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Summary  摘要

4-Phase-Rhinomanometry (4PR) Basics and Practice 2010
2010 年 4 相鼻压计 (4PR) 基础与实践

Klaus Vogt*, Alfredo A. Jalowayski, W. Althaus, C. Cao,
D. Han, W. Hasse, H. Hoffrichter, R. Mösges,
D.Han, W. Hasse, H. Hoffrichter, R. Mösges、
J. Pallanch, K. Shah-Hosseini, K. Peksis,
J.Pallanch, K. Shah-Hosseini, K. Peksis、
K.-D. Wernecke, L. Zhang*, P. Zaporoshenko
K.-D. Wernecke, L. Zhang*, P. ZaporoshenkoWernecke, L. Zhang*, P. Zaporoshenko

The last comprehensive publications about the theory and practice of rhinomanometry appeared more than 20 years ago. Since the 1980 's, the general progress of sensor techniques, fluid physics and data processing was accompanied by the permanent work of the authors to analyze the errors of rhinomanometry and to create a fundament for a contemporary and practical method that can be used in functional diagnostics of the nasal air stream.
上一本关于鼻测量理论与实践的综合性出版物出版于 20 多年前。自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,伴随着传感器技术、流体物理学和数据处理技术的全面进步,作者们一直致力于分析鼻测量法的误差,并为可用于鼻气流功能诊断的现代实用方法奠定基础。
In this special document, the objectives and measurement principles, as well as the history of rhinomanometry are described in the first three chapters. It is pointed out, that the key parameters are not only intranasal pressure and flow, but also the factor time. The technical requirements as following from the dynamics of breathing are described.
The process of averaging of rhinomanometric data lead to a separate and time-dependent analysis of the changes of pressure and flow and implicated the introduction of the 4 breathing phases (ascending and descending curve part in inspiration and expiration) into rhinomanometry and is therefore called 4Phase-Rhinomanometry (4PR). Chapter 4 is containing a comprehensive analysis of the practical errors, which may follow neglecting the 4 breathing phases.
鼻测量数据的平均化过程导致对压力和流量的变化进行单独和随时间变化的分析,并将 4 个呼吸阶段(吸气和呼气时的上升和下降曲线部分)引入鼻测量法,因此被称为 4 阶段鼻测量法(4PR)。第 4 章全面分析了忽视 4 个呼吸阶段可能导致的实际错误。
The in chapter 5 described mathematical-physical concept of 4PR is based on the introduction of the terms "steady" and "unsteady" flow, in addition to the up to now used terms of laminarity and turbulence. After the derivation of the HOFFRICHTER-equation as explaining the loops around the intersection point of the -axis and -axis, a clinical classification of the rhinomanometric findings is given and confirmed by physical experiments with "artificial noses". Finally, testing the rhinomanometric method by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), lead to the same conclusions as to the importance of 4 phases of the breathing cycle.
第 5 章描述了 4PR 的数学物理概念,除了目前使用的层流和湍流术语外,还引入了 "稳定 "和 "非稳定 "流动术语。在推导出解释 轴和 轴交点周围环流的 HOFFRICHTER 方程后,给出了鼻测量结果的临床分类,并通过 "人工鼻 "物理实验加以证实。最后,通过 CFD(计算流体力学)测试鼻测量法,得出了关于呼吸周期 4 个阶段重要性的相同结论。
The precondition for the worldwide introduction of new parameters into the 4PR is a comprehensive statistical analysis. The disadvantages of the present recommended standard values are described in chapter 6. Following previous studies in 5800 cases, the parameters Vertex Resistance (VR), Effective Resistance (Reff) and their logarithmic transformations have been investigated in 1580 rhinograms of different degrees of obstructions, also including the correlations to a VAS. It could be confirmed, that the parameters VR and Reff after logarithmic transformation, have a significant and high correlation to the sensation of obstruction. The new clinical classification of obstruction and conductance of the nose is proposed in Table 1 for Caucasian noses.
在全球范围内将新参数引入 4PR 的先决条件是进行全面的统计分析。第 6 章介绍了目前推荐标准值的缺点。根据之前对 5800 个病例的研究,我们对 1580 张不同阻塞程度的鼻图进行了顶点阻力(VR)、有效阻力(Reff)参数及其对数变换的研究,其中也包括与 VAS 的相关性。结果表明,经过对数变换后的 VR 和 Reff 参数与阻塞感具有显著的高度相关性。表 1 针对白种人鼻子的阻塞和鼻传导性提出了新的临床分类。
Table 1. Clinical classification of obstruction and conductance for Causcasian noses.
表 1.高加索人鼻子阻塞和传导性的临床分类。
Log10R(VR, REFF) Log10R(VR、REFF) Obstruction, Resistance 阻碍、阻力 Conductance 电导
1 very low 非常低 very high 非常高
2 low high 
3 moderate 温和派 moderate 温和派
4 high  low
5 very high 非常高 very low 非常低
Chapter 7 is dedicated to the advantages of in the functional diagnosis of nasal valve problems. Graphical as well as numerical solutions are available by the fact, that the motions of the nasal entrance as caused by the breathing process are now visible from the shape of the 4PR-curve.
第 7 章主要介绍 在鼻瓣膜功能诊断方面的优势。事实上,从 4PR 曲线的形状中可以看到呼吸过程引起的鼻腔入口运动,因此可以用图形和数值来解决。
Discussing practical aspects in chapter 8 , the start point of proposals and discussions are the standard recommendations of the ISOANA and the results of its consensus conference in 2003. In particular the calibration processes, hygiene, the correct attachment of the pressure tube at the nostril ("tape method") and the different measurement procedures (AAR, APR), decongestion and provocation tests are extensively described.
第 8 章讨论了实用方面的问题,建议和讨论的出发点是 ISOANA 的标准建议及其 2003 年共识会议的结果。特别是校准过程、卫生、压力管在鼻孔处的正确连接("胶带法")、不同的测量程序(AAR、APR)、减充血和激惹试验,都有广泛的描述。
Both the final chapters are clinical contributions from mainland China, which are of high importance because of the racial differences in nasal respiratory function. In chapter 9 , tests of the assessment of normal nasal airway in adult Chinese by , rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry are presented. This investigation lead to the conclusion that 4PR is an important supplement to classic rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry, if the classification of obstruction is adapted to the higher basic resistance of the Chinese population.
最后两章都是来自中国大陆的临床研究成果,由于鼻呼吸功能的种族差异,这两章具有非常重要的意义。第 9 章介绍了通过 、鼻量计和声学鼻量计评估中国成人正常鼻气道的测试。这项调查得出的结论是,如果鼻阻塞的分类适应中国人口较高的基本阻力,4PR 是经典鼻测量法和声学鼻测量法的重要补充。
Chapter 10 is dealing with and acoustic rhinometry in the functional evaluation of septal deviations and concludes, that both methods are valuable objective instruments for the evaluation of nasal obstruction.
第 10 章讨论了鼻中隔偏曲功能评估中的 和声学鼻测量法,并得出结论,这两种方法都是评估鼻阻塞的重要客观工具。

1. The Objective and Measurement Principles of Rhinomanometry

Klaus Vogt, Alfredo A. Jalowayski

1-1 Introduction 1-1 引言

The beginnings of functional diagnostic rhinology go back to 1894, when Zwaardemaker recommended holding a refrigerated metal plate under the nose during exhalation in order to estimate the degree of airflow obstruction from the relative amounts of condensed vapour. Glatzel attempted to further quantify this method by engraving a series of equidistant arcs to the mirror. The Glatzel Mirror can occasionally be found in medical-historical collections. Further modifications of this method have been described by Jochims in 1938 by the fixation of the condensed pattern with Gummi Arabicum.
功能诊断鼻科的起源可以追溯到 1894 年,当时 Zwaardemaker 建议在呼气时将一块冷冻金属板放在鼻下,以便根据冷凝蒸汽的相对数量来估计气流阻塞的程度。格拉泽尔 试图通过在镜子上雕刻一系列等距弧线来进一步量化这种方法。格拉泽尔镜偶尔会出现在医学历史藏品中。Jochims 在 1938 年描述了对这种方法的进一步改进,即用阿拉伯树胶固定凝结的图案。
Later, the hygrometric methods described above were replaced by methods characterizing the nasal airflow by its physical parameters of flow and pressure; thus rhinology as well as pneumonology were following methods based on physics and general fluid dynamics. Methods of estimation have now been replaced by measuring and calculation.
The goal of rhinomanometry in the past has been either:
a. to measure how much pressure is required to move a given volume of air through the nose during respiration, or
a. 测量在呼吸过程中,一定量的空气通过鼻腔所需的压力,或
b. to determine the airflow that can pass through the nose at a given pressure.
b. 确定在给定压力下可通过鼻腔的气流。
During the transition from graphical to computerized rhinomanometry it became apparent that the most important parameter is neither the pressure nor the airflow velocity; instead, it is the relation between these two parameters, which allow us to describe more completely the physics of the nasal air stream. The basis of these relations became the accepted standard for evaluating the degree of nasal obstruction in the field of rhinology in .
在从图形鼻测量法向计算机鼻测量法过渡的过程中,我们发现最重要的参数既不是压力,也不是气流速度,而是这两个参数之间的关系,它使我们能够更完整地描述鼻腔气流的物理特性。 这些关系的基础成为鼻科领域评估鼻阻塞程度的公认标准。
During the development of computerized rhinomanometry, it was necessary to consider how pressure and flow vary during a breathing cycle. We had to analyze the dynamics of both measurement channels and to eradicate methodical errors. It became apparent, that another factor played a significant role: this factor was time, which had not been taken into consideration previously. Time is an important physiological factor, because it is essential that the amount of oxygen required by the body reach the lung within a period corresponding to its oxygen needs. In cases of elevated nasal obstruction, this time limit is exceeded and mouth breathing becomes necessary. For example, during vigorous exercise or physical work, this transition is physiologically predetermined. However, when a person at rest feels compelled to breathe through the mouth, this indicates that sufficient amounts of conditioned air cannot flow under those conditions through the nose. Therefore, the pres- sure difference between the nasal opening and the epipharynx has to be maintained for a longer period to allow the transport of sufficient oxygen to the lungs. Therefore, the diagnostic aim of 4-phase-rhinomanometry is to measure the intranasal pressure, flow and time variables necessary for maintaining an adequate oxygen supply through the nose.

1-2 Methodology of Rhinomanometry
1-2 鼻测量方法

The principles applied during the past few decades for measuring the relationship between pressure difference and airflow volume through the nose can be described as follows:

1-2-1 External airflow methods (Passive Rhinomanometry)
1-2-1 外部气流测量法(被动式鼻测量法)

External airflow methods consist of pumping a constant, predefined amount of air through a nasal olive into or out of the nose. The resultant pressure difference generated can thus be measured. The basis of this method, so called "passive rhinomanometry", can be traced to Kayser in 1895, and it has been used in children, especially when active rhinomanometry testing was not possible .
外部气流法包括通过鼻橄榄将预定量的恒定空气泵入或泵出鼻腔。由此产生的压力差可以被测量出来。这种方法的基础,即所谓的 "被动鼻测量法",可追溯到 1895 年的 Kayser ,它一直被用于儿童,尤其是在无法进行主动鼻测量测试时
Passive rhinomanometry had been the only available method used to study nasal ventilatory functions until the development of pneumotachography . The passive rhinomanometry has several critical drawbacks that one should be aware when using this procedure, or when analysing and comparing data.
在气动描记术 问世之前,被动测鼻法一直是研究鼻通气功能的唯一可用方法。被动测鼻法有几个关键的缺点,在使用这种方法或分析和比较数据时应注意。
During passive rhinomanometry:
  • The patient must hold his/her breath during the recording
  • The positioning of the soft palate affects airflow resistance significantly and can be deliberately altered only by trained subjects. Airflow from an external source is often reported to cause discomfort and causes reflex movements by the soft palate
  • When using alternating airflows, significant differences have been measured between the pumping and suction phases.
Passive rhinomanometry is a "one-value" method. It means that the diagnostic information is only one number/value for the pressure at a given flow level and reveals little about the dynamics of nasal airflow. When using nasal olives, the risk exists that at each "breath" the airflow is channelled in a different direction, thereby altering the geometry of the nose and affecting the measurement at each reading. Moreover, the nasal openings, including the nasal valve, cannot be assessed when nasal olives are used. This circumstance further restricts the diagnostic value of passive rhinomanometry.
被动测鼻法是一种 "单值 "方法。这意味着诊断信息只是给定流量下压力的一个数字/数值,对鼻腔气流的动态变化揭示甚少。在使用鼻橄榄时,每次 "呼吸 "时气流都有可能流向不同的方向,从而改变鼻子的几何形状,影响每次读数的测量结果。此外,使用鼻橄榄时,包括鼻瓣在内的鼻腔开口也无法评估。这种情况进一步限制了被动式鼻测量仪的诊断价值。
The oscillatory measurement of nasal resistance assumes a special status and is likewise classified as an external airflow

procedure . Here, an alternating current is superimposed on the patient's spontaneous breathing by an airflow generator. This gas flow spreads throughout the entire respiratory tract as well as into adjacent tissues. The total resistance in all respiratory passages is determined. Analogous to the theory of alternating current, the assessed resistance is a complex resistance and results from the series and parallel circuits of real, inductive and capacitive sub-resistances found in the respiratory tract.
With the oscillation method, a reference resistance of known magnitude is connected in parallel with respiratory tract resistance . A current generator device produces an alternating current of . The alternating pressure produced by oscillation is measured. Analogous to the theory of alternating current, the following relationship set remains valid:
在振荡法中,已知大小的基准电阻 与呼吸道电阻 并联。电流发生装置产生 的交变电流。测量振荡产生的交变压力 。与交流电理论类似,以下关系组仍然有效:
can be calculated, where and are given and is measured. An x-y plotter is used to make a recording in a special diagram, which depicts a graphical solution to the specific equation. Respiratory resistance value can be read directly from the diagram.
可以计算,其中 是给定的, 是测量的。使用 x-y 绘图仪在特殊图表中进行记录,描绘出特定方程的图解。呼吸阻力值 可直接从图表中读取。
Resistance in the entire respiratory tract is determined with this method. Nasal resistance can be obtained by subtracting the resistance measured through the mouth from the total resistance. It is a quick and practical method of measurement. However, the oscillation method for assessing nasal airflow resistance is a "one-value" method also, which does not permit further statements to be made about the nasal airflow pattern. No accurate result can be obtained where resistance values exceed . Special technical equipment (FD5/Siemens) is necessary to carry out this procedure. In the course of earlier work, we have adapted this technique to the specific requirements of rhinology . Berdel and Koch have recommended using this method particularly for functional diagnostics in children; however, the method is generally not widely used in rhinology.
整个呼吸道的阻力都是通过这种方法测定的。从总阻力中减去通过口腔测得的阻力,即可得出鼻腔阻力。这是一种快速实用的测量方法。不过,评估鼻腔气流阻力的振荡法也是一种 "单值 "法,无法进一步说明鼻腔气流模式。如果阻力值超过 ,则无法获得准确结果。执行此程序需要特殊的技术设备(FD5/西门子)。在早先的工作中,我们已根据鼻科的具体要求调整了这一技术 。Berdel 和 Koch 建议将此方法特别用于儿童的功能诊断;不过,该方法一般未在鼻科广泛使用。

1-2-2 Spontaneous flow method (Active Rhinomanometry)
1-2-2 自发流量法(主动鼻测量法)

Due to the drawbacks of external flow methods described above, a general consensus has been reached worldwide that the patient's own physiological airflow should be used for assessing nasal ventilatory functions whenever possible. Not only the natural dynamics of nasal breathing can be measured, but nasal symptoms can also be correlated to the pulmonary physiological parameters.

According to Semarak , these methods can even be traced to Brünings and have been mentioned in the description summarized by Zwaardemaker . In 1958, Semarak described the first "Nasal Patency Assessment Device" that enabled simultaneous assessment of nasal respiratory flow and pressure difference between the nasal entrance and choanae.
根据 Semarak ,这些方法甚至可以追溯到 Brünings ,并在 Zwaardemaker 总结的描述中有所提及。1958 年,Semarak 描述了第一个 "鼻腔通畅评估装置",该装置可同时评估鼻腔呼吸流量以及鼻腔入口和咽喉之间的压力差。
Along with the development of functional nasal surgery in the US, Cottle and his school in particular embarked on a search for an objective diagnostic procedure for assessing nasal obstruction and introduced rhinomanometry to clinical rhinology. During that time, in Germany such scholars as Masing , Bachmann , Fischer , von Arentsschild , Schumann and later Eichler , Mlynski , Bachert , Vogt and many others have contributed significantly to the development of theoretical and practical conditions for a meaningful rhinology diagnostics, particularly so for active rhinomanometry testing.
随着功能性鼻腔手术在美国的发展,Cottle 和他的学派尤其开始寻找评估鼻腔阻塞的客观诊断程序,并将鼻测量法引入临床鼻科。在此期间,德国的学者如 Masing 、Bachmann 、Fischer 、von Arentsschild 、Schumann 以及后来的 Eichler 、Mlynski 、Bachert 、Vogt 和其他许多人都为发展有意义的鼻科诊断的理论和实践条件做出了重要贡献,特别是在主动鼻测量测试方面。
Rapid development of microelectronics within last two decades has not only made space flight possible, but it has also ensured that digital measuring technologies, originally possible only using large mainframe computers, have found their way into many areas of everyday life. In rhinomanometry, this particularly pertains to the accurate measurement of very low pressures and flow rates. Thus, new pathways have opened up in rhinology for the implementation of precise and manageable measurement technologies, which can be readapted to suit the needs of practical medicine.
Active Rhinomanometry distinguishes in turn between two measurement techniques after deriving the pressure difference between nasal entrance and choanae: the anterior and posterior methods. Active Anterior Rhinomanometry (AAR) involves closing one nostril with a measuring pressure probe, the other nostril thereby serving as an extension of the probe, while Active Posterior Rhinomanometry (APR) measures pressure difference via a tube in the mouth, with or without a mouthpiece, and held by the lips. In order to accurately measure total nasal resistance by APR, the soft palate and the tongue must be relaxed. Since pressure is deflected by the soft palate, the resistance of the anatomical structures between the oropharynx and choanae become effective in addition to the nasal resistance. Thus, rhinomanometric results obtained by AAR and APR are not always comparable. Typical examples for such differences are found in children with enlarged adenoids, in cleft palate patients and patients with nasopharyngeal fibromas or choanal polyps.
在得出鼻腔入口和咽鼓管之间的压力差后,主动鼻腔测量法又分为两种测量技术:前部测量法和后部测量法。前部主动测鼻法(AAR)是用测压探针关闭一个鼻孔,另一个鼻孔作为探针的延伸,而后部主动测鼻法(APR)则是通过口中的一根管子(带或不带吹口管),用嘴唇固定来测量压力差。为了通过 APR 准确测量鼻腔总阻力,软腭和舌头必须放松。由于软腭会使压力发生偏转,因此除了鼻腔阻力外,口咽部和咽喉之间解剖结构的阻力也会产生作用。因此,AAR 和 APR 所获得的测鼻结果并不总是具有可比性。腺样体肥大的儿童、腭裂患者和鼻咽纤维瘤或咽喉息肉患者就是这种差异的典型例子。

2. Technical aspects of rhinomanometry

Klaus Vogt, Wolfgang Hasse, Alfredo A. Jalowayski

2-1 Introduction 2-1 引言

From a technical point of view, rhinomanometry is the simultaneous measurement of the volume flow through the nose and of the differential narinochoanal pressure required for the generation of this airflow and the calculation of relevant physiological parameters. Presently, this task can be completed at different quality levels by several commercially available instruments. Therefore, the following section attempts to present a summary account of currently used measuring technology, which should enable the user to critically assess the quality characteristics of different equipment.

2-2 Measurement of volume flow and differential pressure
2-2 流量和压差测量

Most rhinomanometers in practice have applied the measurement principle of pneumotachography for recording volume flow. This principle requires an introduction of a defined resistance force to the respiratory airflow. The drop in pressure caused by this hindrance is proportional to the flow velocity (Bernoulli's principle). This obstacle is generally referred to as a "spiroceptor", and various technical models of this device exist. Its classic design resembles a so-called "Fleisch' Head" that is comprised of several metal tubes in parallel arrangement. Decrease of pressure occurring in such "heads" is linear within a specific range. Hence, the size of the spiroceptor must correspond to the anticipated flow. In prolonged testing, the spiroceptor must be warmed up to prevent water condensation inside
在实际应用中,大多数鼻毛测量仪都采用气动描记法的测量原理来记录体积流量。这一原理要求在呼吸气流中引入一个确定的阻力。这种阻力造成的压力下降与流速成正比(伯努利原理)。这种障碍物通常被称为 "螺旋受体",这种装置有各种技术模型。其经典设计类似于所谓的 "弗莱施头",由多根平行排列的金属管组成。这种 "头 "中发生的压力下降在特定范围内是线性的。因此,螺纹吸附器的尺寸必须与预期流量相符。在长期测试中,必须对螺套进行预热,以防止水在螺套内凝结。
So-called "lamellar spiroceptors," consisting of plastic foils arranged in parallel, have a much greater range of linearity . The same authors have also described another device called a "diaphragm spiroceptor," where a diaphragm functions as a curtain blowing in response to airflow changes to such a degree that a linear relationship results between a decrease in pressure and airflow . This formerly essential requirement for such a strictly linear relationship no longer exists today, if this non-linearity can be levelled via utilisation of appropriate analogue modules or by computer calculation. To illustrate, the information gathered by a ring-diaphragm spiroceptor is initially represented in quadratic terms with subsequent electronic root extraction of outcome data.
所谓的 "片状螺线管 "由平行排列的塑料薄膜组成,其线性范围更大 。同一作者还描述了另一种称为 "膜片螺旋受体 "的装置,其中的膜片可作为帘幕对气流变化做出响应,从而使压力下降和气流之间形成线性关系 。如果可以通过利用适当的模拟模块或计算机计算来消除这种非线性关系,那么这种严格的线性关系的基本要求在今天就不复存在了。举例说明,环形隔膜螺旋感受器收集的信息最初用二次方表示,随后用电子根提取结果数据。
The critical drawback of this measurement technology is that it possesses a high degree of inaccuracy near zero values (square root of small numbers) and inevitably leads to a distortion of measurement results in this important range.

From the hygiene point of view, a common risk involved with the use of all pneumotachographs, and therefore all rhinomanometers based on this principle, is the fact that respiratory flow passing through the lamellae is not filtered for bacteria and appropriate and regular disinfection measures rarely take place. No publications have yet focused on this problem.

2-3 Technical problems following the dynamics of the nasal air flow
2-3 遵循鼻腔气流动态的技术问题

Flow sensors and sensors for measuring differential pressure must meet rigid standard requirements if the primary measurement results are to be accurate. In this respect, the precision of flow and pressure measurements is not the only important criterion. It is just as essential that the speed of the recording is adjusted to time-dependent physiological changes in respiration. The demands placed on measurement technology by the dynamics of respiration have been considered the greatest challenge in the development of rhinomanometry.
The most important parameters that can provide information about the dynamic properties of a rhinomanometer are:
  • resolution 决议
  • offset drift 偏移漂移
  • gain drift 增益漂移
  • cut-off frequency. 截止频率。
In this respect, resolution designates the smallest change of a signal that can still be registered. Above all, the noise level of a sensor puts restrictions on the highest possible resolution. Signal changes within the magnitude of a given noise level cannot be distinguished from general noise. These facts are well known in audiometry and are applied in the same sense in general information technology.
Primary signal resolution in digital processing of the measurements is closely related to quantization. For instance, a peak value of is generated by an electromechanical pressure transducer and a serially connected primary electronic device with full-scale output (F.S.O.) of 1200 Pa. Subsequently, this signal is quantized into steps by a 12-bit analogue digital converter. In this case, the noise voltage of a sensor must not exceed , otherwise the output is falsified.
测量数字处理中的主信号分辨率与量化密切相关。例如, 的峰值由机电压力传感器和串行连接的一次电子装置产生,其满量程输出(F.S.O.)为 1200 Pa。随后,该信号被一个 12 位模拟数字转换器量化为 步。在这种情况下,传感器的噪声电压不得超过 ,否则输出将被伪造。
Such a quality, to some extent comparable with CD quality sound in stereo systems, can be attained only by a small number of pressure transducers that register lower range pressures generated by a spiroceptor. The measurement of differential narinochoanal pressure in a pressure range of does not pose such technological challenges.
这种音质在某种程度上可与立体声系统中的 CD 音质相媲美,但只有通过少量的压力传感器才能实现,这些压力传感器可记录螺旋感受器产生的较低范围的压力。在 的压力范围内测量 narinochoanal 压差不会带来这样的技术挑战。
Sensor offset drift is a quite disagreeable characteristic, which played a significant role in early pneumotachography technology using valve amplifiers. In spite of the absence of any physiological signal, a measuring device will produce a signal. At each measurement, this offset drift is added on to the signal measured. In this respect, temperature sensitivity of a measurement system is of crucial importance. Stable sensors have an offset drift of / 10K. Superior quality sensors produce results in which offset drift is largely negligible, thereby eliminating the need for verification procedures prior to each measurement.
传感器偏移漂移是一个相当令人不快的特性,它在早期使用阀式放大器的气动照相技术中发挥了重要作用。尽管没有任何生理信号,测量设备仍会产生信号。每次测量时,偏移漂移都会加到测量信号上。在这方面,测量系统的温度灵敏度至关重要。稳定的传感器具有 / 10K 的偏移漂移。质量上乘的传感器所产生的结果,偏移漂移基本上可以忽略不计,因此无需在每次测量前进行验证程序。
Gain drift, on the contrary, cannot be identified as easily as offset drift. This is a multiplicating error, which can be easily avoided by assessing and correcting the calibration of total measuring channel. Yet, it must first be identified. In modern sensor technology, which is also applied in rhinomanometry, high stability of gain is also generally a prerequisite since it permits the use of the electronic components. Therefore, various factors such as transportation, clogging of a spiroceptor or extreme atmospheric changes implement the necessity of recalibration of the total system.
Cut-off-frequency of a sensor or, to be more precise, of the entire measuring section is an exceptionally important factor that is decisive for the quality of rhinomanometric testing. It characterises the dynamic behaviour of a measured section. At the same time, some knowledge of physics is necessary in order to understand it. Depending on the activity level, the normal breathing rate is between 0.3 and . Harmonics, however, are superimposed on this cyclical process. The results obtained in Fourier analyses prove that these harmonics can reach a frequency range of . In practical terms of transmission technology, this means that rhinomanometric equipment should be capable of registering frequencies up to precisely. For a long time, though, this has been a scarcely imaginable breakthrough.
传感器的截止频率,更准确地说,是整个测量截面的截止频率,是一个非常重要的因素,对鼻测量仪的质量起着决定性的作用。它描述了测量截面的动态特性。同时,要理解它还需要一定的物理知识。根据活动水平的不同,正常呼吸频率在 0.3 到 之间。 然而,谐波会叠加在这一周期性过程中。傅立叶分析的结果证明,这些谐波的频率范围可达 。从传输技术的实际角度来看,这意味着测鼻设备应能精确记录高达 的频率。但长期以来,这一直是一个难以想象的突破。
Simulation of human breathing processes to test airflow diagnostic devices can be carried out with a slowly running piston pump with a capacity of , which can generate sinusoidal respiration cycles. Maximal airflow velocity is assumed to be . Similar airflow velocity can be generated with a piston pump having a capacity and driven with a revolution per minute (rpm) rate that is thirty times greater. It remains questionable whether the precalculated airflow value can actually be assessed. In the lower rpm range, a linear relationship develops between velocity and measured flow, whereas the indicated flow value does not increase anymore, when a specific velocity rate is reached. The cut-off frequency of the flow-channel is thus attained. In physical terms, the cut-off frequency of a sensor is reached when the signal response of measurement system is calculated to 0.707 of the real value. This corresponds to an attenuation effect of .
模拟人类呼吸过程以测试气流诊断设备,可以使用一个缓慢运行的活塞泵,其容量为 ,可以产生正弦呼吸周期。最大气流速度假定为 。如果使用容量为 、驱动速度为每分钟转数 (rpm) 30 倍的活塞泵,也能产生类似的气流速度。预计算的气流值是否可以实际评估仍然是个问题。在较低的转速范围内,速度与测量流量之间呈线性关系,而当达到特定速度时,指示流量值不再增加。这样就达到了流道的截止频率。从物理角度讲,当测量系统的信号响应计算到实际值的 0.707 时,传感器的截止频率就达到了。这相当于 的衰减效应。

Highest harmonics of the respiration frequency are found around the phase of changing of the flow direction, because the real breathing curve is more similar to a trapezoid than to a sinusoidal curve. This cannot be measured with a cut-off frequency of , but it is precisely there and this has invoked critical questions regarding the interpretation of the results.
呼吸频率的最高谐波出现在气流方向变化的相位附近,因为真实的呼吸曲线更类似于梯形,而不是正弦曲线。这一点无法用 的截止频率来测量,但它恰恰存在,这引发了对结果解释的关键问题。
In a series of relevant Fourier analysis tests, Mlynski established that time-dependent changes in respiratory pressure and airflow values fall within the range of . Similar results have been reported by Versnick and Clement . In general terms of transmission techniques, this implies that the cut-off frequency in a rhinomanometric system needs to be above .
在一系列相关的傅立叶分析测试中,Mlynski 确定呼吸压力和气流值随时间变化的范围为 。Versnick 和 Clement 也报告了类似的结果。就一般传输技术而言,这意味着测鼻系统的截止频率必须高于
In this respect, confusion between the terms "respiratory frequency" and "frequency content" in respiratory activity has farreaching consequences. At the time when respiratory frequency itself is predominantly below ( 20 breaths per minute), the frequency content of respiration is determined by acceleration and deceleration processes taking place within the same inspiration. The changes occur fastest at the transition from inspiration to expiration.
在这方面,混淆呼吸活动中的 "呼吸频率 "和 "频率含量 "会产生深远的影响。当呼吸频率本身主要低于 (每分钟 20 次呼吸)时,呼吸的频率含量由同一吸气过程中的加速和减速过程决定。这种变化在从吸气到呼气的转换过程中发生得最快。
Today, rhinomanometers based on the measurement principles of pneumotachography should have a cut-off frequency of about in the flow channel as well as in the pressure channel that no longer poses a serious technological problem. Users of such devices should be aware of the fact that the technological characteristics of a given pressure converter are not the only factors able to determine the frequency response behaviour of a rhinomanometer. Thus, caution must be exercised when modifying the length and strength parameters of the connecting tubes, which can also affect the cut-offfrequency.
如今,基于气动照相法测量原理的鼻曼仪在流量通道和压力通道中应具有 左右的截止频率,这不再是一个严重的技术问题。此类设备的用户应该意识到,特定压力转换器的技术特性并不是决定鼻压计频率响应特性的唯一因素。因此,在修改连接管的长度和强度参数时必须谨慎,因为这也会影响截止频率。
The number of possible airflow measurement procedures is far greater. For anemometry, the use of thermistors, or hot wire thermal resistors, is fundamentally practicable; alternatively, airflow measurement can be carried out with Venturi tubes or Pitot tubes as used for aviation purposes. However, all of these methods are either designed for application in areas other than rhinomanometry and cannot satisfy its diagnostic requirements at a reasonable cost.
The evolution of sensor technology brought along by semiconductors has not only been instrumental in developing semiconductor-based pressure sensors but has also produced so-called "mass flow sensors" (Figure 1). These relatively new devices contain all required equipment in a miniature case, which eliminates the need for an extensive tube connecting the nasal cavity with a pressure sensor. The measurement principle consists in the microelectronic evaluation of heat transmission between two thermo-electrical measuring elements.
半导体带来的传感器技术的发展不仅有助于开发基于半导体的压力传感器,而且还产生了所谓的 "质量流量传感器"(图 1)。这些相对较新的设备将所需的所有设备都装在一个微型盒中,因此不需要连接鼻腔和压力传感器的庞大管道。测量原理是对两个热电测量元件之间的热传递进行微电子评估。
mass: approx.  质量:约
Figure 1. Mass Airflow Sensor (Datasheet from the Honeywell company).
图 1.质量气流传感器(霍尼韦尔公司数据表)。
This type of sensors offers high stability performance and compact construction. In combination with laptop computers, these devices provide a high level of mobility and open up entirely new perspectives for rhinological research and practice, especially in allergological and environmental studies. Such miniature measurement technology was first installed in the HRR 2 rhinomanometer (RhinoLab GmbH, Rendsburg, Germany). Earlier hygienic issues have been solved by implementing appropriate filtering elements.
这种传感器稳定性能高,结构紧凑。这些设备与笔记本电脑相结合,具有很高的移动性,为鼻科学研究和实践,特别是过敏症和环境研究开辟了全新的前景。HRR 2 鼻压计(RhinoLab GmbH,德国伦茨堡)首次采用了这种微型测量技术。早期的卫生问题已通过采用适当的过滤元件得到解决。
As an example (Figure 2), such a device may consist of the following components:
举例来说(图 2),这种装置可由以下部件组成:
  1. sensor case 传感器外壳
  2. airflow sensor case 气流传感器外壳
  3. differential pressure sensor
  4. diffusor 扩散器
  5. bacteria and humidity filter
  6. hose connections 软管连接
  7. mask (sterilisable) 面罩(可消毒)
  8. fixing element for pressure hose
  9. electronic circuit 电子电路
  10. computer interface 电脑接口
Figure 2. Rhinomanometer HRR 3 (RhinoLab, Rendsburg,Germany)*. (A) Schematic picture and (B) in a set with a netbook computer.
图 2.HRR 3 鼻压计(RhinoLab,德国伦茨堡)*。(A) 原理图;(B) 与上网本电脑配套使用。

3. Recording technology in rhinomanometry

Klaus Vogt, Wolfgang Hasse, Alfredo A. Jalowayski

3-1 Introduction 3-1 引言

The evolution of rhinomanometry into "4-Phaserhinomanometry" is the result of a 20 -year error analysis conducted in rhinomanometric diagnostic technology, both on the side of theoretical research and technical feasibility of the procedure. While fundamental technical approaches as described above have spurred rapid developments in recording possibilities, documentation process of the obtained data and computer data interpretation remain a matter of discussion until today.
从理论研究和技术可行性两方面对鼻测量诊断技术进行了长达 20 年的误差分析,最终将鼻测量演变为 "4-Phaserhinomanometry"。尽管上述基本技术方法推动了记录技术的快速发展,但直到今天,所获数据的记录过程和计算机数据解读仍是一个需要讨论的问题。

3-2 Rhinomanometry devices and set-ups
3-2 鼻测量设备和装置

Earlier pioneers in pneumotachography and rhinomanometry recorded the results of their measurements with a so-called kymograph. Change-sensitive stylus records any deflections on a revolving drum wrapped with a sheet of soot-blackened paper. The founder of functional nasal surgery Cottle aimed to incorporate into clinical rhinology the physiological findings on a relationship between nasal flow volume and the pressure required to move it. To this end, he recorded both of these parameters simultaneously on an ECG device and later evaluated them by reading the corresponding values of pressure and flow curves at the same point in time. The difficulties accompanying this methodology inevitably arise at zero points, inasmuch as accurate meter-reading is no longer possible due to curve steepness. Therefore, Cottle resorted to measuring parameters at their peak values; unfortunately, though, this methodology failed to gain acceptance with time. We will return to the meaningfulness of this procedure below.
早期的气动测速仪和鼻测量仪先驱使用所谓的气压计记录测量结果。对变化敏感的测针可记录缠有烟灰黑纸的旋转鼓上的任何偏转。功能性鼻腔手术的创始人科特尔 (Cottle) 的目标是将鼻腔流量与移动鼻腔所需的压力之间关系的生理学研究成果应用于临床鼻科。为此,他在心电图设备上同时记录了这两个参数,随后通过读取同一时间点的压力和流量曲线的相应值对其进行评估。这种方法在零点时不可避免地会遇到困难,因为由于曲线陡峭,精确读表已不再可能。因此,Cottle 采用了在峰值时测量参数的方法;但遗憾的是,随着时间的推移,这种方法未能得到认可。我们将在下文再次讨论这一程序的意义。
Bachmann recommended recording the relationship between both variables on an - recorder in a direct manner a procedure that later became the basis of today's international standard. Representation of data interdependencies inevitably caused certain technical problems, which could be immediately discerned by every professional. First and foremost, this has to do with the fact that different elements of a measurement chain respond at different rates to changes in the measured variables. Individual elements in a given measurement setup have differing cut-off frequencies. The "cut-off frequency" of a measurement system is the highest frequency at which this system can analyse dynamic processes without loss of accuracy and to treat them as if they were static processes. A measurement system that registers two interdependent variables must align frequency response characteristics in its channels first. Precisely this was not the case with analogue data representation, since the flow channel responded sluggishly due to a considerably slower transducer.
巴赫曼 建议在 记录仪上直接记录两个变量之间的关系,这一程序后来成为当今国际标准的基础。数据相互依存关系的表示不可避免地会产生一些技术问题,每个专业人员都能立即发现这些问题。首先,这与测量链中的不同元素对测量变量变化的响应速度不同有关。特定测量装置中的各个元件具有不同的截止频率。测量系统的 "截止频率 "是指该系统在分析动态过程时可以不损失精度并将其视为静态过程的最高频率。测量系统在记录两个相互依存的变量时,必须首先调整其通道的频率响应特性。模拟 数据表示的情况恰恰不是这样,因为流量通道的响应速度由于传感器的速度大大降低而变得迟缓。

According to Figure 3, the two weakest elements in an analogue recording system were none other than the flow transducer and the recorder.
根据图 3,模拟记录系统中最薄弱的两个元件非流量传感器和 记录器莫属。
Figure 3. Analogue measurement chain in rhinomanometric procedure by Bachmann .
图 3.巴赫曼 鼻毛测量法中的模拟测量链。
In 1980 with the aid of spacecraft engineering pressure converters and extremely short connecting hoses, a research group at the ENT department of the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Germany; K. Vogt and team members) managed to attain a cut-off- frequency of in a given flow measuring section (unpublished data). Obtained data were temporarily saved in a storage oscilloscope designed for observation in an intensive care unit and subsequently read from an -y plotter (Figures 4 and 5). This allowed recording data in the critical zero-point area with sufficient accuracy. Even at a lower diagram recording speed, however, loop curves have been detected, thus questioning the reliability of graphical curve interpretation. Besides that, it was possible to obtain truly trustworthy measurements only with cooperative patients who were able to produce a series of steady and constant breathing cycles.
1980 年,借助航天器工程压力转换器和极短的连接软管,德国柏林夏里特大学医院耳鼻喉科的一个研究小组(K. Vogt 和小组成员)成功地在给定的流量测量部分达到了 的截止频率(未发表数据)。获得的数据暂时保存在专为重症监护室观察设计的存储示波器中,随后从 -y 绘图仪中读取(图 4 和图 5)。这样就能足够精确地记录关键零点区域的数据。不过,即使在较低的图表记录速度下,也能检测到循环曲线,因此对图形曲线解释的可靠性提出了质疑。此外,只有合作的患者才能获得真正可信的测量结果,因为他们能够进行一系列稳定和持续的呼吸循环。
Further small-scale experimenting with the aid of piston pump-generated airflow ("artificial nose") has yielded significant findings on how various technical aspects of rhinomanometric measurement - setup can contribute to error generation, i.e., what impact can have hose dimensions, mask size, etc. on cut-off- frequency .
借助活塞泵产生的气流("人工鼻")进行的进一步小规模实验取得了重要发现,了解了鼻测量的各种技术方面--设置如何导致误差的产生,即软管尺寸、面罩大小等对截止频率 的影响。
Figure 4. Rhinomanometric workstation, 1985, HNO-Clinic Charité in Berlin (ENT Department at the Charité University-Hospital). The pressure converters are mounted on a stand. Flow measurement takes place with the aid of a lamellar spiroceptor. Data are recorded using a storage oscilloscope monitor; analogue results are written by an x-y recorder.
图 4.鼻测量工作站,1985 年,柏林 HNO-Clinic Charité(Charité 大学医院耳鼻喉科)。压力转换器安装在支架上。流量测量借助一个片状螺线管进行。数据由存储示波器监视器记录;模拟结果由 x-y 记录器写入。
Figure 5. Hybrid system with data digitalisation, an interim stage on the route to computer-assisted rhinomanometry.
图 5.数据数字化混合系统,实现计算机辅助鼻测量的过渡阶段。
In 1982, during the ERS-Congress in Stockholm, the first results of the so-called "computer rhinomanometry" were presented. These were the interpretations of digital curves designed to produce a general mathematical model of curve progression. Similar procedures have been developed independently by research groups in East Berlin, Tbilisi and Rochester (26-28). This development was performed on large workstations typical for that time, where measurement data were recorded in analogue form, digitally stored on magnetic tape and subsequently exported to a computer memory.
1982 年,在斯德哥尔摩召开的 ERS 大会上,首次展示了所谓的 "计算机鼻测量 "成果。这是对数字曲线的解释,旨在建立一个曲线发展的通用数学模型。东柏林、第比利斯和罗切斯特的研究小组也独立开发了类似的程序 (26-28)。这项开发工作是在当时典型的大型工作站上进行的,测量数据以模拟形式记录,以数字形式存储在磁带上,随后输出到计算机存储器中。

The introduction of computer technology into rhinomanometry has brought along some substantial errors attributable to direct importation of calculation methods from other scientific spheres. The initial fundamental error was the calculation of the regression between flow and pressure difference without taking notice of the individual data that arise in the process and, thereon, the analysis of an presumed function instead of the interpretation of actual measurements. On the basis of digital computation technology a new generation of microprocessor rhinomanometers has been developed. Devices of similar construction are still popular today thanks to their user-friendliness.
In the 1980s, computer technologies have also paved the way for the development of the first commercial software-based rhinomanometers, one of which was produced and released by the research group at HNO-Klinik Charité in Berlin (29). Initially named "Carima", this system was later renamed to "Rhinodat". For over five years, it had been widely used for rhinomanometric measurements in many clinics. Different companies took over this technology after 1990 and many of those systems are still in use.
20 世纪 80 年代,计算机技术也为开发首批基于软件的商业鼻毛测量仪铺平了道路,其中之一就是由柏林 HNO-Klinik Charité 研究小组生产并发布的(29)。该系统最初名为 "Carima",后更名为 "Rhinodat"。五年多来,该系统在许多诊所广泛用于鼻测量。1990 年后,不同的公司接管了这项技术,其中许多系统仍在使用。
Figure 6. Carima System (1989). The first PC-controlled rhinomanometer in the world, produced by Heyer, Bad Ems, Germany. Due to a still existing problem of sensor relocation sensitivity, the case is vertically mounted onto a stand.
图 6.Carima 系统(1989 年)。这是世界上第一台由电脑控制的鼻压计,由德国巴德埃姆斯的 Heyer 公司生产。由于仍存在传感器定位灵敏度的问题,该系统的外壳是垂直安装在支架上的。
Despite continuous improvements in the quality and operational speed of the measurement system, the careful review of the results constantly showed the presence of loops in rhinomanometric curves, an error previously attributed to the deficiencies of the equipment. After ensuring that technical errors were excluded, the loops could only reflect phenomena as characteristic for the nasal airflow physiology. A new basic mathematical and physical concept was needed. The practical conclusion of this concept, as described in Chapter 4, was "High-Resolution Rhinomanometry". In 2003, the "International Standardization Committee on the Objective Assessment of the Nasal Airway" (ISOANA) recommended to rename this term "4-Phase-Rhinomanometry" (30).
尽管测量系统的质量和运行速度不断提高,但在对结果进行仔细审查后发现,鼻气流测量曲线中不断出现回路,而这一误差之前被归咎于设备的缺陷。在确保排除技术误差后,循环只能反映鼻腔气流生理特征的现象。因此需要一个新的基本数学和物理概念。正如第 4 章所述,这一概念的实际结论就是 "高分辨率鼻测量法"。2003 年,"鼻气道客观评估国际标准委员会"(ISOANA)建议将这一术语更名为 "4 相鼻流测量法"(30)。

4. Averaging in computerised rhinomanometry the key to 4-Phase-Rhinomanometry
4.计算机鼻测量中的平均值是 4 相鼻测量的关键

Klaus-Dieter Wernecke, Klaus Vogt, Alfredo A. Jalowayski

4-1 Introduction 4-1 导言

The International Standardization Committee on Objective Assessment of the Nasal Airway (ISOANA) published recommendations of standards for rhinomanometry in . The recommended physical units as well as parameters have been used worldwide and become an essential part of commercial rhinomanometers. These recommendations were based upon the manual graphical evaluation of rhinomanometric findings, which had been recorded on x-y recorders or plotters. In 1990, after completing extensive physical and technical studies, Vogt et al. described the first PC-based commercial rhinomanometric system. An essential part of the software used in that system was the independent and time-related recording of data points for differential pressure and flow and the averaging of data via spline interpolation . When introducing this procedure into computerized rhinomanometry, they observed that the increasing and decreasing phases of the airflow followed different aerodynamic conditions and that the -y-imaging of pressure and flow, as recommended by the standards from 1984, generated loops instead of a simple curved line. At the conference held by the European Rhinologic Society in Copenhagen in 1994, Vogt and Hoffrichter proposed the term "High-Resolution Rhinomanometry" for the analysis of four different phases of breathing to underline the difference in the quality of the new procedure. During the Consensus Conference of the ISOANA in Brussels in , the committee recommended changing this term into "Four-Phase Rhinomanometry."
鼻气道客观评估国际标准化组织(ISOANA)在 中公布了鼻流量计的标准建议。推荐的物理单位和参数已在全球范围内使用,并成为商用鼻压计的重要组成部分。这些建议是基于对鼻测量结果的手动图形评估,这些结果记录在 X-Y 记录仪或绘图仪上。1990 年,在完成了大量的物理和技术研究后,Vogt 等人 描述了第一个基于 PC 的商用鼻测量系统。该系统软件的一个重要部分是独立并与时间相关地记录压差和流量的数据点,并通过样条插值 对数据进行平均。在将这一程序引入计算机鼻畸形测量法时,他们发现气流的上升和下降阶段遵循不同的空气动力学条件,而且 1984 年标准所建议的压力和流量 -y-imaging 会产生环路,而不是简单的曲线。1994 年,在哥本哈根举行的欧洲鼻科学会会议上,Vogt 和 Hoffrichter 提出了 "高分辨率鼻测量 "这一术语,用于分析四个不同的呼吸阶段,以强调新程序在质量上的差异。在 布鲁塞尔举行的 ISOANA 共识会议上,委员会建议将这一术语改为 "四相鼻测量法"。
After the introduction of computerized rhinomanometry into clinical practice, two different phenomena became visible in determining the shape of the loops:
  1. A remarkable number of curves did not pass the intersection of the -axis and -axis.
    许多曲线没有通过 轴和 轴的交点。
  2. The opening of the loops was frequently observed to be much wider in inspiration than in expiration.
The first observation is caused by the influence of the inertia of the air. The mathematical and physical interpretation will be described in detail in Chapter 5. The theoretical concept has been confirmed by many model experiments using an "artificial nose" and in recent times by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The second observation is based on the physiological behaviour of the nasal valve (see Chapter 7 for details). nomanometry
第一个观测结果是由空气惯性的影响引起的。第 5 章将详细介绍数学和物理解释。许多使用 "人工鼻 "进行的模型实验以及最近的计算流体动力学(CFD)都证实了这一理论概念。第二个观察结果基于鼻瓣膜的生理行为(详见第 7 章)。
Figure 7. Averaging of rhinomanometric data by regression lines. Flow; DP Differential Pressure; Regression Line
图 7.用回归线平均鼻压计数据。 流量;DP 压差; 回归线
The differences between classic rhinomanometry and 4PR originate from the data acquisition process and the method of data averaging. Classic computerized rhinomanometers sequentially collect alternating values for flow and pressure and place the obtained data points in a xy-Cartesian system. Subsequently, a regression line is constructed representing the pressure-flow relationship, which starts at the origin of the axis (Figure 7).
传统鼻压计与 4PR 的区别在于数据采集过程和数据平均方法。传统的计算机鼻压计按顺序交替采集流量和压力值,并将获得的数据点置于 xy-Cartesian 系统中。随后,以轴的原点为起点,构建一条代表压力-流量关系的回归线(图 7)。
Two important errors are generated by the above procedure that are not easily recognized by the user of these systems
  • The correlation coefficient as a parameter for the reliability of the regression line is not necessarily given in the printouts
  • The rhinomanometric curve meets always the intersection point of the -axis and -axis
    鼻测量曲线总是与 轴和 轴的交点相交。
A better way of acquiring and averaging the data from different breaths is to separately and visually control the uptake of the flow and pressure data and then to construct a "representative breath" as a real-time procedure (Figure 8).
获取和平均不同呼吸数据的更好方法是分别目视控制流量和压力数据的吸收,然后构建 "代表性呼吸 "作为实时程序(图 8)。
Breaths differ both in time and in the amplitude of pressure and flow recordings. The uptake process can be followed by both the patient and investigator on the screen. If the differences in length and amplitude between the single breaths are too high, the computer is instructed to discontinue the averaging procedure. The limits of such discrimination can be determined by software. After the recording process, the "representative breath" is constructed by interpolating data points up to
呼吸的时间以及压力和流量记录的振幅都不同。患者和研究人员都可以在屏幕上看到吸气过程。如果单次呼吸在时间和振幅上的差异过大,计算机会被指示停止平均程序。这种辨别的限度可通过软件确定。记录过程结束后,"代表性呼吸 "将通过内插数据点构建,直至
Figure 8. (A) Time-related averaging of rhinomanometric data.
图 8. (A) 鼻测量数据的时间平均值。
Step 1: Breaths of different lengths (B1, B2, B3) are "stretched" to a standard length of 2000 data points by spline interpolation (B1', )
步骤 1:通过样条插值将不同长度的呼吸(B1、B2、B3)"拉伸 "到 2000 个数据点的标准长度(B1', )
Figure 8. (B) Time-related averaging of rhinomanometric data. Step 2: Averaging of the time-standardized breaths.
图 8. (B) 与时间相关的鼻测量数据平均化。步骤 2:对时间标准化的呼吸进行平均。
Figure 8. (C) Time-related averaging of rhinomanometric data.
图 8. (C) 与时间相关的鼻测量数据平均值。
Step 3: Transferring of the data for differential pressure and flow in a Cartesian System.
步骤 3:在直角坐标系中传输压差和流量数据。
a unified length of 2000 points for pressure and flow and a following calculation of the arithmetic means. This time-related standardization preserves the full information of the course of pressure and flow. The pressure and flow curves are saved separately as files along with the patients identification data and
压力和流量的统一长度为 2000 点,然后计算算术平均值。这种与时间相关的标准化保留了压力和流量过程的全部信息。压力和流量曲线与患者身份识别数据和其他数据一起单独保存为文件。
Figure 9. General shape of rhinomanometric graphs in four-phase rhinomanometry (right nasal cavity).
图 9.四相鼻腔测量法中鼻腔测量图的一般形状(右侧鼻腔)。
can be preserved for later numerical analysis of the pressureflow relationship as well as for statistical analysis.
By using this procedure and transferring the data in a Cartesian system, a double-loop instead of a simple line is generated, which means that the pressure-flow relationship in the increasing airflow is different from the decreasing airflow. The analysis of clinical material below shows the importance of this different behaviour.
After transferring these results in a Cartesian system, the shape of Figure 9 appears.
将这些结果转换到直角坐标系后,就出现了图 9 的形状。
The four phases depicted in the graph are:
Phase 1: Ascending inspiratory phase. The airflow is accelerated up to the inspiratory peak flow. The airflow in this phase is an exponential function of the pressure. The accelerating flow causes Bernouilli effects, which may reduce the crosssectional area preferably at the nasal entrance by generating so-called "valve effects." Flow is instationary from the starting point of the breathing cycle up to the peak flow, but from the moment of the attained peak flow to the beginning of the decreasing phase, the airflow is stationary and almost turbulent. Under peak flow conditions the relationship between pressure and flow is linear: Depicting the relationship between the pressure-curve and the flow-curve in xt imaging shows parallel curves.
第 1 阶段:上升吸气阶段。气流加速至吸气峰值流量。该阶段的气流是压力的指数函数。加速的气流会产生伯努利效应,通过产生所谓的 "阀门效应",缩小鼻腔入口处的横截面积。从呼吸周期的起点到峰值流量,气流都是静止的,但从达到峰值流量的时刻到下降阶段的开始,气流是静止的,几乎是湍流。在峰值流量条件下,压力与流量之间呈线性关系:在 xt 成像中,压力曲线和流量曲线之间的关系显示为平行曲线。
Phase 2: Descending inspiratory phase. The second phase is the phase from the highest inspiratory flow to the end of the inspiration. The pressure-flow relationship depends on the course of the pressure drop due to the exponential function between pressure and flow, the whirling of the airflow and the causative anatomical conditions, and on the mechanical properties of the elastic compartments determining the behaviour of the nasal entrance. When the pressure difference is zero (0), airflow may still occur if the kinetic energy of the streaming
第二阶段:下降吸气阶段。第二阶段是从最高吸气流量到吸气结束的阶段。压力-流量关系取决于压力和流量之间的指数函数所导致的压力下降过程、气流的旋涡和解剖条件,以及决定鼻腔入口行为的弹性区块的机械特性。当压差为零(0)时,如果气流的动能为 0,则气流仍会发生。

volume is sufficient. This is the case if the shape of the nasal channel approximates a tube instead of a diaphragm. At the same pressure level as in the first phase, the flow is lower than in the ascending phase. This important fact determines the subjective feeling of obstruction.
Phase 3: Ascending expiratory phase. After the air flow changes its direction, the instationary airflow accelerates up to the peak expiratory flow. The relationship between pressure and flow is again exponential. The increasing expiratory airflow widens the flow channel to a small extent. During the short period of the expiratory peak flow, the pressure-flowrelation is again found to be linear. The variability of the pressure-flow relationship is higher than in Phase 4.
第 3 阶段:呼气上升阶段。气流改变方向后,吸入气流加速达到呼气峰值。压力和流量之间的关系再次呈指数关系。呼气气流的增加在很小程度上拓宽了气流通道。在呼气峰值流量的短时间内,压力-流量关系再次呈线性。压力-流量关系的变异性高于第 4 阶段。
Phase 4: Descending expiratory phase. The last phase of the nasal breathing cycle is characterized by the return to resting conditions. Under physiological conditions it is followed by an expiratory break. This pause is not reproducible under the conditions of rhinomanometry.
The flow is higher than in the first expiratory phase when comparing the respective pressure levels.
Figure 10. Incorrect averaging and depicting of results in a graph leads to severe diagnostic errors in particular in elastic deformations of the nasal air channel
图 10.在图表中对结果进行不正确的平均和描述会导致严重的诊断错误,尤其是在鼻腔气道的弹性变形方面
Phase 1 and Phase 4 are determined preferably by the anatomical structures of the nose. The parameters in Phase 2 and
第 1 和第 4 阶段最好由鼻子的解剖结构决定。第 2 和第 4 阶段的参数

Phase 3 depend to a great extent on the generated flow.
第 3 阶段在很大程度上取决于所产生的流量。
During one nasal breathing cycle, the relationship changes between the causative narinochoanal pressure and the resulting flow. That is the reason why it is impossible to calculate or define a single pressure-flow relationship with one equation. Furthermore, the variability of the pressure-flow relationship is different within the four phases of nasal breathing.

4-3 The clinical impact of loops in rhinomanometry
4-3 环路对鼻测量的临床影响

Presently, users of rhinomanometry use the flow at different pressure levels as parameters of clinical importance. This is also the procedure recommended by the international standard of ISOANA. The flow at a differential pressure of is the main value, which is substituted by lower pressures if the 150 level cannot be reached ( ). Other investigators are accustomed to using the linear resistance at the same pressure level, which can be calculated by dividing the pressure by flow.
目前,鼻测量仪的使用者将不同压力水平下的流量作为临床重要参数。这也是 ISOANA 国际标准推荐的程序。 压差下的流量是主要数值,如果无法达到 150 的水平( ),则用更低的压力代替。其他研究人员习惯于使用相同压力水平下的线性阻力,该阻力可通过压力除以流量计算得出。
If the resolution of the breathing cycle in four phases is accepted as being correct and representing the fluid dynamics of the nasal airflow, the question arises as to whether the separate analysis of the ascending and descending phases of inspiration and expiration is really of clinical importance, or whether or not averaging of the flow values for the same pressure level of the ascending and descending curve parts can be accepted for clinical purposes.
To arrive at an answer to these questions, a statistical analysis of 1377 non-classified rhinomanometric measurements of patients who visited the author (KV) because of different rhinologic problems was conducted. The material consisted of measurements of all possible degrees of nasal obstruction. A bilateral active anterior rhinomanometry before and after decongestion with xylometazoline was carried out in any case observed. The differences between the flow values at clinically important pressure levels were calculated. The mean values are noted in Table 1.
为了回答这些问题,我们对作者(KV)因不同鼻病就诊的 1377 名患者的非分类鼻测量数据进行了统计分析。材料包括所有可能的鼻阻塞程度的测量值。在使用甲氧甲唑啉减充血前后,对观察到的任何病例都进行了双侧主动前鼻测量。计算了在临床重要压力水平下流量值之间的差异。平均值见表 1。
Table 1. Mean values of flow in each of the 4 breathing phases at different pressure levels.
表 1.不同压力水平下 4 个呼吸阶段中每个阶段的流量平均值。
-300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -75 -50 0 50 75 100 150 200 250 300
Before decongestion 减员前
Inspiration 1 灵感 1 119 165 201 256 297 323 344
Inspiration 2 灵感 2 99 136 169 224 268 298 323
Difference  差异 16.8 17.6 15.9 12.5 9.8 7.7 6.1
Expiration 1 有效期 1 -330 -305 -273 -228 -169 -133 -68
Expiration 2 有效期 2 -345 -324 -296 -259 -211 -180 -144
Difference  差异 4.3 5.9 7.8 12.0 19.9 26.1 52.8
After decongestion 解除充血后
Inspiration 1 灵感 1 - 157 223 275 354 411 452 469
Inspiration 2 灵感 2 136 190 239 319 381 425 446
Difference  差异 13.4 14.8 13.1 9.9 7.3 6.0 4.9
Expiration 1 有效期 1 -455 -434 -392 -327 -238 -185 -102
Expiration 2 有效期 2 -485 -455 -419 -365 -292 -274 -195
Difference  差异 6.2 4.6 6.4 10.4 18.5 32.5 47.7
Table 2. Relationship between pressure level and the number of unacceptable rhinomanometric measurements obtained by averaging the ascending and descending curve parts.
表 2.压力水平与通过平均上升和下降曲线部分获得的不可接受的鼻测量次数之间的关系。
Before decongestion 减员前 After decongestion 解除充血后
Inspiration 灵感 Expiration 到期 Inspiration 灵感 Expiration 到期
The values in Table 1 and 2 show that the greatest differences between the ascending and descending phases are found at low pressure levels and that they are smaller at higher pressures. When one considers only the mean values, it could lead to the wrong conclusion. For example, a statistical mean difference of at between Phase 1 and Phase 2 would not be of high clinical importance, because the deviation from the averaged value would be only , an even acceptable figure for
表 1 和表 2 中的数值表明,升压阶段和降压阶段的差异在低压水平时最大,而在高压水平时则较小。如果只考虑平均值,可能会得出错误的结论。例如,第一阶段和第二阶段在 处的统计平均差 在临床上的重要性并不高,因为与平均值的偏差仅为 ,这甚至是一个可以接受的数字。
Figure 12. Relationship between pressure level and resistance values in
图 12.图 12 中压力水平与电阻值之间的关系
750 measurements in which a pressure level of was obtained.
750 次测量,其中获得 的压力水平。

Figure 11. Relationship between pressure level and the number of unacceptable rhinomanometric measurements obtained by averaging the ascending and descending curve parts.
图 11.压力水平与通过平均上升和下降曲线部分获得的不可接受的鼻测量次数之间的关系。

such measurements. Therefore, much more important is the information obtained by histograms showing the statistical distribution of the differences in the entire data set. The histogram in Figure 11 shows the distribution of flow differences between the ascending and descending inspiratory curve parts at a differential pressure level of . Even if the range of differences between and were accepted, of the population show flow differences higher than higher than difference. These differences exceed by far the criteria for a positive nasal provocation test.
因此,显示整个数据集差异统计分布的直方图所获得的信息要重要得多。因此,通过直方图显示整个数据集中差异的统计分布所获得的信息要重要得多。图 11 中的直方图显示了在 压差水平下,吸气曲线上升部分和下降部分的流量差异分布情况。即使接受 之间的差异范围,仍有 的人群显示流量差异高于 高于 的差异。这些差异远远超出了鼻激发试验阳性的标准。
Considering the pressure levels of clinical interest, the large number of measurements can be seen in which the averaging of the curve parts would produce unacceptable errors. It again becomes obvious that the greatest numbers of unacceptable results occur within the lower pressure levels.
Another disadvantage of the currently used pressure-related linear resistance is the fact that the linear resistances increase with the pressure level. It follows that a resistance given at 150 cannot be compared with the resistance at if in a second comparative measurement the pressure level of cannot be reached. The relationship between resistance and pressure level is shown in Figure 12.
目前使用的与压力相关的线性电阻的另一个缺点是,线性电阻会随着压力水平的增加而增加。因此,如果在第二次比较测量中无法达到 的压力水平,那么在 150 时给出的电阻值就无法与 时的电阻值进行比较。电阻和压力水平之间的关系如图 12 所示。

The main conclusion of the dependency of the linear resistance on the pressure level concerns the Polar Coordinate Model by Broms . For clinical purposes, the Broms model compares the intersection points of the rhinomanometric curve at a given radius. The most frequently used radius 2 meets the -axis (differential pressure) at and the -axis (flow) at . Thus, high flow values are measured at low pressure and low flow values at high pressure. It follows, that the model is incorrect because the resistance is calculated at different pressure levels.
关于线性阻力与压力水平关系的主要结论涉及 Broms 的极坐标模型 。出于临床目的,Broms 模型对给定半径下的测鼻曲线交点进行比较。最常用的半径 2 在 处与 轴(压差)相交,在 处与 轴(流量)相交。因此,低压时测得的是高流量值,高压时测得的是低流量值。由此可见,该模型是不正确的,因为阻力是在不同压力下计算得出的。
Summarizing the statistical data presented here, it must be concluded that neglecting the resolution of the human breath in four different phases leads to severe errors of clinical importance. The application of graphical methods for evaluating rhinomanometric curves in the modern computerized analysis of nasal breathing becomes obsolete. However, a physically and mathematically correct interpretation of the complete respiratory cycle leads to a remarkable increase in the diagnostic information, which can be derived.

5. The mathematical-physical concept of 4-phase-rhinomanometry

Hellmut Hoffrichter, Klaus Vogt, Wolfgang Althaus,
Wolfgang Hasse 沃尔夫冈-哈斯

5-1 Introduction 5-1 导言

After introducing the averaging procedure, described in chapter 4 , which resulted in the observation of loops as the common form of the rhinomanometrical xy-curve, it became evident that it was necessary to reconsider the existing physical and mathematical concepts of rhinomanometry and the underlying flow phenomena within the nose.
在引入第 4 章所述的平均程序后,观察到环形是鼻测量 xy 曲线的常见形式,显然有必要重新考虑鼻测量的现有物理和数学概念以及鼻内的基本流动现象。
The diagnostic intention of rhinomanometry is to obtain an impartial measure of the energy expended or the work performed during breathing to generate the flow of air through the nose as it is conditioned for the lungs. Except for the region of the anatomic structures of the "nasal valve", nasal breathing is about alternating ventilation of air in both directions through an irregular cavity with a narrowing at both ends. Rhinomanometry ostensibly measures changes in the physical parameters transnasal pressure and transnasal flow during the ventilation of the entire nasal cavity. The fluid-dynamics interpretation of several parts of this cavity by comparing it with streamed cavities within the technology becomes interesting only if one attempts to interpret an at first sight unexpected rhinomanometrical result anatomically. Previous comparisons of the nose with flow-bodies and using technical terminology that does not consider the alternate breathing through the nose may be of limited practical value.
鼻息量测定法的诊断目的是公正地测量呼吸过程中所消耗的能量或所做的工作,以产生经鼻进入肺部的气流。除 "鼻瓣膜 "解剖结构区域外,鼻腔呼吸是通过一个两端狭窄的不规则腔体向两个方向交替通气。从表面上看,鼻测量仪测量的是整个鼻腔通气过程中跨鼻压力和跨鼻流量的物理参数变化。只有当我们试图从解剖学角度解释一个乍看之下出乎意料的鼻腔测量结果时,通过与技术中的流腔进行比较对该腔的几个部分进行流体动力学解释才会变得有趣。以往将鼻腔与流体进行比较,以及使用未考虑通过鼻腔交替呼吸的技术术语,其实用价值可能有限。

5-2 Fluid Physics 5-2 流体物理学

From the standpoint of fluid physics the definitions, that are a standard element of the foundation of fluid mechanics, have so far not found their way into the fluid physiology of the nose.
When one considers the fluid dynamics, one initially distinguishes between laminar and turbulent flow. The type of flow is characterised by the Reynolds number Re, which describes the relationship between inertial and frictional forces. For Reynolds numbers up to 2300 , there is normally laminar flow within a pipe. In laminar flow, there is minimal if any momentum change perpendicular to the main direction of flow. The flow is very steady and since the frictional forces are relatively high, any disturbances that occur due to obstacles encountered quickly die out. In laminar flow, the generation of detachments and eddies may also occur. If the velocity is measured at a point in the flow for an extended period, the quantity is nearly constant. The calculation of the flow rate, , through a pipe as a function of pressure change, , is carried out in accordance with the Hagen-Poiseuille-Law:
在考虑流体动力学时,我们首先要区分层流和湍流。流动类型以雷诺数 Re 为特征,它描述了惯性力和摩擦力之间的关系。雷诺数不超过 2300 时,管道内通常为层流。在层流中,垂直于主要流动方向的动量变化极小。流动非常稳定,由于摩擦力相对较大,遇到障碍物时产生的任何扰动都会很快消失。在层流中,还可能产生支流和涡流。如果长时间在水流中的某一点测量流速,则流速几乎是恒定的。通过管道的流速 与压力变化 的函数关系的计算是根据哈根-普瓦耶定律进行的:
For Reynolds numbers above 2300 in a pipe, there is normally turbulent flow and the Hagen-Poiseuille-Law loses its validity. When again measuring the velocity at a point in the flow, there are irregular, random velocity fluctuations, because the momentum develops strongly perpendicular to the main flow direction, even though the propulsive pressure force is constant. The pressure decrease no longer relates to flow in a linear fashion but rather with the flow squared:
当管道中的雷诺数超过 2300 时,通常会出现湍流,哈根-普瓦耶定律也就失去了作用。当再次测量流动中某一点的速度时,会出现不规则的随机速度波动,这是因为尽管推动压力保持不变,但动量的发展方向与主要流动方向高度垂直。压力下降不再与流量成线性关系,而是与流量的平方成线性关系:
The pressure decrease for turbulent flows in pipes is considerably higher than for laminar flows at the same velocity. The flow through the nose goes through an irregular cavity in which there can be detachments and eddies, etc., causing yet further pressure decreases compared to the flow in a pipe. Therefore, flow in the nose can only be simulated to a limited extent using the model of flow in a pipe. Special note should be made that unlike the flow in a pipe, the flow of air in the nose is unsteady. This means that the volume of flow per unit time (volume flow rate) and the pressure difference per unit time are also a function of time, t. Bernouilli's equation, often used for the calculation of steady flows, has to be expanded to include an unsteady element:
在相同速度下,管道中湍流的压力下降幅度远远高于层流。流经鼻腔的气流会通过一个不规则的空腔,其中可能会出现脱离和漩涡等现象,从而导致压力比管道中的气流进一步降低。因此,鼻腔内的流动只能在有限的范围内使用管道内的流动模型进行模拟。需要特别注意的是,与管道中的气流不同,鼻腔中的气流是不稳定的。这意味着单位时间内的流量(体积流量)和单位时间内的压力差也是时间 t 的函数:
The contribution of the unsteady element depends on the amount of acceleration or deceleration over and on the path length 1 , over which the air is accelerated or decelerated.
非稳态元素的贡献取决于 上的加速或减速量,以及空气被加速或减速的路径长度 1。
The measurement of the flow volume rate in incompressible and steady flows is based on the principles of Bernouilli's equation for stationary flows:
For unsteady flows the relation according to the above mentioned is:
At steady flows, the amount of differential pressure depends on the volume flow rate and therefore can be calculated exactly. When measuring the in an unsteady flow, while using the formulas for stationary flow, as is commonly done, the result can be a significantly different than the true volume flow rate. The deviation from the true value depends on:
在稳定流中,压差 的大小取决于体积流量,因此可以精确计算。在不稳定流中测量 时,如果像通常那样使用静态流的公式,结果可能与真实的体积流量相差很大。与真实值的偏差取决于:
  • the acceleration or deceleration whose variation depends strongly on the nasal flow
  • and the length, , of the pipe, connected upstream of the measuring system, so that an emerging trend in the flow profile may be revealed.
    以及连接到测量系统上游的管道长度 ,从而揭示流量曲线的新趋势。
The measuring systems and analysis algorithms that have been used commonly up to the present are only appropriate for steady flows. There are no known easy measuring systems for unsteady flows. Therefore, one must initially rely on the common measuring systems when measuring the unsteady flows. However, for an exact and correct measurement, the analysis algorithm has to be modified, e.g. using a method that incorporates a correction of the results obtained from the steady state analysis. The correction factor must depend on the current acceleration or deceleration and the length of the measuring system. The determination of the correction factor can be done, e.g. by a calibration of the steady state measuring system. An example of a method for doing this is by having a section in the measurement device blending in an unsteady but predictable flow. The variability in results due to the unsteady state applies to measurements of both laminar and turbulent flows. Therefore, a correction has to be used for both calm breathing and deeper or more rapid breathing in order to obtain a correct measurement of the volume flow rate.
目前常用的测量系统和分析算法只适用于稳定流。目前还没有已知的适用于非稳态流的简易测量系统。因此,在测量非稳态流时,人们最初必须依靠常用的测量系统。然而,为了获得精确和正确的测量结果,必须对分析算法进行修改,例如采用一种对稳态分析结果进行修正的方法。修正系数必须取决于当前的加速度或减速度以及测量系统的长度 。可以通过校准稳态测量系统等方法确定修正系数。校准方法的一个例子是让测量装置中的一个部分在不稳定但可预测的流体中混合。测量层流和湍流时,都会因不稳定状态而导致测量结果的变化。因此,为了获得正确的体积流量测量值,必须对平静呼吸和较深或较急的呼吸进行校正。
The differences between steady and unsteady flow have not yet attracted any attention in rhinology, but for those experienced in fluid mechanics they are eminently important. A mathematical model, integrating the unsteady flow rate, was first described by Hoffrichter in 1993 (see below in this chapter!)
稳定流与非稳定性流之间的差异尚未引起鼻科学界的注意,但对于那些有流体力学经验的人来说,它们是非常重要的。1993 年,霍夫里希特 首次描述了一个数学模型,该模型整合了非稳态流速(见本章下文!)。
Figure 13. Breathing curve in xt-chart.
图 13.xt-图表中的呼吸曲线。
The plot of the changes in pressure and flow through the nose against time (Figure 13) - in the course of breathing in and out - shows that after a rapid increase in pressure and flow, a plateau typically occurs. The initial sharp increase-section and the transition from breathing in to breathing out are the sections of steepest acceleration, and thus are the sections with the highest frequency content. Because of the steeper temporal gradient, these sections have the highest risks of introducing errors in measurement of the flow. This questions the applicability of the current choice of measuring points in the standardised system of ISOANA. When examining these curves, which are made up of corresponding pressure and flow points for each time unit, it becomes evident that the rate of change of the pressure and the rate of change of the corresponding flow points are different particularly in the increasing and decreasing phase of the curve. Therefore, when these pressure and flow changes are plotted against each other in an xy-diagram, the result is not a simple line, but rather a loop. The plot shows hysteresis behaviour, as it variously appears in nature and which is often connected with the appearance of coherent structures, e.g. swirls. Hörschler et al. noted that there really is a physical reason for the hysteresis behaviour. When breathing in, the air streamlines are swirled to a greater extent than when breathing out. This implies that the same level of flow while breathing in and out corresponds to different amounts of pressure decrease thus resulting in hysteresis.
在吸气和呼气过程中,通过鼻腔的压力和流量随时间的变化曲线图(图 13)显示,在压力和流量快速增加之后,通常会出现一个高原。最初的急剧增加段和从吸气到呼气的过渡段是加速度最陡峭的段落,因此也是频率含量最高的段落。由于时间梯度较陡,这些部分在测量流量时引入误差的风险最高。这就对目前 ISOANA 标准化系统中选择测量点的适用性提出了质疑。这些曲线由每个时间单位的相应压力点和流量点组成,在研究这些曲线时,可以明显看出,压力的变化率和相应流量点的变化率是不同的,尤其是在曲线的上升和下降阶段。因此,当这些压力和流量的变化在 xy 图中相互映衬时,结果就不是一条简单的直线,而是一个循环。 图显示了滞后现象,这种现象在自然界中经常出现,而且往往与漩涡等连贯结构的出现有关。Hörschler 等人 指出,滞后现象确实有其物理原因。吸气时,空气流线的漩涡程度大于呼气时。这意味着吸气和呼气时相同的流量对应不同的压力下降量,从而导致滞后现象。

5-3 Under appropriate measuring conditions, the hysteresis curves represent a part of the flow physiology of the nose
5-3 在适当的测量条件下,滞后曲线代表了鼻腔的部分流动生理特征

The previously described method of averaging, introduced to rhinomanometry by Vogt and Wernecke in 1990, ensures the preservation of the time-dependent information of both pressure and flow, because they are averaged first before being transferred to the coordinate system. The next step is the analysis of the measured pressure-flow curve and the path of airflow in the nose.
Vogt 和 Wernecke 于 1990 年将之前介绍的平均法引入鼻测量法,该方法可确保保留压力和气流的时间相关信息,因为它们在转移到 坐标系之前首先被平均。下一步是分析测得的压力-流量曲线和鼻腔气流路径。
When previous devices were used for rhinomanometry and loops were seen, various causes for the loop generation were proposed:
  • Different dynamic behaviour of the pressure transducer used for flow compared with the pressure transducer used to measure differential pressure.
  • Different dynamic behaviour of the actuator for the x-axis compared to the actuator for the -axis on the -recorder (before computer printouts).
    记录仪上 轴的执行机构相比, 记录仪上 轴的执行机构的动态表现不同(在电脑打印之前)。
  • Inadequate seal of the mask.
  • Inappropriate dimensions of the connecting tubes between mask and flow detector or pressure transducer.
  • Contaminated tubing connecting the parts of the system.
Today, dynamic high-quality pressure transducers and nearly inertia less recording technology in the form of computer screens are available. But the loops in the rhinomanometrical curves still exist. Some veteran rhinomanometer users felt that

the appearance of loops meant an artefact that might be related to inferior performance by the equipment. Most equipment manufacturers have used the microprocessor technology of their product to generate an averaged function curve from the loop, which passes through the zero origin of the xy-plot. This overlooked the possibility that the loop generation reflected a physiologic phenomenon and might contain diagnostic information. It can be shown that some rhinomanometers, which display an averaged curve instead of a loop or which always display the pressure-flow curve passing through the origin, have done some manipulation of the true measured pressure and flow data and thus are not accurately displaying the changes in flow.
环路的出现意味着一种假象,可能与设备性能较差有关。大多数设备制造商利用其产品的微处理器技术从循环中生成一条平均函数曲线,该曲线穿过 xy 图的零原点。这就忽略了环路生成反映生理现象并可能包含诊断信息的可能性。事实证明,有些鼻流量计显示的是平均曲线而不是环路,或者始终显示的是通过原点的压力-流量曲线,这些鼻流量计对真实测量的压力和流量数据做了一些处理,因此不能准确显示流量的变化。
The many proposed models for fitting the data in the pressureflow curve have been summarized by Pallanch . These fluid dynamic equations were often based on a conduit with a length much greater than its hydraulic diameter and with minimal variations in its dimensions along its length. The nose however is an irregular cavity with significant narrowing of the dimensions of the air passage at the beginning and the end. The transnasal pressure is the result of the cumulative pressure drop at all narrowings, bendings and straight sections in the nasal airway.
Pallanch 总结了许多用于拟合压力流量曲线数据的模型。这些流体动力学方程通常基于长度远大于水力直径且沿长度方向尺寸变化极小的导管。然而,鼻腔是一个不规则的空腔,空气通道的始端和末端尺寸明显变窄。跨鼻压力是鼻腔气道所有狭窄、弯曲和笔直部分的累积压力降的结果。

5-4 Recalculation of the relationship of transnasal pressure and flow during nasal breathing
5-4 重新计算鼻呼吸时跨鼻压力和流量的关系

These equations will be presented for breathing through an even pipe with length 1 and cross section A. There initially is non-moving air with a very low mass in the pipe. The pressure force , generated by the lungs, has a certain timeline, which will be .
这些方程将用于通过长度为 1、横截面为 A 的偶数管道进行呼吸。管道中最初存在质量很小的非流动空气 。肺部产生的压力力 有一定的时间轴,即
First, this pressure force pushes on the air in the entire pipe cross section and the air inside is accelerated. The first period of acceleration is .
Accordant to the principle of linear momentum of mechanics this equation applies:
Applying this equation to our example, when the pressure force has worked for the time , it has accelerated the air mass to the speed .
将该方程应用到我们的例子中,当压力 时间内起作用时,它将气团 加速到速度
While the air is now accelerating through the pipe, new air rushes in and accelerates to the speed v1. But the momentum necessary for this part of the process is just , since both the newly rushing in air mass and the growing speed during are only partway to reaching their maximum. The factor takes into consideration this partial level toward the maximum. average value.
但这部分过程所需的动量仅为 ,因为新涌入的气团和 期间增长的速度都只是达到最大值的一部分。系数 考虑了这部分达到最大值的平均值。
This initial step in the depiction of the flow is represented by the equation:
The air mass has now filled a distance of in the pipe, resulting from the relations
现在,气团 已经充满了管道中 的距离,其关系式为
(air mass change in volume) and . (Volume Area length) One may also write
(空气质量 体积变化)和 . (体积 面积 长度)也可以写成
And if one puts , then the following equation is obtained
如果把 放进去,就会得到下面的等式
Now imagine the time course of the breath, being divided into an infinite sequence of momenta. The number of time slices, , will trend toward zero and the number of momenta will approach infinity. First the notation of equation (2) has to be modified by turning the differences into differentials:
现在想象一下,呼吸的时间过程被划分为一个无限的时刻序列。时间片的数量 将趋于零,而时刻的数量将接近无穷大。首先,必须修改公式 (2) 的符号,将差分变为微分:
Now imagine that the initial momentum of air has passed out of the pipe and only the momentum is still in the pipe. The difference in the amount the momentum had increased as air entered the pipe has been blown to the outside at the opposite end of the pipe and consequently the remaining momentum, , has exactly the size necessary to accelerate the additional air rushing in. The law of conservation of momentum is not violated. As each momentum of air passes out the distal end of the pipe, the momentum already inside the pipe and the momentum that is just entering the pipe are being added:
现在想象一下,空气的初始动量已从管道中流出,只有动量 仍在管道中。空气进入管道时增加的动量的差值被吹到了管道另一端的外面,因此剩余的动量 恰好具有加速冲入的额外空气所需的大小。这并不违反动量守恒定律。当每个空气动量从管道远端流出时,管道内的动量和刚刚进入管道的动量都在增加:
After addition of all of these equations one gets:
If and are set and the equation is differentiated at both sides, there finally results the differential equation:
如果设置 ,并对方程两边进行微分,最后就得到了微分方程:
This differential equation may be rewritten with
(Volume length cross sectional area)
(体积 长度 横截面积)
The graphical representation of this relationship is shown in Figure 14. A sinusoidal flow course with an amplitude of 15 through a pipe of length and a diameter of has been set. The breathing frequency amounts to . The emergence of a growing phase shift between the courses of flow and pressure is clearly recognizable.
这种关系的图示如图 14 所示。在长度为 、直径为 的管道中设置了振幅为 15 的正弦曲线。呼吸频率为 。可以清楚地看到,流量和压力之间的相位差越来越大。
Figure 14. Flow, Pressure and Energy curve through a pipe (the scale for the Energy curve is strongly magnified).
图 14.通过管道的流量、压力和能量曲线(能量曲线的刻度被大幅放大)。
The graphical representation of the same flow course through a pipe with steady state flow is shown in Figure 15. In this case, the unsteady part in equation (5) has been set to zero so that a steady flow results. Mathematically it can be said that the pipe length 1 tends to zero. It is clearly recognizable that now the phase shift is zero.
图 15 显示了流经管道的相同稳态流动过程。在这种情况下,方程 (5) 中的非稳态部分被设为零,从而形成稳态流。数学上可以说,管道长度 1 趋于零。可以清楚地看到,现在相移为零。
Figure 15. Flow- and Pressure curve through a pipe with steady flow.
图 15稳定流通过管道时的流量和压力曲线。
If the pressure and flow from the time plots in Figure 14 are plotted against each other in an xy-plot, one gets Figure 16. In a similar manner, Figure 17 is obtained from the pressure and flow data in Figure 15. The graphs are numerical solutions of the differential equation (5).
如果将图 14 中时间图中的压力和流量相对应地绘制成 xy 图,就会得到图 16。同样,根据图 15 中的压力和流量数据也可以得到图 17。这些图都是微分方程 (5) 的数值解。
Figure 16. xy-chart of Flow and Pressure curve through a pipe of length.
图 16. 通过长度为 的管道的流量和压力曲线 xy 图。
Figure 17. xy-chart of Flow and Pressure curve through a pipe of length.
图 17. 通过长度为 的管道的流量和压力曲线 xy 图。
Since breathing through the nose cannot be modeled with a pipe of "length zero" but rather needs a pipe of a certain length and specific, but different, resistances for inspiration and expiration, phase shifts between pressure and volume flow rate are to be expected in a real nasal airway.
由于通过鼻腔呼吸不能用 "长度为零 "的管道来模拟,而是需要一定长度的管道以及特定但不同的吸气和呼气阻力,因此在真实的鼻腔气道中,压力和体积流量之间的相位变化是意料之中的。
The above differential equation (6) is of the so-called Riccatical type. Therefore, solutions may only be obtained by performing a numerical simulation. The effects are interesting. Equation (5) says that the flow in the nose not only depends on the current transnasal pressure but also on its "previous history", the preceding transnasal pressures. There is a phase shift, dependent on the volume of the nose channel, between the pressure signal and the flow signal, in which the flow consistently lags behind the pressure signal. Loops do appear in the xy-plots because of this phase shift. The term may possibly reach large values. Not only does it depend on the geometric shape of the nasal airway but also to a great extent on the curved path of the airflow vectors and the frequency of breathing during testing. This results in 2 different values, of varying disparity, for the inspiratory or expiratory flow corresponding to a designated pressure. It is therefore evident that a rhinomanometrically determined nasal resistance that is calculated from the flow value at a single pressure (e. g. at 75 or ) would not represent the 2 different measured flow values that correspond to that pressure level.
上述微分方程 (6) 属于所谓的 Riccatical 类型。因此,只有通过数值模拟才能求解。其效果非常有趣。方程(5)表明,鼻腔中的气流不仅取决于当前的跨鼻压力,还取决于其 "前史",即之前的跨鼻压力。压力信号和流量信号之间存在相位偏移,这取决于鼻通道的容积,其中流量始终落后于压力信号。由于这种相位偏移,在 xy 图中确实出现了环路。 项可能会达到很大的数值。它不仅取决于鼻腔气道的几何形状,还在很大程度上取决于气流矢量的弯曲路径和测试时的呼吸频率。这就导致了与指定压力相对应的吸气或呼气流量会出现两个不同的数值,且差异很大。因此,根据单一压力(如 75 或 压力)下的流量值计算得出的鼻阻力显然不能代表与该压力水平相对应的两个不同的测量流量值。
C. Hirsch, during the consensus conference in Brussels 2003 , stressed also the periodic nature of nasal breathing. A parameter which tells if this is of importance, is the Womersley parameter, which is defined for a cylindrical channel of radius as follows:
C.赫希在 2003 年布鲁塞尔 共识会议上也强调了鼻呼吸的周期性。Womersley 参数可以说明这一点是否重要,该参数对半径为 的圆柱形通道的定义如下:
with the respiratory pulsation , the frequency and the kinematic viscosity of the air . At higher values of the Womersley parameter ( to 10) a phase shift of is observed between the velocity variation and the pressure pulsation and the inertia due to the pulsating character of the flow dominates over the viscous resistance.
与呼吸脉动 、频率 和空气运动粘度 有关。在 Womersley 参数值较高( 至 10)时,速度变化和压力脉动之间会出现 的相位偏移,由于气流脉动特性而产生的惯性比粘性阻力更重要。
With a respiratory frequency of and ) and the viscosity of the air , the Womersley number is for a radius of . This is in the intermediate range, where the pulsating character of the respiratory flow is not dominating, but has a certain influence. In particular, the phase shift will be between and . In addition, the respiratory frequency will also enhance the effect of the elasticity of the nasal membranes through a "capacitance" effect, whereby energy is accumulated and restored periodically between the membrane and the flow. Restoration of the energy stored on deformation causes an additional phase shift of .
当呼吸频率为 时,空气粘度为 ,当半径为 时,沃默斯利数为 。这属于中间范围,呼吸气流的脉动特性并不占主导地位,但也有一定的影响。特别是,相移将在 之间。此外,呼吸频率还会通过 "电容 "效应增强鼻膜弹性的效果,即在鼻膜和气流之间周期性地积累和恢复能量。变形时存储的能量恢复会导致 的额外相移。
The combined effects of flow resistance (viscosity), inertia and elasticity can be expressed by an electrical analogy, through an impedance , with
流动阻力(粘度)、惯性和弹性的综合效应可以通过电学类比,即阻抗 来表示,即
where is the air flow rate and
其中 是空气流速
The contribution of the inertia is expressed through the inductance and the elasticity of the membranes is taken into account by the capacitance ; with the expressions
惯性的贡献由电感 表示,膜的弹性由电容 考虑;表达式为
and thickness of the membrane, elasticity modulus of the membrane, density of the air. The resistance is due to the viscosity, but will be influenced by the pulsation at the intermediate values of . The imaginary of will give the phase shift. These considerations are approaching the basics of the oscillatory measurement of the nasal airstream as outlined in chapter 1 .
膜的厚度、 膜的弹性模量、 空气的密度。阻力 是由粘度引起的,但在中间值 时会受到脉动的影响。 的虚数将产生相移。这些考虑因素接近于第 1 章中概述的鼻腔气流振荡测量的基本原理。
It is important, that this impedance has also to be applied to the elastic compartments of the measuring system, which has been already discussed in the chapters above.
In 2002, A. Grzanka (personal communication) did confirm the presence of the loops at the ISANA meeting in the occasion of the conference of the European Rhinological Society in Ulm, Germany.
2002 年,A. Grzanka(个人通信)证实,在德国乌尔姆举行的欧洲鼻科学会会议期间,该环路参加了 ISANA 会议。

5-5 Graphical representation of pressure-flow relationship during alternating breathing
5-5 交替呼吸时的压力-流量关系图示

From these theoretical considerations as well as the results of experiments on models, it is apparent that phase shifts and loop generations are always to be expected in the rhinomanometrical result if, because of the need to create sufficient gradients to overcome an airway obstruction, a large volume of air has to be accelerated or decelerated in a short period. This is naturally the case at the transition from inspiration to expiration and vice-versa. It can also occur with fitful respiratory movements that anxious patients sometimes perform during testing with rhinomanometry. Also, a narrowing of the nasal airway e.g. caused by an anatomic convexity, can significantly increase the unsteady term in equation (5), resulting in increased loop generation.
从这些理论考虑和模型实验结果中可以明显看出,如果由于需要产生足够的梯度来克服气道阻塞,大量空气必须在短时间内加速或减速,那么鼻毛测量结果中就会出现相位偏移和环路产生。从吸气到呼气的转换过程中自然会出现这种情况,反之亦然。焦虑的患者在鼻测量仪测试过程中有时会做一些不规则的呼吸运动,也会出现这种情况。此外,鼻腔气道的狭窄(如解剖凸度造成的狭窄)也会显著增加公式 (5) 中的不稳定项,从而增加环路的产生。
The time sequence of the transition from one respiratory phase to the other will be presented again graphically. Figure 18 shows the time sequence of the flow in the pipe after entry of air from a much bigger reservoir. For the nose, this is equivalent to either the airspace around the external nose or the nasopharynx. At the time T0, there exists a flow caused by the lower pressure in the nasopharynx. If the pressure difference is zero at time , the flow direction continues as the speed of the airflow steadily decreases. At time T2, the differential pressure has changed to the opposite direction with the pressure higher in the nasopharynx. Yet the flow continues to move toward the nasopharynx briefly until time when it has slowed to a stop. After time T3, the flow finally has changed to the other direction as seen at time T4.
从一个呼吸阶段过渡到另一个呼吸阶段的时间顺序将再次用图表表示。图 18 显示了空气从一个更大的储气罐进入管道后的流动时序。对于鼻子来说,这相当于外鼻周围的空气空间或鼻咽部。在 T0 时,由于鼻咽部的压力较低,因此存在一个气流。如果在 时压差为零,则气流的方向会随着气流速度的稳步下降而继续。在时间 T2 时,压差已变为相反方向,鼻咽部的压力更高。然而,气流继续向鼻咽部短暂移动,直到 时间,气流才缓慢停止。时间 T3 之后,气流最终转向了另一个方向,如时间 T4 所示。
Figure 18. Fluid characteristics in a pipe at reversal of pressure direction.
图 18.压力方向逆转时管道内的流体特征。
What happens - with reduced viscosity and speed - is similar to the wake of a ship, still moving for a long time in a semicircular path opposite to the running direction of the ship, even when the ship is far away. In addition, the inertia of the moving air in breathing keeps it moving away from the nose after exhalation keeping us from choking on or re-breathing our own air
The described theoretical considerations may be summarized as follows:
The generation of loops in the display of the curve data from rhinomanometry measurements is more easily seen with 4phases- rhinomanometry than with previous rhinomanometers. The loops are due to the shape of the nasal air channel that is being measured and the alternating acceleration and deceleration of the nasal airflow.
与以前的鼻毛测量仪相比,4 相鼻毛测量仪在显示鼻毛测量的曲线数据时更容易看到循环。产生循环的原因是被测鼻腔气道的形状以及鼻腔气流的交替加速和减速。
5-6 Description of the model demonstrating the dependence of the rhinomanometric curve shape on the anatomical configuration of the flow channel
5-6 模型说明:鼻测量曲线的形状取决于流道的解剖结构
We have observed, when considering the effect of anatomical form on the nasal airway during experiments with models and in the course of our clinical examinations done with 2 different 4PR-rhinomanometers over the period of more than 10 years, that one may discern 3 different anatomical types and corresponding curve shapes, of which the two first merge fluently, but the third warrants special consideration. These types have been classified by Vogt and Hoffrichter as follows:
10 多年来,我们在使用模型进行实验以及使用 2 种不同的 4PR 鼻压计进行临床检查的过程中,考虑到解剖形态对鼻腔气道的影响,我们发现有 3 种不同的解剖类型和相应的曲线形状,其中前两种可以流畅地融合,但第三种需要特别考虑。Vogt 和 Hoffrichter 将这些类型分为以下几种
Figure 19. Clinical classification of the results of 4-PhaseRhinomanometry after Vogt and Hoffrichter .
图 19.Vogt 和 Hoffrichter 后 4 相鼻测量法结果的临床分类。

Type A - the diaphragm type
A 型--隔膜式

In a decongested state, the nose presents the lowest resistance to the air; i.e. the airflow from the lungs or the surroundings arrives without any major pressure losses and has a certain speed. The narrowing of the flow passage at the nasal entrance - whether from the inspiratory or expiratory direction - causes an acceleration of the airflow as it passes into the enlarged space of the next part of the airway. The unsteady component of respiration has its principle effect in the area of narrowing. Due to the short length 1 of this narrowness, the unsteady term in equation 6 becomes quite minimal. Consequently, only a slight phase shift between pressure and flow is expected: the curves are closed and virtually go through zero.
在鼻腔不充血的状态下,鼻腔对空气的阻力最小;也就是说,气流从肺部或周围到达鼻腔时不会有任何重大的压力损失,并具有一定的速度。无论是从吸气还是呼气方向,鼻腔入口处的气流通道变窄都会导致气流加速进入气道下一部分的扩大空间。呼吸的不稳定成分主要作用于狭窄区域。由于狭窄区域的长度 1 很短,等式 6 中的不稳定项变得非常小。因此,预计压力和流量之间只有轻微的相位变化:曲线是闭合的,几乎归零。

Type B - the pipe type
B 型 - 管道类型

If the nose is swollen, there generates a pipe-like cavity with several parallel connected cavities in the remaining cavity generally at the lower und middle nasal passage. The air in these pipes is accelerated considerably stronger than at type A, since the flow diameter available is reduced. Therefore, the unsteady term in equation 5 is considerably higher than at type A, so that measurable phase shifts are generated. If the energy supply stops, the accelerated air mass flows on for a short period until its energy is used up by friction. The nose acts as an air pump for a while (Figure 18). A time delay emerges between difference pressure and volume flow rate. This implies a phase shift. As a consequence, the curves are not allowed to go through zero at this point. Due to the pipe system, i. e. at a mucomembraneous-induced mostly blocked nose, the resistance is considerably higher, so that the generating loops, and especially at a very flat curve shape with high resistance values are sparsely bended.
如果鼻腔肿胀,一般在下鼻道和中鼻道的剩余空腔中会产生一个管状空腔,空腔内有几个平行相连的空腔。与 A 型相比,这些管道中的空气加速度要大得多,因为可用的气流直径减小了。因此,等式 5 中的不稳定项比 A 型要高得多,从而产生了可测量的相移。如果能量供应停止,加速的气团会在短时间内继续流动,直到其能量被摩擦耗尽。鼻子会暂时充当气泵(图 18)。差压和体积流量之间出现时间延迟。这意味着相移。因此,在这一点上,曲线不允许通过零点。由于管道系统的原因,即在粘膜引起的大部分堵塞的鼻孔处,阻力要大得多,因此产生的环路,特别是在阻力值较高的非常平坦的曲线形状处,弯曲稀疏。

Type C - the elastic type
C 型--弹性型

On the supposition that the classical rhinomanometers do measure qualitatively correct, which should be assumed for most offered rhinomanometers, it should be expected that under the condition of an inflexible nose the displays of the curves in expiration and inspiration are approximately rotationally symmetric. This is not necessarily always the case, because each the increasing and decreasing sides of expiration and inspiration are not congruent. The reason is that the nose is subject to elastically effects, especially at inspiration, which can easily be observed when looking in the nose from below during a powerful inspiration. During inspiration the wing of the nose is contracted and when the flow reduces, the nose opens again still during inspiration, because the aspirated wing of the nose returns to its resting position. Similar mechanisms do occur in a considerably smaller extent in the sector of the turbinates or if there are other mobile structures like polyps in the nose.
For the analysis, there now is the problem that the air stream to measure changes its diameter under the influence of the generated flow.
The result is a curve type corresponding to a club whose "hand grip" lies in the expiratory quadrants. This commonly observed result, mainly occurring at modest obstructions of the nose, thus in the clinical most important area of therapy determining diagnostics, has been the reason for numerous errors or misinterpretations up to most recent times. Its definition requires the certain exclusion of cut-off frequency determined construction poverty at the rhinomanometer. But in our judgement the
其结果是曲线类型与 "手柄 "位于呼气象限的球杆相对应。这种常见的结果主要发生在鼻腔有轻微阻塞的情况下,因此在临床最重要的治疗诊断领域,直到最近才出现了许多错误或曲解。它的定义要求一定要排除在鼻压计上确定的贫困建设的截止频率。但我们认为

elastically type is the type at which already the "first view diagnosis" allows essential conclusions on the nose physiology, especially under the aspect of nasal valve surgery and diagnostics of valve dysfunction.
弹性型是指通过 "第一视角诊断 "就能对鼻子的生理结构得出基本结论的类型,尤其是在鼻瓣膜手术和鼻瓣膜功能障碍诊断方面。
The graphical consideration of rhinomanometrical results in the scope of "first-view- diagnostics" conveys an entirely new impression of the real procedures in the nose to the observer, but above all it immediately reveals in what extend the printed numerical results of the "classical default values" are falsified by the drift apart of the loops.
在 "第一视角诊断 "的范围内,对鼻腔测量结果进行图形化分析,可以向观察者传达鼻腔真实过程的全新印象,但最重要的是,它可以立即揭示 "经典默认值 "的印刷数字结果在多大程度上被环路的偏离所伪造。
For the practical diagnostics by the help of 4-phaserhinomanometry, it is important to know that the curve type does not only depend on the geometrical form of the flow channel but above all on the unsteady progresses of the flow. In practice can often be found curves, which as hybrids, cannot be referred to only one single curve type.
对于借助 4-phaserhinomanometry 进行实际诊断而言,重要的是要知道曲线类型不仅取决于流道的几何形状,更重要的是取决于流动的非稳态进展。在实际应用中,经常会发现一些混合曲线,它们不能只归属于一种单一的曲线类型。

5-7 Physical Model of Nose Respiration
5-7 鼻呼吸物理模型

Clinical observations and false conclusions from literature studies result in reviewing the mathematical coherence between pressure and air stream. It now became necessary to verify the coherence found in the physical experiment and at the same time to evaluate the influence on the practice of rhinomanometry. For this purpose, different respiratory simulators have been set up ("Artificial Noses"). These consist of a pump, accordant to the lungs, with alternating streamed resistors. A respiratory pump otherwise used in anaesthesiology (Draegerwerke, Luebeck, Germany) had been connected to a stepper motor via a linear gear. This is to be controlled with a special program (Maxon Motor Control) via a PC in a way that trapezoidal respiratory curves will be generated with different respiratory curves, which do thus simulate the conditions of alternate breathing with a quick transition between inspiration and respiration. The rhinomanometric measurements in this model have been carried out by the 4-phase-rhinomanometer HRR 2 (RhinoLab GmbH, Rendsburg, Germany)
临床观察和文献研究得出的错误结论导致了对压力和气流之间数学一致性的审查。现在有必要验证物理实验中发现的一致性,同时评估其对鼻测量实践的影响。为此,我们建立了不同的呼吸模拟器("人工鼻")。这些模拟器由一个与肺部相吻合的泵和交替流电阻组成。麻醉科使用的呼吸泵(Draegerwerke,德国吕贝克)通过线性齿轮与步进电机相连。步进电机由一个特殊的程序(Maxon 电机控制)通过个人电脑进行控制,以产生梯形呼吸曲线和不同的呼吸曲线,从而模拟吸气和呼吸之间快速转换的交替呼吸条件。该模型的鼻压测量由 4 相鼻压计 HRR 2(RhinoLab GmbH,德国伦茨堡)完成。
The following resistors have been examined at this
  • Diaphragm shaped resistors with a diameter from 3 to
    直径为 3 至 的膜片形电阻器
  • A short pipe with a length of and a diameter of
    长度为 、直径为 的短管道
  • A pipe with a length of and a diameter of
    长度为 、直径为 的管道
Figure 20. Model resistors
图 20.模型电阻器
Figure 21. (A) Respiratory simulator "ARNO 1" and (B) generated respiratory curves with rhinomanometer HRR 2.
图 21.(A) 呼吸模拟器 "ARNO 1 "和 (B) 使用 HRR 2 鼻压计生成的呼吸曲线。
Figure 22. Rhinogram of a diaphragm resistor (quadrant ) and of a tubular resistor (quadrant 2-4).
图 22.隔膜电阻器( 象限)和管状电阻器(2-4 象限)的线形图。
An air stream with a frequency of 12 (quadrant 1 to 3 ) and 24 (quadrant 2-4) breathes per minute was lead through both resistors. Not any changes occurred at the diaphragm model, when the respiratory frequency increased. At the pipe model a loop demonstrating hysteresis around the zero appeared, which was considerably wider after doubling the respiratory frequency. The remaining flow at a pressure of was measured with 49 and at a respiratory frequency of and with . at a respiratory frequency of . The opening of the loop then reaches the area of a pressure level of , i.e. the standard measuring point of the ISOANA-standard. With the maximum flow was at the normal range of nose breathing.
每分钟 12 次(第 1 至第 3 象限)和 24 次(第 2 至第 4 象限)呼吸频率的气流通过两个电阻器。当呼吸频率增加时,隔膜模型没有发生任何变化。在管道模型中,零点附近出现了一个滞后环,呼吸频率增加一倍后,滞后环的范围明显增大。在呼吸频率为 时,分别用 49 和 测量了压力为 时的剩余流量。呼吸频率为 时的 。然后,环路开口达到 压力水平区域,即 ISOANA 标准的标准测量点。当 时,最大流量处于正常鼻呼吸范围。
Therewith, the accuracy of the mathematical coherences at the test may be considered confirmed.
A last confirmation of the 4-phase-rhinomanometry as measur-