這是用戶在 2024-5-2 23:11 為 https://engoo.com.tw/app/role-play/conversations/94WGUAiUEe-b759c42hNgA 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?

How may I assist you today?


Since I'll be sure to

Your reply is incomplete and does not make sense. It is missing the rest of the sentence and does not address how the person can assist you today. A more natural reply could be: "Thank you for asking. I would like to know if you have any information regarding the schedule for tomorrow."


Sure, what specifically would you like to know about our facilities and entertainment options at Orange Hotel?


I'm curious about the dining options at Orange Hotel. Could you tell me more about the restaurant?

Your reply is natural and there are no major mistakes. However, there are a couple of small improvements that can be made. Instead of saying "I'm curious about", you can say "I'm interested in". This small change can make your sentence sound more natural. Additionally, instead of saying "Could you tell me more about the restaurant?", you can say "Can you provide more information about the restaurant?". This change simplifies the phrasing. Overall, great job!


Certainly! Our hotel features a restaurant called "Citrus Bistro" which offers a variety of delicious dishes, ranging from local cuisine to international favorites. It is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
當然!我們飯店設有一家名為「Citrus Bistro」的餐廳,提供各種美味佳餚,從當地美食到國際美食。供應早餐、午餐和晚餐。


Citrus Bistro sounds delightful. Do you offer any signature dishes or Specialties that guests particularly enjoy?

Your reply is well-written and does not contain any unnatural phrasing or mistakes. Well done!


Yes, Citrus Bistro is known for its signature dish, "Orange Glazed Salmon", which is a favorite among our guests. It's a perfectly cooked salmon fillet with a tangy orange glaze that adds a burst of flavor to every bite.
是的,Citrus Bistro 以其招牌菜「橙釉鮭魚」而聞名,深受我們客人的喜愛。這是完美烹調的鮭魚片,帶有濃鬱的橙色釉料,為每一口都增添了濃鬱的風味。


That sounds absolutely delicious. The orange glaze salmon must be a real treat for guest looking for something flavorful and. Unique.

Your reply is mostly natural and well-phrased. However, there is one mistake: you have used "and" instead of "and unique" at the end of your sentence. Here is a more natural expression: "That sounds absolutely delicious. The orange glazed salmon must be a real treat for guests looking for something flavorful and unique."
您的回覆大部分是自然且措辭得當的。但是,有一個錯誤:您在句子末尾使用了“and”而不是“and unique”。這是一個更自然的表達方式:“這聽起來絕對美味。橙色釉面鮭魚對於尋求美味和獨特食物的客人來說一定是真正的享受。”


Absolutely! The orange glaze adds a unique and delightful flavor to the salmon, making it a favorite choice for guests who are looking for a delicious and memorable dining experience.


It sounds like Citrus Bistro offers a truly memorable dining experience with its flavorful dishes like the orange glaze salmon. I'm sure, guess appreciate the effort put into creating such delicious options.
聽起來 Citrus Bistro 提供了真正令人難忘的用餐體驗,其美味佳餚如橙釉鮭魚。我確信,我想感謝為創造如此美味的選擇而付出的努力。

Your reply is well-written and does not contain any major mistakes. However, there are a few suggestions for more natural phrasing: 1. Instead of saying "It sounds like," you could use "Citrus Bistro seems to offer" or "Based on what you've said," to make your sentence more concise. 2. Instead of "guess," it would be better to use the word "guests" to refer to the dining patrons. 3. Instead of "the effort put into creating," you could say "the effort that goes into creating" to convey ongoing or continuous effort in creating delicious options. Revised reply: Citrus Bistro seems to offer a truly memorable dining experience with flavorful dishes like the orange glaze salmon. I'm sure guests appreciate the ongoing effort that goes into creating such delicious options.
你的回覆寫得很好,沒有什麼重大錯誤。但是,有一些更自然的措辭建議: 1. 您可以使用“Citrus Bistro 似乎提供”或“基於您所說的”,而不是說“聽起來像”,以使您的句子更簡潔。 2. 與其用“猜測”,不如用“客人”這個詞來指稱就餐的顧客。 3. 你可以說“為創造付出的努力”,而不是“為創造付出的努力”,以表達在創造美味選擇方面持續或持續的努力。修改後的答案:Citrus Bistro 似乎提供了真正令人難忘的用餐體驗,其美味佳餚如橙釉鮭魚。我確信客人會欣賞我們為創造如此美味的選擇而付出的持續努力。


Thank you for your kind words! We take pride in providing our guests with a memorable dining experience and ensuring that they have a wide range of flavorful options to choose from. We hope you enjoy your stay at Orange Hotel!



