這是用戶在 2024-12-23 9:37 為 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?

81 The Steamship Savannab
81 薩凡納布輪船

Steamboatson rivers were a success. They easily plied the calm waters. But could they take the battering of a rough ocean? This question was put to the test in 1819.
斯廷博特森河取得了成功。他們輕鬆地在平靜的水域中航行。但是,他們能承受波濤洶湧的海洋的衝擊嗎?這個問題在 1819 年受到了考驗。

The American packet ship, the Savannah, was planning to steam across the Atlantic. The Savannab was a 110-foot ship. It was not newly built. It was con-verted. It was a full-rigged sailing ship. It was simply refitted. A steam engine was added to power two side paddle wheels.
美國郵輪薩凡納號(Savannah)正計劃穿越大西洋。Savannab 是一艘 110 英尺長的船。它不是新建的。它是顛倒的。這是一艘全副武裝的帆船。它只是被改裝了一下。增加了一台蒸汽機來為兩個側面的槳輪提供動力。

The Savannah left New York City on May 22, 1819. It docked at Liverpool,England, on June 20. The journey was made in 29 days. During the trip, the ship ran its engine only 85 hours. After that, the fuel was used up. The rest of the trip was made using sails. The Savannah returned to the United States under sail alone.The engine was not used. Nevertheless, the Savannah is in the records as the first steamship to cross the Atlantic.
薩凡納號於 1819 年 5 月 22 日離開紐約市。它於 6 月 20 日停靠在英國利物浦。旅程在 29 天內完成。在旅途中,這艘船的發動機只運行了85小時。在那之後,燃料就用完了。其餘的行程都是用帆完成的。薩凡納號獨自啟航返回美國。發動機沒有被使用。儘管如此,薩凡納號仍是第一艘橫渡大西洋的蒸汽船

Another steamship also crossed the Atlantic, in 1838. It was the British ship,the Sirius. It used steam power all the way. It was also a side-wheeler. The trip took 181/2 days.
1838 年,另一艘輪船也穿越了大西洋。那是一艘英國船,天狼星號。它全程使用蒸汽動力。它也是一個側輪車。這次旅行花了 181/2 天。

These trips revealed one serious weakness. It was with the large side-wheels.The waves battered these rather fragile devices mercilessly. Something had to replace them. But what? The solution was the propeller. It was wholly under water at a ship's stern. It used power more efficiently.

The steamship the Great Britain was designed in 1845. It became the first pro-peller-driven ship to travel across the Atlantic.
大不列顛號蒸汽船設計於1845年。它成為第一艘橫跨大西洋的職業 peller 驅動的船。

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea M 15
標記主要思想 M 15

Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記語句 that


a. The success of the steamship led to the Savannab and other ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
一個。蒸汽船的成功導致 Savannab 和其他船隻穿越大西洋。

b. Steamships became the popular way to travel in the 1800s.
b. 輪船成為 1800 年代流行的旅行方式。

c. The Savannab made its trip across the Atlantic using its steam engine and its sails.
c. 薩凡納布號使用蒸汽機和風帆穿越大西洋。

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2This selection centers on

a.the first steamnship.

☑ b.ocean-crossing steamships.
☑ b.跨洋輪船。

☑ c. the Savannah crossing the Atlantic.
☑ c. 橫跨大西洋的薩凡納河。

d.traveling by water.

Supporting 3The Savannah
支援 3The Savannah

Details ☑a. had two paddle wheels.
細節 ☑a. 有兩個槳輪。

b.had two sails.

c. was the first steamship.
c. 是第一艘蒸汽船。

d.only used its engine.

Conclusion 4 From this passage, it appears that the steamship
結論 4 從這段話中可以看出,輪船

/a.was the only way to travel.

☑b. allowed people to travel to other countries.
☑ 灣。允許人們前往其他國家。

c.replaced sailboats.

d.brought goods as well as people to the United States.

Clarifying 5Most of the passage is devoted to
澄清 5 這段話的大部分內容都是關於

Devices a.facts and statistics.
設備 a.事實和統計數據。

b.a story.
B.A 故事。

□c. opinions of famous people.

d.personal experiences.

Vocabulary 6Something done efficiently is done
詞彙6 高效完成某事

in Context ☑a.very quickly.
上下文中 ☑a.非常快。


c.with lots of work.

d.with little effort.

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Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2 This passage is mostly about
主題 2 本文主要是關於

☑a.Arabian combat.
☑ 一個。阿拉伯戰鬥。

b.why Arabs bred horses.

☑c.training Arabian horses.

d.armies of Arabia.

Supporting 3Duing the final test the horses
支援 3Duing 對馬匹進行最終測試

Details /a. could not drink anything.
詳細資訊 /a. 不能喝任何東西。

b.heard the horn constantly.

c.could only drink lake water.

d.were fed hay.

Conclusion 4 We can conclude from this passage that
結論 4 我們可以從這段話中得出結論,

☑a. Arabian trainers also fought in the army.
☑ 一個。阿拉伯教練也在軍隊中戰鬥。

☑ b.the horses that passed the test fought in battle.
☑ b.通過測試的馬匹參加戰鬥。

c. the horses that did not pass were used for patrol duty.
c. 未通過的馬匹用於巡邏任務。

d.camels also had to survive tests and training.
d.Camels 還必須通過測試和訓練。

Clarifying 5The author makes the horse training process Devices clearer to the reader by
澄清 5作者通過以下方式使馬匹訓練過程的設備對讀者更清晰

☑a. describing a particular training activity.
☑ 一個。描述特定的訓練活動。

b.presenting a well-planned argument.

c. narrating some eyewitness accounts.
c. 敘述一些目擊者的陳述。

d.telling a story about a successful horse.

Vocabulary 6Tumult, in this passage,means
詞彙 6Tumult在這段話中,意思是

in Context a.excitement.
在上下文中 a.excitement。




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and on the graph on page 214. Score
和第 214 頁的圖表上。得分

83 The Long and Short of It
83 長與短

Every day we lace our talk with measurement words. We ask, “How much?”“How many?”and “How far?” At the store we buy meat by the pound, clothing by the size, and cloth by the yard. All athletic events are played on measured fields or sur-faces. Rules are also filled with words of measurement. For example, in football we know that a first down means a gain of at least 10 yards. Words of distance, weight,and size help us understand and visualize what is seen or said.
每天,我們的談話都用測量詞來穿插。我們問,「多少錢?有多少人?和「多遠?在商店裡,我們按磅購買肉類,按大小購買衣服,按碼購買布料。所有體育賽事均在測量場地或表面進行。規則中也充滿了衡量詞。例如,在足球中,我們知道第一次進攻意味著至少增加 10 碼。距離、粗細和大小的詞語有助於我們理解和想像所看到或所說的內容。

In ancient times, people used parts of the body as units of measurement. The Romans used uncia to name the distance equal to the width of a thumb.The English picked up this word and renamed it an inch. They did not, however, accept the thumb as a unit of measure. They decided instead that an inch should be “three barley corns, round and dry, placed end-to-end lengthwise."
在古代,人們使用身體的某些部位作為測量單位。羅馬人使用 uncia 來命名等於拇指寬度的距離。英國人拿起了這個詞,並將其改名為一英寸。然而,他們不接受拇指作為測量單位。相反,他們決定一英寸應該是“三大麥玉米,圓而干,首尾相連縱向放置”。

After this inch was accepted and used,the English then joined 12 inches and called it a foot. As it happened, 12 inches was roughly the length of a man's foot, so the foot-unit was widely used. To measure a room, all you had to do was put one foot in front of the other and count.
在這英寸被接受和使用后,英國人接著將 12 英寸連接起來,稱其為英尺。碰巧的是,12 英寸大約是一個男人的腳長,因此腳單位被廣泛使用。要測量一個房間,您所要做的就是將一隻腳放在另一隻腳前面並數數。

The inch and the foot worked so well that the English introduced a larger unit.They put together three lengths of a man's foot and called it a yard.Again,man had another useful unit-in this case, one he could use to pace off a large field quickly.
英寸和英尺效果很好,以至於英國人引入了一個更大的單位。他們把一個人的三隻腳放在一起,稱之為一碼。同樣,man 還有另一個有用的單位——在這種情況下,他可以用它來快速地在大片場地上踱步。

Then the English made a unit for the women, one especially for measuring cloth. They called this unit a yard too. The distance was from a man's nose to the tip of his middle finger.

Of course, there is a flaw in all this. Not all men are the same size. But no one seems to care.

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea 15
標記主要思想 15

Mark the statement that is too broad


Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記太窄的 s 標記

a. The problems of measurement began centuries ago.

b. The English recognized the need for a standard inch.

c. Various units of measurement developed over the centuries.
c. 幾個世紀以來發展起來的各種計量單位。

Subject Matter 2 This article is mainly concerned with
主題 2 本文主要關注

a. Roman measurement.
a. 羅馬測量。

b. the development of common units of measurement.
b. 常用測量單位的發展

c. what an inch and a foot are equal to.
c. 一英寸和一英尺等於什麼。

d.understanding measurement.

Supporting 3The Romans decided that

Details a. thumbs were about an inch wide.
細節 a. 拇指大約有一英寸寬。

b.barleycorns were always the same size.

c. people are not all the same size.
c. 人們的體型並不相同。

d.a man's foot measures exactly 12 inches.
D.A 人的腳正好是 12 英寸。

Conclusion 4Many units of measurement were developed

a. to make it easier to figure out common lengths.
a. 以便更容易地計算出常見的長度。

b.because men were considered more important than women.

c. for no particular reason.
c. 無特殊原因。

d.so the English could prove their superiority to the Romans.
d.so 英國人可以證明他們優於羅馬人。

Clarifying 5In the first paragraph the author gives
澄清 5在第一段中,作者給出了

Devices a.a history of measurement.
設備 a.測量歷史。

☑ b.examples of how often we use measures.
☑ b.我們使用度量標準的頻率示例。

c. an explanation of football rules.
c. 足球規則的解釋。

d. a way of figuring out which measures
d. 一種弄清楚哪些措施的方法

are useful.

Vocabulary 6The word flaw is closest in meaning to
詞彙 6缺陷這個詞的含義最接近

in Context ☑a.defect.
在上下文 ☑a.defect 中。




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84 The Royal Canadian
84 加拿大皇家酒店

Mounted Police

What group was named the North West Mounted Rifles? Back in 1873, this was the first name given to the Canadian Mounted Police. Why did the original name change? Because the United States objected. They thought the name sounded too much like a military force. And that was a problem. A treaty between the United States and Canada stated that no armed forces would patrol the 4,000-mile border.So the name became Canadian Mounted Police. The word royal was added in 1920.King Edward VII of England allowed them to use the prefix.
哪個團體被命名為西北騎兵步槍?早在 1873 年,這是加拿大騎警的第一個名稱。為什麼原來的名字會改變?因為美國反對。他們認為這個名字聽起來太像一支軍隊。這是一個問題。美國和加拿大之間的一項條約規定,沒有武裝部隊會在 4,000 英里的邊界上巡邏。所以這個名字就變成了加拿大騎警。皇家一詞於 1920 年添加。英格蘭國王愛德華七世允許他們使用前綴。

What is the mission of the Mounties? The words on their badge tell it all. The words are “Maintain the right." The Mounties cover miles and miles of territory to fulfill their mission. They are not like the local police in towns and cities. Their ter-ritory is the mountains, forests, and tundra of the rest of Canada.

The Mounties gained world fame during the Klondike gold rush. Gold was discov-ered in August 1896. More than 25,000 people joined the rush. People from all over the world sought their fortune in the frozen north. The Mounties kept law and order in the Canadian gold fields. (Many people believe the gold rush took place in Alaska.This is not so. The gold rush wras in the Yukon Territory. This belongs to Canada.)
騎警在克朗代克淘金熱期間獲得了世界聲譽。黃金於1896年8月被發現。超過 25,000 人加入了這場衝刺。來自世界各地的人們 在冰凍的北方尋求財富。騎警們在 Canadian 金礦區維持法律和秩序。(許多人認為淘金熱發生在阿拉斯加。事實並非如此。育空地區的淘金熱肆虐。這屬於加拿大。

In ceremonies, you can still see the Mounties. You'll see the famous scarlet tunics that they wear. You'll also see their wide-brimmed hats. Their breeches are always tucked in high boots with spurs. Dressed to the hilt, the Mounties are a sight to see.

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea


Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow

a. The Royal Mounties are Canadian law officers.

b. The Mounties became famous during the gold rush.

c. The Royal Mounties have policed Canadian territory for over a hundred years.
c. 皇家騎警在加拿大領土上已經有一百多年的歷史了。

Subject Matter 2 This passage is mainly about
主題 2 這段話主要是關於

a. the treaty between U.S.and Canada.
a. 美國和加拿大之間的條約。

b.Canadian police.

c. the Royal Mounties.
c. 皇家騎警。

d.a Canadian mission.
d.a 加拿大任務。

Supporting 3The Royal Mounties are recognized by their
支援 3皇家騎警 (Royal Mounties) 得到他們的認可

Details a.white shirts.
細節 a.白色襯衫。

b.highly polished shoes.

c.short,dark hats.

d.scarlet tunics.

Conclusion 4The Mounties became famous during the Klondike gold rush because

☑a. they kept order and control over thousands of people.
☑A. 他們維持秩序並控制著成千上萬的人。

b.it was cold and crowded but they stayed in the gold fields.
b.it 寒冷而擁擠,但他們留在了金礦區。

c. they helped discover the gold territory.
c. 他們幫助發現了黃金領地。

d.more people came to see the Mounties than ever before.
d. 來看騎警的人比以往任何時候都多。

Clarifying 5To explain how the Mounties got their present Devices name,the author
澄清 5為了解釋騎警們是如何獲得現在的設備名稱的,作者

b.describes their uniforms.

/c. compares them to other policing forces.
/c. 將他們與其他警務部隊進行比較。

d.refers to a U.S.-Canadian treaty.
d. 指美國-加拿大條約。

Vocabulary 6 As used in this passage, fortune means
詞彙 6 在這段經文中,fortune 的意思是

in Context a.luck.
上下文中 a.luck。




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將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計,並在第 214 頁的圖表中輸入總數。得分

85 Protecting the Orange Crop
85 保護柳丁作物

Frost on the windowpanes is a child's dream. Frost in the orange groves is a grower's nightmare. Here is the reason: frost can ruin the oranges and even kill the trees.How does this happen? When the temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit,juices in the leaves anad oranges freeze. When it freezes, the juice expands. This swelling bursts the thin cells of the leaves and fruit. Then the oranges will spoil and the trees dry up.
窗玻璃上的霜是孩子的夢想。橘子園的霜凍是種植者的噩夢。原因如下:霜凍會毀掉柳丁,甚至殺死樹木。這是怎麼發生的?當溫度低於 32 華氏度時,葉子中的果汁和柳丁會結冰。當它結冰時,果汁會膨脹。這種膨脹會使葉子和果實的薄細胞破裂。然後柳丁會變質,樹木會乾涸。

When growers hear a forecast of frost, they act fast. Smudge pots ready for light-ing are placed in the groves. Oil burners are also put out. Both are costly. For exam-ple, to protect an orange grove, 20 to 100 heaters are needed per acre.
當種植者聽到霜凍預報時,他們會迅速採取行動。準備點燃的熏香罐被放置在小樹林中。燃油燃燒器也被熄滅。兩者都很昂貴。例如,為了保護一個橘子園,每英畝需要 20 到 100 個加熱器。

Smudge pots and heaters are two ways of fighting frost. But now there is a new way. Odd as it sounds, growers use ice to fight freezing! Some spray their crops with water on a freezing night. The water freezes quickly, and then a strange thing hap-pens. As long as ice stays wet, it can't get colder than 32 degrees. Trees and oranges can stand this temperature. If the ice ever became entirely frozen and dry, it might drop many degrees and ruin the crop. The trick is to continually spray water on the ice.The spraying keeps the temperature from going below 32 degrees even if the air is much colder. Jack Frost may be frustrated, but the oranges and trees are saved.
污跡罐和加熱器是對抗霜凍的兩種方法。但現在有一條新方法。聽起來很奇怪,種植者用冰來對抗冰凍!有些人在寒冷的夜晚用水噴灑莊稼。水很快就結冰了,然後發生了一件奇怪的事情。只要冰保持濕潤,它就不會超過32度。樹木和柳丁可以承受這種溫度。如果冰完全凍結和乾燥,它可能會下降很多度並毀掉莊稼。訣竅是不斷地在冰上噴水。即使空氣要冷得多,噴塗也能使溫度不低於 32 度。傑克·弗羅斯特 (Jack Frost) 可能會感到沮喪,但柳丁和樹木都得救了。

This strange kind of “ice blanket" works only on plants strong enough to stand the weight of frozen spray. The system is also used to protect banana plants on some Central American plantaions.

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2The best alternate title for this passage is

a.Jack Frost Triumphs Again.

☑ b. Ways to Battle Frost.
☑ 灣。對抗 Frost 的方法。

c.The Helpless Plant.

d.The Battle of the Farmer.

Supporting 3Ice can save fruit trees rather than destroy them Details if the trees are
支援 3Ice 可以拯救果樹而不是摧毀它們 如果樹木是

☑ a. strong enough to support it.
☑ a. 足夠堅固以支撐它。

b.sprayed periodically.

c. accustomed to frost.
c. 習慣了霜凍。

d.quickly defrosted.

Conclusion 4You can conclude from the passage that ice would not be used to prevent the freezing of
結論 4你可以從這段話中得出結論,冰不會被用來防止

a.banana trees.

□b.fir trees.

☑ c. delicate rose bushes.
☑ c. 精緻的玫瑰花叢。

d.apple orchards.

Clarifying 5The first paragraph catches the reader's attention Devices with
澄清 5第一段引起了讀者的注意 設備

/a.vivid adjectives.
/a.vivid 形容詞。

☑ b.an interesting comparison.
☑ b.一個有趣的比較。

c.personal opinions.

d.a definition.
d.a 定義。

Vocabulary 6 As used in this passage, frustrated means
詞彙6 在本節中,沮喪的意思是

in Context a.pleased.
在上下文中 a.pleased.



d.said no to.

Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total and on the graph on page 214. Score
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計,並在第 214 頁的圖表中輸入總數。得分

86 Nighttime Sleep
86 夜間睡眠

Here is a statistic that will surprise you. More young people are killed each year by sleepy drivers than by drunk drivers. This proves one thing. Getting enough sleep can be a big problem. How are we dealing with the problem? Sleep clinics are popping up all over the United States. They are always working to find out more about sleep.

Driving when tired can be very dangerous. During the daytime, over half of dri-vers report feeling sleepy at some point. At night, over 80 percent of drivers some-times get drowvsy. And here is the most frightening of all. Almost one-quarter of all drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel.
疲勞駕駛可能非常危險。在白天,超過一半的司機報告說在某個時候感到困倦。晚上,超過 80% 的司機有時會感到疲憊。這是最可怕的。幾乎四分之一的司機在開車時睡著了。

What is going on here? One thing is that people are not getting enough sleep.One person out of three gets by on less than six hours a night. Many people have trouble falling asleep. Others fall asleep easily, but then wake up time after time.Few people get enough of the deep sleep they need to feel really rested.
這是怎麼回事?一件事是人們睡眠不足。三分之一的人每晚不到 6 小時。許多人難以入睡。其他人很容易入睡,但隨後一次又一次地醒來。很少有人能獲得足夠的深度睡眠來真正感到休息。

Here are some facts to remember. Believe it or not, people need seven to nine hours of nighttime sleep to remain healthy. During that sleep, a person's immune system is built up. This helps fight off diseases and infections. And taking a nap in the daytime does not really help. It will make a person feel refreshed. But it cannot make up for the lack of nighttime sleep.
以下是一些需要記住的事實。信不信由你,人們需要 7 到 9 個小時的夜間睡眠才能保持健康。在睡眠期間,一個人的免疫系統會建立起來。這有助於抵抗疾病和感染。白天小睡並沒有真正的説明。它會讓人精神煥發。 但它無法彌補夜間睡眠的不足。

What if you are a person with real sleeping problems? What if you have tried all the home remedies like hot milk? You might consider going to a sleep clinic.Many such clinics look for volunteers. They will study your sleep problems, and you will not have to pay anything.

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea

Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記的 statem ent

a. Nighttime sleep is important in preventing illness and unsafe driving.
a. 夜間睡眠對於預防疾病和不安全駕駛很重要。

b. Sleepy drivers can cause accidents and kill people.
b. 疲勞的司機會導致事故並殺死人。

c. Getting proper sleep is necessary for everyone.
c. 獲得適當的睡眠對每個人都是必要的。

Subject Matter 2This passage is mainly concerned with
主題 2本文主要關注

a.sleepy drivers.

☑b.data about sleep and sleepers.

c.taking naps.

☑d.sleep clinics.

Supporting 3Proper sleep
支援 3適當的睡眠

Details a. can be had either at night or during the day.
詳細資訊 a. 可以在晚上或白天獲得。

□/b.is about 10 hours a night.
□/b.is 每晚約 10 小時。

☑c. strengthens the immune system.

d.is less necessary as people get older.
隨著年齡的增長,d.is 越來越不必要。

Conclusion 4We canr assume that lack of sleep could
結論 4我們可以假設睡眠不足可能會

a. make a person gain weight.
a. 使人體重增加。

□/b. not happen at a sleep clinic.
□/b. 不會發生在睡眠診所。

☑ c. be dangerous for pilots.
☑ c. 對飛行員構成危險。

d.have a bad effect on animals.

Clarifying 5To help the reader understand that sleep is Devices important,the writer uses
澄清 5為了幫助讀者理解睡眠是 設備 重要性,作者使用

a.several examples.

b.quotes from experts.

□c. careful measurements.

d.strong arguments.

Vocabulary 6The best definition for refreshed in this passage is
詞彙 6 本文中刷新的最佳定義

in Context ☑a.newly purchased.
在 Context ☑a.newly purchased 中。


c. newly planted.
c. 新種植。




87 The Titanic
87 泰坦尼克號

The word "unsinkable" sunk the Titanic. How? Because everyone believed it.

The ship left Southampton, England, on April 10, 1912. She sailed forfive days on calm seas, steaming at about 26 miles per hour. Pretty fast for a ship of over 46 thousand tons.
該船於 1912 年 4 月 10 日離開英國南安普敦。她在平靜的海面上航行了五天,以每小時約 26 英里的速度航行。對於一艘超過 46,000 噸的船來說,這是相當快的。

On April 14, wireless reOports from other ships warned of icebergs ahead.Actually, six reports came in that day. But the “unsinkable” ship steamed on. No slowing down.
4 月 14 日,其他船隻的無線電轉發警告前方有冰山。實際上,那天收到了六份報告。但「永不沉沒」的船繼續前進。不要放慢速度。

There was no moon that night. At 11:40 p.M. lookout Frederick Fleet saw the iceberg and phoned the bridge. A mountain of ice loomed against the dark sky. The berg was about 100 feet high. This means it extended about 900 feet below the sur-face.The ship veered at the last second. From above, it looked like a close shave.But at the bottom a scraping sound was heard.
那天晚上沒有月亮。晚上 11 點 40 分,瞭望員弗雷德里克·弗利特 (Frederick Fleet) 看到了冰山,並給橋打了電話。一座冰山在漆黑的天空中若隱若現。山大約有 100 英尺高。這意味著它延伸到表面以下約 900 英尺處。船最後一秒轉向。從上面看,它看起來像是一次近距離的剃鬚。但在底部,可以聽到刮擦的聲音。

It took 25 minutes to assess the damage. Water was pouring in. At 12:05,“Get the lifeboats ready" was ordered. By 2:20 A.M. the ship had sunk below the surface.So there were only about two free hours to load the lifeboats. The ship carried 2,207 people. Fully loaded, the lifeboats could take only 1,178.Already there was guaranteed doom for many. Most boats pulled away partially loaded. Boat #1, made for 40,carried only 12. Ultimately, only 705 people survived.
評估損失花了 25 分鐘。水湧進來。12 點 05 分,「準備好救生艇」的命令。到淩晨 2 點 20 分,這艘船已經沉入水面以下。所以只有大約兩個小時的空閒時間來裝載救生艇。這艘船載有 2,207 人。滿載而歸,救生艇只能搭載 1,178 艘救生艇。 大多數船隻都半載而歸。船 #1 ,造了 40 人,只運了 12 人。最終,只有 705 人倖存下來。

Just 10 miles away was the Californian, stopped since 10:30 P.M. Each ship could see the other's lights. But they could not communicate. The Californian shut down its wireless at 11:30.The Titanic crashed 10 minutes later. Its cry for help was unheard.
距離酒店 10 英里遠的是加利福尼亞人,從晚上 10 點 30 分開始停下。每艘船都能看到對方的燈光。但他們無法交流。 加利福尼亞人在 11 點 30 分關閉了無線,泰坦尼克號在 10 分鐘後墜毀。它的呼救聲沒有被聽到。

The Carpathia, many miles away, heard. Arriving after four hours,it picked up the survivors.

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea

a. There is really no such thing as an unsinkable ship.

b. The sinking of the Titanic is an un-forgettably sad and tragic story.

c. A huge iceberg struck the bottom of the Titanic.
c. 一座巨大的冰山擊中了泰坦尼克號的底部。

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2Another good title for this passage would be
主題 2這段話的另一個好標題是

a.“Man the Lifeboats!”

☑b.Just One Small Iceberg.
☑ 灣。只是一座小冰山。

c.A Beautiful Ocean Liner.

☑d.A Watery Disaster.

Supporting 3When the Titanic hit the iceberg it
支援 3當泰坦尼克號撞上冰山

Details a.wired the Californian.
詳細資訊 a.wired theCalifornian.

□/b.had lifeboats ready.

☑c. was night.

d.immediately notified the passengers.

Conclusion 4From this passage we can infer that
結論 4從這段話中我們可以推斷出

a. the Titanic did not have a large enough crew.
a. 泰坦尼克號沒有足夠多的船員。

☑b.passengers were not told to fill the lifeboats.

/c. more woman and children survived.
/c. 更多的婦女和兒童倖存下來。

☑ d.most ships did not care what happened to others.
☑ D. 大多數船隻並不關心其他船隻的遭遇。

Clarifying 5The first paragraph in the passage suggests that
澄清 5 該段落的第一段表明

Devices ☑ a. no one was properly prepared for an emergency on the ship.
設備 ☑ a. 沒有人為船上的緊急情況做好充分準備

b. if the ship was built correctly it would not have sunk.
b. 如果這艘船建造得當,它就不會沉沒。

c. there should have been lifeboat drills on the ship.
c. 船上應該有救生艇演習

d.the Titanic was destined to sink.

Vocabulary 6As used in this passage, veered means
詞彙 6如本文中使用的,veered 的意思是

in Context a.steered.
在上下文中 a.steered。


c. backed up.
c. 已備份。


Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total and on the graph on page 214. Score
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在這裡輸入總計,並在第 214 頁的圖表中輸入總數。 得分

88 The Panama Canal
88 巴拿馬運河

Here are some basics about the Panama Canal. It cuts through Panama to join the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Work on it started in 1904. The first ship sailed through on August 15, 1914. The canal is 50.72 miles long. From ocean to ocean,travel time is about eight hours.
以下是有關巴拿馬運河的一些基本資訊。它穿過巴拿馬,加入大西洋和太平洋。它的工作始於 1904 年。第一艘船於 1914 年 8 月 15 日駛過。運河長 50.72 英里。從大洋到大洋,旅行時間約為8小時。

What makes the canal so important is this. Ships don't have to sail around the tip of South America. For example, consider a ship sailing from New York City to San Francisco.Sailing around South America is 13,000 miles. Going through the canal is about 5,200 miles less.
運河如此重要的原因在於這一點。船隻不必繞著南美洲的頂端航行。例如,考慮一艘從紐約市航行到三藩市的船,繞南美洲航行是13,000英里。穿過運河大約少了 5,200 英里。

About 40 ships pass through the canal in a day. All ships, including warships,must pay a 40l1. The toll depends on a ship's size and cargo. For example,the U.S.S.
一天大約有 40 艘船通過運河。所有船隻,包括軍艦,都必須支付 40l1。通行費取決於船舶的大小和貨物。例如,美國

New Jersey paid $28,838.The German ship Hamburg paid $40,936. Warships are allowed to use the canal, but only in peacetime.
澤西號支付了 28,838 美元,德國船漢堡支付了 40,936 美元。軍艦可以使用運河,但僅限於和平時期。

What was the greatest problem in buiIding the canal? The answer: disease.The

Canal Zone was one of the most disease-ridden areas in the world. In 1904, Colonel He had already gained fame by wiping out yellow fever in Cuba. His first two years
were devoted to sanitation. Swamps were drained. Brush was cleared. Tall and short
tesa l/swamp grasses were cut. By 1906 Gorgas had wiped out yellow fever. He eliminated the
rats that carried bubonic plague.Ile did not completely wipe out malyria. But he
greatly reduced its rate. So it is fair to say this. The canal engineers were great.But the project would never have been completed without William Gorgas.
運河區是世界上疾病最嚴重的地區之一。1904年,何上校已經因在古巴消滅黃熱病而聲名鵲起。他的頭兩年致力於衛生工作。沼澤被抽乾。刷子被清除。高而矮tesa l/swamp草被剪掉。到 1906 年,戈爾加斯已經消滅了黃熱病。他消滅了攜帶腺鼠疫的老鼠。Ile 並沒有完全消滅 Malyria。但他大大降低了它的速率。所以可以公平地說。運河工程師很棒。但如果沒有 William Gorgas,這個項目永遠不會完成。

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea

Mark the statement that is too broad -5
標記太寬泛的語句 -5

Mark the statement that is too narrow

a. The Panama Canal was an important development in the 1900s.
一個。巴拿馬運河是 1900 年代的一項重要發展。

b. Ships pay a toll to pass through the Panama Canal.
b. 船隻通過巴拿馬運河需要支付通行費

c. The Panama Canal saves travel time,but it was not built without a struggle.
c. 巴拿馬運河節省了旅行時間,但它並非一帆風順地建造。

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2 The passage is primarily about
主題 2 這段話主要是關於

a.sailing through the canal.

b.Colonel William Gorgas.

c. the Panama Canal.
c. 巴拿馬運河。

d.what people did before the canal was built.

Supporting 3The Panama Canal

Details ☑ a. has about 40 ships sailing through in a day.
詳細資訊 ☑ a. 一天大約有 40 艘船通過。

b.does not charge a toll to American ships.

☑c. was completed in 1904.

d.goes from New York City to San Francisco.

Conclusion 4 Judging from this passage, one might say that building the canal.
結論 4 從這段話來看,可以說修建運河。

a. caused diseases that hurt people in the area.
a. 導致疾病傷害該地區的人們。

b.made it easier for warships to fight other countries.

☑c. made sailing more expensive than it had been.

☑d.took courage and dedication.

Clarifying 5The author makes clear how difficul canal Devices building was by
澄清 5作者清楚地說明了困難管裝置的構建是如何

a. describing the work of Gorgas.
a. 描述 Gorgas 的工作。

b.describing the tall mountains that surround it.

c.giving the number of people who died building it.

d.telling how long it took to build.

Vocabulary 6In this passage reduced means
詞彙 6在這段話中簡化的意思是

in Context ☑ a. decreased.
在上下文 ☑ a. 中減少。




Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計總計

and on the graph on page 214. Score
和第 214 頁的圖表上。得分

89 Knives,Forks, and Spoons
89 把刀、叉和勺子

Imagine sitting down to dinner in the early days of our country. In front of you1 at that time would be a large plate made of pewter. Alongside the pewter plate would be only a knife and a spoon. What? Nofork? Yes, no fork. Why? The first fork was brought to this country by Governor John Winthrop in 1630. It took many years before the average family had forks.
想像一下在我們國家成立初期坐下來吃晚飯。那時,您面前的將是一個由錫製成的大盤子。除了錫盤,只有一把刀和一把勺子。什麼?不分叉?是的,沒有分叉。為什麼?第一個叉子是由總督約翰·溫思羅普 (John Winthrop) 於 1630 年帶到這個國家的。普通家庭花了很多年才有叉子。

Even when forks were introduced, they were not widely used. They were thought to be effeminate. This was true especially among men. Tough men continued to pick up food with their fingers. Even the clergy jumped to the side of such men.They argued that it was almost a sin to eat with a fork. After all, they said, fingers were made before forks. Also, forks were an unnaturaI substitute for the God-given fingers.
即使引入了分叉,它們也沒有被廣泛使用。他們被認為是女性化的。這在男性中尤其如此。硬漢們繼續用手指撿起食物。甚至神職人員也跳到這些人的一邊。他們爭辯說,用叉子吃東西幾乎是一種罪過。畢竟,他們說,手指是在叉子之前製造的。此外,叉子是上帝賜予的手指的 unnaturaI 替代品。

Nevertheless, forks slowly gained acceptance. The earliest ones had only two tines. The tines were not delicate. They were long and looked more like a weapon than an eating utensil. For a better idea of what they looked like, do this.Open your kitchen drawer and take out the fork used in carving a big turkey or roast beef.This is a throwback to the early table forks. And these carving forks, in turn, were a throwback to a vicious twin-pointed battle spear.

The forks we now use have either three or four tines. Such forks came into use only about a century ago. You may wonder how such a simple utensil took so long to develop. After all, hundreds of complex inventions came about long before the fork. Why didn't people's ingenuity come to the fore a lot sooner? We don't know.What's your guess?

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea Mark the statement that is too broad
標記主要思想 標記過於寬泛的陳述

Mark the statement that is too narrow

a. The fork's development took many years.

b. Utensils take years to be accepted.

c. The early fork was similar to a carving fork.
c. 早期的叉子類似於雕刻叉。

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2 The focus of this passage is
主題2 本文的重點是


b.the early days.

. the development of the fork.

d.simple inventions.

Supporting 3 ;Early forks
支援 3 ;早期分叉

Details a.were sometimes used as battle spears.
細節 a.有時被用作戰鬥長矛。

b.were more useful than modern forks.

/C. were used only for carving.
/C. 僅用於雕刻。

☑d.originally had only two tines.

Conclusion 4From this passage we can conclude that today's forks
結論 4從這段話中我們可以得出結論,今天的分叉

a. are used more widely than when forks were first developed.
a. 的使用比 fork 最初開發時更廣泛

b.come in many sizes.

c. are enjoying renewed popularity.
c. 正在享受新的人氣。

d.are closely related to spoons.

Clarifying 5The purpose of the first sentence in this passage is to
澄清 5 這段話第一句話的目的是

Devices a.jog your memory.
設備 a.jog 你的記憶體。

.help you visualize.

c. put you in a serious mood.
c. 讓你心情嚴肅。

d.awaken your feelings.

Vocabulary 6 The word throwback, as used in this passage, means
詞彙 6 本文中使用的 throwback 一詞的意思是

in Context a.an object that is able to return to the sender.
in Context a.an 物件。

□b.something that bounces back.

/c. an object related to a similar, earlier object.
/c. 與類似的早期物件相關的物件。

d.a valuable object.

Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total
問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計總計

and on the graph on page 214. Score
和第 214 頁的圖表上。得分

90 A Seed Takes a Bow
90 A Seed Takes a Bow (種子鞠躬)

You probably remember that chocolate is made from cacao seeds. These seeds grow on cacao trees. Note that cacao (not cocoa) is the accurate spelling. The mistake in spelling was made a long time ago by English importers.
您可能還記得巧克力是由可哥籽製成的。這些種子生長在可哥樹上。請注意,cacao (not cocoa) 是準確的拼寫。拼寫錯誤是很久以前英國進口商犯的。

The word cacao comes from two Mayan words meaning "bitter juice."The word chocolate came from two other Mayan words meaning "warm drink.”

The cacao tree was first found in southern Mexico. In their wild state cacao trees grow up to 40 feet tall. But on a farm they are kept pruned to a height of about 15 feet.
可哥樹最早是在墨西哥南部發現的。在野生狀態下,可哥樹可以長到 40 英尺高。但在農場,它們被修剪大約15英尺的高度。

Cacao trees require a mean temperature of about 80 degrees. They just cannot stand a cold or even cool climate. Another requirement is that they cannot stand direct sunlight.They are sensitive when young. They grow best in the shade of other trees.For example, they seem to like such trees as mango, rubber, banana,or breadfruit.

The cacao seed grows in a pod that looks like a long cucumber. It can be 14inches long. Pods do not hang on stems. They pop directly out of a bare trunk or cling to the bare branches.
可哥種子生長在看起來像長黃瓜的豆莢中。它可以是 14英寸長。豆莢不掛在莖上。它們直接從光禿禿的樹榦中彈出或依附在光禿禿的樹枝上。

When the pods are ripe they are cutopen. Each pod contains 25 to 50 seeds or beans. On the average, they are about an inch wide. The seeds are then taken out and fermented. When cured, no pulp clings to the seed. The yield, on the average,is one to two pounds of seed per tree per year. So you need many trees to satisfy the market. Most of the world's cacao comes from small family farms. The biggest pro-ducers are Ghana in West Africa and Brazil in South America.
當豆莢成熟時,它們被切開。每個豆莢包含25到50顆種子或豆子。平均而言,它們大約有一英寸寬。然後將種子取出並發酵。固化后,沒有果肉粘附在種子上。平均而言,每棵樹每年的產量為 1 到 2 磅種子。所以你需要很多樹來滿足市場。世界上大部分可哥來自小型家庭農場。最大的產國是西非的迦納和南美洲的巴西。

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Mark the main idea M 15
標記主要思想 M 15

Mark the statement that is too broad 5
標記過於寬泛的陳述 5

Mark the statement that is too narrow 5
標記太窄的語句 5

a. The cacao seed grows in a long pod.

b. Cacao seeds and trees have distinct characteristics.
b. 可哥種子和可哥樹具有鮮明的特性。

c. Cacao trees produce cacao seeds.
c. 可哥樹產生可哥種子。

Subject Matter 2 This passage deals mainly with
主題 2 本文主要涉及

a.where cacao trees are grown.

☑b.cacao seeds and cacao trees.

c. cacao trees.
c. 可哥樹。

d.products made from cacao seeds.

Supporting 3The cacao tree was first discovered in
支援 3可哥樹最早被發現於

Details a.Ghana.
詳情 a.迦納。

☑ b.southern Mexico.
☑ b.墨西哥南部。

c. Brazil.
c. 巴西。

d.the southern United States.

Conclusion 4It is possible to conclude that the cacao tree
結論 4可以得出結論,可哥樹

☑a. makes more pods if it is in the shade.
☑ 一個。如果在陰涼處,則會產生更多的豆莢。

b.is more popular in Mexico than anywhere else.
b.is 在墨西哥比其他任何地方都受歡迎

c. grows under another tree because it likes company.
c. 生長在另一棵樹下,因為它喜歡陪伴。

d.is a fairly fussy plant.
d.is 一種相當挑剔的植物。

Clarifying 5When referring to the "mean" temperature, the
澄清 5當提到「平均」溫度時,

Devices author is referring to the

a.temperature that trees are forced to grow in.

b.temperature colder than the trees would like.

c.exact temperature necessary for cacao trees to live.

d.average temperature suitable for cacao trees to grow.

Vocabulary 6As used in this passage, accurate means

in Context a.incorrect.
上下文中 a.incorrect。



d.about the same.

Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total and on the graph on page 214. Score
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計,並在第 214 頁的圖表中輸入總數。得分

91 Icebergs
91 冰山

Fog at sea is dangerous. But icebergs at sea are terrifying. Just the mention of icebergs and we immediately think Titanic. Even though that ship struck a large berg,we know icebergs can be even larger. One of the largest ever seen was in the Antarctic region. It was 60 miles wide. It was over 200 miles long. Let us compare it to one of our states. It was twice as big as the state of Connecticut. An even more important measure of size is the depth of an iceberg. For example, the Antarctic berg towered about 400 feet above the surface of the ocean. But this was only about an eighth to a tenth of its total mass. Most of the berg-3,600 feet in this case-was under water.
海上的霧很危險。但海上的冰山是可怕的。只要提到冰山,我們就會立即想到泰坦尼克號。 即使那艘船撞上了一座大山,但我們知道冰山可以更大。有史以來最大的一次是在南極地區。它有 60 英里寬。它有 200 多英里長。讓我們將其與我們的一個州進行比較。它的面積是康涅狄格州的兩倍。衡量規模的一個更重要的指標是冰山的深度。例如,南極山出海洋表面約 400 英尺。但這只是其總品質的八分之一到十分之一左右。這座山的大部分——在本例中為 3,600 英尺——都在水下。

How are icebergs formed? The iceberg first of all was part of a glacier or ice cap on land. The thickest ice cap of all is the Antarctic ice cap. It is 1,000 feet thick near the coast and 6,000 feet thick in the middle. The 6,000 foot portion is heavy beyond imagination. This weight in the middle puts pressure on the whole ice cap.The pressure pushes out the ice at the ends. The ends are pushed into the sea.When these ends break off, they become floating icebergs.
冰山是如何形成的?冰山首先是陸地上冰川或冰蓋的一部分。最厚的冰蓋是南極冰蓋。它在海岸附近有 1,000 英尺厚,中間有 6,000 英尺厚。6,000 英尺的部分重得超乎想像。中間的重量對整個冰蓋施加了壓力。壓力將兩端的冰推出。末端被推入海中。當這些末端斷裂時,它們就會變成漂浮的冰山。

Let's shift to the North Atlantic. The bergs here break off the ice cap covering Greenland. The danger is that some of these bergs float into the routes of transat-lantic liners. April, May, and June are the worst months. During these months,ships take a more southerly route.
讓我們轉向北大西洋。這裡的山峰打破了覆蓋格陵蘭島的冰蓋。危險在於,其中一些山峰會漂浮到 transat-lantic 班輪的航線上。4 月、5 月和 6 月是最糟糕的月份。在這幾個月里,船隻走更南的路線。

Ships traveling at night are in special danger. After the Titanic, an ice patrol was formed to protect all ships. Ice patrols use planes and ships to locate icebergs. The patrol reports the position of all icebergs. It also charts the bergs' probable courses.No one wants another Titanic!

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea


Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記 的狀態 nt


a. Icebergs are formed from ice caps and glaciers.
a. 冰山是由冰蓋和冰川形成的。

b. There are many dangers for ships in ice-filled waters.

c. Icebergs' size and weight make them dangerous for ships.
c. 冰山的大小和重量使它們對船隻構成危險。

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter2 This passage is mainly about
主題2 這段話主要是關於

a.the Titanic.

b.icebergs from Antarctica.

c. dangers from icebergs.
c. 冰山的危險。

d.what ice caps are.

Supporting 3One of the largest known icebergs came from
支援 3已知最大的冰山之一來自

Details a.Greenland.
詳情 a.格陵蘭島。

□b.the Arctic Circle.

c. Antarctica.
c. 南極洲。


Conclusion 4If a ship were to travel from New York to England in April, it would probably
結論 4如果一艘船在 4 月從紐約開往英國,那可能會

a. use the northerly route.
A. 使用北線。

b.use the southerly route.

c. travel only in daytime.
c. 僅在白天出行。

□d.consider postponing until May.
□考慮推遲到 5 月。

Clarifying 5To describe the length of the largest iceberg the author uses
澄清 5描述作者使用的最大冰山的長度


a.true accounts.
a.true 帳戶。


c. a story.
c. 一個故事。

d.a comparison.
D.A 比較。

Vocabulary 6In this passage, the word towered is closest in meaning to
詞彙 6在這段經文中,towered 這個詞的含義最接近

in Context
in Context (上下文)


b.extended in height.

c. extended in width.
c. 寬度延長。


Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total and on the graph on page 214. Score
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計,並在第 214 頁的圖表中輸入總數。得分

92 Indispensable Rubber
92 不可或缺的橡膠

Pearl Harbor. It was December 7, 1941.Japanese bombers destroyed or damaged 19American ships. The loss was a nightmare. Nothing could be worse. But a greater loss came right after that. What happened was that there was no rubber.
珍珠港。那是 1941 年 12 月 7 日,日本轟炸機摧毀或損壞了 19美國船隻。損失是一場噩夢。沒有比這更糟糕的了。但更大的損失就在那之後發生了。發生的事情是沒有橡膠。

The Japanese had captured almost all the rubber-growing lands. These were lands in the Far East. Nine-tenths of the world's supply of natural rubber was no longer available.

Without rubber, war production would stop. There was no doubt about it.Everything needed rubber. Trucks, jeeps, and planes needed tires. Artillery could not move. Shipbuilding would cease. The Army and Navy could not move. Rubber was a must. To emphasize: this was a greater crisis than Pearl Harbor.

What did the United States do? Latex, the sap from a rubber tree, was needed.But goldenrod and dandelions also produce latex. Fields of both were planted. Some latex was produced, but only small amounts. Desperation set in. Much more was needed.And quickly.

There was only one sure answer, to produce synthetic rubber.Chemists worked around the clock. They were successful. A fine rubber was quickly produced from oil. Production of war materials never stopped. American soldiers could be supplied.

After the war, new plantations were planted. Some were in South America, some in West Africa.Botanists developed better trees. These produce six times mnore latex than wild trees. Even hormones and vitamins are used to increase yields. The U.S.does not want to be caught short.

Main Idea 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記語句 that

a. The loss of rubber was greater than the loss of ships in Pearl Harbor.

b.Wartime shortages can cause great hardships.

c. After Pearl Harbor,the U.S. searched desperately for new sources for rubber.

Subject Matter 2 The passage centers on
主題 2 段落以

a.finding an alternative rubber supply.

b.making rubber.

c. military problems after Pearl Harbor.
c. 珍珠港事件後的軍事問題。

d.production of rubber in the U.S.

Supporting 3Rubber was needed for
需要支援 3Rubber

Details a.children's toys.
詳情 a.兒童玩具。

b.truck tires.

c. tires for people's cars.
c. 人們的汽車輪胎。


Conclusion 4 From the last sentence you can guess that the U.S.
結論 4 從最後一句話中可以猜到,美國

a. will not go to war again.
A. 不會再參戰。

b.buys up large rubber plantations during wars.

c. will have a method for supplying rubber in the future.
c. 將來會有供應橡膠的方法

d.has increased its production of rubber.

Clarifying 5Pearl Harbor is described in the first paragraph to
澄清 5珍珠港事件在第一段中描述為

Devices a. expain the hardships of war.
設備 a. 解釋戰爭的艱辛。

b.show what a beautiful,peaceful place it had been.

□c. give the reader a historical time frame.

d.remind the reader how terrible and destructive war can be.
d. 提醒讀者戰爭是多麼可怕和具有破壞性。

Vocabulary 6 If something is synthetic it is
詞彙 6 如果某物是合成的,那是

in Context a.made of rubber.
在上下文中 a.由橡膠製成。

b.created from plants.



Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計總計

and on the graph on page 214. Score
和第 214 頁的圖表上。得分

93 Gold and a Stagecoach Hero
93 金幣和驛站馬車英雄

Somehow the word gold, even in a hushed whisper, does strange things to people.What do people do? They rush, almost in a panic, to the newly discovered fields.For example, over 10,000 rushed to Alaska to pan the Klondike gold.
不知何故,黃金這個詞,即使是在低聲的耳語中,也會對人們產生奇怪的影響。人們是做什麼的?他們幾乎是驚慌失措地沖向新發現的田野。例如,超過 10,000 人湧向阿拉斯加淘金。

But one of the biggest rushes was to California in the 1840s. The “forty-niners"poured in from all parts of the world to pan the rich deposits. The miners brought thousands of ounces of gold into the banks. This was a good business for the banks,but it also presented a problem. The gold had to be moved eastward to stronger banks. The only transportation was the stagecoach.
但最大的高峰之一是 1840 年代的加利福尼亞。“四十九人”從世界各地湧入,以搜尋豐富的礦床。礦工們將數千盎司的黃金帶入銀行。這對銀行來說是一筆好生意,但也帶來了一個問題。黃金必須向東運到更堅固的河岸。唯一的交通工具是驛馬車。

Bandits, of course, would watch for shipments of gold. Watching paid off. A man named Sam Bass, for instance, stole $50,000 in gold. A fortune in those early days!
土匪當然會監視黃金的運輸。觀察是有回報的。例如,一個名叫 Sam Bass 的人偷了 50,000 美元的黃金。在那些早期的日子裡,真是一筆財富!

The favorite target of bandits was the stagecoach.The bandits would pick a deserted spot. In such a spot some bandits waylaid Charley Parkhurst's stagecoach.Parkhurst was a stagecoach driver widely known for driving skill. The first time he was stopped and threatened,he gave up the gold. But he said, "I wasn't expecting this, but the next time, I'll be ready for you."
土匪最喜歡的目標是驛馬車。土匪會選擇一個荒涼的地方。在這樣的地方,一些土匪攔下查理·派克赫斯特 (Charley Parkhurst) 的驛馬車。Parkhurst 是一位以駕駛技術而聞名的驛馬車司機。第一次被攔下和威脅時,他放棄了金牌。但他表示,“我沒想到會這樣,但下次,我會為你做好準備。

The next time came soon. And, as promised, Charley was ready.He shot the leader of the ill-starred gang. Then he whipped his horses rightthrough the gang.They scattered like rabbits.
下一次很快就來了。而且,正如承諾的那樣,Charley 已經準備好了。他射殺了那個不法分子的團夥的頭目。然後他用鞭子抽打著馬,直接穿過了這幫人。他們像兔子一樣四散開來。

What made Charley's feat all the more remarkable was revealed at his death in 1879.The doctor's death certificate showed that Charley, old rough-and-tumble Charley,was actually Charlotte Parkhurst.
使查理的壯舉更加引人注目的是在他 1879 年去世時被揭示的。醫生的死亡證明顯示,查理,那個粗獷的老理,實際上是夏洛特·派克赫斯特。

Main Idea 1Answer Score
主要思想 1答案分數

Mark the main idea

Mark the statement that is too broad C
標記太寬泛的語句 C

Mark the statement that is too narrow

a. Charley Parkhurst's stagecoach was held up.
a. 查理·派克赫斯特 (Charley Parkhurst) 的驛馬車被攔住了。

b. Gold rushes presented problems.

c. Gold bandits targeted stagecoaches but were outsmarted by Charley Parkhurst.
c. 金匪以驛馬車為目標,但被查理·派克赫斯特智取。

Subject Matter 2 The main subject of this passage is
主題 2 本文的主題是

a. the dangers of the stagecoach.
A. 驛馬車的危險。

b.the life of Charley Parkhurst.

c. the death of Charley Parkhurst.
c. 查理·派克赫斯特 (Charley Parkhurst) 之死。

d.transporting gold.

Supporting 3The bandits were looking for
支援 3 土匪正在尋找

Details a.stagecoaches.
詳細資訊 a.stagecoaches。

b.gold rushes.

c.bank officials.

□d.shipments of gold.

Conclusion 4The passage suggests that a stagecoach driver was assumed to be
結論 4這段話表明,假設驛站馬車司機

a.a man.

b.frightened of bandits.

□c. sympathetic to bandits.

d.young and good looking.

Clarifying 5The adjective “ill-starred" describes the gang's
澄清 5 形容詞「病態」描述了該團夥的

Devices a.intentions.
設備 a.意圖。


c.luck 的


Vocabulary 6 As used in this passage, waylaid most closely means
詞彙6 在這段經文中,waylaid 最接近的意思是

in Context a. attacked and captured.
在上下文中 a. 被攻擊和捕獲。

b.chased and destroyed.

c. attacked from a hiding place and robbed.
c. 從藏身處襲擊並被搶劫。

□d.forced to turn around and go back.

Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total and on the graph on page 214. Score
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計,並在第 214 頁的圖表中輸入總數。得分

94 Diners
94 位用餐者

Do you know what a diner is? These days it is a restaurant with booths and a long counter. Diners have a long history in America. But they used to look quite different.

The first diners appeared in 1872. This was in Rhode Island. A Mr. Walter Scott had the frst horsedrawn diner. He sat on a box in the back of a covered wagon.Inside the wagon were chicken sandwiches. Scott would drive up to a factory. He would sell night workers sandwiches. He passed them through a hole in the covered wagon.
第一批食客出現在 1872 年。那是在羅德島。A 沃爾特·斯科特先生 (Mr. Walter Scott) 開了第一家馬車餐廳。他坐在一輛有蓋馬車後座的一個箱子上。馬車裡有雞肉三明治。斯科特會開車去一家工廠。他會賣夜班工人的三明治。他把他們穿過了有蓋馬車上的一個洞。

The first stationary diner appeared 15 years later. It was a walk-in place in Massachusetts, with stools and a kitchen. Sandwiches, deserts, coffee, and milk were available.
15 年後,第一家固定餐廳出現。這是麻塞諸塞州的一個步入式場所,有凳子和廚房。三明治、甜點、咖啡和牛奶一應俱全。

Diners began to look very interesting in the 1900s. Most of the horsedrawn ones were now standing along the sides of roads. But they kept their wagon shapes.Then unused trolley cars began to be converted to diners. The long, thin shape of these cars was perfect for a counter and some stools. As trains became very stream-lined, many diners began to look like fancy train cars. They took on a sleek,smooth, silver appearance. Their insides were made of stainless steel and Formica.By the end of the 1930s, they usually had flashing neon signs outside. Perhaps you have seen diners like these in old movies.
食客在 1900 年代開始看起來非常有趣。大多數馬拉的現在都站在路邊。但他們保持了他們的馬車形狀。然後,未使用的無軌電車開始被改造成小餐館。這些汽車的細長形狀非常適合用作櫃檯和一些凳子。隨著火車變得非常流線型,許多食客開始看起來像高檔火車車廂。它們呈現出光滑、光滑、銀色的外觀。它們的內部由不鏽鋼和 Formica 製成。到 1930 年代末,他們通常在外面有閃爍的霓虹燈招牌。也許你在老電影中見過這樣的食客。

For a while, it seemed that the classic diner was making a comeback. Many old ones were restored. Fancy ones were built new in a few big cities. The food in a diner is never extraordinary. Usually it is hamburgers or meat loaf. But people love these places for their atmosphere.

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea


Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow


a. Most restaurants change over time.

b. Some diners were restored trolley cars.

c. Diners gradually changed from
c. 食客逐漸從

simple to rather classyeating places.

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2Another good title for this passage would be
主題 2這段話的另一個好標題是

a.Building a Diner.

b.Dining in Style.

c.The Horsedrawn Diner.

d.Dining on Hamburgers and Meat Loaf.

Supporting 3The first diner appearedin
支援 3 第一家食客出現在

Details a. the 1930s.
細節 a. 1930 年代。

生於 1900 年。


□卒於 1872 年。

Conclusion 4In the 1930s, the best diners looked rather
結論 4在 1930 年代,最好的食客看起來相當

a.large 的。


c. brightly colored.
c. 顏色鮮豔。


Clarifying 5The author presents the discussion of dines in
澄清 5作者在

Devices a.spatial order.
設備 a.空間順序。

b.order of importance.

c. order of difficulty.
c. 難度順序。

d.chronological order.

Vocabulary 6In this passage stationary means
詞彙 6在這段經文中靜止的意思是

in Context a. not moving.
在 Context a. 不動。

b.something to write on.

c. made of bricks.
c. 由磚塊製成。

d.made of paper.

Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total and on the graph on page 214. Score
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計,並在第 214 頁的圖表中輸入總數。得分

95 Remarkable Lakes
95 個非凡的湖泊

North America has some pretty unique lakes. For example, five of the world's largest lakes are here. They are the Great Lakes. Put them together. They form the world's biggest body of fresh water.

Superior is the largest Great Lake. It is also the biggest freshwater lake in the world.Superior's area is almost 32,000 square miles. At its deepest point this huge lake is over 1,300 feet deep. Superior is on the border between Northern Michigan and Ontario. Its water never gets very warm. This is because it is so far north.Even in summer, it may be only 45 to 50 degrees.
蘇必利爾湖是最大的五大湖。它也是世界上最大的淡水湖。蘇必利爾的面積近 32,000 平方英里。這個巨大的湖泊最深超過1,300英尺。蘇必利爾位於密歇根北部和安大略省的邊界。這裡的水從來不會很熱。這是因為它太北了。即使在夏天,也可能只有 45 到 50 度。

The next Great Lake is Huron. It is about 200 miles long. It covers about 23,000 square miles. Like Superior, it straddles the United States-Canadian border.Also like Superior, few cities of any size dot its banks.
下一個五大湖是休倫湖。它大約有 200 英里長。它佔地約23,000平方英里。與 Superior 一樣,it 跨越美國和加拿大的邊界。同樣像蘇必利爾一樣,很少有任何規模的城市點綴其河岸。

Lake Huron is directly connected to Lake Michigan. This is the third Great Lake. It is the only one completely inside the United States. It is farther south than the other two. So its waters warm up a bit in the summer. For example, near its southern tip it may reach over 70 degrees. Chicago and Milwaukee are two big cities on Lake Michigan.

The final Great Lakes are Ontario and Erie. These lakes are quite a bit smaller than the others. Lake Erie borders on three states and Ontario. Lake Ontario bor-ders on only one state. These two lakes lie close to each other. They have many cities built along them. These include Cleveland, Buffalo, and Toronto. One differ-ence between them is this. Lake Erie is very shallow. But parts of Lake Ontario are very deep. At one point this lake is 800 feet deep.
最後的五大湖是安大略省和伊利省。這些湖泊比其他湖泊小很多。伊利湖與三個州和安大略省接壤。安大略湖僅在一個州上無人問津。這兩個湖彼此靠近。他們沿途建造了許多城市。這些地區包括克利夫蘭、布法羅和多倫多。他們之間的一個區別是這個。伊利湖很淺。但安大略湖的部分地區非常深。這個湖一度有 800 英尺深。

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea

Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記 的語句

a. Chicago and Toronto are located on the Great Lakes.
a. 芝加哥和多倫多位於五大湖上。

b. There are five Great Lakes.

c. The Great Lakes have distinct characteristics. □
c. 五大湖具有鮮明的特點。□

Subject Matter 2This passage deals mainly with
主題 2本節主要涉及

a.physical characteristics of the Great Lakes.

b.large lakes in the world.

c. Lake Superior.
c. 蘇必利爾湖。

d.shipping on the Great Lakes.

Supporting 3The only Great Lake completely inside the
配套 3唯一完全在五大湖內的

Details United States is
詳情 美國





Conclusion 4It is safe to conclude from the article that
結論 4從文章中可以安全地得出結論,

a. cities are more likely to be built along the warmer lakes.

□b.Lake Superior has many resorts for swimming.

c. Lake Michigan was discovered first.
c. 密歇根湖是最早被發現的。

d. the five lakes are not that close together.
d. 這五個湖不是那麼近。

Clarifying 5 The author develops this passage mainly by
澄清 5 作者主要通過以下方式發展這段話

Devices a.telling stories.
設備 a.講故事。

b.pointing out similarities and differences.

c. presenting a persuasive argument.
c. 提出有說服力的論點。

d.explaining a process.

Vocabulary 6The word straddles, as used in the passage, means
詞彙 6本文中使用的 straddles 一詞的意思是

in Context a.rides over.
在 Context a.rides over 中。

□b.fights with.

c.lies on both sides of.

d.gets water from.

Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計 總計

and on the graph on page 214. Score
第 214 頁的圖表。 得分

96 An Unusual Reference Book
96 一本不尋常的參考書

Where do you find out about the world's longest walk? The world's tallest man? The world's oldest woman? You know the answer, of course. It is the Guinness Book of World Records. How would people find such unusual facts without this book?

The Guinness Book did not exist until 1951. Here is what happened. The manag-ing director of Guinness Brewery was a curious man. He wanted answers to some ques-tions about records. For example, he wanted to know what was the fastest flying game bird in Europe. But he was frustrated. There was no book to answer questions like this.
吉尼斯世界紀錄直到 1951 年才存在。事情是這樣的。健力士啤酒廠的管理總監是個好奇心很強的人。他想回答一些關於唱片的問題。例如,他想知道歐洲飛得最快的獵鳥是什麼。但他很沮喪。沒有書可以回答這樣的問題。

The director, Sir Hugh Beaver, contacted the McWhirter twins. They were brothers who owned a research agency. He asked them to put together a new refer-ence book. It would include all kinds of unusual records. The brothers quickly accepted. The first edition of their book was published in 1955. Soon the Guinness Book of World Records was a best seller. It has sold more copies than any book except the Bible. A new edition is published every year.
導演休·比弗爵士 (Sir Hugh Beaver) 聯繫了麥克惠爾特雙胞胎。他們是擁有一家研究機構的兄弟。他請他們整理一本新的參考書。它將包括各種不尋常的記錄。兄弟倆很快就接受了。他們這本書的第一版於1955年出版。很快,吉尼斯世界 紀錄成為暢銷書。它的銷量比除《聖經》以外的任何書籍都多。每年都會出版新版本。

Where do all the book's records come from? They are a combination of things like natural wonders, sports records, and stunts. (How many people would push an egg with their noses if they weren't trying to get into the book?) But the editors try to keep things honest. All records must be verified by an investigator.Only then are they printed.
這本書的所有記錄都來自哪裡?它們是自然奇觀、體育記錄和特技等事物的組合。(有多少人會推送 如果他們不是想進入這本書,那麼用鼻子捂蛋?但編輯們試圖保持誠實。所有記錄必須由調查員核實。只有這樣它們才會被列印出來。

The Guinness Book is big business. It is published in dozens of languages. There are TV shows and museums. It is proof of how intrigued people are with strange pieces of information.

Subject Matter 2This selection is mostly about
主題 2這個選擇主要是關於

a.the McWhirter twins.

b.a history of the Guinness Book.
b.a 吉尼斯世界紀錄的歷史。

c. unusual records in the Guinness Book.
c. 吉尼斯世界紀錄中的不尋常紀錄。

d.Sir Hugh Beaver.

Supporting 3The Guinness Book
支援 3The Guinness Book

Details a. does not always check its records.
詳細資訊 a. 不總是檢查其記錄。

b.is a best seller.
b.is 暢銷書。

c. is published only in English.
c. 僅以英文發佈。

d.has a full-length movie based on it.

Conclusion 4 It is clear from the passage that the McWhirter twins
結論 4 從這段話中可以清楚地看出,McWhirter 雙胞胎

a. recognized that Sir Hugh's idea for a book was a good one.
a. 認識到休爵士的出書主意是個好主意。

b.liked to do everything together.

c. were involved in politics.
c. 參與政治。

d.were responsible for building Guinness


Clarifying 5The sentence in parentheses in the fourth Devices paragraph is
澄清 5 第四段 Devices 中括弧中的句子

a.a comparison.
a.a 比較。

b.a story.
B.A 故事。

c. one step in a process.
c. 流程中的一個步驟。

d.an example.

Vocabulary 6 In this passage verified means
詞彙 6 在這段經文中,驗證的意思是

in Context a.questioned.
在上下文中 a.questioned。

b.written up.

c. proved the truth of.
c. 證明瞭真理。


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97 The Oregon Trail
97 俄勒岡小徑

The United States was settled by people moving west. The eastern part of thecoun-try was settled fairly early. But in the mid-1800s, people were talking about going to far western regions. They heard about rich farmland along the West Coast. They heard about gold in California. Many wanted to start over, to build new lives. They wanted to be pioneers.
美國是由向西遷移的人定居的。該國東部很早就定居了。但在 1800 年代中期,人們正在談論去遙遠的西部地區。他們聽說了西海岸富饒的農田。他們聽說了加利福尼亞的黃金。許多人想重新開始,建立新的生活。他們想成為先驅。

One trail inparticular was utilized by these pioneers. It was the Oregon Trail.It began at Independence, Missouri. It ended in Fort Vancouver,Oregon.The distance was about 2,000 miles. Travel on this trail was hard. The first part of it crossed the dusty plains. Here the weather changed constantly. Then it climbed and crossed the Rockies through the steep, hard South Pass.
其中一條小徑特別被這些先驅者使用。那是俄勒岡州 Trail.It 始於密蘇里州的獨立城。它在俄勒岡州的溫哥華堡結束,距離約為 2,000 英里。在這條小徑上旅行很艱難。它的第一部分穿過塵土飛揚的平原。這裡的天氣不斷變化。然後它爬升並穿過落基山脈,穿過陡峭、堅硬的南山口。

Most people traveled the trail by covered wagon. Inside the wagon were all their possessions. Women and children usually rode and slept in there. Wagons hadcan-vas tops. These were soaked in oil. This made them rainproof. Usually oxen pulled the wagons. People brought these animals along to plow their new farms. But the oxen couldn't climb well. They had to be pushed up mountain passes. Often wagons got stuck in the mud. Then people would have to lighten the wagons. Sometimes this meant throwing out possessions. If there was no bridge across a river, the oxen had to haul the wagons across.
大多數人乘坐有蓋馬車走這條小路。馬車裡是他們所有的財產。婦女和兒童通常在那裡騎馬和睡覺。馬車有 vas 頂部。這些被浸泡在油中。這使它們防雨。通常由牛拉車。人們帶著這些動物來犁他們的新農場。但牛爬得不好。他們不得不被推上山口。貨車經常被困在泥濘中。然後人們將不得不減輕貨車的重量。有時這意味著扔掉財產。如果沒有跨河的橋,牛就得拖著馬車過河。

Along the trail were several forts. People could pick up some supplies at these,and repair broken wheels or axles. But food, water,and wood were usually hard to get.

Between 1845 and 1859, about 280,000 people used the Oregon Trail to go west.
1845 年至 1859 年間,約有 280,000 人使用俄勒岡小道向西行駛。

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea 15
標記主要思想 15

Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記 narrow 的陳述


a. Traveling the Oregon Trail was a long,difficult ordeal.
a. 穿越俄勒岡小道是一場漫長而艱難的磨難。

b. People used the Oregon Trail to get to the West.

c. People carried some supplies,and picked up others on the trail.
c. 人們帶著一些補給品,並在小徑上撿起其他的。

Subject Matter 2This passage is mostly about
主題 2這段話主要是關於

a. difficulties of traveling with oxen.
A. 帶牛旅行的困難。

b.going west on the Oregon Trail.

c. the lands the Oregon Trail passed through.
c. 俄勒岡小道經過的土地。

□d.the kinds of possessions people took on the trail.

Supporting 3The Oregon Trail began
支援 3俄勒岡小道開始

Details a. in the Eastern United States.
詳情 a. 在美國東部。

b.at Independence,Missouri.
b.at 密蘇里州獨立城。

c. at Fort Vancouver.
c. 在溫哥華堡。

d.at South Pass.
d.at 南山口。

Conclusion 4 Pulling the wagons with oxen
結論 4 用牛拉馬車

a. allowed the families to ride in the wagons.
A. 允許這些家庭乘坐馬車。

□b.had certain disadvantages.

c. made no sense.
c. 沒有意義。

d.provided a food supply if necessary.

Clarifying 5The author introduces the Oregon Trail by
澄清 5作者通過以下方式介紹俄勒岡小道

Devices a.comparing it with other trails.
設備 a.將其與其他軌跡進行比較。

b.talking about the wagons traveling on it.

c. telling a story about a family on the trail.
c. 講述一個關於小徑上家庭的故事。

d.telling its distance and where it went.

Vocabulary 6Utilized means
詞彙 6Used means

in Context a.built.




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98 Booker T.Washington: Early Years
98 Booker T.Washington:早年

Tuskegee Institute. What is it? Where is it? If you said, "It is a historical black col-lege in Alabama," you are correct. Is it as old as Yale, Harvard, or Princeton? No. It was founded in 1881. But its history is just as exciting. Harvard was founded by John Harvard. But who founded Tuskegee? The answer: Booker T. Washington.
塔斯基吉研究所。這是什麼?它在哪裡?如果你說,“這是阿拉巴馬州歷史上的一所黑人學院”,那你是對的。它與耶魯大學、哈佛大學或普林斯頓大學一樣古老嗎?不。它成立於 1881 年。但它的歷史同樣令人興奮。哈佛由John Harvard創立。但是誰創立了塔斯基吉呢?答案是:Booker T. Washington。

Washington was born as a slave. The year was 1858 or 1859. After the slaves were freed,his family moved to West Virginia. As a child Washington had to work in a mine. But he met one African American there. This man read newspapers to the others. He inspired Washington to learn to read himself.
華盛頓出生時是奴隸。那一年是 1858 年或 1859 年。奴隸被釋放后,他的家人搬到了西佛吉尼亞州。小時候,華盛頓不得不在礦井裡工作。但他在那裡遇到了一位非裔美國人。這個人給其他人讀報紙。他激勵華盛頓學會閱讀自己。

One man at the mine spoke about a college for blacks. Washington was thrilled.He found the full name. It was the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute. It was located in Virginia. The school was 500 miles away. Washington was deter-mined to study there.
礦場的一名男子談到了一所黑人大學。華盛頓很激動。他找到了全名。那是漢普頓師範和農業學院。它位於弗吉尼亞州。學校在 500 英里之外。華盛頓決心在那裡學習。

The Institute had been founded by the American Missionary Association. That group was founded in Boston by fighters against slavery. The teachers were from the North.Their goal was to train young African-American men and women.To train them as skilled craftsmen. To make good farmers of them. To teach women to be skilled homemakers. The plan was this. These trained African Americans would train other African Americans. Many at the school were ex-slaves. They needed help to do well in white society. This school would greatly influence Washington. It would help him when he set up Tuskegee.
該研究所由美國傳教士協會 (American Missionary Association) 創立。該組織由反對奴隸制的鬥士在波士頓創立。教師來自北方,他們的目標是培訓年輕的非裔美國男性和女性。將他們培養成熟練的工匠。讓他們成為優秀的農民。教女性成為熟練的家庭主婦。計劃是這樣的。這些訓練有素的非裔美國人將培訓其他非裔美國人。學校裡的許多人都是前奴隸。他們需要説明才能在白人社會中取得好成績。這所學校將對華盛頓產生巨大影響。當他建立 Tuskegee 時,這將對他有所説明。

Main Idea 1
主要思想 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea M 15
標記主要思想M 15

Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記 nar 過多的語句

a. Booker T. Washington's early education prepared him to set up Tuskegee.
a. Booker T. Washington 的早期教育為他創立 Tuskegee 做好了準備。

b. Tuskegee Institute was founded by Booker T.Washington.
b. 塔斯基吉研究所由 Booker T.Washington 創立。

c. Booker T.Washington attended the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute.
c. Booker T.Washington 就讀於漢普頓師範和農業學院。

Subject Matter 2 This passage deals mostly with
主題 2 這段話主要涉及

a.life on a plantation.
a.life 種植園。

b.trying to escape slavery.

c. Booker T. Washington's early education.
c. Booker T. Washington 的早期教育。

□d.understanding what it takes to succeed.

Supporting 3Booker T. Washington learned about reading by
支援 3Booker T. Washington 了解閱讀

Details a.going to school.
詳情 a.上學。

b.moving to West Virginia.

c. listening to an African American read newspapers.
c. 聽非裔美國人讀報紙。

d.working many jobs.

Conclusion 4From the last two sentences of the passage, we can conclude that
結論 4從文章的最後兩句話中,我們可以得出結論

a. the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute impressed Washington.
a. 漢普頓師範和農業學院給華盛頓留下了深刻的印象。

b. Washington wanted to stay at Hampton.

c.Washington brought new students to Hampton.

d. there were many schools like Hampton in the South.
d. 南方有很多像漢普頓這樣的學校。

Clarifying 5The author begins the passage with information
澄清 5作者以信息開始文章

Devices about Tuskegee Institute to
關於 Tuskegee Institute 的設備

a.explain what kind of school it is.

b.compare it with Harvard.

c. explain why Booker T. Washington went there.
c. 解釋 Booker T. Washington 為什麼去那裡。

d.lead in to the Booker T. Washington story.
d.引出 Booker T. Washington 的故事。

Vocabulary 6As used in the passage, determined means
詞彙 6 如本文中使用的,確定了ans

in Context a.resolved.
Context a.resolved 中。




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99 Setting Up Tuskegee
99 設置 Tuskegee

Booker T. Washington graduated from the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute.He gave the graduation address. He had learned many skills at Hampton.Among them,to lay bricks.
Booker T. Washington 畢業於漢普頓師範和農業學院。他在漢普頓學到了很多技能。其中,砌磚。

Three years later, a committee from Tuskegee wrote to Hampton.They asked for a white teacher for a normal school. The principal wrote back. He had no white teacher. But he had a talented African-American graduate.The committee wrote,“Send him at once.”

Why was the school at Tuskegee founded? It was political. Colonel Foster,a white man, needed votes. Foster went to Lewis Adams, a black businessman. Adams made and sold shoes, harnesses, and tin articles. He made a deal with Foster. Foster must get money to support an African-American training school. And Adams would work to get him black votes.
塔斯基吉的學校為什麼成立?這是政治性的。白人福斯特上校需要選票。福斯特去找了黑人商人路易斯·亞當斯 (Lewis Adams)。亞當斯製造和銷售鞋子、安全帶和錫製品。他與福斯特達成了交易。福斯特必須籌集資金來支援一所非裔美國人培訓學校。亞當斯會努力讓他獲得黑人選票。

The colonel agreed. The bargain was struck. Colonel Foster won his seat. The legislature acted. Some $2,000 would be provided annually for salaries.The normal school for African-American teachers would be in Tuskegee.
上校同意了。交易達成了。福斯特上校贏得了他的席位。立法機構採取行動。每年將提供大約 2,000 美元的薪水。非裔美國教師的師範學校將在塔斯基吉(Tuskegee)。

So Washington wvent to Tuskegee. And here is what he found. A small southern town with dusty roads. Half of the people were black. There was no school there.There was not even a building. And there was no land for a building. No students had been recruited. There was no money for land. No money for anything.The $2,000 was solely for salaries. The project looked hopeless. To Washington, it was a great challenge. He took a trip through the countryside. He saw how hard people's lives were. And he recruited 30 students. Half were women,half men.
所以華盛頓轉向了塔斯基吉。以下是他的發現。一個道路塵土飛揚的南方小鎮。一半的人是黑人。那裡沒有學校。甚至沒有一棟建築。而且沒有土地建造建築物。沒有招收學生。沒有錢買地。什麼都沒錢。這 2,000 美元僅用於支付薪水。這個項目看起來毫無希望。對華盛頓來說,這是一個巨大的挑戰。他穿越了鄉村。他看到了人們的生活有多麼艱難。他招募了30名學生。一半是女性,一半是男性。

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2 The topic of this passage is
主題 2 本文的主題是

a. Washington's education.
a. 華盛頓的教育。

b.adventures in Washington's life.

c. the beginnings of the school in Tuskegee.
c. 塔斯基吉學校的開端。

d.teachers who worked in Tuskegee.

Supporting 3Lewis Adams
支援 3Lewis Adams

Details a. asked Washington to teach at the school.
詳細資訊 a. 請華盛頓在學校教書。

b.sold farm tools to whites.

c.was against slavery.

d.made a bargain with Colonel Foster.

Conclusion 4 When Washington arrived at Tuskegee, we can conclude that he was
結論 4 當華盛頓到達塔斯基吉時,我們可以得出結論,他是





Clarifying 5 To explain the founding of Tuskegee, the author uses
澄清 5 為了解釋 Tuskegee 的成立,作者使用了

Devices a.arguments.
設備 a.arguments.

□b.a list of steps.
□b.a 步驟清單。

□c.a story.
□ c.a 故事。

d.a discussion of the present school.

Vocabulary 6The word recruited means
詞彙 6 “recruited ”一詞的意思是

in Context a.signedup.
在 Context a.signedup 中。




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問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入 總計 總計

and on the graph on page 214. Score
和第 214 頁的圖表上。得分

100 The Tuskegee Adventure
100 塔斯基吉冒險

Booker T.Washington started Tuskegee with 30 students. But where were the school building and the classrooms? At the beginning, a church loaned Washington a dilapidated shanty. When it rained, a student held an umbrella over him as he lectured. It was discouraging. Almost everyone saw a failed enterprise. But Washington was too strong-willed to give up.
Booker T.Washington 以 30 名學生創辦了 Tuskegee。但是學校建築和教室在哪裡呢?起初,一座教堂借給華盛頓一個破舊的棚屋。下雨時,一名學生在他講課時為他撐傘。 這令人沮喪。幾乎每個人都看到了失敗的企業。但華盛頓的意志太堅強了,不會放棄。

Then an abandoned plantation was put on sale. The house had burned, and the land was a jungle of weeds. There were, however, four buildings standing. One was a slaves' dining room. There were also an uncleaned hen house, a wooden kitchen,and a small stable. The owner asked $500 for the plantation. This included 100acres of land in addition to the four buildings.
然後,一個廢棄的種植園被出售。房子被燒毀了,土地上長滿了雜草。然而,有四座建築屹立不倒。一個是奴隸的餐廳。還有一個未打掃的雞舍、一個木製廚房和一個小馬廄。業主要價 500 美元購買種植園。除了四座建築外,還包括100英畝的土地。

Washington was penniless, but he got a loan from the Hampton Institute.He closed the deal quickly and went right to work. After cleaning the filth,he moved the classes in the next day.
華盛頓身無分文,但他從漢普頓學院(Hampton Institute)獲得了一筆貸款,他很快就完成了交易,然後直接開始工作。清理完汙物后,他在第二天轉移了課程。

Washington had vision. He wanted brick buildings-permanence. There was good clay on the land. The students dug the clay and shaped it by hand into bricks.They also built a kiln.

Brickmaking was Tuskegee's first “practical skill." Businessmen now came to the campus to buy the bricks. Students who graduated with this skill got high pay. They were in demand throughout the state. Through bricks the fame of Tuskegee spread.More departments were created. Carpentry was added in 1884,printing in 1885.Cabinet-making came in 1887. When Washington died in 1915,the Institute had the following: over 100 well-equipped buildings,1,500 students, and a faculty of 200.Washington had succeeded through sheer determination.
制磚是塔斯基吉的第一項「實用技能」。商人現在來到校園購買磚塊。憑藉這項技能畢業的學生獲得了高薪。他們在整個州都有需求。通過磚塊,塔斯基吉的名聲傳播開來。創建了更多部門。1884 年增加了木工,1885 年印刷。1887 年出現了櫥櫃製造。當華盛頓於 1915 年去世時,該研究所擁有以下內容:100 多座設備齊全的建築、1,500 名學生和 200 名教職員工。華盛頓通過純粹的決心取得了成功。

Main Idea 1

Answer Score

Mark the main idea


Mark the statement that is too broad

Mark the statement that is too narrow
標記 statement 那太狹隘

a. Washington worked hard to improve the school and its classes.
a. 華盛頓努力改善學校及其課程。

b. Tuskegee gradually became a better place.
b. 塔斯基吉逐漸成為一個更好的地方。

c. Washington wanted brick buildings for the school.
c. 華盛頓希望為學校建造磚砌建築。

Score 15 points for each correct answer. Score
每個正確答案得 15 分。得分

Subject Matter 2This passage is mostly about
主題 2這段話主要是關於

a. Washington as a teacher.

b.Tuskegee's buildings.

c.Washington moving and growing the school.

d.making brick buildings.

Supporting 3The school was moved to
支援 3學校搬遷至

Details a.a new church.
詳細資訊 a.新教堂。

b.a jungle.
b.a 叢林。

c. an old plantation.
c. 一個古老的種植園。

d.a large stable.
d.a 大型馬廄。

Conclusion 4Readers are likely to admire Washington because he
結論 4讀者可能會欽佩華盛頓,因為他

a.liked nice buildings.

b.knew how to make bricks.

c. did not hesitate to borrow money.
c. 毫不猶豫地借錢。

d.never gave up.

Clarifying 5The writer used the phrase "a dilapidated shanty,"which suggests the structure was
澄清 5作者使用了「破舊的棚屋」一詞,這表明該結構是


a. too big and all wood.
A. 太大,全是木頭。


c.very small and falling down.

d.the worst school Tuskegee had.

Vocabulary 6 Permanence means a condition of
詞彙 6 持久性是指

in Context a.order.
在 Context a.order 中。

b.lasting a long time.


d.being tall and strong.

Add your scores for questions 1-6. Enter the total here Total and on the graph on page 214. Score
將問題 1-6 的分數相加。在此處輸入總計,並在第 214 頁的圖表中輸入總數。得分