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Unified Field Theory


7th edition

Author: Zhang Xiangqian

Chapter 1, Unified Field Theory

Chapter 2 reveals the mystery of the nature of gravity

Chapter 3 unravels the mystery of the nature of electric charge and electromagnetic fields

Chapter 4, Zhang Xiangqian's Mathematical Theory

Chapter 5, Zhang Xiangqian's concise version of the unified field theory

Chapter 6 reveals the nature of light

Chapter 7: Successful Test of Gravitational Field Generated by Varying Electromagnetic Field (with Theoretical Derivation)

Chapter 8: Application Report for the Development of Artificial Field Scanning Technology

Chapter 1, Unified Field Theory

About the Author:

Zhang Xiangqian, a native of Lujiang County, Anhui Province, China, male, farmer, junior high school level, born in 1967.

In the summer of 1985, he came into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations and obtained from them information about the universe, time, space, mass, electric charge, field, speed of light, momentum, energy, force, motion...... The essence of the mysteries.

He obtained the grand unified equation of the universe, wrote the four forces of the universe in one equation, and obtained the core secret of the universe, the unified field theory, the space information field theory of the universe, the secret of the flying saucer at the speed of light, and the artificial field scanning technology.

For the first time in the world, it was discovered that the changing electromagnetic field produces a gravitational field.

Now living in Erlong New Street, Tongda Town, Lujiang County, he makes a living by welding and repairing bicycles, and researches and publicizes the theory of unified field theory and artificial field scanning technology in his spare time.

I welcome the cooperation between Polytechnic University and research institutes.

The author's phone and WeChat 18714815159




1. The constitution of the universe and the basic principles of unified field theory

Second, the definition of substance

Third, the falsity of the existence of the physical world

Fourth, how physical concepts are generated

5. Basic Physics Concepts and Derived Physics Concepts

6. Classification of basic physical concepts

7. How to describe the movement of space itself

8. Why do objects and space move in the universe?

9. The law of spiral motion

10. The principle of parallelism

11. Geometric symmetry is equivalent to physical conservation

XII. Continuity and discontinuity of space

Thirteenth, the description of motion cannot be separated from the observer

14. Why space is three-dimensional

Fifteenth, space can store information indefinitely

16. Unified basic assumptions of field theory

XVII. The Physical Definition of Time

XVIII. The space-time identity equation

XIX. Spiral space-time wave equation

20. Recognize the nature of the speed of light

XXXI, explaining the invariance of the speed of light in the Lorenz transform

XXII. A general definition of the four major fields in the universe

XXIII. Defining equations for gravitational field and mass

XXIV. Unified Field Theory Momentum Formula

XXV. Unified Field Theory Dynamical Equations

26. Explain Newton's three theorems

XXVII. Prove that inertial mass is equivalent to gravitational mass

XXVIII. Explain the nature of gravitation

XXIX. Gravitational Field and Space-Time Wave Equation

XXX, Defining equations for charge and electric field

XXXXI, the velocity multiplied by the rate of change of mass over time is the electromagnetic field force

XXXII. Defining equations for nuclear force fields

XXXIII. Defining equations for magnetic fields

XXXIV. Derivation of Maxwell's equations

XXXV. The gravitational field that varies with time produces an electric field

XXXVI. Changes in the gravitational field of a uniformly linear moving object produce an electric field

XXXVII. The magnetic field of a moving charge creates a gravitational field

XXXVIII. Experiments of changing electromagnetic fields to produce gravitational fields

XXXIX. Unified Field Theory Energy Equation

Forty, Photon Model

Appendix: Main Applications of Unified Field Theory


The unified field theory was first proposed by Albert Einstein, who spent more than 40 years trying to unify the electromagnetic field with the gravitational field, but without success.

At present, human beings have discovered that there are four different forms of force in nature: weak force, electromagnetic field force, gravitational force, and nuclear force, among which the electric field force and the magnetic field force have been unified by human beings, and the nuclear force is currently very imperfect in human understanding, and the weak force is also unified in the electromagnetic field force in the eyes of mainstream scientists.

In this paper, it is argued that the electric field force and the magnetic field force are not the same force, and the weak force is the resultant force of the electromagnetic field force and the nuclear force, not the fundamental force.

The unification of electric field, magnetic force, gravitational force, and nuclear force discussed in this article is, simply put, to write the electric field force, magnetic field force, gravitational force, and nuclear force in a mathematical formula, and to use mathematical formulas to write the relationship between the electric field, the magnetic field, the gravitational field [referred to as the gravitational field], and the nuclear force field.

Since the unified field theory involves time, space, motion, force, speed of light, velocity, mass, charge, energy, momentum...... These are the essential problems of physics, so the completion of unified field theory is of great significance to mankind, but it is also extremely difficult.


In the absence of special indications, the capital letters in this article are vectors.

This article only describes the motion of the simplest and most basic particle in a vacuum, and does not describe the motion of a shaped object in a medium.

The concept of particle appears in this article is that in order to facilitate the description of the motion of the particles of the object, we do not consider the shape and line length of the particles of the object, and idealize the object as a point. If we want to discuss the volume and geometric length of a particle it is meaningless in this article because it violates our conventions.

Unified field theory attributes all properties of a particle to the motion of the particle in space or the movement of the space around the particle itself, and it is pointless to discuss the internal situation of the particle.

Unified field theory mainly describes the motion of the space itself around an object [or a particle], so unified field theory can also be called space kinematics.

The basic assumption of unified field theory is that the space around an object moves at the speed of light divergently, and then based on this assumption, the interpretation, modification, extension, and in-depth understanding of Newtonian mechanics, relativity theory, and Maxwell's equations are developed.

The core idea of the unified field theory is that the existence of the physical world is false, and all physical phenomena are just descriptions of human beings!

We must carefully comprehend this idea, otherwise we will not be able to understand the unified field theory.

The "vertical principle" of the article is a difficult point to understand, and it is important to pay attention to this when reading.

The Composition of the Universe and the Fundamentals of Unified Field Theory

The universe is made up of objects and the space around them, and there is no third thing that coexists with it.

All physical phenomena and concepts are the descriptions of the motion of objects in space and the movement of space around objects as observers.

Without the description of our observers, only objects and space are left in the universe, and the rest do not exist, and the rest are the result of our observers' descriptions of objects and space.

The universe we see and feel before our eyes is false, and the real universe that exists behind it – made up of objects and space.

Space and objects do not exist and are made up of a more fundamental thing, space and objects cannot be transformed into each other, and the universe is binary, not monistic.

The human brain describes objects and space in the universe in different ways, giving birth to the geometric world and the physical world.

When we describe the motion of objects and the motion of space, the physical world is born; When we describe the size, number, orientation, and structure of objects and space, the geometric world is born.

The physical world is mainly processed by people from their own feelings, while the geometric world is mainly processed by people from their own rationality.

The physical world is described by our observers, and the geometric world is also described by our observers, and apart from our observers, there is no physical world, and there is no geometric world, and the only thing that exists is objects and space.

The main differences between the physical world and the geometric world are:

Physics mainly describes motion, or describes phenomena that arise as a result of motion.

The geometric world is the primary, simple processing of objects and spaces in the universe by the human brain; Physics is the deep and complex processing of objects and spaces in the universe by the human brain, especially when it comes to the description and processing of motion.

Compared with physics, geometry has a wider range of descriptions, and the geometric world is closer to the origin of the universe.

We know that mathematics includes geometry, and in fact mathematics also includes physics, and we can also think of physics as just the part of mathematics that describes motion.

As for why the universe is made up of objects and space, and why can't objects and space be transformed into each other?

These questions cannot be answered by the unified field theory, which only identifies this fact and uses this fact as a theoretical basis to develop reasoning.

The main task of the unified field theory is to explain time, displacement, mass, electric charge, gravitational field, electric field, magnetic field, nuclear force field, energy, speed of light, velocity, momentum, gravitational force, electromagnetic force, nuclear force, motion, ......

The nature of these fundamental physical concepts, and the relationships between them.

Second, the definition of substance

What exists objectively without dependence on our observer is matter.

In the universe, only objects and space exist real and independent of the observer, so matter is made up of objects and space. Except for objects and space, the rest are only descriptions of people, and they do not exist apart from our observers.

Like a tree or a river in front of us is a "thing", the growth of a tree and the flow of river water are "things".

In the universe, objects and space are "things", and the rest are like time, displacement, mass, charge, field, energy, speed of light, velocity, momentum, force, temperature, sound, ...... They are all "things", and they are a property described by our observers when they move relative to our observers.

This basic principle denies that energy and time are part of matter, and that field is a special substance.

The field is either an effect caused by the motion of a particle of matter or an effect caused by the motion of space.

Unified field theory asserts that the essence of the field is the effect caused by the changing space of motion.

Starting from the basic principles of unified field theory, it is also possible to infer dark matter, dark energy, God particles, gravitons, ether, strings in string theory, membranes, ...... None of them exist, they are all made up by people.

The space of the universe is infinite, and so are the objects in the universe. Time is simply a description of a person's perception of the movement of space, and time is a physical quantity described by the observer.

As long as there is an observer, the time of the universe exists.

The universe has neither beginning nor end, the space and age of the universe are infinite, and the Big Bang theory can only adapt to local areas of the universe, and it is wrong to say that the entire universe was created by the Big Bang.

Third, the falsity of the existence of the physical world

Physics is born from the perception of objects and the movement of space by our observers, and then through the description of the brain.

The existence of the physical world that we see and feel before our eyes is false, and there is no existence without our observer, what really exists is the geometric world composed of objects and space behind it.

The geometric world is closer to the origin of the universe, and the physical world is mainly the description and processing of the geometric world by the brains of our observers.

Fourth, how physical concepts are generated

It is pointless to discuss the question of how objects and space came into being and how they originated, because objects and space are the most basic things that make up the edifice of the universe, and objects and space cannot be made up of more fundamental things.

Objects can be transformed from one form to another, but they do not arise or disappear for no reason.

Objects and space already exist, just as the universe exists for the same reason, and it is meaningless to discuss how the universe came into being and the origin of the universe.

We can't define object and space in terms of something more fundamental, because there is nothing more fundamental than object and space. However, we can use objects and space to define other physical concepts.

All physical phenomena and physical concepts are essentially derived from the sensations given by objects and spatial movements, and physical concepts are the result of the processing and calculation of these sensations by the human brain.

In addition to objects and space, all other physical concepts, such as time, field, mass, electric charge, speed of light, force, momentum, energy...... It is the movement of an object in space, or the motion of the space around the object itself, which is formed by motion with respect to a property exhibited by our observers, and is therefore related to displacement.

It can be thought of time, field, mass, charge, speed of light, force, momentum, energy, ...... Both are functions of spatial displacement, and we can both express them in terms of spatial displacement.

In physical concepts, such as sound, color, force, and temperature, these physical concepts are formed by the movement of objects in space that touches our observer and arouses the feelings of our observer, and our observer analyzes and generalizes these feelings.

However, field and time are a bit special, field is the effect of space motion around an object, and time is the sensation that we feel when we observe the space movement around our body.

5. Basic Physics Concepts and Derived Physics Concepts

Some of the physical concepts are fundamental, and some of the physical concepts are derived from these basic concepts. For example, time and displacement are fundamental, and velocity is derived from time and displacement.

Are there any more fundamental physical concepts than displacement and time?

Since the universe is composed of two things, object and space, object and space are the most basic physical concepts, the basic bricks and tiles that make up the edifice of the universe, which cannot be defined, while other physical concepts can be defined by objects and space.

Below is a diagram that represents these physics concepts from high-level, basic, to low-level.

Objects [or particles], space→ time, displacement, field→ velocity, speed of light→ mass, charge→ momentum→ force→ energy, work→ temperature, light, sound, color, etc.

6. Classification of basic physical concepts

There are two main categories of fundamental physical quantities, one is scalar and the other is vector, where scalar quantities can be represented by numbers, and vectors can be represented by numbers plus directions.

Scalars can be divided into positive and negative scalars and pure positive scalars that have no positive or negative distinctions. For example, a positive charge is a positive scalar, and a negative charge is a negative scalar.

7. How to describe the movement of space itself

Unified field theory believes that space itself is in motion all the time, and modern physics describes the motion of objects in space, so how can we qualitatively and quantitatively describe the motion of space itself?

We divide the space into many small pieces, each of which is called a spatial geometric point, or geometric point, or spatial point. The route traveled by the movement of a spatial point is called a spatial line. By describing the motion of these spatial points, it is possible to describe the motion of the space itself.

The mathematical methods of fluid mechanics and wave equations are equally applicable to describing the motion of space itself, which we actually think of as a special medium similar to a fluid.

The unified field theory also affirms that space exists objectively, that the existence of space does not depend on the perception of our observers, that space still exists if there is no person, but that time does not exist without people.

8. Why do objects and space move in the universe?

Physics is our description of the geometric world [composed of objects and space], so we can always find a corresponding geometric state for any physical phenomenon.

In physics, the state of motion we describe is equivalent to the perpendicular state in geometry. If we don't describe it, the state of motion is actually the vertical state in geometry.

Note that part of this is reasoning, because there must always be a geometric state corresponding to the state of motion, and it is necessary to assume what kind of state corresponds to the state of motion geometrically.

In the unified field theory, the principle of perpendicularity is used to explain why objects and space move, and the perpendicular principle is expressed as follows:

Relative to us observers, any object in the universe can make up to three straight lines perpendicular to each other at any point in the space around it, which is called the three-dimensional vertical state of space.

Any point in space in this vertical state must move relative to our observer, and the changing direction of motion and the trajectory can be reconstituted into a vertical state.

The above can be called a qualitative description of the vertical principle, and in the future, we will also ask for a quantitative description of the vertical principle.

The motion that changes direction must be a curvilinear motion, and a circular motion can make up to two tangents perpendicular to each other.

Space is three-dimensional, and three mutually perpendicular tangents can be made at any point along its trajectory, so it must superimpose linear motion in the vertical direction of the circular plane of motion.

It is reasonable to think that the points of space are moving in a cylindrical spiral (i.e., the combination of rotational motion and linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation).

Objects exist in space, and the location where the object is located moves due to the influence of the motion of the space itself.

This is the explanation of why all the objects in the universe move

We believe that the reason for the movement of objects is due to forces, but we only have a very superficial understanding that the reason behind the motion of all objects in the universe is caused by the movement of space itself. In turn, we can explain the nature of force in terms of spatial motion.

Objects can affect the surrounding space and thus the objects present in the space, so that the objects can interact through space without any special medium to transmit the interaction forces.

We need to realize that the movement of the space around the object is caused by the object, and the existence of the object in space can have an impact on the surrounding space, and the degree of this influence can be measured by the degree of movement of the surrounding space.

The existence of an object in space has an impact on the surrounding space, causing the surrounding space to move, and the movement of space is bound to affect the position of other objects existing in space, so that the position of this object changes in motion, or has a tendency to change in motion.

All the interactions between objects, gravitational force, electric field force, magnetic field force, nuclear force are essentially carried out through the movement of space itself, and objects transmit forces to each other through the space in which their motion changes.

Space exists objectively and does not depend on us observers. We can also think of space as a special medium.

Is it the object that causes the motion of space, or is the motion of space causing the motion of the object? This can only be said to be mutual cause and effect, regardless of priority, objects and space are closely linked

We need to note that the description of the motion of space has the same and some differences as we describe the motion of ordinary objects.

The motion of space described in the unified field theory refers to the space around the object, and it is meaningless to simply describe the motion of space if there is no object.

Because describing motion requires determining the spatial position of the beginning moment of time and the initial state, space alone cannot determine the spatial position of the starting moment and the initial state.

Determining the spatial position of the moment of the beginning of time and the initial state depends on the object and the observer.

The motion of space itself begins with an object and ends with an object, and without an object or observer, it makes no sense to describe the motion of space alone.

The principle of perpendicularity is one of the core secrets of the universe, which is closely related to spiral motion, and the principle of Faraday's electromagnetic induction in physics is also related to the principle of perpendicularity.

The vector cross product and curl in mathematics are also related to the perpendicular principle, however, the argument is too complex and is omitted here.

9. The law of spiral motion

Everything in the universe, from electrons, photons, and protons, to the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the Milky Way, and ...... All the particles that exist freely in space without exception move in a spiral pattern, including the space itself in a cylindrical spiral motion.

The law of spiral motion is one of the core laws of the universe, and everything in the universe seems to be moving in a cycle, but it is not closed.

Vector cross-product in mathematics is related to the law of spirals, however, the argument is too complex and is omitted here.

10. The principle of parallelism

The parallel states described in physics correspond to proportional properties in mathematics.

If two physical quantities can be represented by line segments, they must be proportional to each other.

Vector dot multiplication in mathematics is closely related to this.

11. Geometric symmetry is equivalent to physical conservation

The conservation described in physics is equivalent to symmetry in geometry.

A conserved physical quantity, if it can be represented by a line segment, is linearly symmetrical in geometric coordinates, if it can be expressed in terms of area, it is planar symmetrical in geometric coordinates, and if it can be expressed in terms of volume, it is solidly symmetrical in geometric coordinates.

XII. Continuity and discontinuity of space

The space that we humans come into contact with, and our understanding of space, all think that space is continuous. Many of our mathematical systems for dealing with space by default assume that space is continuous.

However, in some cases, space can behave as discontinuous. For example, if an object moves at the speed of light relative to our observer, the length of space along the direction of motion is reduced to zero, and the space in which the object is located can behave discontinuously with respect to our observer. This is the fundamental reason for quantum entanglement in quantum mechanics.

This is related to the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, but this is another broad field of research that can only be clarified by many years of human beings and the efforts of many people, so I will not discuss it in detail here.

Thirteenth, the description of motion cannot be separated from the observer

The theory of relativity holds that many physical concepts such as time, displacement, electric field, magnetic field, force, mass, etc., are relative. There may be different values for different observers of relative motion, and the word "relative" is extended to be relative to the observer.

Due to time, displacement, velocity, force, mass, energy...... These physical concepts come from the motion of an object [relative to our observer] or the motion of the space around the object itself.

Therefore, it is meaningless to describe motion without us observers, or without specifying which observer, time, displacement, velocity, force, mass, energy, ...... Many physical concepts lose their meaning.

At first glance, the above view seems to be a kind of idealism, but idealism is also wrong to think that once there is no observer, no one, everything is gone.

The correct view should be this:

All motion in the universe is relative to us observers, and without the observer, the universe is like a freeze-frame shot of a camera, rather than not existing.

The state of motion in physics is a perpendicular state from a geometric point of view, and two phenomena are the same phenomenon behind them, and we observers look at them from different angles [that is, from a physical point of view and from a geometric point of view], and different results appear.

The state of motion is the constant affirmation, negation, affirmation, negation, affirmation, and negation of the position of an object in space...... results.

Some people believe that everything in the universe was still moving before there were no human beings, so the existence of motion has nothing to do with human beings.

In fact, the phrase "before there are no human beings" is a sick sentence, without human beings, where did there be no human beings.

The word "no one" means that people have been excluded, and since you have excluded people, you can no longer use people to define before or after.

Before or after it is defined by people, without us, where did we come from before and after, up and down, left and right, east and west, north and south?

Note that the motion described in physics, space, objects [or particles], and observers must not be missing, otherwise, the motion will lose its meaning.

It's a bit peculiar to describe the change in time, the observer and the object are actually the same thing – our human body.

There is a process of development in human understanding of motion, Newtonian mechanics believes that to describe the motion of an object, it is necessary to find a reference object that is considered to be stationary, as a reference, and the description of motion emphasizes the distance that the object travels in space in a certain period of time.

Newtonian mechanics holds that the measurement of the length of time and space has nothing to do with the motion of the observer.

The theory of relativity inherits the basic ideas of Newtonian mechanics, but the theory of relativity emphasizes that the values of other physical quantities such as space and time measured may be different for different observers.

The theory of relativity holds that the measurement of the length of time and space is related to the speed of the observer's motion. At low speeds, the relationship is not obvious, but close to the speed of light, it is especially noticeable.

Unified field theory holds that it is meaningless to describe motion without an observer or without specifying an observer.

The physical state of motion is described by us people, and the state of rest is also described by us people, and if there is no us human observer, there is no state of motion, and there is no state of rest, and the universe is only left with objects and space.

Without an observer, or without specifying which observer, it is uncertain whether objects and space are in motion or at rest, and there is no point in discussing motion or rest.

Choosing a reference to describe motion is sometimes unreliable.

The unified field theory holds that time is formed by the observer's own movement in space, and must be related to the observer's motion, that is, the measurement of time is related to the observer, and the time experienced by the same thing, different observers may have different results if they move with each other.

Since space itself is always in motion, the displacement of space is also related to the motion of the observer, and different observers may have different results.

Unified field theory, like the theory of relativity, emphasizes that your time and space, my time and space, and you and me are in motion with each other, are different and cannot be confused.

14. Why space is three-dimensional

We know that up to three directed straight lines perpendicular to each other can be made along any point in space, which is called three-dimensional space. Why happens to be three, not two, not four?

This reason is caused by the movement of space, if the space is a linear motion to produce a one-dimensional space, if the space is a curved motion to produce a two-dimensional space, the real situation is that the space is moving in a cylindrical spiral, so the generation is a three-dimensional space.

The reason for the three-dimensional space is that the space is in a cylindrical spiral motion at all times.

Since the three directions of space are equal, no one direction is special, when space moves, it must move in all three directions, coupled with the continuity of movement, resulting in space can only move in a cylindrical spiral.

In other words, space forms a three-dimensional space in a cylindrical spiral, and these two statements are mutually causal.

The space we live in is the spiral space of the right hand, that is, the direction of linear movement of the right thumb pointing to the space, and the direction of the four fingers of the right hand is the direction of the circular movement of the space.

As for whether there is a left-handed spiral space in the universe, the logical analysis is: if there is a left-handed spiral space, it will be repelled by the universal right-hand spiral space, and after hundreds of millions of years, it will be excluded to the infinite distance of the universe.

Two right-hand spiral spaces [both frontal and counterclockwise to our observers] collide with each other, and the space where the rotation touches each other will be reduced, which is manifested as mutual attraction, while the left-hand spiral space and the right-hand spiral space will repel each other when they meet.

Later, we also point out that both positive and negative charges are right-handed spirals in the space around them.

However, this issue still needs to be explored in theory and practice. It cannot be ruled out that human beings can artificially create a left-handed spiral space in the future.

Fifteenth, space can store information indefinitely

Definition of information: Information is the form of motion of matter [composed of objects and space].

The amount of information can be expressed in terms of possibilities, and the more possibilities there are, the more information is large.

The objects we know are divided into "things" and "things", and information belongs to things.

There is always a limit to the amount of information that any particle in the universe can store or carry.

Any space in the universe can store all the information of the past, present, and future of the entire universe. In other words, any piece of space can store information indefinitely.

In other words, in any finite area of the universe, an infinite amount of information can be stored.

The reason behind this is that space can be infinitely continuous and infinitely divisible.

It can also be proved logically:

The space around an object diverges at the speed of light, bringing all the information about the object into the surrounding space.

Due to the three-dimensional space that moves at the speed of light, the space along the direction of motion is shortened to zero in length due to the movement at the speed of light, and becomes a two-dimensional space.

Therefore, the space moving at the speed of light can bring all the information of an object to any space in the universe in an instant, instead of spreading it step by step at the speed of light as everyone thinks.

The universe has only two-dimensional space and three-dimensional space, and there is no one-dimensional space and four-dimensional space or above.

Since the two-dimensional space is zero volume, it can maintain zero distance from any three-dimensional space in the universe, so the information stored in the two-dimensional space can be permeated in any three-dimensional space in the universe.

Conversely, we can also say that any three-dimensional space in the universe implies all the information of the past, present, and future of the entire universe.

Why is the future information also included?

Because time is the sense of our observers, without us observers, there is no time, and all the information in the universe from eons of years ago and eons of time can be superimposed on a single point in space.

In addition to the infinity of time and space, the universe also contains infinite information.

The infinite nature of the universe containing information can be described in another sentence:

The universe contains infinite possibilities, and the repeated evolution of the universe requires all possibilities to be expressed, and it is repeated and infinitely expressed.

The information that occurs in the three-dimensional space can be saved in the two-dimensional surface space, and the strict proof can be used to use Gauss's theorem in field theory.

The information that occurs in the two-dimensional surface space, which can be saved in the one-dimensional linear space, can be rigorously proved using Stokes' theorem in field theory.

We need to pay attention to:

The generation of information requires the participation of object particles, and the object particles are completely excluded, and the simple space cannot create information, but it can be disseminated and stored believing. Information needs to be described by the observer, and without the observer, the information does not exist.

16. Unified basic assumptions of field theory

When any object in the universe [including the body of our observer] is at rest relative to our observer, the surrounding space is centered on the object, and the direction of the vector speed of light C can change in the form of a cylindrical spiral [the synthesis of uniform rotational motion and uniform linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation], and the vector speed of light C [the unified field theory holds that the speed of light can be a vector, and is represented by the capital letter C (quantity or modulus, or scalar quantity is c, c is unchanged), and the direction of the vector speed of light C can change].

The space around the object in the above diagram diverges in a cylindrical spiral.

The above theory of the Big Bang is wrong, the universe has no beginning, no end, the universe originally existed.

The strong evidence for the modern Big Bang theory is that space is expanding relative to any observer.

The real reason for the expansion of space is that any object in the universe, including any observer, the surrounding space is centered on the object, moving at the speed of light, in a cylindrical spiral, and the planets existing in space also move away from our observers.

So why don't the moon and the sun move away from our observers at the speed of light?

There is also a constraint here, which has to do with the initial state of motion of the object and the planet at the beginning.

For example, the Earth is stationary from the beginning with us observers, and the Moon is close to stationary with us at the beginning [compared to the speed of light]. There are only very distant planets, which have little to do with us observers, and they are very fast away from us.

XVII. The Physical Definition of Time

The Unified Field Theory Fundamentals state that all physical concepts come from the description of motion by our observers.

There are two most basic forms of motion in the universe, one is the movement of objects in space, and the other is the movement of space itself around objects.

The most basic concept of physics comes from the movement of an object in space or the movement of space around an object, giving us a sense of what the observer is. When we observers analyze, describe, and generalize these sensations, we form physical concepts.

We feel that time is passing all the time in our lives, and time can also be considered as something

The movement of the body in space or the movement of the surrounding space gives us a sense of the human being.

So what is it that is in motion that gives us the sense of time?

We send a person in a spaceship to a space area tens of billions of billions of light-years away, drop the person down, and the spacecraft flies back immediately.

The other planets in this space area are very, very far away, and it is conceivable that this person still has a sense of time.

What is it that is in motion that gives the person a sense of time? In this case, only the person's body and the space around it. Moreover, the person sees his body as stationary, and the only thing that moves is the space around the person.

The correct and reasonable view is:

Time is a sense of the movement of space around our body by our observers.

Combined with the above basic assumptions of unified field theory, all objects in the universe and the surrounding space are divergent at the speed of light and in a cylindrical spiral, we can give a physical definition of time:

The space around any object in the universe [including our observer's body] is centered on the object, in a cylindrical spiral, and divergent movement at the vector speed of light C, and this movement of space gives our observer the feeling of time.

It has been argued that there was time in the universe before human beings, so it is a mistake to think that time is a human sense.

In fact, the phrase "before there are no human beings" is a sick sentence, without people, where did there be no human beings?

This logical error is that in the first step, you have excluded people in the four words "in the absence of people", and in the second step, you have used people to define "before", since you have excluded people, you can no longer use people to define them.

Without us, where did we come from, before and after, in order, up and down, left and right, east and west, north and south?

"Time" is precisely a physical concept born from the description of the sensation given by the movement of the space around one's body.

XVIII. The space-time identity equation

The above physical definition of time also defines the speed of light. In unified field theory, time, space, and the speed of light are bundled together, and the speed of light reflects the identity of space-time, that is, the essence of time is what we describe the space of the speed of light.

We extend the speed of light to a vector, and the vector speed of light C [modulus is c] can vary with time t, the speed of the light source, and the speed of the observer.

C = scalar speed of light c times the unit vector N.

The scalar speed of light c does not change with time t, with the speed of the observer, with the speed of the light source.

From the above physical definition of time, it can be considered that:

Time is proportional to the distance traveled at the speed of light in the space around the observer.

With the help of the concept of spatial points, it can be argued that:

Time is the sensation that many points of space around our observer are moving around us in a cylindrical spiral, in a vector speed of light C.

A spatial point p, at moment zero, from where we are observers, at the vector speed of light C, elapsed time t, proportional to the distance traveled R.

From this, the space-time identity equation is derived:

R(t) = Ct = xi+ yj + zk

i, j, k are unit vectors along the x, y, and z axes, respectively. The scalar form is:

r² = c²t²= x² + y² + z²

These two equations can be thought of as space-time identity equations, corresponding to the relativistic space-time relativity equations, reflecting that space and time are of the same origin. It can also be said that time can be expressed in terms of spatial displacement moving at the speed of light.

What we need to pay attention to is that it's not just time, it's like mass, charge, field, momentum, force, energy...... These basic physical concepts, as well as all physical concepts, are caused by spatial displacement, and are composed of spatial displacement, and tracing the essence of these physical concepts, we will find that they can eventually be reduced and decomposed into spatial displacement.

This is also the essence of physics - physics is only a discipline that describes motion, and all motion is made up of spatial displacements.

XIX. Three-dimensional cylindrical spiral space-time equations

As mentioned above, all objects in the universe [or particles], including space itself, are moving in a cylindrical spiral, and the law of spiral motion is one of the most basic laws of the universe.

The unified field theory holds that the space around an object itself is moving in a cylindrical spiral.

Next, let's establish the three-dimensional cylindrical spiral space-time equation in the unified field theory to replace the four-dimensional space-time equation in the theory of relativity.

Suppose that there is a particle O point in a certain space region, and we take the O point as the origin to establish a three-dimensional Cartesian Cartesian coordinate system X,Y,Z.

At the moment t' = 0, we examine any point p in the space around the object o, the position of which we use x. ,y。 ,z。 To denote that the spatial displacement deviation from point o to point p [referred to as the vector] we use R. to represent.

After a period of time t, the movement of point p reaches the position x, y, z where point p is later located at moment t. That is, the spatial position coordinates of point p at time t" are x,y,z,

The spatial displacement deviation from point o to point p [referred to as the vector] is denoted by R.

In cylindrical spiral motion, it can be decomposed into rotational motion vector and linear motion vector, note that the displacement should not be confused with linear motion, and the displacement can be regarded as the synthesis of rotational motion vector and linear motion vector.

According to the above vertical principle, R changes with the spatial position x, y, z and time t, so there are:

R(t) =(x,y,z)

The specific relationship between R(t) and (x, y, z) is given, which is the above spatiotemporal homogenization equation:

R(t) = R。 + Ct = (x。 + x) i+ (y。 + y) j + (z。 +z) k

This equation can sometimes be shortened as:

R(t) = Ct = x i+ y j + z k

Scalar form: r² = c²t² = x²+ y²+ z²

r is the number of vector R.

The above equation also appears in the theory of relativity, which is considered to be a four-dimensional space-time distance, and the reality is that the essence of time is our description of space moving at the speed of light. Any dimension in three-dimensional space that moves at the speed of light can be considered time.

The existence of space is fundamental, time is not fundamental, and without anyone as an observer, time does not exist, but there is still space.

Since time is our observer's description of the space moving at the speed of light, the quantity of time is equivalent to the amount of spatial displacement moving at the speed of light.

The theory of relativity obviously fails to recognize this, and the theory of relativity does not know the nature of time, and sees time as another dimension equal to space, and three-dimensional space as a four-dimensional space-time.

The theory of relativity does not recognize that space is fundamental and real, that it still exists apart from our observer, that time is described by man, that time exists falsely, and that it does not exist without our observer.

The understanding in this regard is clearly flawed by the theory of relativity.

If point p rotates in the x,y plane with angular velocity ω, moves in a straight line at a uniform velocity h in the z-axis, and R projects a length r in the x,y plane, then there are:

x = x。 + r cosωt

y = y。 + r sinωt

z = z。 + h t

The above can also be expressed by the following vector equation,

R =R。 + Ct

= (x。 + r cosωt)i+ (y。 + r sinωt ) j +(z。 + h t ) k

The above can be called the three-dimensional spiral space-time equation.

Sometimes this equation can be simplified as:

R = r cosωt i+ r sinωt j + h t k

Unified field theory holds that all the mysteries of the universe are determined by the above equations, from the Milky Way and the planets to the motion of electrons, protons, and neutrons, as well as why objects have mass, why they have electric charges, and all the way to the human mind, and so on, all ...... related to this equation.

In the three-dimensional spiral space-time equation, what is the relationship between rotational motion and linear motion?

The spatial rotational displacement vectors X, Y along the coordinates x, y and the spatial linear displacement vectors Z along the z-axis should satisfy the following cross-product relation:

X×Y = Z

Y×X = - Z

X,Y is the amount of rotation, if X×Y = Z represents the right-hand helix relationship, then Y×X = - Z means the left-handed helix relationship.

The equations X×Y = Z and Y×X= - Z reflect the connection between the rotational motion and the rectilinear motion of space.

These two formulas are derived from the previous "parallel principle" and "perpendicular principle".

The "Parallel Principle" states that if two physical quantities can be represented by line segments, they must be proportional to each other.

The Perpendicular Principle states that the orientation of a plane or surface is perpendicular to it.

And the direction of circular motion is in the vertical direction of the circumferential plane, and the reason behind it is also the "vertical principle".

In the equation X×Y = Z, X×Y can be regarded as a vector area, the size of the area is equal to the number of X×Y, and the direction is perpendicular to X and Y, and parallel to Z.

According to the principle of parallelism, the vector area X×Y is proportional to Z, and of course, in some cases, it is also possible to make the proportionality constant 1, written as X×Y = Z.

For the above three-dimensional spiral space-time equations, we need to pay attention to the following points:

There are many spatial points around point 1, point o, and point p is only one of them. Style:

R =R。 + Ct

= (x。 + r cosωt)i+ (y。 + r sinωt ) j +(z。 + h t ) k

, it does not mean that there is only one vector like R around the point o, but that there are many vectors like this that are evenly distributed around the point o in a radial manner [when the point o is at rest relative to us].

However, because the motion is synchronized with each other, no direction of motion is opposite, so there are no two spirals intersecting in space around a single particle.

2. The spiral is generated at the particle point and ends at the particle point, and it will not appear for no reason in the space without the particle point.

In the case where the object o point is stationary relative to our observer, the movement of the surrounding space is uniform, and the spiral line taken by the space point is continuous and will not be interrupted for no reason.

We should also realize that the establishment and selection of coordinate axes are arbitrary, and coordinate axes are just a mathematical tool for us to describe space, and will not affect the distribution of spirals and motion spaces.

3. The cylindrical spiral motion of space is the superposition of two kinds of motion: linear motion and rotary motion. Linear motion can also be considered a special case of r = 0 in the cylindrical spiral motion mentioned above.

The essence of the field is the effect of space moving in a cylindrical spiral, and in field theory, divergence describes the part of space that moves in a cylindrical spiral, and curl describes the part of rotational motion.

4. What is described in the cylindrical spiral equation is: one end of the space vector R does not move on the object o point, and the other end p draws a circle and moves in a straight line along the vertical direction of the circle plane, which cannot be understood as just a point at p point drawing a spiral, but a space vector R is drawing a spiral.

5. The space point p is at zero time, and it is possible to start from a plane of the O point, not just from the O point.

6. The spiral equation R = R. + Ct

= (x。 + r cosωt)i+ (y。 + r sinωt ) j +(z。 + h t ) k, if x and y are equal to zero, and the spatial point moves in a straight line along the z-axis, the spiral equation should not be considered unsuitable in this case, but should be changed to a linear equation of motion.

The correct understanding should be that x and y are approaching zero, and that the radius of rotation of the cylindrical spiral motion at point p is approaching zero. And the spiral equation still applies.

Of course, there are also cases where x or y approaches infinity and z approaches zero.

All of these cases can be included in the spiral equation, which simplifies our understanding of the problem.

7. The vector speed of light is obtained by taking the derivative of the spiral equation of motion against time, which cannot be understood as only obtaining the derivative of the straight part of the cylindrical spiral motion from time, because in this way there is a superluminal speed. Rather, it is obtained by finding the derivative of the position vector R [linear displacement plus rotational displacement] against time t.

8. A space point corresponds to a helix, the radius of the spiral is between 0 and infinity, it is meaningless to ask how many meters the specific value is, just as it is meaningless for us to ask how many electric field lines there are around a charge.

9. When the particle point o is at rest with respect to our observer, the movement of the surrounding space is uniform, and the distribution of the spiral is uniform and continuous.

When the o point moves relative to our observer, the uniformity of the expected motion of the surrounding space is broken. When the speed of motion at point O reaches the speed of light, the helix is expected to be interrupted.

20. Recognize the nature of the speed of light

1. The nature of the speed of light

With the in-depth development of physics, the importance of the concept of the speed of light has attracted more and more attention...... These basic physical concepts become equally important.

When people think of the speed of light, they can't help but think of light, but in fact, the speed of light is more reflective of the essential laws of nature than the phenomenon of light.

In unified field theory, expanding the speed of light into a vector is equivalent to broadening people's understanding of the speed of light. Unified field theory also has a deep understanding of the speed of light.

In the unified field theory, the speed of light reflects the identity of time and space, that is, space is fundamental, the movement of space forms time, and time is the description of space moving at the speed of light by our observers.

The physical definition of time binds space, time, and the speed of light together, and the use of moving space defines time and the speed of light.

Time and space are the same source, and it is the speed of light that connects the two.

The assumption that the speed of light is a constant, and that space and time are originally the same thing, means that space is extended, time is correspondingly extended, and space is shortened accordingly, and space is shortened accordingly, which is space-time identity.

The above equation R(t) = Ct = x i + y j + z k is the space-time homogenization equation.

The electrons in the atom live in a small spatial range and move extremely fast with an extremely short period of motion. In the solar system, the planets move in a wide range of space, with small speed and long periods, all of which are due to the identity of time and space.

The spatiotemporal identity of the unified field theory and the spatiotemporal relativity of the relativistic theory are contradictory on the surface, but the essence is the same, the spatiotemporal identity equation is fundamental, from the spatiotemporal identity of the relativistic theory can be derived, and the derivation process will be given later.

2. Explain the relativistic effect associated with the speed of light

Let's start with the question of why the speed of light is the highest speed in the universe.

According to the theory of relativity, the speed of light is the highest speed in the universe. The theory of relativity is mainly based on mathematical formulas, because if the speed of motion of an object exceeds the speed of light, some physical quantities will appear imaginary and lose their meaning.

In fact, it is very simple to logically reason that the speed of light is the highest speed of the universe.

Imagine an alien spaceship that is 10 meters long relative to us at rest, and when it moves relative to us at a certain speed, we find that the length of the spacecraft is shortening to 5 meters, and when the speed of motion reaches the speed of light, it is reduced to zero.

If the spacecraft were moving relative to us at the speed of light, would it be possible to analyze the trend of change, and the spacecraft would be shorter than the length of zero? - Apparently not.

The theory of relativity holds that a clock is placed inside the spacecraft and we hold another clock in our hands, and the two clocks travel the same time when they are stationary.

When the ship moves relative to us, the clock inside the ship slows down relative to a clock in our hand.

The observer inside the ship measures the time interval between two events occurring in the same location inside the ship, and from the outside of the ship, we observers see that the time interval between the two events is extended.

When the spacecraft reaches the speed of light, it seems to us observers outside the spacecraft that the length of the spacecraft is reduced to zero, and the clock inside the spacecraft moves very slowly, so slow that it freezes and does not go.

An alien planet 50 light-years away from us, aliens driving light-speed spaceships to our Earth, and we think it will take 50 years for the spacecraft to reach our Earth.

However, the aliens inside the spaceship think that they have traveled an infinite distance in zero seconds, so they have reached our Earth in an instant.

If there is a faster-than-light speed, according to the tendency of motion, is there a motion that is faster than the infinite distance that does not take time? - Apparently not.

The above involves the famous shrinkage and slowness of the theory of relativity.

An object with zero length, zero volume, and zero volume does not exist, and the conclusion of relativity makes many people unacceptable.

Some people think that this is a kind of observer effect, and the reason is the observation of the observer.

Is the slow clock a real thing, or is it just an observer effect? In contrast, the majority of people think it is the observer effect.

Many people think:

The slowness effect is relative to an observer outside the ship, and the actual size of the ship does not change. An object does not deform itself when it moves at close to the speed of light, but the light and electromagnetic waves it reflects change, and it appears to us observers that the object is deformed.

To put it simply, the clock is not slow, the ruler does not shrink, everything is just your observation and measurement.

However, some people believe that the shrinkage and slow planting do not happen only when you observe, and if you do not observe, you will not shrink and slow down. As long as there is a relative velocity of motion, slow clock slowness has already occurred.

Some people have adopted a compromise solution, saying that the "shrinkage effect" is the observation effect, and the "bell slow effect" is the actual effect.

The unified field theory holds that the ruler and the clock are tied together, and there is no such thing as an observer effect or a real effect.

According to the unified field theory, the shrinkage and slow clock are both real effects and observer effects.

In unified field theory, there is no absolute difference between the real effect and the observer effect, and the two are unified.

First of all, you can't completely oppose the observer effect to the real effect, there is no essential difference between the two.

Why does the universe you see happen to be the way it is - because this is what your brain describes, the real universe only exists in objects and space, and the rest is just the description and calculation of your brain.

In unified field theory, space is formed by motion, from which space is born from a positive charge, diverges to the surrounding space at the speed of light, and converges to a negative charge at the speed of light.

The movement of space needs to be described by people, and the space you see is not static, but moving at the speed of light, and this movement has a definite meaning relative to us observers.

There is no point in talking about the movement of space without connecting it with the observer.

The state of existence of space is also the state of motion, and the three-dimensional vertical state of space is caused by the cylindrical spiral motion of space at all times.

The geometrically three-dimensional vertical state of space and the physical state of motion are equivalent.

The state of motion of space is the result of our description of the three-dimensional vertical state of space. Why is the space you seeing the way it is? It's exactly what you describe.

The red you see, why it's red, because that's how you describe it. Without our human descriptions, the universe does not exist red.

Everything you see, the blue of the sky, the beauty of the flowers and plants, is the result of the brain's processing and analysis of the obtained electromagnetic wave signals.

The reason why it is the way it is is is exactly what your brain tells you after doing the math.

What is the heat you feel, heat is described by your brain, without the description of your brain, there is no heat, the essence of heat is the description of the degree of irregular movement of molecules by people.

The sound you feel is also from your description, the difference between sound and no sound is that the position of the molecules in the air is different.

Sound is not a real thing, no one describes it, and sound doesn't actually exist.

A lot of people think of the real effect as opposed to the observer effect – this is the thinking of ordinary people.

However, the core idea of the unified field theory is that the existence of the physical world is false, and all other physical phenomena in the universe are just descriptions of us, except for the existence of objects and space, which are not described by us.

In unified field theory, there is no absolute difference between the observer effect and the real effect.

We say that colors, sounds, and heat are all descriptions of how people feel about themselves, and they are all observer effects, not real things, and some people can understand them now.

However, once it is said that the state of motion is also described by people [what we need to note is that the state of rest is also described by us, and without us observers, there is no state of motion in the universe, and there is no state of rest], many people's thinking will not be able to adapt.

Except for one case where it is not the observer effect [that is, there are objects and space in the universe], everything else in the universe is the observer effect, which is described by our observers, including the state of motion and the state of rest.

Why is the existence of objects and space not an observer effect?

Because what really exists in the universe are objects and space, and the rest are our descriptions of the motion of objects and space, and the rest are the observer effect.

The existence of objects and space is the basis for the birth of all phenomena in the universe, and everything else is a description of man, including motion, rest, time, mass, charge, energy, force, ......

Some people will ask:

How to distinguish between some observer effects and real occurrences, and some observer effects that are inconsistent with real occurrences?

- There are no inconsistencies.

What you see is what really happens, and what really happens must be described by an observer, and there is no point in talking about the so-called real situation without an observer to describe it.

There are many things going on in the universe all the time, and when we discuss these things, we always have to connect with a certain observer, in short, how and how it is in relation to so-and-so.

If you don't say it's relative to so-and-so, you ignore which observer it's relative to, and you often get plausible and ambiguous results.

This is where the theory of relativity is often questioned and criticized, and it can only be said that the theory of relativity is an incomplete theory, and a thorough theory should be a unified field theory.

According to the unified field theory, there are objects and spaces in the universe, which have nothing to do with our observers, this is an objective fact, the rest are human descriptions, and the rest are subjective, all of which belong to the observer effect.

In the unified field theory, the slow effect of the ruler clock can be applied concretely.

The unified field theory holds that when an object moves at the speed of light, the length in the direction of motion is shortened to zero, which does not occupy our space, and it is possible for an object with zero volume to pass through a wall, and both the wall and the object are intact.

The unified field theory can also be explained by the principle of perpendicularity for the shortening of space due to motion. Since the physical state of motion and the perpendicular state of the geometry are equivalent, when the object moves in a straight line along the x-axis at a constant speed at each speed, it causes the x-axis to tilt, and when the speed of motion reaches the speed of light, it rotates 90 degrees - resulting in zero projected length of space along the x-axis along the direction of motion.

In specific applications, the Unified Field Theory holds that objects have mass and charge because the space around the object diverges at the speed of light, and the number of divergent bars is proportional to the mass of the object.

When the changing electromagnetic field is used to generate an anti-gravitational field, irradiating the object, it can reduce the number of rays moving at the speed of light in the space around the object, and when the number of rays moving at the speed of light in the space around the object is reduced to zero, the mass becomes zero, and it will suddenly move at the speed of light relative to us [this is the principle of alien light-speed UFO flight].

When the mass is close to zero, it does not move at the speed of light, but it is in a quasi-excited state and can pass through walls without any damage to walls and objects.

If the slow clocking is a pure observer effect, it is obviously impossible for the rigid body predicted by the unified field theory above to pass through the wall, and both intact.

Some people believe that the mass of the object is zero, and the molecules inside the object have no force on each other and disperse like dust.

In this case, one observer thinks that the mass of the object is zero, and the other observer thinks that the mass is the same.

There is a difference between this and zero mass relative to any observer.

The theory of relativity holds that a spaceship moves relative to us at the speed of light, and we find that the length of the spaceship in the direction of motion is zero, resulting in zero volume;

Observers inside the spacecraft believe that there is no process from the beginning of the spacecraft to the end of the movement, and this journey, no matter how far away, is reached in an instant.

It's hard for us to accept.

Unified field theory holds that time is formed by the divergent movement of the speed of light in space around the observer, and when you move at the speed of light, you have caught up with space, and when you have caught up with the speed of light in space, you have caught up with time.

So, it seems to us that you have no space, your time is gone, it freezes.

So that it is easy for us to understand.

The theory of relativity holds that an object moves at the speed of light, and the moving mass becomes infinite, and the infinite mass is difficult for us to accept.

According to the unified field theory, the mass of an object reflects the number of spatial displacements around the object at the speed of light within a certain solid angle.

When the object moves at close to the speed of light, the solid angle will become close to zero due to the relativistic spatial contraction, and the number of bars will not change with velocity, so the mass tends to infinity.

Since mass is the physical quantity observed by our observer, mass reflects the degree of motion of the space around the object, and the essence of mass is the effect of space motion, so it is easy for us to understand that the mass of the object is infinity or zero.

In the unified field theory, all physical concepts and quantities are described by our observers.

Speed is no exception, only the speed of movement relative to the observer is the real meaningful speed, and only the speed of light relative to our observer is the constant speed of light, and the speed of light is the largest in the universe.

For the speed of motion and the events formed by the motion, the beginning and end of the event are related to the observer, and there will be a definite result. For speeds and events that I don't associate with the observer, there's no point in talking about the results.

For example, if we rotate our bodies on Earth, one revolution per second, relative to an alien planet tens of billions of years ago, the linear speed of the planet's rotation must be faster than the speed of light relative to our observers.

However, this faster-than-light has no causal connection with us observers, so it doesn't make sense.

For example, if we are an observer standing on Earth and we see two spacecraft moving at 0.9 times the speed of light, one to the east and one to the west, in relative motion.

We observers believe that no matter what the speed of motion of that ship is relative to our observers, there is no faster than the speed of light. However, it seems to me that the relative speed of movement between the two ships is 1.8 times the speed of light. However, this superluminal speed is not relative to us observers.

There is no faster-than-light relative to us observers.

In unified field theory, there is a case where the speed of light can be less than 300,000 kilometers per second.

When the light source moves in a straight line with a constant velocity V relative to our observer, the speed of light along the vertical direction of V is indeed less than 300,000 kilometers per second.

3. The physical definition of time is used to explain the invariance of the speed of light in the theory of relativity.

The theory of relativity is based on the constant speed of light, but the theory of relativity does not explain or have the ability to explain why the speed of light does not change, and the theory of relativity only takes the constant speed of light as a factual basis, and expands and modifies Newtonian mechanics.

The invariance of the speed of light in the theory of relativity means:

When the light source is stationary or moving at a velocity v, the velocity c of the light emitted by the light source remains constant relative to us observers.

If you know the physical definition of time, you immediately know why the speed of light does not change.

The above physical definition of time is:

The space around any object in the universe [including our observer's body] is centered on the object and diverges to the surroundings at the speed of light, and light is still in space and is carried outward by the movement of space, and this movement of space gives us the impression of time.

Thus, the quantity t of time is proportional to the displacement r of the space of the speed of light c motion, i.e.,

r = c t

The speed of light c = r/t is a fraction, and we know from elementary school mathematics that the fraction is the numerator divided by the denominator.

The numerator at the speed of light - the spatial displacement r and the denominator at the speed of light - time t are actually one thing, and we artificially call one thing two names.

For example, Zhang Fei, also known as Zhang Yide, although they are two names, they refer to the same person.

Therefore, if there is any change in the numerator of the speed of light, the spatial displacement r, the denominator of the speed of light, time t, must change synchronously, because r and t are originally the same thing, and we observers have called two names.

In this way, the value of the speed of light c = r / t is always constant, which is the reason why the speed of light does not change.

For example, we see that Zhang Fei has gained weight by 5 pounds, and we can immediately conclude that Zhang Yide's weight must have increased by 5 pounds, because the two names refer to the same person.

Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide's weight is increasing, but the ratio of Zhang Fei's weight to Zhang Yide's weight remains the same.

When the light source moves with velocity v relative to us, it causes a change in the speed of light, the numerator, the spatial displacement, r, which must cause the denominator of the speed of light, time t, to change synchronously.

When a light source moves in any way relative to us, the molecule that causes the speed of light, the spatial displacement, r, changes in some way, and it must cause the denominator of the speed of light, time t, to change synchronously in that way.

From the above, it can be inferred that the speed of light is always the same relative to our observer, whether it is moving at a uniform speed or at an accelerated rate.

This shows that the general theory of relativity is basically correct, because the basic principle of general relativity is that observers who are moving at an accelerated pace observe that the same beam of light has the same velocity.

XXXI, explaining the invariance of the speed of light in the Lorenz transform

1. An explanation of the invariance of the speed of light in the Lorenz transform

There are two Cartesian inertial coordinate systems S system and S' system, and the location of any event [we call it the investigation point P] and time, and the space-time coordinates in the S system and S' system are represented by (X, Y, Z, T), (X', Y', Z', T') respectively.

This article focuses on the simplest case of the Lorenz transform, where the point p is at rest in the s' system.

In the diagram below,

The x-axis and x' coincide with each other, and at t' = t = 0, the origin of the s system o point [the observer in the s system is standing on point o] and the origin of s' o' [the observer in the s system is standing on point o'] points coincide with each other.

Subsequently, the o' point moves in a straight line along the positive x-axis with a uniform velocity v with respect to the o-point.

Suppose that at some point in time, an explosion occurs, and the spatial and temporal coordinates of the explosion at point p are x', y, z', and t', respectively.

That is, the explosion occurred at time t', and the coordinates of the place p on the x' axis are at x' distance from the origin o'. Also, the p-point is stationary with respect to the s' system.

The spatial and temporal coordinates of the explosion event at point P are x, y, z and t, respectively.

That is, the explosion occurred at time t, and its coordinates were at x distance from the origin o on the x-axis. Also, the point p is moving at a rate v relative to the s system.

Let's find the relationship between the temporal and spatial coordinates of an explosion event at point p, and the coordinate values in two inertial reference frames.

In the above figure, you can intuitively see:

x'= xvt 

x = x'+ vt'

According to Galileo's principle of relativity, the measurement of the length of time and space has nothing to do with the speed v of the observer, and the above equation can be true, and t = t'.

However, the theory of relativity holds that the measurement of time and space length is related to the speed v of the observers' mutual motion, and that the length of space shrinks and decreases as the velocity v increases.

In the S system, the equation x' = x–vt needs to be shortened by multiplying a relativistic factor of 1/k for the equation to hold, so there is the equation:

1/ kx' = x - vt

So there are:

x'= k(x - vt)             (1)

In the opinion of the observer in the s' system, the x in the formula x = x' + vt' must be multiplied by a relativistic factor of 1/k to be true, so there is the formula:

1/ kx = x'+ vt'

So there are:

x = k(x'+ vt')           (2)

Since the s-system is a uniform linear motion with respect to the s' system, we should reasonably assume that the relationship between x' and (x–vt), x and (x'+ vt') should be linear, and be satisfied with a simple proportional relationship.

The relativity principle of relativity holds that the laws of physics are the same or equal in all inertial frames of reference, and the form of physical equations in different inertial frames should be the same.

So equations (1) and (2) can be given with the same constant k.

For the value of k, the Lorenz transform is calculated using the invariant speed of light.

Suppose that a beam of light travels in the positive direction of the x-axis from the origin o, o' at the coincident zero moment, and the speed of light is c.

Let the spatiotemporal coordinates of the wavefront [or photon, space point] p point of the beam be (x,y,z,t) in the s system and (x',y',z',t' in the s' system).

We take the event that the wavefront [or photon, space point] p point of the beam reaches its position later as the object of our investigation.

If the speed of light c is the same in the s and s' systems, there is

x = ct                (3)

x= ct'             (4)

By combining equations (1), (2), (3), and (4), you can derive:

ct'= k(x - vt)

ct = k(x'+ vt')  

Multiplying the above two equations can be derived:

c²t t'= k² (x vt) (x'+ vt') 

=  k² (xx+ xvt - vtx'- v²tt') 

= k² (xx'+ ctvt' – vtct'- v²tt')

=  k² (c²tt - v²tt') 

Export again:

c²=  k² (c² - v²

k = 1/√(1- v²/c²)  

Bringing the above equation into equations (1) and (2), we can get:

x'= (xvt) /√(1- v²/c²)       (5)

x =(x'+ vt') /√(1- v²/c²)       (6)

From Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), subtract x' to obtain:

t'=(t-v x/c²)/√(1-v²/c²) (7)

From Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), subtract x to obtain:

t=(t'+ vx'/c²)/√(1- v²/c²) (8)


x'= (x–vt) /√(1- v²/c²) (9)

y'= y  (10)

z' = z  (11)

t'=(t–vx/c²)/√(1- v²/c²) (12)

This is the Lorenz positive transformation.


x = (x'+ vt') /√(1- v²/c²)

y = y

z = z 

t=(t'+ vx'/c²)1/√(1- v²/c²) 

It's the inverse Lorenz transform.

Note that y and z are invariant in the Lorenz transform.

Let's use the physical definition of time to explain that the speed of light in equations (3) and (4) is constant.

As per the previous physical definition of time.

The observation in the S' system suggests that there will be a spatial point p [or wavefront, photon] that leaves the o' point [or o point, because the o and o' points coincide with each other at zero time], and moves in a straight line along the x' axis [or the x axis, because the x axis and the x' axis coincide with each other] at the speed of light c, and after a period of time t', it travels such a distance as x' to the position where it is later at p point. So there is x'/t' = c.

The observations in the S system suggest that there will be a spatial point P that leaves point O at time zero [or point O', because point O and Point O' coincide with each other at time zero], moves in a straight line along the x-axis [or X'-axis, because the x-axis and X'-axis coincide with each other], and after a period of time t, travels so far as X to the position where point P is located later.

The above physical definition of time tells us that time is proportional to the distance traveled by a spatial point p in the space around the observer.

Therefore, the time t in the S system is greater than the time t in the S system, which is equal to the distance x traveled by the space point in the S system than the distance x traveled by the space point in the S system, that is:

t/t’ = x/ x’

Take the above equation as a transformation,

x/ t = x'/t'

Since x/t and x'/t' are both displacement ratio time, the dimension is velocity, and x'/t'= c, so

x/t = x'/t' = rate = c

So, the above shows that there must be a special rate [which we denote by c] that is closely related to time, and the value of c is equal to the two observers moving against each other.

As long as the above physical definition of time is correct, it must be able to prove that the speed of light c in equations (3) and (4) is equal.

Next, we use the idea of unified field theory to interpret the above Lorenz transformation.

(1), the Lorenz transform inherits the Galilean transform, in which the S system sees the S' system moving with velocity v, and the S' system sees the S system moving with velocity-v.

The temporal and spatial position of the same thing is considered invariant in the Galilean transform in the two inertial frames, which is negated by the Lorenz transform.

The Lorenz transform inherits part of the idea of Galileo's transformation, negating a part, not a complete negation.

(2) The unified field theory believes that all forms of motion and physical phenomena are described by our observers, and it is meaningless to talk about physical phenomena and states of motion without us observers.

We always default to the S' frame and the S frame, where there must be an inertial frame of reference that is the frame of reference in which the observer and I are located.

(3), S' system and S system only I see you as sporty, you see me as sporty, equal, not absolutely equal.

We always default to the S' system and the S system, where only one of them is the frame of reference where I am located, the frame of reference where I am located is superior, all physical quantities and concepts are described by me, and only relative to me has a definite physical meaning, and I have only one.

(4) The unified field theory believes that there are four basic conditions to describe motion, one is space and the other is time, including the beginning, process and end moment of time.

One is the observer, and the other is the object being described, i.e., the object or the event formed by the change in the motion of the object.

4 conditions, missing one, it makes no sense to describe the movement.

In special cases, the object being described and the observer can be the same thing, that is, to describe the movement of our observer himself, but this description is only meaningful in special cases, and it is also meaningless in general cases.

In the unified field theory, space is in motion, and to describe the motion of space, it must be the space around the object, and it is meaningless to describe the motion of space alone without an object, or without specifying which object.

So, in the Lorenz transform, we must:

It is necessary to identify the observer, determine the object to be described [composed of an event formed by an object or the movement of an object], determine the beginning and end moments of the event and the time elapsed, and determine the spatial location where the event occurs, otherwise it may cause confusion.

(5) Although it is not possible to say which one of the S' and S systems is in absolute motion, absolute motion is meaningless. However, relative motion [i.e., motion relative to a definite observer] is meaningful.

It is customary for us to call the system where the object being described P point [the object or the event formed by the change of the motion of the object] is called the S' system, also known as the dynamic system, and the S system is called the static system.

It has been suggested that it is necessary to introduce a third system, the reference frame where the earth's surface is commonly located, to compare the s system with the s' in order to determine who is static and who is dynamic.

If you introduce me [I am the only one] into the frame of reference, you don't need a third system to compare, and you can distinguish between static and dynamic systems.

(6), when I, the observer, are standing in the s system by default [i.e., I am moving relative to the point p of the object being observed], the Lorenz positive transform will be used;

When I am standing in the s' system by default [i.e., I am stationary relative to the observed object p], the inverse Lorenz transform will be used.

2. Explain why the speed of light does not change in a frame of reference

We have one more question: why is the speed of light also constant in a frame of reference?

This can be understood in such a way that time is exactly equivalent to the motion of the space around the observer, i.e.:

Space for movement = time.

In order to physically make the dimension of "space = time in motion" not chaotic, we need to multiply a constant in front of time that does not change with time and motion space - the speed of light,

Space moving = speed of light multiplied by time.

From a mathematical point of view, a variable takes its derivative of itself, and the result is 1 or constant.

3. Explanation of the constant speed of light when the direction of motion of a point in space is perpendicular to the velocity v

Some people may think that light can run in any direction, but isn't space also running in any direction? There is a reference to describe any motion, and to whom is the motion of space to be referenced?

In the unified field theory, the space around an object is indeed centered on the object and moving towards the surroundings.

The motion of space refers to the object, and the motion of space refers to how the space around an object moves.

In the special case, there is no object, and the motion of the space we describe is relative to our human body.

In the absence of any object, it makes no sense to simply describe the motion of space.

Next, let's consider the explanation of the constant speed of light when the direction of motion of the space point is perpendicular to the velocity v of the observed object.

In the figure below, the x-axis and x' coincide with each other, and at t' = t = 0, the origin of the 2D Cartesian coordinate system S system O point [the observer in the S system is standing on point O] and the origin point of the 2D Cartesian coordinate system S' [The observer in the S system is standing on point O'] points coincide with each other.

Subsequently, the o' point moves in a straight line along the positive x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar v] relative to the o point.

Suppose there is a particle o' that is always stationary on the origin o' of the two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system s'.

At time zero, the S' observer, defined by the physics of time, discovers that a spatial point P starts from point O', and in time T', travels so far in the direction of y'p at the speed of light c [so there is O'p / t' = C], and goes to the place where point P is located later, which is the point P marked in the diagram.

The fact that point P in space departs to move to point P at time zero seems to an observer of the S department that point P travels so far in time T.

Although the distance of OP is farther than that of O'P, all time t should be longer than time T'.

Because, according to the physical definition of time, time is proportional to the point p in space relative to the distance traveled by the observer. So, there is the formula:

op /o’p = t / t’

Deforming the above equation yields:

op /t = o’p / t’

From o'p/t' = c gets:

op /t = o’p / t’ = c

The above equation explains why the speed of light is constant relative to the values of two observers moving in motion.

Let's find the relationship between t and t' satisfaction to see if it agrees with the theory of relativity. composed

op /t = o’p / t’ = c

op = √(o'p²+v²t²), we get:

t’ = t(1v²/c²)

The differential form can be obtained:

d t /dt’ =1/(1v²/c²)

The theory of relativity holds that when something happens, the observer is stationary relative to the place where the event occurs, that is, the beginning and end moments of the event are in the same place, and the time elapsed to measure this event is inherent time, that is, the above t'.

The theory of relativity has the shortest intrinsic time, and this result is the same as the result of the theory of relativity.

We find the derivative of the inverse Lorenz transform t=(t'+ vx'/c²)/√(1- v²/c²) on both sides of the time t', and get:

dt/dt' =1/√(1- v²/c²)

Note that x' in the equation does not change with time t', because the quantities of x' and t' are observed in the s' system, whereas in s', the position x' at point p is stationary.

We take the derivative of the Lorenz positive transformation t'=(t - vx/c²)1/√(1- v²/c²) on both sides of time t, and get:

dt’/dt =1/√(1- v²/c²)- v²/c²)/√(1- v²/c²)

= (1- v²/c²)/√(1- v²/c²) =√(1- v²/c²)

So, there are:

d t /dt’ =1/(1v²/c²)

Note that x in the equation is the position of point p in the s system, which varies with time t, so there are dx/dt = v and d(vx/c²)/dt = v²/c², because the quantities of x and t are observed in the s system, and in s, the position x of point p is moving with velocity v.

This result is the same as above.

We have one more question:

Is the distance traveled by the spatial point p on the y-axis equal to that in the s system and in the s' system?

All this is proved by the special theory of relativity with a hypothetical experiment of a train drilling into a cave:

Suppose there is a cave, a train is parked outside, the height of the carriage is equal to the height of the top of the cave, and now the train is driven into the cave at a constant speed, does the height of the moving train change?

Suppose that the height of the train decreases due to its motion, so that the observer standing on the ground thinks that the height of the train decreases due to its motion, and the height of the cave does not change due to its motion, and the train must have entered the cave smoothly.

However, the observer inside the train believes that the train is stationary, so the height of the train is constant, the cave is moving, the height of the cave will be reduced, and the train will not be able to pass through the cave, and this is a contradiction.

However, whether or not a train can go into a cave is a definite physical fact and should not be related to the observer's choice, and the only reasonable point is:

Uniform linear motion cannot shorten the length of space in the vertical direction of motion, and in the same way, it cannot be elongated, and the result is unchanged.

Maybe people still have a question? There are many points in space around the observer, why is the motion of one point a representation of time?

This should be understood in this way, time reflects a property of space motion, and we observers can express that space has the changing nature of time by describing one of the many spatial points in space, which also shows that time cannot exist independently of the observer.

4. The relationship between the velocity V of the light source and the vector speed of light C

We introduced the vector speed of light concept earlier, but we didn't discuss it in depth.

Whether the speed of light can be regarded as a vector is not discussed in depth in the theory of relativity, according to the theory of relativity, the speed of light has nothing to do with the speed of movement of the light source, has nothing to do with the choice of the observer, has nothing to do with time, has nothing to do with the position in space, and is purely a constant.

Therefore, relativity tends to think that the speed of light cannot be regarded as a vector, in other words, it makes no sense to discuss the vector nature of the speed of light in relativity.

The speed of light is a constant that first comes from Maxwell's wave equation of electromagnetic waves, in which the speed of light appears as a constant.

Unified field theory proposes a different view, arguing that the speed of light can behave as a vector in some cases, and its direction is a function of the speed of the light source.

In order to distinguish between them, the vector speed of light is called the speed of light, which is represented by a capital C, and the magnitude of C [i.e., modulo c] does not change, but the direction can change.

The speed of light is called the rate of light, also known as the scalar speed of light, which is represented by the lowercase letter c, and c is unchanged.

The magnitude of the vector speed of light C, Cx, Cy, Cz, on the axes of Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z can vary, and since the scalar speed of light does not change, the sum of the squares of the three components is always the square of the speed of light.

In unified field theory, the relationship between the velocity V of the light source and the vector speed of light C is very important, and we will explore this relationship below.

Let's start with a special case.

We make the angle between the vector speed of light C and the speed of motion of the light source V θ = (π/2)-β.

Let's first roughly determine the scalar v of V and the range of values of β.

From the theory of relativity, we know that from the constant speed of light, it can be deduced that V can cause a change in the speed of light perpendicular to V, but it cannot cause a change in the speed of light in the parallel direction of V.

In the unified field theory, the change of C is only the change of direction, and the quantity does not change.

As V increases, the direction of C gradually deviates from its original position. When the angle of deviation is slightly greater than 0 β, it corresponds to a v that is slightly greater than 0. The angle of the deviation β = 90 degrees, corresponding to the number of Vs v equal to the speed of light c.

Therefore, the β value should be between 90 degrees and 0 degrees, and the value of the number V v should be between 0 and the speed of light c [including the speed of light].

In the image below:

The origin o of the S-system and the origin O of the S' system of the two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system coincide at time 0, and the x-axis and x'-axis also coincide.

Later, they move in a straight line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar v].

A particle O has been stationary at the origin of the S' system, O, and now, the S system and the observer of the S' system work together to investigate a spatial point P.

Point P is at time zero, and from point O, it moves at the speed of light along the y' axis.

If we think of light as a photon, where particle o is the light source, point p is a photon, and if we think of light as a wave, the point p here is the wavefront.

In unified field theory, light is regarded as the movement of excited electrons with space, even if there are no excited electrons, or there are no photons, the particle o does not emit light, it is not a light source, it is just an ordinary object, but the surrounding space still moves outward at the vector speed of light C.

In the latter case, point P can be seen as a point of space, i.e., point P is represented as a small piece of space around point O.

The observer of the s' system thinks that point p departs from this point o at time zero, passes through time t', and travels to the position where point p is located later, and travels so far as op = C't' at the vector speed of light C'.

Observers of the s system believe that point p starts at time zero and travels as far as op = ct at the vector speed of light C [quantity c] in time t.

As you can see in the diagram above:

| Vt| /| C t| = sinβ = v/c

Eliminate t, you get:

| V| /| C | = sinβ = v/c

Since the angle between C and V is θ = (π/2)-β, there are:

cosθ=| V| /| C | = v/c

From the above equation, sinθ =√(1- v²/ c²) can be derived, which is actually the reason for the relativistic factor.

Based on the above analysis, the following observations can be drawn:

In the initial state that V and the vector speed of light C are perpendicular to each other when the quantity v of V is close to zero, when the number of V v gradually increases, C will gradually deviate from its original position, and when v approaches the quantity c of the speed of light C, C will deviate by 90 degrees.

The velocity of the light source V can cause the direction of the vector speed of light C to be deflected in the vertical direction of V, which can also be explained by the inverse theorem of the perpendicular principle above.

The principle of perpendicularity tells us that the perpendicular state of space at an angle of 90 degrees can lead to motion.

The inverse theorem is that motion can cause the vertical state of space to tilt, and when the speed of motion reaches the speed of light, the vertical state completely disappears [lying flat].

The above formula sinβ = v/c or cosθ = v/c can be seen as a quantitative analysis of the perpendicular principle.

The essence of the perpendicular principle is that the angle and speed of motion in space are equivalent and complementary.

The above is only an analysis of the relationship between the vector speed of light C and the speed of light source V [scalar v] in special cases.

To reveal the universal relationship between them, the vector speed of light C needs to be transformed between the inertial frame s' and the s frame.

In s', the three components of the vector speed of light C' are: Cx', Cy', Cz',

In s, the three components of the vector speed of light C are: Cx, Cy, Cz,

Using the relativistic velocity positive transformation [we have proved above that the Lorenz transform is correct, and the relativistic velocity transformation is obtained by finding the time derivative of the Lorenz transform, so the relativistic velocity transformation can be used] we can derive the relationship between the three components of C' and the three components of C as follows:

Cx’ = (Cx – v)/[1- (Cx v/c²)]

Cy’ = [Cy√(1-v²/c²)]/ [1- (Cx v/c²)]

Cz’ = [Cz√(1-v²/c²)]/ [1- (Cx v/c²)]

From the above you can derive:


= [(Cx – v)²+ Cy²(1-v²/c²) + Cz²(1-v²/c²) ]/[1- (Cx v/c²)]²

= c²c²[Cx²+ Cy²+ Cz²-2 Cx v+ v²-(c²-Cx²)v²/c²]/(c²-Cx v)²

= c²c²[c²-2 Cx v+ v²-(c²-Cx²)v²/c²]/(c²-Cx v)²

= c²[c²c²-2 c²Cx v+ Cx²v²]/(c²-Cx v)²

= c²

From this the vector speeds of light C and C' are derived, satisfying the following relationship:

C’· C’ = C·C = c²

C and C' are not in the same direction, however, the quantity is the same.

The relationship between C and V is not fully understood, and this question is still to be explored.

5. Derive the spatiotemporal interval invariance of the theory of relativity

Now suppose that there are two observers in the s-system [spatio-temporal coordinates are (x, y, z, t)] and the s' system [spatio-temporal coordinates are (x, y, z, t')], and the s-system is moving in the positive direction of the x-axis with velocity V relative to the s' system.

Suppose that at the moment t = t' = 0, the origin of the S system and the S' system O point and the o' point coincide. A spatial point p starts at time 0, departs from point o and o', and after a period of time reaches the current position of point p.

Multiply R(t) = Ct = x i+ y j + z k by its own point, and the result is:

r²= c²t² = x²+ y²+ z²

r is the number of vector R. r reflects the distance that the observer in the s system measures the spatial point p to move relative to the origin.

The above equation also appears in the theory of relativity, which is considered to be a four-dimensional space-time distance.

In the same way, it can be derived that in the S' system, the observer measures the distance traveled by point P relative to point O':

r’² = c²t’²= x’²+ y’² + z’²

From r² = c²t²= x²+ y²+ z² it is possible to export:

c²t² -x²+ y² + z²) = 0

From r'² = c²t'² = x'² + y'² + z'² can be exported:

c²t'²-(x'²+ y'² + z'²) = 0

From the above equations, it can be concluded that the space-time interval is invariant in two inertial frames moving in a relatively uniform linear motion.

The unified field theory believes that the invariance of space-time intervals is essentially the homogenization of space-time, and time is formed by the space moving at the speed of light.

6. Correctly explain the twin son Yang Miao

According to the special theory of relativity, the moving clock moves slowly.

So some people imagine that when twins A and B were born, A would travel to distant space in a high-speed spacecraft, while twin B would stay on Earth and return to Earth after a few years.

According to B on the earth, A is in motion, and A's life process is slow, so A is younger than B;

According to A on the spaceship, B is athletic, so B is younger.

Returning to the comparison of encounters, the result should be unique, and it seems that special relativity has encountered insurmountable difficulties.

The explanation of the paradox of the twin sons is confusing for both those who support and oppose the theory of relativity.

According to the Unified Field Theory, describing and calculating a motion process requires the identification of the observer, the time and place of the beginning, and the moment and place of the end.

Without knowing the observer, the moment and place of the beginning and end, there is no point in discussing the outcome of the movement.

In the twin problem, A and B begin to break up, and in the end, the place where A and B meet is on Earth, so Earth can be used as a reference point.

Since A is in motion with respect to the earth, A is younger than B. B is stationary with respect to the earth, and B's time is an inherent time.

What if A and B were born in space, hugged each other, and later, the two broke up, without the earth as a reference point? How can we tell?

At this time, it is necessary to determine which of the two people began to accelerate and leave the other.

This actually involves a fundamental question about motion - there is a reason for the change in the state of motion of an object [i.e., acceleration], and the object does not change the speed of motion for no reason [including acceleration from a state of rest with zero velocity to a certain velocity]. That is, the two people A and B, who were originally hugging each other, will not be separated for no reason.

Suppose that at a certain moment, A starts to accelerate and leaves B, A turns around and comes back, and when the two meet, A is young.

If in space, A and B hug each other, and later kick each other, both of them leave each other with the same force, exactly the same kicking method, and meet after a circle in the universe, who is younger?

In this case, A and B should be the same young.

XXII. A general definition of the four major fields in the universe

In mathematics the midfield is defined as:

If each point in space (or a part of space) corresponds to a definite quantity, then such space is called a field.

When the quantity corresponding to each point in space is a quantity, the space is called a quantity field, and when the quantity corresponding to each point in space is a vector quantity, such a space is called a vector field.

From the definition of a field in mathematics, it can be seen that a field is represented by a point function in space, and conversely, if a function of a point in space is given, a field is given.

In the previous section, we have done a lot of analysis, and related the gravitational field (referred to as the gravitational field), the electric field, the magnetic field, and the nuclear force field with the motion of space itself, and determined that the four major fields [gravitational field, electric field, magnetic field, and nuclear force field] together are the space moving in a cylindrical spiral.

In the unified field theory, it is considered that the weak force field is not a fundamental field, but a combination of electric, magnetic, and nuclear fields. The electric field and the magnetic field are not the same field, because the electric field and the magnetic field are sometimes in different directions, cannot be superimposed on each other, and cannot directly act on the force.

The same seed fields can be superimposed or subtracted from each other, and interaction forces can also occur.

Therefore, we give a unified definition of the four major fields of physics here, and then we give the precise definitions of gravitational field, nuclear field, electric field, and magnetic field respectively.

The unified definition of the 4 major fields of physics is:

Relative to our observers, any space point p in the space Ψ around the particle o, the displacement vector [referred to as the position vector] R from the point o to the point p, changes with the spatial position (x, y, z) or with time t, such a space Ψ is called a physical field, which can also be called a physical force field.

Mathematically speaking, a field is the derivative of the spatial displacement vector around an object to the position in space or the derivative of time, which is actually the degree of motion of space relative to our observer.

In practice, we use the degree of motion in the motion space around the particles of an object to define the four physical fields.

This is also in line with the basic principle of unified field theory we mentioned earlier - all physical phenomena are formed by the motion of a particle in space (or the space around the particle itself) relative to our observer.

To put it simply, the field is the space in motion, the space itself is in motion, and all the effects of the field are the motion effects of the space.

The effect of the field on the object, the force exerted on the object, and the motion of the object, are all achieved by changing the spatial position of the object [or will change, with a tendency to change].

From the above definition, we can know that the four major fields of physics are all vector fields, and different fields are just different degrees and forms of motion that our observers observe the cylindrical spiral motion space from different angles and different ways.

Note that the field is a property of the space around the particle relative to the motion of our observer, and none of the four basic conditions of space, particle, observer, and motion can be missing [under special circumstances, the particle and the observer can be the same thing], otherwise, the field will lose its meaning.

We also need to recognize that there are three forms of field.

We describe the motion of an object in space relative to our observer, measure the displacement of the object in space, and then take the derivative of time, that is, compare it with time, and get the velocity, which indicates the degree of motion of the object in space, and the acceleration indicates the degree of change in the speed of motion.

Since the essence of the field is the amount of displacement in the moving space around the object [relative to us observers], the derivative of the spatial position or time.

To describe the field, we first point out the amount of displacement in the space around the object. In the second step, we look for a motion that can be used as a reference like time to compare with the amount of spatial displacement.

Of course, we can say that the field is:

What is the amount of spatial displacement in a certain place in the space around the object in a certain time interval,

However, there are many cases where we can say that the field is:

What is the amount of displacement of space in a certain stationary three-dimensional range,

What is the amount of displacement of space in the three-dimensional range of a certain motion,

What is the amount of displacement of space on a stationary surface,

What is the amount of displacement in space on a moving surface,

What is the amount of displacement of space on a curve at rest.

What is the amount of displacement of space on a curve of a certain motion.

What is the amount of spatial displacement in a certain space range in a certain time interval.

In this way, the field has three forms:

The distribution of the field on a three-dimensional surface.

The distribution of the field on a two-dimensional surface.

The distribution of fields on a one-dimensional curve.

With the help of Gauss's theorem in field theory, we can use divergence to describe the relationship between the distribution of the field on the solid and the distribution on the surface.

With the help of Stokes' theorem in field theory, the relationship between the distribution of the field on the surface and the distribution of the field on the curve can be described in curl.

With the help of the gradient theorem of field theory, the distribution of physical quantities on a certain curve in a scalar field [or quantity field] can be described.

The essence of the field is space with cylindrical spiral motion, cylindrical spiral motion is the synthesis of rotational motion and linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation, while divergence describes the linear moving part of space, and curl describes the rotational moving part of space.

XXIII. Defining equations for gravitational field and mass

In the unified field theory, the mass m of the object at point o represents the number of spatial displacements R moving at the speed of light in a cylindrical spiral divergence at the speed of light in a 4π solid angle around point o.

The gravitational field A generated around point o represents the number of spatial displacements that diverge at the speed of light across the Gaussian sphere s s that surround point o.

1. Definition equation of gravitational field:

Suppose that there is a particle o that is stationary relative to our observer, and any space point p in the surrounding space, starting from point o at the vector speed of light C at time zero, moves in a cylindrical spiral in a certain direction, goes through time t, and reaches the position after p at time t'.

Let's let the point o be at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system xyz, and the sagittal diameter R from the point o to the point p is given by the previous space-time homogenization equation R = C t = x i + y j + zk:

R is a function of the spatial positions x, y, z and time t, which varies with the change of x, y, z, t, and is denoted as:

R = R(x,y,z,t)

Note that the trajectory of point p in space is cylindrical spiral, and we can also think of it as one end of the sagittal diameter R o does not move, and the other end p moves so that R crosses a cylindrical spiral trajectory in space.

We take the scalar length r of R in R = Ct as the radius, and make the Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² [in general, the Gaussian sphere can not be a regular sphere, but the sphere is continuous and cannot have holes] to surround the particle o.

We divide the Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² into many small pieces uniformly, and we choose a small vector plane element ΔS where the p point is located [the direction of ΔS is represented by N, and its number is the surface Δs], and we find that there is Δn on Δs, which is similar to the displacement vector R of the space point of p, which passes perpendicularly.

Note: The radius of the Gaussian sphere s can also not be equal to the scalar length of R, we set it to be equal, and the advantage is that the investigation point p happens to fall on the Gaussian sphere s.

Thus, the gravitational field A [quantity a] produced by point o at point p in space is as follows:

a = constant multiplied by Δn/Δs

The definition of the gravitational field given in the above equation is simple and straightforward, but it is too rough to express the vector properties of the gravitational field, nor does it bring into the equation the spatial displacement R moving at the vector speed of light.

In order to achieve this, we mainly look at the situation around point P.

The vector displacement R = C t perpendicular to ΔS at point p, and in general, the vector displacement R = C t can not pass perpendicular through ΔS, but can have an angle θ with the normal direction N of the vector plane member ΔS.

At point o at rest relative to our observer, the motion of the space around point o is uniform, no direction is special, and the Gaussian sphere we use is a perfect sphere, and under these conditions, the vector R = C t is perpendicular through the vector plane element ΔS.

In this way, the gravitational field A [vector form] produced by point o at the point p of the surrounding space can be written as:

A = - g kΔn(R/r)/Δs

where g is the gravitational constant and k is the proportionality constant. Note that the gravitational field A and the vector R pointing from point o to point p in space are in opposite directions.

Suppose there are n spatial displacement vectors similar to R around point o, centered on point o, in a radial distribution, but the direction of any two of them is different.

And the physical meaning of n multiplied by R = nR means that the direction of n spatial displacements is the same, superimposed.

Therefore, when the above R is a vector, only if Δn=1 has physical significance. However, we need to note that n multiplied by r [r is the number of R], when n is an integer greater than 1 still has physical significance.

So there is a formula:

A = - g kΔn(R/r)/Δs = - g k(R/r)/Δs 

Why is the unit of R used as the vector R/r instead of the vector R?

Because we can only examine the direction and number of vector R on the Gaussian sphere, but not the length of vector R, the formula Δn R/Δs actually has no physical significance.

If R does not pass completely perpendicular to the vector plane ΔS [the quantity is Δs], and the normal direction N of the vector plane has an angle θ, the above equation can also be expressed by the vector point multiplication formula when the displacement R of the space point is set to 1.

A·ΔS = - a Δs cosθ = - g kΔn

In the above equation, a is the quantity of the gravitational field A.

The gravitational field A is determined by two quantities, magnitude and direction cosine.

Magnitude refers to the density (1/Δs) of the spatial displacement R of the speed of light moving on the Gaussian sphere s.

1/Δs or Δn/Δs represents a function with two independent variables, which varies with Δn and Δs.

The directional cosine is the cosine of θ between the normal direction N and R of ΔS, that is, cosθ.

The directional cosine cosθ is a function with only one independent variable, which varies with θ.

The physical meaning of the equations a = constant multiplied by Δn/s and A = - g kΔn(R/r)/Δs tells us:

On a small vector plane ΔS of the Gaussian sphere s=4πr², the density of the perpendicular space vector displacement R [R = C t] reflects the strength of the gravitational field there.

We denote Δs in the equation A = - g k Δn(R/r)/Δs by the solid angle Ω and the radius r of the Gaussian sphere, i.e., Δs = Ωr².

A = - g k Δn(R/r)/ Ωr² = - g k ΔnR/Ω r³

In the figure above, we represent a small piece of vector plane Δs in a Gaussian sphere as ds. Rule:

ds = r dθ r sinθ dφ = r² dθ sinθ dφ = r²dΩ

2. The definition equation of mass

What is the essence of quality? What is the relationship between mass and gravitational field?

Since the concept of mass originates from Newtonian mechanics, we compare the above definition equation A = g k ΔnR/Ω r³ of the geometric form of the gravitational field of unified field theory with the gravitational field equation of Newtonian mechanics A = - g m R/r³, and we can conclude that the equation for defining the mass of the object at point o should be:

m = kΔn/Ω

The differential formula is:

m = k dn /dΩ

The above equation k is a constant. Since space can be divided infinitely, the above differential of n, i.e., dn, makes sense.

Wrapping the integral to the right of the above equation, and the integration region is between 0 and 4π, then:

m = k∮dn / ∮dΩ =k n /4π

The physical meaning of the above equation is:

The mass m of the point o represents that there are n spatial displacement vectors distributed in the surrounding solid angle 4π R = C t.

The above m = k dn /dΩ is the differential definition equation for the geometric form of mass.

In many cases, we set n to 1 to get a simplified definition of mass:

m = k /Ω

Once we know the nature of mass, we can explain the gravitational field equation A = - g m R/r³ in Newtonian mechanics.

According to Newtonian mechanics, we take the earth [represented by point o, we observers stand on the earth] as an example, a satellite above the earth [represented by point p], and the position vector [intermediate symmetrical vector] from point o to point p is represented by R [quantity r].

Then the gravitational field A = - g m R/r³ generated at point o at point p indicates that on a Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² with radius r, a small vector plane ΔS is split, and a vector R is crossed on ΔS, and R and A are in opposite directions.

The reciprocal of the number of ΔS reflects the magnitude of the gravitational field, and the opposite direction of ΔS is the direction of the gravitational field.

It is important to note that the gravitational field equation of the unified field theory reflects a certain moment in time, or a certain moment in time.

For the stationary gravitational field A = - g k Δn R/Ω r³ of the unified field theory, in the case where Δn and Ω are constants [i.e. the mass is constant], only R/r³ is a variable, and the result is zero:

▽×A = 0

For the divergence of the resting gravitational field A = - g k Δn R/Ω r³, in the case where (m = kΔn/Ω) is a constant, only R/ r³ is a variable, the result is also zero:

▽· A = 0

However, in the case that r is close to zero [it can also be said that the space point p is infinitely close to the o point], and the o point can be regarded as an infinitesimal sphere, the equation appears 0/0, and the Dirac δ function can be obtained:

▽· A =4π g u

g is the gravitational constant, u = m/ΔxΔyΔz is the density of the object o point.

The curl and divergence of the gravitational field definition equation given by the unified field theory are consistent with the divergence and curl of the gravitational field given by Newtonian mechanics.

4. The relativistic mass-velocity relation is derived from the mass-defining equation

The theory of relativity uses the equations of conservation of momentum and relativistic velocity transformation, and the relativistic mass-velocity relation can be derived, in which the mass increases with the increase of the velocity of the object.

The theory of relativity also uses the mass-velocity relationship to derive the relativistic mass-energy equation, so the mass-velocity relationship is very important.

Below we use the definition equation of mass to derive the mass-velocity relationship directly.

Suppose a mass O of mass m' that is always stationary at the coordinate origin O of the S' system.

The s system moves in the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar is v] relative to the s' system, and the x-axis of the s system and the x' axis of the s' system coincide with each other.

In the opinion of the observer in the s system, the mass of point o is m, and we use the above mass geometry definition equation m∮dΩ = k ∮dn to find the mathematical relationship between V and m, m'.

When the o point moves, we should reasonably assume that it will not cause a change in the number n of the space point vector displacement R, but it may cause a change in the Ω of the solid angle. Therefore, we only need to find the satisfying relationship between the velocity V and the Ω, that is, the relativistic transformation of the Ω, and we can find the relationship between m' and m.

The definition of solid angle Ω is:

On the spherical surface s with o point as the center of the sphere and radius r = 1, a small piece of Δs is divided, with Δs as the base and o point as the vertex to form a cone h, then Δs is equal to the solid angle of the cone h.

The magnitude of the solid angle Ω of the cone h is the ratio of the base area Δs of the vertebrae to the radius r squared of the sphere, and when Δs is infinitely small, it becomes ds, and there are:

dΩ = ds/r²

When r = 1, the above equation becomes dΩ = ds.

The above is to use the base area of the vertebral body to define the solid angle, and now we will generalize the above definition of the solid angle, and use the volume of the vertebral body to define the solid angle.

On a sphere s with o point as the center of the sphere and radius r = 1, a small piece of Δs is divided, with Δs as the base and o point as the vertex to form a cone h, then the volume of the cone h is divided

Δv is equal to the solid angle of the cone h.

The size of the solid angle Ω of the cone h is the ratio of the volume of the cone, Δv, to the radius r cube of the sphere, when Δv is infinitely small, it becomes dv, there are:

dΩ = dv/r³

When r = 1, the above equation becomes dΩ = dv.

With the above preparatory knowledge, let's consider the above o points in the s' system, the quality at rest

m = k∮dn/∮dΩ

If we take a unit sphere volume of radius 1 and divide a cone with a vertex at the center of the sphere o and a volume of dv', instead of dΩ' in the above equation, then:

m = k∮dn/∮dv

Correspondingly, in the s system, when the point o moves in a straight line at a constant velocity V [scalar is v], the mass

m = k∮dn/∮dv

Note that n is the same in the s' system and in the s system, that is, the velocity V of point o cannot change the number of displacements n of the geometric point.

We can find the relationship between m and m' by simply finding the relationship between dv'= dxdydz' and dv = dx dydz.

According to the simplest version of the Lorenz positive transformation in the theory of relativity [because we default to the observer I am in the s system, and the particle o is in motion relative to me]:

x’ = (x - vt )/√(1- v²/c²)

y = y

z = z

In the simplest version of the Lorenz transform, since the position x' of the investigation point o in the s' system is stationary, it moves with velocity V in the s system.

It only makes sense to compare x and x' to time t in the s system at a fixed moment, so dt/dx=0 gives the differentiation:

dx = dx/√(1- v²/c²)

dy = dy

dz = dz

This leads to this:

m' = k∮dn/∮dv' = k ∮dn/∮dxdydz'

m = k ∮dn/∮dv = k∮dn/∮dx dy dz

由∮dxdydz' = ∮dy dz dx/√(1- v²/c²)

You can export:

m= m√(1- v²/c²)

When point o moves at velocity V, the mass increases by a relativistic factor √ (1- v²/c²), which is consistent with the theory of relativity.

5. Lorenz transform of the gravitational field

With the defining equation of gravitational field and mass, the mass-velocity equation, and the Lorenz transform of relativistic theory, it is possible to derive the transformation of the gravitational field between two reference frames s' and s systems that move in a straight line at uniform speed with each other.

Suppose that the inertial frame of reference s, with respect to the s' frame, moves in a uniform linear motion along the x-axis with velocity V [scalar v]. In the s' system, a stationary, very thin rectangular panel with mass creates a gravitational field A on top of the sheet.

Let's make the sheet perpendicular to the x-axis,

To an observer in the s system, then, the component Ax of the gravitational field A along the x-axis does not seem to change.

Because the previous gravitational field definition equation tells us that the gravitational field strength is proportional to the number of spatial displacements across the surface, i.e., to the density. The area of the sheet does not change, the number of strips does not change, and the density does not change.

However, the mass of the sheet increases by a relativistic factor √ (1- v²/c²).

The increase of mass, from a geometric point of view, should be the corresponding change between the direction of the spatial displacement vector and the solid angle of the investigation, so:

Ax = Ax/√(1- v²/c²)

Ax' is the component of the gravitational field A along the x' axis in the s' system.

When we put the sheet parallel to the x-axis,

The sheet should shrink by a relativistic factor, and increase the mass by a relativistic factor. Note that the projections of the skewed gravitational field lines on the x-axis cancel each other out with zero positive and negative components. So, we get:

Ay = Ay/(1- v²/c²)

Az = Az/(1- v²/c²)

Ay' and Az' are the two components of the gravitational field A in the s' system on the y' and z' axes.

Defining the equation from the previous gravitational field, we get:

Ax = -g mx’/r³

Ay = -g my’/r³

Az = -g mz’/r³

From this:

Ax = -(g mx/r³)/√(1- v²/c²)

Ay = -(g m'y'/r'³)/(1- v²/c²)

Az = -(g mz/r³)/(1- v²/c²)

The result:

Ax = - g mγ( x- vt)/{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

Ay = - g mγy /{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

Az = - g mγz /{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

The result:

A= - g mγ[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]/{√[γ²(x-vt²+y²+z²]}³

Let θ be the angle between the sagittal diameter R [scalar r = √[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²] and the velocity V [scalar v], and A can be expressed as a polar form:

A = - g m /γ²r² [√(1- β ²sin²θ)] ³【r】

where g is the gravitational constant, γ = 1/√(1- v²/c²), β = v/c, and [r] is the unit vector of the vector diameter R (scalar is r).

This result is the same as the relativistic transformation of the electric field, which shows that Gauss's theorem applies to both the gravitational field at rest and the gravitational field moving in a straight line at uniform velocity.

In the S' department there is,

▽· A=∂Ax'/∂x' +∂Ay' ∂y'+∂Az' /∂z' = g m'/dv'

In the S department there are:

▽· A=∂Ax/∂x +∂Ay /∂y+∂Az /∂z = g m/dv

where g is the gravitational constant, dv' in s' system = dxdydz' with mass m', and dv in s system = dxdydz with mass m.

From the above gravitational field transformation, it can be proved that these two Gaussian formulas can be established, and Gauss's theorem is not only applicable to the stationary gravitational field of stationary objects, but also to the gravitational field of moving objects.

Note that γdx = dx' is derived from the Lorenz positive transform x' = γ (x-vt).

XXIV. Unified Field Theory Momentum Formula

1. Unified field theory formula for momentum at rest

The basic assumptions of the unified field theory are:

At any point in the universe, when the object is at rest relative to our observer, the surrounding space is always centered on the object, at the speed of vector light, and diverging outward in a cylindrical spiral.

Suppose there is a particle o that is stationary relative to our observer, and any space point p in the surrounding space, starting from point o at time zero, moves in a certain direction with the vector speed of light C', goes through time t', and arrives at point p at time t".

Assuming that there are a total of n vector displacements of space points in the space around particle o, we denote the displacement of one of them by R'= C't'.

Let's take an appropriate solid angle around the o point, Ω it happens to contain a spatial vector displacement R = C't'

L = k R

It can reflect the amount of movement in the space around the local area around the point O. where k is a constant of proportionality, Ω is a solid angle of any size.

Finding the partial derivative of R' to time t' in L = k R'/Ω can reflect the degree of motion of the local area of the point o with time t'.

∂L /∂t' = k (∂R'/∂t')/Ω = kC'/Ω

Note that R'= C't'. Using the preceding defining equation of mass m = k / Ω,

The above equation can be rewritten as a formula for the stationary momentum of the unified field theory:

P static = m 'C'

In the momentum definition equation here, the mass is expressed by m' in order to distinguish the moving mass m that will appear, and C' is to distinguish the motion vector that will occur at the speed of light C.

The momentum at rest at point o reflects the degree of motion of the surrounding space at point o at rest.

We should realize that the stationary momentum of point o is the degree to which the displacement of the motion of the surrounding space point p R' varies with the change of the solid angle Ω and time t', and does not change with the change of the distance between point o and point p.

Therefore, we measure the amount of stationary momentum at point o of an object without considering the distance between point o and an investigation point p in the surrounding space, which is different from the gravitational field. The situation is similar for the momentum of motion when the point o is moving.

2, Kinetic momentum formula

Suppose that the s' system moves in a straight line along the positive x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar v] relative to the s system.

The above o point is at rest with respect to the s' observer and has a momentum at rest m'C'.

As we have previously analyzed, when the o point moves with velocity V relative to the observer in the s system, the two parts of the momentum at rest, the mass and the vector speed of light, have to change.

In the S' system, the rest mass of the O point is m', which becomes the moving mass m in the S system.

In the s' system, the vector speed of light of the space point p around point o is C' relative to the observer in the s' system, and in the s system, the speed of light of the space point p around point o is C relative to the observer in the s system.

C and C' are not in the same direction, but the modulus is the same, both are c, that is:

C’· C’= C·C = c²

The detailed proof is in subsection 4 "The relationship between the speed of light source V and the vector speed of light C" in section 22 "Explaining the speed of light in the Lorenz transform".

In the s system, can the kinetic momentum be written as m C?

Obviously, no, because C is the velocity of the spatial point p around the particle o point relative to the observer in the s system, not the velocity of motion relative to the particle o point.

Momentum reflects the motion of the space around the particle o, not the space around the observer.

In the S' system, the observer and the particle O are relatively stationary, and there is no difference between the velocity of the P point relative to the particle O and the velocity relative to the observer.

However, there is a difference in the s system, because in the s system, the particle o point is moving in a straight line along the x-axis with velocity V relative to the observer.

In the s system, C is the velocity of point p relative to the observer in system s, and C is also the superposition of the velocity of point p relative to point o [we denote it by U] and V, that is, C = U+V.

So, in the s system, the velocity of point P relative to point O should be:

U = C - V

So, kinetic momentum can be written as:

P = mU = m(C-V)

Relativistic mechanics and Newtonian mechanics believe that the speed of light motion in the space around an object does not exist, that is, C = 0, therefore, the momentum equation of Newtonian mechanics and relativity is

P = m V

It can also be said that the momentum mV of relativity and Newtonian mechanics is only a change in the unified field theory momentum formula P = m C in m(C-V).

The Unified Field Theory Momentum Formula only expands the Newtonian and relativistic momentum formulas to include the vector light-speed motion of the surrounding space when an object is at rest, and does not completely negate the momentum formulas of relativity and Newtonian mechanics.

3. The momentum of an object when it is in motion and the amount when it is at rest are equal

Multiply the two sides of the kinetic momentum formula P = m(C–V) by their own points, and the result is:

p² = m²(c ²– 2C· V + v²)

p = m√(c ²– 2C· V + v²)

It is reasonable to assume that the amount of momentum m'C' when the object is at rest m'c, and the amount of momentum m (C–V) when moving m√(c ² – 2C· V + v²) should be equal, the difference is only the direction. So, there should be:

m’c = m√(c ²– 2C· V + v²)

Due to the constant speed of light and the maximum limitation of the speed of light, when the speed of the object V is very large, close to the speed of light C, the angle θ between V and C will also tend to zero, if it does not tend to zero, there will be faster than the speed of light. The rigorous proof is as follows:

The s' system moves in a straight line along the x-axis [or the x'-axis, where the x' axis and the x-axis coincide with each other] with a uniform velocity V relative to the s-system.

In the s' system, the vector speed of light of the space point p around the object o is C', Cx' is the component of C' on the x' axis, and θ' is the angle between the C' and x' axes [or Cx', because the Cx' and x' axes are parallel]. So there are:

cosθ= cx/c

cx' is a scalar of Cx' and c is a scalar of C'.

In the S department, there are:

cosθ= cx/c

θ is the angle between C and Cx in the s system. cx is a scalar of Cx, the component of C on the x-axis.

According to the inverse transformation formula of the Lorenz velocity transformation:

cx=(cx+v)/(1+ cx v/c²)

Add the above cosθ = cx/c, cosθ' = cx'/c, you can export:

cosθ= (cosθ+v/c) / [1+(v/c)cosθ]

As can be seen from the above equation, when the quantity v of velocity V is close to the speed of light c, cosθ is close to 1, that is, θ is close to zero.

When the velocity V and the speed of light C are very close, we ignore the difference between the quantity V v and the quantity c of C, and the angle θ between V and C also tends to zero, with the result:

v≈c, C·V≈v² [If we choose C· V≈c², the result will be an imaginary number without meaning], the result is:

m’c = m√(c ²– v²)

Note that in the above equation, although we ignore the difference between c and v, we keep the difference between c² and v².

For example, the difference between 9 and 8 is 1, and the difference between 9² and 8² is 17, so we can only ignore the small value and keep the large value, so that it is reasonable.

Divide the two sides of the above equation by the scalar speed of light c to get:

m’= m√(1–v²/c²)

Isn't this style familiar to everyone? Yes, it is the famous relativistic formula for mass velocity.

It turns out that when the object moves at velocity V, the mass m increases at the cost of reducing the speed of light C in the surrounding moving space, and the total amount of momentum is still conserved.

This is to extend the range of conservation of momentum to different frames of reference, that is, observers who are moving with each other, measure the momentum of the same object, and the total amount is constant.

The philosophical idea is ----- observer can only observe the state of motion, but cannot change it.

We then use the component form of (C–V) to analyze the formula m'c = m√(c ² – 2C· V + v²)。

The three components of (C–V) are (Cx–Vx), (Cy–Vy), (Cz–Vz), and the quantity of (C–V) is u, then:

u = √[(Cx–Vx)²+(Cy–Vy)²+(Cz–Vz)²]

=√(Cx²+Cy²+Cz²+Vx²+Vy²+Vz²- 2C· V)

=√(c²+ v ²- 2C· V)

The situation is the same.

Multiplying m' = m√(1 - v²/c²) by the square of the scalar speed of light gives the relativistic energy equation:

Energy = m'c² = mc²√(1 - v²/c²)

There is a detailed argument later.

XXV. Unified Field Theory Dynamical Equations

1. A general definition of force

Force is the degree to which the motion of an object [or particle] in space relative to the motion of our observer [or the space around the object itself] changes in a certain spatial range [or in a certain time].

Mathematically speaking, force is the derivative of the amount of motion of an object to its position in space and to time.

Forces are divided into inertial forces and interaction forces.

The inertial force is the derivative of the motion of an object with respect to the position of space, which is a solid angle. Therefore, the object being stressed has nothing to do with the object to which the force is applied, and the distance from the observer. The force of inertia is relatively simple.

The interaction force is the derivative of the object's motion with respect to the spatial position, which can be a volume, a surface, or a vector.

Therefore, the object being subjected to force is related to the object to which the force is applied, and the distance from the observer.

There are inertial forces and gravitational forces in Newtonian mechanics.

The inertial force of an object is independent of the distance between the stressed object and the applied object. Whereas, gravitational force belongs to the interaction force and is related to distance.

In electromagnetism, the Lorentz force belongs to the inertial force, while the ampere force belongs to the interaction force.

In this section we will also generalize the inertial forces of Newtonian mechanics to electromagnetic and nuclear forces.

2. Write the four inertial forces of the universe in one equation

We describe the momentum P of point o by the degree of motion of a certain point p in the space around the particle o = m(C–V). The momentum of point o is independent of the distance from point o to point p and has similar properties to inertial forces.

We follow the idea of Newtonian mechanics - the inertial force is the derivative of momentum to time, and it can be considered that the degree of change of the general momentum P = m(C–V) with the change of time t is the four inertial forces in the universe.

F = dP/dt = Cdm/dt - Vdm/dt + mdC/dt - mdV/dt

(C-V)dm/dt is the acceleration force and m(dC–dV)/dt is the acceleration force.

In the unified field theory, Cdm/dt is considered to be the electric field force, Vdm/dt is considered to be the magnetic field force, mdV/dt is the inertial force in Newton's second theorem, which is also equivalent to the gravitational force, and mdC/dt is the nuclear force.

The mdC/dt force is considered nuclear in the Unified Field Theory for the following reasons:

The energy of the atomic bomb explosion can be calculated using the mass-energy equation e = m c² [here E is not used but e, because the capital letter is specified as a vector in this article], so the integral of calculating the product of displacement and nuclear force in the direction of the nuclear force should have the same and similar form as mc², and mdC/dt has this condition.

The dynamical equations of the unified field theory should include nuclear forces, because the unified field theory holds that all interaction forces arise from the degree of change in the motion state of the particle in space, or the degree of change in the motion state of the space around the particle.

If we consider the mass-energy equation e = mc² in the theory of relativity, we can reflect that the nuclear force [F = m(d/dt)C] is the work done by the particles of the object moving the distance R along the direction of the nuclear force, and the equation defined by work and energy is:

e=∫0,r F·dR = F· R

The above equation r is the number of the displacement vector R, and the integration range is between 0 and r,

e = F· R = mC·R(d/dt)

From the previous spatiotemporal homogenization equation R=Ct [differential formula dR/dt=C], we get:

e = F· R = mC·R(d/dt)= mC·C = mc²

The motion caused by the added mass force (C-V) dm/dt can also be referred to as the added mass motion. The added mass motion is a discontinuous motion, the change in the velocity of the light being reflected back on the irradiated glass does not take time, it is discontinuous, and the light is a added mass motion.

The mass motion is that it takes time for the mass of an object to change with time, and when the mass changes to zero, it can suddenly reach the speed of light from a certain velocity, and the observer who moves with the object finds that this motion process does not require time, and he suddenly disappears from one place and suddenly appears in another place.

The change in mass has a discontinuous property. The causes of the energy discontinuity of electromagnetic wave radiation in quantum mechanics are:

A photon needs a fixed energy that turns the mass to zero before it can be excited into a photon. Less than this energy, the photon cannot be excited to move at the speed of light, and when the energy of the photon reaches the excitation condition, it moves at the speed of light, and if you add energy, you can't add it.

If space is assumed to be stationary, i.e., C = 0, then the formula

F = dP/dt = Cdm/dt - Vdm/dt + mdC/dt - mdV/dt

C = 0, thus returning to the dynamical formulas of relativity and classical mechanics:

F = dP/dt = - Vdm/dt - mdV/dt

The inertial force and the interaction force are related, there are commonalities, there are also differences, both forces, we can use the motion of a space point p in the space around the stressed particle o to investigate the force of the particle o.

However, the inertial force is independent of the distance r from point o to point p, whereas the interaction force is related to r.

The force of inertia is investigated by us in terms of solid angles, which are independent of the length of the distance. The interaction force is investigated by using a three-dimensional cone, or a Gaussian surface, which is related to distance.

26. Explain Newton's three theorems

Newtonian mechanics includes three major theorems and the theorem of universal gravitation.

The three theorems of Newtonian mechanics are formulated as:

1. Any object [or particle] tries to maintain a uniform linear motion or a stationary state until an external force changes.

2. When the force on the object accelerates the object, the acceleration generated is proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object, and the direction of acceleration is consistent with the direction of the force.

3, The force exerted by one object on another object is always subjected to a reaction force that is equal in size to another object and opposite in the opposite direction.

Newtonian mechanics is only true in relation to a certain observer according to modern view.

Newton defined the mass m and velocity V of an object as momentum P = mV,

After careful analysis, the core of Newtonian mechanics is the concept of momentum, and the concept of momentum first came from Newtonian mechanics.

1. Relative to a certain observer, any particle with mass m in space tries to maintain a definite momentum mV, and V is the speed of the particle moving in a straight line in a certain direction, including the state of rest with zero velocity [momentum must be zero at the same time].

2. The particle is affected by the external force, which will change the momentum, and the rate of change of momentum P with time t is the external force F= dP/t = d(mV)/dt = m A

3. The momentum of the particle is conserved, in an isolated system, when the particles interact, the momentum gained by one particle is always lost by the other particle, while the total momentum is constant.

In Newtonian mechanics, it is believed that mass m is invariant, while the theory of relativity holds that mass is variable, however, the theory of relativity inherits some other ideas from Newtonian mechanics.

The momentum formula of relativity is the same as the Newtonian mechanical form, except that in relativity the mass m can be a variable.

Unified field theory unravels the nature of mass and thus provides a thorough explanation of Newtonian mechanics.

According to the view of unified field theory, Newton's three theorems can be further understood as:

1. Relative to our observer, the space around any object itself diverges outward at the vector speed of light C, and in the range of the solid angle 4π, the number of spatial displacements n of the speed of light motion is the mass m = k n/4π of this object.

So, when an object is at rest it has a momentum mC, when we try to make the object move, we have to apply a momentum [mass m times velocity V,] to change mC.

2. Force is the reason for changing the state of motion of the space around the object diverging at the vector speed of light C and moving at the speed V, that is, the reason for the change of momentum, so we use momentum to find the derivative of time to express the force.

Force is defined as the amount of change in the motion state of an object moving in space [or in the space around the object itself] in a certain range of space [or in a certain period of time].

3. Momentum is the synthesis of the amount of motion of the object in space (mV) and the amount of motion of the space itself around the object (mC) m(C-V), and is a conserved quantity, the form of momentum measured by the observers of mutual motion is not the same, while the number of total momentum remains unchanged and has nothing to do with the observer's observation.

XXVII. Prove that inertial mass is equivalent to gravitational mass

According to Newtonian mechanics, inertial mass reflects the degree to which an object is not easily accelerated, while gravitational mass reflects the ability to accelerate other objects.

At the above point o with mass m, with respect to our observer at rest, if there is a point p with mass m' at a distance from r, the gravitational force F of point o will cause point p to have an acceleration pointing towards point o - A, and

F= - (g m m’/r²)

F= - mA

Newton, without giving an explanation, equated the inertial mass m' in the formula F= - mA with the gravitational mass m' in the formula F= - (g m m'/r²)[R], and the following equation was obtained:

A= -g m /r²)【R

r is the quantity of R, and [R] is the unit vector of R. This is what is often said to be the equivalent of inertial mass to gravitational mass.

If we prove that the acceleration A at point p is equal to the gravitational field generated at point o at point o, we can prove that the inertial mass is equivalent to the gravitational mass.

Let's prove it.

In the gravitational field equation A = - g k n R/Ω r³ given above, in order to facilitate the analysis of the problem, we make the number n of the spatial displacement vector R = C t of the speed of light motion is 1, and the vector from point o to point p is represented by R, then the gravitational field equation is:

A= - g k R/Ωr³

In the above equation, we make the quantity r of R constant, but the direction changes, so that the gravitational field A becomes the corresponding change between the direction of the spatial displacement R of the speed of light and the solid angle Ω.

Ω is a solid angle on the Gaussian sphere s= 4πr² surrounding point o, and the magnitude of the Ω is proportional to R· R = c²t²。

Because the number of R, r, is constant, R is a vector quantity, and an area can be drawn on the Gaussian sphere s by changing in two directions perpendicular to the radial direction of R, and this area is proportional to Ω. Because the magnitude of the Ω is equal to the area of a Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² (r is set to 1 or a constant).

So, there are:

A= - g k R/ c²t²r³

Since g, k, c, and r are all constants, combine the constants to get:

A = - constant multiplied by R/ t²

Finding the derivatives of R and t² twice against t yields:

A= - constant multiplied by d²R/ dt²

Since Newtonian mechanics is the earliest mechanical system in human history, the above constants can be set to 1, just as the proportionality constant of Newton's second theorem can be set to 1. So there are:

A= - d²R/ dt²

Proof is complete.

XXVIII. Explain the nature of gravitation

The most perplexing question for human beings about gravitational force is how the gravitational force between any two objects in the universe is generated, and how the gravitational force is transmitted to each other.

Actually, the essence of gravity is very simple.

As an example, if a car is coming towards you, and the driver feels that he is stationary, he must think that you are facing the motor movement. If a car is speeding towards you, the driver thinks that he is stationary, and must think that you are accelerating towards the car.

It doesn't matter whether you are in motion or the car is in motion, the key and meaningful thing is that the space between the car and the person is changing.

The essence of gravitational attraction is the change of spatial motion between particles relative to the property exhibited by our observers.

The change in the motion of space between two particles and the relative motion between two particles should be essentially the same thing.

Human beings are blindfolded by the word "force" of gravity, and they always wonder what force is and what is force? The more I think about it, the more confused I become!

A girl walked in front of me, I said the girl was beautiful, a knife, I said it was sharp. Pretty is a quality we describe to girls, and sharpness is a quality we describe to knives.

Force is a property that we describe the relative motion between objects, and force is not a concrete thing.

If two objects have a relative acceleration or a tendency to move with relative acceleration, we can say that there is a force between them.

Imagine if in China, a person holds a small ball in his hand, and at a certain moment, this person puts the ball down, and the ball accelerates from a standstill and crashes into the earth. According to the previous view, it can also be said that the ball is always stationary, and it is the earth that hits the ball.

Some may argue that if we put a small ball in Brazil, our symmetrical country, at the same time, wouldn't it be a small ball that would accelerate into the air?

This refutation actually requires a premise: space is static and immobile, all objects move in the static ocean of space like fish, and the existence of space is irrelevant to the movement of particles.

The key point is that space itself is moving and changing all the time, and the movement of space and particles is closely linked.

We, the observers, stand on the earth and drop a stone with our hands, which is not subjected to any other force but the gravitational pull of the earth, and starts to do a free fall motion from a resting state and falls towards the center of the earth.

In the absence of this stone, the space where the stone is located still falls towards the center of the earth in the same way as the stone. If you can color the space, you will see that the space is constantly falling towards the center of the earth, and this is the nature of the gravitational field.

Compared with our observers, the space movement around a single earth is uniform, and the distribution of the gravitational field is also uniform, and there is no gravitational force.

The existence of a stone with mass in the space around the earth will change the uniform motion of the earth and the space around the stone, and the amount of change in the solid angle of the unit is the gravitational force.

We set this stone as point p, with m for the mass of the stone, and earth as point o, and m' for the mass of the earth.

According to our previous explanation of Newton's three theorems, the gravitational force F at point p at point o can be expressed as:

F = m A

In the previous proof of the equivalence of inertial mass to gravitational mass, we know that the gravitational field A (which is essentially the accelerated motion of space itself) generated by the Earth at point p and the acceleration of point p (the accelerated motion of an object in space) are equivalent, such that:

A = - g mR/r³

In the above equation, g is the gravitational constant, R is the position vector from point o to point p, and r is the distance from point o to point p.

The formula for gravitation is derived from the equations F = - m A and A = g m'R/r³:

F = - g m mR/r³

The above tells us that the essence of gravitation comes from relative motion, and the essence of the interaction force is also an inertial force. This is in line with the basic principle of the Unified Field Theory above, which states that all physical phenomena are formed by motion.

We regard the gravitational field A = - g m'R/r³ around the earth as the degree of motion of the space around the earth, if another particle p suddenly appears around the earth, the space around the particle p will also have the same motion of the space around the earth, so that the gravitational field A = - g m'R/r³ around the earth will change.

We understand the gravitational force F of the earth at point p as the degree of change in the gravitational field around the earth caused by the mass m [m proportional to n/4π] at point p.

The degree of change can certainly be expressed as changing n bars in the range of angles of 4π

A = g m'R/r³, so,

F = - constant multiplied by n/4πg( m'R/r³) = - g m m'R/r³

An object with mass m' creates a gravitational field A around it, and another object with mass m is in the gravitational field A, which causes a change in A, and the degree of change is the gravitational force.

We need to note that the change in the gravitational field A here is not the degree of change of A with time and space position, but the change of A multiplied by the mass m of the object at point p, which causes the change of A.

This is like a line segment, multiplied by another line segment in the vertical direction, causing the original line segment to change and become a rectangle.

According to Newtonian mechanics, a satellite [represented by point p] over our earth [represented by point p] rotates in a perfect circle around the earth, and at a certain moment, the acceleration A from point p to point o is the gravitational field generated by the earth at point p.

We can imagine that the satellite is small, tiny, and its acceleration A towards the Earth can still represent the magnitude and direction of the gravitational field where point p is located.

According to the idea of unified field theory - the field is the motion of space itself, when we take away the satellite, just the space point where the satellite is located [we still use the point p] revolves around the earth, and its acceleration towards the earth can still represent the magnitude and direction of the gravitational field where the space point p is located.

If we use R to denote the sagittal diameter of the position from point o to point p, then R and A are proportional to each other, but in opposite directions, satisfying the following relation:

A = - k R

k is a constant. The above equation shows that the gravitational field generated around the stationary object is a gradient field.

Since the gravitational field is equivalent to acceleration, we know that acceleration and displacement are proportional to the opposite direction, which is a wave process.

This shows that the gravitational field is fluctuating. This wave is the wave of space itself, a spiral wave, and the speed of the wave is the speed of light.

If the magnitude of the sagittal diameter R does not change, but only a change in direction, fixed at one end, and one end orbits, and the curl of the above stationary gravitational field is zero, then:

∮A·dR = 0

The above indicates that the gravitational field generated by a stationary object in the surrounding space is a conservative field.

From the perspective of the cylindrical spiral motion in space, the gravitational field is the part of the acceleration of the first circle of the cylindrical spiral rotation in space towards the center.

The space around the Earth and the Sun [facing us observers] rotate counterclockwise, and the rotation touches each other, and the space moves in opposite directions, canceling out a part of the space, resulting in the space between the Sun and the Earth decreasing and approaching each other, showing mutual attraction.

XXIX. The space-time wave equation and the gravitational field

It has been pointed out that the space around the object diverges to the surroundings in a cylindrical spiral, and the vector displacement of the space point outside the particle changes with the spatial position and with time.

The physical quantity [here is the displacement of the spatial point outside the particle, referred to as the vector] changes with the spatial position and time, and can be regarded as having a fluctuation process.

We know that there is a big difference between a wave and a cylindrical spiral motion, which is the propagation of a vibration in a medium, unlike a spiral motion, which is the movement of a particle in space. But for this particular thing of space, the two sports are compatible.

There is no wave effect in the motion of a spatial point, but the same is true for a group of spatial points.

You may remember the famous saying that no two leaves on a tree are exactly the same, but this is not true for spatial points.

There is absolutely no difference between one point of space and another. It can be concluded that the cylindrical spiral motion of space contains a wave form.

Next, we deduce the wave equation of space-time from the previous space-time homogeneity equation R(t) = Ct = x i+ y j +z k, and point out the relationship with the gravitational field.

Suppose that there is a mass o somewhere in the universe, which is stationary relative to our observer, according to the previous physical definition of time and the space-time identity equation, the time t of the o point and the observer can be represented by the displacement of a space point p around the point o R(t) = Ct = x i + y j + z k.

We take R as a derivative of time t, and we have the result:

dR/dt = C

Square the two sides of the above equation and have the result:

(dR/ dt)· (dR/dt )= c ²= dr dr/dt dt

c is the scalar of the vector speed of light C, and r is the scalar of R.

Now let's consider another point in space, p', which moves around point o, and we denote its displacement by L, which varies with time t and is a function of time t, and from the relationship between R and t, we can conclude that L is a function of R.

We find the derivative twice of the displacement L of the spatial point p' against the number r of the spatial displacement R, and we have the result:

²L/ r² = ²L/ c ²

²L/x² + ²L/y² +²L/z² = ²L/c²

r is the number of vector R. The above differential sign d has been changed to a partial differential ∂.

The partial differential equation ∂²L/∂t²=c²∂²L/ ∂r² is solved, and the general solution is:

L(r, t) = f(t r /c)+g(t + r /c)

f and g denote two independent functions, and the equation L(r,t) = f(t - r/c) can be thought of as the wave of the space point traveling outward from the point of mass o.

Whereas the equation L(r,t) = f(t + r/c) is traditionally considered to be non-existent in physics and is considered to be a wave converging from infinity to point o.

For ordinary media, it seems that there is no such physical significance, but for the special medium of space, there is physical significance. This can actually explain the source of the negative charge, which will be discussed in more detail later.

The above equation also includes the form of linear motion in all directions centered on point O, and the motion of converging straight lines from all directions to point O. This motion can be seen as the limit case where the amplitude of the spiral wave approaches zero.

Equation ∂²L/∂t²=c²∂²L/ ∂r² has two special solutions: L = Acosω(t–r/c) and L = Asinω(t–r/c) satisfies this equation.

The wave velocity c above is the speed of light, and the wave of space-time is a transverse wave.

If the continuity of motion is considered, the components of displacement L on the x-axis, y-axis Lx and Ly are combined, and the form of motion in the vertical plane of the z-axis should be a circle.

So, in some cases, Lx and Ly take a cosine wave in one and a sine wave in the other. Thus, there is the following cylindrical spiral space-time wave equation:

Lx = Acosω(t–z/c)

Ly = Asinω(t–z/c)

In the unified field theory, the gravitational field is the source of the fluctuations formed by space vibrations, while the electromagnetic field is the propagation of space vibrations, and the speed of propagation is the speed of light.

XXX, the defining equation of charge and electric field

1. The equation for the definition of electric charge

In the unified field theory, charge and mass are both motion effects of the space around the particle diverging to the periphery at the speed of light and in a cylindrical spiral, and the two have a common origin - the speed of light and spiral divergent motion of space.

Suppose that the particle o is stationary relative to our observer, and the vector from the point o points to the surrounding space point p is R, and we make a Gaussian sphere s=4πr² with the number r of R to surround the point o.

One of the endpoints of R is at point o, and the other endpoint p is moving in a cylindrical spiral, in which the rotational motion draws a solid angle Ω on the Gaussian plane s.

As previously stated, point o with mass m can be expressed as:

m = k(1/Ω)

The mass m represents the spatial displacement vector R that passes through the space displacement vector R in the solid angle 4π surrounding point o.

The equation m = k(1/Ω) is a simplification of the mass-defining equation, indicating that there happens to be an R on the solid angle Ω unit.

In unified field theory, if the particle o has a charge q, q denotes the number of R's that pass through a solid angle per unit of time. That is, the degree of change in mass m with time t is the charge, so there is a defining equation for charge:

q = k’dm/dt = - k’k (dΩ/dt)/ Ω²

where k' is a constant.

The above is the differential definition equation of charge, which can also be considered as the geometric form of charge definition equation.

This charge definition equation reflects that the magnitude of the charge is related to the angular velocity of the solid angle of rotational motion in space around the particle.

Since Ω is a solid angle, 4π is one of the most important values, which is the fundamental reason for the quantization of charge.

The change of (dΩ/dt) is the change of angle, and the change is reciprocating, so the change of time t is periodic.

From this definition, it can be seen that the nature of the charge is closely related to the frequency of rotation in space.

The definition of charge here is partly hypothetical and partly inferential. That is to say, the electric charge is the degree of movement of the space around the particles of an object at the speed of light, in a cylindrical spiral.

We get this charge definition equation to see if it matches our knowledge, and if it all does, it shows that the charge definition equation is correct and reliable.

This charge definition equation can only be applied to a single charge particle, and for macroscopic objects, there are many positive and negative charge particles in it, which cannot be directly used, because most of the positive and negative charges of macroscopic objects cancel each other out.

2. Prove the relativistic invariance of electric charge

In the theory of relativity, the electric charge does not change with the speed of motion, however, the theory of relativity does not prove it. Below we give a proof with the equation for the definition of charge.

When the particle O point of the object is at rest relative to our observer, it has an electric charge q, which is determined by the above equation of charge and mass:

q = k’dm/dt

It is easy to see that when point O moves with velocity v relative to our observer, the mass m and time t [relative to the intrinsic time] increase by a relativistic factor √ (1- v²/c²), so that q remains constant.

3. For the definition of electric charge, we need to pay attention to some issues

The dm/dt in the definition of charge q, which means that the amount of charge of the particle is proportional to the rate of change of the particle's mass, does not seem to be consistent with the facts, and we do not find that the mass of the charged particle changes drastically, nor does we find that the mass increases or decreases continuously over time.

The reason for this may be that the mass change of the charge particles is periodic, not to infinity over time.

Moreover, the frequency of this change can be extremely fast, as in the case of alternating current, because the frequency of the change is so fast that we cannot feel the change and it is difficult to detect the change.

In the above mass definition equation m = k n/Ω, k is a constant, a single object particle, in the case of no other particles close by, the number of spatial displacement n will not change logically, the change is the change of the solid angle Ω, and we know that the change of the solid angle is periodic.

If this is confirmed, then in quantum mechanics, the waves of matter, the particles have wavelengths, frequencies, and are likely to be related to this.

4. Geometrically defined equations for the electric field

With respect to the point o at rest of our observer, with a charge q, which generates an electric field E at the point p in the surrounding space, we surround the point o with a Gaussian sphere s = 4πr², p is an investigation point on s, and the vector from o to p is R, so that the number of R is r.

The equation for defining the electric field given by Coulomb's theorem is E = q R/4πε. r³, 4π ε. is a constant, we don't need to think about it, R is the space displacement vector, r is the Gaussian spherical radius, the only thing we don't know is what the charge q means.

Once we understand the geometric meaning of the charge q, we also have a thorough understanding of the geometric meaning of the electric field E, so we define the equation for the charge q

q = k’dm/dt = - k’k (dΩ/dt)/ Ω²

Bring in to E = q R/4πε. r³, the geometrically defined equation for the electrostatic field E is given:

E = - k’k (dΩ/dt) R/Ω²4πε。 r³

The electric field is expressed as the density of the spatial displacement R passing through the Gaussian sphere s per unit time over s, which has more time factors than mass.

When the direction of the electric field of a charged particle coincides with the displacement of the surrounding space, it is a positive electric field, and vice versa.

5. Explain Coulomb's law

Coulomb's law is formulated as follows:

Relative to us observers, the force F between two stationary point charges q (the charge q) and q' (the charge q') in a vacuum is proportional to the product of their charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r between them, and the direction of the force is on the line between them.

There are positive and negative charges, with charges of the same number repelling each other and charges of different numbers attracting each other. The mathematical formula is:

F = (k q q’/r²)【R】= q q’R/4πε。 r³

where k is the proportionality constant, ε. is the dielectric constant in a vacuum, R is the vector of q pointing to q', its quantity is r, and [R] is the unit vector along R.

From the above equations for defining the charge and electric field, it can be seen that the electric field generated by the charge q at q' should be

E = - k’k (dΩ/dt)R/Ω²4πε。 r³

Since the charge q' = k'k (dΩ'/dt')/Ω'² occurs at point p near q, the electric field E of charge q at point p is changed.

We understand this field change [because the essence of the field is a cylindrical spiral moving space, in fact, the space is changing in motion] as the force of q on q', and the product of E and q' is used to express the effect of this change, which is the above Coulomb's theorem.

6, Positive and negative charge models

In the unified field theory, it is determined that the charge of the particle is caused by the cylindrical spiral motion of the space around the particle itself.

We know that cylindrical spiral motion can be decomposed into rotational motion and linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation.

The positive electric field generated by the positive charge of the particle is caused by the divergent movement of the linear part of the space around the particle with respect to our observer, and the rotation part rotates counterclockwise, and satisfies the right-hand spiral.

The radial velocity [note that instead of the speed of motion in a straight line, the rotational speed is superimposed on the speed of motion in a straight line] is the vector speed of light, and the direction is directed by a positive charge towards space at infinity.

The negative electric field generated by the negative charge of the particle is caused by the linear motion of the space around the particle relative to our observer, from infinity to the particle, and the rotation part is also counterclockwise. The same meets the right-handed spiral.

The radial velocity is the vector speed of light, and the direction is directed from space at infinity towards a negative charge.

The cylindrical spiral type of space around the charged particle is the reason why the particle is charged. We know that cylindrical spiral motion is a superposition of rotational motion and linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation, which we can illustrate with the right-hand rule.

We make many rays around the punctual charge that are directed by the positive charge to the surrounding space, and we hold any one of the rays with our right hand, and the thumb is in the same direction as the ray, then the direction of the four fingers around is the direction of rotation of the space around the punctual charge.

We make a number of rays around the negative charge that point to the negative charge from any space, and we hold any one of the rays with our right hand, and the thumb and the direction of the ray are the same, then the direction of the four fingers around is the direction of rotation of the space around the negative charge.

The space around the positive and negative charges is a right-hand spiral space.

Facing us observers, the space around the positive charge rotates counterclockwise.

Facing us observers, the space around the negative charge rotates clockwise.

The equations for defining electric field and charge given above are partly our assumptions and partly our logical reasoning.

If this equation is consistent with all the knowledge we already have, then these defining equations are reliable.

We should also note that the above equations for defining electric fields and charges are not absolute and unique, and we can give other forms of defining equations according to the nature of charges and electric fields.

7. Geometric figures explain the repulsion of the same charge and the attraction of different charges

Since the charge is formed by the cylindrical spiral divergent motion of space around the particle of an object, can we use a cylindrical spiral motion model to explain all the laws of the charge?

Also, when the same amount of positive and negative charges collide, why do the charges cancel each other out to zero? Can this be rigorously proven mathematically?

The answer is yes, and the proof is similar to Gauss's theorem for magnetic fields. It is to use a tiny curved surface dS to intercept the vector displacement line of the cylindrical spiral motion in space.

On a finite, fixed-size surface, how many spatial displacement lines go in, there must be how many spatial displacement lines come out, and the two cancel each other out to zero. Integrating dS across the Gaussian sphere surrounding the object particles, the total result is zero.

Why are positive and negative charges attracted to each other?

In the diagram above, red represents positive charge field lines and blue represents negative charge field lines.

With equal amounts of positive and negative charges approaching, the space around the charge moves in a cylindrical spiral motion, and the radial part proceeds from the positive charge at the speed of light to the end of the negative charge.

Where the rotating parts of space touch each other, cancel each other out due to the opposite direction.

Note that each electric field line has a rotation, and the electric field line is actually a cylindrical spiral, and for the sake of brevity, the rotation line is not fully drawn.

In this way, the amount of space between the positive charge and the negative charge is decreasing, and there is a tendency to contact each other, which is manifested as mutual attraction.

Whether the two charges move away from each other or close to each other depends on the cylindrical spiral rotation of space, because the speed of movement in the radial direction is the speed of light, and according to the theory of relativity, the space in which the speed of light moves is reduced to zero, or it is no longer part of the space we are in.

Once the positive and negative charges are extremely close together and are equivalent to a point, the surrounding linear motions cancel each other out due to the opposite direction, and the rotational motion cancels each other out due to the opposite direction.

This is the reason why when the positive and negative charges of equal amounts come together, the effects of the motion of the surrounding space (including the rest mass) disappear, and the charges cancel each other out.

The figure above shows two positive charges with equal amounts close to each other, and the amount of space increases because the rotating parts of space are close to each other and move in the same direction.

Note that each electric field line has a rotation, and the electric field line is actually a cylindrical spiral, and the above diagram is not all drawn for the sake of brevity.

In this way, the amount of space between the two positive charges is increasing, and there is a tendency to depart from each other, which is manifested as mutual repulsion.

The figure above shows that two negative charges with equal amounts are close together, and the amount of space increases because the rotating parts of the space are close together and move in the same direction. In this way, the amount of space between the two negative charges increases, and there is a tendency to leave each other, which is manifested as mutual repulsion.

XXXXI, the velocity multiplied by the rate of change of mass over time is the electromagnetic field force

The momentum formula P = mV given by relativity theory and Newtonian mechanics is not the same as the momentum formula P = m (C-V) given by the unified field theory.

Kinetic equations for unified field theory:

F = dP/dt = (d/dt)m(C-V

= Cdm/dt-Vdm/dt+mdC/dt- mdV/dt

where m is the mass of the particle, C is the vector speed of light, V is the speed of the particle's motion, and t is the time.

In the above equation, (C-V)dm/dt= Cdm/dt -Vdm/dt is the force of velocity multiplied by mass over time, referred to as the added mass force.

The unified field theory holds that its essence is the electromagnetic field force, where Cdm/dt is the electric field force and Vdm/dt is the magnetic field force.

According to the view of the unified field theory, when the above o point is at rest in s', it has a rest mass m', and the surrounding space moves away from o point with a vector speed of light C', with an electric charge dm'/dt' [why this can be expressed, see the previous charge definition equation], if it is subjected to the electric field force of another charge, the electrostatic field force F can be expressed as:

F static = C'dm'/dt',

In the s system, when the point o [the mass of motion is m] moves along the x-axis with velocity V, the surrounding space moves away from the point o at the vector speed of light C [C and C' are in different directions, and the same pattern] moves away from point o, and the electric field force Fx moves in the parallel direction of V [i.e., along the x-axis], which can be expressed as:

Fx dynamic = Cx dm/dt,

The quantitative formula is:

fx motion = c dm/dt ,


Fx static = Cx'dm'/dt'

The quantitative formula is:

fx static = c dm'/dt '

Since neither the speed of light c nor the charge varies with velocity V, i.e., dm'/dt '= dm/dt, therefore,

Fx static = Fx moving

c is a scalar of C, v is a scalar of V, and f is a scalar of force F. C'x represents the vector speed of light C' on the x-axis in the s' system, and Cx represents the vector speed of light C on the x-axis in the s-system.

Note that t and t' are not the same. C' and C are not in the same direction, however, the modulus is a scalar speed of light c, and c is invariant.

The vector speeds of light C' and C are subjected to an electric field force if they are perpendicular to V:

In the S' department,

Fy static = Cy'dm'/dt'

The quantitative formula is:

fy static = c dm'/dt'

In the S department,

Fy = Cy dm/dt,

Transformed by relativistic velocity, its quantitative formula is:

fy = [c√(1-v²/ c²)]dm/dt

So, there are:

√(1-v²/c²)Fy static = Fy motion

The same reasons can be drawn:

√(1-v²/c²)Fz static = Fz dynamic

The above conclusion is consistent with the transformation of the relativistic electromagnetic force. Let the charge at point o be q if the electrostatic field is expressed as:

E' = F static/q = (C'dm'/dt')/q

The electric field is expressed as:

E = F/q = (Cdm/dt)/q

When point o moves in a straight line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V, on the x-axis, the number of C and C' is the same, both are c, since dm'/dt' and q are constant, so,

Ex = Ex’

On the y-axis and z-axis, the number of C's is c√ (1-v²/c²) and the number of C' is c,


Fy =dm/dt c√(1-v²/ c²

=(dm/dt c[(1-v²/ c²)] [(1-v²/ c²)]/[(1-v²/ c²)]

=dm/dt c(1-v²/ c²/√(1-v²/ c²

If it is considered that Ey'=Fy/q = (Cy'dm'/dt')/q

is the component of the electrostatic field E' on the y-axis,

Ey=(dm/dt)c/q √(1-v²/c²) is the component of the moving electric field E on the y-axis, then:

Ey’= Ey√(1-v²/ c²

注意dm’/dt’ c/q =dm/dt c/q

The analysis of Ez yields the same result, which is the same as the relativistic electric field transformation.

We can also see that the electric field force in motion can be written in the perpendicular direction of the velocity V;

F垂=(dm/dt )c(1-v²/ c²)/√(1-v²/ c²)

It has become two parts, one of which has nothing to do with velocity V [quantity v], and one part that has to do with velocity V.

If it is considered (dm/dt) c/√(1-v²/ c²)

is the electric field force, the part of the force that is related to the velocity V [quantity v].

dm/dt cv²/ c²/√(1-v²/ c²

is the force of the magnetic field [denoted by B], then E and B satisfy the following vector cross-product relation [denoted by vector]:

B= V×E/c²

This result is the same as the theory of relativity.

XXXII. Defining equations for nuclear force fields

All the fields can be obtained by the gravitational field variation. The nuclear field, like the electromagnetic field, can also be expressed in terms of changes in the gravitational field.

The electric field is generated by the change of mass in the gravitational field with time, and the nuclear field is different from the change of the position vector R [modulus r] of the space point in the gravitational field with time.

The gravitational field A = - g m R/r³= - R/r³ in g(k/Ω)R/ r³ varies with time t, resulting in a nuclear force field:

D = - g m [d(R/r³)dt]

= - g m[(dR/ dt)- 3 (R/r)(dr/dt)]/ r³

= - g m[(C- 3 (R/r)(dr/dt) ]/ r³

The C above is the vector speed of light.

The above formula is just speculation, the nuclear force field is different from the electric field and the magnetic field, the electric field and the magnetic field human beings have a formula to describe, but human beings do not know what the charge in the electric field and magnetic field formula is, once we know the geometric form of the charge, we only need to bring the geometric form of the charge into the electric field, magnetic field formula, unified field theory can be completely used geometric form to represent the electric field, magnetic field.

However, the nuclear force field is different, and mankind does not have any formula regarding nuclear force, nuclear force field.

In addition, the nuclear force comes from the protons and neutrons in the nucleus, and the protons and neutrons are always in motion, so even if the above nuclear force field formula is correct and reliable, it cannot be used directly, and needs to be generalized to moving particles before it can be used.

Whether the above formulas of nuclear force fields are reliable or not, as well as the precise formulas of nuclear interaction forces, need to be explored both theoretically and experimentally.

For the nuclear interaction force, a guess is given here that the nuclear force exerted by the mass (mass m) on the nearby particle p (mass m') is equal to the nuclear force field D (given by the nuclear field definition equation above) produced at point o at point p multiplied by the mass m' at point p or the cross multiplied by the momentum m'V or angular momentum R×m'V at point p.

XXXIII. Defining equations for magnetic fields

In the unified field theory, the magnetic field and the electric field are not the same field, and they cannot directly interact with each other and cannot be directly superimposed.

Human beings have discovered that when charged particles move in a straight line with a uniform velocity relative to our observer, they can cause changes in the electric field, and the part of the electric field that changes can be considered to be the magnetic field, that is, the electric field that changes with the speed produces the magnetic field, and the unified field theory inherits this view.

Suppose that in the inertial frame of reference s', an o point at rest relative to our observer, with a mass of m' [m when moving with velocity V], with a positive charge q, generates an electrostatic field E' at the surrounding space p [point p can be regarded as a space point, or as a field point or investigation point], [if it is a negative charge, add a negative sign, and it is E when moving with velocity V], and the vector diameter from point o to point p is R' [R when moving with velocity V].

We take the length of R' r' [r when moving with velocity V] as the radius to make a Gaussian surface s' = 4πr'² to surround the point o.

In the inertial frame of reference s, when the point o moves in a straight line along the x-axis with a uniform velocity V relative to us, it can cause a change in the electric field in the perpendicular direction of V, and the part of the change can be regarded as the magnetic field B.

The very simple idea is that the moving electric field E multiplied by the velocity V is the magnetic field B, because when the velocity V and the electric field E are perpendicular to each other, the magnetic field generated is the largest, so there should be a vector cross product between them, so there is the following relationship,

B = constant multiplied by (V×E)

In order to obtain the geometric formal equation of the moving electric field E, we define the electrostatic field E'= q R'/4πε obtained from Coulomb's theorem. r'³, corrected by the Lorenz positive transform [because the charge o point is in motion relative to our observer], obtains:

E =γq [( x-vt)i+ yj+zk]}/ 4πε。 {√[γ²(x-VT)²+y²+z²]}³


V×E =γq V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]/4πε。 {√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

The vacuum permeability is μ. , because we are talking here about a vacuum, then:

B =μ。 {γq V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/4π{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

=μ。 ε。 {γq V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/ 4πε。 {√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

=μ。 ε。 V×E

Due to μ. ε。 = 1/c²

Therefore, the above equation can also be written as B = V×E/c²

So, the equation for defining the magnetic field is:

B =μ。 {γq V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/4π{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

In the above equation, human beings have not been clear about what charge q is, but now once we know the geometric form of charge q, we can use the above charge definition equation q = kk' (1/Ω²)dΩ/dt to get the geometric form of the magnetic field to define the equation:

B =μ。 {γ[-kk' (1/Ω²)dΩ/dt] V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/4π{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

Let θ be the angle between the sagittal diameter R [scalar r=√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]] and the velocity v, and B can be expressed as a polar form:

B=μ。 {[-kk' (1/Ω²)dΩ/dt]v sinθ/4πγ²r² [√(1- β ²sin²θ)] ³}【r】

where β=v/c, c is the speed of light, v is the scalar form of V, and [r] is the unit vector of the vector R (scalar is r).

Using the relationship between mass and charge q = k'dm/dt, we can obtain the equation for defining the magnetic field with mass:

B =μ。 {γ(kdm/dt,)V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/4π{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

In the figure below, an electrostatic field E' is generated at the point o of a positively charged particle at rest relative to us, and when the point o moves in a straight line along the x-axis with velocity V relative to our observer, a magnetic field B can be generated, and the essence of this magnetic field is that the space is rotating on the central axis with the vector velocity V, and the rotation of B and V satisfy the right-hand spiral relationship.

The magnetic field B and the moving electric field E as well as the velocity V of the charge satisfy the following relationship:

B = V×E/c²

According to the order of vector cross product and Stokes' theorem, the y cross multiplied by z forms a vector plane in the x direction, the z cross multiplied by x forms a vector plane in the y direction, and the x cross multiplied by y forms a vector plane in the z direction, and the three components satisfy the following right-hand spiral relationship:

Bx = 0

By = -V×Ez/c²

Bz = V×Ey/c²

where V is the velocity of the charge particle o along the x-axis.

According to the unified field theory, the velocity of the surrounding space points when the object particles are at rest is the vector speed of light C', and when the object particles are moving at a velocity V, the velocity of the surrounding space points is C-V.

When point o is stationary, the surrounding space point p is moving at the vector speed of light C', and when point o is moving in a straight line along the x-axis with velocity V, the vector speed of light at point p is the same as E, and a motion velocity -V is superimposed, which is exactly the opposite of the motion speed V at point o.

When we place the investigation point on point p, we should replace the velocity of point o with the velocity of space point p, and the above component relationship becomes the following left-handed spiral:

Bx = 0

By = V×Ez/c²

Bz = ﹣V×Ey/c²

When we look at the situation of the point p point in space, it is more straightforward and convenient to use this component formula.

In the figure below, when the charge o point starts from point a and moves in a uniform circle to point b, the rotational motion of space enters and exits on the positive and negative sides of this circle, the incoming side is the S pole, and the outgoing side is called the N pole.

From the geometric form of magnetic field, there is no such thing as a magnetic monopole in nature.

XXXIV. Derivation of Maxwell's equations

Maxwell's equations are 4 equations that describe all the laws of electromagnetic phenomena, but they are not the most basic.

Maxwell's four equations can be derived by using the defining equations of electric and magnetic fields, Gauss's theorem and Stokes's theorem in field theory, and Lorentz transform in relativity.

1. The curl of the electrostatic field E'

For the point of the stationary charge o, with the charge q, the electrostatic field E' generated in the surroundings defines the equation with the electric field

E’ = f (dΩ/dt) R/Ω²r³

Directly find the curl degree, and obtain:

×E’ = 0

Note that only R/r³ on the right side of the equation is a variable.

The above equation can be broken down into the following three equations:

∂Ez/∂y ∂Ey/∂z= 0

∂Ex/∂ z ∂Ez/∂x= 0

∂Ey'/∂ x' - ∂Ex'/∂y'= 0

2. The divergence of the electrostatic field E'

Define the equation for the electric field

E= f (dΩ/dt) R/Ω²r³

To find the divergence directly, note that only R/r³ on the right side of the equation is a variable, and we get:

▽· E’ = 0

In the above equation, r is the radius of the Gaussian sphere s s surrounding point O, and in the case where r approaches zero [it can also be said that the investigation point on the Gaussian sphere - the space point p is infinitely close to the point of charge O], and the point o can be regarded as an infinitesimal charged sphere, the equation appears 0/0, using the Dirac δ function, we can get:

▽· E' = ∂Ex'/∂ x'+ ∂Ey'/∂y'+∂Ez'/∂z'=ρ'/ε。

ρ' is the density of the charge in the Gaussian sphere S [S] that surrounds the point of charge O and is infinitely close to the density of the charge at point O, ε. is the vacuum permittivity.

We need to note that if the O point is outside the Gaussian sphere S, S does not surround the O point, and its divergence is always zero.

3. Gauss's theorem for the moving electric field E is derived

Suppose that the charge O point is stationary in the s' system, and the charge q is an invariant, but the charge q moves in a straight line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V in the s system, and the spatial contraction is caused by the relativistic motion, and its volume should shrink to 1/γ [γ = 1/√ (1 - v²/c²) is the relativistic factor], and the corresponding charge density of q should be increased to γ times.

Therefore, the density ρ of q in the S system is greater than that of the density ρ in the S' system by a relativistic factor γ.

ρ = γρ’

The charge q in the s system moves in a straight line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar is v], so there is a current density:

J = i ρv = i γv ρ’

i is a unit vector along the x-axis.

The ∂x'/ ∂x = γ is obtained by the Lorenz positive transformation of x'=γ(x-vt), and then by the relativistic transformation of the electric field Ex = Ex', Ey = γ Ey', Ez = γ Ez', and the divergence of the electrostatic field E':

'•E' = ∂Ex'/∂ x' + ∂Ey'/∂y' + ∂Ez'/∂z' = ρ'/ε。

Gauss's theorem for the electric field E in motion can be derived:

▽•E = ∂Ex/∂ x + ∂Ey/∂y + ∂Ez/∂z

= γ(∂Ex/∂ x + ∂Ey/∂y + ∂Ez/∂z’)

= γρ’/ε。 =ρ/ε。

4. Gauss's theorem for magnetic fields is derived

Using the above differential operator ∂/ ∂y = ∂/ ∂y', ∂/ ∂z = ∂/ ∂z',

The relation satisfied by the magnetic field B and the electric field E at the preceding spatial point p:

Bx = 0

By = v Ez /c²,

Bz = -v Ey/c²,

The first formula of the curl of the electrostatic field E'

∂Ez’/∂y ∂Ey ’/∂z’= 0

Relativistic transformation formula for adding an electric field

γEz= Ez,γEy= Ey

Gauss's theorem for magnetic fields can be derived:

▽•B = ∂Bx/∂ x + ∂By/∂y + ∂Bz/∂z

= 0 + (v Ez /c²)∂/∂y - (v Ey /c²)∂/∂z

= 0 +(γv Ez/c²)∂/∂y’- (γv Ey/c²)∂/∂z

= γ(v/c²)(∂Ez'/∂y'- ∂Ey '/∂z')= 0

5. Derive Faraday's electromagnetic induction theorem

The curl of the electrostatic field E' is the first formula

(∂Ez'/∂y')-(∂Ey' /∂z')= 0

From the relativistic transformations of the electric field Ez'= Ez/γ, Ey'= Ey/γ, ∂y = ∂y', ∂z= ∂z', derived:


= (1/γ)((∂Ez/∂y)-(Ey/∂z)=0


∂Ez/∂ y ∂Ey/∂z = 0

The second formula is the curl of the electrostatic field E'

∂Ex/∂ z’)-(∂Ez/∂x’)= 0

The partial differentiation obtained by the relativistic transformation of the electric field Ex'= Ex, Ez'= Ez/γ, ∂z = ∂z', and the partial differentiation γ obtained by the Lorenz positive transform x'=∂∂γ(x-vt) is derived:

∂Ex/∂z -(1/γ²)(∂Ez/∂x=0

∂Ex/∂z -(1-v²/c²)(∂Ez/∂x=0

∂Ex/∂z -(∂Ez/∂x)= -(v²/c²)(∂Ez/∂x)

Derive v/∂x= 1/∂t from v=dx/dt


∂Ex/∂z∂Ez/∂x = -(v/c²)∂Ez/∂t

The relationship satisfied by the magnetic field B and the electric field E at the space point p is obtained by = v Ez /c²:

∂Ex/∂z∂Ez/∂x = By /∂t

The curl of the electrostatic field E' is the third formula

∂Ey’/∂ x’- ∂Ex’/∂y= 0

The relativistic transformation of the electric field Ex'= Ex, Ey'= Ey/γ, and then by the differential operator of the Lorenz positive transformation above γ/∂x'=1/∂x, ∂y=∂y',


1/γ²)∂Ey/∂ x∂Ex/∂y=0

(1 - v²/c²)∂Ey/∂ x∂Ex/∂y=0

∂Ey/∂ x-∂Ex/∂y =(v²/c²)∂Ey/∂ x

is composed of v/∂x = 1/∂t


∂Ey/∂ x-∂Ex/∂y =(v/c²)∂Ey/∂ t

From the relationship between the electric field E and the magnetic field B at the space point p, where Bz = -v Ey/c² satisfies the relationship, we get:

∂Ey/∂ x∂Ex/∂y =Bz/∂ t

From Tox's theorem:

▽×E = ( ∂Ez/∂y∂Ey/∂z) i+ ( ∂Ex/∂z∂Ez/∂x) j + z ( ∂Ey/∂x∂Ex/∂y) k

= 0 i ∂By/∂tj -(∂Bz/∂tk


= ∂B/∂t

6. Derive the current and change the electric field to produce a magnetic field

The relation satisfied by the electric field E and the magnetic field B at the space point p

Bz = -v ey/c², By = v ez/c², we get:

∂Bz/∂y -∂By/∂z = -(∂/∂y)(v/c²)Ey -(∂/∂z)(v/c²)Ez

= -v/c²(∂Ey/∂y ∂Ez/∂z

= -μ。 ε。 v(ρ/ε。 -∂Ex/∂x)

Attention, μ. ε。 =1/c², ρ is the charge body density of the charge o point in the s system, and here Gauss's theorem is used for the moving electric field E

"_E=∂Ex/∂ x+∂Ey/∂y+∂Ez/∂z=ρ/ε。


-μ。 ε。 v(ρ/ε。 -∂Ex/∂x)

= -μ。 v ρ+ μ。 ε。 v ∂Ex/∂x

The above is obtained from the spatial point p, since the velocity v of the charge o point and the velocity of the p point -v are opposite.

μ。 v ρ is the current, and if the above equation represents the current and the changing magnetic field to produce the magnetic field, then the negative sign should be removed. Then v/∂x = 1/∂t, so the vector formula of the above equation can be written as:

μ。 J + μ。 ε。 (∂Ex /∂t)i

i is the unit vector of the electric field E along the x-axis, and J is the current.

由Bx=0,Bz = - v Ey/c²,v/∂x=1/∂t,所以:

∂Bx/∂z∂Bz/∂x = - ∂Bz/∂x

= v/c²)∂Ey/∂x


= μ。 ε。 ∂Ey/∂t

By Bx=0, By = v Ez/c², v/∂x=1/∂t, so:

∂By/∂x∂Bx/∂y = ∂By/∂x

= v/c²)∂Ez/∂x

= ( 1/c²)∂Ez/∂t

= μ。 ε。 ∂Ez/∂t

by Stokes' theorem,

▽×B = ( ∂Bz/∂y∂By/∂z) i+ ( ∂Bx/∂z∂Bz/∂x) j + z ( ∂By/∂x∂Bx/∂y) k

=(m。 J+μ。 E. ∂Ex /∂t) i+(m。 E. ∂Ey /∂t )j+ (m。 E. ∂Ez/∂t ) k

= μ。 J +μ。 ε。 (∂E /∂t)

XXXV. The gravitational field that varies with time produces an electric field

In the unified field theory, the gravitational field is the parent field, the electric field, the magnetic field, and the nuclear field are all formed by the change of the gravitational field, and the charge is formed by the change of mass.

In turn, changes in the electric field, magnetic field, and nuclear force field can also form a gravitational field, however, the form of this change is more complex, while the change of gravitational field forms other fields, and the form of change is simpler.

We first find out that when the particle point of the object is at rest with respect to our observer, the changing gravitational field produces an electric field. Next, we find out that when the particles of the object move relative to us, the change in the gravitational field produces an electric field.

Place the gravitational field equation

A = - g m R/r³ = - g k(1/Ω)R/r³

(1/Ω) for time t is the partial derivative and yields:

A/t = g k (1/Ω²)(dΩ/dt)R/r³

The equation is defined by the above electrostatic field geometry

E = - k’k (dΩ/dt)R/Ω²4πε。 r³

You can get:

E = -( k’/g 4πε。 )dA/dt

Since g, k' , 4π, ε. are all constants, and the combined constant is f, then:

E = - f dA/dt

This gives the relation of the three components:

Ex = - f Ax /t

Ey = - f Ay /t

Ez = - f Az /t

When the particle o point of the charged object moves in a straight line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar v], the relationship between the electric field and the gravitational field of the moving object can be found by using the relativistic transformation of the electric field and the relativistic transformation of the gravitational field.

In order to distinguish between the electric field and the gravitational field generated at point O at rest, we use the letter with an apostrophe to indicate the electric field and gravitational field generated when point O is moving.

o Relationship between the electric field and the gravitational field when the point is at rest:

Ex = - f Ax /t

Ey = - f Ay /t

Ez = - f Az /t

From the Lorenz transform of the electric field in the theory of relativity, we know: Ex = E'x, Ey = γE'y, Ez = γE'z, where γ = 1/√(1- v²/c²).

From the previous gravitational field relativistic transformation, we can see that Ax = γAx, Ay = γ²Ay, Az = γ²Az.

For the positive Lorentz time transformation t' =γ(t-vx/c²) in the theory of relativity, the time of the motion is extended:

t/t=γ( t/t - v²/c²)

t/t =γ(1 - v²/c²)=γ/γ²=1/γ

/t /t

From the above, we can find the satisfying relationship between the moving electric field E and the moving gravitational field A when the point o is moving:

Ex= - f Ax /t

Ey= - f Ay /t

Ez = - f Az /t

According to the results of the calculation, the relationship between the electric field and the gravitational field is the same when the particles of an object are at rest and moving in a uniform linear line.

XXXVI. Changes in the gravitational field of a uniformly linear moving object produce an electric field

As noted above, when the particle o point of the object is at rest relative to our observer, the divergence of the surrounding gravitational field A is:

∇· A= ∂Ax/∂x' + ∂Ay/∂y + ∂Az/∂z'

Ax, Ay, and Az are the components of A on the three coordinate axes.

When point o moves in a straight line with a constant velocity relative to us with velocity V [scalar v] in the positive direction of the x-axis, the divergence of the gravitational field A is:

∇· A = ∂Ax/ ∂x + ∂Ay/∂y + ∂Az/∂z

Finding the partial differentiation of the Lorenz positive transform x'=γ(x-vt) gives ∂/γ∂x=∂/∂x', plus ∂y=∂y', ∂z= ∂z', and the relativistic transformation of the above gravitational field, we get:

∇· A =(∂Ax/c)/c∂x + ∂Ay/c²∂y + ∂Az/c²∂z

=(1/γ²)∇· A

From the above, we can get:

∇· A=(1- v²/c²)∇· A

= Ax/x + Ay/y + Az/z - (v²/c²)Ax/x - (v²/c²)Ay/y -(v²/c²)Az/z

= Ax/x + Ay/y + Az/z - (v/c²)vAx/x - (v/c²)vAy/y -(v/c²)vAz/z

To change the above equation to the vector form, since here is the divergence, not the curl, the velocity V [along the x direction, the scalar is v] and the three component points of the gravitational field A are multiplied.

∇· A=(1- v²/c²)∇· A

= ∂Ax/∂x + ∂Ay/∂y + ∂Az/∂z - (v/c²)V·∂Ax i /∂x - (v/c²)V·∂Ay j /∂y -(v/c²)V·∂Az k /∂z

In the above equation, i, j, and k are the unit vectors of the three components of the gravitational field A on the x, y, and z axes, ay, and az axes, y, and z, respectively. From the vector point multiplication theorem in mathematics, we get:

∇· A=(1- v²/c²)∇· A

= ∂Ax/∂x + ∂Ay/∂y + ∂Az/∂z - (v/c²)v ∂Ax/∂x

= ∂Ax/∂x + ∂Ay/∂y + ∂Az/∂z -(v/c²)∂Ax /∂t

=∂Ax/∂x + ∂Ay/∂y + ∂Az/∂z +(v/c²)Ex /f

Note that the relationship between the component Ex of the electric field E on the x-axis and the component Ax of the gravitational field A on the x-axis is used in the above equation Ex= - f ∂ Ax /∂t, and v ∂/∂x = ∂/ ∂t.

The above shows that the gravitational field A is generated in the surrounding space when the particle point o is stationary relative to our observer, and when it moves in a straight line along the x-axis with a velocity V [scalar value is v], the gravitational field changes [the changed gravitational field is represented by A] and becomes two parts, one is independent of velocity, one is related to the speed of motion, and the part related to velocity and distributed along the x-axis is actually the electric field.

Using the relationship between the gravitational and electric fields of the particles of a moving object, the relationship between the curl of the magnetic field and the changing gravitational field can also be derived.

Bring the above relationship between the moving electric field E and the moving gravitational field A E = - f ∂A/∂t into Maxwell's equations:

μ。 J + (1/c²)∂E /∂ t = ∇×B

, get:

μ。 J -(1/c²)f ∂²A/∂ t ²= ∇×B,

where J is the density ρ [ρ/ε. = ∇· E] The current formed by the movement of the charge body along the x-axis with velocity V,

μ。 J【μ。 J=μ。 ε。 V ρ/ε。 =(1/c²)V ρ/ε。 In Maxwell's equation it can be written as (V/c²)∇· E【∇· E=ρ /ε。 Therefore, the above formula can be written as:

(V/c²)∇· E -(1/c²)f ∂²A/∂ t ²= ∇×B


(1/c²)f ∂²A/∂ t ²=(V/c²)∇· E - ∇×B

∂²A/∂ t ²=(V/ f )∇· E - ∇×B(c²/f)

The above equation indicates that a changing gravitational field can produce an electric field as well as a magnetic field.

The situation is similar to Maxwell's equations, where the gravitational field can be incorporated into Maxwell's equations as an extension of Maxwell's equations.

XXXVII. The magnetic field of a moving charge creates a gravitational field

1. The magnetic field of a charge moving in a straight line at a uniform velocity generates a gravitational field

The core of the unified field theory is that a changing gravitational field can produce an electric field, and conversely, a changing electromagnetic field can also produce a gravitational field.

The theory of relativity and electromagnetism holds that a moving charge produces not only an electric field, but also a magnetic field.

The unified field theory further argues that the moving charge not only produces a magnetic field, but also a gravitational field, and we find the relationship between the electromagnetic field generated by the moving charge and the gravitational field.

Above we pointed out that the direction of the electric field generated by changing the gravitational field does not change, the direction of the gravitational field and the electric field are the same, and the direction of the electric field and the direction of the magnetic field are always perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field in general.

Let's explore the relationship between the curl of the gravitational field and the magnetic field, because curl describes the change of the field in the vertical direction, while divergence describes the change of the field in the parallel direction.

Suppose a point charge o point, starting from the origin at time 0, moving in a uniform linear direction along the positive direction of the x-axis with velocity V [scalar value v] relative to our observer, the point charge o generates an electric field E, a magnetic field B, and a gravitational field A at the surrounding space point p, as shown in the figure below.

Let's take the spatial point p as the point of investigation to carry out the analysis.

The gravitational field A and the electric field E are in the same direction of orbit and are both left-handed spirals, but near a point on the orbiting line, A and E are perpendicular to each other.

In order to prove that the electric field E, the magnetic field B, and the gravitational field A satisfy the relationship shown in the figure above, let's first find the curl of A:

×A =(Az/y - Ay/z)i+(Ax/z - Az/x)j + (Ay/x-Ax/y) k

The curl of the gravitational field at rest from the object in front is zero, i.e., ∇×A=0, and the component is in the form of:

Az/y- Ay/z = 0

Ax/z - Az/x = 0

Ay/x-Ax/y = 0

From the relativistic transformation of the gravitational field, we get:

∂Az/∂y' - ∂A/∂z' =∂Az/γ∂y - ∂Ay/γ²∂z

= Az/y - Ay/z =0

γ=1/√(1-v²/c²) is a relativistic factor, ∂y=∂y', ∂z=∂z'.

Partial differentiation of the Lorenz positive transform x'=γ(x-vt) of the theory of relativity yields ∂/γ∂x=∂/∂x', and then from the relativistic transformation of the gravitational field, we get:

By ∂Ax/∂z' - ∂Az/∂x' = 0, we get:

∂Ax/c∂z - ∂Az/c³∂x = 0,所以:

Ax/z - Az/γ²x = 0

∂Ax/∂z - (1- v²/c²)∂Az/∂x = 0

∂Ax/∂z - ∂Az/∂x = -(v²/c²)∂Az/∂x

∂Ax/∂z - ∂Az/∂x = -(v/c²)v ∂Az/∂x

is defined by v ∂/∂x = ∂/∂t, so:

∂Ax/∂z - ∂Az/∂x = -(v/c²)∂Az/∂t

From ∂Ay/∂x' - ∂Ax/∂y' = 0 and the gravitational field relativistic transformation, plus the above ∂/γ∂x=∂/∂x', we get:

∂Ay/γ³∂x - ∂Ax/γ∂y = 0,所以:

Ay/γ²x - Ax/y = 0

(1- v²/c²)∂Ay/∂x - ∂Ax/ ∂y = 0

∂Ay/∂x - ∂Ax/∂y =(v/c²)v ∂Ay/∂x

is defined by v ∂/∂x = ∂/∂t, so:

∂Ay/∂x - ∂Ax/∂y = (v/c²)∂Ay/∂t

The relationship between the gravitational and electric fields of the moving object in front of it is equated:

Ex= - f Ax /t

Ey= - f Ay /t

Ez = - f Az/t

You can get:

Az/y - Ay/z =0

∂Ax/∂z - ∂Az/∂x = (v/c²)This /f

∂Ay/∂x - ∂Ax/∂y = -(v/c²)Ey /f

Earlier, we pointed out that when the charge moves in a uniform linear motion along the positive direction of the x-axis with velocity V [scalar is v], we take a space point p around the charge as the investigation point, and the velocity of the point p -V and the three components of the electric field E and the magnetic field B satisfy the following relationship:

Bx = 0

By = (v/c²)Ez

Bz = -(v/c²)Ey

From this, you can get:

Az/y - Ay/z = Bx

Ax/z - Az/x = By /f

Ay/x - Ax/y = Bz/f

Combining the above three equations, we can obtain the relationship satisfied by the curl of the gravitational field A and the magnetic field B:

×A= B /f

This is the basic equation that satisfies the magnetic field and the gravitational field, and this equation tells us that when a charge moves in a straight line at a certain speed, the magnetic field generated can be expressed in the form of curl of the gravitational field.

At a certain moment [due to the homogenization of space-time, or at a certain point in space], the magnetic field, the electric field, and the gravitational field are perpendicular to each other.

This equation may be the final explanation for the AB effect in quantum mechanics.

The integral equation ∇×of the relationship between the magnetic field B and the gravitational field A can be obtained by using Stokes' theorem in field theory by using Stokes' theorem in field theory by multiplying the vector plane element dS [which can be regarded as a small area on a Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² surrounding the point o of the charge particle], and then using Stokes' theorem in field theory:

 A·dL= (1/f)∮ B·dS

2. The magnetic field that varies with time produces an electric field and a gravitational field

Suppose a point charge o point, starting from the origin at time 0, moving in a uniform linear motion along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar is v] relative to our observer, the point charge o generates a moving electric field E and a uniform magnetic field B at any surrounding space point p:

B= V×E/c²

When point o moves in the positive direction of the x-axis with acceleration -A relative to us, the charge o produces a moving electric field E, a magnetic field dB/dt that varies with time t, and a gravitational field A at any of the surrounding spatial points p.

We take the space point p as the investigation point and find the derivative of the magnetic field definition equation B= V×E/c² for time t, which is:


If we can prove that dB/dt= (V×dE/dt)/c² represents:

The change of the magnetic field produces a changing electric field, that is, the Faraday principle of electromagnetic induction, as a correspond, dB/dt=dV/dt×E/c² should be the change of the magnetic field to produce the gravitational field.

Since dV/dt=A is the acceleration of the point p in space, according to the unified field theory, the acceleration of space itself is equivalent to the gravitational field.

We first show that dB/dt= (V×dE/dt)/c² is Faraday's principle of electromagnetic induction.

Since the investigation point is no longer on point o, but on point p in space, the relationship between the magnetic field B and the electric field E, we use the left-hand spiral:

Bx = 0

By = (v/c²)Ez

Bz = -(v/c²)Ey

The three components of dB/dt= (V×dE/dt)/c² are as follows: [Differential semicolon d is changed to partial differential semicolon ∂]:

Bx/t = 0

By/t = (v Ez/t)/c²

Bz/t = -(v Ey/t)/c²

From the zero curl of the electrostatic field∂Ex'/∂z' - ∂Ez'/∂x'=0, and Ex = Ex', ∂z' = ∂z, γEz' = Ez, ∂/γ∂x=∂/∂x', γ=1/√(1- v²/c²) in the Lorenz transform, we get:

Ex/z (1/γ²)Ez/x = 0

Ex/z 1- v²/c²)Ez/x = 0

∂Ex/∂z – ∂Ez/∂x = -(v²/c²)∂Ez/∂x

From v ∂/∂x = ∂/ ∂t, we get:

Ex/z Ez/x = -(v/c²)Ez/t

Similar to the above operation, you can get:

∂Ey/∂x – ∂Ex/∂y = (v/c²)∂Ey/∂t

Take these two equations and the three components of dB/dt= (V×dE/dt)/c² above as follows:

Bx/t = 0

By/t = (v Ez/t)/c²

Bz/t = -(v Ey/t)/c²

By comparison, we can get:

Ez/y Ey/z = 0

Ex/z Ez/x = - By/t

Ey/x Ex/y = - Bz/t

Combining the above three equations, it is the Faraday electromagnetic induction equation:

×E= - B/t

In the following let's analyze the gravitational field A equation dB/dt=dV/dt×E/c² generated by the change of magnetic field B.

The three components of this equation are as follows:

Bx/t = 0

∂By/∂t = (∂V/∂t) ×Ez/c²=A ×Ez/c²

∂Bz/∂t = -(∂V/∂t) ×Ey/c²= - A×Ey/c²

The above equation can be written as dB/dt=A×E/c², which can be understood as:

When the positive charge o accelerates in the positive direction of the x-axis, at any point p in the surrounding space, an electric field E and a gravitational field A in the opposite direction of acceleration are generated.

A, E, dB/dt satisfy the cross-product relationship, and the value is the largest when the three are perpendicular to each other.

3. The relationship between the electric field, magnetic field, and gravitational field of the accelerating moving charge

Since the gravitational field generated by the variable electromagnetic field is the core of the unified field theory and the key to the application of artificial field technology, another method is used to deduce the gravitational field generated by the accelerated positive charge.

The various relationships between the electric field, the magnetic field, and the gravitational field can be seen as a derivation of the fundamental relationship of the magnetic field definition equation B = V×E/c², and can be deduced from this basic equation.

The formula dB/dt = A×E/c² can only be applied to some microscopic single elementary particles, and the object particles we see macroscopically are the composite of many tiny charged particles, and their positive and negative charges cancel each other, and the magnetic field also cancels each other out much.

It is possible that the formula dB/dt = A×E/c² derived above for the gravitational field generated by the changed magnetic field is only applicable to positive charges, because the space around the positive charge diverges at the speed of light, which can dissipate the distortion effect of space (including the gravitational field formed by the accelerating electric field, the accelerating magnetic field, and the changing electric field) at the speed of light.

However, the space around the negative charge moves inwards at the speed of light, and it is reasonable that the space distortion effect cannot be dissipated. However, according to the Lorenz transform, the space of light speed movement is shortened to zero, and it is no longer the same space as us, which is impossible for us observers to observe, and there is uncertainty. Therefore, whether this formula can be applied to negative charge still needs to be further explored in theory and practice.

In order to further understand the relationship between the electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields of the accelerating charge, let's analyze it with an example.

Suppose a point charge o at rest relative to our observer, with a positive charge of charge q, which generates an electrostatic field E at the surrounding space point p.

At moment zero, when point o suddenly accelerates in the positive direction of the x-axis with a vector acceleration G [quantity g].

According to the unified field theory, the acceleration motion of point o causes the space point p to come out of point o and move outward at the vector speed of light C, while superimposing an acceleration -G.

According to the definition of gravitational field in unified field theory, the gravitational field is the acceleration motion of the space point itself, and the gravitational field A [quantity a] and the acceleration of the space point p-G are equivalent, so the position of the space point p will produce a gravitational field due to the acceleration motion of point o:

A [quantity is a] = –G.

Let's find the relationship between the electrostatic field Er, the distorted electric field Eθ that accelerates change, and the gravitational field A.

Suppose that the positive charge o moves in a straight line in the positive direction of the x-axis with respect to the origin o of our observer, which has been stationary in the Cartesian coordinate system, from the moment t = 0, with the acceleration G [quantity g].

At the moment t = τ, point o stops accelerating when it reaches point d, and the velocity reaches v = g τ, and then it continues to move in a uniform straight line along the x-axis with velocity v until the later point q.

As shown in the figure below:

For the sake of simplicity, we consider that v is much less than the speed of light c and the od distance is much less than oq.

Let's consider the distribution of the electric field around the charge O at any time t (t is much greater than τ).

During the period from time 0 to τ, the electric field lines around the charge O are distorted due to the accelerated motion of the charge, and this distortion state also extends outward at the speed of light c.

The unified field theory clearly states that the electric field lines of a positive charge are the displacement of the spatial points around the charge moving at the speed of light.

The above distorted state moves outward at the speed of light, like a faucet that sprays water at a uniform speed in all directions, once the faucet shakes, causing the water flow to distort, this distorted state must extend outward at the speed of the water flow.

The distorted state of the electric field caused by the accelerating motion charge o extends outward at the speed of light c, and in the figure above it can be seen that the distorted state has a thickness of cτ and is sandwiched between two spheres.

The latter sphere, which has spread a distance of c(t-τ) around at time t, is a sphere centered on the q point and with a diameter of c(t-τ).

The previous sphere, which has propagated CT so far in all directions at time T, is a sphere centered on point O and has a diameter of CT.

Since the charge O moves at a uniform speed from the moment t=τ, the electric field distributed in this sphere with a diameter c(t-τ) should be the electric field of the charge moving in a straight line at a uniform velocity.

According to our previous assumption, the velocity v of the charge o is much smaller than the speed of light c, so the electric field in this sphere is approximately an electrostatic field at any time.

The electric field lines of the electric field at time t are straight lines in the radius direction derived from the position q of point o at this time.

Since t is much greater than τ and c is much greater than v, r=ct is much greater than vτ/2 (i.e., the distance from point o to point d). Thus, the two spheres on the front and back edges of the twisted state are almost concentric circles.

Over time, the radius (CT) of the above distorted state expands, extending outward and spreading at the speed of light.

We know from the equation of the definition of charge and electric field in the unified field theory that the distortion of the electric field lines does not change the number of electric field lines, and is still continuous, so the number of electric field lines on the front and rear sides of the twisted state is equal.

At a time when v is much smaller than c, this distorted electric field line can be viewed as a straight line.

We use the electric field line at an angle to the x-axis for the analysis.

Since the distance od from point o to point d is much smaller than r = ct, we can think of point o and point d as points (i.e., od is close to zero).

And oq = vτ/2 + v (t-τ) ≈ vt

The electric field E in the distortion region can be divided into two components, Er [radial electric field, which exists when the charge is stationary, and its number is er,] and Eθ [transverse electric field, which can be seen as a variation of Er, and its number is eθ].

As can be seen from the picture above

Eθ/ER = VT Sinθ/Cτ= G T Sinθ/C = G R Sinθ/C²

In the unified field theory, the essence of the gravitational field is the acceleration of a point in space, but the gravitational field is in the opposite direction to the position vector R [the number of r] pointed by the gravitational field source to the gravitational field point p.

So, the gravitational field here can be represented by A [quantity a = -g], so there are:

Eθ/er = A×R/c² 

In the above equation, the position r = ct from point o to point p in space is represented by vector R.

The above electric field Eθ is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the electromagnetic field (in this case, the direction of Er) and exists only in the twisted state. Therefore, it is the transverse distortion electric field generated by the accelerated motion of the charge O point.

Eθ can be seen as a change in the charge due to the accelerated motion of Er.

The above equation gives the relationship between the electric field Er that exists when the charge o is at rest, the change form Eθ of Er caused by accelerated motion, and the gravitational field A generated by the accelerated motion charge o.

Next, we find the relationship between the changing magnetic field around the charge at the point of acceleration and the resulting gravitational field.

According to Maxwell's equations, when the electric field changes in a vacuum, it inevitably produces a changing magnetic field.

Both the unified field theory and the theory of relativity hold that when the charge o moves at velocity V, the electric field E and the magnetic field B satisfy a basic relationship:

B = V×E/ c²

The relationship between the transverse electric field Eθ and the transverse magnetic field Bθ [quantity bθ] generated by the accelerated motion of the electric charge does not jump out of B = V×E/ c².

Only at this time, the velocity V is not the velocity of the charge, but the velocity of the point p in the space around the charge.

The unified field theory points out that any space point around a stationary object diverges to the surroundings at the vector speed of light C', and when the object moves in a straight line at a constant velocity V, the velocity of the space point becomes C-V, so the original vector speed of light C' of the space point has a change in speed compared with C - velocity V.

However, the speed of the charge here is much less than the speed of light, so the velocity of the space point p can still be seen as the vector speed of light C.

Since the warped state propagates at the speed of light, coupled with the vector speed of light concept of unified field theory, the velocity of the space point is the vector speed of light C, so there is an equation:

Bθ= C×Eθ/ c²

The quantity is in the form of:

c  bθ= eθ

Comparing the above equation with Eθ/er = A×R/c² [note that er is the quantity of Er], we have:

Bθ/er= A×R/c³

The above equation shows the relationship between the gravitational field A and the changing magnetic field Bθ generated by the change of the electric field Er [quantity er] that exists when the charge is at rest due to the accelerated motion of the charge.

Using the space-time homogenization equation R=Ct, the above equation Bθ/er= A×R/c³ can also be rewritten as:

Bθ= er(A×【R】)t/c²

[R] is the unit vector of the vector R, which is the same as the direction of C, and the direction of er is also the same as [R], so,

er【R】= Er

So, there are:

Bθ= (A×Er)t/c²

Finding the derivatives of time t on the above two sides yields:

dBθ/dt = A×Er/c²

Actually, this formula, and the previous magnetic field definition equation B= V×E/c² to find the derivative of time t:

dB/dt =(dV/dt)×E/c²= A×E/c²

Yes, it is consistent and described in words as:

The accelerating motion positive charge creates a gravitational field in the opposite direction of acceleration in the surrounding space and spreads and propagates at the speed of light towards the western circumference.

It can be seen that the changing electromagnetic field produces the equation of the electric field and the gravitational field, and there is no jump out of the basic relationship equation B = V×E/c² satisfied by the magnetic field and the electric field, and all the relations between the electric field, the magnetic field, and the gravitational field are just variants of this equation.

The above describes the acceleration of the positive charge, which causes the change of the electric field, produces the changing magnetic field and the gravitational field, and gives the relationship between the accelerating change electric field, the accelerating change magnetic field, and the gravitational field [including the direction].

XXXVIII. Experiments of changing electromagnetic fields to produce gravitational fields.

A patent has been applied for the test of changing the electromagnetic field to generate a gravitational field - "a device for the gravitational field of electromagnetic conversion".

An artificial field is a gravitational field that can be artificially controlled by changing electromagnetic fields. Artificial fields can replace the electrical energy that is prevalent on our planet, bringing humanity into the virtual age of the speed of light.

In order for artificial fields to become a reality on Earth, the most important thing is the success of the experiment of changing the electromagnetic field to generate a gravitational field.

On November 2, 2023, I discovered for the first time in my experiments that the gravitational field of acceleration is generated by a positive charge in acceleration in the opposite direction.

On March 1, 2024, I discovered in the experiment that the changing magnetic field produces a vortex gravitational field, which causes everything to rotate.

1. Linear gravitational field test in which the acceleration of the positive charge produces acceleration in the opposite direction

In the diagram below,

The positive and negative poles of the wire are not in contact with each other, 6 cm apart, and the plexiglass tube is covered.

Hang a small and light flake-like object [any material] with a thin wire, perforated in the center, and set on the plexiglass tube, but without touching the plexiglass tube, in the middle of the 6 cm gap between the positive and negative electrodes.

When the positive and negative poles are connected to a high-voltage DC power supply of more than 30,000 volts, the suspended object moves in the direction of the positive pole when the power switch is pressed.

Turn the positive and negative poles, and the suspended object is still moving in the direction of the positive pole.

When the switch is pressed, the positive charge in the line accelerates and vibrates in situ, and the accelerated electromotive force generated between the positive and negative electrodes contains the gravitational field, the mathematical formula is:

Eθ/er = A×R/c² 

In the above equation, Eθ is the distorted positive electric field generated by the accelerated motion of the charge, er is the electrostatic field generated when the charge is at rest, and R is the position vector of the charge pointing to a point of investigation in space, A is the gravitational field, and c is the speed of light.

Detailed mathematical derivation, plus Zhang Xiangqian WeChat 18714815159 can be obtained in electronic version of the information,\

This gravitational field, created by an accelerating electric field, causes the suspended object to move faster.

The plexiglass tube is sleeved to prevent the ionic wind effect and the electrostatic motor effect. The suspension is made in the form of a thin sheet to suppress the polarization effect and depolarization effect of the hanging object.

The test was also successful under vacuum.

In the above test, due to the inconvenience of bending the plexiglass tube, the wire joints at both ends of the plexiglass tube are prone to ionic wind.

In the image below:

Use a silicone tube with a length of 190 cm, an outer diameter of 3mm [or 2mm], and an inner diameter of 1mm, and put two enameled copper wires with a length of 90 cm and a diameter of 0.8mm. The two wires do not touch each other and are 4.5 cm apart.

If the wire is not well stuffed into the silicone tube, you can drip lubricating oil into the silicone tube, or inject oil into it with a medical injection needle.

Wires and silicone tubes are suspended under a wooden shelf.

Make a 4cm×11cm thick 0.15mm plastic sheet, hang it with a thin cotton thread, and position it at the center point of the gap between the two wires. The plastic skin is perforated in the center and placed on the silicone tube, but does not touch the silicone tube.

The two wires are connected to the positive and negative poles of two high-voltage packets connected in series. The power supply to the two high-voltage packs can be batteries and power supply chassis [input 220V AC, output DC 0-30V, can be bought on Taobao]. The effect is better if the two high-voltage packs are supplied with independent power.

Search for "DC 2000Kv High Voltage Generator High Voltage Module" from the Taobao homepage, and you can buy a high voltage package. Select the input DC voltage of 7.4V.

The output of the high-voltage package of 2000Kv is a false standard for merchants, and the actual measurement is about 30kv.

How to identify the positive and negative poles of the two wires at the high-voltage output end of the high-voltage package?

Leave the two wires at the high-voltage output end 8 to 10 cm, light a candle underneath, and electrify the high-voltage pack, and the flame is biased to which side, which is the negative pole. Or measure with a high-voltage DC meter.

During the test, when I pressed the power supply, the plastic skin moved to the positive electrode, and the positive and negative electrodes were reversed, and the plastic skin still moved to the positive electrode.

According to the theory of "Unified Field Theory", when the switch is pressed, the positive charge of the accelerated motion produces a gravitational field in the opposite direction of acceleration.

The positive charge in the circuit accelerates in situ and vibrates, and the electromotive force generated between the positive and negative electrodes contains a gravitational field, which accelerates the motion of the suspended object.

The wire is covered with a silicone tube to prevent the ionic wind effect and the electrostatic motor effect. The purpose of making the suspended object flake is to suppress the polarization effect and depolarization effect of the suspended object.

The key to the test is to insulate and seal the wires [especially the wire joints] thoroughly, cover the high-voltage package, and not let the wires and high-voltage packages produce ionic wind and electrostatic motor effects.

When testing, it should be noted that repeated tests can not be repeated in a short period of time, so the polarization effect and depolarization effect are serious, which may make the direction of movement of the plastic skin disordered.

The high-voltage package is not necessary, the pulse DC clutter output of the high-voltage package is serious, which interferes with the test, and several series and parallel connections are even more serious, and the high-voltage package is just cheap. Other DC high voltages above 20,000 volts are more effective.

The above is the circuit diagram of the series test of two high-voltage packets.

The following is a test model of 14 high-voltage packs combined.

2. The change of the magnetic field produces a vortex gravitational field that causes all objects to rotate the test

In the image below:

Wrap two spiral coils 19 cm long and 3.7 cm in diameter with a 0.57 mm diameter enameled copper wire. In the middle of the coil is a paper tube with a thickness of 1 mm.

One end of the coil above is connected to two series of high-voltage packets [the input of the high-voltage packet is DC 7.4 volts, the output high-voltage pulse, and the merchant standard on Taobao is 2 million volts, which is the virtual standard], and one end is placed on the vacuum tank [10 cm in diameter].

The upper end of the coil below is attached to the vacuum tank, and the lower end is connected to the positive electrode of the high-pressure pack. The two coils are 10 cm apart and are not connected to each other.

The vacuum tank in the middle has been pumped into a vacuum, and a red polyethylene ball is suspended with a thin cotton thread inside. One end of the fine cotton thread is fixed on the inner wall of the vacuum tank with AB glue.

When the power switch is pressed, the polyethylene ball spins up. The test found that the magnetic field lines were used as the axis to rotate.

The above test can exclude the electrostatic motor effect and ionic wind effect under vacuum conditions. Because ionic wind is formed by ionization of air, there is no air in a vacuum, so there is no ionic wind effect.

The electrostatic motor effect is formed by the positive and negative wires spraying electric charges or ions onto polyethylene beads.

The electrode is outside the vacuum tank, and the thick glass of the vacuum tank cannot spray the charge into the vacuum tank.

However, the polarization effect of the electric field cannot be ruled out, because the polarization effect of high voltages not only exists in a vacuum, but can also easily pass through the thick glass of the vacuum tank.

In this upper and lower structure of the coil, the coil and the thin wire of the hanging polyethylene ball are parallel, so that the force generated by the polarization effect is parallel to the thin line, and the polyethylene ball rotates on the axis of the thin line, so that the polarization effect does not contribute to the rotation.

In this case, the effect of polarization on the speed of rotation can be basically ruled out, plus the electrostatic motor effect and the ionic wind effect are excluded, and only the effect of the change of the magnetic field of the unified field theory produces a vortex gravitational field to rotate all objects.

It should be noted that the linear gravitational field effect produced by the polarization effect and the changing electric field interferes with the rotation direction of the suspended object to a certain extent.

Therefore, when testing, it is not possible to continuously repeat the test, and the repeated test will make the material be polarized seriously.

The use of fine enameled wire winding coils, the number of turns of the coil winding, can highlight the rotational effect of the magnetic field and reduce the linear motion effect of the electric field.

Winding the coil with fine enameled wire, the number of turns wound by the coil is large, and the total mass of the coil is relatively large, which can increase the inductance energy of the coil. When the power is turned off, the energy stored in the coil can still cause the suspension to rotate.

In this case, the polarization effect and the changing electric field cause the linear motion effect of the object to disappear, leaving only the vortex gravitational field of the changing magnetic field to rotate the object. This makes it easier for us to analyze.

In the image below:

A stainless steel Faraday cage with a diameter of 7 cm and a height of 18 cm, with a red polyethylene ball 5 cm high and 2.7 cm in diameter suspended from a thin cotton thread.

A 3.7 cm diameter and 19 cm long [wrapped around a paper tube with a thickness of 1 mm with a diameter of 0.57 mm enameled wire] are placed on the left and right sides of the Faraday cage, and the coil is connected to the positive and negative poles of two series high-voltage packets [marked 7.4V2000kv]. Power the high-voltage pack with a DC power supply chassis.

A plastic tube with a diameter of 0.6 cm and a height of 21 cm is bonded with AB glue under the stainless steel Faraday cage, and a sleeve is inserted under the plastic tube to make the Faraday cage fall straight and not swing around.

The inside of the plastic pipe is bonded with AB glue to a cotton thread, and the other end of the cotton thread is tied to the leakage switch below.

The cover on the stainless steel Faraday cage is fixed, when the drain switch is pulled down to cut off the power supply, later, the cotton thread connected to the leak switch will open the Faraday cage, and the lower part of the Faraday cage will fall down.

When I was experimenting, I turned on the power and the polyethylene ball in Faraday's cage didn't move.

According to the theory of unified field theory, when the circuit is turned on and off, the positive charge inside accelerates and vibrates in situ, resulting in a distorted positive electric field, which includes the vortex magnetic field and the vortex gravitational field.

This gravitational field is different from the gravitational field of the earth's linear divergence, and it cannot penetrate the Faraday cage near the field source.

The gravitational field here is generated by accelerating the electric field, and Faraday cages shield the electric field, so there is no gravitational field.

When I pressed the drain switch below, the power cut off, and later, the cotton thread connected to the drain switch turned the Faraday cage on. Leave the red polyethylene bulb inside exposed.

It turned out that the red ball continued to spin after the power was off.

This test is important because the polyethylene pellets are still rotating in the power-off state, and this test can rule out polarization effects, electrostatic motor effects, and ionic wind effects.

All three of these effects are present when the power is on.

Moreover, when the polyethylene ball is just energized and stays in the Faraday cage, it will not be affected by the polarization effect and magnetic field effect.

This experiment shows that there is still a vortex effect in the case of a power failure, which cannot be explained by the gravitational field generated by the change electromagnetic field without the unified field theory.

You may have a question:

At the moment of power failure, the changing electromagnetic field is gone, and the gravitational field generated by it is gone, why does polyethylene still move?

According to the unified field theory, when the circuit is turned on and off, the positive charge will accelerate and vibrate in situ, resulting in a twisted positive electric field, which includes the vortex magnetic field and the vortex gravitational field, and this twisted positive electric field propagates to the surroundings at the speed of light.

From an energy point of view, it is the inductive energy of the coil.

From the perspective of field effect, it is the distortion effect of the distorted positive electric field propagating at the speed of light on space.

When the coil is energized, the coil stores inductive energy, and when there is a suspended polyethylene ball nearby, the energy stored in the magnetic field is released by the vortex gravitational field to cause the ball to rotate.

In a later experiment, I connected the positive and negative poles of the high-voltage package output to a large coil with a silicon steel sheet in the center, which increased the inductance energy of the line, and as a result, the polyethylene ball rotated longer.

If a light bulb is connected instead of a polyethylene ball hanging nearby, the energy stored in the magnetic field will be released in the form of an electric field that makes the bulb glow.

This experiment turns off the total power supply, and there is no interference from the ion wind effect, electrostatic motor effect, polarization effect and depolarization effect, which is convenient for us to carry out analysis and make the analysis problem simpler.

It should also be noted that this test cannot be repeated in a short period of time.

XXXIX. Unified Field Theory Energy Equation

1. Definition of energy:

Energy is the amount of motion of a particle in space [or the space itself around the particle] relative to the amount of motion that our observer moves within a certain space (or in a certain period of time due to the homogenization of time and space).

The definitions of energy and momentum are similar, reflecting the degree of motion of the mass and space relative to our observer, except that momentum is a vector and energy is a scalar quantity, and the angle of description is different.

Note that space, material points, observers, and motion must not be missing any of the four conditions, otherwise, energy will lose its meaning.

The space that exists alone, without the presence of objects in it, i.e. the pure vacuum is without energy. Without an observer, or without specifying which observer, the energy cannot be determined.

2. Unified field-theoretic energy equations

Multiplying the scalar form m'c = mc√(1 - v²/c²) of the scalar velocity of light c on both sides of the unified field-theoretic momentum equation is the unified field-theoretic energy equation:

e = m’c² = mc²√(1 - v²/c²)

m'c² is the resting energy of point o, and when the velocity of the mass point v=0, the above energy equation is the same as the relativistic mass-energy equation e = mc².

mc² is the energy at rest at point O, which is consistent with the theory of relativity.

A mass of a point at rest relative to our observer is m', and the theory of relativity holds that there is a stationary energy E = mc², which means that it refers to the square of the vector speed of light of n spatial points around this point, and the magnitude of n depends on the mass m'.

The basic assumption in the unified field theory that the space around any object in the universe diverges to the surroundings at the speed of vector light when it is at rest can directly explain the relativistic energy at rest.

In the unified field theory, MC²√(1- V²/C²) is the energy of point O moving at velocity V, which is equal to the energy at rest M'C².

This is a little different from the view of relativity.

According to the theory of relativity, the energy mc² at rest at point o is not the same as the energy mc² when moving at velocity v.

The unified field theory, on the other hand, holds that the energy mc²√ (1- v²/c²) and the rest energy mc² are equal when point o moves at velocity v.

Unified field theory holds that the amount of mass energy must be meaningful relative to a definite observer.

The observer of the S' system found that the O point is at rest and the energy is mc².

S observers found that point O moves relative to itself with velocity v, and the energy is mc²√(1- v²/c²). 0

However, it is impossible for any observer to observe that the O-point energy is mc².

The unified field theory, which emphasizes that different observers see different manifestations of energy, but the total amount of energy is independent of the observer, should be more reasonable than the view of relativity.

We can suppose that a train with mass m moves in a straight line with a uniform velocity V [quantity v] relative to our ground observer, and the ground observer thinks that the train has kinetic energy mv²/2, and the observer on the train thinks that the speed of the train is zero, and therefore the kinetic energy is zero.

Therefore, modern physics believes that kinetic energy is not conserved relative to different reference frames, and the kinetic energy of an object is different to different observers.

However, the unified field theory has a different view. Unified field theory holds that an object with energy 0 is the same in number to observers moving in motion, and that the energy is still conserved for different frames of reference. Different observers only see a difference in the form of particle motion, while the total energy of the particle is constant.

3. Unify the relationship between the energy equation of field theory and the kinetic energy formula of classical mechanics

Classical mechanics holds that when a point o of mass m moves with velocity V [quantity v] relative to our observer, it seems to us that it has kinetic energy Ek = 1/2 mv².

Unified field theory and relativity theory have the same equation of kinetic energy:

(m - m’)c² = Ek,

Ek is also kinetic energy in Newtonian mechanics,

The field-theoretic energy equation will be unified

e = mc²√(1-v²/c²)√(1-v²/c²) is expanded as a series

1- v²/2c²·····

Omit the higher terms at the end and get:

 mc²- mv²/2

mv²/2 is the kinetic energy Ek of Newtonian mechanics.

From e = mc², mv²/2≈ mc² - mc² = c²(m - m'), which shows that the classical kinetic energy is the amount of change that causes the change in the rest mass of an object when it moves at velocity v.

4. The relationship between momentum and kinetic energy in the unified field theory

The stationary momentum P'= m'C of the unified field theory, and the momentum of motion is P = m(C-V) [the scalar formula is p = mc√(1-v²/c²)].

The unified field theory holds that the amount of momentum at rest and the momentum of motion of a particle are equal.

p = mc√(1-v²/c²)= mc

m' is the rest mass of the object at point o, and m is the mass of point o when it moves at velocity V [scalar quantity is v].

The energy equation given by the Unified Field Theory states that the energy mc ² of the particle o at rest and the energy mc ²-ek when moving at velocity v are the same, and:

mc² Ek = mc ²

where Ek ≈(1/2) m v² is the kinetic energy of point o.

Using the above formula, we can find the relationship between the kinetic energy Ek of the photon and the momentum P of the photon [quantity p].

Replace MC² with P² = M'²C² in MC² - Ek = MC², there are:

mc² Ek = /m

For the amount of photons m' = 0, the formula mc² - ek = mc²

mc ² = 0 from which the kinetic energy of the photon Ek = mc² is derived from the one-theoretic energy equation m'c² = mc²√(1 - v²/c²) divided by the speed of light c, \ the momentum equation of the unified field theory mc√(1-v²/c\ ²) = mc, according to this idea, we divide the energy equation of the photon e = mc² by the speed of light c to get the momentum equation of the photon:

p = mc

The vector formula is P = mC

The momentum p and energy e of a photon satisfy the following relationship:

P = e/c

It can be seen that the energy formula given by the unified field theory has the same parts as the theory of relativity, but also has different parts.

The rest mass of the photon is zero, so its rest energy m'c² is also zero, and the total energy of the photon's motion mc²√(1 - v²/c²) is also zero because the speed of the photon v = c.

However, photon motion energy is divided into positive and negative parts, either of which is

mc², therefore, when a photon moves, its motion energy can also be expressed as mc².

The above shows that photons still observe conservation of energy.

For the relationship between the energy of the unified field theory and the momentum of the unified field theory, the momentum formula of the unified field theory can be obtained by dividing both sides of the energy equation by the scalar speed of light c.

For the relationship between the unified field-theoretic energy and the relativistic momentum P'=mV [quantity p= mv].

For the square of both sides of the unified field-theoretic energy equation e = m'c² = mc²√(1 - v²/c²), we get:

e ²= m’²c²c² = m²c²c² - m²c²v²

The result:

m²c²c² = m²c²v² + m’²c²c²

m²c²c² = p²c² + m’²c²c²

This result looks the same as the theory of relativity, however, the theory of relativity considers m²c²c² to be the square of the total energy e e² = m²c²c².

Whereas, the unified field theory states that the total energy e squared is:

e ²= m’²c²c² = m²c²c² - p²c²

Forty, photon model

An electric charge that accelerates relative to our observer creates an accelerating electromagnetic field in the surrounding space, which can create an antigravitational field, which can cause the accelerating charge, or the mass and charge of certain nearby electrons to disappear.

The mass and charge of the electron disappear, causing the surrounding force field and electromagnetic properties to disappear and then excite, moving outward at the speed of light, this is called electromagnetic wave, also known as light.

A photonic model is one in which a single excited electron moves away from us in a spiral with respect to our observer, and the center of rotation is a straight line, and in this straight direction the speed of light is the speed of light.

The second is that the two excited electrons rotate around a straight line and at the same time move at the speed of light in the parallel direction of the straight line, resulting in a cylindrical spiral moving away from our observer, and the two electrons are symmetrical in the perpendicular direction of the central line.

The momentum of the photon is P = m C,

m is the mass of photon motion and C is the vector speed of light. Both the momentum at rest and the mass at rest of the photon are zero.

The moving energy of the photon is e = m c²

When an electron is subjected to an added mass force (C-V) dm/dt, it is excited with zero mass at rest, which is called a photon, which is always moving at the speed of light with respect to the observer.

The space around the particles of any object in the universe is centered on the particles and diverges to the surroundings at the speed of light, and the photons are actually stationary in space and moving with the space.

The particle nature of photons is because photons are composed of excited electrons, and the wave nature of photons is the fluctuation of space itself, and space is fluctuating all the time, and the speed of fluctuation is the speed of light.

Appendix: The main application of unified field theory - artificial field scanning technology


1. How many parts does the artificial field scanning equipment consist of?

Second, what are the specific uses of artificial field scanning?

Third, what steps do I need to complete to create an artificial field scan?

Artificial field scanning is a device that uses the positive and anti-gravitational fields generated by changing electromagnetic fields [different from anti-gravity, gravity and gravitational field dimensions are different], and works under the control of computer programs.

Artificial field scanning equipment is similar to our earth's electrical energy installations, which are a basic power source. The principle is similar to Faraday's electromagnetism and magnetovaria, which uses the mutual conversion of electromagnetic field and gravitational field.

Artificial farms are an upgraded product of electricity that can replace the electrical energy that is prevalent on our planet.

The theoretical basis of artificial field scanning is provided by the "Unified Field Theory", which can be obtained by adding Zhang Xiangqian's WeChat.

1. How many parts does the artificial field scanning equipment consist of?

The artificial field scanning equipment includes two parts, one is the artificial field scanning hardware equipment, and the other part is the software that controls the artificial field scanning equipment.

The artificial field hardware equipment can be placed in the sky, and can remotely and non-contact launch the artificial field to the ground, and can penetrate the wall to exert action on internal objects without barriers.

The generators on our planet convert other energy into electricity, and then use power lines to transmit the energy to electric motors or electrical appliances for users.

The generator is the conversion of other energy into electrical energy, and the generator itself does not create energy.

The artificial field scanning transmitter is like a generator, which cannot create energy itself, but only converts other energy [especially electrical energy and solar energy] into field energy.

Artificial fields irradiate objects, which can change the mass, charge, velocity, position, temperature, space in which the object is located, the time elapsed, etc. Or the field energy can be transmitted to the energy receiver by means of a vacuum.

The generator uses wires to deliver energy to the motor, while the artificial field sweep can deliver energy to the energy receiver over a long distance through a vacuum.

Compared with electrical energy, the artificial field generator does not need wires, and can transmit force and energy over a long distance and without contact through vacuum, which is the most important advantage of the artificial field generator. Because this makes products and devices centralized and virtualized, a small number of products and devices can be used by everyone around the world.

In the future, for example, billions of people around the world will share a giant computer.

Therefore, the emergence of artificial farms can greatly reduce the number of products in the world.

Second, what are the specific uses of artificial field scanning?

We know that electrical energy can move objects, heat them, cool them, produce sound, generate light, generate electromagnetic fields, process information, and more.

In addition to having all the functions of electrical energy, artificial field scanning can also affect time and space, that is, the irradiation of space, which can affect the length of space within a local range and the length of time when things happen in space.

It can also make objects move by influencing time, space, and then objects in space.

The positive gravitational field emitted by the artificial field scanning equipment can increase the mass of the object by irradiating the object; The resulting anti-gravitational field irradiates the object and can reduce the mass of the object, all the way down to zero.

Once an object is in a state of zero mass excitation, it suddenly moves at the speed of light.

Once an object is in a quasi-excited state close to zero mass, it will not move at the speed of light, but it can pass through a wall, and both the object and the wall will be intact.

These unique features of artificial field scanning can not only replace electricity, but also have the following uses:

1. Build a flying machine that can fly at the speed of light.

Artificial field scanning irradiates the aircraft, which can make the mass of the aircraft become zero, and as long as the mass of the aircraft becomes zero, it will suddenly move at the speed of light. This is also the flying principle of flying saucers.

2. Cold welding in construction and industrial manufacturing

The artificial field scanning irradiates the object, which can make the object in a quasi-excited state, and the two objects in the quasi-excited state can cut into each other without resistance, remove the artificial field, and the objects will be welded together, which is called cold welding.

Artificial field scanning can make cold welding super large-scale use, increase the speed of building houses, engineering, and industrial manufacturing by a hundred times, reduce the cost by a hundred times, and create myths in all aspects of human production, life, and medical treatment.

3. Manual information field scanning.

The artificial field works under the control of a complex electronic computer program, which is called an artificial information field.

The artificial information field can detect the human body, cold welding, excitation, heating, high-speed cutting, handling and other functions, and can accurately locate, identify, and batch operation of molecules and atoms.

The artificial information field can also be operated on inside the human body without affecting the outside, and the object can be removed instantly inside the human body without opening the intestine during the operation.

It can quickly and completely remove harmful substances such as cancer cells and viruses in the human body, which is simple and rude, and does not need to find the pathogenesis.

The incredible ability of artificial information fields, combined with electronic computers, can enable mankind to completely treat various infectious diseases, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other acute and chronic diseases, and can enable mankind to enter the drug-free era.

The effect of artificial information field weight loss, plastic surgery, and sculpting the human body is incredible, and there is no pain in people.

4. Disappear Movement in an Instant - Global Sports Network

Using artificial field scanning, a global sports network can be created. The global sports network was built and placed in space. When you go out to travel, as long as you bring a mobile phone, send your exercise request to the global sports network, and the global sports network uses artificial field scanning to irradiate people, and people will disappear immediately and appear where they want.

The Global Movement Network enables people and goods to be present anywhere in the world in less than a second, including in sealed rooms. However, the scope of the global motion network can only be on one planet, and to other planets, it can only take a light-speed aircraft, or a flying saucer.

5. The world's large-scale conduction without wires

If we don't strictly distinguish the difference between electrical energy and field energy, it is called field energy or electric energy, which is just the name of our people, and we can put it all

The spherical non-conductive conductive center is understood as the global central energy field, which is to provide energy to all energy users around the world remotely and non-contact from several satellites in space.

6. Convergent solar receiver

The artificial field scanning equipment irradiates the space, through influencing and compressing the space, and then can absorb the photons emitted by the sun in the space, which can receive tens of thousands of square meters of solar energy on one square meter, solve the human energy crisis, and the energy is cheap and almost free.

The solar receiver can also artificially reduce the solar energy in a certain place, combined with computer analysis, to strongly control and regulate the weather and avoid the occurrence of harmful weather, because the source of harmful weather is solar energy.

7. Infinitely compressed space storage and transmission information technology.

Any space in the universe can store the information of the entire universe, and the space can be infinitely compressed.

The use of artificial field scanning to process information, because the essence of the field is the space of cylindrical spiral motion, is equivalent to the use of space to store and transmit information, artificial field scanning can upgrade human information technology.

8. Virtual architecture and light virtual human body.

An artificial field is used to exert an influence on space, such as affecting a plane, so that this plane generates a field force, which can create a blocking force on the moving object.

Then use the artificial field to lock the light and dye the plane with color, so that a virtual plane can be generated, which can be used as a cement wall, and various virtual buildings can be formed by using this virtual wall.

Artificial field scanning can also virtualize the human body, and the virtual human body composed of light will become popular on a large scale on the planet.

Artificial field scanning technology can make many products virtual, and future computers, mobile phones, and products related to processing information can be completely virtualized.

Billions of people around the world can use a virtual mobile phone or computer, and users can quickly appear three-dimensional virtual images and sounds around them, and when they are not in use, they can disappear immediately with a wave of their hand.

9. Time and space refrigerator.

We store food in the space-time refrigerator, although the temperature inside is the same as the outside, but this space-time refrigerator is under the irradiation of the artificial field, we have been outside for a year, and the time inside has only passed a second, so the freshness of the food stored in this refrigerator is beyond the reach of ordinary refrigerators.

Conversely, a year has passed on the inside, and only a second has passed on the outside, which can also be achieved.

The basic principle of the space-time refrigerator is that the artificial field irradiates the space, which can change the speed of time passage of all events in the space.

10. Field scanning technology for consciousness reading and storage.

Human consciousness and thinking are formed by the movement of charged particles and ions moving in the human brain, which will exert a perturbation effect on space.

Artificial field scanning equipment emits field, an invisible substance, which penetrates deep into the human brain, and can record the movement form of these charged particles without damage, as well as the perturbation effect of the space around the human brain.

In this way, the person's consciousness and memory information can be completely read and recorded, so as to further copy the person's consciousness information, digitize it, and store it in the electronic computer.

After a few hundred years, human science and technology will develop to a certain extent, and then install these consciousness information in the body of an artificial, unconscious young man, or living organism, so that human immortality can become a reality.

This field scanning technology can also change the mode of education, and can deliver knowledge such as rote memorization to the human brain at high speed, so that the learning time of people can be greatly reduced.

Artificial field scanning emits the intangible substance of the field, which is the only feasible and ideal medium for the human brain to connect with the computer and the Internet. Wires, electromagnetic waves, ultrasounds, X-photons, electrons, lasers and other things that penetrate deep into the human brain will destroy the human brain.

Third, what kind of work needs to be done to create an artificial field scan?

In the first step, the essence of the electromagnetic field and the gravitational field and the definition equation are theoretically pointed out, which are the basic equations.

This basic equation has already been completed by itself.

In the second step, it is theoretically pointed out that the mathematical equation of changing the gravitational field produces the electromagnetic field, and changing the electromagnetic field produces the positive and negative gravitational fields.

This step has been completed by me.

In the third step, the test is designed according to the definition equation of gravitational field and electromagnetic field, the basic relationship equation between electric field and magnetic field, the mathematical equation of changing gravitational field to produce electromagnetic field, and changing electromagnetic field to produce gravitational field, to verify that changing electromagnetic field produces positive and negative gravitational fields.

In particular, the anti-gravitational field generated by changing the electromagnetic field, irradiating the object, can reduce the mass of the object.

On November 2, 2023, I discovered for the first time that a changing electromagnetic field produces a weak gravitational field effect.

Later trials finally determined:

The accelerating motion of a positive charge produces a gravitational field in the opposite direction of acceleration.

On March 1, 2024, the test found that the changing magnetic field produces a vortex gravitational field that can cause everything to rotate.

The fourth step is to improve the relevant application equations according to the basic definition equations, especially the quantitative equation of the gravitational field generated by changing the electromagnetic field, that is, how many charges, how much velocity, how much acceleration, how far away the gravitational field is generated, and the direction of the gravitational field is directed there, and then according to this quantitative equation, the artificial field scanning equipment model is designed and constructed.

Step 5: Design various computer programs that will serve the scanning equipment in the artificial field.

In all the applications of the artificial field, the scanning equipment of the artificial field is the same except for the size and power, and the software programs are different for different applications.

Just like the electricity emitted by a power plant, it is only that electricity can be applied in different fields, resulting in a kaleidoscopic variety of application forms.

For example, the artificial field scanning program that makes objects move and generate virtual buildings is very simple, but the artificial field scanning program that scans the human brain consciousness to treat human diseases is very complex.

The vast majority of applications of manual field scanning equipment require computer program manipulation.

Step 6: Expand the application of artificial field scanning equipment in various fields.

In particular, it completely replaces electrical energy, replaces all human electrical appliances, and expands the application of artificial fields to fields where electric energy cannot be used, such as rockets.

Artificial field scanning is a major basic science research project that can have a dramatic impact on humanity as a whole. The cost of research and development could be as high as that of the Manhattan Project in the United States. However, the most important thing in the development of artificial fields is to experiment and discover that changing electromagnetic fields produce positive and negative gravitational fields, and this experiment has already been completed by myself.

The artificial field belongs to the normal temperature technology, which does not involve low temperature and high temperature, so the material requirements are not harsh, and the difficulty is that the principle is profound, involving time, space, field, mass, charge, energy...... These are essential questions.

Since the essence of the field is a cylindrical spiral motion space, the artificial field technology can also be called spatio-temporal technology.

However, the research and development of artificial field still requires the cooperation and participation of many people, and if there is cooperation with the University of Science and Technology, theoretical calculation and experiment are carried out simultaneously, it is estimated that most of the projects in the 10 major applications of artificial field scanning can be completed in 1 to 5 years.

Chapter 2 reveals the mystery of the nature of gravity

Note 1: Unless otherwise marked in this article, the uppercase letters are vectors.

Note 2, for the convenience and simplicity of description, this paper regards the object as a point, called the particle, and this paper only describes the motion of the particle in the vacuum and the motion of the space itself, and does not describe the motion of the shape object in the medium.

Note 3, Baidu's Unified Field Theory 7th Edition can see more detailed background information.


One, what exactly is the nature of gravitation

Second, what is the medium that transmits the gravitational force

Third, what is the composition of the universe?

Fourth, what is the difference between things and things?

Fifth, how physical concepts are generated

Sixth, how to describe the movement of space itself

7. Why do objects and space in the universe move?

8. Basic assumptions

9. Why is the universe three-dimensional?

10. There is no point in talking about movement without the observer

11. Why is it said that the counterclockwise rotational motion of the space around the object produces the gravitational force

XII. The Nature and Physical Definition of Time

XIII. The physical definition of time and the equation of space-time homogenization

XIV. Strict definition of the field

XV. Defining equations for gravitational field and mass

XVI. Three forms of gravitational field

XVII. The nature and strict definition of force

XVIII. Explain Newton's three theorems

XIX. Prove that inertial mass is equivalent to gravitational mass

20. Derive the formula for gravitational force

21. Derive the wave equation of space

XXII. The relationship between the fluctuation of space and the gravitational field

Newton's theorem of gravitation is formulated as:

Any two objects in the universe are attracted to each other, and the magnitude of the attraction is directly proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to the square of their distance. The direction of gravitational force is along the line connecting two objects.

This theorem may seem simple, but its essence involves the core secrets of the universe. If human beings want to explain gravity clearly, they must have a deeper understanding of motion, and they must understand the basic physical concepts of time, space, mass, momentum, gravitational field, acceleration, and force that are closely related to gravity, and the essence of these basic physical concepts is closely related to the nature of gravity.

If someone claims to have deciphered the nature of gravity, but his paper does not mention the essential issues of time, space, mass, momentum, gravitational field, acceleration, force, etc., such a paper is worthless and not worth reading.

One, what exactly is the nature of gravitation

The most perplexing questions that gravity has given to humanity are:

1. How does the gravitational force between any two objects in the universe arise?

2. How do two objects transfer gravity to each other?

3. What medium does the objects use to transfer gravity to each other?

Actually, the nature of gravity is very simple.

As an example, if a car is moving towards you in a straight line at a constant speed, and the driver feels that he is stationary, he must think that you are moving towards the car.

If a car is speeding towards you, the driver thinks that he is stationary, and must think that you are accelerating towards the car.

It doesn't matter whether you are in motion or the car is in motion, the key and meaningful thing is that the space between the car and the person is changing.

The essence of gravity is the degree to which the space between the particles is moving, relative to the state of motion of our observers.

To put it simply, the essence of gravitation is:

Relative to us observers, two objects in space are moving at relative acceleration, or have a tendency to move at relative acceleration.

There are two issues that we need to recognize:

One is that all the objects in the universe, the surrounding space is always in motion and changing.

The other is that to describe the gravitational force between objects, it must be relative to a clear observer. All physical quantities associated with gravitational attraction have physical significance only with respect to a definite observer.

Without an observer, or without the ability to specify which observer it is, the results are uncertain or meaningless.

The change in the motion of space between two particles and the relative motion of two particles in space should be essentially the same thing. The two displacement quantities can be superimposed on each other.

Human beings are blindfolded by the word "force" of gravity. Always wondering what force is, what is force? The more I think about it, the more confused I become!

An object has volume, length, width, and height, which reflects a property of the object, and gravitation is also a property of the space itself that changes in the state of motion between the relative objects.

A girl walked in front of me, and I said this girl was beautiful, a knife, and I said it was sharp, and pretty was a property that we described to a girl, and sharpness was a quality that we described to a knife.

Force is a property that we describe the relative motion of an object [or has a tendency to relative motion], and force is not a concrete thing, but a property that we describe by us about the degree of change in the state of motion of an object in space, or the degree of change in the state of motion in the space around an object.

If two objects are moving at a relative acceleration, or if they are stationary, they have a tendency to move at a relative acceleration, and we can say that there is a force between them.

Imagine that in China, if a person holds a small ball in his hand, and at a certain moment, this person puts the ball down, and the ball accelerates from a stationary state to the earth, according to the previous view, it can also be said that the ball is always stationary in space, and it is the earth that hits the ball.

Some may argue that if we put a small ball in Brazil, our symmetrical country---- at the same time, wouldn't it be that the ball would accelerate into the air?

This rebuttal actually requires a premise:

Space is static and immobile, all objects exist and move in the still ocean of space like fish, and the existence of space is irrelevant to the movement of particles.

The key points are:

Space itself is in constant motion and change, and the movement of space and particles is closely linked.

We hold a stone in our hands and put it down, and the stone moves from the air into free fall towards the center of the earth. It can be said that the stone is still in the space, and it falls towards the center of the earth with the space.

If we can color the space, without the stones, the space will still be falling from all directions and accelerating towards the center of the earth.

This is the nature of gravity that we describe in words.

In this article, we will also use rigorous mathematical methods to describe our understanding of the nature of gravity.

Second, what is the medium that transmits the gravitational force

The Moon revolves around the Earth, and what does the Earth use to transmit its gravitational pull to the Moon?

If the Earth transmits gravity to the Moon through a special substance, can this particular substance be made up of tiny things? If it's made up of smaller things, how does gravity transfer between the gaps of these tiny things?

If the medium is not capable of being divided into many tiny things, and the internal structure is infinitely continuous, how does this nature of the medium come about? In this way, it is difficult for us to understand this particular medium.

This paper argues that any object in the universe can affect the surrounding space, which in turn can affect the objects that exist in space.

Objects interact with each other by first influencing the surrounding space and then the objects present in the space.

Space itself is always in motion, the earth transmits gravity to the moon through space, and the medium of interaction between objects is space.

Gravitational attraction is only a property, and we can say that there is an interaction between the moon and the earth and everything in the universe that has a relatively accelerated motion with respect to us observers, or a tendency to move with relative acceleration.

Third, what is the composition of the universe?

The basic assumptions of the unified field theory are:

The universe is made up of objects and space, and there is no third thing that coexists with it. The rest [including time] are the descriptions of the motion of objects and the motion of space itself by our observers.

Without an observer's description, the universe is nothing but space and objects, and nothing else.

The so-called dark matter, dark energy, God particles, gravitons, and ether are all non-existent.

Fourth, what is the difference between things and things?

Like a tree, a river, a mountain in front of us, things, the growth of trees, the flow of rivers, these are things.

In the universe, particles and space are "things", and the rest of the ------ such as time, displacement, mass, charge, field, energy, velocity, momentum, force, temperature, and sound are all "things", which are a property described by our observers when "things" move relative to our observers.

Without the observer, things do not exist, but things still exist, and this is the main difference between things and things.

5. How physical concepts are generated

The universe is made up of space and particles, and all physical phenomena are formed by the movement of particles in space relative to our observers or the movement of the space itself around the particles.

We observers summarize and summarize physical phenomena to form physical concepts.

The essence of time, gravitational field, electromagnetic field, nuclear field, speed of light, electric charge, mass, energy, momentum, force, sound, heat, --- is a property described by our observers as the motion of a particle in space or in the space itself around a particle.

Sixth, how to describe the movement of space itself

When it comes to the movement of space itself, how can we qualitatively and quantitatively describe the movement of space itself?

We divide the space into many small pieces, each piece is called the space geometric point, referred to as the space point, and the route traveled by the space point is called the space line. By describing the motion of these spatial points, the motion of the space itself can be described.

7. Why do objects and space in the universe move?

Physics is our human description of the geometric world [composed of space and objects], and physics and geometry have a correspondence. A physical phenomenon can always find a corresponding geometric state.

In physics, we describe the state of motion as corresponding to the vertical state in geometry.

The state of motion is actually the result of our observer's description of the vertical state of the three-dimensional space in geometry [that is, three straight lines perpendicular to each other can be made at any point in the three-dimensional space].

Any object in the universe, any space point in the three-dimensional vertical state of the surrounding space, its position must move relative to our observer, and the changing direction of motion and the trajectory can be reconstituted into a vertical state.

This can be called the perpendicular principle.

The changing direction of motion must be a curvilinear motion, a circular motion can make two mutually perpendicular tangents at most, and space is three-dimensional, and any point in its trajectory must make three mutually perpendicular tangents.

It is reasonable to think that the motion of space is continuous, so the motion must extend in the vertical direction of the circular plane, and it is reasonable to think that the space points of space are moving in a cylindrical spiral.

At the end of the day, the cause of the motion of an object is caused by the motion of space itself. Objects exist in space and move because of the motion influence of space itself.

We need to note that space motion refers to the movement of space around an object, and it makes no sense to talk about simple space motion apart from the object.

Without an observer, or not sure which observer, there is no point in talking about the movement of space.

8. Basic assumptions

When any object in the universe [including the body of our observer] is at rest relative to our observer, the surrounding space is centered on the object, and it moves in a cylindrical spiral (the synthesis of rotational motion and uniform linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation), and the vector speed of light C [the unified field theory holds that the speed of light can be a vector, and is represented by the capital letter C (quantity or modulus, or scalar is c, c does not change), and the direction of the vector speed of light C can change] to the periphery.

This spiral motion is a right-handed spiral.

The space around the object in the above diagram diverges in a cylindrical spiral.

From the above assumptions, the Big Bang theory is wrong, the universe has no beginning, no end, and the universe already exists.

The strong evidence for the modern Big Bang theory is that space is expanding relative to any observer.

The real reason for the expansion of space is that any object in the universe, including any observer, the surrounding space is moving at the speed of light in a cylindrical spiral, and the planets in space also move away from our observer.

So why don't the moon and the sun move away from our observers at the speed of light?

There is also a constraint here, which has to do with the initial state of motion of the object and the planet at the beginning.

For example, the Earth is stationary from the beginning with us observers, and the Moon is close to stationary with us at the beginning [compared to the speed of light]. There are only very distant planets, which have little to do with us observers, and they are very fast away from us.

9. Why is the universe three-dimensional?

We know that up to three directed straight lines perpendicular to each other can be made along any point in space, which is called three-dimensional space. Why happens to be three, not two, not four?

This reason is caused by the movement of space, if the space is a linear motion to produce a one-dimensional space, if the space is a curved motion to produce a two-dimensional space, the real situation is that the space is moving in a cylindrical spiral, so the generation is a three-dimensional space.

The reason for the three-dimensional space is that the space is in a cylindrical spiral motion at all times.

Since the three directions of space are equal, no one direction is special, when space moves, it must move in all three directions, coupled with the continuity of movement, resulting in space can only move in a cylindrical spiral.

In other words, space forms a three-dimensional space in a cylindrical spiral, and these two statements are mutually causal.

The space we live in is the spiral space of the right hand, that is, the direction of linear movement of the right thumb pointing to the space, and the direction of the four fingers of the right hand is the direction of the circular movement of the space.

As for whether there is a left-handed spiral space in the universe, there is no logical analysis, assuming that there is a left-handed spiral space, it will be rejected by the universal right-hand spiral space, and after hundreds of millions of years, it will be excluded to the infinite distance of the universe, and even if there is, we will not be able to find it.

Two right-hand spiral spaces [both frontal and counterclockwise to our observers] collide with each other, and the space where the rotation touches each other will be reduced, which is manifested as mutual attraction, while the left-hand spiral space and the right-hand spiral space will repel each other when they meet.

It cannot be ruled out that human beings can artificially create a left-handed spiral space in the future.

The cosmic space in which we live is a right-hand spiral space.

As for why this is the case? It can only be said that in the universe we live in, the right-hand spiral is positive, and the right-hand spiral has a general advantage.

Mathematically, Green's formula and Stokes' theorem say that if we walk on a certain surface, turn to the left, and finally walk a circumferential line, if the direction of the four fingers of our right hand is the same as the direction of the circumferential line we are walking, then the positive direction of the surface surrounded by this circumferential line is the direction of our right thumb

The space around the positive and negative charges is also the right-hand spiral space, but the space around the positive charge is divergent.

The space around the negative charge is convergent.


10. There is no point in talking about movement without the observer

The theory of relativity holds that many physical concepts such as time, displacement, force, and mass are relative, and there may be different values for different observers who move with each other.

If there is no observer, or no observer is specified, many physical concepts --- time, displacement, force, mass, etc., lose their meaning.

Since the physical concepts of time, displacement, force, mass, --- come from the motion of the particle in space relative to our observer, or the movement of the surrounding space itself, it is meaningless to describe motion without the observer (us).

At first glance, the above view seems to be a kind of idealism, but idealism is also wrong to think that once there is no observer, no one, everything is gone. The correct view should be this:

All the motion in the universe is relative to us, and without man, the universe gives us a scene like a freeze-frame shot of a camera, rather than not existing.

The state of motion in physics is a vertical state from a geometric point of view, and it is the same phenomenon that we observers have different results from different angles.

The state of motion is the result of our constant affirmation, negation, affirmation, negation, affirmation, negation, and negation of the position of an object in space--- and so described.

To put it simply, if there is no us observers, there is no state of motion, but there is no state of rest either, and there is no point in discussing motion or stillness.

Some people believe that the universe was still moving before there were no human beings, so the existence of motion has nothing to do with human beings.

In fact, the phrase "before there are no human beings" is a sick sentence, "without human beings" has already excluded people, how can you use human beings to define before?

Without humanity, where did there be without humanity? Because before or after it is defined by people.

In the same way, without us, where would we come from front and back, up and down, left and right, east and west, north and south? Where did it come from?

Note that the motion described in physics, space, particles, and observers must not be missing, otherwise, the motion will lose its meaning. It's a bit special to describe the change in time, the observer and the particle are actually the same thing.

To describe the motion of the space itself, it is necessary to rely on the particle as the start or end point of the motion.

To describe the motion of a particle, it is necessary to understand how the position of the particle changes in space.

There is a process of development in human understanding of movement.

Newtonian mechanics believes that to describe the motion of an object, it is necessary to find a reference object that is considered to be stationary, as a reference, and the description of motion emphasizes the distance that the object has traveled in space over a certain period of time.

Newtonian mechanics holds that the measurement of the length of time and space has nothing to do with the motion of the observer.

The theory of relativity inherits the basic ideas of Newtonian mechanics, but the theory of relativity emphasizes that the values of certain physical quantities such as time, space, mass, and force measured may be different for different observers.

The theory of relativity holds that the measurement of the length of time and space is related to the speed of the observer's motion. At low speeds, the relationship is not obvious, but close to the speed of light, it is especially noticeable.

Unified field theory holds that it is meaningless to describe motion without an observer or without specifying an observer. Choosing a reference to describe motion is sometimes unreliable.

11. Why is it said that the counterclockwise rotational motion of the space around the object produces the gravitational force

Any object in the universe is always moving in a cylindrical spiral, and the cylindrical spiral motion is a combination of rotational motion and linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation.

The electromagnetic field, the gravitational field, and the nuclear force are together in a cylindrical spiral motion space, and the gravitational field belongs to the part of the cylindrical spiral in which the rotation points to the acceleration motion of the center of rotation.

And because the rotational motion of the space we live in is counterclockwise, in some cases, it can be simply said that the gravitational field and gravitational force are caused by the counterclockwise rotation of the space around the object.

This is the reason why the 8 planets around the Sun rotate counterclockwise around the Sun.

XII. The Nature and Physical Definition of Time

All physical concepts are our observers' descriptions of the motion of a particle in space, or the motion of the space itself around a particle.

Many of the sources of physics concepts are:

The movement of particles in space gives us a sense of being, and we observers analyze and generalize these sensations to produce physical concepts.

Time can also be thought of as a sensation that something is moving in space to give us people. What is it that moves in space that gives us the sense of time?

We send a person in a spaceship to a space area tens of billions of billions of light-years away, drop the person down, and the spacecraft flies back immediately.

The other planets in this space area are very, very far away, and it is conceivable that this person still has a sense of time? What is it that particle movement gives the person a sense of time? In this case, it's just the person's body.

The correct and reasonable view is:

Time is a sense of the movement of our body in space as an observer.

When any object in the universe (including the observer's body) is at rest, the surrounding space moves in a cylindrical spiral with a vector speed of light C.

Thus, time can be assumed to be proportional to the distance traveled by the observer himself in space in a straight line at the speed of light.

With the help of the concept of spatial points, it can be argued that:

Time is the sensation that the space around us is moving at the speed of light to give us, and is proportional to the distance traveled at the speed of light by the geometric points of space around us.

It is wrong to think that the universe had time before there were human beings, so time is a human feeling.

In fact, the phrase "before there are no human beings" is a sick sentence, "without human beings" has already excluded people, how can you use human beings to define before?

Without humanity, where did there be without humanity? Because before or after it is defined by people.

In the same way, without us, where would we come from front and back, up and down, left and right, east and west, north and south? Where did it come from?

"Time" is precisely a physical concept that arises from the description of the movement of the space around one's body.

XIII. The physical definition of time and the equation of space-time homogenization

Suppose that there is a point O in a certain space area, and we are stationary relative to our observer, we take Point O as the origin point and establish a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system x,y,z,.

Any space point p in the space around point o departs from point o at time t', and after a period of time t, the position x,y,z at time t" arrives at point p, that is, the spatial coordinates of point p at time t are x,y,z is a function of time t, which varies with time t, and the loss of diameter from point o to point p is r.

R(t) =(x,y,z,t)

Unified field theory holds that time is proportional to the distance traveled by a point in space moving at the vector speed of light C, so there is the following formula:

R(t) = Ct = x i+ y j + z k

i, j, and k are unit vectors along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis, respectively.

Square the two sides of the above equation and the result is:

r² = c²t²= x²+ y² + z²

r is the number of vector R. The above equation also appears in the theory of relativity, which is considered to be a four-dimensional space-time distance, and the reality is that the essence of time is space moving at the speed of light.

The unified field theory holds that the real trajectory of point p is a cylindrical spiral, and any one dimension of three-dimensional space, as long as it moves at the speed of light relative to our observer, we can call this dimensional space time, and the theory of relativity obviously does not recognize this, which is obviously a defect of the theory of relativity.

The equation R(t) = Ct = x i+ y j + z k indicates that the essence of time is the space moving at the speed of light, so this equation can also be called the space-time homogeneity equation.

Time and space are actually the same thing, because we don't know that the essence of time is the space that moves at the speed of light, and we use the term time to call out the feeling caused by the space moving at the speed of light.

Some useful formulas can be obtained from the space-time homogenization equation R(t) = Ct = x i + y j + z k. Take this equation as a derivative of time t:

dR/dt = C= Cx + Cy + Cz

Cx, Cy, and Cz are the components of the vector speed of light C on the x, y, and z axes, respectively.

Multiply the above equation by itself, and we have:

dR·dR = c² dt dt

= cx ²+ cy ²+ cz ²

Note that dR represents both a small increment of change in the radial direction of the vector, and an increment of change in both directions in which R is radially perpendicular due to the change in direction.

XIV. Strict definition of field

In mathematics the midfield is defined as:

If in space (or a part of space), each point corresponds to a definite quantity, then such space is called a field, when the quantity corresponding to each point in space is a quantity, then the space is a quantity field, and when the quantity corresponding to each point in space is a vector quantity, then such space is called a vector field.

From the definition of a field in mathematics, it can be seen that the field is represented by a point function in space, and conversely, if a point function in space is given, a field is given.

In the previous section, we have done a lot of analysis, and related the gravitational field (referred to as the gravitational field), the electromagnetic field, and the nuclear force field with the motion of space itself, and determined that there are four major fields in physics:

The essence of gravitational fields, electric fields, magnetic fields, and nuclear fields is the space of cylindrical spiral motion.

Therefore, we give a unified definition of the four major fields of physics here:

Relative to our observer, any spatial geometric point p in the space around the particle o, pointing to the displacement vector R [referred to as the vector] of the particle changes with the spatial position x, y, z or with time t, such a space is called a physical field, which can also be called a physical force field.

To put it simply, the essence of the four major fields of physics is the space of motion change, which is also in line with the basic principle of unified field theory we have earlier: all physical phenomena are caused by the motion of the particle in space or the space around the particle itself relative to our observer.

From the above definition, we can know that the four major fields of physics are all vector fields, and different fields just have different properties in motion space. Since the exit is formed by the cylindrical spiral movement of space, it can be said that the four kinds of out are one of the fragments of this spiral movement, and the four major occasions together are a cylindrical spiral.

Note that the field is a property of the space around the particle relative to the movement of our observer, and the space, the particle and the observer must not be missing, otherwise, the field will lose its meaning.

XV. Defining equations for gravitational field and mass

Defining equations for gravitational field and mass

In the unified field theory, the mass m of the object at point o represents the number of spatial displacements in a cylindrical spiral divergence at the speed of light in a solid angle of 4π around point o.

The gravitational field A generated around point o represents the number of spatial displacements that diverge at the speed of light across the Gaussian sphere s s that surround point o.

1. Definition equation of gravitational field:

Suppose that there is a particle o that is stationary relative to our observer, and any space point p in the surrounding space, starting from point o at the vector speed of light C at time zero, moves in a cylindrical spiral in a certain direction, goes through time t, and reaches the position after p at time t'.

Let's let the point o be at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system xyz, and the sagittal diameter R from the point o to the point p is given by the previous space-time homogenization equation R = C t = x i + y j + zk:

R is a function of the spatial positions x, y, z and time t, which varies with the change of x, y, z, t, and is denoted as:

R = R(x,y,z,t)

Note that the trajectory of point p in space is a cylindrical spiral, and we can also think of it as one end of R o does not move, and the other end p moves so that R crosses a cylindrical spiral trajectory in space.

We take the scalar length r of R in R = Ct as the radius, and make the Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² [in general, the Gaussian sphere can not be a regular sphere, but the sphere is continuous and cannot have holes] to surround the particle o.

We divide the Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² into many small pieces uniformly, and we choose a small vector plane ΔS where the p point is located [ΔS direction is represented by N, and its number is the surface Δs], and we find that Δn has a displacement vector similar to p on Δs, which passes perpendicularly.

Note: The radius of the Gaussian sphere s can also not be equal to the scalar length of R, we set it to be equal, and the advantage is that the investigation point p happens to fall on the Gaussian sphere s.

Thus, the gravitational field A [quantity a] produced at space p at point o is:

a = constant multiplied by Δn/Δs

The definition of the gravitational field given in the above equation is simple and straightforward, but it is too rough to express the vector properties of the gravitational field, nor does it bring into the equation the spatial displacement R moving at the vector speed of light.

In order to achieve this, we mainly look at the situation around point P.

The vector displacement R = C t perpendicular to ΔS at point p, and in general, the vector displacement R = C t can not pass perpendicular through ΔS, but can have an angle θ with the normal direction N of the vector plane member ΔS.

At point o at rest relative to our observer, the motion of the space around point o is uniform, no direction is special, and the Gaussian sphere we use is a perfect sphere, and under these conditions, the vector R = C t is perpendicular through the vector plane element ΔS.

In this way, the gravitational field A [vector form] produced by point o at the point p of the surrounding space can be written as:

A = - g kΔn(R/r)/Δs

where g is the gravitational constant and k is the proportionality constant. Note that A and the vector R from point o to point p in space are in opposite directions.

Suppose there are n spatial displacement vectors similar to R around point o, centered on point o, in a radial distribution, but the direction of any two of them is different.

The physical meaning of n times R = nR means that n spatial displacements are all in the same direction and are superimposed.

Therefore, when the above R is a vector, only if Δn=1 has physical significance. However, we need to note that n multiplied by r [r is the number of R], when n is an integer greater than 1 still has physical significance.

So there is a formula:

A = - g kΔn(R/r)/Δs = - g k(R/r)/Δs 

Since R/r = ▽r

▽ is a Hamiltonian operator.

So, the above equation can also be written as:

A = - g kΔn(R/r)/Δs = - g k ▽r/Δs 

Why is the unit of R used as the vector R/r instead of the vector R?

Because we can only examine the direction and number of vector R on the Gaussian sphere, but not the length of vector R, the formula Δn R/Δs has no physical significance.

If R does not pass completely perpendicular to the vector plane ΔS [the quantity is Δs], and the direction N of the vector plane has an angle θ, the above equation can also be expressed by the vector point multiplication formula when the displacement R of the space point is set to 1.

A·ΔS = - a Δs cosθ = - g kΔn

In the above equation, a is the quantity of the gravitational field A.

The gravitational field A is determined by two quantities, magnitude and direction cosine.

Magnitude refers to the density (1/Δs) of the spatial displacement R of the speed of light moving on the Gaussian sphere s.

1/Δs or Δn/Δs is a function with two independent variables, which varies with Δn and Δs.

The directional cosine is the cosine of θ between the normal direction N and R of ΔS, that is, cosθ.

The directional cosine cosθ is a function with only one independent variable, which varies with θ.

The physical meaning of the equations a = constant multiplied by Δn/s and A = g kΔn(R/r)/Δs tells us that the density of the Gaussian sphere s=4πr² on a small vector plane element ΔS perpendicular through space vector displacement R [R = C t] reflects the strength of the gravitational field there.

We denote Δs in the equation A = - g k Δn(R/r)/Δs by the solid angle Ω and the radius r of the Gaussian sphere, i.e., Δs = Ωr².

A = - g k Δn(R/r)/ Ωr² 

= - g k ΔnR/Ω r³

In the figure above, we represent a small piece of vector plane Δs in a Gaussian sphere as ds. Rule:

ds = r dθ r sinθ dφ

= r² dθ sinθ dφ = r²dΩ

2. The definition equation of mass

What is the essence of quality? What is the relationship between mass and gravitational field?

Since the concept of mass originates from Newtonian mechanics, we compare the above definition equation A = g k ΔnR/Ω r³ of the geometric form of the gravitational field of unified field theory with the gravitational field equation of Newtonian mechanics A = - g m R/r³, and we can conclude that the equation for defining the mass of the object at point o should be:

m = kΔn/Ω

The differential formula is:

m = k dn /dΩ

Since space can be divided infinitely, the above differential of n, i.e., dn, makes sense.

The above k is a constant. Wrapping the integral to the right of the above equation, and the integration region is between 0 and 4π, then:

m = k∮dn / ∮dΩ =k n /4π

The physical meaning of the above equation is:

The mass m of the point o represents that there are n spatial displacement vectors distributed in the surrounding solid angle 4π R = C t.

The above m = k/dn /dΩ is the geometric form of the mass defining equation.

In many cases, we set n to 1 to get a simplified definition of mass:

m = k /Ω

Once we know the nature of mass, we can explain the gravitational field equation A = - g m R/r³ in Newtonian mechanics.

According to Newtonian mechanics, we take the earth [represented by point o, we observers stand on the earth] as an example, a satellite above the earth [represented by point p], and the position vector [intermediate symmetrical vector] from point o to point p is represented by R [quantity r].

Then the gravitational field A = - g m R/r³ generated at point o at point p indicates that on a Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² with radius r, a small vector plane ΔS is split, and a vector R is crossed on ΔS, and R and A are in opposite directions.

The reciprocal of the number of ΔS reflects the magnitude of the gravitational field, and the opposite direction of ΔS is the direction of the gravitational field.

It is important to note that the gravitational field equation of the unified field theory reflects a certain moment in time, or a certain moment in time.

Finding the curl for the stationary gravitational field A = - g k Δn R/Ω r³ of the unified field theory, the result is zero when Δn and Ω are constants [i.e., the mass is constant]:

▽×A = 0

For the divergence of the resting gravitational field A = - g k Δn R/Ω r³, the result is also zero if (m = kΔn/Ω) is constant:

▽· A = 0

However, in the case that r is close to zero [it can also be said that the space point p is infinitely close to the o point], and the o point can be regarded as an infinitesimal sphere, the equation appears 0/0, and the Dirac δ function can be obtained:

▽· A =4π g u

g is the gravitational constant, u = m/ΔxΔyΔz is the density of the object o point.

The curl and divergence of the gravitational field definition equation given by the unified field theory are consistent with the divergence and curl of the gravitational field given by Newtonian mechanics.

4. The relativistic mass-velocity relation is derived from the mass-defining equation

The theory of relativity uses the equations of conservation of momentum and relativistic velocity transformation, and the relativistic mass-velocity relation can be derived, in which the mass increases with the increase of the velocity of the object.

The theory of relativity also uses the mass-velocity relationship to derive the relativistic mass-energy equation, so the mass-velocity relationship is very important.

Next, we use the equation of mass definition to derive the mass-velocity relationship directly.

Suppose a mass O of mass m' that is always stationary at the coordinate origin O of the S' system.

The s system moves in the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar is v] relative to the s' system, and the x-axis of the s system and the x' axis of the s' system coincide with each other.

In the opinion of the observer in the s system, the mass of point o is m, and we use the above mass geometry definition equation m∮dΩ = k ∮dn to find the mathematical relationship between V and m, m'.

When the point o moves, we should reasonably think that it will not cause a change in the number n of the space point vector displacement R, but it may cause a change in the Ω of the solid angle, so we only need to find the satisfactory relationship between the motion velocity V and Ω, and we can find the relationship between m' and m.

The definition of solid angle Ω is:

On the spherical surface s with o point as the center of the sphere and radius r = 1, a small piece of Δs is divided, with Δs as the base and o point as the vertex to form a cone h, then Δs is equal to the solid angle of the cone h.

The magnitude of the solid angle Ω of the cone h is the ratio of the base area Δs of the vertebrae to the radius r squared of the sphere, and when Δs is infinitely small, it becomes ds, and there are:

dΩ = ds/r²

When r = 1, the above equation becomes dΩ = ds.

The above is to use the base area of the vertebral body to define the solid angle, and now we will generalize the above definition of the solid angle, and use the volume of the vertebral body to define the solid angle.

On a spherical surface s with point o as the center of the sphere and radius r = 1, a small piece of Δs is divided, with Δs as the base surface and point o as the vertex to form a cone h, then the volume of the cone h is equal to the solid angle of the cone h.

The size of the solid angle Ω of the cone h is the ratio of the volume of the cone, Δv, to the radius r cube of the sphere, when Δv is infinitely small, it becomes dv, there are:

dΩ = dv/r³

When r = 1, the above equation becomes dΩ = dv.

With the above preparatory knowledge, let's consider the above o points in the s' system, the quality at rest

m = k∮dn/∮dΩ

If we take a unit sphere volume of radius 1 and divide a cone with a vertex at point o and a volume of dv' instead of dΩ' in the above equation, then:

m = k∮dn/∮dv

Correspondingly, in the s system, when the point o moves in a straight line at a constant velocity V [scalar is v], the mass

m = k∮dn/∮dv

Note that n is the same in the s' system and in the s system, that is, the velocity V of point o cannot change the number of displacements n of the geometric point.

We can find the relationship between m and m' by simply finding the relationship between dv'= dxdydz' and dv = dx dydz.

According to the Lorenz positive transformation in the theory of relativity [because we default to the observer I am in the s system, and the particle o is in motion relative to me]:

x’ = (x - vt )/√(1- v²/c²)

y = y

z = z

t = (t - v x/c²)/√(1- v²/c²)

Derive the differential formula:

dx = dx/√(1- v²/c²)

dy = dy

dz = dz

This leads to this:

m' = k∮dn/∮dv' = k ∮dn/∮dxdydz'

m = k ∮dn/∮dv = k∮dn/∮dx dy dz

由∮dxdydz' = ∮dy dz dx/√(1- v²/c²)

You can export:

m= m√(1- v²/c²)

When point o moves at velocity V, the mass increases by a relativistic factor √ (1- v²/c²), which is consistent with the theory of relativity.

XVI. Three forms of the gravitational field

Since the essence of the gravitational field, electromagnetic field, and nuclear force field is the derivative of the motion of the three-dimensional space itself [relative to our observer] with respect to time or space position, we can say what is the amount of motion of space in a certain three-dimensional range, what is the amount of motion in space in a certain two-dimensional plane, and what is the amount of motion of space in a curve. In this way, the corresponding gravitational field has three forms:

1. The distribution of the gravitational field in three dimensions.

2. The distribution of the gravitational field on a two-dimensional surface [including planes].

3. The distribution of the gravitational field on a one-dimensional curve [including straight lines].

Note that in the above 1, although the three-dimensional space does not seem to be a vector, in practical application, it is necessary to consider the vector of the three-dimensional space, the divergence in the field theory, and use the vertical lines of the three faces perpendicular to each other of the cube as the direction of the three-dimensional space.

Three-dimensional space also has positive and negative, the space around the object diverges outward, the space around the object diverges outward, and the space around the object converges inward, which is negative space.

In the above 2, the surface can be directional, the convex direction of the surface is positive, and the concave surface is negative.

The curves in the above 3 can also have directions.

For gravitational fields, there are differential and integral equations for the distribution of gravitational fields in three-dimensional space.

There are differential and integral equations for the distribution of gravitational fields in two-dimensional surfaces.

There are differential and integral equations for the distribution of gravitational fields in a one-dimensional curve.

The Gaussian divergence theorem describes the mathematical relationship between the distribution of the gravitational field in three-dimensional space and on a curved surface.

Stokes' curl theorem, on the other hand, describes the mathematical relationship between the distribution of the gravitational field on a surface and on a curve.

Describing the mathematical relationship between the distribution of the gravitational field in three-dimensional space and the distribution between curves is the gradient theorem.

Since the essence of the gravitational field is the derivative of the spatial displacement n R with respect to time t, or the derivative of the three-dimensional space volume dxdydz, the two-dimensional space surface S, and the one-dimensional space curve L.

With the help of the space-time homogenization equation R(t) = Ct = x i+ y j + z k, we can easily derive the field equation form of the derivative of the spatial displacement with respect to the spatial position quantity from the field equation form of the derivative of the spatial displacement quantity with respect to the time quantity.

The reverse is the same.

The space-time identity equation can explain the invariance of the speed of light, the Gaussian theorem of the electromagnetic field, the gravitational field, the magnetic field generated by the changing electric field, the electric field generated by the changing magnetic field, and the spatial wave equation.

XVII. The nature and strict definition of force

Force is defined as:

Relative to us observers, force is the amount of change in the amount and direction of motion of an object in space [or in the space itself around the object] within a certain space [or in a certain period of time].

XVIII. Explain Newton's three theorems

Newtonian mechanics includes three major theorems and the theorem of universal gravitation.

The three theorems of Newtonian mechanics are formulated as:

1. Any object [or particle] tries to maintain a uniform linear motion or a stationary state until an external force changes.

2. When the force on the object accelerates the object, the acceleration generated is proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object, and the direction of acceleration is consistent with the direction of the force.

3, The force exerted by one object on another object is always subjected to a reaction force that is equal in size to another object and opposite in the opposite direction.

Newtonian mechanics is only true in relation to a certain observer according to modern view.

Newton defined the mass m and velocity V of an object as momentum P = mV,

After careful analysis, the core of Newtonian mechanics is the concept of momentum, and the concept of momentum first came from Newtonian mechanics.

1. Relative to a certain observer, any particle with mass m in space tries to maintain a definite momentum mV, and V is the speed of the particle moving in a straight line in a certain direction, including the state of rest with zero velocity [momentum must be zero at the same time].

2. The particle is affected by the external force, which will change the momentum, and the rate of change of momentum P with time t is the external force F= dP/t = d(mV)/dt = m A

3. The momentum of the particle is conserved, in an isolated system, when the particles interact, the momentum gained by one particle is always lost by the other particle, while the total momentum is constant.

In Newtonian mechanics, it is believed that mass m is invariant, while the theory of relativity holds that mass is variable, however, the theory of relativity inherits some other ideas from Newtonian mechanics.

The momentum formula of relativity is the same as the Newtonian mechanical form, except that in relativity the mass m can be a variable.

Unified field theory unravels the nature of mass and thus provides a thorough explanation of Newtonian mechanics.

According to the view of unified field theory, Newton's three theorems can be further understood as:

1. Relative to our observer, the space around any object itself diverges outward at the vector speed of light C, and in the range of the solid angle 4π, the number of spatial displacements n of the speed of light motion is the mass m = k n/4π of this object. So, when an object is at rest it has a momentum at rest mC, when we try to make the object move, we have to apply a momentum [mass times velocity,] to make mC change.

2. Force is the reason for changing the state of motion of the space around the object diverging at the vector speed of light C and moving at the speed V, and it is also the reason for the change of momentum, so we use momentum to find the derivative of time to express the force.

Force is defined as the amount of change in the motion state of an object moving in space [or in the space around the object itself] in a certain range of space [or in a certain period of time].

3. Momentum is the synthesis of the amount of motion of the object in space (mV) and the motion of the space itself around the object (mC) m(C-V), which is a conserved quantity, and the form of momentum measured by the observers of mutual motion is not the same, while the number of total momentum remains unchanged and has nothing to do with the observer's observation.

XIX. Prove that inertial mass is equivalent to gravitational mass

According to Newtonian mechanics, inertial mass reflects the degree to which an object is not easily accelerated, while gravitational mass reflects the ability to accelerate other objects.

At the above point o with mass m, with respect to our observer at rest, if there is a point p with mass m' at a distance from r, the gravitational force F of point o will cause point p to have an acceleration pointing towards point o - A, and

F= - (g m m’/r²)

F= - mA

Newton, without giving an explanation, equated the inertial mass m' in the formula F= - mA with the gravitational mass m' in the formula F= - (g m m'/r²)[R], and the following equation was obtained:

A= -g m /r²)【R

r is the quantity of R, and [R] is the unit vector of R. This is what is often said to be the equivalent of inertial mass to gravitational mass.

If we prove that the acceleration A at point p is equal to the gravitational field generated at point o at point o, we can prove that the inertial mass is equivalent to the gravitational mass.

Let's prove it.

In the gravitational field equation A = - g k n R/Ω r³ given above, in order to facilitate the analysis of the problem, we make the number n of the spatial displacement vector R = C t of the speed of light motion is 1, and the vector from point o to point p is represented by R, then the gravitational field equation is:

A= - g k R/Ωr³

In the above equation, we make the quantity r of R constant, but the direction changes, so that the gravitational field A becomes the corresponding change between the direction of the spatial displacement R of the speed of light and the solid angle Ω.

Ω is a solid angle on the Gaussian sphere s= 4πr² surrounding point o, and the magnitude of the Ω is proportional to R· R = c²t²。

Because the number of R, r, is constant, R is a vector quantity, and an area can be drawn on the Gaussian sphere s by changing in two directions perpendicular to the radial direction of R, and this area is proportional to Ω. Because the magnitude of the Ω is equal to the area of a Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² (r is set to 1 or a constant).

So, there are:

A= - g k R/ c²t²r³

Since g, k, c, and r are all constants, combine the constants to get:

A = - constant multiplied by R/ t²

Finding the derivatives of R and t² twice against t yields:

A= - constant multiplied by d²R/ dt²

Since Newtonian mechanics is the earliest mechanical system in human history, the above constants can be set to 1, just as the proportionality constant of Newton's second theorem can be set to 1. So, there are:

A= - d²R/ dt²

Proof is complete.

20. Derive the formula for gravitational force

We observers stand on the earth and drop a stone with no other force but the gravitational pull of the earth, and it starts to fall from a resting state in a free fall motion towards the center of the earth.

According to the unified field theory, when there is no stone, the space in which the stone is located still falls towards the center of the earth in the way of the stone.

If you can color the space, you will see that the space is constantly falling towards the center of the earth, which is the nature of gravity.

We set this stone as point p, with m for the mass of the stone, and earth as point o, and m' for the mass of the earth.

According to our previous explanation of Newton's three theorems, the gravitational force F at point p at point o can be expressed as:

F = m A

In the previous proof of the equivalence of inertial mass to gravitational mass, we know that the gravitational field A generated by the Earth at point p (the accelerated motion of space itself towards the Earth) and the acceleration at point p (the accelerated motion of the object in space) are equivalent, such that:

A = - g mR/r³

In the above equation, g is the gravitational constant, R is the position vector from point o to point p, and r is the distance from point o to point p.

The formula for gravitation is derived from the equations F = - m A and A = g m'R/r³:

F = - g m mR/r³

Since the gravitational force is directed towards the observer, it is negative because it is in the opposite direction to the vector.

The above tells us that the essence of gravitational force comes from the relative acceleration motion, and the nature of the interaction force is also an inertial force.

We regard the gravitational field A = - g m'R/r³ around the earth as the degree of motion of the space around the earth, if another particle p suddenly appears around the earth, the space around the particle p will also have the same motion of the space around the earth, so that the gravitational field A = - g m'R/r³ around the earth will change.

We understand the gravitational force F of the earth at point p as the degree of change in the gravitational field around the earth caused by the mass m [m proportional to n/4π] at point p.

The degree of change must be in the range of angles 4π, changing n A = g m'R/r³, so,

F = - constant multiplied by n/4πg( m'R/r³) = - g m m'R/r³

According to Newtonian mechanics, a satellite [represented by point p] over the earth [represented by point p] rotates in a perfect circle around the earth, and at a certain moment, the acceleration A from point p to point o is the gravitational field generated by the earth at point p.

We can imagine that the satellite is small, tiny, and its acceleration A towards the Earth can still represent the magnitude and direction of the gravitational field where point p is located.

According to the idea of unified field theory - the field is the motion of space itself, when we take away the satellite, just the space point where the satellite is located [we still denote it by p] revolves around the earth, and its acceleration towards the earth can still represent the magnitude and direction of the gravitational field where the space point p is located.

If we use R to denote the sagittal diameter of the position from point o to point p, then R and A are proportional to each other, but in opposite directions, satisfying the following relation:

A = - k R

k is a constant. The above equation shows that the gravitational field generated around the stationary object is a gradient field.

Since the gravitational field is equivalent to acceleration, we know that acceleration and displacement are proportional, but in the opposite direction, it is a wave process.

This shows that the gravitational field is fluctuating. This wave is a wave of space itself, a spiral wave and a transverse wave, the direction of the wave is perpendicular to the direction of vibrational displacement, and the speed of the wave is the speed of light.

If the magnitude of the sagittal diameter R does not change, but only a change in direction, fixed at one end and orbiting at the other, then:

∮A·dR = 0

The above indicates that the gravitational field generated by a stationary object in the surrounding space is a conservative field.

Extending the above ideas, we let go of a stone in our hands on the surface of the earth, and the stone begins to fall from a stationary state to the center of the earth at an accelerated rate. If there were no stones, the space where the stones were located would still be falling towards the center of the earth at an accelerated rate in the same way as stones.

If we could color the space around the Earth, we would see space falling from all directions towards the center of the Earth all the time.

This is the nature of the gravitational field. From the perspective of the cylindrical spiral motion in space, the gravitational field is the part of the acceleration of the first circle of the cylindrical spiral rotation in space towards the center.

21. Derive the volatility of space

It has been pointed out that the space around the object diverges to the surroundings in a cylindrical spiral, and the vector displacement of the space point outside the particle changes with the spatial position and with time.

The physical quantity [here is the displacement of the spatial point outside the particle] changes with the spatial position and time, and can be regarded as having a fluctuation process.

We know that there is a big difference between a wave and a cylindrical spiral motion, which is the propagation of a vibration in a medium, unlike a spiral motion, which is the movement of a particle in space. But for this particular thing of space, the two sports are compatible.

There is no wave effect in the motion of a spatial point, but the same is true for a group of spatial points.

In addition, since there is absolutely no difference between one point in space and another, it can be concluded that the cylindrical spiral motion of space contains a wave form.

Next, we derive the wave equation of space-time from the previous space-time homogenization equation R(t) = Ct = x i+ y j +z k.

Suppose that there is a mass o somewhere in the universe, which is stationary relative to our observer, according to the previous physical definition of time and the space-time identity equation, the time t of the o point and the observer can be represented by the displacement of a space point p around the point o R(t) = Ct = x i + y j + z k.

We take R as a derivative of time t, and we have the result:

dR/dt = C

Square the two sides of the above equation and have the result:

(dR/ dt)· (dR/dt )= c ²= dr dr/dt dt

c is the scalar of the vector speed of light C, and r is the scalar of R.

Now let's consider another point in space, p', which moves around point o, and we denote its displacement by L, which varies with time t and is a function of time t, and from the relationship between R and t, we can conclude that L is a function of R.

We find the derivative twice of the displacement L of the spatial point p' against the number r of the spatial displacement R, and we have the result:

²L/ r² = ²L/ c ²

²L/x² + ²L/y² +²L/z² = ²L/c²

r is the number of vector R. The above differential sign d has been changed to a partial differential ∂.

The partial differential equation ∂²L/∂t²=c²∂²L/ ∂r² is solved, and the general solution is:

L(r, t) = f(t r /c)+g(t + r /c)

f and g denote two independent functions, and the equation L(r,t) = f(t - r/c) can be thought of as the wave of the space point traveling outward from the point of mass o.

Whereas the equation L(r,t) = f(t + r/c) is traditionally considered to be non-existent in physics and is considered to be a wave converging from infinity to point o.

For ordinary media, it seems that there is no such physical significance, but for the special medium of space, there is physical significance. This can actually explain the source of the negative charge, which will be discussed in more detail later.

The above equation also includes the form of linear motion in all directions centered on point O, and the motion of converging straight lines from all directions to point O. This motion can be seen as the limit case where the amplitude of the spiral wave approaches zero.

Equation ∂²L/∂t²=c²∂²L/ ∂r² satisfies this equation with two special solutions: L = a cosω(t–r/c) and L = a sinω(t–r/c).

The wave velocity c above is the speed of light, and the wave of space-time is a transverse wave.

If the continuity of motion is considered, the components of displacement L on the x-axis, y-axis Lx and Ly are combined, and the form of motion in the vertical plane of the z-axis should be a circle.

So, in some cases, Lx and Ly take a cosine wave in one and a sine wave in the other. Thus, there is the following cylindrical spiral space-time wave equation:

Lx = r cosω(t–z/c)

Ly = r sinω(t–z/c)

XXII. The relationship between the fluctuation of space and the gravitational field

Mass and gravitational fields are the source of fluctuations in space, electromagnetic fields are the propagation of fluctuations, and the speed of propagation is the speed of light.

Consider generalizing the displacement of geometric points to three-dimensional space, that is, the displacement of geometric points R [quantity r] not only changes with the z-axis, but also with the changes of the x, y-axis, change x or y to r, and there is a corresponding wave equation:

∂²r/∂x² + ∂²r/∂y² +∂²r/∂z² = (∂²r/∂t²)/ c².

This wave equation can also be expressed as:

▽²• r = (²r/t²)/ c².

From this, we get the following view: the existence of the space around the object is a fluctuating process, the speed of fluctuation is the speed of light, and the displacement of the geometric point of space with time and the change with the position of space can reflect the gravitational field around the object, and the two are equivalent.

The propagation of the gravitational field around an object is wavering, and the speed of the fluctuation is the speed of light.

Why the speed of light?

According to the previous analysis, the mass of the object and the gravitational field generated around it are caused by the movement of the speed of light in the space around the object, and the gravitational force is the degree of change in the gravitational field.

When the state of motion of this object changes, the form of change will definitely spread outward at the speed of light, for example, we use a faucet to spray water in all directions, we shake the faucet to bend the flow of water, and this curved form will definitely propagate to the surroundings at the speed of water spraying, so the propagation speed of gravitation is the speed of light.

Chapter 3: Unraveling the Mystery of the Nature of Electric Charge and Electromagnetic Fields


First, the rationale

Second, the basic assumptions

Third, how to describe the movement of space itself

Fourth, why space and objects move

5. Physical definition of time

Sixth, the space-time identity equation

7. Definition of field

Eighth, the geometrically defining equation of gravitational field and mass

1. Definition equation of gravitational field

2. The definition equation of mass

9. Defining equations for charge and electric field

1. The equation for defining the charge,

2. Prove the relativistic invariance of electric charge

3. Some problems with the definition of electric charge

4. Geometrically defined equations for the electric field

5. Explain Coulomb's law

6, Positive and negative charge models

10. Equations for the definition of magnetic fields

Eleven, the magnetic monopole does not exist

Twelve, the velocity multiplied by the rate of change of mass over time is the electromagnetic field force

XIII. Derive Maxwell's equations

Curl of the electrostatic field E'

2. The divergence of the electrostatic field E'

3. Gauss's theorem for the moving electric field E is derived

4. Gauss's theorem for magnetic fields is derived

5. Derive Faraday's electromagnetic induction theorem

6. Derive the current and change the electric field to produce a magnetic field

14. Why magnetic fields are repelled by the same poles and attracted by different poles

Fifteenth, why positive and negative charges can cancel each other out

This article is a vector with a capital letter,

The concept of particle in this article is that in order to describe the convenience of the movement of the object in space, we idealize the object as a point without considering the shape and line length of the object, which is called a particle.

It doesn't make sense to discuss the volume and geometric length of a particle in this article, because it violates our conventions.

This article only describes the motion of the particle in the vacuum, not the motion of the shaped object in the medium.

Baidu Unified Field Theory 7th Edition, you can see a detailed background analysis.

Unified field theory holds that the essence of a field is the space around an object that moves in a cylindrical spiral with respect to our observer.

In order to unravel the nature of electric charges and electromagnetic fields, we first need to prepare some basics.

First, the rationale

The universe is made up of space and objects, the rest does not exist, and the rest is the description of the motion of objects and the motion of the space around the object itself.

Second, the basic assumptions

Relative to our observers, the space around any object in the universe moves at the vector speed of light C [in the unified field theory, the direction of the vector speed of light C can change, and its mode is the scalar speed of light c, c does not change], with the object as the center, and divergent in a cylindrical spiral.

Space is centered on a positive charge and moves at the speed of vector light towards the surrounding infinity.

Space moves from all directions, from infinity, at the speed of vector light towards a negative charge.

Third, how to describe the movement of space itself

We divide the space into many small pieces, each small piece is called the space point, and the trajectory of the space point is called the space line, and by describing the movement of the space point, we can describe the movement of the space itself.

Fourth, why space and objects move

Physics is our human description of geometry.

Therefore, any phenomenon in physics always has a corresponding geometric form.

The phenomenon of motion in physics corresponds to the perpendicular state in geometry.

The three-dimensional vertical state of space in geometry [that is, three line segments perpendicular to each other can be made at any point in space], which is described by us as a physical state of motion.

The position of any spatial point in the three-dimensional vertical state of space must move relative to our observer, and the changing direction of motion and the trajectory can be reconstituted into a vertical state.

The constant change in the direction of motion [when the z-motion is continuous] is definitely a curvilinear motion, and the common curvilinear motions are circumferential and elliptical, parabolic, hyperbola, etc.

In the case where the particle is stationary relative to our observer, the distribution of motion in the space around the particle should be uniform, and there will be no one direction that is special.

Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the points of space are moving in a circular motion, not an ellipse or other forms of motion such as parabola or hyperbola.

Since space is three-dimensional, the circular motion of the points of space is not confined to a plane, and it is reasonable to assume that it extends in the vertical direction of the plane.

Therefore, any point of mass O, in our observer's opinion, any point P in space outside point O is always moving in a cylindrical spiral (i.e., the superposition of rotational motion and linear motion perpendicular to the plane of rotation).

In unified field theory, the motion of an object is due to the motion of space itself.

5. Physical definition of time

The space around any object in the universe [including our observer's body] is centered on the object, in a cylindrical shape, and divergent to the surroundings at the vector speed of light C, and this movement of space gives us the sense of time as the observer.

With the help of the concept of spatial points, it can be assumed that time is proportional to the distance traveled by the spatial points around the observer at the vector speed of light C.

Sixth, the space-time identity equation

Since time t is proportional to the spatial displacement R of the point of space moving at the speed of light c, so:

  R(t) =ctr= xi + yj + zk 

[r] is the unit vector of the vector R, and i, j, and k are the unit vectors along the x, y, and z axes, respectively.

If it is considered that the speed of light can be a vector in some case (represented by a capital C, the direction of the vector speed of light can change, and the modulo c does not change), then:

   R(t) =Ct= xi+ yj + zk 
  r² = c²t² = x²+y² + z²

7. Definition of field

Relative to our observer, the displacement vector R(x,y,z) of any spatial geometric point p pointed by the particle o to the surrounding space changes with the spatial position (x,y,z) or with time t, and such space is called a field, which can also be called a physical force field, or a physical vector field.

The above is a unified definition of the four major fields of electric field, magnetic field, gravitational field, and nuclear force field.

Since the field is the motion of space itself, there are, the distribution of the field on the curve, the distribution of the field on the surface, and the distribution of the field on the three-dimensional dimension.

We need to realize that the same field, for example, the distribution of the electric field on the curve and the distribution on the surface, cannot be directly added or sheared.

However, it is possible to add or subtract the electric field distributed on the curve around a charge and the magnetic field distributed on the surface. Cause The magnetic field can be seen as a changing form of the electric field, and the electric field can also be seen as a changing form of the magnetic field.

Eighth, the geometrically defining equation of gravitational field and mass

In the unified field theory, the mass m of the object at point o represents the number of spatial displacements in a cylindrical spiral divergence at the speed of vector light in a 4π solid angle around point o.

The gravitational field A generated around point o represents the number of spatial displacements that diverge at the speed of light across the Gaussian sphere s s that surround point o.

1. Definition equation of gravitational field

Suppose that there is a particle o that is stationary relative to our observer, and any space point p in the surrounding space, starting from point o at the vector speed of light C at time zero, moves in a cylindrical spiral in a certain direction, goes through time t, and reaches the position after p at time t'.

Let's let the point o be at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system xyz, and the sagittal diameter R from the point o to the point p is given by the previous space-time homogenization equation R = C t = x i + y j + zk:

R is a function of the spatial positions x, y, z and time t, which varies with the change of x, y, z, t, and is denoted as:

R = Rx,y,z,t

Note that the trajectory of point p in space is a cylindrical spiral, and we can also think of it as one end of R o does not move, and the other end p moves so that R crosses a cylindrical spiral trajectory in space.

We take the scalar length r of R in R = Ct as the radius, and make the Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² [in general, the Gaussian sphere can not be a regular sphere, but the sphere is continuous and cannot have holes] to surround the particle o.

We divide the Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² into many small pieces uniformly, and we choose a small vector plane ΔS where the p point is located [ΔS direction is represented by N, and its number is the surface Δs], and we find that Δn has a displacement vector similar to p on Δs, which passes perpendicularly.

Note: The radius of the Gaussian sphere s can also not be equal to the scalar length of R, we set it to be equal, and the advantage is that the investigation point p happens to fall on the Gaussian sphere s.

Thus, the gravitational field A [quantity a] produced at space p at point o is:

a = constant multiplied by Δn/Δs

The definition of the gravitational field given in the above equation is simple and straightforward, but it is too rough to express the vector properties of the gravitational field, nor does it bring into the equation the spatial displacement R moving at the vector speed of light.

In order to achieve this, we mainly look at the situation around point P.

The vector displacement R = C t perpendicular to ΔS at point p, and in general, the vector displacement R = C t can not pass perpendicular through ΔS, but can have an angle θ with the normal direction N of the vector plane member ΔS.

At point o at rest relative to our observer, the motion of the space around point o is uniform, no direction is special, and the Gaussian sphere we use is a perfect sphere, and under these conditions, the vector R = C t is perpendicular through the vector plane element ΔS.

In this way, the gravitational field A [vector form] produced by point o at the point p of the surrounding space can be written as:

A = - g kΔnR/r/Δs

where g is the gravitational constant and k is the proportionality constant. Note that A and the vector R from point o to point p in space are in opposite directions.

Suppose there are n spatial displacement vectors similar to R around point o, centered on point o, in a radial distribution, but the direction of any two of them is different.

The physical meaning of n times R = nR means that n spatial displacements are all in the same direction and are superimposed.

Therefore, when the above R is a vector, only if Δn=1 has physical significance. However, we need to note that n multiplied by r [r is the number of R], when n is an integer greater than 1 still has physical significance.

So there is a formula:

A = - g kΔnR/r/Δs = - g kR/r/Δ

Why is the unit of R used as the vector R/r instead of the vector R?

Because we can only examine the direction and number of vector R on the Gaussian sphere, but not the length of vector R, the formula Δn R/Δs has no physical significance.

If R does not pass completely perpendicular to the vector plane ΔS [the quantity is Δs], and the direction N of the vector plane has an angle θ, the above equation can also be expressed by the vector point multiplication formula when the displacement R of the space point is set to 1.

A·ΔS = - a Δs cosθ = - g kΔn

In the above equation, a is the quantity of the gravitational field A.

The gravitational field A is determined by two quantities, magnitude and direction cosine.

Magnitude refers to the density (1/Δs) of the spatial displacement R of the speed of light moving on the Gaussian sphere s.

1/Δs or Δn/Δs is a function with two independent variables, which varies with Δn and Δs.

The directional cosine is the cosine of θ between the normal direction N and R of ΔS, that is, cosθ.

The directional cosine cosθ is a function with only one independent variable, which varies with θ.

The physical meaning of the equations a = constant multiplied by Δn/s and A = g kΔn(R/r)/Δs tells us that the density of the Gaussian sphere s=4πr² on a small vector plane element ΔS perpendicular through space vector displacement R [R = C t] reflects the strength of the gravitational field there.

We denote Δs in the equation A = - g k Δn(R/r)/Δs by the solid angle Ω and the radius r of the Gaussian sphere, i.e., Δs = Ωr².

A = - g k ΔnR/r/ Ωr² 

= - g k ΔnR/Ω r³

In the figure above, we represent a small piece of vector plane Δs in a Gaussian sphere as ds. Rule:

ds = r dθ r sinθ dφ

= r² dθ sinθ dφ = r²dΩ

2. The definition equation of mass

What is the essence of quality? What is the relationship between mass and gravitational field?

Since the concept of mass originates from Newtonian mechanics, we compare the definition equation A = - g k ΔnR/Ω r³ of the gravitational field geometry in the unified field theory above with the gravitational field equation A = - g m R/r³ of Newtonian mechanics, and we can conclude that the mass definition equation of the object o point should be:

m = kΔn/Ω

The differential formula is:

m = k dn /dΩ

Since space can be divided infinitely, the above differential of n, i.e., dn, makes sense.

The above k is a constant. Wrapping the integral to the right of the above equation, and the integration region is between 0 and 4π, then:

m = kdn / dΩ =k n /4π

The physical meaning of the above equation is:

The mass m of the point o represents that there are n spatial displacement vectors distributed in the surrounding solid angle 4π R = C t.

The above m = k/dn /dΩ is the geometric form of the mass defining equation.

In many cases, we set n to 1 to get a simplified definition of mass:

m = k /Ω

9. Defining equations for charge and electric field

1. The equation for the definition of electric charge

In the unified field theory, charge and mass are both motion effects of the space around the particle moving at the speed of light and in a cylindrical spiral, and they have a common origin - the divergent motion of space at the speed of light.

Suppose that the particle o is stationary relative to our observer, and the surrounding space point p leaves the o point in a cylindrical spiral at time 0, and the vector from the o point to the p point is R, and we make a Gaussian sphere s=4πr² with the number of R r to surround the o point.

Because the endpoint p of R moves in a cylindrical spiral motion, it moves along a straight line, and the vertical rotation motion along the straight line is superimposed, and the result of the rotation is to draw a solid angle Ω on the Gaussian surface s.

As previously stated, point o with mass m can be expressed as:

m = k(1/Ω)

The mass m represents the spatial displacement vector R that passes through n speeds of light within the solid angle 4π surrounding the o point, and the equation m = k(1/Ω) is a simplification of the mass-defining equation, indicating that there happens to be an R. on the unit solid angle Ω.

In unified field theory, if the particle o has a charge q, q denotes the number of R's that pass through a solid angle per unit of time. That is, the degree of change in mass m with time t is the charge, so there is a defining equation for charge:

q = k’dm/dt = - k’k (dΩ/dt)/ Ω²

where k' is a constant.

The above is the differential definition equation of charge, which can also be considered as the geometric form of charge definition equation.

This charge definition equation reflects that the magnitude of the charge is related to the angular velocity of the solid angle of rotational motion in space around the particle.

Since Ω is a solid angle, 4π is one of the most important values, which is the fundamental reason for the quantization of charge. The change of (dΩ/dt) is the change of angle, and the change is reciprocating, so the change of time t is periodic.

From this definition, it can be seen that the nature of the charge is closely related to the frequency of rotation in space.

The definition of charge here is partly a reasoning, that is, the degree of motion of the space around an object particle diverging at the speed of light in a cylindrical spiral, and partly a hypothesis.

We get this charge definition equation to see if it matches our knowledge, and if it all does, it shows that the charge definition equation is correct and reliable.

This charge definition equation can only be applied to a single charge, and for macroscopic objects, there are many positive and negative charge particles in it, which cannot be directly used, because most of the positive and negative charges of macroscopic objects cancel each other out.

2. Prove the relativistic invariance of electric charge

In the theory of relativity, the electric charge does not change with the speed of motion, however, the theory of relativity does not prove it. Below we give a proof with the equation for the definition of charge.

When the particle O point of the object is at rest relative to our observer, it has an electric charge q, which is determined by the above equation of charge and mass:

q = k’dm/dt

It is easy to see that when point o moves with velocity v relative to our observer, the mass m and time t increase by a relativistic factor √ (1- v²/c²), so q remains constant.

3. Some problems with the definition of electric charge

The dm/dt in the definition of charge q, which indicates that the amount of charge of the particle is proportional to the change in the mass rate of the particle, does not seem to be consistent with the facts, and we do not find that the mass of the charged particle changes drastically in practice, nor does we find that the mass increases or decreases continuously over time.

The reason for this may be that the mass change of the charge particles is periodic, not to infinity over time.

Moreover, the frequency of this change can be extremely fast, as in the case of alternating current, because the frequency of the change is so fast that we cannot feel the change and it is difficult to detect the change.

In the above mass definition equation m = k n/Ω, k is a constant, a single object particle, in the case of no other particles close by, the number of spatial displacement n will not change logically, the change is the change of the solid angle Ω, and we know that the change of the solid angle is periodic.

If this is confirmed, then in quantum mechanics, the waves of matter, the particles have wavelengths, frequencies, and are likely to be related to this.

4. Geometrically defined equations for the electric field

With respect to the point o at rest of our observer, with a charge q, which generates an electric field E at the point p in the surrounding space, we surround the point o with a Gaussian sphere s = 4πr², p is an investigation point on s, and the vector from o to p is R, so that the number of R is r.

The equation for defining the electric field given by Coulomb's theorem is E = q R/4πε. r³, 4π ε. is a constant, we don't need to think about it, R is the space displacement vector, r is the Gaussian spherical radius, the only thing we don't know is what the charge q means.

Once we understand the geometric meaning of the charge q, we also have a thorough understanding of the geometric meaning of the electric field E, so we define the equation for the charge q

q = k’dm/dt = - k’k (dΩ/dt)/ Ω²

Bring in to E = q R/4πε. r³, the geometrically defined equation for the electrostatic field E is given:

E = - k’k (dΩ/dt) R/Ω²4πε。 r³

The electric field is expressed as the density of the spatial displacement R passing through the Gaussian sphere s per unit time over s, which has more time factors than mass.

Combining the constants in the above equation gives a relatively concise equation for defining the geometry of the electric field:

E = f (dΩ/dt) R/Ω²r³

5. Explain Coulomb's law

Coulomb's law is formulated as follows:

Relative to our observer, the force F between two stationary point charges q (q') q' (q') at rest in a vacuum is proportional to the product of their charge, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r between them, and the direction of the force is on the line between them.

There are positive and negative charges, with charges of the same number repelling each other and charges of different numbers attracting each other. The mathematical formula is:

F = (k q q’/r²)【R】= q q’R/4πε。 r³

where k is the proportionality constant, ε. is the dielectric constant in a vacuum, R is the vector of q pointing to q', its quantity is r, and [R] is the unit vector along R.

From the above equations for defining the charge and electric field, it can be seen that the electric field generated by the charge q at q' should be

E = - k’k (dΩ/dt)R/Ω²4πε。 r³

Since the charge q' = k'k (dΩ'/dt')/Ω'² occurs at point p near q, the electric field E of charge q at point p is changed.

We understand this field change [because the essence of the field is a cylindrical spiral moving space, in fact, the space is changing in motion] as the force of q on q', and the product of E and q' is used to express the effect of this change, which is the above Coulomb's theorem.

6, Positive and negative charge models

In the unified field theory, it is determined that the charge of the particle is caused by the cylindrical spiral motion of the space around the particle itself.

We know that cylindrical spiral motion can be decomposed into rotational motion and linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation.

The positive electric field generated around the particle with a positive charge is caused by the linear motion of the space around the particle with respect to our observer, the center of the particle, the divergent movement at the speed of light, and the rotation part rotates counterclockwise, and satisfies the right-hand spiral.

The negative electric field generated by the negative charge of the particle is caused by the linear motion of the space around the particle relative to our observer, converging at the speed of light from the infinitely distant particle, and the rotation part is also counterclockwise. The same meets the right-handed spiral.

The cylindrical spiral type of space around the charged particle is the reason why the particle is charged, we know that the cylindrical spiral motion is the superposition of the rotational motion and the linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation, which we can illustrate with the right-hand rule.

We make many rays around the punctual charge that are directed by the positive charge to the surrounding space, and we hold any one of the rays with our right hand, and the thumb is in the same direction as the ray, then the direction of the four fingers around is the direction of rotation of the space around the punctual charge.

We make a number of rays around the negative charge that point to the negative charge from any space, and we hold any one of the rays with our right hand, and the thumb and the direction of the ray are the same, then the direction of the four fingers around is the direction of rotation of the space around the negative charge.

The space around the positive and negative charges is a right-hand spiral space.

Facing us observers, the space around the positive charge rotates counterclockwise.

Facing us observers, the space around the negative charge rotates clockwise.

The equations for defining electric field and charge given above are partly our assumptions and partly our logical reasoning.

These defining equations are reliable, and if they are consistent with all the knowledge we have, then these defining equations are reliable.

It is also important to note that the above equations for defining electric fields and charges are not absolute and unique, and we can give other forms of defining equations according to the nature of electricity and electric fields.

10. Equations for the definition of magnetic field

In the unified field theory, the magnetic field and the electric field are not the same field, and they cannot directly interact with each other and cannot be directly superimposed.

Human beings have discovered that when charged particles move in a straight line with a uniform velocity relative to our observer, they can cause changes in the electric field, and the part of the electric field that changes can be considered to be the magnetic field, that is, the electric field that changes with the speed produces the magnetic field, and the unified field theory inherits this view.

The definition of magnetic field B given by the Unified Field Theory is:

Suppose that in the inertial frame of reference s', an o point at rest relative to our observer, with a mass of m' [m when moving at velocity V], with an electric charge q, generates an electrostatic field E' at the surrounding space p [E when moving with velocity V], and the sagittal diameter from point o to point p is R' [R when moving with velocity V].

We take the length of R' r' [r when moving with velocity V] as the radius to make a Gaussian surface s' = 4πr'² to surround the point o.

In the inertial frame of reference s-frame, when point o moves in a straight line along the x-axis with a uniform velocity V relative to us, it can cause a change in the electric field, and the part of the change can be considered as the magnetic field B.

The very simple idea is that the moving electric field E multiplied by the velocity V is the magnetic field B, and since the velocity V and the electric field E are perpendicular to each other, the magnetic field generated is the largest, so there is a vector cross product between them, so there is the following relationship,

B = constant multiplied by (V×E)

In order to obtain the geometric formal equation of the moving electric field E, we define the electrostatic field E'= q R'/4πε obtained from Coulomb's theorem. r'³, corrected by the Lorenz positive transform [because the charge o point is in motion relative to our observer], obtains:

E =γq [( x-vt)i+ yj+zk]}/ 4πε。{[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³


V×E =γq V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]/4πε。 {√[γ²(X-VT)²+Y²+Z²]}³

The vacuum permeability is μ. , because we are talking here about a vacuum, then:

B =μ。 {γq V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/4π{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

=μ。 E. {γq V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/ 4pe。 {√[c²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

=μ。 ε。 V×E

Due to μ. ε。 = 1/c²

Therefore, the above equation can also be written as B = V×E/c²

So, the equation for defining the magnetic field is:

B =μ。 {γq V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/4π{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

In the above equation, human beings have not been clear about what charge q is, but now once we know the geometric form of charge q, we can use the above charge definition equation q = -kk' (1/Ω²)dΩ/dt to get the geometric form of the magnetic field to define the equation:

B =μ。 {γ[-kk’ (1/Ω²)dΩ/dt] V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/4π{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

Let θ be the angle between the sagittal diameter R [scalar r=√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]] and the velocity v, and B can be expressed as a polar form:

B=μ。 {[-kk' (1/Ω²)dΩ/dt]v sinθ/4πγ²r² [√(1- β ²sin²θ)] ³}【r】

where β=v/c, c is the speed of light, v is the scalar form of V, and [r] is the unit vector of the vector R (scalar is r).

Using the relationship between mass and charge q = kdm/dt, we can get the equation for defining the magnetic field with mass:

B =μ。 {γ(k'dm/dt,)V×[( x- vt)i+ yj+zk]}/4π{√[γ²(x-vt)²+y²+z²]}³

Eleven, the magnetic monopole does not exist.

The unified field theory holds that an electrostatic field is generated in the surrounding space by a charged particle o point relative to us, and when the o point moves in a straight line with a constant velocity V relative to our observer, a magnetic field can be generated, and the essence of this magnetic field is that the space rotates on the central axis with the vector velocity V.

In the figure below, when point o starts from point a and moves in a uniform circle to point b, the rotational motion of space enters and exits on the front and back sides of the circle, the side that enters is the S pole, and the side that comes out is called the N pole.

From the geometric form of magnetic field, there is no such thing as a magnetic monopole in nature.

Twelve, the velocity multiplied by the rate of change of mass over time is the electromagnetic field force

The momentum formula P = mV given by relativity theory and Newtonian mechanics is not the same as the momentum formula P = m (C-V) given by the unified field theory.

Kinetic equations for unified field theory:

F = dP/dt = (d/dt)mC-V

= Cdm/dt-Vdm/dt+mdC/dt- mdV/dt

where m is the mass of the particle, C is the vector speed of light, V is the speed of the particle's motion, and t is the time.

In the above equation, (C-V)dm/dt= Cdm/dt -Vdm/dt is the force of velocity multiplied by mass over time, referred to as the added mass force.

The unified field theory holds that its essence is the electromagnetic field force, where Cdm/dt is the electric field force and Vdm/dt is the magnetic field force.

According to the view of the unified field theory, when the above o point is at rest in s', it has a rest mass m', and the surrounding space moves away from o point with a vector speed of light C', with an electric charge dm'/dt' [why this can be expressed, see the previous charge definition equation], if it is subjected to the electric field force of another charge, the electrostatic field force F can be expressed as:

F static = C'dm'/dt',

In the s system, when the point o [the mass of motion is m] moves along the x-axis with velocity V, the surrounding space moves away from point o at the vector speed of light C [C and C' are not in the same direction], and the electric field force Fx is applied in the direction parallel to V [i.e., along the x-axis], which can be expressed as:

Fx dynamic = Cx dm/dt,

The quantitative formula is:

fx motion = c dm/dt ,


Fx static = Cx'dm'/dt'

The quantitative formula is:

fx static = c dm'/dt '

Since neither the speed of light c nor the charge varies with velocity V, i.e., dm'/dt '= dm/dt, therefore,

Fx static = Fx moving

c is a scalar of C, v is a scalar of V, and f is a scalar of force F. C'x represents the vector speed of light C' on the x-axis in the s' system, and Cx represents the vector speed of light C on the x-axis in the s-system.

Note that t and t' are not the same. C' and C are not in the same direction, however, the modulus is a scalar speed of light c, and c is invariant.

The vector speeds of light C' and C are subjected to an electric field force if they are perpendicular to V:

In the S' department,

Fy static = Cy'dm'/dt'

The quantitative formula is:

fy static = c dm'/dt'

In the S department,

Fy = Cy dm/dt,

Transformed by relativistic velocity, its quantitative formula is:

fy = [c√(1-v²/ c²)]dm/dt

So, there are:

√(1-v²/c²)Fy static = Fy motion

The same reasons can be drawn:

√(1-v²/c²)Fz static = Fz dynamic

The above conclusion is consistent with the transformation of the relativistic electromagnetic force.

Let the charge at point o be q if the electrostatic field is expressed as E' = F static / q = (C'dm'/dt')/q

The electric field is expressed as:

E=F/q = (Cdm/dt)/q

When point o moves in a straight line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V, on the x-axis, the number of C and C' is the same, both are c, plus dm'/dt' and q are constant, so,


On the y-axis and z-axis, the number of C's is c√ (1-v²/c²) and the number of C' is c,


Fy =dm/dt c√1v²/ c²

=dm/dt c[√1v²/ c²] [√1v²/ c²]/[√1v²/ c²]

=dm/dt c1v²/ c²/√1v²/ c²

If it is considered that Ey'=Fy/q = (Cy'dm'/dt')/q

is the component of the electrostatic field E' on the y-axis,

Ey=(dm/dt)c/q √(1-v²/c²) is the component of the moving electric field E on the y-axis, then:

Ey’= Ey√1v²/ c²

注意,(dm’/dt’ c/q =dm/dt c/q

The analysis of Ez yields the same result, which is the same as the relativistic electric field transformation.

We can also see that the electric field force in motion can be written in the perpendicular direction of the velocity V;

F = (dm/dt)c(1-v²/c²)/√(1-v²/c²)

It has become two parts, one of which has nothing to do with velocity V [quantity v], and one part that has to do with velocity V.

If you think

dm/dt c/√1v²/ c²

is the electric field force, the part of the force that is related to the velocity V [quantity v].

dm/dt cv²/ c²/√1v²/ c²

is the force of the magnetic field [denoted by B], then E and B satisfy the following vector cross-product relation [denoted by vector]:

B= V×E/c²

This result is the same as the theory of relativity.

XIII. Derive Maxwell's equations

Maxwell's equations are 4 equations that describe all the laws of electromagnetic phenomena, but they are not the most basic.

Maxwell's four equations can be derived by using the defining equations of electric and magnetic fields, Gauss's theorem and Stokes's theorem in field theory, and Lorentz transform in relativity.

1. The curl of the electrostatic field E'

For the point of the stationary charge o, with the charge q, the electrostatic field E' generated in the surroundings defines the equation with the electric field

E’ = f (dΩ/dt) R/Ω²r³

Directly find the curl degree, and obtain:

×E’ = 0

Note that only R/r³ on the right side of the equation is a variable.

The above equation can be broken down into the following three equations:

∂Ez/∂y ∂Ey/∂z= 0

∂Ex/∂ z ∂Ez/∂x= 0

∂Ey'/∂ x' - ∂Ex'/∂y'= 0

2. The divergence of the electrostatic field E'

Define the equation for the electric field

E= f (dΩ/dt) R/Ω²r³

To find the divergence directly, note that only R/r³ on the right side of the equation is a variable, and we get:

▽· E’ = 0

In the above equation, r is the radius of the Gaussian sphere s s surrounding point O, and in the case where r approaches zero [it can also be said that the investigation point on the Gaussian sphere - the space point p is infinitely close to the point of charge O], and the point o can be regarded as an infinitesimal charged sphere, the equation appears 0/0, using the Dirac δ function, we can get:

▽· E' = ∂Ex'/∂ x'+ ∂Ey'/∂y'+∂Ez'/∂z'=ρ'/ε。

ρ' is the density of the charge in the Gaussian sphere S [S] that surrounds the point of charge O and is infinitely close to the density of the charge at point O, ε. is the vacuum permittivity.

We need to note that if the O point is outside the Gaussian sphere S, S does not surround the O point, and its divergence is always zero.

3. Gauss's theorem for the moving electric field E is derived

Suppose that the charge O point is stationary in the s' system, and the charge q is an invariant, but the charge q moves in a straight line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V in the s system, and the spatial contraction is caused by the relativistic motion, and its volume should shrink to 1/γ [γ = 1/√ (1 - v²/c²) is the relativistic factor], and the corresponding charge density of q should be increased to γ times.

Therefore, the density ρ of q in the S system is greater than that of the density ρ in the S' system by a relativistic factor γ.

ρ = γρ’

The charge q in the s system moves in a straight line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar is v], so there is a current density:

J = i ρv = i γv ρ’

i is a unit vector along the x-axis.

From the above preparation, together with the following differential operators, we can derive Gauss's theorem for the electric field E in motion in the s system.

To Lorenz positive transformation


y’= y

z’= z

t’=γ(t - vx/c²)

Finding the partial derivative [note that for the right side of the Lorenz positive transformation, we only take one of the variables, and the result obtained is not the same as the full derivative], and we can get the following partial differential operators [which may be used later]:

∂x’/ ∂x = γ

∂x’/ ∂y = 0

∂x’/ ∂z = 0

∂x’/ ∂t = -γv

∂y’/ ∂x = 0

∂y’/ ∂y = 1

∂y’/ ∂z = 0

∂y’/ ∂t = 0

∂z’/ ∂x = 0

∂z’/ ∂y = 0

∂z’/ ∂z = 1

∂z’/ ∂t = 0

∂t’/ ∂x = -γv/c²

∂t’/ ∂y = 0

∂t’/ ∂z = 0

∂t’/ ∂t = γ

Using the above ∂x'/ ∂x = γ, and then the relativistic transformation of the electric field Ex = Ex', Ey = γ Ey', Ez = γ Ez', and the divergence of the electrostatic field E':

'•E' = ∂Ex'/∂ x' + ∂Ey'/∂y' + ∂Ez'/∂z' = ρ'/ε。

Gauss's theorem for the electric field E in motion can be derived:

▽•E = ∂Ex/∂ x + ∂Ey/∂y + ∂Ez/∂z

= γ(∂Ex/∂ x + ∂Ey/∂y + ∂Ez/∂z’)

= γρ’/ε。 =ρ/ε。

4. Gauss's theorem for magnetic fields is derived

Using the above differential operator ∂/ ∂y = ∂/ ∂y', ∂/ ∂z = ∂/ ∂z',

The relation satisfied by the magnetic field B and the electric field E in relativity:

Bx = 0

By = - v Ez /c²,

Bz = v Ey/c²,

The first formula of the curl of the electrostatic field E'

∂Ez’/∂y ∂Ey ’/∂z’= 0

Relativistic transformation formula for adding an electric field

γEz= Ez,γEy= Ey

Gauss's theorem for magnetic fields can be derived:

▽•B = ∂Bx/∂ x + ∂By/∂y + ∂Bz/∂z

= 0 + (-v Ez /c²)∂/∂y + (v Ey /c²)∂/∂z

= 0 +(-γv Ez/c²)∂/∂y+ (γv Ey/c²)∂/∂z

= -γ(v/c²)(∂Ez'/∂y'- ∂Ey '/∂z')= 0

5. Derive Faraday's electromagnetic induction theorem

The curl of the electrostatic field E' is the first formula

(∂Ez'/∂y')-(∂Ey' /∂z')= 0

The relativistic transformation of the electric field Ez'= Ez/γ, Ey' = Ey/γ, derived from the above differential operator ∂y = ∂y', ∂z= ∂z':


= (1/γ)((∂Ez/∂y)-(Ey/∂z)=0


∂Ez/∂ y ∂Ey/∂z = 0

The second formula is the curl of the electrostatic field E'

∂Ex/∂ z’)-(∂Ez/∂x’)= 0

From the relativistic transformation of the electric field Ex'= Ex, Ez'= Ez/γ, and then from the partial differential operator of the Lorenz transform above∂z = ∂z', γ/∂x'=1/∂x, derive:

∂Ex/∂z -(1/γ²)(∂Ez/∂x=0

∂Ex/∂z -(1-v²/c²)(∂Ez/∂x=0

∂Ex/∂z -(∂Ez/∂x)= -(v²/c²)(∂Ez/∂x)

From the above differential operator ∂x'/ ∂x = γ, ∂x'/ ∂t = -γv, we get:

v/∂x= - 1/∂t


∂Ex/∂z∂Ez/∂x =v/c²)∂Ez/∂t

From the relation Bx = 0, By = -v Ez/c², Bz = v Ey'/c², satisfied by the magnetic field B and the electric field E, we get:

∂Ex/∂z∂Ez/∂x = By /∂t

The curl of the electrostatic field E' is the third formula

∂Ey’/∂ x’- ∂Ex’/∂y= 0

The relativistic transformation of the electric field Ex'= Ex, Ey'= Ey/γ, and then by the differential operator of the Lorenz positive transformation above γ/∂x'=1/∂x, ∂y=∂y',


1/γ²)∂Ey/∂ x∂Ex/∂y=0

(1 - v²/c²)∂Ey/∂ x∂Ex/∂y=0

∂Ey/∂ x-∂Ex/∂y =(v²/c²)∂Ey/∂ x

by v/∂x = -1/∂t


∂Ey/∂ x-∂Ex/∂y =-(v/c²)∂Ey/∂ t

In the relation satisfying the electric field E and the magnetic field B, Bz = v Ey/c², we get:

∂Ey/∂ x∂Ex/∂y =Bz/∂ t

From Tox's theorem:

▽×E = ( ∂Ez/∂y∂Ey/∂z) i+ ( ∂Ex/∂z∂Ez/∂x) j + z ( ∂Ey/∂x∂Ex/∂y) k

= 0 i ∂By/∂tj -(∂Bz/∂tk


= ∂B/∂t

6. Derive the current and change the electric field to produce a magnetic field

The relation satisfied by the electric field E and the magnetic field B

Bz = v ey/c², By = -v ez/c², and add the above differential operators to give us:

∂Bz/∂y -∂By/∂z = (∂/∂y)(v/c²)Ey -(∂/∂z)【-(v/c²)Ez】

= v/c²(∂Ey/∂y ∂Ez/∂z

=μ。 ε。 v(ρ/ε。 -∂Ex/∂x)

Attention, μ. ε。 =1/c², ρ is the charge density of the charge o point in the s system, and Gauss's theorem is used here for the moving electric field E

"_E=∂Ex/∂ x+∂Ey/∂y+∂Ez/∂z=ρ/ε。


μ。 ε。 v(ρ/ε。 -∂Ex/∂x)

=μ。 v ρ- μ。 ε。 v ∂Ex/∂x

Vector can be written as:

μ。 J + μ。 ε。 (∂Ex /∂t)i

i is the unit vector of the electric field E along the x-axis, and J is the current.

Since Bx = 0 and Bz = v Ey/c², so:

∂Bx/∂z∂Bz/∂x = ∂Bz/∂x

= -(v/c²)∂Ey/∂x

From v/∂x=-1/∂t, we get:

(1/c²)∂Ey/∂t = μ。 ε。 ∂Ey/∂t

Because Bx=0 and By = -v Ez/c², so:

∂By/∂x-∂Bx/∂y = ∂By/∂x = -(v/c²)∂Ez/∂x,

From v/∂x=-1/∂t, we get the above equation equal to

( 1/c²)∂Ez/∂t = μ。 ε。 ∂Ez/∂t

by Stokes' theorem,

▽×B = ( ∂Bz/∂y∂By/∂z) i+ ( ∂Bx/∂z∂Bz/∂x) j + z ( ∂By/∂x∂Bx/∂y) k

=(m。 J+μ。 E. ∂Ex /∂t) i+(m。 E. ∂Ey /∂t )j+ (m。 E. ∂Ez/∂t ) k

=μ。 J +μ。 ε。 (∂E /∂t)

14. Why magnetic fields are repelled by the same poles and attracted by different poles

Human beings have discovered that some objects are magnetic, and magnetic objects generate magnetic fields in the surrounding space, and magnetic fields have N and S poles.

When two magnets are close to each other, the same sex repels each other and the opposite sex attracts to each other? What is the reason for this?

The magnetic field is formed by the motion of an electric charge, and it is assumed that a point charge q travels with velocity V in the positive direction of the x-axis of the coordinate reference system s.

The velocity V can cause a change in the electric field E in the vertical direction of V, and the part of the electric field change is called the magnetic field B, and human beings have found that B can be defined as:

B = E×V/c²

In the above equation, c is the speed of light, and c², because it is a constant, can be set to 1, which is irrelevant.

The above equation shows that B, E, and V satisfy the cross-product relationship, and when they are perpendicular to each other, the B value is maximum.

In the above figure, we can see that there are many electric field lines like E, because the speed of the charge changes V, and the magnetic field B is generated with many strips, which together form a wrapping shape. So, the magnetic field is around the shape, as shown in the figure below:

Two energized wires, the current direction is the same, the surrounding space rotation direction is the same, in the contact with each other, due to the opposite direction of rotation and the reduction of the amount of space, so that the two wires have a tendency to contact each other, showing mutual attraction.

As shown below:

If the current direction of the two wires is opposite, the rotation of the surrounding space is in contact with each other, because the direction of motion is the same, so that the amount of space between the two wires increases, and there is a tendency to leave each other, which is manifested as mutual repulsion.

When we bend the wire into a circle, the rotation of the magnetic field enters from one side of the circle and comes out from the opposite side of the circle, and the side that goes in is called the S pole, and the side that comes out is called the N pole.

The mutual attraction of the N pole and the S pole is due to the fact that the rotation direction of the above space is opposite and cancels out, and the space decreases because of the cancellation, and the decrease of the spatial distance is manifested as mutual attraction.

The rejection of the N pole from the N pole and the rejection of the S pole from the S pole is that the above space rotation direction increases the amount of space, and it is manifested as mutual repulsion.

Fifteenth, why positive and negative charges can cancel each other out

Object particles have an electric charge, an electric field, which is formed because the space around the object moves in a cylindrical spiral.

Note that it is the movement of the space itself, not that something else is in motion.

This cylindrical spiral motion is not just one around the object particles, but is distributed in many lines, with the object particles as the center, and the vector speed of light evenly divergence to the surrounding motion.

We know that cylindrical spiral motion is a combination of plane rotational motion and vertical linear motion. There are corresponding rotational motion directions and linear motion directions.

The rectilinear motion part of the space around the positive charge is divergent to the periphery, and the radial velocity is the vector speed of light.

The space around the negative charge is the convergence of the negative charge from infinity, and the radial velocity is also the vector speed of light.

Whether it is a positive or negative charge, the surrounding cylindrical spiral motion satisfies the right-hand spiral.

That is, if we hold the cylindrical spiral with our right hand, the direction of the four fingers is the same as the direction of rotation of the cylindrical spiral, and the direction of the thumb is the same as that of the straight line in the cylindrical spiral.

Since the charge is formed by the cylindrical spiral motion of space around the particles of an object, can we use a cylindrical spiral motion model to explain all the laws of the charge? The answer is yes.

We have one more question:

Can the equal amount of stationary positive and negative charges close together, and the amount of motion in the surrounding space cancels each other out to zero, can this be rigorously proven mathematically?

The answer is yes, and the proof is similar to Gauss's theorem for magnetic fields. It is to use a tiny surface dS to intercept the vector displacement line of the cylindrical spiral motion in space, and on a finite, definite surface of certain size, how many spatial displacement lines will enter, how many spatial displacement lines will come out, and the two cancel each other out to zero. Integrating dS across the Gaussian sphere surrounding the object particles, the total result is zero.

When an equal amount of positive and negative charges collide together, why do the charges cancel each other out to zero?

In the diagram above, with the equal amount of + charge and - charge approaching, the cylindrical spiral motion of the space around the charge, the radial part starts from the positive charge at the speed of light and moves to the end of the negative charge, and the rotating part of the space, also starts from the positive charge and moves to the end of the negative charge.

Where the rotating parts touch each other, they cancel each other out due to the opposite direction. In this way, the amount of space between the positive charge and the negative charge is decreasing, and there is a tendency to contact each other, which is manifested as mutual attraction.

Once the positive and negative charges are extremely close together and are equivalent to a point, the surrounding linear motions cancel each other out due to the opposite direction, and the rotational motion cancels each other out due to the opposite direction.

This is the reason why when the positive and negative charges of equal amounts collide, the effect of the motion of the surrounding space disappears, and the charges (including the rest mass) can cancel each other out.

The departure and proximity of the two charges depends on the cylindrical spiral rotation of space, because the speed of movement in the radial direction is the speed of light, and according to the theory of relativity, the space in which the speed of light moves is reduced to zero, or it is no longer part of the space in which we are located.

The above figure shows two people with equal positive charges close to each other, due to the rotation part of the space [note that each electric field line has a rotation, the electric field line is actually a cylindrical spiral, and the above figure is not all drawn for the sake of brevity] where they are close together, the direction of motion is the same, and the amount of space increases.

In this way, the amount of space between the two positive charges is increasing, and there is a tendency to depart from each other, which is manifested as mutual repulsion.

The figure above shows that two negative charges with equal amounts are close together, and the amount of space increases because the rotating parts of the space are close together and move in the same direction. In this way, the amount of space between the two negative charges increases, and there is a tendency to leave each other, which is manifested as mutual repulsion.

A positron and a negative electron, with the same charge, touch each other, causing the charges to cancel each other out and excite as photons, and the photons formed by this reason are such a model:

That is, two electrons, always maintaining a linear symmetry state, rotate together around an axis, and the speed of motion along the axis is the speed of light. As shown in the picture above.

The motion of the photon is also right-handed spiral.

Chapter 4, Zhang Xiangqian's Mathematical Theory


One, a branch of mathematics for aliens --- trend analysis

Second, the Goldbach conjecture is proved by trend analysis

Third, the simplest proof of Fermat's theorem for large numbers

Fourth, verify that if any two unequal prime numbers are divided, if they can be divided, the divisor can only be 2 and 5

One, a branch of mathematics for aliens --- trend analysis

Aliens have a very important branch of mathematics ----- "trend analysis".

The most important mathematical tool on our planet is calculus, and they mainly use "trend analysis". The trend analysis section overlaps with calculus and covers all aspects of calculus, but there are also different sections.

Their "trend analysis" mainly uses strict means to analyze things qualitatively and quantitatively

trends in the development and evolution of things, so as to accurately predict the outcome.

Trend analysis is defined as:

In order to predict the outcome of the development of an event

1. Draw an analogy with the same, similar, and well-known events.

2. Enlarge and shrink some parameters in this event to make a judgment.

3. Speculate on the whole with parts. Use a certain space region to speculate another space region, and use a certain time period to speculate another time period.

We know that 0 cannot be used as a divisor, but in practice we often encounter situations where the divisor is 0.

If we talk about how 0 is obtained, how it became 0, and we replace 0 with a 0 approach, we can solve this problem, which is an important application of trend analysis.

For example, in the theory of relativity, the internal space-time of a spacecraft moving at the speed of light, the space-time of photons, etc., often encounter this kind of problem.

Let's use a few examples to illustrate.

1. Question:

As we know, bearings are mainly composed of steel balls and bearing sleeves. When manufacturing bearings, in the case of the same material, let's consider: the steel ball in the bearing is a little larger or smaller, which case, the bearing sleeve wears out quickly?

This question is difficult to answer at first glance.

We imagine that the diameter of the steel ball will gradually be reduced, and the diameter of the steel ball will gradually decrease, and it will become like the tip of a knife, and the bearing sleeve will definitely wear badly. So, the conclusion is:

The steel balls are smaller, and the wear on the bearing sleeve is greater.

Second, the Goldbach conjecture is proved by trend analysis

The proposition of Goldbach's conjecture is that an even number greater than or equal to 4 can represent the sum of two prime numbers.

For an even number K, we subtract all the primes greater than 2 and less than K from K, and we get N results, some of which may be primes.

Experiments have found that these primes can form n pairs of primes when K is not very large. In this way, different Ks have different n, and we realize that as the value of K increases, so does n.

The K value is 10, which can be expressed as 3+7, 5+5, and there are 2 prime pairs, that is, the value of n is 2.

The K value is taken as 30, which can be expressed as 7+23, 11+19, 13+17, and there are 3, that is, n is 3.

K takes 100 and n is 6.

It can be seen that when the K value is not very large, n increases as the K value increases, and there is no decrease. However, the rate of increase is not as fast as the rate at which K increases.

Next, we use geometry to analyze the trend of the values of n and K as they become larger and larger.

In the diagram below,

n (K) line, n increases as K increases, but not as fast as K, but it is always increasing, and as K value increases, it is farther and farther away from the n = 1 line, and will never get closer to the n = 1 line. This means that when the K value is relatively large, n will never be less than 1, and K has at least a pair of prime sums, which proves that Goldbach's conjecture is correct.

The relationship between K and n is similar to a parabola, and it is possible that K = n² when K tends to infinity, but if this is correct, it may be more difficult to prove than Goldbach's conjecture.

3. Use trend analysis to find the right-angle inflection point of the spatial curve.

Find the right-angle inflection equation of the parabola in the first quadrant of the two-dimensional plane, and find the inflection point coordinates.

In the diagram below, there are y = x², y = x ³, y = x⁴ ····· and a series of parabolas. When y = x to the nth power, the larger n is, the closer the parabola is to the point (0,1), we guess that when n = ∞, the parabola coincides with the point (0,1), obviously, the point (0,1) is the inflection point of the infinite power of the parabola y= x, and the coordinates of this inflection point are (0,1).

We use trend analysis to rigorously prove this guess.

In the figure below, the value of x in the infinity power of the parabola y= x is taken as 1, y is equal to 1, and if x is taken less than 1, even if it is only slightly smaller than 1, y = 0.

If x is greater than 1, even if it is only slightly larger than 1, y = ∞.

In this way, every value of x that is less than 1 is y=0

For every value of x greater than 1, it is y=∞

In this way, it can be concluded that the coordinates of the infinite right-angle inflection point of the parabola y= x are on (0,1).

In the same way, we can find the equation for a circle x²+y² =1, when 2 is replaced by ∞, the circle becomes a square, and the equation for the right inflection point of the circle is:

x∞+y∞ =1

The four inflection points are (1, 1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), and (-1, -1).

The above methods can be used to find the right-angle inflection point equations for various curves such as ellipse, hyperbola, sinusoid, cosine, etc.

The right-angle inflection equation of the curve is a manifestation of the continuous transition from space to discontinuity, and it is clear that at the right-angle inflection point, space is discontinuous.

Exploring the right-angle inflection equation for spatial curves is of surprising value when combined with physics.

Here is just a brief introduction to "trend analysis", which is 108,000 miles away from the real branch of mathematics ---- aliens, but it can play a role in throwing bricks and stones, hoping that more people will pay attention to trend analysis, and hope that trend analysis will become an important branch of mathematics on the earth.

The trend analysis of aliens coupled with their spatial information field theory [the basic idea is that any space in the universe can contain all the information of the universe before, now, and in the future], which can interpret and decipher the information hidden in the space from the past and the future. Its function is to predict the future and decipher the information of the past and the future hidden in space.

For example, on our earth, we can obtain video materials from the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty from the space information field.

Trend analysis, a branch of mathematics that, if established, can play a role in areas such as disaster weather control, economic forecasting, predicting new virus epidemics, stock forecasting, big numbers, and so on.

Third, a concise proof of Fermat's theorem

The proposition of Fermat's great theorem is:

The equation "a to the nth power + b to the nth power = c to the nth power" in the case of a, b, c, n are all non-zero positive integers, the values of n can only be 1 and 2.

The proof is given below.

If n takes 1, a, b, and c can be positive integers without proof.

Now let's take a fixed positive integer greater than 1 for n, and let a and b start from 1, to 2, to 3, to 4, to 5····· This is done with a positive integer increment.

We find that the value of c >increases with the increase of a and b, and the value of c (before the positive integers) is all irrational numbers to the nth power of a series of positive integers [Conclusion 1].

Moreover, the value of c cannot be less than 2 [Conclusion 2, prove: because the smallest values of a and b are 1]

The value of c increases with the increase of a and b, and in the range of K, if we suddenly find that the value of c is a positive integer [we call this number the Fermat number, and the Fermat number is defined as (definition 2): in the equation "a to the nth power + b to the nth power = c to the nth power" [a, b, c, n are all non-zero positive integers, n>1]the value of c].

K above is greater than or equal to c to the nth power.

At this time, c is greater than a and b, and less than a+b, c, a, and b are all positive integers, so we can use a triangle P to represent the number axis c, a, and b.

Let θ be the angle between a and b, c is the maximum edge, and θ is the maximum angle, so that θ is greater than 60 degrees.

According to the Pythagorean theorem, if θ is equal to 90 degrees, the value of n is 2 [Conclusion 3].

Conclusion 4: When n is greater than 2, θ is less than 90 degrees. Here's why:

When n is larger, a+b-c is larger, resulting in c being smaller than a+b, and c corresponding to the angle θ smaller.

For example, use 5² = 3 ² + 4 ² and (4.497···· ³ = 3³ + 4³.

When n is equal to 2, a+b-c = 2, and when n is equal to 3, a+b-c = 2.503·····

Conclusion 5: The three sides of the above triangle a, b, c [c is the largest side, a, b, c are all positive integers], c can be started from a and b from 1, to 2, to 3, to 4, and then to 5····· It is obtained according to the change of the law of triangle correspondence. Because any triangle can be formed according to the law of triangle correspondence.

Conclusion 6: According to the previous analysis, in the K range, the Ferma number c (reference definition 2) can be obtained by gradually increasing a and b respectively starting from 1 according to the corresponding law of Fermat's equation (referring to definition 1). It can also be obtained by following the triangle correspondence rule c² = a ² + b ² - 2ab cosθ, so that a and b each start from 1 and gradually increase.

Reasoning from Conclusion 6 ----- Conclusion 7:

In the K range, the Fermat equation correspondence rule is included in the triangle three-sided correspondence rule [Note: the inverse theorem "the triangle three-sided correspondence law is included in the Fermat equation correspondence rule" may not be true, however, the inverse theorem does not need to be true to prove Fermat's theorem]. In other words, the three-sided correspondence law of the triangle contains many kinds of correspondence laws, one of which is consistent with the correspondence law of Fermat's equation.

Conclusion 8 is deduced from Conclusion 7:

In the K range, each set of numbers a, b, and c obtained according to the correspondence rule of the Fermat equation [that is, a and b each take a number, and c] can be obtained by using the three-sided correspondence rule of the triangle c² = a ² + b ² - 2ab cosθ.

Since θ is greater than 60 degrees and less than or equal to 90 degrees, the value of 2cosθ is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1 [Conclusion 9].

When Fermat's equation is greater than 1 and the values of a and b are both taken as 1, if it does not contradict conclusion 8, conclusion 2, conclusion 1, refer to conclusion 9, the value of 2ab cosθ must be equal to 0, according to conclusion 3, the value of n can be established by taking 2, but it cannot be concluded that it must be true, fortunately, we find from practice that n = 2 Fermat's equation can be established. [Conclusion 10]


Let's let a and b gradually increase, if we use the three-sided correspondence rule of the triangle to get a series of c, the value of c may be an irrational number to the 2nd power of a positive integer, an irrational number to the 2nd power of a fractional number, an irrational number to the 2nd power and then a number to the 2nd power, and a series of c, c values obtained by the correspondence rule of Fermat's equation can only be an irrational number of positive integers to the nth power.

The two can only be matched when n=2. This would seem to prove Fermat's theorem as well, but this is obviously too crude.

There are two corollaries:

When 1,n is greater than 2, there is no rational solution to the Fermat equation.

2. We can't draw an irrational number to the power of n (n is a positive integer greater than 2) on a plane with a ruler and compass. This is also the geometric essence of Fermat's theorem.

Fourth, verify that if any two unequal prime numbers are divided, if they can be divided, the divisor can only be 2 and 5


The division of two unequal primes A and B can be expressed if they can be divided

A÷B = integer ÷10-----n zeros.

The denominator on the right side of the above equation can only be factored into two prime numbers, 2 and 5. Evidence.

Chapter 5, Zhang Xiangqian's concise version of the unified field theory

Author: Zhang Xiangqian communicates WeChat 18714815159

This article is vectorized with capital letters.

Baidu Unified Field Theory Version 6 can see the original text.

1. Definition of Physics:

Physics is our human description of the changes in motion in the geometric world. The geometric world is our human description of objects and space,

Second, the definition of particles:

In order to describe the convenience of the movement of an object in space, we do not consider the shape of the object and the length of the line, and idealize the object as a point, which is called a particle.

3. The composition of the universe and the basic principles of unified field theory.

The universe is made up of particles and the space around them, there is no third thing that coexists with them, and all physical phenomena are our descriptions of the motion of particles and the motion of space itself.

4. Definition of substance:

Matter is made up of objects and space, and matter exists objectively without relying on the description of our observers.

5. How did the concept of physics come about?

In addition to the particle and space, all other physical concepts, such as displacement, time, field, mass, charge, velocity, speed of light, force, momentum, energy, heat, sound, color----- are a property described by our observers about the motion of the particle in space and the motion of the space itself around the particle, and its essence can be expressed by displacement.

6. How to describe the movement of space itself?

We infinitely divide the three-dimensional space into many small pieces, each of which is called a spatial geometric point, referred to as a geometric point, or a spatial point. The route traveled by the movement of a point in space is called a geometric line. By describing the motion of these spatial points, we can describe the motion of the space itself.

Seventh, the description of the state of motion in physics cannot be separated from the observer.

The state of motion comes from the description of our observer, which is the affirmation of an object at a certain position in space--- to negation--- to affirmation--- then to negation--- to affirmation--- and then to negation----。

If there is no observer, or which observer is not specified, the state of motion does not exist, the state of rest does not exist, it is uncertain whether space and objects are in motion or at rest, and it is meaningless to describe motion.

Eighth, the principle of perpendicularity.

The physical world is our observer's description of the geometric world, so any geometric state can always find a corresponding physical state.

The three-dimensional vertical state of space in geometry is equivalent to the physical state of motion, and the three-dimensional vertical state is described by us as a physical state of motion.

Any spatial point [or particle] in the vertical state of three-dimensional space must move relative to our observer, and the changing direction of motion and the trajectory can be reconstituted into a vertical state.

9. Why is space three-dimensional?

The linear motion of space constitutes a one-dimensional space, the rotational motion in the plane constitutes a two-dimensional space, and the rotation extends in the vertical direction of the rotation plane [it is a cylindrical spiral] to produce a three-dimensional space.

Relative to us observers, the spatial moment moves in a cylindrical spiral to form a three-dimensional space.

10. Spiral law.

In the universe, from electrons and protons, to the earth, the moon, the sun, the Milky Way---- all the particles that exist freely in space move in a spiral pattern, including space itself is also moving in a cylindrical spiral.

11. The principle of parallelism.

The parallel states described in physics correspond to proportional properties in mathematics.

Two physical quantities that are parallel to each other, if they can be represented by line segments, must be proportional.

12. Geometric symmetry is equivalent to physical conservation.

The conservation described in physics is equivalent to symmetry in geometry.

A conserved physical quantity, if it can be represented by line segments, is linearly symmetrical in geometric coordinates. If it can be expressed in terms of area, it is planar symmetrical in geometric coordinates, and if it can be expressed in terms of volume, it is solidly symmetrical in geometric coordinates.

Thirteenth, space can store information indefinitely.

Any space in the universe can store information infinitely, or it can store all the information of the entire universe today, before, and in the future.

XIV. Physical Definition of Time and the Speed of Light.

The space around any object in the universe [including our human body] moves in a vector speed of light C, in a cylindrical spiral, with the observer as the center, and this movement of space gives our observers the feeling of time.

The cylindrical spiral motion is a combination of rotational motion plus linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation, and due to the uniformity of the motion of the surrounding space when the object is at rest, the rotational motion cancels each other out to zero, except that the linear motion at the speed of light C remains.

The amount of time is proportional to the distance traveled by the geometric points of space around us at the speed of light C [the capital letters in this article are vectors].

The speed of light reflects the identity of time and space, that is, the essence of time is the speed of light moving space. The speed of light can be a vector, the vector speed of light direction can change, the modulus does not change, and the scalar speed of light does not change.

15. Three-dimensional spiral space-time equations

Establish the coordinate system oxyz with the object point of the material particles at rest relative to us as the origin, any space point p in the oxyz system, depart from the o point at the time t' = 0, after a period of time t, at the time t" to the position where the p point is located x,y,z, x,y,z is a function of time t, and the position of the point o to the p point [referred to as the vector] is r (the number is r).


R(t)= Ct = (a sinωt)J + (bcosωt)L +Vt

ω is the angular velocity, and J and L are the unit vectors.

When the o point is stationary,

(a sinωt) J = (bcosωt)L = 0,Vt= Ct

XVI. The space-time identity equation

Since time is proportional to the distance traveled by a point in space moving at the speed of light, therefore:

R(t) =ct【r】= xi + yj + zk

If it is considered that the speed of light can be a vector in some case, then:

R(t) = Ct= xi+ yj + zk

r² = c²t²= x²+y² + z²

XVII. The movement of space is volatile.

∂²r/∂x² + ∂²r/∂y² +∂²r/∂z² = (∂²r/∂t²)/c².

² R = (²R/)/ c².

XVIII. Definition of Field.

Relative to our observers, the displacement vector from the particle pointing to any spatial point in the surrounding space changes with the spatial position or with time, such a space is called a field, which can also be called a physical force field.

The different fields are the different degrees of motion exhibited by the spatial displacement of the quantity with respect to the spatial position or the derivative with respect to time.

Since the essence of the field is the derivative of the displacement of the motion of space itself [relative to our observer] with respect to time and space, we can say what is the amount of motion of space in a certain three-dimensional range, what is the amount of motion of space in a certain plane, and what is the amount of motion of space in a certain curve. In this way, the corresponding field has three forms:

1. The distribution of the field in three dimensions.

2. The distribution of the field on a two-dimensional surface.

3. The distribution of the field on a one-dimensional curve.

The Gaussian divergence theorem of field theory describes the relationship between the field distribution in three-dimensional space and the field distribution on two-dimensional surfaces.

Stokes' theorem describes the relationship between the distribution of a field on a two-dimensional surface and the distribution of a field on a one-dimensional curve.

The gradient theorem of field theory describes the relationship between the distribution of fields in three-dimensional space and the distribution of fields on one-dimensional curves.

XIX. Geometric Definition of Gravitational Field and Mass.

Suppose there is a particle o at rest relative to our observer, and any space point p in the surrounding space departs from point o at the vector speed of light C at time zero, travels in a certain direction, travels through time t, and reaches the position after p at time t'.

Let's let the point o be at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system xyz, and the sagittal diameter R from the point o to the point p is given by the previous space-time homogenization equation R = C t = x i + y j + zk:

We take the scalar length r of R in R = Ct as the radius, and make a Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² to surround the particle o.

We divide the Gaussian sphere s = 4πr² evenly into many small pieces, and we choose a small vector plane ΔS where the p point is located [ΔS direction is represented by N, and its number is the surface Δs] We found that there is Δn on Δs, similar to p, and the displacement vector of the space point similar to p passes perpendicularly.

The gravitational field A [quantity a] produced by point o at space p:

A = - kΔn[R/r]/Δs

The equation for defining the mass of the object at point o is:

m = (k/g)Δn/Ω

The differential formula is:

m = (k/g) dn /dΩ

In the above equation, d is the seminal sign, n is the number of bars, and Ω is the solid angle.

XX, the changing gravitational field produces an electric field.

In the gravitational field A = gk n R/Ωr³ generated by point o in the surrounding space, the mass m = k n/Ω generates an electric field with time

E = gk【d(kn/Ω)/dt】R/Ωr³g =k’【dm/dt】 R/Ωr³

where g, k' are constants.

XXXI. Geometric Definition of Electric Charge

If the above particle o has a charge q, then:

q = 4πε。 k'g(dm/dt)= 4πε。 k'g [k d(n/Ω)/dt]

ε of them. is the dielectric constant.

Note that the charge is formed by a change in mass, but in practice it is found that the mass of the charge does not seem to change, and this change may be a periodic change of extremely high frequency, just as the frequency of alternating current changes is so fast that people do not feel the change.

The charge is also caused by the cylindrical spiral motion of the surrounding space, which consists of rotational motion and linear motion in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation.

The rectilinear motion of the space around the positive charge is radially divergent at the speed of light with the charge as the center. The rotational motion part of the space around the positive charge is counterclockwise.

The space around the negative charge moves at the speed of light from infinity towards the charge. The space around the negative charge is rotated clockwise.

XXII. A changing electric field produces a magnetic field.

When the above charge o point moves with velocity V relative to our observer, it can cause a change in the electric field E in the perpendicular direction of V, and the part of the change can be called the magnetic field B, B = constant multiplied by (V× E), and both the unified field theory and the theory of relativity consider this constant to be c², so there is B = V× E/c²

XXIII. The changing gravitational field produces the nuclear force field.

The gravitational field A = g m R /r³ = g k n R/Ω r³ in R = Ct changes with time t, resulting in a nuclear field D = gm(dR/dt) /r³ = g mC /r³

Twenty-four, the magnetic field B that varies with time produces an encircling electric field E and an encircling gravitational field

When the magnetic field B passes perpendicular to the surface S, and when B changes with time t, an encircling electric field E and an encircling gravitational field A along the edge of S can be generated [changing the direction of the magnetic field can generate an antigravitational field].

dB/dt =A×E/c²

XXV. Unified Field Theory Momentum Formula

The space around the object moves at the vector speed of light C when it is at rest, so it has a momentum at rest P' = m'C and a scalar quantity of: p' = m'c

When the object moves with velocity V, the momentum P = m(C- V)

The scalar formula is:

P = mc√(1-v²/c²)= p’ = m’c

26. Definition of force.

Force is the degree of change in the state of motion of an object in space, or in the space itself around the object.

27. Unified field theoretic dynamical equations.

F = dP/dt = Cdm/dt - Vdm/dt +mdC/dt-mdV/dt

(C-V)dm/dt is the added mass force, Cdm/dt is the electric field force, Vdm/dt is the magnetic field force, mdV/dt Newtonian inertial force is also the gravitational force, and mdC/dt is the nuclear force.

28. Definition of energy:

Energy is the degree to which an object moves in space (equivalent to us observers) or the space itself around the object.

29. Unified field theory energy equations

mc ² = mc ²√(1-v²/c²)

m'c² is the energy at rest at point o,

oPoint with respect to us moving with velocity v energy of mc ²√ (1-v²/c²)

where mc² - Ek = m'c ², Ek ≈(1/2)mv² is the kinetic energy.

30. Photonic model.

The negative charge of the accelerated motion of light creates an anti-gravitational field, canceling out the rest mass of nearby electrons [or itself], and the rest mass of the electron disappears in an excited state, and is stationary in space [space moment light speed motion] moves at the speed of light.

The electron is affected by the force F = C dm/dt (electric field force) - V dm/dt (magnetic field force) and the mass disappears, and the electron is in an excited state and moves at the speed of light. C is the vector speed of light, and V is the speed of motion of electrons.

The momentum of the moving photon P = m C

m is the mass of photon motion and C is the vector speed of light.

The energy of the moving photon is mc²

The photonic model is one in which two excited electrons rotate around an axis and move at the speed of light in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation.

A single excitation electron moves in a columnar spiral.

The particle nature of light is because the photon is the excited electron, the wave is because the photon is stationary in space and moves with the fluctuations of space, and the wave nature of light is because of the fluctuation of space itself.

XXXII. Alien UFO Flight Principle:

If you make any object in the universe have zero mass, it must suddenly move at the speed of light.

XXXIII. The main application of unified field theory.

1. Build an alien flying saucer that can fly at the speed of light

2. Large-scale use of cold welding artificial field

3. Artificial information field that can completely treat any disease

4. Disappearing Movement in an Instant ---- Global Sports Network

5. The world's large-scale conduction without wires

6. Convergent solar receiver

7. Infinitely compressed space to process information

8. Space-time refrigerator.

9. Virtual architecture and virtual human body.

10. Field scanning records the internal consciousness information of the human mind, which can realize the docking of the human brain and the computer.

Chapter 6 reveals the nature of light

At the beginning, human beings thought that light was a tiny particle, and the representative figure was Newton, and later the British physicist Thomas Young's double-slit interference experiment proved that light has waves, and later, Scottish physicist Maxwell pointed out that light is a kind of electromagnetic wave, and human beings in this period, the wave theory of light occupied the mainstream.

In the mid-to-late 19th and early 20th centuries, Albert Einstein's discovery of the photoelectric effect, which showed that light has the property of fine particles, seriously challenged Maxwell's wave theory of light.

Planck studied black-body radiation and believed that the energy of objects radiating outward with electromagnetic waves was discontinuous, Einstein accepted Planck's idea and proposed the light quantum hypothesis based on the photoelectric effect.

Later, de Broglie proposed that not only light, but also any physical particle (as small as electrons and protons, as large as a football or the sun) has wave-particle duality, and pointed out the relationship between the frequency and wavelength of fluctuations and the energy and momentum of the particles.

E = hν,

p = h /λ。

At this point, quantum mechanics was formally established on the basis of the concept of wave-particle duality.

However, this result is very unsatisfactory, why is light a wave and a particle? Why is light as a wave able to propagate in a vacuum without a medium?

We know that sound waves travel through the air, and on the moon, people around you can't hear them.

These problems cannot be explained by the mainstream scientific community at present.

The emergence of the unified field theory [Baidu Unified Field Theory 6th Edition] can give a thorough explanation.

According to the unified field theory, a charge moving in a straight line at a uniform velocity produces a uniform magnetic field, and an accelerating charge can produce a varying magnetic field.

Changing the magnetic field can produce an electric field and a positive and anti-gravitational field, and accelerating the negative charge can cause changes in the electric and magnetic fields around the negative charge.

In the unified field theory, the integral formula for the electric field and gravitational field generated by the changing magnetic field is as follows:

∮[(dB/dt)·dS ] = - u∮A·dR’ + ∮E·dR

∮ is the orbital integral, the integration range is from 0 to 2π, B is the magnetic field, t is the time, d is the differential sign, S is the vector plane element, A is the gravitational field, you is the constant, E is the electric field, and R' and R are the edge curves of the surface S.

The anti-gravitational field generated by the accelerated motion of the negative charge can cancel out the mass of the electron itself, which can make the mass become zero, and as long as the mass becomes zero, the charge also becomes zero.

Because, in the unified field theory, all objects in the universe, when they are at rest with respect to our observers, the surrounding space diverges and moves towards the surroundings at the speed of light.

Both charge and mass are caused by the divergent movement of the space around the particles of an object outward at the speed of light.

When an object moves at the speed of light relative to us, the original speed of light motion in the surrounding space will be zero, because the speed of light does not change, and the speed of light cannot be superimposed.

The disappearance of the light-speed motion in space around the object means that the mass and charge disappear, because the mass and charge are a motion effect of the divergent movement of the light-speed in space.

Conversely, we can say that any object in the universe that makes its mass zero will be in an excited state, and it must suddenly move at the speed of light, and in the future, without the change of external factors, it will continue to move at the speed of light by inertia.

The electron goes from a normal mass to zero, is in an excited state, and requires a fixed amount of energy, less than which the electron cannot be in the excited state and cannot move at the speed of light.

It is also impossible to be greater than this energy, thinking that once the value of energy is reached, the electron will become an excited state and move away at the speed of light, and if you want to add energy to the electron, you will not be able to add it.

This fixed energy is the electromagnetic wave that Planck discovered, and the energy radiated is always an integer multiple of the smallest unit.

The energy of electromagnetic radiation is discontinuous, which is the reason for the above, and this is also the fundamental explanation of quantum in quantum mechanics.

The above is the basic principle of photon formation, and the flying saucer of aliens flies is the same as that of photons.

The principle of flight of photons is completely different from that of gun bullets. The fundamental difference between them is that they are not the same in terms of the conservation of momentum.

The conservation of momentum respected by the photon is P = mC,

In the above equation, P is the momentum of the photon, m is the mass of the photon, and C is the vector speed of light.

In unified field theory, the vector speed of light can change in direction, and modulo c is the scalar speed of light and cannot change.

An object particle is at rest with respect to us and has momentum at rest P static = m'C'

When the object moves with velocity V relative to us, the momentum of motion is

P = m(C-V)

From the above equation, we can see that if the velocity of the particle motion of the object V = C, the velocity part of the momentum C-V is equal to zero.

The momentum m (C-V) in the unified field theory is still quantitatively conserved, and the fact that C-V is equal to zero causes m to tend to infinity.

Infinity is unacceptable to us, and there is another possibility here. That is, the rest mass m' of the particle of the object becomes zero.

In the unified field theory, the quantity of the momentum at rest m'C' m'c and the quantity of the momentum of motion m (C-V) mc√(1 - v²/c²) are equal.

m’c = mc√(1 - v²/c²)

Dividing the above equation by the scalar speed of light c results in the mass-velocity equation in relativity.

m’ = m√(1 - v²/c²)

From the mass-velocity equation, it can be seen that when the particles of an object are moving at the speed of light, if the rest mass is zero, the moving mass can be an appropriate quantity, not infinity.

And the conservation of momentum observed by the principle of motion of the gun bullet is P = mV, V is the velocity of the gun bullet, and m is the mass of the gun bullet.

In Newtonian mechanics, the mass m is an invariant, if the gun bullet is under force in a system and the momentum changes, since the mass m is constant in Newtonian mechanics, the change in momentum causes the gun bullet velocity V to change, which can change from 0 [the velocity of the gun bullet when it was originally stationary] to a definite velocity V.

The motion of the photon and the object that we see macroscopically are both responsible for observing the conservation of momentum, except that the momentum observed by the photon is the mass multiplied by the vector speed of light, while the momentum observed by the gun bullet is the mass multiplied by the ordinary speed of motion.

The fluctuation of photons is the fluctuation of space itself, the space we live in is always moving at the speed of light, and photons are stationary in space and move with space.

All objects in the universe, in the case of relative to us at rest, the surrounding space always moves in a cylindrical spiral [cylindrical spiral is a combination of rotational motion and linear motion of the center of rotation, of which the linear motion part is the vector speed of light] to the surrounding divergent motion, and the spiral motion of space also contains fluctuations, the fluctuations of space are transverse waves, and the speed of fluctuations is the speed of light.

Most of the motion observed by humans is a combination of two types of motion: the movement of an object in space and the movement of space around an object.

For example, if we use the momentum mV and the dynamic equation F = mA in Newtonian mechanics to describe the motion of an object in space with velocity V, or with acceleration A, why take a mass m?

In unified field theory, this mass m represents the number of spatial displacements around the particles of an object moving at the vector speed of light, and space fluctuates all the time.

This is the reason behind the wave-particle duality of any physical particle in quantum mechanics (as small as electrons and protons, as large as a soccer ball or the sun).

The motion of an ordinary object is a synthesis of two motions, motion in space and motion in the surrounding space. Whereas, photons only move in space, and the surrounding space motion disappears completely.

In the unified field theory, electromagnetic waves are distorted electromagnetic fields generated by accelerating moving charges, and the essence of the distorted electromagnetic field generated by the acceleration of the charge is still space, and this distorted electromagnetic field includes an antigravitational field according to the unified field theory.

Only when this distorted electromagnetic field [which contains an anti-gravitational field] sweeps away certain electrons, causing the mass and charge of the electrons to disappear, excitation, and motion at the speed of light, this is a photon.

So, electromagnetic waves are not equal to photons.

However, we wanted to design experiments to verify that those are purely distorted electromagnetic fields, which are still space in nature, and that they do not contain electrons, and that those that do, it is not easy.

Because we use the instrument to accept the distorted electromagnetic field that accelerates the charge, the distorted electromagnetic field and the instrument interact with each other, and the instrument can also receive energy.

However, I am here to devise a particularly ideal experiment that can verify what exactly a photon is.

Imagine that we make a coil out of one cubic centimeter of copper atoms, use that coil to make a generator, and connect a 100-watt light bulb.

We use an external force to connect the belt to drive the generator to rotate, as long as the speed of rotation is fast enough, the power generated can make the 100-watt light bulb continue to shine.

Taking visible light as an example, the energy of a photon is about 2~3 electron volts, which corresponds to the energy of minus 19 joules of 4 times 10.

For a 100W incandescent lamp, the electro-optical conversion efficiency is calculated as 10%, so the luminous power is about 10W, that is to say, 10 joules of photon energy are radiated per second, and the corresponding number of photons is about 2.5 times 10 to the 19th power.

One cubic centimeter of copper has about 2.45 times 10 to the 21st power of electrons.

According to this calculation, this light bulb can only be lit for 100 seconds, which seems to be inconsistent with practice.

This experiment is not very difficult, and I hope that netizens who have the conditions will do this experiment.

If this light bulb can continue to be bright for many years, and the brightness does not decrease at all, it can only show that the visible light we humans see is almost all distorted electromagnetic field, and the essence is still space.

The light we humans see is not made up of excited electrons, but is only the result of distorting the stimulation of our eyes by distorting the electromagnetic field [the essence is still space].

If this is the case, the double-slit interference experiment with light can be a good explanation.

In addition to the distorted electromagnetic field, which has no physical particles, light should contain photons composed of excited electrons, especially photons with high frequencies, which are likely to contain excited electrons.

There are two common photonic models composed of excited electrons.

First, the photons produced by the accelerated motion of the negative charge are single-excitation electrons, moving in a cylindrical spiral.

The photon produced by the meeting of positive and negative electrons is the rotation of two electrons around a central axis, and both move in a straight line at the speed of light in the vertical direction of the plane of rotation, which is also a cylindrical spiral motion.

Because we earthlings use photons to observe photons, and the shape of photons will change when observing, so human beings have not been able to directly observe photons until now.

Aliens use artificial field scans to observe photons, and artificial fields are essentially artificial manipulation of space, and space can be infinitely divided, and matter smaller than photons can be observed, so a model of photons can be clearly observed.

If we earthlings invent artificial field scanning, we could validate the two common photonic models I mentioned above.

Chapter 7: Successful Experiment on Gravitational Field Generated by Varying Electromagnetic Field (with Theoretical Derivation)

Experiments on gravitational fields generated by varying electromagnetic fields and a simplified theoretical derivation

A patent has been applied for the test of changing the electromagnetic field to generate a gravitational field - "a device for the gravitational field of electromagnetic conversion".

An artificial field is a gravitational field that can be artificially controlled by changing electromagnetic fields. Artificial fields can replace the electrical energy that is prevalent on our planet, bringing humanity into the virtual age of the speed of light.

In order for artificial fields to become a reality on Earth, the most important thing is the success of the experiment of changing the electromagnetic field to generate a gravitational field.

On November 2, 2023, I discovered for the first time in my experiments that the gravitational field of acceleration is generated by a positive charge in acceleration in the opposite direction.

On March 1, 2024, I discovered in the experiment that the changing magnetic field produces a vortex gravitational field, which causes everything to rotate.

1. Linear gravitational field test in which the acceleration of the positive charge produces acceleration in the opposite direction

In the diagram below,

The positive and negative poles of the wire are not in contact with each other, 6 cm apart, and the plexiglass tube is covered.

Hang a small and light flake-like object [any material] with a thin wire, perforated in the center, and set on the plexiglass tube, but without touching the plexiglass tube, in the middle of the 6 cm gap between the positive and negative electrodes.

When the positive and negative poles are connected to the high-voltage [about 30,000 volts] DC power supply, the moment the power switch is pressed, the suspended object moves in the direction of the positive pole.

Turn the positive and negative poles, and the suspended object is still moving in the direction of the positive pole.

When the switch is pressed, the positive charge in the circuit accelerates in situ, and the electromotive force generated between the positive and negative electrodes contains a gravitational field, which accelerates the motion of the suspended object.

The plexiglass tube is sleeved to prevent the ionic wind effect and the electrostatic motor effect. The suspension is made in the form of a thin sheet to suppress the polarization effect and depolarization effect of the hanging object.

This test was also successful under vacuum conditions.

2. The change of the magnetic field produces a vortex gravitational field that causes all objects to rotate the test

In the image below:

Wrap two spiral coils 19 cm long and 3.7 cm in diameter with a 0.57 mm diameter enameled copper wire.

One end of the coil above is connected to the negative pole of the high-voltage package [the input of the high-voltage package is DC 7.4 volts, the output high-voltage pulse DC is 26,000 volts, and the merchant standard on Taobao is 2 million volts, which is a false standard, and the negative electrode of the search for "DC 7.4V2000kV high-voltage generator" on Taobao can be purchased], and one end is placed on the vacuum tank [10 cm in diameter].

The upper end of the coil below is attached to the vacuum tank, and the lower end is connected to the positive electrode of the high-pressure pack. The two coils are 10 cm apart and are not connected to each other.

The vacuum tank in the middle has been pumped into a vacuum, and a red polyethylene ball is suspended with a thin cotton thread inside. One end of the fine cotton thread is fixed on the inner wall of the vacuum tank with AB glue.

When the power switch is pressed, the polyethylene ball spins up.

The test found that the magnetic field lines were rotated as the axis, satisfying the left-hand spiral, and the positive and negative poles were reversed, and the rotation direction was opposite.

The above test can exclude the electrostatic motor effect and ionic wind effect under vacuum conditions. Because ionic wind is formed by ionization of air, there is no air in a vacuum, so there is no ionic wind effect.

The electrostatic motor effect is formed by the positive and negative wires spraying electric charges or ions onto polyethylene beads.

The electrode is outside the vacuum tank, and the thick glass of the vacuum tank cannot spray the charge into the vacuum tank.

However, the polarization effect of the electric field cannot be ruled out, because the polarization effect of high voltages not only exists in a vacuum, but can also easily pass through the thick glass of the vacuum tank.

In this upper and lower structure of the coil, the coil and the thin wire of the hanging polyethylene ball are parallel, so that the force generated by the polarization effect is parallel to the thin line, and the polyethylene ball rotates on the axis of the thin line, so that the polarization effect does not contribute to the rotation.

In this case, the effect of polarization on the speed of rotation can be basically ruled out, plus the electrostatic motor effect and the ionic wind effect are excluded, and only the effect of the change of the magnetic field of the unified field theory produces a vortex gravitational field to rotate all objects.

It should be noted that the linear gravitational field effect produced by the polarization effect and the changing electric field interferes with the rotation direction of the suspended object to a certain extent.

Therefore, when testing, it is not possible to continuously repeat the test, and the repeated test will make the material be polarized seriously.

The use of fine enameled wire winding coils, the number of turns of the coil winding, can highlight the rotational effect of the magnetic field and reduce the linear motion effect of the electric field.

Wrap the coil with fine enameled wire, the number of turns around the coil is very large, the total mass of the coil is relatively large, and the silicon steel sheet is stuffed into the coil, which can increase the inductance energy of the coil. When the power is turned off, the energy stored in the coil can still cause the suspension to rotate.

In this case, the polarization effect and the changing electric field cause the linear motion effect of the object to disappear, leaving only the vortex gravitational field of the changing magnetic field to rotate the object. This makes it easier for us to analyze.

However, it should be noted that when the power is turned on and off, the resulting vortex gravitational field rotates in opposite directions.

【Appendix】Theoretical derivation of the gravitational field experiment of varying electromagnetic field.

The following is the theoretical derivation process of changing the electromagnetic field to produce the gravitational field. For the detailed derivation process, please refer to "Unified Field Theory", and you can obtain the electronic version of "Unified Field Theory" by adding my WeChat.

1. Basic assumptions

Any object in the universe always moves in a cylindrical spiral at the speed of light C' [the capital letters in this article are vectors].

The linear motion part of cylindrical spiral motion is an electric field, the rotational motion part is a magnetic field, and the acceleration of rotation pointing to the central axis is a gravitational field.

The three fields are perpendicular to each other.

There is also a magnetic field around a stationary object, but how many magnetic field lines pass through on a curved surface, how many magnetic field lines pass out, canceling each other out, and there is no effect on the outside world.

The above basic assumption mentions that space itself is in motion.

In order to describe the motion of the space itself, we divide the space into many small pieces, each of which is called the space point, and by describing the motion of the space point, we can describe the motion of the space itself.

The above basic assumption mentions the vector speed of light.

In this paper, it is argued that the speed of light can be extended to a vector, and the direction of the vector speed of light can change, and the modulus is a scalar speed of light, which is represented by the lowercase letter c, and c does not change.

When the particle o point of the object is at rest with respect to our observer, a surrounding point p diverges around at the vector speed of light C', and when the point o moves with velocity V relative to us, the velocity of point p relative to our observer we denote it by the vector speed of light C.

C' and C are equal in size and in different directions. Does the relationship between C' and C conform to the Lorenz transform of the theory of relativity?

According to Lorenz's velocity transformation, the relationship between the three components of C', Cx', Cy', Cz' and the three components of C, Cx, Cy, and Cz satisfies as follows:

Cx’ = (Cx – v)/[1- (Cx v/c²)]

Cy’ = [Cy√(1-v²/c²)]/ [1- (Cx v/c²)]

Cz’ = [Cz√(1-v²/c²)]/ [1- (Cx v/c²)]

From the above you can derive:


= [(Cx– v)²+ Cy²(1-v²/c²) + Cz²(1-v²/c²) ]/[1- (Cx v/c²)]²

= c²c²[Cx²+ Cy²+ Cz²-2 Cx v+ v²-(c²-Cx²)v²/c²]/(c²-Cx v)²

= c²c²[c²-2 Cx v+ v²-(c²-Cx²)v²/c²]/(c²-Cx v)²

= c²[c²c²-2 c²Cx v+ Cx²v²]/(c²-Cx v)²

= c²

From this the vector speeds of light C and C' are derived, satisfying the following relationship:

C’· C’ = C·C = c²

C and C' are not in the same direction, however, the quantity is the same.

When the point o moves with velocity V relative to our observer, let the velocity of point p with respect to point o be U, since C is the synthesis of you and V, that is, C=U+V,



2. Understand the gravitational field

We stand on the earth and drop a stone in our hands, and the stone falls in free fall towards the center of the earth with acceleration.

If there were no stones, the space where the stones were located would still be falling towards the center of the earth in that way.

The essence of the gravitational field is the acceleration of the acceleration of the space around the object towards the object.

The gravitational field has two important properties:

The position vector of an object pointing to a point in the gravitational field (we call it a field point, or investigation point) is in the opposite direction of the gravitational field.

The gravitational field can have an accelerating effect on objects made of all materials.

3. Recognize the magnetic field

Human beings have discovered that the electric field change in the vertical direction of the moving speed caused by the linear motion of charged particles with uniform speed relative to our observer, and the change in electric field can be regarded as a magnetic field, that is, the electric field that changes with speed produces a magnetic field.

In the diagram below, a positively charged particle o point at rest with respect to us generates an electrostatic field E' at the surrounding space point p. When point o moves in a straight line with velocity V in the positive direction of the x-axis with velocity V, a magnetic field B can be generated.

The essence of this magnetic field is that the space rotates on the central axis with the vector velocity V, and the rotation of B satisfies the right-hand helical relationship with V.

B = V×E/c²

According to the order of vector cross product and Stokes' theorem, the y cross multiplied by z forms a vector plane in the x direction, the z cross multiplied by x forms a vector plane in the y direction, and the x cross multiplied by y forms a vector plane in the z direction, and the three components satisfy the following right-hand spiral relationship:

Bx = 0

By = -V×Ez/c²

Bz = V×Ey/c²

Point o is the positive charge, Ez is the component of the positive electric field produced by point o along the z-axis, and Ey is the component on the y-axis.

The positive electric field generated at point o is directed from point o to point p, and from the previous basic assumption, when point o moves in the positive direction of the x-axis with velocity V, there is exactly an opposite velocity -V at point p.

If we set the investigation point at point p, then the above right-hand spiral relationship should be changed to a left-handed spiral relationship:

Bx = 0

By = V×Ez/c²

Bz =﹣V×Ey/c²

When we investigate and analyze the motion of point p somewhere in space, it is more convenient to use this component formula.

4. The magnetic field that varies with time produces an electric field and a gravitational field

Suppose a point charge o point, starting from the origin at time 0, moving in a uniform linear line along the positive direction of the x-axis with a uniform velocity V [scalar is v] relative to our observer, point o generates a moving electric field E and a uniform magnetic field B at any surrounding space point p:

B= V×E/c²

When point o moves in the positive direction of the x-axis with respect to us with acceleration -A, the charge o generates a moving electric field E, a non-constant magnetic field dB/dt, and a gravitational field A at any of the surrounding spatial points p.

We take a point p somewhere in space as the investigation point, and take the magnetic field definition equation B= V×E/c² to find the derivative of time t, which is:


If we can prove that dB/dt= (V×dE/dt)/c² represents:

The change of the magnetic field produces a changing electric field [also known as the vortex electric field], which is the principle of Faraday electromagnetic induction, as a counterpart, dB/dt=dV/dt×E/c² should be the change of the magnetic field to produce the gravitational field.

Because dV/dt=A is the acceleration of the point p in space, according to our previous understanding of the gravitational field, the acceleration of space itself is equivalent to the gravitational field.

We first show that dB/dt= (V×dE/dt)/c² is Faraday's principle of electromagnetic induction.

Since the investigation point is no longer on point o, but on point p in space, the relationship between the magnetic field B and the electric field E, we use the left-hand spiral:

Bx = 0

By =(v/c²)Ez

Bz = -(v/c²)Ey

The three components of dB/dt= (V×dE/dt)/c² are as follows [Differential sign changed to partial differential semicolon]:

Bx/t = 0

By/t =(v Ez/t)/c²

Bz/t = -(v Ey/t)/c²

From the electrostatic field curl of zero∂Ex'/∂z' - ∂Ez'/∂x'=0, and Ex = Ex', ∂z' = ∂z, γEz' = Ez, ∂/γ∂x=∂/∂x', γ=1/√(1- v²/c²) in the Lorenz positive transform, we get:

Ex/z–(1/γ²)Ez/x = 0

Ex/z–(1- v²/c²)Ez/x = 0

∂Ex/∂z–∂Ez/∂x = -(v²/c²)∂Ez/∂x

Defined by velocitydv/dt=v, we get v ∂/∂x = ∂/ ∂t, so:

Ex/z–Ez/x = -(v/c²)Ez/t

From the electrostatic field curl of zero∂Ey'/∂x' - ∂Ex'/∂y'=0, and Ex = Ex', ∂z' = ∂z, γEy' = Ey, ∂/γ∂x=∂/∂x', γ=1/√(1- v²/c²) in the Lorenz positive transformation, we get:

(1/γ²)Ey/x –Ex/y = 0

∂Ey/∂x–∂Ex/∂y- (v²/c²)∂Ey∂x = 0

From dv/dt=v, we get v ∂/∂x = ∂/ ∂t, so:

∂Ey/∂x–∂Ex/∂y = (v/c²)∂Ey/∂t

Combine these two equations with the three components of dB/dt= (V×dE/dt)/c² above:

Bx/t = 0

By/t =(v Ez/t)/c²

Bz/t = -(v Ey/t)/c²

By comparison, we can get:

Ez/y–Ey/z = 0

Ex/z–Ez/x = - By/t

Ey/x–Ex/y = - Bz/t

Combining the above three equations, it is the Faraday electromagnetic induction equation:

×E= - B/t

In the following let's analyze the gravitational field A equation dB/dt=(dV/dt)×E/c² generated by the change of magnetic field B.

The three components of this equation are as follows:

Bx/t = 0

∂By/∂t =(∂V/∂t) ×Ez/c²=A ×Ez/c²

∂Bz/∂t = -(∂V/∂t) ×Ey/c²= - A×Ey/c²

The differential sign d has been changed to a partial differential sign ∂. where the direction of A is the direction of acceleration of the space point p, which is opposite to the positive direction of the x-axis.

The above equation can be written as dB/dt=A×E/c², which can be understood as:

When the positive charge o point accelerates along the positive direction of the x-axis, at any point p in the surrounding space, a varying magnetic field dB/dt, an electric field E, and a gravitational field A in the opposite direction of acceleration are generated.

A, E, dB/dt are perpendicular to each other, satisfying the cross-product relation, and constructing a cylindrical spiral, in the unified field theory, the essence of the field is the space moving in a cylindrical spiral.

This is our first experiment, the theoretical explanation of the linear gravitational field in which the acceleration of a positive charge is in the opposite direction.

For the change in the magnetic field to produce the vortex gravitational field, the basic principle is the same as above.

The essence of the magnetic field is that space rotates on the central axis with a vector velocity V.

In the diagram above, there is a straight line from point A to point B, and the magnetic field is surrounded in a cylindrical spiral.

In the figure below, when there is a circle from point A to point B, the rotational motion of space is one in and one out on the front and back sides of the circle, the side that enters is the S pole, and the side that comes out is called the N pole.

When the wire is a straight line, the magnetic field is orbited by the wire as an axis. When the wire is a circumference, the magnetic field is still surrounded by the circumferential wire.

In a long straight wire, the positive charge accelerates in a straight line in the direction of the wire, resulting in a gravitational field parallel to the direction of the wire, which accelerates the object in a straight line in the parallel direction of the wire.

We can imagine that when the wire is bent into a circle, the object moves along the circle wire, so that rotation occurs.

In the image below:

According to the right-hand rule, we hold the wire with our right hand and the thumb direction is pointing from the positive pole to the negative pole, then the direction of the four fingers around is the direction of the magnetic field.

In the above figure, the suspended object moves from the negative electrode to the positive electrode, so the suspended object rotates on the axis of the magnetic field line, and the rotation satisfies the left-hand spiral.

From the equation dB/dt=dV/dt×E/c²+(V×dE/dt)/c²:

(V×dE/dt)/c² represents the vortex electric field generated by the change of the magnetic field, which is the Faraday principle of electromagnetic induction. dB/dt=dV/dt×E/c² is the vortex gravitational field generated by the change in the magnetic field.

Since the change in the magnetic field produces a swirling electric field, satisfying the left-handed spiral. The vortex gravitational field generated by the changing magnetic field should also be a left-handed spiral, since dV/dt×E/c² and (V×dE/dt)/c² are both positive signs.

Now, after a large number of trials, this has also been confirmed.

Chapter 8: Application Report for the Development of Artificial Field Scanning Technology

Provided by: Zhang Xiangqian

Communicate WeChat zhxq1105974776 or 18714815159

Phone 18714815159


Address: No. 111, Erlong New Street, Tongda Town, Lujiang County, Anhui Province


1. How many parts does the artificial field scanning equipment consist of?

Second, what are the specific uses of artificial field scanning?

Third, what steps do I need to complete to create an artificial field scan?

Artificial field scanning is a device that uses the positive and anti-gravitational fields generated by changing electromagnetic fields [different from anti-gravity, gravity and gravitational field dimensions are different], and works under the control of computer programs.

Artificial field scanning equipment is similar to our earth's electrical energy installations, which are a basic power source. The principle is similar to Faraday's electromagnetism and magnetovaria, which uses the mutual conversion of electromagnetic field and gravitational field.

Artificial farms are an upgraded product of electricity that can replace the electrical energy that is prevalent on our planet.

The theoretical basis of artificial field scanning is provided by the "Unified Field Theory", which can be obtained by adding Zhang Xiangqian's WeChat.

1. How many parts does the artificial field scanning equipment consist of?

The artificial field scanning equipment includes two parts, one is the artificial field scanning hardware equipment, and the other part is the software that controls the artificial field scanning equipment.

The artificial field hardware device can be placed in the sky, and can remotely and non-contact emit an artificial gravitational field to the ground, which can penetrate the wall without obstacles and exert action on internal objects.

The generators on our planet convert other energy into electricity, and then use power lines to transmit the energy to electric motors or electrical appliances for users.

The generator is the conversion of other energy into electrical energy, and the generator itself does not create energy.

The artificial field scanning transmitter is like a generator, it cannot create energy itself, but only converts other energy [especially electrical, nuclear, and solar energy] into field energy.

Artificial fields irradiate objects, which can change the mass, charge, velocity, position, temperature, space in which the object is located, the time elapsed, etc. Or the field energy can be transmitted to the energy receiver by means of a vacuum.

The generator uses wires to deliver energy to the motor, while the artificial field sweep can deliver energy to the energy receiver over a long distance through a vacuum.

Compared with electrical energy, the artificial field generator does not need wires, and can transmit force and energy over a long distance and without contact through vacuum, which is the most important advantage of the artificial field generator. Because this makes products and devices centralized and virtualized, a small number of products and devices can be used by everyone around the world.

For example, in the future, billions of people around the world will share a giant computer or mobile phone, and a virtual screen will appear when the user swipes his hand around.

Therefore, the emergence of artificial farms can greatly reduce the number of products in the world.

Second, what are the specific uses of artificial field scanning?

We know that electrical energy can move objects, heat them, cool them, produce sound, generate light, generate electromagnetic fields, process information, and more.

In addition to having all the functions of electrical energy, artificial field scanning can also affect time and space, that is, the irradiation of space, which can affect the length of space within a local range and the length of time when things happen in space.

It can also make objects move by influencing time, space, and then objects in space.

The positive gravitational field emitted by the artificial field scanning equipment can increase the mass of the object by irradiating the object; The resulting anti-gravitational field irradiates the object and can reduce the mass of the object, all the way down to zero.

Once an object is in a state of zero mass excitation, it suddenly moves at the speed of light.

Once an object is in a quasi-excited state close to zero mass, it will not move at the speed of light, but it can pass through a wall, and both the object and the wall will be intact.

These unique features of artificial field scanning can not only replace electricity, but also have the following uses:

1. Build a flying machine that can fly at the speed of light.

Artificial field scanning irradiates the aircraft, which can make the mass of the aircraft become zero, and as long as the mass of the aircraft becomes zero, it will suddenly move at the speed of light. This is also the principle of flying saucer at the speed of light.

2. Cold welding in construction and industrial manufacturing

The artificial field scanning irradiates the object, which can make the object in a quasi-excited state, and the two objects in the quasi-excited state can cut into each other without resistance, remove the artificial field, and the objects will be welded together, which is called cold welding.

Artificial field scanning can make cold welding super large-scale use, increase the speed of building houses, engineering, and industrial manufacturing by a hundred times, reduce the cost by a hundred times, and create myths in all aspects of human production, life, and medical treatment.

3. Manual information field scanning.

The artificial field works under the control of a complex electronic computer program, which is called an artificial information field.

The artificial information field can detect the human body, cold welding, excitation, heating, high-speed cutting, handling and other functions, and can accurately locate, identify, and batch operation of molecules and atoms.

The artificial information field can also be operated on inside the human body without affecting the outside, and the object can be removed instantly inside the human body without opening the intestine during the operation.

It can quickly and completely remove harmful substances such as cancer cells and viruses in the human body, which is simple and rude, and does not need to find the pathogenesis.

The incredible ability of artificial information fields, combined with electronic computers, can enable mankind to completely treat various infectious diseases, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other acute and chronic diseases, and can enable mankind to enter the drug-free era.

The effect of artificial information field weight loss, plastic surgery, and sculpting the human body is incredible, and there is no pain in people.

4. Disappear Movement in an Instant - Global Sports Network

Using artificial field scanning, a global sports network can be created. The global sports network was built and placed in space. When you go out to travel, you only need to send your exercise request to the global sports network, and as soon as the global sports network uses artificial field scanning to irradiate people, people will immediately disappear and appear where they want.

The Global Movement Network enables people and goods to be present anywhere in the world in less than a second, including in sealed rooms. However, the scope of the global motion network can only be on one planet, and to other planets, it can only take a light-speed aircraft, or a flying saucer.

5. The world's large-scale conduction without wires

If we don't strictly distinguish the difference between electrical energy and field energy, it is called field energy or electric energy, which is just the name of our people, and we can put it all

The Globe Wireless Conductive Center is understood as the global central energy field, which is to provide energy from several satellites in space remotely and non-contact to all energy users around the world.

6. Convergent solar receiver

The artificial field scanning equipment irradiates the space, through influencing and compressing the space, and then can absorb the photons emitted by the sun in the space, which can receive tens of thousands of square meters of solar energy on one square meter, solve the human energy crisis, and the energy is cheap and almost free.

The solar receiver can also artificially reduce the solar energy in a certain place, combined with computer analysis, to strongly control and regulate the weather and avoid the occurrence of harmful weather, because the source of harmful weather is solar energy. It's equivalent to installing a big air conditioner on the earth.

7. Infinitely compressed space storage and transmission information technology.

Any space in the universe can store the information of the entire universe, and the space can be infinitely compressed.

The use of artificial field scanning to process information, because the essence of the field is the space of cylindrical spiral motion, is equivalent to the use of space to store and transmit information, artificial field scanning can upgrade human information technology.

The field emitted by the artificial field is actually the space of cylindrical spiral motion, which is infinitely divisible. It has super penetrating properties, can detect and scan the interior of the earth, can detect the depths of the universe, can take pictures of the microscopic world such as photons, and can replace electromagnetic waves as a communication medium.

8. Virtual architecture and light virtual human body.

An artificial field is used to exert an influence on space, such as affecting a plane, so that this plane generates a field force, which can create a blocking force on the moving object.

Then use the artificial field to lock the light and dye the plane with color, so that a virtual plane can be generated, which can be used as a cement wall, and various virtual buildings can be formed by using this virtual wall.

Artificial field scanning can also virtualize the human body, and the virtual human body composed of light will become popular on a large scale on the planet. It can be considered an upgrade of modern holographic projection technology.

Artificial field scanning technology can make many products virtual, and future computers, mobile phones, and products related to processing information can be completely virtualized.

Billions of people around the world can use a virtual mobile phone or computer, and users can quickly appear three-dimensional virtual images and sounds around them, and when they are not in use, they can disappear immediately with a wave of their hand.

9. Time and space refrigerator.

We store food in the space-time refrigerator, although the temperature inside is the same as the outside, but this space-time refrigerator is under the irradiation of the artificial field, we have been outside for a year, and the time inside has only passed a second, so the freshness of the food stored in this refrigerator is beyond the reach of ordinary refrigerators.

Conversely, a year has passed on the inside, and only a second has passed on the outside, which can also be achieved.

The basic principle of the space-time refrigerator is that the artificial field irradiates the space, which can change the speed of time passage of all events in the space.

10. Field scanning technology for consciousness reading and storage.

Human consciousness and thinking are formed by the movement of charged particles and ions moving in the human brain, which will exert a perturbation effect on space.

Artificial field scanning equipment emits field, an invisible substance, which penetrates deep into the human brain, and can record the movement form of these charged particles without damage, as well as the perturbation effect of the space around the human brain.

In this way, the person's consciousness and memory information can be completely read and recorded, so as to further copy the person's consciousness information, digitize it, and store it in the electronic computer.

After a few hundred years, human science and technology will develop to a certain extent, and then install these consciousness information in the body of an artificial, unconscious young man, or living organism, so that human immortality can become a reality.

This field scanning technology can also change the mode of education, and can deliver knowledge such as rote memorization to the human brain at high speed, so that the learning time of people can be greatly reduced. It can also change the way people communicate with each other.

Artificial field scanning emits the intangible substance of the field, which is the only feasible and ideal medium for the human brain to connect with the computer and the Internet. Wires, electromagnetic waves, ultrasounds, X-photons, electrons, lasers and other things that penetrate deep into the human brain will destroy the human brain.

Third, what kind of work needs to be done to create an artificial field scan?

In the first step, the essence of the electromagnetic field and the gravitational field and the definition equation are theoretically pointed out, which are the basic equations.

This basic equation has already been completed by itself.

In the second step, it is theoretically pointed out that the mathematical equation of changing the gravitational field produces the electromagnetic field, and changing the electromagnetic field produces the positive and negative gravitational fields.

This step has been completed by me.

In the third step, an experiment is designed to verify that the positive and anti-gravitational fields are generated by changing the electromagnetic field according to the definition equations of the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field, the equation of the basic relationship between the electric field and the magnetic field, and the mathematical equation of the changing gravitational field to produce the electromagnetic field.

In particular, the anti-gravitational field generated by changing the electromagnetic field, irradiating the object, can reduce the mass of the object.

This step has already been done myself. The change electromagnetic field generated the gravitational field test, which broke through for the first time in the early morning of November 2, 2023, and after a large number of repeated tests, it was determined that the test was successful.

The fourth step is to improve the relevant application equations according to the basic definition equations, especially the quantitative equation of the gravitational field generated by changing the electromagnetic field, that is, how many charges, how much velocity, how much acceleration, how far away the gravitational field is generated, and the direction of the gravitational field is directed there, and then according to this quantitative equation, the artificial field scanning equipment model is designed and constructed.

Step 5: Design various computer programs that will serve the scanning equipment in the artificial field.

In all the applications of the artificial field, the scanning equipment of the artificial field is the same except for the size and power, and the software programs are different for different applications.

Just like the electricity emitted by a power plant, it is only that electricity can be applied in different fields, which produces a kaleidoscopic form.

For example, the artificial field scanning program that makes objects move and generate virtual buildings is very simple, but the artificial field scanning program that scans the human brain consciousness to treat human diseases is very complex.

The vast majority of applications of manual field scanning equipment require computer program manipulation.

Step 6: Expand the application of artificial field scanning equipment in various fields.

In particular, it completely replaces electrical energy, replaces all human electrical appliances, and expands the application of artificial fields to fields where electric energy cannot be used, such as rockets.

Artificial field scanning is a major basic science research project that can have a dramatic impact on humanity as a whole. The cost of research and development could be as high as that of the Manhattan Project in the United States. However, the key to the development of artificial fields is to experimentally discover that changing electromagnetic fields produce positive and anti-gravitational fields, and this experiment has made a breakthrough.

The artificial field belongs to the normal temperature technology, which does not involve low temperature and high temperature, so the material requirements are not harsh, and the difficulty is that the principle is profound, involving time, space, field, mass, charge, energy...... These are essential questions.

Since the essence of the field is the moving space, the artificial field technology can also be called the space-time technology.

However, the research and development of artificial field still requires the cooperation and participation of many people, and if there is cooperation with the University of Science and Technology, theoretical calculation and experiment are carried out simultaneously, it is estimated that most of the projects in the 10 major applications of artificial field scanning can be completed in 1 to 5 years.

Zhang XQ_240701 UFT

2024.7.1 Written in Lujiang, Anhui Province

Zhang Xiangqian's main works

Adventures on the Planet Gok

Also known as "Anhui Peasants Alien Planet Monthly Experience"

"The Social and Everyday Situation of Aliens"

Contains "Introducing Alien Sex"

"The Parasitic Race of the Fruit Buster"

"What does the fruit nemesis look like"

"Unraveling the Mystery of Prophecy's Extraordinary Functions"

Contains "Unraveling the Mystery of the Prophet's Prophecy"

Unified Field Theory

Contains "Demystifying the Nature of Gravitation"

"Demystifying the Essence of Electric Charge and Electromagnetic Field"

"Anhui Legendary Farmer Reveals the Mystery of Human Body, Life and Death, Reincarnation, Consciousness and Soul"

Contains "Revealing the Mystery of Human Life and Death"

How People Feel When They Die

The Root of Human Suffering

"Introducer's Past Life Love"

"The Latest Scientific Theory Proves the Truth of the Cycle of Life"

"Mystery of the Alien UFO"

Matter and Information

The Nature of Time and Space and the Core Secrets of the Universe

Introduction to Zhang Xiangqian, a farmer in Anhui Province

"Human Nature, Beauty and Ugliness, Wisdom, Ignorance, Servility"

Religion, Science, Philosophy, Culture, Art

"We Are All Farmers"

"Seeing through the essence of the Chinese at a glance"

Zhang Xiangqian's Love Novel

"Zhang Xiangqian predicts the future"

"Secrets, Strange Stories, Strange Things"

"Unraveling the Mystery of the Origin of the Nation"

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