map is. 1_Remembering G206 §2
9.2 Explain the difference between organization maps and organization charts. 2_Understanding G206 §3
9.3 Explain the impact and benefits of organization mapping. 2_Understanding G206 §4
9.4 Explain the relationships of organization maps to other domains. 2_Understanding G206 §5 Table 2
9.5 Explain how organization maps can be used with the TOGAF ADM. 2_Understanding G206 §6| UNIT 9 | Organization Mapping | | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an understanding of the topic of organization mapping, how it relates to Enterprise Architecture, and how it supports the TOGAF Standard. | | | |
| Learning Outcomes | | The Candidate is able to ... | | |
| | 9.1 | Describe what an organization map is. | 1_Remembering | G206 §2 |
| | 9.2 | Explain the difference between organization maps and organization charts. | 2_Understanding | G206 §3 |
| | 9.3 | Explain the impact and benefits of organization mapping. | 2_Understanding | G206 §4 |
| | 9.4 | Explain the relationships of organization maps to other domains. | 2_Understanding | G206 §5 Table 2 |
| | 9.5 | Explain how organization maps can be used with the TOGAF ADM. | 2_Understanding | G206 §6 |
4.1.10 Unit 10 - Applying Business Architecture Techniques within the TOGAF ADM 4.1.10 单元 10 - 在 TOGAF ADM 中应用业务架构技术
UNIT 10 单元 10
在 TOGAF ADM 中应用业务架构技术
Applying Business Architecture Techniques
within the TOGAF ADM
Applying Business Architecture Techniques
within the TOGAF ADM| Applying Business Architecture Techniques |
| :--- |
| within the TOGAF ADM |
understanding of how a Business Architecture can be
developed with the TOGAF ADM.
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an
understanding of how a Business Architecture can be
developed with the TOGAF ADM.| The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an |
| :--- |
| understanding of how a Business Architecture can be |
| developed with the TOGAF ADM. |
Explain how Business Architecture concepts
(business capabilities, value streams, and
organization maps) are used in creating the
Architecture Vision in Phase A.| Explain how Business Architecture concepts |
| :--- |
| (business capabilities, value streams, and |
| organization maps) are used in creating the |
| Architecture Vision in Phase A. |
UNIT 10 "Applying Business Architecture Techniques
within the TOGAF ADM" "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose "The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an
understanding of how a Business Architecture can be
developed with the TOGAF ADM."
Outcomes" The Candidate is able to ... 2_Understanding { S1} §3.5.2
10.1 "Explain how Business Architecture concepts
(business capabilities, value streams, and
organization maps) are used in creating the
Architecture Vision in Phase A." "{S1}
4.54 .5 .1,"| UNIT 10 | Applying Business Architecture Techniques <br> within the TOGAF ADM | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to create an <br> understanding of how a Business Architecture can be <br> developed with the TOGAF ADM. | | |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | The Candidate is able to ... | 2_Understanding | $\{$ S1} §3.5.2 |
| | 10.1 | Explain how Business Architecture concepts <br> (business capabilities, value streams, and <br> organization maps) are used in creating the <br> Architecture Vision in Phase A. | $\{\mathrm{S} 1\}$ <br> 4.54 .5 .1, |
UNIT 10 单元 10
在 TOGAF ADM 中应用业务架构技术
Applying Business Architecture Techniques
within the TOGAF ADM
Applying Business Architecture Techniques
within the TOGAF ADM| Applying Business Architecture Techniques |
| :--- |
| within the TOGAF ADM |
Explain the application of Business
Architecture concepts (business capabilities,
values streams, organization maps,
information maps, and modeling techniques)
as applied in Phase B.| Explain the application of Business |
| :--- |
| Architecture concepts (business capabilities, |
| values streams, organization maps, |
| information maps, and modeling techniques) |
| as applied in Phase B. |
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand the TOGAF Certification Program.
The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand the TOGAF Certification Program.| The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate |
| :--- |
| understand the TOGAF Certification Program. |
Explain the TOGAF Certification Program,
and distinguish between the levels for
certification.| Explain the TOGAF Certification Program, |
| :--- |
| and distinguish between the levels for |
| certification. |
UNIT 11 TOGAF Certification Program "Bloom's
Taxonomy Level" KLP Reference
Purpose "The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate
understand the TOGAF Certification Program."
Outcomes" The Candidate is able to ... None
11.1 "Explain the TOGAF Certification Program,
and distinguish between the levels for
certification." | UNIT 11 | TOGAF Certification Program | Bloom's <br> Taxonomy Level | KLP Reference |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Purpose | The purpose of this Learning Unit is to help the Candidate <br> understand the TOGAF Certification Program. | | |
| Learning <br> Outcomes | The Candidate is able to ... | None | |
| | 11.1 | Explain the TOGAF Certification Program, <br> and distinguish between the levels for <br> certification. | |
5. Indicators of Compliance 5. 合规指标
The Indicators of Compliance for the Program are The Open Group examinations. 该程序的合规性指标是开放组考试。
The descriptions of the examinations for each level are maintained by the Certification Authority and displayed on The Open Group website. This includes a description of the examination type (for example, simple multiple-choice, complex scenario, etc.), the number of questions, the duration, supervision requirements, whether an examination is open book, the pass score, the language(s) in which the examination is offered, and the prerequisites for taking the examination. 每个级别的考试描述由认证机构维护,并在开放组网站上显示。这包括考试类型的描述(例如,简单选择题、复杂场景等)、问题数量、考试时长、监考要求、是否为开卷考试、及格分数、考试提供的语言以及参加考试的先决条件。
6. The Body of Knowledge 6. 知识体系
This section defines the Body of Knowledge for this certification. 本节定义了该认证的知识体系。
6.1 Documents Comprising the Body of Knowledge 6.1 知识体系的组成文件
Document Reference 文档参考
Document Title 文档标题
KLP Ref. KLP 参考。
TOGAF 标准:基本内容
TOGAF Standard:
Fundamental Content
TOGAF Standard:
Fundamental Content| TOGAF Standard: |
| :--- |
| Fundamental Content |
TOGAF ^(®)^{\circledR} Series Guide: The TOGAF Leader's Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: A Practitioners' Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} ADM
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: Enabling Enterprise Agility
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: Business Models
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: Business Capabilities, Version 2
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: Business Scenarios
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: Information Mapping
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: Organization Mapping
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: Value Streams
TOGAF ^(®)^{\circledR} Series Guide: Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Enterprise Architecture
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Series Guide: Using the TOGAF Standard in the Digital Enterprise
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: The TOGAF Leader's Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: A Practitioners' Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ^(®) ADM
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Enabling Enterprise Agility
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Business Models
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Business Capabilities, Version 2
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Business Scenarios
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Information Mapping
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Organization Mapping
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Value Streams
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF ^(®) Enterprise Architecture
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Using the TOGAF Standard in the Digital Enterprise| TOGAF $^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: The TOGAF Leader's Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability |
| :--- |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: A Practitioners' Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ ADM |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Enabling Enterprise Agility |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Business Models |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Business Capabilities, Version 2 |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Business Scenarios |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Information Mapping |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Organization Mapping |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Value Streams |
| TOGAF $^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Enterprise Architecture |
| TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Using the TOGAF Standard in the Digital Enterprise |
Document Reference Document Title KLP Ref.
"TOGAF Standard:
Fundamental Content" "{S0}
TOGAF Standard: TOGAF Series Guides "TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: The TOGAF Leader's Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: A Practitioners' Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ^(®) ADM
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Enabling Enterprise Agility
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Business Models
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Business Capabilities, Version 2
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Business Scenarios
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Information Mapping
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Organization Mapping
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Value Streams
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF ^(®) Enterprise Architecture
TOGAF ^(®) Series Guide: Using the TOGAF Standard in the Digital Enterprise" G184 G186 G20F G18A G211 G176 G190 G206 G178 G152 G217| Document Reference | Document Title | KLP Ref. |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
| TOGAF Standard: <br> Fundamental Content | ![]( | $\begin{aligned} & \{\mathrm{S} 0\} \\ & \{\mathrm{S} 1\} \\ & \text { \{S2\} } \\ & \text { \{S3\} } \\ & \text { \{S4\} } \\ & \{\mathrm{S} 5) \end{aligned}$ |
| TOGAF Standard: TOGAF Series Guides | TOGAF $^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: The TOGAF Leader's Guide to Establishing and Evolving an EA Capability <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: A Practitioners' Approach to Developing Enterprise Architecture Following the TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ ADM <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Enabling Enterprise Agility <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Business Models <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Business Capabilities, Version 2 <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Business Scenarios <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Information Mapping <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Organization Mapping <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Value Streams <br> TOGAF $^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Integrating Risk and Security within a TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Enterprise Architecture <br> TOGAF ${ }^{\circledR}$ Series Guide: Using the TOGAF Standard in the Digital Enterprise | G184 G186 G20F G18A G211 G176 G190 G206 G178 G152 G217 |
7. Rationale (Informative) 7. 理由(信息性)
This section contains informative rationale. 本节包含信息性理由。
7.1 Bloom's Taxonomy 7.1 布鲁姆的分类法
The terms used to define the depth of learning are drawn from Bloom’s Taxonomy. 用于定义学习深度的术语来源于布鲁姆的分类法。
The learning levels that need to be addressed for this certification range from 1 to 2 . The following table shows examples of learning activities for each (Bloom) learning level. 该认证需要解决的学习水平范围为 1 到 2。下表显示了每个(布鲁姆)学习水平的学习活动示例。
Project, complex case studies, appraisals, debating 项目,复杂案例研究,评估,辩论
Creating 创建
Development of plans, complex projects, constructing 计划的制定、复杂项目、建设
Level Cognitive Dimension Examples of Learning Activities
1 Remembering Lecture, video-clip, examples, illustrations, metaphors, guided reading
2 Understanding Interactive lecture, Q&A, group discussions, tests
3 Applying Practice exercises, demonstrations, simple projects, simulations, role play
4 Analyzing Practical (case-based) exercises, higher-level tests
5 Evaluating Project, complex case studies, appraisals, debating
6 Creating Development of plans, complex projects, constructing| Level | Cognitive Dimension | Examples of Learning Activities |
| :---: | :--- | :--- |
| 1 | Remembering | Lecture, video-clip, examples, illustrations, metaphors, guided reading |
| 2 | Understanding | Interactive lecture, Q&A, group discussions, tests |
| 3 | Applying | Practice exercises, demonstrations, simple projects, simulations, role play |
| 4 | Analyzing | Practical (case-based) exercises, higher-level tests |
| 5 | Evaluating | Project, complex case studies, appraisals, debating |
| 6 | Creating | Development of plans, complex projects, constructing |
^(1){ }^{1} It is recommended to use the GANTT chart example in G186 to illustrate the inter-dependent nature of the ADM phases, highlighting that many of the steps can be executed simultaneously, and that phases can be continually revisited iteratively. ^(1){ }^{1} 建议使用 G186 中的甘特图示例来说明 ADM 阶段之间的相互依赖性,强调许多步骤可以同时执行,并且各阶段可以不断迭代地重新审视。
^(2){ }^{2} The ADM is not a linear waterfall process. ^(2){ }^{2} ADM 不是线性瀑布流程。
The Open Group ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Certification for People: 开放组 ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 人员认证:
TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} Certification Program Conformance Requirements (Multi-Level) TOGAF ^(®){ }^{\circledR} 认证程序符合性要求(多级)
^(3){ }^{3} Using the TOGAF diagram and the checklists from G186. ^(3){ }^{3} 使用 TOGAF 图表和 G186 中的检查清单。