81 The Steamship Savannab
81 薩凡納布輪船
Steamboatson rivers were a success. They easily plied the calm waters. But could they take the battering of a rough ocean? This question was put to the test in 1819.
斯廷博特森河取得了成功。他們輕鬆地在平靜的水域中航行。但是,他們能承受波濤洶湧的海洋的衝擊嗎?這個問題在 1819 年受到了考驗。
The American packet ship, the Savannah, was planning to steam across the Atlantic. The Savannab was a 110-foot ship. It was not newly built. It was con-verted. It was a full-rigged sailing ship. It was simply refitted. A steam engine was added to power two side paddle wheels.
美國郵輪薩凡納號(Savannah)正計劃穿越大西洋。Savannab 是一艘 110 英尺長的船。它不是新建的。它是顛倒的。這是一艘全副武裝的帆船。它只是被改裝了一下。增加了一台蒸汽機來為兩個側面的槳輪提供動力。
The Savannah left New York City on May 22, 1819. It docked at Liverpool,England, on June 20. The journey was made in 29 days. During the trip, the ship ran its engine only 85 hours. After that, the fuel was used up. The rest of the trip was made using sails. The Savannah returned to the United States under sail alone.The engine was not used. Nevertheless, the Savannah is in the records as the first steamship to cross the Atlantic.
薩凡納號於 1819 年 5 月 22 日離開紐約市。它於 6 月 20 日停靠在英國利物浦。旅程在 29 天內完成。在旅途中,這艘船的發動機只運行了85小時。在那之後,燃料就用完了。其餘的行程都是用帆完成的。薩凡納號獨自啟航返回美國。發動機沒有被使用。儘管如此,薩凡納號仍是第一艘橫渡大西洋的蒸汽船。
Another steamship also crossed the Atlantic, in 1838. It was the British ship,the Sirius. It used steam power all the way. It was also a side-wheeler. The trip took 181/2 days.
1838 年,另一艘輪船也穿越了大西洋。那是一艘英國船,天狼星號。它全程使用蒸汽動力。它也是一個側輪車。這次旅行花了 181/2 天。
These trips revealed one serious weakness. It was with the large side-wheels.The waves battered these rather fragile devices mercilessly. Something had to replace them. But what? The solution was the propeller. It was wholly under water at a ship's stern. It used power more efficiently.
The steamship the Great Britain was designed in 1845. It became the first pro-peller-driven ship to travel across the Atlantic.
大不列顛號蒸汽船設計於1845年。它成為第一艘橫跨大西洋的職業 peller 驅動的船。
Main Idea 1
主要思想 1
Answer Score
Mark the main idea M 15
標記主要思想 M 15
Mark the statement that is too broad
Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記語句 that 太窄
a. The success of the steamship led to the Savannab and other ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
一個。蒸汽船的成功導致 Savannab 和其他船隻穿越大西洋。
b. Steamships became the popular way to travel in the 1800s.
b. 輪船成為 1800 年代流行的旅行方式。
c. The Savannab made its trip across the Atlantic using its steam engine and its sails.
c. 薩凡納布號使用蒸汽機和風帆穿越大西洋。