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Robert S. Andrews, Jr., and William C. McDaniels, Houston, Tex., assignors to National Lead Com pany, New York, N.Y., a corporation of New Jersey

No Drawing. Filed Apr. 1, 1966, Ser. No. 539,312
无图纸。1966 年 4 月 1 日提交,序列号 539,312

Int. CI. C10m 11/00; E21b 3/02
Int.CI.C10m 11/00;E21b 3/02

U.S. Cl. 252-8.5 《美国法典》第 252-8.5 条
12 Claims 12 索赔

Abstract 摘要

OF THE DISCLOSURE Reaction products of humic acid with long-chain fatty acid partial amide of a polyalkylene polyamine, and oil base well-working fluids containing the same, and compositions comprising the same together with a dispersing additive. The humic acid optionally may be in part reacted with a long-chain alkyl ammonium cation.
公开内容 腐植酸与聚亚烷基多胺的长链脂肪酸部分酰胺的反应产物,以及含有腐植酸的油基加工液和由腐植酸与分散添加剂组成的组合物。腐植酸还可与长链烷基铵阳离子发生部分反应。

This invention relates to derivatives of humic acid, as obtained, for example, from lignite, and useful compositions thereof, particularly including oil-base fluids for use in well-working operations such as drilling, fracturing, packing, and the like and including processes of drilling with such compositions.

The present invention represents an enlargement and an improvement over certain of the inventive subject matter set forth in United States Patent 3,168,475 which issued Feb. 2, 1965, to a common assignee, and the patent is hereby incorporated herein by reference.
本发明是对 1965 年 2 月 2 日颁发给共同受让人的美国专利 3,168,475 号中某些创造性主题的扩充和改进,现将该专利并入本文作为参考。
In the rotary drilling of wells for oil and gas, drilling fluids are used which are circulated in such a manner as to remove cuttings and to support the walls of the hole. Most commonly such fluids are water base, comprising, for example, clay dispersed in water, but in recent years extensive use has been made of fluids having oil as the base, i.e., the continuous liquid vehicle.
The oily vehicle is converted into a well-working fluid suitable for the purpose at hand, such as a drilling fluid, by adding various materials thereto for a number of purposes. Thus, thickening agents may be added, so that the fluid will support cuttings and finely-divided solid additives. Again, weighting materials such as ground barite or calcite may be added to increase the density of the fluid. Also, and of great importance, substances may be added which serve to reduce the filtration of the fluid, as takes place when the fluid is in contact with permeable formations. These oil-base fluids may also contain water in the form of water-in-oil emulsion, so that the continuous phase of the fluid is still oil.

In the earlier development of oil-base fluids of the types described, primary attention was given to providing thickening additives. Many were found and have been used at various times, including carbon black; soaps of fatty acids, rosin, tall oil, and the like organic acids; asphalts of various kinds; and so forth. In recent years, however, it has become apparent that a low fluid loss is the most important characteristic of these fluids to be sought for, and that thickening to whatever degree desired can generally be readily accomplished by any of several means, provided that the fluid loss is maintained at a very small value, by reducing the ability of the fluid to undergo filtration.

The technique set forth in the aforesaid Patent provides an extremely useful material for reducing filter loss in fluids of the type described. It has been found, however, that in some cases, while the thermal stability of the compounds is good, nevertheless, there is room for improvement, since use of such well-working fluids for prolonged periods at very high temperatures sometimes leads to a partial loss of the desirable properties, particularly from the standpoint of filter loss.
上述专利 中阐述的技术提供了一种非常有用的材料,可用于减少所述类型流体中的过滤损失。然而,我们发现,在某些情况下,虽然化合物的热稳定性很好,但仍有改进的余地,因为在极高的温度下长期使用这种性能良好的流体,有时会导致部分理想特性的丧失,特别是从过滤损耗的角度来看。
An object of the present invention, accordingly, is to 5 provide a novel derivative of humic acid having broad utility.
Another object of the invention is to provide well working fluid compositions containing the said derivative, which exhibit improved filter-loss-reducing properties as 10 compared to those of United States Patent 3,168,475 under extreme conditions of temperature.
本发明的另一个目的是提供含有上述衍生物的油井工作液组合物,与美国专利 3,168,475 的组合物相比,该组合物在极端温度条件下具有更好的降低过滤损耗的性能。
Other objects of the invention will appear as the description thereof proceeds.
Generally speaking and in accordance with illustrative 15 embodiments of our invention, we react humic acid with from about to about of its base-combining capacity, with a fatty acid partial amide of a polyalkylene polyamine so as to produce an adduct; and furthermore, we may treat an oily liquid, which is most desirably diesel
一般来说,根据本发明的 15 个示例性实施方案,我们将腐植酸(其碱结合能力约为 )与聚亚烷基多胺的脂肪酸部分酰胺反应,从而生成加合物;此外,我们还可以处理一种油性液体,其中最理想的是柴油

20 oil but which may also be any available crude oil, topped or untopped or various fractions of crude oil, including kerosene, fuel oil, and the like, with the aforementioned humic acid derivative; and, optionally, we may add thereto any of the commonly employed additives for oil-base comprises ground minerals, such as barite, celestite, calcium carbonate, spent refinery clays, and the like; soaps, blown asphalts, carbon black, organophilic clays, and the like; water, and other known materials.
20 油,但也可以是任何现有的原油,带顶或不带顶的原油或原油的各种馏分,包括煤油、燃料油等,并添加上述腐植酸衍生物;另外,我们还可以添加任何常用的油基添加剂,包括重晶石、天青石、碳酸钙、废炼油厂粘土等磨碎的矿物;肥皂、吹沥青、炭黑、亲有机粘土等;水和其他已知材料。
Humic acid is a material of wide distribution and is present in soils, peat, and coals, particularly lignite or brown coal. It is an acid in which carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyl groups contribute base-combining ability. It is soluble in alkalies, such as caustic soda and sodium car5 bonate, has a deep brown color, and is readily soluble in water when converted to its alkali metal salt, which may be then termed an alkali metal humate, the commonest example of which is sodium humate
While humic acid is present in soils and peat, and may be extracted from them, for example, with dilute aqueous alkali, we prefer to obtain humic acid for the purposes of this invention in the form of lignite of high alkali solubility, of which vast deposits are found throughout the world, including, particularly, the United States, for example, in North Dakota, Texas, New Mexico, and Cali fornia. While we do not mean to limit ourselves thereby, we prefer a lignite having a solubility in dilute aqueous sodium hydroxide of at least by dry weight, as this provides a reasonable compromise between cost and efficacy in the final product.
虽然腐植酸存在于土壤和泥炭中,并且可以通过稀碱水溶液等方式从土壤和泥炭中提取,但为了本发明的目的,我们更倾向于以高碱溶解度褐煤的形式获取腐植酸,全世界都有大量的褐煤矿藏,尤其是美国,例如北达科他州、德克萨斯州、新墨西哥州和加利福尼亚州。虽然我们无意因此而限制自己,但我们更倾向于使用在稀氢氧化钠水溶液中的溶解度至少为 (以干重计)的褐煤,因为这可以在最终产品的成本和功效之间实现合理的折衷。
The fatty acid partial amide is an amdie of a fatty acid having from 12 to 22 carbon atoms, and which may be saturated or unsaturated, and of a polyalkylene polyamine having from three to seven amino groups, and thus in cluding tri-amines such as di-ethylene tri-amine, tetramines such as tri-ethylene tetramine, pentamines such as tetraethylene pentamine, and higher analogs of these, up to and including seven amino groups. The amide is only partial, that is, it is such that from about one-third to two-thirds of the nitrogen atoms are present in the form of a fatty acid amide, the balance being in the form of free amino groups, except that, of course, the latter are in the pentavalent state in combination with the humic acid to form a humate. We prefer fatty acids within the broad atoms and saturated and mono- and di-unsaturated, which of course includes the very common myristic, palmitic stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids. These are conveniently obtainable commercially as tallow fatty acids; corn; cottonseed, and soya fatty acids; and tall oil fatty acids, all of which may be natural or hydrogenated. Of these, we
脂肪酸部分酰胺是具有 12 至 22 个碳原子(可以是饱和或不饱和)的脂肪酸与具有 3 至 7 个氨基的聚烯烃多胺的酰胺,因此包括三胺(如二乙烯三胺)、四胺(如三乙烯四胺)、五胺(如四乙烯五胺)以及这些胺的高级类似物,最高包括 7 个氨基。酰胺只是部分的,也就是说,大约有三分之一到三分之二的氮原子以脂肪酸酰胺的形式存在,其余的以游离氨基的形式存在,当然,后者与腐植酸结合形成腐植酸盐的五价状态除外。我们更喜欢广义原子内的脂肪酸、饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和双不饱和脂肪酸,其中当然包括非常常见的肉豆蔻酸、棕榈硬脂酸、油酸和亚油酸。这些都可以通过商业途径方便地获得,如牛油脂肪酸、玉米、棉籽和大豆脂肪酸以及妥尔油脂肪酸,所有这些都可能是天然的或氢化的。其中,我们

prefer tall oil fatty acids. As the polyamine, we prefer tetraethylene pentamine. The adduct as described and wherein the partial amide is present to the extent of about of the base-combining capacity of the humic acid probably represents salt formation for , the remaining being adsorption, although in view of the complicated nature of the constituents, exact structural analysis is difficult and somewhat uncertain. Also, depending upon the drying temperature, where heat is used for such a step, the adduct may undergo a certain extent of amidification where the amino groups of the polyamines are combined with the carboxyl groups of the humic acid. For all of these reasons, we find it best to describe the aforesaid inventive product as an adduct. It may also be particularly described as an oniumamino adduct of humic acid and a fatty acid partial amide of a polyalkylene polyamine, wherein the fatty acid has from 12 to 22 carbon atoms, and more especially, wherein the polyalkylene polyamine has from 3 to 7 nitrogen atoms, inclusive; and wherein "onium" refers to the fact that those nitrogens of the polyamine which combine with the humic acid are in the pentavalent form.
首选妥尔油脂肪酸。作为多胺,我们倾向于使用四乙烯五胺。如上所述的加合物,其中部分酰胺的含量约为腐植酸碱结合能力的 ,可能代表 的盐形成,其余 为吸附,但鉴于成分的复杂性,准确的结构分析很难,而且有些不确定。此外,根据干燥温度的不同(如果在此步骤中使用了热量),加合物可能会发生一定程度的酰胺化反应,即多胺的氨基与腐植酸的羧基结合。鉴于上述原因,我们认为最好将上述发明产品描述为加合物。也可以特别将其描述为腐植酸和聚亚烷基多胺的脂肪酸部分酰胺的鎓氨基加合物,其中脂肪酸具有 12 至 22 个碳原子,更特别的是,聚亚烷基多胺具有 3 至 7 个氮原子(含);而 "鎓 "指的是与腐植酸结合的多胺中的氮基为五价形式。
Generally speaking, the adducts for use in our invention may be produced by bringing together humic acid and the partial amide compound in its base form. The base and the acid neutralize each other with salt formation, so as to produce the desired adduct in accordance with this aspect of the invention. Another general method of preparation is to convert the humic acid to a simple salt by reaction with an alkali, so as to produce sodium humate, potassium humate, ammonium humate, and the like, by reaction with sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or ammonium hydroxide, respectively. The partial amide compound is caused to be present in the form of a simple salt. Thus, the free amine groups of the partial amide may be reacted with a simple acid such as hydrochloric, acetic, and the like to give the corresponding partially amidated polyalkylene polyamine chloride or acetate, respectively. This method of procedure has the advantage that such onium salts, and the simple humates as described, are both water soluble, so that solutions of each reactant may be made, and the reaction completed by mixing solutions thereof together. Water, or mixtures of water with methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, acetone, and the like may also be used.
For the purposes of the invention, the preparation of the adducts as just described may be carried out without necessarily having all of the reactants in solution. That is, the humic acid and the partial amide compound can be mixed together in a pug mill or like apparatus, conveniently with enough moisture to facilitate the mechanical handling of the mixture and to speed up the reaction. This method can also be employed where the partial amide compound is in a salt form, as, for example, the hydrochloride; and indeed, the alkali necessary to convert the humic acid to its simple salt form such as sodium humate may be included in the mixture fed to the pug mill. Thus, a mixture in suitable proportions of weathered lignite, an alkali such as sodium hydroxide or borax or a mixture thereof, and the selected partial amide salt, with or without added water (or aqueous lower alcohol or ketone) may be passed through a pug mill to produce the inventive product. Where a long-chain alkyl ammonium cation is also incorporated as explained hereinbelow, this may be added along with the mixture of reactants fed to the pug mill at the same time.
Subsequent to the production of the adduct, it may be used as such, or it may be dried, with or without subsequent grinding. Where drying is carried out, it may be at relatively low temperatures, such as .; or it may be at a higher temperature, such as, for example about . In general, we prefer drying at from C. to ., and grinding the dried product, for example, to pass a 100 -mesh screen. Such a product is easily stored, readily handled, and easy to incorporate in various compositions in which our inventive product is used.
在生产加合物之后,可以将其作为加合物使用,也可以将其干燥,无论是否进行后续研磨。在进行干燥时,可以在相对较低的温度下进行,例如 .;也可以在较高的温度下进行,例如约 。一般来说,我们倾向于在 C.至 .的温度下进行干燥,并将干燥后的产品进行研磨,例如,使其通过 100 目筛网。这样的产品易于储存,易于处理,并且易于加入使用本发明产品的各种组合物中。

Where the full base-combining capacity of the humic acid has not been utilized, that is, when the partial amide has been combined with the humic acid in an equivalent proportion of less than of the base-combining ability of the humic acid, we may, optionally although not necessarily, utilize the remaining base-combining capacity for reaction with an alkyl ammonium cation in which at least one alkyl radical is present which has from 12 to 22 carbon atoms in a straight chain, as described in United States Patent 3,168,478. Typical of such alkyl ammonium cations are dimethyldioctadecylammonium; dimethylcetyloctadecylammonium; didecylammonium; octadecylammonium; and the like.
当腐植酸的全部碱结合能力未被利用时,也就是说,当部分酰胺与腐植酸的结合比例小于 腐植酸碱结合能力的等效比例时,我们可以选择性地(尽管不一定)利用剩余的碱结合能力与烷基铵阳离子发生反应,其中至少存在一个烷基,该烷基在直链中具有 12 到 22 个碳原子,如美国专利 3,168,478 中所述。典型的烷基铵阳离子有二甲基双十八烷基铵、二甲基乙酰十八烷基铵、双十八烷基铵、十八烷基铵等。

Our inventive adducts, whether or not containing the 5 alkyl ammonium cations just referred to, may be used as produced, and preferably after drying and grinding for inclusion in well-working fluids of the type already described. A certain amount of agitation, particularly at elevated temperatures, is generally necessary to effect 0 good dispersion of our inventive adducts in such fluids. Generally, means will be present at the well site for obtaining such agitation and heat; and even when these are lacking, subsequent use of the well-working fluids, particularly where circulation at high bottom-hole tempera5 tures is involved, will bring about the desired dispersion. Generally, where the base fluid has some aromatic content, as is the case with crude oils in certain oil fields, dispersion will be rapid indeed.
本发明的加合物,无论是否含有刚才提到的 5 烷基铵阳离子,都可以在生产出来后使用,最好是在干燥和研磨后,加入到上述类型的良好加工液中。为了使本发明的加合物在此类液体中达到良好的分散效果,通常需要进行一定的搅拌,特别是在温度较高的情况下。一般情况下,井场会有获得这种搅拌和加热的手段;即使缺乏这些手段,随后使用油井作业液,特别是在井底温度较高的情况下进行循环,也会获得所需的分散效果。一般来说,如果基础油中含有一些芳烃成分,如某些油田的原油,分散速度确实很快。

In many cases it will be desirable to expedite the dis30 persion of our inventive adducts in the well-working fluids, without depending upon down-in-the-hole circulation. This is particularly desirable where the base oil of the well-working fluid is essentially paraffinic in nature. In that case, any of several dispersant additives may be in55 cluded with our adduct, such as any of the dispersing additives described and presently claimed in application Ser. No. 332,279, filed Dec. 20, 1963, now Patent No. 3,379,650, issued Apr. 23, 1968, and assigned to a common assignee. The contents of that application are incorporated herein by reference. Thereby disclosed herein (and in that application) are, particularly, nonyl phenol, octyl phenol, phenol, alkyl phenols generally from methyl through dodecyl, pentachlorophenol, salicyclic acid, benzoic acid, phthalic acid, and the like. Of these, we prefer nonyl phenol, as it is effective, easily handled, and widely obtainable commercially. As is well-known in organic chemistry, the alkyl groups methyl, octyl, nonyl, and dodecyl each contain respectively , and 12 carbon atoms.
在许多情况下,我们希望能够加快本发明加成物在油井工作液中的扩散速度,而不依赖于井下循环。当井下作业流体的基础油本质上是石蜡油时,这种情况尤为理想。在这种情况下,可以在我们的加成物中加入几种分散剂添加剂中的任何一种,例如 1963 年 12 月 20 日提交的第 332,279 号专利申请(现为第 3,379,650 号专利,1968 年 4 月 23 日颁发,已转让给共同受让人)中描述的和目前要求的任何一种分散添加剂。该申请的内容并入本文作为参考。本文(以及该申请中)特别公开了壬基酚、辛基酚、苯酚、一般从甲基到十二烷基的烷基酚、五氯苯酚、水杨酸、苯甲酸、邻苯二甲酸等。在这些烷基酚中,我们更倾向于壬基酚,因为它有效、易于处理,并且可以从市场上广泛获得。众所周知,在有机化学中,烷基甲基、辛基、壬基和十二烷基分别含有 和12个碳原子。

Where such a dispersing additive is used, it may be present in any amount which is lesser than the amount of the inventive adduct. A range which has been found practical, balancing cost against benefits received, is from about to by weight of the adduct.

We now give some examples showing the practice of our invention:

Example 1 示例 1

950.4 grams of commercial tall oil fatty acid was mixed with 249.6 grams of commercial tetraethylene pentamine (thus, 3.25 and 6.50 gram equivalents respectively, so that about half of the amino groups of the tetraethylene pentamine were neutralized) and the mixture heated 55 to . for one hour. It was cooled, and the phos phate salt prepared by mixing with 3.25 gram equivalents of phosphoric acid. 200 grams of powdered weathered North Dakota lignite (having an alkali solubility of about ) and 200 grams of the fatty acid partial 70 amide phosphate salt were added to 400 grams of diese oil, and the mixture heated to . for about thirty minutes. This brought about the production of an adduct in accordance with the invention, the adduct being dispersed in the form of a relatively thick paste in the diesel 75 oil.
将 950.4 克商品妥尔油脂肪酸与 249.6 克商品四乙烯五胺混合(因此,分别为 3.25 克和 6.50 克当量,这样四乙烯五胺中约一半的氨基被中和),并将混合物加热 55 至 .冷却后,与 3.25 克当量的磷酸混合,制备磷酸盐。将 200 克北达科他州风化褐煤粉(碱溶解度约为 )和 200 克脂肪酸部分 70 酰胺磷酸盐加入 400 克柴油中,将混合物加热至 .这样就产生了符合本发明的加合物,加合物以相对粘稠的糊状分散在 75 号柴油中。

Example 2 示例 2

To 350 ml . of diesel oil, 30 grams of the product of Example 1 was added, and the mixture stirred. Thus, the final composition was about 380 ml . diesel oil and 15 grams of the adduct proper. This was tested as a wellworking fluid for filtration loss in accordance with the Americal Petroleum Institute testing procedure, and gave a fluid loss of 2.5 ml . in thirty minutes.
在 350 毫升柴油中加入 30 克实施例 1 的产品,并搅拌混合物。因此,最终成分为约 380 毫升柴油和 15 克适当的加成物。按照美国石油学会的测试程序,将其作为井工液进行了过滤损失测试,结果表明在 30 分钟内的液体损失为 2.5 毫升。

Example 3 示例 3

A well-working fluid of the weighted type was prepared by mixing together 192 ml . diesel oil, 30 grams of the product of Example 1 (and thus containing 15 grams of the inventive adduct), 6 grams of dimethyldioctadecylammonium attapulgite, and 470 grams of 325 -mesh barite, giving a total volume of 350 ml . This was tested as de scribed in Example 2, and gave a fluid loss of 0.5 ml .
将 192 毫升柴油、30 克实施例 1 的产品(因此含有 15 克本发明的加合物)、6 克二甲基双 十八烷基铵阿塔波耳石和 470 克 325 目重晶石混合在一起,制备出总体积为 350 毫升的加权型 良好工作流体。按照实施例 2 所述方法进行测试,结果显示液体损失为 0.5 毫升。

Example 4 示例 4

A production-size pug mill was fed continuously with the following materials at the rates specified:

Lignite, alkali solubility
褐煤, 碱溶解性

lbs./min- 4.2
Tall oil fatty acid half amide of tetraethylene pentamine, as described in the first sentence of Example 1 Ibs.
四乙烯五胺的妥尔油脂肪酸半酰胺,如实施例 1 Ibs 第一句所述。

Nonyl phenol lbs./min_- 0.3
壬基酚 磅/分钟_- 0.3

The lignite and the half amide, preheated to ., were fed to an eight-foot cut-flight conveyor preceding the pug mill, and thus thoroughly mixed. The water was introduced as the mixed material entered the pug mill. The nonyl phenol was injected into the pug mill about two feet from the exit head, the pug mill being six feet long. A hot, fully reacted adduct emerged from the pug mill, and was tray-dried at . for several hours, and then ground so that passed a 100 -mesh screen.
预热至 .的褐煤和半酰胺被送入球磨机前的八英尺切割输送机,从而彻底混合。水是在混合材料进入球磨机时引入的。壬基酚被注入距离出口头约两英尺的球磨机中,球磨机有六英尺长。热的、完全反应的加合物从泵磨机中出来,在 .的温度下进行托盘干燥数小时,然后进行研磨,使 通过 100 目筛网。

When one gram of the product was dispersed in 350 ml . diesel oil so as to produce a well-working fluid, an A.P.I. fluid loss of less than 2.0 ml . was obtained.
将一克该产品分散在 350 毫升柴油中以产生良好的工作流体时,A.P.I. 流体损耗小于 2.0 毫升。

Example 5 示例 5

An adduct in accordance with the invention was prepared, in which a minor proportion of the acid sites of the lignite was occupied by a long-chain ammonium cation, as set forth hereinabove.

The following materials were put in a reaction vessel fitted with an agitator and with heating means, and mixed at . for 30 minutes:
将下列材料放入装有搅拌器和加热装置的反应容器中,在 . 条件下混合 30 分钟:

The following long-chain onium salt was then added, and agitation continued for about one hour:
Dimethyl-di-hydrogenated tall oil fatty ammonium chloride
A mixture of the following components was prepared, added to the rest in the vessel, and allowed to react for 15 minutes:
制备以下成分的混合物,加入容器中的其余成分,并让其反应 15 分钟:
Tall oil fatty acid half amide as in Example 4
实施例 4 中的妥尔油脂肪酸半酰胺
The following materials were then added and allowed to mix for 10 minutes; the kaolin was a grinding aid:
然后加入以下材料并搅拌 10 分钟;高岭土是研磨助剂:
Pounds 英镑
Kaolin 300 高岭土 300
Nonyl phenol 450 壬基酚 450
The solids, which consisted of the inventive adduct intermixed with the kaolin, were filtered off, dried in a rotary dryer, and ground.

Example 6 例 6

s used in this control. It thus corresponded to the inventive product of U.S. .
在此控制中使用。因此,它与美国 的发明产品相对应。
The test muds were compounded of 228 ml . diesel 15 oil; 15 grams of a commercial mud invert-emulsifier which was essentially a calcium tall oil soap; 2 grams of dimethyldioctadecylammonium attapulgite; 122 ml . water; 500 grams barite; and 10 grams of either the product of Example 5 or the control as already described, to give a 00 total volume per sample of 350 ml .
试验泥浆由 228 毫升 15 号柴油、15 克商用泥浆反相乳化剂(基本上是一种妥尔油钙皂)、2 克二甲基双十八烷基铵阿塔波尔格石、122 毫升水、500 克重晶石和 10 克实施例 5 的产品或前述对照品混合而成,每个样品的总体积为 350 毫升。
The mud samples were treated and tested as shown in the following tabulation:
Ex. 5 Ex.5 Control 控制

和在 温度下热轧 16 小时 .:
Values obtained after stiring for 20 minutes
and hot-rolling for 16 hours at .:
Filtrate, A.P.I., mal. 滤液,A.P.I.,mal. 0
Filtrate at . and 500 p.s.i., ml .
和 500 p.s.i. 时的滤液,毫升。
2.0 3.0

十六小时: Filtrate, A.P.I., mil........................
for sixteen hours:
Filtrate, A.P.I., mil........................
Filtrate at F. and 500 p.s.i., ml
F 和 500 p.s.i. 条件下的滤液,毫升
12.8 27.2
1 Regular 30-minute test.
1 30 分钟常规测试。

Lost 7.2 ml . in one minute.
一分钟内损失了 7.2 毫升。

wave invention by the use of specific ingredients, reaction conditions, and the like, it will be understood that numerous variations, equivalents, and alternatives may be employed in its practice, all within the scope of the claims which follow.
Having described our invention, we claim:
  1. A composition of matter consisting essentially of a salt of humic acid and a fatty acyl partial amide of a polyalkylene polyamine having from 3 to 7 amino groups, in which said partial amide has fatty acyl to the extent of 5 between one third and two thirds of the nitrogen atoms of said polyamine and wherein said fatty acyl radical has from 12 to 22 carbon atoms and said partial amide is present from about 50 to about 110 percent of the base combining capacity of said humic acid, together with an effective dispersing amount but less than that of said salt of a dispersing additive selected from the group consisting of phenol, alkyl phenols in which said alkyl group has from 1 to 12 carbon atoms, pentachlorophenol, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, and phthalic acid.
    一种物质组合物,主要由腐植酸盐和具有 3 至 7 个氨基的聚烯烃多胺的脂肪酰基部分酰胺组成,其中所述部分酰胺的脂肪酰基占所述多胺氮原子的三分之一至三分之二,所述脂肪酰基具有 12 至 22 个碳原子,所述部分酰胺的含量约为所述腐植酸碱结合能力的 50%至 110%、与有效分散量但少于所述盐的分散添加剂一起使用,所述分散添加剂选自苯酚、烷基酚(其中所述烷基具有 1 至 12 个碳原子)、五氯苯酚、水杨酸、苯甲酸和邻苯二甲酸。
  2. The composition in accordance with claim 1 in which said dispersing additive is nonyl phenol.
    根据权利要求 1 所述的组合物,其中所述的分散添加剂为壬基酚。
  3. A composition of matter in accordance with claim 1 in which said percentage is less than , and the remainder of said base-combining capacity is neutralized with an alkyl-substituted ammonium cation in which at least one alkyl thereof has between 12 and 22 carbon atoms.
    2.一种符合权利要求 1 的物质组合物,其中所述百分比小于 ,并且所述碱结合能力的剩余部分用烷基取代的铵阳离子中和,其中至少一个烷基具有 12 到 22 个碳原子。
  4. The composition in accordance with claim 3 in which said dispersing additive is nonyl phenol.
    4.根据权利要求 3 所述的组合物,其中所述分散添加剂为壬基酚。
  5. An oil base well-working fluid consisting essentially of a major proportion of oil and a minor proportion but sufficient to substantially lower the filter loss of a salt of humic acid and a fatty acyl partial amide of a polyalkylene polyamine having from 3 to 7 amino groups, 70 in which said partial amide has fatty acyl to the exten of between one third and two thirds of the nitrogen atoms of said polyamine and wherein said fatty acyl radical has from 12 to 22 carbon atoms and said partial amide is present at from about 50 to about 110 percent of the base 75 combining capacity of said humic acid.
    一种油基加工液,其主要成分是油和少量的腐植酸盐以及具有 3 至 7 个氨基的聚烯烃多胺的脂肪酰部分酰胺,但这些成分足以大大降低过滤损失、70 其中所述部分酰胺的脂肪酰基占所述多胺氮原子的三分之一至三分之二,所述脂肪酰基具有 12 至 22 个碳原子,所述部分酰胺的含量约为所述腐植酸碱 75 结合能力的 50%至 110%。

  1. An oil base-well working fluid in accordance with claim 5 in which said percentage is less than , and the remainder of said base-combining capacity is neutralized with an alkyl-substituted ammonium cation in which at least one alkyl thereof has between 12 and 22 carbon atoms.
    6.根据权利要求5所述的一种油基井工作液,其中所述百分比小于 ,并且所述碱结合能力的剩余部分用烷基取代的铵阳离子中和,其中至少一个烷基具有12到22个碳原子。
  2. A fluid in accordance with claim 5 in which a dispersing additive selected from the group consisting of phenol, alkyl phenols in which said alkyl group has from 1 to 12 carbon atoms, pentachlorophenol, salicyclic acid, benzoic acid, and phthalic acid is present in an effective dispersing amount but less than that of said salt.
    6.一种符合权利要求 5 的流体,其中的分散添加剂选自由苯酚、烷基酚(其中所述烷基具有 1 至 12 个碳原子)、五氯苯酚、水杨酸、苯甲酸和邻苯二甲酸组成的组,其有效分散量低于所述盐的有效分散量。
  3. A fluid in accordance with claim 7 in which said dispersing additive is nonyl phenol
    根据权利要求 7 的流体,其中所述分散添加剂为壬基酚
  4. A fluid in accordance with claim 6 in which a dis- 15 persing additive selected from the group consisting of phenol, alkyl phenols in which said alkyl group has from 1 to 12 carbon atoms, pentachlorophenol, salicyclic acid, benzoic acid, and phthalic acid is present in an effective dispersing amount but less than that of said salt.
    7.根据权利要求 6 的一种流体,其中的分散添加剂选自苯酚、烷基酚(其中所述烷基具有 1 至 12 个碳原子)、五氯苯酚、水杨酸、苯甲酸和邻苯二甲酸组成的组,其有效分散量小于所述盐的有效分散量。
  5. A fluid in accordance with claim 9 in which said dispersing additive in nonyl phenol.
    10. 根据权利要求 9 的一种流体,其中所述分散添加剂为壬基酚。
  6. In a process for drilling a well wherein there is circulated in the well an oil-base drilling fluid subject to filtration into permeable formations penetrated by the well, the method of maintaining said filtration at a selected low value during said drilling which comprises ad- mixing with said drilling fluid a salt of humic acid and a fatty acyl partial amide of a polyalkylene polyamine having from 3 to 7 amino groups, in which said partial amide has fatty acyl to the extent of between one third and two thirds of the nitrogen atoms of said polyamine and wherein said fatty acyl radical has from 12 to 22 carbon atoms and said partial amide is present at from about 50 to about 110 percent of the base-combining capacity of said humic acid.
    在一种钻井过程中,油基钻井液在井中循环,钻井液被过滤到钻井所穿透的渗透地层中,在钻井过程中将所述过滤保持在选定的低值的方法包括将腐植酸盐和具有3至7个氨基的聚烯多胺的脂肪酰基部分酰胺与所述钻井液混合、其中,所述部分酰胺的脂肪酰基占所述多胺氮原子的三分之一至三分之二,所述脂肪酰基具有 12 至 22 个碳原子,所述部分酰胺的含量约为所述腐植酸碱结合能力的 50%至 110%。
  7. The process in accordance with claim 11 in which said percentage is less than , and the remainder of said base-combining capacity is neutralized with an alkylsubstituted ammonium cation in which at least one alkyl thereof has between 12 and 22 carbon atoms.
    12.根据权利要求 11 所述的工艺,其中所述百分比小于 ,并且所述碱结合能力的剩余部分用烷基取代的铵阳离子中和,其中至少一个烷基具有 12 到 22 个碳原子。


2,5 5/1952 Blair -..-.-- 布莱尔
4/1968 Be 
HERBERT B. GUYNN, Primary Examiner

U.S. Cl. X.R. U.S. Cl.X.R.